Lingua Franca A Bi-Annual Newsletter Published by Foreign Languages at Volume 8 • Issue 2 • Spring 2011

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Department News page 3 Faculty News page 3 2011 Graduates page 4 And Counting page 4 Photo Contest page 5 Future Teachers page 5 Departmental Awards page 5 Before You Graduate page 6 Italian Club page 6 Franco Americans page 7 Phi Sigma Iota page 7 Crossing Borders page 8 Good for Business page 9 Studying in Oveido page 10 Costa Rican Adventure page 10 Pacaya volcano Charles Berry page 11 Vacation and Study Adventure in Guatemala Spanish Vocabulary page 12 By Richard Strager, Italian, Spanish, and ESL instructor In December 2010, during the break out in a grid pattern of crisscrossing idyllic Editors: between fall and winter semesters, I spent cobblestone streets, oriented around a main three enjoyable and rewarding weeks in sunny square, Parque Central, Antigua’s verdant heart Jon Aske Guatemala. In addition to getting a much- and social center. Kenneth Reeds needed respite from the New England winter Antigua is very accommodating to foreign Web Publication: chilI, my main objective was to work on my visitors There are at least a dozen Spanish Spanish. Fresh from teaching my first Spanish language schools there offering 4-6 hours a class at Salem State University in the fall of day of one-on-one instruction for $120-180 2010, I really wanted to immerse myself in per week. Most schools also organize daily the language by taking an intensive advanced afternoon field trips and activities for students JOIN SALEM STATE’S Spanish course. In Guatemala, I knew I would to learn more about Antigua, Guatemalan LANGUAGE CLUBS’ MAILING be able to practice Spanish on a daily basis. culture and to socialize and practice their LISTS & FACEBOOK GROUPS I also relished the opportunity to get to know Spanish. The school I chose, Antigüeña Spanish someplace new. Although I have travelled all Academy, was a perfect fit. It was centrally Visit This Page: over the world, I had never been to Central located, well-established, and very reasonably America before. priced. I had read that they gave a discount Based on a friend’s recommendation and a to teachers and full-time students. When I little internet research, I decided that Antigua inquired about this possibility, Señor Julio, the Foreign Languages would be the ideal place to stay and to study. jovial owner, smiled broadly and said, “Todo es It is a lovely, well-ordered colonial-style city posible en Guatemala!” (Everything is possible Tel: 978.542.6258 an hour west of Guatemala City. Antigua is in Guatemala). [email protected] situated in a plain surrounded by hills on three In the end, for $100 per week, they offered sides and an imposing dormant volcano on me 4 hours a day, 5 days a week of private the fourth. This historical, colorful city is laid instruction, plus cultural outings every

continued on page 2 1 Tikal Plaza Central

afternoon with the other students in the school. life and told me about hers. One of Esperanza’s School trips with my fellow students took They also found me a wonderful homestay most touching stories was about how she us to an organic macadamia farm, a textile family nearby which allowed me to practice had survived a strong earthquake that had museum, and a bustling local crafts market. my Spanish even more. The homestay was an struck Antigua in the 1980’s. She hardly spoke One day, we went swimming in a natural hot additional $80 per week which included my a word of English, which was perfect for my spring and another day we competed in a own room, a hot shower and three delicious purposes, because all of our communication Spanish scrabble tournament. We also took home-cooked meals a day. The house was in Spanish was not only pedagogically useful salsa lessons together a few times. All these clean, spacious and well-appointed. The but also authentic. Although some of the other activities allowed us to practice Spanish and family was charming and remarkably warm teachers did use a little English with their were included in the price of the classes. and hospitable. Before arriving there, I was beginning students, the school’s preferred It was a lot of fun to be a student again. I a little nervous about living in the home of a method of instruction was definitely language loved being on ‘the other side of the desk’ for Guatemalan family. But they treated me as immersion. Most of the other students were at a while. The teacher tailored each lesson to both a special guest and a part of their family the beginner and advanced beginner level and my own needs and my own interests. Even and made me feel welcome and comfortable. I they all seemed happy with their one-on-one though I was officially on vacation, I studied also felt privileged to learn about Guatemalan lessons. hard, did my homework seriously, practiced a life from the inside out. We had our meals lot outside of class, and in two short weeks, I together and spoke Spanish all the time. As completed my course and obtained a certificate much as I enjoyed the school and the city and in advanced Spanish. my travels around the country, the home stay In my final week there, I took the opportunity turned out to be my favorite part of the to get to know other parts of Guatemala such whole trip. as Lago de Atitlán, a large, beautiful lake From 8 am to 12 pm every day at Antigüeña surrounded by volcanos. I climbed one of Spanish Academy, I worked with my personal the volcanos as part of a guided tour. Volcán instructor, Esperanza. We conversed, reviewed Pacaya had erupted only 7 month earlier and grammar, studied vocabulary, and read and the eerie landscape was completely barren, discussed various texts. Since both of us entirely covered in hardened, ash-colored lava. were language teachers, we talked a lot about It was three hours up and two and a half back the best approach to teaching and learning down. Since most of the tour group knew little languages. She also asked me about my own homestay family in Antigua or no Spanish and our guide didn’t know much 2 Departmental News The 2010/2011 school year is drawing to a close and we are excited to announce that a total of 55 students will be graduating with MATs, BAs, and minors in foreign languages, Italian, French, or Spanish. We are proud of the hard work that these graduates have put into their educations and we wish them the best wherever they bring their language skills. Five of our new graduates have earned the opportunity to change studying abroad into working abroad. They have been awarded grants from the Spanish and Italian governments to teach English during the next academic year in schools in the Piedmont region of and various locations in northern Spain. This is an amazing opportunity to live outside the U.S. while earning money and experience. Congratulations to all and best of luck! The department must thank Fátima Serra’s work this year as acting chair. She did a great job filling in for Elizabeth Blood who was away on sabbatical. Dr. Blood returns this summer and has been reelected to another term as department chair.

