Advancing Objectivism
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News from The Ayn Rand Institute ADVANCINGOBJECTIVISM: HIGHLIGHTS FROM RECENT ISSUES China Poster: hoducedfor disributionby campusObjec- Environmentalism: Continuingits attackon environ- tivist clubs,the posterfeatures a reprintof the famousCNN mentalism,ARl-along with SecondRenaissance Books- photo of a Chinesestudent blocking the path of Chinese hostedan information table at the fourttr annualNational Army tanks on their way to TiananmenSquare. Beneath WildemessCongress, March 2l-23, in Denver.The con- the photo is a quote from Anthem: "The battle they lost ferencewas sponsoredby a largenumber of pro-develop- can neverbe lost. That which they died to savecan never ment organizationsand businesses. (April l99l) It may sleep,but it will awaken. It may wear chains,but Philosophy Training: In additionto its ongoingsem- it will break through." The UCLA campusclub and the inars for doctoral studentsin philosophy,ARI has begun SouthemCalifomia Objectivist Association recently reprint- two specialseminars conducted by LeonardPeikoff, one ed the poster as part of a full-page ad in the Daily Bruin, for graduatestudents in philosophyand anotherfor un- UCLA's qlmpus newspaper.Subsequently, a Chinesestu- dergraduatesin variousdisciplines. (June 1991) dent group usedthe quote from Anthernin its own adver- "Anthem" on Stage: Ideal Productions(which staged tisementin the 1990UCLA yeaftook. The posterwas also the award-winningldeal in 1990)announces dramatized amongother ARI and Objectivistmaterials-some trans- readings Anthem in Los Angeles,October-December, lated into Ctrinese*-distributedat rallies in SanFrancisco of 1991,.(October 1991) protestingthe ChineseCommunists. (August 1990) Campus Debate: An overflow audienceof more than New Science Organization: The Society for Objec- 500 attendedthe October23, 1990,debate at the Univer- tive Sciencehas been formed by researchgeologist Dr. sity of Ctricagoon "Capitalismvs. Socialism:Which is Richard F. Sanford. The goal of the organizationis to the Moral Social System?"Arguing for capitalismwere advancerational methodology in the sciences,as well as ARI speakersHarry Binswangerand JohnRidpath; they properapplication of scienceto moral andpolitical ques- were opposedby John Stephensof NorthwestemUniver- tions. The group's initial efforts will be directedagainst srty andMke Dysonof the ChicagoTheological Seminary. environmentalism.(October 1991 ) (December1990) Eastern Europe: o Translationis completefor a Rus- SecondRenaissance Books, reprints the26 articlesAyn Rand sian-languagebooklet of Ayn Rand'sessays, to be titled wrote for the Los AngelesTimes, plus six other articles TheMorality of Individualisn*-Essaysin the Philosophic and an inuoductionby PeterSchwartz. (Derember 1991) Foundationsof Capitalism. The contentsof the booklet include"What is Capitalism?,""Man's Rights," "The Na- Ayn Rand's lntluence.' A widely reportedsurvey of ture of Govemment,"and a sectionfrom Galt's Speech readingshabits conducted for the Library of Congressand introducing the fundamentalprinciples of the Objectivist the Book of the Month Club rankedAtlas Shruggedin ethics.(April 1991) oThe Economicand Political Advi- secondplace (to the Bible) on a list of "booksthat made a sor to the Slovak Republic Prime Minister, in Bratislava, difference"in people'slives. The Founninheadtied for Czechoslovakia,has wrinen to ARI that "it is vital that founeenthplace. (December1991) Ayn Rand's ideasflood EastemEurope." (October 1991) oThe Institute's l'Books for Hungary"project completed a Ayn Rand in the U.S. Senate: In a speechduring the very successfirlfirst stage.The Budapestbookstore chain full Senatedebate on the ClarenceThomas nomination, to which ARI sent 200 copies each of The Virtue of SenatorSteven Symms @-Idaho) referredto Ayn Rand Selftshnessand Capitalism: The Unktnwn ldeal reports as "one of the greatestphilosophers to havelived in the that all copieshad been sold within two months,despite twentieth century" and quoted from her article "The thelack of advertising.(December 1990) Anatomyof Compromise."(December 1991) Essay Contest: High-schoolte:rher requestsfor Foun- ARl-assisted Campus Talks in April and May, 1992: tair*tead teachersguides have reached 14,000-nearly Date Speaker School Topic SOVomorc than last year's record,despite a newly insti- 4-2......locke............GWIJ................. Objectivist Concep of Self-Bteem tutedmaximum of 10 guidesper teacher.(December 1991) 4-8......Salsman.........Florida...............Free Banking/Gold Standard 4-9......Salsman.........Georgia.............Capltalism and the Environment Scholarly Publication' Harry Binswanger'sarticle "Voli- 4-I 3 ....Salsman ......... Wisconsin ......... Wall SaeetUnder Siege 4-13....Reisman ........ Michigan ........... Education and Racism tion as Cognitive Self-Regulation,"a presentationof the 4-14 .... Salsman ......... Miami (Ohio).... Capitalism and the Environment Objectivisttheory of free will, waspublished in the Decem- 4-14 .... Reisman ........ Okla. State........ Toxicity of Environmenrelism ber, 1991,issue of OrganizationalBehavior and Hutnan 4-14 .... Binswanger ... Connecticut ....... "Buy American"is Un-American 4-15.... Salsman.........Cincinnati..........Capitalism anddre Environment DecisionProcesses, a leadingjoumal in the fields of organ- 4-15....Reisman ........Texas.................Toxicity of Environmentalism izationalpsychology and management. Dr. Binswangeris 4-15 .... Ridpath ......... Stanford ............ The Morality of Cqialism editor of TheAyn RandLexicon and the revisededition of 4-16,,,.Reisman........Houston.............Toxicity of Bntltonrtleltalism 4-I 5 ....Ridpath ......... UC-Berkeley .... Righs-Reason-Reality I ntroductianto Objectivist Epistennl.o gy. (Febru ary 1992) 4-20.... Ridpath ......... UC-Davis .........The Moralityof Capialism 4-21....Reisman ........Haward.............Toxicity of Environmentalism Op-Ed on Western Civilization' Michael Berliner's 4-22.... Reisman ........ Minnesota ......... Education and Racism 4-22.... Salsman ......... Northwestem ..... Capitalism and the Environment articleon the superiorityof Westemcivilization over the 4-23....Sanford .........Chicago ............. Case Against Environmentalism: American Indian way of life was publishedin the Los Salsman Scientific,Economic, and Moral AngelesTimes on December30, 1991.,under the headline Schwartz 4-27....Schwartz.......Boston ...............The Virtue of Selfishness "Man's Best Camewith Columbus."The articlewas car- 5-13....Reisman ........UCSD ...............Education andRacism ried on the L.A. Times wire service and subsequently 5-14....Sanford.........UCLA ...............Environmentalism vs. Science publishedin at least 15 otherdaily newspapers,including those in Minneapolis,Buffalo, San Jose,Charlotte, Ft. Book of the Month Club: Atlas Shrugged(the 35th an- Worth, andHartford. (February1992) niversaryedition) has beennamed as a Book of the Month Club (BMC) selection for September1992. It will be Op-Ed Fatlout: oMichael Berlinerhasbeen invited to offered in both the hardcoverand paperbackdivisions, speakat a symposiumon "Ethics and the Controversy which have a membershipof 1,000,000.It may alsobe Over the ColumbusQuincentennial," sponsored by the offeredin BMC's "4 booksfor l" offer to potentialsub- Center for Applied Ethics, at Santa Clara University. scribers.The BMC informedus that Atlns Shruggedwas o Among the many positiveletters received by ARI was a unanimouschoice by the editors,many of whomnamed one from Crist6bal Coldn (Duke of Veragua),a direct it as their own favoritenovel. (June 1992) descendantof ChristopherColumbus. cThe Humanist,a monthly publicationof the AmericanHumanist Associa- ARI and Penguin Books: The nextprintingof Anthem tion, devotedmuch of its March editorialto an attackon (scheduledfor June)will carry a full-pagead for the Foun- Dr. Berliner'sarticle, singling out his oppositionto multi- tainheadessay contest and ARI's teaphersguides to The culturalism. (April 1992) Fountainhead and Anthem. All subsequentpaperback printings of Ayn Rand's fiction will carry similar ads. Objectivism/ARlin the News: oThe March 17Chicago (June 1992) Tribunecarried a lengthy article aboutAtlas Shruggedon pageone of its featuresection and includedquotes from Club Events Draw Protests: Objecrivismis beingper- Drs. Peikoff, Berliner, and Ridpath,and former U-Chicago ceived as an increasing threat to the intellectual estab- Objectivistclub presidentRob Tracinski.oThe eleven lishment on univenity campuses.Organized protests (witlt Gannettnewspapers in WestchesterCounty (NY) carried preprintedmaterials) were held at the Univenity of Cincin- a full-pagebook review of Atlas Shruggedon March 15. nati and the Universityof CalifomirSan Diego prior to I On January19, the Los AngelesTimes Sunday Maga- and during talks by Richard Salsmanon environmentalism zine publisheda short article about ARI, describingour andGeorge Reisman on instinrtionalizedracism. And Uni- activitiesand featuringa quote from Dr. Berliner about versity of Chicagoenvironmentalists felt it necessaryto the importanceof the Fountainheadessay contest. Excerpts hold an eventtitled "The CaseAgainst Objectivism,"in from the article, including the quote, were reprintedon reactionto the publicity surroundingthe Objectivistclub's March 9 in the Toronto Globeand Mail. (April 1992) anti-environmentalismcolloquium. (June 1992) (IMPACT is publishedbimonthly by the Ayn RandInstitute. All rights reseryed,copyright @1992.) THE AYN RAND INSTITUTE . THE CENTER FOR THE ADVAIjCEMENT OF OBJECnvlSil . 4&O ADIYIIRALTYWAY . llARlNA DEL REY . CA 9ott92 o (3rO) 306.9:132.