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8-4-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-04-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY-NINT- H YEAH. VOL. t l.VIII. No. 33. Sixteen Pages New Mexico, Sunday, 4, 1918 Sixteen Dally by Carrier or Man, 70c a Moot Albuquerque, August Pages Single Copies, W IN 55 fei mm a o

r n U. They Control Shipping S. AND JAPAN ALLIES ENTER ON LIGGETT DEALING GREAT SOISSONS Girl on the Land Helps Win Ihc War to All Allied Nations




, ! m : t . i a. e

Two Nations Will Out Set Former Is Carry Premier Asquith Yanks Still Diiving at Foe's French Patrols With I A Operating Along Plan, the Other Allied! Confident. That Balance of l ines and Have Reached J R. R, Running Between the in I Assenting Power Now Tends to Side of Huns' Main Base Fismes, Two Cities; Yankees in Out- Principle, Nations Aisne-Mar- ne Opposing Huns, Theater, skirts of Fismes.


Troops Will Occupy and Safe- Can Make No Terms Until the of Am Vast Quantities Guns, All Roads Over Which Germans guard City and Protect Rear Teutons Are Completely munition and War Material Are Retiring Are Being Sub- of the Westward America's Part A- Moving Subjugated; Have Been Captured by to Bombard- Czecho-Slova- iV jected Heavy k Army, in Struggle Highly Praised, llies in Present Drive, i Av ments by Foch's Troops.

IRY MORNINO JOURHAL LllllO WlR lav MORNINO JOURNAL IMCIAL (.RARCO WlffKl incill T HOHMtNa JOURNAL tPIOAl Ll.t.O WKIBI ir (I minted War l.cart, try the Aiofintal Washington, Aug. 3. Official state- London, Aug. 3. Conviction thai Wnidihigton. Aug. 3. Tin: first Pros.) ments by tho American and the balance of war now tends to the commanded Maj. The between Soissons Japanese side of the entente allies was army corps, by great salient made to- expressed and on the Aisne-Marn- e governments, public here in a statement former Pre- Gen Hunter Liggett, is slill driving Kheims, announce that the today by front. In which terrific has night, plans for mier Herbert J I. Asquith, reviewing at the center of the retreating Ger fighting i been on for two weeks, has been extending military aid to Russia in the four years of Great Hritain's par- man lines and has reached Klsines, the going Au- ' virtually cut out by the allied forces. Siberia will he undertaken in the war from Ai.sne-Marn- e by the ticipation dating w enemy's main base for the ' French cavalry patrols now are op- 4, 1914. The of the I and Japan alone, with gust beginning battle theater, according to the f erating along the railroad1 running be- the other allied as- fifth year. Mr, Asquilh pointed out.j French announcement tonight. There reveals Germanv still and' ''A tween these two cities, constituting senting in principle. Impenitent, JrH wiih every indication the ' neniy would thn two of the previous in full of a of territo- 'I pivotal points Tho United States and pursuit policy not short oi ine Japan will rial and halt bin retirement I German advance, American troops each send "a few thousand men" to economic aggrandizement Aisne line. Within a few hours today hold the outskirts of tho with which, he said, "we can make the Fismes, grout Vladivostok to act as a common force unofficial advices showed that supply base of the German army, In occupying and no terms." whole line had forward to" the safeguarding the that America to V surged which the enemy strove with utmost city and protecting the rear of the Declaring promised A Aisne-Vesl- e front and thrown cavalry and determination to hold: become In the t strength westward moving Czecho-Slova- a predominating factor :bv I It. 1 allied have reached Mr. na- Vyy patrols beyond f P advance guards army. war, Asquith said the allied General Mar, h announced that the southern bank of the Aisne to the Tho numbers of tho tions of western lOurope, owe to her a General now had more than vV-- American I'ershing heights of tho Chemln lies Dames, troops, from where they will double debt of gratitude. million men under his direct com- must go and Mr. statement follows: a where powerful defenses then when ma:' not be discussed. Asquith's mand "in his own area." l'resiimably bo faced. While the United States and "The fourth year of the war has M section of the front Japan witnessed kSVv 'fAvk" he referred to the .llic liH'irnf Spocd. Czecho-Slova- the renewal on the are extending aid to the k largest from north of Verdun to the Swiss Hoth east and west the allkfa on In Siberia scale of tho enemy'.s offensive. The army the United States -- -- where American have of will disintegration of Russia enabled the ' ' ' border, troops Saturday Increased the speed their continue to with the Iimii rapidly taking over the line. The advance, a distance of more than six allies operating from Murmansk and central powers to concentrate all their of the major de- The girl on tho land is going to help win the w. and Miss Mary North, first army corps, first it, M miles forward being gained at certain ,, on a to J i Archangel-- To whut extent and in strength supreme effort V. A. American units to be forim-d- now--- been stroy the armetl of the western executive secretary t the W. C. in charge of this activity, in points, Th lirw has what nature la not announced. power with Y. the molile re dan- The allies. Last at the land army committee to furnish girls of the W. C. A. for probably represents so straightened as to escape the only present objects of the October, Caporetto, farmers. Those who serve to bo contributed to General P. FRANKLIN! th Japanese-America- n have gone to tho farina have they can do almost A.S. ger which previously threatened they sprung a on and proved M. forces will be to surprise Italy, the work of skilled farm hands. Pershing to the pooled rcservo plan, H. RAYMOND southern bend from Holpsons from be- give such aid and succeeded in forcing back her troops mil- protection as is and is counted iih n part of the 6 CONNOP OOTHPIlS I enfiladed. Czecho-Slova- from tho to tho fWTDt COOPERATIVE ing possible to the k forces frontier line of the lion men. difficulties tho Piave. Cm March 21 of this they P;. Notwithstanding the against armed body of German year SIIHI.OOO Men In Kiglitlng .one. confronting them, the allies are bring- and Austrian prisoners of war and to opened an attack upon the allied ar Ameri- I'. S. of mies in of There are eight divisions of Franklin, presideril the ing up their guns almost as fast as the efforts self France with the object 300,-na- i) steady any at government ATTEMPT MADE TO C. M. RAILWAY S cans, or in the nieghborhood of international mercantile 11. Germans nre theirs and and self defense in which the Rus- driving a wedge between them and marine; withdrawing men now in the fighting one II. 'a M id. president of the all the roads over which the Ger- sians themselves may be willing to ultimately occupying the channel portt where the. is for- Clyilo mans assistance. and the French great battle going Mallory Steamship company, and are retiring are being subjected accept capital. ward, and General March pointed out to the heaviest bombardments. U. 8. Will Send a Commlsslo. Won Kuifoss at Outset. Sir Connop Guthrie, special represen- Later "Thanks to their that General Liggett hail s"t his head- The retreat of the Germans has the United States will send a temporary Biipe. WRECK FAST TRAIN T SOLD UNDER In the center of the line tative of the liritlsh ministry, are the been out with commission of riority both in numbers and in posi- ODE quarters carried skill, and, up merchants, agricultural where his six divisions are assembled member of the control com- i. mil seemed to die r won at the outset shipping Thursday, orderly. exnerta, labor advisers, Red tion, they conspic- with two additional divisions F.ver uous success, but as tho and together mittee who manipulate the movements since then ther have been no representatives and agents of the Y spring General is the first American r n of of M. C. A. summer advanced the enemy's prog- Liggett shJ)H carrying supi s to all reports large captures prisoners in n o ,,, ,,(, (I wiui: 'i o, hus been no mention of cap- Roth the United States and ress alike on the road to Amiens, at M. U Oljief, i,ii, .,j,,,, ,,.,,1..,, They have more power and there Japan. AT SPRINGER. M ORDERS F C T Hhe front, and to his lot has fallen the tured cannon. It Is probable tho Qer In the official announcements, make the I.ys. and at the gate of the Oian, than all the companies in most was the wt valor advance that has broken the back of steamship man retreat has been a successful opt (ho specific pledges of the ac stayed by tho German effort to halt his linei days before th war. so as men tion of the allied In Aus-tria- oration, far and guns may agreed upon being wholly without troops. June, the within salient. of attacked in Italy on a front of (he concerned. Tho loss in munitions thought Interference with the General March again described the! and materials will be of Russia or Inn miles only to be driven faPCCIAt. BttPATCM TO MOMNIN9 JOUPNALI very heavy. sovereignty any interfer- nearly lav MOttNINd JOURNAL BPICIAl. LIASIO WIM objective of the American and allied Knocks ence whatever In hr--r internal back with heavy losses to their origi- :!. I'nmv Plans Awry. affairs. Springer. N. M., Aug. Santa I'V Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 3 drive as "the other army." It was, The success of the allies has The at nal line. No. 1 a RETREAT OF app&r Japanese government the train had narrow escape from Judge .1. W. Slieafor in tho ilistri' l plain that he expected tt to be pressed ENEMY thrown the whole German same time pledged itself that when "Jn July, after a long pause for being wrecked south of to- ently plan German crown Springer court tociiiy denied the of the vigorously and etrort be made to de- of campaign out of Joint. There have the objects of the mission are accom- preparation, the prince day. The engineer disc cred an ob- petition as much of the crown It will was let loose to and utate of Colors do, Dep- stroy prince's been large units withdrawn from the plished withdraw every Japan- rapture Kheims struction piled- upon Ihe truck. He represented by force as Me a ese soldier and leave the to turn the flank of the defense of fighting possible read northern battle front to support the sovereignty the brako uty Attorney General Charles Roach, ipum-titie- s of Paris. We are still applied emergency which cabled report showing that vast TO crown prince's armies and the Gei1 Russia, unimpaired in all its witnessing the de set the air. passengers were to intervene in the Colorado Midland of and war CONTINUE OVER pha ses. velopments of this ad Many guns, ammunition man withdrawal across the Ancre rIVr thrown from their scuts and the en Tho result of this material had been and that er from Albert a dl The agreement to which all the al- venture, and without undue optimism railway proceeding. captured northward for nt was It was nhe German dead Is con- lies ass-- Is result of we may say the balance now leads gine damaged. necessary decision will be to continue in force around tnuco of more than three miles laregly the tho to wire to Vegas for an the The sidered to personal for weeks to the na- to tho side of the allies, who have las engino and effect the previous order of the carpeted ground. by London be an indication bring to take the train to that point. The principal of General March's that the has abandoned that tions together In the most effective mastered tho new German methods court providing for the salo and dis- portion AIS IS RELIEF enemy which and w hose obstruction was some iron piled on statement follows: section of the Fioardy battlefiold as plan at the same time will strength owing to the pres mantlement of the road to take Itlnws Retircniciii. , convince the Russian ence or American troops is and the track. place Eoiin the sc'tie of offensive operations. people that the daily Parties who urn believed to have on August Colorado Midland offi- "When I spoke to last, on There have been Indications aim was purely to help them pre- steadily increasing. you that the serve "From a of It attempted to wreck the train were cials stated that the, last train from Wednesday, the two opposing lines Ttritish army may strike the enemy and develop their new found military point view. en- in Fo here will be run to- had been and II.V MriAN,N when the moment Is This at- democracy. would seem Germany has In her cam- caught the vicinity by Santa tonight, returning nearly stationary WUIIN.. L..MI WIRtl ripe. t. Don R. morrow from the west. The gaged in more or less fight- ;; tack be Statement or s. (jovci-nmcii- In the west, staked Special Agent Giles who was night pur- desperate London, Aug. (via Ottawa ). might launched at several I', paign everything 14. Is 30 The Tho statement the on the combined success of this series on the train. He rounded them up and pose of the receiver. A. Carlton, ing during July and 31. Since that immediate cause points along the vulnerable sides of by government to sell the for It will time, blows on flanks were re- (,r t,,. German re- German to the press on the American-Japanes- e of operations on land and of the sub- - brought them to Springer and lodged property what tth the salients in Plcardy and o the Au treat, says Renter's in its re- action !n Siberia from the them In Jail. The men gave their bring-t- other railways and to Junk- sisted by Germans until, on limited, Flanders. If the defeat of the Ger- secretary of state acting (Contlnuea on I'age Two.) names as Jose and Antonia men. The section of the road running gust I, heavy attacks 1 ythe Hritish view of tho sttuiilion today, was tho mans south of tho Alsno is as complete follows: Gonzales, rencn on "In the Judgment of the father and son, old Mexico Mexicans; to Dividi will be leased to tlia Short ami f trie t'harun plateau. brilllan success of the .'initios of Gen- as reports seem to Indicate, the Brit- ment govern- Line railway in order that an outlet ish drive start at time. of the United States a Judg- Guadalupe Garcia and Joaquin Mae O'niiUnueil uti pugs fuui eral Mangln and General Do Groutte, may any ment arrived at after steg of Las The latter who had l!e 4ma'ntui,",",11 '"to the Cripple Creek There are few events of significance repeated P'd AMERICA SETTING Vegas. Short Is north v( the Oiircii, which affocted very searching considerations of the been at Line able to In the otlvr theaters of the war. In sltuation-'-niilita- working Springer one of Us a at a whole ry The men were ride repair long trestles recently junction right angle, making Albania, where the French and Ital- intervention four bumming a fire. in Russia would be more likely to on a train which hero destroyed by AMERICAN NATION posslblo the beginning on Thursday of ians have gained ground rapidly dur- to add passed through Slieafor, in mo- the the last two the present sad confusion there earlier in the day and were discovered Judge denying the process of clearing tho important ing or three weeks, the than to cure it. and would A at- tion, stated that Intervention Was ap- ridge dividing the Criso and the Austrians sscetn to have strengthened Injure NEW RECORD IN and put off near the scene of the for the of Russia rather than heln her out to 1. An- parently purpose taking an Ourcq. The Hritish, In General Man-- I their lines. of tempt wreck No. Jose and to the her distresses. Such military Inter- Gonzales from as appeal supreme court In a gin's army, started the from The people of Archangel, In north- vention as tonia were Pueblo roundabout way, mad in be. operation ern have has been most was evidenced Wells re- although IS DRAWN CLOSER Grand Rir.oy. The French, Russia, Joined those of the even frequently by a Furgo half of the He asserted il Murnian coast in revolution proposed, supposing It It to he for two suit cases to a people. that carried not merely the summit a against efficacious in its immediate ceipt shipped was only a ciiiestion of time until the but reverse of the Holshevlkl. The Bolshevik) troops object of VESSELS l the slope the se. BUILDING border town. 1,1 ridge, delivering an attack upon road won forced to stop opera- observation are reported to have fled from that Germany The men will be a it curing behind tho Harlen-- I from the east, would In its Judgment, given preliminary tions, that had never been a paying nes city. be more to out to hearing next Tuesday. Should they property, and that plateau. likely turn he mere- having recently TOGETHE B WAR Meanwhile, in the center, en-- a method of use of finally be convicted they may be sen- been isolated by the it was the I ly making Russia to ten the government omy bastion In the .Meuniere wood. WORKMEN IN AUSTRIA than to be method of serving her. tenced from three years in now in a worse financial condition state than ever. The court also .two square miles in extent was car Her people, if they profited by it at Washington, 3. America Is penitentiary. ruled upon ried. DYING OF STARVATION all. not In Aug. the motion of the com- Thus the enemy's hope of sta- could profit by It time to determined to achieve- public utilities IBV MONNINtt JOURNAL BtO At LtAf O match the ex- bilizing tho line disappeared. Indeed, deliver them from their des- ment of its overseas forces mission, which asserted that it had London, Aug. 3. The advance)) of with the ho had suffered a disaster ar aomat (. perate dlfficultlts, and their substanee production Of clusive Jurisdiction by denying the pe- the entire allied lino In tho Solssons-Rheim- s strategic journal (Mem iri, shins. Chairman llnrlnv TO and asserted owing to the reversal of the Washington, Aug. 3. Austrian would meantime be used to maintain of the shipping board said in a cable- PLOT DESTROY tition that Ihe court was salient is commented on hero strategic foreign armies, not to reconstitute gram sent entirely within its rights in assuming position brought about by General workmen, dying of starvation, official today to Lord Northcliffe with elation. Dispatches are regarded Foch's re- their own or to feed their own men, and Sir Jurisdict ion and1 in appointing a re us counter stroke, and his hasty dispatches received here today say, Jamea Maclay, British min- revealing a transformed situation, retirement on the Vesle sent to women and children. We are bond- ister of ceiver and ordering the winding up with the arrival of Ameri- cannot bo an cently delegates a convention all shipping. or coinciding easy matter for him as the In Vienna. ing our energies now to the pur- Ait records In faunching vessels, the business. can detachments so strong as to give only good pose, the resolute and confident pur- Mr. Hurlev TROOPSHIP road available passes through Coul-onge- s, All the delegates, the dispatch' says, said, will ho U.S. the allies a numerical advantage In re declared that In pose, of winning on the western front the launching tomorrow of serves and them In which the allies captured yes- certain provinces, the and it In the 12,000 RETIRED ARMY justifying hope population was of The would the Judgment of the deadweight ton cargo steamer In- OFFICER for tho future. terday. dying hunger. government of the United States, be vincible at the The allied guns, the review points death rate Is enormous and epidemics Alameda, Calif., yard, IS DEAD AT AGE The newspapers devote much space wero tho twenty-fou- r days after her keel was OF 73 to the anniversary of Grrut Britain's out, are now within range of raging throughout country. (Ctmtlnued on Page Two.) All IS IN BUD con- lelcgate Shawel from Moravia laid. four eastern fabricating NIPPED entrance into the war and the prep- where the only railway yards, which are nection from the north crosses the warned that there was absolutely no at Hog Island, Bris- arations for the services of commemo- coal for the winter. The tol, Pa., Newark and Wilmington v Honolulu, Aug. 2 ttHc ration and intercession on Vesle Into the salient. They also com- coming dele, (Delayed). Sunday. gate from Innsbruck declared in ,C., are now producing ships, the Gen. Edward Davis. U. S. A., Commenting on theanniversary, the mand Fismes, which was the main that HOUNIM rotired, the face of the helplessness of the THE WEATHER chairman added. , UT JOU..M. InoLtluU W,H died here today. General Davis was Times says: store house for th" Germans offen- gov. "You know so well the An Atlantic 3. An in 130", at his own while ernment the workmen ought to obtain high spirit Port, Aug. anar retired request "We are passing through a period of sive, Braine, between Bazoches themselves to of American builders and their chist plot to an American after years of service. He was which be more and Soissons, which the mnln by the means relieve th FORECAST. ship destroy forty upheaval may pregnant through pangs of hunger. friendly rivalry to deliver tonnage," troop transport is believed by the au- a veteran of tho civil war, serving as with good or evil than the French rev- road out' of the salient passes, Is also the cablegram said, "that you will be thorities to have been frustrated to a second lieutenant with the Fifth olution or the downfall of the Roman expossed to gun fire. Hence the ex- , Colo., Aug. 3. For New glad to learn that the Alameda, day with the arrest of a man who volunteer now REVERSAL OF FEDERAL Mexico: In Calif., Kentucky cavalry. empire. perts are prophesying that the Sunday fair aoutn. proba- shipyard tomorrow will launch the said he was Frederick Rouchat. The General Davis was born in Louis- "In America the results have been withdrawal will continue over the local thunder showers 12,000-to- n bly north por- steamer Invincible, built prisoner, caught climbing a rope lad- ville. Ky., July 7, 1845. He was tile clearest and most Immediate. Her Alsnc. COURT DECREES ASKED twenty-fou- r tion; Monday partly cloudy. in working days. A lib- der upon the side of the steamship, a breveted a first lieutenant "for gal- have risen to the of her Arizona: Sunday fair from to German meritorious people height except possi- erty job start finish, as keel former liner, said he had lant and services In the destinies and in so have real- IRT showers Mon- was been rising, Cotton Price Advum-os- . MORNINS JOURNAL tCIAl LIARU Hn bly northeast portion; laid July 4, five seconds after the selected by lot to blow up the battle of Chlckamauga, September ized for themselves that Germany has fair. of her sister vessel. 19, 186?," New 3. Washington, Aug. 3. Reversal of day generally launching ship Defiance, made them a nation as she made us York, Aug. Cotton federal nro-- built in The In- in vanced between 'l and J7 a bale court decrees dismissing forty working days. Arraigned court Rouchat said he an empire in a truer and larger sense ceedings brought the IOCA D REPOKT. vincible will be under steam in thirty-fiv- e was the victim of insane delusions. May Put Md on Chicago. than before. The the market here today, attributed to by government 3. All development against the Southern Pacific company days. Merchants shipyard (at Officers of the army Intelligence bu- Chicago, Aug. public amuse- of a new sense of America's to favorable war news, unfavorable to nave A of local con- Bristol) launches first hull and ment in duty cancelled patents tn 8.10 summary weather today reau said he was feigning dementia places Chicago including humanity In the mind and) conscience' weather advices in tho southwest and acres of oil have dition for the twenty-fou- r hours end- Hog Island hull thus and "cabarets' land alleged to been 'first Monday, because he realized he had made parks dry will be of her people has been immeasurably indications of increased consumption ontainea fraud in the Elk at 6 p. m. follows: permitting to all one o'clock in - through ing yesterday production four damaging admissions. He will be re- closed by the morning the most momentous event of- the of American cotton abroad. Cotton Hill regions in was Maximum temperature, 91 great eastern shipyards. turned to mean- if ordinance California, asked - degrees; fabricating court on August 8, the recommended today fourth of the war and be has now risen 115 a in minimum,- 59; 92; at We are determined to match Ameri- year may approximately an appeal filed in the suorema range, p. m., while being; under observation of to the city council by the home, de- by far, the most momentous cf our bale here since the government's Te court 89; uortbwest Winds; clear, can fore with, i today bv'the department of military tonnage," fense committee passed, timt" poet wt(s issued on jhursday, j Justice, 1918 TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal , Sunday, August 4,

DEPRIVED OF i I Are Yc i Contemplating a Wedding Trip, Ill i l: a Vacation to the Coast? EYESIGHT III ID . i IBS)! A World Wide Democracy i i Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags BEING CARED FOR i Steamers and Wardrobes i i On the rock-be- d foundation of and the struc- An elegant assortment has been recently added to our Soldiers Arc Taught to Read liberty justice, great and in order to department, introduce this splendid and Write and in Other of world wide is line of goods, we make a special price for one week Ways ture Democracy being built. i to Fit Themselves So as To . only, beginning You arc the cause devotion to Be Self Supporting', , helping great ' through your loyal I and Home. i Country j Tomorrow, Aug) 5th ( Ahuucliitpd Vrv fnrreflponileiiee.) Washington, Anjr. them who shall exist in darkness to Hie end Make the First Savings Bank & Trust Company financial of their days soldiers who .have paid your 20 Discount with their eyesight part of t ho price home. of victory the army machinery of re- We will be glad to show you all the new features em- construction is now beginning to func- bodied in our trunks, made for tion. At General hospital No. 7, just 4 on outside of Baltimore, and under the Interest faid Savings Accounts Maximum and Minimum special Ited Cross institute for the Strength blinded, the first group of nine has Weight been assembled, and is snuggling but over in- - ISSI painfully hopefully the trlcates of Hraile typo, taking the first steps on the long io;mI that will end when so lists of touch and hearing have sharpened lo a keenest that will Brothers to some degree i onipensate for the StrongTHE PIONEER HOME FURNISHERS missing optic nerve. There are ten more on the ay back from r ranee i to to Strong Block. Second and Copper. take up the training, and up a astic and so sincere that many men recent dale, this was the total num- ALLIES ENTER ON whose emotions are far from the sur- Storage at reasonable rates in the largest and best ber of the absolutely sightless that WAR CONFI- CROSSING OCEAN face stood with tears in their eyes as built warehouse in the American armies had to report. ER YEAR OF looked on. city. of the first nine, they i Naturally emuigtf, CRUSHING KAISER "1 reckon we'll get along all right accident and disaster incident to DENT over here," said a husky sergeant in handling of explosives accounted for a huskier voice. a did i I larger proportion than casualty (Continued from rure On.) WITH AMERICA'S incidents without number might be CI ONE inflicted by the enemy. .Sergeant Zim- told at the expenso of htcsoldiers Czeehjo-Slovak- the a Texas sec- moving and Jap- merman, truck driver, first at sea. Hlie was wlille at sea. The first men of the anese uovernment consented. to of in- marine war promised has man come into the hands the a ond million had plenty of new things CO. Itii-si- an by her command and AZTEC FUEL I'coplo A.ssiuvif. stitute and now lis prize patient, was high complete to interest them. There were a few "In this action final victory liefnif the summer was SUNK BY U BDA taking the govern- found after an automobile accident would con- SECOND MILLION thrills, too. T ment of the United wishes to un- over, provided her people States in France pinned to the ground sent to a further ol And y t they spent their time work- announce to the people of Russia in He but large expenditure to tho der bis engine. lived, the optic human life. The mil lias been paid and ing and studying shorten time the most public and solemn manner nerve was parallzed. Yet now, after until can a crapk at the kais- Jewett Fire that it no perhaps exc. cded, tit it is now mani- they get contemplates interference comparatively but a few months, he lias not er's line. with the nolitical of Rus- fest that the promise been and imr MORNINQ JOURNAL SPECIAL LRARRO WIRR) sovereignty can read and write the Hraile, which lie Describes the They know what they're fighting Brick. sia, mo intervention in her internal af- cannot made good. Correspondent 3. The crew is the curious set of dots pricked Allies Control Sea Trade1. for and they know tbey'ro going to Eastport, Me., Aug. fairs not even in the local affairs of lumber-lade- n through paper which spells out let- " is not in the of Our New win. And the sooner they can get "in of nine men from the British coal and the limited areas Which her 'The struggle only "Victory Spirit" four-mast- Dornfon-tei- n t J Storage, military ters for sensitive anil like- it" tho sooner the victory will come schooner force may be obliged to and finger tips, field. The allies l.v virtue of their pre- N. all kinds of wood. occupy wise hammer out on a ac- the overseas Soldier No Time Wast- and tho greater will bo their share o were landed at Grand Jlanan, no impairment of her territorial in- typewriter dominance control trado Boys; B., Tho man that curate letters for any person's read- routes of the world and all the world's tho winning. today. reported tegrity either now or hereafter; but That's tho of the second their vessel was sunk by a submarine that what we are to do ns ing. Teaching the use of the type- chief supply grounds of raw materials. ed On the Transport, spirit about has as for Inst night while between Briar island Phone ....251 its single and only the render- writer a future occupation the The Gorman fleet is sealed up in prac- Urand Manan. The crew object soldiers is one of courses ami na- and escaped ing of such aid as shall be acceptable blinded the tical impotence, the empire's In one of tho boats. the develop- ambi- newly-appointe- to the Russian people themselves In which instructors have val effort after twenty years of IXhvin Ihvlitol, LAS VEGAS PARISH St. ton-fine- (Harold The schooner, which left John their endeavor to regain control of ed. tious and costly pp partition Is d of the was Girl to AVrlte Hraile. to the of its Ktiroponn manager yesterday for South Africa, their own affairs, their own territory Teaching sporadic activity asM lias HAS THREE GOLD STARS two shots across tho bow. and their oVn The Having a very particular girl friend Htib'iiarines. Xowspniior Kntorprise iat,on, stopped by destiny. Japanese Ar-ti- nine men tho crew uovernmcnt, it is will is- In New York, ami exchanging corres- "The decisive weapon in war has reaticd liis post in IhkIoii with The comprising understood, IQPECIAL CORftttPONOINCI TO MORNINO JOURNAL) took to their and arrived SALESPEOPLE sue a similar assurance. pondence with her, it grew hist a bit often been found ami is likely to be J. K. Crave. He will send to the yawl safely x Kast N. 3. on Grand Manan three hours later. I"riin-iplo- . to Zimmer- found again in economic pressure. nn-ml- Lag Vegas, M., Aug. Allies Assent In embarrassing .Sergeant Morning .Tournal and other is vessel was set on the to oil When countries wi re asMH-in-tlo- Three members of St. Paul's Memorial Their fire by "These and of man to require attendants read of tho NpuxnMT dur- plans purposes the When his this was made effective by tho defeat Kpiscopal congregation have Germans. It was still burning of the United States have her return letters to him. exclusive) war news dispatches. given up the" forenoon and could he WANTED government was a of their armies, (lie occupation of l their lives in the service of tho United ing plainly been communicated to the govern- embarrassment discovered This is the flint of hem.) seen their ami the consequent pa- H. States and allies. from land. ments of Britain, France and young woman lending auxiliary aid territory London, 10ng Aug. Artist drove her Sunday morning (ireat ralysis of their national' life. Today I to Kit with the of a memorial service will be conducted It was reported that firing was and have tul-vis- to the Red Cross boarded a train, ami and camo rope first Italy (hose governments under the new conditions of tho mod- In honor of these heard to the southward of Grand I j is now in New York, Teaching the America's second million. hoys and of nine i I For Cash the department of state that ern world allied blockade is work- Manan this morning. August assent to them in No girl to write Hraila too. the These eager Yankees, whose arrival others who are in military and naval they principle. How-de- submarine had been at Is a of the extent, ing toward the same paralysis. marks another great step in America's service, by the Rt, Rov. F. B. The lurking i conclusion that the government of tho This fair sample "The arm of allies from the the entrance of the Kay of Fundy, v.. Clearance Sale United has in to which extra-offici- care is go- the In the war, havo one bishop of New Mexico and west States arrived at this the first of war has de- participation which from St. matter is how- The of has long day the been lo common determination: Texas. through shipping important intended, ing. library congress stroy for evil. The John, N. B., arrives in the open sea. ever, us an effort t restrict the ac- been famous for its reading rooms Germany's power To be in the firing line when i;ncle The three young men for whom were defeating and discrediting thoso Sam's bo ser- tions or interfere with the Independ- for the blind, with its extensive pub- first major push begins! gold stars will placed in the St.. N. 3. Bocaiise Apply Monday elements in her government and socie- Tf how you Johns, B., Aug. ent Judgment of the governments with lications in Hraile. Mrs. Ocrtrudo you rcinemher vice flag are Private Raymond Robh, of of a German subma- w ty which have been responsible for bet in school for those final the presence hich we are now associated in the who heads It, lias been an act- "crammed" Lieutenant Stanley Cecil Palce and in of - Kider, outrages on civilization. Unhappily have an accurate rine the Bay Fundy military wnr. i which examinations, you Leonard . ive assistant to the institute, forces still have up- Lieutenant Cunningham authorities today orderod all lights The Golden" Rule Is a these sinister the idea of how these leaders of the sec- ' "It Is also the hone and of is a or its own. There rcich-sta- H as kins. purpose building per hand. The resolution of the g ond million are to get up in out in this city tonight. the of the United "cheer-up- " now 111 working government States book being prepared In July, 17, and the Hp service count. Goods Co. to of the op- front wlwre they'll Dry take advantage earliest which will assist the soldier students to ami in which for a. BONDS SELL READILY to to com- the liberty democracy Not soldier on the big transport portunity send Siberia a to learn as well as to entertain, a short time German statesmen al- LA BAJADA BARRIERS mm i mission of ex the that brought us over wasted time. fr,m merchants, agricultural heads of civilian institutions for lowed themselves to indulge were for- exercises and drills FOR EAST LAS VEGAS " ' BUM labor Red Cross rep- ef- ".Setting up" perts, advisers. blind have been Interested in the gotten at tho first breath of military were more strenuous than were ERECTED, ROAD WIDENED resentatives and agents of tho Y. M. fort. success. they A. to back homo in camps even though bPICIAL CORRKAPONDKNCR VO MORNINO JOURNAL) ('. accustomed organizing the As yet, the institute has no gradu- 'The made with in- peace thev had to be conducted in small Las N. 3. TO MORNINtt hist methods of spreading useful to civil because I'.rest-- East Vegas, M., Aug. .RPCCIAL CORRARPONOr.NCR JOURNAL', U.S. AND JAPAN ALONE ates fitted enter life, Russia at l .itovsk and the treat- siuads for lack of room. There was no A formation and rendering educational not ho discharged of dozen bidders have appeared for Fe 3. The tho soldiers will ment the I'kruine and of Rumania, chance for hikes and romping, and of Santa Aug. protective help of a modest kind, in order in in a. the bond issue $22,500 recently wall the outer of the first TO EXTEND MILITARY until they have become proficient reveal Germany wholly impenitent the men had to keep hard. They did. to around edge some systematic way to relievo the and able to main- and still in full of a of voted pay for the paving of street 'turn on La Bajada hill has brcn com- immediate economic necessities of a new occupation, pursuit policy Questions Numerous. intersections. The bonds draw six AID TO RUSSIAN SIBERIA thp The Idea is not to ti i ritorlal and economic per pleted and has been made safe so that , tain independence. aggrandize- On board were Canadians, British' $23,-N""- people there in every way for which in- cent interest. The bid is ). at keep them off a pension list the ment. The utterances of her press and and Australian officers and highest the accidents of this year that point an opportunity may open. Tho exe- hold of her since the captains The city council has deferred act- will not be repeated. Cmit1tiii(1 from Pnir Orin. cution of this will follow and surance policies they provido spokesmen opening one major who had seen months, plan a month to them from of the offensive in March are perme- some of service. took ion pending investigation. The inner rock walls are also being will not be permitted to embarrass $100 keep years, They Since Kast Las mak- out to widen other turns most unwise to divide or dissipate our want but to keep off the feeling of ated with the same spirit. With thai turns speeches to the Amer-- j Vegas began blasted the Xorces. the military assistance rendered to which making ing improvements in wholesale fash- so as to of room for turn- Czecho-Kl.ivak- leads to disp&ir. and policy, and the spirit animates leans give plenty the uselessness that telling them everything thatj demand bonds Action Is Alniii!ili hobl out for them a definite place in it, we can make no terms. ho useful when the Yankees get ion, the fo,r municipal ing without backing. Other protcctivo "As the of the "It is the hope and expectation of might has been brisk. walls will lie built where needed. government I'nited life in of the that ha IViiliting for Clean l'l'iicc in. They themselves to he.j sees the government of the United States spite handicap I permitted States the present circumstances, forced them. The policy "Tint allies are fighting, as have quizzed about anything, and thei actum is admissible that the governments with which it been upon said In therefore, military is wherever form is the same as all the mutilated before, for a clean peace. the Americans asked plenty of questions! In Russia now only to ri ndT such associated will, necessary fones at their the manhood or possible, lend their active aid in in the nations casualty lists. disposal Attendance was not compulsory, but protection and help as is possible to of America, which has so gallantly the men absent from of these Czecho-Slovnk- s the execution of these military and only any the against the armed helped to build the fort, during tho "schools" were the 'men who; Austrian and (lei-ma- economic plans." daily prisoners who critical hours, supplies a constantly were on guard duty. are attacking them and to steady apy some a nosltion of command. growing and what to become KTATKMENT ISSI UY Czecho-Slova- k promises The Americans' own officers gave! efforts at self government of self de- KI) "The, troops aspiring a factor. The allied Most everybody 1 ex- predominating them little informal fense in which the them- ,TA PA X I :si .( ) V Kit X.M ITXT to secure free and independent talks, principally! bringstheir Russians nations of western Europe owe to the up" on rules and discipline.! he to assist-nno- e. istence for their race- and loyally ' "brushing not selves may willing aerept republic, a double debt of grat-iiin- ii Kodak finishing to us. Why 2 the common cause of the And the soldiers studied military Whether from Vladivostok or l.ondon, Aug. The official espousing . hirst, because of the fullest ex-- ; Murmansk or at Tokio last allies, Justly command every sym- regulations and French, and read You? Hanna & Hanna, Master Archangel, the only evening published the tent of her resources with money, books on fighting methods between present object for which American a declaration annnunein"; lh impend- pathy and consideration from ships, food and men she has ; to whom their destiny is a ranged times. Twice serv- ii troops will he employed will he to ing dispatch of troops Vladivostok, herself by their side. In the cause of It was not at all uncommon to see Photographers. daily stnres which sub- to a received matter of deep and abidine: concern. guard military may according cablegram to which riflit at a supreme crisis in Hie world's a. two to five oft in a ice. '' sequently ho needed hv Russian forces here The declaration follows: "In the presence of danger rti grotiPiif privates Remember, Satisfaction today. stiny. Next, and not least, for the a lit- ma- - Czeelio-Slova- k are corner of the transport, having nhd to render such mil as he, ac- "The actuat- the troops actually whole-hearte- d Japanese government, of tho moral weight of her and tle school of own with rifles. ceptable to the Russians In the or- ed hv sentiments of sincere friendship exposed In Siberia at tho hands unselfish From her thir guaranteed. Austro-llungarlan- the Fresh from Hie states, these men ganization of their own self defense. toward the Russian people, have al- Hermans and she has the in allies have felt themselves position surveyed feel America's "victory spirit." Thev "With such objects viey the ways entertained most sanguine hopes naturally slrng!:le it Its broadest lines. She know now-- unable to view with indifference the that when their second million of the I'nited States is of the speedv of cannot be of having any In- is across with the of order in Russia and of the untoward course of events, and a cer- suspected the third will come, and the governments healthy, terest m secondary or ulterior aims. fourth and1 and as as Franen and (ireat Hrilain in neigh- untrammeled development of her na- tain number of their troops already fifth, many tire to to Her single object is seen to be that needed to whip the Hermans, ft w borhood of Murmansk and tional life. have been ordered proceeded Vladivostok. and perverted Ideals of which And they're determined to lPO "in! IWgel. The Volte'. Stales and Japan "Abundant proof, however, is jk y Gcii i of tho United in policy and teaching on" as much of that whipping as thev are the only powers which are .just afforded that the central Ktiropean "The government had become tho and ' now In de- euuallv sensible of the gravity potent aggres- can. a position to act in Siberia in empires, taking advantage of the States, sive vehicles should he rooted ufficient force to accomplish even fenseless and chaotic condition in of the situation, recently approached which, Only tho Sea. with pro- out of the world. Above all. she has Tho hard work these bovs did nneh modest objects as those that which Russia has momentarily been tho Japanese government into fore- have been outlined. The for the despatch of emphasized and brought the eclipsed their interest in tho and government placed, are consolidating their hold posals early ground the one method for tho full (rip 18 1- of sea. to Of ex- to weigh- their tear the I'ndei 2- relieve stand of the United States has therefore on that country and are steadily troops the pressure not Czecho-Slova- attainment of the allied purpose. Boys proposed to the government, of their activities to Russia's ing upon tho k forces. submarines sea! They had a fine con- Japan tending anx- "I lie great mass of thoushtful opin- for tho that each of the two governments eastern possessions. They have per- The Japan tse government, being ion tempt peril. Hut they send force a ious to fall in with the desire of the in jirope America Is now con- were afraid of tho ocean. a of few thousand meji sistently interfered with the passage vinced we have frankly Your Duty to Your Country Czccho-Hlovu- k Si- decided to that shall fought In That fear Isn't confined to to A'ladivostok, with the purpose of of troops through American government, has vain we Ameri- as a force In now at once to make disposition unless before lay down our can soldiers. When J mentioned it to single the beria. In the forces opposing proceed arms we have achieved at least Is to for Most Efficient Service occupation of Vladivostok and In these valliant troops German and of suitable forces for the proposed the Maj. Ian Hay Reith, of the of Prepare of beginning of a great Internationa! he ministry i HRfeRuardlnK, so far as :t inav. Austro-- I lungarlnn, prisoners are free- mission, and a certain number information, said he had seen the! to sent forthwith to partnership to be built upon the lines bravest of men fcel-- When Your Calls . the rear of the westward ly enlisted, and thvy practically tie- - these troops will he of suffer tho same l Country Vladivostok. a practical policy for establishing ing when crossing. IT "In this course, the Jap and enforcing the world-wid- e reign Said one American-- adopting ... of Justice wars to anese government reiimmw unoon.. and for making "Every time this ship rolls over to the By authorizing and equipping the department en- case to end of the earth." - its desire to promote relations of tho side I'm plumb shore she ain't coming of training, at- during friendship and it reaffirms Its back." military avowed policy of respecting the terri-- j It was the first time most of the of ah-- , men NEW MEXICO STATE SCHOOL OF MINES torlal Integrity of Russia, and AIRPLANE had been on a body of water big- staining from nil interference in all ACCIDENTS ger than a mill pond. And half of her internal politics. It further de- -' tnetn had never seen an ocean. clares that upon the realization of the AT TRAINING GAMPS Tho day before we landed two sol-- i The objects above indicated, it Will imnie. rilers were discussinir tho ventilation! University ' " MINING ditaelv withdraw all Japanese troops funnels. ( fir ENGINEERING 'Russian will leave "I from territory and m guess this boat's not using all her of MONNO JOURNAL PftCIAL LAAKO WIHCI said one. "I a METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING wholly tinlmpaircl tho sovereignty n 3. power,'' haven't seen irt. in wncmer po- Diego, Calif., Auk. Lieut, puff o' smoke of lit- Russia all its phases, in- out any of these Mexico ('lenient R. a New J'omino. flying tle of GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING litical or military. funnels yet." structor at the army aviation camp at "Aw, them stacks are fur- Rockwell near here, died for the CIVIL ENGINEERING STATE field, today naces that heat the boat In winter," made it possible for you to WILL SELLLAND as the result of Injuries received yes- corrected 'tho other. the government has y terday when la In which he and not for most efficient Military instruction fall of 1918. IN LOS LUNAS TUESDAY plane Lifeboat drills wore held every day. prepare yourself only another officer were flying fell about The first out a was to with by th United States Government. ISO feet in a nose dive. His com- day captain 'saun- military service, but provide yourself Si' Recognized tering about to make sure all hi nmn EDUCATION which A of IBT MOHNIN4 JOURNAL aPVOlAf. ISAMO WINII panion was unhurt. Lieutenant knew the the COLLEGE every call faculty technical graduates of recognized prac- numbers of the lifeboats to N Santa. S. On 6 was in Pasadena, Calif. as the most tical ability. t Ke, Aug. August which th.ry had been assigned. The for men has emphasized important State Liand Commissioner R. I'. Er captain went up to a private and for special service. Good laboratory equipment, including new flotation vlen will sell at the TjOB Lunas court MRS. WRIGHT MATRON , asked: qualification and mill units.' house to the highest bidder alternate They're Out to Win. sections of smte lands upon which OF INSANE HOSPITAL "What boat are you on?" 1 8 2 1 An enormous demand for and tim- Between the Ages of and graduates undergrad- there are several million feet of It happened this private had not Boys ber. The minimum Is an acre. . uates of Mining Schools. 'price $p ric-Ai- been to a lifebout. so re- IS V eoiKiaponomrtcr to moknino journal) assigned he have an exceptional opportunity at the State ,The New Mexico School of Mines offers a sound busi- Kast Las Vegas, N. M Aug. 8. plied: Vlcp IJmlts Extended. Mrs. "The , sir" name Get full information at once. ness to Mexico 8. Anna IX. Wright has assumed the giving the University. opportunity New boys. Washington, Auk. The prohi- duties of New Mexico of the ship. bition vice In of matron at the Address against the vicinity hospital for the insane, the But if these boys who make up the Low cost) Write for camps, stations, posts and taking of to. good dormitory. catalogue. military place of Mrs. Emma Wallenclak, who vanguard the second million were DAVID R. BOYD, President, cantonments and all districts tinder recently to return to her home not at home at sea, they were quickly naval will hereaf- resigned ' of New A. Jurisdiction apply In Kansas City...... put "on their feet" by .the reception University Mexico, V X'lLLINSKI, President ter to all within a radius of Mrs. them the M. territory Wright was matron of the Insti- given by people mostly Albuquerque, N. , "i V , SOCORRO, Sim JHEXICO. ten' miles from army carnps, and nav- tution for several years during the su- women on this side. al tls(HcM, under orders) issued today perintend- ncy of Dr. William Porter Obviously, little can be said about &n4 . iy. Sesrstorlta Baker Pa&ieia, . -- . liiat reetisat .Eut.U waa 8a V 4 w Albuquerque Morning 'Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918 s THREE BAKER NAMES 18 FLIPS FROM THE F1LLUMS 10 45 AS LIMITS iT "Fifteen years ago I ran a locomotive NEW DRAFT AGES 9 t V - ASA'; vv Ata I that was built before I was born."

