322 bus time schedule & line map

322 - via , View In Website Mode , Narberth

The 322 bus line (Carmarthen - Haverfordwest via St Clears, Whitland, Narberth) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Haverfordwest: 10:25 AM - 4:25 PM (2) Tanerdy: 9:10 AM - 3:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 322 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 322 bus arriving.

Direction: Haverfordwest 322 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Haverfordwest Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:25 AM - 4:25 PM Carmarthen First Depot, Tanerdy Tuesday 10:25 AM - 4:25 PM Glangwili Hospital, Tanerdy Wednesday 10:25 AM - 4:25 PM Roundabout, Tanerdy Thursday 10:25 AM - 4:25 PM A484, Carmarthen Friday 10:25 AM - 4:25 PM Reservoir Road, Tanerdy Saturday Not Operational Priory Street, Carmarthen

Lidl, Carmarthen

Council Oces, Carmarthen 322 bus Info Spilman Street, Carmarthen Direction: Haverfordwest Stops: 32 Bus Station, Carmarthen Trip Duration: 70 min 5 Blue Street, Carmarthen Line Summary: Carmarthen First Depot, Tanerdy, Glangwili Hospital, Tanerdy, Abergwili Roundabout, Travellers Rest, Travellers' Rest Tanerdy, Reservoir Road, Tanerdy, Priory Street, Carmarthen, Lidl, Carmarthen, Council Oces, Filling Station, Travellers' Rest Carmarthen, Bus Station, Carmarthen, Travellers Rest, Travellers' Rest, Tenby Filling Station, Travellers' Bed & Breakfast Inn, Cana Rest, Bed & Breakfast Inn, Cana, Coombcheshire Homes, , Newchurch, St Clears, By-Pass, St Clears, Co-Op, St Clears, Library, St Clears, Black Coombcheshire Homes, Bancyfelin Lion, St Clears, Chemist, St Clears, White Lion Inn, Pwll-Trap, Spring Gardens, Pwll-Trap, Bryngwenllian, Newchurch, St Clears Whitland, Keefe House, Whitland, War Memorial, , Redstone Cross, Farmers Arms, By-Pass, St Clears Narberth, Primary School, Narberth, Cox Hill, Narberth, Robeston Farm, Robeston Wathen, Co-Op, St Clears , Canaston, Thorn Bush, Slebech, A4066, St. Clears Community Jewson, Haverfordwest, Bus Station 1, Haverfordwest Library, St Clears

Black Lion, St Clears Chemist, St Clears 2 Pentre Road, St. Clears Community

White Lion Inn, Pwll-Trap

Spring Gardens, Pwll-Trap

Bryngwenllian, Whitland

Keefe House, Whitland

War Memorial, Llanddewi Velfrey

Redstone Cross

Farmers Arms, Narberth B4314, Narberth Community

Primary School, Narberth Town Moor, Narberth Community

Cox Hill, Narberth

Robeston Farm, Robeston Wathen

Canaston Bridge, Canaston

Thorn Bush, Slebech

Jewson, Haverfordwest

Bus Station 1, Haverfordwest Direction: Tanerdy 322 bus Time Schedule 22 stops Tanerdy Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:10 AM - 3:10 PM Bus Station 1, Haverfordwest Tuesday 9:10 AM - 3:10 PM Jewson, Haverfordwest Wednesday 9:10 AM - 3:10 PM Fishguard Road, Withybush Thursday 9:10 AM - 3:10 PM

Thorn Bush, Slebech Friday 9:10 AM - 3:10 PM

Canaston Bridge, Canaston Saturday Not Operational

Robeston Farm, Robeston Wathen

Cox Hill, Narberth 322 bus Info Higheld Park, Narberth Community Direction: Tanerdy Primary School, Narberth Stops: 22 Trip Duration: 67 min B4314, Narberth Community Line Summary: Bus Station 1, Haverfordwest, Farmers Arms, Narberth Jewson, Haverfordwest, Fishguard Road, Withybush, Thorn Bush, Slebech, Canaston Bridge, B4314, Narberth Community Canaston, Robeston Farm, Robeston Wathen, Cox Redstone Cross Hill, Narberth, Primary School, Narberth, Farmers Arms, Narberth, Redstone Cross, War Memorial, War Memorial, Llanddewi Velfrey Llanddewi Velfrey, Spar, Whitland, Keefe House, Whitland, Bryngwenllian, Whitland, White Lion Inn, Pwll-Trap, Library, St Clears, Black Lion, St Clears, Spar, Whitland Wembley Garage, St Clears, Newchurch, St Clears, Llangan Road, Whitland Community Travellers Rest, Travellers' Rest, Bus Station, Carmarthen, Carmarthen First Depot, Tanerdy Keefe House, Whitland

Bryngwenllian, Whitland

White Lion Inn, Pwll-Trap

Library, St Clears

Black Lion, St Clears

Wembley Garage, St Clears

Newchurch, St Clears

Travellers Rest, Travellers' Rest

Bus Station, Carmarthen 5 Blue Street, Carmarthen

Carmarthen First Depot, Tanerdy 322 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved