CONTENTS NEWS AND NOTES 2 KIPLING AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNTER- AESTHETES—Robert W. Witt 6 THE ISLAMIC TRADITION IN KIPLING'S WORK — Shamsul Islam ... 10 THE NATIONALITY OF THE AIRMAN IN ' MARY POSTGATE' —Malcolm Page 14 LETTER BAG 15 REPORTS ON DISCUSSION MEETINGS—'Roman Britain' G. H. Newsom 19 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 25 THE KIPLING SOCIETY THE Society was founded in 1927. Its first President was Major- General L. C. Dunsterville, C.B., C.S.I. (" Stalky ") (1927-1946). Members are invited to propose those of their friends who are interested in Rudyard Kipling's works for election to membership. The Hon. Secretary would be glad to hear from members overseas as to prospects of forming a Branch of the Society in their district The Subscription is : Home Members, 25/- ; Overseas Members, 15/-; Junior Members (under 18, anywhere), 10/-; U.S.A. Branch, $3.50 per annum. These include receipt of The Kipling Journal quarterly. THE KIPLING SOCIETY ADDRESS — 18, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2. (Tel. 01-930 6733). Be sure to telephone before calling, as the office is not always open. THE KIPLING SOCIETY Forthcoming Meetings COUNCIL MEETINGS The next Council Meetings will be held at 50 Eaton Place, S.W.I, on Wednesday, 17th June, 1970, at 2.30 p.m., and Wednesday, 16th September, 1970, immediately after the A.G.M. (see below). ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This will be held at 50 Eaton Place, S.W.I, on Wednesday, 16th September, 1970, at 2.30 p.m. DISCUSSION MEETINGS At St. George's Club, 4 Wilton Mews, S.W.I, at 5.30 for 6 p.m.
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