FEMS Reviews, fux025, 41, 2017, S3–S15

doi: 10.1093/femsre/fux025 Review Article

REVIEW ARTICLE Phase-variable methylation and epigenetic regulation by type I restriction–modification systems Megan De Ste Croix1,#, Irene Vacca1,#, Min Jung Kwun2,JosephD.Ralph1, Stephen D. Bentley3, Richard Haigh1, Nicholas J Croucher2 † and Marco R Oggioni1,∗,

1Department of , University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK, 2Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London, London W2 1PG, UK and 3Infection Genomics, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton CB10 1SA, UK

∗Corresponding author: Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK. Tel: +44 (0)116 252 2261; E-mail [email protected] #Both authors contributed equally One sentence summary: Phase-variable type I restriction–modification systems show potential for epigenetic control of . Editor: Oscar Kuipers †Marco R Oggioni, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4117-793X


Epigenetic modifications in , such as DNA methylation, have been shown to affect gene regulation, thereby generating cells that are isogenic but with distinctly different phenotypes. Restriction–modification (RM) systems contain prototypic methylases that are responsible for much of bacterial DNA methylation. This review focuses on a distinctive group of type I RM loci that , through phase variation, can modify their methylation target specificity and can thereby switch bacteria between alternative patterns of DNA methylation. Phase variation occurs at the level of the target recognition domains of the hsdS (specificity) gene via reversible recombination processes acting upon multiple hsdS alleles. We describe the global distribution of such loci throughout the prokaryotic kingdom and highlight the differences in loci structure across the various bacterial species. Although RM systems are often considered simply as an evolutionary response to bacteriophages, these multi-hsdS type I systems have also shown the capacity to change bacterial phenotypes. The ability of these RM systems to allow bacteria to reversibly switch between different physiological states, combined with the existence of such loci across many species of medical and industrial importance, highlights the potential of phase-variable DNA methylation to act as a global regulatory mechanism in bacteria.

Keywords: epigenetics; restriction-modification; phase variation; DNA methylation

INTRODUCTION have been characterised in addition to their initially described role as defence mechanisms against foreign DNA (Vasu and Na- It is just over 50 years since enzymatic modification and restric- garaja 2013). The main aim of this review is to summarise the tion of both bacteriophage and bacterial chromosomal DNA was information currently available about a distinct group of phase- first described (Arber and Dussoix 1962). Since then, multiple variable type I RM systems in species where there is the poten- families of DNA modification and restriction–modification (RM) tial for epigenetic effects upon bacterial gene expression and enzymes have been identified, and a wide variety of functions

Received: 18 February 2017; Accepted: 9 May 2017 C FEMS 2017. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

S3 S4 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

complex phenotypes (Dybvig, Sitaraman and French 1998; to Cori initiating replication of the genome, which results in the Manso et al. 2014;Liet al. 2016). General information on methy- production of hemimethylated DNA. This prevents further ex- lation systems, and phase-variable methylation systems in par- pression of dnaA, and activates a cascade of genes that are only ticular, has been reviewed in depth elsewhere (Murray 2000; expressed when GANTC is hemimethylated, which coordinate Srikhanta, Fox and Jennings 2010; Loenen et al. 2014a,b). the swarmer to stalked cell transition. One of these expressed genes is ctrA, whose again binds to Cori preventing DNA initiation, as well as activating the expression of CcrM and Ft- DNA METHYLATION SYSTEMS sZma (Marinus and Casadesus 2009). Once CcrM is expressed, it is able to methylate the newly synthesised DNA strands, result- DNA methylation has been shown to be an increasingly com- ing in complete methylation of the dnaA promoter again thereby mon feature of prokaryotic genomes and it is present in more allowing for a new round of DNA replication only when the one than 90% of species studied (Blow et al. 2016). Chemical mod- before has been completed (Marinus and Casadesus 2009). ification is either at an adenine or a cytosine altering the base to 6-methyladenosine (m6A), 4-methylcytosine (m4C) or 5-methylcytosine (m5C), respectively; of these modifications, RM SYSTEMS the m6A accounts for 75% all observed methylation (Blow et al. 2016). Such DNA methylation can now be routinely Within RM systems, four families have been recognised based identified during whole-genome DNA sequencing using the sin- on their mechanism of action, recognition sequence patterns gle molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing system developed by and enzyme structure (Loenen et al. 2014a,b). These bifunctional Pacific Biosciences (Clark et al. 2012). systems are capable of the modification of DNA bases in spe- DNA methylation modifications are generated by a methyl- cific motifs through the addition of methyl groups, as wellas transferase enzyme (MTase), which facilitates the transfer of a the degradation of DNA molecules by cleavage of the phospho- methyl group from a molecule of S-adenosyl-L-methionine onto diester backbone. The RM enzymes commonly used in the lab- the relevant base (Bheemanaik, Reddy and Rao 2006). While or- oratory are those of the type II family of enzymes (Loenen et al. phan MTases are not uncommon, MTases in bacteria are typi- 2014a) as these enzymes cleave and methylate DNA at, or close cally found within RM systems. With such RM systems, the ad- to, a fixed recognition site, typically a 4–8 bp palindromic se- dition of a methyl group to a nucleotide within a specific DNA quence (Pingoud and Jeltsch 2001; Srikhanta, Fox and Jennings target sequence then allows the DNA molecule to be recognised 2010). Type II systems are a diverse group of enzymes but usually as self, thereby protecting it from the restriction function. A ran- consist of two separate enzymes for restriction and methylation dom DNA molecule entering a cell is very unlikely to be methy- (res and mod), which recognise the same sequence. Type II en- lated in the correct pattern and therefore the cell will recog- zymes are highly heterogeneous, and include multiple enzyme nise it as foreign and, as a result, will be capable of cleaving it. families that have evolved independently. Type IIP enzymes are While the ability to recognise self-DNA is the primary purpose of the classical enzymes used in molecular that recognise DNA methylation for RM systems, the addition of methyl groups as self a palindromic target with methylation on both strands, to DNA can however have other effects. Indeed when a methyl while cleaving unmethylated DNA within that same target. In group is added to a base, the structure and dynamics of the DNA contrast, type IIS enzymes are less common and cleave outside molecule are altered, which may in turn result in changes in their recognition sequence (Loenen et al. 2014a). Lastly, the type DNA–protein interactions (Marinus and Casadesus 2009); such IIG enzymes are large enzymes which contain both of their en- structural changes are known to be able to regulate gene expres- zymatic activities within the same protein (Loenen et al. 2014a). sion. Similarly to the type II systems, type III RM systems are also One of the best studied of all the prokaryotic MTases is the typically encoded by mod and res genes, that are co-transcribed DNA adenine methylase (Dam) of the γ -proteobacteria (Heusipp, (Srikhanta, Fox and Jennings 2010). Methylation by a type III RM Falker¨ and Alexander Schmidt 2007; Marinus and Casadesus system is single stranded and specific; however, these RM en- 2009). This orphan MTase is responsible for the methylation zymes are less commonly used in as the of the four-base sequence GATC (Heusipp, Falker¨ and Alexan- cleavage site occurs 25–27 bp downstream of the 5–6 bp recogni- der Schmidt 2007; Marinus and Casadesus 2009). Methylation tion sequence (Srikhanta, Fox and Jennings 2010).TypeIRMen- of GATC in bacteria serves several functions. For example, the zymes differ from the others in that they are encoded by three addition of a methyl group to oriC promotes the binding of the separate genes, hsdR, hsdM and hsdS, determining the endonu- replication initiation complex (Wion and Casadesus´ 2006). Addi- clease, methyltransferase and specificity subunits, respectively. tionally, the hemimethylation on GATC that arises due to DNA- Type I enzymes have also fewer applications in strand replication allows the recognition of the parent strand because though the DNA methylation occurs on both strands of from the daughter strand, meaning that replication errors can be a specific asymmetric, bi-partite sequenceLoenen ( et al. 2014b), identified and corrected by the cells mismatch repair machinery the DNA cleavage step occurs at random sites some distance (Marinus and Casadesus 2009). away (Loenen et al. 2014a). The type IV RM family is the most di- An example of the tight regulation of cell cycle by DNA verse. Few enzymes belonging to these systems have been well methylation can be seen in Caulobacter crescentus. This bacterium characterised and they show little common sequence specificity exists in two cell types: swarmer cells, which are motile, and other than their absolute requirement that the DNA site con- stalked cells, which adhere and are able to replicate. In swarmer tains one of several possible modifications (Loenen and Raleigh cells, the MTase CcrM is active and the DNA is fully methylated 2014). Cleavage is remote from the target sequence (Loenen et al. on the adenine of GANTC sites, which is essential for activation 2014a). of the promoter of dnaA; however, the regulator CtrA binds to the The nature of the motifs bound by RM enzymes, typically be- Cori of C. crescentus preventing DnaA binding and blocking ini- ing palindromic or bipartite, reflects the symmetrical interac- tiation of DNA replication (Marinus and Casadesus 2009). Over tion of the RM with both strands of the DNA double time, CtrA is degraded by protease ClpXP and the DnaA binds helix. RM loci are therefore efficient at targeting bacteriophage, De Ste Croix et al. S5

