occasion. The Rev. Dr. Naylor, of Wakefield , Provincial LODGE HISTORIES. Grand Chaplain, preached an excellent sermon, from 1 Peter xvii. 26—" Honour all men, love the brotherhood, THE LODGE OF PROBITY, No. 61 fear God, honour the King." The Provincial Grand Organist (Bro. Walton , of Leeds) sang " Comfort ye my 354) . (Continued from page people," in excellent style, supported by a Bro. Sugden we have alread mentioned, the records of this Lodge and the choir. Tho proceedings of the day terminated AS y from 1822 up to 1847 have been lost, and accord- with a dinner, harmony and brotherly love prevailing, ic ingly very meagre details of its doings during that being really " the Masons' holiday." Several local period are forthcoming. Every available source has been dignitaries of the Craf t were present at the proceedings. drawn upon to supply the missing link, but, as may be On 23rd October 1844, the half-yearly meeting of expected , not very much has been accomplished. The Provincial was held , under the banner of the records of Provincial Grand Lodge have, however, sup- Probity Lodge. The Right Hon. the Earl of Mexborough plied something, and this, with other matter, is included P.G.M. presided , and he was supported by upwards of in Chapter XII. of Bro. Crossley s History. At one part two hundred brethren—a goodly assemblage for that of the period referred to great depression appears to have period, we consider. On this occasion two very handsome reigned among the members, and it is a wonder the Lodge silver vases were presented to the Deputy Provincial did not cease to exist. The returns at the beginning of Grand Master (Bro. Ohas. Lee), who in acknowledgment 1822 show that there were 20 subscribing members, which specially thanked the members of the Probity Lodge, number varied from time to time, going as low as five, by whom the idea of the presentation had been first whilst in 1847 thero was the goodly roll of 62. mooted. In recognition of the toast, Success to the A curious and humorous entry appears in the Provincial Probity Lodge, which was proposed by the Provincial Grand Lodge records of 1827, which goes to show the Grand Master, it was stated that the Lodge had then sixty position some of the members of Probity considered their members on its roll. Lod ge held. From this it appears that Bro. C. Whiteley, On the 3rd January 1848 , Provincial Grand Lodge again of Halifax, had written to a Brother at Wakefield, in some- held its meeting under the banner of the Probity Lodge, what un-Masonic terms, besides holding out a threat " to on which ocaasion Bro. Lee D.P.G.M. presided. In 1849. lay the conduct of the Provincial Grand Lodge before the a Lodge of Instruction was formed , meetings to be held Lodge of Probity." These matters the brethren assembled every second Wednesday succeeding regular Lodge night. in Provincial Grand Lodge considered " as an evidence At the same time a desire was expressed to re-open the that Bro. C. Whiteley must have altogether forgotten the Chapter of Sincerity, and steps were taken accordingly, for respect he owes to this Provincial Grand Lod ge, as this it is recorded that at the next meeting £10 was voted Lodge would think it highly derogatory to its dignity to to be applied towards the restoration of the Chapter. About answer for its proceedings to any Provincial Lodge what- this time also a Lodge Building Fund was formed , so that ever." This record may well be termed " humorous," but everything points to increased interest and activity at this no doubt there were brethren in those days—even if there particular period. are not still some among us—who would feel quite In 1849 a dispensation was granted, enabling the Lodge justified in asserting themselves in an equally officious to attend the funeral of an old member—Bro. Christopher manner. Rawson—in association with which record is appended an In 1837 Probity lost its companion Lodge of Halifax— extract from a speech by this esteemed Brother, delivered the Lodge of Harmony, which was removed to Hudders- at the laying of the foundation stone of the Halifax Literary field , " where it has since had a prosperous career." This and Philosophical Society's Hall. The ceremony does not separation, after harmonious relations in the same town appear to have been a Masonic one, but Bro. Rawson's for some fifty years, did not break the friendship between the speech was eminently Masonic, and is fittingly introduced two bodies, as is evidenced from one of the earliest records in the records of his Lodge. The 22nd September 1851 in the next minute book of the Lodge of Probity, where, was a special day for Yorkshire , a special under date 3rd January 1848, it is stated that a Brother meeting of Grand Lodge of England being then held at Peace, from the Harmony Lodge, took the chair, and being Bradford, on which occasion the M.W.G.M. Lord Zetland assisted by several other brethren from his Lodge went presided, and the foundation stone of St. George's Hall was through the opening and closing laid with Masonic honours. Between 30 and 40 ceremonies of the three F members degrees. From this it would appear the Probity—which of Probity were present on this occasion, and one of its we have seen was at all times ready to render help to members—Bro. Lawrence Bramley—was appointed Pro- others—was not al ways averse to receive it also. vincial Grand Senior Warden . In July 1838 an important event was celebrated—th e In January 1852 Probity once more entertained Pro- Centenary of the Lodge's existence. It was not then vincial Grand Lodge, as it has done on subsequent customary to grant Centenary Warrants, as is now done. occasions. In the following November the Mayor but it is recorded.that a dispensation was issued for the of Halifax invited the Lodge to join in a procession brethren to walk in procession to the Parish Church , to to the memory of the departed Bro, Field Marshal celebrate the event. An account of the proceedings on this the Duke of Wellington. A number of brethren ac- important occasion appears in the Freemasons ' Quarterly cepted the invitation , and attended a public funeral Revieiu for September 1838, and this account is embodied in service at the Parish Church . At a meeting of Provincial the Lodgo History before us. From it we gather that the Grand Lodge (6th July 1853) a letter was read from Grand

  • ' -i"r • ti ri will be put •»! fit thi* theatre durincr the proprietor 's temporary absence thoug LA.VEB.rqn tho 28th ult., at Sutherland Avenue, Pacld<'ugton, Bro. JOHS , h several offers from popular JLaver, in his 70th year, entertajaers axe being considered, flflQl I 1^31 ) I „ Mm iip« fa §mbm'% #Mw«. « BEECH AM'8 ^ r_! JJ) «3g^ft69eaQgg90S»gaoR66»gasaa6^ai6»g6»9aee»e&e IUrj

    (PI AT^.rM EW »gID loud congratulation, i>| w || || / Ml MID the festive Christmas throng (D A mighty British nation W ^ wrong, f\ Y EAR Would wonder what was t|< {J j And millions might inquire, w SD If a message did not reach 'em, W | A||-Hi aa From the universal BEECHAM, || w DIITfl'C of St. Helens, Lancashire. W if |J££L L (ij K So fill up a bumper :—be merry and wise ; flS M Enjoy the good cheer, with its puddings and pies ! M\ nk But while fun and feasting the joyous pulse thrills, M M Remember the virtues of famed BEECH AM'S PILLS. | | M Or, when you've a moment, sit down and peruse, jK What, to all friends of Beecham, will read like good news 5 Jffi an JJmaeD ' "7 mth M HOW advertisement grand, with her myriad-tone I voice, | | lit Paver into three Has told a11 tlie earfcl1 of t}ie Pills of your enoice- m In Britain at Places of seaside resort, ffl II i^<^mW > and > | | | | From Boat.sails tnat skimm'd o'er the waves we were taught, m n(i , mong the sands and the rocks, (JO ^ adjust the yf iquresy A- from Bathing-machines ' ( || ^ We have learned of the Pills WORTH A GUINEA A BOX ! W § 1 J| The thousands of journals that flood town and city (|j |h -8 Have teemed with engravings, delightful or witty, (8) (jft • JL Whose object and effort were ever the same— (j| K To publish A WONDERFUL MEDICINE'S fame.' M M And School-books, to help on each master and miss, M || || £¦* Were given by the ton !—and the notion was this :— W M

    fTodistant America, south of the line, (ft f\ They oft were despatched in this year 'eighty-nine.— ( jj) (j| \J But reader, adieu ; for our space quickly fills «, ( || II Take BEECHAM's best wishes, and take-BEECHAM'S PILLS ! f|

    i to read the POSTSCRIPT, i I | 1 mud way— A word to the wise.-BEECHAM'S ANNUAL is OUT ! § (!§ Of all Christmas Numbers, the BEST, without doubt. | | ID Though a Shilling's the worth, yet a Penny's the price ! || fl 1 $5 O O G'ive news agent orders, with this sound advice— (jj f) j* O !? V/a "Let there be no delay : Try and get it to-day, §f) /]§ For 'tis certain they'll all be snapped up in a trice I" (|§ I I # ^^^^^ ^ §^^^^^^^ ^ i^^ ^Sfe ^^ M ^miPi^0mt|i^titutt0itf ax §0gs. $}apl pastfwc f ttstitttticnr f ax §0}js. To the Patrons, "Vice-Patrons , "Vice-Presidents , To the Patrons, Vice-Patrons, "Vice-President s, and Life Governors. and. Life Governors of the Royal Masonic BRETHREN desirons of supporting the Candidature of BRO. Institution for Boys. ALFRED CRAVEN GREENWOOD, Assist. Prov. Grand Secretary 2 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. Surroy, in tho event of a vacancy in the Secretaryship, aro respectfully 1st November 18S9. solicited to forward thoir Names to Bro. CHABLES G REENWOOD , P.M., P.P.G-. LADIE S AND GENTLEMEN,—Tho Quarterly Court of the Royal Masonic Rog., Prov. Grand Secretary Surrey, 12 Serjeant's Inn, Temple, E.C. Institution for Boys having agreed to the retirement of tho presont Secretary, I intend to offer myself as a candidate for the vacancy which will thus be created. I have been a Mason ovor 10 years, and am now nearly 31 years of ago. Q.ENEEAL CEMETEEY COMPANY. I was educated at King's College School, London , and Sidnoy Sussex College, Cambridge, and took tho degree of B.A. in the Mathematical Tripos CEMETE RY—KEN SAL GREEN, HARROW ROAD, W. 1879, (M.A. 1885). Shortly after quitting tho University, I was appointed Mathematical Master in Truro Grammar School, but retired from that position Where lie the remains of H.R.H. tho late DUKE OF SUSSEX, on being called to tho Bar, in 1381, sinco when I have practised, up to tho M.W.G.M. OF ins FBEEMASONS OP ENGIAND, present time, and have been engaged in the compilation of more than one (Established by Act of Parliament 2 and 3 William IV., 1832.) legal work. OIIICBS-05 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, B.LOOMSBURY, W.O. In Masonry I hold tho following positions—Past Grand Steward (Kng.) ; W.M. Tuscan Lodge, No. 14; P.M. and Founder West Kent Volunteer Lodge, Office Hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays 0 to 2. No. 20U ; Secretary ivtul Founder Argonauts' Lodgo, No. 2243 ; J. Asaph Chapter, No. 1319 j P. -5. Goorgo Price Chapter, No. 2090. Member of tho Board THE public ore admitted to the Cemetery on week days from of General Purposes, and Lifo Governor Royal Masonic Institution for Boys. 8'30 a.m. till 6-45 p.m., and on Sundays and Good Fridays from I have for some years been Hon. Secretary of the Langton Masonic Bene- 2 p.m. till C p.m., from tho 1st April till tho 30th September, inclusive volent Association , through which betweon £1300 and JB1400 will, in four years, On week days from 8'30 a.m. till sunset, and on Sundays, Good Fridays, havo beon subscribed to the Masonic Charities. and Christmas Days from 2 p.m. till snuset, from tho 1st Octoher till tho 30th Should I havo tho honour of being elected I shall always endoavour to dis- March inclusive, also on Bank Holidays, till 13 o'clock noon. charge my duties with advantago to tho Institution and to your full satisfac- SPECIAL ATTENTION is also invited to tho Ground (22 acres) recently tion. laid out at the New Western Entrance of tho Cemetery, also to tho New Organ I have tho honour to bo, Ladies and Gentlemen, recently placed in the Westorn Chapel. Certificates of Burial can only be obtained at the Offlcos, 95 Groat Russell Your obedient Servant, Street, whore also Scale of Charges and all particulars may be had. GORDON SMITH, M.A. To meet the requirements of tho public, tho Directors havo adopted the Barrister-at-Law. uystem of separate interments, at the following rates .