To Upgrade or not to Upgrade? Catamount vs. Environment

S.D. Hammond, G.R. Mudalige, J.A. Smith, J.A. Davis, S.A. Jarvis High Performance Systems Group, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK J. Holt Tessella PLC, Abingdon Science Park, Berkshire, OX14 3YS, UK I. Miller, J.A. Herdman, A. Vadgama Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, Reading, RG7 4PR, UK

Abstract 1 Introduction

Assessing the performance of individual hardware and Modern are growing in diversity and software-stack configurations for supercomputers is a complexity – the arrival of technologies such as multi- difficult and complex task, but with potentially high core processors, general purpose-GPUs and specialised levels of reward. While the ultimate benefit of such sys- compute accelerators has increased the potential sci- tem (re-)configuration and tuning studies is to improve entific delivery possible from such machines. This is application performance, potential improvements may not however without some cost, including significant also include more effective , kernel parame- increases in the sophistication and complexity of sup- ter refinement, pointers to application redesign and an porting operating systems and software libraries. This assessment of system component upgrades. With the paper documents the development and application of growing complexity of modern systems, the effort re- methods to assess the potential performance of select- quired to discover the elusive combination of hardware ing one hardware, operating system (OS) and software and software-stack settings that improve performance stack combination against another. This is of par- across a range of applications is, in itself, becoming an ticular interest to supercomputing centres, which rou- HPC grand challenge . The complexity of supercom- tinely examine prospective software/architecture com- puters is also set to grow, the introduction of general binations and possible machine upgrades. A case study purpose GPUs (GPGPUs), dense many-core processors is presented that assesses the potential performance of and advanced networking technologies only highlights a particle transport code on AWE’s Cray XT3 8,000- the need to develop effective and scalable techniques core running images of the Catamount that allow collections of components to be easily and and the Cray Linux Environment (CLE) operating sys- cheaply compared. tems. This work demonstrates that by running a num- Application Performance Modelling (APM) is such ber of small benchmarks on a test machine and net- a technique. Different from traditional machine bench- work, and observing factors such as operating system marking and statistical analysis, APM has been shown noise, it is possible to speculate as to the performance to provide some of the deepest levels of insight into impact of upgrading from one operating system to an- the performance of commodity clusters [6], super- other on the system as a whole. This use of perfor- computers [9, 13] and their associated applications; mance modelling represents an inexpensive method of these studies include efficient application configura- examining the likely behaviour of a large supercom- tion [15], machine selection [8] and more recently puter before and after an operating system upgrade; this ahead-of-implementation algorithm optimisation [14]. method is also attractive if it is desirable to minimise This study concerns the use of these techniques in system downtime while exploring software-system up- assessing the choice of operating system. Although grades. The results show that benchmark tests run on Linux-based OSs are dominant in the supercomputing less than 256 cores would suggest that the impact (over- industry, proprietary lighter-weight kernels and more head) of upgrading the operating system to CLE was traditional environments such as Solaris, AIX and Win- less than 10%; model projections suggest that this is dows HPC provide viable alternatives. Each operating not the case at scale. system provides a unique blend of programming fea-

