C M Y K Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1

6 FILM REVIEW 14 THE TV WATCH For Seth MacFarlane, an Is Snowden a catch? No one oater spoof. BY STEPHEN HOLDEN asked. BY ALESSANDRA STANLEY

14 TELEVISION REVIEW 3 THEATER REVIEW A new Blackbeard in John Ditties for an Ayn Rand C M Y K Malkovich.Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1 BY NEIL GENZLINGER dystopia. BY ANDY WEBSTER

Movies Performances 6 FILM REVIEW 14 THE TV WATCH FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 C1 For Seth MacFarlane, an Is Snowden a catch?I No one N oater spoof. BY STEPHEN HOLDEN asked. BY ALESSANDRA STANLEY

14 TELEVISION REVIEW 3 THEATER REVIEW C M Y K Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1A new Blackbeard in John Ditties for an Ayn Rand Malkovich. BY NEIL GENZLINGER dystopia. BY ANDY WEBSTER

6 FILM REVIEW 14 THE TV WATCH For Seth MacFarlane, an Is Snowden a catch? No one Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1 C MCCYMMKYYKK oaterNxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1 spoof. BY STEPHEN HOLDEN asked. BY ALESSANDRA STANLEY FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 C1 C MCYMKCMoviesYMK Y K PerformancesNxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1 N 14 TELEVISION REVIEW 3 THEATER REVIEW A new Blackbeard in John Ditties for an Ayn Rand I Sisters of Summer6 FILM REVIEW66 FILM FILM REVIEW REVIEW 14 THE TV14 14WATCH THE THE TV TV WATCH WATCH 6 FILM 6REVIEW FILM REVIEW Malkovich. BY NEIL14 GENZLINGER THE 14TV WATCH THE TV WATCHdystopia. BY ANDY WEBSTER C6M FILMY REVIEWKFor SethForFor MacFarlane, Seth Seth MacFarlane, MacFarlane, anNxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1 14an an THE TVIs WATCH SnowdenIsIs Snowden Snowden a catch? a a catch?No catch? one No No one one For Seth MacFarlane, an Is Snowden a catch? No one For SethC MFor MacFarlane,Y SethKoater MacFarlane, spoof.oater oateran spoof.BY spoof. anSTEPHEN BY BY IsSTEPHEN STEPHENHOLDEN SnowdenNxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E1Is HOLDEN HOLDENSnowden a catch?asked. a asked.Nocatch?BYasked. ALESSANDRAone NoBY BY ALESSANDRA oneALESSANDRA STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY BY STEPHEN HOLDEN BY ALESSANDRA STANLEY oater oaterspoof. spoof. oater BYspoof. STEPHEN BY STEPHEN HOLDEN HOLDENasked.asked. 6asked.BY FILM ALESSANDRA REVIEW BY ALESSANDRA STANLEY STANLEY14 THE TV WATCH Songs of Devotion, 14 TELEVISION1414 TELEVISIONC TELEVISION REVIEWM Y K REVIEW REVIEW 3 THEATERNxxx,2014-05-30,C,001,Bs-4C,E133 THEATERREVIEW THEATER REVIEW REVIEW DumpedFor Seth MacFarlane, an Is Snowden a catch? No one FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 C1 Movies Performances 14 TELEVISION14 TELEVISION REVIEW14 TELEVISION REVIEW REVIEW 3 THEATER3 THEATER REVIEW63 FILM REVIEW THEATER REVIEW REVIEW 14 THE TV WATCH A newA BlackbeardA new new Blackbeard Blackbeard in John in in oaterJohn John spoof.Ditties BY STEPHENDitties for DittiesHOLDEN an Aynfor for asked.an anRand Ayn AynBY ALESSANDRA Rand Rand STANLEY For Seth MacFarlane,6 FILM an REVIEW Is Snowden a 14catch? THE TV WATCH No one N A newA Blackbeard new BlackbeardA new in Blackbeard John in John in JohnDittiesDitties for an 14forDitties Ayn TELEVISION an Rand Ayn forREVIEW an Rand Ayn Rand3 THEATER REVIEW Songs of Rapture Malkovich.Malkovich.Malkovich. BY NEIL BY GENZLINGERBY NEIL NEIL GENZLINGER GENZLINGERoater spoof.dystopia. BY STEPHENFordystopia.dystopia. SethHOLDEN BY MacFarlane, ANDY BY asked. WEBSTERBY an ANDY ANDY BY ALESSANDRAWEBSTER WEBSTERIs Snowden STANLEY a catch? No one By Her Prince,A new Blackbeard in John Ditties for an Ayn RandI Malkovich.Malkovich. BYMalkovich. NEIL BY GENZLINGER NEIL GENZLINGERBY NEIL GENZLINGERdystopia.dystopia. BY14 dystopia.ANDY TELEVISION BY WEBSTERANDY REVIEW BYWEBSTER ANDYoater spoof. WEBSTER BY STEPHEN3 THEATER HOLDEN REVIEWasked. BY ALESSANDRA STANLEY Malkovich. BY NEIL GENZLINGER dystopia. BY ANDY WEBSTER The gift of being simple has A new Blackbeard in14 John TELEVISION REVIEW Ditties for an Ayn3 THEATER Rand REVIEW A new Blackbeard in John Ditties for an Ayn Rand never been widely associated Malkovich. BY NEIL GENZLINGER dystopia. BY ANDY WEBSTER with the Wooster Group, whose So Watch Out Malkovich. BY NEIL GENZLINGER dystopia. BY ANDY WEBSTER FRIDAY,FRIDAY, MAYFRIDAY, 30, MAY 2014 MAY 30, 30,C1 2014 2014 C1C1 austere and profoundlyMoviesMoviesMovies affectingPerformancesPerformancesPerformances Movies Performances FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 C1 FRIDAY,FRIDAY, MAY 30, MAYFRIDAY, 2014 30, 2014C1MAY 30,C1 2014 C1 MoviesMovies“EarlyMoviesPerformances ShakerPerformances Spirituals”Performances makes a fabu- N N N N lous monster. As the title charac- FRIDAY,FRIDAY, MAY MAY 30, 30, 2014 2014 C1C1 opened on Thurs- Movies PerformancesMovies Performances I N N N ter in “” — a diverting- I N N Sistersday night at the of Summer II BEN I Performing Garage ly different rethink of an awfully I I I I BRANTLEY in SoHo. Through- old story — she breezes through out its almost 40, the movie, part su- THEATER MANOHLA perstar, part super- REVIEW unceasingly fertile years of existence, DARGIS freak. this genre-bendingSongs troupe has of Devotion, Her red mouthDumped slashes across the taken theatergoers through FILM twisting labyrinthsSisters of produc- of SummerREVIEW screen while her tions, in which Songsreality and its of RaptureSistersSistersclothes ofbillow like Summer of Summer representations are splintered storm clouds, herBy body framed Her by Prince, by technology and irony. enormous shimmering wings and The gift of being simple has Sistersher head capped byof a pair of ma-Summer So to find the Wooster Group payingnever plain-spoken been widely tribute associated to Songsjestic of horns. Devotion, TheSongs wings allow of Devotion, her Dumped Songs of Devotion, to soar, but the hornsSo mainlyDumped Watch give OutDumped the Shakers,with the a Wooster sect celebrated Group, whose Songs of Rapture for itsaustere religious andSisters ardor profoundly andSistersSisters un- affecting of ofofSongs SongsSummer her Summerof characterSummer of Devotion, Rapture a distinctly Freud- By Her Prince, ian kink, some phallic enhance- Dumped adorned“Early aesthetic, Shaker feels Spirituals” like a The gift ofAngelina being ngelinasimple has Jolie makes JOLIE a fabu- makesBy Her a fabulous Prince, SistersSisters of of Summer Summernever been widely associated Sisters of Summerment to go with the fairy tale en- Songs of RaptureThe gift of being simple has setup for a joke. Abstemious-opened on Thurs- with thelous ByWooster monster. Group, Herwhose As the titlePrince, charac- So Watch Out never beenSongs widely associatedchantment. of austereRapture And, and profoundly my,monster. what affecting big As the title character in ness is also a hallmarkday nightof the at the with the Wooster Group, whose “Early terShaker in Spirituals” “Maleficent” — a diverting-BySo WatchHer AngelinaPrince, JolieOut makes a fabu- BEN The gift of being simple has horns they are. opened“Maleficent” on Thurs- — a divertingly differlous monster.- As the title charac- Shaker religion, a celibate 18th- austereThe gift and of being profoundly simple affecting has Aly differentday night at the rethink of an awfullyAngelina Jolie makester a infabu- “Maleficent” — a diverting- Performing GarageRICHARD TERMINE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES “Early Shaker Spirituals”She wearsBEN them like a crown in century offshootnever of been the Quakerswidely associated never been widely associated ent Performingrethink Garage of an awfully oldlous monster. story As —the titleshely different charac- rethink of an awfully opened on Thurs- old story — she breezes throughSo Watchold story — sheOut breezes through BRANTLEY with the Wooster Group, whose BRANTLEYSo in SoHo. Through- Watch Out with thein SongsWooster SoHo. Through-Songs Group,Songs whose of Devotion, ofof Devotion,Devotion,this live-action postscript to the ter in “Maleficent” — a diverting- and now nearly extinct. Such Early Shaker Spirituals Frances BEN day night at the out its almostDumped 40, Dumped the movie, part su- austere and profoundly affecting Dumped breezes throughthe movie, the movie, partly su- different part rethink superstar, of an awfully Songsaustere ofout and itsDevotion, profoundly almost 40, affecting Performingvisually Garage stunningTHEATER unceasingly 1959 Disney fertile an- Angelina Jolie makesMANOHLA a fabu- perstar, part super- Songs of Devotion, “Early Shaker Spirituals” REVIEW Songs of Devotion, old story — she breezes through rigor scarcely comes to mind in McDormand in this production BRANTLEY in SoHo.Dumped Through- freak. Dumpedyears of existence, THEATER Dumped lous monster. As the title charac- “Early Shaker Spirituals” opened onimated Thurs- musicalpartMANOHLAAngelina “Sleeping superfreak. Jolie Beau-perstar, makes apart fabu- super- the movie, partDARGIS su- Her red mouth relation to the Woosterites,unceasingly who fertile out its almost 40, this genre-bending troupe has ter in “Maleficent” — a diverting- REVIEW by the Wooster Group at the THEATER day night at the perstar, part super- slashes across the opened on Thurs- BEN unceasinglyty.” fertile This time,takenlous theatergoers the monster. focus through isn’t Asfreak. theon title charac-MANOHLAly different rethink of anFILM awfully yearsSongs of existence,SongsSongs of Rapture ofof RaptureRaptureREVIEW Performing Garage twisting labyrinthsHer of produc-red mouth slashes acrossfreak. the screenREVIEW screen while her Continued on Page 4 Performing Garage. years of existence, By Her Prince, clothes billow like ter inDARGIS “Maleficent” ByBy — HeraHer diverting-old story Prince,Prince, — she breezes through BRANTLEY tions, in which reality and its DARGIS this genre-bendingday troupe night hasat the this genre-bendingin SoHo. troupeThrough-the beautiful, has blond , whoHer red mouth Her red mouth SongsSongsSongsBEN of ofRapture Rapture of Rapture representationswhile areher splintered clothes billow like stormthe movie,clouds,storm part clouds, su- her body framed by Byout its almost Her 40, ly Prince, different rethink of an awfully slashes across the taken theatergoersBy through ByHer Her Prince, Prince, enormous shimmering wings and Performing Garage THEATER Continuedby technology on and irony.Page 13slashes across theFILM perstar, part super- taken theatergoersThe gift TheofThe beingthrough gift gift ofsimple of being being has simple simple has has unceasingly fertile MANOHLA screen whileher her head capped by a pair of ma- REVIEWtwisting labyrinths of produc- Soold to find story theFILM Wooster — sheGroupher breezes body through framedREVIEW by enormousfreak. BRANTLEY in SoHo. Through- years of existence, screen while her clothes billowjestic like horns. The wings allow her The giftThe of being gifttwisting ofThe simple being giftnever labyrinths simpleofhas being been neverhasnever simple widely of been produc-been has associated widely widely associated associated tions, in which reality and its paying plain-spokenREVIEW tribute to DARGIS Her red mouth out its almost 40, thisrepresentations genre-bending are troupe splintered has the Shakers,So a sect celebratedthe SoWatchSoshimmering movie, Watch partWatch su- wingsstorm Out clouds, and her Out bodyherOutto framed soar,head but by the horns mainly give never beennever widely beennever widelyassociated beenwith associated widely thewith Wooster withassociated the the Wooster Group, Wooster whose Group, Group, whose whose taken theatergoers through for its religious ardor and un- clothes billow likeenormous shimmeringslashes acrossher wings character the and a distinctly Freud- tions, inTHEATER which reality and its by technology and irony. perstar, part super- FILM ian kink, some phallic enhance- austere andunceasingly profoundly fertileaffecting twisting labyrinthsSo Soof produc-Watch WatchadornedMANOHLA aesthetic, feelsOut like a Out herREVIEW head capped screen by awhile pair herof ma- austereaustere and and profoundly profoundly affecting affecting So to find the WoosterMaleficent GroupSoAngelina Watch Jolie stars in Out with the Wooster Group, REVIEWwhose storm clouds,capped her body by framed a pair ofby majesticment to go with the fairy tale en- with the Woosterwithrepresentations the WoosterGroup, whose Group, are splintered whose setup for a joke. Abstemious-freak. jestic horns. Theclothes wings billow allow like her years of existence, tions,paying in which plain-spoken reality andtribute its to AngelinaAngelina AngelinaJolie makes Jolie Jolie a makes fabu- makes a afabu- fabu- chantment. And, my, what big austereaustere and profoundly and profoundly affecting“Early affecting Shaker“Early“Early Spirituals”Shaker Shaker Spirituals” Spirituals” this rethinkingness is enormousalso of a hallmark “Sleeping of the shimmering wingstostorm soar, and clouds, but the her horns body mainly framed give by austereby technology and profoundly and irony. affecting representationsthe Shakers, a sectare splinteredcelebrated ShakerDARGIS religion, a celibate 18th-Herhorns. red mouthThe wings allow herhorns to they are. this genre-bending troupe has Angelina Jolie makes alous fabu- monster.louslous monster. Asmonster. theRICHARD title TERMINEAs As thecharac- FOR the THE title NEWher enormoustitle YORK character charac- TIMES charac- shimmering a distinctly wings Freud- and “Early“Early Shaker Shaker Spirituals” Spirituals” opened onopenedopened Thurs- on on Thurs- Thurs- byfor technology its religious and ardorAngelina irony. and un- Angelina Joliecentury makes offshoot Jolie ofa the fabu-makes Quakers a fabu- She wears them like a crown in “Early Shaker Spirituals” Beauty,” openingher headon Friday. cappedslashes acrossby a pair the ofher ma- head capped by a thispair live-action of ma- postscript to the So totaken find theatergoersthe Wooster through Group adornedSo tolous find aesthetic, monster.the Wooster feels Group Aslike athe andtitle nowter charac- nearly in extinct.