Arithmetic Groups, Base Change, and Representation Growth

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Arithmetic Groups, Base Change, and Representation Growth ARITHMETIC GROUPS, BASE CHANGE, AND REPRESENTATION GROWTH NIR AVNI, BENJAMIN KLOPSCH, URI ONN, AND CHRISTOPHER VOLL Abstract. Consider an arithmetic group G(OS), where G is an affine group scheme with connected, simply connected absolutely almost simple generic fiber, defined over the ring of S-integers OS of a number field K with respect to a finite set of places S. For each n 2 N, let Rn(G(OS)) denote the number of irreducible complex representations of G(OS) of dimension at most n. The degree of representation growth α(G(OS)) = limn!1 log Rn(G(OS))= log n is finite if and only if G(OS) has the weak Congruence Subgroup Property. We establish that for every G(OS) with the weak Congruence Subgroup Property the invariant α(G(OS)) is already determined by the absolute root system of G. To show this we demonstrate that the abscissae of convergence of the representation zeta functions of such groups are invariant under base extensions K ⊂ L. We deduce from our result a variant of a conjecture of Larsen and Lubotzky regarding the representation growth of irreducible lattices in higher rank semi-simple groups. In particular, this reduces Larsen and Lubotzky's conjecture to Serre's conjecture on the weak Congruence Subgroup Property, which it refines. Contents 1. Introduction and Main Results 2 1.1. Background and Motivation 2 1.2. Discussion of Main Results 3 2. Reduction of the Main Results to Theorem 2.8 7 3. Base Change for Finite Groups of Lie Type 14 3.1. Finite Groups of Lie Type 14 3.2. Applications to Finite Quotients of Arithmetic Groups 26 4. Relative Zeta Functions, Kirillov Orbit Method and Model Theoretic Background 27 4.1. Relative Zeta Functions and Cohomology 27 4.2. Kirillov Orbit Method 29 4.3. Quantifier-Free Definable Sets and Functions 32 4.4. Valued Fields 38 5. Parametrizing Representations 40 5.1. Relative Orbit Method 40 5.2. The Stabilizer of ΞR 43 5.3. The Lie Algebra Associated to the Stabilizer of ΞR 48 2 NIR AVNI, BENJAMIN KLOPSCH, URI ONN, AND CHRISTOPHER VOLL 5.4. Proof of Theorem 5.1 51 6. Quantifier-Free Integrals 56 6.1. Uniform Formulae for Quantifier-Free Integrals 56 6.2. Proof of Theorem 6.2 57 6.3. Proof of Theorem 2.8 63 References 64 1. Introduction and Main Results 1.1. Background and Motivation. One of the aims of this paper is to prove a variant of a conjecture of Larsen and Lubotzky on the representation growth of irreducible lattices in higher rank semi-simple groups. We recall that the representation growth of an arbitrary group G is given by the asymptotic behavior of the sequence Rn(G), n 2 N, where Rn(G) denotes the number of equivalence classes of irreducible complex representations of G of dimension at most n. Whenever G is a topological (resp. algebraic) group, we restrict the investigation without further comment to continuous (resp. rational) representations. Ac- cording to Margulis' Arithmeticity Theorem, the lattices in question arise in the following way. Consider an arithmetic group G(OS), where OS is the ring of S-integers of a number field K with respect to a finite set of places S of K and G is an affine group scheme over OS whose generic fiber is connected, simply connected absolutely almost simple. Suppose P further that the S-rank of G, i.e., rkS G = v2S rkKv G, is at least 2 and that an infinite place v is included in S if rkKv G ≥ 1. A theorem of Borel and Harish{Chandra shows that the image of G(OS) under the diagonal embedding is indeed an irreducible lattice Q in the higher rank semi-simple group H = v2S G(Kv). Moreover, Margulis proved that this construction produces, up to commensurability, essentially all irreducible lattices in higher rank semi-simple groups. Precise notions and a more complete description can be found in [33]. In this paper, we call a group arithmetic if it is commensurable to a group of the form G(OS) as above. In particular, all arithmetic groups that we consider are defined in characteristic 0. The study of representation growth for arithmetic groups was initiated by Lubotzky and Martin in [30]. They showed that, whenever Γ is commensurable to G(OS) as above and rkKp G ≥ 1 for every finite place p 2 S, then the growth of the sequence Rn(Γ), n 2 N, is bounded polynomially in n if and only if G(OS) has the