Outer East Leeds Area Committee Halton Moor and East
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Outer East Leeds Area Committee Halton Moor and East Osmondthorpe Forum Meeting held on 4 September 2007 at the Halton Moor One Stop Centre Present: Cllr Langdale (Chair), Cllr Lyons, Nick Clarkson (East Leeds Area Management), James Nundy (ELAM, minutes), Steve Lake (Renew-Leeds), Inspector Craig Robinson (West Yorkshire Police), PC Andrew Gaitley (West Yorks Police), Ron Bool (LTF – OTRA), Paul Emmett (Osmondthorpe Tenants & Residents Association), Sam McVeigh (OTRA), Marie Ferguson (ENEh Leeds), Brian Mumby (resident), Father Michael McGhee (Corpus Christi Parish), Anne Garnella (Leeds Youth Service) Apologies: Cllr Hyde, Glen O’Malley (Leeds Youth Service), Chris Dickinson (Renew-Leeds), Georgie Spedding (HOPE) 1.0 Welcome / Introductions / Apologies Action 1.1 Councillor Langdale welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made and apologies noted. 2.0 Minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2007 2.1 Apologies from Mark Hall (ASBu – east) were not recorded on the previous minutes, otherwise the minutes were agreed as an accurate record. 3.0 Matters arising from those minutes (6.1) It was stated that the footpaths in Halton Moor Avenue, Wykebeck Road and Gardens were in need of attention and the pedestrian crossing at Meadowfield NC Primary doesn’t work properly. Nick Clarkson to investigate. 4.0 Ten minute open floor 4.1 LCC Waste Strategy Sam McVeigh (OTRA) raised the issue of LCC having identified four possible sites for an incinerator to help reduce the amount of waste going to landfill sites. Whilst not opposed to regeneration of the area, the Councillors agreed they are in total opposition to an incinerator, especially when other recycling initiatives are not being used to their full capacity (eg the green bin service still isn’t city wide). Cllrs 4.2 Older Persons Week Nick Clarkson tabled a handout and ran through the various activities planned at the events across Outer East Leeds from 24-28 September 2007. For further information, please call Lynne White on 247 4445. 5.0 Intensive Neighbourhood Management 5.1 A handout was tabled by SL updating the forum about: • monthly Tasking meetings (Cllrs to be invited to the meetings) • environmental estate clean-up (thanks to OTRA, Halton Moor Action Group, ENE Homes Leeds, Probation, Streetscene and East Leeds Area Management) • multi-agency operations • the community house on Halton Moor (It’s on Kendall Drive and funding is secured from Community Safety and Outer East Area Committee) • supporting residents groups • Osmondthorpe and Halton Moor Fun Day -Cllr Lyons passed on thanks from Hillary Benn. Produced by the East Leeds Area Management Team (t: 0113 214 3241) Page 1 of 2 • private rental properties • the junior warden scheme (Cllrs were invited to Meadowfield Primary School to hand out the certificates) • the junior youth inclusion residential project • residents networks 5.2 Is there any chance of the non-confidential parts of the Tasking meeting minutes SL being distributed to the tenants and residents associations? 6.0 Community Safety 6.1 Crime statistics were read out by PC Gaitley. • Overall, reported crime is up on last August: There were 48 reports in 2006 and 58 reported in 2007. • Damage to dwellings is up in the area, especially on Kendall Drive. • There has been a decrease in racial incidents (none in last two months). • Assaults are down on last month. • PCSOs visit new residents with details of what to do / who to call if they have any problems. • The recent Operation Champion produced over 60 arrests. • Joint councillor / police surgeries are proving a great success. 6.2 Dispersal Orders cost in the region of £17,000 for a three month operation Does anyone have any spare money? The Police have also applied to the Police’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. 6.3 The Police’s capture car is coming to Halton Moor, Halton and Colton in the near future. 6.4 It was reported that the ALMO is currently positively discouraging non-white families into the area because of the threat of race hate issues. 6.5 Neighbourhood Warden • Wendy Bagnall is on long term sick leave. 7.0 Halton Moor and Osmondthorpe Funday 7.1 Item covered in agenda point five. 8.0 Youth Service 8.1 The summer programmes finished last Friday, so the statistics are currently being analysed. A report will be presented at the next forum. Activities included Armley Laser Centre, motor biking and horse riding. 9.0 AOB 9.1 Cllr Lyons thanked Sgt. Sullivan for all of his hard work across east Leeds, as he has now left the Killingbeck station to take up another post in a different Division. Best wishes from the Halton moor Forum! 9.2 Cllr Lyons stated he had noticed an increase in off-road motor biking in the area. 9.3 Should an EASEL representative be invited to a future meeting? 10.0 Date of next meeting 11 December 2007, 6:00pm, to be held at Halton Moor One Stop Centre. Produced by the East Leeds Area Management Team (t: 0113 214 3241) Page 2 of 2 .