infection that usually occurs by injection of double-stranded DpnI does not methylate host DNA, thus making a restriction DNA (dsDNA). By contrast, the mechanism of natural transfor- independent function difficult to discern. mation and some conjugation systems involves the transfer of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which is typically insensitive to cleavage by RM systems, as they can only bind dsDNA (John- TYPE I RM SYSTEMS ston, Polard and Claverys 2013). Conjugative elements can fur- ther avoid barriers by encoding antirestriction proteins, which Type I RM systems encode enzymes capable of both methylat- protect the newly formed unmethylated dsDNA from the actions ing and cleaving (restricting) host and foreign DNA. These sys- of RM systems (Wilkins 2002). It has been demonstrated that the tems consist of three host specificity determinant (hsd) genes: import of novel genomic islands by transformation can still be hsdR, hsdM and hsdS. Each of these genes produces a subunit of inhibited by typical RM systems; this occurs by RM cleavage of the complete enzyme, known as the restriction (R), modification the acquired sequence after it has been integrated into the chro- (M) and specificity (S) subunits, respectively. The hsdS gene en- mosome and after a complementary, but also unmethylated sec- codes a DNA-binding protein containing two target recognition ond strand, has been synthesised. domains (TRD), each recognising one of the two half-sites of the There is also an example of a system, DpnII, which through bipartite target. These two TRDs are separated by a conserved a mechanism that seems to have evolved to rescue incoming peptide sequence that determines the number of nucleotides DNA does not even act as a complete barrier to differentially between the two elements of the target sequence. In the exam- methylated dsDNA, and which is found to help avoid such post- pleoftheEcoKIsystemofEscherichia coli, the N-terminal TRD transformation cell suicide (Johnston, Polard and Claverys 2013). recognises AAT while the C-terminal TRD recognises GTGC of

All Streptococcus pneumoniae strains contain one of three type the bipartite AACN6GTGC target (Kan et al. 1979). II RM systems: DpnI, DpnII or DpnIII. Each of these is found Type I enzyme subunits can form two different complexes: at the same position in the genome and, like Dam, all recog- a pentameric enzyme that shows endonuclease activity (RTase) nise the sequence GATC. However, they have variation in site composed of two R’s, two M’s and an S subunit, or a trimeric methylation and specificity (Johnston, Polard and Claverys 2013). (MTase) comprising only two M’s and an S subunit (Fig. 1Aand Whereas DpnII is a conventional RM system that restricts DNA B) (Murray 2000; Loenen et al. 2014b;Blowet al. 2016). The full at unmethylated GATC motifs, DpnI has the unusual activity of RTase complex is capable of binding to and translocating ds- targeting DNA methylated at Gm6ATC. The complementary fea- DNA as the R-subunits are DNA helicases (Murray 2000; Loe- tures of this pair of enzymes have resulted in them being used nen et al. 2014b),. Type I enzymes bind and methylate at their extensively to experimentally verify Dam methylation of target recognition site; however, unlike type II RM systems, binding sites. DNA from donor cells with a DpnI system is unmethylated to unmethylated recognition sites does not result in immediate at GATC motifs, and hence once incorporated into the genome, DNA cleavage, but instead initiates translocation of the flank- can generate hemimethylated loci, which themselves do not un- ing DNA-double strands by the helicase action of the R subunits. dergo restriction in a DpnII recipient. However, if a replication Indeed, the endonucleolytic cleavage activity only occurs when fork passes over newly incorporated DNA before it has been fully the helicase activity of the RM complex is prevented from further methylated, it could lead to a newly synthesised DNA strand translocating DNA as would occur by collision with another RM that is completely unmethylated, resulting in restriction of the complex or by encountering another form of obstruction, such chromosomal DNA in a dpnII cell (Johnston, Polard and Clav- as supercoiled DNA (Loenen et al. 2014b). This means that the erys 2013). To avoid cell suicide through this mechanism, the restriction event can often occur several kb from the original DpnII system not only includes a dsDNA MTase, but also for a recognition sequence (Blow et al. 2016). While endonucleolytic rare ssDNA MTase, DpnA, which is only expressed during com- cleavage is triggered by unmethylated DNA, methylase activity is petence (Johnston, Polard and Claverys 2013) and ensures that favoured by hemimethylated DNA, as would be found after chro- restriction of newly acquired loci in the chromosome does not mosome replication, thereby allowing methylation to be used to occur. The third Dpn system, DpnIII, is found in a small propor- distinguish between self and non-self DNA. This ability to dis- tion of the pneumococcal population (Croucher et al. 2014), in- criminate self from non-self means that all RM systems, not just cluding the multidrug-resistant lineage PMEN1 (Croucher et al. type I systems, are predominantly viewed as a defence mecha- 2011). The DpnIII system recognises and methylates the cyto- nism against invading foreign DNA, but the increasing amount sine rather than the adenine of the GATC recognition sequence of data relating to a potential epigenetic impact of distinct (Eutsey et al. 2015). DpnIII will therefore restrict DNA from strains methylation patterns indicates that these systems play a much with either the DpnI or DpnII system. Isolates in which this sys- larger role (Furuta et al. 2014). tem was disrupted were observed to undergo extensive acqui- The majority of type I RM systems methylate adenines in sition of divergent sequence through recombination, suggesting both half-targets generating one 6-methyladenine (m6A) residue that this RM system may have an important role in inhibiting on each DNA strand. These m6A modifications then function acquisition of novel loci (Eutsey et al. 2015). to protect DNA from restriction by the respective R subunit of It is intriguing that all three of these RM systems recognise the system (Murray 2000; Loenen et al. 2014b). It has however the same motif, GATC, albeit with different methylation pat- been recently reported that a 4-methylcytosine (m4C) methyla- terns. This is an effective way of mounting a barrier to recipro- tion pattern is also associated with type I RM systems in Desul- cal transfer between genotypes: if the systems targeted different fobacca acetoxidans, Methanohalophilus mahii and Pseudomonas al- motifs, then dsDNA that included only one of the motifs would caligenes (Blow et al. 2016; Morgan et al. 2016). These m4C MTases be cut when transferred from one donor to a recipient, but not are found in systems that contain two MTases, and where the in the reverse direction. By targeting the same sequence, any ds- second MTase methylates at m6A. In cases where one-half of DNA including this motif will be cut when passing between any the bipartite target sequence contains only G’s and C’s and pair of cells that differ in their Dpn system. That the GATC motif m6A methylation is not possible, m4C methylation is used in- is shared with the Dam methylase suggests that there may be stead. The m6A MTase is then used to methylate the other another function beyond restricting DNA acquisition, although half of the sequence, which contains an adenine (Blow et al. S6 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