V. 1 - Secretary of War Completes --- G. W. IJHYAN, Inventor of the Hryan Steam Trador. New Man Power Program and Will Lay Matter Before And That Engine is Still in Service, Congress Next Monday, Doing Its Bit Each Day Y HOKNINl JOUKN.L aPICIAU LI"D IH1 Washington, Auk. 3. Draft ages o! Y? ' I iras-drive- from 18 to 45 years will be recom- it i' :tV1?i:,J Show mo a n machine that has stood the racket for even the short of fifteen Trains Kill embody-in- g period years. mended to congress In th? must btj the war departments new man- mi time, a few minutes may upset an entire system. That is the reason that steam is the only power which will be intro- power program, used by the railroads for know that when start a train out a steam-drive- n it duced in both houses of congress they they pulled by engine that Mondav and expedited by committees will bo pulled in on time. with a" view to prompt consideration when regular sessions of the senate ii t and house are resunud hue this yi4 month. f It is the Only Dependable Power It is the Only Power Secretary Haker said ull the possi- ble combinations of age limits were carefully studied and it was found that in order to get the men into That Does Not Cause Such Vibration as to Jar class one for the program proposed, IS to 45 was necessary. He said the bill, as recommended to congress, will the Into Iron contain a provision authorizing the Machinery Scrap president to call mi n out of class one by classes according to agis, so that The company that can to the farmer the of steam has the most future of if it is found possible the men be- give dependable power promising tween IS and 19 will be called out any manufacturing company. later than the older men who are GEORGE, found eligible to class one. DIREtTIOhL. WILLIAM FO i . The war department program, the secretary said, is purely a military one And This is the Possibility of a New Mexico Manufac- and cannot be called a conscription of AT TIIR TIIEATKHS TODAY. Ing picture funs will bo pleased and labor, although it will have the effect "U" Theater The Artcraft Pictures fascinated in Monroe Salisbury's neM or in tin Cecil U. Mille's of putting at useful labor corporatlo presents Ie Ulueblnl, "The Fugle," which will be Inventor of able-bodie- Steam d within "Old Wives a, army all men the production, fur New," seen turing Company, theBryan five-re- el at the Lyric theater age limits. feature; also "Weekly Kvents today only, IXirmcr Rules to Govern. See the World." is that back of this thrilling western In recommending this extension of Crystal Opera House "The lSraud-e- d drama rests a threat idea. "The F.ajfle" Tractor, Truck and Automobile the age limits, Mr. Baker said, the Man," two-reel- "A IIito for a presents one of the oldest and most had it in mind simply to two-re- el ti department Minute," comedy; serious problems i ont'i onling indiv- get for the army the number of men "Screen Magazine ''"ropical." The neoil for either one of these machines is so be sold as it - that the will fast as can be which it believed necessary to defeat 'I'licntci- Monroe Sulisbiirv iduals and nations. If the world iv great output placed Ujric to on the Hermans'. The secretary was not pre- starring in "The Kagle;" also u Lyons ever realize the socialization of market. We propose to first manufacture the tractor. First: Because of the scarcity of man-powe- r, pared to say how many that would & Moran comedy, entitled "A iMivk man (and drama worthy of the mime and estimate us to Second: Were conditions normal the demand for a tractor that is one that will over take, nor to give any Out of Water." can have no other society dependable, go of males In tween the theme), all the proportion Pastime Thriller William Fox pre- must be ruled laws of to kinds and conditions of ground and stand up under the strain. alone will sell the trac- 18 and 4 5, inclusive, which by equity Simplicity Bryan ages of sents the great Georgo Walsh as the which all of its1 must would be found eligible. In making members tor to the farmer. star in "The Kid Is Clever;" followed .Mr. Salisbury, as "The Kasle", up the list and classes the same rules Parsons In a two-re- hail by smiling liilly confronts a situation where the law You have an would be followed thft governed comedy, entitled "Minis of a opportunity to be one of the many who will draw big dividends from this con- in the first draft, with tin. exceptions offers no redress yet men the strong manufacturing l it; hi cern. Tho stock is from the first call of married men iiian that be is, and as he is, can now selling for $12.50 per share, but will not remain at this price long. History, proves and those in not rise above the law and fail to pay with dependents engaged AT T1IF that investments in power-drive- n is safest most hun- essential industries. He said so far the price of its violation. Neverthe- machinery the and profitable of all investments. A few The old of divorce, the about 1,600,000 had been taken from "problem less, the story moves consistently dred dollars may make you wealthy. We know that the patents of Mr. Bryan's alone are worth hundreds of class on?. troubles of men who are forced away through a maze of heroic incidents to n thousands of even There has been considerable oppo-eitio- from their homes by wives gone to a logical and happy conclusion. dollars, though he should not make a machine. in congress to lowering the seed, to seek the love of other wo- This will be followed by a Lyons minimum age, many members being men these are a few of the great A- Moran comedy, entitled "A Duck reluctant to draft youths until they at- social questions which arc interesting- Out of Water." tained their majority and came Into ly handled in "Old Wives for New." full citizenship. which is to be presented at the H' at Tin: pastimi:. THE BRYAN HARVESTER COMPANY ot Senator Chamberlain, chairman theater today and tomorrow. "Smiling George" Walsh begins two the senate military committee, said Aside from the problems outlined days of romping across the screen of Wright Building Albuquerque, N. M. that he expected opposition on that above, the story graphically reveals the Pastime theater today. George score, but expressed the opinion that the efforts of a woman wdio is natur- comes here in bis newest William not be unusual in "The a there would delay ally slothful to retain her husband Fox vehicle, Kid Is Clever," passing thei bill. for sake of opinion, the story which has a thrill and a laugh members of believe the popular Some congress conflicting emotions that arise when in every foot of film. man-pow- bill will he tuken the up a man is confronted by what thn The athletic star takes the role of immediately after congress resumes and what his Kirk White, a young American who of before the revenue world calls duty heart and disposed tells him Is living a lie these am can't find enough excitement In life. legislation. some of the elements in this remark- - His father sends him aboard' a ship luxuries to be taxed able with a motion picture company which picture. to the In DISPLAYING OUR BOYS The story is epochal, but it is at the guarantees provide proper new revenue bill same time world-ol- Society and its amount of spice. Kirk overhears. When to on j IN ADMISSION foibles, the more intimate side of things begin happen RY MONNINO .OUftNAL (RACIAL LtAAED WIRC CAGES; cinema com- - . marital life, the probing, of hearts-- all that ship, he thinks the Washington, Aug. :i. A ten is to Hut per CHARGEDTO SEE THEM is contained in this remarkable pany blame. thev the cent tax on retail sales of a wide va- - ! v- - motion drama. Many screen steamer and a ban of Mexican rt of classified picture the cause of the trou- riety commonly luxuries, of prominence interpret the oliitionists are from jewelry to merchaum and Oscar I. Lewis, foreman of the Al- players ble. pipes, con- various roles. from smoking packets to silk hosiery, bright & Anderson Job printing the above thrrf" tif course there's a trirl In the plot, is of a most interest- In connection with will tie recommended to the full house cern, in receipt n and she is in love with Kirk. brother-in-la- will be shown reel of "Weekly ways ar.d means committee ing letter from his Resides the above there will also Monday How Much Will Fred H. in the ord- Kvents See the World." as the result of today's deliberations Longer Keller, captain bvn-- nance United States be shown a i comedy, "liirds of the department. of n with Parsons as army, base section No. 4, France. The AT IMF. T.YHIC. Feather," Hilly A general revision of the bill will letter was written on .Inly 4, and was One of the many reasons why mov. the stqr. begin Monday to determine where In. received by Mr. Lewis a few days ago. (reuses may be made to make up the On the "Glorious Fourth" the writer present deficiency of a billion and sa ys: A. L SCHEDULE TO BE trombone tweet, f'orenson more In the estimated revenue from "This is our day, July 4th, and the "Kveniii;; Tln"Kll.V sc rr'iinde, excess profits. French and llritlsh are joining heart- CONTINUED TO SEPT. (Rockwell). The today, In Its ily in the celebration. It is inspirng "Mr. Ulnelumin," a jazz Cakewalk, search for taxable luxuries, consider- to walk the streets and see ( through HORNINO JOURNAL tPB'.IAL LffACCO WIRI I'ryor). ed all forms of jewelry, silk under- the allied flags intermingled, and to (f "Old-tim- e Melodies." .. Amer- wear, curios and antiqued, liveries, art mind one of the most Cleveland, i my significant Aug. ".The Finale. ladles hab-- ! of our of ideals and ican baseball schedule will be hunting garments, driving symbols unity league license tax on academies, purposes Is expressed in the flags of out until September without its, riding played Huns Wear I'lnl, IMjamas. i cut and like articles. While the the three principal allies, namely: any and a world's sc- glass readjustment, .1. In a recent Lilian action is not final, a ten cent tax The presence in all of them of the ries September :', or 4, London, Ann. per staged starling to re- on all of these were red, the white and the blue." it was decided at today's special meet- advance in Albania, according practically agreed on the of "Oerman Kultur" club ports revived here a derma n general upon. subject ing of American league owners, In its and the German way of attempting to club was am! several other Herman officers The committee Investigation Cap- Every represented. were made dressed in of taxable luxuries is humiliate the American soldier, Kurly Indications Were that the prisoners pink today expected tain Keller says: so completely w'ere they to have considered price of hotel re- American league owners would vote pajamas, "Only today, a French paper to close the season between rooms and meals. ports the fact that the Huns are dis- August our whom have 17 and 20. Hut the attitude of Barney Allow the Hun .to playing boys, they of Terrorize taken prisoners, in cages, and charg- DreyfUss, president the Pittsburgh to see American National league club and representa- Generals to Lead Into Siberia ing admission the Na- Japanese prisoners. Can you conceive of it? tive of the National league in the Those of us who are over here are tional commission, changed this as- soon while clothed with au- mii in hoping the folks at home will pect. Dreyfuss, IN """i."ir." the World? awaken to n realization of what we thority to act for the league, had iron yirr are fighting." clad Instructions that his league would not be a party to an earlier closing than September 2. He was also How much longer are willing to the arro- STATE ADVISORY instructed tsmako arrangement for you permit to before that bestial brute of BOARD OF U. S. E. S a world's series begin gant Berlin and the bloodthirsty Huns date. i to NAMED FOR N. M. The national commission held brief continue their work of sinking hospital ships and sessions previous to and after the unarmed league meeting. At the conclusion of merchantmen and trying to fasten the yoke The state organization committee the second meeting, a statement ad- of f tho Fnited States employment dressed to major league patrons, play- Prussianism on the entire world? service met yesterday afternoon to ers and owners, was given which in choose members of the state udvlsory Is part follows: board, which being created ns a "While the government ruling be- sort of appellate court in the handling effective 1. it is of decisions labor comes September affecting both and assumed that as September 2 is a na- management during the period of the there will war In labor communities tional holiday (Labor day) throughout be no objection to the playing of the J New Mexico. Y0 Can S The state committee final games that day. organization "While there was no reference dur- top composed of O. A. Macpherson. Chair- or man H. B. Karr, representing the ing the conference at Washington Mr. A. Kaseman in Secretary Haker's ruling to the workers, and George commission the employers, the latter placing be- 191S world's series, the By joining the United States army.. YOU means fore tho committee for consideration having In mind the government's pol- Chino-Copp- er who the name of .1. M. Sully of the icy of not hampering professional every man can assist in any manner, either in the company, Hurley, N. M., and baseball as announced by Secretary of line T. H. O'Brien of the Stag Canyon Coal War Baker will arrange as usual for front trenches, in some less hazardous position if company, Dawson, N. M., which were a worlds series, to commence on Sep- approved by the labor side of the. tri- tember 3. you are not able to shoulder a gun, or in some one bf angle. " "The continuance of only two tear"i a multitude of H. B. Karr placed in nomination beyond September 2 will be required, positions in the United States where the names of H. B. Karr, president, it is practically certain that not more war work is SfaW Federation of Labor, Albuquer- than six games will be required and a'f. being carried on. que, .and William Clarkson, of Gallup, most eight or ten days. a miner, employed by the MuUral Light and Power company. These' were sanctioned by all mem-M6T- BAND CONCERT PROGRAM of the committee. TheJU.jS. ArmyJIsJOperi ANNOUNCED FOR TONlGHXi forQ ARCHANGEl REVOLTS The following program will be given All Branches ; AGAINST pnlistment!in . B0LSHEVIKI at the free municipal band concert In Robinson park tonight: Bugle Calls. IftV tfnMN JOURNAL KCIL LIAD WrMl March "Fort Call at Room 21, Grant Building, Kandalaska, Russian Lapland, Aug. Popham," (Hall). Albuquerque. S Associated Revolu- "Canton Warren," (O. II. Farrar). (by the Press). Selections from opera "La Trovlata," tion against the bolshevikl and In fav- (Verdi), or of the allies has occurred at Arch- chorus and OENERik.AaYAM t"hd soviet have fled Liberty community sing- angel. troops ing: La Marseil- OBNERAU-OTAK- from (a) America; (b) Jf the city. laise; (c) (Over There; d) Star Span- After the revolution had been gled Banner. Oeneral Aklyafna, who commanded the army of the north ot the grand Drought about, an allied detachment "Loin, du Boll," (Oillet). manoeuvers In Japan, will' probably be one of the commanders of the Japa- was landed at Archangel, occupying "Some Day They're Coming Home," nese expeditionary force Into Siberia, and Oeneral Otanl, who commanded the railway station, and the telegraph one-ste- p, first time(Hilbert), the army of the sduth In the manoeuvers, will probably share the command with Insignificant resistance. Bea-r,- pffice "The Preacher and the. a with him. ' ...... ,' .' ..;,. . FOUR AIKuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918

WASHINGTON WINS Heads in Peaceful Pose IT out of 100 men 25 Baseball IS true that average healthy years old, when FROM TIGERS 10 they reach the age of (5, 1 will he rich USE4 PITCHERS 4 will he well-to-d- o i j 6 will he earning own living tj 54 will he relatives or None of 'Detroit's Mound Ar dependent upon charity. If it to show tists Effective Against Hard j so, goes that very few can make money. Is there any

Hitting Senators; Score ls well-to-d- reason why everyone cannot hecome at least o hy saving? One-sid- ed Affair, 10 to 1, Moral: Take out a Certificate of Deposit at the First Xational Bank V MORNINtt JOURNAL BSICIAL LEASED WIRE) 4 Detroit, Mich., Aug. :i. Washing- which will pay you per cent to keep up this good hahit. ton won again from Petrult today. I'olroil used four pitchers hut none were effective. Score: Washington. A B. It. H. PO A. K. Shotton, If 1 o n Foster, 3b . :i ii 4 o! Judge, Hi . n 2 (J .Milan, cf . . 0 0 AlfoNAL Sch u Me. rf 1 II Shanks, 2 b ? II l.avan, f.i I ! tfiAMK Albuqueroue.NM Aliisrnith, c (I 0 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY-CAPITA- L AND SURPLUS Shaw, p II 0 $600,000.00

Totals 0 1(1 14 iu lictrult. AH R. II. I'D'. A. K. Hush, 6S 4 0 0 2 l A Bilious Attack. ' 1 .Aenie Mash I It. Jones, :tb :i L'j When have a bilious u . . ; - , - you attack Hoyal Ihilancod Cobb, cf i) Hr;; , , Vcaw- , ; p '? fails to its func- luilhni. n ; 4 ,,f J AMERICAN TROOPS your liver perform Oyster ( Veach, If l ii You Shell, ruslicil tions. become constipated. The Charcoal, lien size. Kavanagh, lb 10 ii 0 food you eat ferments In your stom- .1 u u Grit, Granite. Harper, rf ach Instead of dltesling. This in- 1 :i Ground Uuiie. Coffey, 1'b 1 flames the stomach and causes nau- Ibt-- 1 n Scraps. Young, lib ii ENTER SOUTHERN sea, vomiting and a terrible head- Mcef Meal. 4 1 n ache. of 1 Stanuge, c &AHDMO.JSt JOM t. BRUCE. CLARK CKirPITH, BS MINOR, JOIN HEYOtW Take three 'hamberlain's 4 lit Alfalfa 0 3 r gH Tablets. will lone New Crop. Poland, p blATW jaiUSON.'AUCiUST-HElfAN- JCMM They lip your liver, tVirn tJrit 0 (I o Ground titni slfleil C. Jones, i . . a. clean out your stomach ami you will Coi n II ii h .1. lircsiili-an- a H. S. as well as ever. Chop. P.lley, p yhlisoii. of lb Washins:! present brief to Wa.'diingloii Ainene an: Minor, soon be They only I lax ' Seed Meal. 1 1 ii .1 ( li ncral i r v'tler their reasons' Hie V. ,e h Anteri- cost a Hull, p Aiiifi'iciin h'UKUC Tener Kiing president of ntoii PART OF FISHES quarter. Groiiml )i ( 0 o (I Why ha: eh;, should be com iinieil John or ihe New York ake. Grlgg presiiU'hi of the N' league, have Jlcjdl'T Nest I !ggs, V 0 (I o til II II. I' the season. A ccordiiu: ( I la :hi seated: Ban Ixiiu, (,. Glass. xx lit l"tr been in nls. Lett to i: Journal Want Ads bring results Mil II o o oirtc lime j'Jisl. fiiKiigcd s. nl nion,, lion,, ( xxxCunniiigham, (o lie iin rder. he leagues will Johnson, presjdei of lie American lm., a hpiriti'd controviTsy over Hie plm- -i l,e allowed I., mo on wil h owner of I'licno Chloro Vcrinin Killer. regular league; August 'no, inn, stvH of :i biiseball Scot! I. I, next. "I and K. LRAtD WIRI) 'I'lio lurgest k or Totals 4 ing .player, IVrry. games Sep Ihe Ciiieinnali Is," John l.V MORNINS JOURNAL r.o?A- - I.l:GAL i poultrv supplies in a "KelliiiK1 to xont in the mini Invest x for in sixth They arc shown here Lcll liuhi standing: John K. Teller. pl'esiilenl of llie National Armv on the Batted Coffey Ii With the American i :. . 1 1 nci when they in; l.rm e, Clark li'lilli, of the ) NOTH'K. .k. xx Hatted for C. Jones In sivl.h. together" appeared 'Manager league. Aisne-Marn- e 3 (10 p. m Front, Aug. bast Will ami Malm-nt f xxx Batted for Hall in ninth. - Hurry Cancia, by the Associated Press. American Ji ia i!. InniliRs: iis, Score by the of T.. Mrs. V..U11. Mi'- - Journal wants oio 140 i:m in STANDING OF TER- troops entered southern part Murxnret nf ilallilp, bring results. Washington THE TEAMS LIGGETT DEALING of New Mexico 001 000 000 1 Flsmes today, while other forces Kniliy I'eunty, liptroit GIANTS DIVIDE banks of You ar,- iiuliflnl lino ihf' ulleRt-i- l Two-bas- e RIFIC GROUND the allies held the southern Summary: hits Harper, n i. BLOWS; I.asl Wilt anil Testament of Hairy O.nnera, Three-bas- e vritfx i, i;. Sine Vesle from Sois- Milan. hits Shanks, Shot, the and rivers deceased, lata nf Ilia Count V nf THE WM. FARft COMPANY W. L. l'ct. STREWN WITH THE DEAD sons to Fismes. Ucrnullllii ton. Stolen bases StanaRe, G and Still,, ,,( New Melee, wa:l ni.aluceil ami Harper, 'llieai'.o 33 . (i 5 a Wholesale Sacrifice Kastward it Is almost straight read in the 1'reliale 01' itu- of ami Reran Dealers In Cobb, Judice, Cunningham. Now York 4 a .r,r,u Court I'ouniy Dou E- - line through Courville, Bransconrt, Hl'l llallll... Slate of .New Mexico, on ho FRKSII AND SALT MKAT8 hits Coffey. Foster, Hnd Judge. ou HE l'ltlsburuh in 44 'Continued from Pure One.) 2l)lh. ' Courcelles and Champigny. day of .Inly. IMS, and the of the Sausage a ble pUys Hall and K. Jones. Hase r,i .r,n:, day prov- Specially 1. The advance of the whole army ing of said aliened Lust Will and Testament For Cattle Boland 3; . . r. and on balls lmw 3; Bailey Krooklvn .472 faoith of Soissons ami south- - 11 forty-fiv- e Hogs the Rutin C. ' further was along front of almost wis lhereup.,11 fixed for Ihe LMth , out Uoland 'I: Khaw 4; .4:1 r.i .4.",1 Saliirday. Market Prices Are Paid Struck I'hlladelphia east around I ieiu:neiivf, bent back the miles. (lay ef A. 1). liiltt, al la o'clock ill 1. Uoland 5; . . . Jones InnihK pitched Mosloli .4:11 To the exten- I tie I'ma neon line at some-Th- e the east of Soissons. of sail! day, 3. I. . . . 21'. enemy's this point for C. Jones 1; Bailey 0; Hall WITHCHICAGO St. oil is .4:! .4 sion of the line northward the ftiven under hand Seal of like two miles. result ol along my and tho :nls thing Aisne us well as the extension of the Court, this 20th., day of July, A. D. PUS. 1. AMi:iuc 1:. those blows on th. flanks forced a il in SKA I,. Cleveland, 5; Boston, i:a;i general line, makes probable, NKSTort MONTOYA, DUKE CITY W. L. Cleveland. Aug. 3. Cleveland Bet. along llie entire (iermarv the opinion of military experts, that County Clerk. Boston till 41 con- took the second game of the series front on 2. the Clermans will hesitate before Cleaners-Hatte- rs Cleveland a7 4 3 .57C. August from Boston. Doubles hy Chapman, New York Takes First While centrating for a stand along the pla- MOTK'B FOR UMCATION. a4 44 ..'if. I "On the west flank the enemy had rt and Wood and two infield Washington teau to the east between the Aisne Department of trie m;t-r,u- U. s. band Of- Speaker New York 4 K 47 .no; to retire across the and 120 West Gold. errors in the fifth Inning scored four! Cubs Annex Second ('rise river and the Vesle, as the branch railroad fice at Santa Fo, N. M., 3, 1918. Phone 414. Contest; 411 ro July runs. Score: 'Chicago .474 the French walked into Soissons. In from Sermolse to the north now is .Notice Is Hereby given that Patroolnl.i Louis 43 .4 4 S Boston. Casey Wins His Seventh jSl. Ihe center during ihe day of August dominated hy the allied guns. Marquei!, of Hurquez, N. M., who. on Sept. 1 1 A. K. 'Detroit 43 .4311 The ad- 24, 11. AH. R. 2 the broad field covered by the l'.tl2, made 'mislead entry No. 01,260, reil it the classified !'. II 3tl retirement covered an average NE1-4- , through 4 (I I) 0 .383 vance for Section fi, . . Game of Season, Philadelphia today includes at least fifty Township Range Hooper, rf Straight of Re-4iilf.- 4 (i n 4 1 0 distance from three to four miles small towns N. M. P. has filed columns H Chean, 2I. . . and villages. Merlilian, notice of of The Journal. 1 2 n 0 on a front of Intention to make five vear Homestead Rtrunk, rf . . . thirty miles. .40 2; Comstnek 2; Ceorge 4. Innings Pinal i'roof. to establish claim to the ar mi irk untl Ruth, If tSV HOHHINQ JOURNAV IPfcClMv iCASEO ttMN 3 "On the east flanks on the heights lanj cprtain. .400200:11 o 1 0 1 pitched By Sanders '4; Slapntlcka above described, before William C. Ken- Mrlnnis, lb., 3. New York and 2 3. west of our IT. .33 .1 0 New York, Aug. Comstoek Hit by Kheiins, advance was nedy, s. Commissioner, ac N. us . 0 0 0 double-heade- pitcher Sebnyeta, Bcott, broke even in a on n Tour-mil- o n M., on 3. IH18. 1 2 3 2 0 Chicago By (leorge (Comstoek.) Struck out finally front for dis- Cross of Leaion Sept, . Cochran, 3b. .3 The limits look th- - first when Sanders fl. . . . Cluimant names an witnesses: . .1 0 0 4 2 0 I; (leorge tance of about one mile. won his seventh game. He.ves Marquez, off Marque?:, N. M. ; An- LUMBER 3 1 0 0 2 1 Causey straight "Our line last or Honor Awarded Jones, p ran of M. ; Score, first game: SI. Louis 1(1-- I'lillinli'liilil.i I ". I evening nearly tonio Jaramlllo, Bldo, N. Marqarlti Paiutfc, Oils, Glass, Malthold Rooflnf AN K, II. I'll. A. i:. .. , parallel to the valley of the rombinnd Itomero. of San Mateo, N. M ; Pennllll and 30 1 3 24 13 i.ii..d..ii,i., ,., U( to Gen. llullillng I'aper. Total bit Vesle and Ardre rivers dis- Salazar, nf Hlbo. N. M. ilo. made j( - and the Pershnig Cleveland. 1 four out of five from I'ltila- FH A. . 4 0 tance NCI SCO PEI.OABO. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER 1 iFlack. rf from where we are to their po- J. AB. R. H. A. ' ilelpbia by winning both games of a KnKlster ss 3 sition, which Is a more or less nat-nr- 1BV MONNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LKASCD WIRE . . 3 Hollocher, double Graney, If. 4 leader. defensive Is lit- - COMPANY II Mann. If positions,. only a Paris, Aug. 3. Gen. John J. Persh- NOTICI! row Chapman, ss. (. Kirsl game: ATION. 3 . 3 lie more than six. miles, commander-in-chie- f of the Amer- . . I'askert, rf 10. ing, of ihe Tl. S. l.atul Of- Speaker, cf 4 Score: U. II. Department InteiTor, I Merkle, lb Lnoiiiy Bellreiiicnt, Sixteen Milos. ican forces in Fe. ,N. M., 1 a ! K. . . . expeditionary Fiance, fice at Santa July is. Hoth. rf 3 St. Louis 010 441 10 17 0 "The 4 Deal, 3b . . (). perimeter of this gradually was today awarded the grand cross of Notice is Kiven that Estevall O. AVood. 2b Philadelphia. .uOH Otto 4 111 4 hereby 14 Zelder, 2b , 1112 diminishing sillent has now come the Legion of Honor by the French Chaves, of Sebnyeta. M. M., who. on Ort. 4. Johnston, lb. 0; Batteries: anil Gonzales; Mown to forty-rig- .No. . . II Killifer, c l'aekard, miles on August government. lit 12, made Homestead. 017.110. for Turner, 3b I r, 2. It . n teschgt l''ortunc, Preudergast and from seventy-fou- r miles at Premier Clemeneeau sent the fol- Section 28. O'Neill, e Douglas, )i the Township HELP '. 0 x . . Adams. start. The of the re- to General tl.N. Itaime JVV. .N. M. V. Me'.dlan. has filed . . . . 3 0 Barker, depth enemy's lowing telegram Pershing: Bagby, p Hi tirement is ( 'arter, p . Second game: now sixteen miles! "I take great pleasure in informing notice of intention to make five year Proof, M. to establish claim to the land above le- - Totals .32 6 1 1 27 13 1 l'ick, xx o Score: I. II. During this advance, beginning you, my dear general, that tho gov- 1 Com- Boston 00 010 0011 MeCabe, xx 0' Kt. Louis .10 000 1207 7 with the counter offensive, we have ernment of Ihe Fr ich republic has perilled, before W'm. C, Kennedy. C. S. f, I 3 2 hud decided to missioner, at Sebnyeta. N. M., on the Sept. Cleveland OHO 110 OOx d'Karrell, . 0 0 Philadidpbi.i ..000 100 000 ight I'nitcd States divisions now confer upon you the dig- : of Ihe cross of 3, PUS. Two-bas- e hits -- Slrunk, L'atterle.-i- Ames and (loiiznles; engage. First, Second, Third, nity grand Ihe Legion UNCLE Summary: III, Twenty-sixth- , of cltilmart names r ''".esBes . 14 12 0 Pout Twenty-eight- Honor. The government desires to (2). Wood. Totals Hogg and Adams. N. M : Bagby, Chapman, Speaker h'liiitv-- Forl-secon- V. '. HarrinKton. of Correo. Patricio f cond und d. recognize by this distinction the emi- Stolen base Cochran. Sacrifice hits Vch York We N. M. : t tlar-Cla- . have In nent that have Oon7alcs, of Eteboyetn. Sainut on A B. IL H. P 1. A. 10-- 1 ated the qualities you displayed Agnew. Speaker, flraney. Base Cincinnati Brooklyn definitely troops of Sehoyela. N. M. ; Llloulcbi Marques, 1. . 2 0 Inch were and the remarkable services rendered balls Off 1; Struck Burns, If Cincin-sph- engaged against the M. Jones, Bagby, Brooklyn, N. Y. Aug. 3. t Fourth by you in so and of Sehoyela, N, out By Jones, 1. Young, rf 11 1 l 0 Prussian guards. Thev were organizing promptly FRANCISCO BF.I.CApr), SAM nati and a doublo I'ortv-secon- d American in ss II 0 Brooklyn ,lhe division, the Huln- - efficiently the forces Fletcher, heade'', Cincinnati winning the first how France. Heglster. . 2b . l I division. Chicago Philadelphia:!-!- Doyle, I and Proof 11 taking the second. "The oha'ctive of oili forces is still 'France shall never forget hat it Chicago, Aug. 3. Chicago and Zimjiiermnn, First the was at a moment when the double-heade- r. I game: eiieiuv's armv. anil the success struggle By Getting broke even In a Complon, If Fi. ,f Philadelphia Score: IL II the advance confi-denii- was most bitter that your spiem id the first 1 1, I is indicated by the Albuquerque Foundry Chicago winning Kirke, . 030 400 10 14 troops came to add their efforts to Phlladel-ohl- a Cincinnati .003 cablegram, which I nm going hits and McCarty, 1 7 I ours. This cross r.vinbol game by bunching Brooklyn . 000 000 to read tn shall be the and Machine Works a p . . it ..loo you: taking the second, pitching 'ausey, its: and " An officer of General of our gratitude." MaclilnJriM a good I'attet Schnider Wlngo; Muir's Engineers Founders duel. Chinn, a recruit, pitched (Twenty-eighth- ) to- Tota Ls I v 13 Maniuard, Smith and M. Wheat. division Just return- Castings In Iron, Brass, Bonze, Alu game in the second but weakened ed Oil x Batted for Done s in Second game: from reports ONE KILLED, ONE HURT, mlnum. Electric Motors, Englnaa ward the end. Scores: eiilh. rc. that it 1LH.F..I xx Batted for in Score: rt. H. dues not seem possible for an Pumps and Irrigation. Score First game: bo ninth. 1 . 4 army to have AS AUTO TURNS TURTLE Works ami Office Almianemne 000 3 K 3 xxx Batted for .en or Cineinnal ..010 000 0001 gathered as many guns, 000 030 in ninth. 0 Philadelphia z K mil) 010 2 Ox 3 9 as much ammunition as the Germans 023 221 00X 10 10 l Baited for Mil. in ninth. I'rooMyn ... bail Chicago j abandoned In their which Score innings Baltcrlrs: Flier. Ring and Wingo; retreat, MORNINS JOURNAL BRECtal. LRASIO WIRE) Batteries: Watson, Jamieson audi by had been so that had not Benz and Jacobs. Chicago 111.0 Crimes 'and Miller. hasty they Amarillo, Texas. Aug. 3 Mrs. Fsk-e- r McAvoy; Schallt, nine 10 1. ury their dead. The JHICHESTER S PILLS Score Second game: K. 11. r. New York "I II ground Nolen, was instantly killed and her BRAND. A j was so covered with It loO 7 Tv base corpses that husband sustained fractured ribs and J.adteal Ak your vruKalAl lor A Philadtlphia ..000 0124 Summary: Burns, CARR AND GALLIER LEAD was to hl.cboA-O-r IM.monJ 1 1 Three-- impossible advance without Bra.Rdy Chicago 000 010 000 7 Young. ISi. Mann.! probably internal injuries as the re- fills la Hrd End Hold mrtalllcxV lo-r- walking over and further und Per- - Burns. Home tun Hell Struck! them, that sult of the of their auto- boxes, tested wltb Blue klbbun. Battries: (Iregg, Perry IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT He advance of the Twenty-eight- h overturning '1'ake no othep. Ilnr of Z. out Flack. Slru I. out ' '0111 mobile a your kins; Qiiinn and'Sebulk. plan, division had been ranld in this morning at point eleven IlrnCKlst Askfcrt III. Sacrifice t'ly Bask rf. Put ml Cans-j extremely miles north of Tulla while the llltANU f'ILI.8. fur spite of the couple known Es Best, AbvEyi Kellal.M y 3. lo i Tn the which Is fact that their position yuis Ssltjt. St. I.ouls 8: New York ft. Innings piti lb louglas (I. tennis tournament some were en route to Slaton, Texas, to vis-I- t 2. in Y. M. C. A. courts, jvves distance from the neare:'. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE St. Louis. Aug. 3. St. Louis drove by Carter Struck out By Causey! progress on the a married daughter. Nolen h is for 7. II, is in Class B. with 24 railway.' W.S.S Carr Keating from the mound in the third by noughts leading I'.iiii.Ooo sent Overseas In many years been deputy sheriff and Score Second H. H In Class C score is July. i after making four runs and took thej gan IL points. the very "In connection with the American Jailer for Potter county. 3IIU 0' 11 10 2 n score 1 lead from New York in the fourth by Chicago 1114 close, (lallier leads with of 37, forces abroad been some The accident occurred when (he 00M n: l 1 there has hatting Love from the hill, winning j New York .... il 10 while Abbott ami Sehntt are tied with car was at a Batteries: Hendrlx I'bs esioii about the proportion of going rate estimated to Gold Silver the second game of the series. Martin and K 30. Following are yesterday's results: .the forces Is have been fifteen miles an Wallace Hesselden For and IL H. K. Denial e which brigaded with the hour. Score: lifer; Pcrrilt, and inliden. Class A. British and I will that General Nolen was to it out !i 6 f. Merrill-Steven- say endeavoring bring New York 230 000 000 s, In own of a rut when he lost A Wonderful 8 8 31 Pershing lias his area as his control and it General Contractor Opportunity St. Louis 004 201 Olx Pittsburgh, 1; Boston, 3. Morron-Coodrlc- 4. own 3. force, not brigaded with the upset. In To Let Uncle Sam Win Batteries: Keatir.g, Love, Robinson Boston, Aug. Morron-Kremi- 4. We are a position to give I Boston. Three double j British, over 1.000,000. more for the titan The Same und Walters; Sothoron, Houck and plays Fergnson-O- j "The value money The War And At the visitors. Score: ' Biclly, number of men embarked GIRL SCOUT AWARDED BUILDING FIRM In Nunamaker. Class It. during the month of July. Just closed. any other Time Get Rid Of Odds Pittsburgh. Csrr-ltoger- was over this vicinity. AB. it II. A. K. 300,000. That breaks the BOOK IN RACE And Ends Of Old po. (record; the record was CREDIT ttfTlna X7tth FEDERATION OF LABOR Kiiam, .s . . 4 previous high Cnrr-Blak- In the when wo Silver And Gold Which Leach, If. . , 2 1 preceding months, - Carr-Kenfr- 276,000. The number of men Edith Chklester, was The Lum- You For FAVORSSERVICE PLAN Carey, cf . . . (reached girl scout, Superior j Can Exchange O. embarked to Is now over awarded the book which was offered Southworth. rf. . Class France 1,. Alihett-Parke- r, Mill Co. 2b 1. 300.000." by Henry Ford for the who had ber & of the Cutshaw, B girl Sampel Gompers, president Mollwitz, lb Abbetl-Marcu- was in reply to questions that the greatest number of credit marks PHONE S77 American Federation of Labor and Parker-Faw- , 2. General .March revealed that the first for McKechnle, 81). . good work in tho Girl Scout troop. War member of the advisory commission of Schmidt, c, Gnllier-Faw- , (Anieritan army corps under General The winning girl iiad 3:'9 credits. Savings of has Sanders, Liggett is operating as a unit on the Other who scored were: the council national defense, p. sector girls high Slaprnlcka, p. southeast of Katherine Thomas, 245; Luclle Chid-este- r, given the following statement to the and He s and domstock, woodpeckers red also revealed that the 152; Nadlne Ade-lln- a i FnUed States Employment Service P. iThi Bowers, 141; xllinchman divlRlnnithas replaced the Duran, 127; Lose games a hirtv-seron- d Gladys Pennington, . on Bulletin. xxBoone birds division the Swiss 170; Louise Dozier, 204 and Mildred Hudson for I - frontier. t Signs "Th- American Federation of Labor Redman, 115. Thrift Is Interested in the I'nited Tola Is .31 4 0 27 13 1 The American Fugles beat the Sam- General March refused to reveal Fourteen scouts deeply Hi" units of the spent last Stamps States service as conduct- xBatted for Slapnilcka in seventh mies and the Bed Birds won from identity of the combatant night at a located near the west employment xxKan for in con- sent to Itaiv. he did not think camp From Hinchman seventh. the Woodpeckers In two holly saying end of Santa Fe avenue. Mrs. C. A. Wright of the ed bv the department of labor. Boston. - the unit had Identified the Wall was tested games at Washington park yes- boon by Paper time the federation ' en Post 4th the organized! A o, Both teams unusually 'iny. So far as has been reported, To Wright Trading it has full audi ; terday. played Improve Your valiantly fought for the Herzog, 2b. . . . this unit has not entered the Ingestion. and Gold has been in : good ball and the hitting was good actually "For was so floor placed free existence of an t xecutive depart Taggert. IS ""i". tho reneral said, years my digestion in which should McKea, Fspannsa, Vonghey and i,iri,,g1 that I could only cat the lightest Hudson for charfe of this the War ment the government cf ,"' eighty-nint- h General by Massey, illcrr.snn were for the division, foods. I I be devoted to the conservation of the . . the battery tried everything that Wickland, if. C. .0.0 en saiu, una reacneu r ranee, nut . Savings Committee and will wage-earn- and Tioehl of to not Interests of the in our J. C. Smith. 3b. Kagles, while Henney no further as to Its location heard get relief, but until Picture Frames and Carter worked for the Sammies. report about a year ago when I saw Cham- return to you the full value country. Konetchy, hail been received.' . lb... C. Flder worked berlain's Tablets advertised and a Fourth BU and Ooppe Ave. in "There is no more fundamental Wilson, e...... , llice, Clayton and got of the articles stamps. wage-earn- foe Chldlster and bottle of them did I find the service in the Interest of the J. L. ss. . Woodpeckers and Make right Smith, the kitchen range glow with treatment. Since them mv di. than organization of a labor p Barela for the Red Birds. hem by Coal. It l. taking (leorge, Rab- using Siignrlte Igestion Is fine." Mrs. Blanche Bow market at which unemployed tollers Tomorrow afternoon the Jack iiilck burning a nel hot. Vse loss roul 1 Pa. may exchange skill, experience and Totals .... .29 3 7 27 14 bits will play the Grizzly Bears and i"d gel hot results. ers, Indiana, labor power with invested capital. The Score by Innings the Sammies will meet the Doughboys. (;ilisiin-Fn- v 1,uinlMr Co. Pliono 83S. country ha long needed such a serv- Pittsburgh 102 000 I on 4 Paint A Glass, ice and the American Federation of Boston 000 300 00, 3 remedy tor infeetiona Tho llest Plaster. o( tht Labor been its ar- Three-bas- e Cut- A urinary trut. has insisting upon Summary: hits nleco nf with Painlces, LUMBER Tell it through the classified flannel dampened I Cement, Plaster rangement. I shall watch the progress shaw, J. L. Smith. Sacrifice hits Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on tut will not tthctun now with Wilson. Double KcltevpR i n 1 to fi tttva. of the service as organized Kllam. Leueh, play's Re- over the seat of pain Is often more Lumber the deepest Interest and shall always Leach to Schmidt to MclCechme; columns of ..The Journal. effectual a ' PRICK f 1.20 SoM By Druggists . Albuquerque Company for a lam bach than Trtotm wub Each bottle or muled on requni. SS NORTH FIRST STREET be to render a hand and McKeehnie to Mollwitz; Comstork to BY glad helping blaster and does not cost .. anything PRrPAiUlD word of counsel." Kllam. Base on balls Off Slapnitcka sults are quick and certain. like us much. THE EVANS CHEMICAL CO, CINCINNATI, 0. Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918 FIVE