— Adults. Children under 10 years. Ohildron under 2 years. £2 58 £1 10s £1 5s Bro. EDWARD DELEVANTI , with the option to friends to purchase the plot within three years, for a Conductor ITALIAN ORCHESTRA (Uniform) , farther sum of 43 3s. , MAIDA TLIL.TL., "W. HENRY J. CROFT, Secretary and Registrar. 9 ST. MARY'S TERRACE N.B.—A Tent i3 provided for Mourners, if desired. VOCALISTS, Solo Instrumentalists and Bands provided for Concerts, Balls, Ga den Parties, Masonic Banquets, &c. Pianoforte, Organ, Violin, and Singing Lessons. ORGANIST TO LODGES 1624, 2012, AND 2021. IIIS'I CASTIa l BOTEXi EAST MOLESEY, HAMPTON COURT STATION (Adjoining the RAILWAY, and facing the RIVER and PALACE). BRO. JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing of this old-established and noted Rivorside Hotel for Banquets for any number up to 100. Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings. Spacious land- SATURDAY, 7TH DECEMBER 1839. ing to river, whenco Stoam Launches can start. Specimens of Menus, with prices, sent on application. Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel, and refer- ence may ho made to the respective Masters as to tho catering, &o. GREYHOUND HOTEL, HAMPTOH COURT P.G. LODGE OF EAST LANCASHIRE. (MIDDLESEX). r|^HE half-yearly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge This Hotel, now entirely Redecorated and Furnished, contains the best and JL of East Lancashire was held, on tho 29th nit., in the most comfortable Suites of Apartments. Assembly Room of the Free Trade Hall , Manchester. SUPERIOR LODGE ACCOMMODATION, Brother Colonel Le Gendre N. Starkie Provincial Grand Large queting Rooms. Master occupied the principal chair, supported by Three Ban Bro. Edmund Ashworth acting: as Deputy Provincial Tho Cuisine is of tho highest class, and tho cellars have been well stocked with the best known Brands of Wines, &c. Grand Master Bro. J. H. Sillitoe P.G. Standard Bearer, BRO. J. B. MELLA will superintend personal l y the whole of the and a numerous retinue of Provincial Officers past and details of Management, in order to give full satisfaction, and is prepared present. Bros. J. 0. S. Thursby and N. A. Earlo were in from now to undertake any arrangements for Banquots or Beanfeasts, Lunchoons, &c, at the most reasonable charges. their respective positions as Senior and Junior Wardens, Tho Pour-in-Hand Hotol Coach will leave daily from tho Royal Hotel, Black - and the other present Officers in attendance were Bros, friars Bridge, and tho Criterion Restaurant, for Hampton Court. the Revs. E. Bigoe Bagot 62, and E. T. Wigg 2279 Chaplains, W. S. Boddington 1253 Registrar, John Chadwick EVER ITT & SON, M Secretary, Hamlet Lees 1863 S.D., Edwin Hardman ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS, 274 S.D., W. T. Schofiel d 1219 J.D., Thomas Woodcock 26 PENTON ST., N., AND CHURCH END, FINCHLEY, 191 Director of Ceremonies, Chas. E. ColliDgwood 298 Deputy Director of Ceremonies, Samuel B. Priestley 219 OVERCOATS in Melton , Beaver, and Cheviot, in all the Assistant Director of Ceremonies newest shades, , Charles Brierley 42 From 45s. Sword Bearer, Henry Taylor 286, and Whitfield Thompson 1534 Standard Bearers, Walter 0. Pettitt 1055 Organist, •JUG- (JSERS in the latest designs, James Newton 37 Assistant Secretary, Joseph Bridgford From 13s 6d. 1077 Pursuivant, William Cartwright 633 Assistant Pursuivant, Kenneth Maclean 1030, Ed. Geo. Lingard ALL WOOL CLOTHING AT MODEKATE PRICES. 1030, James Cookson 1030, J. H. Edmondson 274, James Style, Fit, and Workmanship guaranteed. Taylor 274, and Ashwortb Law 274 Stewards, Thomas Higson 348 . Of the 100 Lodges in the Province, INSTALLATION representatives were present from 98. The Prov. Grand Master presented to the Provincial Grand Lodge a set of OF H. R. H. THE PeiHG E OF WALES golden vessels of consecration. He said he wished the As the M.W.G.M. of England, brethren to accept them as a gift commemorative of the fact that theirs was the only Province in which the 100th AT THE ROYA L ALBERT HALL, Lodge had been consecrated. At the 100th consecration 28th APRIL 1875. eight Officers of Grand Lodge were present, aod five of CiOPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HARTY them took part in the ceremony. He trusted that the / P.M., consisting of Artist's Proofs. Proofs before Letters, and Lettered vessels might long be of service, and that Lodges would Troofs, India Prints, and Plain Prints may be had at C jst Price by applying to continue to increase in the same proportion that they had Bro. W. K. NORBIS , increased during the period of his happy rei gn over this 29 Southampton Buildings, W,C, London. influential Province. Bro. J. Hcclis proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Provincial Graud Master for his gift. Bro. J. 0. S. Thnrsby, in seconding the motion, said the NOTICES OF MEETINGS. handsome presont was but another proof of the interest —:o:— Bro. Starkie had always shown in Masonry, and an addition to his many acts for the benefit of tho Order. The motion CONSECRATION OF THE ROSE OF LANCASTER was put by Bro. Edmund Ashworth , and carried with LODGE, No. 2325. Bro. Major J. W. Allison was re elected to enthusiasm. THIS Lodge was consecrated , in accordance with ancient rites and the office of Treasurer until May next, to fill the vacancy ceremouio?, on the 21st ulfc., by the Eight IIou. tho Earl of caused by the recent death of Bro. J. W. Edwards, who Lathom Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Provincial Grand Master, assisted was invested with that rank at the last annual meeting. by several Grand and Provincial Grand Officers , and in presence of At a later stage of the proceedings the Provincial Grand a large assembly of members of the new Lodge and visiting brethren. The oeremony of consecration was performed at tho Masonic-building?, Master said he was suro the brethrou deeply regretted the Lord-street , Southport , where the brethren of the Rose of Lancaster loss they had sustained by the death of Bro. Edwards. He Lodge will in future meet, on the third Thursday of each month. The proposed that a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs. Ed- consecrating Officers present were Earl of Lathom D.G.M., Prov. G.M. wards, expressing deep sympathy with her in her still West Lancashire, Presiding Officer ; Thomas Clarke Prov. G. E. S.W., greater loss and also reoording their admiration of Eev. J. K. Turner P.G.O. Chaplain , T. L. Murray Director of Cere- , monies, and W. Goodacre P.G.S.B. Prov. G. Secretary. The Bro. Edwards's worthiness as a Mason , and their recog- Visitors included Bros. George Mellor P.G.D. D.P.G.M. East Lanca- nition of his valuablo servicos to the Charities and to shire, Eev. J. S. Gardner P.P.G. Chaplain West Lancashire, J. Sutton Provincial Grand Lodge. The motion was carried. P.P.D.G.D.C, Herbert Kidson P.G.S., J. N. Patterson P.G.D.C., Bro?. J. Studd and W. R. Sowter were re-elected Auditors, S. M. Harris P. P.G.D.C. Northumberland , J. J. Lambert P.P.G.R., Middleton was elected to act with them. The D. Gaskin P.P.G.T., and J. C. Robinson P.A.G.D.C. The Lodge and Bro. having been duly constitute:], the investiture of the Officers was duly Provincial Grand Secretary read a report of the Charity proceeded with. Bro. Win . Piatt P.M. was installed in the chair as Committee, and this was adopted, and new by-laws drawn the first Worshipful Master, Bro?. W. J. Warden and C. Watson up by that Committee were approved of. After the Pro- being appointed as Senior and Junior Wardens resppotively. Iu the vincial Grand Lodge had been closed, there was a Court of course of a brief address to the brethren , Lord Lathom said he ystematic Educational believed there was a necessity for a new Masonic Lodge in Southporfc, Governors of the East Lancashire S and that the Rose of L^.noaster Lodge would be very numerously and Benevolent Institution, the Provincial Grand Master attended. presiding. Bro. Chadwick Secretary read a report. It said that last year he had to regret a considerable falling CONSECRATION OF THE ALBERT VICTOR off in the support accorded by Lodges and individuals to LODGE. No. 2328. the Institution , the result, no doubt of the large amount ON the 26th ult. a new Lodge of Freemasons was constituted, in sent by the Province to the Centenary Festival of the Girls' York, under the title of the Albert Yictor Lodge, No. 2328. School. This year a very different state of things existed, The ceremony took place in the Freemasons' Hall, St. Saviourgate, mainly brought about by the letter issued by the Provin- York, in the presence of a large assemblage of brethren. We under- cial Grand Master to the Lodges in the Province drawing stand that H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor gave special permission for , the naming of the Lod ge, signed the petition to the Grand Master their attention to tho resolution passed ab the last meeting for the warrant, and has since consented to be enrolled as an of Governors—" That it is desirable to give to our local honorary member of the Lodge. The impressive ceremony waa institution during tho next year our first consideration and performed by Bro. the Hon. W. T. Orde-Powlett Deputy Provincial principal support," and also by tho energy of the Treasurer Grand Master for North and East Yorkshire, assisted by Bros. W. H. Cowper P.M. 602 P.P.G . Registrar N. and E. Yorkshire, T. W. Tew and the Chairman of