1 tures, reliability and performance. Selecting the ap- user support, it will likely provide better performance propriate operating system for a machine is therefore than a full OS image. Tsafrir et al. present a good a complex choice, that must balance each of these re- discussion of the potential dangers of operating system quirements so that the machine provides an efficient noise during computation [19]; this builds on work by runtime environment that is acceptable to system ad- Petrini et al. at the Los Alamos National Laboratory ministrators and applications programmers alike. In on diagnosing the poor performance of the SAGE hy- this paper we use a recently developed simulation- drodynamics code when using a full allocation of pro- based application performance model [7] of an AWE cessors per node [17]. The outcome of Tsafrir’s work particle transport benchmark code to assess the impact is the development of several methods for analytically of upgrading the operating system on AWE’s 8,000- assessing the likely impact of noise on application exe- core Cray XT3 supercomputer. This paper provides a cution. number of novel contributions: In [3] the authors use machine simulation to inves- tigate the impact of two versions of UNIX on the per- • This is the first documented account of the use of formance of memory subsystems for a variety of bench- a simulation-based application performance model marks and full applications. The results obtained are to assess the impact of operating system selection compared with several commonly held views of mem- or upgrades; ory performance, with several cases differing from the • This is the first independent comparison of the expected behaviour. [18] also includes an investigation Cray Catamount and CLE operating systems for of the impact of architectural trends on operating sys- a 3,500+ node Cray XT3 machine; tem performance for the IRIX 5.3 operating system used on large SGI supercomputers. These studies dif- • These are the first published results from a sim- fer from our own in that they present a very low level ulation study that demonstrate the scaling of the analysis of performance when applications are executed AWE particle transport benchmark code on a sys- serially or in very low processor count configurations. tem of 32,768 cores - four times the current system Conducting such an analysis at scale presents several configuration challenges including long simulation times and consid- The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: erable increases in the complexity of modelling contem- Section 2 describes related work; the main case study porary machine components. included in this paper, namely the modelling of AWE The authors of [2] use trace-driven simulation as a Chimaera on Catamount- and CLE-based machines, method for evaluating the impact of operating system is described in Section 3; the paper concludes in Sec- noise (jitter) in the execution of several benchmarks. tion 4. While the results of this work are promising, the meth- ods developed required modification of the Windows 2 Related Work NT kernel to permit necessary runtime instrumenta- tion. This presents obvious difficulties in production The subject of operating system selection is not new. environments. The work presented in this paper re- From their inception in the early 1960s, through UNIX quires no kernel-level modification, instead a user-space systems on the PDP-7 (and later PDP-11) in the early benchmarking process is used to obtain a representa- 1970s, to the MS-DOS and PC-DOS environments of tive profile of the jitter present during execution which more recent years, modern operating systems repre- is then incorporated during simulation. The scale of sent a collage of techniques which have been gradually our simulations are also considerably higher, reflecting refined through each successive hardware generation. the growth in machine sizes since [2] was published. Many of the early operating systems were tailored for In more recent work, [1] benchmarks several peta- particular machines (e.g. IBM’s OS/360 for the Sys- scale capable architectures including the Cray XT se- tem/360 mainframe), and as such there is a wealth of ries and IBM’s BlueGene/L platform. As well as pure academic and commercial literature describing many operating system benchmarking, a series of experi- of the design choices which are present in each system. ments are presented in which injected noise is used to Whilst there is no shortage of operating systems to se- examine the likely effect of unsynchronized background lect from, no one operating system has gained complete operations on the performance of collective communi- dominance. High performance computing has its own cations. The conclusion of the authors is that unless requirements: it may, for example, prove advantageous significant de-synchronisation of nodes occurs, operat- to select a light-weight, low-noise kernel for a compute ing system noise provided a small but limited degrada- node, as although it may be restricted in terms of its tion in runtime. The work in this paper builds upon

