Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 91 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Big Data Analysis (MSBDA 2019)

Solutions to HSOM Equation with Jordan Canonical Form

Degang Bi1 and Haihua Yu2,* 1School of Data Science and Technology, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150001, China 2School of Electronic Engineering, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150001, China *Corresponding author

Keywords: HSOM equation, Jordan canonical form, Realibility.

Abstract. Three solutions to the high-order Sylvester observer (HSOM) equation with Jordan canonical form are established. The obtained solutions contain numerical matrix calculations, which provide convenience for calculating these solutions in certain applications. The reliability of those solutions is shown by a numerical example and the improvements for the first two analytical solutions are proposed.

Introduction Consider the HSOM equation

NMTTTTTT J U ANM++ JU A10 + U A = J Z C ++ JZ C 10 + Z C , (1) where J takes following Jordan matrix form

pp J diag(JJ12 , , Jq ) C , p nN, (2)

si 1 s i  ppii Ji Ci,1,2,,, q  1  s nn mn and Ai Ri, 0,1, , N , CRi , i0,1, , M ,are known matrices and satisfy following assumption. TT Assumption 1: As() Cs () nsC, , where A()ssA=+++N sAA, N  10 M Cs()=+++ s CM  sC10 C. If N=1, M=0, or N=2, M=0, (1) represents the first- or second-order Sylvester observer matrix equation JUTT A+= U A Z T C , 10 0 2T T T T J UA2100++= JUAUA ZC, which are found in the first-order[1-8] or second-order[9-10] linear system parametric observer design problems. In [11-12], the higher-order observer was designed and equation (1) was dealt with M=0. But all the above papers considered only J as a rather than the Jordan canonical form. It is obvious that HSOM equation (1) is equivalent to following Sylvester matrix equation if we take transport for it

ATTUJ()NM++ AUJ TTTTT + AU = CUJ() ++ CUJ TTT + CU. (3) NM10 10 The above equation has been well studied in the eigenstructure assignment problem for various order system[13-17] with M=0. We can solve (3) or (1) using those methods when J is a diagonal matrix. But when J takes the Jordan form (2), those method are invalid. This paper will study solutions for HSOM equation (1) when J is a Jordan matrix.

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A. The Vector Form of the Equation Constructing matrices U and Z as follows according to the form of J: UCUUU U np , uu u , 12 q i  ii12 ipi 

ZCZZZ Z mp , zz z , 12 q i  ii12 ipi  We first give the vector form of HSOM equation (1). Lemma 1: The equivalent form of HSOM equation (1) is

pki  1 T()h  αik() hX (sk i ) 0, 1, 2, , piqi , 1, 2, , , (4) h0 h! where TTTT TT αijuz ij ij , Xs( ) A ()sCs () , and X ()h ()s represents the h-th derivative of matrix X(s) . B. Solution Based on the Smith Form Reduction (SFR) If Assumption 1 holds, there exist unimodular matrices Ps() R()()nm nm [], s Qs() Rnn [] s , satisfying following Smith form reduction:

T PsX() () sQs ()=[ 0 In ] . (5) Then we obtain following conclusion based on Lemma 1. Theorem 1: HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution, if Assumption 1 holds,

pki  1 αT  TT()h Ps(), ikfik  α i() k hXsQs()() i i i (6) h1 h! m where P(s), Q(s) satisfy (5), and fik C , kp=1, 2, ,i , iq=1, 2, , , are parametric vectors. Proof: We first prove (6) is a solution to HSOM equation (1). Changing (4) and substituting (6) and (5) into it yields

pki  1 T()h  αik() hXs ( i ) h0 h!

pki  1 T()h   αik() hXs() i h1 h! pki  1 0 TT()h Qs1 ( ) 0, fik   αi() k hXsQs()() i i  i h1 h! In which shows that (6) is a solution to (1). Next we prove that any solution to HSOM equation (1) can be express by (6). Let (4) hold, thus

pki  TT1 (h) αikXs() i  αi() k hX ().s i (7) h1 h! Denoting

TT T1 fgik ik αikP (),sk i 1,2,, pii , 1,2,,, q (8) we have, according to (5) and (7),

pki  TT0 1 T()h fgik ik  αik() hX ()().sQs i i In h1 h! Then we obtain

pki  TT(1 h) gik α i() k hX ()().sQs i i h1 h! Substituting this into (8), and post-multiplying P(si) on both sides of the obtained equation, we have (6).

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Thus, the conclusion holds. Corollary 1: HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution, if M=0, pki  1 αT  TT()h P(),s ikfuAsQsik  i() k h()() i i i h1 h! m where P(s), Q(s) satisfy (5), and fik C , kp=1, 2, ,i , iq=1, 2, , , are parametric vectors.