(A) (C) hsdR hsdM hsdS ivr hsdS2 hsdS3


(B) (D) hsdR hsdM hsdS ivr hsd2



Figure 1. Type I RM protein complexes and schematic maps of two phase-variable type I RM loci with inverted hsdS genes. The type I enzyme subunits can form two different complexes: the RTase and the MTase. The RTase is made up by a pentameric complex (A) that mediates endonucleolytic cleavage (restriction) and is composed of two restriction subunits (R, light grey), two methylation subunits (M, dark grey) and a specificity subunit (S, green). The black arrows indicateA DN helicase activity, whereas the two irregular parallel lines represent the DNA filament. The MTase is composed by a trimeric complex (B) that is responsible for methylation and comprises only two methylation subunits (M, dark grey) and a specificity subunit (S, green). The ivr locus encoding the SpnD39III system of S. pneumoniae D39 (Manso et al. 2014) is shown in panel C and the phase-variable locus of a L. monocytogenes clonal complex 8 strain (Fagerlund et al. 2016) in panel D. The pneumococcal locus includes hsdR (SPD 0455), hsdM (SPD 0454) and hsdS (SPD 0453), a CreX recombinase (phage-type integrase also named IvrR) (SPD 0452), a truncated hsdS2 gene (SPD 0450) with only one variable TRD and a further truncated hsdS3 gene (SPD 0451) with two variable TRDs. There are three series of IRs that allow allele switching and formation of six different hsdS alleles (named from A to F and shown below the locus map). IRs are of 85 bp (diagonal lines), 333 bp (checked) and 15 bp (horizontal lines), respectively. According to their sequence, TRDs are coloured in grey, white, red, black and blue. Black and dotted lines indicate the possibility of recombination occurring at the level of the IRs. The insert represents an illustration of hsdS allele switching and the formation of the six different locus arrangements. The L. monocytogenes locus (B) of the strain R479a (Fagerlund et al. 2016), as representative of CC8 strains, includes hsdR (LMR479A 0528), hsdM (LMR479A 0529) and hsdS (LMR479A 0530), a phage-type integrase (LMR479A 0531), a truncated hsdS2 gene (LMR479A 0532) with two variable TRDs. There are two series of IRs that allow allele switching and formation of four different hsdS alleles (named from A to D and shown below the locus map). The four possible hsdS A–D alleles are represented with their two TRDs coloured in either grey, white, red or black, depending on their amino acid sequence. IRs are of 24 bp and 155 bp (diagonal and vertical lines, respectively). Black and dotted lines indicate the possibility of recombination occurring at the level of the IRs.

2016). Other similar dual MTase systems can be found in RE- 2009). Dam competes with the leucine responsive regulatory BASE (New England Biolabs online Restriction Enzyme database; protein, Lrp, to bind and methylate two GATC sites, known as http://rebase.neb.com/rebase/rebase.html) suggesting that this sites 1–3 and 4–6, which are found within the Lrp-binding re- may be a more widespread occurrence; however, this remains gions in the promoter of the pap locus (Bayliss 2009; Casadesus´ to be determined as for the majority of them their recognition and Low 2013). If Lrp binds to site 2, it blocks Dam methyla- sequences have not yet been identified (Roberts et al. 2015;Blow tion and prevents transcription of pap, by also blocking the RNA et al. 2016). polymerase-binding site. Alternatively, if Dam is blocked by Lrp from binding site 5, then pap transcription is promoted. It is thought that these switches occur through structural changes ‘ON/OFF’ PHASE-VARIABLE DNA that result in the RNA polymerase-binding site becoming more METHYLATION accessible (Casadesus´ and Low 2013). Overall, to switch from an OFF state to an ON state, PapI and Lrp form a complex that Several types of phase-variable mechanisms affecting DNA has a high affinity for hemimethylated DNA in sites 4–6, conse- methylation have been identified across multiple different bac- quently promoting the recruitment of Lrp to site 5, and prevent- terial species (Bayliss 2009; Srikhanta et al. 2011; Casadesus´ and ing methylation by Dam (Casadesus´ and Low 2013). Low 2013;Atack2015;Seibet al. 2015;Anjumet al. 2016). As de- There are also instances in which phase variation directly af- scribed previously, the Escherichia coli Dam orphan MTase has a fects the activity of RM methylases thereby influencing global role in regulating several cellular functions including the initi- gene expression, such as phase-variable type IIG RM system that ation of DNA replication and the identification of newly syn- has recently been described in Campylobacter jejuni (Anjum et al. thesised daughter strands via hemimethylation (Marinus and 2016). In this bacterium, the endonuclease and the methyltrans- Casadesus 2009). Interestingly, phase-variable occurrences of ferase are encoded by a single gene, cj0031. The presence of a Dam regulation have also been reported; for example, Dam poly-guanosine (polyG) repeat tract within the cj0031 gene can is known to be responsible for the ON/OFF switching of the change, via slipped-strand mispairing, the reading frame and pap (pyelonephritis-associated pili) operon of uropathogenic E. therefore control the switch between expression of a full length coli strains (Casadesus´ and Low 2013). The locus encodes three and truncated protein. Cj0031 has been shown to methylate the   genes, papA, papB and papI, and changes in Dam methylation im- adenine of both 5 CCCGA and 5 CCTGA resulting in differential pact transcription of the operon, showing a complex, inherita- gene expression (Anjum et al. 2016). Campylobacter jejuni cells ble and reversible method of regulating gene expression (Bayliss not expressing cj0031 were found to be less efficient in their De Ste Croix et al. S7