Faculty News The spring 2011 semester has been a busy José E. Santos” in the International Journal one with faculty members balancing teaching, in Humanistic Studies and Literature as well as conference presentations, publishing, and work her first poetry book titled Mosaicos (Puerto with the community. Rico: Casa de los poetas, 2011). Anna Rocca Recent and upcoming conferences are has been working on chapters in two books local, national and international. Nicole Sherf about Assia Djebar’s last autobiographical will serve as the official delegate of work. The first, entitled “Shame and Belonging at the Joint National Committee in Assia Djebar’s Nulle part dans la maison for Languages (JNCL) and the National de mon père,” will be published by Indiana Council for Languages and International University Press. The second, entitled “Assia Studies (NCLIS) Annual Legislative Day Djebar’s Nulle part dans la maison de mon and Delegate Assembly in Washington père. Telling Her Truth and Reconfiguring the DC in mid-May. Give her any language World,” will be published by Women in French, policy questions you want directed to our state an allied organization of the Modern Language Senators and District 6 Representative. She Association. Furthermore, Dr. Rocca’s abstract also just returned from the Northeast submission for a special issue on Women Conference on the Teaching of Foreign from the Maghreb, published by Dalhousie Languages in Baltimore, MD, where she French Studies has been accepted. Her article presented a session called “Advocating for entitled “In Search of: Essaydi’s Tactile Imagery English, he asked me to translate for our group an Elementary Foreign Language Program of Beauty in Space” is an interview with along the way. I had fun being an impromptu in Your District.” Anna Rocca participated in Moroccan artist Lalla Essaydi. Fátima Serra’s assistant tour guide for the day. two conference panels this semester. The chapter “Instrucciones para salvar el mundo de My last two days were spent in Tikal, in first was at NeMLA, in New Brunswick, NJ, Rosa Montero” was accepted for publication in northern Guatemala, were deep in a dense rain on April 7, entitled: “Exploration of Senses a special issue of Letras Femeninas, the journal forest, dozens of ancient Mayan temples can be in Contemporary Francophone Women’s of the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y found, half covered over by the jungle, some Autobiography.” The second panel, entitled Cultura Femenina Hispánica. Kenneth Reeds’s so tall, they rise majestically above and tower “Écrits des femmes postcoloniales : le voyage article “Urban Pessimism and the Optimism over the rain forest canopy. The view from imaginaire ou réel en tant qu’exploration between the Lines: Literary Latin American the top is both dizzying and awe-inspiring. des sentiments,” will be presented on May Cities and Roberto Bolaño’s 2666” will be Standing atop these incredible structures built 30 at CIÉF –Conseil International d’Études published in the summer edition of Hipertexto. over 1,000 years ago, your mind strains to Francophones-- in Aix-en-Provence, France. Dr. Foreign Languages has long been imagine how they were constructed so long Rocca will chair and present her paper entitled: a university leader in community ago, what the Mayans used them for, and how “Nina Bouraoui et le voyage ontologique dans participation. This service was showcased they have survived in tact all these years. Nos baisers sont des adieux.” Kristine Doll at the university’s annual Civic Engagement For anyone looking for fun, adventure will be reading selections of her translations Festival where Kristine Doll was nominated to and a great chance to learn Spanish or to of August Bover’s poetry at the “Gathering be one of the school’s first inductees to Salem improve your Spanish language skills, I highly the Tribes” International Poetry Festival here State’s new Hall of Civic Engagement. Other recommend a visit to Guatemala. Feel free in Salem as well as her own work at both the recent activities with the local community to contact me for further information about Massachusetts Poetry Festival (where she will have included Dr. Serra’s coordination of traveling and/or studying there. I can also tell chair a panel) in May 2011 and the International a cooperation program with the Clarke you about how I ended up playing Santa Claus Poetry Festival to be held in Swansea, Wales Elementary and Stanley schools in Swampscott on Christmas Eve in a neighboring Guatemalan in June 2011. She has also been invited to as well as her work with Dr. Dietrich from the town, or how I saved $2,000 by getting my read her translations of Catalan poetry at the Center for International Education to coordinate tooth fixed by an Antiguan dentist. But those Atheneum of Barcelona. language exchange sessions between Salem are other stories for another time. There have also been several publications State Spanish students and a delegation of More information about the school in recent months. Michele Dávila published 15 Mexican students from the Universidad where Prof. Strager studied can be found at the article “Una nueva estética de la violencia Autónoma de Chiapas. n n latinoamericana: Archivo de oscuridades de 3 And Counting… 2011 GRADUATES By Kenneth Reeds, Foreign Languages The following students will be graduating Chinese (35,266), and from Salem State in May 2011 with a master of arts in teaching Spanish, a bachelor of Vietnamese (17,408) being arts in Spanish, or a minor in either French, the four most represented. foreign languages, Italian, or Spanish: Unfortunately, the same report also indicates that Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish only 5% of the 236,933 Alison A. Carignan immigrants with “Limited James M. Dickens Benjamin Gerson English Skills” have access Mary E. Giordano to English for Speakers of Rebecca L. Martiniello Other Languages (ESOL) Lindsay K. Perry services. This means that Jennifer R. Quigley At any given point, Linda M. Riley more than 10,000 people Alba C. Santana are on waiting lists, some Kathryn R. Schulte for as long as two years, Spanish BA and there are indications Michael J. Aliberte that thousands more are Alyssa L. Barras not applying for services or Jessica L. Cox may not know they exist. In Daniel E. Godden addition, some 6,000 new Christine A. L’Heureux The United States is growing and changing. immigrants arrive in Greater Boston every year. Kelly M. Lynch Mandated by the Constitution, the U.S. Census (Commonwealth Corp.) Gissette Polanco These statistics paint a portrait of the Boston Roxana Maria Sandoval Bureau is charged with counting the people Nicole C. Toulopoulos who live in the country. This began in 1790 area as one which speaks many languages when the population was 3,929,326 and has and comes from multiple countries, but that Foreign Languages Minor continued every ten years with the most recent struggles to provide the services that are Carla L. Fabian survey taken in 2010 showing a population of needed to learn English. James Christian Hardman 308,745,538. Other than demonstrating that our Taking the increase in the minority Kathryn D. O’Connell population in our region together with the Jose Luiz F. Pinheiro numbers have increased 9.7% since 2000, the Christina E. Varga 2010 census also revealed that minorities now dearth of ESOL services emphasizes that our Angela Voulgaris make up 35% of the country. This changing face small part of the country reflects national was reflected by the fact that Hispanics are the trends. Minority populations and the languages French Minor group which most contributed to growth: that they speak are less and less ‘foreign’ and Rebekah A. Akusis The rise in the minority population is due are increasingly a part of our national fabric. In Ronald Almeda fact, the linguistic and cultural knowledge these Stephanie Rosa Anna Amore to recent sharp increases in minority births, Megan Frances Farmer especially among Hispanics, who accounted for citizens possess is an invaluable resource. Erin Renee Foley more than half of total U.S. population gains Because of this, the essentialness of providing Jessica L. Hendrick last year. There are now roughly 9 births for ESOL opportunities is all the more patent - Diana Sadek every 1 death among Latinos, compared to a the more multilingual and pluri-cultural our roughly one-to-one ratio for whites. (Yen) society the better we relate to our world’s Italian Minor increased interconnectivity. With this in mind, Tania Buonopane This information demonstrates that while Angela M. Calitri we grow, we are also becoming something the changing face of our country also means Megan C. Carroll different. Minorities are increasingly less a that those of us who are born with English Robbin L. Crandall minority. This national trend is reflected locally must expand our skills and look to some of Lyndsey Hollis Frithsen with the Boston Globe reporting that the “Asian the nation’s growing languages in an effort to Gissette Polanco and Hispanic populations both climbed 46 augment our abilities. We are, after all, a small part of a growing and changing world. n Spanish Minor percent from a decade ago” in Massachusetts Stephanie Rosa Anna Amore (Schworm and Carroll). It is, of course, natural Alfredo Araujo to assume that this physical transformation Works Cited Emely Nairobys Arias of our population also influences the way Commonwealth Corporation. Rosario Barzola we sound. Breaking the Language Barrier: A Report on Samantha Claire Cepican Unfortunately the census did not analyze English Language Services in Greater Boston. Patricia Y. DeLeon the languages that we speak. Nevertheless, Boston: The Boston Foundation, 2011. 8 April Vesmita Estime the Commonwealth Corporation published a 2011 . Joao M. Goncalves report in March 2011 that provides a helpful Schworm, Peter and Matt Carroll. “In census, a Corinna L. Hendrick portrait of the Boston area’s many tongues. decade of growth by state’s minorities.” boston. Taylor N. Krajewski com. 23 March 2011. 8 April 2011. Javiera Lagunas Their report indicated that in 2006-2008 “there Matiely Lugo were 524,451 immigrants, age 16 or older, . Bethaney M. Silva living in the 80 towns and cities of Greater Yen, Hope. “U.S. Minority Population Could Cora E. Stover Boston” (Commonwealth Corp.) This nearly Be Majority by Mid-Century Census Shows.” Jennifer R. Surabian one quarter of the region’s population speaks 10 June 2010. 8 April 2011. Danielle M. Thing multiple mother languages with Spanish . Amber J. Warnick (112,995 speakers), Portuguese (46,605),

