Negotiations Basis Ght Over Berlin Seek to Continue Meeting MOSCOW (AP) — U.S
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Distribution Weather Today ParOf cibudy to Mr, tod*;, MID BANK tMtght tod lomerrow. High .. lg,750 today and tomorrow, Wt; low tonight In 2fl'«. Thor»d«y not 1 Independent Daily' f co cold. See weather, page 2. ^ MONDAY THKVCMUDAr-tST.lm J Dial" %n I -0010 VOL. 84, NO.-131 limed stvj, umiir tnroum nnr. Btcona CUM PO«»H RED BANK. N. J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Paid At Bed Biak and al Additional Mailing Olllcia Negotiations Basis ght Over Berlin Seek To Continue Meeting MOSCOW (AP) — U.S. Ambassador L 1 e w e I l<y n Thompson and Soviet For- eign Minister Gromyko conferred for two and one- MIDDLETOWN REORGANIZATION — Officials of Middletown Township pose for I962's first picture at organiza- >alf hours today as the first step tion meeting.yosterday. Seated, left to right, are Cornmitteemen Paul Pandolfi, Thomas S. Field and John T. Law- n a new attempt to find a mu- tually satisfactory basis 'or'East- ley, Jr., re-elected as mayor. Standing, from left, are Ernest Kavalek, committeeman; Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., West* negotiations on Berlin, township attorney; Earl Moody, only new and only Democratic committeeman, and Howard W. Roberts, township The American diplomat, asked clerk. if there would be more of his sessions with Gromyko, said, "I suppose so but I do not Know when." He declined to say how he meeting went. 3 Dead, Moody Is Sworn In Thompson took Kempton Jen kins, embassy second secretary specializing in German affairs, to the meeting. Soviet propagan- 1 Hurt Democrat Abstains on Most Appointment! da chief Leonid Iliychev .was with Gromyko, Since Iliychev MIDDLETOWN — Earl Moody Commission; James A, McCar- Alexander Her was named to considerably outranks the foreign was sworn in as a member of the thy, Jr., auditor; Richard W. six-year term on the Plannin minister, this could indicate the In Fire- 'ownship Committee^ yesterday, Seuffert, director, of Civil De- Board, replacing Evan R. Beech Russians are already trying to COUNCILMENS OATH — Fair Haven Borough Attorney William R. Blair, Jr., loft. iecoming the first Democrat to fense and Disaster Control, and er, chairman. Mr. Beecher de HIGHTSTOWN - A fire has move the talks to a higher, level. administers'the oath of office to Councilmmsn William Rooney, center and'Dr. Ed- serve on the governing body here Charles J. Kupper, township engi- clined reappeintment due tc killed three children and hospital Thompson said he would-fill in more than 40 years. leer. ', pressure of business. He hai ward Stratfon. The two men were iwsrn info office at yesterday's Borough Council' iied their grandfather who baby- served on the board since 1957. in the British and French am- organization meeting. Mr. Rooney is serving his first term on tKe council, Dr. Straf- tat while the children's parents Mr. Moody during the course of Other Posts bassadors here about the confer- he organization meeting, ab- The following were appointed were out celebrating the incom Mr. Mailed was , appointed ence. He did not mention the ton his second. ing of the new year. stained from voting on all but to the newly formed Board of West German ambassador, but it ive of the appointments made by building inspector replacing David Health: Gloria Hutnick, 8; her brother, is assumed that he will give him he governing body. Simpson. Mr. Mallett had been Frank Jr., 18 months, and sister, serving full time as assistant William Cornelia, and Dr. Brin a briefing too. He said that he hoped that he Donna, 7 months, were found building inspector. He will con- ton M. Miller, one-year terms Probe Position could take full part in all the Corson Ellis and Robert P. Me Fair Haven Council Blocks dead of burns and asphyxiation tinue to serve full time in his new President Kennedy has in- actions of the committee but that yesterday in their beds. They post. (See MIDDLETOWN, Page 2) structed Thompson to probe the were in an upstairs room of their he appointments had been de- Soviet position on the Berlin is- two-story frame home on Church cided upon "by the Republican sue to see if there is a profitable! leadership without regard for my Kosene's Naming of Acker St: in nearby Windsor. basis for formal talks. I 'eelings." Within Three Years Their grandfather, Carlisle Rue Kennedy and British Prime FAIR HAVEN — As he cited-sidcrable savings by purchasing, chases could be made in bulk, 59, was discovered on the kitchen 'Mr. Moody «aid he wished the Minister Macmillan agreed to increasingly heavy financial bur- goods and equipment in bulk. lie said he was "amazed at the .floor ot the burning