DuPont State Forest Land and Resource Management Plan June, 2011 DuPont State Forest Land and Resource Management Plan June, 2011 Responsible Agency: NC Division of Forest Resources 1616 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Primary Plan Contact: Brian J. Schneider Management Forester DuPont State Forest PO Box 300 Cedar Mountain, NC 28718-0300 828-877-6527 This Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) for DuPont State Forest describes our framework for guiding on-the-ground projects and activities. We encourage your comments on all aspects of the plan. E-mail comments to:
[email protected] Subject: DuPont State Forest LRMP If email is not available, written comments can be submitted to the primary plan contact listed above. 1 Plan Development This plan was developed through the combined effort of personnel within the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources, with direction and recommendations provided by the DuPont State Forest Interagency Planning Team as appointed by the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The intent of this plan is to provide the ecological context within which management will be conducted on DuPont State Forest, to describe the desired future condition of natural resources throughout the forest toward which management will be directed, and to outline appropriate management techniques to work towards those conditions. The goals and objectives presented in this plan were developed to support other statewide initiatives regarding natural resource conservation and education. Specific strategic documents utilized during the creation of this plan include North Carolina’s Forest Resources Assessment (2010), The North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan (2005), The Partners in Flight Bird Conservation Plan for the Southern Blue Ridge (1999), The North Carolina Environmental Education Plan (2009), and The North Carolina Forestry Best Management Practices Manual Related to Water Quality (2006).