“Maleficent”terter Such in insoar, “Maleficent” “Maleficent”Early —but Shaker a diverting- theSpirituals — —horns ianaFrances adiverting- kink, diverting- some mainly phallic enhance- openedIt on Rocks Thurs- day nightdayday at nightthe night at at the the lous monster.lous monster.As theFILM title As charac- the title charac- visually stunning 1959 Disney an- opened onBENopened Thurs- onBENBEN Thurs- payingsetup plain-spokenfor a joke. Abstemious- tribute to rigor scarcelyjestic comes horns. to mind in TheMcDormand wings in allow this productionmentjestic her to horns. go with The the wings fairy allow tale en- her payingtwisting plain-spoken labyrinths tribute of produc- to ter in “Maleficent” — a diverting-lyREVIEW different lyly differentscreen rethinkdifferent while ofrethink rethink an her awfully of of an an awfully awfully imated musical “Sleeping Beau- day nightday at night the at the PerformingPerformingPerforming Garage Garage Garage theness Shakers, is also aa sectterhallmark celebratedin “Maleficent” of theter inrelation “Maleficent” to — the a Woosterites, diverting- — who agive diverting- by theher Wooster character Groupchantment.to at soar,the but a And,the distinctly horns my, what mainly big give BEN BEN BEN day night at the to soar, butclothes the horns billow mainly like hornsher give character they are. a distinctlyty.” This Freud- time, the focus isn’t on the Shakers,tions,BRANTLEY in a which sectBRANTLEY incelebrated reality SoHo. and Through- its forShaker itsly religious different religion,ly ardor adifferent celibate andrethink un- ly18th- differentrethink of anContinued oldawfully of rethink storyan on awfully Pageold —old of 4 storyshe anstory awfullybreezes Performing— — she she breezes throughGarage. breezes through through the beautiful, blond Aurora, who PerformingPerforming GaragePerforming GarageBRANTLEY Garage inin SoHo. SoHo. Through- Through- RICHARD TERMINE FOR THE NEWFreudian YORK TIMES kink,ianShe some kink, wears some themphallic phallic like aenhance- crown en -in adornedcentury aesthetic, offshoot of feels the likeQuakers a stormher character clouds, her a body distinctly framed Freud- by Continued on Page 13 for its religiousrepresentations ardorout areand its splinteredalmost un- 40, old storyold — story she oldbreezes— she story breezes through — she through breezesthe through movie,thethe part movie, movie, su-thisment part live-actionpart to gosu- su-with postscript the fairy totale the en- BRANTLEYBRANTLEY in SoHo.BRANTLEY Whenin Through-SoHo. inThrough- SoHo. Through-outout its its almost almost 40, 40, setupand fornow a nearlyjoke. Abstemious- extinct. Such Early Shaker Spirituals Frances THEATERTHEATER enormoushancement shimmering to go with wings the and visuallychantment.fairy stunning tale And, 1959my,enchant whatDisney big an-- by technologyTHEATERunceasingly and irony.unceasingly fertile fertile nessrigor is alsoscarcely a hallmark comes totheof mindthe movie, inthe McDormand movie,partianMANOHLA thesu- kink, part inmovie, MANOHLAthis MANOHLAsu-some productionperstar, part phallic su- perstar,partperstar, enhance- super- part part super- super- out adornedits almostout its aesthetic,almost REVIEW40,out its 40, almost feels 40, likeunceasingly a fertile imatedhorns they musical are. “Sleeping Maleficent Beau-Angelina Jolie stars in THEATERTHEATER So to findREVIEW theREVIEW Wooster Group Shakerrelation religion, to the Woosterites,a celibate 18th- who byher the Woosterhead cappedGroupfreak. at the by a pairfreak.freak. of ma- THEATER years of yearsexistence, of existence, MANOHLA perstar,perstar, partRICHARDment.ment super- partTERMINEperstar, Ato FORsuper-nd, go THE partNEW withmy, YORK super- TIMESwhatthe fairy big tale hornsty.”She Thisen- wears time, they them the focus are.likethis aisn’t crown rethinking on in of “Sleeping unceasinglysetupunceasingly for fertile a unceasinglyjoke. fertile Abstemious- fertileyears of existence, century ContinuedoffshootMANOHLA of on the Page Quakers 4MANOHLA REVIEWREVIEW REVIEW PerformingjesticDARGIS horns. Garage. DARGIS TheDARGISHer wings red allow mouth herthe beautiful, blond Aurora,Beauty,” who opening on Friday. years of existence,payingthis genre-bending plain-spokenthisthis genre-bending genre-bending tributetroupe hasto troupe troupe has has and now nearly extinct.freak. Such freak.Earlychantment. Shakerfreak. Spirituals Frances And, my,Her whatHer red red bigthis mouth mouth live-action postscript to the nessyears is also of existence,years a hallmark of existence, of the toIt soar, RocksShe but wears the horns them mainly like give avisually crownContinued stunning in on 1959this Page Disney 13 an- Girlsthe Shakers, a sect celebrated rigor scarcelyDARGIS comesDARGIS to mindHer inDARGIS redMcDormand mouth in this productionslashes acrossslashesslashes the across across the the this genre-bendingthis genre-bending troupetaken troupehas theatergoerstaken hastaken theatergoers theatergoers through through through Herhorns redFILM mouthHer they redFILM are. mouth imated musical “Sleeping Beau- thisShaker genre-bending religion, a troupe celibate has 18th- relation to the Woosterites, who byherlive-action the Wooster character Group screenpostscript ataFILM thedistinctly while Freud- toher the visually stun- fortwisting its religious labyrinths ardor of and produc- un- RICHARD TERMINE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES slashesslashes acrossREVIEW acrosstheslashes the across thescreenscreen while whilety.” This her her time, the focus isn’t on taken theatergoerstaken theatergoerstaken through theatergoers throughtwistingtwisting through labyrinths labyrinths of of produc- produc- ContinuedFILM on Page 4 PerformingWhenShe Garage. wearsREVIEWREVIEW them like a crown in centuryadorned offshoot aesthetic, of the Quakers feels like a FILMscreenFILM screenwhileianning her while kink, 1959 hersome Disneyclothes phallic billowanimated clothesenhance-clothes like billow billowMaleficentthe musicalbeautiful, like likeAngelina blond “Sleep Jolie Aurora, stars who in- twistingtwisting labyrinths labyrinthstwisting of produc- labyrinthstions, of produc- in tions,whichtions, of produc- in reality in which which and reality reality its and and its its REVIEWREVIEW REVIEWthis screen live-action while her postscript tothis the rethinking of “Sleeping and nowsetup nearly for a extinct. joke. Abstemious- Such Early Shaker Spirituals Frances clothes billowmentstorm like to clouds,gostorm stormwith her theclouds, clouds, bodyfairy her framedhertale body bodyen- byframed framedContinued by by on Page 13 tions, intions, which in realityGowhichtions, inrealityand whichrepresentationsPunk its and reality representationsitsrepresentations and are its splintered are are splintered splintered clothesingvisuallyGirls billow clothesBeauty.” like stunning billow This like 1959time, Disney theBeauty,” focus an- opening isn’t on Friday. on the rigor scarcelyness is also comes a hallmark to mind of inthe stormIt Rocks clouds, her body chantment.framedenormous byenormousenormous And,shimmering my, shimmering whatshimmering wings big and wings wings and and representationsrepresentationsrepresentations are splintered areby splintered technology arebyby technologysplintered technology and irony. and and irony. irony.McDormand in this productionstorm clouds,storm her clouds, body her framed body by framed by hornsbeautiful,herimated head they hermusical cappedare. blond head bycapped“Sleeping A aurora, pair by of a whoma-Beau- pairMaleficent fallsof ma-Angelina into Jolie stars in by technologyby technologyThere andrelation irony. is and hardlyShaker to irony.So the ato religion, shortage Woosterites,findSo Sothe to toa findWoosterof celibate find the thewho Wooster Group 18th-Wooster by Group Group the Wooster Group at theenormousenormous shimmeringenormous shimmeringGo wings shimmering Punk andwingsher and head wings capped and by a pair of ma- by technology and irony. RICHARD TERMINE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES ajesticty.” Shedeep, This wears horns. bewitched time, them The the wingslike focus asleep crown allow isn’t after herinthis on rethinking prick of- “Sleeping movies aboutcenturypaying rock ’n’ offshoot plain-spokenpaying roll,paying but ofplain-spoken plain-spoken the tribute Quakers to tribute tribute to to herWhen headher capped head hercapped by head a pair by capped of a pairma- byjesticofjestic ma-a pair horns. horns. of ma- The The wings wingsBeauty,” allow allow opening her her on Friday. So to findSo tothe find WoosterSo the to Wooster Continuedfind Group the WoosterGroup on Page Group 4 PerformingMAGNOLIA Garage. PICTURES Therethis is hardlylive-action a shortage of postscript to the and now nearly extinct. Such It Rocks moviestothe about soar, rockbeautiful, ’n’ butto roll,to soar, butthesoar, blondhorns but but the the mainlyAurora, horns horns give mainly whomainly give give there are fewthe as perfectShakers,thethe — Shakers, aShakers, which sect celebrated a asect sect celebrated celebratedEarly Shaker Spirituals Francesjestic horns.jestic horns.Thejestic wings The horns. ing allowwings herThe her allow wingsfinger her allow on a her spindle,MAGNOLIA but PICTURES payingpaying plain-spoken plain-spokenpaying tribute plain-spoken tribute to to tribute to therevisually are few as perfect stunning — which 1959 Disney an- rigor scarcely comes to mindWe Are in the Best! with Mira to soar, but the horns mainlyher character giveherher character character a distinctlyWe Are the a aBest!distinctly distinctlyFreud-with Mira Freud- Freud- the Shakers,the Shakers,is a to sectthe say celebrated Shakers, aas sect ragged,for celebrated its a sect religiousasfor silly,for celebrated its its asreligious ardorreligious and ardor ardor un- and and un- McDormandun- in this productionGirlsto soar, butto soar,theis tohorns sayratherbut as theragged, mainly horns onContinuedas silly, thegive as mainly sinister on give Page scene 13 relation to the Woosterites,Barkhammar, who opens Friday in her characterher character a distinctly a distinctlyimatedian Freud-touching kink, musical or Freud- ianas someian true kink, —kink, “Sleeping phallic someBarkhammar, some enhance- phallic phallicBeau- opensFriday enhance- enhance- in for its religiousfor its religious ardorfor itstouching and religiousardoradorned un- and or ardor asadornedun- aesthetic,adorned true and — un-aesthetic, aesthetic, feels like feels afeels like likeby a athe Wooster Group at theWhen her characterA.O. as “We a Are distinctly the Best!,” Freud-New York and Los Angeles. ty.”stealermentLukas This Moodysson’s to time, whogo with the cursed the focus fairy isn’ther tale onin en- a as “Wesetup Are for thesetup asetup joke.Best!,” for for Abstemious- a ajoke. joke.New Abstemious- Abstemious- York and Los Angeles. ian kink,ian some kink, phallic iansome kink,SCOTT phallic enhance- some enhance- phallicmentment enhance- to to go go with with the the fairy fairy tale tale en- en- adornedadorned aesthetic,A.O. adornedaesthetic, feels likeaesthetic, feels aContinued like feelsa likeon Page a 4 Performing Garage. Go Punk thesweet beautiful, and rambunc- blondfrustrated Aurora, with whojust about every- ness is also a hallmark of the ment toment go with to go mentthe with fairy to thefit go chantment.taletious fairyofwith newen-pique thefilm.talechantment.chantment. The fairy en- And, andset- tale my,thinga puffAnd,en- else.whatAnd, The my,of popularmy,big what what kids at big big setup forsetup a joke. forsetup aAbstemious- joke.Lukas for Abstemious- a joke. Moodysson’s Abstemious-nessness is is also also a ahallmark hallmark of of the the Girls FILM Maleficent Angelina Jolie stars in SCOTT Shaker religion, a celibate 18th- Therechantment. is hardlychantment. a shortage And,chantment. my,of And,REVIEW what my,horns ting big And,what is ContinuedStockholm they hornsmy, bighorns are. in what they onthey schoolbig Page are. are. sneer 13 at their unconven- ness is nessalso ais hallmark alsoness a hallmarksweetis alsoof the anda hallmark of rambunc- theShakerShaker of religion, the religion,frustrated a acelibate celibate with18th- 18th- just about every- movies about rock ’n’ roll, but acid-green1982, hardly a legend- smoke.tional clothes. As itBoys are insulting RICHARD TERMINERICHARDRICHARD FOR TERMINE TERMINETHE NEW FOR FOR YORK THE THE TIMESNEW NEW YORK YORK TIMES TIMES ary placethis orShe moment rethinking wears in theSheMAGNOLIAShe an- them wears PICTURESwears ofor likeindifferent, “Sleeping them thema crown other like like girls ain even acrown crown in in ShakerShaker religion, religion, a celibatetious a centurycelibate new 18th- film. century offshoot18th-century The set- offshoot of offshoot the Quakersthing of of the theelse. Quakers Quakers The popular kids at therehorns are few they hornsas perfect are. they — horns which are. they are. FILMShaker religion, a celibate 18th- Go Punk nalsWe turnsof modernAre the music,Best! out, withbut Maleficentthat’s Mira worse. Nobody (it at home — Klara RICHARD TERMINERICHARD FORTERMINERICHARD THE NEWFOR TERMINE THEYORK NEW TIMES FOR YORK THE TIMES NEW YORK TIMESis to sayShe as ragged, wearsShe as silly, themwears asShe like themkind wears a of thiscrowntheBeauty,” like point. themlive-action a Rock crowninthis ’n’thislike opening roll live-action inlive-actiona postscriptcrownlives on with in Friday. herpostscript postscript parentsto the and two to to the the centurycentury offshootREVIEW offshootcentury of theting Quakers ofoffshoot andis the Stockholm now Quakers ofand nearlyand the now nowinQuakers extinct. nearly nearlyschool Suchextinct. extinct. sneer Such Such atEarly their Shaker unconven-EarlyEarly Spirituals Shaker Shaker Spirituals FrancesSpiritualsFrancesFrances Barkhammar, opens Friday in It Rocks this touchinglive-actionthis or live-action as true postscript — glory postscriptrhymesMaleficent isvisually wherever to the you tovisuallystunningwith Angelinafindvisually the it, magnifi stunningsiblings; 1959stunningJolie DisneyBobo stars- 1959with 1959 inher an- Disney sad, Disney di- an- an- and nowand nearly now andnearlyextinct. now1982, extinct. Such rigornearly hardly scarcely Such extinct. rigorarigor legend-Early scarcely comes scarcelySuch ShakerEarly to comes tional mindcomesShakerSpiritualsEarly toinclothes. toSpirituals mind ShakermindFrancesMcDormand inBoys in SpiritualsFrances areMcDormandMcDormand insulting Francesin this productionThere A.O.in in this isthis ashardly production“We production aAre shortage the Best!,”this of live-actionandNew whatever York you and postscript make Los ofAngeles. it. tovorced the mother (Anna Rydgren) movies about rock ’n’ roll, but Boboimated (Mira Barkhammar) musical “Sleeping— understands Beau- them. The re- rigor scarcelyary comes place orto mindmomentrelation in relationintorelation the an-Woosterites, to to the the Woosterites, Woosterites, who who who visuallyLukasvisually Moodysson’sstunning stunningvisually 1959 Disneycent)this stunning 1959 rethinking Disney an-hadimated 1959imatedMAGNOLIA her an- Disneyof PICTURES musicalreasons“Sleeping musical an- “Sleeping “Sleeping Beau- Beau- rigor scarcelyrigor scarcelycomes to comes mind in McDormandto mindMcDormand in or in indifferent, thisMcDormand productionin thisby other production the in Woosterthis girlsbyby productionthe eventhe Wooster Group WoosterthereSCOTT at areGroup theGroup fewsweet as atperfect and at the rambunc- the — which andfrustrated Klara (Mira with Grosin), just two about 13- every-hearsal room at the local