MOOC Adventures in Signal Processing

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MOOC Adventures in Signal Processing IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE VOLUME 33 NUMBER 4 | JULY 2016 Thomas A. Baran, Richard G. Baraniuk, Alan V. Oppenheim, n higher education circles, 2012 may be known as the “year of the MOOC”; the Paolo Prandoni, and launch of several high-profile initiatives, both for profit (Coursera, Udacity) and Martin Vetterli not for profit (edX), created an electrified feeling in the community, with massive open online courses (MOOCs) becoming the hottest new topic in academic conver- Isation. The sudden attention was perhaps slightly forgetful of many notable attempts at distance learning that occurred before, from campus TV networks to well-orga- nized online repositories of teaching material. The new mode of delivery, however, was ushered in by a few large-scale computer science courses, whose broad success triggered significant media attention [1]. In the debate, some were quick to predict the end of traditional brick-and-mortar universities and marveled at the eagerness with which hallowed institutions wanted to be in the game. Some hailed the free and open MOOCs as the great equalizer, capable of providing underprivileged learners around the world with access to the Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2016.2556004 Date of publication: 1 July 2016 62 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE | July 2016 | 1053-5888/16©2016IEEE highest-quality education. Of course, after a few EPFL’s Digital Signal Processing on Coursera sobering years of experience, neither extreme actu- ally happened; in this article, we share our collec- Overview and goals tive opinion on this topic. The course Digital Signal Processing, by Paolo Prandoni and Martin Vetterli, was first offered on the Coursera platform Introduction in February 2013. At the time of this writing, the class has As teachers of various signal processing cours- completed its fifth edition. We authors are with the EPFL, es, we felt intrigued by the opportunity to bring and the course is based on the residential class COM303 our subject to this new teaching paradigm. Of offered by the Communication Systems Department to third- course, many online resources for signal pro- year undergraduates. For many SysCom students at EPFL, cessing education exist already, including video COM303 represents the first exposure to a higher-level engi- courses developed in the 1980s by the Massa- neering class after two years focused primarily on introduc- chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center tory subjects. COM303 lists calculus and linear algebra as for Advanced Engineering Studies [2], [3], vari- prerequisites and recommends familiarity with probability ous courses available on MIT’s OpenCourse- theory as well. The class is based on the freely available Ware (OCW), a variety of online interactive textbook, Signal Processing for Communications [4], that demos, hands-on tutorials and code samples, we have written. and, of course, many collections of lecture COM303 is a standard undergraduate-level DSP class notes and slides. Still, there was no interactive, with a slight emphasis on telecommunication systems. full-fledged online course on signal process- The syllabus starts off in the discrete-time domain and ing available as the MOOC revolution was uses vector spaces and linear algebra as the framework to unfolding. This presented an interesting chal- introduce signals and signal transforms; as subsequent top- lenge and opportunity. ics are introduced, the goal is to strike a balance between We approached online teaching from solid mathematical foundations and practical applications. different backgrounds and with different When adapting COM303 to the online medium, we decided perspectives, and we all started from our to closely mirror the residential class. We did this for two respective residential classes that range from reasons: primarily, we wanted to produce a package that, mandatory undergraduate-, to master of sci- although aimed at the general public, would retain its focus ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/MILINDRI ence- and doctoral-level courses. Specifi- on theoretical foundations rather than deliver yet another cally, during the last three years, we created hands-on approach to applied DSP, for which countless three MOOCs based on the following residential courses: tutorials are available on the Internet. Additionally, we ■ Signal Processing for Communications (COM303), a man- wanted to experiment with the concept of the “flipped datory undergraduate course taken in the third year at classroom” and be able to minimize standard lecturing to École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the advantage of more question-and-answer (Q&A) interac- Switzerland, became Digital Signal Processing (DSP) tion with on-campus students. on Coursera and has been offered five times since spring 2013. Course organization ■ Discrete-Time Signals and Systems (ELEC301), a manda- tory undergraduate course taken in the second/third year at Outline Rice University, is the basis for the corresponding edX COM303 is composed of 17 lecture days that occur during nine course offered twice since fall 2014. weeks, and, as shown in Table 1, it is structured around nine ■ Discrete-Time Signal Processing (6.341), a first-year grad- thematic modules; each module is split into a varying number uate course at MIT that is the basis for 6.341x, made avail- of small units (the actual videos) with the intent of balancing able on edX and offered twice since fall 2014: once in a the conflicting requirements of a fine-grained subdivision of limited industrial beta format and once as a fully open the material with the “narrative” needed to provide reasonably online course. self-contained mini-lectures. Each lecture day provides stu- The goal of this article is to relate the experience gained dents with the following: in moving “on-campus” material to the MOOC format and ■ three video units (with associated slides; we should men- share the lessons learned, the influence this has had on our tion that we found it very difficult to produce videos last- on-campus teaching. We hope that our MOOC experiences are ing ten minutes or fewer, as per the recommended best valuable to the signal processing community. practices, and average video length is 17 minutes) IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE | July 2016 | 63 we only designed graded homework with either multiple- Table 1. The syllabus for the EPFL course. choice or numerical answers. This somewhat limits the Module Number of Units palette of questions that can be effectively formulated but Introduction 1 has the advantage of providing unambiguous results, which Discrete-Time Signals 3 is important given that the passing criterion for the class is Hilbert Space 3 based exclusively on homework grades. To complement the Fourier Analysis 10 homework, we provide solved problem sets, in which we Linear Filters 12 tackle more articulated questions whose answers require Interpolation and Sampling 6 Stochastic SP 3 derivations and proofs. Image Processing 6 Digital Communication Systems 6 Course evolution The first edition of the online class was offered in Febru- ary 2013, at the height of MOOC hype. Although enrollment ■ additional material in the form of a numerical example or a was definitely massive, so too was the dropout rate. The initial mini-lecture on signal processing applications (see the version of the class was produced under tight deadlines and section “Course Evolution”) required substantial effort and overtime. Successive editions ■ an automatically graded homework set; the passing grade (the fifth run ended in December 2015) have refined the orig- for the class is determined from the cumulative homework inal material in several respects, based on accumulated atten- score. dance data and feedback from students. We are currently in Overall, the course delivers 14 hours of video lectures the process of reworking the material to reformat the class as (using approximately 1,300 slides) and 126 graded quizzes. a potentially self-paced course; a major part of the operation involves modifying the structure of the videos to fit in with Style and format the growing trend of bite-sized lectures. It is said that Pythagoras would impart his lectures hiding behind a curtain, so that his students would concentrate solely Numerical examples on his words. His teaching style was called acousmatic, a One of the most powerful features of DSP formalism is its word indicating an intelligible sound whose source remains independence from any specific programming language; this unseen. In the same spirit, we decided to produce streamlined flexibility, however, also proved to be somewhat of a liabil- video lectures by pairing a slideshow with a simple voiceover; ity for online teaching. We knew that we wanted to provide dynamic annotations drawn by hand are used to underscore working code with which students could play, but we also key passages and elucidate derivations. Production-wise, this tried not to endorse one programming language specifical- choice also enabled us to record and edit the audio in an effi- ly. To remain language agnostic, we realized that we could cient way before “filming” the video annotations. Great effort not assign programming homework because no realistic has been placed into the design of a large number of illustra- autograder could be put in place. Consequently, we initially tions. To achieve a “coherent visual grammar” in the illus- decided to simply complement our lectures with a number trations, we designed a LaTeX package called DSPTricks to of worked-out numerical examples, ranging
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