4 Future Teachers of Italian in the US go to Italy, Now with Two Destinations By Anna Rocca, Foreign Languages

In March of this year the Italian section of foreign languages at Salem State and the Network of Autonomous Schools of the Piedmont region, Italy, signed a second Memorandum of Understanding under the auspices of the Consulate General of Italy Children’s Buddha, close-up - Mary Ni in Boston. The first one was signed with the Lombardy region last year. This new one in Foreign Languages’ Piedmont opens a second teaching fellowship International Photo position for Salem State students of Italian. The goal of these arrangements is to offer Dean Jude Nixon, Prof. Anna Rocca, Dr. Carlo Cipollone Contest 2011 opportunities for language study and teacher Members of the Salem State University training as well as for an understanding of two prestigious schools in the city of Biella and community (students, faculty and staff) Italian culture and traditions to students who Verona, both provinces of Piemonte. Kathryn are invited to enter photographs for the are native speakers of English. This program is O’Connell, minoring in foreign languages, will International Photo Contest 2011 of the extremely generous, providing students with learn in a few weeks which city and school in foreign languages department. the following: Lombardy she will be teaching in. We’re looking for photos that you have taken • a monthly study scholarship of net 600 Euros Reflecting on her experiences up to this yourself during foreign travel: beautiful sights to assist secondary school teachers point and the opportunity that awaits her, and/or interesting people. Domestic travel of English Robbin Crandall briefly talked about her studies photos may be acceptable if the locale or the • a program of study, training and intercultural and the attractiveness Biella holds for her, her people are “exotic” enough. experience lasting from three to eight husband, and Lily: Send up to two digital pictures in high months “One of the very best things about attending quality format to Professor Jon Aske. The • the opportunity to take courses at the local Salem State University for me has been the deadline has been extended to May 8. university variety of opportunities for study abroad Twelve photographs will be chosen to • the possibility to take the exam for the programs in Europe. As an Italian minor, I appear in a school-year paper calendar which CELI (Certificate of Knowledge of the Italian attended a study program for a few weeks can be purchased from the foreign languages Language), accredited by the Perugia last summer in Florence, Italy, which was department sometime around the end of the University for Foreigners wonderful. This October, I am incredibly excited spring semester. • an extremely affordable living arrangement to have been chosen for an internship teaching The jury will be composed of volunteer • the transfer of the appropriate number of English high school students in Northern Italy, faculty, staff and students from foreign credits at Salem State, according to the hours all made possible by Salem State and my languages. completed in Italy wonderful Italian teacher, Dr. Anna Rocca. A calendar-year calendar may also be Besides the two My husband and published in December for the following officially granted I (along with Lily the year with the same pictures. They make positions for Salem Cat) will be going to excellent holiday presents or stocking stuffers. State students, one in a beautiful little town Sometimes a larger subset of all the entries, Lombardy and one in called Biella, in the including the 12 pictures chosen for the Piedmont, next year Piedmont region, close paper calendar, may also be published in a a third will be added. to the France and free computer screensaver for Windows. All Thanks to Dr. Carlo Switzerland borders, entries will also appear in the international Cipollone, former where we wills. My photo contest website. To view previous years’ Gissette Polanco Director of the Office of Robbin Crandall husband and I both winners, Education at the Consulate General of Italy in look forward to experiencing the Northern go to our departmental photo page: Boston, and who is now serving in Rome as the Italian culture, interacting with the wonderful liaison to schools in Piedmont, three students people of the región and learning more of The official announcement can will leave for Italy in October 2011. Robbin the Italian language. also be seen online here with Crandall and Gissette Polanco, both minoring Unfortunately, I can’t speak for Lily links to photos, etc.: in Italian, have been respectively assigned to the Cat.” n

Departmental Awards 2011 Excellence Italian Katie Lyons Ai Toyoda Brian Kibler Diana Damon Arabic Tessa Allen Vanessa Risti French Ben Naismith Molly Madigan Brendan Desmond Alexander Derosa Kaitlin Robinson Merrill Sunderland Jennifer Quigley Leanne Palma Chinese Alexander Eisath Alba Santana Italian Federica Signori David Kostos Nathan Josef Jirka Molly Madigan Jacqueline Turner Omega Au Jessica Silva Spanish Tania Buonopane Ai Toyoda French David Kostos Tania Baez Spanish Achievement Kathryn O’Connell Lauren Michalski Fatoumata Conte Service Lydia Gravell Chelsey Cotreau Chinese Spanish Paul Coture Yasmine A. Coulibaly Joshua Brown Italian Mary Giordano Yuya Suzuki Alison Carignan Tessa Allen 5 The One Thing You MUST Do Before You Graduate… By Jessica Cox, Spanish Major