youth imated musical “SleepingWe Arety.” Beau- the This Best!ty.” withtime,ty.” MiraThis This the time,center focustime, is thedominated theisn’t focus focus on by Iron isn’t isn’t Fist, on on relationrelation to thenals Woosterites, to of the modern Woosterites, music, who butwho that’s worse. Nobody at home — Klarais to say astious ragged,imated new as film. silly, Themusical asimated set- year-old thing“Sleeping musicalBeauty,” best else. friends, The “Sleeping openingpopularBeau- are belat- kids on atBeau- Friday. relation to the Woosterites,Continuedby ContinuedtheContinued on Woosterwhoby Page the onWooster 4 on Group Page Page 4Group at 4 thePerforming at thePerformingPerforming Garage. Garage. FILMGarage. ed would-beand punka back rockers tired storya heavy-metal to go band whose It Rocks by the Wooster Group at the ty.”touching tingThis ty.”is Stockholm time,or Thisas true the time,in — focus theBarkhammar,school isn’t thefocus sneer beautiful, on isn’t at opens thetheirthe on Fridaybeautiful,unconven- beautiful, blond in Aurora, blond blond Aurora,who Aurora, who who kind of the point. Rock ’n’ roll lives with her parents and two REVIEW ty.” Thisof hearing time, that punk the is focusdead, and isn’t onContinued on Page 12 Continued on PageWhen 4 as1982, “We hardly Are the a legend-Best!,” New York and Los Angeles. FRANK CONNOR/ Performing Garage. A.O. tional clothes. Boys are insulting ContinuedContinued on Page 4on Page 4 PerformingPerforming Garage. Garage. the beautiful,the beautiful, blondthe beautiful, Aurora, blondwith Aurora, who blondthem.Continued who Aurora, Soothingly ContinuedContinued on who Page on 13 on Page Page 13 13 glory is wherever you find it, siblings; Bobo with her sad, di- SCOTTary place Lukas or moment Moodysson’s in the an- or indifferent, other girls even vorced mother (Anna Rydgren) nals of modernsweetContinued and music, rambunc- butContinued that’s on PagefrustratedContinuedworse.introduced on 13 Page Nobody with 13just onat home aboutPage in — every-voice- Klara 13 and whatever you make of it. tious new film. The set- thing else. The popular kids at When FILMkind of the point. Rock ’n’ roll lives with her parents and two Bobo (Mira Barkhammar) — understands them. The re- REVIEWglory isting wherever is Stockholm you find in it, schoolsiblings; sneer Bobo at withtheir her unconven- sad, di- and Klara (MiraGirls Grosin), two 13- hearsal room at the local youth and whatever1982, hardly you make a legend- of it. tionalvorcedMaleficent clothes. mother Boys (AnnaMaleficentMaleficentAngelina are Rydgren) insultingAngelina JolieAngelina stars Jolie Jolie in stars stars in in Poe’s Lost Lenore Lives in Song and Dance ary placeBobo (Miraor moment Barkhammar) in the an- or— indifferent, understandsthis rethinking other them. girls The even of re- “Sleeping year-old best friends, are belat- center is dominated by Iron Fist,nalsand ofMaleficent Klara modern (Mira Maleficentmusic, Grosin),Angelina but that’s twoMaleficentAngelina 13- Jolieworse.hearsal starsAngelina JolieNobody room in starsat atthis the thishome Jolie local rethinkingin rethinking — youth Klarastars in of of “Sleeping “Sleeping Last year, in announcing the inaugural The Raven, at the Gerald W. Lynch Theater, was the obvious city. And the Philharmonic kindyear-old of the bestpoint. friends, Rock ’n’are roll belat- livescenterBeauty,” with is dominatedher parents opening by and Iron two Fist, on Friday. ed would-be punk rockersGirls tired a heavy-metal band whose this rethinkingthis rethinking ofthis “Sleeping rethinking of “Sleeping of Beauty,”“SleepingBeauty,” opening opening on on Friday. Friday. NY Phil Biennial — an 11-day festival of with the singer Fredrika Brillembourg, on was the ideal institution to anchor it, to be gloryed would-be is wherever punk you rockers find it, tired siblings;a heavy-metal Bobo withband her whose sad, di- It RocksItIt RocksRocks Beauty,”Beauty,” opening opening on Friday. on Friday. contemporary music with 21 floor, and the dancer Alessandra Ferri. the principal curator, along with partnering of hearingGo that punk Punk is dead, and Continued on Page 12 andof whateverhearing that you punk make is dead,of it.Beauty,” and vorced openingContinued mother (Anna on Page Friday. Rydgren) 12 ANTHONY performances of 13 programs institutions like the Museum of Modern Art, It Rocks — understands them. The re- — Alan Gilbert, the music di- FRANK theCONNOR/WALT MetropolitanFRANK CONNOR/WALT Music DISNEY of DISNEY Art, PICTURES thePICTURES 92nd It RocksIt Rocks Bobo (Mira Barkhammar) the Venice Biennale, perhaps the world’s TOMMASINI rector of the New York Phil- Street Y and the Orchestra of St. Luke’s. and Klara (Mira Grosin), two 13- hearsal room at the local youth most prestigious showcase of international harmonic, unabashedly invit- The NY Phil Biennial, which will present Go Punk year-old best friends, are belat- center is dominated by Iron Fist, MUSIC ed comparisons with similar contemporary art. There is hardly a shortage of works by some 70 composers, ranging from When a heavy-metal band whose REVIEW events in the visual arts. Not There should be something like them in WhenWhen ed would-be punk rockers tired high school students to living masters, movies about rock ’n’ roll, but of hearing that punk is dead, and Continued on Page 12 just the Whitney Biennial in New York, music, Mr. Gilbert asserted. Every other When MAGNOLIA PICTURES which focuses on American artists, but also year was the right frequency; New York Continued on Page 4 WhenWhenThere is hardly a shortage of FRANK CONNOR/WALT DISNEY PICTURES there are few as perfect — which RICHARD TERMINE movies about rock ’n’ roll, but Poe’s Lost Lenore Lives in Song and Dance is to say as ragged, as silly, as We Are the Best! withMAGNOLIA Mira PICTURES there are fewGirls as perfectGirlsGirls — which Last year, in announcing the inaugural The Raven, at the Gerald W. Lynch Theater, was the obvious city. And the Philharmonic touching or as true — Barkhammar,We Are the Best! openswith Friday Mira in GirlsGirlsis Girlsto say as ragged, as silly, as Poe’s Lost LenoreNY Phil Biennial — an Lives 11-day festival of inwith the singer Song Fredrika Brillembourg, and on was the idealDance institution to anchor it, to be A.O. as “Wetouching Are the or Best!,” as true — NewBarkhammar, York and Los opens Angeles. Friday in contemporary music with 21 floor, and the dancer Alessandra Ferri. the principal curator, along with partnering ANTHONYPoe’sperformances Lost of 13 programs Lenore Lives in Songinstitutions and like the Museum Dance of Modern Art, Lukas Moodysson’s — Alan Gilbert, the music di- A.O.Goas “WeGo Punk Are the Punk Best!,” New York and Los Angeles. Last year, in announcing the inaugural The Raven, at the Gerald W. Lynch Theater, was the obviousthe Metropolitancity. And Musicthe Philharmonic of Art, the 92nd Go Punk the Venice Biennale, perhaps the world’s TOMMASINI rector of the New York Phil- SCOTT sweet and rambunc- Last year, in announcing the inaugural Streetwas Y the and obvious the Orchestra city. And of theSt. Luke’s. Philharmonic Go Punk Lukas Moodysson’s frustrated with just about every-NY Phil Biennial — an 11-day festival of harmonic, unabashedly invit- mostThe prestigiousRaven, at the sh Geraldowcase W. ofwas Lynchinternational the Theater, ideal institution to anchor it, to be GoGo Punk Punk with the singer Fredrika Brillembourg, on The NY Phil Biennial, which will present SCOTT NYMUSIC Phil Biennial — an 11-day festival of contemporarywith the singer art. Fredrika Brillembourg, on was the ideal institution to anchor it, to be tiousThere newsweet is hardly film. and Thearambunc- shortage set- of thingfrustrated else. The with popular just about kids every- at contemporary music with 21 ed comparisons with similar works by some 70 composers, ranging from FILM ThereThere is is hardly hardly a ashortage shortage of of REVIEWfloor, andeventscontemporary the in thedancer visual music arts. Alessandra with Not 21 There Ferri. should be somethingthe like principal them in curator,the principal along curator, with along partnering with partnering floor, and the dancer Alessandra Ferri. high school students to living masters, There is hardly a shortagemoviesting of is tiousabout moviesStockholmmovies new rock about aboutfilm. ’n’ in roll,rockThe rock but set-’n’ ’n’ roll, roll,school butthing but sneer else. Theat their popular unconven- kids at performances of 13 programs just the Whitneyperformances Biennial in New of 13 York, programs music, Mr. Gilbert asserted. Every other institutions like the Museum of Modern Art, There isREVIEW hardlyThere isFILMa shortagehardly a shortage of of MAGNOLIA PICTURESMAGNOLIAMAGNOLIAANTHONY PICTURES PICTURES ANTHONY institutions like the Museum of Modern Art, ting is Stockholm in school sneer at their unconven- which focuses —on AlanAmerican Gilbert, artists, the music but also di- year was the right frequency; New York the MetropolitanContinued Music on Page of Art, 4 the 92nd movies about rock ’n’ roll,REVIEWthere1982, but are hardlythere therefew asare aare perfectlegend- few few as as —perfect perfect which — — which which — Alan Gilbert, the RICHARDmusic TERMINE di- the Venice Biennale, perhaps the world’s movies aboutmovies rock about ’n’ roll, rock but ’n’ roll, but MAGNOLIAtionalMAGNOLIA PICTURESclothes. PICTURES Boys are insulting TOMMASINI rector of the New York Phil- the MetropolitanStreet Music Y and of the Art, Orchestra the 92ndof St. Luke’s. 1982, hardly a legend- We Are theWeWeMAGNOLIA Best! Are Are the withthe PICTURES Best! Best! Mirawithwith Mira Mira the Venice Biennale, perhaps themost world’s prestigious showcase of international there arethere few are as aryfewperfect placeas perfect —is or whichto saymoment —is as whichis to ragged,to say say in as the as ragged,as ragged, an- silly, asas as silly, silly, tionalas as clothes. Boys are insultingTOMMASINI rector of the New York Phil- harmonic, unabashedly invit- Street Y and the OrchestraThe NY Phil Biennial, of St. Luke’s.which will present there are few as perfect — which or indifferent, other girls even MUSIC ed comparisons with similar contemporary art. ary place ortouching momentWe Are or We thein as theAre Best! true an-thewith — Best! MirawithorBarkhammar, indifferent, MiraBarkhammar,Barkhammar, other opens girls Friday opens even opens in Friday Friday in in harmonic, unabashedly invit- REVIEWmost prestigious showcase of international works by some 70 composers, ranging from is to sayis asto ragged,say asisnals toragged, as say of silly, modern as as ragged,as silly, music, as as silly, buttouching astouching that’s or Weor as asAre worse.true true the — —Best! Nobodywith Miraat home — Klara events in the visual arts. Not There should be somethingThe like them NY inPhil Biennial, which will present nals of modern music, but that’s worse. Nobody at home — KlaraMUSIC contemporary art. high school students to living masters, touchingtouching or as true touchingorA.O. as — true asorA.O. —A.O. “WeBarkhammar,as true AreasasBarkhammar, —“We the“We Best!,”Are Are opensBarkhammar, the the Best!,” Friday opensBest!,”New Fridayin York opensNewNew andin Friday York LosYork andAngeles. in and Los Los Angeles. Angeles. ed comparisons with similar just the Whitney Biennial in New York, music, Mr. Gilbert asserted.works Every byother some 70 composers, ranging from kind of the point. Rock ’n’ roll lives with her parents and two REVIEW which focusesThere on should American be artists, something but also likeyear wasthem the right in frequency; New York Continued on Page 4 kind of theLukas point.New RockMoodysson’s YorkLukasLukas ’n’ and Moodysson’s roll Moodysson’s Los Angeles.lives with her parents and two events in the visualRICHARD arts. TERMINE Not A.O. A.O.as “Weasglory AreA.O. “We the is Are Best!,”aswherever “Wethe Best!,” Are youthe Best!,”findNew it, YorkNew andsiblings; York Los Angeles. and BoboLos Angeles. with her sad, di- high school students to living masters, Lukas Moodysson’sLukas Moodysson’sglorySCOTT is wherever SCOTTsweetSCOTT and yousweetsweet rambunc- find and andit, rambunc- rambunc-siblings;frustrated Bobofrustratedfrustrated with with just herwith aboutwith sad, just just every- di-just about about the every- Whitneyevery- Biennial in New York, music, Mr. Gilbert asserted. Every other and whateverLukas Moodysson’syou make of it. vorced mother (Anna Rydgren) SCOTT SCOTTsweet andsweetSCOTT rambunc- and and rambunc- whatevertiousfrustrated you new maketioustious frustratedfilm. new withof newThe it. film.just set-film. with aboutThe The justvorced thingset- set-every- about else.mother thingevery-thing The (Annaelse. popularelse. The TheRydgren) popularkids popularwhich at kids kids focuses at at on American artists, but also year was the right frequency; New York Continued on Page 4 sweetFILM andFILM rambunc-FILM frustrated with just RICHARDabout every-TERMINE tious newBobo film. The (MiraBobo set- (Mira Barkhammar)ting Barkhammar) is Stockholmtingting is is Stockholm Stockholm in — understandsin— inschool understands sneerschool them. at them. sneer their The The unconven-at their re- re- unconven- FILM tious newREVIEWtious film. new The REVIEWREVIEW film. set-thing The else.thing set- The else. popularthing The else. popular kids The at kids popularschool at kids sneer at at their unconven- FILM andFILM Klaraand Klara(Mira (Mira1982, Grosin), hardly Grosin),1982, two a hardly legend- two13- 13- a legend-hearsalhearsaltional room clothes.room at at the Boysthe local local are youth youthinsulting REVIEWREVIEW ting is REVIEWStockholmting is Stockholm ting in is Stockholm in school in 1982,schoolsneer hardly at sneer theirschool a at legend-unconven- theirsneer unconven- at theirtionaltional unconven- clothes. clothes. Boys Boys are are insulting insulting 1982, hardly1982,year-old hardlya legend-year-oldary1982, best aplace legend-hardly friends, bestary aryor tionalplacefriends,amoment place legend- are orclothes.tional orbelat- aremoment in moment thebelat- clothes. Boys an-tional in in centertheare theBoys clothes. center an-insulting oran- are indifferent,is dominatedisBoys insulting dominatedoror indifferent,are indifferent, otherinsulting by by girls Iron Iron other other even Fist,Fist, girls girls even even ary placeary or place momentaryed or would-bemomentplace ined thenals or would-be an- momentin of punk the modernnals nalsan- punkrockers or inof of indifferent, the modernmusic, modernrockers an-or tired indifferent, but music, tiredmusic, that’sotheror indifferent,but a butgirls otherheavy-metal that’sa that’s worse.heavy-metal even girls other Nobodyevenworse.worse. girlsband band Nobodyat evenNobody whose home whose at — at home Klara home — — Klara Klara nals of nalsmodern of