New Mineral Names*

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New Mineral Names* American Mineralogist, Volume 77, pages446-452' 1992 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JonN L. Jlvrson CANMET, 555 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KIA OGl, Canada Dlvro A. Ya,uro Department of Geology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, U.S.A. Native brass mitted light, white streak, adamantine luster, no fluores- cence,brittle, microhardness(10-g load) : 673 kg/cm2, M.G. Chebotarev,G.M. Chebotarev(1990) Native brass perfect cleavage.Optically biaxial negative, 2V : 20, u in gold sulfide ore deposits in Central Kyzylkum. Uz- : 1.997(5),positive elongation,dispersion bek. Geol.Zh.,1990(3),39-41 (in Russian). 1.936(5),t: r > v, no pleochroism,X : a, Y: b, Z: c. Analysis of the mineral by electron microprobe gave The name is for I. M. Cheremnykh, one of the discov- (averageof four,range) Cu 61.30,54.98-67.87;2n38.93, erers of the Kuranakh deposit. Type material is at the 34.7243.59 Fe 1.97, 0-4.06; sum 102.20wt0/0, corre- Institute of Geological SciencesMuseum, Yakutsk Sci- spondingto Cu, Both a-type and u-B-type ence Center, Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sci- ",FeoorZrt,,r. forms of brass are present. Greenish yellow in reflected ences. light. The mineral occurs as microscopic inclusions in pyrite from late-stagequartz-pyrite veins that cut Au- Kuksite bearing pyrite depositsin westernUzbekistan. Pyrrhotite Analysis by electron microprobe (averageof nine) gave and graphite-like carbonaceousmaterial are associated PbO 50.59, ZnO 20.76, CaO 1.46,TeO. 14.30,P,O' with the brass. A final note claims that contamination 10.38,VrO5 1.81, AsrO,0.07, SiOr 0.40, sum 99.77vtto/o, during production of polished thin sections cannot be correspondingto Pb, urZn,orCa" r, Teo nuPr r3vo 23sio o8O r3 eo, ruled out as the sourceof the "native brass." D.A.V. ideally Pb,ZnrTeOu(POo)r.X-ray study (singlecrystal and powder diffraction) showedthe mineral to be orthorhom- bic, spacegroup Cmmm, C222, Cm2m, or Cmm2, a: Cheremnykhite*, kuksite* 8.50(3),b: r4.72(s),c: 5.19(3)A, Z:2. D*^:6.2r A.A. Kim, N.V. Zayakina,V.F. Makhotko (1990)Kuks- g/cm3. The strongest lines (17 given) are ite Pb.Zn.TeOu(POo),and cheremnykhite PbrZnr- 3.29(I 00,1 3 1,20 I ), 3.00(80,221,04 r), 2.594(40,002), TeOu(VOo)r-New tellurates from the Kuranakh gold 1.903(50,242,152,3 | 2), and 1.606(30,352,422,17 7). Oc- Zapiski Vses. deposit (Central Aldan, southern Yakutia). curs as thin tabular crystals,0.I to 0.3 mm, with {100} I l9(5), 50-57 (in Russian). Mineral. Obshch., well developed,associated with cheremnykhite, duggan- yafsoanite,descloizite, and Te-Pb-Mn-saponite, as a Cheremnykhite ite, late-stageinterstitial mineral in calcite of the Kuranakh microprobe (averageof ten) gave Analysis by electron gold deposit, Central Aldan. In hand specimenthe min- 18.89,TeO. 13.76,V2Os9.25, PrO5 0.06, PbO 53.04,ZnO eral is gray and turbid, and transparent in transmitted 2.16, sum 99.24 wt0/0,cor- As,O, 2.02, Sb,O50.06, SiO, light. White streak,adamantine luster, weak fluorescence, Pb, respondingto o.ZnrrrTe, ooVr roAso rrPo orSioouO,r rr, brittle, microhardness(10-g load) : 325 kg/cm2, perfect ideally PbrZnrTeOu(VOo)r.X-ray study (single crystal cleavage.Optically biaxial negative,2V : 12-20', a: powder diffraction) showed the mineral to be or- and 1.971(5),y : 1.981(5),positive elongation,dispersion r group Cmmm, C222, Cm2m, ot thorhombic, space > v, Z: c, no pleochroism. 14.86(5),c: 5.18(3)A, Z:2, Cmm2,c: 8.58(3),b: The name is for A. L Kuks, one of the discoverersof : g1cm3.The strongest lines (20 given) are D*rc 6.44 the Kuranakh deposit. Type material is at the Institute of 2.470(40,060,330), 3.30(100,I 3 1,201),3.00(90,221,041), Geological SciencesMuseum, Yakutsk Science Center, 2,3| 2), and I .6 0 7 (6 0,3 52,422,1 7 7 The | .903(50,242,1 5 ). Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences.D.A.V. mineral occursas elongatetabular crystals,0.1 to 0.5 mm, with well-developed{100} and {010}. Occurswith kuks- ite, dugganite, yafsoanite, descloizite, and Te-Pb-Mn- Dmisteinbergite* saponite as a late-stageinterstitial mineral in calcite at E.V. Lotova, E'N. Nigmatulina, V.S. the Kuranakh gold deposit, Central Aldan. In hand spec- B.V. Chesnokov, Pavlyuchenko, A.F. Bushmakin (1990) Dmisteinberg- imen the mineral is greenishyellow, transparentin trans- ite CaAlrSirO, (hexagonal)-A new mineral' Zapiski -n Vses.Mineral. Obshch.,I l9(5), 43-45 (in Russian). B"fo.. publication,minerals marked with an asteriskwere ap- mineral by electron microprobe (aver- provedby the Commissionon New Mineralsand MineralNames, Analysis of the InternationalMineralogical Association. ageof four) gaveNa,O 0.32, &O 0'03, MgO 0.01, CaO 0003-004x/92l0304-0446$02.00 446 JAMBOR AND VANKO: NEW MINERAL NAMES 447 19.29, AI2O335.39, SiO, 43.89, sum 98.93 wto/0,corre- Two new arsenoselenidesfrom the north shore ofLake sponding to (CaonuNa" or)ro rrAl, essi2oro8 00, ideally Ca- Athabasca,Saskatchewan. Can. Mineral., 29. 