WM Psychiatry Lakeshore
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Deselection 2011 ‐ WM Psychiatry DISPLAY_CALL_NO TITLE_BRIEF PUB_DATE Fasting girls : the emergence of anorexia nervosa as a WM 11 B893f 1988 modern disease / 1988 WM 11 C524g 1977 Great ideas in psychotherapy / 1977 Forces of habit : drugs and the making of the modern WM 11 C866f 2001 world / 2001 WM 11 G269h 1992 History of hypnotism / 1995 WM 11 M619a 1995 Approaching hysteria : disease and its interpretations / 1995 Traumatic pasts : history, psychiatry, and trauma in the WM 11 T777 2001 modern age, 1870‐1930 / 2001 WM 13 C189p7 1996 Psychiatric dictionary / 1996 WM 13 C744 1977 Concise encyclopaedia of psychiatry / 1977 WM 13 E56.4 2002 v.1‐2 Encyclopedia of psychotherapy / 2002 WM 13 E56.6 2000 v.1‐3 Encyclopedia of stress / 2000 WM 13 E58 1968 Encyclopedia of psychoanalysis. 1968 WM 13 R718e 1991 Encyclopedia of depression / 1991 WM 15 A513d 1952 Diagnostic and statistical manual : mental disorders / 1952 Diagnostic and statistical manual: mental disorders, WM 15 A513d 1965 with special supplement on plans for revision / 1965 WM 15 D536 1987 Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders / 1987 WM 15 D536 1987 Suppl. Diagnostic criteria from DSM‐III‐R. 1987 DSM‐III‐R casebook : a learning companion to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders WM 15 D536 1987 Suppl.2 (third edition, revised) / 1989 WM 15 L678.7 1994 Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms / 1994 WM 15 L679 1989 Lexicon of psychiatric and mental health terms. 1989 WM 15 L679 1994 Lexicon of psychiatric and mental health terms. 1994 Monitoring the future, national results on adolescent WM 16 M748 drug use. 1999 Monitoring the future, national survey results on drug WM 16 M749 use. 1999 WM 17 C953a 2003 Atlas of infant polysomnography / 2003 Atlas : psychiatric education and training across the WM 18 A881 2005 world 2005. 2005 WM 18 H235.9 2005 Handbook of psychiatric education / 2005 Handbook of psychiatric education and faculty WM 18 H236 1999 development / 1999 Study guide and self‐examination review for Synopsis of WM 18 K17s4 1991 psychiatry and Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry / 1991 Training and teaching the mental health professional : WM 18 Y19t 1996 an in‐depth approach / 1996 WM 18.2 B417 2004 Behavioral science / 2004 1 Deselection 2011 ‐ WM Psychiatry WM 18.2 B417a4 2005 Behavioral science / 2005 WM 18.2 B573e2 1997 Electroconvulsive therapy : a programmed text / 1998 WM 18.2 B658 2002 Blueprints Q&A step 3. 2002 WM 18.2 B924e3 1995 Examination notes in psychiatry : a postgraduate text / 1995 WM 18.2 C133p 2002 Psychiatry for the boards / 2002 WM 18.2 E96 2005 Examination notes in psychiatry / 2005 WM 18.2 F144b4 2005 Behavioral science / 2005 WM 18.2 F144ha 1998 High‐yield psychiatry / 1998 200 tips for passing the oral psychiatry boards : meeting WM 18.2 H175t 1997 the ABPN challenge / 1997 WM 18.2 L274 2005 Lange Q & A. 2005 WM 18.2 M123s 2001 Saint‐Frances guide to psychiatry / 2001 WM 18.2 M978b3 2004 Blueprints psychiatry / 2004 WM 18.2 P974a4 2001 Psychiatry / 2001 WM 18.2 P974b 1997 Psychiatry : self assessment and review / 1997 WM 18.2 P974c 2000 Psychiatry : update and board preparation / 2000 WM 20 B645i 1998 Introduction to clinical research in psychiatry / 1998 Boarding time : the psychiatry candidate's new guide to WM 21 M879b3 2003 part II of the ABPN examination / 2003 WM 25 R432 1992 Research designs and methods in psychiatry / 1992 Holding on to home : designing environments for WM 27 C678h 1991 people with dementia / 1991 WM 30 A512.2p 2000 Psychiatric services in jails and prisons / 2000 Private practice handbook : the tools, tactics & WM 30 B885p3 1986 techniques for successful practice development / 1986 Child and adolescent mental health consultation in WM 30 C536 1993 hospitals, schools, and courts / 1993 WM 30 C764 1996 Controversies in managed mental health care / 1996 Ethical and legal issues for mental health professionals : a comprehensive handbook of principles and standards WM 30 E76 2005 / 2005 Managing managed care : a mental health practitioner's WM 30 G653m 1992 survival guide / 1992 Managing managed care II : a handbook for mental WM 30 G653m2 1996 health professionals / 1996 WM 30 H918 2005 Human resources and training in mental health. 2005 WM 30 M294 1995 Manual of clinical hospital psychiatry / 1995 WM 30 M549.3 2005 Mental health information systems. 