If you’re anything like me, spending a visiting different countries was to simply sit with. It seems trivial to say, but learn how they semester abroad in a foreign country always and “people watch.” As you can imagine, the communicate, verbally and physically! seemed like an unreachable adventure. Sure people in Italy have very different ways of It goes without saying that fully immersing it sounds like fun, but would I really be able physically expressing themselves than the yourself into a language is the most effective to survive alone in a completely different people in Paris. These distinctive cultures way to take your ability to the next level. culture? Well… here I am, almost three years made my semester nothing short of an eye When you find yourself holding up the line in later, ready to tell you that I did much more opening adventure. a local coffee shop because you can’t find the than survive. To say that I had “the experience When diving into a new culture, you words to place your order, you’d be surprised of a lifetime” doesn’t even begin to do those will most likely experience some degree of the amount of motivation you will have not three months justice. My semester abroad “culture shock”. The best advice I can give to forget it the next time. The point is, if you in Barcelona, Spain taught me how to be you is to do your research before you leave have no other means of communication, you independent, resourceful and confident. the United States. Learn about their values, will learn the language. Remember, this is just One of the best realizations I had during that beliefs, customs, and above all, how they another fun aspect of your adventure that will semester was on a plane ride back to Barcelona communicate. There are many aspects of leave you feeling more capable than ever! after spending the weekend in . I culture that you will be able to learn as you It only seems appropriate to leave you with remember looking back on the weekend and go such as tasting new foods and attending the advice that my mother gave to me three thinking to myself, “Wow… did we really just various festivities. But, communication is years ago. After four very long months of not navigate around Germany with only knowing one aspect that you do NOT want to learn being able to decide if I was actually going to one word in German?” (Of course it was danke, as you go. Chances are it will not end well. submit my application, my mother finally said which surprisingly got us very far sometimes.) You’d be surprised at how easy what you to me, “Jessica, if you’re going to do it, just I went with one of my new friends I met in my consider to be polite can be interpreted as do it. Otherwise, stop talking about it!” You’re program. We spent the weekend jumping from rude. Not possible you think? Imagine this: probably thinking that what she said was bus to bus, never 100% sure we were on the You are at a local bar in Barcelona and the unsupportive; especially for a parent, but it was right one,but always seemed to end up where waiter asks you what you’d like. In your best exactly what I needed to hear. This type of black we had hoped. Sitting on that plane I began to Spanish accent, you say, “Could I have a and white, yes or no, made me realize that I experience the indescribable feeling of being beer please?” When he brings it to you, you couldn’t possibly pass up this opportunity! To completely self-reliant. If we could make our are quick to say, “Thank you”. With just those her surprise, I turned in my application the next way to the Black Forest in Germany, there’s few words, it is very possible that you have day. I am now here to tell you that this is truly nothing we couldn’t do. come across as superficial. By applying our an experience that you need to take advantage Once you start to travel, you will never norms of politeness to a completely different of. Look into it. Ask other students who have want to stop. In Europe, it’s incredibly culture, you would immediately stand out as a gone. Talk to an advisor. You won’t regret it! A inexpensive and easy to fly or take a train to a foreigner. I had the misfortune of experiencing semester abroad is undoubtedly the one thing different country. I remember having several this first hand. It took me longer than I would you must do before you graduate. n conversations with my friends that sounded have liked to figure out why I was not having something like this: “So, where do you guys very friendly interactions with many people. I want to go this weekend? Paris? London? was coming off as “fake.” To my surprise, it is The Italian Club has Rome?” It was that easy. Some flights were considered the norm (or even polite!) to order actually free! All you had to pay for was the a beer by simply saying, “Give me a beer.” Can never been so alive! tax, and be prepared to fly at 3AM. Anything you imagine? It still seems so rude to me! The This semester, thanks to our new officers, to save money! differences in cross-cultural communication are Tessa (President), Molly (Vice-President), A semester abroad will introduce you endless. Much like this situation, you probably Leanna (Secretary) and Diane (Treasurer), the to new cultures that you never could have won’t even know you’re doing something Italian Club applied for and obtained funds imagined. You will begin to realize how wrong. The bottom line: if you’re looking from the SGA. Two very well attended Movie exceptionally diverse people really are, and to get everything out of your experience Nights were organized during the semester, will start to appreciate them on a much greater abroad, it would be in your best interest to not with more than 20 students and several level. One of my favorites things to do while unintentionally offend every native you speak professors in attendance each time. La Tigre e La Neve (The Tiger and the Snow) was shown on March 30 and Le Chiavi Di Casa (The Keys to the House) was shown on April 20. Refreshments and appetizers were served during the movies, such as canoli and cookies from the North End. The Italian Club has also organized a dinner in an Italian restaurant in Salem for the end of the semester. All are invited! New members are always welcome! If you are interested in joining the ITL club or if you would like to become an active officer, please contact our President Tessa Allen: [email protected]. Join the Italian Club mailing list elists. or the Facebook page