adherence to and invasion of Caco-2 cells, as well as forming complete or partial regions of hsdS genes into and out of the significantly less biofilm, suggesting that this RM system isre- actively transcribed hsd operon, it is possible to reversibly ex- quired for full expression of cell surface molecules. However, the press multiple different S alleles. Moreover, as this reversible gene is not universally phase variable as homologues in several switching can occur with high frequency it will result in the other Campylobacter strains were found to lack the polyG tract. continuous generation of diversity within a population. Phase- Phase variation of type III RM systems through changes in variable, or invertible, type I RM sequences have been identified repeat tract length has been reported in many bacterial species in a variety of species, including Mycoplasma pulmonis (Dybvig such as Helicobacter pylori (Srikhanta et al. 2011), Mannheimia and Yu 1994; Sitaraman and Dybvig 1997; Ron et al. 2002),Bac- haemolytica, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis and N. teroides fragilis (Cerdeno-T˜ arraga´ et al. 2005), S. pneumoniae (Tet- gonorrhoeae (Srikhanta, Fox and Jennings 2010). In H. pylori,the telin et al. 2001; Mostowy et al. 2014;Liet al. 2016; Lees et al. 2017), phase-variable modH gene of a type III RM system has 17 mod al- S. suis (Willemse and Schultsz 2016; Willemse et al. 2016), Liste- leles, each conferring a different specificity for methylation. Mi- ria monocytogenes (Furuta et al. 2014)andLactobacillus salivarus croarray analysis has confirmed that the loss of the system leads (Claesson et al. 2006)(Fig.2). to changes in in vitro gene expression (Srikhanta et al. 2011). The The earliest identified of the phase-variable type I systems regulation of multiple genes by a phase-variable RM system has was that found in M. pulmonis, the first non-enteric bacterium to been termed a ‘phasevarion’ (Srikhanta, Fox and Jennings 2010). be found with a type I RM system (Sitaraman and Dybvig 1997), While only a small number of genes are affected (six genes with where there is a 6.8-kb invertible locus termed Hsd1 (Dybvig and a >1.6-fold change when compared to a strain with an intact Yu 1994; Sitaraman and Dybvig 1997). The structure of the Hsd1 RM system), they include the surface-exposed protein HopG and locus and the presence of inverted repeats (IRs) allows for the several flagella genesflaA ( and fliK) that are required for motility. generation of four different functional hsdS genes through TRD These data only represent changes in gene expression seen with shuffling (Sitaraman and Dybvig 1997). In addition, there is a a single modH allele; however, there are potentially 17 different second highly similar type I RM locus termed Hsd2 (Dybvig and phasevarions in H. pylori each capable of altering the expression Yu 1994). Hsd1 and Hsd2 appear to be conserved across M. pul- of a small subset of different genes (Srikhanta et al. 2011). monis strains, whereas a third non-functional type I RM system In 2015, Seib et al determined the methylation motifs of has only been identified in the strain UAB CTIP (Chambaud et al. three phase-variable type III MTases of N. meningitidis (modA11, 2001). Recombination at the hsd loci of M. pulmonis has been con- modA12 and modD1I) by SMRT sequencing. When expressed, firmed by PCR analysis using pairs of primers where just oneof each of the three mod genes recognised and methylated a unique them is situated within the inverted region. Inversions resulted motif and this has been associated with the regulation of a spe- in novel positive PCR products and proved that the system was cific set of genes (phasevarion) (Seib et al. 2015). Furthermore, switching its TRDs both in vitro (Sitaraman and Dybvig 1997)and Atack et al used SMRT sequencing to determine the methylation in vivo (Gumulak-Smith et al. 2001). motifs of the five most clinically prevalent mod genes in H. in- A comparable invertible type I system was identified in S. fluenzae. The reversible ON/OFF switching of modA2, A4, A5, A9 pneumoniae as a hypervariable locus within the first whole- and A10 has been linked to a large number of virulence phe- genome assembly, that of TIGR4 (Tettelin et al. 2001). This RM notypes, including resistance, immune evasion and system, SpnIII, is encoded at the ivr locus and relies on three sets biofilm formation (Atack 2015). of IRs to allow the exchange of five different TRDs in order to generate six different S subunit alleles named A–F (Manso et al. 2014). The ivr locus was found to be present across all isolates in PHASE-VARIABLE MOTIF SPECIFICITY OF DNA a diverse population (Croucher et al. 2014). METHYLATION Two other structurally very similar invertible type I RM sys- tems have also been reported; these are in B. fragilis strain NCTC Phase variation observed in type II RM systems typically consists 9343 (Cerdeno-T˜ arraga´ et al. 2005) and in the ST8 strains of L. of a reversible switch between an active and an inactive form monocytogenes (Fagerlund et al. 2016). In B. fragilis, in addition to of the gene, affecting the presence or absence of the methyla- the complete hsdS gene, which sits in line with the hsdR and tion enzyme. This is because there is no simple mechanism by hsdM genes, there is an inactive hsdS gene lacking a start codon, which the sequence specificity of both the MTase and RTase can which is downstream and in the opposite orientation. To cre- be redirected in a co-ordinated manner. Whilst these on/off sys- ate even more options for S subunits, there are also two ad- tems allow phase variation the one-dimensional nature of the ditional truncated hsdS genes that, via four pairs of IRs, allow control mechanism means it is relatively inflexible. By contrast, the generation of eight alternate active S subunits from the six phase variation of type I RM systems can be more complex, and different TRDs (Cerdeno-T˜ arraga´ et al. 2005). The recombination therefore potentially more useful, because they can be easily ‘re- of hsdS genes in the B. fragilis genome has, to the best of our programmed’ to vary between different DNA target motifs. This knowledge, not yet been experimentally confirmed. In L. mono- flexibility relies on the modular nature of the two TRDs ofthe cytogenes, a single non-transcribed hsdS gene is situated down- S subunit, which each recognise half of the non-palindromic bi- stream of the hsdRMS locus and in the opposite orientation. Each partite target sequence (Murray 2000; Loenen et al. 2014b). Al- of the two hsdS genes contains two TRDs allowing for the gener- terations of the S subunit-encoding gene as small as single nu- ation of four possible S subunit specificities, named A–D (Fager- cleotide polymorphisms can lead to recognition of new target lund et al. 2016). Genome comparison by Fagerlund et al.(2016) sequences for DNA methylation (Adamczyk-Poplawska, Lower demonstrated that different active hsdS genes were present in and Piekarowicz 2011; Vasu and Nagaraja 2013). Even more im- different genomes and therefore they inferred that they might portantly, the presence in some hsd operons of multiple vari- be phase variable. We also have unpublished data showing that ant hsdS genes, or partial genes containing only single TRDs, recombination occurs at inverted hsdS genes within L. monocyto- allows phase variation through TRD ‘shuffling’ by recombina- genes strains. tion between the hsdS genes (Dybvig and Yu 1994;Cerdeno-˜ In 2006, another phase-variable type I system (LSL 0915- Tarraga´ et al. 2005;Mansoet al. 2014;Liet al. 2016). By moving LSL 0920), controlled by DNA inversion events at intragenic IR S8 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