Committees. The receipts were :— Prov. Grand Master West Yorkshire, and the Rev. T. Cartwrighfc From Lodges, last year £114 3s, this year £520 18s lid ; Smyth, D.D., P.G. Chaplain of England. Bro. the Dean of York (the from individuals, last year £153 14s, this year £409 8s; Very Rev. Arthur Perceval Purey-Cust, D.D.), a Past Grand Chaplain totals from all sources, last year £576 14s 7d , this year of England, was installed in the chair as the first Master, and in- £1208 lis. In each instance the fi gures were made up vested his Officer? , as follow :—Bros. T. B. Whytehead S.W., H. L. Swift J.W., Wm. Lawton Treasurer, C. E. L. Wright Secretary, from January to November, and since the account for the J. E. Jones S.D., and E. Ralph Dodsworth J.D. The Worshipful present year was drawn up a sum of £150 had been re- Master with the brethren dined together at the Station Hotel. ceived. Tho expenditure to the 1st November 1888 was £616 13s 7d, £400 in Consols and £119 12s lid in the bank, while the expenditure to the 1st November 1889 was PILGRIMS LODGE, No. 772. the 28th nit., the annual meeting was held £471 5s 6d, £8 new investments, and 1038 6s 6d in the ON Thursday afternoon , bank. While the Institution thus made progress he could in the Lodge-room at the George Hotel, Glastonbury, when Bro. W. G. Brown S. W. was installed Worshi pful Master for the not too strongly urge upon the individual members of the ensuing year, tho ceremony being performed by Bro. J. M. Bright Provinco its claims for their support. Its usefulness was D.P.G.M. South Wales. At the conclusion of the business the usual capable of continued extension, while the help it was banquet took place at the Hotel , a fplendid repast being laid on the bestowing by the education given to the children of many table by Host Leach. The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were duly of their late brethren was, they believed , incalculable. They honoured. had during the year upon the books for education 21 boys HUYSHE LODGE, No. 1099. and 14 girls, and it was a pleasing feature that since the establishment of the educational part of the Institution THE members held their installation banquet in tho new refectory attached to the Lodge-room , Home Park, Stoke, on the they had had income sufficient to educate all the children 28th nit. Bro. J. W. Foster the W.M. presided , Bros. G. Vanstone brought before the Education Board that were eligible S.W., and S. J. Page J.W. being in the vice-chairs. Those present without having to resort to an election. On the motion of included Bros, the Rev. T. W. Lemon , M.A., P.M. and Chaplain 189 , Bro. Sillitoe, seconded by Bro. Nicoll, the report was P.P.G. Chaplain, P.P.J.W. ; W. J. Staubury P.M. and Secretary 1099, adopted, aud the meeting closed with an expression of W. H. Gillman P.M. 1099, R. W. Pitcher P.M. 230, &c. A sub- stantial repast was provided by Bro. Williams, of Fore Street, thanks from the chair to the brethren for their exertions Devonport. A capital musical entertainment was given by a band during the year. nnder tho direction of Bro. G. Miller, Organist of the Lodge. Bro. E. Roseveare P.M. was in excellent voice, and sang " My Pretty Jane " in his own inimitable stylo. Equall y successful was Brother After carefully considering the relative qualifications of Gillman's rendering of " Who shall bo King." Bro. E. Roseveare the thirty-four candidates who presented themselves, the gave a clover ventriloqnial sketch , introdacing some smart and Provisional Committee have selected the Rev. Harry humorous local references. In tho course of tho evening various respecting the enterprise of Hebb M.A. Oxon, to succeed the Rev. R. Morris complimentary remarks were made , , LL.D., Lod ge Hnyshe, in building and fitting up such a handsome refectory. as the Head Master of the Royal Masonic School for Boys, at Wood Green. The new Master will, subject to the approval of the General Committee, which meets this KIRKDALE LODGE, No. 1756. (Satnrday ) afternoon , at four o'clock, enter upon his BROTHER JOSEPH MOLYNEUX was, on the 27th ulfc., in tho duties on the 1st January next. presence of a large assembly of members of tho Lodge and visiting brethren , at Skohneradale Hall, Westminster Road, Liver- pool , duly installed as Worshi pful Master for tho ensning year. The H OMOWAT'S OIIITMKK T AND PILLS.—Old Sore.*, Wounds , and Ulcers.—The readiness with which Hollo way's unguents remove all obstructions in the new Mastor was installed by the retiring W.M. After his installa- circulation of II13 vessels and lymphatics explains their irresistible influence in tion Bro. Molyncux proceedod with tho investitnre of his Officers, as healing old sores, bad wounds, and indolent ulcers. To ensure the desired follow :—Bro3. James A. KelUa I.P.M., Charles Johnson S.W., effect the skin surrounding the diseased part should bo fomented, dried and immediately well rubbed with the Ointment. This will give purity to fin foul William Bnshell J.W., Rev. Dr. Hyde Chaplain , Joseph Croxtou blood , and strength to th* weakened nerves, tho only conditions necessary for Treasurer, John Milno Secretary, John Masaulay S.D., Joseph the cure of nil those ulcera tions which render life almost intolerable. ' No Rickets J.D , Georeo Eyton Organist , Dr . II. R. Powell I.G., T. W. sooner i3 this Ointment's protective power exerted than the destructive Chas, process ceases, and the constructive business begins—new, healthy growth Wood , J. Wallace, C. F. Rtid, Edwin C. Gaskill Stewards, and appeal's to fill up tho lately painful excavated pit. Bargery D.C. WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE, No. 766 of sympathy in her misfortunes. The health of the I.P.M. was the next toast. The brethren would all agree with, him (the W.M.) THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday, when he said they had had a very enjoyable year. Bro. Edwards the 28th nit., at the Cann on Street Hotel. The W. M. of had never lost an opportunity of promoting the comforts of his the past year Brother George Frederick Edwards was early in brethren, and those who were associated with him in the battle attendance, and the Lodge was formally opened at the time named of life. He had striven, successfully striven , to advance the on the summons. Among those present were Bros. F. G. Barns Lodge, and his endeavours had been eminently satisfactory. W.M. elect, W. Jerrett Miller P.M. (Treasurer), W. Worrell P.M. The compliment was suitably acknowledged by Bro. Edwards. (Secretary), P.M.'s W. F. Smart, A. Le Grand , W. J. Collens, The health of the Initiato was the next toast ; tho W.M. trusted E. Kidman, W. T. Heath. Amongst the Visitors were Bros. T. E, that he would become one of the lishts of the William Preston Lodge. Parrell I.G. 960, Lieut-Col. H. Gardner 1718, D. Campbell He (the W.M.) had been an old companion of their Initiate ; they Steward 1365, T. W. Pritchard I.G. 742, C Stanger W.M. 12, had known each other since they were boys. Their Initiate was no C. N. Mclntyre North J.W. 1559, W. W. Westley I.P.M. 186, W. chicken ; this year ho had celebrated his jubilee birthday, and he, his Medwin P.M. 1615, A. A. Jones 975, H. Garrod P.G.P., H. J. old friend , looked forward to do the same next year. Bro. Barns said Felton I.P.M. 1056, L. Ferguson I.G. 1997, M. J. Russell 95, J. R. he was intensely gratified in being privileged to initiate Bro. G. Morgan 569, W. Hancock S.D. 2191, W. Morley W.M. 1769, J. Pearce into the William Preston Lodgo. After reply bid been made , Salmon P.M. 2077, J. W. Tyler S.W. 2077, A. Mullord P.M. 1288, the Visitors were complimented, and Bros. Morley, Hawkins, Morgan , H. Von Joel P.M. 957, W. J. Andrews 1329, E. T. Pearce 1260, and others responded . For tho Treasurer and Sf .'cro' ary Bro. Miller H. J. Powell S.D. 1801, A. Paterson S.D. 1804, W. WoodrnfFe replied, and the S.W. and J.W. responded f r i he toast given in their P.M. 957, T. G. Doughty 1287, J. H. Hawkins P.M. 65, R. Lyon honour. The proceedings wero enlivened « ' i somo good songs, and 2272, John Trent 2030, 0. P. Bellamy I.P.M. 2021, W. W. Morgan it was at a late hour that the Tyler broug ht thia successfu l meeting P.M. 211, &o. After the minutes of last meeting had been read and to a olose. confirmed , the report of the audit committee was received and adopted. Bro. A. E. Samuel], a candidate for the second degree, was ROBINSON LODGE, No. 2040. then introduced , and successfully passed his examination. He was Wednesday, the 13th nit., the installation meeting was hold , entrusted, and then left the Lodge. After advancement , the can- ON in tho didate was re-admitted by kind permission of the Mayor (J. Clifford , Esq.), , and the ceremony of passing was worked looked forward on his behalf, thus giving him the opportunity to take his place as Maidstone Town Hall. This Masonio event is always to with interest by many of the leading Mason s of the Province of a Fellow Craft Freemason. The W.M. elect, Bro. F. G. Barns, C.C., Grand was then presented Kent, and this year the presence of the Depnt y Provincial , and Bro. Edwards commenced the ceremony of tho gathering. installation. In due course the Board of Installed Masters were Master Bro. Smith Eastes added special importance to Bro. T. I. Barden was the W.M. eleot, and ho was dnly installed into called upon to assist, and Bro. Barns was regularly installed into the Groom chair of the Lod the chair of the Lodge by his predecessor Bro. J. Beavis , ge. On the re-admission of the brethren the new impressive man- W.M. was proclaimed and sainted by the brethren in the three who performed the interesting ceremony in a very chairs and degrees. The investment ner. Bros. G. T. Ker and D. Walsh took the Wardens' , of Officers followed, the brethren named Director of being chosen for their Bro. F. W. Wright P.M. admirabl y filled the office of respective offices :—Bros. G. F. Edwards ful Master I.P.M., E. Brooks S. Ceremonies. After the iustallntion , the Worshi p , W., Henry Heck J. W., W. J. Miller P.M. Treasurer, on behalf of W. Worrell P.M. Secretary, H. Harker J.D., Bro. T. I. Barden , presented to Bro. J. Beavis G room , J. F. Haden S.D., Dr. services Pickett I.G., E. J. Beag the Lodge, a valuable Past Master's jewel as a merm-nto of le D.C., R. C. Wilson A.D.C., E. Kidman P.M. . Thorn was a very Steward, M. Woolf Assistant Steward ler. rendered the Lodgo during his term of office , Louis Reinhardt Ty and among the The first duty of the W.M. was to present to his predecessor the large attendance of tho brethren of tho Lodge, and Bro. Alfred elegant jewel of the Lodge. This had been voted at the last meeting, visitors, in addition to Bro. Smith Eastes D.P.G.M., wero Bros. G. F. Baker and the W.M in making the presentation to Bro. Edwards congratu- Spencer Provincial Grand Secretary for Kent, A. B. Urmston lated him on the admirable way in which