Annual Student Day Likely
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*U m MiW ^-m heres good news Nou. 15, Wb for CC^/EN you!! Make money COVEN classified by advertising is expanding Free to in COVEN Humber Humber College of Applied Arts &Technology students staff 676-1200 axt. 514 & IINIHMMI iwwwHiiimwwriMiiiiniiyiMiiiiH Annual Student Day likely by Steven WUmm unemployipent, or by cancelling Director of E^xternal Affairs for SURPI. Repoters from CBC tion. But seminars are being held Depending on the success of this classes and inviting guest Atkinson College, Carl McConney, Radio, CKEY CFRB, the Toronto discussing this topic regardless year's campaign, National Student speakers. president of the Student Ad- Star, the Globe and Mail, and As published in The Student the Day could become an annual "The feeling is good, the ministrative Council at Seneca Coven also attended. newspaper of the OFS, 'an event, according to Kevin organization is good," Mr. College, Molly Pellechia, SU The meeting was highlighted by emergency plenary of the provin- Schwenker, a member of the Schwenker said of NSD at a President for Humber North the appearance of a papier- cial student federation, " will take Metro Toronto Coordinating Com- meeting of Metro Toronto Student Campus, and Allan Golombek, a mache replica of Bill Davis, place following the provincial mittee for NSD. Council representatives on representative from the Ontario premier of Ontario, animated by a government's 1978 announcement November 4. The meeting, held in Federation of Students The member of the NSD committee, by the Ministry of Colleges and Nearly every college and univer- Jorgenson Hall at Ryerson meeting was co-chaired by Shirley and a mock Dr. Harry Parrott, Universities. sity across Canada participated in Polytechnical Institute, was at- French, president of the Univer- Minister of Colleges and Univer- The council was upset about this some way in NSD on November 9, tended by Leigh Branderhorst, sity of Toronto's student council, sities. point since Dr. Parrott had as- either by holding seminars on president of SURPI (Student and Mr. Schwenker. who is also The papier-mache Mr. Davis sured them the announcement topics such as tuition fee hikes and Union of Ryerson), Jack Gazan, Minister of External Affairs for enlightened the council represen- would be made before November MMIIHIHIimmilHHIIIIIHIHMMinillWIlllllMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW iiiiniiiiiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiuii tatives and press alike with his ex- 9, according to Mr. Golombek and planation of his government's Ms. French. educational policy. His over-sized The problem of crowded clas- right hand, he explained, was used srooms was brought up by Ms. Pel- to take money from the big cor- lechia who said that at Humber, porations In the form of taxes, and '50 students are crammed into an his diminutive left hand was used area that holds 25. and the number for giving money to educational in- of students who leave (school) for stitutions. that reason is enormous." l^e meeting was held to give the The OFS's policy on tuition fees schools a chance to air their views is for a freeze now and complete on NSD. and explain what ac- abolishment in the future. Mr. tivities they ^ad planned for Golombek explained that this November 9 would encourage graduating high The major point of protest school students to attend post- brought up by the council secondary educational institutions. members wa« tbe dslayed an- Then students would pay back the nouncement of possible tuition government in the form of taxes on hikes by Dr. Parrott. Ms. French future earnings. felt he. "withheld the tuition rise No representatives from either announcement until after NSD, " to Centennial College or York avoid any adverse student reac- University attended the meeting. SU President understands student apathy by Ylva Van Buuren ing. "How many students would be aware that the President's ex- Hold your heads high Humber ecutive endorsed NSD anyway. I IN SEARCH OF A LOST CHORD. A grade four student at Klngiview Village Public School wai to captured students and staff; SU President mean how aware are students of with the performance by Humber'i Concert Band he decided to examine the initniments a little closer. Molly Pellechia understands. anything." (Photo by Robyn Foley) . Even though many of the MnmMmaiiiinniHwmnnininni ••••••niiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiHHNmHiirauNiiniiiiHiiiiaMMaiunnnMHMninniiiiiNiiiiiiniMHniiiniHmm seminars held for NSD were poor- anHMimiaiHHiNmiiiiiiNHMiiNniHnnHiiMiHiHi ly attended. Ms. Pellechia feels. s Apathy hasn't beaten us '. provokes She said. "There are other i Big Band Seminar question easons Students are probably so tired of hearing that when people by Brian Nolk and 25 have into tax the highest rate of un- reform, federal try to change the status quo. niey I jazzes up The seminar on unemployment employment of any age group in nationalization of foreign- can't, and so the students have provoked heated questions