man offenders, and bo that there cruelty runs riot, rather than forget would be no possible chance of con- they were Hritish. TEUTONS SEARCH tact. It is this spirit the Gorman is now w The German achievements in Rus- being broug'ht to understand. He has mixed blessing. very little of it himself. A crowd of I- - sia were a somewhat will Whilst the withdrawal of Russia from Germans show courage but. as a the allies had commenced to crumble, rule, individually Uiev have very lit-tl- e IN REFUSE HEAPS the overthrow of power by the people gave heart and influence to the lilier- - Old men arc now joining the army ntors of Germany. so that their families mav enjoy the t extra ration. If a man over age vol- unteers his is allowed to FAR I'nnd they were practically socialists to family draw - MAP i.,,n ivlien out of official earshot his rations as .though he were at OF- I w 1 1 MI UUU UUIIIII u in centers of indus home. strikes different try were engineered by government Food is the passport to everything. " agents so that a line as to the grow- - I have seen children trampled under J in power of socialism could be ob- - foot for it, young girls are sacrificing Private of Cheshire Regiment; tamed. their honor for it. wealthy men are HIGH fabulous for it. sol- GRADE FURNITURE !t was a nolrt move, but a clever offering prices Escapes From Enemy Prison one. The- - soon found out the .ones diers and sailors are ready to mutiny and face firing parties if only they is Now in Come A to and Tells of Terrible oZ can get food. Full Blast Early. Chance (jet CondiHromnaa then It is now that the neutrals want to in This punishment they up tions Hunland, the people as that which all daring keep a close eye on our parcels. For to iink for themselves would re- the most simple thing a mnn is pun- in Household Furniture ceive. ished to the extent of being deprived Bargains of his Now without these (Private Martin of the Che- HiiHslaiiH Haul Uan-ol- Slxtl.' parcels. shire wlio lni siunt'eded In were our men must starve, just the Ger- regiment, The only really joyful people mans are and like we wapiiiK from Germany after three the Russians. The of the day starving, just a true of evening have starved when thev thought hun- attempts, here gives picture when the guards informed us that break our Hie condition of affairs in o Russia had the Russians ger would spirits and cause "LIVINGSTON "packed up" us to submit to all kinds of tusks. FURNITURE CO. we few weeks ago.) stormed the shed in which stored F el Those in the shed be Wealthy the Pinch. our parcels. It must be borne in mind that the 218 SOUTH 660 tvi fn.i rf.ot fictions are now so to who were away work- - SECOND STREET TELEPHONE ,longed boys and official classes are now peiious In Oermany tnat soiuiers or ut tnfti. ljvps jn 8tonR nuarries wealthy ve - the and to them our the kaiser are glad to search the .,,, 1)its rom 6 0yi0l.) in the morn-fus- e feeling pinch, at Pritish camps narcels will prove a strong atraclio'i. heaps prisoners' jnf? lintil jn at njght. The German is and for scraps of food. covs at tj,e gosrel might, yM tne camp permit against our maimed men ttvit will be When the parcels from England comforts of their comrades to he j,)10 mms w nen it I arrive camp look on our stolen? No. We rave those looting .xercisen hi hi is nicely thing great happening nilvlu ,reciil UIAI TnW TO OTA Y OM The attitude of Mr. Walton is in FA Ml V ATF FMPFROR guards to of to the ..... UN UN l. - like the the time of lives. prove advantage Germans. thn, ,..., l,..,.,,, ,, ,.,.,! VvALI lUolAi contws t with that of lined " begsing poodles, Russians their They 1 sinking spreads ncy nave oeeii wnnout niconw in iMP re- while complaining that the prisouers were always making up to the Ger- JOB IN States Senator A. It. Kail, who NICK MAY GO TO SPAIN better for food than the of but their beer since May, ISIS. They Th(V hav0 rvie,l mum..- - into WASHINGTON, turned to New Mexico several weeks fare keepers. mans from the day capture, have been the with at Their faith in "17" has been rudely after the Russian peace they thought supplying guards submission; they have t,.n with RFPflRT at"'ml !l icpnhlican Junta a white wine that burns the clothing cr in the I,. hCOCIVLUSlimi ,.v with lead ( Asporlnf etl Vre t.rr.''nce. shaken. Exaggerated stories were they would have the Germans behind nin thongs ,.f nvmg and .outer party the toll of British should a spot drop on it. for two years! jnt0 subinission; t ln- ti:, us ers relative to his own candidacy and Madrid, Aug. I:ng Alfonso is circulated of terrible ithem in everything they did against n !t chemical wine, very intoxicating. t kinds of 'but ItFRClAL COHIIPCNDINCI TO MORN.Nd .IOUANAL, a ticket. shipping taken by the and 1Ui. a tasks; tin spirit the probable lineup for slate reported to have invited the family of The cattle Is i. Con- these stories might have had a last- - a fPW later found a ma-in- g shortage alarming: rpn,..ins was. Santa Kr, N. M., Aug. the late of llussia to comic to days they horses are scarce; the u can- effect but for the which on the parcels very dogs The p.eople who stoned an. spat gressman W. li. Walton, who is a Spain to remain until the end of the parrels chine gun trained swarmed the towns and vil- - 11114 TOMBSTONE IS BASIS from lanil j which at lls n leave t.s alone and re- didate this year for the democratic one consistently arrived "the enot by their own "friends." to have been shot off or war, occupying of the royal of famine and darkness." The tieonle did not see in the eol- - lates appear H,,rvt, venom for their own unb- senatorial nomination, will not return RAILROAD SUIT aces. eaten. tarv class.t,jr to the state the brief time con- FOR Again they were officially bluffed of Russia the forerunner of during .Mini-le- r thu Motor cars are available only for , Repn , to nrnvih-- e me is in recess, to look after bis Foreign Palo said hat mat trie parcels or toon came ironi Knglnnd'R defeat, as the militarists naV(. nongh gress had - loetors nun military nrnciais ami War is won. fences. imr mchninu JOURNAL SPVCIAL LCAItLI WIRI1 Spanish cabinet opened nrgo- the Americans and were sent over to had looked upon Russia t,:lt ;u, political w hoped. They be j uaunus a 10 was mill- bicycles cannot tvred without they the International News Hun, 111 lie has advised friends throughout Snnta Aug. lbThe Denver and iui view ine iinusier the impression that there as they looked, upon Austria, a (Ry of in are being used for state purposes. In. ., lioston, Mass.) the state thut he has plenty to do for Itio Grand.', railroad has a tombstone of the members the late emperor's plenty of food Knglnnd. stone on the neck of the nation sup bar-le- is substituted ,1 to The effect of this lie, too, was killed her. The Austrians were can t'offee by burnt iiU constituents in the way of on hand at Taos unction and may family Spain. porting bread Is made of stuff Uke sand. eon-- I y our evidence or parcel forwarding non fodder, not men committee work and routine have to auction it, because tho fighting RIO ARRIBA REPORTS I!. refuses being organized and improved. Every -ud German tidier of matters and believes that he should signee, Gon.ales of Taos, ond sidings into carts as though It to on it, as- consignment was evidence ngainst the days past will collect the tins we BUMPER WHEAT CROP pay $',0 storage charges g, were and never meant for that FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS .lunkers, and this evidence was sub- he Dy neai-in- gravel iiVrUVrr,Arf,!rheril serting he had not been notified throw away that might, human Is there- stantiated by the "ntry of America be aide to collect some grease for consumption. jtorlal candid.Kiy, which he willing the stone had arrived and that for Rheumatism, ftomaeh Trou- The doctors are so hard iUFlCIAL COI8PONPtNCE lO MOBNIN3 JOURNAL! lcaYC tO 11 HtPl Of into the war not stopping the parcel his meal, who will say things are well pressed tllC 10 fib till' fore the storage' charge is unjust. bles, Kidney Allmenta, Inflamma- the demands of the B. Food Ad- - i cor-- ! supply. with Germany? through people, Santa l'V, Aug. uniy pn If who will serve as delegates in The subject w lit to tho state tions, Arterial Hardening, loco- Ran on Xame. will run the who are rapidly degenerating, that ministrator A. A. Rivera oft Rio Airi- - the state convention this fall and poralion commission and Commission-- ! Kuiser's When a German guard chemists' are to motor Ataxia, Nervous Breaking, The guards in the camps were at risk of fortress for years apprentices attending ba county, was in from t'hama today nominate tho ticket, or Itotiifaelo Mnntoya investigated, etc. Perfect Perfect punishment cases. These have on a is - I Treatment, one time all for the kaiser; today for the sake of a couple of biscuits, boys operated and reported bumper wheat crop in The attitude of Mr. Walton ecm- finding for ionules. Climate. Health, Large men. and some of the fruits of c t'ul i'leasur. his name is rarely mentioned unless and when even death is risked in do- our his enmity, and heei of compliance nieiidable ami should strengthen hi Modern Hotel. Booklet. Round this treatment will be seen when the on ,',f native with the ca his j in a sentence seasoned with oaths and ing favors for a tin of beef, what can tl,e people ndidaey materially, supporters trip to Fay wood from Albuquerque Invective. of affairs be like? l ovs come home. sugar and flour regulations, it being! argue, since the important busin. No matter what you the state On of Great Strife. no - " To mention the crown prince In see the spirit of our men over Verge well understood among f.p.iiiisu- at tins tune is tne winning in tne war, , in They Germany is on the verue of great that observe nee of;aud .New Mexico's 11 SuVC IIiOllC T. C. McDERMOTT the presence of the tired of war the same despite years of Imprison- a speaking people representative isiWcUlt, yOU The one to irritate I a m.rn- - and landstrum Is to raise ment. strife. thing tood conservation rates will Help lending want at. ne can as peasantry soldier with is when he asks, l.i rATWOOD, N. U. bad feeling and bitter recriminations. Prisoners Suffer Tortures. German M0XiC0 )oy(1 over there win th war. r of congress to bring this about. j by using1 Journal wants In as we traveled to all kinds of "How long do you think tne war win the trains, Our boys have suffered to answer as we usual- and from work, we mixed with Ger- tortures rather than do work which, last?" "Years," man In the mills and direct to the ly when we feel Mice it. workpeople. would 'rlve assistance You can tell when our factories we toiled alongside old men Germans In fighting their comrades always women. the armies have Inflicted a defeat on and young Practically still in the line. fi morn- of conversation wore the the them. We parade at in the only topic These men have fought military min-t'te- s 1 V il .At, ft iff TP --T" TWO . W M .. lf 9 TO. ft. IV U TtJW awful of a few months ing and before we are out five Rft. horrors longer and the civilians in the neighborhood a dozen of our nun lire in of warfare. of munition sheds and pits rather about are obtainable women clink for some imaginary breach. All Eggs only by than commence work. can ? - In a delicate state of health and then carried down the along the line you hear the boys 5 xnrv i ? l m m trm emi. Vv,a They have been has had another smash- - fj i waff fbib'-ft.' y,.JitA.;.A to the extent of one egg per week. unconscious and, when saying, "Fritz it ',. pits brought inK" jh The shops are devoid of most food- round again, asked to work, but in well xmt ".vAhr stuffs. have When the Germans are doins face of wounds and bruises they in a humor. Not are so badly off that they and spelts the guards are good They refused, accepted torturing rejoice over their army's cannot and, person water in dark cells and that they - imagine plenty; on bread and success so much as the hope of some- ally, from being so often told uf the confinement in fortresses, where Btate of affairs in England, I became like a man Intoxicated when I saw the shops in London filled not only with such necesities as the Germans are crying for, but with luxuries the Delivers Message like of which the Germans have not Harry Lauder seen since the beginning of 1916. to Saw Peace In 1917, From America English People hSil Sfcv -- m. ,&itl, ZiX , $ v? So convinced were, the Germans of xwv, if con-- peace in 1917 that the farmers i - cumed the seed potatoes and some of I who is half hearted about the war (Ji- ,.4J.j.jL.,lv.' ::..t jr K. IKV.W- Mir t'..NW BY HAHRY l.AlDKIt. or a 4 our men assisted them, to look in a museum v Ye mind the tale of the train you'll have stand as regards the C'onchie England's who said he was for Frisco goal. in terms of peace put an end to the glory juniper, out. There aren't many Conchies arms. one .if onlv his trousers held Wen, bail lor in of German Everywhere when the folks in New York asked America The airs HOOVER of pos- heard talk peace only being 1 OnlyTKe mo much was covering growth, sible by negotiation. Albion was not how ground As the American soldiers told me.j r ui.lil- "Tho continent of North which brought ml beaten. holds out." And on board the troop ship Electric Suction is Time wore on. Rice became 20 and America. If my voice we know that this war Sweeper it has held out. Hut my arm's sore me home, ".Sir, SO marks per pound, dripping prac- is the biggest thing that ev.r was. Do s unobtainable, and leather with the handshakes. else could have GUARANTEED to ritl your carpet-ing- tically I male in the you think anything for the use of the very wealthy think that every us from Tennessee?" of knife-shar- p United Slates of over ten must have 'pulled away all imbedded, par- official classes. course, when I got there nobody . 1-- were offered to me had a go at my paw. If I'm a bit of ticles of GRIT which now hack Kit-- 1 Seven pounds it all knew anything about tho war, except away for the boots I escaped on. The fact disjointed the day, you must pit had told them. what the Hermans J the roots of the men leather foot- down to the wedden. There's been Hi PW5W-- x ?f at nap; that our enjoyed wife's That was our policy at the beginning wear was yet another proof that Eng- a wedden the morn. It's my let the Vallanee a .to keep our mouths shut GUARANTEED to add land was not in such a serious way. niece, Mary Kerr (and talk. It didn't pay. many years lassie she 1s). She s married other fellow Paper substituted cloth, rationing lioiinv I I was almost inclined n to the life of oriental domestic be- of name of When began any or became more severe, and louder a braw soldier laddie the 1 de- too. to feel that was counsel for the came the growling. The farming Hamilton. And a fine name, didn't last long. rug or carpet; A did not care who these casual notes fendant, fiut that classes said they Well, I'm writing At first there were one or two used won the rule of England could not In momentary expectation of being GUARANTEED to eliminate o say to me privately. "Mr. stoop- r l.e any worse than that which they called out to form a part of a family of miles uwa.v j: :iwaiW' tho Och the war's thousands "5 ing and hard work with brooms or were experiencing. group in lick garden. from us. is it our concern?" the Will excuse Why rs With the knowledge gleaned by There they go. you just And I'd answer them: common carpet-sweepe- by instantly working of the industrial classes from me for a minute? of miles or of the Is liberty thousands away? stubbornest-cl$in- $ men on leave convalescent, Male voice: Look pleasant, please, ilies in Paris, will it live in mm picking up lint, awful casualties had sus- Lauder: How can I look If liberty Germany pleasant New York? Tho French came over threads, hair, etc; tained, there commenced an agitation with a crick in my ryJm to help you gain your independence. i for peace negotiations. Click! Won't the French to keep GUARANTEED raise dust They did not want victory; it was "Well, thank goodness, that's over you help to no by This rapidly, voice held out, theirs? iC&,.- M shaken-ou- peace.' feeling spread It was a wonder my There's a of 1n New X dustlessly withdrawing all t and affected the army, the navy and for in 33,000 miles I ad Statue Liberty 1.1 travelling York harbor. Jf I'm not mistaken and e the munition workers; in fact every- dressed two million people. It seems Will let swept-loos- dirt; but the war British tho French gave it you. you body party. to me that every propagandist statue crumble into the sea? Si Hi f J f Mutineers Fill Fortresses. in America should first undergo voice that GUARANTEED to restore colorings In army, I hudn't to say that, many times. Mutiny took place the on halls. 1 training the in had to V wounded soldiers refused to return to I Towards the end, face, by straightening the nap and remov- v ft i Still I may mention that when to with the en- the firing line after convalescence, slatted out you got the best of every sprint hard keep pace ALL nnd workers commenced to strike. thusiasm of my audiences. ing dirt, thing at the hotels, and only a hy 1 The fortresses were quickly filled to You may take it from me, and phenated waiter, who has since Deen been all over America evorflowlng with mutineers. seemed to know there was know, for I've int rued, 1h the of tho states: The punishment inflicted on on. When I came back six that this spirit Ger- a war . "This Is as much our war as yours. in one tit'' prisoners in the hands of the months I lived on brown bread speedy operation f, mans Include confinement on ft later It Is more our war than yours, and attempted thefts of sugar. 1,18 HOOVER lias a soft-ha- ir diet of bread and water in a dark of cam- there is more of us." ft 4 to In monev the results the English, llPPniKO Combined and cell known prisoners ns the was eleven million dollars for Whatever their ancestry yir yfy UCviiUOC Btating Sweeping "hot chamber," where steam is paign Scotch, Irish, Welsh. French, Italian, Brumh, revolved over 1,000 times a to a the various war loans. all the kaiser and loathe minute by the same electric motor which creates the heated high temperature. The effects don't end there. The they hato powerful After the men have been kept are as the Hun. air suction. (Sea y view below j. there for some time they are Americans, like the Scots, pru Enthusiasm? Why out in the west dent in the cash department as they have St turned out into the snow, where hav-ini- rough miners and cowboys at- are reckless in ,tho charge; and f a Four sizes one for every purse are to stand at me in me on r- they required Into the war, halted nfy tracks, put ft - tention for a certain length of Diit their money soap box, and mude me deliver an AifeN4 Deaths are thev decided it was their war, and put Let us explain and demonstrate by actual tests which time. frequent. in. Ana Impromptu address right away. Many of our men who were serving themselves in. too right The one terrible disappointment of parallel every day home usage exactly why und how some or in for keeps there. for "crime" other they're my tour, in fact, is that I never had . periods - to find an American the Hoover excels. WX, t " were liberated to make room for Ger- If you want a hackler to confute. Believe me, I , felt that was unfair on the part of America unci they aren t dumb men there at a public meeting. Only they Gas & Electric MTJwM V&V.IL Albuquerque were anxious to see, and -- learn, you L..?: WV J that makes all the difference. rJL'. r i .4 ! Calomel Users! Listen To' Me! Now I come back to you with a V company message. It Is Just this: J on! If we don't beat the Carry 1 In life matters. ! i I Hun, then nothing this Ths Hoover it the product or Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Don't let hide that ter- the worlds oldest, largest and M rible fact from your soul. 'V VfV mnet successful makers of fflMmis. imWAVvm :W:V w I come from a continent where .ev- lii W v .Uoi rl.oner. This is is his in S . back erybody working body out t ft "vv successtiu, Tour gives your money if it doesn't cause. I M 4 ?frv tneir tcmn year. druggist the great hope to find the ( , xvJV liven liver and bowels same here; I hope that those who your and straighten cannot die for Britain will at least you without making you sick. live for her. up Does thejnessage sound stale? Does it sound out of date? God forbid that it should be so! &MmgA it r jKeem:;isttsiei Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It' a spoonful and if It doesn't straighten Yes, and I have another message dose of the and make feel fine a message, of friendship signed and horrible! Take a dangerous you right up. you i n drug tonight and tomorrow you may and vigorous I want you to go back tc sealed, and to endure for ever. All w ftX I ixA vZ&Wm iinrmMMniiii i lose a day's work. the store and get your money, Dod- he mists of prejudices between us and son's Liver Tone is destroying the sale our cousins have been blown away by Calomel is mercury or quicksilver in ii'i-i- i which causes necrosis of the bones. ot calomel because It is real liver med the great guns of the war. The mis' Calomel, when it comes into contact icine; entirely vegetable, therefore 11 was the poison gas of German pro. Dress- can not salivate or make you sick. naganda. with sour bile, crashes into it, was the ing it up. This 's when you feel that I guarantee that one teaspoonful of It the Germans taught nausea and If you Dodson's Liver Tone will your Americans we were nil "Haw, haw, X-R- awful cramping. put was ay are sliitrffish and "all knocked out," if sluggish liver to work and clean your Johnnies." It the Germans taught View your liver is torpid and bowels consti- bowels of that sour bile and constipat- us that the Americans were all spread or you have headache.'ditzlness, ed wnsta which is clogging your sys eagle, e, showing patented motor-revolve- d pated 1 BRUSli-t- brush coated tongue, it breath is bad or tem and making you feel miserable. hustlers. HOOVER ha only stomach sour. Just try a spoonful of guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's We know better now. And the re- which has a combined Heating, Shak- harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Liver Tone will keep your entlr fam- ception a simple Scottish comedian ing and Thorough Sweeping action. Here's my guarantee Go to any ily feeling fine for months. Give it to got from the, great American people is u give yua a Utiuumtratiun. Dod-on'- a doesn't a International News lt drug store and get a bottle of vonr children. It is harmless; sign. (By the liver Ton (or a tew cents. Take gripe and tbey Ilk its pleasant taste. Bureau, Inc.. Boston, Moss, SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918 GRAFT N I T 11 CONNECT ON W Tl OF YANKS READY GOLDEN RUU CO. TO MEET TEUTON ANNOUNCES FOR THURSDAY, AUGUST 8TH, 9 A. M. Three Men Alleged to Have Men Trained in England by Conspired to Get Contracts British Veterans Are Anxious at Prices Above the Usual to Match Their Wits Against Figures and Divide Bonus, Kaiser's Hordes, ANNUAL AUGUST CASH CLE ABA

