ST. MARY’S, CHURCH OF Church Street, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1DB Facebook: St Mary’s Sturminster Newton

CHURCH OF ST. PETER Hinton St. Mary Facebook: St Peter’s

CHURCH OF ST. THOMAS A BECKET Facebook: St Thomas a Becket, Lydlinch

Vicar: The Rev’d Philippa Sargent. The Vicarage, Church St . Sturminster Newton DT10 1DB 01258 473905 [email protected]

THE METHODIST CHURCH (inc. Broad Oak) Church Street, Sturminster Newton All enquiries, please contact: Mrs Christine Lydford -Senior Steward [email protected] 01258 473214 Deacon Rebekah-Joy Spinks - [email protected] 01258 473315 Rev’d Denise Binks - Minister in Charge - [email protected] 01747 854631

STURMINSTER CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP The Row, Sturminster Newton - 01258 473928

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF OUR LADY Fr. Martin Budge - 01258 820388


FROM THE VICAR - Rev’d Philippa Sargent “God rest you merry, gentlemen,

Let nothing you dismay.” Christmas is going to be rather different this year, it seems. As I write this, we have just entered our second lockdown, hoping that it will indeed end on 2nd December and that we will have a little more of our freedom restored in time for the festive season. But still, our celebrations will be different from last year. So many of the things that we previously relied upon to make us feel ‘Christmassy’ will be cancelled or altered. In churches, we are making plans for the things that we CAN do together, but also trying to work out how the things that we can’t do can be managed in other ways. And yet all those events that drew their power from being together en masse – the Carol Services, the Crib and Christingle services, the town festivities as the lights are switched on – they won’t be quite the same when they are scaled back or take place digitally in our own homes. But maybe, just maybe, this year we are being given a rare and beautiful opportunity: a chance to strip away the hoopla and the frivolity and remember what Christmas is really about. For Christmas is not, and never has been, about robins and snow and candles and trees and mulled wine and turkey, however much we may love those things. What is left to us this year, however curtailed our celebrations may be, is the greatest Christmas gift of all. We are left with tidings of comfort and joy, with the extraordinary news that, over 2000 years ago, God gave HIMSELF to us. He came to live among us as a human being, in all the frailty and messiness of a human baby. However we find ourselves living our lives over the next few weeks, that joyful, comforting message is one thing that will not change. “Remember Christ our Saviour Was born on Christmas Day,… O tidings of comfort and joy!”

God bless, Philippa

From the Parish Registers Funeral 12th November 2020 - Pam McClean

‘May she rest in peace and rise in glory’


As this edition of Voice of the Churches goes to print, every effort has been made to ensure that the information included is up to date. However, in the present climate, we cannot guarantee that substantial changes may not occur after printing. We strongly suggest that you double check any information with individual church websites, Facebook pages and other channels of com- munication. Contact details for all of our local churches are available on page two of this issue.


4 Special Services in the Sturminster Newton Benefice for December and January

Sunday 20th December 6.30pm Listening Carol Service – St Thomas à Becket Christmas Eve 6pm Listening Carol Service – St Peter’s 9pm First Mass of Christmas – St Thomas à Becket

11.15pm Midnight Mass – St Mary’s Christmas Day 9.30am Holy Communion for Christmas Morning – St Peter’s

10am Holy Communion for Christmas Morning – St Mary’s Please note that booking is essential for all of the above services You will be asked to provide a contact name, contact e-mail address or phone number and the size of the household or bubble. St Mary’s bookings 10am – noon 14th – 19th December 01258 473439 St Peter’s bookings Mon – Sat From 14th December 01258 475469 St Thomas’ bookings Mon – Sat From 7th December 01963 23375 / 07770 958870

Online services for the Christmas period

From Sunday 20th December Churches Together Carol Service From Christmas Eve Christingle and Crib Service

Both of these services will be available via the menu on the St Mary’s website,

Christingle packs containing everything you need to make your very own Christingle will be available. Please watch out on the St Mary’s Facebook page, Sturminster Newton News and the St Mary’s website for more details in December.

5 Our Lady’s Church Marnhull - Judith Bennett

For the past few weeks we have reverted to our television screens for Mass, and hope that December will see us back at least with the limited church opening of the Summer months. Before the latest shutdown we were able to celebrate the feast of All Saints, and the following day to commemorate All Souls, with especial mention of those who had died during the past year.

Nationally our bishops have asked us to pray each evening at 6pm for all affected by or working in the pandemic.

We have recently begun the Come and See Bible timeline study course, a very clear and well explained introduction, and explanation to the Bible. It uses the Catholic revised standard version, (ie with the books usually omitted from many editions) and is accompanied by a very comprehensive timeline which sets a clear framework for following salvation history.

Our Advent study group will follow “The Joy of Hope” - a course from Catholic faith exploration based on St John’s Revelation, and filmed on Patmos. The four sessions are:-

“Do not be afraid”, “The best is yet to come”, “Heaven on earth” and “The River of life”. Just what we need at this time!

Unfortunately it’s not possible to make any Christmas plans but they will be on the website as soon as available. In the meantime we pray for the health and wellbeing of all in the area.

6 Sturminster Newton Methodist Church ZOOM CHURCH

We are sorry that we have had to close our church building during the Covid-19 crisis but the church continues to meet online. We have created a Zoom Church with live music, open prayer, dramatised readings and a conversational sermon. You are very welcome to join us. We also offer a choice of online Bible Studies.

Sunday Morning Worship 10am for 10.30am Sunday Evening Worship 5.30pm for 6pm Monday Afternoon Bible Society Bible Course 2.30pm for 2.45pm Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study 2pm for 2.15pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7.15pm for 7.30pm Friday Cell Group 2.30pm

You are very welcome to join us - please contact Revd Denise Binks [email protected] 01747 854631 for log on details.

