Cold Open: Dean Arnold Corll. The Killer. A momma’s boy who first made friends with local kids by handing out candy from his family’s candy store like the absolute cartoonishly creepy dirtbag he was. The man who then groomed a teen boy to be his murder, , and accomplice. He then convinced a second teen boy to also be his murder, rape, and torture accomplice; a second boy who would eventually shoot Dean dead. But not before Dean killed at least twenty- eight Houston area teens between 1970 and 1973, most dying just about the worst death imaginable on his homemade “torture board”.

We take a look, today, into the life and times and crimes of someone who initially did not seem destined for a life of sadism and debauchery. His mom opened a family candy store for God’s sake. Despite no history of suffering abuse himself, Dean developed a dark talent for manipulating and abusing others.

Over the course of this podcast, I’ve become pretty jaded towards true crime, but this story really pulled me in. It has some strange twists and turns in it. And - a happy ending in the sense that the bad guy eventually gets killed. Not as good as the bad guy dying BEFORE becoming a really bad guy, but, a lot better than him getting away with it, and a little more satisfying than him hanging around watching TV in prison.

Murder, torture, abduction, and some super sketchy early 1970s Texas police work, all examined today, in another true crime edition of Timesuck.


I. Welcome! A. Happy Monday: Happy Monday, Timesuckers! Hail Nimrod! Hail Lucifina! And Praise Bojangles and Triple M.

I’m Dan Cummins aka the Lord and Master of All Suckdom, the Master Sucker, and YOU are listening to Timesuck. Welcome back to a somewhat normal log entry into the annals of the Cult of the Curious.

That last Suck was something else, right? Apologies for the aggressive air banjo-ing. So many air banjo solos. Just know that I know how annoying that was. Whiskey man. It gets me riled up.

And sorry for all the yelling. So much yelling. I did have a great time, though. And thank Nimrod Lynze was there to help me finish the tale. And thanks again for Joe coming in late to work and for 10/six to catering and supplying the booze.

Recording in the Suck Dungeon in CDA I-D-ho, Reverend Doctor Joe Motherfuckin’ Paisley at the production helm. Lynze in studio as well. Kyler and Monroe at sleep away camp, and Penny Pooper and Gigi Belle possibly currently destroying something I care about. Kidding. Probably. They’re usually very good dogs.

Recording this in advance of my shows, so, HOPING those were awesome! Already hoping I never do another three shows of standup on a Saturday, even if all three shows were fun. That’s too many shows for one day.

B. Standup Tour: Really hoping to see a bunch of you in Denver at Comedy Works downtown for the Flat Earth Tour this weekend and really, REALLY hope I see a ton of you on Sunday for the live Narco Satanist Suck. Adolfo Constanzo. Mulleted leather-jacket wearing leader of a group of Satanic drug dealers who sacrificed random people they’d kidnapped to the devil in exchange for magical powers they thought they received to avoid capture. Constanzo had his followers drinking potions made from human sacrifice that they thought made them invisible. Let’s get crazy, real crazy at the live show. Hail Lucifina!

C. Trivia Night: Also in Fort Collins, on Tuesday, August 21, from 6:30-8:30PM, our friends at Maxline Brewing are hosting a Timesuck Trivia night. Fun! They’re giving away goodies. Teams can be anywhere from 1-5 players. Golden State Killer, Aztec Empire, Chikatilo, Lost Books of the Bible just some of the topics.

2724 McClelland Drive

Link in episode description to more details: https://


And then I head back to the Bay Area - Sunnyvale, . I’ll be at Rooster T Feathers September 6-9, and then in Hollywood California at the Improv, one night only, September 12th. And then just North of LA in Oxnard September 13-15.

My new album, Maybe I’m the Problem is dropping soon on vinyl!

My first ever vinyl pressings, on Romanus records, come out in a few limited edition possibilities on September 15th - Noon Pacific Time, 3PM Eastern Time. Romanus Records specialize in custom vinyl. The records they make look SO good. And mine are no exception. Super pumped to have it hit human hands, and then human ears right after that!

Link to the Romanus Records store in the episode description and pics of how these records look will be posted on Instagram and Facebook - @dancumminscomedy

E. Labor Day Sale: Labor Day Sale coming up in the Timesuck store. Gotta get some of that exotic fabric outta there! Gotta kick out some elderly moleskin. Some baby deer inner thigh skin. Some hummingbird tail feathers.

From August 27th at Noon PST to September 3rd at Noon PST, 25% and a free air freshener with every purchase so more can smell the Suck.

It’ll be the last chance to grab a few items, like the original Danger Brain Cult of the Curious shirt with my face. Last chance for the green lizard pullover hoodie, and last chance for the summer tank tops.

Thanks for wearing this stuff to the shows. It means a lot. It’s crazy.

F. Andrew committing suicide. Following up on what I announced last week, in sad and unfortunate news, I must share with out community that we have lost one of our own. Andrew Wood took his own life on Sunday, August 5th. At the request of Andrew’s family and as it should be, the details of his suicide are being kept private. I just want to take a minute to remind each and every one of you that you are never alone.

Timesuck has become a second family for many of us, and while our family is dark and weird and jokes a lot - we take suicide and all of life’s challenges very seriously.

And, as I said last week, were are donating some of the Space Lizard Patreon support this month to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, in Andrew’s name and honor. The number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Link in the episode description. Don’t ever hesitate to call that number if you need to. Nimrod wants you to. Lucifina thinks it’s brave and sexy to get help.

G. Segue to Topic: Take care of yourselves, Timesuckers.

And now, time to dive into someone who Nimrod did NOT want to take care of himself, real life monster Dean Arnold Corll, Houston’s notorious Candyman Killer.


II. Intro/Establish Premiss: Like the Toybox Killer, like Andrei “What is big deal?” Chikatilo, I can’t believe I had never heard of the Candyman prior to this year. When he died in 1973, he was deemed to be America’s most prolific . He took almost thirty teen boys, that we know of, off the streets of Houston. But his crimes received surprisingly little national press.

Further surprising me is that the kids he took weren’t kids walking the streets - not that that would make it even remotely acceptable. Many of his victims were kids from happy homes. That’s atypical. Usually predators like the Candyman prey on more at risk youth. Kids without families or with families who are less likely to look hard into their disappearances like the kids Gacy preyed on.

The Candyman took kids who were just going out to watch a movie with a girlfriend, kids just riding their bikes around the neighborhood, or walking home from work, or kids looking to maybe have a few beers with a few other kids their own age.

And the couple of kids their own age were kids they often knew from school or the neighborhood, kids who talked them into meeting up with Dean Arnold Corll, the Candyman. Talked them into either getting into his van or meeting up back at his place to party.

And within hours or even minutes of meeting Dean, they found themselves tied to Dean’s “torture board” being raped, tortured, and humiliated in preposterously sadistic ways. And then, in almost every case, they soon found themselves being murdered.

The real Candyman is way scarier than the movie version I watched back when I was a freshman in high school back in 1992. And that dude was scary.

Let’s start at the beginning today with the Candyman, back when a monster appeared to be a sweet little newborn baby, in today’s Timesuck Timeline.


III.Timesuck Timeline 1. December 24th, 1939: Dean Arnold Corll is born in Fort Wayne, , on Christmas Eve, 1939. Christmas Eve. Halloween would be so much more fitting. He’s the first child born to Mary Robinson and Arnold Edwin Corll.

He was shy and his mother doted on him. His father was supposedly strict and according to someone close to the family, he didn’t “appreciate” children.

Fort Wayne.

There used to be a comedy club in Fort Wayne that was a notorious dump. I never worked it but I did stop by and watch a show one night with another comic when I was touring some colleges in the Midwest and had a night off. Me and this other comic who has long since quit comedy played a game of what we called “Hack Bingo” in the back of the room, which was such a dick thing to do. We made a three by three mini-bingo grid and filled each of the nine squares with something we considered, “hacky”, i.e. something very unoriginal or pandering that lots of comics would do. Like, one square could be, “Let’s give a round of applause for our troops” - which is a NICE thing to do! BUT - shitty comics who couldn’t get applause breaks off of actual comedic material would do this just to get the audience on their side, whether they gave a shit about the troops or not. Another square might be, “Right, ladies?” Possibly followed by something to the effect of, “you don’t need a man when you have a and a nice bottle of wine, right ladies?” Something corny like that. Or jokes I’d heard a hundred different comics tell, like, “This isn’t a town - this is a truck stop that got out of hand!” Or, “Man. Where do y’all keep all the [fill in this blank with any ethnicity not obviously represented in the crowd that night]?”

The comics in Fort Wayne that night were not terribly original, and I think one of us won our game about 15 minutes into the show. And that is my only real memory of Fort Wayne. Of me being a judge-y asshole.

But I know Fort Wayne is much more than the former home of Snickerz Comedy Club. Real name.

Nine years before the birth of Dean Corll, in 1930, when the 312 foot high Lincoln Bank Tower was completed, it had Indiana’s tallest building. It would remain the tallest building in Indiana until 1962.

The Depression hit Fort Wayne not long before Dean’s birth, like it did the rest of America, but then FDR’s New Deal put a lot of jobs in Ft Wayne in the 30s and then early 40s. 7,000 residents worked on the construction of parks, bridges, viaducts, and a modern sewage treatment facility. In the post WWII years, Fort Wayne was booming!

2. 1942: A second child, Dean’s younger brother Stanley is born in Ft Wayne in 1942. Stanley would later go onto to make a lot of money in the board game business, inventing Yahtzee in 1966 and Clue in 1971.

And that of course is not true.

Very, very little information about the life and times of Stanley Corrl seems to exist online. We know that he was born and according to an obituary reference I found online, that he lived into his senior years. And that’s about it.

Thankfully, we do know a little more about Dean.

3. 1944: Dean entered grade school in 1944 where his mom remembered him quickly becoming a target for bullies. He had a heart murmur that kept him from participating in gym class and he was “sickly”, especially after suffering from a bout of rheumatic fever when he was seven. A sickly momma’s boy! I don’t have any stats to back this up, but, I feel like the sickly momma’s boy is way more likely to become a serial killer than the “I got this, don’t need your help ma,” star athlete. Don’t hear about a lot of young popular alpha males that can clean their own weens - Mama Ridgway reference for 10 points - slide into sadistic murder.

4. 1946: In 1946, Dean’s parents Arnold and Mary get divorced and Arnold moves to Memphis after he enters the AirForce. And then Mary and the two boys soon follow. Mary still wanted the boys to be close to their father, even if the marriage had ended. They reconcile in Memphis and then the family moves to Pasadena, Texas where they get married, again, in 1950.

Pasadena was a southern suburb of Houston that was later packed up and relocated by train to California in the single largest town relocation in American history when Sears opened up a new shipping facility and didn’t have the time to actually properly build a new town full of people to work in its new gigantic facility.

That’s crazy talk. Nothing like that has ever happened that I know of.

No, Pasadena is a suburb of Houston that now has over 150,000 people living in it. Back in 1950 though, just over 20,000 people lived there. And a lot of those people were making that sweet oil money! Black gold! Texas Tea! Lightning Juice! Coal Caviar! Diamond Juice! Dirt Booty!

Black gold and Texas Tea are the only legitimate oil nick names I just yelled. I just made the rest of those up. I kind of like “Coal Caviar”. Maybe now that’ll be a new nickname for oil.

The Texas Oil Boom began way back in 1901 and then by 1920 refineries had popped up in and around Pasadena. In 1928, the town incorporated, and then NASA’s Johnson Space Center opened up about 10-15 miles outside of Pasadena in 1963 further diversifying the still primarily petroleum based economy.

So, the Corll family moved to another town and area, just like Fort Wayne, that was on the upswing. Other than a few moves and a divorce, young Dean is having a solid middle-class American childhood.

5. 1953: In 1953, three years into their second marriage, Arnold and Mary divorce again. The divorce was, by all accounts, amicable, with Mary retaining custody and Arnold receiving visitation rights.