2 this benchmarking approach, integrating the output of vironment is not disrupted, a small 128-processor pi- a commonly used noise benchmark in simulations of a lot machine has been used to obtain performance pro- large parallel scientific code. files for the networking and compute behaviour of Chi- maera under both CLE and Catamount. The hard- 3 Case Study: Operating Systems and ware within the Pilot test machine is identical in spec- ification to that of the production system. The exten- the Chimaera Benchmark sions to the existing Chimaera model therefore require: (1) a new compute timing model for the XT3’s AMD The Chimaera benchmark is a three-dimensional par- processor under Catamount and CLE, (2) net- ticle transport code developed and maintained by work models in the context of both the Catamount and the United Kingdom Atomic Weapons Establishment Cray Linux Environment (CLE) operating systems and (AWE). It employs the wavefront design pattern, a de- (3) the benchmarking of noise profiles for each operat- scription of which can be found in [7, 15]. The pur- ing system, which can be integrated during simulation pose of the benchmark is the replication of the op- to analyse the effect of system jitter at scale. erational behaviour of larger internal codes which oc- cupy a considerable proportion of parallel runtime on The case study is presented as follows: valida- the supercomputing facilities at AWE. The code shares tions of the Chimaera simulation model on the exist- many similarities with the ubiquitous Sweep3D appli- ing Catamount-based XT3 system are shown, demon- cation [8, 12] developed by the Los Alamos National strating the portability of the model to new architec- Laboratory (LANL) in the United States; it is how- tures; we then use the benchmarking results of sev- ever larger in code size and more complex in its con- eral small processor configuration runs of Chimaera on trol flow. Unlike Sweep3D, Chimaera employs alter- the pilot machine to predict the runtime behaviour of native sweep orderings within the data array, a con- Chimaera at larger scale; these results are validated vergence criteria to halt simulation (standard config- against benchmarked runtimes of Chimaera on the pi- urations of Sweep3D always execute precisely 12 iter- lot machine; finally we analyse the likely implications ations) and extended mathematics. The performance for the performance of the full 8000-core XT3 machine analysis/tuning and modelling of both the Chimaera if the operating system were to be upgraded to CLE. and Sweep3D benchmarks continues to be of interest to and AWE and LANL because of the proportion of execution time consumed by such processes (estimated to be in excess of 50% at LANL). Because of this, rel- 3.1 AWE Cray XT3 atively small insights into the execution of the codes can provide substantial savings both in terms of cost and time simply because of the large numbers of CPU The Cray XT3 [4] was Cray’s first generation mas- hours involved. sively parallel processing (MPP) system to be built In this paper we extend a recently published simula- around commodity AMD . The first tion model [7] of Chimaera. The accuracy of this model prototype of such a system was the RedStorm ma- has been shown to exceed 80% when representing exe- chine developed in collaboration with the Sandia Na- cution on an SGI Altix 3700 and a 960-core -Xeon tional Laboratory in the United States. The XT3 InfiniBand cluster. The simulation is made possible model has since been extended with higher bandwidth using the WARPP toolkit [7], which allows the flexible routers and increased core-density processors in subse- modelling of supercomputing components in the form quent revisions (XT4 and XT5). The compute engines of separate code, compute timing and network models utilised in the XT series are the dual-core (Opteron) or which can be interchanged to analyse alternative ma- quad-core (Barcelona) AMD processors, connected to chine configurations. This research is extended in this a high bandwidth three-dimensional torus interconnect paper to include the migration of the Chimaera appli- via a specialised PowerPC 440 derived ASIC named cation model to the Cray XT3 supercomputer operated the ‘SeaStar’. The purpose of the SeaStar chips is by AWE, the addition of models of the Catamount and to act as a separate network co-processor, allowing the Cray Linux Environment (CLE) operating systems the main Opteron to offload much of the data pro- and, further scaling studies and analysis. cessing which is required during network transmission. Note that our interest is in developing an insight The XT3 system owned by AWE comprises of 3,944 into the behaviour of the Chimaera application when compute-allocated dual-core AMD Opteron processors used at scale under CLE on the same hardware that is which run at 2.6Ghz. Each has exclusive access to 4GB currently available. In order that the production en- of RAM.

3 40 2500 Intra-Node Intra-Node Bandwidth 35 Inter-Node Inter-Node Bandwidth 2000 30

25 1500 20

15 1000

10 Bandwidth (Mbytes/sec) 500 Time to Send (microseconds) 5

0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 MPI Payload (Bytes) MPI Payload (Bytes) (a) Time to Perform MPI Send (Point-to-Point) (b) MPI Bandwidth

Figure 1. Benchmarked MPI Performance of Catamount (Intel MPI Benchmarking Utility 3.1, Cray MPI)

0.0012 100000 Catamount Compute Solve Time Compute Time (Core 0) (microseconds) Compute Time (Core 1) (microseconds) 0.001 10000

0.0008 1000 0.0006

Frequency 100 0.0004

10 0.0002 Compute (Tile) Solve Time (seconds) 0 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 9900 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10500 Tile Size (Cells) Compute Time (microseconds) (a) Per-Core Compute (Tile) Solve Time on Catamount (b) Catamount P-SNAP[16] Operating System Noise Profile (10,000 µs quantum) Figure 2. Computation Benchmarks for Catamount

