Harrieta, a New Genus for Cymodoce Faxoni (Richardson) (Crustacea: Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae)
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PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 100(4),1987, pp. 1036-1039 HARRIETA, A NEW GENUS FOR CYMODOCE FAXONI (RICHARDSON) (CRUSTACEA: ISOPODA: SPHAEROMATIDAE) Abstract. -A new genus, Harrieta, is diagnosed for Cymodocefaxoni (Rich- ardson), a common shallow-water isopod of the Florida Keys and the eastern GulfofMexico. The new genus is characterized by the possession of three pairs of oostegites with five pairs of internal pouches and metamorphosed mouth- parts in the female, and by a uropodal exopod twice the length of the endopod in the male. That the isopod family Sphaeromatidae Examination of material of Cymodoce is in need of a generic revision based on faxoni (Richardson), and comparison with phylogenetic principles, is no secret. Be- the diagnosis of Cymodoce Leach, 1814 (see tween 70 and 80 generic names are in cur- Harrison 1984:377) necessitates placing this rent use, with genericdiagnoses often blurred species in a new genus. and overlapping. It comes as no surprise that when new criteria are used in an at- Subfamily Sphaeromatinae tempt to stabilize a taxonomy, earlier taxo- Harrieta, new genus nomic placements become questionable. Thus with Harrison's work on the structure Diagnosis. -Sexual dimorphism marked ofthe brood pouch of sphaeromatids (1984), by posterior margin of pleotelson more following on from Hansen (1905), it was strongly trilobed, and elongation of urop- inevitable that the generic status of some odal exopods, in male. species would need to be re-examined. Female: mouthparts metamorphosed. The use of such major morphological fea- Mandible fused with cephalosome, incisor, tures as oostegites, internal pouches, and lacinia, and molar not distinguishable. anterior and posterior pockets in ovigerous Maxilla 1 of 2 simple rounded lobes; max- females, has the potential to give a degree illa 2 of 3 simple rounded lobes. Maxilliped of stability to the classification of the Sphae- with palp articles lacking setae; endite dis- romatidae. These female reproductive tally broadly truncate, unarmed. Brood structures are here regarded as being of such pouch consisting of 3 pairs of oostegites on crucial importance as to allow generic place- pereonites 2-4 overlapping in midline, plus ment based on these features only. Which 5 pairs of internal pouches. Uropodal rami structures or combination of structures are subequal in length. apomorphic, and which plesiomorphic, Male: Adult lacking dorsal processes. however, remains to be worked out. This Pleopod 2, copulatory stylet articulating ba- lack of determined apomorphic features sally on endopod, curved, barely reaching lends some uncertainty, but still allows for beyond apex of ramus, with distal hook. comparison of genera based on major re- Penes basally fused, rami slender, elongate, productive morphological features. tapering to acute apices. Uropodal exopod twice length of endopod, slender, oval in cross section, tapering to narrowly acute apex. Type species. -Exosphaeroma faxoni Richardson, 1905, Gender: feminine. Etymology. - The generic name is in hon- or of Harriet Richardson, the original de- scriber of the type species, and a prolific isopod researcher around the turn of the century. " , ,, Remarks. -Based on Harrison (1984: \ \ 377), the presence of three, rather than four, I I I pairs of oostegites excludesfaxoni from the I I genus Cymodoce. Harrison's tables 1 and 2 I I I (1984:394-397) conveniently summarize I the brood pouch and mouthparts informa- I tion for most genera of sphaeromatids. From these tables it can be seen that the combi- nation of three pairs of overlapping ooste- gites, five pairs of internal pouches, and metamorphosed mouthparts in the female fit none of the known sphaeromatine gen- era. The present separation of faxoni from Cymodoce draws attention to these differ- ences and emphasizes the importance of brood pouch characters in the taxonomy of this group. Harrieta faxoni (Richardson, 1905) Fig. 1 Exosphaeroma faxoni Richardson, 1905: 292, figs. 307, 308. '?, 1 immature, Jupiter Is., Florida, 16 Feb Exosphaeroma faxoni: Pearse and Whar- 1940.-USNM 86834, 2 immature, Apa- ton, 1938:640. lachicola, Florida, 19 Jan 1936.- USNM Cymodocefaxoni: Menzies and Miller, 1955: 86835, 1 ~, Apalachicola, Florida, 6 Jun 293, figs. 1,2.-Rouse, 1969:134.- 1935.- USNM 86836, 2 ~, 1 ovig. '?, 2 im- Schultz, 1969:127, fig. 182.-Lyonsetal., mature, BigLake, Alabama, 28 Jan 1938.- 1971:28.-Clark and Robertson, 1982:47, USNM 86837, 2 ovig. '?, Bottlepoint Key, 49,54, fig. 18.-Menzies and Kruczynski, Florida, 20 Nov 1939.-USNM 184382, 1 1983:50, fig. 14.-Harrison and Holdich, ~, 8 ovig. '?, 2 immature, Everglades Na- 1984:383. tional Park, Florida, 11Nov 1965.