6 Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Languages Honor Society News The 2011 induction of new members of the Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society took place on Thursday, April 28, from 4 to 6 pm, at the Presidential Hall, Alumni House, Upper South Campus. Inductees include undergraduate majors and minors, graduate students in Spanish, faculty members, and members of the community who have shown extreme dedication to the study and spreading of foreign languages and cultures. New members are recruited by invitation from faculty based Ste Chretienne Academy and school in the late 1950’s and 1960’s on exceptional academic achievement in foreign language study. Franco-Americans their Franco-American families. They changed Check out the Phi Sigma Iota website for of Salem: Tell Your the city just as they were changed by it. information about membership benefits, career This oral history project aims to collect opportunities and scholarships for students Family’s Story! the stories of Franco-Americans and their studying foreign languages: By Elizabeth Blood, Foreign Languages ancestors who adopted the city of Salem as their new home, focusing particularly on the Foreign languages is proud to announce that The French program and the American relationship between the geography of the city the following people have been inducted into Studies program at Salem State are teaming of Salem and the concept of Franco-American the Phi Sigma Iota honors society in 2011. up to begin an oral history project on Salem’s identity. If you are of Franco-American Stephanie Amore Franco-American history. Although Salem ancestry, or if you have a Franco-American Marielba Arias today is most well-known for its Halloween parent or grandparent who immigrated to Brice A. Bambara festivities, witch trials and famous American or was raised in Salem, and are interested in Ali Carignan literary figures, it is also a city that has participating in this project, please contact Dr. Samantha C. Cepican welcomed several waves of immigrants who Elizabeth Blood ([email protected]) or Patricia Y. DeLeon shape the city’s economic and social life and Dr. Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello (educlosorsello@ Armand Devoe who bring cultural and linguistic diversity Katie A. Lyons to its streets. Oral history interviews may be conducted Samuel Martinez One of the most important groups to in English or French and will be used to create Rebecca Martiniello-Hoffman populate the city in the late 19th and early 20th a Franco-American walking tour of Salem, in Kathryn O’Connell centuries were French-Canadian immigrants addition to academic research articles about Virginia O’Connell who came to work in area textile mills Salem’s Franco-American past. n Cristina Paterno and leather and shoe factories. In the first Lindsay Perry decades of the 20th century, French-Canadian Jennifer Quigley immigrants from Quebec and their Franco- Vanessa Risti American children made up 20% of the city’s Roxana Sandoval population, a significant percentage compared Alba Santana to other French-Canadian destinations in New Kathryn Schulte England, and Salem was one of a handful of Sainte- Nicole Toulopoulos Massachusetts cities dubbed a “Petit Canada” Chrétienne Jacqueline Turner or “Little Canada.” Academy, Foteini Ventouris As they did in cities like Lowell, Worcester, a Franco- William Woolley American Fall River, and Woonsocket, the French- More information about PSI visit Canadians of Salem built churches and schools, Catholic girls’ school that started businesses and opened shops, created opened in See pictures of the recent credit unions, newspapers, and social clubs. Salem in 1918, induction ceremonies: They became teachers, policemen, firemen, was later sold tradesmen, business people, professionals, and to Salem State and is now pictures/phisigmaiota2011/ politicians. They held on to French-Canadian part of upper traditions while beginning new traditions in south campus. pictures/phisigmaiota2010/ 7 Our Foreign Language Students: Crossing Borders, Learning New Languages and Cultures While Keeping Hopes High By Anna Rocca, Foreign Languages

industry in my hometown. There, because of decided to move from Italy to the US because The Dracula Castle, many tourists visit during I fell in love with my fiancé.W e met in Rome the summer. Taking advantage of our history, at the restaurant-bar where I was working, I started to do castle tours and also worked in in Piazza Campo dei Fiori. We decided that I the local hostels in Brasov. I learned English should move to MA to start building a future by watching the Discovery Channel and by together. speaking with tourists from different countries. AR: Why Salem State University? AR: When did you leave your country VF: I chose Salem State because it is one of and why? the few universities that has affordable tuition VF: I left Romania in 2005 when I was about and good Professors. I also realize that my 21 and moved to Catania, Italy. Through one personal learning experience and relation to of my friends, I met an Italian entrepreneur culture is perhaps the most important thing. who promised that he would provide a job and a place to live if we would help with his restaurant renovation. We accepted the offer and had big hopes for the future. That is how Valentin with friend Jessica in Rome my journey started. I was not very good as a If Study Abroad is a crucial component in construction worker. I thus decided to move to all of our language courses, examining the the capital, Rome, to find a better job. cases of Valentin, minoring in Italian, and AR: Can you describe your most significant Philemon, minoring in French and Italian, can experiences abroad? What did you learn or be confusing about what abroad is. Despite have to learn? What did you enjoy, love, miss their different origins and stories of migration, of that country? Valentin and Philemon share at least four VF: I had many significant experiences but things: a high level of adaptability, great the most important and the happiest one was foreign language skills, the desire to improve in Rome, when I met my fiancé who, at that their education and life and, finally, the time, was studying Italian. A not so positive yearning to be involved in anything related to experience was in Catania. In fact, I had to Italy. Resourceful, open-minded, quick learners, leave the city after I was brutally beaten by Philemon with son resilient and sometimes nostalgic about what the Italian entrepreneur who had offered me Philemon Awah they left behind, Valentin and Philemon crossed a job. I learned the hard way how challenging Anna Rocca: Hello. Can you tell us a little bit at least three countries, experienced the bad it is to be in a different country all by myself. about yourself? and good of them and always kept a graceful However, I was lucky to know the language as Philemon Awah: My name is Philemon and courageous attitude towards life. Having it helped me to report him to the authorities. Awah. I was born in Befang, a small village like-native knowledge of Italian, when I spoke After this terrible incident, I moved to Rome, in the North-West Province of Cameroon. At to them I could detect the slight inflection of where some Italian friends helped me to find Salem State, my major is biology and my the city’s dialect in which they learned the a place to stay. Once again, I found a job after minor is foreign language. language. Following are some details of their a couple of days because of my language AR: What is your native language and how lives: skills. In Rome I also learned a new profession, many languages were spoken in your family? bartender, which I could do because it was not Valentin Ferastoaru PA: My native languages are the Befang too hard for me to read and communicate with Anna Rocca: Hi, Valentin. Tell us a little bit and the Obang languages that I use to the trainers. There, I really enjoyed the food, about yourself. communicate with my parents. With my the good wine, the culture, the happy people Valentin Ferastoaru: I was born in Brasov, brothers we communicate with a primitive type and the long hours of aperitivo. I missed all of Romania. It is a very nice city in a mountain of English called Pidgin English. Cameroon my friends that were like my family, and all the area and has a relevant part in the history is a bilingual country: English and French are summer days that I spent on the Mediterranean of my country. At Salem State, my major is its official languages. In addition, each village beaches. Currently I live in Massachusetts and business administration with a concentration uses a separate language to communicate so this has proved to be a great experience so far. in hospitality management. My minor is in that there are a total of at least 250 traditional AR: How much the knowledge of a second/ Italian language. languages in use. These languages are so third language helped you along the way AR: What is your native language and how different from each other that when spoken, and how? many languages were spoken in your family? a person from a neighboring village cannot VF: Learning Italian and English was fun VF: My native language is Romanian. My understand a single word. However, because and this knowledge helped me to find a job, family didn’t speak any other languages except intermarriages and people frequently visiting integrate in new societies, connect with people Romanian, a language that has Latin origins other villages for commercial purposes, they and feel like less of a stranger. If I didn’t speak and dated back to the invasion of the Romans. tend to understand some portion of others’ Italian or English I would probably be home I was about 14 when I learned Italian and 18 languages. For example my father was from in Brasov, perhaps doing something I would when I studied English in Romania. I learned Befang, but he married my mother from not enjoy. I can honestly say that the foreign Italian by watching Italian cartoons, the only another village called Obang, which is about 40 language skills have been and still are at the ones on our Romanian TV channels. That is miles away. In my family, we therefore speak core of my life’s improvement. how I stumbled upon Italian TV channels like both the Befang and the Obang languages. AR: Why did you decide to leave your Italia1, Rt4, Canale 5 etc. noticing the similarity AR: When did you leave your country second country? between the two languages. I studied English and why? VF: The story has a happy ending and I when I started working in the hospitality PA: I left my country for Russia in May 1997 8 to study at the University of Stavropol. This kiosk I was given chicken and bread. But in just fourth month, after I found a job in a factory. was after having my advance level certificate in six months of learning the language in school, I The idea of continuing my education was in Cameroon. I obtained a government could speak it and even write it. I miss the my mind but I was still figuring out when and scholarship because, at that time, my country Russian people for their overwhelming sense how I could go back to school. At the end of had an agreement with the Russian of humor and entertainment. 2003, in the factory I met my fiancé and by Government where students could easily move The city in which my school was situated 2005 we were living together waiting for our to study. Not only was I coming from a very hot was at the border between Russia and first son Edmond. With the birth of his younger climate and had never had any idea of how Chechnya. During this period, because of the brother Ishmael in 2007, the idea of going back winter was, my clothes were also inappropriate war between the two countries, it was difficult to school was not possible. The children were for the Russian climate. Once at the Moscow to study. Many foreigners were targeted, too young and our financial situation was not airport, I encountered what I never expected. especially people of color, so I left for Italy that good. I continued to live with my family There was still snow melting and the in August 2000. thinking of when destiny could come true, temperatures were below 0 degree Celsius. I When I arrived in Italy, I had to start all over because my education had always been my was almost frozen travelling from the airport to again, different language, different people, dream since childhood. the school campus. It took me 24 hours by train the food, the weather and so many other At that point, I came in contact with a friend to reach the school that was located in the new things. I was no longer on a government who studied at Salem State University and he Southern Caucasus of Russia. The next scholarship so I had to live on my own. I knew encouraged me to apply as a student. Slowly experience I had was with the Russian some friends from my country who lived there, but surely, today I see my dreams coming language. I remember going to a roadside but they had a very small apartment so they true. The one thing I miss every day is my kiosk to buy food. I ordered chicken and bread, could not accommodate me. They then talked family. Although I talk daily to them on Skype, but the sellers were all looking at each other to another friend of theirs who took me to his I still miss them and they miss me too. But I because none of them understood my English house, but I just had the bare floor to sleep strongly believe in my goal and I know that until I had to make the sound of a rooster. For on and used my little travelling bag as my the sacrifices I’m doing now will bring a better the next two weeks, each time I came to that pillow. My conditions began changing in the future for my kids and the whole family. n