(A) Mycoplasma pulmonis UAB CITP

hsdS hsdR mpuCORF6780RP hsdM hsdS

Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343

hsdR bfaSIRP hsdM hsdS hsdS hsdS hsdS

Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 SpnIII

hsdS hsdS REC hsdS hsdM hsdR SpnD39ORF454P

Enterococcus faecalis ATCC19433

hsdR hsdM hsdS REC hsdS

Listeria monocytogenes L312

hsdR lmoL312ORF526RP hsdM hsdS REC hsdS

Streptococcus suis P1/7

hsdS hsdS hsdM hsdR ssuPORF1273RP

Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1

hsdR lplWORF939RP hsdM hsdS REC hsdS hsdS

(B) Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 SpnIV

hsdM hsdS REC hsdS hsdR spnORF886RP

Clostridium botulinum B Eklund 17B

hsdS hsdM hsdS hsdR cbo17BORF2081SP

Figure 2. Schematic maps of the phase-variable hsd loci in distinct strains of different bacterial species. The strains have been divided according to the presence of either inverted (A)ordirecthsdS repeat (B) sequences. Consistent with the nomenclature of REBASE, in all panels the actively transcribed hsdS gene is reported as hsdS1, while the untranscribed hsdS genes available for recombination are marked hsdS2 and hsdS3. The name of each strain is reported on top of each locus illustration. Green arrows show the hsdS genes; dark grey and white arrows correspond to hsdM and hsdR genes, respectively; and light grey indicates the recombi- nase genes (REC) or genes encoding for hypothetical proteins. Listed from the top to the bottom, the strains and genes reported in each phase-variable locusare: (A) Mycoplasma pulmonis UAB CTIP (Genbank accession NC 0 02771), hsd1 (MYPU RS02160), hsdR (MYPU RS02165) hsdM (MYPU RS02170), hsdS2 (MYPU RS02175); Bac- teroides fragilis NCTC 9343 (GenBank GCA 00 0025985.1), hsdR (BF9343 RS08540-), hypothetical protein (BF9343 RS08545), hsdM (BF9343 RS08550), hsd1 (BF9343 RS21605), hsd2 (BF9343 RS08560), hsd3 (BF9343 RS08565), hsd4 (BF9343 RS08570); S. pneumoniae D39 (Genbank NC 0 08533), hsdS” (SPD 0451), hsdS’ (SPD 0450), a Cre recombinase (SPD 0452), hsdS (SPD 0453), hsdM (SPD 0454) and hsdR (locus tag SPD 0455); Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 19 433 strain (Genbank ASDA01000009), hsdS2 (WMC 0 2595), integrase (WMC 0 2596), hsdS1 (WMC 0 2597), hsdM (WMC 0 2598) and hsdR (WMC 0 2599); Listeria monocytogenes R479a (Genbank NZ HG813247), hsdR (LMR479A 0528), hsdM (LMR479A 0529), hsdS1 (LMR479A 0530), integrase (LMR479A 0531), hsdS2 (LMR479A 0532); Streptococcus suis P1/7 (Genbank NC 01 2925), hsdS1 (SSU RS06425), hsdS2 (SSU RS06430), hsdM (SSU RS06435), hsdR (SSU RS06440); Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 (Genbank NC 0 04567), hsdR (lp 0938), hsdM (lp 0939), hsd1 (lp 0940), integrase (lp 0941), hsd2 (lp 0942), hsd3 (lp 0943). (B) The schematic maps of two systems showing direct repeat hsdS loci (tvr) are for S. pneumoniae TIGR4 (Genbank NC 0 03028), hsdM (SP 0886), hsdS1 (SP 0887), hypothetical proteins (SP 0888, SP 0889), integrase (SP 0890), hsd2 (SP 0891), hsdR (SP 0892) and Clostridium botulinum B Eklund 17B (Genbank NC 01 0674), hsdS1 (CLL A2080), hsdM (CLL A2081), hsdS2 (CLL A2082), hsdR (CLL A2083). sites, was identified in the Lb. salivarius genome (Claesson et al. Capnocytophaga genera are dense with species containing can- 2006). This type I RM system is encoded in a region of 9360 bp didate phase-variable loci. Other genera, such as Campylobacter that has been defined as a ‘shufflon’. The shufflon contains two and Lactobacillus, exhibit a more sporadic distribution with can- extra complete copies of the hsdS gene, downstream and outside didate phase-variable RM systems found in only a few species, of the hsd operon, which would potentially allow for the genera- although this may be an artefact either of sampling or of the sim- tion of a total of nine possible combinations for the active speci- ple search approach used. Nevertheless, this stringent search ficity subunit. still identified representatives in both Gram-positive and nega- tive isolates from a variety of habitats, suggesting these systems are important in the evolution of many diverse bacteria. Further DISTRIBUTION OF INVERTING analysis will identify whether their disparate distribution repre- PHASE-VARIABLE TYPE I RM SYSTEMS sents multiple independent emergences or the horizontal trans- fer of these loci between highly divergent recipient cells. The phase-variable type I RM systems are found in multiple The situation in S. pneumoniae is somewhat peculiar in that species across the diversity of bacteria. As an example, pro- both of the type I phase-variable RM systems are part of the core teins with very high sequence similarity to the SpnIII RM sys- genome (Croucher et al. 2014), yet both are absent from many tem’s recombinase IvrR can be found across many taxa, thereby representatives of the S. mitis complex, to which S. pneumoniae identifying many candidate phase-variable type I RM systems belongs (Kilian et al. 2014). In many other species, the presence of (Fig. 3). Like Mycoplasma and Bacteriodetes,theTreponema and phase-variable systems is restricted to groups of related strains, De Ste Croix et al. S9

Figure 3. Taxonomy cladogram showing the presence and the divergence of the IvrR recombinase in distinct bacterial families and species. This NCBI taxonomy cladogram includes one leaf node for each species in which a protein aligned with the S. pneumoniae TIGR4 IvrR recombinase of the SpnIII system (orthologous with SPD 0452 in Fig. 1) with an E value of 0.001 or less, and is based upon a BLASTP search of the non-redundant sequence database. This is the background upon which those species containing an alignment matching IvrR with an E value of 10−100 or less are highlighted as being likely candidates for containing phase-variable type I RM loci. Grey clades contain no such highly significant hits. Clades containing significant hits are coloured and labelled with the appropriate taxonname; within these are shown representative annotated species which contain significant hits.

as is seen in the case of the clonal complexes in Listeria mono- dication of the proportion of each subunit within the popu- cytogenes (Fagerlund et al. 2016) or serotypes of S. suis (Willemse lation. SMRT sequencing has made the study of these phase- and Schultsz 2016; Willemse et al. 2016). These examples indi- variable methylation systems much more convenient (Clark et al. cate that the phase-variable type I RM systems appear to be gen- 2012). In the case of species with actively inverting type I sys- erally associated with particular lineages that often do not cor- tems, it is quite possible for a DNA sample to contain more respond with species boundaries. than one of the possible methylation patterns (Feng et al. 2014; Manso et al. 2014). If multiple patterns can be detected within a sample, this strongly suggests that any observed variation ALLELE QUANTIFICATION OF INVERTIBLE at a RM locus is having a phenotypic effect on the pattern of TYPE I RM SYSTEMS DNA methylation. Unfortunately, because the SMRT software re- quires a minimum number of potentially modified reads to be Both quantitative and non-quantitative methods have been detected before it can determine whether a nucleotide is methy- used for measuring inversions within phase-variable type I lated, this system cannot currently be used to accurately quan- systems. The non-quantitative protocols allow for the rapid de- tify the abundance of S subunits in a given sample, but they tection of systems where inversions are occurring; however, can be directly used for a rough quantification if the read depth quantitative systems that can determine the proportions of in- is adequate. dividual S subunits within the population are essential to un- In S. pneumoniae, a quantitative PCR method was developed to derstand the nature of the phase variation process. When the measure the SpnIII S subunit proportions in a mixed population Hsd system of Mycoplasma pulmonis was first identified, a num- (Manso et al. 2014). In this method, the entire hsdS containing ber of primer pairs were used to detect ongoing inversions (Dyb- region of the ivr locus is PCR-amplified using a pair of primers vig and Yu 1994; Sitaraman and Dybvig 1997). The primers used where just the forward primer is FAM labelled. The PCR products were designed to be co-directional within the locus with the in- generated are then digested using restriction enzymes DraIand tention that they would then only be able to generate a PCR PleI resulting in a uniquely sized, FAM-labelled fragment for each amplicon following an inversion event. This method allowed active S subunit represented within the sample tested. These for the detection of the presence of alternative S subunits, but fragments are then run on an ABI prism Gene Analyser (Life due to the nature of the PCR methodology it gave no real in- Technologies) and analysed using the programme Peak Scanner S10 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

