February 16, 1901, Vol. 72, No. 1860
., : . I 1 1 Jmintiw Quotation Supplement (Monthly) Street Railway Supplement (^mam^^ Inveator^ Supplement (Quarterly) Stale and Cihj Supplement (^Amu^n^ [Entered aooordlng to Act of OonfrresB, In the year 1900, by the William B. Dasa OOKPAlfT, In the offlM of the Llbrarlui of OongreBa.] VOL. 72. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901. NO. 18«0. Wttt eruting February 9 OUaringt at— 1901. 1900. 1901. 1899 1898. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. New York ,63O,»07,9eO 1.106,832.0701 133.486.098 78S 199,648 Philadelphia 84,8^,5!^9 B'*,7''6,iei 9*J,0I3 613 55,742.850 Termg of Subscription—Payable in Advance Pittsbar^ 8H,894.693 29,485 5x7 38,966.5(M 17,60 [.7b8 Baltimore 19,796 993 1^,910,581 lX,2Se.li51 16 862.191 For One Year $10 00 Buffalo 5.231,l(-3 4,b68,076i 4.918.135 4016.765 For Six Months 6 00 Washington. 8,l33,Cai 2.»)6O,310 2,3 19. .301 1 099,181 Eoropean Subscription (Inolnding postage) 13 00 Albany 8,112.612 2,961, H4 8.360,rX)0 European Subscription Six Months (Including postage) 7 50 Rochester 2,306.789 2,162,7881 8.4:-0 101 1.400.723 Syracuse l,Si88,767 1,25 i, 031 963.965 942.961 Annual Subscription In London (Inolndlng postage) <2 14b Scranton. 1,018,924 &9t.786l 7tJ6,ttl9 690.688 BlxMos. do. do. do. Al lis. WllmlnKton 1,025,137 889.0S0 808.241 785.808 Blntcbamton 8«8,H00 429.600 82rf.700| 894.000 Above subscription Includes— Chester 245,081 253.*!- 300.0001 Thb Quotation supplement 8TKEET Railway Supplement Total Middle 1.801.852,197 1,261,341,876 l,299,»i7,i«j! THB INVE8TOE8' SUPPLBMBNT State and City Supplement &25.680,441 Boston 128,189.251 137,20S.331 130 100,416 110 331,883 Terms ot Adyertlsing—(Per Inch Space.) Providence , 6,460900 6,378,900 6,159,600 5.3U,6C0 Hartford 2.392,516 2.557.226 2.603,763 1,'-0Q,109 Transient matter $4 20 Three Months (13 times) .$29 00 New Haven 1,657.776 1.3«1,436 1,887.303 " 1,408,151 8TANDINO BUSINESS OAKDS.
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