Why Learning a Foreign etiquette, where they invariably explain communicate with their prospective markets and teach business people how to behave in their own language. People from other Language is Good for and act in other countries. The era of the all countries feel very well indeed when someone Business Students powerful American business partner is on tries to speak their own language, even if it’s By Michele C. Dávila, Foreign Languages the verge of extinction. Now it is wiser to at a very basic level. It demonstrates interest, “do as the Romans do” instead of replicating appreciation and above all, respect. It helps The enrollment for MBA’s, especially for the American way throughout the world. to iron out discrepancies and dispel cultural the international business concentration, has One very important factor that helps in this shock. This is a fact that many universities increased exponentially in US colleges and area is learning a foreign language. The in the US are nowadays acknowledging. For universities in the past few years according to Business Journal agrees: “The ‘American example, the following is how one of them the Council on Graduate Schools “Graduate way’ is constantly evolving. Hopefully, we promotes its MBA program on the Internet: Enrollment and Degrees Report,” www. are incorporating the best ideas from other “As the global market continues to grow, This trend cultures as well as from the minority cultures more and more schools are adopting the substantiates the notion that Business degrees right here in our own backyard. Cultural viewpoint that to truly become a global are on the ascendency, to the detriment of diversity, as well as both understanding business leader, knowledge of a foreign Arts & Sciences degrees. Is it possible that the and appreciating the language and culture language has become a vital skill that business world doesn’t need arts and sciences of others, is going to be part of the global all graduates must have. In order to be a in their curriculum, or even in the formation of economy for the remainder of this century”. contributing part of an environment that is no a business person? Are the two areas mutually (“What’s the importance of learning a foreign longer western-centric as it has been in the exclusive by definition? language?” The Business Journal, http://www. past, being able to communicate with your In reality, a strong case can be made for clients is only part of the issue. Knowledge of the proposition that courses in the Arts and editorial2.html). The numbers don’t lie: their language as well as their culture shows Sciences actually help future business people Chinese is the language of 1.3 billion people, that you respect the ideas that they bring to in their jobs and make them better equipped to Arabic is the official language of 22 countries the table and you understand their needs and deal with people in general, but especially with (255 million speakers), and Spanish is the wants better than somebody who does not other cultures and global markets. Hopefully language of 21 countries (the first language of have this background. . . Your clients will be Chevrolet will never again try to sell a car with over 400 million people, and consumers). more likely to trust what you are saying and a name such as “No go” as occurred in Latin For international business students it there will be a more intimate relationship than America years ago with the Nova, for example. is emphatically important to be able to if you were to conduct all communication Not only does understanding other cultures through a translator. This could be an important make them better masters of the marketing step in building strong and lasting business world, but it is a well known fact in the global relationships that help ensure the success of market that speaking languages other than your own business.” ( English gives business people an advantage. language-in-business.htm) How is this? This would be a very boring world if If businesses want to be competitive in everybody thought and did the exact same the business world they have to adapt to thing in the exact same way. So, business new situations, be flexible, and understand students, remember: learning another the peoples and cultures to whom they want language will give you countless advantages in to sell their wares. This is evident even in your professional life and, most importantly, it the numerous books one can find in any will enrich your whole life. n bookstore dealing with international business Bertolon School of Business 9 Studying in Oviedo find out what level you are placed in and then there while the other was away at school. The By Daniel Godden, Spanish Major choose your classes. I found the classes very daughter was my age and planned to move to interesting and educational. First, as you would London with her boyfriend so we learned from Daniel Godden is a graduating Spanish expect, they are completely in Spanish, which each other. The father was an anesthesiologist Major who studied under the Professional is good because you take more in. All of the in a local hospital and the mother was a Concentration. He is one of the five Salem primary school teacher. All of the family State students who completed a semester members were very welcoming and kind. They abroad in Oviedo Spain during 2010. During the even invited me to a second house they owned academic year, the University of Oviedo has a in a small coastal village north of Oviedo. wonderful Language and Culture Program for The locals are friendly and it is easy to strike foreigners at two different levels, Intermediate up a conversation with most. One surefire and Advanced. There are a variety of courses to way to meet locals is to go to cafes and bars. choose from. The best part of the program is its In Oviedo, there is a street called “Calle Mon” affordability, studying a semester in Oviedo is where the nightlife happens. Many people around the same price as studying a semester come from surrounding cities at night to go at Salem State. Here are some thoughts from out here. The streets are filled which is rather Daniel Godden about his stay in Oviedo in Fall different than in the U.S. Congregating in the 2010. nearby “Plaza del Sol” is also a popular thing Oviedo is a beautiful city in the province of to do. Asturias. The city’s attractiveness makes the trip All in all, Oviedo is a great place to study to school nice. All of the students that went had Daniel Godden in Oviedo, Spain abroad for numerous reasons such as the walks of no more than ten minutes. There are classes, its nightlife, its status as a natural numerous parks in the city and it is a central teachers are very nice, accommodating and paradise which is popular with hikers and stop for most forms of transportation, which helpful. I suggest entering the Tándem program people who just enjoy the outside, and –most makes traveling easy. where you are paired with a conversation importantly- its people. I urge any fellow The classes for all “extranjeros” are located partner that is a Spaniard learning English. students to think about going to do it. It is in “La Casa de Las Lenguas.” This is where you I could not have asked for a better living financially possible whether you think it so will see lots of foreigners and fellow Americans situation than the one I had. My family or not. It is also completely worth it. It is an studying in the same program. The first day consisted of a mother, father and two experience that will change your life for n of classes is a placement test. After that, you daughters. In regard to the latter, one lived the better.