modern music,nalsof hearing of music,butmodernofkind hearing that’s that butof music, the kindpunkthat’s thatkind point.worse. ofbutpunk isof the dead,theRockthat’s worse.Nobodypoint.is point. dead, ’n’and Rock Nobody roll Rock andatworse. home ’n’ ’n’ rollatNobody roll —liveshome KlaraContinued with —atlives Klarahomelives her with parents withon — KlaraPageher her parentsand parents 12 two and and two two Continued on Page 12 FRANK CONNOR/WALT DISNEY PICTURES kind ofkind the point. of thekind Rock point. of ’n’the Rockglory rollpoint. ’n’ is whereverglory rollRockglorylives ’n’is is wherever rollwithwherever youlives herfind with parentsyou it, livesyou her find find parentswith and it, it,siblings; her two and parentssiblings; two Bobosiblings; and with Bobotwo Bobo her with sad, with herdi- her sad, sad, di- di- FRANK CONNOR/WALT DISNEY PICTURES glory isglory wherever is whereverglory you is find wherever andyou it, whateverfindand it,youand siblings;whatever findwhatever you it, makesiblings; Bobo you you of makewithit. siblings;Bobomake her of withof it. sad, it.vorcedBobo her di- sad,with mothervorcedvorced di-her sad, (Annamother mother di- Rydgren) (Anna (Anna Rydgren) Rydgren) and whateverand whatever youand make whatever you of make Boboit. you of (Mira it.makeBoboBobovorced Barkhammar) of(Mira (Mira it.vorced mother Barkhammar) Barkhammar) mother (Annavorced (AnnaRydgren) mother— understands Rydgren) (Anna—— understands understands Rydgren) them. The them. them. re- The The re- re- Bobo (MiraBobo Barkhammar)(MiraBobo Barkhammar) (Miraand Klara Barkhammar)andand (Mira —Klara Klara understands Grosin), (Mira— (Mira understands Grosin), two Grosin), —them. 13- understands twoThe them. twohearsal 13- re- 13- The them. room hearsalre-hearsal The at roomthe re-room local at at the youth the local local youth youth and Klaraand (Mira Klaraand Grosin),(Mira Klara Grosin),year-old two(Mira 13- twoGrosin),year-old bestyear-old 13-hearsal friends, twobest besthearsal room 13- friends,are friends, belat-at roomhearsal the are are local at belat- thebelat- roomcenter youth local at istheyouthcenter dominatedcenter local is youthis dominated dominated by Iron Fist,by by Iron Iron Fist, Fist, a heavy-metal band whose year-oldyear-old best friends, bestyear-old friends, are bested belat- would-be are friends, belat-eded would-be center would-bepunkare belat- rockers centeris punkdominated punk is rockerstired centerrockersdominated by tiredis Irontired dominated by Fist, Irona aheavy-metal Fist, heavy-metalby Iron Fist, band band whose whose ed would-beed would-be punked rockerswould-be punk ofrockers tired hearing punk oftired rockersof hearingthat hearinga heavy-metal punk tired athat that heavy-metalis dead,punk punk banda andisheavy-metal is dead, whosedead, band and and whose bandContinued whoseContinuedContinued on Page on 12 on Page Page 12 12 Poe’s Lost Lenore Lives in Song and Dance FRANK CONNOR/WALT DISNEY PICTURES of hearingof hearing that punkof that hearing is punk dead, that is and dead, punk and is dead,Continued and Continued on PageContinued on 12 Page 12on Page 12 Poe’s Lost Lenore Lives in Song andFRANKFRANK CONNOR/WALT CONNOR/WALTDance DISNEY DISNEY PICTURES PICTURES FRANK CONNOR/WALT DISNEY PICTURES Last year, in announcing the inaugural The Raven, at the Gerald W. Lynch Theater, FRANKwas the CONNOR/WALT obviousFRANK CONNOR/WALT DISNEY city. PICTURESAnd DISNEY the PhilharmonicPICTURES NY LastPhil Biennial year, in —announcing an 11-day festival the inaugural of with theThe singer Raven Fredrika, at the Brillembourg,Gerald W. Lynch on Theater,was the idealwas institution the obvious to anchor city. it,And to bethe Philharmonic NY Phil Biennialcontemporary — an 11-day music festival with 21 of floor, and the dancer Alessandra Ferri. the principalwas curator, the ideal along institution with partnering to anchor it, to be performances of 13 programs with the singer Fredrika Brillembourg, on ANTHONY contemporary music with 21 institutionsthe like principal the Museum curator, of Modern along Art, with partnering — Alan Gilbert, the music di- floor, and the dancer Alessandra Ferri.the Metropolitan Music of Art, the 92nd performances of 13 programsthe Venice Biennale, perhaps the world’s TOMMASINIANTHONYPoe’sPoe’s Poe’srector ofLost the New LostLost York Lenore Phil- LenoreLenore Lives Lives Lives in Songinin SongStreetSong Y andinstitutions the andOrchestraand Dance like of the St. DanceDance MuseumLuke’s. of Modern Art, harmonic,— Alan unabashedlyGilbert, the musicinvit- di-most prestigious showcase of international the Metropolitan Music of Art, the 92nd Poe’sPoe’s Poe’sLost Lost LenoreLost Lenore Lenore Lives Lives Lives thein Venice inSong Biennale, Songin perhapsSong and andthe world’s Dance andThe Dance NY Phil Dance Biennial, which will present TOMMASINIMUSICLast year, edin rectorannouncing comparisons of the the Newwith inaugural similar York Phil- contemporary art. was the obviousStreet city.Y and And the the Orchestra Philharmonic of St. Luke’s. REVIEW LastLast year, year, in in announcing announcing the the inaugural inauguralThe RavenmostTheThe, prestigiousat Raven theRaven Gerald, at, at the the sh W. Gerald owcaseGerald Lynch W. W.Theater, of Lynch Lynch international Theater, Theater,works by wassomewas the the70 obviouscomposers, obvious city. city. ranging And And the the from Philharmonic Philharmonic Last year, in announcingNY the Phil inaugural NYBiennialNY Philevents Philharmonic, Biennial —Biennial inan the 11-day —visual unabashedly — an an festival 11-day 11-dayarts. ofNot festival festival invit- of ofThere should be somethingwas the like obvious them in city. Andwas the the Philharmonic wasidealwasThe the institutionthe idealNY ideal Phil institution institution to Biennial, anchor to to it, anchor anchor whichto be it, willit, to to be present be Last year,Last in announcing year,MUSIC in announcing the inaugural the inauguralThe RavenThe, Ravenat theThe ,Gerald at Raventhe Gerald W.with, at Lynch thethe W. Geraldwithsinger Theater,withLynch the the FredrikaW. Theater, singer singerLynch Fredrika Brillembourg,FredrikaTheater,was Brillembourg, Brillembourg, the obviousonwas the highcity. onobvious on schoolAnd city. the students Philharmonic And the to Philharmonic living masters, just the Whitneycontemporaryed Biennial comparisonscontemporarycontemporary in New music York, with with music musicsimilar 21 with withmusic, 21 21 contemporary Mr. Gilbert asserted. art. Every other the principal curator, along with partnering NY PhilNY Biennial Phil BiennialNY — Philan 11-day Biennial — anREVIEW festival11-day — an festival of 11-day of festivalwith theofwith singer the Fredrikasingerwith the Fredrika singerBrillembourg,floor, and FredrikaBrillembourg,floor, floor,the dancerand on and Brillembourg, the the Alessandraon dancer dancerwas the Alessandra onwasAlessandra ideal Ferri. the institution idealwas Ferri. Ferri. theinstitution ideal to anchor institution tothe anchor workstheit, principalto principal be to it,by anchor to some curator,be curator, it, 70 to composers, alongbe along with with partnering partnering ranging from contemporarywhich music focuses with onperformancesevents 21Americanperformances inperformances the artists, of visual 13 programs but ofarts. alsoof 13 13 programs Notprogramsyear wasThere the right should frequency; be something New York like theminstitutions in Continued like the Museum on Page of 4 Modern Art, RICHARD TERMINE contemporaryANTHONYcontemporary music with music 21floor, with and 21 the dancer Alessandra Ferri. the principalthe principal curator,the principal curator, along with along curator, institutionspartneringhighinstitutions with along schoolpartnering with like like students partneringthe the Museum Museum to living of of Modern Modern masters, Art, Art, ANTHONYANTHONY— Alan Gilbert, thefloor, music andfloor, thedi- dancer and the Alessandra music,dancer AlessandraMr. Ferri. Gilbert Ferri. asserted. Every other performancesperformancesjust oftheperformances 13 Whitney programs of 13 programs Biennial of 13—— programs Alan Alan in Gilbert, New Gilbert, York, the the music music di- di- institutionsinstitutions like institutionsthe like Museum thethe Museum like Metropolitan of Modernthethethe Museum of Metropolitan Metropolitan Modern Art, Music of Art,Modern of Music Art,Music theArt, of of 92ndArt, Art, the the 92nd 92nd ANTHONYANTHONYANTHONY rector of the New York Phil- the Venicethethe Biennale, Venice Venice Biennale, Biennale, perhaps perhaps the perhaps world’s the the world’s world’s — Alan— Gilbert, AlanwhichTOMMASINI Gilbert, —the focuses AlanTOMMASINI musicTOMMASINI the Gilbert, ondi-music American the rectordi-rector music of ofartists, thedi- the New New but York York also Phil- Phil- year was the rightthe frequency; Metropolitanthe Metropolitan Newthe Music Metropolitan York ofMusicStreet Art, oftheY StreetMusicArt,andStreet 92nd the Yof Y Orchestra92ndand Art, and the the theContinued Orchestra 92nd Orchestra of St. Luke’s. on of of PageSt. St. Luke’s. Luke’s. 4 RICHARD TERMINE harmonic,harmonic,theharmonic, unabashedly Venicethe unabashedly Venice unabashedlyBiennale, invit-the Biennale, Venice perhaps invit- invit-most Biennale, perhaps theprestigiousmost world’smost theperhaps prestigious prestigious world’s showcase the world’s sh sh ofowcaseowcase international of of international international TOMMASINITOMMASINI rectorTOMMASINI ofrector the New of rectorthe York New of Phil- theYork New Phil- York Phil- Street YStreet and theY andStreet Orchestra the Y Orchestra and Theof the St. NY OrchestraLuke’s. of ThePhil TheSt. NYLuke’s.Biennial, NY ofPhil Phil St. Biennial, Luke’s. whichBiennial, will which which present will will present present harmonic,harmonic, unabashedlyMUSIC unabashedlyMUSICMUSIC invit-ed comparisons invit-edmosted comparisons comparisons prestigious mostwith similarprestigious withmost with showcase similar prestigious similar shcontemporaryowcase of international contemporarysh contemporaryofowcase international art. of international art. art. REVIEWharmonic, REVIEWREVIEW unabashedly invit- The NYThe Phil NY Biennial, PhilThe Biennial, NY whichworks Phil Biennial,willwhichbyworks workssome present will by which70 by present somecomposers, some will 70 70 presentcomposers, composers, ranging rangingfrom ranging from from MUSIC MUSICed comparisonsMUSICed comparisonsed with comparisons similar withevents similar inwithevents contemporaryeventsthe similar visual incontemporary in the the arts. visual visual art. contemporaryNot arts. arts. art. Not NotThere art. shouldThereThere be should should something be be something something like them like like in them them in in REVIEWREVIEW works byworks some by 70works some composers, by70 high composers,some school ranging 70high composers,high students ranging school from school students from to rangingstudents living tofrommasters, to living living masters, masters, eventsREVIEW eventsin thejust visual in theevents the Whitneyjust arts.justvisual inthe the Notthe Whitneyarts. BiennialWhitney visual Not arts.Biennial Therein Biennial New Not shouldThere York, in in New New shouldbeThere York,something York, be shouldmusic, something like beMr.music, music,themsomething Gilbert like Mr. in themMr. asserted.Gilbert Gilbert like in them asserted. asserted.Every in other Every Every other other high schoolhigh schoolstudentshigh students schoolto living studentsto masters, living masters,to living masters, just thejust Whitney the Whitneyjust Biennial the WhitneyBiennialwhich in New focuses Biennialwhichin York,which New onfocuses York,focuses in American New onmusic, on York, American American artists, music,Mr. Gilbert but artists, Mr.artists, music,also Gilbert asserted. but but Mr. alsoyear asserted.also Gilbert Every wasyear yeartheasserted. otherEvery wasright was otherthe frequency; theEvery right right other frequency; frequency; New York New New York York ContinuedContinuedContinued on Page on 4 on Page Page 4 4 RICHARD TERMINERICHARD TERMINE which focuseswhich focuses onwhich RICHARDAmerican on focuses TERMINEAmerican artists, on American artists, but also but artists, alsoyear but was yearalso the was rightyear the frequency; right was thefrequency; right New frequency; York New York New York ContinuedContinued on PageContinued on 4 Page 4on Page 4 RICHARD TERMINERICHARD TERMINERICHARD TERMINE Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,013,Bs-BW,E1

Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,013,Bs-BW,E1Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,013,Bs-BW,E1Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,013,Bs-BW,E1 Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,013,Bs-BW,E1 THE NEW YORK TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 N C13