he had conducted the W.M. 503, Atkinson W.M. 2305, G. Baker P.M. 503, business of the Led J.W. 1725, Wallis P.M. 503, Elmore P.M. 503, Foord P.M. 503, Silaa ge during the past year. The brethren with the 639 most perfect unanimity had voted the jewel and he (Bro. Barns) had Wagon P.M. 1063, F. Gordon P.M. 1063, J. H. Clarke P.M. 391, , , Hope Secretary great pleasure in being the medium for its presentation. The jewel 503, Sharman P.G.S.D. Cambridge, Austin S.W. 709, bore the following inscription :— 503, Robson 5C3, Hickmott 503. At 5.30 p.m. the brethren adjourned to tho Bell Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was sup- Presented to Bro. G. F. EDWARDS P.M. plied by Mr. W. W. Frost. Bro. Barden W.M. presided , and he was By the Brethren of the WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE , NO. 766, supported on his right by Bros. Eastes and Spencer. After the To evince their appreciation of his efficient services whilst presiding banquet the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts followed. Bro. Eastes over them as W.M. for the year 18S8-90. in his speech, paid a high compliment to the very Worshipful The compliment was modestly but gracefully acknowledged by Bro. Bro. the Rev. T. Robinson , after whom the Lodgo is named. His Edwards, who assured tho brethren that his interest in the welfare remarks were received with great applause. Songs were sung in of the Lodge would be sustained BO long as he was associated with capital sty lo by Bros. Rn, Railway Hotel, High Street, Putney, at 8. (In) S.D., G, Grimes J.D., E. D. Rymer I.G. j Bros. Price W.M. elect 1608—Kilbnrn , 46 South .ilton ; reot, Oxford Street, W., at 8. (Inst.) 1623—Wes ; Smithfield , Ma t Ho.el , King Stroet, Smithfield , at 7 (In.) 1321, Graham W.M. 1559, Ray P.M., Hunt, and others. The Lodge 1670—Adelphi, 4 Adelpr errac ¦ , Strand was opened in due form, and the minutes of the last meeting read 1693—Kin ?s*and, Cock , ern, ^ighbury, N., at 8.30 (Instruction) and confirmed. The first and second seotions of the firBt lecture were 1707—Eleanor , Seven Si .rs Hotel, Page Green, Tottenham, 8. (Inst) then worked by Bro. Greenway, who has quite recently accepted the 1743—Pc-severancc, 23 Addle ';¦ at, E.C, at 7. (Instruction) 1805—Bromley St. Leonard , Vesiry Hall, Bow-road, Bromlev Preceptorship, and is displaying great energy and ability in his 1891— SJ. Ambrose, Baron 's Court Ho •[, West Konsing in. (Instruction) work, thus convincing the members of the wisdom of their choice. 1901—Selwyn, East . i. iol Hotel, E^j Dalwich. (Instruction) 202 —Queen s (Westminfa ) and Mar, , W., at 8. (Inst.) The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed, Bro. Ray being the ' ebone. Criterion: candidate. Bro. H. Esling W.M. of the mother Lodge was 2030—The Abbey, Westminster Town xi.au, Wo3tm Mtor R.A. 22—Mount Sion, Guildhall Tavern, Gresham-streot unanimously elected to the chair of W.M. for the ensuing week. R.A. 58—relicity, Ship nd Turtle, Leadenhall Street All Masonic business being ended, the Lodgo was closed in perfect R.A. Ills—University, Freemasons' Hall, W.C. harmony. The Lodge meets every Tuesday, at 8 o'clock, at the R.C. 53—Holy Sanctuary, Masonic Hall, 33 Goldon-squaro Mona Hotel as above ; sections of the leotures are worked , and cere- • >—L ont, Ca stle Hotel, Has ings monies rehearsed at each meeting. Visitors will be cordially 75—1. o and Honour, Roy Hotel, Falmouth welcomed. 88—Sc-entif c, Red L"on, Petty Cury, Cambridge 104— St. John, Ashtoi Hou, \ Greek-street, Stockport Langton Lodge of Instruction, JNO. 1673.—A meetmg 151—Albany, Masonic Hall, Newport, I.W. was held on Thursday, the 27th ult., at the White Hart Tavern 240—St. Hilda, Freemasons' Hall, Fowler-stroet , South Shields , 248—True Love and Unity, Freemasons' Hall, Brixham, Devon, at 7, (Inst) Abchurch Lane, E.C. Bros. Hobbs Preceptor, S. Lea Smith W.M., 2G2—Salopian , the Lion Hotel, Shrewsbury Besant S.W., Billinghurst J.W., Mapleton Secretary, De Paine S.D., 292—Sincerity, Masonic Hall, Liverpool E. R. Smith J.D., Marshall I.G. ; Bro. Room (P.G. Secretary 296—Royal Brunswick,Freemasons' Hall, Surroy-streoli .Shoffield Middlesex), and others. The Lodge was opened, and the minutos of 297—Witham , New Masonic Fall, Lincoln 302—Hope, New Ma?.- nic Hall, Darley-street, Bradford the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Lodge was advanced , S07—Prince Freder' -J:, White Horse Hotel, Hebden Bridge and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro. Toulmem acting as 382—Royal Un:on, Ch .quers 1 otel, Uxbridge. (Instruction) candidate. The W.M. gave the explanation of the . 411—Commercial, i _ ing Hor 3 Hotel, Nottingham The Lodge was closed in the 2nd degree, and Bro. S.W. was elected 481—St. Peter, Mr*o -, Hall, Maple-street , Newcastle 502—B j ctituc'e, Tc Hall, Rugby W.M. for the next meeting, and gave notice that the ceremony of 687—Howe, Masonic Hall, New-street,'Birmingham raising would be rehearsed . It was unanimously decided that the 589—Druids of Love • nd Li'ie ility, Masonic Hall. Rodruth Lodge take a share in the Second Langton Benevolent Association 665—Montague, Roya Lion, ) rmo Regis now being formed. Bro. Room expressed the great pleasure he had 721—Indeper dence. Masonic Chambers, Eastgaie-r.iw-iiorth, Chester 724—Derby, "lasonic Hall, Livorr >ol at 8. (Instruction) experienced in visiting the Lodge, and congratulated the members on 797—Hanley, Hanley Hall, .• rti- outn its excellent working. Soon afterwards the Lodgo was closed; 327—St. John, Masonic 'i c ..>pl o, Halifax-road, Dawsbury Brethren desirous of joing the Second Langton Benevolent Associa- 893—Meridi' , National School Room, Millbrook , Cornwall tion now being formed should apply to the Hon. Secretary, Brother 949—Williamson, St. Stephen School , Monkweiirmouth, Durham i021—Hartington , Masonic Ha.I , diatom UJIHQ Buildings , Barrow-m-Furcos3 Gordon Smith, 2 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. 1069—United Brothers, Castlo Hotel, Southsea 1112—Shirl ey, Masonic He 'I, Shirley, Hants Duke of Cornwall Lodge of Instruction, No. 1839.— 1174—P entangle, Sun Hotel, Ci .tham The weekly meeting was held on Tuesday, the 3rd inst., at the Qneen 's 1221—Defence , Masonic Hall, G't lton-hill , Looda Arms, Queen Street, Cbeapside, when there were present Brothers 1 753—Travellers, Queen 's Hotel , Manchester [350—Fermor Hesketh, Masonic Hall , LiverpoJi Marcus Preceptor, Foot W.M., Cox S.W., Hart J.W., Williams 1436—Sandgate , A asonic Hail, undgate Treasurer, Miller Secretary, Taylor S.D., Dutton J.D., Plummer l.G., 1449—Royal Milits y, Masonic Hall, Canterbury and several P.M.'s and members. After formalities had been com- 1474—Israel , Masonic Hall, Severn-street, Birmingham plied with, the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro. Dunlop 1477—Sir "Watkm; Masonic Hall, Hold y the ceremony of passing, Brother 1592—Abbey , » uit'olk Hotel , Bury St. Eduiuuds candidate. This was followed b 1611—Eboracum , Masonic Hall, St. Saviourgato, York Enaworth candidate. The Lodge was closed in the 2ud acting as 1S18— Hp.ndyside, Zetland Hotel, Saltbara-by-So.i degree. The 15 sections will be worked here, by the members of iU5U—Wolscy, White Hart Hotel , Harnptoa. W 10k the West Smithfield Lod ge of Instruction , on the 2nd Tuesday in lytj li—Fidelity i; mi Sincerity, Wellington , Sjuaorsot January next. I «77—Blackwater, Blue Boar Hotel, Maldon. It A. 150—Harmony, Haysho , PlyuuuVu It.A. 377—Hope aud Charity, Masonic Unl!, lio Mill Strojc, l£i..M-.nm twlct it.A. 37D—Tynto, Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Stroot , Bath HpO TEE DEAF.—A Person cured of Deafness and noises in the It'.A. 557—Valtetort , Masonic Hull , Callington , Cornwall X head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of M..A1. U—Fortescue, Masonic Hall, South Moltou, Dovon it FBES to any Person who applies to NICHOLSON , 21 Bedford Square, W .C 862—Whittington, Red Lion, Poppin's Court, Fleet Street, at 3. (Imt»uo.) M.M. 171—Union , Freemasons' Hall, Union-street, Oldham at 3. (Instruction) , Manchester 002—Burgoyno, Essox Arms, Esses Stroot, Strand, K.T. 5—Jerusalem, Queen's Hotel 1260—John Hervey, Freemasons' Hall, W.O. K.T. 56—Hugh de Payons, Old Bull Hotel, Blackburn 22—Victoria, Ipswich 1306—Lodgo of St. John, Three Nuns Hotol, Aid * '-to, B. R.0. 1475—Peckham. Lord Wellington Hotel, 516 Old Kont Road , at S. (Instruo.) 1521—Duke of Connaught, Royal Ed.vard, Mare Street, Hacknoy. ai 3. ((nst.) 1538—St. Martin 's-le-Grand, Great Eastora H >tol , Livorpool Stroot, E.C. TUESDAY, 10th DECEMBER. 1586—Upper Norwood, Whito Hart HotDl , Upper Nor.vio I 1601—Ravonsbourne , George In-i , Lowisham, at 8. (Instruction) 25—Robert Burns, 8 Tottenham Court Road , W.C., at 8. (Instruction) Southampton-hide's.. Hollwu , H ».7 (Insi) l(iOl—Wanderers, Victoria vlansions Restaurant, Victoria-st., 3.W., at 7.30. (IrJ 65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel, Bar, Holborn Viaduct Hotol 65—Prosperity, City Arms Restaurant, 2 St. Mary Axe, E.C, rl 7. (Inst .) 1010—Northern Aldersgate'streot 1662—Boaconsfiold , Chequers, Marj h Streot, Walthamstow, at 7.3.). (Inst.) 96—Burlington, Albion Tavern , 1631—Londeaborough , Berkeley Arras, John Street, M.iy Fair, at 8. (inst.) 141—Faith , Victoria Mansions Restaurant, Victoria Streot, F.W., at 8 ( nst) 1694—Imperial , Cadogan Hotel, Sloaio Stro3t, Cholso.i 177—Domatic, Surrey Masonic Hall, Camherwell , at 7.30 (Instruction) , W.C 1718—Conturion , Imperial Hotol , Holborn Vi i l-uc 180—St. James's Union, Freemasons' Hall Lathom, Station Hotel, 0 vmberwoll Now Roal , S.K., .-it 8. (In) 188—.Toppa, Manchester Hotel, Aldersgate-street, at 8. (Instruction) 1922—Earl of Lcadenhall-stroot, E.C. 1903—Duko of Albany, 153 Battersoa Park Road , S. W., at 7.3;). (In (traction) \98—Percy, Ship and Turtle, , Welsh Harp, Hendou , at 8. (Instruction) 211—St. Michael's, Albion, Aldersgate-street, E.C. 2206—Hendon , Camden Town, at 8. (Inst ) R.A. 177—Domatic , St. James's Rostauraut, Piccadilly, W., at 8. (luit.) 212—Euphrates, Mother Red Cap, High Street , Goose and Gridiron , Sc. Paul's Churchy ar I , at 7. (Inst.) Strength , Guildhall Tavern , Groshatn-strojt , City R A. 720—Panmuro 223—United R A , 202 Whitechapel Road, E., at 7.30. (Instruct on) 236—Nine Muses, Willis's Rooms, St. James's ! . 933—Doric Deptford M.M.