My Costa Rican I refer to this town as “unique” for two main reasons. First, it is an ideal vacationing spot for Adventure Spanish speaking and non-Spanish speaking By Michael Aliberte, Spanish Major people alike, and second; whether you are an When people hear about Costa Rica, they avid adventurer or a wildlife enthusiast, there typically think about one thing: beaches. was something here for everyone to enjoy. My Although this small Central American country group consisted of 15 people, the youngest is well known for attracting tourists for its was a college freshman that was 19 years old famous and beautiful beaches, there is so much and enjoyed surfing and white water rafting more to do there than one would think. This (both things I experienced for the first time past New Years holiday, I had the pleasure of on the trip), and the eldest was an 85 year old Western Coast, white faced capuchin monkeys traveling to this amazingly diverse country for grandmother that enjoyed bird watching and sitting on the Pacific sands at the local beach. many people spoke very well!). During the The local townspeople also made the trip both summer of 2008, I had the opportunity to study feasible as well as enjoyable for all. I was the abroad in Oviedo, Spain for the month of July. only Spanish speaker out of the 15 people, For a well developed, rich-in-history country however I felt everyone in our group was able like Spain, you would expect the people to to communicate with the locals. Although the speak English rather well, considering it is area is quite touristy, especially during the dry taught in their curriculum from an early age. season, everybody was able to do their own And they did. However, for a developing thing and enjoy the beautiful country as they country like Costa Rica, I was personally saw fit. pleased to discover that although I really I previously mentioned that there was so enjoyed being able to speak Spanish, I could much more to do in Costa Rica than visit a revert to English with most people if need be. beach. There are over 850 species of birds that If you’re planning a trip, Costa Rica is a must call Costa Rica home, so it is an ideal spot for visit location at some point in your traveling amateur and avid bird watchers alike. For the career. The country is rich with good people, adventurer, there is the aforementioned white delicious food, beautiful scenery, and the water rafting, big wave surfing, zip lining, opportunity to develop as a Spanish speaker. Michael Aliberte and Callie Walsh Costa Rica horse back riding, and animal filled nature At times, I felt as if the locals considered a unique and fun filled experience.T he town I hikes just to name a few things. For those that me to be one of them, and that feeling of called home for eight days was the little Pacific wish to practice their Spanish speaking skills, accomplishment is something that Salem coast surfing town of Dominical. Everything the economy of Costa Rica largely depends State University and the professors of the from the people and their way of life to the on tourism, therefore a majority of the people foreign languages have so generously nature and wildlife was unique and beautiful. spoke English (some more than others, but provided me with. n 10 Interview with Charles Berry, Cultural Ambassador to Spain By F�tima Serra, Foreign Languages

Charles Berry (bottom row, second from the right, next to Dr. Serra) and Alyssa Barras (two people to the left of Charles) with a group of SSU in Oviedo, Spain, 2009

Salem State Students are Cultural I never would have adopted if it weren’t for racking, and many more emotions at Ambassadors in Spain my travels to Oviedo, Spain. The last reason different times. Salem State will have three of our own help I applied to this program is because I would The region of your destination, what is it like? Spanish students learn English during the 2011- like to pursue a career in international health. The region I will be residing in will be País 2012 academic year. The Ministry of Education What would look better than international work Vasco or “Basque Country.” It is a region in the of Spain hires North American students and experience and learning a foreign language, north of Spain on the northern coast line. To recent graduates to help teachers of English one that is often needed in the health care the east of the region is the French border and as a foreign language. It is a win-win program: profession? American students get the linguistic and the Pyrenees mountain range. There are two cultural benefits of a year abroad experience What will your job consist of? official languages spoken in the area; Spanish and Spanish students get to practice their I will be assisting an English teacher in and Euskera or Basque. a middle school or high school. I will assist English with native speakers and learn about How did you learn about the program? When primarily with conversational English. I will an English-speaking culture first hand. do you recommend other students to apply? also be teaching the students about my culture, Salem State students Daniel Godden, I was told about the program by Dr. its values, norms, and customs. Alyssa Barras and Charles Berry have been Serra while I was in Spain studying two selected to participate in the program next Where are you going to live? summers ago. The application period begins year. The three of them are graduates of the The program leaves it up to you to in November and timing is of the highest Oviedo study abroad summer program, and find accommodations. The faculty and staff of importance. Assuming one qualifies, timing Alyssa and Daniel also completed a semester your designated school will assist you but will is the main determinant of whether one is at the Universidad de Oviedo. They illustrate not find it for you. I am hoping to either room accepted or rejected. All students interested how abroad can open new doors and a life of with Spanish natives in a Spanish home, or should visit the cultural ambassadors website opportunity. with other cultural assistants. I would prefer in early November and have their applications Charles Berry, Former Nursing major/ to live with Spanish natives, because it would completed and submitted by the end of the Spanish minor gives us some insight into the force me to understand and learn more of the month. program: Spanish language. I would recommend other students to apply if they have similar goals as I have. If they Why did you apply to the Cultural Ambassador How much money will you receive? would like to build a unique resume, have an Program? I will receive a minimum of 700 net Euros outgoing and adventurous personality, and are I chose to apply for the cultural ambassador per month. I have not yet heard about the eager to learn something about themselves program for several reasons. The first reason specific amount because it varies from region and the people that live amongst us in the is because I wanted to learn the Spanish to region depending on the cost of living in world. And remember, you do not need to language. I have always wanted to speak each region. Spanish and I have never had the time in my be a Spanish major. The prerequisite is an life to truly dedicate myself to learning it. The What do you anticipate to get from your year Intermediate level of Spanish to participate in second reason is because I went to Spain two in Spain? the program. summers ago and I had the best experience I anticipate learning and comprehending a For those who would like to participate in of my life. I met new and interesting people, majority of the Spanish language to the best future years, you can find additional the info at: learned more Spanish than I ever had in the of my ability, performing to the best of my past and I gained a new outlook on life that ability in my role as a cultural ambassador and us_assistants/default.shtml or contact gaining a terrific and rare life experience. I can Professor Serra in foreign languages. n guess that it will be fun, amazing, scary, nerve-