THE NEW YORK TIMES,THE FRIDAY, NEWTHE YORK MAY NEW TIMES, 30, YORK 2014 FRIDAY, TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 MAY 30, 2014 N C13N N C13 C13 She Was DumpedTHE NEW YORK TIMES, FRIDAY,byNxxx,2014-05-30,C,013,Bs-BW,E1 MAYHer 30, 2014 Prince, So He’d BetterN WatchC13 Out Nxxx,2014-05-30,C,013,Bs-BW,E1 gial wings riding under her skin. FromShe Weekend Page Was 1 She DumpedShe Was Was Dumped by Dumped Her byPrince, byHer Her Prince,So Prince,He’d So Better SoHe’d He’d Watch Better BetterThe exquisite OutWatch attention Watch to detail Out Out falls into a deep, bewitched sleep THE NEW YORK TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 in bothN the makeup and costumeC13 She Was Dumped by Her Prince, So He’d Better Watch Out is routine in major productions THE NEW YORK TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 N C13 after pricking her finger on a gial wings riding under hergial skin.wingsgial riding wings under riding her under skin. her skin. spindle,From but Weekend rather on Page the sinister 1 From Weekend Page 1 like this one, of course, but the From Weekend Page 1 gial wings riding under her skin. The exquisite attention toThe detail exquisiteThe exquisiteattention toattention detail to detail scene stealer who cursed her in a inmixture both the of makeup Old Hollywood and incostume both glam- the makeup and costume From Weekend Page 1 falls into a deep, bewitchedfalls sleep into afalls deep, into bewitched a deep, bewitched sleep sleep The exquisite attention to detail in both the makeup and costume fit of pique and a puff of acid- isour routine and contemporary in major productions isfetishwear routine in major productions after pricking her fingerafter on a prickingafter herShe pricking finger her on Was afinger on a Dumped by Her Prince, So He’din both the Better makeup and costume Watch Out is routine in major productions falls into a deep, bewitched sleep green smoke. As it turns out, Ma- likedoesn’t this one,just turnof course, Maleficent butlike the this into one, of course, but the spindle, but rather on thespindle, sinister butspindle, ratherShe but on ratherthe sinister on Was the sinister Dumped by Her Prince, So He’dis routine Betterin major productions Watch Out like this one, of course, but the after pricking her finger on a leficent (it rhymes with magnifi- mixtureagial pleasurable wings of riding Old spectacle,Hollywood under hermixture skin. it glam- also of Old Hollywood glam- scene stealer who cursedscene her in stealer asceneFrom who Weekend stealer cursed whoPage her cursed 1 in a her in a like this one, of course, but the mixture of Old Hollywood glam- spindle, but rather on the sinister cent) had her reasons and a back ourgialservesThe andwings exquisite acontemporary ridingcharacter attention under who her to detailfetishwear skin.our embodies and contemporary fetishwear fit of pique and a puff of fitacid- of piquefit and ofFrom pique a puff Weekend and of acid- a Page puff 1of acid- mixture of Old Hollywood glam- Thein both exquisite the makeup attention and to costume detail our and contemporary fetishwear scene stealer who cursed her in a story to go with them. Soothinglyfalls into a deep, bewitched sleep doesn’tboth the just past turn and Maleficent the future.doesn’t into Ms. just turn Maleficent into green smoke. As it turnsgreen out, Ma- smoke.fallsgreen into As smoke.a itdeep, turns bewitched As out, it turns Ma- sleep out, Ma- our and contemporary fetishwear inis bothroutine the in makeup major productionsand costume doesn’t just turn Maleficent into fit of pique and a puff of acid- introduced in voice-over by Janetafter pricking her finger on a aJolie’s pleasurable performance spectacle, is similarly it also leficent (it rhymes with leficentmagnifi-spindle, (itafter rhymes butpricking rather with her on finger magnifi-the sinister on a doesn’t just turn Maleficent into islike routine this one, in major of course, productions but thea pleasurablea pleasurable spectacle, spectacle, it also it also green smoke. As it turns out, Ma- McTeer, Maleficent’s story opensleficent (it rhymes with magnifi- likebifurcated, this one, of with course, a controlled but the cent) had her reasons andcent) a back scenehadspindle, her stealer reasons but who rather cursed and on athe her back sinister in a servesmixture a of character Old Hollywood who glam- embodiesserves a characterserves a character who embodies who embodies leficent (it rhymes with magnifi- cent) had her reasons and a back a pleasurable spectacle, it also mixturephysicality of Old that, Hollywood just when glam- it when she was a happy youngfit ofscene pique stealer and a whopuff cursedof acid- her in a bothour and the contemporary past and the fetishwear future.both Ms.the past and the future. Ms. story to go with them. Soothinglystory to gostory with to them. go with Soothingly them. Soothingly serves a character who embodies our and contemporary fetishwear both the past and the future. Ms. cent) had her reasons and a back fairy (Isobelle Molloy and Ellagreenfit ofsmoke. pique Asand it a turns puff ofout, acid- Ma- Jolie’sseemsdoesn’t performance justto be turn edging Maleficent isinto similarly intocatwalk introduced in voice-overintroduced by Janet in voice-over by Janet doesn’t just turn Maleficent Jolie’sinto performanceJolie’s performance is similarly is similarly story to go with them. Soothingly leficentgreenintroduced (it smoke. rhymes As in with it voice-over turns magnifi- out, Ma- by Janet both the past and the future. Ms. blankness,a pleasurable springs spectacle, to it weird also life McTeer,Purnell) Maleficent’s living in, and story flying opens over, bifurcated,a pleasurable with spectacle, a controlled it alsobifurcated, with a controlled introduced in voice-over by Janet McTeer,cent) leficentMaleficent’sMcTeer, had her (it reasonsrhymes Maleficent’s story withand opens amagnifi- back story opens Jolie’s performance is similarly withserves grotesque a character facial who embodies contortionsbifurcated, with a controlled whenthe moors, she was a lush, a happy computer-gen- young physicalityserves a character that, whojust embodieswhenphysicality it that, just when it McTeer, Maleficent’s story opens when storyshecent) whenwas to go had a with shehappy her them. wasreasons young aSoothingly happy and a back young bifurcated, with a controlled andboth spiderythe past and movements. the future. Ms. physicality that, just when it fairyerated (Isobelle wonderland Molloy populated andfairy Ella (Isobelle bystory to Molloy go with them.and Ella Soothingly seemsbothJolie’s the performanceto past be andedging the is future. intosimilarly seemscatwalk Ms. to beseems edging to be into edging catwalk into catwalk when she was a happy young introducedfairy (Isobellein voice-over Molloy by Janet and Ella physicality that, just when it Jolie’sBruno performance Bettelheim, is similarly that great Purnell)cute uglies living and in, delicately and flyingPurnell) mossy, over,McTeer, introducedliving Maleficent’s in, inand voice-over flying story opens over,by Janet blankness,bifurcated, with springs a controlled to weirdblankness, life blankness, springs to springs weird life to weird life fairy (Isobelle Molloy and Ella McTeer,Purnell) Maleficent’s living in, story and opens flying over, seems to be edging into catwalk bifurcated,reader of withfairy a controlledtales, saw “The thetwiggy moors, giants. a lush, computer-gen-the moors,when shea lush, was acomputer-gen- happy young withphysicality grotesque that, just facial when contortions itwith grotesquewith grotesque facial contortions facial contortions Purnell) living in, and flying over, whenthe moors,she was aa happy lush, youngcomputer-gen- blankness, springs to weird life physicalitySleepingseems to be Beauty”that, edging just into when as catwalk a it story of eratedTrouble wonderland enters in populated theerated form fairy ofby wonderland a (Isobelle Molloy populated and Ella by andseems spidery to be edging movements. into catwalkand spideryand movements. spidery movements. the moors, a lush, computer-gen- Purnell)fairyerated (Isobelleliving wonderland in, Molloyand flying and populated over, Ella by with grotesque facial contortions sexualblankness, awakening. springs to weird She wakeslife cutehuman uglies boy, and Stefan, delicately a farmhand mossy,Purnell) living in, and flying over, blankness,Bruno Bettelheim, springs to weird that life greatBruno Bettelheim, that great erated wonderland populated by cute ugliesthe moors,cute and uglies a delicately lush, computer-gen-and delicately mossy, mossy, and spidery movements. onlywith grotesque when physically facial contortions and emo- Bruno Bettelheim, that great twiggywho’s caughtgiants. pilfering atwiggy stone, giants. athe moors, a lush, computer-gen- readerwithand spiderygrotesque of fairy movements. facial tales, contortions saw reader “The of fairy tales, saw “The cute uglies and delicately mossy, eratedtwiggy wonderland giants. populated by Bruno Bettelheim, that great and spidery movements. reader of fairy tales, saw “The seemingly small act that rever- erated wonderland populated by SleepingtionallyBruno Bettelheim,matureBeauty” enough, as that a storygreatSleeping when of Beauty” as a story of Trouble enters in the formTrouble ofcute a uglies enters and in delicately the form mossy, of a reader of fairy tales, saw “The Bruno Bettelheim, that great ” as a story of twiggy giants. berates as loudly as Klaxon cuteTrouble uglies and enters delicately in themossy, form of a shereader is readyof fairy fortales, love saw and “The its famil- human boy, Stefan, a farmhandhumantwiggy boy, giants.Stefan, a farmhand sexualreader ofawakening. fairy tales, saw She “The wakessexual awakening.sexual awakening. She wakes She wakes Trouble enters in the form of a twiggyhuman giants. boy, Stefan, a farmhand Sleeping Beauty” as a story of iarSleeping handmaidens: Beauty” as a sex story and of mar- horns. Maleficent forgives him;Trouble a enters in the form of a onlySleeping when Beauty” physically as a story and onlyof emo- when physically and emo- who’s caught pilfering awho’s stone, caught a who’sTrouble pilfering caught enters a inpilfering stone, the form a ofa stone,a a sexual awakening. She wakes sexual awakening. She wakes only when physically and emo- human boy, Stefan, a farmhand friendship is born; time rusheshuman boy, Stefan, a farmhand tionallysexualriage. awakening. It’s mature at that enough, She point, wakes tionally Bettel-when mature enough, when seemingly small act thatseemingly rever- humanseemingly small boy, act Stefan, thatsmall arever- farmhand act that rever- only when physically and emo- only when physically and emo- tionally mature enough, when who’s caught pilfering a stone, a by — it’s obvious that the film-who’swho’s caught caught pilfering pilfering a stone, a stone, a a sheonlyheim is when readywrites physically for in “Thelove and and Uses emo-she its of famil-is En- ready for love and its famil- berates as loudly as Klaxonberatesseemingly asberates loudly small as actKlaxonloudly that rever-as Klaxon tionally mature enough, when tionally mature enough, when she is ready for love and its famil- seemingly small act that rever- makers can’t wait to bring in Ms.seemingly small act that rever- iartionallychantment,” handmaidens: mature “theenough, sexwall when and ofiar thorns mar- handmaidens: sex and mar- horns. Maleficent forgiveshorns. him;berates Maleficent ahorns. as loudly Maleficent forgives as Klaxon him; forgives a him; a she is ready for love and its famil- sheshe isis readyready for for love love and and its its famil- famil- iar handmaidens: sex and mar- berates as loudly as Klaxon Jolie — and the friendship berates as loudly as Klaxon riage.suddenlyiar handmaidens: It’s at turns that sexinto point, and a wall Bettel-mar- of big, friendship is born; time friendshiprusheshorns.horns. is Maleficent born; Maleficent time forgives forgives rushes him; him; a a iar handmaidens: sex and mar- iar handmaidens: sex and mar-riage. It’s riage.at that It’s point, at that Bettel- point, Bettel- horns. Maleficent forgives him; a evolves into a puppyish romance,friendship is born; time rushes beautifulriage. It’s at flowers, that point, which Bettel- opens to by — it’s obvious that theby film- — it’sfriendshipfriendship obvious is born; isthat born; timethe time film-rushes rushes heimriage. writesIt’s at that in “Thepoint, Bettel-Usesheim of En- writes in “The Uses of En- friendship is born; time rushes by — it’s obvious that the film- riage. It’s at that point, Bettel- letheim the writes prince in “The enter.” Uses That’s of En- quiteheim writes in “The Uses of En- sealed with a kiss. Stefan seemsby —by it’s — it’sobvious obvious that that the the film- film- chantment,”heim writes in “the“The Useswall ofof chantment,”En- thorns “the wall of thorns makers can’t wait to bringmakers in Ms. can’tmakers wait can’t to bring wait in to Ms. bring in Ms. heim writesKEITH HAMPSHERE/WALT in “The Uses DISNEY of En- PICTURES chantment,” “the wall of thorns chantment,” “the wall of thorns by — it’s obvious that the film- nice enough, if bland, and he’smakersmakers can’t can’t wait wait to bring to bring in Ms.in Ms. suddenlychantment,”the metaphor, turns “the wallbutinto forof a thorns wall women,suddenly of big, it turns into a wall of big, Jolie — and the friendshipJolie —Jolie and Jolie— theand — friendshipthe and friendship the friendship chantment,” “the wall of thorns suddenly turns into a wall of big, suddenly turns into a wall of big, makers can’t wait to bring in Ms. played first by Michael HigginsJolie —Angelina and the friendship Jolie is the betrayed fairy, and , right, is beautifulsuddenlyhas sometimes turns flowers, into also a which wall been ofbeautiful opensbig, a curse, to flowers, which opens to evolves into a puppyish evolvesromance,evolves intoevolves ainto puppyish a puppyishinto a puppyishromance, romance, romance, suddenly turns into a wall of big, beautifulbeautiful flowers, flowers, which which opens opens to to beautiful flowers, which opens to Jolie — and the friendship and then, briefly, by Jackson evolvesPrincess into a puppyish Aurora romance, in “Maleficent,” from Disney. letincluding the prince in movies, enter.” That’s where quite they sealed with a kiss. Stefansealed seemssealed withsealed witha kiss. with a kiss. aStefan kiss. Stefan Stefan seems seems seems letlet thethe princeprince enter.” enter.” That’s That’s quitelet quite the princelet the enter.” prince That’s enter.” quite That’s quite evolves into a puppyish romance, sealed with a kiss. Stefan seems beautifulKEITH flowers,HAMPSHERE/WALTKEITH HAMPSHERE/WALT which DISNEY opens DISNEY PICTURES PICTURESto have traditionally had to wait for Bews. Before long, though, Ms. KEITH HAMPSHERE/WALT DISNEYKEITH PICTURES HAMPSHERE/WALTthetheKEITH metaphor,metaphor, HAMPSHERE/WALT DISNEY but butPICTURES for for DISNEYwomen, women, PICTURES it it nice enough, if bland, andnice he’s enough,nicenice enough,nice enough, if enough, bland, if bland, if bland, and if and bland, he’s and he’s he’s and he’s let the prince enter.” That’s quite the metaphor, but for women,the it metaphor,the metaphor, but for women, but for it women, it sealed with a kiss. Stefan seems Jolie has taken to the skies while,played first by Michael Higgins AngelinaAngelina Jolie Jolie is isthe the betrayed betrayed fairy, fairy, and and Elle Elle Fanning, Fanning, right, right, is is hashasahas man sometimessometimes to get also themalso also been been to been atheir a curse, curse, a curse,happi- played first by Michael Higginsplayed firstplayed byAngelina firstMichaelIn bybroad Michael HigginsJolie strokes, Higgins is the “Maleficent” AngelinabetrayedAngelina fairy,Jolielonging. isand the Jolie ElleUsually, betrayed isFanning, the they betrayed fairy, have right, andad- fairy,is Elle andFanning,KEITH Elle HAMPSHERE/WALT Fanning, right, is DISNEY right, PICTURES is the metaphor, but for women, it has sometimeshas sometimes also been alsoa curse, been a curse, nice enough, if bland, and he’s back in the human realm, Sharltoandand then,played then, briefly, briefly,first by by Jacksonby Michael Jackson HigginsPrincess Aurora in “Maleficent,” from Disney. includinglyincluding ever after. in in movies, movies, There’s where where no they they denying and then, briefly, by Jacksonand then, briefly,Princessis Disney’s by Jackson Aurora latest inbid “Maleficent,” toPrincess recastPrincess a Aurora Aurora fromventures, in Disney.in “Maleficent,” “Maleficent,” and not just from dreams,from Disney. Disney. to including in movies, whereincluding they includingin movies, in where movies, they where they played first by Michael Higgins