Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2020 SESSION OF 2020 204TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 61 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES No. 2950 By Representatives DAVIDSON, HOHENSTEIN, The House convened at 11 a.m., e.d.t. KINSEY, KENYATTA, SANCHEZ, SHUSTERMAN, ROZZI, HANBIDGE, DONATUCCI, SCHLOSSBERG, KRUEGER, HOWARD, YOUNGBLOOD, READSHAW, FRANKEL, THE SPEAKER (BRYAN CUTLER) HILL-EVANS, DELLOSO, ULLMAN, DALEY, DRISCOLL, PRESIDING KOSIEROWSKI, T. DAVIS, McCARTER, WARREN, DeLUCA and OTTEN PRAYER An Act prohibiting discrimination in certain insurance policies based on certain drugs. HON. ROBERT F. MATZIE, member of the House of Representatives, offered the following prayer: Referred to Committee on INSURANCE, October 21, 2020. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. No. 2952 By Representatives ORTITAY, CEPHAS, Let us bow our heads in prayer. FRANKEL, ZABEL, BROOKS, WILLIAMS, SANCHEZ, Dear Lord, lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. GALLOWAY, HILL-EVANS, ROEBUCK, SCHLOSSBERG, Lead me from despair to hope, fear to trust. Lead me from hate INNAMORATO, WEBSTER, GREEN, CIRESI and to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, KENYATTA and our universe. Amen. An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for institution of higher PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE education application and process. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, October 21, 2020. visitors.) SENATE BILLS FOR CONCURRENCE JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the following bills for concurrence: Journal of Tuesday, October 20, 2020, will be postponed until printed.
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