4 | I -4 I 8. Alrsiror. The mineral decomposesslowly in HCl. X-ray study showed the mineral to be hexagonal,space group Jolliffeite P6/mmm,a: 5.122(5),c: 14.78t(l A, Z:2, D.orc: Electron-microprobe analysis (one of seven analyzed 2.747 g/cm3. The strongestlines (seven given) are grains)gave Ni 23.2,Co 5.I, Fe 0.06,Cu 0.09,As 36.6, 4.48(60,100),3.83(60,102), 3.73(100,004), 2.85(70,104), Se 36.6, S 0.08, sum l0l.l3 wt0/0,corresponding to 2.57(80,110),and 1.847(70,008).The mineral forms hex- (Nior.Coo,r)r,o,As, o, (SeonrSoo,)ronr, ideally NiAsSe. Oc- agonal tablets up to 0.7 mm across on fracture surfaces curs as anhedral grains up to 145 x 240 p.m, typically in blocks from burned coal dumps in the Chelyabinsk rimmed by clausthalite.In reflectedlight, white, not bire- coal basin, southern Ural mountains. It is associatedwith flectant or pleochroic; representative reflectance mea- cordierite, mullite, anorthite, wollastonite, tridymite, fa- surements(percent), given in 20-nm stepsfor air and for yalite, fassaite,norbergite-chondrodite, graphite, and iron oil, are(nm, R,, R, in air) 420 50.3,50.6;46050.7, 50.8; carbidesand monosulfides.Crystals exhibit a well-devel- 50050.9, 51.0; 540 51.5, 51.5; 580 51.2, 5r.3;620 51.4, oped {001} pinacoid and a poorly developed {1010} 51.4;66051.4, 51.3. X-ray single-crysralsrudy indicated prism. Colorless,perfect {0001} cleavage,H : 6. Opti- cubic symmetry,space group Pa3, a : 5.831(l) A, D..,. callyuniaxial positive, a: 1.575,e : 1.580. : 7.12 g,/cm3with the ideal formula, and Z : 4. The The name is for Dmitrii Steinberg,a noted petrologist. X-ray powder pattern (nine lines given) has strongestlines Type material is at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, of 2.916(50,200),2.602(100,210), 2.378(80,211), Moscow.D.A.V. 1.757(80,3I l), and 1.559(50,32l). The new mineral, which is chemically and crystallo- graphically the Se analogue of gersdorffite-Pa3,is asso- Haynesite* ciated with pitchblende in drill core of a fracture zone M._Deliens,P. Piret (1991)Haynesite, uranyl selenitehy- near a dolomite-peridotite contact at Fish Hook Bay, drate, a new mineral speciesfrom the Repetemine, San Shirley Peninsula,on the north shore of Lake Athabaska Juan County, Utah. Can. Mineral., 29, 561-564 6n near lJranium City, Saskatchewan.The new name is for French,English abstract). A. W. Jolliffee(1907-1988), Queen's University, Kings- ton. Type material is in the SystematicReference Electron-microprobe and CHN analyses gave, after Series of the National Mineral collection, subtractionof l.5l wto/ocalcite (0.850/o CaO), UO., Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. SeO, 17.91,HrO 8.56, sum 98.28wt0/0, corresponding to 3.03UO,' I .95SeO,. 5.7 5H,O, ideally(IJO,)3(OH),(SeO,),. 5HrO. Occurs as amber-yellow tablets, transparent to CoAsSe translucent, elongate[001], and as acicular prismatic ro- Occurs with jolliffeite as grains of similar size, habit, settesto 3 mm in diameter; vitreous luster,.F/ : 1.5-2, and association. Electron-microprobe analyses of two easy {010} cleavage,yellowish green fluorescence,D_."" grainsgave Co 23.6,17.8; Ni 5.1,10.3; Fe 0.27,0.l8; As : 4.1, D.,.: 4.07 g/cm3with Z : 2. Optically biaxial 37.7,33.2;Se 32.8,39.1;S 1.1,0.9; sum 100.57,100.67 negativea:1.618(2), B: 1.738(3),1: 1.765(5),2V^."wt0/0,corresponding to (Coor. Nio,, Feoo, )r, o,As, o,(Seo ru- : 45o,2V"u,": 48', X : a, Y : b, Z : c. Pleochroicfrom Soor)"0n, and (CoouoNio' Feoo,)r,orAson, (Se,oo Soo,)r,or, pale yellow to bright yellow. X-ray single-crystal study ideally CoAsSe. In reflected light, white, slightly aniso- indicated orthorhombic symmetry, spacegroup pnc2 or tropic (gray rotation tints). Reflectancemeasurements, as Pncm,a: 8.025(5),b: 17.43(t),c : 6.935(3)A. Strong- for jolliffeite,are 420 49.45,51.0; 460 50.2,51.2;500 est lines (32 given) of the powder pattern are 50.8,51.6; 540 51.2,51.8; 580 51.4,51.9;620 51.5, 51.9; 8.01(100,100),4.01(70,200), 3.468(60,002), 3.186 660 51.5, 51.9.
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