—Thistle, Freemasons' Tavern , W.C, at 8. (Instruction) 648—Wellington, White Swan, Metropolitan, Masonic Hall, 33 Goldon-squaro 654—Yarborongh , Green Dragon, Stepney (Instruction) R O. 1—Grand Maida Hill, at 8 763—Prince Frederick William, Eagle Tavern, Clifton Road, 54—Hopo, Spread Eaglo Inn, Ohoetham Stroot, ROJ I I I \ ' i (Instruction) Bull's Head Inn, Bradshawg.ita, B >h i Greyhound Richmond, at 7.30 (Instruction) 146—Antiquity, 820—Lily of Richmond , , 191—St. John, Knowsley Hotel , Haymarkot Stroj S, iJ i •/, Liiic '. ihivo 834—Ranelagh, Criterion , W. 204—Calodonian, Freemasons' Hal l, Ma icuostjr 860—Dathonsie, Middleton Arms, Middleton Road, Dalston , at 8 ( Inst.) •210—Duke of Athol, Bowling Green Hotel, Doutoa Threadnoedle Street E.G., at 7. (Instruction) 861—Finsbury, King's Head, , 225—St. Luke's, Coach and Horses Hotol, Ipswich 933—Doric, Anderton's Hotel, Fleet-street, E.C. ' . Alma Road Wandsworth (Instruction) 274—Tranquillity, Boar's Head Inn, Nowclmroh, niii- MiiJ nitJr 1014—Wandsworth , East Hill Hotel , 281—Fortitudo, Masonic Rooms, Athonioum , Liacastjr 1196—Urban , Freemasons' Hall, W.C. Henr.otta-stroot at 8 (instruction) 288—Harmony, Masonic Hall, Todtnordeu 1321—Emblematio, Mona Hotel, . W.C, . 290—Huddersfiold, Masonio Hall, South Parade, Hi I brjdol i Canning Town , at 7.30 (In3truc ion) 1349—Friars, Liverpool Arms, . 493—Sympathy, Old Falcon Hotel, Gravosoad 1446—Mount Edgcumbe, Three Stags, Lambeth Road, S.W., at 8. (Inst.) Aldersgate Streot, at 7. (Ins truction) 567—Unity, Globe Hotol , Warwick 1471—Islington, Champion, 625—Dovonshiro, Norfolk Hotol, Glossop 1472—Henley, Three Crowns, North Woolwich. (Instruc tion) Borough High Street, at 8. (Instruction) 666—Bonevolenco, Private Rooms, Princo Town, Dartmoor 1510—Chaucer, Old White Hart, 750—Friendship , Freemason' Hall, Railway-street, Olociclw.v.-in 1593—Royal Naval College, Ship H >tel , Greenwich Hall, 758—Ellesmere , Masonic Hall, Runcorn, at 7.3J. ([intrusion) 1604—Wanderers, Freemasons' W.C. Lodgo of Friendship, Steyno lloiol, Wort'v.i 1614—Covent Garden, Criterion, Piccadilly 851—Worthing ' Masonic Hall, Air-streat, W. 852—Zetland , Albert Hotel, New Bailoy-streot, Salford 1668—Samson, Regent 854—Albert , Duke of York Inn, Shaw, noj,r Oldii ia 1695—New Finsbury Park, Hornsey Wood Tavern, Finsbury Park, at 8. (Inst.) 072—St. Augustine, Masonic Hall, Ciuwroai-/. i luurus'/i i i) 1839— Duke of Cornwall, Queen's Arms, Queen Street, E.C, at 7. (In.) 1018_Shakespearo , Freemasons' Hall, Salem-streot , Bradford 1919—BrixtOD, Prince Regent, Dulwich Road, East Brixton , at 8 (Instruction) Hall Instruction, White Hart, Cannon Street at U.3J 1031—Fletcher , Masonic , New-street, Birmingham Metropolitan Chapter of , 1060—Marmion , Masonic Rooms Church-street , Tamworth R.A. 145—Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall, W.C. 1064—Boroug h, Bull Hotel, Burnley R.A. 185—Jerusalem, Freemasons' Tavern , W.C 1091—Temple , Masonic Hall, Liverpool R.A. 704—Camden, the Moorgate, 15 Finsbury Pavoment, E.C, at 8. (Inst.) R.C. 71—Bavard, Masonic Hall, 33 Golden-square 1101—Grey Friars, Masonic Hall, Reading 1209—Lewises , Royal Hotel, Ramsgate 93—Social, 23 St. Giles Street,'Norwich 1248—Denison , Masonic Hall, Scarborough 126—Silent Temple, Cross Keys Inn, Burnley 1264—Neptune, Masonic Hall, Liverpool , w, 7. (tmtr-iotioa) 131—Fortitude , Masonic Hall, Truro 1342-Walker , Hope and Anchor Inn, I3yk3r, Xj .voa-jtlo 1 184—United Chatham of Benevoleuoo, AsioJa'jly SOJU. ;, O'.d B.'om iton.Koit 1358-De Grey and Ripon, 140 North Hill ^-^, I )^3"A P.«k, Liverpool 241—Merchants, Masonio Hall, Liverpool 1393—Baldwin , Dalton Castle, Dalton-ia-Faivuss 272—Harmony, Masonio Hall, Main Rid?e, Bo3toa 1403—West Lancashire, Commercial Hotel , Oivaiia^ 284—Shakespeare, Masonic Rooms, Hi^h-striet , Wuwij'c 1 424—Brownrigg, Assembly Room J, 0.1 .{ .•> ,i > : ,i, J i xi'r. i a 373—Socrates, George Hotel, High-street, Huntingdon 1431—Nottinghamshire, George Hotol, Njttin 3'.n a 406—Northern Counties, Masonic Hall , Miple Strajt , N jwj .ut'o (Instruct.) 1511—Alexandra , Hornsea, Hull (ImoriiH ) i) 432—Abbey, Newdegate Arms, Nuneaton 1520—Earl Shrewsbury, Public, Room3, Canawc, iji 'l >r.l 44h —St. J ames, Freemasons' Hall, St. John's Placo, Halifax 1517—Liverpool , Masonic Hall, Livorpojl. 463—East Surrey of Concord , Greyhound Hotel , Croydon, at 7.15. (Inst.) 1582—Llanidloes , Trewy then Arms, Llanidboa 47 3—Faithful , Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham 1043—Perseverance , Masonic Hall, Hoobara-o x- " y i J. 495—Wakefield , Masonio Hall, Zetland Street, Wakefield 1092—Hervey, White Hart Hotel, Bromb/, iC)u 603—Belvedere, Star Hotel, Maidonhead 1734—Trinity, Golden Lion Hotol, R-iybi^a 610~St. Martin, Masoni c Hall, Liskeard 1947—Stanford , Town Hall, Hovo 603—Zetland , Royal Hotel, Chockhoaton. 2016—Robinson , Masonic Room, Maidiioao, [Ciat 626—Lansdowne o" Unity, Town Hall, Onippsnim 2216—Egerton , Bull's Head Hotel , Swinton , near ALvuhcJtar 650—Star in tho East, Pier Hotel, Ha rwich U.A. 62—Social , Queen's Hotel , Piccadilly, Manchester 196—St. Bartholomew, Anchor Hotol , Wo boj'o.iry R.A. 88—Pythagoras, Red Lion Hotel, Cambridge 726—Staffordshire Knot, North Wo-storn Hotol , i , iTir I U.A. 251—Loyalty and Virtue, Freemasons' Hall, Barnstaplo 779—Ferrers and Ivanhoe, Town Hall , Ashbv- b-l \, -6 ).uh it.A. 320—Integrity, Junction Inn, Mottram t 92—Royal Edward, Royal Oak Hotel, L .¦oiniusfcor U.A. 350—Meribah, Grapes Inn, Stoneclough, near Maach03tor 903— tksport, India Aran Hotel, High-streos , Goipo.-t It .A. 073—St. John, Masonio Hall, Liverpool 1024—St. Peters, Masonic Hall , Maldoo. U.A. 703—Clifton, Clifton Arms Hotel , Blackpool 1120—St. Milburga, Tontino Hotjl, Iroabri I * J it. A. 709—Invicta , Bank Streot Hail , Ashford I860—Gilbeit , Masonic Rooms, Saukoy, Gi-oouh.ill Sirja'i, Wamivto U.A. 1973—Sayo and Sele, Masonic Uuotns , liolvelere, Koat 1280—Walden, Rose and Crown Hotel/Saffron Waldoa M.M. 192—St. Cuthbert, Masonic Hall, Tba P-u-ab. tSjcvms Jo T.> ~o tnBley 214 Gt. Homer Street, Liverpool , at d. (Instruction) 1343—St. John', Masonic Hall , Grays, Essex. (Instruction) 1347—Lome , Greyhound Hotel, Cuckfield , Surrey THURSDAY, 12th DECEMBER. 1 65-CXkenden , Talbot Hotel, Sutton , Sussex 19—Royal Athelstan , City Terminus Hotol, Caanoti-atroat 1509—Madoc^ , Queen's Hotel, Portmadoa at a (Instriution) 1545—Baildou o7—Vitruvian , Whito Hart, Collogo-dtrooc, Laaioath, , Masonic Room, Northgato, Baildon Ul-St. Luke, White Hart, King'a-road, ChoUea, at 7.30. (Instruction) 1638—Brownrigg, Aloxandra Hotol , Park Road N jrbiton, at 8. (Instruction) l i7—Justice, Brown Boar, High Stroot, Doptfo rd, at 8. (Instruction) 1678—Tonbridge , Masonic Hall. Tonbrid*o 206—Friendship , Ship and Turtlo,'.LoadoahaU-4trJ3t, E.G. "-W^aham, Walton Institute, Walton , Liverpool 238—Pilgrim , Freemasons' Hall W.C. i^- Clit' . i99?~~£™° "' ton (JJorliLg 's) Hotel , Walton on tao Naze 263—Bank of England, Albion Tavern, Aldorsgato-streot . E.O. WareBce Masonic Hall, Ularo, Suffolk :3o—Salisburv, Union Tavern. Au'-strooc. Uogouc-dtreet, W., at 8. (Inat.) ™ S ert JIasonic' v1 «• a i • ' Boouis, Beech Street, Heme Bay, Kent 534—Polish National, Freemasons' Hall, W.O. .U4t>—surbiton , Spread Eagle Coffee Tavern, Surbiton. (Instruction; 657—Canonbury, Albion, Aldersgate-street R.A. 43—Fortitude, Great Western Hotel , Birmmgham 704—Camdon , Lincoln's Inn Restaurant, 305 High Holborn, at 7 (lastructiou) s 110 T> & IT ' -""y8 Masonic Temple, Princes Street, Plymouth 749—Belgrave, The Clarence, Aldersgate Street, E.C. (lastrue:ion) . K.A. m—Integrity, Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, Manchester 761—Hign Cross, Coach and Horsos, Lower ToctonU-t m, at 8 (instruction) it.A. 2bo-Judca, Masonic Club, Hanover Street, Keighley 800—Dalhousio, Anderton's Hotel, Flcot-strjet, B.C. R.A. 289—Fidelity, Masonic Hall, Carlton Hill , Leeds 879—Southwark , Southwark Park Tavern H.A. 324—Reason , Wellington Inn, Caroline Street, Stylbridgo S7i)~ Southwark, SirGarnot Wolseley, Warndon S6., RothorhithoNowRd. (In) u.A. 402—Royal Sussex, Masonic Hall , Nottingham ' 1017—Montefloro , St. James's Restaurant, Piccadilly, at 8. (luitraotiou) R.A. 537—Zion , 9 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead 1076—Capper , Guildhall Tavern, Grosham-stroot , '^1.0. R.A. 540—Stuart , Bedford Una—Soiuueru Star, Sir Sydney Smith , Choi'.or St., Keaaiugtoa, at 3. (la.) R .A. 001-Tyne, Masonic Hall , AVcllington Quay, Northumberland 1216—Macdonald , Head Quarters 1st Surrey Hilled , Ca no jrvvoil AJ '-vr ' i ?r , • be0I'ge s, Masonic Hall, Uaiuly Street, Exeter Ii7S—Burdett Coutts, Swan Tavavu, Bjt.in ti I}WH AO \ I, 15., -.vo i. (Cmtruct) M.A1. lo2—Dover and Ciuquo Ports, Royal Oak Hotel , Dover 1300—St. John, Threo Crown3 Tavern, Mile End Uoa.l, K, (itisoruction) B.C.—Liverpool, Masonic Hall , Liverpool lotiO—Royal Arthur, Prince of Wales Hotol , Wimbledon , at 7.30. ([ait) 1125—Hyde Park, The WestbournCj Cravon-road, Paddington 1426—The Great City, Masons' HaU, Masoiw' Avuuue, E.O., at 6'30. (Inst WEDNESDAY, 11th DECEMBER. 1 558—Duko of Connaught, Surrey Masonic HaU, Oamborwoll, S.is. laos—D . (Jounaught , PaiiuorstouArma , Groaveuji' Paris:, iJiv.atj .ii- .Yod, v*- 3 (In) Committee Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution, Froooiasons' Hill, a!; 4 1571—Leopold , Austin's Hotel, 7 London Streot, E.G., at 7.30. (Instruction) 3—Fidelity, Freemasons' Hall, W.O. Iwi—Sir Hugu Myddelton , Whito Horso Tavern, Livorpool tiJAd (oortio c of 3-Fidelity, Alfred, Roman Road , Barnsbury, at 8. (Instruction) Theberton Street) N„ at a. (instructiou; 11—Enoch , Freemasons' Hall, W.C. 1612—West Middlesex , Boll Hotol , Ealing Doan, at 7.45. (Instruction) 13—WnterJo? , Union Masonic Hall, Wdlia-u Strjji, W olw.cU lull-Covent Garden , Criterion , W., at 3. (instruction) 15—Kent , 1\>22— Rose, Stirhng U:i3tlo Hotel , Cnurch Streot, Oajnorwoll . (Instruction) ' Freemasons' Hall, W.C. .) 30-Unitcd Mariners ', The Lugard , Peckham , at 7.30. (Instruction) two—Tredogar, Wellington Arms, Wellington Road, Bow, E., at 7.3' . (Iu.) it—Rcyal Jubilee. Mitro, Chancery Lane, W.O., at 8. (Instruction) 1073—Langton , White Hart, Abchurch Lane, E.G., at 5.3;). (Instruotiou) /3—Mount Lebanon , George Inn , High Street, Uwjagh, at 8. (Inst) l'i/7—Crusaders , Old Jerusalem Tav., St. J-jaa's vj-anj , Ctorkiawell , A' J O.' (Cu) 87—Vitruviarj , White Hart, College Streot, Lambeth 1703—Plucknctt, Bald Faced Stag, East Fiuoulo/ 147—Jus! ice, White Swan , High Street , DjotEnvl 1/41—Royal Savoy, Bluo Post, Charlotte Streot, W., at (laatrtwiioaj 193—Confidence, Hercules Tavern , Leadei.h'all Street , at 7. (Instmctbn) 701—Creaton , Freemasons' jHall, W.C. 228—United Strength, Tho Hope, Stanhono Stroat , Regent's Pa rk, at 8 (Inst) 1/Bi—Creaiou , Whoatshoaf Tavot-u, Uoidhawk U)al, Shepherds Bush. (l ist) £38—La J olerance, I'oitliind Hotel, Great Portland Street, at 8. (Inst) I '.'OO— Southgato , Railway Hotel, New Southgaw, at 7.30. (instruction} /iO—Panmure , Balham Hotei , Balham, at 7. (Instruction) 1037—Strand , The Criterion , Piccadilly 781—Mcrchatt Navy, Silver Tavern, Bardett Ron I , K . 1U90-Priory, Borrymead Priory Constitutional Club, Higu-st,, Acton, (inst.) 81 3—New Concord , Jolly Farmors, Southgate-road, N. (Instruction) R ,A. 72—Royal Jubilee, Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Streot jjtA.t 79—Pythagorean , Dover Castlo, Broadway, Deptforl , at 8. (Inst). ' William, Lord's Hotel, St. John's Wood at 3 PHSfliiPI R.A.