BAG O'wash Newmetkod Laundry
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ft--. i.-;ar->ar a » c g r T y, __ ^ _........... THB WVATHl* p a o i t w s l v b ' lATD K D A Y , FBBBUAJir 4,1981 )flittirbi>Btrr E onrtnit C m lli 4VEBAOB DAILT CXSCTLATION Foreeuat of O. S. WnalhST \ 1 fee the sMuth «f iaauary. IMS Taaae UcMuDen of Nova Beotia be In eharge of the floor during the position to Uio proposal when the Buew, (duMglac te rat*. aHgbtty ball ooetatcd^iy Earl Rohan, Harold matter comes up for hearing In the will conduct aervtcea at Goapel Hall, TOBACCO ACREAGE 6 , 1 7 2 Hattrfyrat^r wurmw tonighti ‘I'umdoy rate. ABOUT TOWN 415 Center street, tomorrow after PRESIDENTS BALL Symington, Benomln Cheney, Attor General Assembly. The Chamber Member of thu Audit ney Cborlee CDowd, Harold Maher, conducted a moll survey among its Bureau ef Clieulattons noon at 3 o'clock and again at 7. 2S0 members and virtually all of BINGO and DANCE Mr. McMullen Is a native of North Edgar Clarke, Albert Tuttle, Dr. F. MANC HESTER - A CITY OF VILLAC.E CHARM H ie dence fonl^ht at the Hlfh- F. Bushnell, Richard Martin, Kay them sxpresoed obJecUona to eloaing TO BE CUT HERE lend Peril Community chtbbouM ern Ireland, and It will be recalled TO BE TONIGHT the local ochool, w^ch come into he visited Manchester about 14 Warren, Sedrlck Strsughon and TONIGHT S:80 (TWELVE PAGES) will be omitted. existence In 1012 and has become (naaained Advrrtlalag oo Pagr 10) MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 19.39 years ago. All arelcom* to these Michael Benevento. one of the leading vocational educa VOL. L Y in ., NO. 108 meetings. The general committee In charge tion Dchoola In the state. M uicbeeter Camp No. 2640, Royal Expect Large Crowd At Ar* of the event la; Mro. E. Mae Holden. Lack Of Sheds WiD Force Army dh Navy Club Neighbor* will meet Monday eve Harry Roddlng, co-chairmen; Robert ning with Mr*. May Roblmon of Regular Games! Special Games! H. Bmith, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Sweepstake! Door Prize! Eigfht Firemen Missing in Syracuse Blaze .174 Center atreet. for It* monthly , mory; Massing of Colors Broanan, secratary; Charles H. TO REPUCE BIG TREE Growers To Redace; Many hiialnea* and aoelal time. It la UNNE LODGE, K. P „ House, floor: Jock Bonaon, music Music By the 5 Syncopators ALLEGES OUTLAWS expected the dlatrlct deputy will be LOYAL PREMIER ASKS and entertainment; J. Raymond Admission 25c. preaent. To Be One Of Features. Shea, decorations; Edwin Adams, RUINED BY HURRICANE Not To Be Repheed. IS 32 YEARS OLD checking; H. C. Smith, A. KU- The Young Pei.plc a Society of jiatrlck, publicity and advertising; PLANNED TO DRIVE Zion Lutheran ehureh will meet next The annual Blrlhday Ball for the Mrs. Margaret Brannick, refresh North End Improvement Although Connecticut Valley Tueeilay evening at 7;30 for their 1 Prcaliicnt will be hciti thl* evening ments: Jay Kublnow, program; A. shade grower* of tobacco have been PEACE; FRANCO CALLS regular monthly mcelliig. Knter- Group To IMant Another In Local Organization To Cele .it the slate armory anri desptte the- H. Illing, Mr*. Edaon ^ ile y , March allowed an increased acreage this tainment In the form of a Valentine porrr traveling condilona la expect I Center Of Parklet. party will follow the hu*lm «* meet of Dimes committee. Charles year. It la doubtful If there will be aa OUT BRITISH FOES ed to attract one of the largest Wlgren, ticketa. ing. ___ brate The Event On Feb. crowd* In year*. The feature o f the much planted aa laat year. Nor will ball thl* year will be the massing The blue spruce tree that stands there be a* much broad leaf, or open , TIRED MOTHER RESTfl; Following the buatneaa meeting of of the rolora of the local cx-aeriice at the east end of the two parks field tobocco. USED CARS FOR FULL SURRENDER Campbell Council K. of ('., to be 17 At Orange Hall. n.ABY B l K\S TO DKAIH organization* ami attxlllary unit*, In Depot Square Is dying and to At the Hartman plantation. In A Prosecutor At Bombing Con held In the clubhouae Monday eve the ftiwt time ihl* haa been attempt OPPOSES CLOSING ning. a roaat beef dinner will be take Its place the Manchester Im Buckland, there will be le*a grown. 1937 PONTIAC 6 SEDAN San Jose, Calif.. F'eb. 6.