Coloured Nectar: Distribution, Ecology, and Evolution of an Enigmatic Floral Trait
Biol. Rev. (2007), 82, pp. 83–111. 83 doi:10.1111/j.1469-185X.2006.00005.x Coloured nectar: distribution, ecology, and evolution of an enigmatic floral trait Dennis M. Hansen1*, Jens M. Olesen2, Thomas Mione3, Steven D. Johnson4 and Christine B. Mu¨ller1 1 Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland 2 Department of Ecology & Genetics, University of Aarhus, Block 540, Ny Munkegade, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark 3 Biology Department, Copernicus Hall, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT 06050-4010, USA 4 School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, P. Bag X01 Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg 3209, South Africa (Received 17 March 2006; revised 25 October 2006; accepted 6 November 2006) ABSTRACT While coloured nectar has been known to science at least since 1785, it has only recently received focused scientific attention. However, information about this rare floral trait is scattered and hard to find. Here, we document coloured nectar in 67 taxa worldwide, with a wide taxonomical and geographical distribution. We summarise what is currently known about coloured nectar in each of the lineages where it occurs. The most common nectar colours are in the spectrum from yellow to red, but also brown, black, green, and blue colours are found. Colour intensity of the nectar varies, sometimes even within one taxa, as does the level of contrast between flower petals and nectar. Coloured nectar has evolved independently throughout the angiosperms at least 15 times at the level of family, and is in many cases correlated with one or more of three parameters: (1) vertebrate pollination, known or hypothesised, (2) insularity – many species are from islands or insular mainland habitats, and (3) altitude – many species are found at relatively high altitudes.
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