11 The Etymological Approach to Learning Spanish Vocabulary By Jon Aske, Foreign Languages I was recently teaching my elementary meanings are called false cognates or false The Germanic Family of Languages Spanish class about the troublesome friends by language teachers (more on this Spanish prepositions por and para. These later). prepositions are problematic because both So, breaking the word preposition into of them sometimes translate by means of two was easy enough for my students: pre the English preposition for and this confuses + position. The second part, position, was students. When I asked my students, ¿Qué es not a problem: position is like location, the una preposición? “What is a preposition?,” I place where something is. The first part, pre, got mostly blank stares, so I figured a short was not much of a problem either. This is a discussion of grammatical terminology was prefix in many English words, from pre- in order. I decided to try the etymological condition to pre-fabricated. It means “before”. approach and so I told them that we should The equivalent Germanic version is fore, as putting a burden on someone. And so on. analyze the word preposición “preposition”. in forearm and forethought (fore, by the way, This approach to teaching vocabulary, My students are used to our not missing is a cognate of Latinate pre, since both come never mind that this time I used it to teach a any chances to compare Spanish words to from Proto-Indo-European per: notice how grammatical concept, is called the etymological cognate English words, that is, words that look here, as in the case of fish, Latin has p where approach because it brings up the original and sound alike and have very similar, if not English has f; also notice that the word before meaning of a word, its etymology. Spanish is identical, meanings. is derived from the old adverb fore). a language that derives directly from Latin, Those who follow my historical linguistics So a preposition is something you put so most of its vocabulary is clearly related to columns in Lingua Franca may remember before something else. And what is that Latin. Sometimes the relationship is obvious, that the word cognate in linguistics has to do something else? One of my students said as in Spanish rosa “rose”, which comes from with native words of related languages having “the subject”. Someone else said “the verb”. Latin ROSA, and other times it is not, such a common ancestor. So in that sense the Obviously they didn’t have a very clear idea as hambre “hunger”, which comes from Latin English word fish and the equivalent Spanish of what a preposition is. So I had to tell them famine, for many sound and meaning changes word pez are cognates since they both derive that a preposition usually comes before a took place across the centuries that may have ultimately from the word peisk in the ancestor noun phrase, together with which forms a obscured a word’s relationship to its etymon, language of both English and Spanish (Proto- prepositional phrase. Nothing cleared this up its original source. Indo-European). (If this seems odd to you, like a few examples, such as en la casa “in the It is important to realize that Latin-based you should know that in old English fish was house”, where en “in” is the preposition and la words in Spanish come from two sources. something like fisc and in old Spanish, aka casa “the house” is the noun phrase; or para One set are the words that were transmitted Latin, pez was piscis, and then the similarities mi professor “for my teacher”, where para “for” orally from generation to generation and which will be more obvious.) is a preposition and mi professor “my teacher” in many cases suffered sound and meaning is a noun phrase. Could it really be that my Influences in English Vocabulary changes. These are sometimes called popular students had gone through high school without words (palabras patrimoniales in Spanish). The ever learned what a preposition is? Indeed other set consists of classical words (palabras most of them did. cultas or cultismos in Spanish), words which Anyway, I would like to think that my had been abandoned in the spoken Spanish students got a kick out of what came next. I of the early Middle Ages and which were put the English word prepose on the board rediscovered in the late Middle Ages when and asked them if they could come up with Spanish became a written language that other words that ended in -pose. It didn’t needed to enrich its vocabulary to make it as take long to come up with a list: suppose, rich as that of Latin. What better place could oppose, compose, depose, expose, impose, there be to obtain fancy words than written dispose, etc. I explained that all these words Latin itself, the model of all written languages came from Latin and were formed by a Latin in Europe at the time? As we saw in an earlier preposition (the prefix) plus the root –pose, entry in Lingua Franca, Latin too acquired some which means something like “to put.” Spanish of its fancy vocabulary from other languages, equivalents have poner “to put” where English in particular from classical Greek. These has pose. So sup- (which comes from sub) words, however, didn’t undergo the sound and means “under” and thus suppose—suponer in meaning changes that popular words did. In language teaching, however, two words Spanish—is “to put under”, as in a foundation And where do all the Latin words in English are called cognates if they sound or look for our reasoning (Spanish also away with come from? Unlike Spanish, French, Italian, alike and also have the same or very similar Latin double letters, since they are only and Portuguese, English does not come meaning, irrespective of where they come pronounced once). Next, op- (which comes from Latin. However, England was ruled by from. So for a language teacher, fish and pez from ob) means “against”, so oppose—oponer French speaking Normans for 300 years at the are not cognates, like they are for the historical in Spanish—is “to put against”. Com, which beginning of the last millennium, and at that linguist, since they don’t really look alike. And comes from con, means “with” or “together”, time a great many French (and thus Latin- for a historical linguist, English telephone so compose—componer in Spanish, is literally based) words entered the language. Then, and Spanish teléfono would not be cognates, “to put together” (in Spanish componer can once it became a written language, English too since they are both a word made up in the 19th also mean “to repair”). De means “away”, so found itself in need to enrich its vocabulary century from Greek parts, but they are indeed depose—deponer in Spanish—is “to put away”. so that it would be as rich as that of Latin, the cognates for a language teacher. Cognates Ex means “off, out”, so expose—exponer in model of a rich written language in Europe for language teachers are “friendly words”, Spanish, means “to put out”. Finally, im, which during the Middle Ages. since they are supposedly easy to learn. Words comes from in, means “in, on”, so impose— that sound or look alike, but have different imponer in Spanish, means “to put on” as in a continued online at 12