AngelinaCopley has Jolie brought is the the betrayed adultBews. Ste-Bews. fairy,and Before then,Before and long, briefly, long, Elle though, though, Fanning, by Ms. Jackson Ms. right, is Princess Aurora in “Maleficent,” from Disney. has sometimes also been a curse, havethehave attractions traditionallytraditionally hadof had that to to wait wait narrative for for Bews. Before long, though,Bews. Ms. Before dustylong, though, story for Ms. a contemporary go with their wasp waists and haveaa manman traditionally toto get get them them to to their hadtheir happi-to happi-have wait traditionally for have traditionally had to wait had for to wait for and then, briefly, by Jackson Princessfan ploddingly, Aurora disappointingly in “Maleficent,”JolieJolie Bews.has from has taken takenBefore Disney. to the to the long,skies skies while,though, while, Ms.In broad strokes, “Maleficent” longing. Usually, they have ad- including in movies, where they for some of us: Even Lena Dun- Jolie has taken to the skiesJolie while, hasback taken in the humanto the skiesrealm, while,Sharlto In broad strokes,froufrou. “Maleficent” Sometimeslonging. they Usually,save they have ad- alyly man everever toafter. after. get There’s There’s them no tono denyingtheir denyinga man happi- to geta man them to toget their them happi- to their happi- Bews. Before long, though, Ms. backJolie inaudience, hastheIn broadhuman taken one strokes,realm, to thethat Sharlto skies has,“Maleficent” iswhile, over Disney’sIn broad the latest strokes,longing. bid to “Maleficent”recast Usually, a theyventures,ventures, havelonging. and ad- and not not Usually, just just dreams, dreams, they to to have ad- have traditionally had to wait for ham got swept off her feet. down to earth. Casting is destinyCopley has brought the adult Ste- is Disney’s latestIn broad bid to strokes, recast a “Maleficent” longing. Usually, they have ad- lythethe ever attractionsattractions after. There’sof of that that narrative narrative no lydenying ever after. There’s no denying back in the human realm,back Sharlto in theCopleyback humanyears, hasin the brought realm, complained human the Sharlto adult realm, withSte- Sharltodusty good story rea- for athe contemporary day and their gotruego with with love, their their which wasp wasp waists waists and and a man to get them to their happi- ly ever after. There’s no denying Jolie has taken to the skies while, in a lot of movies; one look atfan the ploddingly,is Disney’s disappointingly latest bid to overrecastis Disney’sdusty by a story Janet latest forventures, a contemporary McTeer,bid to and recast notMaleficent’s ajust dreams,ventures, story to ventures, and opensnot just and dreams, not just to dreams, to forfor But, somesome come of of us: us: Even on!Even There’s Lena Lena Dun- Dun- more to CopleyIn broad has strokes, brought “Maleficent” the adultCopley Ste- hasfan broughtploddingly,longing. theUsually, disappointingly adult they Ste- have ad- is Disney’sis better latest and more bid froufrou.to funfroufrou. recast than Sometimes aSometimes wait- they they save save the attractions of that narrativethe attractionsthe attractions of that narrative of that narrative back in the human realm, Sharlto downCopley to dustyearth.son has about Casting story brought the for is destiny company’sa contemporarythe adultaudience,dusty audience,repre-Ste- story one one forthatgo that a withhas, contemporary has, over their over the thewasp waistsgo and with their wasp waists and ly ever after. There’s no denying hamlifeham and gotgot swept sweptcertainly off off her her more feet. feet. to women, isfan twitchy,Disney’s ploddingly, shifty-eyed latest disappointingly bid to adult recast Stefan, a downventures, to earth. Casting and not is destinyjust dreams,when to shedusty was story a happy for a contemporary youngthethe day day fairy and and their their(I sobelletruego true withlove, love, whichtheir which wasp waists and for some of us: Even Lenafor Dun- some of us: Even Lena Dun- fan ploddingly,fan ploddingly,sentations, disappointingly disappointinglyparticularlyyears, ofyears, female complained complainedfroufrou.ing with to with begood goodSometimes saved. rea- rea- Yet Disneythey save hero- the attractions of that narrative But,But, comecome on! on! There’s There’s more more to to for some of us: Even Lena Dun- Copley has brought the adult Ste- and it’s clear that Mr. Copleyin ain lot a oflotaudience, movies; of movies; one one one look lookthat at theat has, the overaudience, the one that has, over theis isbetter betterfroufrou. and and more more Sometimes froufrou.fun fun than than wait- wait-Sometimes they save they save which is something that, however dustydown story to earth. for a Casting contemporary isdown destiny to earth.go withCasting their is waspdestiny waistsMolloyson andson about about theandaudience, the company’s ines,company’sElla whether onePurnell) repre- repre- that princesses has, living over the in,or not,and flying hamlifelife andand got certainly certainly swept moreoff more her to to women, feet.women,ham got sweptham got off herswept feet. off her feet. fan ploddingly, disappointingly twitchy,twitchy,down years,shifty-eyedcharacters. shifty-eyedto earth. complained adult Casting adultFor Stefan, decades, Stefan, with is destiny good Disney rea- the day and their trueinging to love, to bethe be saved. saved.whichday Yetand Yet Disney theirDisney hero-true hero- love, which for some of us: Even Lena Dun- imperfectly, “Maleficent” grap- audience,inwon’t a lot beof one movies;continuing that has, one the overlook romance. atthe the froufrou. Sometimes theysentations,years, savesentations, complained particularlyyears, particularlyhave complained withalmost of offemale goodfemale always with rea- goodended rea- up as the day and their true love, which whichwhichBut, is iscome something something on! There’sthat, that, however however moreBut, tocome on! There’s more to down to earth. Casting is destiny in a lotand ofand it’smovies;in it’saclear haslot clear ofthat responded one movies;that Mr. look Mr. Copley Copleyat one with the look an over,arrayat the ofthe moors,is better a and lush, more computer-generatedines, funines, whetherthan iswhether better wait- princesses princesses and more or or not, funnot, than wait- ham got swept off her feet. But, come on! There’s more to He doesn’t. Instead, he betrays theson day about and the their company’s true love,characters.son repre- characters.which about Forthe For decades, company’s decades, Disney Disney repre- is better and more fun than wait- lifeimperfectly,plesimperfectly, and with. certainly I’m“Maleficent” “Maleficent” still more not grap- grap-sureto women, if the years,twitchy, complained shifty-eyed with adult goodtwitchy, Stefan, rea-won’t shifty-eyedwon’ttwitchy, be continuingbe continuing shifty-eyed adult the the Stefan,romance. romance. adult Stefan, son reliablyabout the paired company’s offhave ashave if repre-almost theyalmost werealways always ended ended up up as as But, come on! There’s more to life and certainlylife and morecertainly to women, more to women, in a lot of movies; one look at the sentations,plucky girls particularly and women wonderlandhasof whose hasfemale responded responded ingwith withpopulated to an anbe array arraysaved. of of by Yet cute Disneying uglies hero-to be saved.anding to deli beYet saved.- Disney Yet hero- Disney hero- plesmovie’sples with.with. I’m smack-downI’m still still not not sure sure between if if the the pa- sonandMaleficent about it’s clear the and, company’s that in Mr. one Copley of andrepre- the it’s Heclear Hedoesn’t.is doesn’t. thatbetter Instead,Mr. Instead,and Copley morehe betrayshe betrays fun thansentations, wait- sentations, particularlyboarding particularly Noah’s of female ark.reliablyreliably of A female notable paired paired off off as as if ifthey they were were which is something that,which however is something that, however twitchy, shifty-eyed adult Stefan, and desiresit’s clear extend that Mr. beyond Copley pluckyromanticplucky girls girls and andines, women women whether whose whose princessesines, or not, whether princesses or not, life and certainly more to women, movie’s smack-down between pa- which is something that, however movie’s muddled sections, helpsMaleficentMaleficentingcharacters. and,to beand, in saved. one in one Forof the ofYet decades, the Disneycatelycharacters. Disney hero- mossy, For decades, twiggy Disney giants.boardingboarding Noah’s Noah’s ark. ines,ark. A A notable whether notable princesses or not, imperfectly,triarchymovie’s smack-down and “Maleficent” matriarchy betweenimperfectly, isgrap- pa- the “Maleficent” grap- sentations,won’t be continuing particularly the of won’tromance. female be continuing won’t be continuing the romance. the romance.desiresdesires extend extendcharacters. havebeyondexception beyond almost romantic romanticFor is alwaysdecades, Queen endedElsa Disney in up “Fro- as which is something that, however triarchy and matriarchy is the imperfectly, “Maleficent” grap- and it’s clear that Mr. Copley wage war against her land. Hermovie’smovie’sines, muddledhas muddled respondedwhether sections, sections, princesses with helps helps an array or not, of exceptionexceptionhave is isQueen almost Queenhave Elsa Elsa always inalmost in “Fro- “Fro- ended always up endedas up as waytriarchy to go,and but matriarchy at least is nobody the characters.He doesn’t. For Instead, decades, he Disney betraysHe doesn’t. Instead, he betrays has respondedTroublehas zen,”responded enterswith a an very arrayin with differentthe of an form array kind of of ofa human boy, plesway towith. go, but I’m at still least not nobody sureples if with.the plesI’m stillwith. not I’m sure still if not the sure if the won’t be continuing the romance. wagewage warHe war against doesn’t. against her herInstead, land. land. Her Her he betrays reliably paired off zen,”aszen,” if athey reliablyverya very were different different paired kind kind off of of as if they were imperfectly, “Maleficent” grap- hereway to is go, warbling but at least about nobody what she Maleficentwings literally and, clipped,in one of Malefi- the haveplucky almost girls always and women endedplucky whose up as girls andheroine. women whose reliably paired off as if they were movie’shere is warbling smack-down about what between movie’sshe pa- smack-down between pa- has responded with an arrayMaleficent ofwingswingsMaleficent literallyand, literally in clipped,one clipped,and, of theMalefi- in Malefi-one of theStefan, aplucky farmhandboarding girls andNoah’s who’s women ark.heroine. caughtheroine. whoseA notableboarding pilfering Noah’s a ark. A notable ples with. I’m still not sure if the here is warbling about what she movie’s smack-down between pa- He doesn’t. Instead, he betrays cent retreats into her dark place reliablydesiresMaleficent paired extend off beyond as if they romantic were boarding Noah’s ark. A notable triarchywants before before and hitting matriarchy hitting the road the istoroad the to pluckymovie’s girls muddled and women sections, whosemovie’s helpscent muddledcent retreats retreats into sections, into her her dark darkhelps place place MaleficentdesiresMaleficent extenddesires beyondThat extend Elsa romantic beyond remains ThatromanticThat single Elsa Elsa remainsin remains single single in in wants before hitting the roadtriarchy to andtriarchy matriarchy and matriarchy is the is the Maleficent and, in one of the like a grounded Valkyrie, castingmovie’s muddled sections, stone,helps a seeminglyexception issmall Queen act Elsa thatexception in “Fro- reverberatesexception is Queen Elsa is Queen in “Fro- Elsa in “Fro- movie’s smack-down between pa- self-actualization. likelike a grounded boardinga groundedOpens Valkyrie, on Noah’s Valkyrie, Friday. casting ark. casting A notableOpens on Friday.“” has inspired“Frozen” some has inspired some WALTWALT DISNEY DISNEY PICTURES PICTURES wayself-actualization. to go, but at least nobodyway to go, but at least nobody desireswage war extend against beyond her romanticland.wage Her warwage against war her against land. Herher land.Opens Her on Friday.zen,” a very different“Frozen” kindzen,” hasof a inspired very different some kind of triarchy and matriarchyWALT is DISNEY the PICTURES way to go, but at least nobody movie’s muddled sections, helps shadows over her world to goshadowsshadowsexception over over her her world is world Queen to goto goElsa in “Fro- widely, wildly divergentzen,” a readings very different kind of ConsciouslyConsciouslyConsciously or or not, ornot, not,coherently coherently coherently wings literally clipped, Malefi-wings literallyDirected clipped, by Malefi-Robert Stromberg;asDirectedDirected writtenloudly by Robertby Robert as Stromberg;widely, Klaxon Stromberg; wildly written written horns. divergentwidely, Maleficent wildly readings divergent forgives readings here is warbling about whathere sheis warbling about what she wage war against her land. Her withwings her mood.literally Stefan clipped, assumes Malefi- heroine. heroine. largely because of her relation-way to go,those but with at leasthuman nobody figures) pull oror not,not, “Maleficent”“Maleficent” tells tells a a new new here is warbling about what she with her mood. Stefan assumeswith herzen,” mood.by Linda a Stefanvery Woolverton; different assumes director kindby of Lindaofby photog-Linda Woolverton; Woolverton;of director that director movie, of photog-of photog- withof ofsomethat that movie, movie,com- with withheroine. some somelargely com- com- becauselargely of because her relation- of her relation-those thosewith withhuman human figures) figures) pull pull wantsor not, before “Maleficent” hitting the tellswants road a new to before hitting the road to cent retreats into her darkcent place retreatsthe throneMaleficent into and,her yearsdark later,place he him;Maleficentraphy, a Deam friendship Semler;That edited Elsa byis Chris born; remains time single rushes in by — it’s erally clipped, Maleficent retreats into her dark kind of story about how we live wants before hitting the road to wings literally clipped, Malefi- the throne and, years later, hethe thronecentheroine. retreatsand, years into later, her he dark raphy,place Deam Semler;Maleficent edited by Chris mentatorsmentatorsThat claiming claiming Elsa herThat remainsher as as aElsa a single remainsships.ships. in Stefansingle Stefan angers angersin her, her, but buthere she she is warblingyouyou outout ofof theabout story what instead she of kind of of story story about about how how we live we live like a grounded Valkyrie,like casting a groundedand hisraphy, forgettable Valkyrie, Deam Semler;queen casting have edited a byLebenzon Chris and Richardmentators Pearson; music