— HIGH H(1i04)L Mr,NIORH ed here. Excellent condition thrnngboot. Dual Equipment. Rullt.ln aerved. provement Association haa under •The reduction Is due to lack o f, spiracy Trial Charges Re- (API —Exhausted from caring WORK WITHOLT PAY Negrin A rraiges For Con LInne Lodge, No. 72. Knights of In ndilltlon to the local units at Trunk, Pontine Healer and Radio. New Tires. (1) Gray — (1) Insurgent Authorities Relia Pythias, will celebrste Its 32nd sn- tending the hall to conduel the OF 1RADE SCHOOL consideration the purchasing of a aheda. At the Hartm plantation for three alck children. Mrs. Green — (I ) Brown. Also (2) S-Cylinder Sednna. Avery Jacobus lay down lor Nevada City, Calif . Feb. 6.— Carl W. Ruilln. Hated In the Iwal mnanlng of rolora It la expected that new tree to be planted In the Cen alone there were 29 abed* blown | a niversary In conjunction with the pnblicans Sought To Blast nap. bly Reported To Have In (AI‘) Il'll not be itll hook work ference With British And directory a* living at SOI Main Major Frank E. Bo.iton and hla color down or wrecked by the hurricane 75th diamond Jubilee of the Orilrr ter of the east park. It would not A scream awakened her. 't'be for Neva<la City high school atreet. haa filed a volunUry petition guard and color# of the I.Ana<lale, last September. This represented j by presenting a special entertain be as large as the one that I* dying, ____________ » 5 6 S crib of 16-month-old Donna Kac seniors hereafter. In bankruptcy In which he llata hi* I’a., Flret Aid Corps. I»ca l untta the storage of 165 acres of tobacco. i Opponents From Ireland. formed British Of Terms French Eufoyt To Take llaUlltle* at *1.200 and hi* aaaet* at Board Of Control Of C. Of C but by the time that tree I* dead was in flames, the baby fatally Today most of them go to ment and danre at Orange Mall, partirlpaling will be I>11 worth-Cor The aheda have not been replaced i work In lociil business and In- *100. HU occupation la given a* a the other will have reached a fair 1936 PONTIAC 6 TOWN SEDAN burned. An electric Inhalator had Friday evening, February 17. si 8 nell Post, American I*?glon: Ander- .■rtnee the hurricane and there will I Black. Excellent motor, good tirei. Pouttae Heater dustrliil establishment*. They'll ailk wteaver. In the Hat of creditor* Reports Almost All Mem size. not be as many aheda built to re- . London, Feb. 6.—(AP)—Allcg-a- started a tire In the bedclothes. ^ For Termination Of War; Up Me£ation h SpaiiA the largeat are Watkln* Brother*. o'clock. The affair will he open to aon-.Slica Po*t, V. F. W.; the Army Rddlo. Built-In Trunk. work three hour* a day, five and Navy Club with coliiis and the During the hurricane the preaent place them. tlon# that the outlawed Irish Re day* a week—without pay but *100; Bllah Hardware Ctampany, *70, meinirera and their friends. tree waa blown over and although What la true at the Hsrtman .lame* Brogan, *69; J. Brown. »6(i; lowii’i GoM Star Flag: Manchester bers Against The Plan. publican Army had formed a plan Flatly Assert Government for seholostlc cre<lltB. CivD Strife; Beaten Army IJnne wa* organized here on Feb Chapter, YDVA: MonsYpre* Post, pulled back It haa been found that plantation la alao true In other sec The plan is on experiment de T. P. Holloran. »7.i; Dr. Oeoige it woa jipllt near the trunk. The » 3 9 5 to blast the British out of Ireland ruary 13, 1907 and fifteen charter British War Veteran*; David Mc tion# through the Connecticut vised by Srtperintendent H. E. Lundberg, *.i00; Mancheater Klcc- tree, it la thought, will about Valley. Alxo (1) Metallic Blue Sedan. (1) Black 8-Cylinder memlrera rrf the fraternity are still Cann Chapter, DAV; Ward Cheney were made In the Bow Street Po BRITAIN WILL Proposals Unacceptable. Kljorlle to fit high school grad Pouring Into French Arei tric Company. *70; all of Manchea- three yearo. It Is the one that la Sedan. living, nine of them In Mruichester. Camp. U.SWV, and their auxiliary The Board of Control of the lice court today a* Scotland Yard uates for vocations. i ter and the Motor Sale* Company, These members will be honored with iiaed for hanging bulb* on during -------------------------------------------------- — J. r,aat Hartford *7S; all unaecured. unit*. Chamber of Commerce went on guarded the Britlah royal family, a personal Invitation to attend and the Chriatmaa aeaaon. By planting 1936 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN high oaiclal* and public building* Perpignan, France, Feb, 8. --w Bradley In O iorge record last night In strong oppoal. a tree thla apring the decorations HELP. FH4NCE Iziniinn, Fch 6 (AP) — Spanish will he gireata of the liMlge at the JUT Rxrellf^t rnnditlon Inside >nd out. DelAtxe Eqalpmra^ against bomb outrage*. (AP)—Premier Juan Negrin of National Commander Edgar Mil annlvcranry ohaervam e.