* 753—Prince Frederick , . (In-? T&r ra^W^fTll'S F R.A. 1471—North London, Northampton House, St. Paul's Road, Cauonbury, alb ri!bbi?i Jld yi3 O wnituw iuLb p 8t 8; (Instruction) A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence. M.M. 86—Samson and Lion, Masons' Hall, Masons' Avonuo, E.C. publishod with the Special Sanction of le Reports a Uuitod Grand Lo lgo are K.T. 117—Now Temple, Inner Temp , London II. R.H. tho Prince of Wales the M.W. tho Grand Master of England. 36—Medira, 85 High Street, Cowes CHRONICLE will he forwarded direct 97—Palatine, Masonio Hall, Toward Road, Sunderland Tl il E FREEMASON'S 112—St. George. Masonic Hall, Foro-stroet Hill, Exeter 1 from the Office, Belvidare Works, Hermes Hill, Pentonville. N., 139—Britannia, Freemasons' Hall. Surrey Street, ShVIbhl of Post Otfioe Order for the amount. Intending Sub- , on receipt 203—Ancient Union , Masonic Hall Liverpool (Instruction) their full Addresses, to prevent mistakes. , aoribers should forward 215—Commerce, Commercial Hotol Haslingden W. MORGAN^ , 216—Harmonic, Adelphi Hotol, Liverpool Post Office Orders to be made payable to W. 24f>—Mariners, Masonic Hall, Liverpool, at 8, ("n3traction) at Ponton Street Office. Cheques crossed " Loudon and County." 333—Royal Preston , Castlo Hotol, Preston The Terms of Subscription (payable in advance) to T HE FRKK - 339_Unanimity, Crown Hotel, Penrith, Oa-u'iarl iul MASON 'S C HRONICLE are— 469—Hundred of Elloe, Masonic Rooms, London Rwl, Sodding 477—Mersey, 55 Argyle-street, Birkenhead. Twelve Months post free - - £0 13 6 Masonio Hall, Oaroliaa Straj -, , 546—Etruscan , , L >n*lvi , SiVro.'d ditto - 0 7 0 732—Royal Brunswick, Royal Pavilion, Bri.jut m Six Months, 739—Temperance Masonic Room, New-street, Birmingham Three Months ditto . 0 3 6 784—Wellington, Masonic Rooms, Park Stroot, Doal 780—Croxteth United Service, Masonic HaU, Li voroool 945—Abb ey , Abbey Council Chamber, Abingdon, Berks 971—Trafalgar, Private Room, Commercial Stroot, Batley SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEME NTS- 991—Tyne, Masonic Hall, Wellington Quay, tforsh i n 'ladiul Per Page £8 8 0 1035—Prince of Wales, Masonic Hall, Kirkl da, Liverpool 1055—Derby, Masonic Rooms, Bedford SfcroaS . Bury Now Roil, iI:inchest or Back Page ...... £10 10 O 1098—St. George,Private Room, Temporaueo Hjtal , Tmlo^ir, Moa. 1144—Milton , Commercial Hotol, Ashcon-ua br-Lyio Births, Marriages and Deaths, Is per line. Red Lion Hotel, Accringtou 1145—Equality, General Advertisements, Trade Announcements, <$so., single 1147—St. David, Freemasons' Hall, Manchester. 1182—Duke of Edinburgh, Masonic Hall, Liverpool column, 5s per inch. Doable oolamn Advertisements Is 1204—Royd , Imperial Hotol, Malvern , WorJOJiorshira per line. Special terms for a series of insertions on 1273—St. Michael, i ree ChurohSchool Rio ui , Sitti lglmruo application. 1369—Bala , Plasgoch Hotel, Bala 1416—Falcon , Masonio HaU, Castlo Yard, Tairslc Advertisers will find THE FBEEIWSON'S CHRONICLE an exceptionally 1467—Bagshaw , Public HaU Loughtou good medium for Advertisements of every class. 1514—Thornhill , Masonic Room, Dearn House, Liudloy 1580—Cranbourno, Rod Lion Hotel, Hatfield, Herts, at 8. (Instruction) 1583—Corbet , Corbet Arms, Towya 1697—Hospitality, Royal Hotel, Watarfoot near Manchester Agents, from whom copies can always be had :— 1782—Machen , Swan Hotel, Col03hill Messrs. CURTICE and Co., 13 Catherine Street, Strand. Andrew's, Cambridgo Hotol, Shojo tefa.au 1817—St. Messrs. H. DARBTSHIRE and Co., 9 Red Lion Conrfc, E.C. 1B92—Wallington , King's Arms Hotol, Carshal'ton. vlustructiou) 1916—Graystono , Foresters' Hall, Whitsdaotj and 43A Market Street, Manchester. R.A. 213—Perseverance, 23 St. Giles Street, Norwich Mr. R ITCHIE, 6 Red Lion Court, E.C. R.A. 275—Perseverance, Masonic Hall, &outh Parade, Huddorafield Messrs. SIMPSON Bros., Shoe Lane. 286—Strength, Green Man Hotel, Bacup. R.A. Mr. H. SIMPSON 7 Red Lion Court , E.C. M.M.—Si. John's, Commercial Hotel, Bolton. , M.M, 16—Friendship , 2 St. Stephen's Street, Devonport Messrs. W. H. SSIITII and Son, 183 Strand. Messrs. SPENCER and Co, 15 Great Qneen Street, W.C. FRIDAY. 13th DECEMBER Messrs. STEEII and JONES, 4 Spring Gardens, Charing Cross. Emulation Lodge of Improvement, Freemasons' Hall, at a Mr. G. VICKERS, Angel Coart, Strand. 134—Caledonian , Ship and Turtle, {Leadenhall-Siraot Mr. H. VICKEHS, 371 Strand. 157—Bedford , Freemasons' HaU, W.C. 137—St. John's, York and Albany Hotel, Regent's Park, N.W., at 8. (Inst) 177—Domatic , Anderton's Hotel, Fleet-street, E.C. 607—United Pilgrims, Surrey Mat,omc Hall, Cauiborwoll, at 7.30. (Inst., 765—St. James, Princess Victoria Tavern, Rothoruitho, at 8. (Instruction) tn U L w 7tSt5_WilUaui Preston, St. Andrew 's Tavern, Goorge St., B& ker St., at 8. | 7so—Royal Allied, Star and Garter, Kow lindgo, at S. (Instruction; 834—Ranelagh , Six Bolls, iiainuiorsmitu. lindtructioui GOUT & RHEUM ATI C PILLS. 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel, Fleet Street, E.C., at 7. (Instruction) most EFFECTUAL CURE for 1185—Lewis, Fishmongers' Arms Hotel, Wood Greou , at 7.30. (Instruction) The SAFEST and 1201—Eclectic , Freemasons' Hall, W.O. GOUT , RHEUM ATISM , and all PAIN S in the HEAD, 1228—Beacontree , Green Man, Loytoustone. (Icstruction) 1293—Royal Standard, Builders Arms, St. Paul's Road , Canonbarv. at 8. (Ir,l FACE, and LIMBS. 1365—Clapton , Whito Hart, Lower Clapton, at 7.30. (Instruction) 1381—Kennington , Tho Horns, Kenuing^oa. (Inatrao-ciou) IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL from the Rev. F. FARVIS, Baptii t 1642—E. Carnarvon, Ladbroke Hall, iSotuug Hill, at d. (Instructiou) Minister. 1901—Selwyn , Montpolier Hotel, Choumont Road, Peckham, at 8 rinst ) Mr. G. EADE. March 19, 18*7. 2000—Earl of Mornington, 8a Rod Liou Square, W.C ' Dear Sir,—I havo many times felt inclined to inform yo-i c- Abbey Westminstor, King ¦•; 2030—The 's Arms, Buckinghama ^aucoPalar-o RoadT?m.,i If , 95-Eastern Star, Hercules Tavern Sciatica, I was advised to uso yonr Pills. I bought a bolt R.A. , Leadenhall Street. (Instruction^ and when iu severe pain and unablo to u?o tho limb i-.Gw'el R.A. 669 -Fitzroy, Headquarters Hon. Artillery Company, City Road E O rr.no • 820—Lily oi Ricnmond, Greyhound 1 took a doso. In a few hours after I felt the rain R.A. , Richmond, ut 8. (Instruction) better, and after the second doso tho pain completely renx.vi- I R.A. 890-Hornsey, Porchester Hotol, Loinstor Place, Clevolaud Sauarp , Paddington, W 4 and the limb restorod to its ricrht uso. I thank you, dear si- . (Instruction) ' for sending forth such a boon for tho relief of human suflc-li:£. R.A. 1275-Star , Stirling Castlo, Church St., Camberwell, at 8. (Instruction) Yours faithfully, R.A. 1339-Stockwell, Wkite Hat t, Abchurch Lane, E.C, at 6. (I-. struct! n F. FAKVIS, M.M.-01d Kent, Crown and Cushion, London Wall, E.C. (Instructiou) ' 2 South View Villas, Baptist Minister. 355—Royal Savoy, M.M The Moorgate, Fiusbury Pavement, B.C., at 7"30. (In \; Burgess Road, Basingstoke. KT< 26—Faith and Fidelity, Cannon Street Hotel, E.C 36-Glamorgan, Freemasons' Hall , Arca.lo, St. Miry's S.roofc , Cardiff PREPARED ONLY BY 155—Perseverance , Masonic Hall, Liverpool 463—Chigweil, Public Hall, Station Road, Loughton, at 7.30. (Instruction) 72 GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON 458-Airo and Calder, Private Rooms, Cuse Strojt, Go lie GEORGE EADE, 526—Honour, Star and Garter Hotel, Wolves im-non And sold by all Chemists and Medicino Ven d rs.

    662—Dartmouth, Dartmouth Hotol, West Broaiwich IN BOTTr/E Sfi ut Is lid and 2s Od e ach . 815—Blair , Town Hall, Stretford-road , Hulma 916—Hartington, Burlington Hotel, Eastbourao 1001—Harrogate and Claro, Masonic Uoo:m, p.irl;a ami Ss.-ji t, Hirro ».ita THI S valuable medicine, discovered and 1087—Beaudesert , Assembly Room3, Cora Kxoaiagj, Liigat ja B izz ird invented by Mr, RICHAMJ FBEEMAN in 18-M, 1102—Mirfield , Assembly Rooms, Eastthorpe, Mirflold introduced into India and Egypt in 1850, and sub- 1121—Wear Valley, Masonic Hall , Bishop Auckland sequently all over the world, maintains its supre- 1289—Rock , Royal Rock Hotel, Rock Ferry macy as a special and specific Remedy for tho General Lodgo of Instruction, Masonic Hall, Now Street Treatment and Curo of Coughs, Colds, Consump- , Birmingham , at 8 tion, Cancer, Bronchitis, Asthma, Aguo, Soro R.A. 406—De Sussex, Masonic Hall, Maple Street, Newcastlo Throat, Influenza , Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Asiatic Cholera, Colic, Gout, and all Fevers. At Is l$d, 2s Od , -Is 6d , lis, and 20s per bottle. SATURDAY , 14th DECEMBER FREEMAN 'S Sold by Patent Medicine Bentes in all parts of 108—London , Ship and Turtle, LeadenhaU-streec tho world. 173—Phoenix , Freemasons' Hall, W.C. N.B.—Lord Chancellor Sellvrne, Bord Jnstico 176—Caveac , Albion Tavern, Aldersgate-street ORIGINAL James, and Lord Justice Moltish decided in favour 179—Manchester , 8 Tottenham Court Road, W.C, at 8. (Ji struction) of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHI.ORODYNE, and 198—Percy, Jolly Farmers', Southgate Road, N., 8. (Instruction) against Brown mul Daver.ycrt. compelling them to 1276—Star, Dover Castle, Deptford Causeway, S.E., at 7, (Instruction) CHL0R0DYNE , payall costs in t: c suit. —tfa> Timesci 21th July 1873. 1288—Finsbury Park, Cock Tavern, Highbury, at 8. (Instruction) 1364—Earl of Zetland, Royal Edward , Triaugle, Hackney, at 7. (Instruction) 1426—The Great City, Cannon Streot Hotol 1612—West Middlesex, Tho Institute, Ealing MASONIC LITERATURE. 1624—Eccleston, Crown and Anchor, 79 Ebury Street, S.W., at 7. (Inst) rSTANTED.—To Parch-ise, for Cash , O LD BOOKS ON FREEMASONRY , 1671—Mizpah , Albion Hotel, Aldersgate-street T V State full Title, Date, and stylo of Binding ; with prices required. 1830—Duko of Cornwall, Freemasons' Hall, W.C. Uldress F. "VV., 41 Thornhill Square, Bamsbury, Loudon , N. 1928—Gallery, Brixton Hall, Acre Lane, Brixton Four days' silence a negative. 1964—Clerkenwell, Holborn Viaduct Hotel, E.C. 2012—Chiswick, Windsor Castlo Hotel, King Street, Hammersmith, at 7.30 (In) R.A.—Sinai Union, Air Streot, Rogont Street, W „ at 8. (Instruction) Wanted to Purchase. 2069—Prudence, Masonic Hall, Leeds FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE and MASONIC MIRROR. The R.A. 811—Yarborough, Royal Pavilion, Brighton Volume for July to Doecmbor 1863, Address, statiug price asked, W„ M.M. 14—Prince Edward's, Station Hotel, Stansfiold, Office of the FRBEITASOS'S CHBOHICII K, Bolvidoro Works, Hormes Hill, Todmorden Pentonville, London, N. LIST OF RARE AND VALUABLE WOR KS ON FREEMASONRY Offered for Sale, at the pices annexed , at the office of the FREEMASON S CHRONICLE, Belvidere Works, Hermes Hill, Pentonville, N.