PRAYER We would very much like to pray for you and with you – especially during these difficult times. Please contact Denise (see above).

7 Keep Reading with the Home Library Service

Home Library Service Volunteer collecting books for doorstep deliveries. If you or somebody you know or care for, is unable to get to your local library, the Home Library Service (HLS) can provide a regular supply of books for you to continue to enjoy at home completely free of charge. The HLS in is a countywide partnership between the Royal Voluntary Service and Dorset Council and is provided from our Libraries by volunteers. New readers in Stur- minster Newton, , , , , Kings Stag, Lydlinch, Marnhull and Hinton St Mary together with surrounding villages and ham- lets are initially telephoned by a Local HLS Coordinator to find out how many and what type of books the reader would be interested to read, also whether ordinary or large print is required or “Talking Books” which are recorded onto CDs or cassette tapes. Every three weeks or at intervals to suit, appropriate material is selected according to the known preferences of particular readers and any feedback received, these are then booked out to the reader in the normal way, having undergone a quarantine period of 72 hours, the books are then delivered to the readers currently using a doorstep deliv- ery service to their homes by their volunteer. All deliveries are carried out within COVID safe guidelines under the Government’s directive. All HLS volunteers including the Coordinators carry identity cards and have provided references and been through a security / police check. You don’t need to worry about fines for overdue items either – no fines are levied for HLS users, although items out for a long time are followed up! The HLS is open to anybody who needs it short or long term - we’re happy to help during lockdown or going forward. If you are interested for yourself, or for somebody you know who loves books but can no longer access the Library, there are several ways of making contact with the service. You can telephone or email the Dorset HLS Service Manager, Maria Jacobson on 01305 236666 or via email [email protected] or contact the local co-ordinator Carey Pearce on 07423 471019 via email [email protected] or leave your address and telephone number at any Library in for Carey to contact you. (continued on page 9)

8 (continued from page 8 …..)

We are always happy to receive enquiries from anyone who has an hour or two to spare once every three weeks or so, and would like to know more or become a Home Library Volunteer just contact us as above or Facebook: Royal Voluntary Service N & S W Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire

From Heather Fullarton.

Heather's Hope (inspired by Christina Rossetti)

In a dull, damp Winter But still God will sustain us gusty winds will blow. with comfort and with love. Paths are wet and muddy. A star of hope is shining Rivers overflow. in the sky above. Rain has fallen rain on rain, When the storm clouds blow away rain on rain. new life will appear.

STURMINSTER NEWTON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - Vera Peevor We have enjoyed meeting on Friday mornings for Prayer & Share, and Bible study and are currently (in lockdown) meeting only for ‘Drop-in Prayer’. The church is open from 10.30am-12.30pm. We look forward to being able to sing one day, and to have services again, but mean- while we stay in touch and support one another in prayer, as well as praying for the wider world.

9 10

The Fifth of December is Mothers’ Union Global Day. This is centred around the disturbing figure that 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced domestic or sexual abuse, which as a leading women’s organisation, the Mothers’ Union believe to be unacceptable.

Plans for this day have been scaled down this year but we can take part in activities and prayer online. Much press and research have also shown that cases of domestic violence have increased during lockdown and the pandemic and so there is more need than ever to join together and say “No more 1 in 3”. Brenda Stables

DEADLINE DIANA The DEADLINE for the FEBRUARY 2021issue is 10am FRIDAY 15th JANUARY 2021. Any copy received after this time will NOT be published. Earlier submissions are always welcomed please, and very much appreciated. Thank you. Thank you to all contributors to the Voice of the Churches in 2020! My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to you all ! Diana

Editor - Voice of the Churches Diana J Lewis. Pentridge, Glue Hill, Sturminster Newton DT10 2DJ 01258 472704 (Answerphone) [email protected] Distribution - Michael Pearce - 01258 475462 [email protected]

11 Church Services

PARISH CHURCH OF ST. MARY, Church Street, Sturminster Newton

The Rev’d Philippa Sargent 01258 473905. [email protected] Benefice Services Every Wednesday Compline updated on the St Mary’s website Every Sunday Morning Prayer updated on the St Mary’s website 5th Sunday Benefice Holy Communion– venue and times vary ST MARY’S, Sturminster Newton 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 5pm BCP Evening Prayer 1st Sunday 11am Said Holy Communion 2nd Sunday 9.30am Morning Prayer 3rd Sunday 11am Sung Holy Communion 4th Sunday 9.30am Morning Prayer ST. PETER, Hinton St. Mary 1st Sunday 9.30am Morning Prayer 2nd Sunday 9.30am Morning Prayer 3rd Sunday 9.30am Morning Prayer 4th Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion ST. THOMAS à BECKET, Lydlinch 1st Sunday No service 2nd Sunday 11am Holy Communion 3rd Sunday 6.30pm BCP Evening Prayer 4th Sunday 11am Morning Prayer

METHODIST CHURCH, Church Street, SN. DT10 1DB Please see page 7 for full details.

METHODIST CHURCH, Broad Oak NO services at the present time but you are welcome to join in Zoom worship and Bible Study in Sturminster Newton. See page 7 for full details.


10.30am - 12.30pm on Fridays only - ‘Drop-in’ prayer. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF OUR LADY, Marnhull During lockdown: Private prayer. Marnhull Our Lady's Thursday 9.30am-10-30am, Confession Gillingham St Benedict Wednesday and Friday 10am-11am. Saturday 11am-Noon. If lockdown is lifted: Sunday 9.30am Mass at Our Lady’s, and Thursday 9.30am. Sunday 11am St Benedict’s, Gillingham and Wednesday at 10am.

Please consult the websites for up-to-date information