3.2 Catamount Figures 1(a) and 1(b) present the benchmarked MPI performance for the existing Catamount-based XT3. Catamount has been designed to provide a lightweight, These graphs demonstrate decernable protocol differ- low-overhead operating system primarily for execution ences at the 1024-byte payload where a separate pro- on compute nodes in large MPP clustering environ- tocol is used to process short and large messages. ments [10, 11]. The system has a long heritage with The compute benchmark values are presented in Fig- much of the conceptual framework for lightweight ker- ures 2(a) and 2(b). Operating system noise is recorded nels having been developed in the SUNMOS, PUMA using the P-SNAP benchmark [16] which measures the and Cougar operating systems featured on machines variance in computation time of a predetermined calcu- such as the and ASCI Red. At the heart lation loop. Background processes and operating sys- of the Catamount design lies the belief that general tem interferance delay this execution and present as purpose operating systems, which are usually devel- increased periods of calculation time. Note the low oped to support a wide range of requirements, are often degree of variation in the P-SNAP noise benchmark, loaded with so many components that their efficiency is which demonstrates the effectiveness of the stripped reduced in compute-heavy environments. Catamount down, lightweight operating system. is therefore designed to reduce the number, and impact, Table 1 contains a set of predictions and actual run of these background processes by stripping a Linux-like times for small processor configurations of Chimaera operating system to the minimal components required when executing on the Catamount XT3 pilot system to run massively parallel computations. The design compiled with the PGI compiler toolkit. Three predic- choice has therefore been one of efficiency over rich tions are provided - a lower, average and high estimate functionality. Specifically, Catamount has removed the based on the respective values obtained during bench- following: (1) threading support, (2) off-node commu- marking. The model error is calculated for the average nications using UNIX pipes, sockets or RPC, (3) UNIX prediction. For each configuration the predictive ac- process forking, (4) dynamically loading of binaries, (5) curacy exceeds 90%, demonstrating a high correlation Linux style ‘proc’ filesystem and (6) UNIX functions between the simulation model and the code’s behaviour which require daemon support. on the XT system. Note that these predictions are ob-

4 Problem Processor Actual Pred. Pred. Pred. Error Size Cores (secs) (secs, low) (secs, average) (secs, high) (Avr. Pred., %) 60 ×60 ×60 4 128.21 124.70 126.50 128.29 -1.34 60 ×60 ×60 8 68.72 65.76 66.72 67.68 -2.91 60 ×60 ×60 16 39.18 35.53 36.10 36.66 -7.87 60 ×60 ×60 32 23.84 21.64 22.01 22.37 -7.68 120 ×120 ×120 8 514.37 495.13 502.31 509.49 -2.35 120 ×120 ×120 16 271.93 254.10 257.86 261.62 -5.17 120 ×120 ×120 32 147.49 134.33 136.34 138.35 -7.56 120 ×120 ×120 64 78.97 71.80 72.93 74.06 -7.65 240 ×240 ×240 8 4026.59 3872.70 3929.11 3985.52 -2.42 240 ×240 ×240 16 2078.24 1954.55 1983.10 2011.64 -4.58 240 ×240 ×240 32 1085.21 999.18 1013.71 1028.24 -6.59 240 ×240 ×240 64 554.03 510.83 518.35 525.87 -6.44 Table 1. Validation of the Chimaera WARPP Simulation Model on Catamount tained from the Pilot system to ensure fair comparison, mount for smaller message sizes but approximately model predictions for core counts up to 4,096-cores on 500MB/s less for message sizes greater than 14,000 production XT systems are presented in [7]. bytes. Benchmarked inter-node latency and bandwidth is poorer under CLE and demonstrates increased vari- 3.3 Cray Linux Environment (CLE) ance. With reference to Chimaera, which typically sends The Cray Linux Environment (CLE) [20], also referred a large number of small messages, the increase in to in earlier literature as (CNL), inter-node latency (which is between 3 and 5 µseconds is Cray’s successor to Catamount which attempts to higher) is likely to lead to higher runtimes, particularly selectively restore some of the features removed dur- on large, strongly-scaled problems where the commu- ing the development of Catamount in order to make nications become an increasingly dominant proportion the compute nodes of large-scale machines closer in re- of the total runtime. Since Chimaera executes over a semblance to conventional Linux based workstations. two-dimensional processor array, which communicates In so doing, the programming environment available using a near-neighbour communication pattern, the re- on the compute nodes is richer and more familiar to duced intra-node latency will be of little benefit, as application programmers. The objective of Cray in the processors execute in a highly synchronised pat- creating a mezzanine style OS, which sits between an tern. For all cases other than a single processor (two- entirely reduced platform and a full heavyweight op- core) run, the synchronisation will therefore cause the erating system, is to provide a more familiar Linux pipeline of the application to run at the speed of the environment on the compute side with performance slower inter-node link. which is no worse than 10% above that of the same sys- The compute times for CLE are presented as a per- tem running Catamount [5]. The restoration of some centage increase over Catamount (see Figure 4(a)). background Linux services in the operating system, as Note that for each tile size, execution on CLE causes an well as providing a more familiar programming envi- increase in solve time of between 1.5 and 4.5%. Likely ronment, also provides support for multiple-socket pro- candidate causes for this increase are the presence of cessors, OpenMP-based aplications as well as reduced higher operating system noise as well as altered under- time for application porting. lying operating system libraries and compilation strate- The network benchmarks presented in Figures 3(a) gies which may induce small delays. and 3(b) demonstrate the significantly reduced core-to- Benchmarked P-SNAP noise for the CLE system is core (intra-node) latency in CLE which is attributable shown in Figure 4(b). The profile is interesting for to the re-engineering of internal MPI calls so that in- two reasons: (a) the results demonstrate variability be- ternal transfers occur via DMA rather than through tween the cores indicating that single core jobs might direct SeaStar routing requests. For small codes which benefit from execution on the quieter core (core 1); (b) run entirely on-node the reduction in latency represents the second peak indicates a potential daemon which a potentially large reduction in runtime. Note that causes an impact of approximately 60 µseconds. the CLE intra-node bandwidths are higher than Cata- The simulation-derived predictions for the perfor-

