Student Handbook 2016-2017 U Building knowledge for a better world LUC Student Handbook 2016-2017 L e i den U niv e r sit y C o llege T h e Ha gue Website During office hours, contact the reception downstairs: +31 (0)70 800 9460. Outside office hours: Post Address In life threatening situations: call national emergency Leiden University College The Hague number 112. In case of other medical emergencies you P.O. Box 13228 can contact SMASH (after 17.00): +31(0)70 346 9669 2501 EE The Hague The Netherlands Campus alarm centre (University): +31 (0)71 – 527 8676. This alarm centre is available 24 Visiting Address hours a day, seven days a week. Leiden University College The Hague Anna van Buerenplein 301 Local police (Haaglanden): +31 (0)900 8844 2595 DG The Hague The Netherlands RA on call (from 21.00 o’clock until 7.00 o’clock): 06-28287992. Student Information Desk
[email protected] +31 (0)70 800 9503 Police (Haaglanden): +31 (0)900 8844 Office Hours: Mo-Fri 10-12/13-15 National emergency number: 112 Admissions
[email protected] Student Life Officer Mr. Aernout van Lynden Course Administration +31 (0)70 800 9333 (office), 070-3697141 (home)
[email protected] [email protected] Exchange & Study Abroad See Section 4.2, Emergencies, of the Handbook for more
[email protected] detailed information. Recruitment & Communications
[email protected] The contents of the Student Handbook apply for the duration of the academic year 2016-2017, or until a new Study Advisor version has been published in the course of that year.