v1.0, which allows the determination of the relative abundance found within the type I locus (Sitaraman, Denison and Dybvig of each S subunit. 2002), but is instead located near the phase-variable vsa surface Another quantitative method that has been used to mea- protein genes (Shen et al. 2000). Furthermore, in what appears sure the proportion of S subunits in both S. pneumoniae (Lees to be a unique situation, the recombinase controlling the et al. 2017)andLactobacillus salivarius (Claesson et al. 2006) relies inversion at the vsa locus also has complete control of hsdS gene on the analysis and quantification of whole-genome sequenc- inversions. Using transposon mutagenesis to generate mutants ing reads. In L. salivarius, individual sequence reads could be of HvsR, Sitaraman, Denison and Dybvig (2002)wereableto mapped to one of nine different hsdS combinations present in prove that, despite the lack of sequence similarity between the the DNA sequenced, and the number of reads for each was used two systems, it is indeed HvsR that facilitates recombination at to quantify their relative abundance in the sample. In S. pneu- both the vsa and hsdS loci. When the system was reconstructed moniae, sequence reads having homology to the locus were in- within an Escherichia coli background, it was determined that dividually mapped first to TRD1 and then to TRD2. This allowed HvsR alone was capable of facilitating recombination when the each read to be assigned to one of the six S subunits and the longer 20 bp IR sequence was present, whereas in the presence relative proportions of each in the sequenced genome could be of just the shorter IR sequence it did not appear to be sufficient determined (Lees et al. 2017). (Sitaraman, Denison and Dybvig 2002), indicating that another mycoplasma protein may be required. Recently, Willemse et al. (2016) characterised the genomic dif- RECOMBINASE-DRIVEN REARRANGEMENT ferences between porcine and human isolates of the zoonotic OF hsdS GENES pathogen S. suis. They identified two genomic differences that characterise invasive human isolates within clonal complex Several of the phase-variable type I RM systems described above CC20: a novel remnant prophage that contains a novel phase- have a site-specific recombinase associated with the operon. variable type I RM system and a pathogenicity island contain- The pneumococcal SpnIII system contains a site-specific tyro- ing virulence genes (Willemse et al. 2016). The phase-variable sine recombinase situated between the active and silent hsdS RM system was restricted to mainly to serotype 2 isolates, the genes (Tettelin et al. 2001;Mansoet al. 2014;Liet al. 2016); how- serotype responsible for human invasive disease. The phase- ever, it is interesting to note that this recombinase has only been variable system contains two inverted hsdS alleles, with the mul- shown to be partially responsible for control of recombination tiple recombination states identified in the sequences of individ- at the locus (Li et al. 2016). The ivr locus contains three inde- ual isolates (Willemse and Schultsz 2016). pendent pairs of IRs of varying sizes (330 bp, 85 bp and 15 bp; In Bacteroides fragilis, the specific recombinase associated Manso et al. 2014); however, only recombination at the 15-bp IR with the BF1839 type I system has not yet been determined. sequence is exclusively controlled by the tyrosine recombinase, The genome contains more than 30 site-specific recombinases and in a recombinase knockout strain, recombination on the two (Nakayama-Imaohji et al. 2009), 3 of which are in close proxim- larger repeats has been shown to continue (Li et al. 2016). There ity to the locus (BF1833, 1843 and 1845) (Cerdeno-T˜ arraga´ et al. is a conserved 10-bp sequence that is common to all three of the 2005); however, there is currently no published evidence show- repeats and which may act as the recognition site for a recom- ing which, if any, of these recombinases permits inversions at binase; however, there is clearly more than one recombination thetypeIRMlocus. mechanism involved in the inversion of the spnIII locus. Both our The hsdS inversions investigated in S. pneumoniae, B. fragilis own work and the work of Li et al.(2016) have confirmed that re- and M. pulmonis all appear to occur independently of RecA. While combination on the two larger repeats occurs independently of this can be reasonably explained in M. pulmonis and B. fragilis by RecA. Therefore, there is likely to be another facilitator protein the fact that the site-specific recombinase is in sole control of or recombinase that still needs to be identified that promotes the loci, in S. pneumoniae it is known that this is not the case. recombination on these two repeats; this situation is therefore similar to the case of the recombination of the flagella subunits in Salmonella enterica (Kutsukake et al. 2006). OTHER PHASE-VARIABLE TYPE I RM SYSTEMS In ST8 strains of Listeria monocytogenes, DNA sequence anal- ysis indicates that the phase-variable type I RM system utilises A number of other recombination mechanisms have been de- site-specific recombination to switch between the four possible scribed, across different bacterial species, for being responsible DNA target recognition site specificities (Fagerlund et al. 2016). for phase-variable type I RM systems, altering TRD sequences The presence of two pairs of IRs (5-AGCTTGGGAACAGCGT-3 and therefore target specificity and genome methylation status and 5-CTATCGCTCTTCATCAGCGTAAGTTAGAT-3), which are lo- and potentially affecting global gene expression patterns. cated in the 5 end and in the central part of the hsdS genes, In S. pneumoniae, in addition to the flipping between IRs pre- respectively, appears to allow the recombination to occur. Al- viously described, it has been found that phase variation of type though direct evidence for its role is still missing, an integrase, I RM loci can occur through DNA translocation between direct which contains active site residues similar to tyrosine recombi- repeats (Croucher et al. 2014). This process occurs at the translo- nases, is encoded between the two hsdS genes and thus is most cating variable restriction (tvr) locus, which encodes the SpnIV likely responsible for the reported hsdS gene inversions (Fager- RM system (Manso et al. 2014). As with other phase-variable type lund et al. 2016). I RM loci, the tvr locus contains genes encoding the three sub- Within the Hsd1 locus of Mycoplasma pulmonis,there units of a pentameric restriction enzyme and a recombinase aretwopairsofIRs(5-CAAAGTGCAATA-3 and 5- gene, tvrR, but also has a toxin–antitoxin locus, tvrAT;however, TAATTAAGATTATTGAACCT-3), which allow the generation unlike the inverting loci, all of the core RM genes of the tvr of four different active S subunits (Sitaraman, Denison and locus are encoded on the same strand. The role of the toxin– Dybvig 2002). Unlike the systems identified in S. pneumoniae and antitoxin system in this locus has not yet been studied in detail; L. monocytogenes, inversions in the hsdS genes are the result of however, it is proposed that it would be involved in stabilisa- a single site-specific tyrosine recombinase, HvsR, which is not tion of the RM system locus—at a population level—by allowing De Ste Croix et al. S11