Okay, so, now Dean is having a typical middle class childhood with two divorces thrown in. Shit happens.

Shortly after her divorce, Mary meets and falls in love and then quickly marries Jake West, a traveling clock salesman in either late 1953 or early 1954.


God I love details like this when Sucking into a new story! A “traveling clock salesman”. Not just a “clock salesman” - that alone would be awesome. No - a “traveling” clock salesman. And what a perfect name for that job.

“Hello, ma’am. Sorry to bother you at home. Lovely home by the way! I see you went with mint formica for the breakfast table. Excellent touch!

Name’s Jake West, I work for the General Time Corporation. May I ask what kind of clock you and the mister keep time with? No clock!?! Oh no, that just won’t do! Is the mister home at the moment?

No? Well, I won’t trouble asking if I may come in then, but, if you do have but a moment, I’d like to show you a nice Westclox pocket watch I imagine he’d enjoy very much. And I insist that you take this catalog showing the vast and luxurious line of Seth Thomas, Elgin, Lux, and Westclox wall clocks I am the only authorized retailer of in the entire Houston area. We just got in these wonderful new Roman numeral faces, and, for something a little more modern we’re now carrying these Glo-Dials. Ever notice the Glo-Dial at the adorable little diner down the street? Perhaps the one inside the Texaco station? It’s the same clock - now available for the first time for residential use. And I, and only I, can get you 20% below manufacturer’s suggested retail price!

Well, I can smell that casserole cooking and I don’t want it to burn, so I’ll let you be, Mrs., what was it? Ryman? Of course. Mrs. Ryman. I thank you for your time, ma’am, and if I’m able to add one of these wonderful TIME-pieces to your life, soon, you and your family will be thanking JAKE WEST for MY TIME.”

Sorry. I know that went on for a bit, but, those little flights of fancy make me oh so happy.

6. 1954: By the summer of 1954, Dean’s mother Mary and new stepdad Jake have moved the family 90 miles East of Houston to Vidor [vy-ter] , Texas. Vidor [vy-ter] is a small suburb of Beaumont, only about 10,000 people who historically, have mostly been white thanks to the town’s pretty shady history as far as race relations go.

It was known, back when Dean’s family moved to Vidor [vy-ter], that it was a "sundown town,.” One of the towns in America were it was made known that were not allowed to be out in public after sunset. Vidor [vy-ter] had a reputation as a safe haven for Klansmen for years.

As recently as 1993, still SUPER racist in Vidor [vy-ter]. That year, the federal government tried to help change Vidor’s [vy-ter] culture of racial separation, and brought a handful of black families into Vidor's [vy-ter] . In response, the Klan marched in Vidor [vy-ter]. And within months, the new black families moved out.

7. 1955: In 1955, Jake and Mary have a child together, Dean’s half- sister, Joyce. Another sibling we know basically nothing about. Kind of like with the Green River killer’s family, Dean’s family was not big on giving long interviews with the press after everyone found out Dean was a murderous dirtbag.

Classmates from Vidor [vy-ter] High School would later remember Dean as being a bit of loner but otherwise well-behaved. He played trombone in the brass band - LIKE A FUTURE MURDERER WOULD DO - but, other than the playing SATAN’S SLIDE WHISTLE - pretty normal.

Classmates also would remember Dean being white, which, you know, odds are made him OK for Vidor [vy-ter].

Also, in little old Vidor [vy-ter], the family started making candy. For real. This of course, will lead directly to Dean’s Candyman Killer moniker.

Dean’s mom liked to make candy, and she loved making pralines.

And, apparently, her pralines were so delicious that Jake encouraged her to let him try and sell some on his clock selling route.

I shit you not!

Fucking clocks and candy. Door to door from what I can tell. That CANNOT be an easy way to make a living.

“Hello Mrs. Ryman, Jake West again, how is the Seth Thomas working out? Excellent! Polished brass roman numerals on a solid mahogany body. You can’t go wrong with that. Haha.

In my humble opinion, truly a work of art on par with anything on display in the finest New York City or Parisian museum. I just popped over to make sure you were still happy with it and to drop off a little thank you gift of The Pecan Prince pralines. No, I insist. I won’t take a dime for them! But, if you enjoy them, take this card and I’ll be more than happy to sell you as many as you’d like at a fine price the next time I’m through the neighborhood. Life’s too short not to take the TIME to enjoy something SWEET!”

How much do you hate fake Jake West?

Ever had a praline, by the way?

It’s essentially just a chunk of butter, pecans, and brown sugar. Sometimes a little cream or vanilla extract or chocolate also thrown in. I can’t do it. I like sweets but that shit is like instant diabetic coma. Wow. I had some in New Orleans and then had to immediately eat something savory to bring my blood sugar back down to a not dead human level. To be fair, I do have diabetes in my family and have been told I better watch it or I’ll have diabetes as well by a doctor, so I may be more sensitive than most, but damn! That shit is SWEET.

Anyway - Jake does start selling the pralines that Mary and the kids made in the family garage. Starts selling a lot of them. People love ‘em! They call their little operation The Pecan Prince, and, word spreads of how good it is and business booms. How cool is that? Kicking off a candy company with your family in the garage that becomes wildly popular. Such a shame this story ends tragically when it starts off so innocent and beautiful. A family candy business that starts in the garage and initially is sold by a traveling clock salesman. And then the whole family ends up being employed and doing well in Houston with it. Open a few shops. And then Dean fucks it all up by becoming a degenerate.

8. 1958: In 1958, Dean, who’s had what sounds to me like, outside his birth parents divorcing twice, a pretty idyllic childhood, graduates from Vidor [vy-ter] High School and shortly after, the family, including Dean, moves to the northern outskirts of Houston where Jake had been selling most of the candy, and they open up a proper candy shop called, of course, the Pecan Prince.

9. 1960: In 1960, Mary asks her son to move back to Indiana to take care of his widowed grandmother on his father’s side, which he does for two years before coming back to Houston to again help with the candy business. Damn it. Again, Dean and his family sound fantastic up until this point.

They’re running a successful and adorable family business. Dean’s heading back to Indiana to take care of sweet, sweet Nana. Sounds like such a good boy!

However, privately, things are starting to unravel. Dean is clearly gay. He knows he’s gay. His whole family knows he’s gay but no one wants to acknowledge it. He’s gay in 1950s southern Texas which is a recipe for an arguably harder life than being black in 1950s Southern Texas. In addition to being a pretty racist culture down there at that time, it’s also an extremely homophobic culture. No one is cool with homosexuals other than other homosexuals. And it’s hard to find other homosexuals when almost everyone openly really, REALLY hates you.

I mean, we’re talking 1950s Southern Baptist culture. This is the type of culture that Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church considered the good ol’ days.

And Dean’s mother, Mary herself, was especially homophobic. And she let Dean know it. Told him how disgusting homosexuals were any chance she got. Maybe she thought making her feelings about well known to Dean could somehow snuff out any homosexual inclinations within him. All it did was push him towards self-loathing; to despise himself for the attractions he couldn’t help but feel. Did it also help lead to a rage he would later take out on teen boys? We’ll never know for sure.

10.1962: In 1962, twenty-two year-old socially-pressured-to-stay-in- the-closet-homosexual, Dean Corll, moves back to Houston after, I’m assuming, sweet, sweet nana either dies or is put into a home.

While he was in Indiana, the family business relocated to , a neighborhood in northwest-central Houston, four miles northwest of downtown. Based on what I can find online, with one travel reviewer calling it “a mini-Austin”, and others calling it a foodie destination, it sounds like a artsy, hipster- y little enclave. Or least that it has elements of that. It would be described as being pretty run down by the 1970s, BUT, in the 1960s, Houston Heights is bangin’! Lot of candy money to be made.

Dean lived in an apartment above the candy shop and quickly becomes known around town as the Candy Man for his habit of giving away candy to young boys in the neighborhood. Big red flag! SUPER creepy!

He also starts inviting local teen boys over to the candy factory after work hours to hang out. MUCH BIGGER RED FLAG! Super big, what the fuck is going on with this creep, frantically being waved red flag.

If there is a dude in your neighborhood who just LOVES to hang out with a bunch of teen boys, on a regular basis, with no other grownups present, keep a very close eye on that shit. Interview those kids! Find out what’s happening. Warn them about pervs. If you ARE that guy - c’mon dude, what are you doing? Why aren’t you hanging out with people your own age? Why aren’t other adults around? You have to know this, at the very least, LOOKS really bad.

Somehow, this activity apparently drew little suspicion in the neighborhood from the neighbors. However, at home, stepdad Jake West knew exactly what TIME it was. CLOCK SALESMAN JOKE! TIME to have a talk with the fam about Dean being a creep.

Jake didn’t think the associations were appropriate and told his wife he thought his stepson might be gay. She is furious. Doesn’t want to hear it. Refuses to address it. Also, around the same time a girl Dean was dating asks him to marry her and he turns her down. Jake is like, “C’mon Mary! Wake up and smell the young dick that Dean also wants to smell.”

Jake’s suspicions of Dean being gay lead to, or, at least have a lot to do with, he and Mary getting a divorce in 1963.

11. 1963: Also in 1963, after her divorce, Mary closes her candy company, The Pecan Prince, so that Jake West - that clock- selling truth-telling son of-a-bitch can be completely cut out of it. Dean’s not a pedophile, Jake! He just likes luring teen boys into his lair with candy to hang out and play peek-a-boo with their wieners. That’s all.

Mary reopens as the Corll Candy Company, with Dean as vice president of operations.

Shortly after reopening, a young teenage employee tells Mary that her son had made sexual advances toward him. Rather than deal with Dean’s homosexuality - and probable pedophilia predispositions at this point, she instead fires the boy and brushes the incident away.

12. 1964: In 1964, Dean decides he needs a break from momma and bothersome accusations and he joins the Army and attends basic training in Fort Polk, . He later ends up in , Texas, working as a radio repairman, but he applies for a hardship discharge after serving less than a year, saying his mother needs him to work in the family business. The biggest momma’s boy reason to leave the army I can think of. “I can’t stay here, Sergeant. I just can’t! Momma needs me to come home so we can make candy together!”

Man. A momma’s boy who desperately needs to be around his momma whose momma refuses to believe he is gay. Not a good psychological situation. Really, really bad one. Ed Gein-esque. If there was a Timesuck Serial Killer bingo, someone would’ve yelled it on the Candyman by now. He’s checking off so many boxes.

Makes me wonder, if momma had somehow accepted him, would he have become the monster he became? I have to think there’s a decent chance he wouldn’t.

I don’t know. I guess to be fair to momma, even if she would’ve been some remarkably progressive, tolerant, loving, open-minded woman - she still would’ve had a gay son in Houston in the 50s and then the 60s. He still would’ve been ridiculed publicly and may have still became the monster he became. AND, even if everyone accepted his homosexuality, there’s the age problem. He’s not attracted to adult men. He’s attracted to underage boys.

And there may have just been other, twisted shit in his head that was sending him towards becoming an evil, sadistic fuck of a person that no amount of acceptance could cure. He still, at the end of the day, may have chose, of his own free will to commit the terrible deeds he did.

Dean received an honorable discharge less than a year after entering the military to help Momma make that sweet candy -- and, he then finally told some of his closest friends back home that he knew he was gay and that he’d had a couple of homosexual encounters in the military.

However, he didn’t actually come out publicly as gay. Instead, he started dating a woman named Betty who had two kids, kids who started calling him “daddy”. Poor Betty. Poor Betty’s kids. He found a beard to hide who he really was. Not healthy. Not healthy at all.

13. 1967: In 1967, Dean formed the first known relationship that would lead to actually pedophilia, a relationship with twelve year old local boy David Own Brooks. A dude whose story would became forever tragically intertwined with Dean Corll’s. A kid whose childhood the Candyman would destroy, and whose adulthood the Candyman would imprison.