and the country along with the lowest controlled companies and foreign become discouraged " answers in the Student Union average salary and the highest governments' monetary policy "What we were trying to achieve I Centre lounge on Thursday, although they rate of suicide. Also the areas ot where he was not qualified to give with NSD was an awareness by were not ail on the topic. the country with the highest rates opinions. students of the issues that affect by Dallas lioddcr and Debbie Bob Dematteo, an instructor for of unemployment like the The seminar, one in a series them Unfortunately, no one Silvea Humber, tried to bring some of the Maritimes and the far north have presented to stimulate interest in around here has enough time to Sounds of the Humber Big Band 1 statistical facts about Canadian the least number of post-secondary National Student Day on worry about anything They're not echoed through the auditorium of unemployment to light during the education facilities November 9 drew about 40 verj' concerned I think though, the OnUrio Science Centre last lunch hour seminar. Facts such as listeners " The questions from the listeners, out of a crowd of nearly they'll regret it sooner or later week the people between the ages of 14 however, dragged Mr Dematteo 100 lounge occupants She added that most student The performance was the second .^Ji HNIIIWIimUNnMiaHIIIUIIMIIIIIIHIIIIUIHIIHIIinilHnilllMIMIIIHIINiilHIIIIIIIIIinilllinillMHIIIMIHIIinillllllllll nMHtininniniinNNitiiroaiH councils are aware of why things of a series of six. jazz concerts are the way they are. "Urrfor- broadcast live on CJRT-FM. Radio tunately. though we're aware of Ryerson The concert was made # This Week in Coven them, and we attend conferences possible by the Provincial Arts and learn about tbcm, our students Council and the Music Perfor- never do" Humber College was mance Trust Fund of the Toronto Ashby House is having a fund- Reporter Bruce Gates talks to Entertainment Harry Chapin one of ttte few putldpants of NSD Musicians Association raising drive, Stvry oa 2 Lakeshore SU President pg, Tom sings up a storm at his recent that didn't |«t offlcial endorse- The band, conducted by music Rodaro and finds out why he's in- Tounto appearance ' See review ment by ita teard of governors or instructor Ron Collier, played olved in politics. S •* See pg. Pi.8 by President Wragg selections by Duke Ellington. Cole Igor Sokur does it again' The Slie said. I really didn't feel it Porter. Hogey Carmichael and Master Chef ends his Masterpieces Humber Hawks soccer team loses Humdinger and Dirty Ernie. Pg. 5 had to be endorsed 1 sent out an also a piece entitled Spain from of International Cuisine course in to Algonquin in the final game of awful lot of memos to an awful lot the band s album First Take style. See pg. 3 the College s Athletic Association of people, and most of them wrote Singer Hazel Walker accom- Champinn.ships See details on pg. National Student Day seminar back " She didn't receive any panied the band singing songs such Eklitorlal and Letters. Pg. 4 11 stories Secpg.l negative responses as Bom on a Friday and Baltinwre Ms Pellechia concluded by say- Oriole. m: iwroiiimnHmiiM ! MnmmmiiHinmnM ii im »iiiiiiii i i mw ii HHiiiwinmwiiiwwwiimiM iw ii iiinw I Ashby House plans to hold fund-raising drive Nov. 27 by Brenda McCaffery Molly Alderson learning young people frequently become resource manager at Huiuber's spastic and emotionally depressed Ashby House, a new Toronto Lakeshore campus, is chairman of As a result they lose friends and in residence for young people who the Ashbv House fund-raising com- many cases parents can't and have received brain damage mittee She said they're holding a won't accept their responsibilities through accidents is holding a fund white elephant sale and auction They aient employable, yet they raising drive November 27 in Holy Rosary are aware of their intellectual and The pilot project, which has been Church at St. Qair and Bathurst to physical limitations. they approved by the Central Mortgage help furnish the new residence become isolated and frustrated and Housing Corporation and the Donations of jewellery, antiques, and because they can't see any ministry of community and soc-ial paintings and clothing would be change in their future, there is a services, was introduced by Mira greatly appreciated, Ms Alderson high rate of suicide. Ashby. chairman of Ashby House said. Group Inc. and medical social Mrs Ashby said the number of Until now. no provision has been worker at the Toronto General young people severely injured in made in the community for the ac- Hospital At the hospital Mrs accidents is increasing A large commodation of these people. Ms Ashby works with patients who portion of these casualties suffer Alderson said The Ashby have suffered serious injuries brain stem injury with mental and House. 78 Springhurst Avenue near through accidents and recognized physical disability Brain injury of Dufferin and King, opens January that people who suffer from the ef- this type results in the loss of the I.