BRUM GROUP NEWS The Free Monthly Newsletter of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group September 2007 Issue 432 Honorary Presidents Brian W AIdiss O.B.E. & Harry Harrison Committee Vernon Brown (Chairman), Vicky Cook (Secretary) Pat Brown (Treasurer), Tim Stock (Publicity), William McCabe Novacon 37 Chairman - Steve Green Website Email
[email protected] Friday 14th September The Write Fantastic The Write Fantastic is an initiative by authors to introduce fantasy fiction to the reading public. They give readings, talks and lectures, run workshops, and participate in panels and question & answer sessions. Included in this group are Chaz Brenchley , Juliet E McKenna, Deborah J Miller, Stan Nicholls and Jessica Rydill. Between them, their work covers the gamut of fantasy writing from orcs and dragons, swords and sorcery to reimagined myth and history, and the magics of matter, mind and spirit. We look forward to welcoming them back on Friday 14th September. They will have plenty to say and will answer questions about the genre, writing, and anything else! See for more information. The meeting will take place in the Lichfield room on the second floor of the Britannia Hotel, New Street (entrance in Union Passage almost opposite the Odeon. At the bottom of the ramp from New Street Station, turn right, crossover the road and you'll find Union Passage about 20-30 yards along). The meeting will commence at 7.45 pm. Next meeting : 12lh October BSFG News Page 1 A french fan has been arrested for posting a complete translation of the new Harry Potter book on the internet two months in advance of the official translation.