Dear Presidential Candidate:

Thank you for running to receive our Party’s Presidential nomination. The energy and unique perspective you bring to this race will make our Democratic Party stronger and more vibrant as we prepare for what is surely the most important election of our lifetime.

While Democrats must give our all to defeating Donald Trump in 2020, we cannot lose sight of the less glamorous work that comes after this election: Building a sustainable Democratic Party infrastructure that will remain beyond the 2020 election cycle so that we can win elections up and down the ballot which will help support the agenda of our Democratic President. We must build to win and build to last so we can grow our Party into the future.

The way we do that is by building and supporting strong State Democratic Parties.

That’s why, on behalf of the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC), we are writing to ask for your support of and signature on the enclosed Pledge to Support State Democratic Parties.

This Pledge was passed unanimously in Santa Fe, New Mexico this June by ASDC members – made up of the Chairs and Vice Chairs from all 57 State Parties (all 50 States + DC + 5 U.S. Overseas Territories + ) – and is being shared with all candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

We ask that you and your team consider this pledge and reach out with any questions. We hope to have all 2020 ​ candidates’ signatures on this pledge no later than the upcoming ASDC / DNC meeting taking place August 21 – 24 in San Francisco.

State Party leaders from across the country and around the world are committing to working with our candidates, our nominee, and our next President to continue the legacy that DNC Chairman has built with the 57 State Party Strategy. We’re asking you to be a part of continuing this work.

Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with questions, concerns, or points of clarification and we look forward to seeing you and your team in San Francisco.


Ken Martin Trav Robertson President, ASDC Chair, Democratic Party Chair, South Carolina Democratic Party Chair, DFL

Troy Price William McCurdy Chair, Chair,

430 SOUTH CAPITOL STREET, SE, WASHINGTON, DC 20003 ◉​ 202-863-8000 t ◉​ 202-863-8174 f ​ ​