lY MORNIN0 JOURNAL RRECIAL LEAREO MORNING JOURNAL EP1CIAL LKHT WIREI con-- ! With in Washington, Aug. Evidence tlic American Army umM CM READY-TO-WEA- at least ono minor official of!1'""1- Auk. 3. Another consignment iND CHILDREN'S R GARMENTS American tniit The ,' hoard with an ,;ot power might ilUI shipping alleged bp ,.,,.,,, in Knglnnd." is conspira, y to ol.lam contracts from ; r,.a(ly f,. shipment to the western lh, shipping board at extra- high front. Is is the personnel of th first priees has heen gathered hy govern-- 1 A:"'.. ''o tn tank battalion, meiit agents, it became known toilav.i Trained by veterans of the Pritish This disclosed as the of;,a,,k, sl'rv,ir" ''inipped with the 1 Vices 1'etticoats and Kimonas. Also Other w:,h result f ,,,c "Hi Special Reduced on All Suits, ('oats. Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Many (Ireat the arrest in Washington of Kdward, "' W 'on e ,s to ive an 1,. Travis, form, r law of Hep-!""- "' expected partner rxecllent account of itself. The llnt-:-- in Found on Sale SALK. Ladies' and Children's Shoes at LXTKA rcscn.ative Ki.ehin of .North 'arolina . Values Other Lines Will lie During This (iRKAT ! crews Sehm II. and Leon M ,'"1"')"'s " .hK Joseph have expressed their approval of the 'reen ' which-thei- r Tl,.' l ,... pupils have LOW TRICKS. tech,, ,iv,,,.,. ..,, "'"''. themselves to the men ,s thai ol to obslrm t 'adapted operation conspiring ()f ,,, nla,.,lins ., ,,1(,ss un, WATCH OUR WINDOWS ' . ; the men whose in which him in mistaken, training would place deferred ,, ,.,,, is )Hs ))(, win howev-,,,,- , ...implotcd class,t,cat,o,,. More generally Kiv(.n f.Mvi:l ,,f, Their ma- - he , haWed act-- 1 might that th,y. (.hins ,,.lvf, th ,,oints of UnW ng in connection with government em- - tm ,,,.itjsll F,.(n,.h tnnl!i ,ne he-- : a(1 ployes, promised to Bet orders for ,, , ,,, lon ,, ,JPPn iM tllp tween twenty-fou- r ;lini,. eighteen and ships f ,,xl,pHenees already gained at a of r, : ton. a. view ,,; price with to the fighters of France and g the bonus. .nil i lie DRY wtilch GOODSiCO. snip contracts, never; RULE out- GOLDEN were Tc every man ill the American The actually negotiated,, were to have been to fit there has been Imparted the stories (riven the I'erth Amboy of mistakes in the I lock made early history lrv company of I'erlh Amlioy.i of N. .1., lank warfare. Enlisted men and which aided the government in! nl'ficirs have been told to do i iiiiiiniS down he men. what and what not to all admoni- food administration. He of San Fianciseo nud John M. Cure for Nysentcry. Details ol' do; their the roar of the heavy ordnance, his post of the 9 "RED" DEFENDANTS Klroy, the plot. tions have been based not on bined and is devot- I'oss, of Seattle. I was in Ashland, Kansas, When the notified the theory the rattle of the machine guns, the takes this Job serieiialy "While company but on actual in time to 11 the expense of Those set free over Sunday are: a overheard me speaking rovcrnuK-n- !' I he experiences, gained smell of bin ning powder and the ing all his RELEASED BY LAND1S gentleman machinations, the face of Herman fire, loosed always acrid his business, which is being George Hardy, of Seattle, Sam of Chamberlain's folic and Diarrhoea liichaid 1''. Mcdonald was by suffocating fumes of burning oil and private assigned upon the slignlost Intimation that the not carried on bv his partners. Scarlett, of Akron, Ohio and Fred Pemedy," writes William Whitelaw, Hi,' secret service to the Into Ibis little space, (BY MONNINO JOURNAL represent, tanks arc lumbering to the front. gasoline. or liush is working- a full shift every SPECIAL LEASED WIREI Nelson of Kockford, His. of lies Moines, Iowa. "He told me ill I'erlh Aiuhoy company in an effort to a. more than eight feet long and four Hut as reminder, that for a dollar 0 r. The food ad- Chicago, Aug. 3. Nine of the de- detail of what it had done for his discover the me n's game. He was said! perhaps, five feet wide with a celling so day he enemy's fire is seldom effective Is and, in 11:, lion and state, is fendants in I. W. W. but more especially his daugh- to have found thai re-- ! a man cannot stand ministration, the conspiracy family, Joseph was to the insignia adopted for the American low that upright, of fellows like that, and that ter who was lying at the point of cone 51.;, (I a ton on each f is crowded the crew. full trial were released on their own rec- STATE GAME WARDEN ship 'Hank corps two salamanders, crawl- - there il "absolute cinch" with a violent attack of dysen- 1 I to what makes an death which orders were obtained at prices creatures worm itile ell Imagination. ognizance today by federal by the ire that their way Tirit-is- h food is 10 win tip. war. It's Judge WARNING tery, and had heen given up above Die average while Crecn, who The actual experiences of the that going GIVES HUNTERS unharmed through the flame and were the same spirit that is making the landis. Three others were allowed faiuily physician. Some of his neigh- was said to have posed as n nephew smoke. Instructors, many of whom to Chamber- a lit France go through the their freedom over Sunday. bors advised him give of cabinet member, was to wet Ml In the first tanks used in the war, doughboys MORNING JOORNALl I Is Huns lllie so much cheese. liPBCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 10 lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, cents a ton and in addition a Efficiency Kxpcvtitl. have been reproduced in the most l.iinhurger Those who will be out on bond for his position of Santa, l'e, Aug. 3. flame Warden bv doing so saved ihe life of child, Willi the shipbuilding eomnanv at a It is expected that because of til" minute detail for the instruction the remainder of the trial are: it. .1. and believes that exc if been left Honult is out circulars call- which he did. fully big salarv. the weapon with which the Americans. Little has Hobba. of K. sending he had also used this will the it has the, has Globe, Arizona; Alton to the fact that the He stated that Creep referred the Perth Amboy's't fi;iil rinl trading to the imagination; practical POLICEMEN SHO Soper, of Astoria, If. ing attention open himself with equally gratify- Minder:.", me the American substituted for the theoretical. Oregon; .lames, Au- remedy supposed representative to Travis 'in ctnt;nwrit been I of .1. U. unison for doves begins Friday, results." who was '11 r me itself eff c- - shell holes, not dug out with Manning, Kresno, Calif.; ing Washington, said to have exceptionally Huge of gust IT,, and closes on September 3" posi-- as influence h lent : for. even as the American eiifri- - and shovel but blasted by mines I'askert, Jerome, Arizona:('harles having vreat pick If. .McKinnon, of Sal; and no hunter is to tlt,. ship),inir board. He also mentioned neers liavc been careful to combine in as though by the Herman shells, have Lake, t'tah; that permitted fentu-.c- mi II. J. Kane, of Globe, ('. U. have more than twenty doves in his liis former with 1 ""' American tank the best torn the training field; trenches Arizona; Results lb present-- IN A GUN FIGHT .Mc- - on one Journal Wants Brinq ative Kit, hin and Senator l"f those now use! by the British rucl identical with those that mark the Griffin, of Seattle, Wash.; Peter possession any calendar day. Overman ob- whose uolilical campaign he onceitno fi' iicii, so have the instructors of battle fields in fiance and other managed. jlhe personnel lieen scrnplously care- - structions that tanks encounter have Information leadimr to thP arrest f"' 10 incubate the most advanta-o- f been built and it is over these that the the men was obtained methods of offense nn1 defense, Americans have heen drilled and 3 BANDITS b'y the navy intelligence'tmcni '''"I'thei- cause for bellevinif the drilled until, in the opinion of their IfIII will to to tnke which later was Investigated bv American tank corps live up instructors, they are prepared iiartinent of instb.n ,:r.,,Z the estimate of the P.ritish Instmrtors their places on the line. i is both of out of uhcr the character of its personnel, Practical problems getting WIRE shipbiiildimr contracts aiv. I.e. and IBY MORN NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEA4PD NEW men and officers. are carefully have been -- in;.; investigated They tight places provided, Cleveland, o., Aug. 3. Two city JS& selected from thou- of some of the pre- In connection with activities men, picked the in anticipation one fa- of sands who voluntetied when the call that he encountered policemen wire shot, perhaps contingent fee agcnls. it has been re- dicaments may tally, one payroll bandit killed or fa- for some for tank men was made. Two base careful instruction in rcconnoissance ported time that s cretaries work tally wounded, and two other bandits 1 of mein'oers in- requisites were insisted upon: First, work has been given. Strenuous FALL of onress acted as In a i man must been a injured gunfight today following formation au-- ais of the every be physically fit, and, In target practice has daily of of fcJ commission ex- the theft J22,xii4, the payroll the fee men, as no second, temperamentally adaptable. schedule. Indeed almost the only 11. .1. fSt although yet evidence man has received not the Walker Airplane company plant, warranting prosecution has been de- jThe training every perience yet undergone by The was all recovered when has meant either that he is delivered Americans is the pounding of the Ger- money veloped against these secretaries. ' tho bandits' car was wrecked in its G00DS Mo the commandos at the front os a man fire. efficient unit or is of the tank flight. wonderfully Another bit training and C. A. thrown out of the service. He bad s in the use of the com- Norman Walker Carey, SAN MIGUEL PEOPLE man has officials of the Walker company, were lis turned over to the fighting force pass and Just as a lesson demonstrat- a man drilled returning 1o tho plant in the payroll HONOR as an exnert mechanic, ing the reason for this they have saw DRAFTED MEN in the of both machine of handl- car with the money when they operation been given the experiences automobile near the guns and heavier ordnance, n tactician the tanks at night, when the anal- another standing ing , u l b. The driver had his hands up, (tr,A,. C INHIIKNIIIHCI "O MOMNKXa JOIjtNH, 'and and. finally, as a man between these land and strategist ogy warships while two men as po- Kasl X. M ., I!. with no evidence of sea is seen. disguised city Vegas, Aug. those of the licemen stood at either side of the Tweniy young 111,11 of San at the little AlthoiiL'b the Americans have been Miguel bialish trainers country machine. As the car came county will have for where Americans been! in British tanks it Is not ex- pifyroll up .Monday training town the have trained to the machine, one bandit ordere.! in the national army. The boys will bo coached have been careful to explain pected they will find any trouble the usual out in the newer and Carey, who was driving, to stop. given San Miguel counlv to the men. as they weeded the' whatever operating "We are for conce .send-of- f. not from the rniteu searching - -- im(it and those temperamentally! heavier machines tho uniformed men w Pt isv I will close and Hie soldieis-to-b- Isuitable, that the best can he; States. The differences between the wiapons," 21 EC it en : only to plained. aaf ljol" will be tu the train bv a There is no branch of two are technical and have (sc,,rterl used. perhaps tanks After Walker turiKd the re- band, the Orand Army, the two fire the army service that makes a greater do with the mechanism but they are only of The and operat- volver in the car over to one of thi' departments and a large numb' r of demand on the physical endurance not radical. fighting the other struck citizens. man than the tank service, and ing princinles are the same and it lqis supposed policemen, jlhe none to test the to the Americans that Walker on the head , with a club, certainly .abubited been explained seined the box the The only tear we c slid with a nerves more, for within the very the man who cijn handle one can containing payroll - and into a machino and drove riiiile is he profiteer. small fightinv; space there is com- handle the other, much as the pilot leaped of one make of automobile can easily away. learn to drive another type. Carey followed, picking up Patrol- men Perry Smith and Kdgar Smith. As the pursuers drew near the fuge live car. the police bandits opened fire. Patrolman Perry was ntruck in the Food Administration luad, arm and body by buckshot, and Patrolman ICdsar Smith was slightly ltla(Iam!( wounded. A second machine carrying State News Bulletin polictmeu Joined the chase, during which there was constant shooting by V . the bandits andl policemen. The ban- Grocers an. not rich off the dits' mai hino later swerved from the gutting and went Into a ditch. The war. People who are disturbed about roadway will find enlightening robbers jumped from their wrecked high prices Fedteral car. held up tho driver of a kjiiilo figures submitted to Food Administrator Fly showing the parsing automobile and jumped into it. one of 1 he who had close margins on which Now, Mexico bandits, are evidently been shot, droppetl at the grocers operating. concerns time, hut his companions dragged ono of the largest grocery him into the in the statu showed to the adminis- car and fled, abandoning statement cover- - the money bag, which had fallen into trator a confidential the it was recovered i: ioir the month of May. litlo. wiin a roadway, where FACT I I by the Tho bandits have not comparison with the showing for May, police. mo been caught. 11 11117. in May this year tne tirm . ... - . Ann a business 01 a nine over io,uvv. 0 was a net or P.lg Tire In ImlmnaiKrlis. this there profit $i,ojo, 3. Fire or a little over 11..") per cent on the, Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. We destroyed the four-stor- y oc- stand on the fact business, of this must la deduct building uix uiai cupied by the Mutual China company, ed operating expense, income in the wholesale district of Indian- all other taxes, pructically absorbing this a loss New wluile for tho month or apolis afternoon, causing that we sell tho profit estimated at $250,000. Dense smoke everything Shipment May. a for si vi ral hours seriously impeded 1 Jn May, HUT, the same firm uiu traffic in the E 01 the greater part ot wuth a Has Just Arrived business of $x3,7.ri0, prom downtown section of the city. must give satisfaction. over $ ir,:M)l, or about 23. f per cent, with the same overhead and operating to of beds tax. l'nicrsitjr Heart Army We unloaded last week a shipment expense but no income Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 3. Chancellor in Another firm hud net sales In iviay The of I and bed springs which are now on display ot Samuel Averr of the University of important part this year of ilia, 100, wi'th net protits Nebraska, h;li been commissioned a our store. $2, KH1, or about 7 per cent gain. Tins in it was busi- major the national army, all of newest and firm last year did only l 1,400 learned here when he requested clothes is the They are the gofjds very a of '121460, or today good part to ness, making profit the university's board of regents to substantially built give the utmost service, .C per cent. grant him a leave of absenco for the Beds that we will stake our reputation on be- Tho administrator points out that duration of the war. see. cause come to us from the the income tax of big operators gets you don't Better they direct $t. into their .tremendously. They ISobhod. of ex- protits Secretary Shot nnri Louis factory. Manufacturers long are practically doing business for their Chicago, Aug". 3. Oeorge Neybert, preservation of the business during assistant of the Gottfried be on the safe side and perience. war. secretary well finished better the Ilrewlhg company, was probably fat- The beds are very and The figures quoted were not made ally shot and robbed of $1,700 the can not be found We up to show tho rood aaminisiiiuor, firm's two quality anywhere. were actual payroll today by come to this store for in- hut. in loth instances tho vite housewives to come in and at least summaries of the business done by spect our displays, because it is impossible the firms, made for their offices By for us to a word of how well the accounting division in the regular Poor Woman Makes Sacrifice SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES paint picture course, of business. HART, our store is to fill wants in the "For years t have doctorVd for in- prepared your with furniture line because of recent in The motherhood of locomotive En- digestion and severe bloating shipments gas, all my money had gone for doc- as inside look to bedroom gineers, 77,000 members in annual tors did me no They're good a& they outside; addition furniture. Enter fither it on rec- and medicine, which convention, resolved that go good; I had lost all faith In medi- of the entrances to our two furniture Mr. Hoov- large ord "as supporting Herbert cines and as T hnve to work hard for - will be in in way, in re- it. stores, ask for what you want and you- er every act, every the few dollars I earn, was afraid to that's a fact and we guarantee Money directed to the department you mention. gard to food conservation." risk any more money. A year ago my told me Mayr's Won- bowl in the neighbor to try Keen the sugar cup derful liemedy. I have found it to back if not satisfied. Co. board where It will sweeten up the be the best medicine In the world and you're Geo. C. Scheer Furniture cause of democracy. am glad I made the sacrifice." It is a that food simple, harmless preparation 314-31- 6 S. Second St. 317-31-9 H. O. Htish, assistant federal removes the catarrhal mucus from administrator for New Mexico, would the intestinal tract and allays the In- rather remain on the firing line of flammation which causes practically WRIGHT CLOTHING COMPANY it his own he food salient than feather all stomach, liver, and Intestinal ail- ' nest as a bank president. Mr. Bush ments, Including appendicitis. One has turned down an offer to be- - dose will convince or .money refund- "THE EXCLUSIVE MEN'S STORE" . just n In fIMn I rt,.lnn rt knnb lll ed. For sale by Butts Bros., Briggs' with $5,000,000 deposits to remain at Pharmacy and 'dru?8lBts everywhere. Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday. August 4, 1918 SEVEN Pulliam Held to Grand Jury California on Assault Charge; Witness , t Hotels Admits He Lied to Save Man Health and Summer Resorts, 1918 Boys' Clothing Mark u Fulliani, chained with statu any relations with ihe il had I de- c arc now tory rape of Celestine Davison, sired, owing to a recm t operation." receiving our Fall line daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J Hero Hurtman ivrtniiu.i) his act- of Read the Announcement of California's Famous Hotels ions with the in the r lioys' SuiU and n. navison. was hound over to await girl i. During Furnishings. his recital of the iiiily 'i HEALTH. BIOACH VND MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND 8oL'K the action of the story the girls Knee 'ants Suits. . . .$7.50 to "THAT grand jury, by Judge mother, overcome with and $18.00 OI'TIXO PROBLEM." LITERATURE AND FULL u. v. McUoilan at the r.igc grief HY WRITING DIRECT. OR AT conclusion of started up in her ch in. lli-- li School Suits $15.00 the preliminary hearing yesterday af- Mother Charges Witness Up Free Information Bureau Office of The ternoon. at Morning Journal "You know you're hint;," su, told i j In t S ' fixing ho bond for Pulliam Ilartman. Tho witness appeared un- X m Judge McClellan said tho crime on concerned at her oiuiiivak hut both which ho is for the defense mm holding I'ulliam is on u attorneys and the pAl i with state remonstrated aniinst the inter- FREE AUTO BUS FROM DEPOT par murder and that tho present ' TO POPULAR bond of $2.r,oo was insufficient. He ruption. fixed the bond at On cross examiraUnn Ilartman ad- $10,000 subject to mitted that the women the approval of the district attorney. at tho mesa a conference roadliouse furnished a hath robo for Kollowing of attorneys to for the slate and defense, it was the girl wear and a dress for Pull- agreed that the bond should be fixed iam. He maintained, however, that at $"),Ono. both had aH their own clothes on. The judge announced that Pulliam Mrs. Mollie Bibb, who lues at the followed would committed to the county American hotel, Ilartman on Jail pending the filing of a proper tho witness stand. She testified Miss bond. Pulliam, in of Sheriff Davison and Hagsdule went to her custody 11 o'clock on itaiaci oaicia nut u I'm it I II ii'ri nv. room at the night of. ' kmtfmmwmmmm max his attorney, John F. Simms. left the July 24 and that the mrl remarked court room to furnish bond. The u would not think this of me, I LOS ANGELES tomey announced Pulliam's bond wasiwuld 5'0U Iolll,,'.,' icplied, No 1 Simi-MAI- a ' woman i. mib men loiii me mv if FIFTH sikiico iy surety companv. Pulliam. sis suit'8 through his attorney, offered as his ter was at the saloon ami that is why f-Mvra- RATES tof39 ABSOLUTELY bond a certified cheek for $5,0110, I ugreed to go with them when they 'jt ii 'YVrv v t $R CAFE which was fused by McClellan. invited me to go to the party with wmmmmm PER DAY FIRE PROOF The climax of the the trial was reached them. I told girl she should go in lat- - yesterday afternoon when Pert Bow- - to her mother and she replied that New Fall models the verv ycr. ii) years Old, testified that a state- her mother "wouldn't want her.' 1 told ment which he had made and hi ir rind hir no mutter whal she Id, .bin.. h..i "'est ideas in vountr men's am BIG DJIMID FOR TRACTIOIIEERS for Simms and which declared he hadi mother would slick with her. She had immoral relations with tho ml she (linn t want to n home hut men's dependable clothes arc Tlie great ImDortanee of tha tr.rtnr taif.i, h.-- Ma.snjH. girl inand .u.i was false. to for tractor operator ani reoalr man. Raaeher. mirauhm w.nt wanted to go her grandfather. At now on competent tractloneere. BIG PAY, GREAT "I admitted that to you. Mr. Simms the saloon I did not see her take display OFFERED YOUNG MEN la thl. .w trade. OH.." but it was not any Largeat and Billable Trade WrinMn'l the truth," the lad said' The divided Mt Srhool haa Inaugurated a eneelal courw lied drinks. party and the h t In 1 Trartloneenng and can PERFECT YOU ai an exaert. Write lor "I and did u to Hurtman 1 was to NATIONAL help set with kept themselves. j&iffi catalog. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL . and Pulliam. am sorrv now. In a Flfueroa at Elahtli Street. Loa Angelee, Cal. My Tho girl was wine room with HjV conscience nuns mi and 1 have to toll women when left sa- r t BiTT.iian:i.7.uw.f.ii:rryiiAJ:.l4J.I-IL.MI!H.'U.:l.iJr.Vt- the truth." men und the to mt loon." $22.50 $45 Ilarlman Tells Norman Sloiy. "Have you ever been convicted in Ilartman was the first wit- this court of a misdemeanor?" the ness called by the defense i: when the for tho slate asked. The wo- trial was resumed yesterday attorneys after four hours of morning man replied she had not hut when testimony Friday "misdemeanor" was ex- Silk Shirts, all the newest effects o.,.SAN FRANCISCO afternoon, lie testified that" he had the term, known Celestlne Dawson for plained to her admitted that she had for a Cool, and Vacation two ol fined direct from New York Interesting Inexpensive throe months. When uiiestioned re- been for vagrancy. garding a conversation with the Dr. W. R. Lovelace, a physician, girl was called to the stand the de- which had been referred to by Jack hy siop .t HOTEL O'Connell in his af- fense to testify regarding the girl's STEWART testimony Friday condition. He declared for Rood ternoon, Ilartman said that he' had physical that accommodations from $1.50 a day tip. Breakfast 35c and 60c (Sun- ex- - to 75o) Lunch had such a conversation with after a very careful and minute $5 days 60c, Dinner the $10 $1 (Sundays $1.25). girl The STEWART on Geary Street, Just oil Union is close to and that nhc had asked him to amination he had been unable to find worth Square everytilnir "gel while. Municipal car line passei the door. Stewart Motor Bub meets up a party," and had declared she be- anything of an abnormal nature; that New Neckwear New principal trains and steamers. Hosiery lieved he and O'Connell tn ho "iivk ; he found no disease present and that fuyires" who could Hive her a good there were no traces of former dis- - eased conditions. "She asked me," Ilartman said, Ijoo Johnson Testifies. Hamilton, O.; orville F. Ballard, Wau- "who was the little man who drove Leo 20 years old, who paca, Wis.; drover Hlevins, Paycoulee, the big Cadillac. That was some time Johnson, it "anulon, Mo.; lives at the Y. M. C. A. dormitory and Mont.; dilhert Hond, 'beforo the night, in question. 1 told David Brendlot, New York City; Cyril htr his name was who is a clerk at the Guarantee VP Chi- Mark Pulliajn and had B. Brier, Denver; Frank Brown, she asked that introduce Clothing company- testified be her to the the since cago; John V. Brown, Alexandria. La.; man. That Is how she canm t m..r.i known girl March, Pichard o. Hums, Bcctown, Wis. . him. "She came Into the stoic often and Harold 5 a nuisance of lie said. Udward N. Canavan, Detroit; At o'clock on the nfternoon ol made herself," v. F. Canfield, Traverse City, Mich.; July 2 1 met Pulliam on "Wo decided to get rid of her. one K. the street, to the back of the store Karl I. Clicti, Uena, da.: Lonuie Ho asked me to drive his car, as hu day sho went Leon .1. Du-an- was too to use the went back to 9 S U'tt'ii-- Ciine, Farmington, Ju.; drunk lo drive it himself. 1 telephone. Tuppcr Lake, N. Y.; William H. mm west on I., II.. Inl" U.... Ut... "if I t:ll., i"u Central uvenue to " ", . Durff. Shippensburg, Pa.; Lee Knrly, ",M" mrcct ami ne ordered me tit ner out ior a goon nine aici i icutm-'i- North'-Washingto- Pa.. liobert .1. turn up Sixth street. We drove north She tried to tell me there would he no Men's Hats M. Kd-nc- on I not e Kckwcller, Notch, Pa.; Keith that street and met Celeste Davi- danger in a party but would SVtWfi. Campbell, Minn.; Ijiwrence J. son. She stopped us and into tht. listen to her." car. got Knimerts, Chester, Pa.; Kvan Kvans, She told me to drive on, as she, "No, 1 don't go with girls unless f P X Special Sale on all Cambria, Minn.; Luke d. Franklin, did not to decent Y" Johnson said In . want anyone see her. Aftet they are 1 Golden Pond, Ky.; Lorenzo Freder-ickson- we started, she told ine to drive answer to cross criminal Ion. "I had f Straw hits Gave-lick- , to the BROADWAY at SEVENTH ; Harry Niwmill saloon so wo could .a asked thegirl at one time to go out with Denver; 'A. I get so The center of shopping;, busineas and Joseph dlucosky. drink. drove them there and left mo but that was before she got !:f 1i1rc Hats, now $1.00 J red no, Alfred B. district: Convenient to all cat lines. Itussia; Ooodearl, them. Jack O'Connell and I went back wild. She told me.once that she could k 300 outside rooms with private bath. Eu- Boston; Grant H. Gordon, Keene, N. to Ihe Sawmill saloon at o'clock. We me of tilings 1 didn't know. .p-- ..; . Kates teach lots .aiioih, now. ropean plan. $1.50 and up. Dining H.; Paul K. Guyled, Modesto, Cullf.; found Mark lying across a tablo She told me she had been out with .Jl.ju room service refined and excellent. J'reej w drunk Is William L. Hall, Bestland, Va.: .lames e took turn into a Wine room, run- $1.00 . .$2.75 a from Detpota. Folder upon request. 'L lots of men." Sailors, now. WILLIAM R. FLOOD. Manager. tiimond, Springfield, Mass.; itayl ty minutes later Celestine Davison "Who were some of these men.'" . B. K. 4 LANKERSHIM, Owner. Hamplc Heading, Pa.; Anthony ltagsdale. Prohest .nwi $5.00 .,r.ih Attorney Barth asked. ' m Panamas, now. $3.50 H.Un I Harris, Peoples, Pa.; Benjamin drove up. staid in the k.i'i Johnson refused for a time to an- Hatfield, Independent. Mo.; James-an- saloon until i o'clock when we m $0.00 Panamas, now. $3.95 It. Bowers swer. At length he replied, "Well, Herbert, Hill, Va.; Frank (Jack and I) took our girls home Cliff Johnson B. Holicky. Lakota. N. Thomas P. Celestine Davison ui.i.i for example, Hayden." New Fall C: .i. was the last witness in the morning Tit: Hats $4, $5 & $8 Irwin, Galva, la.; Forest 1. Isom, Mo-sie- r, ou wuuui not nance or drink Aft. Ore;. Steve session. Jendrosrak, Chicago; lnp otner girls home, Jack and tile after- - ... Attorney Simms opened . Hoy Johnson, Bridgeport, Neb.; lioy Ill "Ill-- II, IMP SllOllin was . lack 111, ...... A. MeClane, Michael Mats-c- o.v W-- II oil llVluil null vi. Roll York, Pa.; tnat time pretty intoxicated for - 1 he would not call other witnesses of Nonor Allentown. Pa.: Marnn Mntusie- ne una had nipn,iit i Mail Orders Delivered Free Courteous Attention wicss, IX'trnit; James H. Miller, Stock- - when he said: Lets i'ulliam the '",fc'lsP' ton, Calif.; Walter H. Miller, Plain- - awav from th .t .... . "You have said, he told the Judge, LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. American Casualties well. Mich.; Novle L. Moore, Forest and found Pulliam n Ji.V. "that not ,ile to hear tne . sitting o,, i ... " 11 1 ,.l Tl la. lift. . i v, Green, Mo.; John T. Morton Pace. n nis A l Httlii'- lt: i" II iJ II 'J i coat, hat, collar and 1 fur- - N. C; Williams Myers, Dartmoor, Va.; tie ;;" The srlrl was Ki.,.. i i 'isnipK of hoys' so will not call MORNINO K. (SV JOUKNAL SeBCIM. LBABBD WIKI) Axel Nelson, Little Falls, Minn.; a sheet covering her. Wo thcr wilnt's!",H for the defense. G. put for Washington, Aug. 3. The army cas- Claronce 1'aff, Chippewa Falls, into the car ami uin. ,.ii,i..i i '.,.J Miss Davison took the stund E. L. list Wis.; Paul Grand N him. 11(111 I state. She denied she had asked Washburn ualty issued today shows: Pechcr, Forks, '". (II III P P llthll.. nr the D.; E. Wil-lia- Company Killed in action, 112; diod of wounds, Harry Peffer, Pittsburgh: We drove to a roadhouse in Johnson to go out with her. J. Bear can- 11; died of disease, 11: died of acci- Itentie, Philadelphia; Hosarlff yon Miss Davison said she would not "1 did not tell him I was out with dent and other causes, 5; wounded se- Hlociardi, Milford, N. H.; William I!. go home wh. n We asked her if Hho other men." she said. "Furthermore, Hiddell, Llovci S. Hip-le- to I never was at the Sawmill saloon verely, 56; wounded, degree, undeter- Niagara Falls, wanted go. We stayed at the road-hous- e 2: !l. Lohrvillo, 4 I was never at the roadhouse she remembered at Ihe mesa of mined, missing, Total, 206. la.; Henry Kivers, St. until or 4:30 . ,. Jack had before; thing the disastrous results of publicity bared tho Immorality which was cred- The army casually list today In- Johnsbury, Vt.; Joseph H. Bupp, obtained some whiskv and the before, and I never drank Intoxicat- roadliouse was llartman's attempting for them. ited to the madhouse nn cludes Paul W. girl before. 1 took to force her to drink escapade, the names of Cyril B. Brier, 'Beading, Pa.; SWiroeder, wanted a drink. He told her whisky ing liquor Johnson's whisky. Women Gio licmonsiinlimi. one occasion tho mot her hurst into of in Germantown, was with the Occidental Life In- das-ne- Denver, killed action; Private Tex.; Joseph Schwartz, a riian'a drink and she said she position Boy Uctiacls Testimony. nfler Judge McClellan tears and at other times her of In San Francisco; V. Phil-- , surance company and ho demanded It Immediately Harry davoiick Denver; killed Brady Smith, '""I" nritiK more whisky than Bert Bosycr was placed on tlie announced his decision the wo-I'ir- hands convulsively as she. he, ml ; any He was refused 1 many action. ..',ei.ina iteginaid smith, Ios An- man there. back. and suppose stand by tho stale. Upon Ihe inen in (he courtroom filed nasi Ihe swear to their immoral rela- Killed in Action. geles; Joseph Sottosante, L'nlon "Later she went that is why he is sore at me." oi tne tions Willi N'. Hill, into another room questions males attorneys the seals of Mr. and Mrs, Davison and her daughter. If. J.; Haymond Stake, N. 1). : and The girl said she was not conscious Maj. James Nalle, Washington Surrey, called inc. She was lying on a (icienso oojecteit ami Isaac liartu said , their daughter and shook hands Ii Ilailiiiau-(- l ( oniicll Trial Tomorrow. Lleuts. Herman St. J. Boldt. New Arthur fi. Stanley, Nehish, Minn!: sofa with of the actions which Hartman sahhe he would to prove that How- - M. her clothes disarranged. attempt express their sympathy for the moth The trial of Norman and A. Leslie Stone, perpetrated upon her. She denied n.-i- ne Ilarlman lork; James Cooper, Halo Center, Syracuse; Thomas P She attempted to Induce mo Into im- yer srKncu inesiatement maoe er and daughter Jack , Stone, K. Swan-son- . the accusations of Hartman and Jack O'Connell. charged with having Tex.; Harry S. deorg-- Pittsburgh; Lockland, o.; Albert relations hut I lor Simms while in Simms' office and Thirty minutes liefoie tlie trial proper would not hear O'Connell as to her Immoral acts and a wis In their possession a i:irl for immoral Hyrnn II. Hall, Leavenworth, Kans.; Laporte, Ind.; Fllis H. Tarter to it. 1 was unable to wilhout knowledge of its conients. si I'cfii.led to be resumed Itohert Colfax. Ia.; James I physically have reiterated her statement that tho hist "Do it in offices of the yesterday purposes, will he hold nl ID o'clock o. Purdy, Jr., Sumter. S. C; xa, Clcvrland; signed the m;n;ii' the court rooi'i w is crowded tomorrow It Charles M. John L. Velines, Barth said. morning. previously had Stramborg, Somerville, Comet, Va.; deorgu aliorueys," wi'h men who filled th e".l:e loom .been set for the same lime as the Mass.; Master W. Waldrop, S. Sam- a lie, In Kngineer Hugh d. Spartanburg, C.' inais snouted Attorney w.iand part of the liallwavx t!io eitv Pnlllain o:is- hut ihe late hour uel War-sosk- ( n I yester- Attalla, Ala.; Sergeants Harry Wallace, Philadelphia; John i. iieacocK. inais lie ami win ."lam- of the same w M.wu who B. New throw it In his teeth day prevented hearing of further tes- Blood, Kelso, Wash.; Michael J. Bedford, Mass.; deorge 1 attended Friday's session relumed timony. Clanders, New M. Weeks, Fastman, Ga.; Samuel Welti'-tra- "if tho gentleman will meet me at and sat Orleans; Kay Karls, LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT yesterday through the entire The defense asked for a of Jasper, Mo.; Lee Meece, New York: Franklin p. Wesp another place," Jocularly Hinted Barth. recital of tho filthy stories. chum;o Dykes. Ky.; 1 venue but It was denied. Tne attor- Lewis A. pye, Y.- - Gardenvllle, N. y.; Ernest William' "or will step outside will lake up In Rochester, N. Cor- tho morning session an overflow for the defense porals James H. Canton, Pa.; Frank J. (he matter with him." In ad- ney then asked for a Bissell, Kerne N H Wilkinson, Fort By S. 'vV. STRAUS crowd gathered Ihe fire station which was Dwight .T. Cowles, Kansas Wayne, Ind.; Benjamin C. Wright. The dispute was settled peacefully the eitv hall and Jury selected and sum- City, Kan.: President joining attempted moned to tomorrow at Ml Lee A. Desilets, Keene, N. H Allen Mo.; Miko Yaks, New Britain American Society for Thrift and the testimony resumed. to hear tho trial through the v?ltid ws appear J. Conn. "I signed that statement Sunday of room. o'clock. Ilartman und O'Connell are fltzmorris, Skowhegan, Me; Vin- thecourt They almost filled $ .Mill cent diunt. Died of Wounds. morning." llowyer suld. "I was In the fire station and at under I, bond each for their ap- Valley, Minneapolis; John Apparcntly.i take 10 the afternoon at the Itusso, Brooklyn; Thomas Lieut. Dcioth K. every possible step looking to Simms' office from to 11:30 o'clock. session the fire station were pearance trial. Seale Long Mellinger, Ephrnta little or no the eradication of this evil. did not read statement lo doors The Island City; James P. Pa.; Sergeant Walter Wal-tham- They the locked In order that the crowd charge against Hurtman and Shaw, New Bed- Jensen, concerted c- - Pul- might All n hnlldmB. -- t me. but told me it was to help O'Connell Is ford, Mass.; Anton M. Mass.; Corporal Crowell G " n- - kr.u c. not interfere with the punishable by imprison- Sorenson, Penn tion is "".iiip in si ui that he'd be sent to If 1 department's ment not less Yan, N. Y. ; George 15. Lan- iFlsh, Writ Lynn, Mass.; Privates Jo- being all, be made in their con- liam; jail leaving the station in case an alarm than eisht months nor Vickrev, M. refused. I signed it because I was more than twelve months In or caster, o.; William B. Weaver seph Campbell, Albany, Ala.; d taken in struction. Sewers and drains should was received. jail, Piney afraid of the men. O'Connell. Bags a fine or im- Cr8ek, N. Ivtiurence B. A. Henry, Mllnocket. Me.; Glen America to be so constructed that Interest in the case was nt an ex- - by by both the fine and C; Williams they will hot Hartman Simms an in Pul- Boston: V Los , eliminate one dale, Pulliam, hl :h prisonment. Conviction the Bugler Henry J. Blng-hamto- n, Hughes, Angeles: T. become tremely pitch throughout the Keogh, Harry hiding places for rats. The lleaeock were in the liam case carries a sen- N. Y.; Bugler Asher Yaffee Midland, Mich.; Charles E of the worst amount of cleanliness hearing. At times when the testimony penitentiary Kf. greatest pos- time." became salacious tence of from one to five years. Syracuse, Y.; Wagoner William j! St.Louis; Louis J. Mills, De- examples of sible should be exercised Barth asked the state- and tended to troit; Frank about mar- Here that blacken the character of the the Duggar, Middleslxiro, Ky.; Mechanic Silva,.Ager, Calif.; Thom- wastefuln est kets and stores, iles'of lum- ment he made a of the court girl, Kli Bouley, Nashua, N. as L. Smith, Underwood, Ala. trash, part men In the room moved about rest- H.; Privates in our eco ber, straw, etc., which harbor records. Simms, however, Insisted Kelly Akers, no address; An- Died of Disease. nomical rats lessly as though unwed by what Stanley exist and mice in fields and vacant lots that It be read, and Barth compiled. In derson, Hartington, Neb.; John Arco-man- sergeant Frank Schetltz, Chicago; ence. We re The statement told of immoral rela- they heard. Early the tral yester- ' Saddler should Ic removed. owls was SiWE SUGAR Brooklyn; Arthur Auten John A. Jcrson , Hawks, . day it clear that Ihe sentiment of Tacoma, fer to the and other natural tions with the girl. Gaines. Mich.; Clayton S. Babcock! wash.; Privates Joseph Anawcski, enemies of rats After Its broke tho gathering was with the slender, depredati o n s be reading tho boy blonde sat in com- Bay Shore, Mich.; Leo R. Chapman, should protected. Trained rat- down in his anil confessed girl who apparent Meridian, rand ku rat. for use on the farms testimony posure hut under a Oklu.; Angelo J. Crist, Co- - and mice. No more ings and about he had lied In nn effort to save Pul- plainly heavy Jcsse helpful example warehouses should be All strain, beside her father and mother. Sn I"' ,'" Dorsey, Blue or tnritt could he city kept liam and Hartman. ,M,ISSV na,ph E' PerKins, York brought about than food in storage should be in The of tho on The little family presented a Beach a kept arguments attorneys re- C': n strong, united movement of rat-pro- mice-pro- scene when the witnesses LEMON JUICE I,orter- - "I".' a and containers. both sides were short and to the point. Phinn' ra". nation-wid- e character which shall viewed occurances of the and K n.i'r.""', "uIuth' Minn.; Walter Rats and mice should be systemati- Attorney Miller, assistant prosecuting "party" nave tor - - Neb-- : its object the destruction ot- for the state with an R "Kl?n- Nemoyl 6f cally poisoned trapped and Wher- attorney .opened TAKES OFF TAN r; oV'T" "ncum o, Mont. these rodents. ever impassioned plea for justice and (he n Acci.ioe.t .i Not possible regular organized Vat ,;r"' only do they cause a toss of drives should be made. establishment of the girl's'goul char- property each year, running high acter through tho decision of the into the millions of dollars but Only by 8nd vigorous, court. they measures of a Girls! Make lotion " u"bert Bedard, are responsible for diseasi and aggressive national Attorney Simms, for the defense, bleaching uchburg Mass.; Constantine- Pam. dcaih. scope will effective results be ob- briefly upon the statement and Keorire. iv. v - ' They besmirch and befoul spoke if skin is much tained in this important matter. asked that the Judge "holding the sunburned, Sisseton, K. U. Schaunaman of the food which we eat, PERUNA of foul Let scales of Justice evenly regardless tanned or freckled carrying substances from evcrs, every organlzrtion accept this the sentlmerft In the courtroom and barnyards, and old matter as a patriotic duty-an- act MANALIN CLASS OF METHODIST alleys buildings In the city: that he be not rushed and Cured Me into places where food is stored or vigorously. The annual depredations Into a decision for either side." CHURCH cooked. ' of rats alone in America are (equal Senator Barth closed for the state Squeeze the juice of two lemons into ENTERTAINED an- -- i ... to Ihe production of an He a bottle of country places, pom rats ana agricultural with the principal address. spoke Mrs. E. M. R. R. Catarrh of containing; three ounces mice are notorious of army of two hundred thousand men. of the wrongs which had been done Harris, Orchard White, Bhake well, and you The destroyers young ladies of th Tn.n,.t. grain, so we have In these two forms No doubt, the destruction of mice the girl; how an attempt had been No. 3, Ashland, Wis., the Nose, have a quarter pint of the best freckle, class of the Lead Avenue is to blacken in sunburn Methodist of animal life an 'enemy whose on- at least half as great. made her character sends a message of cheer Throat and and tan lotion, and complex- church went back to order that men escape their ion their childhood slaughts never cease, day or ; If we bad an of three hun- might beautifier, at very, very small cost J. when-the- night army deserts and the to the sick: Stomach. Your days Hday night were en- whose victories are continual and dred thousand men rightful declared that grocer has the lemons and any tertained by Miss Edith actively engaged to blacken Miss Davison's drufr store on toilet counter .will sup- Olenn who in millions of devious is in our food, attempt "After following your advice Miss Clarke Watson at th hum. ways destroying how quickly . character was as great a crime as Peruna and Manalln, Now I do all .my work and am ply three ounces of Orchard.White for seeking to undermine ot:r be and using 1 the former on Forester avenue prosperity would ve aroused to vigorous that perpetrated by Pulliam. I cured of catarrh of the in good health. reeoinmcnd a few cents. this fra- huh sif-ferin- g Massage sweetly The afJ destroy our food supply. action! In the cise of the rat and Barth spoke hotly against Hartman ' tills valuable remedy to nil grant lotion into the face, neck, arms members of the clasg" were It is the now, throat and stomach, from dressed in patriotic duty of every the mouse the equivalent of such and characterized Pulliam as a. I had for from any disease of the and hands each day and see how childish costumes, and citizen in just which suffered several wore their hair in braids. America to enlist in the a condition presents itself. There- "lounge lizard. He said seven other When I commenced tak- stomach." freckles, sunburn, wlndburn and tan Thev n!v. cause in road- yeaiM. and how ed childish' games. The of the destruction of rats and fore, there is hut. one reii.,.1 m. girls had been implicated the ing Peruna I could not make my Peruna Is Sold Fvcrywliere disappear clear, soft and evening's mer. mice. It IS the dutV of civil tn in the fulfillment ... house escapade, but that by an agree- white the skin becomes. Yea! It li riment was concluded by a ghost (verv ill n( bed without stopping to rest. Liquid or Tablet Form - story mimiefpal state organization to otic duties: act anrj ment of counsels their names had .harmless, by Mrs. George Casper, aijj gc ojiicjj been withheld from the trial because EIGHT Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918

CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. GRAZING LAND l'OIt SALE 18 WEST CENTRA!, AVE. Suitable range for sheep for BRITISHERS lease on long or short term lease. Wm. L. & Co., Second and ENLIST NOW! TODAY AND l&Zi Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Tinner j KODAKS Staley TOMORROW Heater, Cold Ave. S All persons wishing to enlist In the PHOTO SUPPLIES British or Canadian forces are re- House of High Class Pictures and Music Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces quested to call on the undersigned. ABSOLCTELX GUARANTEED. EASTMAN FILMS COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN British Canadian Recruiting PHONE SIS. ALBCQUERQCE, N. M. Let Us Send a Man Mission To Replace That Broken Window Glass. jsTOimH Do It in the All members 'They and visitors are invited It ALBCQXTERQUE LCMBER CO. George Roslington I I to attend. Pays Resident , Pictures!" There will be a Phone 421. 423 N. First. Officer community sing of In satisfaction when turn y 1 you d ( That i what the hero cries ns he fifteen or twenty minutes preceding ' j the service at the First out a good photograph. We 4. '- - 1 seizes the girl 'round the waist regular Bap- Hiidnwkiori with her. thniiiBli LYRIC tist church O. II. Hi tonight. Kanady on "Velox" and get defi- I A ZVt n en will sing a solo and Prof. E. S. Seder print 1 3" J Irclmg bund of bandits! TODAY ONLY will several selections on the nition that will give cheaper paper 1 3 f X. " 7J WILLIAM FO Presents organ. Everyone Invited. not We all Kodak fin- WANTED ,The cub bear, caught and brought give. do f To Cool! to the city by M. E. Musgraves, is ishing on Velox paper. buy, a good second hand Majes- Keep domiciled in one of the front show tic range. Phone 886-W- . MONRO E windows of the Whitney Hardware company, and will remain there until Don't worry over a ULUltUL Mr. Musmaves Is ready to ship tho I cub to the National Zoological park, STRONG'S red-h- ot D. C. range today. Washington, I'k?5 SALISBURY S. K. Holt, station agent for the LOUIS C. GIELITZ oil Sunta Fe railroad at Waldo, N. M., BOOK Go to church and mwm uiAi MERCHANT TAILOR IN was in the city yesterday on business. STOREj He returned to Waldo last night. Mr. Just received, fine line of English then to eat Holt says the Madrid coal mines, near Hulling for Autumn and Winter arrange will be with Increased Waldo, working 107 SOUTH FOURTII your Dinner "The force per orders from National Coal Sunday Eagle" Administrator Oarfield, in a short Third door north of Postofflce. at the coolest Cafe in time. ' 2 MEM CHARGED in A flag pole has been erected Staged the Rocky in front of the I.. B. Putney Mercan- Albuquerque. C "The Rid Mountains tile company at Bernalillo. An Amer- SUITS CLEANED, $1 ican flag 12 by 18 feet waves from Four suits the top of the pole. Flags of the WTH STEALING pressed $1.25. PULLMAN other allies, which are 4 by 8 feet, Contract plan. Columbia Cleaning Co. ,f Lyons and Moran also wave from the pole. The Ameri. Delivery. Phono fltfd. can flag is said to be the largest in is Clever" Comedy New .Mexico. CAFE The Indian school lagoon will be FLOUR ARRESTED Bryant's Delivery "A DUCK OUT OF open for the use of the people of Al- FOR QUICK SIUY'ICE PI LL Ol' PEP AND SPEED buquerque on Mondays, Wednesdays Phone 501. 222 West Copper. 1 of P. M. I.EAKOC, Proprietor I 'THE KID IS CLEVER" Directed by Paul Powcl WATER" and Saturdays between the hours 'WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION 118-12- H 2 6 7 9 m. on 0 Written Lewis and p. m. and and p. avery and Bf.ddre nurses. West Central Avenue by Randolph and be- Trimble's Tuesdays, Thursdays Fridays, Istdro Sanchez and Felipe Robles Ited Barn. .. 10c 3 6 m. M Adults tween the hours of and p. are in Jail charged with the stealing Those desiring to use the lagoon are of a sack of flour from the grocery Also Smiling Billy Parsons In Two Reel Comedy Children 5c requested not to come at any other store of A. Trosello, 1005 South Sec- GENTRY'S EGGS time. ond street, late Saturday afternoon. nuwkins, Skinner, Champion, "BIRDS OF A FEATHER" Fred H. Kent, the South Third The men drove to the store In a and Son Jose Market; 65c dozen. street real estate agent, one of the wagon. According to the police one Dog License Notice TIME OP SHOWfi pioneers of the city, is reported quite of the men went into the store and All license I, 2:30, 4, 5:30, 7, 8:30, 10 ill at his home', 92a West Copper ave- bought a sack of flour while the other BITTNER HOUSE dog expired ROOMS 31 1918. nue. With Mrs. Kent and daughter, waited outside. The man had hardly July Licenses 1 319 2 South Matinee 6 If we want lo keep the buttle Mrs. Margaret Medler, Mr. Kent vis- finished trading when the proprietor First, phone 221. may be obtained at the to Children 5c; Adults 10c ited the Mayo hospital. Rochester, said he noticed a sack of flour, which Office of the City Clerk. line unbroken, c must keep to an he had on display outside the store, 6 to 11 Children 15c Minn., where he umbiWod , The Police have been Nights 10c; Adults of his but no was missing. The . proprietor went (lie food Hue unbroken. Do not examination condition, instructed to enforce was made. They returned outside, took a sack of flour from the operation men's carried It into the the allow any vegetables or fruit to to the city recently. wagon, Santa Fe ordinances against J. G. Caldwell of the O. K. store and summoned the police. Stage all delinquents. miII ; Adjutant Patrolman Thomas and f run or dry them. Warren post, Grand Army of the Re- Hogsn GEO. I). HAMMOND, mem- Deputy Sheriff Ramon Ortiz drove to Albuquerque to Santa Fe public has announced, that any Barclas automobile in of week City Clerk ber of the Grand Army or any of Its by pursuit Commencing July 22. the alleged thieves, coming up with Taxi Matfeucci, Palladino&Co. auxiliary organizations who is plan- them saloon. Accord Singer Co., Phono 600. I encamp-me- t at the Bridge ning to attend the national ing to officers there were more than Leaves GROCERIES AND MEAT8 of the G. A. R. to be held in Mondays, THEATER 100 of flour in the wagon. 18 to 24, pounds Wednesdays, 495-4S- Portland, Ore., August Sanchez It is said, denied Fridays 601 W. Tijcras. Phones 6 him and Robles, should secure certificates from any knowledge of how the flour came and Saturdays. TODAY AND TOMORROW which will enable them to purchase to be In the wagon. WANTED TO RENT at one cent a mile. Mr. will Cur leaves Albuquerque 7 a. transportation The two be given a hearing be in. C'laH in Caldwell's address is 217 West Sliver. fore Judge W. W. McClcllan Monday Santa Fe, 4:30 p. m. Four-roo- m modern furnished house Highest Every Way morning. It was said last n.'ght that Fare One in Highlands; must bo desirable; Strausenback has arrived from officials of the food administration Way. J3.75 Miss Round Trip, $7.00 no children. J. C. JORDAN, Y. M. Chicago, III., and will have charge of might make an Investigation. Artcraft Pictures Presents room for Mrs. I H. Cham-berll- n C. A. Brothers I the work CECIL P.. DE MILLE'S PHODIXTION Strong at "Tho Hat Shop," 109 South OFFICIALS ON THEIR J Undertakers Fourth street. Miss Strausenback will be remembered as the artistic design- WAY TO SALT LAKES TROMIT SERVICE. PHONE er who was associated with Mrs. For Sale Bakery t 75. STRONG BLK., COPPER I Chamberlin (Madam Steward-Lamb- ), The Real Hoover X AND SECOND. for several years when the latter con- I. C. Sanchez, manasing director A good Candy 1 U U VY Sec- of the New Mexico Salt com paying propo- Vtft nn MW ducted a millinery store on South Refining uuocoiate snop unocoiates ond street. pany, with his niece, Miss Eucla de sition doing $3,000 per Aragon, accompanied by Bonifacio GRIMSHAWS MERCHANTS Montoya, vice president of the salt month business, in live RETAIL company and1 one or the largest stocK-holder- Second and Central B town in ENDORSE RIO GRANDE and Thomas New Mexico. "Giimshaw Wants to See Sou" i LOCAL ITEMS Catron, arrived in the city from Santa " Fe yesterday, and after a stay of an Reason for PARK PROPOSITION - selling hour here continued on to the Estan- In- .8 I cia valley, where the properties of partner in army. ilKmmwL Tho Retail Merchants' association the salt company are located. Mr. DR. MARRON ALONSO xfiyrsr Tourist lunches. Pullman Cafe. the Box 50, here has adopted resolutions Indorsing Sanchez stated to the Journal that quire Journal 321 WEST CENTRAL Martin & Thorn. Taxi. Fhone 273. the Rio Grande park and properties are being developed right proposed Office. 831-- Mrs. Louise Chavez of San Mateo, urging that the landowners who have along and necessary machinery to Phone N. M., in ill at St, Joseph's sanatorium. not done so, donate a part of their work the properties are being Born yesteivlay morning to Mrt lands for park purposes. and Mrs. E. E.'Stelncr of Did Albu- The resolution follows: querque, a son, Whereas, the Albuquerque Cham- BACA CASE CONTINUED of Commerc e undertaken the Totl Bilva ber has Richarc and Joseph have construction of Rio Grande park, a UNTIL MONDAY MORNING AUTO SERVICE FARM LABORERS started to work in the Santa Fe Bhops to citizens as boiler maker project very useful all the TO apprentices. of Albuquerque, and certain to result WANTED Mr. and Mrs. I'. M. Pray and Frank in to the attractiveness of this The case of Emlllo Baca, charged c were in adding JEMEZ Good Are Scheck, of this ity, Los city and promoting Its growth, and with assualt upon a girl, Many' Propositions last week and stopped at Hotel this can only be which was set for yesterday morning, Open Now. See Baltimore. Whereas, park was HOT SPRINGS made possible by the donation of par- continued until Monday morning. Counsel for defense asked that It be Lawrence Milne, son of d cels of land owned by various citi- ROUND $20. Farm Labor Agent Mis. John under- and continued so the defense might have TRIP, Milne, zens, to a as to the MORNING JOURNAL OFFICE went a minor operation at the Pres- Whereas,' a number of those citi- time furnish certificate Notify have girl's age. Undersigned. byterian hospital yesterday. zens, with splendid public spirit, Tho of the ' K. 8. donated lands for this pur- hearing charge against CHAS. H. CLAY, Hall of Old Albuquerque, who already A. Boris, proprietor of the Belleview Buffered a stroke of sev- pose, and the carrying out of this al- apoplexy re- hotel .where Baea d the girl are Jemez Hot N. M. X eral weeks ago, was to be in project is only delayed by a few to Springs, reported of there- leged have stayed, was continued a critical condition lust nisht. maining parcels land; now, until 6 o'clock afternoon. fore, Monday Among the guests registered at the Berta is charged with failure to kee USED CAR SALE Be It Resolved, that the Albuquer- a hotel t S4SS Hotel Clark, Los Anpeles, last week Retail Merchants' association proper register. were: Mrs. E. C. 13. que Look Over the List Yon May Willcy Hnd W. heartily indorses Rio Grande park, and CECIL 5. DgIvULLE'S 'Old Viws For Willey, also A. K. Walker, of this city. Y. M. C. A. TO APPOINT Find Just What You Want. ' Nov tho effort of the Chnmber of Com . AnAOTrBAFTftrtirt Charles V. Safford, secretary to merce to this and One Overland Touring, complete project, BOYS' SOON 6 - passenger 1275 Senator A. B. Fall, is in the city on this association offers its congratu- SECRETARY I'nim the Book by David Graham a visit to his Mr. Safford to citizen? SALESPEOPLE One Overland Roadster. .. .1150 Phillip daughter. lations the public spirited All-st- will remain some time in One Overland A Wonderful Picture With a Wonderful Cast Albuquer- who have donated lands, and The board of directors of the Y. M. excellent con- Be we touring (in que. It Further Resolved, that C, A. last night voted to give Lynn H. almost new $800 who not do- au- dition) W. A. (loff was fined $5 In police urge upon those have yet Fox, secretary of the association, WANTED One Dodge Touring $200 "WEEKLY court nated their lands that make to EVENTS" yesterduy morning on a charge they thority appoint a permanent boys' One Overland Touring, of violating the traffic ordinance. The these gifts to this community without secretary. The appointment, it was SEE THE WOULD he was his cur further delay, and that this associa- not $250 police say running at announced, would be made until One Dort, $150 without tion expresses Its firm belief that in Mr. For Touring night headlights. after Fox, who is attending the Cash One Overlund 6 11 ; . : . . . . J. A. Kiehl. claim the such donations will earn summer August Light Touring, to ...... Adults 15c; Children 10c agent for Rio making they school at Estes Park, Colo., . . Grande, Kl Paso & Santa Fe not only "the gratitude of their fellow returns. Dr. R. P. is $150 railroad, Wedge acting Clearance Sale Wyllls-Knlg- ht 1 -- at El and in citizens, and aid the welfare of this One Touring, to 6 Admission 10c Paso, Mrs. Rlehl were temporarily. 7- - Albuquerque yesterday. They left community, but that tho completion passenger (an excellent later in the day for Colorado Springs of the park will add such value to huy) $1250 on a vacation trip. their remaining land as will more Apply Monday MANY BARGAINS AMONG Edwin Mechem, the food adminis- than repay them for the value of the THE ABOVE. CALL AND trator and land donated. for the county of Otero, BE ALERT! LOOK THEM OVER ftenson Newell, the clerk of the The Golden Rule with headquarters at Las DEATHS AND FUNERALS j are in the on business TdDAYONLY Cruces, city KISTLER-OVERLAN- and to visit friends. The following men are ordered to Dry Goods Co. D CO. HDVOTAT Mrs. Ama-rill- o Josephine Bender. appear at the local board immediately: 513-B1- J. E. Nunn, publisher of the Mrs. 44 Phone 710. 5 W. Central. his son. Josephine Bender, years Hugh W. Antill. Gwyn W. Neuton, 5 CENTS News, accompanied by old, died at her home here this morn- Orville C. J. I., Nunn. and Mrs. Nunn, was in Haven, Cristoval Garcia, ing. She is survived by one son, Har- Benjamin Rodolftv Laurlano. Anaya, ' Albuquerque yesterday en route to ry and came here San Santa Fe and other in the Bender, from Carlos Palz, Santiago Garcia, Eugenio points Diego, Calif. The body was removed Lucero, Joe Rivera, Antonio Hernan- "THE BRANDED MAN" northeastern part of the state. to the French rooms. Solomon B. Included amotis the regis- undertaking dez, O'tiz, Juan Mantano, TWO PART WESTERN guests Moises Padilla, Tom Jefferson Loyd, tered at the hotel, Eos Teo-dos- la Arthur D. Oakcs. Francisco Griego, Nestor Tapla, Angeles, the past weok, were the fol- The body of Arthur D. Oakes, who of X. M. W. Sanchez, Carlos iSanchez, Joseph lowing Roswell, Mrs. H. died at his home here Friday night, Rchrelber, Richard Kutzscher, Leslie "A HERO FOR A MINUTE" Brough, Messrs. Harry and Ted will be sent to Alvarado, Tex. S. Urbano L. today Collier, Rumaldo Sanchez, TWO ' ' V BroiiKh and Mrs. W. Wilson. Mr. Oakes Is survived by a wife and Jaramlllo, Thomas S. Mann, Archer PART COMEDY) Islie Lfoldt, member of the United his mother. Herman Prize Rates Crisp. Alfredo G. Sanchez, Putney's navy, has arrived safely In Pigs ( Kutzfrher, Melqulades Sanchez. England, according to word received Frank S. Hall. "SCREEN MAGAZINE" here yesterday by his parents, Mr. and Frank S. Hall, 63 years old, died Molt KENT FurnlHlied five-roo- m Mrs. C. He . E. Boldt. is at present at his home In Old Albuquerque at new bungalow. Sleeping porch and TOPICAL stationed at Killingholme, Eneland. basement. All modern We have for sale at Bernalillo, N. M., some, W. midnight last night from paralysis. large Improve- Mr. and Mrs. G. Bond, of Boise, Mr. Hall was ments Motto in. of Mrs. Lco-ol- d In the formerly agent for the Inquire Idaho, arrived' city yesterday Masonic Life Insurance company. He Meyer, 701 West Copper Phone choice DUROC JERSEY SOWS AND nnd will remain several days. Mr. is survived a wife and two 1010. Is of by daugh- Bond a member the wholesale ters. Mr. Hall come to Albuquerque Bond-Dillo- n com- BOARS. The sows and boars are reg- "Two-Bit- grocery concern of thirteen years ago from large " In Michigan. CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Pay your pany, besides being interested a Funeral have not been . . New Mexico con- arrangements - small ones WANTED number of other completed. PHONE M7 istered; the are subject to regis- Red Cross dues. This is cerns. FREE CALL AND DELTVERY A brlfcht, energetic girl for wrap- Mrs. Iren Potter and Mrs. Goldie B. M. WTIJJAMS BATCH'S OIjD RTAND tration. If you are in the market for some a duty you should not ping counter. Apply , Andrews will entertain the members Dentist THE ECONOMIST of tht Eastern Star Sewing club Tues- Persons who wltsi to renew o take Rooms 1 and t. Whiting Building extra fine stock, let us hear from - neglect. , day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Phone No, 1184. out memberships in the Red Cross you. Totter, 207 North Fourteenth street. Corner Second nnd Gold. ran do so by calling at Strong's Book Store, O. A. Matson A Co.. Grimahaw's ARMIJO'S TAXI LINK or Mrs. H. B. Ferguson, or by phoning '' Two cars com- L, Co. Gallon tump Y 6n,"P 8tT large at your service, day the chairman of the Membership B, Mercantile CerrUlos LfnUn 'tOaftnl OerrUIos Putney Lump . Stow and rates hour. mittee. No. 1SSI-- .. fMOO.V'UCll VAs night Cheep by the ' ' - ' SPRINGER PHONE 414. f PHONE FOR RENT IDEAL THEATER tl. Bernalillo, N. M. ANTHRACITE, ALL BUSES; STEAM COAL. . YOUR HAULING BY bus-nes- s; HAULS AI1YTHIHG TONS Fully equipped nd ready for Is Motorized by Henry's Delivery. Immediately possession. Apply Coke, Mill Wood, Factory wood, Cord Wood, JNadre Kindling, Urns, Phone 139. V Kveritt, Jeweler. . , . It T ; Society Section ALBUQUERQUE MORNING Editorial Albuquerque, New Mexico,5 Sunday, August 4, 1918

Aygost 4, J9S8 Copyright, 1918, b? Str Company Crmt Pr!tnl Btht Rr8. R(t'ril V. 8 Patfiu Office. naiiigan I TO T 1 HEEM GOT N0551NG 1 CHUST GOT HWD V -- IF 1 U 135 DOT h muw t 1 ILJ Vf GOOD BYE, FOLKS! DOMT mi T 10 MYSELF .FOR DlS) L L4 J RUBBER N KT VIN DER POLO nWCH SOMEVUN . up wit: wefmtv vc"uAB5.n A,' jjh c TrrnlffnTTmrflnTT ME & DING-G002LE- HORSEY (couldn'tidenpoleum:pdid - ' CM CM.L J STUFFED haf Z V ABETTER i; j 9 L-- OR EMPTY 41 y V y Im It V r 'm

1 Yl fTWnt-- busy); "Jr)f i t VOULD HMvID fm

- AN nEftSLY lOLO PONV VOT GET5 ZJ2-: FRE5H MlTPsOLD BIRD LIKE I'M ri. " HAS GOT PsNODDER DOD ' M -: GTEDr - ' . rvr:-- - ... .guestswvy?- 14 Hi I I II I I T -- "Jill I 1

! nTTT : , , "CUSS 1SS - i , nHEUOAPTXlN OH .CftPTMN ! Y0O- HOO ! VUN -- : r S I'M sorry CKASS, INSPECTOR , CHUVrLl HLINGUNG DERTELEF0M TT7M,lE: terrible HORSE d ) I GOT MY RUBBER i . because ve iss ding-Buste- kV0T SWS DER BlZNESS SS -5 PONY w y C- " MIXED UP MIT MR !V'Y uuu IMPORTANT . rnitiNUa(V)t UPON DtWH . TT IM5PECT0R 1 - ' 'V.A 7 (VOUDONTTASKDER WHO, ME ? PONN UND KEEP HIM FOR ft V' ' TO GET OM ? M W8E YOU CrN A-- A Vol ) V'V FOR RDCCCklTI. 1 J ? 1 r'B 1 E T EXPLODE! TE HEE ! , KiX vTV T JiH

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-- T i; fJONLN ft LITTLE. rSk2' rljry M Haw WWg.ngj' 'AL'iJ," ' f.. ". .11' I " I'lW.i ii J PHTWHT.,n l) .0 ' mi

TWO AlbuquertiuS Morning Journal. Sunday, August 4, 1918

it Ii ! By Grace Regene li i - i Telephone Thirteen II Society ft ews of the Southwest ii . il i dance and a new dance which they have entitled; tho French dance. The ii Hot Weather Duke Y. W. C. A. Cares for These Girls. Corn Dance San Domingo mini iiem nay will be at Santa ciara, Despite City Today Monday, August 12. when the annual Santa Clara fiesta takes :- -: :- -: :- -: :- -: :- -: place. II :: j ne mis. on i iiesniiy evening was illustrated with dance figures painted by Crccetlcio Martinez, the San Ililc-fon- li Women Continue Relief Attracts People of Ancient City; Pueblo artist, who died recently. Work; und . The costumiug postures of these :- -: :- -: :- -: cor- :- -: :- -: :- -: :- -: :- -: :- -: artistic figures, while technically :: rect, also are highly artistic. Both the summer and the winter dances wore li Week Artists Plan Exhibit at Museum illustrated. the elo- Several Parties During In conclusion, Dr. Hewett went quently into the philosophy and ethnology of the great, primitive corn which will be held at the home cf W. E. L1NDSEY. American Research at Santa Fe. Tho dance drama which is so typical of HB past week in Albuquerque reme Court Justice C. J. is summer dances. li i was marKea a num Mrs. George Wheeler In .September. fellowship entitled that of "Native the Pueblo Largo society by a American Kel-se- y Santo on of Mrs. Morris and Miss Thompson GOVE and others enjoyed Art and Drama." Miss crowds will go to Domingo ber small parties lor viBltors, de- to tho Santa is a of Dr. in addition to the usual wom papers on China. Miss Spalding fishing trip daughter Francis W. Sunday. II i T nave with a violin solo i Fe canyon this wck, which Kellogg, head of the department of en s war activities wnicn lighted the guests rendered a in a trout dinner at the Latin at the University of Michigan Ensign Sylvanus G. Morley, formerly continued through the hot weather. unci Miss Thompson piano - Mrs. Mrs. Van Cleavo homo of Judijo Roberts on East I'ul- and former president of the Archae- on- the staff of the School of Ameri- I Everyone is yearning for the approach solo. Levitt, aco avenue II full of "Se- and Mrs. Robinson were hostesses. Wednesday evening. ological institute. Sho herself is a can Research, but lately in Central i,i and the u of the and for America on work among . ptember, i u graduate university1 research ' to The Girl left on a hike and some has In his- in told - .. O Miss Katherlne Little was hostess Scouts years, specialized the the Mayas 'Central America, ii morn- of RED RENEFIT a number of young people, at her week's camping trip Thursday tory art and drama and has been a vividly ot the destruction last year by mos'S Thurs-,in- v The the. Gua-tema- la ' IJY IUH.'. home on Marquette avenue last ing. big Box canyon of up- leader at the university, in all the earthquake of San Salvador and it FLiANNE! fill was destination. activities in work He was in both i A Cross concert will be ovpnlnir in honor of Miss Mangan. per Tcsuquo their student dramatic cities. places ii Red benefit O and Her first Undertak- the of their destruc- given by the Avenue Methodist Dancing and music occupied thcrj pageantry. during period Iad miss urare nim u The Fifteen club gave a card party ing will be a thorough field study of tion and had many a narrow escape church ladles choir at the church next evening, cioria as- ii i o'clock. An ad- solo and William Mcuonaict ana ansa at the homeof Mrs. Walter on East the Pueblo- ceremonies, beginning and at the s.mie time could render Friday night at 8:15 a Paluce avenue for with the corn on The sistance. Salvador he mission, fee of iii cents will be Slurtz delighted the guests with Saturday afternoon dance Sunday. At San found con- the benefit of relief music dances will be stud-le- d son of Tickets may lie obtained duct. A two course luncheon the fund for the rituals, and a New Mexico man, Hoaz Long, II i charged. of blinded soldiers and sailors, which and for use in K. Y. ot I.-i- in from any member of the choir or at sisting ot sandwiches, baked apple then arranged the Judge Vegas, to siiati, cheese wafers, olives, icecream work the club nas made its special public and private schools to sup charge of iho American .consulate, the door. This conceit promises care. - earth- be one of the best of the summer and and cakes was served. The guests By means of dime boxes the plant German folk dancing now prev- which was hard hit by tho ii Klean-o- r women of Fe have in was on many people ore expected lo iittend. were: Misses Loretto Mangan, Santa already alent many places. Similarly she quake. At Guatemala city he This will be the first concert Riven Vaughey, Bernice Hesselden, raised 5290 for the cause. The card will engage in research work in Mex- his way to the American club from was folk-lor- e, ii i ladies clmir. Grace Slartz, Louise Dadey, Irene party a Ruccess adding a nice ican music and miracle his second Christmas dinner, when by the newly organised sum 16 Mrs. D. W. Faw will be the assisting Herkenhoff, Lois Davis and Helen to the fund. plays. She is a finished musician ahd the earth rose some three feet, as . Frank O violinist. seemed in of and then was . Mrs. Lawrence Lackey is Thurman: William White, accomplished front him, tt I pianist. Lan-dolf- i, O the directrers of t ho choir. Mangan, Kenneth Barr, Krnost On Friday afternoon, at the home in tremors as If having a prolonged " t The follows: Grover' Devine, James Wait, of Mrs. Walter, the missionary depart- evening a number of young nervous clyll, while buildings wero program Swillum. Friday elec- IS Chorus, "The Shongy-Shoo- " May-lie- William McDonald and Joe ment of the Woman's sogiety of the men gave a dance at library hall, crashing on all sides of him and First Presbyterian church entertained which was largely attended. Morri- tric wires short circuJted, were spult-terln- g Charminade Miss Kdna Mae McLaurln of the at a musicale which netted a son's music- and falling. He dashed under ; Piano solo, "Autumn." goodly orchestra furnished the was to . came ii Mrs. Faw. Park Terrace flats, hostess amount for the society's treasury. O . tho nearest portals but bricks Semi-choru- Satur- "A Howl of Hoses" twelve of her young friends last THE CORN DANCE. raining down nnd he sprinted for the Clarke. ' day afternoon. The occasion being The Woman's committee of the plaza three blocks away, in tho lead ii . with musical Games were "Suppose, while you are at worship of hundreds of thousands of others Dramatic reading her fourth birthday. state council of defense met Satur- In church on some festival background. "The Song of the Pear in the park and later refresh- new museum. your great who came pouring out of buildings. played n. day afternon at the crowd boisterous i V. Miss Ethel Garrett. were served. The table decora-ii- day, a of Indians the tremors up and fl Tree," Travel ments Mrs. George W. Prichard, presiding. were to drive to the church door For weeks, kept Mrs. Lackey at the piano. of red. white and blue, topped O u,p the exodus that .ensued with every- Thee on cake of the same and rush Into the churcn, rignt into belong- Chorus (a) Kept this by the huge birthday The executive the body carrying their personal II I with the red. white and blue committee of the midst of the ecclessiastical cere In hands, was Mossy Fillow," Kmart; tb) "Spring's colors of the has asked tho Young Red Cross had its In would set cameras ings their graphically - Greeting" Koch. candles delighted the children. The Ordnance Bureau War Dapartment monthly meeting mony, up snap described. There were wit and hu- Selected. Miss Grace and Kea cross contri- Women's Christian Association to look after the recreation or me gins uv the.library of tha new museum Thurs- ping photographs right and left, eat as well as Violin solo Thrift Stamps war club mor and eloquence pathos II Stortz. butions were brought instead of the work in factories like this one building the wings of an airplane The or day afternoon. The relief their lunch and laugh and shout. Your in the talk which was illustrated wltn ' met with Miss Coleman on Wed- ; Quartet (a) "From the Land of usual presents. has taken the work with energy, and will care for the Mary sensations would be somewhat like of tho destruction ganization tip nesday evening making soldiers' scrap those of the Indians at Santo Domingo photographs lava flow. the Sky Bine Water." Cailman; (b) recreation and morals of these girl workers. books. The wrought by earthquake and If "The Moon Low" Miss Stortz, MOTHERS CIRCLE IS home service club met on Sunday, when the palefaces in It. McFie in conclusion Drops Misses and Wil- sa- Judge John Mrs. Lackey, Miss Hawthorne, Mrs. FORMED: OFFICERS NAMED. with Helen Georgina their automobiles drive into the reviewed the renaissance in Santa Fe of the Congre- liams on Wednesday evening. cred plaza. possibly between tho to II ! Doan. The Mothers Circle Roberts and Mrs. Neilson, assembled architecture, giving credit Ensign Vocal solo the Waters of was organized at the rows of performers, attempt to take M. for , (a) "Ey gational church at the home of the Rodgers at one of ORGAN CONCERT. Morley and Artist K. Chapman Minnetonka," Lieurancc, (b) "1 he home of Mrs. T. R. Hunter, 416 West morn PIPE photographs and poke fun at the their active in bringing it to tho Mrs. afternoon. tho most pleasant hours of the Tho Sunday afternoon pipe organ Pueblo and the which part II Moon Drops Low,.,('harmiiiade Tijeras avenue, Thursday Normal Jj and the time in priests ritual, attention 'of tho people. of the circle are: Mrs. University Ing spent interesting concert at the Masonic Cathedral is oh,e of the most sacred of the an Lackey. The officers discussion.. Just before the Is Two solos by George Geake, . Violin Obi. Miss Stortz. Crawford, secretary-treasure- r departure which free to the public, will in Pueblo religion." Thus Dr. Hewett ex- from. William quests wero served a Hoover break clude a of old on tho oratorio soloist of prominence li Chorus, "On tho Sea" Dudley and Ms. Smith, 219 Granite avenue, Mrs. number favorites plained, it would not be unreasonable Ind., delighted the au- A which (Lns 'egas.) fast. The party was in honor of pipe organ by Miss Beckner who will to tho to smash cam- Fort Wayne, Buck. superintendent. committee closed expect Indians dience. Possessed of what is pro- . The normal has Carroon's sister. Mrs. Charles be assisted in o was to draw up a constitu- university iniiiipe tho program by Mrs. eras or automobile lights of intruders, nounced the finest voice heard in ii appdntcd Mrs. one of the most successful summer of Bicknell, Ind., who is spending the Charles E. Doll, The un- Mr. J. W. Leech has arrived to take tion consists of Mrs. John Seth, cornetist. pipe for these go to Santo Domingo Santa Fe for years, he also has the schools ever conducted here. The summer with the carroons. will include: self-calle- d be- the position as cashier of the Citizens Herman Snyder and Mrs. Smith. organ numbers "Overture invited and ns. civilized to make his renditions effec- was elected to of the circle will total enrollment will go beyond 750. in- to Poet and Peasant," Suppe; "Mel- ings should possess at least the rudi- training accom- ii bank here. Mr. Lech The net meeting 400 or more tive. Mrs. Charles E, Doll v the cashiership of the Citizens bank be held at Kobinson park. A social cluding in this number ody in F,", Rubenstein; "Berceuse ments of good manners. held consists of high school and college students, 230 from Jocclyn," by Godard; "The Lost Dr. Hewett panied him, at a, meeting of the directors eommilloe foithe meeting commence- explained graphically O ii ago. Mr. Leech is a young Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Trtmuie being of college rank. The Chord," by Sullivan; "Barcarolle and beautifully, the significance of EXHiniT. . thirty days in Artesia Tales Offen- FOl'RTH ANNFAI; TAOS man of wide banking experience, hav- Wells. ment was held Thursday morning from of Hoffman," by the historical or first part nf tho corn also signalized the business for the Duncan opera house. Assistant bach; "Love's Old Sweet Song," Mal- and a drama- Tuesday evening ing been in the hanking dance, the dance proper, opening of the fourth annual exhibit M . eighteen years. He received his early WHITE WATER PEOPLE State Superintendent JohnV. Conway Mrs. Mark Corhin and Mrs. G. R. low; and "Sextette from Lucia," by tization of the growing of the corn of Artists. Hun- A class re- num- of tho Taos Societv training In Chicago, 1n one of the HOSTS TO SLOANS. gave an address. large L'rainard and their' children have Donizetti. Mrs. Doll's cornet and the part the. elements play in it, took the Hud for the C. W. Fraser of White ceived There to the summer. bers will be: "My Heart at Thy Sweet as well as' for dreds of people opportunity largest Institutions there. Mr. and Mrs. diplomas aul degrees. gono Cloudcroffci far a fervid prayer rain to view the painthv-T- sent down for il been connect Tir... n last week, were nineteen issued from Voice," by Saint Saens; "Alice, Where A past twelve years has i,,t their guests diplomas LiMrrd Nickson ...n r.nniiy ana and tho blessing of the Sky Father. tho exhibition. The exhibit of the ed with the Colsolldalea iNauonai Mr. and Mrs. W. E. of .Helen. the high school department, fourteen W J. Waldron rcurncl we'-- l Art Thou?" by Ascher; "Last Night," large class was organized from among tho which Sln din- con- nnd Taos society, whirh represents n bank of Tuscon, Arir.., from On Sunday they entertained at bachelor of pedagogy degrees from Luidoso whe.-- tl: ?y had been by Kjerulf; "Sleep, My Love members of the archaeological socie- of the Taos Colony, was Mr. con- ; aristocracy ' position he comes to the Citizens bank. ner for Mr. and Mrs. Sloan and ferred, three master of pedagogy 'nrf Ihey mi"d with Sleep." by Sulivan. The concert be ties to study the Indian drama and an exhibit of twelve O O. of Herro, and a who had not .vet 'vcj at 4 p. m., and lasts one supplemented by M and Mrs. E. Cregmile ferred number tli.i. '.Qiitidi is a su iiiwi rctavt that gins promptly dances. This class will have its first canvases, 50 by 70, painted for Word has been received from Les- N. M. All formerly uvea in finished their courses tire remaining Mr. rnd Mrs. Nickson. wi(i Mr. Mim-nur- t. hour. field day on Sunday at Santo Do- large as find- C. K. O army camps to be used range lie Boldt, son of Mr. and Mrs. J through the month of August and will immediately went hv:U l select mingo, gathering in tho Santo Do- to recruits with the in T. IT ich of Chicago, INDIAN DANCE sec- ers and acquaint ii Poldt. that, he has arrived safely ntPd Goodr reclve their diplomas and degrees as a site and order a cottage built. AND DRAMA. mingo plaza at 10:30 a. m. The of northern France. De- Fngland, and enjoyed the trip very mother of A. W. Goodrich, has been soon as their work is completed. An The population of the place Is in- Miss Ruth Kclsey of the University ond field day will be at San Juan on topography these in the 7th at many dehght-...- i exercises was of of arrived even spite their utilitarian character, much. lie arrived Kngland the guest of honor effective phase of the creased by the arrival a daughter Michigan Thursday next Wednesday, when at tho fiftieth were pronounced art gems, n Julji. His address Is G. M., events of the week. Mrs. A. tho of Eletiterlo Baca's trans- in the of Dr. F. W Cook. rrom Ann Arbor to take up her of Father Setix's paintings of present .,.ini of a series Hinging family ing anniversary pastor- Second Company, U. 8. Naval Air W. Goodrich gave the first lation of America by the club. J. J. Bue! has gone to his o'.d homo work as a fellow of the School of ate, the will give the Eagle (Ontlmird on Fage 4.) on bev-- glee. pueblos Station. KilUngholme, England. of at her home South The of honor elected the in Colorado where he will spend the r -o- parties afternoon. guests by - i Thursday senior class were Mrs. E. C. De Baca, remainder of the summer . KAPPA DELTA NFS ladles their knitting. A. A. Thomas has out his Twenty bringing - - wife of the late governor, Mrs. ii GIVE PINNER PARTY. The rooms were accural liosenvvald and Mrs. Nestor Hoff possessions on the Cottonwood pre- One, of the most delightful affairs Athelia roses ana giuuiuuw. of the paratory to anterlng tho military serv- week' was dinner and man of the woman's committee of the. the council of defense. It. K. Larkin and ice, v ii slumber part,y, Riven hy the Kappa SLUMBER PARTY FOR George Threlkeld 'nM goria to ?an home of mips Judge E. V. Long. For several years Advance Showing of Delta Nu sorority at the SILVER CITY ISITOR been a number of Diego from which plaeo he intends Welch, 201 North High Btreet. Angle gave a slum- it has customary for service. Fertha Miss Katherlne Miss students to remain over the work dtir to enter the naval ' ii The party was given in honor of Miss ber party in honor of her guest. I W. Brown, who ha3 occupied a Shotwell, who will leave Crawford of Silver City, last ing the month of August. This year Katherlne Gloria the number who wished to remain was clerical position with the Santa Fo ii soon for her home in Old Mexico. The evening. at this has b3?n tran-iierre- . Friday so that arrangements to place, guests of the sorority were Misses large special to Portales where h will :io similar- Ly-di- a made. The Ethel Wolverton, Caroline Beals, Mrs. Frost was hostess to a accommodate them worn Vio- George entire ly engaged. Lucilo August enrollment will equal the v, New ii Kraxberger, Longeno, number of her friends yes" Mr ,1. Jacobson an.1 Mrs. i. IT. Fall SI Goodrich. summer enrollment of 1910. As rapid- let Johns, Dorothy McAllister, Anne afternoon in honor of Mrs. with the juvenile portion of .ppam The members of the Twentv-fiv- e knitted and chat ly as the students of the commercial Zweisler. ladies ' their funiil'fs, have gono lo Weed tor ii were 'Misses Daphney Fortney, refreshments were serven. department complete their courses Just to benefit our who arc partic- ity Beat- ted. Hoover examina- a few wicks' outing. patrons Bertha. Welch. Jessie Venablo. Mrs. Stabtlander or innmnuiw they take the cilvll service Dr. J J. Clarke n Chicago at- Ma-ni- e Mills and Mrs. tion. So fur one has anxious to sec the new rice Selsor, was also an honor guest. every passed. tending the annual' meelins of the ularly modes, we're Laura McCollum Miller, Some prefer to remain in the state, . won hosts Dentists' .National violation. IBs the t o Loretto Mangan has others go on to Washington. The last in displaying: first few that have arrived. Miss. - daughter, who has bee.i visiting That Missionary society of the . - lipr iirrlval In AloU- (to go from the normal student body wilt return -- nin-i held its bia affaire Cham- Chicago several months, About coats suits .hand- Broadway Christian church I ueroue. and rmany delightful are Miss Emilie Baca, Neva with him. ' ' " fifty and a mere the home of Mrs. been rcla-tive- monthly meeting at were given In honor of this cnarming bers and Juliet Fleck, who have Miss U s on North Seventh - Ruby Roady visiting ful - from these J. B. Robinson southerner last week. . appointed to positions paying $1,100. at Tas Vegas and Trinidad. yet you can obtain a street, last Thursday afternon. Mrs. O Miss Fleck left, for Thurs- sub- 411 Coal Washington Rev. Huron 'Sparks of tha Baptist idea of A. B. Morris was leader and the it niiBim West day evening, where she will be em- o revival splendid the truly correct Fashion jr church, har been holding ject was China: Mrs.- Moose, a avenue, eav'e a surprise party hi. ployed in the agricultural department Who has returned Jot meeting at Hope. tendencies. iJ recently wife Thursday evening. - as a multigrapher. Mrs. Geoice W'elton nn.l her sen, Korea after years work i of Mrs. Dingus' birth- from eighteen war in h.,nr..." Word has been received from Wy Wir' gon toi Cloudcroft told of her work. . Her talk w is Billy have Your: attention is directed there, that. Miss Merle Elinor Skagge for their sumer v.vfttloti. particularly in. Ill enjoyed by everyone and she conse-i- oming ' a member of class 1913 has S. K. lei-le- cor on a business ed to continue it at the next meeting was given for Mls the of has to the new Silhouette and to the absence of A mesa supper - become the bride of Oscar O. Noetzel. trip to Denver. Ho nill also visit ser-or- al last rrmny stu- ! Mang.ln to Uie canyon. Miss Skaggs was a very popular p';ice3 In Wyo-ni:.- effects either in color or1 y il party motored dent whlki at the normal university Col. Mrs. W. rt. Wellington, gaudy design.' n tHO'J'J . ml ' Mrs. and, later a successful teacher In Wy- who two , eel with tr.fir Mrs. Farr entertained for per.t Though a small it is nevertheless mwr homo ret irned to showing, -- last oming and Nevada, Hor future daughters here, ha'K their SI il Goodrich at a patriotic party Tow An elabor- -- will be. New Orleans. home it Pryor, an r week. fo- - intensely interesting one. Mfss Mildred Edith Browne, daugh- ate reeept on was givn them 'last ter of the Honorable Millard W. week b:- - Mrs. Earl' Biier and Mrs. iOti! - The Suits.... to $125 Browne, late regent "of the normal M. P. Kkecti ; , .,..: ....$25 has been stu- Miss's EuiiT Morssn and Mma iiUl) university, appointed ."t.if1-- ! teach- The'Coats...... $15 to $150 A dent nurse at St. Luke's Chi Collins havo from the .... ) hospital, ers' ! ' m She leave In to tralnin? 'vh ioi b:.: i .Magdaleria cago. will .September fPt-tl- cr take her work. Miss Browne was Jamos V liichardK, " ei'lv i Jo n up ; week He graduated with the class of 1907. of this .. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Miller enter was 78 years oli., and . served The Newest Dress Fabrics 11. even Misses Edith and Grace' Long have eilj nariv nf friends Tuesday same throughout the Civil'' In a Kansas .ilaiiinvi " been elected to in the yllfinc at a chicken gumbo supper. The positions regiment. He leases a son, ,T. O. I. ing M. Mc- - school. at Solomonsville. Aris. After iruests included: Dr. and Mrs. the Richards, In ArtesU, .ml another son For Fall Mrs. spending the month of August at Is Crearv, Dr. and Mrs. Dawson, home Mr. A. Hicks at on his way to France. Miss Mar-otll- a of and Mrs. John was so- Juan Garcia, Mrs. Jackson, Cuervo will to take up While the Nickson family Such an of and Mr. K. Page. Sr., they go there journing at the Ruidoso the destinies early showing fabrics this McCreary their work. Miss Grace will have over unn Page. and of Hotel Hardwlck were presided who charge of the manual training demonstrates .this store's to , Diamonds, Jewelry Mr nnd Mrs. Homer Jones, some sis hy W. J. Wildron, as boniface, jvlth year ability ta. high school work, while her ' 03 t Inn month's vacation will ." great eclat. efficient Grueii Wrist Watches, visited ter teach in the grades. the the weather render service. Only pur- 1r In Colorado, where they friends H. Simmons been elected During week past early in Denver nnd at other I, has has been featured by clouds, and there Etc. and relatives principal of the schools at Corona. chases could such . i Etc.; nome have been several homeopathic bring together compre- returned Monday to tneir i Mrs. was an ' t points, ' Mcta II. Mathews, who but that could be i no;, You line. In Magdalena. assistant in the normal rfurlng the sprinkles, nothing hensive in a season when mer- knowjrur Mr nnH Mrs. Montague Stevens and called rain. The storms in this vicin- displays You know oui pi ices are right. summer school and a student in the this are like some political nn r'ieoree. will be Magdalena visitors will ity summer chandise is so scarce. You know our aim Is to please and college donanment. hare the pnn speeches 99 cent wind and iii.ia ueeii from the Horse Springs clpalship of the in Magdalena per our customers. round-up.- ,j grades thunder means that It is going A atlsfr at the simply ' now will be while-- ranch, to be present the coming year. She Is spending her " vjsit worth , ' one or n to rain somewhere else.:' We ant jrou' to know that we sell Adolfo Barreras Riagaaiena vacation in Fhoenlr. : ' tn nas Let us start recruits of early tne spring, Miss Ruble Moss, of Mrs. All . . .$3.00 to $4.50 Thrift Stamps. your relatives here, ap- daughter Tn kiihIy Man Power. Wopl Suitings. yard ' ' written friends and Moss, matron Of card With that quarter you get in of his arrival overseas. Mary the dormitory, Washington.. Aug.' 8. Appointment prising them has charge of the books at the Las of a Kneeini rnrtimittee to make V a All Wool Dress Goods, $1.50 to $3.00 . The - Government needs Mm. Lorenzo Garcia gave a chil yard change.'' it Vegas Lumber company. MiBS Moss of man for the merchant You won't mlsa IL dren's narty at her home Tuesday has as a student In the study power avaninir in honor of her little spent the year, marine and future trade requirements - daugh commercial BOX WAR SAVINGS STAMTS,- , ters. Emilia Cecilia and Trlnadad, who department.' was announced today py the shipping are the summer at home Professor Clyde D. Williams, board. It includes George Nichols, a ESTABLISHED spending instructor, accompanied cotton of Boston 1883 rrom me Ajureuu kuuvbhi m wi.vim. training goods manufacturer Tho rtlnlnii- - room wit beautifully dec by his wife and son, left Jj'rlday by and New York; A. of New In auto for Denver, i' where they will who connected with the IMm orated for the occasion cut flowers York, Is and vines. An dinner was spend tho summer. Southern Pacific shipping service. and elegant A. 11. Van nrofeasor of lan Dart- il served early in the evening. The young Home., Dr. K. M. Hopkins, president of with music guages, and his wife, visited 'in Fort mouth of the 3Mm people were entertained college. Headquarters and games. : . Sumner the past week, making the committee will be In New York. crowds of vis- trip in their aoto. Large events of itors are thronging, the Magdalena One ot the most delightful Bedding Gels 'Commission. rouncT-u- p was Hed- - streets this week. , The the week the porch party given Santa Fe. Aug. 8. Dr. H. E. morn 313-31- 5 mi, which will open next week is expected by Mrs. T. G. Rodgers. .FrMay ding has received a commission as Phone 283 West Central ' to hrlng in thousands, iavery prepara ing the guests, Mrs. Frank Carroon captain in the medical' reserve corps ,'fcl . C tlon is being made tot their enter and sister. Mrs. Charles Phllllpe. Mrs. of the national army and- - it awaiting - i A. Mra. Ut li. ton - - talnmeat. U WoHard, Frank assignment. . , Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918 THREE


ALBUQUERQUES EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE A New Line of Soldiers' and Dry goods, millinery and women's ready to wear GARMENTS EXCLUSIVELY v ''HOWE ORDERS PROMPTLT r I LLbu MAILORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Sailors' Kits

