PARLIAMENT of NAURU DRAFT HANSARD Sixteenth Parliament First Sitting of the Thirty-Fifth Meeting Friday, 20Th July 2007 Mr
MESSAGES Friday, 20th July 2007 PARLIAMENT OF NAURU 1 PARLIAMENT OF NAURU DRAFT HANSARD Sixteenth Parliament First Sitting of the Thirty-Fifth Meeting Friday, 20th July 2007 Mr. Speaker, Hon. Ludwig Scotty, M.P., took the Chair and read Prayers. Mr. Speaker: Honourable Members, before we proceed with our normal business of the day I have to make an important statement regarding the dissolution of the Sixteenth Parliament. Honourable Members, I have received a letter from His Excellency the President, Hon. Ludwig D. Scotty, M.P., dated 18th July 2007 which reads as under:- ‘Hon. Valdon Dowiyogo, M.P., Speaker of Parliament, Parliament House, Republic of Nauru. Dear Mr. Speaker, Dissolution of the Sixteenth (16th Parliament) Please be advised that this government and the Parliament have reached a period where the terms of three (3) years will soon be expired. Through consultation with the Cabinet and Caucus, I have decided to execute powers under Part IV of the Constitution to dissolve Parliament, of which I understand will take full effect after seven days from today, and I do so act accordingly. I am also seeking your concurrence for Parliament to meet for a sitting on this Friday, 20th July at 2.00 p.m. for your advice to the House of my intentions, and also for the House to deal with other pending matters. On the election process, my government is looking at having the polling day of the 25th day of August 2007 which falls within the legal time frame. With my highest esteem, Yours sincerely, Ludwig D. Scotty, President.’ Members of the House, in terms of my duties as spelt out in Article 41(2) of the Constitution of Nauru I am referring this advice of the President to the House now and this is the most practicable opportunity I have in this regard.
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