-USNM Material examined. -National Museum 211432, 14~, 4 ovig. '?, 30 immature, God- of Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- frey Creek, Lemon Bay, Florida, 23 Jan tion: USNM 41882, 2 ~, 2 ovig. '?, 7 im- 1938.- USNM 211433, 4~, 1 ovig '?, 7 im- mature, Key West, Florida, Jul 1874.- mature, Key West, Florida, 1968.-USNM USNM 41883, 1 ~, 1 ovig. '?, Cedar Key, 211434, 1 ~, 3 immature, Fleming Key, Florida, 1874.-USNM 86833, 2~, 30vig. Florida, 24 Mar 1968. Indian River Coastal Zone Museum (all Distribution. -Florida to Texas, intertid- material from Florida): Sta 101c, 15 ~, 22 al to shallow infratidal. ovig. 2, 140 immature, Banana River, Bre- Remarks. - Menzies and Kruczynski vard Co., intertidal, 27 Feb 1975.-1 ~, 1 (1983:50) place both Exosphaeroma antil- ovig. 2, 1 immature, Haulover Canal, Bre- lense Richardson, 1912, and Exosphaero- vard Co., Intertidal, 12 Dec 1978.-1 ~, 1 ma barrerae Boone, 1918, in the synonymy ovig. 2, 2 immature, Key Largo, Thalassia of Cymodoce faxoni. Examination of the seagrass flat, 9 Mar 1982.-Sta 129, 19 ~, holotype of Exosphaeroma antillense shows 11 ovig. 2, 39 immature, Indian River, St. this to be a different species: the frontallam- Lucie Co., intertidal, 29 Oct 1975.-Sta 88b, ina is not as broad as that of Harrietafaxoni, 1 ~, Indian River, Martin Co., intertidal, 17 and both uropodal rami are distally round- Dec 1974.-Sta 116d, 1 immature, Indian ed. The holotype of Exosphaeroma barrerae River, Brevard Co., intertidal, 29 May is more than twice the size of adult H arrieta 1975.-Sta 79c, 1 ~, 7 ovig. 2, 6 immature, faxoni, and shows several obvious differ- Haulover Canal, Brevard Co., 14 Nov 1974. ences, including the shape of the frontal Diagnosis. -Female: Frontal lamina with lamina, pleotelson, and uropodal rami. Ex- broad, slightly convex anterior margin. osphaeroma antillense does possess three Cephalon with rounded ridge bearing 2 pairs of overlapping oostegites, the condi- barely discernible submedian tubercles near tion of the holotype does not allow further posterior margin. Anterior fused pleonites comment on the brood pouch structure, with 2 low rounded submedian tubercles on while the holotype of E. barrerae is a non- posterior margin. Pleotelson with 2 strong ovigerous female. Until fresh ovigerous ma- broadly conical tubercles on inflated midre- terial of these species becomes available, gion; posterior margin faintly trilobed. and brood pouch structure can be elucidat- Uropodal rami sub equal in length, endopod ed, both are excluded from the genus Har- distally oblique-truncate; exopod apically rieta. acute. Cymodoce brasiliensis Richardson, 1906, Male: Pleotelson as in female, but with was compared with the present species, in trilobed apex more defined. Uropodal en- an attempt to discover a possible congener. dopod distally oblique-truncate; exopod Examination of the syntypic material twice length of endopod, tapering to nar- (USNM 32246, 32626) showed the oviger- rowly acute apex. Penes separate, slender, ous female to have four pairs of oostegites tapering to acute apex. Pleopod 2, copula- on pereonites 1-4. The species redescribed tory stylet articulating basally on endopod, as C. brasiliensis by Loyola e Silva (1960: curved, barely reaching beyond apex of ra- 68, figs. 10, 11; 1963:2, unnumbered fig.) mus, with distal hook. was said to have three pairs of oostegites, Color. - The majority of freshly pre- and is thus not Richardson's species. No served specimens examined showed a scat- mention was made of brood pouches. The tering of red-brown chromatophores on the male described by Loyola e Silva (1960) has cephalon, pereon, pleon, antennular and an- subequal uropodal rami, and is clearly not tennal flagella, and uropodal rami. The ster- Harrietafaxoni. The difference in the urop- nites of ovigerous females are always fairly odal exopod would suggest that Loyola e densely pigmented with a reticulate pattern. Silva's species is not a congener of Harrieta. A few specimens were seen having the entire dorsum densely pigmented, while yet fewer Acknowledgments specimens have the cephal on and pleon densely pigmented with no connecting pig- I am grateful to Dr. Keith Harrison (Brit- ment or a faint to fairly strong connecting ish Museum [Natural History]), for his gen- middorsal band of pigment. erous sharing of ideas on the taxonomy of this species, and for reading a draft of this T. Savage, L. Lyons, and E. A. Joyce, Jr. 1971. paper. Dr. Richard Heard (Gulf Coast Re- Preliminary inventory of marine invertebrates search Laboratory) and Ms. Marilyn Schotte collected near the electrical generating plant, Crystal River, Florida, in 1969.-Florida De- (Smithsonian Institution) also provided partment of Natural Resources, Marine Re- ideas on sphaeromatid taxonomy. Dr. John search Laboratory, Professional Paper 14:1-45. Miller (Indian River Coastal Zone Mu- Menzies,