David was one of the many local kids that Dean, the Candyman, would give free candy to. He was in sixth grade and his divorced parents had little time for him, he was a goofy looking kid with glasses, and Corll was the first man to treat the boy decently.

Brooks had met Corll at the family’s new candy factory that sat across the street from Helms Elementary School, where he came to play pool on a table Corll had installed so employees and local youth could hang out.

How creepy is that location, btw? Candy factory across the street from a grade school. I have to think that when that location was chosen, Dean was the one who scouted it out and pushed Momma to relocate there. “How ‘bout this spot, Momma? We’d have such a nice view!”

“Of what, Dean, a swing set?”

“Of all our potential customers, Mama! Of all those sexy kids!”

“What did you just say? Did you just call those kids sexy? “Smiling kids! I meant to say SMILING, momma. Happy after buying so much of your delicious cock, I mean, candy.”

Also, the pool table/clubhouse detail reminds me SO MUCH of Gacy, Suck 68. Remember when we talked about Gacy? About how he had the pool table in his basement and would invite teens who worked for him at KFC over to his house to head down to the basement for pool, porn and beer. And then he’d make weird bets with them, like, “If you can beat me in a pool, I’ll give you a blow job.”? Well, around the same time, Dean was doing the same damn type of shit in Texas.

Poor young David made the perfect target for Dean. A young boy whose parents either didn’t mind that he was hanging out with a creepy candy man or didn’t check in on him enough to know he was hanging out with a creep. My son Kyler is twelve, and, Lynze and I have him and Monroe at our home every other week. And we would never, EVER let him hang out with some grown man like that. Get the fuck out of here! And his mom wouldn’t let him do that either. I would go ballistic if that happened. Keep an eye on your kids or make sure someone you really trust is keeping an eye on them. I know that doesn’t guarantee that something bad won’t happen to them, but, man, it sure increases the odds they’ll be safe.

Well, no one was watching David other than Dean, who soon started grooming the boy to be his partner in some unbelievably deviant crimes.

Over time, Dean became a substitute father of sorts for Brooks, giving him money when he was short on cash and allowing him to crash at his apartment when he needed a place to stay.

14. 1969: Unlike a dad, or, at least unlike a good dad, at some point in 1969, Dean started pressuring David to have a sexual relationship with him. He starts giving the fourteen year old Brooks money and other gifts in exchange for allowing him to perform oral sex on David.

Around this same time, in either 1969 of 1970, Corll’s mother closes the candy store and moves to Colorado. She made her candy money, she’s probably sick of trying to pretend that son Dean’s not a fucking creep, and she’s out. No more free candy for the candyman to dish out but the nickname has stuck by this point.

Corll doesn’t follow momma to Colorado. He stays in Houston Heights and gets a job as a relay tester at the Houston Lighting and Power Company.

Dark sexual fantasies are really beginning to take hold of Dean. And pretty soon, paying an awkward, skinny fourteen-year-old kid isn’t deviant enough for him.

David finds out exactly how deviant Dean really is in 1970.

15. 1970: In late 1970, now fifteen year old David Brooks walks into a horrifying scene in Dean’s Houston apartment. And his decision regarding how to react to this scene would ruin his and so many other young boys’ lives.

The Candy Man had two naked teenage boys handcuffed and tied to what would become known as Dean’s torture board, and was in the process of brutally raping them.

In exchange for his silence, Dean Corll offered to buy Brooks a green Chevy Corvette. Brooks would later told police, “Dean jumped up and said, ‘I’m just having some fun,’ and he promised me a car if I kept quiet.”

Later, he admitted to David he’d killed them and bought the teen the promised Corvette in exchange for his silence.

How much did this fuck David’s head up? Man. Taken in by a father figure who’s super cool to you for the first few years, the only adult who gives a shit about you. Then, after you love this guy like a father, he starts molesting you and then paying you for your silence. Money you very much appreciate because your real, neglectful family is super poor.

Then, after months and months of that type of manipulation, you walk in on this. A part of you knows you should call the police but he assures you, despite what it looks like, that it’s consensual. I can see how you might think - “Maybe these are just some other kids, kids like me, who Dean is paying to use.”

Then, a short time later, you find out that the kids who you could’ve saved if you did call the police have been killed. Damn. You’re racked with guilt and you clearly do threaten to tell the cops - why else would Dean bribe him if he didn’t threaten to tell?

This monster probably convinces you that you’re an accessory after the fact to their murders now. Tells you you’ll go to prison too if he gets caught.

AND THEN, Dean makes David an offer. A true Deal with the Devil. The Candyman promises Brooks $200 for any boy he could lure to his place. And David accepts the offer.

Fuck. I don’t think your soul can ever clean the filth of that deal off. You can tell yourself, “He molested me. He manipulated me. I’m the victim.” And you’re right. But, you’re also now forever the man who lured other teens to their death. Does any amount of counseling clean that dirty of a conscience?

Maybe Dean made David think that he was going to do it with or without David and that if he got caught he would take David down with him. Who knows. That might be a stretch. No matter what he told David, at the end of the day, it would be really hard to rationalize David’s involvement and complicity in future murders.

A quick word on Dean’s “torture board” I mentioned earlier.

It was a slab of unpainted plywood eight feet long and two feet wide with holes drilled into each corner. Corll would use the board by handcuffing a victim's hands to each top hole and binding their feet with nylon rope through the bottom holes. The board was a feature in almost every one of Corll's murders. It was his signature if you will. His Toybox killer-like fantasy device.

He moved it from home to home, storing it in plastic in back rooms filled with other torture implements. Once a victim was bound to the torture board, he might spend days torturing and molesting them. According to Wayne Henley, another one of Corll's teenage accomplices we’ll meet here soon, the more Corll liked someone, the longer they stayed alive and were subjected to his sadism.

This guy was like a precursor to both Gacy and the Toybox Killer.

Speaking again of Gacy, the Candyman and one of his helpers would often used the handcuff trick to trap his victims.

To perform this “trick” both Corll and an additional teenage helper we’ll be properly introduced to in a second, Wayne Henley, would lock themselves in a pair of handcuffs, keep a key in their pockets, and then pretend they got out of the cuffs without any help.

Then they would convince the victim to try locking themselves in the handcuffs to attempt the trick as well. When they couldn’t escape, the victim had, just like many of Gacy’s victims, handcuffed themselves, ready to be taken to Dean’s torture room and tied to the torture board.

Gacy would actually later claim, in Timesuck 68, after getting caught in 1978, that he learned this trick from reading about Elmer Wayne Henley using it. Sick Candyman to Gacy direct connection here.

So, who is this Henley dude? He’s Dean “The Candyman” Corll’s second teenage accomplice.

a) Elmer Wayne Henley: Elmer Wayne Henley was born May 9th, 1956, the oldest of four sons. He was raised by an alcoholic father who got physical with both his wife and kids when he drank, and a protective - but not protective enough to leave the man who beat her kids - devoutly religious mother.

In 1970, Henley started taking odd jobs to help his mother cover household expenses not being paid for by his deadbeat drunk of a father. By 1971, he’d dropped out of school at the age of fifteen. Before dropping out, he met David Brooks, and the two became friends, hanging out together and skipping school.

Around this same time, Henley began to realize that many of the boys from his neighborhood – eight boys between the ages of thirteen and seventeen – had recently disappeared. He’d actually joined a search party to help find two of them in May of 1971.

By the time he learned exactly what had happened to his friends, he would later say that he felt like he was in too deep – that he was too concerned over his own life and the lives of his younger brothers – to do anything but go along with the Candyman’s continued hunting. Feels like a bit of rationalization, but, who knows how I would’ve felt had I walked in his shoes. Shoes that were walking him through some really, really dark places.

Before we move on. Let’s jump a little ways back now to the first known victim of the Candyman.

16. September 25, 1970: On September 25, 1970 eighteen-year-old college freshmen Jeffrey Konen, was hitchhiking from the University of Texas to his parents’ home in Houston along with another student back when people did shit like that. When hitchhiking wasn’t an obvious, what the fuck are you thinking, big no no.

Konen was picked up, of course, by none other than Dean “Candyman” Corll, who offered to give him a ride the rest of the way to his parents’ house, but instead took him into his worst nightmare. Konen would later be found buried on High Island Beach on August 10, 1973. He had died of asphyxiation from manual strangulation, and was naked, bound at the hands and feet and wrapped in plastic. He had been buried beneath a layer of lime under a large boulder.

Supposedly, it was around the time that Konen was kidnapped that David Brooks walked in on the two boys being tied to the torture board. However, if that’s true, what happened to the second boy tied to the board? He’s never mentioned as one of the Candyman’s victims. I highly doubt the second kid was just let go. And, while David would later lead police to the body of the Konen, he didn’t lead police to the body of the second victim on the torture board.

Based on the amount of date discrepancies that occur on Wikipedia with this particular killer’s crimes, I think David actually walked in on the Candyman’s second and third known victims, Jimmy Glass and Danny Yates. It seems that he killed before he recruited David to help him.

17. December 13th 1970: On December 13th, 1970, best friends Jimmy Glass and Danny Yates were attending a youth rally and worship service at the Evangelistic Temple in Houston Heights.

They were both fourteen years old.

A friend would later say, “During the middle of the service, I saw them walk up an aisle, as if they were going to the restroom. And that was it. They basically vanished into thin air.”

Both boys weren’t considered at-risk for being runaways. Family life was pretty stable in both their homes. They were well-adjusted and well-liked. One source says, “they were considered handsome and hip. Glass wore beaded leather necklaces and had a leather jacket with fringed sleeves.”

So, you know, a couple of cool kids. Wearing cool fringed sleeves.

Seriously though, good reminder that this kind of thing can happen to anyone. All the more reason to keep a close eye on your kids. Man. The further I get into this Suck the more I want to never let me kids leave the house which is also not safe. Why do these monsters have to exist? Why, if you’re found guilty of being a child murderer or a sexual sadist that attacks children, why can’t we just kill you? Why risk these monsters ever hurting another child. You don’t deserve to be rehabilitated you monster. Why does it feel like good people kill themselves all the time but these monsters almost never do. Can I advocate selective suicide? Like, if you’ve molested and murdered a child and have the urge to do so again, please, kill yourself before you act on that evil urge. Ugh.

A missing person’s report was filed for both kids, but unfortunately the paperwork found its way to the desks of two different cops, and neither cop connected the two cases. Sadly, this is very indicative of how future disappearances are going to be handled.

Both boys were murdered the same day by Corll after spending time on his torture board.

And the Candyman didn’t just kill those two boys that day, he destroyed their families. Their families combed the streets of Houston looking for their sons for the next couple of years.

Danny Yates’s father once even drove to Monterrey, Mexico – a 500-mile drive one way – after someone reported seeing his son there. “Dad began to fall apart right in front of our eyes,” Danny’s older sister, Cyndi, would later tell the in an interview. “He was so worried that Danny had left because he had been too hard on him.”

Meanwhile, Jimmy’s mother, Ima Glass, literally lost her mind over her son Jimmy’s disappearance.

Jimmy’s brother Willie would later report, “Many, many times, she’d see a teenager hitchhiking on another side of the freeway and she’d shout, ‘That’s Jimmy! We’ve got to turn around,’ and to keep the peace, my dad would turn around, every time. Then one day she got a gun and grabbed my younger sister Pamela and dragged her to a back bedroom.

When the SWAT team arrived, she fired a shot into the floor and yelled, ‘They’re not going to steal Pamela from me like they did my Jimmy!’ We got the pistol away from her and took her to the Harris County psychiatric unit. She was never the same, and neither were the rest of us. Dean Corll didn’t just kill twenty-seven boys. He killed twenty-seven families.”

How heavy is that? These pieces of shit like the Candyman don’t just murder their victims, they psychologically murder their victim’s families as well.


Need a break from the heaviness? Me too. Let’s talk about something positive and uplifting. Let’s talk about today’s socially conscious not dark and bloodthirsty sponsor.