claiming her as a ships. Stefan angers her, but she you out of the story instead of self-actualization.now, not once upon another time.self-actualization. and hislike forgettableOpens a grounded on queen Friday. Valkyrie, have a castingLebenzonOpens onand Friday.Richard“Frozen” Pearson; musichas inspiredL.G.B.T.L.G.B.T. some“Frozen” representation, representation, has inspired and and oth- oth- somesoso gets gets over over him him and and soon soon shifts shiftswants beforekeepingkeeping hitting you immersed.WALT the DISNEY road ButPICTURES to now, WALTnot once DISNEY upon PICTURES another time. self-actualization. cent retreats into her dark place Maleficentand his forgettable queen have a LebenzonThat Elsa and remains Richard Pearson; singleobviousby in music James Newton Opensthat Howard; the on Friday. filmmakers production can’t wait“Frozen” to bring has inspiredplace some like a grounded Valkyrie, casting shad- Andnow, it notdoes once so by WALT uponsuggesting, DISNEY another PICTURES time. shadows over her worldshadows to gochild,child, over Aurora. Aurora. her world to go by James Newton Howard;L.G.B.T. production representation,ers denouncing and oth- her forso the gets same overher herhim attention attention and soon elsewhere. elsewhere. shifts keepingthere’sthere’s you so soimmersed. muchmuch to look But at in thethe AndConsciously it does so by or suggesting, not, coherentlyConsciouslyConsciously or not, coherently or not, coherently like a grounded Valkyrie, casting shadowsDirectedby James over by Newton Robert her world Howard;Stromberg; to production designDirectedgo writtendesign by Garyby by Gary Robert Freeman Freemanwidely, Stromberg; and and Dylanwildly Dylan Cole; written Cole; divergenters denouncingwidely, readings wildlyherwidely, for thedivergent samewildly divergent readings readings self-actualization. Openschild, on Aurora. Friday. At“Frozen” this point, hasthe filmmakers inspired somein Ms. JolieDirecteders — by denouncingand Robert the Stromberg; friendship herreason. for written the It’s sameevolves entirely possible herinto attention that ows elsewhere.Mr.WALT Stromberg,over DISNEY her PICTURES a productionworld there’sto go moviewith so much — her from to mood. the look wittily at inStefan de- the oramongAndamong not, it other “Maleficent”otherdoes things, things,so by that suggesting,that tells budding budding a new with her mood. Stefan assumeswith herAt mood. withthisby point,design her LindaStefan mood.the by Woolverton; Garyfilmmakers assumes Stefan Freeman director assumes andcostumesby Dylanof costumesLinda photog- Cole; by Woolverton; Annaby Anna ofB. Sheppard;B.that Sheppard; director movie, senior senior of withphotog-reason. someof It’scom- that entirely movie, possiblelargely with that some because com-Mr. of Stromberg, her relation-largely a production becausethoseConsciously of herwithmovie relation- human — or from not, figures) the coherently wittilythose pull de- with human figures) pull or not, “Maleficent”or not, “Maleficent” tells a new tells a new shadows over her world to go pick up the “Sleeping Beauty” visual effectsby supervisor, Linda Woolverton; Carey Villegas; director“Maleficent,” of photog- partlyof that because movie, it’s withdesigner some making com- his featurelargely di- becausesigned creaturesof her relation- to the shocks ofthosegirlsamong with and humanotherolder women things, figures) are that not pull budding DirectedtheAt throne thisby Robert point, and, Stromberg; years the filmmakers later, written hepick upwidely, thecostumes “Sleeping wildly by Beauty”Anna divergent B. Sheppard; readingsvisual senior effects supervisor,reason. Carey It’sVillegas; entirely“Maleficent,” possible thatpartly becauseMr. it’s Stromberg,designer a makingproduction his feature di-moviesigned — from creatures the wittily to the de- shocks of kindgirls ofand story older about women how are not kindwe live of story about how we live the thronethe and,raphy, throne years Deam and, later, Semler; years he edited later, byaraphy, he ChrispuppyishMaleficent’s Deam Semler;makeupmentators romance, design edited by byRick claiming Chrissealed her with mentatorsas a a kiss. claiming Stefanships. Stefan her as assumesangers a her,ships. the but shethrone Stefanyou angers and, out years ofher, the but story later, she instead heyou and ofout his of the natural story insteadfoes, even of if that’s what kind of story about how we live with her mood. Stefan assumes by Linda Woolverton; director of photog-threadthread ofand that and begin begin movie, weaving weaving with it into itsome into Maleficent’scom- makeupraphy,largely design Deam becauseby Semler; Rick edited of hernarratively by relation- Chris weakmentators andthose Ms. Joliewith claiming is humanrecting herfigures) debut, as a does pull best whenships.or not,he Stefan “Maleficent”bilious angers green her, and tells purplebut a newshe — that you girlsnaturalout of and thefoes, older story even women ifinstead that’s what are of not andpick his up forgettable the “Sleeping queen Beauty” have a Lebenzonvisual effects and Richardsupervisor, Pearson; CareyLebenzonBaker; musicVillegas; produced and Richard “Maleficent,”by Joe Roth;Pearson; released music partlynarratively because weak it’s and Ms.designer Jolie is makingrecting his debut, feature does best di- whensigned he bilious creatures green andto the purple shocks — that of now, not once upon anothernow, time. not once upon another time. and his forgettableMaleficent’sand his forgettable story,queen so, have again, queen a haveseemsBaker; a produced niceLebenzon byL.G.B.T. Joeenough, Roth; and released representation,Richard if bland, Pearson;a powerful and musicL.G.B.T. and he’s screenoth- representation,played presence,so gets will over and himforgettablescales oth- and down, soonso as shiftsingets queen the overlovely havekind himkeeping ofand a story thechild, soonyou battles about immersed. shifts A quicklyurora. how fade.we keepingBut live (The col- you immersed.fairyfairy tales,tales, Hollywood Hollywood But and and the the now, not once upon another time. the throne and, years later, he raphy,thread Deam and Semler; begin edited weaving by Chris it intoMaleficent’smentatorsbyMaleficent’s James story, Newton so, claiming makeup again, Howard; design her productionas by a byRick Walt Disneyships. Pictures. Stefan Running angerstime: 1 a powerfulher, but screenshe L.G.B.T.presence,you out willrepresentation, of thescales story down, instead and as inoth- of the lovelyso gets overthe himbattles and quickly soon fade. shifts (The col-keepingnatural you foes, immersed. even if Butthat’s what child, Aurora. child, Aurora.there are a christening and a by Walt James Disney Newtonby Pictures. Jamesnarratively Howard; Running Newton production time: Howard; weak 1 and productioninspire Ms. its Jolie share is of warringherrecting attention inter- debut, shotselsewhere. does of Maleficentbest when walking he nextthere’sbilious orsso green are,much as and isto a purplelook galloping at —in race thatthe to Andworld it like does to tellso us.by Andsuggesting, whileAnd it does so by suggesting, and his forgettable queen have a Lebenzon and Richard Pearson; musictherechild, aredesignBaker; a christeningAurora. by produced Gary andFreeman by a Joe andRoth; Dylan releasedhour Cole;37 minutes.ers denouncing herinspire for theers its sharesame denouncing ofers warring denouncing her inter- for theshots her same for of Maleficent the hersame attention walkinghernow, next elsewhere.attention notors once are, elsewhere. upon as is a another galloping there’s time. race soto there’smuchworld to so looklike much to at tell into us. thelook And at while in the And it does so by suggesting, Maleficent’s story, so, again, curse,L.G.B.T. and Aurora representation, is squired andfirsthourdesign 37 oth- minutes. byby Gary Michaeldesign so Freemana gets powerfulby Gary over Higgins and Freeman Dylanhim screen and Cole; and presence, pretationssoon Dylan then, shifts Cole; (and willbriefly, dismissals).keepingscales by The youdown, immersed.to as a floating,inA thet this Butlovely unconscious point, theAurora,the filmmakers battlesthe rescue, quickly among pick fade. theup (The many the col-nods amongthatfairy may tales, other sound Hollywood things, drippy, it’sthat exact-andamong budding the other things, that budding by JamesAt this Newton point, Howard; the filmmakers productionAt thiscurse, point, andAtcostumesby Aurorathis the Walt point,filmmakers Disney byis squiredAnna the Pictures. B. filmmakers Sheppard; Running WITH:senior time: Angelina 1 reason. Jolie (Maleficent), It’s entirelypretations possiblereason. (and that dismissals).It’s entirelyMr. The Stromberg, possibleto a floating,that a production unconsciousMr. Stromberg, Aurora,Andmovie it adoes the—production from rescue, so by the amongsuggesting, wittily themovie de- many — nods fromthat the may wittily sound de- drippy, it’s exact- among other things, that budding child, Aurora. awayers by denouncinga troika of pixies her (a for tol- theWITH:costumes same Angelina bycostumes Anna herJolie (Maleficent),B.attention Sheppard; by Anna B.elsewhere. senior Sheppard; senior reason.there’s It’s so entirelymuch to possible look at in that the Mr. Stromberg,to the 1959 a “Sleeping production Beauty.”) movielyworld the — kind from like of to thehokey tell wittily that,us. And movie de- while designthere by areGary a Freeman christening and Dylan and Cole; aaway by a troika of pixies (a tol- JacksonSharlto Copley Bews. (Stefan),inspire BeforeElle its Fanning share long, of movie,warring though, directed inter- Ms. by Robert Jolieshots Strom- of Maleficent“Sleepingan image walking that telegraphsBeauty” next more threadors are, asand is abegin galloping weaving race to girlsly the and kind older of hokey women that, movie aregirls not and older women are not pick up the “Sleeping Beauty”pick up thepick “Sleepingvisualhour up the37effects minutes. “Sleeping Beauty” supervisor, Beauty” CareySharltovisual Villegas; effectsCopley (Stefan), supervisor,“Maleficent,” Elle Fanning Carey Villegas; partlymovie, because “Maleficent,”directed it’s by Robertdesigner partly Strom- because makingan image it’s his thatfeaturedesigner telegraphs di- making moreamongsigned his otherto creatures feature the 1959things, “Sleepingdi- to thatthe shocks signed buddingBeauty.”) ofcreatures to the shocks of girls and older women are not At this point, the filmmakers curse, and Aurora is squired erablyreason. amusing It’s Imelda entirely Staunton, possible(Aurora), that Samvisual RileyMr. effects (Diaval), Stromberg, supervisor, Imelda a Carey productionberg Villegas; from Linda “Maleficent,”Woolverton’smovie — from partly aboutthe wittilybecause their relationship de- it’s thandesigner any makingMs. Jolie his is, feature unsurprisingly, di- a signedbythat movie, creatures may may sound finally to thedrippy, make shocks a it’s real ofexact- costumesthread byand Anna begin B. Sheppard; weaving senior it intoerably amusingMaleficent’s Imelda makeup Staunton, design by(Aurora),Maleficent’s Rick Sam Rileymakeuppretations (Diaval), design Imelda by (and Rick dismissals).berg from Linda The Woolverton’sto a floating,about unconscious their relationship Aurora, than anythe rescue,Ms. Jolieamong is, unsurprisingly, the many nods a naturalby movie, foes, may even finally if make that’snatural a realwhat foes, even if that’s what thread andLesleythread beginWITH: Manville and weaving Angelina begin and Juno it weavingJolie into Tem- (Maleficent), ithas intoStaunton taken (Knotgrass),Maleficent’s tonarratively the Juno skiesmakeup Temple weak while,design and script,by Ms. backRicknarratively draws Jolie in on isthe Disney’s weak humanrecting “Sleep-and debut, Ms. itlineJolie does into of isdialogue. best Maleficent’srecting when The heaction debut,girls biliousstory, does and bestvisual greenso, older whenagain, marvel. andwomen hepurple Her there are facebilious — not has arethat been green a bilious difference.and green purple and — thatpurple — that natural foes, even if that’s what pick up the “Sleeping Beauty” visualaway effects by asupervisor, troika of Carey pixies Villegas; (a tol-Lesley “Maleficent,”Manville and Juno partly Tem- becauseStaunton it’s (Knotgrass),designer Juno Temple making his feature di- narrativelysigned creatures weak and to theMs. shocks Jolie is of recting debut, does best when he lydifference. the kind of hokey that, movie Maleficent’s story, so, again, Baker; produced by Joe Roth;Baker; released(Thistlewit), produced Lesleymovie, by Manville Joe Roth; directed (Flittle), released byscript, Robert draws Strom- on Disney’san “Sleep- image thatline telegraphs of dialogue. Themore action to the visual1959 “Sleeping marvel. Her Beauty.”) face has been fairy tales, Hollywood andfairy the tales, Hollywood and the Maleficent’s makeup design byMaleficent’s Rick ple),Maleficent’s whostory,Sharlto raise so, Copley her again,story, in (Stefan), a forest so, again, cot- Elle Fanning Baker;a powerful produced byscreen Joe Roth; presence,ing released Beauty”a powerful will and Charles screenscales Per- presence, down, asscenes, willin the by lovelycontrast,scales aredown, visuallynatural theas in battles the foes,smoothed lovely quickly even into if fade.that’san alabaster the(The what battles col-Cub-the quickly battles fade. quickly (The fade. col- (The col- fairy tales, Hollywood and the thread and begin weaving it into erably amusing ,ple), whonarrativelyby raise Walt her Disney in weaka forestPictures. and cot- RunningMs.realm,(Thistlewit),by Jolie IsobelleWalt time: isDisney MolloySharlto 1Lesleyrecting Pictures.