Phone 84 THE ECONOMIST Founded in 1881 Now 15 Times Original Size. THE ECONOMIST Phone 84 Wool Mohair The ideal material for mid-summ- er skirt or suit. Comes Our Annual in stripes, plaids and plain weaves, CCkn value $1.00. Special. .UtC Dress Materials for Children's School Dresses Housekeepers' Ginghams, Chambrays, Percale, Kiddy Cloth, Kinder- garten Cloth, Galatea, Linens, etc. A beautiful selec- New Fall Dresses SALE tion of patterns. ' 1 Arriving daily at The Economist. Already we have assembled for your 25c the selection a yd. and up 111 early quite wonderful display of Serge, Jersey and Silk Dresses Commences sjqm and we only await the chance of showing them. . Ribbons Ribbons Our entire stock of ribbons in all fancy hair bow styles on sale this week to make room for the immense stock Monday, , of fancy ribbons now en route. All fancy ribbons must New change ownership to make the needed room. 19c the yd. and up Aug. 12 Millinery of "Class" at 8 a. m. Childrens9 Rompers and We have .made a particularly strong endeavor this season to bring from fashion centers a beautiful and of Suits" ! chic line Early Fall Mill- Play inery. We ask your judgment as to how well we have succeeded. Plain and fancy, check and stripe gingham, chambray, and seersucker rompers for children, 2 years to G. blue Pink, and white, values 85c. BARGAINS! Special 50c BARGAINS! in Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses in Women's White Wash Skirts Here in this Summer Sale of Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses Kriit Underwear are extraordinary values Every one of our White Wash Skirts must move on We have aside a table of Odds in put and Ends ladies' Hundreds of readers of this announcement can look at them- during the coming week and "Mr." Price is going and misses' ribbed and union selves in the mirror and see show of underweaj; vests, pants garments that the signs hard to move them. suits, all sizes, new merchandise but discontinued num- wear. Blankets bers. ' ' ' will be It very pleasant to dress yourself spic and span new for White Wash Skirts, values $2.50, special 98c the next three or four months at such little cost for in many in- Comforts : : 25c and stances the garments are very desirable for Fall wear as well as White Wash Skirts, value $4.00, special...... $1.98 Special up now. ' White Wash Skirts, value $5.00, special $2.98 Sheets Silk and Cloth Suits Coats and Dresses White Wash Skirts, value $6.00, special .$3.98 Neckwear about Half Price Special $15.50 White Wash Skirts, value $7.50, special .$4.98 Sheetings' In going our neckwear stock we have come All our Wool Coats of through exclusive Suits of silk velour, tweeds reductions on 4 - Big all other grades. across many numbers slightly soiled and mussed from and fancy cloth, ranging in and gunnyburls, formerly Table Linen from $18.50 are now reduced handling. must move on at less than cost. price $55 up, are marked tp,$25, They for clearance at about Half to $15.50 Former Prices. Toweling 19c and up Suits and Coats Fine Suits Dresses Ladies9 Waists and $19.50 Bed Spreads jand $29.75 Suits of Jersey, serge and tweeds, 100 Including many In navy blue and Just Lingerie Wash Waists, white, stripes and ' Millinery This lot includes our silk and smart Suits of silk taffeta and silk Special .to now Draperies Mid-summ- crepe; formery $2.75 $35.00; all sizes and at least 15 se- er cloth suits that were $39.50 to fancy, different to Our entire stock of Spring' and Hats, reduced to ; $19.50 styles and a number of Coats of fine trimmed Jiats and $50.00 very serge, velours and lect values to plain shapes, all fresh, stylish stock clever dresses that were $39.50 tweeds all styles and colors that can from, $2.50. be worn for fal. Now reduced to Watch For Next to $45; now reduced to $29.75. At One-Ha- lf Price . ' Second Floor Special 98c Sunday's Ad.

friends while in the city Sierra Butte county and Elephant expected. Charles Owens and C. Fer- visitor this week, financing this char- plishments In the national life atten- Mrs. C. G. Bunch and dam. guson, itable work. He shaping school life has received 'special baby returned passed through during the first slates thut the hospi- and spirit, and urged a complete real- tion, both on tne of. the towns- D from C. C. In of the week bev-er- al soon part r Monday Bowie, Ariz., where she Mrs. Sally was Fort Bayard part and relatives of tal will be completed and will, if ization upon the of the A eming part teaching people and the normal. numoev. of had been her sister.. , , . other Williams several the Us J visiting Friday and Saturday. boys spent government desires, extend force Of the- land that old traditions delightful sorlal functions have been Dr. days at tne depot to meet services to the mus- hum-dru- Jenkins, of Abiline, Texas, suo' A. S. Roane left Thursday morning hoping returning soldiers as to routine and proce- enjoyed In the gymnasium. them. As no definite information is tered out for Illness. .spacious Rev. R. L. Ferguson, pastor of the ceus itev. area, u Burton,, as Baptist on a business trip to Alamogordo. dures must now be relegated to the President E-- L. . Enloe t returned Santa was in the camp pastor.., , , ,.' given concerning movement of troopi, J. S. Button held a scrap-twa- p, tit Rita, church, city Ten trained nurses from the base those Judge prelimin- and modern history now Thursday af moon, in company with , enrouta. to Dallas, ,i i.Mra1 tn expecting .acquaintances remain ary hearing In his .court in the bo made the Tuesday evening George Melsel, Sr., was hospital, Camp Cody, left Thursday at the motion Monday making watchword tho governor and State Superintend- Texas. from their ranch, fifteen miles south noon for. New York. meeting every train. morning, when two young men of of the hour. "Whut slackers the teach- ent from visit Colorado Dr. E. M. Tarr held a In were Uugner, a.' to Mr. Mrs. H. left of on, . baby clinic Kentucky, brought down from ing force of America would xe," suld and Charles Ott Deming, Friduy. Mr. and Mrs. Broussard, of Port Williams last points and several professional visits for an extended ' F. B. of week, having started his Flagstaff, charged with felony. The tho governor," if school should be In northern New Mexico. He leaves Thursday evttwingt Payne, the Singer Sewing Arthur, Texas, arrived in Deming work ID Is caused visit tcLos Angeles. Calif. Mrs. J. Co., has been Thursday morning. expect prisoners the county officials at its next openlngday with n for Los Angeles. i Machine transferred to Monday. ed that at least two hundred' children quite a lot' of trouble and shortly H. Hobart, mother of Mr. came of .... Friday night cognizance of the fact that America The fall term will open Ott, manager the Santa Rita office, Mr. and Mrs. ir. Barksdale Will be examined sev- September tfown accom- returned and their parents Saturday morning, by holding up is passing thro null the greatest period 3, and indications to a, record from Silver city and Miss Bet tie Taylor came home Tues- Wednesday from HI advised mo- point, i evening Paso, regarding their care. The pub- eral Flagstaff parties, who were of national since panied them.. from Las 'Cruces where where have grandeur the days attendance. Many of those, in attend- day morning they been the post three lic health department of the local east of that took or , . , irs. W. M. Hilt toring place. They ance upon the summer term will re- returned Thursday .she, has been attending the Lorotta weeks. . branch of the American Red Cross is 'ir' an automobile, a few guns . With to twenty-tw- o turn for he In morning rrom a visit to El Paso, She will return the first of the clinic H. quite reference the long term beginning a academy. conducting here, Mrs. T. and a considerable sum of money who have dern full-- Miss Eunice Rogers left. Tuesday! to the assiKted Mil- nationalities recently month, showing their realization September academy. Cureton, by Mrs. E. A. from various people, and headed east, to of the which eome to morning for the Gibson ranch, twenty Tues- ler Mrs. P. A. Mollck la In onstrated their complete allegiance benefits those Thelnia Leo Payne returnod and charge but were apprehended at Wlnslow America and the ideals it who receive the of a stand- mile .south of Deming, for a week's a visit with rela- of this for which training day evening from, department. from which place were returned ardized . Visit..,,.., , ;. , they stands, Governor Lindsey Urged the normal school...... tives in J51 Paso, Miss Hessle Campbell Is at to Flagstaff. At the here of Bishop Pi C. Webber, Williams, Ariz. working hearing teachers to "put the fires undier the the summer school have been of Boston, ,Mr. and Mrs, Odom hnve moved the postofflce in the absence of Miss Monday they both , waived prelimin- most to 'Mass., is giving a aeries of lectures melting pot," wielding thus the sought take positions both in thla here from Artesia, New Mexico, and Helen Stark. ary triaf and were returned to Flag- potent .Influence to- Americanize our stato and numerous- - of in the several "Y'f in will . -- others; many buildings Camp make Deming their home. Mri Henrv rinrlr Smith r,t nid-b- Miss Oracc Bull returned last Sun- staff, bound over for' trial before the entire civilization uiul them are engaged for the most desir- Cody and will remain for ten .. . Mrs. inspire loyalty days. Edgar May s)xtnt several days dnle, Ariii., is with' D. day from a trip to- California. superior court under f 500 bail each. to the Ideals for which able and remunerative In - visiting Mrs. F. the nation ' has positions the Mrs.'" with friends in week. . Mary Portwood, ef Alms, 'Deming this joiy. one Miss Mary Pritner Lockwood, state ever . , , , , state. The for was .... Saturday night witnessed of the stood. demand professionally Okla., andi Jier brother,- P.. K. Yates, She enroiKe to Sun Francisco, The Red Lake most successful benefits leader of the home demonstration de- com trained teachers is and the of Calif., to who is Woman's club met at yet given Immediately following the persistent, Rosweltf paid Deming a brief visit rjoin her husband, the home of Mrs. B. for the Ited Cross, when a num- partment of the University of Arizona, exercises an re- teaching body of the state is on the ' , with Anna Murphy large mencement' Informal Tuesday. the marines.; Mis. May will be Saturday to the ber of Imaines men and their wives left this morning for Presents were was held in the new ajert. remembered as Miss Bessie Comer, attyid demonstration she will continue' his line. ception guanas. Mrs. J. T.'i Scott lecture given there Mrs. Prit-n- er and carried out elaborate work in iUBi. In line returned Saturday Who Was for vpm-- a Inntriixtnr in by Mary arranged the receiving were the four Lockwood ex- for a carabet. Motion Her last lecture in Williams was held night from a weekend visit to hw Spanish-America- n of the plans pictures, governor, State Jona- There Is no the agricultural was Superintendent deferred" rlassiflcatlon son. .First T. of El school on the tension service.. of an excellent music program, fancy last Tuesday, and full of interest H. Mrs. In- Lieut.. J. Graney, east side. Mr. is also a Many the ranchers memberst in than '.Wagner, Prsid6nt and food conservation. We are all In May Deming of the were ; wheel artists, indoor for the especially the PttSO...... Ubn ,boy, valley present. dancing, cowboy E. L. Enloe, Regents Jackson Agee, T. class 1; all In camp, and to go ;;;"t having resided with his parents Miss events end other attractions rolled In demonstration of the use of the, pres- L. H. Betts S. ready i .t Lester Peterson returned Tuesday on the Helen J, Stark loft Wednesday Lowe,- H. and Arthur "over the top" when we must further May ranch for a number- of noon the dollars for the Red Cross, j The sure cooker. In this demonstration morning from a visit with relatives .years. ' for Los Angeles where she wlil or more Godell and others. conserve. j about two 1 benefit was given in order to raise at foods usually requiring telve board of in San Calif. . i", Mrs. spend months' vacation. Representing the regents Diego, Henrv Mlllurii nni v,n,ivn least $4.r0, as this is the sum hours 'of cooking- were completely In She will stop at for a pledged e tho presentation of the diplomas, The cost of the United food , John Clark, of the Roller left Tuesday Kingman few to cooked In about seventy-fiv- minutes. States ' Deming evening for Miami, Fla., days en route, by Williams the' support of the Mr. Betts made a brief but gracious administration MUls,. was business In visiting frlenda there... -- lor itsflrst year'e work transacting visit her daughter, canteen service station. With this The rest of the lesson was "devoted HdVlress to those than-tw- ' . Captain John Hance has been In of congratulation was less qenta for every per. Lordsburg Tuesday. xiuya uawkins.. Mr., and Mrs. Williams for the amount on hand commit- to the study of proper diet for Infants, who had gone ''over the In the son In United Rev.' Fred L. Barton, Baptist camp Hawkins formerlv reaMori in past week, suffering of Red to the. of op" the State Rev. n,.i wun an inrectlon In the hand and tee of this department the much satisfaction many matter of Intellectual attainment. The pastor, 'left Monday morning for his Thomas McClement, rector of Cross can then collect the $4,600 from present. . .. t Indi- ' t neck. He is and to mothers following received the degrees Journal fhome" in 6pi-Sl- Lake, Iowa. Rev. OI ood improving hopes of Ari- Wentd brJag reault Shepherd in return xo nis soon. .' ; the other chapters northern cated: Barton-als- the pul- Silver Cfty, was in the cltv Worf0-Ho- ., npme will occupied Baptist Jay Montgomery and Peter Cam'n zona which contribute to the local Bachelor of arts In education, pit during bis stay, there being no evening hetween trains, en route to canteen station; . , , - belK who left M. Mrs. Minna : D. C. last Saturday to loin the ,. George Brinton, regular pastor. m , . Washington, R.ev. McClement was Mr Wlckeng left last ar- 158th Unjted States Regimental band, Ray Sunday Kllpsch; maBter of Pedagogy, Frances Mrs, J. H. Chilson and little son ....revir St. Luke's Episco- California, where she will .visit pal churchrior.orin this are expected home soon, as they were for Normal Robertson, Marie Hulling; bachelor of iA. D..... rived Thursday to visit her parents, olty and Jnade many not to band friends and relatives in Los Angeles, College x Sena Helen Mrs. .O.. W. ; ' i warm friends hie permitted accompany the pedagogy, Carpenter, .Shirley during stay here. other California , for the . ast, and to await the draft and points Curry, Jewell Dodgen, Effie Jackson, A. . Cards have been. preferred . Byron Keener, the Deceived In Dem- ... , .. next-ta- month 1 1 , i f Ntr Is representing j -- Helenv Henderson, Grace McDormott, complexion , Fosdlck Commission ; on; ing announcing the . . , (Silver ty.) Training approaching mar- Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Rittenhouee and Attorney C. B. WUson of Mary MoGarvey, Verna Orin, Blanche we Lily-'- the Camp Activities, has. gone to Ban riage of Miss Eula. Pearle Flagstaff, Governor W. E. delivered . Turner or children returned Bill was a Williams vistocs , Lindsey Icello beautiful vdvttyt-oft- va-- , Dallas, Texas,, te Rev. Monday from Monday. to Speck, Wright, Pearl Goodin, Francisco,.. Calif., for a month's Robert L. Fer lugs, Monf., where sum W. L. Thorn masson .of Red the address the graduating class at Mrs. school nesaof her akin i .,.--. : ..... they spent" the Lake. Jennie Wright; high diplo- with cation. ,,. guson, pastor ot tne Santa Rita Union . ' the commencement exercises of the .4: . ,.. : mer. visiting ) was in town Me that; mat, Emma I!o4lfnger. iwdiw iv, . The1, box social Chrfcitian ., b'anta , N. M. ... Frida, reported Dawson, Lucy at the cnurcn, Kita.. Mtoe With numbers he is now using tk$ as meth-- New Mexico staa " normal, which Celete Jen- learanceU pwiy church was decided 'turner was large spray a close of one most Hazel Halllngsworth, Kldd, obtained thru .Friday night a formerly director. of the or. troop trains through- - here od of combatting- potato on his marked the of the nie Mrs. Eliza success, Aortal I v and Y. W. C. A. girlla club work, passing bugs summer sessions In his Klndiick, June Rice, financially. resiirnins it has . or rancn, and is excellent successful the . - - daily, become, necessary, potato having - beth Robinson, Grady W. Spencer, - Miss Rita.. A. UidHon, of Clifton,. over a n'onih- ago to. return- to ' institution.- The ' her the canteen service to maintain a con- - success. '; ' tory of the audience Esther Harlan. was .the guest of Mrs. Inez home in. Dallas. Rev.. wan ' taxed of nor Ar4, Ferguson tinous corps, of workers at the sta- O. Raudebaugh of Flagstaff, motor- present the capacity the The Silver City Chamber of Com- - Pterpont Saturday. . formerly Methodic camp miniRterj tion moot William mal auditorium, ':, , , f . - every day? .These workers ed to Thursday, evidently on merce was host to the entire Bummer Mrs. Will re- to en- -- Hawkins and baby here, and resigned devote his all, trains, and all men in uni- business. . ..- The address ranrf clear uricnici urean turned te .their home in tire tirw to the Santa .Rita church; provide political governor' school student body at a moving' pic- Saturday form with, anything desired,, A num- E. S. Gaddis, representative of the and strong with the spirit of the age. ture o Sergeant Arthur vi Stmt 10a rm TrttlSk : Wlnslow, .Aria. . They, were the guests John C. returned ber of, in presentation FEW). T. HOPKINS Ci'Ieary Tuesday young men known, Williams new deaconess hoKpitil now being He lauded the Alot-ceth- S"N few York Of Mr. Mrs. and in teaching proftton, tiuy Empey's "Over the Top." and Harry Hubbard morning front a ten, days outing have paseil through und others are erected ut Tkueolx, was both as to its purposes, and accom the social side of the summer ..";.; '.Vi.V.V- - ,;.r'W " -- v FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918 Silk Gingham . Chic Fashions for Summer ( Days For Demureness ".' Charm of Youth is Simplicity Every time a man IBMCIAL CfllWONMNTI TO MORNINA JOUMNALl changes worn with it, and whole effect jobs the New York, Aug. 3.At last we Was perfectly charming. have Borne summer weather, and it is I'Yir 1 'it nis uml Other Festive interesting to watch the transforma- Occasions. wt-e- the most fasci- lose tion of Fifth avenue. A or so They are showing the country 5 Rifles ago, coat suits and capes were the nating Rets of "things" now; there is jyt may of the are laid tho wide trimmed nhade hat wit;i an order day; now, they worked In wool or or in costumes. interesting! design aside favor of cooler with flat flowers nppliqued around Ginghams and linens and organdies), the crown; a deep hag, primumulily (in money value) 1,000 Cartridges calico and voile and crepe: bewild- for knitting, but far larger than those ering In their endless vurlety of de- we have been accustomed to seeing sign and color. The avenue is like which can hold a week-en- d wardrobe or an enormous flower garJen, and the If necessary; a sports suit, cons'siiug Shells hats and knitting bags carry out the of a sleeveless coat with two skirts, 10H.E. delusion delightfully. one being camouflaged in the by; The simplest dresses are, as is al- sports shoes wllh low heels; and a or ways the case, the most desirable. wide spreading parasol. With this One Interesting little model that 1 mp.w set one feels u'.i, to set forth on a 10 pair Shoes the Cher day of fine striped olle tvd prolonged auto or camping trip. no trimming whatsoever, th. rtrif? Youth Plus Simplicity Kifiiuls or tl tir.selves being used as rimming (harm. Tl.cie was a yoke on the wait :nl Illustrated here is a very attractive 8 Uniforms little frock t hut is just simple as it can he. It is cut all in one, with only t vi, seams. thiM tin 1 r Ihe arnn .inn or down the skirt. The Quaker s.-k-j poplin of the dress is relieved by the 50 Hand Grenades wiiiia hrniilinE and white soutache braid binds the round coilarless neck-- anil lower edge of the sleeves. '1 he dress buttons on each shoulder with large white" peorl buttons, and the bell, with its rows of white braid slips through slashes in the front, and fnolnng t'.nilfl' Ihl'fl RhOWlnC IlO fast It is loss that can never be made up. For When you need more men, don't let this ening. The drop shoulder is one of the very newest of the fall fashions, it represents time lost in a man's moving, if loss fall on a plant that is in essential lllnls of Autumn. engaged Now that we have gotten summer he goes to another It time war work. Let find ' city. represents the Government men nicely we an turning our thoughts to autumn and the neies-nnr- lost in breaking the man in on his new job. for men who are not on essen- full wardrobe. E now and Organdie and sik ginghams arc you engaged one sees on the t !.: a velvet waging a summer fight for) popu- It then and com- represents time lost in a man for tial war work. It is for e have been cnoxvlcg larity at last have decided to rinding this purpose that hat. 'li shops bine forces and In the same Ihe:.- tin- .'letnne mw, lint perlu ps appear the left and in him. United v.e have ha.! such a cool frock. Here a most charming truce is job open training It rep- the States Employment Service has l.ovinw declared to r devotees of ' v. unci limn the honor of both fabrics.' sun lia the is awarded resents idle time for a machine. makes a been 500 new'" have not rushe ilm season ut Organdie the duties of the It organized, with branch offices vont to do of idi. civet foundation frock and blue and whit they wire checked silk gingham ably seconds Its gap in the steady flow of that the the and U. S. caU' I'i'J Kl'P "n s an- iiii 'e supplies through country 20,000 Public rw.miiur uml some of the smartest efforts by furnishing a deep, deep wool. Kelt hem, a diminutive jacket, sleeve rib- boys in France must have to thrash the Service Reserve to find men for man- skirts are of plaid a agents spoils . bons, und fetching bats are always good ior sport wem parasol. Kaiser. ' . Thus It goes. We are eagerly watcn-In- g ufacturers who need them. for news of fall fashions, even in of summer s neat. home from a visit to friends In the the midst of ' On the average it costs from $20 to $200 for Write the Director General Wash-ever- y I or Sports. vicinity Aragon. at ni. n,,ia pnAtnmp is n well recog Judge and Mis. M. C. Meechem man who his nized of the wardrobe, for it fills left Tuesday to sp( nd some time in changes job. ington. part and Santa Ke. so many needs and bridges the gap Albuquerque ' between morning ana auerinon in Miss Irene Adams, after a two Son et mes they are nrtde if months' attendance at the New Mexico n ceiy! Normal ha spuria silk, Kajah, tuosah or school returned to her Simple Dress f Gray Poplin, hcav Socorro home. also one, semi-fitte- d on the skirt, Mrs. Newton and baby loft Wed- with the stripes running around. The nesday for Albuquerque, United i States collar and cuffs were cut on the Mrs. V. Sparks was hostess to the Service bias, 'and the sleeves, the bottom part Monday club this week. Employment of the waist and the skirt had the A party of young folks chaperoned tripes running up and down. The by Mrs. M. E. Pickens went on a material was a deep purple and white picnic to Luis Lopez Sunday evening stripe, and the soft crushed girdle Mini, Mi. Swope, of Albuquerque, was of matching purple satin. A arrived in Socorro Wednesday to visit wide organdie hat of whate with a her-- daughter, Mrs. V. Sparks and wreath of flat dull' green leaves was family. Little Josephine IHinton assisted by the following little friends, Elizabeth This advertisement prepared for use by tlie Division of Advertising of the Helen Ack-erma- Nicholas, Baldwin, Betty of the Labor Committee Martha Nicholas. Jean Pick- Department of on Public Information. Santa Fe ens, Ida Dudley, Josephine v Gooch, Society Dorothy Eaton, Margaret Gibbons, , Contributed for the Winning of the War by Manson Merriweather, Betty Bursum Notes and Jean Bunton, celebrated her fifth birthday Tuesday afternoon at her THE CITIZENS BANK, NEW MEXICO home on Park street. ALBUQUERQUE, C Continued From Page 8.) V. Sparks and son, Jean, made a i it's busines.1 trip to Albuquerque the middle of the week, via the auto route by the public and appealed mightily Rev. Mrs. to the Imagination of the crowd. and Ervln have returned on home after a visit of several weeks Instead of hanging the pictures with a Bingle line as has been custom their daughter, Mrs. Roberts, of the Ferndale, New Mexico. Wednesday where the three latter The ladies of Belen will furnish It. Jersey. Mr. Hoffman on his return In the new museum thus far, they ft took the limited for is to be conducted The Ladles' Aid society nave a persons Long It by the Red Cross trip came by water frjm New York were grouped, those of the Taos Art lieach, Calif., where they expect to and devoted to the use of sick sol- to New Orleans. In two alcoves of the musical program Friday evening Belen society Laguna which spend about a month. diers and others in need of hospital In gallery, .producing a rich effect and in proved a great success, Lieder yielstich, assistant cashier resi- Belen's emergency is now service. Several women have volun- ome ways more satisfactory than the Andy Wlekham, an old time hospital teered as nurses. the Eirst National bank, is spending dent of Socorro, spent several Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth have completed. It is an attractive frame emergency his vacation at Springerville, Ariz., scattering method of a single line. days Riley 22x14 feet In the east Mr. and Mrs. Cnrl and here this week. returned from their to El Paso building grove Murphy Vr. the guest of the Gustave Becker fam- Mrs. Nannie Robinson left Wednes- trip of the high school building. Th and Mrs. Robert Swift have returned THE WAIt PAINTTXGS. and San Marclal. from a ily. Indeed day for Mc.Kinney, to visit rela- American club origlntaed the idea and trip to Palomas Spring and Mrs. L. C. Spectacular are the twelve Texas, Mr?. chn Becker, took Mrs. mem- Mr. and Becker motored war In the Acoma tives. Jr., donated liberally toward it. The Elephant Butte dam. to Rio whero Mr. big paintings hung L. C. r.tckcr, Miss Lucy Becker and bers of the Postmaster Is at Puerco Sunday E. L. Blumenschein fs Mis. J. P. Chase entertained carpenters and painters George Hoffman some gallery. SU'eveltws the "Duhtei' Bradley to union one work each. home an extended to Xew Becker delivered war savings two of these, Miss Ethel Coe, Simrts Suit With Saturday club yesterday at her home Albuquvjue donated day's after trip Miss Harriet Blaekstone, Walter Ufer, Sheer Waist, on Fisher avenue. some other silk Mr. J. Mrs. Kretsinger and son Donald O. E. Berninghaus, Lee F. Herseh, especially designed J. Leeson, who has been home for this type of garment. Sometimes seriously ill, is arrived Wednesday evening Victor Hlggfns,, Burt Harwood, Paul the' very much improved. from a visit in Kansas City. Borlln, J. Young Hunter and Bert coat is of satin and the skirt of the others. There are sev- silk, satin, or cotton or wool. There Mrs. Henry Davidson entertained Phillips, In Frills -- eral more on and these will la no limit to the of these Fluffy and Laces Fashion Bedecks Midsummer !ho ladies of the Lut'ieran Aid the war variety af'.cr-no- -. be ' supplemented later by similar styles. The one illustrated here la nety at he. home Thursday canvases by Sheldon Parsons, Sara suitable for dressy afternopn wear. r Estancia n. Parsons, Carlos Vlerra, K. M. Chap- The sleeveless Jacket and sKirt are Mrs. P. P. Simmons and children man and Warren E. Rollins. The of French blue Iiajah, the waist with have returned from their, extended first dozen go to Camp Kunsfon next Its rows of cord around the neck and Mrs. Frank vacation in Missouri. Week. Each one is characteristic of wrist Is of white Georgette and Standhardt and children Aid crepe of Corona spent several In Estan- Ti c ladies of the Methodist and the artist and all are conceived and the long kimono collar is of oyster days of school cia and vicinity last week visiting the children the Sunday executed in a big way. white Kajah. The skirt buttons down friends. thtir annual picnic at iho nvcf n the and is narrow , front, rather at the Mrs. Virgia Block, who has been r'rl.'sy. TWITCH FXIS "IP IN THE A I It." lower edge, following the mode. the Mrs Tii'ilffe Is l,i)in a visit Waldo Twitchell's in attending normal university at Captain 'Tp Las Vegas, returned home with lie; s ater, Mrs. lohn Al:eu of the Air," a musical comedy which will Friday. Fi.r Som er. have Its at the Cort theater Attorney Fred H. Ayres spent sev- premier eral days in Mountalnalr the first of Mrs. Adair left Belen Thursday In San Francisco, is announced as fol- the week on evening to join her husband at El lows In the Cort Theater Bulletin: Socorro legal business. 'Miss Delia Means of Socorro Is Paso. "A theatrical event of Import- V i L. of Ros-we- ll great visiting her aunt Mrs, R, A. Evans Mr. and Mrs. K. Denton ance will be the presentation of a new and are now residents of Belen. musical In Misses Marian and. Helen Splcer family. farce, "Up the Air,' (Libret- Mr. and Mrs. A. ,T. San- have returned to ufter Green, Mr. and to bv Captain Waldo Twitchell of Albuquerque Mrs. J. c Peterson ta Fe, N. M.) at the Cort, In the near a two weeks' visit with their father and niece, Mrs. 1 M. C. Fisher spent Sunday In the moun- future. The producers are two widely attorney Splcer. tains above known men of the theater, Dana Hays Mrs. Maud B. Eaton left Monday Tajique. for El her and Dr. Mason, who has ben in poor r recently manager of Kolb and Dill, Paso toineet mother health for some Mountainair and Ben M. Glroux, manager since Its sister, who will accompany her on time was taken to to Socorro Albuquerque the first of the week for initial production of 'The Bird of her return for a visit. treatment. Mrs. Paradise.' Premieres are rare In San Miss Jane Mcuutchen passeu Mason and Dr. Wig- County food administrator Neal wav gins accompanied him. Oensen of was here on Francisco, ,and consequently unusual through Socorro Saturday on her Mr. and Mrs. Estancia, Interest attached to the forthcoming to her El Paso home, after attending Thomas Rapkoch business last week. de- spent Tuesday at their ranch above presentation. Up in the Air, Is the New Mexico Normal University. xorreon. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Buer announce scribed as a musical entertainment of Mrs. C. C. on Cooper and family of Mrs. H. B. Hamilton and son. the birth of a daughter Saturday, the most modern type, possessing western Socorro county have moved Mrs.. July 27. those element of intlmn,;v that have into Socorro to make their home fot Wayne, Flnley and son Joe, of been Carrlzozo, visited friends in Estancia Misses Ruby and Jimmey McKlnley characteristic of recent a few months. last week. andl Miss Tillo Richardson returned Mrs. C. Bunion They were the guests of Mary has returned Berry Hues and family'. Dr. and Mrs Monday from Silver City where they Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Jensen. had been attending the summer term L. C. Hanlon and George Alter of of the State Normal. Wlllard were in Estancia on business H. B. Hill, who has been here since Wednesday. April, died last Thursday. Hts son, Miss Erntt Mcllan and Ceorirla Mar. who had been with him, took the Cornsl riott returned from Sun In Pauls Off Las Valley, lift Vegas body to the old home day. Okla, Fliclano Chavez y Salas, county Lorene of Albuquer- assessor, was In Mis Carminy, "Freezone" is Magic! Lift Corn or Callus Estancia Wednesday que, Is the guest of Mrs. Ray King. any on official business. Mr. Chavez has of received word Judge B. S. Rodey Albuquerque, that his son, Fernandez, was here Monday on legal business. right off, with fingers No pain! wno is in the service, has arrived over- seas. Attorney Fred H. Ayers, of Estancia, here Raymnndo Romero of Mountalnalr, was a business visitor Monday. county treasurer, was In Estancia The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday. Wm. Meadows died last Thursday Private Collnge, a Canadian soldier, Mrs. H.' C. Stauffer is in Belen, who spent some Ime In the trenches where she was called by the illness of In France, spoke to a large audience a sister ana two nepnews. bright-colore- d at the Pastime . cool and theater Wednesday Organdie, crisp, as flowers Is the fabric par excellent for frillv frocks. Best of all, it . The Postal Highway through New evening. i requires only tiny ruffles and qatnt ribbon or organdie roses to complete its spell. Transparent hats of organdie Mexico is to pass through Mountain- -' A "wedding at the church of Immac- ,.uipmg oeauty pi wneai-inmme- u legnorn crown these Uelictuble costumes. , air. Judge M. B. Fuller, John Becker, ulate Conception Friday of Belen, and a representative of was In- As if In and flutter- we are Justified One Jr., morning of more than usual gay protest in a bit of cotsume lems of autumn and winter. the highway were here last week terest. The bride, Bernardilia Chavez, ing definance of the scarcity, that is gaiety. Chinese soft crepe, is silk is a brocaded logging the road. ' the daughter of Cristlno Chavez, a wool dnd the sombre of char-meu- sc simplicity Nevertheless the wardrobe without with the and quality Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Doyle, r Miss prominent stockman of that place; the Is weight i that frocks of an de Mrs. R. H. Coulter and ridegrom, Feliciano Chavez, Jr.,. is the organdie frock is poor indeed and and the dull finish of crepa Anna, Doyle, tike flow- Is the Miss Mary Lee Coulter left Wednes- the son of Feliciano ChaVez Salas, that blossom should hasten . to itself with rhnnA Thft hrnende design y equip . for two weeks In Hot county asessor. After the ceremony ers In August gardens and along the frills like these sketcred for Fashion same color, blit sunn finlshe-'.- I ct day Springs. a was beaches frocks 't s Burl Stelner returned this week reception given at the home of are a bewildering company Art Magazine. and and afternoon and evening - Cristlno a dance Crisp sheer, trial mntarfnl YllKpn rrPM iS & WOn- from a visit in Springdale, Ark. Chavez, and at night of frills, laces flower-lik- e o was given In the Salas hall In Wlllard. and exquisite transpar of hues of blue, rose and .lik ere,-- County agent R. L. Strong wa here encies. ; . drrus lightwcJfthl Japanese Mr. and Mrs. John Berkshire enter- , daffodil yellow, organdie, unadorned dyed rtnd tterciled riwvelqusV. on business last Saturday. Summer s dy-tl- n C. tained their friends on Monday even- hent anA Its resultlnr re except by its own small ruffl'.nirs, nnd It is eii-i'i- 'ci4 ufod :.r winner Mrs. P. Lents and son, George, ing in honor of their son Homer's laxations forbid that we should e climaxed by a transparent hat of the wear. ' ; left last Sunday for flieir home in Pastime soDer and after a visit with her Freezonv birthday. They met at the heavy either in our same tuaterlnl In a summer frock For the charming suits of foulard, Magdalena, little on an bottle of Freezone for a few cents, Al- the and Mrs. A. Drop aching tiny theater and danced until 10:30, after; thoughts or our costumes. And the correct in satin which are daughter, Lena, ' P, artistically every way. crepe and heavy . corn, instantly that corn 'stop hurt-tag,'- '- sufficient to rid' your feet of every which luncheon was Berved at the fabric creatotrs,, with a considerate most ever rmch giiwn displays a present summer's particular vogue, Speckmann. ,, Berkshire ' war-tim- e Vena then' ; out. home. thought for burses, have Hash of there Is an accompanying Miss Hinds left last week for you' lilt it right It hard com, soft corn, or corn between The always In Twxas. recent rains have extended to designed such delectable and inexpen- The new Oriental silks come blouse of much befrlllea , organdie, a visit Clovis and Farnum, doesn't hurt one bit. Yes, msrlc! the toes, and without soreness that calluses, nearly all parts of the valley and the sive temptations hi the way of or- to us from China and Japan are in- with the daintiest touches of colored - Why watt? J'oux druggist sella a j or irritation. Try it I So humbug! reports from farmers and stockmen gandie, silk gingham, batiste, hand-- " creasingly popular, and are the hap- embroideries, from silken dots to yarn Journal Wants Results ' are favorable. w Bring kerchief linen antf-ne- foulards, that piest solution for the ol prob datnlng stitches! .