Today’s Timesuck is brought to you by Jake West’s Clock Candy! Watches made out of pralines. Grandfather clocks made out of snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles made out of grandfathers.


No. Today’s Timesuck is brought to you by Leesa!

Get some quality sleep Timesuckers! I finally have time for it and it is the damn best. A quality night’s sleep helps you recover from distractions faster, prevent burnout, make better decisions, improve your memory, and overall make fewer mistakes - it’s not marketing, it’s science

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Don't miss some summer savings on a Leesa right now! - Get $160 off a Leesa mattress at - That’s Leesa dot com slash TIMESUCK for $160 off - Leesa – truly a better place to sleep.

Link in the episode description. Right there. Waiting to be pushed. Do it.

And now back to utter, hopeless darkness.

19. January 30, 1971: On January 30, 1971, the next Candyman victims, Donald Waldrop, fifteen, and his younger brother, Jerry, thirteen, disappear on the way to the local bowling alley. Brothers. Ugh.

On their way, they encountered Dean Corll and David Brooks, and instead of bowling a few games, found themselves enticed into Corll’s white Econoline van.

And then they both end up on the torture board. And then, the absolute worst happens to them.

As part of the torture, the brothers were told that the one sibling who managed to beat the other to death – still handcuffed by one hand to the board – would be freed. And then the two spent the day struggling to beat their brother using their one free hand until both were almost dead. And then neither survived that terrible day.

When Corll and Brooks returned, the Waldrop brothers were both strangled. And then they were buried in a boat shed Dean rented.

There may be a new winner in the ongoing person I hate the most contest. I may hate the Candyman more than I hate the Toybox killer. I didn’t think it was possible, but this guy is on par with that sadistic degenerate. I wish I could go back in time, and tie the two of those assholes to a board and let them try to beat each other to death. Or maybe put them on a spit, stick ‘em in a big oven, and very slowly cook them to death. Maybe cook one and make the other eat him. Whatever is the worst thing to do, that’s what I want to do.

It’s hard for my mind to actually accept what I just told you. Hard to process that this shit actually happened. Some kind of mental defense mechanism is stopping me from really believing the true horribleness of those two young men being put into that situation - trying to kill the person they love - their brother - in order to live. In order for this monster to free them. Trying to kill their brother knowing that even if they do, they’ll probably still die anyway.

Why was Dean doing this? There’s not a lot of info out there about Dean Corll’s childhood. And in the info that does come up - nothing bad about his childhood other than divorce and a homophobic mother. No mention of actual abuse. No mention of early indicators of sociopathic or psychopathic behavior. How was he able to so quickly dehumanize people to this extent? What allowed him to do something as abhorrent, as soulless, as this? Man. Some people are so damaged, they just need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are before they bite anyone else, right?

The Waldrops’ home was only half a mile from the church where Jimmy and Danny disappeared, the police still did not investigate. The Waldrop brothers’ father, Everett, a burly, divorced construction worker, later told the that he filled out missing persons reports at the police department, then “camped on that police department door for eight months. I was there about as much as the chief was. But all they said was ‘Why are you here? You know your boys are runaways”.

How much rage did Everett feel when he found out the truth? It’s not like the police could’ve saved his boys when he did find out the truth, but still. And that poor bastard lost TWO boys to the Candyman. Bet he wishes that old Candyman movie legend was true - say his name five times to bring him into existence - just so he could try and get his hands on that demon and re-kill it himself.

20. March 9, 1971: On March 9, 1971, Corll and Brooks run into 15- year-old Randell Harvey, who had ridden his bike to work and was headed home after finishing his shift at a local gas station. When he hadn’t returned home two days later, his mother filed a missing person’s report, and later called police to let them know that David Brooks had a history with her son Harvey - that he had threatened to kill the missing boy over a stolen stereo.

As with the other disappearances, however, police didn’t follow the leads offered by friends and family, and declared Harvey a runaway. His body, with a gunshot wound to the head, turned up years later in that boat storage shed where Corll buried the majority of his victims.

As long time listeners know, I’ve very pro law enforcement. But, I gotta say, doesn’t sound like the Houston Heights area officers in 1971 were the finest squad to ever wear the badge.

Were they understaffed? Did they lack proper leadership? Did they lack the right detective to string all of these disappearances together? Is it simply because, in the pre-computer age, it was just really difficult to connect cases because there was no shared database?

How many boys of roughly the same age have to go missing from the same part of town before you start to think, “Hey. Maybe these kids AREN’T running away. Maybe they’re being taken. MAYBE we should put our heads together and see if any PATTERNS are emerging.” And, I know, I know. Easy for me to play armchair detective. But shit.

21.May 29, 1971: On May 19th, 1971, David Hilligiest was only thirteen and his friend, Gregory Malley Winkle, was only sixteen when they disappeared while on the way to the neighborhood swimming pool.

Their parents immediately went to police, but, yet again, the police do not investigate.

“Lady, we just don’t have time to chase every runaway,” Winkle said an officer told her when she reported her son missing.

The Hilligiests then borrowed money from a neighborhood credit union to hire a private investigator, who turned up a new theory. He thought their boys might have been abducted by a local man known for providing male prostitutes for gay clients. A man known as Chicken Joe.

I’m sorry, what? Did you just say “a man named ‘Chicken Joe’”?

Did not expect someone named ol’ Chicken Joe to make a cameo in this tale!

A 1971 Texas gay pimp named “Chicken Joe”. I don’t know that I’ve ever wanted to see a photo of someone we’ve talked about more badly than I do right now. No way ol’ Chicken Joe was just wearing jeans, sneakers, and a tee shirt.

Naw, you don’t wear that if you’re ‘Chicken Joe’. I googled various versions of “Chicken Joe” “Houston Chicken Joe”, “Houston Chicken Joe Gay Pimp” - nothing came up. Well…. stuff came up. Oh boy did stuff come up, but, no pictures of this dude came up.

I picture Chicken Joe wearing snakeskin boots and super, super tight bell bottoms or maybe leather pants. Maybe a vest with no shirt underneath. An American Indian dream catcher at the end of a long gold chain for a necklace.

Lot of leathery and beaded bracelets. Definitely a pimp cane. An eccentric, custom cane. One with some kind of custom sculpted metal or carved wood chicken head for a handle.

Chicken Joe wears a cowboy hat with several chicken feathers tucked into a tie-dyed bandana wrapped around just above the brim of the hat. The hat and cane combo would be his signature look. How clients recognize him. Chicken Joe doesn’t wear the vest every day. Sometimes he wears a tight tank top, sometimes a loose, mesh crop top, sometimes no shirt and tassels on his nipples which are for sure both as pierced as the head of his dick is. He’s definitely Prince Albert-ing it. And he maybe even walks a surprisingly chill chicken around on a leash. A chicken that heels better than the finest show dog.

“How do I find Chicken Joe?”

“Just look for the man with the pimp limp and a chicken feathered cowboy hat walking the coolest motherfuckin’ chicken you ever did see - and you’ve found Chicken Joe.”

“What’s up Chicken Joe?”

“Bock bock, playboy, bock bock!”

That’s Chicken Joe speak for “Same ol’, same ol’. Can’t complain.”

“How you living Chicken Joe?”

“Bock bock! Chicken gonna peck, playboy, Chicken gonna peck. Bock bock!”

That’s Chicken Joe speak for “I’m doing fine, thank you very much for asking.”

“Bock bock! Mighty fine head rug, playboy, run my fingers through smooth! Bock! Bock!”

That is actually Chicken Joe speak for let’s take a second and hear from today’s last sponsor.

22. FOR HIMS MIDROLL: Today’s Timesuck is brought to you by Chicken Joe’s custom cowboy hat bandanas. Snake skin bandannas. Lizard skin bandannas. Chicken skin bandannas. Order five or more $100 playboy bock bock! bandannas and get a free hand carved chicken cane.


TImesuck is brought to you by HIMS! Do any of you fellow male Suckers or do any of the men of some of my lady suckers who are into or know dudes - suffer from dry skin, thinning hair you don’t want to be thinning, or a soft, shame cock you want to transform into a rock hard booty knockin’ cock?

Too many dudes don’t think it’s cool to take care of themselves. I was one until recently. I’m hitting smoothies again and acai bowls on the road now. I’m putting eye cream on my face after washing with special face soap. I have hand creams, beard lotions, conditioner and leave-in conditioner. Face AND body lotion. Why? Cause it makes me feel good and life’s too short not to feel good.

For Hims dot com specializes in shit that makes dudes feel good about themselves. Will finasteride for sure thicken your hair? Nope. But it for sure has helped thicken mine and other dudes’s hair I know. Will specialize anti-aging Hims lotion make you look five years younger? No. But when I put it on it makes me think I look five years younger. It makes Lynze think I look five years younger. is a one-stop shop for hair loss, skincare and sexual wellness for men. Hims connects you with real doctors and medical grade solutions to treat hair loss and so much more!

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Link in the episode description. Treat yourself Suckers!

And now back the darkness of the Hilligeists looking for their son David and his friend Gregory. Looking into Chicken Joe lead nowhere. Of course.

However, Mrs. Hilligiest almost helped police solve this case. She learned that Gregory had a friend who drove a Plymouth GTX, and she said she’s seen one in the neighborhood, license plate TMF 724.

If the police had bothered to look into it, they would have learned that the GTX was registered to Dean Corll. But, to be fair to the police, by this time, Hilligiest had burned out the officers with constant phone calls suggesting numerous witnesses and offering all kinds of tips. Sadly, by the time she provided them with this information, they’d started to tune her out.

23. August 17, 1971: On August 17th, 1971, seventeen-year-old Ruben Watson Haney was headed to the movies when he encountered the barbaric trio. He told his mother he would see her when she got home from work, and headed off to the sci-fi flick “The Omega Man” starring Charlton Heston. It was the last movie he’d ever see.

He later called and said he was spending the night with David Brooks. His overnight plans with Brooks were a big clue that sadly, in hindsight, was missed again and another victim of the Candyman was classified a runaway.

24. February 9, 1972: On February 9th of 1972, the son of a Houston police officer, Willard “Rusty” Branch Jr. went missing. And then Branch’s Houston police officer father would literally die of a heart attack while searching for his son, effectively ending any further efforts to find him. Yet another collateral victim of the Candyman.

25. March 24, 1972: The following month, on March 24th, 1972, Frank Aguirre called the home of his girlfriend, Rhonda Williams, and said he would be coming over after his shift at Long John Silver’s.

Long John Silver’s man - I always forget about that place. It still exists. It’s one of the few fast food places I’ve never eaten at or had any interest in eating at. Sorry Long John Silver’s. You’ll never be a sponsor. Fast food and fish just seems like a dangerous combination to me. Feels like you’re risking a screaming match between your butt and the toilet over some food that’s not worth that. If you’re gonna jack your colon up, do it at Taco Bell. Get some of that Mexican pizza. Man I love it. It violently assaults my insides every time I eat it, but, it’s so cheap and it tastes so good.

As Frank was leaving Long John Silver’s, he ran into Dean Corll, David Brooks, and Wayne Henley. He was an acquaintance of Henley’s. Henley called him over to Corll's van and invited him to the Candyman’s apartment to have a few beers and smoke some weed. And then Henley would later tell detectives that he helped pull the handcuff trick on Frank Aguirre. And then off to the torture board he’d go.

26. April 20, 197: On April 20, 1972, seventeen year-old Candy man victim Mark Scott left his home for a weekend trip to Mexico and never came back. Mark had recently been arrested for carrying a prohibited knife, so police decided he, too, was a runaway, attempting to escape his problems and they never investigated his disappearance.

27. May 21, 1972: Billy Gene Baulch Jr.’s parents were still recovering from the death of their son, Marvin, who was killed in a car accident in 1969, when they got a suspicious letter from their other son Billy saying he’d gotten a job in Austin and would be home later in the summer. It said he’d gone off with his friend, Johnny Delome.