postsegregational killing of daughter cells in which part of the RM specificities by transferring natural plasmids containing hsdS locus had been lost (Croucher et al. 2014). Such a mechanism, specificity genes to a lactococcal strain possessing a different hsd not observed in inverting loci, indicates that the recombination locus (Schouler et al. 1998b). Other studies have also reported the mechanism facilitating the lateral movement of DNA may in- presence of natural plasmids containing hsdS genes, which are volve relatively unstable intermediates that can frequently re- able to interact both with plasmid-encoded and with chromoso- sult in partial deletion of this operon. The activity of this RM mally encoded HsdR and HsdM subunits generating active RM system was confirmed through SMRT sequencing of mutants in systems with new specificities (Madsen, Westphal and Joseph- which functional tvr loci had been introduced into backgrounds sen 2000; Seegers, Van Sinderen and Fitzgerald 2000). For exam- that previously lacked the entire operon (Croucher et al. 2014; ple, in L. lactis subsp. cremoris strain UC509.9, in addition to the Manso et al. 2014), identifying methylation at typical bipartite hsdS gene encoded in plasmid pCIS3, there are two more hsdS type I RM motifs. Unlike the SpnIII system, the SpnIV system in- genes located on the chromosome and another on a second plas- cluded notable interstrain variation in its complement of TRDs. mid, named pCIS1. In another study, the HsdS specificity sub- Hence, the methylation profile at this locus is determined both unit, S.LlaW12I, was found to be encoded in the naturally occur- by which TRDs are present in the genotype and by the pattern ring 8.0 kb plasmid pAW122 of L. lactis subsp. cremoris W12 strain into which they are shuffled by intragenomic recombination. (Madsen, Westphal and Josephsen 2000). In Helicobacter pylori, an alternative arrangement facilitates Acquisition of novel restriction specificities through TRDs analogous shuffling of TRDs through a mechanism termed shuffling in L. lactis can also occur through recombination of DoMo (domain movement). DoMo is capable of moving TRDs hsdS subunits encoded on different plasmids (O’Sullivan et al. to generate different S subunits; however, this does not occur 2000). In this case, the recombination events lead to the forma- through DNA inversions of sequences that are found within the tion of a new co-integrate plasmid (pAH90) with two novel hy- same locus, but instead involves the movement of TRDs both brid S genes, which were characterised by new target specifici- within a single hsdS gene and between homologous hsdS genes ties (O’Sullivan et al. 2000). Furthermore, in a more recent study, distributed at different loci (Furuta, Abe and Kobayashi 2010;Fu- the L. lactis subsp. lactis IL594 strain has been shown to contain ruta et al. 2011). Sequence analysis of multiple H. pylori genomes seven plasmids, of which four contained either fully functional has identified three homology groups of typeI hsdS orthologue or truncated versions of type I S genes that were proposed to be genes distributed across six loci. In two of these groups, the the source of specificity regions for the other hsdS genes (Gorecki´ two TRDs (TRD1 and TRD2) are each flanked by one of five dif- et al. 2011). Of note, only one of these plasmids (pIL6) also con- ferent pairs of short (14–53 bp) direct repeat sequences. DNA tained the hsdR and hsdM genes, which were located between recombination at the level of these flanking sequences deter- orfX and hsdS (Gorecki´ et al. 2011). mines the movement of a TRD between genes with similar di- rect repeats present at different loci. Some TRD sequences were observed to occur in either the TRD1 or TRD2 position in dif- PHENOTYPES ASSOCIATED WITH PHASE ferent hsdS alleles indicating that more complex recombination VARIATION IN TYPE I RM SPECIFICITIES events between pairs of the different repeats had occurred. Re- combination at the direct repeats can also affect the TRD num- The first and most obvious phenotype associated with RM sys- bers present in a single specificity gene, either by decreasing tems is the restriction of phage infection. This is generally mea- two TRDs into one TRD or by increasing them to three (TRD1- sured as a reduction in plaque-forming units after infection with TRD2-TRD2). Using SMRT sequencing technology, DNA methy- heterologous methylated phage when compared to a homolo- lation sites were determined throughout the H. pylori genome gous infection. An obvious advantage offered by phase variation for several closely related strains and found to be highly vari- in RM specificity is that a single enzyme can restrict multiple able (Furuta et al. 2014). Each of the DNA methylation sequence different target sequences across a population of cells, thereby motifs found was able to be associated to a specific homology maximising the population’s defence against a phage. For in- group of the TRDs in the specificity-determining genes. These stance, in Lactococcus lactis strain DPC721, O’Sullivan et al.(2000) results broadly supported the proposed DoMo mechanism for showed that the loss of two plasmids, pAH33 and pAH82, to- sequence-specificity changes in DNA methyltransferases. Simi- gether with the formation of the novel co-integration plasmid lar TRD1 and TRD2 movement has been reported for type I RM pAH90, was characterised by novel hsdS specificities, which were enzyme specificity genes in two more eubacterial species: S. pyo- responsible for the newly acquired bacteriophage insensitivity. genes and M. agalactiae (Furuta et al. 2011). In particular, the recombination event that occurred between In Lactococcus lactis, a mechanism called ‘combinational vari- the HsdS determinants of the two small plasmids led to the ac- ation’ (O’Sullivan et al. 2000) has been reported in several stud- tivation of a phage adsorption blocking phenotype (Ads) against ies and appears to represent a general strategy through which phage c2 and increased restriction against the small isometric- bacteria can acquire RM systems with novel specificities. Such headed phage 712 (O’Sullivan et al. 2000). Using the Mycoplasma diversification of RM loci increases the range of phage against phage P1, Dybvig, Sitaraman and French (1998) determined that which cells are protected (O’Sullivan et al. 2000), of particu- populations with different active hsdS genes also show differ- lar economic relevance for lactococci commonly used in ing phage susceptibility. By isolating 147 subclones from a sin- starters and fermentation processes, which can be severely gle laboratory stock they were able to establish that there were impacted by phage infection. According to this mechanism, eight individual groups. One of these groups (consisting of 17 DNA recombination occurs between specificity genes encoded subclones) showed no RM activity at all, suggesting the locus on plasmids and chromosomally encoded hsdS genes. Schouler had been inverted such that hsdR and hsdM were no longer in line et al.(1998a)identifiedatypeIRMsystemforthefirsttimein with their promoter. This group of strains could be infected by P1 Lactococcus on the natural plasmid pIL2614 and showed that in- phage derived from any background, i.e. propagated in a popula- teraction of different HsdS subunits present in distinct RM sys- tion with the same hsdS orientation, propagated in a population tems, located in the genome, generated enhanced phage restric- with a different hsdS orientation or propagated in a population tion. Later on, they also demonstrated the acquisition of new with no RM activity (Dybvig, Sitaraman and French 1998). Six of S12 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1





(B) M M X



Figure 4. Schematic model of the effects of RM systems upon phage infection. This figure shows bacterial cells with different RM systems being infected byphage. Each DNA methylation state is represented by a different colour. The black irregular line represents the bacterial genome and the circled M indicates its methylation status. The phage is represented by the hexagonally shaped figure, with its tail anchoring to the bacterial to penetrate it and cause infection. Whenan appropriately methylated phage infects a bacterial cell, it is able to replicate effectively and to produce progeny with the same methylation status. (A) Inhibition of phage infection by stable RM systems. Depending upon the strength of restriction, a minority of the phage population may be able to avoid restriction and infect a bacterial cell which has a different methylation pattern to the source of the virus (one out of three ‘red’ cells failing to restrict ‘blue’ phage in this example). In this case, the progeny phage, now appropriately methylated, will be able to efficiently infect neighbouring bacterial cells and will perpetuate the infection (productive infection). (B) Inhibition of phage infection by phase-variable RM systems. In a bacterial population with an RM system capable of producing several distinctly different methylation patterns, phage will efficiently infect neighbouring cells which have the same methylation pattern as themselves, and will be restricted by the differentlyhylated met cells. Infection may quickly reach a dead end when progeny phages are differently methylated to all of the remaining surrounding cells which can therefore restrict phage spread. the remaining groups were susceptible to phage with their own duce low amounts of methylated phage, it would be expected methylation profile, but were capable of restricting phage prop- that these would then be outtitrated by the resistant bacteria agated in any other background. The final group showed varying in the population, which carry the alternate phase-variable re- susceptibility depending upon the strain that was used for phage striction enzymes (Fig. 4A). Our unpublished data in S. pneumo- propagation (Dybvig, Sitaraman and French 1998). The observa- niae show that phage plaques can only be recognised in a lawn tion that non-restricting cells occurred quite so frequently led of bacterial cells if the population is composed of >70% of bac- the authors to hypothesise that the maintenance of the system teria expressing the same HsdS variant. In populations that are might not be driven solely by its utility in phage defence and more diverse, plaques are not seen indicating that a significant that the hsd loci of Mycoplasma pulmonis might have an essential portion of the population is protected by the action of the phase- function associated with pathogenesis. It is also possible that variable RM system. This type of population variation-based pro- M. pulmonis cells with the non-restricting status are a necessary tection seems to have an advantage over cells with the CRISPR intermediary when switching between two different restricting system that when encountering a previously unknown phage states to prevent a newly encoded HsdRMS holoenzyme cleav- has no such protection and rely upon ‘single’ survivors to gen- ing genomic DNA methylated at the old ‘wrong’ sites resulting erate a new population that is resistant to re-infection (Samson in suicide of a newly switched cell. et al. 2013). Now that phase-variable type I RMs systems have been de- It is now becoming apparent that the biological signifi- scribed in multiple species, and as more bacteriophage tools be- cance of type I RM systems can extend well beyond a merely come available, it should be relatively straightforward to model defensive function; those systems encoding phase-variable the potential advantage for any bacterial population in having methylation will define multiple epigenetic states across indi- a phase-variable phage control mechanism. It has already been vidual bacterial cells that could alter the transcriptome poten- observed that ‘clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic tially leading to global phenotypic changes. So far, three pheno- repeats’ (CRISPR) systems which provide an adaptive form of im- types have been associated with changes in methylation caused munity (Garneau et al. 2010) have a substantial advantage over by phase-variable type I RM systems. In S. pneumoniae ‘phase- classical RM systems, which are quite easy for phage to circum- locked’ mutants, which are incapable of hsdS recombination and vent. Indeed, with a classic RM system once a single phage has therefore can only express a single S subunit, have been con- been able to initiate a lytic cycle (Fig. 4B) and produce methy- structed and used to conduct experiments in mice (Manso et al. lated progeny, then the whole of the bacterial population will 2014). These locked mutants showed differences in virulence in be susceptible to further infection. In contrast, though bacterial the experimental infection models, with the A-variant being less populations with a phase-variable system will also always pro- able to colonise the epithelium in a carriage model of infection De Ste Croix et al. S13