5 40 2500 Intra-Node Intra-Node Bandwidth 35 Inter-Node Inter-Node Bandwidth 2000 30

25 1500 20

15 1000

10 Bandwidth (Mbytes/sec) 500 Time to Send (microseconds) 5

0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 MPI Payload (Bytes) MPI Payload (Bytes) (a) Time to Perform MPI Send (Point-to-Point) (b) MPI Bandwidth

Figure 3. Benchmarked MPI Performance of CLE (Intel MPI Benchmarking Utility 3.1, Cray MPI)

4.5 100000 Increase in Solve Time Compute Time (Core 0) (microseconds) 4 Compute Time (Core 1) (microseconds)

3.5 10000

3 1000 2.5


Frequency 100 1.5

1 Increase in Solve Time (%) 10 0.5

0 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 9900 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10500 Tile Size (Cells) Compute Time (microseconds) (a) Percentage Increase in Per-Core Tile Solve Time on CLE (b) CLE P-SNAP[16] Operating System Noise Profile (10,000 µs quantum) Figure 4. Computation Benchmarks for CLE mance of Chimaera on CLE is shown in Table 2. Note timings from the benchmarked values used in previous that similar levels of accuracy are achieved by this sections. Through using the known number of cells model compared with those obtained from the Cata- per processor at each configuration, appropriate com- mount system/model (greater than 90%) and that the pute and network times (based on simulated message runtimes follow a general pattern of being initially sizes) can therefore be developed. The noise profile is faster on CLE and then slower as the core count rises. replicated without extrapolation since it represents a We attribute the faster performance at very low core problem-agnostic profile of jitter on the compute nodes. counts to the improved intra-node latency of CLE For runs of 256 processors or less, a common configura- which becomes dominated at larger core counts by tion for the benchmarking of Chimaera, the impact of the more expensive inter-node latency. CLE runtimes the switch to CLE seems to suggest an increase in run- are therefore poorer at larger scales because of the in- time within Cray’s target of 10% for the 240 3 problem creased inter-node network latency. and less than 15% for smaller cases. For configurations exceeding 1024 cores, the simulations show a runtime 3.4 Assessing the Impact of CLE at Large degradation of between 18 and 35%. Note that smaller Scale problem sizes are sensitive to CLE at lower core-counts because the network is a more significant proportion of Figures 5(a) and 5(b) show simulation-derived pre- the parallel runtime. CLE’s 30% impact on runtime dictions for the runtime of Chimaera on Catamount reflects the reduced compute size per core for these and the percentage increase in runtime when running problem sizes, where the compute time is significantly on CLE respectively. Note the spikes present in Fig- smaller than the associated near neighbour message ure 5(a) which arise from processor allocations that transmission. For CLE-based executions the dispar- make the two-dimensional processor array less square ity between the compute solve time and the message and, hence, force downstream processors to wait for transmission increases at a faster rate due to CLE’s longer before receiving their initial data. The under- increased MPI latency. lying simulation parameters for these projections are obtained through extrapolated values for the compute and networking costs by developing per cell compute