“Dear Mom and Dad, I am sorry to do this, But Johnny and I found a better job working for a trucker loading and unloading from Houston to Washington and we’ll be back in three to four weeks. After a week I will send money to help you and Mom out. Love, Billy.”

Billy’s father was a long haul trucker and knew that no such job existed, so he went to the police. “The police, as on all the other cases, were no help, so the Baulches tried to track down clues on their own. They remembered that David Brooks had once given Billy marijuana, which they reported to police.”

But, again, the boys were labeled runaways and no investigation took place. Both boys were sixteen-years-old when the Candyman took and ended them.

28. June 1972: Sometime in June of 1972, the exact date does not seem to be known, the trio headed by the Candyman lured a 19- year-old named Billy Ridinger over into the Candyman’s house.

Ridinger tied to the plywood torture board, viscously sodomized and abused by Corll, and then for some reason Brooks was able to persuade Corll to allow Ridinger to be released. And then, incredibly, he was released. And, possibly due to the shame of what he’d been subjected to, he never reported anything to the police which was very unfortunate, because fourteen more boys would then die by Corll’s hand. 29. July 19, 1972: On July 19th, 1972, Steven Sickman was seventeen when he disappeared after leaving a party. The family reported him missing. And yet again, the police thought he was just another runaway.

I couldn’t find any info on how many kids were running away in Houston in 1972, but, was there an epidemic? Did kids just constantly run away in the 70s? Was it so common that the police just couldn’t keep up with it? What in the Hell was going on in that local precinct?

30. August 21, 1972: On August 21, 1972, Roy Bunton – a boy with sparkling eyes and a bright, dimpled smile - left home for his job as an assistant at a Houston shoe store located in Northwest Mall.Traveling on foot, Bunton didn’t make it to work and he didn’t make it home.

31. October 3rd 1972: On October 3rd, 1972, Wally Jay Simoneaux, was headed over to spend the night with his friend, Richard Hembree.

The two were later seen in a white van by a friend who tried to talk to them, but was shooed away by another boy. That night, Simoneaux, 14, called his mother, and shouted, “Mama” into the phone before the connection was broken. She said, “Darling, where are you, darling?” and heard some shuffling and a click as the phone went dead.” My God that is awful. Incredibly, both boys were still labeled as runaways.

C’mon! Dude! After telling the police about the phone getting cut off, how did no one look harder into these disappearances???

32. November 12, 1972: On November 12th, 1972, Richard Alan Kepner left home and headed out to a payphone to call his fiancee. And then no one who knew him ever saw him again.

His remains would not be identified until September, 1983. 33. February, 1973: In February of 1973, seventeen-year-old Joseph Lyles, a quiet, artistic young man disappeared. He was likely headed to the west Houston skating rink where he liked to spend his free time. He was an acquaintance of the Candyman who would also be labeled, you guessed it, a runway.

34. June 4, 1973: William Ray Lawrence, 15, called his father the night of June 4th, 1973, and told him he was going fishing with some friends and would be home in a few days. He was kept alive by the Candyman for four days before he was finally killed and buried at the boat house.

35. June 15th, 1973: Just two weeks later, on June 15th, 1973, a twenty-year-old named Raymond Blackburn was abducted, strangled and buried at Lake Sam Rayburn. Blackburn, a married man from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was hitching a ride from the Heights back to Baton Rouge to see his newborn baby when he disappeared.

Damn man. What a nightmarish change of plans. Going to celebrate new life. Going to witness the start of something so special, only to see your own life end so horribly.

36. July 7th, 1973: The evening of July 7th, 1973, less than a month after Raymond’s disappearance, fifteen year old Homer Garcia called his mother and said he was spending the night with friends.

Instead, he would end up shot and left to bleed to death in the bathtub of 2020 Lamar Drive after a night of sadistic torture. Random change in MO. Dean must have just wanted to experiment with something new.

37. July 12, 1973: John Manning Sellars disappeared less than a week later on July 12, 1973, just two days before his 18th birthday. He was found a month later, shot to death and buried.

38. July 19, 1973: Just another week later, on July 19, 1973, sixteen year old Michael Anthony Baulch, left his home with money for a haircut and a pack of cigarettes and he headed out the door. He would not be seen again. The police labeled him a runaway.

39. July 25, 1973: Again, just another week later, on July 25, 1973, seventeen-year-old Charles Cobble and eighteen-year-old Marty Ray Jones were spotted walking away from their apartment building in the company of another boy, according to one of the boy’s neighbors.

And that boy, most likely either David Jones or Elmer Wayne Henley, would lead these boys to the Candyman. Marty Ray Jones would die slowly after being forced to watch his best friend be tortured, sexually assaulted and shot to death while he waited his turn.

My God. The Candyman is really escalating the frequency of his attacks like these sadists so often to do. They’re never satisfied. Their sick desires seem to fulfill them less and less and they attack more and more often as their sick obsession deepens. Maybe Dean just started to feel, as many of these assholes do, that he was above capture. He didn’t have to plan as hard or be as careful. He’d gotten away with it so many times he’d just keep getting away with it.

40. August 3, 1973: 13-year-old James Stanton Dreymala, a small- framed blond boy is abducted by Brooks and Corll while riding his bike in Pasadena, Texas. And he would become Corll’s last victim.

The teenager, who planned to take his girlfriend to see “Live and Let Die,” the latest James Bond flick, had been collecting bottles to pay for the date coming up that Sunday, and wanted to ride down to a convenience store to collect the deposit.

Damn it, man! Sounds like such a good kid! That’s so sweet. He’s collecting bottles to pay for a date. And I’m sure SO happy to do it. Daydreaming about playing a little kissy face with some little girl who had said yes when he asked her out and made him feel like a million bucks. And then he ran into the Candyman’s teen minions who talked him into, or, possibly physically dragging him into, a sadistic madman’s van.

James’s mother had asked him not to go out that night, saying, “I don’t want you out riding your bike after dark.” But he talked her into it. He leapt aboard the white banana seat of his red bicycle and said, “Aw, Mom, I’ll be back in just a few minutes. I’m not going to be gone very long.” Turned out he’d be gone forever. How that must have haunted her.

41. August 7, 1973: August 7th, 1973. A night that starts out like nearly all the other Candyman murders.

Candyman henchman Elmer Wayne Henley, just seventeen- years-old himself, has invited a friend, nineteen-year-old Timothy Cordell Kerley, over to Dean “the Candyman” Corll’s house, and Kerley has agreed to come over.

They first drove back to Henley’s house where they ran into Henley’s friend, fifteen-year-old Rhonda Williams. Henley invited her to Corll’s place, too, and the three piled into Kerley’s car and headed to Pasadena where Dean was currently living.

They arrived at about 3 A.M. on August 8th, and when they got there, they found a furious Corll, enraged that Henley had introduced a girl into the mix.

DUDE! Rule number one of a sadistic sausage party is to only BRING SAUSAGE!

Corll eventually calmed down and they all drank and smoked the devil’s lettuce until Wayne’s friend Rhonda Williams passed out.

Sometime later, in the early morning hours of August 8th, Ronda opened her eyes to see that both Wayne Henley and Tim Kerley had been handcuffed. There was duct tape over their mouths and their feet bound together. Dean is holding a gun and threatening them all.

How scared is Wayne at this point? Tim doesn’t know what he’s truly gotten himself into but Wayne knows ALL too well what could very well happen to him in a few minutes.

Dean “Candyman” Corll then took off his clothes and ordered Henley to cut off Rhonda’s clothes. He’d announced that he was going to rape and torture Tim and he wants Wayne to rape and torture Rhonda. And then he really messed up by setting down his gun and untying Henley, who pretended to agree to his plan.

Henley, once untied, is able to grab Dean’s gun and point it at him. And we’ll never really know why he did what he did next.

Maybe he knew that Corll was getting tired of him and that he’d soon kill him. Maybe he finally just wasn’t willing to watch more of his friends and neighborhood kids die. Whatever the reason he said to the Candyman, “I can’t go on any longer. I can’t have you kill all my friends.”

Corll approached Henley, saying, "Kill me, Wayne!” Henley stepped back a few paces as Corll continued to advance upon him, shouting, "You won't do it!"

And then, Rhonda would later say, Wayne “just started shooting.”

Wayne Henley hit the Candyman in the forehead with his first shot. The bullet failed to fully penetrate Corll's skull and Corll, like a monster in a horror movie that just won’t die, continued to lurch towards Henley.

Wayne then fired two more rounds, the first hitting Corll in the left shoulder and the second missing him. Corll spun round and staggered out of the room, hitting the wall of the hallway.

The monster still lives.

And then who pops in the window to save the day? None other than Chicken Joe! Hot damn! Don’t worry boys, Chicken Joe’s here! He popped in and said, “Bock! bock! Shit done took too far, playboy! Bock! Bock!”

And he beat the Candyman to death with his chicken cane while his pet chicken pecked the killer’s eyes out.

And then as suddenly as he’d arrived, Chicken Joe was gone.

He’d bounced back out the window and limped down the dark street towards the strange mist he’d appeared out of before making it to the Candyman’s house. He was personally taking the Candyman’s soul into the fog that would serve as a portal to Hell itself where he could deliver Corll’s soul to the Devil before heading home for a breakfast of honey biscuits, sausage gravy, and sweet tea that he’d eat off his own naked chest while laying in a crocodile skin hammock being silently fanned by two nude male models in gimp masks covered in chicken feathers.

Bock! Bock! Pour some dat gravy on da biscuit. Bock! Bock!

Or course that’s not what happened next.

No. Henley fired three additional bullets into Dean Corll’s lower back and shoulder as Dean slid down the wall in the hallway outside the room where the two other teenagers were bound.

The Candyman then died where he fell, his naked body lying with his face towards the wall.

Rhonda would later say, regrading her friend Elmer Wayne Henley saving them all that night, “Whatever evil was in Wayne, there was still some good in him, and finally the good won. Wayne saved my life, and he saved Tim’s life too. Wayne killed the devil. He kept his promise that night. He got me out of there.”

And then Henley called the police, saying “I just shot a man and I want you … I want you…”, and then he trailed off. The 911 operator asked who he was speaking to, spelled out Henley’s last name, asked for the address, repeated it back a few times as Henley struggled to find his composure, and then patrol cars were dispatched.

When the police arrived, Henley told the officers about the Candyman and at first the police didn’t believe him. He seemed too crazy. “He started telling me that Corll had a warehouse full of bodies,” said Officer Mullican. “I was pretty skeptical at the time.”

But Henley named names – Charles Cobble, Marty Jones, David Hilligiest – and when Officer Mullican checked it out, he learned that each boy had a file with the Houston missing persons division. And then he learned that Dean Corll had a boat shed, a metal storage unit at Southeast Boat Storage – No. 11, that he had rented for about two years – and he changed his mind about the authenticity of the story.

When police forced open the doors to the windowless storage unit, which was about twelve feet wide and thirty-four feet deep and contained the rusted body of a car, Officer Mullican knew Henley was telling the truth.

By the time it was over, seventeen bodies would be found in the floor of the boat shed, in various stages of decomposition.

And then four more bodies were found at High Island Beach, a sandy beach along the Gulf of Mexico, about 80 miles from Houston Heights.

As of 2018, twenty-nine Candyman victims have now been confirmed. And investigators suspect even more are yet to be found.

And now, with Dean dead and his accomplices apprehended, let’s hop out of this Timesuck Timeline to talk about the aftermath of the Candyman killings and what happened to his two accomplices Elmer Wayne Henley, Jr. & David Owen Brooks.


IV. The Trial & Aftermath:

The info we have regarding the crimes of the Candyman is unique.

Unlike, the Zodiak Killer or Jack the Ripper, we now do know for sure who he was.

We know for sure, based on forensic evidence and testimony, what he did, but, we also don’t get to hear his side of the story because obviously he was killed before being arrested. There are no potentially satisfying post-arrest interviews to lean on for info, like there was with Bundy or Gacy or Dahmer.