and the B-variant being less virulent in a bacteraemia model tage of being able to express multiple different S subunits, there (Manso et al. 2014) (for variant nomenclature, see Fig. 1). The de- may also be conditions under which a lack of expression of the crease in virulence in the locked B mutant strain correlated with RM system would be advantageous for M. pulmonis. a lower expression of the capsule operon, although no apparent In both Bacteroides and Mycoplasma, the recombinases in- mechanism for this potential epigenetic effect could be identi- volved in the switching of the hsdS alleles also have an impact fied (Manso et al. 2014). When monitoring an invasive infection on recombination in the capsule and surface lipoprotein genes, with a wild-type strain (containing a high proportion of the E- respectively (Sitaraman and Dybvig 1997; Sitaraman, Deni- variant), a shift to the A-variant could be observed over time, son and Dybvig 2002;Cerdeno-T˜ arraga´ et al. 2005; Nakayama- suggesting host selection for or against certain variants (Manso Imaohji et al. 2009). However, there is no evidence for a direct et al. 2014). In contrast, after mining the genome sequences of relationship between the variation in methylation by recombi- over 600 paired meningeal and sepsis isolates of S. pneumoniae nation in the RM systems and the changes in virulence. for the prevalence of hsdS-variants expressed by each isolate, no evidence could be found for an association of any SpnIII methy- lation variant with any clinical parameter (Lees et al. 2017). The CONCLUDING REMARKS genome work in S. suis has associated both phase-variable type I RM system and a pathogenicity island to serotype 2 isolates As more genomes are sequenced and as the technological ad- responsible for human invasive disease (Willemse and Schultsz vances that allow the detection and quantification of DNA 2016; Willemse et al. 2016), which led the authors to speculate methylation become more widely available, it is likely that the that virulence in S. suis could be controlled by the phase-variable number of studies reporting the existence of phase-variable type RM system. I RM systems among different bacterial species will increase Two independent reports associate variation in SpnIII methy- substantially over the next few years. It seems very likely that lation with phenotypic differences in colony opacity of S. pneu- these systems have evolved as a defensive response to selective moniae strains (Manso et al. 2014;Liet al. 2016). This phenotype is pressure from bacteriophage; however, it has now been clearly well known to be associated with colonisation (transparent) and demonstrated, in a number of recent publications, that this abil- invasive disease (opaque), though a detailed molecular mecha- ity to reversibly change the sites of global DNA methylation can nism for the trait is still missing (Weiser et al. 1994). Manso et al. also have significant physiological effects upon the bacteria. So showed that a strain locked into an S.spnIIIA could be classified why would multiple diverse bacterial species retain such sys- as opaque, while those locked into S.spnIIIB were >90% transpar- tems? One possibility is that these alternate epigenetic modes ent and the other four variants showed mostly opaque colonies. may, as has been proposed for other phase-variable systems More recently, Li et al. (2016) have also generated ‘phase-locked’ (Moxon, Bayliss and Hood 2006), act as contingency mechanisms mutants in a variety of different strain backgrounds, including for the adaptation of bacterial populations to changing environ- some non-encapsulated strains. Data comparison between the ments, e.g. during the switch from asymptomatic colonisation two studies was consistent for the majority of variants, con- to invasive disease which occurs during pneumococcal disease. firming that variations in SpnIII methylation do appear to play Indeed, such a hypothesis is already supported by existing data an important role in the generation of opaque and transparent that show that pneumococcal strains that are differently methy- colonies. An important difference between the two studies was lated by SpnIII exhibit differences in fitness between distinct that one reports an unequivocal association of opaque colony host niches during experimental infections (Manso et al. 2014). morphology to a single methylation variant (Li et al. 2016), while The ability to switch rapidly between multiple different epige- the other reports that some of the locked variants can give rise netic states could also be beneficial as it would provide bacterial to both opaque and transparent colonies (Manso et al. 2014). populations with the potential to quickly regain phenotypic di- Furthermore, as the frequency of these opaque and transpar- versity after selective or non-selective bottlenecks, which typi- ent colonies varied depending upon which SpnIII variant was cally occur during infection of a host. expressed by the strain, Manso et al. (2014) concluded that addi- However, there do remain a number of challenging ques- tional loci, possibly including a second phase-variable system, tions which have yet to be answered even in the relatively well- must be involved in regulating colony opacity in the pneumococ- described systems, such as the SpnIII system of S. pneumoniae. It cus. Despite the multiple observations that change in methyla- remains unclear how and when the hsdS recombination events tion pattern results in differences in virulence phenotypes, the occur: if, as it now appears, these are not all simple inversion exact details of the epigenetic mechanism(s) behind this process events governed by the site-specific recombinase in the locus, have not yet been reported. then what other bacterial proteins are involved, and is there per- In vivo work with the murine pathogen M. pulmonis has been haps a requirement for genome replication to provide a second conducted by Gumulak-Smith et al.(2001). Rats were intranasally copy of the locus to aid in such recombination events? There is challenged with M. pulmonis and bacteria recovered from the also the dilemma that occurs immediately after the active hsdS lungs, trachea and nose were then analysed for changes in hsdS allele has changed and where now any newly translated HsdRMS (and vsa) orientation and expression. PCR analysis showed that, restriction enzyme will target a DNA sequence different from the overall, the M. pulmonis populations recovered from the trachea one that was recognised by the previous protective methyltrans- were more variable at both their hsd and vsa loci, when com- ferase: how exactly does the cell avoid cutting up its own DNA pared to those isolated from the nose. In addition to the alter- before it can completely re-methylate itself? Previous research ations in hsdS recombination shown within the recovered pop- work had already clearly shown that epigenetic modifications ulations, there were cells that showed no detectable restriction had the ability to affect gene expression and alter important and or methylation activity that were also detected (Gumulak-Smith complex bacterial phenotypes, such as replication or virulence; et al. 2001). Due to the structure of the hsd locus, it is possible however, the discovery that global DNA methylation can also be for the hsdR and hsdM genes to also be inverted, which would subject to phase variation has offered an exciting new area of explain the lack of RM activity in these small subpopulations of investigation elucidating how many bacterial species have ex- cells. This finding implies that, in addition to the obvious advan- ploited this opportunity. S14 FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2017, Vol. 41, No. Supp 1

FUNDING Dybvig K, Yu H. Regulation of a restriction and modification sys- tem via DNA inversion in Mycoplasma pulmonis. Mol Micro- This work was supported in part by the Medical Research biol 1994;12:547–60. Council [Grant Number MR/M003078/1] and by the Biotechnol- Eutsey RA, Powell E, Dordel J et al. Genetic stabilization of the ogy and Biological Sciences Research Council [Grant Number drug-resistant PMEN1 pneumococcus lineage by its distinc- BB/N002903/1]. JR was funded by a Biotechnology and Biological tive DpnIII restriction-modification system. MBio 2015;6:1– Sciences Research Council – Knowledge Transfer Network – Co- 12. operative Awards in Science and Engineering. BBSRC KTN CASE Fagerlund A, Langsrud S, Schirmer BCT et al. Genome analysis of studentship [Grant Number BB/P504737/1]. 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