home. He new appointees well. have the US. ambassador han- dens in IflGL', .Mayor Milton Ko-j He said lie planned to contact number ol tires" the borough pur-. Mayor John T. Lawley, Jr., in 4 9 was rescued by a neighbor, Ar- dle the preliminary round for scne said yesterday lie would j the mayors of neighboring corn- chased last year. his message, welcomed Mr.J thur Malsbury,'52. Plan Green Acres both Britain and the United push a policy of planned buying.jmunitics to determine if Fair Moody. The mayor -said he was satisfied Rue was admitted to St. Fran- States. There is a possibility, Speaking at Borough Council's, Haven could join the oilier towns there had been a "substantial in- He said the interest? of the however, that British Ambassa- 'cis Hospital, Trenton, suffering reorganization meeting, Mayor for Ihe purchase of supplies. crease in competitive bidding and committee this year would re- dor Sir Frank Roberts may also from burns and smoke inhalation Kosene declared he was certain His policy would require a fore- selective purchasing" during the volve about the sewerage study, Land Purchases take a hand. His 'condition was fair, the hos- the municipality could effect con- casting of supply needs so pur past year. He proposed ihe policy pital said. • drainage and road work and the TRENTON'(AP) - All land He said the two-step plan would If the Thompson-Gromyko talks continuation of economical gov- be continued. The children's parents are purchases under New Jersey's give the state a chance to test are successful, the next step is ernment. Rue's son-in-law, Frank Hutnick $60 million "Green Acres" pro- interest in the program and expected to be a forlign min- New Township Attorney The remark drew a comment 30, and daughter, Patricia, 26 gram will be made within three check results before all the mon-isters' ' conference to determine from Councilman John C. Dami- Reappotntmenti co, who said there had been "no with whom Rue made his home. years,- state Conservation Com- ey is parceled out; It would also the future of Berlin. The mayor outlined the com- change" in council's policy of 10 Dead missioner H. Mai Adams an- allow time to see how far the Identification Problem mittee's activities during the past seeking informal bids on pur- All told, accidents in New Jer- nounced yesterday.' state's purchases go in filling lo- ' Thompson's last rcfand of talks Blanda Is Re-elected year, including drainage and road chases under $2,500- and formal sey, over the holiday week-end cal needs. with Gromyko in Moscow took work, adoption of the master Adams said the program will bids on goods estimated to cost claimed 10 lives. place at the end of October. The plan, purchase of a recreation get under way immediately. He He said the state has gotten in- over the figure. The procurement »- Six persons died in fires, two subject of those talks was not area in Lincroft, erosion negotia< set .the three-year target date to quiries from about half of the As Mayor in Raritan policies of the.bprough were the were killed in highway accidents, state's 21 counties and more than the general Berlin situation but tions, and opposition to poitions offset rising land costs. subject of a dispute between the a man accidentally shot himself of the plan for the improvement The bond issue, approved by 50 of its 567 municipalities. There the problem of identification pro- RARITAN 'TOWNSHIP-Philip ough attorney there for the past Democratic mayor and the all- »nd a child died when a lollipop of Rt. 36. the voters Nov. 7, provides $40 will be a waiting period before cedures at the checkpoints along J. Blanda, Jr.. was elected may- year, a post he is losing next Republican council last year. ituck In his throat. any allocations are made, he the Berlin border.- This problem, or for his second term at the week tq a new appointee, Pat- The committee approved the million for purchase of forest, Mr. Damico is the council's . The holiday death count began said, to see whether some areas involving questions of whether organization meeting of the Town- rick J. McGann, - Jr., Middle- following reappointments: Law- park and recreation land by the outgoing president. Yesterday *f 6 pp.m. Friday and extended rence A. Carton, Jr., four year state. The remaining J20 million are interested in obtaining more allied officials should show their ship Committee yesterday: town. h Md council appointed- Dr. Edward through Monday. term as township attorney;Dr. will be used to match local-and funds than their quotas allow: If papers to East German guards, Sworn into office were Mr,' Other appointments: the week-end Stratton as president for the com- In thth e nationnt, Marc Krohn, township physician; county funds for land purchase.