weak Congruence Subgroup Property. To discuss the latter, let G\(OS) and OcS denote the profinite completions of the group G(OS) and the ring OS. Furthermore, we write Op for the completion of the ring of integers O of K at a prime p. The group G(OS) has the weak Congruence Subgroup Property (wCSP) if the kernel of the natural map ∼ Y G\(OS) −! G(OcS) = G(Op); p2Spec(O)rS ARITHMETIC GROUPS, BASE CHANGE, AND REPRESENTATION GROWTH 3 is finite. A long-standing conjecture of Serre asserts, in particular, that G(OS) has the wCSP whenever rkS G ≥ 2 and rkKp G ≥ 1 for every finite place p 2 S. This part of Serre's conjecture is known to be true in many cases; e.g., it holds for groups yielding non-uniform irreducible lattices in higher rank semi-simple groups. For more information see [37, Chapter 9.5], [39] or [38], and the references therein. Next we recall the definition of the representation zeta function of a group G and its abscissa of convergence, which captures the degree of representation growth of G. Definition. Let G be a group such that Rn(G) is finite for all n 2 N. The representation zeta function of G is the Dirichlet generating series X −s ζG(s) = (dim %) ; %2Irr(G) where Irr(G) is the set of equivalence classes of finite-dimensional irreducible complex representations % of G and s 2 C is a complex variable. The abscissa of convergence of ζG(s) is the infimum of all σ 2 R such that the series ζG(s) converges absolutely for all s 2 C with Re(s) > σ; we denote this invariant by α(G). In particular, α(G) = 1 if ζG(s) diverges for all s 2 C. Whenever a group G, as in the definition above, possesses infinitely many finite- dimensional irreducible complex representations, the abscissa of convergence α(G) is re- lated to the asymptotic behavior of the sequence Rn(G) by the equation log R (G) (1.1) α(G) = lim sup n : n!1 log n In the case of an arithmetic group Γ = G(OS), as described above, Lubotzky and Martin's result in [30] can therefore be stated as follows: Γ has the wCSP if and only if α(Γ) < 1. In this sense the invariant α(Γ) provides a means to study the wCSP in a quantitative log Rn(Γ) way. We also remark that if Γ has the wCSP, then α(Γ) = limn!1 log n is actually a α(Γ)+o(1) limit, hence Rn(Γ) = n ; this is shown implicitly in [2]. 1.2. Discussion of Main Results. In this paper we establish new quantitative results regarding the representation growth of arithmetic groups with the wCSP. Our first main theorem is the following. Theorem 1.1. Let Φ be an irreducible root system. Then there exists a constant αΦ such that, for every arithmetic group G(OS), where OS is the ring of S-integers of a number field K with respect to a finite set of places S and G is an affine group scheme over OS whose generic fiber is connected, simply connected absolutely almost simple with absolute root system Φ, the following holds: if G(OS) has the wCSP, then α(G(OS)) = αΦ. The theorem highlights two challenging open problems, namely to determine the con- stants αΦ and to establish finer asymptotics for the representation growth of arithmetic groups with the wCSP. Even at the conjectural level we are presently very far from solv- ing these problems. The main theorem in [2] shows that αΦ 2 Q for all Φ. Furthermore, 4 NIR AVNI, BENJAMIN KLOPSCH, URI ONN, AND CHRISTOPHER VOLL 1 αΦ ≥ 15 (see [28, Theorem 8.1]) and αA` ≤ 22 for all ` 2 N, with similar bounds on other root systems (see [1]). The only precisely known values are αA1 = 2 (see [28, The- orem 10.1]) and αA2 = 1 (see [3, Theorem C]). In fact, for arithmetic groups Γ = G(OS) with the wCSP which arise from affine group schemes G of type A1 or A2, even finer asymptotics of the representation growth of Γ have been established. If G has abso- lute root system A1, then ζΓ(s) admits a meromorphic continuation beyond its abscissa of convergence and has a simple pole at s = 2 (compare [28] and [4]); consequently, 2 Rn(Γ) = (cΓ + o(1))n for a constant cΓ 2 R. Similarly, if G has absolute root system A2, then ζΓ(s) has a meromorphic continuation beyond its abscissa of convergence and a double pole at s = 1 (see [4]); consequently, Rn(Γ) = (cΓ + o(1))n log n for a constant cΓ 2 R. For general Γ, it remains open whether and how far ζΓ(s) can be extended mero- morphically and, if so, whether the order of the resulting pole at s = α(Γ) depends only on the absolute root system Φ.
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