2005 Mental health policy, plans and programmes : (updated WM 30 M549.45 2005 version) / 2005 WM 30 M549.6 2004 Mental health services : a public health perspective / 2004 Evaluating treatment environments : the quality of WM 30 M694e 1997 psychiatric and substance abuse programs / 1997 WM 31.5 P944 1994 Prevention in psychiatry / 1994 2 Deselection 2011 ‐ WM Psychiatry WM 34 B575p 1997 Pocket psychiatry / 1997 WM 34 B658c 2003 Consultation‐liaison psychiatry : a practical guide / 2003 WM 34 C536 2005 Child and adolescent mental health policies and plans / 2005 Handbook of assessment methods for eating behaviors and weight related problems : measures, theory, and WM 34 H234.8 1995 research / 1995 WM 34 H235 2001 Handbook of cognitive‐behavioral therapies / 2001 WM 34 H321L9 2005 Lecture notes. 2005 Therapist's notebook : homework, handouts, and WM 34 H449t 1998 activities for use in psychotherapy / 1998 WM 34 J52p3 2001 Pocket reference for psychiatrists / 2001 WM 34 K17p 1990 Pocket handbook of clinical psychiatry / 1990 WM 34 K17.7p2 1996 Pocket handbook of psychiatric drug treatment / 1996 WM 34 K55c2 1996 Clinical manual of substance abuse / 1996 WM 34 M294.8 1997 Manual of therapeutics for addictions / 1997 WM 34 M821b2 2002 Blackwell's primary care essentials. 2002 WM 34 M821h 1996 Handbook of medical psychiatry / 1996 WM 34 M821h2 2004 c.2 Handbook of medical psychiatry / 2004 Postgraduate psychiatry : clinical and scientific WM 34 P857 2001 foundations / 2000 WM 34 P974 1993 Psychiatry : diagnosis & therapy / 1993 WM 34 S158r 2001 Rating scales in mental health / 2001 WM 34 W813c3 2000 Concise guide to consultation psychiatry / 2000 Practical handbook of psychopharmacology : a WM 34 W926p 1994 clinician's guide / 1994 Restraint and seclusion : improving practice and WM 35 Z96r 1997 conquering the JCAHO standards / c Jack Zusman. 1997 WM 39 K17p 1993 Pocket handbook of emergency psychiatric medicine / 1993 WM 39 N976d 1997 Depression, anxiety and the mixed conditions / 1997 WM 39 P985s 1995 Saunders' pocket essentials of psychiatry / 1995 WM 40 O52c5 1999 Case studies in abnormal psychology / 1999 Soul of psychotherapy : recapturing the spiritual WM 55 C816s 1998 dimension in the therapeutic encounter / 1998 Grave words : notifying survivors about sudden, WM 55 I78g 1999 unexpected deaths / 1999 Pocket protocols‐‐notifying survivors about sudden, unexpected deaths : a companion book to Grave words: WM 55 I78p 1999 notifying survivors about sudden, unexpected 1999 WM 55 O49w 1999 What psychotherapists should know about disability / 1999 Heart of pastoral counseling : healing through WM 61 D275h 1998 relationship / 1998 3 Deselection 2011 ‐ WM Psychiatry Partnership with the dying : where medicine and WM 61 S645p 2005 ministry should meet / 2005 WM 61 V694 2000 Viktor Frankl's contribution to spirituality and aging / 2000 WM 62 P974 1999 Psychiatric ethics / 1999 WM 62 S795p 1994 Primer on working with resistance / 1994 Brave new brain : conquering mental illness in the era WM 75 A557b 2001 of the genome / 2001 WM 90 A134 2003 ABC of psychological medicine / 2003 Healing beyond the body : medicine and the infinite WM 90 D724h 2001 reach of the mind / 2001 Clinical manual of psychosomatic medicine : a guide to WM 90 M813c 2005 consultation‐liaison psychiatry / 2005 Mind as healer, mind as slayer : a holistic approach to WM 90 P388m 1992 preventing stress disorders / 1992 WM 90 S215c 1996 Counselling for psychosomatic problems / 1996 WM 100 A557i3 2001 Introductory textbook of psychiatry / 2001 WM 100 C736.5 2001 Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology / 2001 Bodily harm : the breakthrough treatment program for WM 100 C761b 1998 self‐injurers / 1998 WM 100 C968 2004 Cultural competence in clinical psychiatry / 2004 Dual diagnosis : evaluation, treatment, training, and WM 100 D812 1993 program development / 1993 WM 100 F889p 1949 Psychopathology of everyday life. 1949 WM 100 G315c 1994 Concise Oxford textbook of psychiatry / 1994 1993 ‐ WM 100 I61 International review of psychiatry. 1996 Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of WM 100 K17 2005 psychiatry / 2005 Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of WM 100 K17 2005 psychiatry / 2005 Managing mental health problems : a practical guide for WM 100 K194m 1998 primary care / 1998 WM 100 K23g 1993 Girl, interrupted / 1993 WM 100 K81m10 1982 Modern clinical psychiatry / 1982 WM 100 M151p2 1998 Perspectives of psychiatry / 1998 WM 100 M294 1990 Manual of clinical emergency psychiatry / 1990 Massachusetts General Hospital handbook of general WM 100 M414 1991 hospital psychiatry / 1991 Principles of dynamic psychiatry : including an integrative approach to experimental and clinical WM 100 M415p2 1961 psychology / 1961 WM 100 M644s 2000 Self‐mutilation and art therapy : violent creation / 2000 WM 100 N532.6 2000 New Oxford textbook of psychiatry / 2000 WM 100 P116p 1990 Psychiatry notes / 1990 WM 100 P974.7 1994 Psychiatry and general practice today / 1994 4 Deselection 2011 ‐ WM Psychiatry Psychoneuroendocrinology : the scientific basis of WM 100 P977 2003 clinical practice / 2003 WM 100 P977.8 1993 Psychopharmacology and psychobiology of ethnicity / 1993 WM 100 S316b3 1999 Being