(young bergManville Maleficent),Copley from debut, (Flittle),Running Linda doesElla has time: Woolverton’s ingbest brought 1 Beauty” when and hethe Charlesa adult powerfulbiliousabout Per- green their screen scenes,andrelationshipchristening presence, purple by contrast, — thanwill that and are any visuallyascales curse, Ms.down, smoothedand Jolie as A is,inurora unsurprisingly,theinto lovelyan isalabaster squired Cub- a by movie, may finally make a real there are a christening andthere a aretage. a christening There,(Aurora), she Samgrows and Riley aup (and(Diaval),Isobelle Imelda Molloyby (young Waltinspire Maleficent),Disney its Pictures. share Ella of Running warringrault’s time: version inter- 1 of theshots tale. Despite of Maleficentuninteresting, walking borderline next genericors are,ist as mask, is a galloping and prostheses race elon- to world“Maleficent” like to tell is rated us. AndPG (Pa-world while like to tell us. And while Maleficent’s story, so, again, Baker; produced by Joe Roth; releasedtage.there There,hour are she 37 minutes. agrows christening up (and and a Purnell (teenage Maleficent), Michael rault’s inspireversionof its theinspire share tale. Despite of its warring shareuninteresting, of inter- warringshots inter-borderline of Maleficentshots genericfairy of tales, Maleficent istwalking mask, Hollywood andnext walking prostheses andors next the are, elon- asors is aare, galloping“Maleficent” as is a gallopingrace is rated to PG race (Pa- to world like to tell us. And while and Juno Tem-eventuallya powerfulStaunton into (Knotgrass),Elle screen Fanning) presence, Juno un- StefanTemplePurnellhour will 37 (teenage minutes. ploddingly,hour scalesMaleficent), script,37 minutes. down, drawsMichael disappointingly as onin theDisney’sthis, lovely the “Sleep-narrative down linchpinthe toline battles of isn’t dialogue. quicklyawayand unnecessary.The fade. by action (The a troika Therecol- areof alsopixiesvisual gatemarvel. (a her tolerably already Her face sharp amus has cheek- been- rentaldifference. guidance suggested). There bycurse, Walt Disney and Aurora Pictures. is Running squiredcurse, time: and 1 Aurora is squired Higgins (young pretationsStefan) and Jackson (and dismissals).pretations The (andto a dismissals). floating, unconscious The to Aurora,a floating, theunconscious rescue, among Aurora, the manythe rescue, nods amongthat may the soundmany drippy,nods it’sthat exact- may sound drippy, it’s exact- there are a christening and a eventuallycurse, into and Elle Aurora Fanning) is squired un- Higgins (young Stefan) and Jackson this, the narrative pretationslinchpinors are, isn’t as (and is aand dismissals). galloping unnecessary. race The There to aretoworld aalso floating, likegate to unconscious her tell already us. And sharp Aurora, while cheek- the rescue,rental guidance among suggested). the many There nods that may sound drippy, it’s exact- hourple), 37 minutes. who raise her in a forest cot-der inspiretheWITH:(Thistlewit), gaze Angelinaofits Maleficent, share Lesley Jolie of Manville warringwhich(Maleficent),WITH: (Flittle), Bewsinter- (teenageAngelinaWITH:shots Stefan). ingJolie Angelina Beauty”of (Maleficent), Maleficent Jolie and (Maleficent), Charles walkingAurora: Per- It’snext Maleficent,scenes, who by contrast,far too many are long visually shots whensmoothed the bones; into from an some alabaster angles, Cub- it looks lyis thesome kind bloodless of hokey violence, that, some movie away by a troika of pixiesaway (a tol- derby atheaway troika gaze by of of Maleficent,a pixies troika (a of whichtol- pixies (aearth.Bews tol- (teenage Casting Stefan).movie, is directeddestiny by inAurora: Robert a lotmovie, It’s ofStrom- Maleficent, movies; directedan who imagebyone Robert thatfaring Strom- telegraphs too I manymelda longan more imageStaunton, shots when thatthatto thetelegraphs theL mayesley 1959bones; sound “Sleeping Manville morefrom drippy, some Beauty.”) angles, it’sandto exact-the Juno it 1959looks “Sleepingis some bloodless Beauty.”) violence, somely the kindly of the hokey kind that, of hokey movie that, movie curse, and Aurora is squired tage. There, she grows up (and is wherepretationsSharltoIsobelle this Copleyrethink Molloy (and (Stefan), gets (young dismissals). going. Maleficent),Elle FanningSharlto The EllaCopleySharltoto (Stefan),rault’s a floating,Copley Elle version (Stefan), Fanning unconscious of Elle thedoesn’t Fanning tale. Aurora, fit Despite the fairymovie, thetaleuninteresting, rescue,template directed among bydigital borderlineRobert the renderings many Strom- generic nods (especiallyan imageist mask, thatas if and shetelegraphs had prostheses a second more set elon- of vesti-to theinvolving 1959“Maleficent” “Sleeping wings. is Beauty.”)rated PG (Pa- WITH:erably Angelina amusing Jolie Imelda (Maleficent), Staunton,erablyis amusing where(Aurora), thisPurnell Imelda rethink (teenage Sam getsStaunton, Riley going.Maleficent), (Diaval), look Imelda Michael at the bergtwitchy, from Lindashifty-eyed Woolverton’sdoesn’tberg fitadult the from fairy Stefan, Lindataleabout template Woolverton’s their relationshipdigital renderings aboutthan (especially any their relationshipMs. Jolieas if she thanis, hadunsurprisingly, any a second setMs. of avesti-Jolie is,byinvolving unsurprisingly, movie, wings. may finally a makeby movie, a realby may movie, finally may make finally a real make a real away by a troika of pixies (a tol- eventually into Elle Fanning) un-erablymovie, amusing directed Imelda by Robert Staunton,(Aurora), Strom- Sam(Aurora),an Rileythis, image (Diaval), Sam the that Rileynarrative Imelda telegraphs (Diaval), linchpin Imelda more isn’t bergtoand the from 1959unnecessary. Linda “SleepingTemple), Woolverton’s There Beauty.”) who are also raiseaboutly her gatethe their kind inher relationshipa alreadyof forest hokey sharp cottage.that, than moviecheek- any Ms.rental Jolie guidance is, unsurprisingly, suggested). a There SharltoLesley Copley Manville (Stefan), and Elle Juno FanningLesley Tem- ManvilleStauntonHiggins and (young(Knotgrass),Juno Tem- Stefan) Juno and Temple JacksonStaunton (Knotgrass),script, Juno draws Temple on Disney’sscript, “Sleep- drawsline on Disney’sof dialogue. “Sleep- The actionline of dialogue.visual The marvel. action Her face hasvisual been marvel.difference. Her face has been difference.difference. erably amusing Imelda Staunton, (Aurora),der the Sam gaze Riley of (Diaval),Maleficent, Imelda whichLesleyberg fromManville Linda and Woolverton’s Juno Tem-and it’s clearStauntonaboutAurora: that (Knotgrass),their Mr.It’s relationship Maleficent, Copley Juno Temple thanwon’t who any bescript, continufarMs. drawstoo Jolie- many is,on There,unsurprisingly,Disney’s long shots she “Sleep- when grows a theline upby bones;of movie,(and dialogue. from eventuallymay Thesome finally action angles, make into a itE reallookslle visualis some marvel. bloodless Her face violence, has been some ple), who raise her in a forestple), who cot- raise(Thistlewit),Bews her (teenage in a forestLesley Stefan). Manvillecot- (Thistlewit),(Flittle), (Thistlewit), Lesleying Beauty”Manville Lesley (Flittle), and Manville Charles (Flittle),ing Per- Beauty” andscenes, Charles by contrast, Per- are scenes,visually by contrast,smoothed are into visually an alabastersmoothed Cub- into an alabaster Cub- Lesley Manville and Juno Tem- Staunton (Knotgrass), Juno Temple ple),script,Isobelle who draws raiseMolloy her on(young Disney’s in a Maleficent), forest “Sleep- cot- Ella linedoesn’t of dialogue. fit the fairyThe action tale templateingvisual Beauty”digital marvel. renderings and HerCharles face (especially Per- has been scenes,difference.as if by she contrast, had a second are visually set of vesti-smoothedinvolving into wings. an alabaster Cub- tage.is where There, this she rethink grows gets uptage. (and going. There, she grows up (and ingIsobelle the Molloy romance.Isobelle rault’s(young Molloy Maleficent), version (young of Maleficent), Ella the tale.rault’s Despite Ella versionuninteresting, of the tale. DespiteFanning) borderlineuninteresting, undergeneric theist gaze borderline mask, of and Maleficent, generic prosthesesist whichelon- mask, and prostheses“Maleficent” elon- is rated PG“Maleficent” (Pa- is rated PG (Pa- ple), who raise her in a forest cot- (Thistlewit), Lesley Manville (Flittle), tage.ingPurnell There,Beauty” (teenage she and grows Maleficent), Charles up (and Per-Michael scenes, by contrast, are visually rault’ssmoothed version into of an the alabaster tale. Despite Cub- uninteresting, borderline generic ist mask, and prostheses elon- “Maleficent” is rated PG (Pa- eventually into Elle Fanning) un- Purnell (teenagePurnellthis, Maleficent), (teenage the narrative Maleficent), Michael linchpin Michael isn’t and unnecessary. There are also gate her already sharp cheek- rental guidance suggested).rental There guidance suggested). There tage. There, she grows up (and Isobelle Molloy (young Maleficent),eventually Ella eventually intorault’sHiggins Elle version (youngFanning) into Elle Stefan) of the Fanning)un- and tale. JacksonHiggins Despite un-He (young doesn’t.uninteresting, Stefan) Iandnstead, Jackson borderline he betraysthis, generic the Maleficent narrativethis,ist themask, narrativelinchpin and prosthesesis isn’t linchpinwhere andisn’telon-this unnecessary. rethinkand “Maleficent”unnecessary. gets There going. are is There also rated are PGgate also (Pa- her alreadygate her sharp already cheek- sharp cheek- rental guidance suggested). There Purnellder the (teenage gaze ofMaleficent), Maleficent, Michaelder which the gaze of Maleficent, which HigginsAurora: (young It’s Stefan) Maleficent, and Jackson Aurora:who It’s Maleficent,far too many who long shots farwhen too the manybones; long shots from when some the angles,bones; it looks from someis some angles, bloodless it looks violence,is somesome bloodless violence, some eventually into Elle Fanning) un- derthis,Bews the the gaze(teenage narrative of Maleficent, Stefan). linchpin and,Bewswhich isn’t (teenage in oneBewsand Stefan). of (teenage unnecessary. the movie’s Stefan). There muddled are also sections,Aurora:gate her It’s already Maleficent, sharpIn whobroad cheek- strokes,farrental too “Maleficent” many guidance long suggested).shots is when Disney’s Therethe bones; from some angles, it looks is some bloodless violence, some Higginsis where (young this Stefan) rethink and gets Jacksonis going.where this rethink gets going. doesn’t fit the fairy tale templatedoesn’t fit thedigital fairy talerenderings template (especiallydigital renderingsas if she (especially had a second setas of if vesti- she hadinvolving a second setwings. of vesti- involving wings. der the gaze of Maleficent, which Bews (teenage Stefan). is Aurora:where this It’s rethink Maleficent, gets going.whohelps wagefar war too many against long hershots land. when Her the doesn’twingsbones; fitlit from the- fairysomelatest tale angles, bidtemplate to it looks recastdigitalis a some dusty renderings bloodless story (especially forviolence, a contem some - as if she had a second set of vesti- involving wings. is where this rethink gets going. doesn’t fit the fairy tale template digital renderings (especially as if she had a second set of vesti- involving wings. porary audience, one that has, over the years, Ms. Jolie is, unsurprisingly, a visual marvel. complained with good reason about the com- Her face has been smoothed into an alabaster pany’s representations, particularly of female Cubist mask, and prostheses elongate her al- characters. For decades, Disney has responded ready sharp cheekbones; from some angles, it with an array of plucky girls and women whose looks as if she had a second set of vestigial wings desires extend beyond romantic longing. Usu- riding under her skin. The exquisite attention to ally, they have adventures, and not just dreams, detail in both the makeup and costume is routine to go with their wasp waists and froufrou. in major productions like this one, of course, but Sometimes they save the day and their true the mixture of Old Hollywood glamour and con- love, which is better and more fun than wait- temporary fetishwear doesn’t just turn Malefi- ing to be saved. Yet Disney heroines, whether cent into a pleasurable spectacle, it also serves princesses or not, have almost always ended up a character who embodies both the past and as reliably paired off as if they were boarding the future. Ms. Jolie’s performance is similarly Noah’s ark. A notable exception is Queen Elsa bifurcated, with a controlled physicality that, just in “Frozen,” a very different kind of heroine. when it seems to be edging into catwalk blank- That Elsa remains single in “Frozen” has ness, springs to weird life with grotesque facial inspired some widely, wildly divergent read- contortions and spidery movements. ings of that movie, with some commentators Bruno Bettelheim, that great reader of fairy claiming her as a L.G.B.T. representation, and tales, saw “The Sleeping Beauty” as a story of others denouncing her for the same reason. sexual awakening. She wakes only when physi- It’s entirely possible that “Maleficent,” partly cally and emotionally mature enough, when because it’s narratively weak and Ms. Jolie she is ready for love and its familiar handmaid- is a powerful screen presence, will inspire its ens: sex and marriage. It’s at that point, Bet- share of warring interpretations (and dismiss- telheim writes in “The Uses of Enchantment,” als). The movie, directed by Robert Strom- “the wall of thorns suddenly turns into a wall berg from Linda Woolverton’s script, draws of big, beautiful flowers, which opens to let the on Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” and Charles prince enter.” That’s quite the metaphor, but Perrault’s version of the tale. Despite this, the for women, it has sometimes also been a curse, narrative linchpin isn’t Aurora: It’s Maleficent, including in movies, where they have tradition- who doesn’t fit the fairy tale template largely ally had to wait for a man to get them to their because of her relationships. Stefan angers her, happily ever after. There’s no denying the at- but she so gets over him and soon shifts her at- tractions of that narrative for some of us: Even tention elsewhere. Lena Dunham got swept off her feet. Mr. Stromberg, a production designer But, come on! There’s more to life and cer- making his feature directing debut, does best tainly more to women, which is something that, when he scales down, as in the lovely shots however imperfectly, “Maleficent” grapples of Maleficent walking next to a floating, un- with. I’m still not sure if the movie’s smack- conscious Aurora, an image that telegraphs down between patriarchy and matriarchy is more about their relationship than any line of the way to go, but at least nobody here is war- dialogue. The action scenes, by contrast, are bling about what she wants before hitting the visually uninteresting, borderline generic and road to self-actualization. unnecessary. There are also far too many long Consciously or not, coherently or not, shots when the digital renderings (especially “Maleficent” tells a new kind of story about those with human figures) pull you out of the how we live now, not once upon another time. story instead of keeping you immersed. But And it does so by suggesting, among other there’s so much to look at in the movie — from things, that budding girls and older women are the wittily designed creatures to the shocks not natural foes, even if that’s what fairy tales, of bilious green and purple — that the battles Hollywood and the world like to tell us. And quickly fade. (The colors are, as is a galloping while that may sound drippy, it’s exactly the race to the rescue, among the many nods to kind of hokey that, movie by movie, may finally the 1959 “Sleeping Beauty.”) make a real difference. n