    197 Masonic Reoords. 1717-1886. By John Lane. ... Ill 6 325 Rawlinson's sketoh of Freemasonry. 1859. 0 7 6 326 Oliver. Mirror for the Johannite Masons. 1848. 0 7 6 363 The Engraved LiBt of Regular Lodges for A.D. 1734. 0 5 0 In Facsimile. "With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes 327 Oliver. . 1841. 0 7 6 by William James Hughan, Past Senior Grand Deacon of 329 Laurie, Wm. Alex. History of Freemasonry and the 0 15 0 England ; Past Senior Grand Warden of Iowa, Ac. ; P. Prov. . With portraits, plans, Ac. 1859. S.G.W. and P. Prov. G. Sec. of Cornwall, Ac, Ac. London, 330 Calcott, Wollins. Candid disquisition of the principles 0 10 6. 1839. and practices of the Ancient and Honourable Society of 371 The Constitutions of the Freemasons. Containing the 10 10 0 Free and Accopted Masons. 1769. History, Charges, Regulations, Ac, of that Most Ancient 331 History of Freemasonry, with an account of the Grand 0 12 6 and Right Worshipful Fraternity. For tho uso of the Lodgo of Scotland, from 1730 to the present time. 180-4. Lodges. London : Printod by William Hunt? for John 332 Legret. Le troubadour Franc-Macon. 0 7 6 Senox at the Globo, and John Hooke. at the Flo>^er-de-Luce 333 Oliver. Antiquities of Freemasonry. 1823. 0 15 0 over-agavnst St. Dtmstan's Church, in Fleet-, reet, in the year of Masonry, 5723. Anno Domini, 1723. 334 La lire Maconne, on recueil de chansons des Frano 0 17 6 This was tho first Edition of the Constitutions publishod. Masons. A la Haye, 1787. 335 Vassal. Conrs complet de Maconnerie, on histoire 15 0 374 Themis Anrea, Laws of the R.C. Book Plate of 2 12 6 generalo de l'initiation depuis son origine. Paris, 1832. tho Duko of Sussex. London, 1656. 336 Taylor, T. Dissertation on the EleuBinian and Bacchio 15 0 Mysteries. 270 Cross, Jeremy L. The True Masonio Chart, or Hiero- 0 17 6 337 Onvaroff. Essays on the Elensian Mysteries. Trans- 15 0 glyphic Monitor ; containing all the emblems explained in lated by J. D. Price, with observations by J. Christie. 1817. the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, Master 338 Oliver. Historical Landmarks. 2 vols. 1846. 2 5 0 Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, Royal Master, and Select Master ; designed., and 339 Maier, Von Joseph Aloisius. Ueber Jesuiten, Frey- 110 duly arranged , agreeable to the Lectures. To which are ad- maurer, und Deutsche Rosencreutzer. Leipzig, 1781. ded Illustrations, Charges, Songs, &e. (Contains 44i ,n;es 340 Freemason's Pocket Companion. Institution of the 1 10 0 plates, and frontispiece). Second edition. New Haven, V.10. Grand Lodge of Scotland. Lists of Grand Masters in Scot- 271 The Symbols and Legends of Freemasonry. By Bro. 0 5 6 land and England. Songs, Ac. Edinburgh, 1761. J. Finlay Finlayson. Hlustrated by Walter Willis, Esq., 341 Oliver. Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry. 1853. 0 15 0 with 15 full page drawings and many woodcuts. 342 Dupontes. Travaux Maconniques et philosophiques. 1 10 0 272 Masonio Portraits. Sketches of Distinguished Free- 0 3 6 3 vols. 1819. masons. Crown 8vo., cloth gilt. Reprinted from the 343 Preston's Illustrations. 1812. 0 6 0 " Freemason's Chronicle." 1876. 273 Do. do. Second Series. Crown 8vo., cloth gilt. 0 3 6 344 do. New Edition by Oliver. 0 13 6 1879. 345 Grant. Mysteries of all Nations. 0 12 6 274 Do. do. The Two Series, elegantly bound in 1 0 0 346 Taafe, John. History of the Holy Military and 1 15 0 Morocco, gilt edges, for Presentation. Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; or Knights 275 Uniformity of Masonio Ritual and Observance. By 0 2 6 Hospitallers, Knights Templars, Knights of Rhodes, Knights Bro. James Stevens, P.M. P.Z., &c. Crown 8vo., cloth of Malta, Ac. With plates. 2 vols. 1852. lettered. 1879. 347 Constitutions, oootland. Frontispiece and plates. 1852 0 5 fa 278 Tasohenbuoh fiir Freimaurer fur. 1801. 0 7 0 348 Two Addresses. By Killiok and Bryan. 8vo. London, 0 2 0 279 Stiller. Deutsche Biicherknnde der Freimaurerei and 0 10 6 1804. der in wirtel. od. vorgebl. 1830. 349 Bellamy. Ophion or Theology of the Serpent. 8vo. 0 5 0 280 Retold, E. Histoire generate de la Franc-maconnerie. 0 7 6 London, 1811, 1851. 350 Dnpuis. Origine de tons les Cultes. Abrege. 2 vols. 0 12 6 281 Polak, M. S. Die Tapis in ihrer hist.—padag., 110 in 1. Calf, lettered. Bruxelles, 1827. wissens-Chaftl. u. moral. Bedentung, od. Geschichte der 851 Reoherches snr les Initiations anoiennes, &o. 1779 ... 0 4 6 Urreligion als Basis der Freimaurerei. 1855, 353 St. Nicaise. 12mo. 1786 0 3 6 282 Bruder, G. 4 Reden in d St. Job. Lodge. 1816. 0 7 6 355 Fessler's eammtliche Sohriften. 3 vols, in 4. With 0 11 0 284 Brtider, die theoretischen, oder 2 Stufe der Rosen- 0 7 6 MS. key , 12mo. Froitispiece. Berlin, 1801-7. Freiberg, kreuzer u. ihrer Instruktion. 1788. 1807. 286 Boheim, H. M. Answahl von Manrer-Gesiingen mit 2 15 0 356 Mac-Benao, Er lebet in Sotne. 8vo. Leipzig, 1818 0 3 6 melodien der vorzuglichst. Berlin, 1798-99. 357 Versammlnngs reden der Gold und Rosenkreutzer. 0 3 0 287 Abenteuer eines Manrers, znr wanning fiir geweihete 0 8 6 Tignettes. 18mo. Amsterdam, 1799. und profane. 1788. 358 Geist und Wirken des F.M. Vereins. 18mo. 1815. 0 10 288 Leasing, G. E. Ernst n. Falk. Gespraohe f Frey- 0 10 6 360 Essays on various Masonio Subjects (No. 4). By Bro. 0 2 6 miiurer. 1778. Stephen Barton Wilson, P.M., P.J.G.D. of England, and 290 Finch, W. An Elucidation on the Masonio plates. 110 President of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement. 291 Grundlinien des Bildes Fr. II. entworf in d. Loge z. 0 12 6 London, 1804. Aufrient. Herzon zu Frkr-a-O. am 20 Sept.1780; 361 An Address delivered in the Lodge Room at Schenec- 0 2 6 292 Findel, J. G. History of Freemasonry. 0 12 6 tady, the 27th December 1783, on the Festival of St. John 293 Findel J, G. Geschichte der Freimaurerei. Lei 0 10 6 the Evangelist, in the presence of the Officers and Brethren , pzig, of Union Lodgo, No. 1, of the City of Albany, St, George's 1878. Lodge of Schenectady, and several visiting brethren of the 294 Reade, Compton. Basilissa. The Free of a Secret 0 7 6 Most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Craft. (Poem). Oxford , 1869: Masons. By Peter W. Yates, Esq., Counsellor at Law, and 295 Addison, C. G. The Knights Templars. With plates. 15 0 Master of said Union Lodge. Albany, 1784. Reprinted by 18-18. Joel Munsell, Albany, N.Y., 1869. 296 Recueil precienx do la Maconnerie adonhiramite. 4 4 0 364 Almanach od. Taschenbnch f. die Bruder Freymanrer 0 15 0 Contenant les catechisms, Ac Par un Chovalier de tons der vereinigten . Dtsch. Locre f. 1776. les ordres Masonniques. 2 parts. A Philadelphia, 1785. 365 Krause, K. Die drei altesten Koensturkunden der 1 15 0 Recueil de chansons de la tres venerable confrairie des Friemaurorbriiderschaft. Dresden , 1810. Francs-macons, Ac. A Jerusalem, 1772. 366 Do. 3rd edition. Leipzig, 1849. 3 3 0 Manuel des Franches maconnes, on '.a vraie Macon- 367 Lenning. Enclyclopadie de Freimaurerei. 3 vols. 15 0 nerio d'adoption , dedide aux dames. A Philadelphie, 1773. 1822-28. Tho three in one volume, 12mo, old calf. A few pencil marks 368 Taschenbnch fiir Freimaurer for 1826. Dresden 0 7 6 inside, and one page torn at end, otherwise in good condi- tion. 369 Memoirs of the Secret Societies of the South of Italy. 0 15 0 Portraits and Illustrations. 1821. 300 Hutchinson, W. The Spirit of Freemasonry. 1814. 0 7 6 370 Oliver, Rev. G. The Pythagorean Triangle, or the 0 7 6 301 Funk, Z. Geschichte des Bnche. Sarsena, od. der 0 17 6 Science of Numbers. 1875. voltkommene Baumeister. Enth. die Geschichte des Frei- maurer-Ordens, &c. 1838. 375 Oliver, Rev. G. The Book of the Lodge, and Officer 's 0 5 0 Manual ; to which is added, acentury of Aphorisms. 1856. 302 Wren (Sir Christopher) and his times, with illustrative 0 8 6 sketches and anecdotes. 1852. 376 Oliver, Rev. G. Ornaments, Furniture and Jewels ; 0 5 0 a Sermon preached before the P.G. 303 Wilkinson, Sir Gardner. Manners and customs of the 6 10 0 L. of Lincolnshire. 1841. ancient Egyptians. 3 vols. 1817. 377 Oliver, Rev. G. An Account of the Centenary of the 0 7 6 aui u ro8t Witham Lodge ; with the ceremonies used at the dedication , Thomas. The secret societies of the European 0 15 0 and consecration of a now Masonic Hall, and the Oration Revolution. 2 vols. 1876. delivered on that occasion . 1842. 306 Macoy. Masonic Vocal Manual. 1867. 0 5 0 378 Roberts, Rev. George. Freemasonry, a Hand-maid to 0 5 0 307 Macoy. Adoptive Rite. 1874 . 0 8 6 Religion. A sermon proachcd on tho occasion of the dedica- 308 Oliver. Remains of early Masonic writers. 5 vols. 1 10 0 tion of the Silurian Lodge. 1843. 309 Oliver. History of Initiation. 1841. 110 379 Royal Arch Regulations. 8vo. 1843. 0 7 6 310 Constitutions. 1871. 0 15 0 381 The Ancient and Accepted Soottish Rite. Illnstra- 0 15 0 311 Oliver. The Symbol of Glory. 0 10 6 tions of tho Emblems of the Thirty-Three Degrees : with a short description of each as worked under the Supreme 312 Morris. Freemasonry in the Holy Land. 1873. 0 10 6 Council of Scotland. By Bro. J. T. Loth, Ph. Dr., 30°. 313 Freemason (the) . 2 vols. 1882-3. 0 10 6 Representative of the at the 314 Masonic Monthly. 3 vols. 1880-2. 110 Grand Lodge of Scotland ; P.M. Lodgo St. Andrew, No. 48 ; P.H. Royal Arch Chapter St. Andrew, No. 83, Edinburgh ; 315 Oliver, Dr. Signs and Symbols of Freemasonry. 2nd 0 9 0 K.C. ; Knight Templar, Ac, Ac. EditiOD. London, 1875. «$lb Ye Hoke of ye Grand Masonic Fancie Fair, Ulster 0 10 6 382 A sketoh of the History and Persecution of the Knights 0 3 6 Hall, Belfasr. 1883. Templar, being a paper read before the M.E. and Supremo 317 Holmes. Amabel Vanghan, and other tales, with a 0 5 0 Grand Master Sir Knight William Stuart, and Members Masonic memoir of the author. of the Observance, Faith and Fidelity, Mount Calvary, St. George's 319 Mackey's Lexicon of Freemasonry. 0 7 6 , Royal Gloucester, Coteswdld of St. Augustin, Harcotirt, and William Stuart Encampments, Mrs. W. 320 Hyneman. History of Freemasonry. 1878. 0 10 6 Stuart, and a large number of Ladies and Visitors, at the 321 Oliver. Discrepancies of Freemasonry. 1875. 0 5 0 Masonic Union Hall, 14 Bedford Row, on Friday, 11th March 323 Ragon. Orthodoxie Maeonnique. Paris 1853. 0 9 0 1864, being the 551st Anniversary of the Execution of James deMolai, Grand Master of the Order of tho Temple 324 Witt. Les Societes Secretes de at the France et d'ltalie. 0 13 6 time of its suppression in 1313, By Frederick Binckes, Paris 1830. E.C. Mount Calvary Encampment. In ordering from this list it is only necessary to give the number and date of the work required, ^Pjfcfc PHOTOGRAPHIC JapSt CAMERAS LENSE8 ENLARI5ING LANTE,!NS AND " Wwrncim ' > ^Bjl 1 ^Wg Mmi' m\ . Central London Agency for Lancaster's and other Goods. 1 !^p -^Bfl^l^Si f Spi^ P^^^^^ S| LANTERNS, SLIDES, & APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. h|||^^iHBI^i^BK Cheapest House for SECOND-HAND and New Apparatus. '''" l !ll|fc "' '""" 40,000 SLIDES IN STOCK, AND LARGE COLLECTION OF INSTRUMENTS. llllllll^^^l SINGLE LANTERNS, with 3-wick Lamp3, from 30s complete. BI-UNIAL LANTERNS from 5 Guinoas. TRIPLE LANTERNS from 8 Guineas. Wholesale, Retail, ami for Exportation. LANTERNS AND SLIDES ON HIRE. Lists Free. M nUATU^ nrVTAU ( Member of the x DISSOLVING VIEW ARTIST UHA I HANI rtA I Uil V Loot™™' Association ) AND MANUFACTURER, 2nd FLOOR, 22 GRA Y'S INN ROAD, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.