However, unlike a dude such as, say, HH Holmes, who was killed very quickly after being arrested, never confessed to most of his crimes, and took most of his secrets to the grave since no accomplices either lived or were found to be able to share exactly what he did - the police DID apprehend the two people who were along for the ride and witnessed and even took an active part in the majority of the Candyman’s crimes. Both are still alive today. We have their testimony.

So let’s go over that testimony now.

A. David Brooks Court Confessions: David Brooks gave two written confessions to the police after Wayne killed the Candyman. This is the first one:

"I came to the police station on August 9th in order to make a witness statement about what I know bout Dean Corll. I came down of my own free will and I gave that statement to Detective Tucker. In the statement what I said was partially the truth but I left out the fact that I was present when most of the killings happened. I was in the room when they happened and was supposed to help if something went wrong.

My God man. Holy shit. This dude, this kid at the time, was not only in the room when these crimes happened - he helped out when things went wrong. Can you imagine watching all these other kids be raped, tortured, and murdered? Some were kids he went to school with. Some were his friends.

"The first killing that I remember happened when Dean was living in Yorktown Townhouses. There were two boys there and I left before they were killed but Dean told me that he had killed them afterwards. I don't know where they were buried or what their names were. The first few that Dean killed were supposed to have been sent out somewhere in California.”

"The first killing that I remember being present at was on 6363 San Felipe. That boy was Ruben Haney. Dean and I were the only people involved in that one but Dean did the killing and I was just present when it happened.

"I also remember two boys who were killed at the Place One Apartments on Magnum. They were brothers and their father worked next door where they were building some more apartments. I was present when Dean killed them by strangling them, but again I didn't participate. I believe I was present when they were buried, but I don't remember where they were buried. The youngest of these two boys is the youngest that was ever killed I think.

"A boy by the name of Glass was killed at the Columbia address. I had taken him home one time but he wouldn't get out because he wanted to go back to Dean's. I took him back and Dean ended up killing him. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure whether it was Glass that I took home or another boy, but I believe it was Glass.

"It was during that time that we were living on Columbia that Wayne Henley got involved. Wayne took part in getting the boys at first and then later he took an active part in the killings. Most of the killings that occurred after Wayne came into the picture involved all three of us.”

That’s an interesting note. That Wayne took an active part in the killings. Is he just saying that? Trying to shift blame away from himself? Did Wayne actually enjoy his time with the Candyman and only kill him when he assumed, probably correctly based on being tied up, that the Candyman was about to kill him?

"There was another boy killed at the Schuller house, actually there were two at this time; a boy named Billy Baulch and one named Johnny and I think that his last name was Malone. (* It was actually Delome) Wayne strangled Billy and he said "Hey Johnny" and when Johnny looked up, Wayne shot him in the forehead with a .25 automatic. The bullet came out of his ear and he raised up and about three minutes later he said, "Wayne please don't." Then Wayne strangled him, and Dean helped.”

Definitely is starting to sound like Wayne wasn’t reluctantly involved.

“Dean moved to the Frencesa Apartments on Wirt. At that time I was using Dean's car so I was in and out all the time.

"After the Frencesa apartments Dean moved to Pasadena. I know of two that were killed there. One was from Baton Rouge and one was a small blond boy from South Houston. I saw the boy from South Houston for about 45 minutes. I took him for a pizza and then I left, and he wanted me to come back. I wasn't there when either of these boys were was killed. I did come in just after Dean had killed the boy from Baton Rouge; that was on a different day from the blond boy.

"In all I guess there were between 25 and 30 boys killed and they were buried in three different places. I was present and helped bury many of them but not all of them. Most of them were buried at the boat stall. There were three or four buried at Sam Rayburn, I think. I am sure that there are two up there. One the first one at Sam Rayburn I helped bury them, and then the next one we took to Sam Rayburn. When he got there Dean and Wayne found that the first one had come to the surface and either a foot or a hand was above the ground. When they buried this one the second time they put some type of sheet rock on top of him to keep him down.

Sam Rayburn by the way, is a big reservoir about 150 miles Northeast of Houston named after a former Texas Congressman.

"The third place that they were buried was on the beach at High Island. This was right off the Winnie Exit, where that road goes to the beach. You turn east on the beach road and go till the pavement changes, which is about a quarter or half a mile and the bodies are on the right hand side of the highway about 15 or 20 yards off of the road. I never actually buried one here but I always drove the car. I know that one of the graves had a large rock on top of it. I think that there five or more bodies buried at this location. The bodies at the beach are in a row down the beach for perhaps a half mile or so. I am willing to show officers where this location is and will try to locate as many of the graves as possible.”

And then this is David’s second confession:

“My name is David Brooks. I am 18-years-old and I live at 145 Pech with my wife, Bridget.”

Just the month before Wayne killed Dean, in July of 1973, David had married his teen girlfriend, Bridget Jones after she got pregnant. Years later, this daughter, Rachel, who didn’t learn about her father’s past until she was 17, would tragically die in a car accident the morning after her high school prom. Wear your seatbelts Timesuckers!

And then David continues with a statement I’ve edited because a lot of it is just repeating what he said the first time.

“I remember one boy who was killed at Dean's house on Columbia. This was just before Wayne Henley came into the picture. Dean kept this boy around the house for about four days before he killed him. I don't remember his name but we picked him up on Eleventh and Rutland; I think I helped bury this boy also, but I don't remember where it was. This was about two years ago. It really upset Dean to have to kill this boy because he really liked him.”

Jesus. It “really upset” Dean? Well, it didn’t upset him enough to let him go and facing the fucking music for the sins he’d committed, did it?

“A boy by the name of Glass was also killed at the Columbia address. I had taken him home one time, but he wouldn't get out because he wanted to go back to Dean's. I took him back and Dean ended up killing him. Now that I think about it I'm not sure whether it was Glass that I took home or another boy, but I believe that it was Glass.”

“It was during the time that we were living on Columbia Street that Wayne Henley got involved. Wayne took part in getting the boys at first and later he took an active part in the killings. Wayne seemed to enjoy causing pain and he was especially sadistic at the Schuler address. Most of the killings that occurred after Wayne came into the picture involved all three of us. I still did not take part in the actual killing, but nearly always all three of us were there. Mark Scott was killed at the Schuler address. I had told yesterday in my witness statement about Mark Scott being at the Schuler house, but I did not say I was present - which I was. Mark had a knife and he tried to get Dean: he swung at him with a knife and caught Dean's shirt and barely broke the skin. He still had one hand tied: Dean grabbed the hand with the knife. Wayne ran out of the room and got a pistol, and Mark just gave up. Wayne killed Mark Scott and I think that he strangled him. Mark was either buried at the beach or at the boathouse.”

“They got Billy Ridinger and what I said in my witness statement was true about him. I took care of him while he was there and I believe the only reason he is alive now is because I begged them not to kill him. Wayne and Dean got one boy by themselves while we were on Schuler. It was a tall, skinny guy. I just happened to walk in the house and there he was. I left before they killed this one.”

If his statements are true, I gotta say, I do feel bad for David. Yes, he helped lure boys to their deaths. BUT - he was manipulated and molested and groomed from such an early age. Brainwashed, really, to become this horrible monster’s assistant. This sadist’s henchman. I can’t imagine the level of psychological power Dean held over him. Not excusing what he did, but, so tragic. What a tragic life he was lured into, literally at first, with free candy.

B. Elmer Wayne Henley’s Confession: Wayne Henley only gave one written confession. It’ll be interesting to see how he portrayed his involvement compared to David’s portrayal of him.

“My name is Wayne Henley. I am a white male, 17-years-old and I live at 927 North 27th Street with my mother, grandmother and brothers.

About three years ago I met a guy by the name of Dean Corll. Dean was a lot older than me and a school friend of mine named David Brooks introduced me to him. David was always riding around in Dean's car and everything. I was only 14 back then and I thought this was great. David Brooks told me he could get me in on a deal where I could make some money, and he took me to Dean Corll. Dean told me that he belonged to an organization out of that bought and sold boys, ran whores and stuff like that. Dean told me that he would pay me $200.00 for every boy I could get for him and maybe more if they were real good looking boys. I didn't try to find any for him until about a year later, and I decided that I could use the money to get better things for my people so one day I went over to Dean's apartment on Schuler Street (*Corll lived here Feb. to June of 72) and told him I would find a boy for him. Dean had a GTX at the time and we got in it. Dean and me started driving around. We picked up a boy at 11th and Studewood and I talked to him since I had long hair and all and it was easier for me to talk to him. I talked him into going to Dean's Apartment to smoke some marijuana, so we went over to Dean's Apt.

Dean left some handcuffs laying out where they could be seen, and we had this little deal set up where I would put the handcuffs on and then could get out of them. Then we talked this boy (I don't remember his name) into trying to get out of them. The only thing was we put them on where the locks were turned in where he couldn't get the key into them. Dean then took the boy down and tied his feet and put tape over his mouth. I thought Dean was going to sell him to the organization that he belonged to, so I left. Then the next day, Dean paid me $200.00.

A day or so later, I found out that Dean had killed the boy; then I found out that Dean had screwed him in the ass before killing him. This was the start of the whole thing and since then, I have helped Dean get 8 or 10 other boys, I don't remember exactly how many. Dean would screw all of them and sometimes suck them and make them suck him - them he would kill them. I killed several of them myself with Dean's gun and helped him choke some others. Then we would take them and bury them in different places, David Brooks was with us on most of them.”

Man. He is really not holding back. So far, what he’s saying does seem to really line up with what David said about him. No, “Oh my God, I know I shouldn’t of done what I did, may God have mercy on my soul” kind of talk. Very straightforward and cold, frankly. Just, “I needed some money, dude was paying $200 for what I was thought was, you know ONLY human sex trafficking, and I was fine with that. Then, I found out it was murder and so, in order to keep the cash coming, it was just easier for me to help kill these kids.”

And then Wayne continues:

I think the only three David Brooks wasn't with us on were the last ones at the house on Lamar Street in Pasadena (*Mike Baulch, Charles Cobble and Marty Ray Jones - Henley was not a participant in the Dreymala abduction and murder). The ones that I can remember by name are: David Hilligiest who Dean told me that he had killed and buried in his boat stall; a boy by the name of Malley Winkle who David and Dean told me they had killed and put in the boat stall; Charles Cobble who I killed and we buried in the boat stall. Then Marty Jones: me and Dean choked him and buried him in the boat stall. We killed a boy by the name of Billy Lawrence: I don't remember how we killed him, but we buried him up at Dean's place on Sam Rayburn Lake.”

Wow. “I don’t remember how we killed him.” How dark has your life become when you don’t remember the details of a murder you’ve helped commit? When it just blends in with all the other murders?

“We killed him at the house on Lamar Street, too. Dean told me about one named Ruben Haney that he killed and buried on the beach at High Island. I shot and killed Johnny Delone, and we buried him at High Island. Then me and Dean and David Brooks killed two brothers, I think we choked them, anyway, we buried Billy Baulch at High Island and Mike Baulch at Rayburn. We choked Mark Scott and Frank Aguirre and buried them at High Island. The last one I can remember the name of is Homer Garcia, and I shot him in the head and we buried him at Rayburn. I don't remember the dates on all of these, because there has been too many of them. Some of there were hitch-hikers and I don't remember their names. Dean told me that there was 24 in all, but I wasn't with him on all of them.

I tried to tell my mother two or three times about this stuff and she just wouldn't believe me. I even wrote a confession one time and hid it, hoping that Dean would kill me because the thing was bothering me so bad. I gave the confession to my mother and told her if I was gone for a certain length of time to turn it in. Me and David talked about killing Dean so that we could get away from this whole thing and several times I have come to within an inch of killing him but I just never got enough nerve to do it until yesterday, because Dean told me that this organization would get me if I ever did anything to him. This statement covers all that I can remember about all these killings and all that I know about where they are buried.(signed) Wayne Henley.”

