The Companies Act, 1929. * NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Company Limited by Shares. HE Firm of ROBERT YOUNG, Confectioners, News- SPECIAL RESOLUTION (pursuant to ss. 117 (2) 'and T agents, and Tobacconists, 209 Clarkston Road, ^ 225 (1) (6)} JOHN WRIGHT (MOTOES) LIMITED, has been DISSOLVED as at the 31st day of January 1947 by passed 19th February 1947. the retiral therefrom of the Subscriber Mrs. Jean Hamilton Maisey. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above-named The Subscriber James Young will carry on the Business on A Company, duly convened, and held at Caledonia Cot- his own account under the same Firm name, and is tage. 10 South Beach, Troon, on the 19th day of February authorised to uplift all debts due to, and will pay the 1947ir.H'j , itth_e subjoined Special Resolution wawas duly passed, liabilities pf, the Firm. viz. :— RESOLUTION. JAMES YOUNG. That the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that ROBT. HAMILTON, 41 St. Vincent Place, Glas- Mr. John Laird Hunter Harris, Chartered Accountant, of gow, Solicitor; Messrs. M'Lellan, Harris & Company, C.A., Glasgow, be G. GARDINER, 4l St. Vincent Place, Glas- and he is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of gow, Clerk, such winding up. Witnesses to the Signature of James Young. JOHN WRIGHT, Chairman. JEAN H. MAISEY. PETITION has been presented in the Sherifi Court of J. L. GARDNER, 69 St. Vincent Street. Glas- A , at Airdrie, by Maria Milautscutie or gow, .Solicitor; Pokulute (known as Mare Milautscutie or Pokulute), some- ELIZABETH C. THOMSON, 69 St. Vincent Street. time 7 Muirpark Rows, , and now residing at Glasgow, Typist, 102 Main Street. West End, Bellshill, for decernitnre as Witnesses to the Signature of Jean Hamilton Executrix-dative ijvti Creditor to the deceased ANTANAS Maisey. VERBISKIS. sometime residing at 15 , Bellshill, and at 42 Viewpark, Bellshill. J. F. & R. A. CASSELLS, Solicitors, 47 Cadzow Street, Hamilton, Petitioner's Agents. Hamilton, 19th February 1947.

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTS, 1914 AND 1926. NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF BUSINESS. mHE Business of ST. ANDREW'S CAFE, 182 North JL Street, Glasgow, C.3, which was carried on by Mrs. FROM THE GAZETTE. Bruna Equi or Biagiotti, for and on behalf of D. Eqni's Executors, has, as and from 10th February 1947, been re- transferred to the former owner, Mr. Narsete Equi, who will RECEIVING ORDERS. be responsible for all debts and liabilities incurred in connec- tion with the Business on and after said date. Sydney Hall, 37 Ravenswood Crescent, South Harrow, Mid- Dated this nineteenth day of February nineteen hundred dlesex, telephonist, formerly trading as a drawing office and forty-seven material dealer at 37 Ravenswood Crescent, South Harrow, B. BIAGIOTTI. Middlesex. For and on behalf of D. Equi's Executors. Thomas John Bright, 2 Chalkwell Park Avenue, Enfield, in NARSETE EQUI. the county of Middlesex. JAMES T. GRAHAM. Witness, Chartered Ac- Charles Thomas William Worley (described in the Petition as countant, 5 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, C.I. J. Worley (male)), carrying on business under the name or MAEY S. STEWART, Witness, Secrctnrv. 225 style of Jeffrey A. Goodman. 55 Western Road. Southall, North Street, Glasgow, C.3. in the county of Middlesex, haulage contractor.

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Published at the EXCHEQUER CHAMBERS, Parliament Square, Edinburgh. Printed tor His MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE by MORRISON &• GIBB LTD., Tanfield, Edinburgh This Oazette it filed at His Majesty's Stationery Office, London. Friday, February 21, 1947. Price One Shilling and Sixpence Net.