    CARLISLE—Bush Hotel. PROBLEMA " SHIRT. SUTOLIFFE HOLROYD Proprietor. 7Tfjf|f§ " (PATENTED) . TjlAUNG—Feathers Hotel. EASTBOURNE — Pier Hotel, Oavendish Place. View of Sea and Pier. A. TAYLOR Proprietor. EAST MOLESEY —Castle Hotel, Hampton CHAPMA1T, Court Station. Specimen Menus, with f mft\ Tariff, on application. JOHN MAYO Proprietor. STBEET HAVERFORDWEST.—Queen's Family and 7 DENMAM Commercial Hotel. f mi iW' BEN. M. DAVIES Proprietor. , ' HAVEN.—Lord Nelson Hotel. LON DON BRI DGE S. E. MILFORD ||1J | T. PALMER Proprietor. RICHMOND — Station Hotel, adjoins the Nothing tends so much to mar one's appearanco in Evening Dress as a Front struggling to escape Railway Station. Every accommodation from the Waistcoat. for Large or Small Parties. This Shirt effectu lly solves tin t pr blcm. SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel. Good Stabling. FREEMASONS, M. i'.'s, nnd a'l who dress well , will ho convinced of this after a trial, and no other J. J. FILMER Proprietor. shirt will be worn by ihem, ci'.Vr in the '.fvvniins; or the evening. WEST COWES — Gloucester and Globe SEND for rOELI for SELF-MBASTJBEMENT. Hotels. G. A. MTJRSELL, Proprietor.

    ROBINSON & CLEAVER'S FRAZER'S TABLETS. FRAZER'S Purify the Blood, Improve the Com- THE GREAT REMEDY _____ plexion, Insure Good Health. Make CAMBRIC POCKET Work a Pleasure, and Life Enjoyable. BLAIK'S FOR GOUT, SULPHUR Sold by Chemists at 1/lJ, or post free RHEUMATISM, HANDKERCHIEFS. —— 15 Stamps from FJIAZ .» B & Co., 29 Samples and Price Lists, Post Free Ludgate Hill, London. Agents Wanted. SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, TAB LETS Liberal Terms. Wholesale.- The Grocers' GOUT Children's |/3 Hemstitched :— ——— Association, Ltd., London , S.E. ana NEURALGIA. Ladies' ... 2/4* Ladies' 2/IR Gent's ... 3/6 Gent's 4/11 Tho acuta pain is quickly § § AND relieved, and cured in a few- To the QUEEN, &c. W. & J. BALLS , days by this celebrated BOBINSON & CLEAVER, Belfast . Medicine. BOOKBINDERS, These Pills, which are IN ALL BRANCHES. perfoctly harmless, require RHEUMATIC no restraint of diet during Metropolitan Bookbinding Works, , and are certain to AND STRAYS CHIEFLY their use WAIFS 362 GRAY'S INN ROAD , KING'S CROSS. prevent the disease attack- PEOM IHB CHBSS BOABD , by Captain ing any vital part. Sold by Hugh R. Kennedy, Vice-President of the British all Chemists at Is lid and Choss Association. BOOKS BOUND TO ANY PATTERN. PILLS. I 2s 9d per box. LOKDOK : W. W. MOBOAN , Hermes Hill, N . Old Bindings & Libraries Repaired & Docorated. THE THEATRES, AMUSEMENTS , &c. LYCEUM.-At 8, THE DEAD HEART. GARRICK.—At 8, LA TOSTA . ALHAMBRA. — Every evening at 8, Variety entertainment, Two Grand Ballets, &c. ADELPHI.—At 8, LONDON DAY BY DAY. OPEBA COMIQUE. — At 8-30, MADCAP At 7'15, Farce. MADGE. 03 M P IRE.— Every evening, at 8, Varefy CBITEBION.-At 8-15, SUNSHINE. At 8'45, Entertainment , Two Grand Ballets, &c. CASTE. GRAND,-At 7'30, MASTER AND MAN. HAYMAEKET.-At 7.45, DONE ON BOTH CANTERBURY. — Every evening at 7'30, SIDES. At 8*15, A MAN'S SHADOW. STANDARD. — At 7'30, FAUST UP TO Grand Variety Company, &c. DATE. GAIETY.-At 8, RUY BLAS AND THE BLASE LONDON PAVILION. — Every evening, ROUE. SURREY .-At 7'30, THE GOLDEN LADDER. at 8, Grand Variety Company. PRINCESS'S.—At 7-45, THE GOLD CRAZE. PAVILION.—At 7-30, HELD BY THE PABAGON. — Every evening, at 7'30, AVENUE.—At 2-30, THE BELLES OF THE Variety Entertainment, &c. VILLAGE. At 7-45, At ENEMY. CAUGHT AT LAST. MADAME TUSSAUD & SON'S EXHI- 8-30, LA PRIMA DONNA. MOORE AND BURG-ESS MIN- SAVOY. BITION. —Open 10 till 10. Portrait Models —NEW OPERA. STRELS, St. James's Hall. - Every of Past and Present Cebritios. TEBEY'S.—At 8-30, SWEET LAVENDER. ¦ evening at 8 ; Mondays, Wednesdays, and UTOM Tg»OK i3g i .J ,» ¦ —i n ¦—»— mwwa——_——___——¦imm—»¦——— PEINCE OP WALES'. -At 7'30, JOHN Saturdays, at 3 and 8. —L *=M. * SMITH. At 8-15, PAUL JONES. PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE. COUBT. —At 815, HIS TOAST. At 9, AUNT EGYPTIAN HALL.—At 3 and 8, Messrs. JACK. MASKELYNE AND COOKE. Hampshire , I. of Wig ht and, Sussex Count!/ Journal. VAUDEVILLE.—At 8, JOSEPH'S SWEET- Oou.u ervativo organ for the district. Largest and CRYSTAL PAL ACE. — PROMEN- most inlluential circulation. HEART. ADE CONCERT ; Open Daily—PANORAMA ; ST BAND. — At 8, BOYS WILL BE BOYS. Toboggan Slide, Aquarium , Picture Gallery, &c. The Naval Paper of tho Principal Naval Arsenals. At 8'45, OUR FLAT. See " May 's British and Irish Press Guide." TOOLE'S. —At 8, ON TOAST. At 9, THE ST. GEORGE'S HALL.—Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday Evening, One Penny, Saturday Twopence. BUNGALOW. GERMAN REED'S Entertainment. Mondays, SHAETESBUBY. - At 8, THE MIDDLE- Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8. Tuesdays , Chief Offices:—151 Queen Street, Portsea. MAN. Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 3. Bro. R. H OIBBOOK & Sows, Proprietors. BOYALTY.—At 7-45, THE OPERA CLOAK. ROYAL AQUARIUM.-Open at 12 ; close Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport. Agencies At 8-30, THE NEW CORSICAN BROTHERS. 11."30. Constant round of amusements. COMED Y.—At 8, ONE SUMMER NIGHT. iu all the principal towns in the district. At 9, PINK DOMINOES, NIAGARA IN LONDON.- Open Daily, Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the LYBIO.-At 7-40, LOVE'S TRICKERY. At from 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. Grand Panorama Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday 8-30, THE RED HUSSAR. of NIAGARA. Afternoons. SPIERS & POND, Masonic Temples & Banqueting Rooms, FREEMASONS' TAVERN , THE CKITERION , THE HOLBO RN VIADUCT HOTEL.

    ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, MASONIC MANUFACTOKY-JEWELS, CLOTHING, &c. Limited, St. Swithin's Honae, 10 St. Swithin's Lane, E.O. General accidents. I Personal injuries. Railway accidents. I Death by accident. JOS 'EPH J. OANEY, 0. HARDING, Managor. ' JHanut arttintt D: <£oltu $tm tt), MADE WITH BOILING WATER. 44 OHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E. C. SEND TOE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGU E. EPPS'S GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. H. T. LAMB , MANUFACTTJBEE OP COCOA MASONIC JEWELS, CLOTHIN G AND REGALIA, MACE WITH BOILING MILK. 5 ST. JOHN SQUARE , LON DON. " PAINLESS AND PERFECT PRICE LIST, CONTAININO 120 ILLUSTRATIONS, POST FREE ON APPLICATION. DENTISTRY." New Pamphlet, by Dr. GEO. H. JONES, W. W. MORGAN , A F.R.S.L., F.R.M.S., &c, Surgeon-Dentist, 57 Great Russell-street, facing British Museum en- LETTER -PRESS , COPPER-PLATE , LITHOGRAPHIG PRINTER , trance, London, contains a list of Diplomas,- and Silver Medals and other Awards obtained at the Great Internationa Exhibitions. Forwarded gratia BELVIDERE WORKS , and post free. HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE. Her Majesty's Surgeon-Dentist's Testimonial; My Dear Doctor,—Allow me to express my sinoere SUMMONSES, MENU CARDS, &c. ARTISTIC ALLY EXECUTED. thanks for the skill and attention displayed in the Sketches or Designs f or Special Purposes Furnished on Application. coLstruction of my Artificial Teeth, which render my mastication and articulation excellent. I am Books , Periodicals, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Fosters, Billheads , Show cards , &c. glad to hear that you have obtained Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent to protect what I consider the Every description of Printing (Plain or Ornamental) executed in First Class Sty le* perfection of Painless Dentistry. In recognition of your valuable services you are at liberty to use my ESTIMATES SUPPLIED . name. S. G. HTJTOHINS, ESTABLISHED lail . The Birkbeok Building Society's Annual By appointment Surgeon-Dentist to Receipts exceed Five Millions. Her Majesty the Queen. Geo. H. Jones, Esq., D.D.S. BIBKBECK BAN K. — Scientific Department. Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR Laboratory of Experimental Science. TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH, with imme - This is to certify : Th at I have anal THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on diate Possession and no Rent to pay. Appl ysed the Prize DEPOSITS, repayablo or demand. y at the Medal Teeth submitted to me, and find them to be Office of the BIBKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY, 29 composed only of minerals of extreme purity. I TWO per CENT. INTEREST on CURRENT Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. ACCOUNTS calculated on the minimum monthly have also examined and tested your patented pain- balances, when not drn,.. n below £100. less system of adjustment ; it is quite perfect, and is - HOW TO PDRCHASE A PLOT OF the most successful application of scientific laws for The Bank undert .kes for its Customers, free of LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS Oharge, the custody of Deeds, Writings, and other PER securing actual wear and comfort yet introduced. Securities and Valuables ; the collection of Bills of MONTH, with immediate possession , either for Both physically and anatomically they are a Building or Gardening purposes. Apply at the beautiful resemblance to the natural teeth. Exchange, Dividends, and Coupons ; and the pur- Office of the BIBKBECK FBEEHOLS LAND S chase and sale of Stocks, Shares, and Annuities, OCIETY (Signed), Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued. as above. EDWARD V. GA RDNER, F.H.S., M.S.A., The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full parti- Professor of Chemistry, and of Berners College THE BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full par- culars on application. , W. ticulars, post free , on application. , To Dr. Geo. H. Jones, Surgeon-Dentist, FRANCIS RAVENSCROET, Manager. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. 67 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury Squaro, London. Price One Shilling, Free by Post , Price One Shilling. Frse by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps. THE OCCASIONAL PAPERS REVISED BO OK OF CONSTITUTI ONS ; 0N CKITIOALLY CONSIDEBED, THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , „ ' , . . COMPAKEA D WITH THE OLD EDITION. Writtenw expreasly fore deliveryjr in LodgesT , ofcr Instruction. L L A SBEIBS OF ARTICLES, REPEINTBD LONDON : W. W. MORGAN, FROM THE FREEMASON 'S CHRONICLE . BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL, PENTONVILLE , N. AND BY OEDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. LONDON: W. W. MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , PENTONVILLE ; Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can toe supplied SIMPKIN , MARSHALL & Co., 4 STATIONERS ' HALL COURT ; carriage free, at 10/- per dozen. AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS , ¦ ¦ ¦ —'—' ———— ——— —^—— Printed and Published by Brother WILLIAM WBAY MOBOAK, at Belvidere Works, Hermes Hill, Pentonville, Saturday, 7th December 1889.