Interesting notes about “the organization”. Might be some bullshit to shift blame and alleviate guilt but I doubt. Dean Corll certainly was a manipulative and ruthless piece of shit. Lying to these teens about an organization that would kill them if they didn’t cooperate doesn’t seem like a stretch or out of character to me.

If what he’s saying is true - hard not to feel sympathy for Wayne as well.

Not that we have their confessions - let’s jump to their trials.

C. The Trials for David and Wayne:

1. Wayne Henley’s Trial: Not long before detectives began digging up body after body in a sweltering hot metal boat storage shed, the U.S. Supreme Court had placed a moratorium on state executions, so neither Henley nor Brooks was eligible for the electric chair when it came time for their trials.

Henley was put in solitary confinement while on trial on the advice of his attorney, because he had been taunted by the other inmates. His bond was set at $100,000.

Billy Ridinger, who had survived that final kidnapping and was released by Dean Corll at the urging of David Brooks, arrived at the hearing with a paper bag over his head, holes cut out for his eyes, to conceal his identity.

The Grand Jury handed down six indictments against Henley and four against David Brooks. They also decided to try both boys separately.

Henley was up first. His trial was scheduled to start July 9, 1974, in ’s Bexar County Courthouse, almost 11 months after Henley had killed Dean Corll in what police had ruled an act of self-defense. Although he would not be held responsible for Corll’s death, his confession led to his being named in the murders of Frank Anthony Aguirre, 18; Homer L. Garcia, 15; Charles Gary Cobble, 17; Marty Ray Jones, 18; William Ray Lawrence, 15; and Johnny Delome, 16.

When the courtroom opened, famed author of “In Cold Blood” and journalist Truman Capote was there, hired by the Washington Post to write a daily diary of the proceedings. Capote left, however, after Henley was brought into the courtroom, and discontinued his work on the trial. He saw nothing more to be said and he left Texas. Interesting. I wonder if he just felt bad for Wayne?

Henley’s demeanor did not help him with his jury. During his trial, Henley was at one point caught playing with one of the handcuffs from the torture board.

During recesses, Henley didn’t sit still, and roamed the courtroom, sometimes talking to news reporters he now considered friends. During one recess, he picked up packages of hair that had been submitted for evidence – including his own – to examine them more closely. The trial ended after only a week, On the advice from his defense counsel, Henley did not take the stand to testify in his own defense.

After testimony wrapped up, the jury deliberated for just 90 minutes before finding Henley guilty.

However, because the jury had not been sequestered during his first trial – and some had received phone calls from the press at their homes - Henley was granted a new trial. The 18-day trial, which his mother and grandmother again both attended, was held in June of 1979. The jury deliberated two hours before returning with the same six 99-year guilty sentences he had been given at his first trial.

Hard not to agree with their decision, I guess. Unlike David, Henley wasn’t groomed. He willingly involved himself with what he knew was at least human sex trafficking of minors. And then, when he learned it was actually murder, he seemed to enthusiastically continue to go along with everything.

2. David Brooks Trial: In 1975, David Owen Brooks went on trial for the murder of 15-year-old William Lawrence. His confession was considered as key evidence.

Brooks' defense attorney, Jim Skelton, argued that his client had not committed any of the murders and attempted to portray Dean “Candyman” Corll and, to a lesser degree, Henley as being the active participants in the actual killings.

Assistant District Attorney Tommy Dunn dismissed the defenses contention outright, at one point telling the jury: "this defendant was in on this murderous rampage from the very beginning. He attempts to inform you he was a cheerleader if nothing else. That's what he is telling you about his presence. You know he was in on it."

David Brooks' trial lasted less than one week. The jury deliberated for just 90 minutes before they reached a verdict. He was found guilty of Lawrence's murder on March 4, 1975, and sentenced to . He showed no emotion as the sentence was passed, although his wife burst into tears. As of 2015, he has been denied parole 19 times.

I gotta say, you guys no I’m pretty firm on crime and punishment, but, I don’t agree with the prosecutor’s assessment or the jury’s decision based on what I’ve read. He was only twelve when he met Dean. Only twelve when Dean started to groom him. Do you remember how impressionable you were when you were twelve? How desperate from approval? Now imagine no one in life gives a shit about you. Kids at school tease you for being skinny and awkward. Your parents neglect you. And then some dude tells you you’re the best. Becomes a father-figure to you. Gives you candy, money, time, affection. And then, two years later, when you’re only fourteen - he starts molesting you. It’s like being molested by your actual father at this point. And then, a year after that, you find out he’s molesting others. And then quickly realize he’s murdering others.

Does that justify then finding other kids for Dean to murder? No. Of course not. But, life in imprisonment? I actually do think that’s too much for this. It was never this kid’s idea to do any of this. And, unlike Wayne, it feels less like he was along for the ride. Feels like he was scared and manipulated into being on the ride. Even Wayne never said he actively participated in any of the killings. He clearly could have. I imagine Dean would have loved that. But, he didn’t. Doesn’t seem fair he’s still in prison with Wayne.

Brooks and Henley will see the parole board again this year, but legal experts expect both of them to be denied again.

Before we finish our wrap up let’s lighten things up and feel a little better about ourselves by looking down on the Idiots of the Internet.

PAUSE IDIOTS OF THE INTERNET INTRO V. Idiots of the Internet A. Today’s Video:

Under today’s video, The Candy Man - Dean Corll: Serial Killer Files #34, posted by user Rob Dyke, user Lakeeva Brown posts something I found really cool.

1. Lakeeva wrote: “This makes you realize the importance of teaching your son to watch out for creeps. Everyone always focuses on teaching girls about rape and whatever else, but what about the boys!”

Exactly! We shouldn’t forget to remind our sons that there are predators on the prowl for them as well. I’ve talked to both of my kids probably too many times about this. Ever since they were very little they’ve known what’s unacceptable for a grown up to do to you, and I’ve told them they can always tell me what’s going on and I will guarantee that whoever’s doing something will never do it again because they’ll either go to jail, or, if the police don’t believe me, I’ll fucking kill ‘em. And I’m not kidding. And my kids know that. And they probably wish I’d just shut up about it.

Well, almost immediately under Lakeeva’s kick ass reminder, some stupid asshole redirects the comment section into a narrative that has nothing to do with the Candyman or her comment. They try to force the thread into talking about an issue that clearly is a trigger for them them, and then they get shitty.

So many people do like this.

At a show of mine in West Palm Beach the other week, I had an audience member yell, after me talking about some Flat Earther in the audience who couldn’t handle my flat earth mockery and walked out, “well, at least he’s not in favor of pedophiles!” As if I AM in favor of them.

And I knew what he meant. I had done a set up to some jokes earlier where I say that, “Ignorant people are the worst people on earth. And you might think, ‘what about murderers, rapists, pedophiles? Aren’t they worse than dummies?’ ‘Yeah. Sure…. individually. But they don’t have the dummies’ numbers.’ And that’s the real danger with idiots - they’re out there in the hundreds of millions. Odds are a murderer is not gonna affect your day in a negative way. Statistically, not gonna have a bad experience with a murderer tomorrow. If you do, that’s a terrible day. Arguably your worst last day. But, probably not gonna happen. But you’re definitely gonna have an unpleasant run-in with a dumb shit. Sadly, your ongoing daily social forecast is always 100% chance of SOME dumb.”

And then I go into a bunch of jokes about how idiot’s add stress to our lives. And all this easily triggered dude heard was, “He loves pedophiles.”

I pointed out how wrong he was. How I’d never said anything along the lines of, “You know who’s awesome? Pedophiles! How cool are child molesters?” In fact, later in the same show, I did another new joke where I describe an island I’d like to send pedophiles to where they’ll be killed and eaten by lions.

But he didn’t hear that aggressively anti-pedophile joke because he’d already stormed out of the showroom and yelled at the manager for allowing a pro-pedophile comedian to unleash his “it’s cool to diddle kids” agenda on stage. Seriously. On my flight home I actually ran into a guy who was at the show and he said he and his friends had a good laugh about that idiot.

This dude, who should honestly probably save the money he’s spending on comedy club tickets and spend it on therapy, he’s clearly struggling with some shit - only heard what he wanted to hear and then tried to force his agenda on everyone else, like so many idiots of the internet do.

Like User Hit Me Up, who, under Lakeeva’s comment about how boys should be taught about creeps as well as girls, see’s another user Ruby Rain post, “Yes! I’m a feminist and I completely agree. Girls are always warned but boys are not!” A post agreeing with Lakeeva.

But all Hit Me Up reads is the word, “feminist” And off to the idiot races he goes!

He posts, “i’m not a feminist. we already have equality in first world countries.”

Look. I do think it was unnecessary for Ruby Rain to qualify her post with “I’m a feminist.” You could argue, “Who gives a shit. Let your comment stand on it’s own.” The documentary you’re commenting under has nothing to do with being or not being feminist.

But, I can also see that adding the qualifier of “feminist” is a nice way of saying, “Hey, even as someone who primarily focuses on equality for women, even as someone who focuses on not letting women be dominated by a deeply-ingrained and longstanding cultural patriarchy, I can still see that these young men were done a tremendous cultural disservice by not being informed that they too, as young men, can become the victim of sexual predators.”

I get it.

Hit Me Up does not fucking get it.

The word “feminism” has clearly become an emotional trigger for him because of some kind of negative encounter or encounters he’s had with people who are or claim to be feminists. Or, maybe, he’s just a misogynistic asshole.

No one gives a shit that you aren’t a feminist Hit Me Up! And, actually, we don’t have equality in the first world for men and women. Women are the victims of far more than men and they still get paid less for the same jobs in the workplace. Look at any magazine rack in the grocery store, and it’s clear our culture still values women primarily based on physical appearance. And this is coming from someone who hosted a show on Playboy showcasing nude Playboy models every day! I can both admire a woman’s physical beauty - I’m a straight dude attracted to women. Boobs? Yeah - I’m in. Vagina? Check. I love it! But I can also respect the same woman as being my intellectual equal. Same chance as a random dude to me as smart or smarter or not as smart as me. Unfortunately, a lot of people still don’t see it that way. Study history and if you don’t see that women’s rights have been consistently oppressed and ignored by almost every single culture in the history of humanity, you’re just not looking hard enough.

Ruby Train comes back with another good point, saying, “Hit Me Up - good for you. Most of the planet isn’t the first world.”

Excellent point! Yes, Youtube isn’t just for the United States. Some people reading these comments do live in blatantly sexist countries.

Hit Me Up can’t acknowledge this though. Instead of addressing what Ruby Train actually wrote, he goes back to forcing his agenda of hating feminists, writing: “feminism is just about hating men.”

No it’s not dumb shit. That’s a silly blanket statement made my someone who doesn’t like to think too hard. Some feminists may, and I’m sure, DO, hate men. But many don’t. C’mon bro.

And then, when no one replies immediately, Hit Me Up asks Ruby Train, “Why do you hate men?”

Once again dummy, no one said that.

The rest of the thread continues to show great patience with Hit Me Up, user Ladynekochan posting, “You're thinking of misandry, not feminism. People who claim to be feminists and yet say they hate men are not feminists. Feminism is all about equality. There is a great quote about feminism: The thing is, it's patriarchy that says men are stupid and monolithic and unchanging and incapable. it's patriarchy that says men have animalistic instincts and just can't stop themselves from harassing and assaulting. It's patriarchy that says men can only be attracted by certain qualities, can only have particular kinds of responses, can only experience the world in narrow ways.

Feminism holds that men are capable of more - are more - than that.”

Cool quote. We are capable of more than just being fuck machines. Agreed. And what does Hit Me Up have to say to this? Nothing. To his credit, based on nearly everyone else in the thread agreeing with Ladynekochan, Ruby Train, and Lakeeva Brown, he probably realizes he’s a little out of his death.