y AlKuquerque Mottling Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918 FIVE

have six men for every Boldier at the front. 1011 BES of SERVICE RESERVE ; PRODUCT lToduotion is the only barometer " ' I service for those of us who do not fight. Self interest has no place today Ik in our industrial organizations. Today a wage should be a sum sufficient RECRUITING ARM GAUGE TO JUDGE to maintain the worker in comfort and efficiency, a profit should be a BunJ sufficient to maintain a business After the war is over and the mil-hpe- n WDRK'OvERHERE on the OF UNITED STftTES firing line return, what will be their attitude, and of their friends and rela- tives, who have Riven and suffered tnwnrd anv emoloved who should put who for It Federal Em- Men Who Do Not Fight Are as nrofits above production, Supplements purely jsemsn reasons snpuia reiu I to War to treat his men fairly? ployment Offices With 20,-00- 0 a r Important Winning will be their attitude toward , s What Let save an Who Reach Men as Those Who Do; any wage earner who might take Agents vantage of the withdrawal of his fel First Essential. lows from industry to demand exor- in All Branches of Labor, bitant wages or quit an important post because of some trivial difference, or who might -- lay off" several days a States Public V. BABSOV. The United Service RY UOGFK week because he could live on large Reserve is the arm of the and Edu-cullo- n worked? recruiting 15 (Director of tlie Information earnings of the few days he United States employment service. this St rvh o, lH'imrtiiK-n- t of Wo are all partners in this war, sol- In peace times the great network of to produce! diers and sailors, employers and em- United States nt of- light and the can- emtloym- (crvire The recruiting office ployers, and there can he no dividing fices thrown out across the country IwiSK tonment are the meeting places of the between "labor" and "capital" would' be sufficient to sup- man who will line prolably army and navy and the when it comes to producing necessary ply the nation's industries with their fiKh't. The United Slates employment materials for our boys in France. required labor. oirvlre offices are the meeting places In war times in fow places have for the workers who want employ- To the names of the illustrious gen- we of labor, and the task them surpluses ment in jobs which will enable erals 'of today, history wil justly add becomes principally that of seeking to give their best, and the employers General Housewife. out the workers of the proper skill who want a sufficient and efficient and training for the waiting jobs. force of workers to enable their fac- is to Under State Director, to America's glorious privilege tories or yards to produce capacity. while it Us wuy The public service restive supple- The nrrnv nnd navv select their men feed the world fights offices with to freedom. ments the tfmployment for the industrial army, which must 20,000 agents who reach down into the smallest village and hamlet to tap supplies of wage earners. These agents, acting under direction of a federal, state director, sci k out workers in less essential occupations, Church Services and through the employment offices, Sunday distribute them that the points where they are most vitally npeiled to bring WHERE TO WORSHIP TODAY about maximum production. The county director of the public who Hammond and service reserve, has immediate CHKKSTIA1V SCIENCE SOCIETY. to Be"-M- ise8 Lillian charge of the reserve enrollment Science services are held Delia Sor, agents in that county, in many cases Christian lesson. serves as of Ht 418 West (Jold avenue, every Sun- Scripture representative the United at 11 'o'clock. the States employment service in fha ca- day morning Offcrto'rv quartet: "Saved By pacity of chairman of the community Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. Gray, Ilaggaid at 8 Bluod" Messrs. lteets, labor board. Wednesday evening meetings and Whitehill. Divide on Places. o'clock. 421. The board, consisting of the chair- Heading room open dally except Hymn Command to Run In from 2:30 to Sermon: "The man and a representative of the em- Sundays and holidays Debt" Pastor. ployers and a representative of the 5:30 p. m. at 418 West Gold avenue, Hymn 414. workers in each Jurisdiction over the second floor. Benediction. recruiting and distribution of labor in A free including ' circulating library, Sunday school 9:45 a. m. its locality. all the works of Mary Baker Eddy, 3 m., cor- Science Mission Sunday school p. The question will oflen arise, where and other authorized Christian avenues. a numlier of skilled workers have been Is maintained In connection ner Slate and Forrester literature, B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. recruited and requests are filed va- Mlth room. Junior by the reading IT. 7 P- - m. rious for more than is Invited to at- Senior B. Y. P. plants the number The public cordially Wednesday evening:) recruited, to what plant or tend the Sunday services, the Wednes- Prayer meeting plants the 8 p. m. should these workers bo assigned in day evening meetings, and to viHit to all to about the room. Visitors heartily welcomed order bring greatest good reading services. in the prosecution of the war? In dis- labor under this community AVENUE METHODIST tributing OENTRATj THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. plan the present needs of an estab- SOUTH. north-wen- CHl'KUI. Meets each Lord's day in the t lishment engaged: in war work are Corner Arno and Central. corner basement room of the Al- considered, as well as the priority of Joshua C. Jones, Pastor, - the F. buquerque public library- industry. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. John tservtoe frorn 10 to 10:30 a. m. Particular Needs Filled. Hong 11:30 The Major, superintendent. Bible study, from 10:30 to 20,000 agents who search out At. 11 a. m. the pastor will preach men of specified types in every part n "Th Highest Form of Sacrifice." a' (vimmiinlon service. 11:30 to 12 m. of the nation are volunteer workers, de sev-ent- After many requests the pastor has for August 4th, h although supervised by paid govern- of sermon. Lesson Sunday, ment who in close Government is asking the help of Thus workers are assured being, sent cided to repeat this chapter of Second Corinthians, organizers keep Miss Grace Winfrey will sing solo, come out and worship with us. R. A. touch with them and who speed up THE Em- Those Tears." elflers. their activities. and workmen to do to the jobs at the right time. "Dry - Talley, J. H. Edwards, away right At 8 p. m. the subject will be "Silf- Their functions are generally to fur- destructiOn." METHODIST EPISCOPAL. nish directly to the army, navy, and the "turn-over- " of labor in men as they 7 hi. FIRST other men with unnecessary ployers get help hireing Senior Epworth League p. Comer Ix-at- l and South Third. governmental departments, Wednesday evening. Pastor. of specified training; to recruit skilled Prayer meeting Charles Om'ar Beekman, and unskilled labor war in essential industries. If this can be need them. 8 o'clock. i Miss Edith iorbj, Dcacones.s generally for war Business meeting of Woman s Mis- nreachea at 11 a. m. and industries; in the districts where there 3 Tutor are no employment offices, both to sionary society Tuesday afternoon at p. m. Morning theme: "The Liabilities done it will add 15 to home of Mrs. N. M. recruit and distribute labor under 'the o'clock at the and Assets of a cnurcn. ,v?iiiiik direction of An illustration of the Cudabec, 220 North Seventh street.. Statement Which the the community labor to boards ;to register In trades the of You will find a hearty welcome Devil Would Blot Out of the Bible." specified ' productiveness services. a. m. In which it Is known from experience PRESIDENT'S benefit of this service, all these ...... J Sunday school 9:45 that there will be a men 7:00 p. m. demand, the industry. Kpworth League in less essential occupations, so thatj STATEMENT of BT. PAUL'S ENGLISH LUTHERAN Ki.eriiil music morninK they may be available when typical hundreds, "Sometime" (Durley Buck) readily CHURCH. Anthem: needed by the Industries engaged in Silver and Slith.) Tjiiiioa rhorus. war to as- The U. S. Employment hon- be cited. An em- (Corner "The Lord Is My (Al- - manufacturing materials; as essential and may Arthur M. Knudscn, Pastor. Solo: Light" sist in men who are work-- J "Industry plays Mrs. L. B. Lackey. transferring orable a role in this as do Residence, 806 8. Sixth. Phone i29. llston) Ing in occupations to Service has been organ- great struggle a 9:45 a. hk Sunday school. We In- those Industries which are essential, our armaments,' We all recognize ployer, having go- Les- "The Lord Is My Shepherd military vite you to Join one of our classes. with the least loss of time and expense; - of of we must also see its Mrs. Dychenwalter, Mrs. to ruinous ized as a part the the truth this, but son, "Growing Stronger." Superintend- (Smart) prevent competitive recruit- indus- vernment W. Kraemer. Lackey. ing the war re- necessary implications namely, that contract, ent, Armin Mrs. L. J. Dean. among industries, by of 11 o'clock worship. The Solo: Slection to the proper authorities Labor a vital task for the nation, must Morning school orchestra at night. porting any Department try, doing that 400 men pastor will speak on "The Marks of a Sunday wrongful methods employed In that receive the and assistance of the requested Christian." Mrs. W. B. Halbig will A welcome for all. respect, such as activities of private to find support labor help employers nation." sing "Jesus Lover of My Soul" (C. L scouts; to report to Washington be furnished immedi- Veticolas.) FIRST CONGREGATIONAL the condition of the supply of labor in the and to 8 n. m. Combination service of CHURCH. any given community, and to furnish right men, investi- con- Information as to ately. Upon . Christian Endeavor society and Corner Coal nnd Broadway. wages, hours, and "Therefore, I solemnly Pastor. conditions. find the gregation. Topic, "Our Ambitions for Itov. Hloliford 1. Orton, housing help men right all employers engaged in war work to Christ." Miss Florence Olson will lead. Sunday school 9: 45 a. m. H. L. 800,00(1 Men Indexed. urge gation it was found refrain after 1918, from recruit- The pastor will speak on "The High- Snyder, superintendent. ' The public service reserve at the jobs in all war work. August 1st, est Ambition." Morning service 11 o'clock. Rev. present time has registered and in- ing unskilled labor in any manner except that not were of the will dexed more than 300,000 men va- only Solo bv Miss Charlotte Brlxner. Mr. Orton, pastor churchy of this central agency. U. S. Em- 8 m. The for the first time. rious skilled and unskilled This Service has 500 through For the week Monday, p. preach trades. It Service. I labor to facilities lack- business and social meeting of the Special music under direction of B. has furnished to the army, navy, the ployment urge respond housing Christian Endeavor society will be held Stanley Seder, organist. governmental departments, the emer- branch offices as loyally as heretofore to any calls issued 7:30 m. gency fleet covering but the at the Newlander home, 414 Isorth Christian Endeavor p. corporation, and various by this agency for voluntary enlistment in ing, employer Fourth street. All are invited to attend these war industries thousands of men most- ly of skilled the United States, and essential And I ask them both Wednesday, 8 p. m. Weekly prayer the higher type, such as industry. would not need the meetlmr. engineers, technical experts and skill- alike to remember that no sacrifice will - ed mechanics. S. Public Thursday The annual picnic of the ST- JOHN'S CHURCn. Undoubtedly produc- 20,000 U. have been in vain, kl we are able to prove men for several weeks. will be held at Sun- Sliver avenue and Fourth street, tion has already been appreciably In- Ladles' Aid society ' all that the and shine ranch. Autos will be provided. Rev. E. N. Bullock. Rector. creased and efficiency improved by Reserve Enrollment beyond question highest Tenth Sunday after Trinity. (he ability of the reserve to furnish on j best form of efficiency is the spontaneous Because the govern- 7:00 a. short notice men of almost - NORTH FOURTH STREET GOSPEL Holy Communion any of a free people." school 9:45 a. m. Agents. , HALL. 11 ment handled the job Holy communion and sermon ' 1800 North Fourth Street. woomow WILSON. ' a. m. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school and Bible Tuesday, feast of the transfigura- It has definite knowl the men were sent at class to which all are heartily wei Communion and address tion. Holy ' come. Topio this week: "Growing 10 a. m. of the time, housing Sironger." Mission school, 5 edge manufacturing right re- University Heights alcerbg 11a. m. Breaking of bread In Sunday, Mr. Gilchrist's house, 9:30 juj.u,jnii.nasy membrance of the Lord. and labor conditions all over the facilities were provided, and there was a. m. ; FOR THROAT AND LUNGS country. 8 p. m. Preaching of the gospel by Mr. Carl Armcrding. Subject: "No IMMACULATE CONCEPTION A Calcium compound that will brln r use this service no loss of time or to workers or lief In many acuta and chronic Employers are asked to money Other Foundation," or "On What Are CHURCH. Provide ciim, Our In handlcn form, a bulo rom-d- y We Building Hopes for Eternity?" Sodality mass, 7:00. highly recommended by acienc. Con- when need and workers are employer. Wednesday at 8 p. m. A meeting Children's mass, 8:30. tains do harmful Uriga Try them today, they men, for prayer. mass and sermon, 10. 50 cent a war Mr. Ijite box, including tax when need em- of U. S. Service Owing to Armerding's tempor- Evening service, 7:30: ' asked to consult it they The use the Employment absence from the will ti For sale by all dniitirlfM ary city there The Portluncu'ii. Indulgence may Eckmao Laboratory,, l'liiladetphla, be no Bible class Thursday night. gained from Saturday at noon till Sun-da- or if they feel a change in by both employers and workers is a patri- sf" midnight. ployment, IMMANTEIi EVAWnELICAli otic service and to the LUTHERAN CHURCH. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH employment is necessary. duty government. Carl Sclunld, Pastor, (Corner Fifth nnd Silver Awnue.) Residence, 308 South Arno street Hugh A. Cooper. Charles R. . McKean, Pastors. Phone 2047. Edward Our services are held in the public Sunday school 9:45 a. m. corner of Edith street and B. Crlsty, superintendent. library, 11 o'clock. Central avenue. Morning worship Sermon: "Our Sunday school 10 a. m. Hope." services 11 a. m. Music Preaching "Moderato In F" Umted Uy Us Know and Improve Organ preludo: States Subject: "Let the Time of Our Visitation." - (Henry Smart.) Service Offertory: "Andante Cantablle" (W. Employment CHURCH. Rea.) WBAVUsonSoy. FIRST BAPTIST Quartette: "Cast Thv Bread Upon US.DeptofliW Corner Lead and Broadway. the Waters" (Hodges) Mrs. Brad Morning worship, 11 a. m. Acting ford, Mrs. Sutton. Mr. Kanady. Mr. pastor, Dr. A. P. Wedge. wait. Order of service as follows: Solo: "The publican" (Van de , tin DIKiIm tlii Cwtfttn w Mitt Hftnutm. Organ prelude. water) Mrs. Bradford. Tkia lawitMinstrt prepares for sti tl IM PipirtimntotlrtwT if MYirmm if Doxology. Organist Mrs. D. W. Faw. Invocation. Choir director Mrs. E. L. Brad i Song Children's chorus. ford. You'll Never This space contributed to the winning of the war by Children's sermon. Evening service 8 p. m. Hymn 41. '' A union meeting with the Young Anthem: "Is It the Crowning Day? People. Topic: "All for Christ Our , Bake Another Cake Choir. Ambitions." Phil. 3:4-1- Consecration Scripture lesson. meeting. Leader Mabel Barton, Inc. J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER CO., . LUMBER CO., Prayer. i Music ...... ALBUQUERQUE ' response. after you'vs tried these. That's whi . 423 421 423 South First Phone 402 Organ Ladies' quartette: "Im But a Strang on of our customers told her friend North First Phone Offertory solo: "O Make Me Pure" er Here," by Marston. Mrs. Bradford, Miss Blanche Porterfield. And she knew what she whs talking Mrs. McKean, Miss Hawthorne, Mrs. first was decidedly Hymn 192. Sutton. about, for it she skeptical any baking done GIBSON-FA- W MILL & LUMBER Sermon: "The Magician's Touch" Solo: "Resignation" (Rohmer.) Miss regarding LUMBER CO., Inc., CHICAGO CO., -- . outside the home. But why prals Pastor. . Mitchell. 8 . . Hallie our T soma pies and '402 North First Phone 333 . 401 North First Phone Hymn 168. baking Try ' cakes and you'll do the praising. .Benediction Congregation seated. CHRISTIAN (CHURCH. ;. - The Lord's , ; m. Supper. ' Bible school 9:45 a. 8 Evening worship p.m. Morning worship with communion y . V SUPERIOR LUMBER & MILL CO., Inc., -- Ordfcr of service as follows: service at 1 1 a. m. ' Pioneer r 501 South 377. Organ prelude. Sermon by Nell Ferguson. Subject: Bakery 'AS First Phone Patriotic.! song service Mr. O. II. "The Shields of the Mighties." Kenady, soloist. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. ft S. BAIAI5G, Prop. Fonr-mlnu- te prelude. ... A cordial church, every one Duet; "Make My Life What It Ought' Ml fcralb First Btrtct, SIX Albuquerque, Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918 AN' INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER place he and his people occupy in the "I REGRET TO minds of the world and, apparently, REPORT" Red Lights in Tombstone Now ho is growing fearful. "We must continue to fight and to But a Memory; Places Crumble labor until our enemies are ready to IHorning journal acknowledge our right to existence," Published by the he says. From a nation that recog Tombstone, Ariz., Aug. 3. The big dancing floor. Many killings have JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. nized no such rights to liclgium, Lux Bird Cage opera house, the Can-Ca- n occurred in the Bird Cage and it has Serbia the V GAIHS OH the Red saloon and been the scene of a number of western emburg and kaiser's belated , . Jlp reBtaurant, Light stories of Western Representative the .Tucson office as frontier life. C. J. AXDEKWS, pica for justice fails of its purpose. stage remain At the Can-Ca- n restaurant steaks Narquetle lllrig., Chicago, III. The truth Is that the world no relics of Tombstone's one time glory once sold for $!i each and men waited as a These old build- in longer recognizes Prussian autocracy's mining camp. line to be served, at the height of Eastern Representative ings were open since the scenes of Tombstone's gold boom. The Red RALPH R. MULLIGAN. right of existence, and it never will the Arizona mining camp but Llgth saloon was a house SO Knst :'nt Street. New York. pioneer gambling and again. As long as the jxople con- are now occupied by bats and are the discarded roulette and faro layout Kntr-ret- i as soeund-clas- s matter at tire tinue to fight for that right, as long slowly falling into decay. may be seen stacked in the rear of pnMnffire uf AHuKjuerque, N. M., under Act The Bird Cage house was the the big with' i.f .( 1879, as remain linked thev opera building its broken bar rnngrrM March I, thry with, it, most famous in the It is and fixtures. The ttmn no territory. mahogony stage Lamer circulation any inner paper may look for mercy from their a rambling, two story structure with office is an adobe building with a In New Mexico. The only paper In New enemies. the glass in the board front corral it and it was Mexico issued every day in the year. rough flanking there broken by the elements. A long bar that the stage from Tucson pulled in ; TE iSt s 6p ?u BSrStPT i onT. occupies one end of the building each and the or one 7flo CASUALTY RATIO IV day early settlers Daily, by carrier by mall, month. WAR. while the piano raised plat- their mail from outside Yearly, in advance $7.50 player's the form faces it at the opposite end. It world. Another relic of old Tomb-ston- e XOTItlT TOMr B8'?RT 8RK8. was ( Feople are often astonished to see on this platform that the famous is the monument erected to Ed Subscribera to the Journal when wrltltiK sign which read: "Do not shoot the to a new ad- a man with two or three gold hung .Schefflein, founder of Tombstone, to have their paper ehanited stripes the piano He is the and the man who it dress must be sure to K've the old address. on his but player. doing gave its name. sleeve, according to the best he can." A gallery extends The monument is built of boulders :f heMurninff Journal lias a higher circu- law of chance the soldier's around three sides of house Schefflein's ia accorded to other average the opera from first mine. lation ratinK than any and A New Mexico." The American prospit ts of being killed are not the stage occupies the fourth cowboy in the Panhandle told paper in side. On this stage the most famous Schefflein that he would Newspaper Directory. great. The average civilian, of course, not find O variety performers from San Fran- gold but a tombstone in his quest has no excuse whatever for quaking. cisco in old Litho- MEMBER OK THI5 ASSOCIATED appeared the days. of a gold mine in the Huachuca Half the civilians are women and graphs announcing their coming still mountains. Scheflein found gold and PHKSS. on walls The Associated Press is exclusively girls. They can bo wiped off the hang the of the opera house, named the town Tombstone, remem- use the ink still them. A his friend's When entitled to the for republication slate. Of the men and we may bright, upon bering prediction. of all news credited to It or not other- boys dumb waiter connects the bar with lie died his body was returned here wise credited in this paper and also wipe off another big section as not the gallery above where drinks were and the tombstone erected at the the local news published herein. being of military age, and another big served at tables placed In each of spot where he made the gold Btrike the little rooms which open onto the that caused a rush to this tup takes and prints section as not being physically fit, and great camp. lYtv hours and thirty minutes of ex- - still another 'as being exempted on Associated Press leased wire cluslvely or S. O service eonh week. No otner news- occupational private grounds. architect, Bernhard, Berlin, and tho Innocent looking sexton was In New Mexico takes If you are in Skalitzert, Str., 118, to be delivered to frequently a German officer. paper published - actually khaki, taking more than twenty-fou- r hours of As- the mean odds myself. "In France many German spies service durinK & WCt'k. average again, the lirsn a "Then I wasarr.ested." found employment in hospitals, and 0 against your being casualty in any Shortly afterward this spy commit- some of them feigned insanity in order bo ted suicide. to be to so r. .AUGUST 4. 1918 particular yitnr might reckoned, admitted lunatic asylums, SUNDAY. roughly, at about six to one. But sup- Another agent provocateur, B. Do-li- .that thy could do their spying undis- pose you become a The In his confession before his death turbed." casualty? Thus did Kaiser- Wilhelm and his WHEN GO. odds are still about six to one by suicide, wrote that toward the end against of 1914 the German government made militaristic clique demoralize his peo- your being killed while the a to to- ple, the of ar- outright, proposition him to go Russia spreading germs "When hnlf-god- s go th gods following figures show your chances as a Russian revolutionist for the pur- everywhere to satisfy his mad for world domination. rive." if you are wounded. Ninety per cent pose of inciting an uprising. Dolin, also craving wag. instructed to blow dread-- 1 of the men who reached an advanced up the Emerson wrote the pharse yeprs nought Mara in the Black Sea, to set hospital recover, 95 per cent fire to ago, but it is today's own lesson for recoyet the pier at Archangel and to of those who pass Into d organize the assassination of Sazonov. world at war. casualtj WITH SCISSORS a cKarlng and two men It Huns and station, only Stop at Nothing. Whatever of Immediate pain every hundred die at a base hospital. J The German AND PASTE it government stopped at sacrifice the war may bring us, nothing In its endeavor to poison for- one that endures PRISONER EXCHANGES. eign countries by .espionage and provo also brings blessing cation. half-god- One of the prominent Rus DISCIPLINE. forever the destruction of s German are sians who made aN special study of (Journal of 'the American Medical that the real gods may arrive, newspapers already German espionage declared: sinister remarks Association.) In of peace men and women making regarding the "German spies in Russia are desper- "The In days treatment of American ate The discipline in base hospitals half-god- s prisoners. and daring. following Instances worship the of selfishness, France precludes"' social be- They are not even veiled in their are characteristic, In Poland, after a relations nnd make endless sacrifice at the petty terrible de- tween nurses and enlisted men. This threats that the Americans will bo battle, the Russian troops of business, pleasure, ambition, de- feated the enemy at a certain point is occasionally Carried to extremes, as altars, the firet to suffer If the food it forwarded. The consul again material comfort to tho modern fe- shortage clined to Worfard I learned and occupied the German trenches. A evidenced by the following Incident. A continues in the central the letter. day next morn- tish of ahead." A man will empires. later that the captain's friend in Lon- passed quietly. Early certain nurse was found ringing the "getting Tho state no Inner ing the artillery opened fire on us. It department has made of don did make effort to arrange loss sleep and temper over a small Workings every was clear Hhat knew all the doorbell of the officers' quarters early definite announcement the the mater, but failed. quite they defeat by a business competitor, and respecting movements of the Russian troops. We one morning. When asked what she negotiations for the of Telegraphs for Instructions. wanted, she in a woman will burst Into tears if her exchange "I did not know what to do. I tele- set out to look whether there were any replied that the villa prisoners, but it is supposed such Teuton docs spies in the neighborhood. Then it whirli she and the other nurses were fails or fret for days over a graphed to Berlin: But John was on baking Spy System I re- occurred to us to search the trenches. quartered fire. After the fire negotiations nre being conducted. not accept, what is to be done? social we noticed d had been extinguihsed, she was asked slight. The ceived the following reply: Suddenly a skilfully half-god- s strongest argument against the door. We it and found a why she didn't give the alarm at Hut in days of war the are business, then opened exchanges is that war is prolonged 'Complete through woman seated in a little room calmly once, instead of running the long dis- gone. They cannot live in the white Revealed to World Benthen or Thorn. tance to thereby. But France long ago de- to itelephoning to the Germans. She was the officers', quarters. Her flame of and agony by which "But how was I take my report were reply was: 'We aren't allowtd to cided it was better even to prolong across the frontier? It was dangerous arrested, but the officers unable speak the world is tried and cleansed. to get Information from her. She to enlisted men.'",., tho war than to allow her men to to carry it with me. I took it to my any From France conies Margaret Pe-lan- BY HERMAN BERNSTEIN mother in Warruw and asked her to refused to say a single word. suffer the terrible deprivations they eastern some of story of the young French wife Who produced the famous "Willy-Nicky- " letters and who lias Just returned hide it for some time. "In Prussia the FORESIGHT. were put to in German prisons camps, u "I started on my third to Rus- Germans had telephones in their cel- (The Outlook.) the break-u- p of her little from six months' investigating trip in Knssiii for the New York Herald. trip recounting and exchange were sia and returned safely to Warsaw. I lars, barns or gardens. They had tele- An irascible and not very home when the husband was agreements con attached to judicial young reached. England has followed suit. took the report which my mother phones large trees, they person had been listening to a lengthy called to war. All the precious fur- (Copyright, 1918, the New York Herald Co. All Rights Reserved.) cealed without knowing what u was, had telephones In the fields and in on whether should The pcoptu of the United States will argument Ireland was sold. "We those (Copyright, Canada, by the New York Herald Co.) and resolved to carry it by way of celeverly camouflaged ditches. or should not have home rule. Finally niture bought anxiously await announcement to Berlin. my arrival We to save much by the INSTALLMENT VII. a is indeed difficult, but one can Breslau Upon "Among those who acted as spies for he could contain himself no longer and things together. had state thing I communicated with the cap- the German were feeble out: "1 department that some action A Russian Pole who lived in acquire the art of remembering every- there government burst wish they'd give 'em 1o buy thr?m. I was most happy with Prus tain. He came to see trie. women, children and Sig- home mo- has been taken and that provision is sia and was drawn into German thing without, notes. Immediately young girls. rule and then give me the little, things. I loved the table the : "The-- captain . expressed surprise nals were given not only by means of tion picture - - my being made for tho exchange of espionage system, kept a diary which "J insisted that I could not believe rights." chairs. Now of Ihem I think pris- was that man a dis- that I had grown thin during my trips, telephones, but also by means of bon- and oners as soon as feasible. The men found after he had been arrested any travelling long Is Praised for Hlsf Work. fires. The Russian soldiers in eastern I think only of him. Will in Russia and had committed suicide. tance without marking down his ob- TROUBLES OP THE ENTENTE. nothing. may not bo exchanged within a Hcould describe "The captain examined my reports Prussia came to the conclusion that come matter period Apparently the spy tried to clear him- servation his trip ond me upon my wor (Punch.) he tack to me? What of months after self before Then he suggested that 1 they oould not trust anybody there But their capture, but his relatives. truthfully. He s tggested that I take a rest for two neither the farmer in the Tommy (In Italy) look here the chair, tho table? Only his life, describe my In a series of prlvato working old If twenty-seve- n this government should be In readiness The following are characteristic ex- trip week.-- 'i bn he instructed me to mra fields, nor the old woman Marco, sport: his life!" to tracts from his confession: lt'ticis to my relatives In Warsaw, vvhc would outline '.be knitting francs equal a pound and two lire is make these exchanges at the earliest them hold the until another officer socks nor the young girl with a smite. So we hard In "in 189- -, a German asking to letters wanted me so worth a bob 'ow maiiy lire learn that lesson, . January, friend work ttio department change moment it becomes and those letters Even Sexton a b possible. of mine wrote me 'I visited my arrival, using do. Innocent Spy. ought I to 'av out of note France, in England, in America. We recently for He me of- the military control station. The of- afterward my report. gave vacation I met the "Some of the telephones used by Ger- after spendin' seven franc and learn tho infinite of the expenses for my "After my me were unimportance PRENCH IN SCHOOLS. ficer who examined us asked whether necessary trip ficer, my new instructor, who took man spies stationed in churches, ?" v went I commenced to Dahmsdorf-Muncheber- things, and the unspeakable value we knew foreign languages. He said and away. study with him to the station ' the needed who the two books he left with me, but I horses. We and glory of human love and life. When our come back government people I thence by boys from were familiar with must admit did not understand what whole On the way The half-god- s And various foreign travelled a day. go! the gods Europe they will bring wjth them a You have been suc- I was reading. I dropped the books me with the new tongues. quite of he kept acquainting prrive! better knowledge of the French cessful, hut I think you coiaid do still and took up the study the maps, he Wanted me to do. but I understand these Just as little as work Half-god- s cannot live on battlef- - better, indeed, if offered was ordered toMakA another trip a language and a greater love- for the you your I books. "I services there. And know Russian-an- understand the to Russia and to report the move- ield1 where a million souls and bodies French people than the so- His re- average Polish, our government wants peo Gets Ready for Campaign. ment of the troops at petrokov. I SUBSCRIBE NOW! themselves for the dream ldier. outlined' as best I could, immolate hal when he headed for Berlin. ple who understand- these in "I my trip turned to Berlin and the general half-go- d langauges books the al of freedom for all, forever. The He will have fought with French I therefore you to and left the and maps staff my report very highly. particular. urge home. I notified the captain that J praised to of self goes, and the god of sac- soldiers. Ho will have traded with offer your services to the war depart- Then I was ordered Spandau, ment and I am sure will a was ready to start. where I was instructed how to get rifice stands beside the white crosses French dealers. He will you get told me I to me aU have talked fine post." , "He came to me and that pointed out of a world calvary. Half-god- s flee with French girls. "This letter made me think. The must travel as a commercial agent The officer who showed me all the me I could travel out ot me all TO from hospital wards where women , So it will come about that when opportunity of securing a post in the it occurred to that fortifications pointed THE JOURNAL war was I Ui a buyer of antiques. The captain details of the work. Wh le look- work until they drop from exhaustion the Yanks return victorious and department tempting, but to the I said was afraid. that my knowledge of Rus- iproved my idea, and promised ing down from one of the hills and the god of service appears. proud millions of them will talk sian was not sufficient. I studied a secitte for me a letter from a Berlin to the officer: Half-god- s will IFrench to I was its represen- a , flee from shop, each other and to us. .. whole year. Then I wrote to the min- firm stating that '' 'Tell'me, do you think that of war. tative In Russia. But for some reason measure and describe mllne, office and kitchen where men The ties that now bind America nnd ister offering my services, oi stranger could mentioning my of the Rus- that was not arranged.' Instead we see here without being suspect- and women forget self In the struggle unbreakable every day. The Yars knowledge, me a letter froth a German all Tobacco sian and Polish bringing and to death?" Fund to and save and serve as France are languages. of introduc- ed, caught put produce all, growing stronger and more Berlin Invt'-tl!- i His Record. firm, he gave me a letter "The officer maintained silence for there arrive the new gods of sacrifice, are it so. We can "I received no for several tion written in French and signed making help them reply of Thus 1 be- a while, then replied: service and brotherhood. by French to weeks. Then a police officer whom 'Charles Dubois,' Lyons. "I can't answer this question. How Our Soldiers Will for teaching more of our came a. of a French answer it.' I Hong school .children. I knew informed me that Berlin was representative " 'I knew you woudln't investigating me. I understood what firm. remarked, 'But I am asking you to tell Good Old 'American Tobacco! , A saloon which has Just closed its "I was Instructed to make three think of the that meant, and told the officer about after each mo what you personally doors Irj Ithaca is said to have been letter to the minister of war. trips nnd write a report my When asked how-t- transmit matter.' linked with Cornell tra- Within a few days I received a let- trip. I is Told His Work Is Dangerous. "inseparably told me tc 1 By special arrangement The Journtl to deliver, ter stating a man would call on me the reports 'the captain "You want my personal opinion? guarantees ditions," thus proving that education send them through the British consu- work.' through an arrangement with tobacco manufacturers, twe dollars to discuss the matter relating to the said ho had think It very dangerous worth of tobacco, for every dollar to our soldiers In spreads its influence everywhere. war A of the late in Warsaw. He that was for me. After din. subscribed, department captain a friend an officer in London who had "That enough Prance and on the way to France. German army came to my house and ner I returned to Berlin. I prepared a j a an in London who . TUB PAIR NAME. said: friend, officer, report wnicn i sudiiiiuuu io my ciui.-- The packages (50c worth of tobacco) are put up la attractive " 'I have the to inform you had promised to arrange such matters wrote him packages. In every we a return card honor It was necessary. He on the following day. I patriotic package put postal that the general staff accepts your for him whenever that' I considered the work of measur- with your name and address- so that you will get word back from In his speech exhorting the German said he would communicate in the battlefields from as soldlsrs as sent services. You will have to read the that ing and photographing fortifications in many you subscribe it people to continue to bear uncom- Polish and the the meantim with his friend in Lon- pleoea. Russian newspapers in Russia equivalent to suicide, that such ','.. the burden he alone this work' is done by officers, don. I was to prepare my report be done and plainingly shaped, tlusually it to the war work should by specialists, noddled thorn but as there is no vacancy at present Warsaw, address depart- if the insisted upon TOBACCO IS for and upon the kaiser ment in Berlin, enclose it in another that department MIGHTY SCARCE ni- you will have to wait a little. In the work of this nature, I would .said: "Without shame (the it to his friend in my doing , . . ' they meantime we will find other work for envelope, address tho service. i Near the Trenches. - . . - Brit- leave cies) smirch tho fair name' of Ger- ' .... " ' London and bring if over to the Ik-rli- you. chief told me that I was right FROM IKY1X COBB'S GLOBX" ( li'rom the Ixiicnlauzelger.) ish consulate. By that time the con- "My "PATHS OF many.". . , "Then the captain questioned me as Rnd wrong at the same time. He said a tramcar the other day - he would receive word were in such Entering to Poland an the .. Polish peVtplel sulate, said, Khat work was indeed very dan- "A I recall how, we had coma the of h school j If the emperor not our attention was drawn to a notice from his and forward the let- this through gate their customs, their national traits and friend that of importance house to where the automobile stood when a of wind blowing deadly earnest his words would be which affected us as some one r ter. I asked him why the German gerous, but nothing puff though aspirations. He also asked me wheth,-e- can be accomplished1 by anybody With- to us from the left, which meant from across the battlefront brought ridiculous, deserving only of In had dealt us a violent blow in the I in Po- consul was appointed in Warsaw, to our nose a smell we knew full well. ( jeers. had travelled extensively was con- out risks. He promised to give me certain which already are face. land and Russia. He knew frwn my Baron Hruck, who directly this. I Reality they tragic. It was "Take on the nected with the of Ger- work involving less risk than " 'You get It, I see,' said the German 'officer, who stood along For four German headed, pity letter that my relatives lived in War- department was and a contract was mad side of me. comes can It five , ( years the military war and "As man promoted 'It from three miles oft, but you get invalids," proceeded: saw. He advised me not to wriie them espionage. with me for six more. miles when arm caste, led by the kaiser, has harped is to soldiers with ask- In Constant Fear, of Tollee. months the wind is strong' and he waved, his left toward standing painful anything about my new work and At "I received instructions to travel in It as the scent had been a visible That explains why limbs and even to such as to- - . "I went to Russia. first the trip though thing. , on the same string the danger of amputated ed me to come Berlin. ."' Russia and the following tobacco is so scarce us in Laon, are provided with artificial ones, the was accom- was pleasant, but I was in constant report from with along the staff back yonder , crushed the entente nations. "The German captain Brest' being by Is to not fear of the When I returned, places Warsaw, Siedlee, "All the tobacco which la sent to-t- men In th was public urgently requested give up panied by a woman, but she was police. Dvinsk, can be spared They convinced the people there a seat to them if the car is otherwise I worked upon my report. But did not Litovsk, Minsk, Smolensk, front trenches. As long as amok and keep on smoking they present at our conversation. know it. I did not know Riga, Libau, Wllha, and Belos-to- they no alternative but to fight or perish, full." me the how to write can atand that." .,i(.i--- , "Bidding gaodby, captair what considered and fand the people fought. They went It seems incredible, but tho fact re said: thev Important horse? mains are still who what they wanted to know. I "At Belobrzegi, while hiring No Matter How Small the AmountSend It in. forth to war because believed that there persons " 'As soon as I report to my author- really to to one of the drivers be- they remain seated on tramenrs and rail answered the seven questions as bst go Varka, Our In out and ities you will get your instructions.' I over to came and sent for the po- boy ar going to need tobacso great quautitie. Fill ,that only by invading France way trains while a soldier balances Is to Conference. could, and took my report suspicious th coupon now Too Soon and mak It I - Called Berlin the British in' accordance lice. Today Is None generous , Belgium first could they savo them- Ihimsclf as well as he may on his "Within a few days I received an consulate, from Bring It, or mall it. to Th Journal Ottlc. ,., , . with the . instructions. The "I succeeded in getting away .jfetves from invasion. That is what crutches. invitation to come to Berlin and, meet captain So British consul, however, declined to them. I hastened to my hotel in order their told, them. many regrettable incidents are at the restaurant, 'Zum all leaders in Btlrlin the captain accept the leter, saying that he must to hide my notes. I did not sleep occurring daily, however, Franciskaner.' The captatn was wait- let- i' THE MEXICO. , They have been fighting over since, have special permission to send night, expecting the police. JOURNAL, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW that this evidence of an otter lack of ing for He Introduced me to a Scorched. sometimes buoyed up by the promise or decency can excite no sur jne. ters through the diplomatic, pouch. Is Arrested, anl feeling man whom he called his chief and my " 'I advise to buy stamps and "I was arrested in Varka. I had ...... Me pkg. No, 1. Popular eUaretts having retail vara U Ms. , f to offset . you conquest and Indemnities prise. future chief. Thev fixed my salary send it the Brit- put my notes in stockings. The A few ago, in his at the by mail," suggested my No. L tobaeeo vilut at the losses have some days anger and told mo that the first thing they - were Kspkc Popular pipe kavlag rtJl f they suffered, conductress because tho tramcar in ish consul. . police searched) me, but they la wanted me to do was to take a trip to courteous and not - .times threatened by alarms of invasion he- - wa had not "This I knew without his advice, very thorough. They ...... K No. a Putmlu- effsrotts tobaeeo fcarlDi routtl rah of Ma, which, traveling Russia. described the, beauties of pk. 'J 1. ' .'. well-dress- They but I had not to moil my examined valise, my books, and th . ., instructions my .... and annihilation. soon on ha-rla- stopped enough, a such trips and warned me to be So to and mail- I had in Warsaw. ste No. Popular plac shewing tobasM mall Tolas Led on statesmen man struck the poor woman so brutal reports. I went Thorn map bought They pk(. t a by ambitious th my as far as the Russian police ed It to looked at took' my - a blow on head guard Berlin from there.' explaining my passport and ., t German people have gone from a the with a heavy was coscerned. I replied that I was at the same I had violated would return .. r' ';' he was that she fell of new time why things away, saying tbey Im- aooorriiDco wtth yon 'of for to aB popular brands of tobaoos aa which one commanded packet carrying ready to obey the orders my my instructions. ' tltem to me on the following morning. urono anns of He .position at time unconscious to the ahd . - ttanttos to oar soUiora la la paekagos, eaaa sr , floor, there chief. .. ,. ) "I received ward from the war de- Next morning I mustered courage and , the of the o? the world was not a man among all the two books respect rest, passen "The captain, brought partment t was very wiftnt to the chief of him to now de-- . gers who had the courage to that police, asking j one which receives and stop, the about the Russian army several maps, good. Then I was informed once to return my baggage. Having found serves and rurtmn ana noid mm. until a police and a list of seven questions which more in in nothing but distaste man could- - be fetched. that the British consulate nothing suspicious my papers, he Toss KaaM ' -- me to answer. .. Hinn ' they expected Warsaw would now accept letters for gave them to me. hatred. Ruffianism is the ! infecting very air "From these instructions I saw thai transmission. ' on 1 is .or "I started out my trip again. treat Asanas I There a whining note in the ne.rlin. Indeed, nothing tha oc I must icarry no notes of any kind "I took to Russia for noticed that the driver was watchinl curs in our should ex I another trip kaiser's speech which has been absent today capital with me: I asked the eaptafn how the of the new 1 uid not hotet OUy aad fjtata cite except some purpose describing, me, Therefore take any from his previous utterances. He has surprise, perhaps ronld describe the roads and othet roads that were blng built. I return- on the way. Upon In Radon stray act of kindness or a show of in without ed arriving bek-- n things reports taking any to Warsaw, Wrote my and I wrote out a anil mailed it, ad- brought to a realization of the consideration for one's notes. report report neighbor. He answered that at first such went to the British consulate to have dressing th. letter to a friend, a young !SWWK4liia,,!l.,'l ttMgtt&jMttl HikdtkUiMafUsiiW