6 Problem Processor Actual Pred. Pred. Pred. Error Size Cores (secs) (secs, low) (secs, average) (secs, high) (Avr. Pred., %) 60 ×60 ×60 4 129.47 119.00 126.02 133.04 -2.66 60 ×60 ×60 8 70.39 63.01 66.62 70.23 -5.36 60 ×60 ×60 16 40.52 35.88 37.76 39.64 -6.81 60 ×60 ×60 32 24.97 22.62 23.63 24.64 -5.37 120 ×120 ×120 8 515.37 490.17 497.18 504.20 -3.53 120 ×120 ×120 16 276.54 255.24 258.85 262.45 -6.40 120 ×120 ×120 32 150.00 136.92 138.79 140.67 -7.47 120 ×120 ×120 64 83.44 74.62 75.63 76.64 -9.36 240 ×240 ×240 8 4072.68 3831.16 3887.07 3942.98 -4.56 240 ×240 ×240 16 2083.92 1940.67 1968.64 1996.62 -5.53 240 ×240 ×240 32 1091.83 997.35 1011.48 1025.61 -7.36 240 ×240 ×240 64 558.22 513.13 520.34 527.55 -6.79 Table 2. Validation of the Chimaera WARPP Simulation Model on CLE

550 35 Catamount 60x60x60 Problem Size 500 30 120x120x120 Problem Size 240x240x240 Problem Size 450 400 25 350 20 300 15 250 200 10 Runtime (Seconds) 150 5 Percentage Increase (%) 100 0 50 0 -5 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Processor Cores Processor Cores (a) Projected Parallel Runtime for a Catamount-based XT3 (b) Predicted % Increase in Runtime using CLE (240 3 Problem)

Figure 5. Predicted Chimaera Behaviour at Large Scale Processor Configurations . 4 Conclusions AWE particle transport benchmark code on a system of 32,768 cores, four times the current system configura- In this paper we present a case study investigating tion, and (4) This is the first set of simulation results to the likely impact on the performance of an industrial- demonstrate a predictive accuracy of greater than 90% strength benchmarking code when executing on (1) an on any AWE high-performance computing benchmark existing light-weight, stripped-kernel OS (Catamount) code. and (2) a more feature rich OS upgrade (CLE). In Assessing the likely impact on the application run- each case we present benchmarked network, compute time of an operating system upgrade from sample runs and operating-system noise. These data are used on a single small pilot machine is a difficult task. From to prime a simulation-based application performance the results shown in this paper, benchmarks on less model, which is able to predict the runtime of the AWE than 256-cores may give the impression that the im- particle transport benchmark code to within 90% of its pact of switching to CLE would be less than 10-15% at actual execution time for a range of problem sizes and scale; our projections show that that we do not believe processor configurations. We believe that this paper this to be the case. The use of performance models provides a number of novel contributions: (1) This is in gaining insight into the impact of proposed operat- the first documented account of the use of a simulation- ing system upgrades represents an inexpensive method based application performance model to assess the im- of examining the likely resulting behaviour of the ma- pact of operating system upgrades; (2) This is the first chine, and can be accurately conducted on small pi- independent comparison of the Cray Catamount and lot machines leaving the production environment in- CLE operating systems, which includes the simulation tact. The outputs from this study should therefore of operating system noise, for a 3500+ node Cray XT3 been seen in the context of providing a quantitative machine; (3) These are the first published results from assessment of the change in runtime behaviour which a simulation study that demonstrate the scaling of the results from an upgrade. When deciding whether to

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