And then, User World Star Hip-Hop puts a nice little button on this thread, posting, “Lakeeva - stay woke”

Did NOT expect that coming from World Star Hip Hop, a website mostly dedicated to, from what I can tell, women fighting in public.

Refreshing today to see how many people really aren’t Idiots of the Internet. Hashtag, stay woke.


VI. Recap: Alright, so, back to the Candyman. I didn’t really dive too deep into his torture methods, but, we know of some of his cruel ways. They’re so Toy Box Killer-esque horrifying, that they may have contributed to the sentences handed down to accomplices David and Wayne.

This won’t last long, but what I have to say for the next few minutes is brutal. Listener beware.

All of Corll’s torture methods were gruesome and horrifying, but his use of glass rods may have been the most sadistic. While torturing a victim on his board he would routinely take a long, thin, glass rod and insert it into the urethra of his victim before snapping it off.

You heard that right. He would stick a long glass rod INSIDE his victim’s pee holes. And then breaks the glass. My GOD. No anesthesia. That hurts just to think about. I actually don’t want to think about it too hard.

When police discovered the torture room after Corll’s death they found a series of broken glass rods littering the floor, further proof this sick act was among Corll’s favorites.

According to Wayne Henley, one of Corll’s victims upset the murderer so much, that the Candyman gnawed off his genitals while he was locked into the torture board.

Alright. Quickly have a new nightmare worse than the glass rod. What an insanely sadistic piece of shit. All because why? Mamma didn’t accept who you were? If you’re out there doing wrong as an adult because you mamma or daddy didn’t hug you enough, I have four words for you: Grow the Fuck Up. We’ve all got problems. We’ve all dealt with something. And I guarantee that someone is doing more with their life with you after having dealt with more than you’ve dealt with.

Go read the book A Child Called It by Dave Peltzer and I dare you to feel sorry for yourself. But, if you still do, you ight be dealing with a mind that’s not cooperating or playing nice with reasonable and rational thoughts and you call that number Timesucker! Damn it! 1-800-273- TALK (8255)

When police were finally brought to the boat shed where Corll kept the remains of his victims they found the penis and testicles of the kid who Dean chewed on in a plastic bag. Adding to the horror of the scene, forensic researchers deduced from the size and type of the wounds that the boy’s genitals had in fact been ripped off in one bite.

And, it sounds like while David was the kid he groomed to become his assistant, David wasn’t the only kid he molested before the murders began.

The Candyman hosted parties for years for boys aged twelve to fourteen, serving soda and snacks to get the children comfortable with him. After gaining their trust, he would begin inviting them to his “grown up” parties where he would choose which boys to rape. And later, of course, which boys to murder. The Candyman was truly a monster.

And, while we don’t ever get to hear from him why he did what he did, it feels good that he at least died a violent death.

Before we recap with todays’ Top Five Takeaways, I found this next information very interesting.

During a separate investigation unrelated to the Candyman Killer conducted in March 1975, Houston police discovered a cache of pornographic pictures and films depicting young boys. Of the sixteen individuals depicted within the films and photos, eleven of the youths appeared to be among the 21 victims of Dean Corll.

This discovery raised the very disturbing possibility that the statements Corll had given to both Henley and Brooks prior to his murder about being was associated with “The Organization” that "bought and sold boys” may not have been bullshit.

How scary is that? The discovery of the material in Houston in 1975 led to the arrest of five individuals in Santa Clara, California. No direct link to Corll was proven by these arrests, but that might only be because Houston police declined to pursue any possible link to the killings, stating they felt Corll's victims' families had "suffered enough”.

Fucking Houston Police in the early 70s man! Really hard to think they were any good at all at their jobs after today’s tale.

So disturbing to think other monsters may have been associated with the Candyman, people who possibly could still be out there today.

And now it is time for today’s Top Five Takeaways!


VII.Top Five Takeaways

1. Number One: Dean “the Candyman” Corrll is believed to have murdered at least 28 teenage boys in the Houston area between 1970 and 1973.

2. Number Two: The Candyman was also known by the press as the Pied Piper because kids used to follow him around hoping to get some of his free candy.

3. Number Three: At the time of his death, the Candyman was considered to be the most prolific serial killer in US history. Probably only because so many of the probably murders committed by HH Holmes just cannot be proven.

4. Number Four: The Candyman rarely worked alone. So additionally disturbing that he convinced two teenage boys, David Owen Brooks and Elmer Wayne Henley, Jr, to help him capture, rape, torture, and kill other teenage boys, some of whom were David and Wayne’s friends. And that, beyond those two, he may actually have been part of some horrible pedophile organization.

5. Number Five: New info! Is the 1992 horror movie, The Candyman, based on Dean Arnold Corll? No. The 90s slasher flick that holds a respectable 70% critical approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, has nothing to do with the Houston murders. That movie is more based on the urban legend of Bloody Mary - invoke her name and you’ll conjure and angry spirit to life. Say Candyman fives times into the mirror and he comes to slash you with his metal hook hand. The movie Candyman is the angry spirit of a former slave who fell in love with a landowner’s daughter and was then run down by a lynch mob who cut off his right hand, replace it with a rusty hook, and then smear him with honey and have bees sting him to death. Little bit different than Dean’s story.

There is a very low budget Dean “Candyman” Corll movie called In A Madman’s World that MAY have been released to a few art house theaters in 2017 and I have no idea where to watch it now. Not Amazon, not Netflix, not Youtube.

Crazy that with the cultural appetite for true crime, there are still too many sadistic pieces of shit to make movies about all of them. Also crazy that someone decided to make up a horror story about a killer called the Candyman when there already was a real Candyman who was way scarier.


VIII.Final Announcements

A. Episode has been sucked!: The Candyman! Sucked! Bock! Bock! Playboy.

The next 100 episodes of Timesuck has begun. I’m pumped to see where it takes us.

B. Thank you to Timesuck Team (including episode researcher):

Big thanks to the Timesuck Team! The High Priestess of the Suck Harmony Vellekamp, Jessie “Guardian of Grammar” Dobner, Reverend Doctor Joe Paisley. Timesuck High Priest Alex Dugan, the Bit Elixir Team, Danger Brain, Space Lizard and merch distributor Axis Apparel. Queen of the Suck and boss of damn near everything Lynze Cummins.

Thanks to OG Bojangles Research assistant Heather “knowledge ninja” Rylander.

C. Next Episode Preview: Next week - going in a VERY different direction. A Suck that’s been a long time coming.

Immigration. Let’s talk about it. It’s overdue. I know, I know. It’s an important, hot topic, polarizing topic and I’ll do my best to present a rational depiction of the current immigration dilemma. We’ll address what it takes to become a legal citizen of the United States. We’ll Suck in to the United States’s history of immigration. Obviously, it’s a long history.

We’ll talk about the future of immigration. What’s realistic? How many citizens of other nations should be allowed in? All? Some? None? Which citizens should be let in? Those who can immediately contribute? Those fleeing oppression and brutality in their native lands? Should that factor into the decision to enter the US? It’s going to be a multi-facet complex Suck I will do my best at simplifying and turning into entertaining thought candy.

And now, I present you, today’s Timesucker Updates.


A. First Update: Lost of messages about the Drunk as Fuck Suck pouring in. Haha.

Here’s one from Tommy Chikatilo - guessing that’s maybe not his real name, saying:

“Loved the Drunk as F#ck episode. Your wife sounds SO hot. Please let her join you for some more podcasts. Hail Nimrod!”

She is so hot. She’s a good one. I also think her voice is sexy. She may or may not be the Lucifina inspiration.

And Bill Sieving also wrote in saying:

“Master muthafuckin banjo beatboxer!! I’m listening to your drunk as fuck suck right now and you just got don’t screaming loud enough to hurt Lindsay’s ears hahaha! As soon as I opened up the app as saw that this episode was almost TWO AND A HALF HOURS LONG, I immediately burst out laughing at work and made a bunch of people look at me funny! I knew we were all in for some unplanned hilarity, but I had no idea you were going to invite your wife to join in on the fun (I’m not sure you did either)! You two were great!!! It was quite disorganized and you got a little inappropriate at times, even for you. I must say though, the fact that you guys have done such an amazing job of putting well more than 100 quality episodes together before this made this a welcome change of pace and a hilarious twist on an already super funny and entertaining podcast!!! Thanks a lot for your contribution to my happiness!! Keep on suckin’!!!!!! Bill S”

Haha. Yeah man. Shit got crazy. And a tech glitch cost us another 30 minutes. Thank God. It’s already too long.

One more nice one from super sucker Jesse Sorensen

Hey there master sucker! I just wanted to say that the drunk as fuck suck was absolutely outstanding I loved hearing the queen of the suck alongside you! I finally got my wife to listen in on the sucks as well, now we are both extremely deep in sucking! I’ve also got my friends and family listening! I can’t stop promoting how absolutely outstanding the cult fo the curious is! I am very proud to be a part of the sucking union, I’m a former firefighter who was injured in the line of duty and can no longer do what I love… Coming across the suck has done wonders for my life believe it or not, I miss having a brotherhood, a family like I had When I fought fire, and now becoming a faithful space lizard/member of the cult of the curious it has given me a sense of brotherhood again a sense of family! And through a lot of shit that I’ve dealt with in my life and still deal with, like I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety, survivors guilt, insomnia, and a list of other bullshit disorders but I can always rely on the suck to calm me down and help me through it, I could not imagine going on without the suck! Everything you do means a lot to this family (the cult) and I believe I speak for every member when I say thank you so fucking much for everything you do! You really have no idea how much this helps not just me but everybody else! You have created something truly fucking amazing, goddamn magical if you will! I never ever expected a podcast to do what this one has done! It is truly exceptional and different from everything else in this world! I look forward to the future of the suck and again extremely proud to be a part of what you have created! My dark humor is not excepted by a lot of people, but of course that is one thing that helps me get through the pain, and you and the family understand it and I finally feel excepted again! Keep on sucking master and I don’t expect a shout out but I do want you to know how fucking amazing you are and everything you’ve done in my life!you’ve kept me going, you keep me happy, you make me laugh when I don’t want to and keep my head above the water! My wife and myself and my friends and blood family are extremely grateful! Also I wanted to add that not only is the podcast absolutely outstanding but I fucking love your stand up as well it’s goddamn hysterical and everything you do keeps me going! Yours truly Jesse motherfuckin Sorensen aka magical mother fucker! out of Hotlanta aka Atlanta !! Thank you again for everything! PS I want to pass on my nickname to you from his fourth I will now refer to you as Master Sucker Profit of Nimrod Magical Motherfucker Cummins!! And I hate to keep going on but I also suck shitty at spelling so don’t mind any fuck ups there thank God for voice control and it has helped a lot! Lmao

Damn it man - this is why I keep pulling late nights. Thanks Jesse!!

This is why I feel guilty for not doing enough. This has become such a fun community. Just told me agent that I’m not taking as much work next year because I want to focus more on this. I feel like you guys are better than I deserve and wish I could spend a lot more time on it than I already do. Too fun.

And - for the record - I do know that some of you did NOT enjoy listening to me get sloppy drunk, hearing the dogs run around, and having a co-host. Hope you feel like the Suck is back to what you expected this week.

B. And I’ll leave with one last silly one. Funny Sucker Josh Valentine wrote in saying simply, “Shut the fuck up about your banjo! god damn it. suck on”

Agreed, Josh, Agreed. But it’s so much fun. (banjo solo)

PAUSE TIMESUCKER UPDATES OUTRO X. Goodbye! A. Goodbye!: That’s all for today Suck Faithful. Don’t be a child molesting, handing-out candy, van driving, torture board making creep. Instead, how about you just keep on suckin’?

SOURCES:,_Texas,_Texas library/crime/serial_killers/predators/corll/3b.html houston-sadist/ houston-sadist/,_Texas page=1#sr-71009017 together-d1d554cbd0b5/