SEVEN Albuquerque Morning Journal Sunday, August 4, 1918

Maw ; 0OLOMHS Tdl Hi T&wi!k-(HlBf- i 1MW JOURNAL tlASSEF111 " Have a Uecrulator Clock for. .Sfi.OO Tr-- n 50-f- FOK SALE, A HNE NOME FOR AW e, II A t. Steel Cable for. $10.00 ranches are our long suit. rhone 403 when you have anything LITTLE FOR SALE $2,000. frame, modern, 2 Valley to sell. fur- SALE If you want to buy land it will pay sleeping porches, complotoly close nished, suitable for 2 families, you to s'eo us. We have several MffiJera The Star Furniture Co. ', modern house, close In, now that can be bought; Fr Sale, mi III rents for $30.00 per month; 3rd in farms 118 West Cold Cafife Miida ward. large basement, fine sleeping porch, worth the money. UipSffl"(flaJ(8 riinnc 409 IS INDULGED IN $1,750 cement block 011 both floors, garage and Owner Liable to Draft ' plumbing CO. rooms and . and shingle residence, hardwood other outbuildings. The owner Is TiMlTOH ft Four bath. Urge glazed 1,280 acre ranch comprising 640 floors, hot air furnace, corner lot, leaving city and will sell at a sacrifice. HUE INSI RANCK AGENTS and screened Bleeping pirch. Four 640 ward. , Gold : Jioniestead, state school land; good location, Fourth See Third nd blocks from West Central. Close FOR SALE plentiful supply good water; fully $2,300. shingle bungalow, In. cash and 11 month ON STREET modern, built-i- n hardwood Some per Underwood ILL Improved; good house, furnished; features, A. MMLim CO. ' to Typewriter Btable, bug- floors, glassed sleeping porch, L will handle. It will pay you corrals, horses, wagon, REAL ESTATE-- , F1H15 Style No. 4, lo first class gy, Implements, etc. Five miles garage; 4th. ward. 1NSUUANCE, GOOD MOME TO EOT Investigate. Owner leaving town, r stuccoed In ieOANiJ. Cheap. $2,500. northwest Suwaneo. Open range bungalow 216 and will sacrlllce. See National fence. I want University Heights, fire- Phone 1B. West Gold. bungalow, modern, good lo ECONOMIST with good drift quick modern, Investment Co., 102 North Third. THE Shares Ex- action andwill take any reasonable place. cation.t fire place; for only $2,200; Barely 70,000 -- offer. Come out and see this place $3,500 1 story, brick, stuc- good terms. in check coed, living room with fire- HELP WANTED. It. change Hands the with a book in your pocket large 007 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. if prepared to trade, as I'll sacri- place, South Seventh. Male? S 10 West Gold riiono Per Cent $3,000. stuccoed l'ubllo Hour Session, 30 fice. bungalow, H'AXTEU-M- aiv at the Insurance, JiOnns, Notary ATTOKNHY1 modern, hardwood floors, garage; Albuquerque DIS1ES ' U. JUIIN W. WILSON of This Being S. Steel. LA WHENCE L. LEVT Highlands, close In. line of nmili Angeies i. 41, l.. A. Auto School. Bought at a bargain a cups, Attorney Train foris Bervice. saucers and oilier dishes; while they Rooms 15. 17 and 19. Cromwell Building P. O., Correo, N. M. (Suwancc) A. Phone 1172. FLEECED V.NTK1 Neat tmi'llimut boy. Manaiicr last will sell largo plates at lac. small, MOMNIN JQUNO.AL SrSClAL tKAllO fV Willi v . Loam .Mbuquerque S?anatorium. 5 Room Modern Cottage. Fourth 9c, 11c and 13c. Cereal bowls, 15c; KF.VriSTS 3. J tul Bftttta, New York, Aug. The hollow 111 loutb Fourth trMt WAM1CO Ut.w close in. Nice Home. Mtino souns. :'0c: salads, 25c, and K. of JJarlter, guaranteeil. Elk Ward, lK. J. KRAH' character today's stock market may Barber Shop, (inllup, .". M. .Money U many other equally good items. The Surgeon . . ' lental gauged from the fact that transac- WANTED Chat cook. Tivu Exchange. Rooms Barnett Hullillng Phona 744 In the two experienced W. McffllLIOM Mall tions hours of the session FOR SALL Houses. waiters or waitresses, rullmu-- 1. Appointments Made by barely touched 70,000 shares. Cafe. 200 AV. TODAYS frOu SALE rurnixhed iimiiTrinFlCerma'. WANTED Experienced man torlnirk housj (ld. b7TTToip Of this meager total, United States Investment paying 100 per cent, l'liune FOR SALE IVWeftaneoiu. llentl.t work. Apply Bcieks Dairy. loa North Melinl Steel furnished about 30 per cent, re- Owner. tS5. Fourth. FOR REN1 Roonu. Rooms Building its half Nice FOR SA LE Apples and pears, rhone. linquishing point gain at the GAR300MT FOR tALE home, furnished and WANl'ED Teacher tor niiiTTuiTi tTalniug rilYXK'lANS AND Hl'KCKONH .. close. Pool new good bualness, Nortlu FoiTSAi.Eom-ha- ll i'horso power motor. perpetrated a drive paying $4,000, halt cuh and an all round mechanic. Kio Urauds In Uungslow, Journal ofric. S0. East Coal. W." T. Ml lll'IIV. M. against the shorts General Motqrs iichooli Box 6115 KENT Three nice furnished rooms. I. Industrial City. FOR ' Pr.Hti.e l imited to Tuberculosis Wright nn extreme or FOR HALE Nine room four room B'J'J FOR5.T.l'Wlne good farm wugou. Apply ai advance (Hi points. house; MEN 17 to 43. Experleiicft West Ti.leras. Office hours. Uails wero dull to the apartment upstairs; bath room tin each Ago uiinect'ssaiy, III:, South Walter. building; opposllo postoffice. extension, hut 'I'ravel; maKe , secret FOll RENT Furnished looms for light 10 to 1J a. m., 3 to 3 p. m. Phone, office few floor; hot wnter heat: lawn, allude trees investigations, $15. a specialties, such as For-elg- 021 West Silver. FOR SALE Auto little used, 3H7-- SU7-- tobaccos, and garage. (1J5 Coal.' Salaries'; expenses. American housekeeping. ten!;. residence oils, Issues of no Vot Mb) m. Cost ;&. Phone 6S,-- coppers and definite Detective Agency, I.ouig. FOR KENT Mooero rooms; no 1o FOR'sTClE o'lritENTMy five-nm- mod- - nranMt IK. .IIAKbAKKT 'li. I'A'ltTH RKiHT description gained one two MEN Work West Central. Foil SAl.E ;o guagn no,or almost lo.w, 4'hll-llre- points. ern home, Willi Close lNTKLLlliliNT .oeallf. Ick; running I'raclh-- Limited to Women's and The bank statement no heating plant. in. no for Bale at best offer. 4ulWest Central. threw light Bargain. W. A. T. Care Journal. ttrely new business; canvassing. jR3tRTSNTfKoouis"rj m week, bath; Dlirnses on the week's NT heavy financial opera- experienced man mado lf day. 110 over liolden ojRule rltore. FOR SALE Delivery wagon, mare and liar f71. N FOR SALE OP. KENT sick; 1124 It23 K Central Phone Albuquerque. loans a Morirrilfurnlshed i'raii-clsc- news tions, actual showing only house. 5 rooms and Bulletin Krcu. Krufft, Box SM, Han ventilated bed complete. Champion Orocery, nominal increase, while excess hath, large porches, FTai ItlSNT Large, well West Ti.teras. DU. 8AHAH actual cellar, garage and other outbuildings. Bur-Kl- n Call. room. !19 North Fifth atreet. Phone 44Rl.lmilrd to rhllilren. Two doifolc seuli-i- l car- Priietice reserves decreased by slightly more for, quick sale. 51s South WANTEU-t-Ranc- h ulso auto re- 18.17-- FUR SALE good 1 2. lildc. " High. employes; Office Rooms and Wright -- and one Jos than $17,000,000. Bonds were steady, FOR SALE At best" offer. Standard bred pair man; steady plaees, moderale sal- l'untlslied room and riages single buggy. Apply Fourth and (lold. 1 M. Ftllt RENT Newly Lewis at A. J. Dachechl's store. 314 's again par. al- stallion, years. ) .000 lbs. aries. Call on W. Mills. Combs Hotel, reasonable rates. Et3 p. m. in 5 p. m. Itberty reaching' sound, gentle sleeping porches; Hours;! ! though succeeding issues eased slight- and good looker. Drive or ride will exchange or address. Mills Hunch Company, ypringcr, North econd. FOU SAl.E--.N- 1 driving horso wiiglit Residence Phone 201T.. Office Phone ly. Total sales, were for Veal entitle or take diamond as New Mpxl. r ' 1050. 2 saddles, 2 set harness, one heavy; par value, 4111 part RIO GKANUli HOTEl. Rooms and apart- "80tii:Tii5f. payment. West Central. aT 1 520 Second. Old United States bonds UOVERNMKNT NEIiDS20,00 CUCItKS 619 "West Central. Mrs. Richard runabout, very cheap. North were FOIl SALE Cement block house five rooms Examinations every wirere In ments, KMt.nrs of tou'Mnr. unaltered on call during the Washington. FOR SALE One Alaska refrigerator, good Alhmine-qn- e roiim'll No, Ml. sleeping porch, cellar, city water, corner Men and West, i'roprltress. week. one August. Experience unnecessary. aa new, will hold 75 pounds of Ice; one third Tuesdays at I p. lot block from ear line, to v, Ntc rooms, Meets first and handy shop women desiring government positions rite IMPERIAL ROOMS olean nice oak roll-to- p size, good Sixth street. M. Closing a little cash and $12 Call 1301 over Woolworth s, desk, library In School hall on North prices: per month. for free to J. 0. Leonard, dorm- rates by day or week; one KxlS 512 South 804 West 6 Ifino-- particulars condition; letter press. T. O. K., residence American Beet 8 V4 South Ami Phone 319 1 West Central. Murphy. 17S4 tV.utB Sugar er Civil Seivlce, Examiner.) iorJ Ker.ols Uroadway. C. Rtbera, F. 9.. residence American Can 4(1 KALE room in room for u FOll Sis. residence High- Bldg.. Washington. For RENT Furnished sleeping KOOfr Uroadwav. . American Smelting & 77 lands. Worth 3.000, 1.600 will Electric Refining. and swing OI'ENINUS for Spanish speaking salesmen gentleman. llgiu, jOo per gallon. Roofa under our Mr will American Tel. & Tel. 91 It. The house $v on month, 70S West Marquette. on amount the will rent for will General Mdse, salesman. New Mexico, per Improve from year to year. We can put TO EXCHANGE. American Zinc balance on Phone a new roof will as as the 184 pay monthly payments. $100. salesman. New Mexico. $100. Bourn. that last long 1SS7-- Address P. O. Bolt Orocery Tho Co, Phone liol-- 15,000 shares ot Anaconda Copper r6 415, City. Cirocer $U5. building. Manaano WANTED To exchange , manager, Arizona, Manager Furnished rooms. 14 wsat li do South and fertiliser Atchison 85 FOR'sAI.E "price! Arizona. $100. FOR RENT Walnut stock ill elevator, feeding & gent's furnishing, Manager no no cnnaren. in one dollar per sharo Baltimore Ohio 64 one new home five rooms, two $1 DO. ver; stck, ERIE carbon root ana roof oeraent plant Kansas, pold bungalow dry goods, Arizona, Hardware, sales- NT parai a good slsed tract or & three-roo- FOR-RE- small clean housekeep- last five Us Devo dividends last full, 'or Butte Superior n porches, modern. One house, man, Ariz, $1.10. Dry goods salesman. New Three stops leaks; years. ranch. Must huvo 415 Jap-a-la- land suitable for sheep electric and water In both houses. Bales-ma- rooms. Oround floor, no children. ready floor California Petroleum 18 lights Mexico, $110. Clothing, furnishing, shoe ing paint, paint, Valspar, water In abundance or running Houses furnished or unfurnished. Also four-roo- ' Dead. mohair top and seat dressing, Motor car fin- slmllow Canadian Pacific 151 New Mexico. $125. Write at once. Wet water In J. A. Rankin, Emporia, ate house with two screened lu porches,' front room and sleep- ish, cold water kalsomine, and be satisfied. quantity.' Central leather bri of Ap- Business Men's Clearing House, Denver, FonUENT F. 408 Kans. . modern, plenty shade. Outbuildings. 41 South Third, for gentle- Thos. Kcleher, W. Central. Phone 4U. Chesapeake & Ohio 55 ply 49 North Edith. Colorado. ing porch, Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul 43 Bear man; no invalid, Private family. Inquire FOR SA LE Cooper-Hewi- lamp. No tube Micenaneou.Vi Chino Mis. Tlllon Hogh. $J5. Marsh picture frame vise with saw. FOR REN1 Copper 3914 WANTED Salesmen. $12. Twelve n & n WANTED Competent saleswoman. Tht Jugs, $!, Ten one Colorado Fuel Iron 4 14 - nigrusmfls. 10 a l Jugs, 2r,e each. Thirty-gallo- wa- YpDRBSanRlKs Jenes oprlngai KALKKMAN Vur Ki'rit-ra- mercantile lrH!p Rconomtet. gallon hot Crucible Steel cattle, little changed from lust week's 1118 South :i rates. Oarela. North r,;i In Nfv Mexico In sell a nw of WANTED woman for FOR RENT Furnished rooms. ter tank, $5, In film developing tunk, til Cuba Cane 30 4 close; calves, 25c lower; stockers and proposition Competent general E. C. Whltson Sugar merit. Vacancy now. Attrnptlve rominlsjflon housework. 115 Norih Kim. Walter. Phone 20J. $2. llitnna A Henna, Master Photographers. i DtN O ic"tlt 7t KN T."Tla . to 25c ltr,4-W- . 2 Erie 14 feeders, strong higher. contract. S.l't for exnenses, Glllett. "room With MuhIo Co., Vhonrs 301) and 10c weekly WANTEI WonwiB for housework, FOIt llENT Furnished sleeping treat Northern Ore Ctfs Hogs Receipts 10,000. Market 19)31 t'arllnB BIiIr,, O. Houlh West Oold. Sty, to 20c lower. rievelaiirt, nueliiue Ranalorlom. Call tortay porch, lot Waller. C.reat Northern pfd 90 Butchers, $l.155i SALESMEN Fn'r NewMi-xleo- . room witn FOR RALE) central location. vacnney WANTED Woman for Reiieral housework, FOR RENT Larg lptn FOR RENT Ideal lorater Inspiration Copper 2 19.65; light. $19.35(&il9."6; packing, Aui;ut permanent position; old Ideal for 1( Bast Centrsl. ON K Centrifugal pump and ready for business, 1 1 3.rl, Bestemek's porch; tn. completely equipped Int. Mer. Marine Pfd. 97 bulk, $ 8.25 (ft 9.60 ; house Nellinff lino on phone Dairy. motor. With control. Ap- Jeweler. Ctfs $18.1019.00; staple exceptional KENT awoiMUg porcn pressure seats 459. Apply Arthur Evcrltt, dv $.1.VfiO WOMAN For housework; no oook. FOR rUomswltn D. care Kennecott Copper 33 pigs, good and choice, $17.75 18.60. terms; hlRh commissions. weekly afl. general or board. Phona 171. 11?! ply Wolnman, Economist, 6.", 3 with wlthJUt Albuquerque. ". vanoe. Sales Kuite 800 Wood- Ing. Address Box !!, I.oulRville & Nashville .112 Sheep Receipts 3,000. Compared manager Alhutimrqu. East Central. Mexican ; with a week best western ward. Iielrolt. WANTED Mexican or colored gill to do NT Tctroleum 101 ago lambs, FOR-RE- room and .suitable FOR RENT Store. SALESMAN' lace and embroidery im- Denver Club. S. Srd. Nice porch Miami Copper 28 50c to 60c lower and native lambs 50c by sewing. (Teanlug foi two wllh board, reasonable rates. .' work established trado In New ' Missouri Pacific . 23 to 75c lower; feeder lambs closed porters, WANTRrlimeon to" take care of child Phone 1MS-W- . South Arno. WANTED Muceftaneous. JtTENTMceNg 'Mexico and excellent 4 mother la Phone rooms, per month. Montana rower 6 5 strong to 25c higher; sheep to adjoining territory; years old, employed. KOIl RENT Furnished, front rooms and Two living Jj steady man Willi 1276-J- , WANTWD New York 71 a shade lower. opportunity for richt established ; entrance. In mod- - To buy second hand lumber. Houlh Uroadway. Central In towns. 1140 Broad- sleeping porch, private Phone 1071. trade smaller Fuld. one on In. -- 09 Sliver. Northern Pacific , 87 WANTED Cashier,- experienced ern house. Clo Enst way. New York. cash register end can operate typewriter. SPECIAL rare, made it, and fisluug PERSONAL. Pennsylvania 43 Kansas Livestock. FOR RENT Oppoelte. liolversity, . ptcjllo City Apply Mecca Cafe.,,, Room and parties. Call lfiga-J- Consolidated 23 3. 'collage wllh sleeping porches: reason Bay Copper. Kansas City, Aug. Cattle Re- WANTElZ-ltoliseket- health-seeker- LADY with car will drive parties; , , . 87 FOR RENT Office Rooms. for institutional oarrt. Ijidbi preferred. Will lake WANTED If you need a carpenter, tail J. Reading ...... ceipts l',500. Market steady. Steers, for Write 'JDIT-- 1700 H. 1595-J- . able fates. Phone & work; good position right party. Phone East Central. Hurling. Phone Republic Iron Steel 91 $17.75018.50; western steers, $11.00 FORIuSrTOfs for Interview. Box SIS, City. RETIRED Business Man. oti, worth l.'.O.IHMI. Southern . .. 83 fi over store WANTED To buy the best twelve hundred Toledo. Pacific 16.00; cows, $6.00(f 13.00; heifers, iptslrs. Woojwnrth's WANTED Woman or girl to cook and RE1N1 Would many. 35. League, Southern 23 - "of help FOR ApartmenU. pound horse six years old, John Mann. Railway stockers and KOR RUNT J tmnt connecting- tics In ' Ohio. $7.50()14.00; feeders, work In kitchen small hotel. Address - Texas rooms over Rule Rtore. WANTED .School children and sew- 0,OOO. Company 150 $7.50(?)17.80; calves, $7.50 6 13.50.- Golden Eva Utely, P.0. Box 21. Enelno. N. M. B'OR RENT Furnished apartments. Elms plain MARRY a Fitimer worth Full par Union Pacific 120 600. corner and TIJeras. lug. Prices reasonable. OL'O South Arno. ticulars bv return mat. It . 2"a Minna Hogs Receipts Market steady. A piano-playe- r, male or female. Hotel, First " IU. 8. WANTED D K N VK 11 O E AN I N O C Cv B A ""work St.. Hnn Farnclsco. Calif. Industrial Alcohol... 127 Bulk, $19.1019.40; heavy, $19. 30J MONEK TO LOAN. one who can read and who has lots FOR RENT Desirable furnished apartment I, United sight 225 North Third. Phone B."8. Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills; safu States Steel 108 19.50; light, $19.0055 19.35; pigs, pep, Inquire Mr. Marsh at Woolworth's. also sleeping room. 400 Bouth Seventh. guarnnteed. LADIES . . MONET TO LOAN On real Hflourtty-- aS and $2; refunded If II fails. Utah Copper 81 14 $17.7518.60. gtaia EAKN-- for RENT Two an4turee-roo- WANTKD-A- I once second hand furniture sure; price weekly, spare time, writing FOR apart- Dr. T. Pler.-e-, Seattle. Wash. 500. unnec. ; de- and kitchen utensils; also cook atove or Sheep Receipts Market newspapers, magazines. Exp. ments and sleeping Mom Highland " - worlli WEEKLY BANK 8TATEMT2NT. steady. Lambs, year- - tails Free. Press Syndicate, "737 Kt. IjuIb. Mo House. rsnge. Phone 2198-- I DA R E- YO tj" V It I T E MB Widow; $14.50(917.25; FOR ALE will marry; Mission ngs, Olrl two Thrse or four room furnished WANTED To in touch wlih person who $60,000; lonely; O. $11.0015.00; wethers, $100.00 WANTED for general housework, FOR RENT get tlnltv. San Francisco. Calif. New York, Aug. i The actual Two beds, mattresses and adults. Good home and wages for (food modern; 0 8outh First. In- can drive car, who wants to go to Den- H4.00; ewes, $8.00(12.S0. FQTt SALE brass g, apartments, Your book-eas- tills" luck. future loreioiil; condition of clearing house banks and 1 1 dlnlnK tabic, 1 e Klrl. Call In person, don't phone, ll'ii East Hnvoy hotel office. ver and return. Phone 420. CUT out for springs. buffet, quire dime. birth date, for read- trust combined. 1. three-roo- to send age. companies for thn week shows and writing desk library Central. Foil RENT A modern apart- WANTED Men's silk shlru dry clean. Tin Toledo C Denver IJvcHtock. machine near hlBh Clean- ing Mme. 7!orl1ls. that they hold $55,232,190 reserve) In table, fras and coal range, sewing WANTED Woman clerk, clerk un- - ment, with small sleeping porch Satisfaction guaranteed. Coffleld " Denver, Aug. 3. Cattle Receipts 1318 West prefer '.'M Arno. Houlh' 107. LADIES I'so Elgin THldets. Mall. $160 excess of legal requirements This is and many other useful things. derstandinK can hc;ln-r- . school. Keys at North ing Co., Its Sixth, Phono ' 600.' Market Reef 506. Hp:inlh. employ rfor box: double 2. Kvcry nox guar" a decrease of Steady. steers, Marquette, Thonc , on M. W. or Cash-huyc- "two" Ford strength. $17,151,520 from last cows Call Mills, 0"mbs Hotel, WANTED good anteed. Dr. Eva Pierce, Seattle, Wash. week. $10.00(0)17.00; and heifers, $7.00 FOHHAl,li; Two vernus mnrttn double beds flddrt!HS Mills Ranch Co., Springer, New TYPEWRITERS. cms and one Ibrick 7 passenger. All cars MADAM KOSMOS you by giving ft 11.25; stockers and feeders, $7.50Si) springs and mattresses, child's bed. nlr Mexico. In flrnt class condition. Phone 319, Mr, Push. LET help W All overhauled and 6r life Send birth dote nd 13.00; calves, 111.00 12.50. tight neuter used only one winter, gas range of TplwillTERS makes, cASii'T'TticP!-paid"f- your prediction. CHICAGO BOARD ' THOUKANDH government positions open Ribbons for every tnaehin. Al HirTifET jfrNK 10 cents. D. U Kosinos. 11158, Louisville, Ky. OF TIt.TK. Hoes Receipts none. Market un medicine cabinet, window seal, kitchen tabls to men and women. Examinations soon. rejmlred. KOUTHWHTEHM JUNK CO., etc. rhone Bxohango, Phons B14 Bi TUB MARRY Thousands congenial mem refrigerator, hose, tubs, boiler, I tell how to obtain a (iovernmeht pos buquerque Typwrlter 114 WENT DEAD. PHONB WB ALSO lonely, changed. 1 571-- 3B9 you 183 Routh Fowrth 1. will De Chicago, Aug. 3. war North Thirteenth. Rob- - hers, worth) $50,000 up, marry. Auspicious Sheen Rccclnts none. Market un ition. Information free. Wrllc Ceo. w. R('Y OI,T AtlTtlH. Kan news and week-en- d scription Freo. Ralph tlydo, Francisco, liquidation with tho Oovernment. and Hecond-'uin- a changed.. bins, formerly FOR SALL Livet4ck. WANTED men and boy" Cal. brought about noarly continuous General Pershing hacj made no esti- Civil (Service Expert. Jordan DldR., Wash- clothes, shoe and underwear. Alan trunk eoood-han- WEALTDY widow would marry downturns today In the value of corn, mate. D. C, ' '.'3 and suit cas-- s. Call DID. CMoago d young ington, L . FOR KA1.E ItelKlan hares and hatches. home-lovin- man. Old as u Prices closed nervous, Vtc to March de- ladies to store, SIT Bouth First. . trustworthy, 2e Later General formally wXNTEDTen bright capable Went Fruit. M. Box Ost, Los Angeles. WANfF."D-I.Sio'sV- considered. Mrs. net lower, with August $1.55 and NO or demonstrate and- sell well, known l;ry 2o to lo ESTIMATES OP nied that he had given any figure travel, Two- - well broken cow ponies. frm CuliT. $1.57 to $1.5714. Oats 0 estaoiisneft aeuieis. m tijv.'M, pi)Hii Al.E each. M0 ton Iron. from September estimate to one as to the number goods fi).uo ISl. erap Pay Ir- any railroad fare paid;- weekly ad Beiemek's Dairy. Phone lb. Bt. Don't worry when delayed r lost to and provisions 5c to per week; Te to per Patriotic duty. Iiuls LADIES 2c of casualties in tho present fighting m 171 Tabids. Mall M 35c. lc vance for traveling expenses. Aooress FOR-Ha- T(mng work horses and marcs, Jnnk Co., 40C fjotith First street. Phono regular; use l.ndy Elgin and he asked newspiiper correspond- ", ' once. Address W. or 3 boxc $5. Dr. Eva Pierce, Seattle, once Ooodrlcn tirug k.omiauy. xjepi. cheap. To bo sold at WANTED Careful koipriT finishing by mas- l.ov; General selling and lack of sensational Nebr. Wash. , support ents to deny the reports Omaha, A, I,., cars Journal. ter Twice eervlce. characterized the corn market U. S. CASUALTIES photographers. dally of wenkness Hint sent out from Washington today that L E fhreeT"! e r so y cows, 3 Jersey Remember, satisfaction guaraoteed, Bend UEt.P FOR MEN Victim session. A Ft) RHA will cure you. Mail $1 box. throughout the majority ho had the casualties in the 3 JerseV 2 month. your finishing to a reliable, established firm, debility; sexobl of placed heifers, bred, heifers, It Dr. T. Pierce. longs took the view that At once woman house 240-l'- . A Money refunded if falls. apparently Aiyie-Main- e battle at 'U.OOO. WANTED capable Ilox 215 or phono Hanna lianna. master photographers. both the outlook and the smull family. Call at oils West Seattle. Wash. military keeper; FOR HAI.E- - Extrn fine, young peuigroea cropi status had mado the time oppor- " Stlvof. ' Zeft' THE SlltEN yVEEN Read this great story IN POOL breeding stock Flemish Olnnt, New Rooms. one who tune for unloading. The Increasing REACH AMERICA CRIMP PUT hares. William WANTED of Ihe Modern Vampire by knows, land, and Rufus Red Belgian sealer! 25 sliver. Dr. T. Plercel of in . 924 ' Eleventh fly Mall els rapidity the allied Successes IN Oestrech. 8r., North street, WANTUt Ity business woman two or Wash. France and HALLS COLORADO N. . ' Brattle. . the indications that dry Albuquerque(, three unfurnished rooms for house- 21. $t'.'6.- - FOR Albu- light HANDSOMH French lady worth sections of the corn belt would be re- RENItlweflLpga. RIO ORANDE DitOC HtXl CO.. of keeping. City references. Addres B. A. L, - 000. to Imnorahle gentle- lieved rain were sources The- breeder of register- Anxious mniry by equally of 1ST MORNlNtt JOURNAL SSSCIAL LSASSD WISSI oi'lh. querque. largest csra Journal. 2 weakness. ' man. Mrs. Warn. 2210 Temple jit. I.o iThe only rallies which 3, com-t - ed hogs In tho southwest. Can supply you " War Is Denver, Colo., Aug. Supervis- RENT wishes to snore Callf. occurred were brief.-"- ', Department Without FOR Party stuff at mod- Angelis. ion of and tloune, 1. with herd boars and young BUSINESS CHANCES'. pool rooms, bowling alleys, plntely funilshed (jail after We you with LADIES So nderoon's Cotton Root Pills; , Free hedging of the new crop weak- lt'19-J- . 720 New York. erate prices. can also supply From Gen. places where cards or other games o'clock. Phone 60o safe and sore cure In .1 lo 10 flav. Prion ened the oatB market. here Figures Peshing In ! medicated crude oil for lice, at per FOR RENT. Two buildings at Seventh and Dr. - Receipts . was assumed today Bouttl. $2. Money refunded If It falls. Addles were- . ' are'pla'yed, Plain crude oil at 25o per gallon. to . B. heavy. to Difficulties' Now gallon. Central Avonu. Apply Elder, T. Pierce. Heatile, Wash. ; Provisions Owing Animas and Huerfano counties by One Oil furnished to all club members free. receded with grain and FOR RENT fuinlshcd house, four pig agent. WOM BN Norma Pligrlm's federal .fuel Administrator Galligan, 403 one four-roo- unfurn- Office t!1 South Third ATVCKOtt hogs. Transactions were few and looms at and FOR SA1.K ilarhcr shop and pool room, adclce to mnrried ir about to innrrv; On Battle Front. Hcreaffer will be closed 411 Also one five-roo- small. ' Existing the places ished at South Seventh. also furnished rooms. Apply Central Bar- nex Infomatlnn: 28 pages illustrated;, mall. arid will be houso; oo West Bilver ' Closing prices: all day Sunday permitted unfurnished at ARPJENJEWNG ber Shop. Old Albuquerque. I5c silver. Dr. T. Pierre Healtlo Wasll., 6 Gold. ; to operate only between P. m. and Apply 214 West , HALE seventeen well furnished and Hor- - CornAug., $1.5514; Sept., $1.5714. worK, reasonable. FOR Hotel, FtOLLAXD BANE The mysteries 66 c: MOrN.Na JOURNAL SPECIAL LtASCD WlHI ten p.; m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wed- FOH CARPENTER Drop rooms, closo to of Room exposed. Oats Aug.," Sept., 66c. tt Illghiauok. Card sen North First atreet. centrally located, depot. rors tho Dissecting Pork Sept., $44.95.". Washington, Aug. 3. Senators of nesday, Thursday and Friday. Sat- Owner will aerlflce. See National Invest- - Clinics and Traffic In Dead Bodies. Onl Who ' from 4 m. to t'OH RENT boiirs'i osr kment Co., 10 North Third. book of the kind uubllshl. fly Mall sealed Lard Sept., $26.65. the committee today urdays' hours will be p. 113-- military " Board. Wash. v.-ii'.- furnished oettags. Phons For Rent Room With 25 els Blh'er. Dr. T. Pierce: Seattle, Ribs Sept., $26.80. asked General March,' chief of staff, 11:30 p. m. ; If Ameri- Is to result In FOR RENT Furnished cottages:- $lo7"$l. and PASTUxlACL. he had any estimates of the The order expected South Walter.' ' FOR RENT Room, with sleeping porch LADIES ; NEW YORK MONEY. can 'casualties in: the recent fighting increased production of coal, as the 20 per miinli.ljlj board. 410 East Central. kENT FurnisneTnWoroom,roitiH( FOR RENT 70 acres good pasture; 12 per When or delayed use Triumph were that government had fuel administrator believes the pool fijii FOR "RENT Room and sleeping porch with 4 of Irregular told' the; 10J South WallT. ' month. Dolde's Ranch, mile south Not New' York, Aug. 3. Mercantile none. ' ' idleness the reg- with sleeplnu porch. board, woman only. Phone 1097; ' - Pills. Bsfa and always dependable.'.: absdlutfciy halls caused during Four-roo- town. P'iono 1658. Do not srlth ' - FOR RENT house two glasseu nld at drug stores. experiment 'unchanged; sterling and March told senators hours of the 1SJ2-- RENT Furnished roost in modern "n-ll- ' General the ular working- day, In porches. Water paid. Foil other, ssve disappointment. Write for bills, unchanged. ' An authorities in the two ; home. With board. Ideal for lummsr. It's- free. Address Na- and also the Washington correspond-- ortier sent Thsla-roo- furnished oottage. FOR SALE Automobiles. and particulars. Bar silver and. 'Mexican dollars un- to ('OR BENT 1315. ' Medical Institute. Milwaukee. Wla entg In response to questions, substan- counties rays "It is apparent the 17 Boutn rnone mw-- j. phone tional ,' ; ' Inquire groaawair. changed'. Tvlu-- t ' in Plates' tha: RENT Furnished room or sieepftig FOR HAI.B ltllli Ford touring. Inquire iv'' tially Baker 'aid ITniteO fuel administration Three-roo- FOR Secretary FOH RENT furntetred house. In 4. Rooms. his statement coal Is Water 522 porch, with board modern private fam Itoom No. crystal last night; that Oantiil (the production polorado 1111.00 pur month. paid, South 2H8-W- . new ' ' Phone KA best "offer flood YoiurroTtox. ot its .' " ' ily. FOR At Cadillac) Pershing was under difficulties jf not maintaining a maximum Waller. ENT FOR-"R- Sleeping porch furnished new batteries; gooo tires; iv spih. the names hos KENT Two-roo- ..furnished''''' . housa BTACK 3V from many posKiMe production." FOR first-clas- MAIL New Ybrk," Aug; Cotton' futures rooms, s table board, 101 Boutn FOR BALK lsed Ford touring car. Bar- i' Bete.. pitals, some 'of them French and Brit- with sleeping porch, piano, water, garage, Bale tc Servl call tlmej closed firm.' Oct. $27.50: $27.05; - Edith. Phone 80. Mm Abbott. at $.175.fiii. Paige Phone anywherany ' ish over wide It had - 112.00. 1306 Houth Edith. gain 1 a a area and that KIEV IS Co., 122 West Oold. . Bilver City a.m.; ar. Mogolb.n p.m. Jan.; '$2.92;' March, $26.80; May as-ye- t Of RENT Room with board for man and li. . - ' ' - to province: Well FOR 1 a.m.; ar. Bilver City i m. ; ' been physically impossible FOR RENT furnished modern bung' two in HA I.E Two Ford cars and one Lr. Mogollon $26.05. - - ' wife ur ladle, Large glassed porcn FOR Best auto In southwest. SpbH-Stead- gather the list. LAW alow facing University campus. iMione 281, gdAll cars In class equipped livery 'Middling, $3'l.'l. PUT UNDER MARTIAL no other boarder. For particular Phone Itulck first MOTOB TRANSIT Cl. The 'official - Keys at 1024 East Central. 249, Mr. Hush. BENNETT transcript of General ." mornings. condition. I'hone M. '. : in!. ''', Silver City. N. i ' KANSAS CITY PHODCVE. a March's talk with the' correspondent's RENT Modern Bungalow three rooms FOR BAt.E Ford roadster first class me- ' . astciAi. WISSI FOR MRtiTw. H. REF.D, of tho Dockhart Ranch iav moaniha lasaao furnished. - Will take contain this questibn and answer: iniini Tel- with large sleeping porch, rrfli moved to 602 Houth Arno.- where she chanical condition. Liberty !. An Exchange 671. 11k4 East Central. Phone 922 after 6:30 Kansas City,1 Aug. - ond "Have you any estimate as to the LondOh, Aug. Phone Inquire Is prepared to taka health seeker. Phono Bonds In part payment. TIME CARDS. - number of .' ' egraph:';dispatch-fro- Zurich today RENT Furnished two-roo- - cottage. J335. p. m. poultry unchanged.-- casualties?" FOR ' - sleeping and (!; 'Seflohdsr'SBo. "None whatever." '. saysT with glassed 'porch,. Dlght WANTED By young lady, room and board FOR SALE Maxwell truck, vmpltely state that t4 per month.' 1400 south Arno. fine One of the senators asked what the "Telegrams from Cracow water paid in private family. Employed during day. , overhauled. Worn part replaced; of Mar-n- hl Furnished 100T b Ford. Call Char- - O CHICAGO PKODTCB V extent of casualties report- after the ussasslnatlon Field FOK BEN. cottage, modern, Can give good reference. Phone condition, will trade for already vnn In Kiev more than glassed porches! University, ear line. tween 7 and 9 p. m. lea Passmore, North Fifth and McKlnley. ed to the war was, Elchhorn 1S24 Cen- department and Phone J81, morning. Key East Phono 1036. 1 J. March betw- 500 persons' were' arrested,' Including ' EL JARDIN ESCONDIDO Tha convales Chicago; Aug; Butter Market General replied thai it warf tral. . een-12,000 secretary . cent Ideal homo. Ha room with private FOR RALE IMS Cadillac, five passenger, and 14,000. This is the Winneschlnks, Howie illghlanaV-'"Tnur- SANTA TM BATtV unchanged. of the FOR ItBN'f In Also desirable double room vacant. Model 67. cord tires, one extra, ATCHISON, IOPKKA cases. Mar-- . sum of Mllukoff and many members - bath. Ooodyear , . Eggs Receipts 10,155 total all casualties announced mar- room bungalow.- furnished; glatsed In Central. Phona 111S. etc. A4 in first wat f:o. . constitutional democratic party., ' IB0D West eat covers, bumper, calns, .1 ket unchanged. to date to the war department as sleeping porch; also garage. Call 1207 East class condition. casn. wouia coat Wawtlwud. law been proclaimed" through- - ...... SHADY KOOK ranch offers excellent room iz,7ti.uv Potatoes Iower. Jersey cobblers, given In the department's weekly pub- tial has Antral. new over ts.760.00. Address H. E. J. Journal No. Cjass. Arrive Depart. ) ' and board. Just the plan to get strong. nm. R:Xft $2.76 2.90; barrels, $5.00 lished out the of Kelv. Furnished modern four-roo- 1. The Beouk T:tft nm. Virginia summary. province con- FOR RENT For rate 4F-4- ; free transportation FOR SALE a for some one. Beautiful are hi alsot thre-roo- phone prise I. California Limited .11:46 am 5.20; Illinois Early Ohios, $2.25 This statement wass made the ve- "German reinforcements houses glassed pfrtch, Accommodations now available, lira. B. B. 1918 Mitchell car, new. a 13:pnv ' chb keo 1006 East nearly snap t. Fast ...... 10:46 am. li lt am. 2.50; Minnesota, Kansas hicle of sensational out tinually arriving at Wasaw. house, large vairdj .$11.0).' Thomaa. terms $1,300. It will be re- Fargo $2.402.60; reports sent ' been Phone 40'. ' Cash, $1,200; t. T Navv'o .. l:$tam. and Missouri. $2.00 2.25. to effect Ten r:Brmn n soldiers have centrul. duced $25 each week till sold. Act quickly. I:$an from Washington thev that Hnathboud. '1 Alive higher. Fowls, 39 CfemtrBl -- - found .murdered in various parts' of GcncraL : Phone 683 First week July 30 to August . Poultry - PershJIng' had; reported to FOR utfc; 801. Bt Paao ?x press .... 10:11 vm. among tne uKiam SALtlI 31c; springs, S232c.' General March that he estimated at Kiev, and revolts Elght-rooi- h $07. Paso Bxpreaa 11:41am. FOR RENT house, suitable to FOR SALE Lot No. Hlock II, Orant WANTCP-ro.It.on-. II 12,000 the American casualties In the lan peasants continue. two 1, batliaill. LIVESTOCK MARKETS. discovered a partmen..Phon li tract, cash. Will sell cheap. P'aone 2306 ana. "Thn have MoJern - ' ' Tha Boont T:Mam. :0I recent fighting. . . Rmni - FcTRTlEN'r house.- room. 7 und $' K trl." ' '''"'.' t. bint to nvrfhinw th"Ukralrtlnrt het- in. berwn WANTED Oood office and salesman want 1. The Navajo 1:00 pro, 6:49 pm. Senators who attended the confert Rome furnished. Closa W, K. McMlllloti ' T O fliiraim IJvestock. William, ' ' willing to lea,ve town. Box 4. Caltfornl Limited .. Pm. pna. officials man and make archduke 2Q6 West Oold. employment - t, " .ence and war department ' -R ' ' ' I. 161 m. 8.1 Cattle - Four-roo- rare Journal. pa. Chicago, Aug Becelpts re-- lng of the FOH- ENT furnished 'house,.'.. laota r Sight.... " denounced the published ; as salesman or . . '.wrwaa rVnttsu 1 3,000. Compared with, a week ago generally ykralne'.y In. now how-- , can WANTED Position drk a. as misleading In every way. It sleeping porch, ga and shade. Clow WASTE no time. Ask you can furnished ref- 111. Kaaeas OHr and Chaago, an. steers and butcher cattle are 25e port 150 by experienced man; t:l beet was and stated With or without connecting atora room. make $10 to daily. Carycroft Co., Box CklM4 fcU medium 25e to 60e reiterated officially . erence, Adiiret II. C, car Journal. Ml, KMMf Cltr Ul ! M higher;1 steers, . Results Want ftft 20 Lead, Pooa 190, Org, . , - - - Marc that from Journal Inqulr. Wci( 2l, fortlani, XoifVi cjrorasa- ewer? tH. tutahsf Bpeglficaiix- by- Sieperai mm 'f EIGHT Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918

1 The Right Jobs g I

American wants to work It has over 500 branches through- 1: THE true he wilj help win the war. out the. nation, and 20,000 U. S. Public He wants to fit in. America needs the Service Reserve enrollment agents. Ask Right Men in the Right Jobs. Only the local post office or newspaper for when this comes about name and address of the can maximum produc- nearest representative, or tion be obtained to sup- PRESIDENTS write to the U S. Em- port our armies at the STATEMENT ployment Service, Wash--! D. 1 front. "Industry plays as essential and honor- ington, C. able a role in this great struggle as do our military armaments. We all recognize the of also neces- Those in of all truth this, but we must see its employers The needs war sary implications namely, that industry, t war work who seek to industries can be antici- doing a vital task for the nation, must re- get ceive the support and assistance of the labor through their own pated and met by the nation." or if private recruiting Government employ- "Therefore, I solemly urga all in war work to re- are interfering ers and laborers will avail employers engaged agencies frain after August 1st, 1918, from recruit- with the Government's themselves solely of the ing unskilled labor in any manner except through this central agency. I urge labor machinery and prefer- nation-wid- e to respond as loyally as heretofore to any machinery calls issued by this agency for voluntary ring their interests to which is at hand. The enlistment in essential industry. And I of ask them both alike to remember that no those the nation. Only length of the War de- sacrifice will have been in vain, if we are strict able to prove beyond all question that the through' compliance pends directly on our highest and best form of efficiency is the with the Government's of a free to spontaneous people." can the constant, rest- Country's ability sup- WOODROW WILSON. program all War less shifting of labor from one ply Industry war job to another, with the with the best workers the consequent diminution in pro- country can produce the moment they duction and efficiency, De prevented are needed. Above all, the Government urges every man in war work to stick to his until the U. engaged job The S. Employment Service is Government recommends that he chafge. Any the official bureau of the Federal man not engaged in war work should put him- Government in charge of the distri- self at the disposal of the nation by register- bution of labor. The President has ing with the Public Service Reserve. This e is a tremendously important duty ! The war declared that it is the official ranks-wit- agency worker h the fighter in the trenches. for recruiting and distributing unskilled He will help beat the Hun." labor for war work.

.This advertisement for use of the of Labor Division of Public Information I prepared Department ZMnj!1 by the Advertising Committee on THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED FOR THE WINNING OF THE.WAR BY( THE FOLLOWING WHOLESALE MERCHANTS i IB. BOND-DILLO- L. PUTNEY N COMPANY .w GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY CHAS. ILFELD COMPANY 211 Central Avenue ' ' ' ' ' ' East 216 East Central Avenue , 212 East Central Avenue First Street and Copper Avenue