Corollary 2: If J is a non-, that is, J  diag(ss12 , , sq ) , HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution:

Uuu==[ 12 umm], Zzz[ 12 z], TT T uzii f i0 Ps(),i m where P(s) satisfies (5), and fi C , ip=1, 2, , , are parametric vectors. C. Solution Based on Left Coprime Factorization Let

Hs() Ls () mnmm Ps() , Hs() R [], s Ls() R [], s (9) ** we can easily prove that

HsAs() ()-= LsCs () () 0, (10) which is the left coprime factorization of matrix pair (A(s), C(s)). Then we have following conclusion based on Lemma 1. Theorem 2: HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution, if Assumption 1 holds ,

pki  1 TT()ll () (11) αik f i() k lHs()ii Ls (), kpiq1, 2, , i , 1,2, , , l 0 l! m where H(s), L(s) satisfy (10), and fik C , kp=1, 2, ,i , iq=1, 2, , , are parametric vectors. Proof: Taking the l-th derivative of (10) yields, l l! ()lh () lh ()h  HsLs()ii ()Xs() 0. h0 hl!( h )!

1 T Substituting s as si in it, pre-multiplying f and adding all the obtained equations, we have l! ik()+ l

pki  l 1 T(()lh () lh h) 0()  fik() l HsLs()ii ()Xs lh00hl!( h )! pk i 1 pkhi  1  T ()ll () X ()h ().s   fik() h l Hs()ii Ls () h0 h!l0 l! Substituting (11) into the above equation, we get (4), which states that U and Z given by (11) is a solution to equation (1). Furthermore, noting that (6) and (11) both are solutions to (1), and the numbers of the free parameters {}fik in them are equal, we know that (11) is a complete solution of (1) in view of the completeness of (6).

Corollary 3: If J is a non-defective matrix, that is, J  diag(ss12 , , sq ) , HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution:

Uuu==[ 12 umm], Zzz[ 12 z], TT T uziifiiHs() Ls (), i i1,2,,, q m where H(s) and L(s) satisfy (10), and fi C , ip=1, 2, , , are parametric vectors. D. Solution Based on Singular Value Decomposition

When Assumption 1 holds, we know that, for the given si, iq=1, 2, , ,

rankX (snii )== , 1,2, , q ,

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and matrices X ()si , iq=1, 2, , , are constant ones. In this case, we use orthogonal matrices ()()nm nm nn PCi  , QCi  , satisfying the singular value decomposition (SVD)

T PXiii() s Q =S[ 0 i] . (12) Then we obtain following conclusion based on Lemma 1. Theorem 3: HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution, if Assumption 1 holds,

pki  1 αT  TT()1h  P, ikfik α i() k hXsQ() i i i i (13) h1 h! m where Pi , Qi are given by (12), and fik C , kp=1, 2, ,i , iq=1, 2, , , are free parameters. Corollary 4: HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution, if M=0, pki  1 αT  TT()1h  P, ikfuAsQik i() k h() i i i i h1 h! m where Pi , Qi are given by (12), and fik C , kp=1, 2, ,i , iq=1, 2, , , are free parameters.

Corollary 5: If matrix J is non-defective, that is, J  diag(ss12 , , sq ) , HSOM equation (1) have following parametric solution:

Uuu==[ 12 umm], Zzz[ 12 z], TT T uzii f i0 Pi , m where Pi satisfies (12) and fi C , ip=1, 2, , , are free parameters.

Numerical Reliability and Improvement When we find matrix pair Ps() R()()nm nm [], s Qs() Rnn [] s satisfying Smith form reduction (5), and let TTT mnm()nnm () Ps()Ps12() Ps () , Ps12() R [], s P() s R [], s it can be easily verified that for an arbitrary scalar α,

TTT P(,)α s  αPs12() Ps () (14) satisfies (5) too. Therefore the reduction (5) is not unique, which promotes two questions for us. The first one is whether the solution is affected by . And the second is how we choose the parameters if the answer to the first question is sure. Similarly, the left coprime factorization (10) is not unique too, since for arbitrary scalar β, βH ()s and βLs() satisfy (10). The choice of β also must be considered. A. Example Considering an HSOM equation in the form of (1) with following parameters: 100 02 4 004 100 AA022, 10 0, AA  036, 000, 32 10 001 00 1 002 211 s 10 100 012 CCJ, , 01s . 11 001 100 00s We first calculate Ps() and Qs(), then obtain H(s), L(s) as (9). Let 101 ff12 , , f 3 , 110 and solve equation (1) using Theorems 1-3, respectively, for sjjj =-50 + , =0,1, ,30 , to check the effectiveness of the conclusions. We define the mean square deviation (MSD) of the error matrix e as ij 33

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33 2 Eejji j9, 0,1, ,30, kl11 and plot the MSD E j with respect to the eigenvalue s j in Figure I, which shows that the solution given by Theorem 1 has the largest error with the increase of s j , while Theorem 3 provide us with a most reliable solution. B. Improvement of Theorem 1

If we choose α =1 Ps() in (14), the MSD decreases when s j is not very large (see Figure II). But it is invalid when s j increases to certain numbers. C. Improvement of Theorem 2 If we choose β =1 []H ()sLs () in the left coprime factorization, the MSD decreases dramatically (Figure III).

Conclusion The paper gives three solutions for the HSOM equation with Jordan canonical form, while the first two are analytical solutions and the last is a numerical one.

18 x 10 5 Theorem 1 MSD 0 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 eigenvalue s j 20 Theorem 2 10 MSD 0 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 eigenvalue s j -14 x 10 1 Theorem 3 0.5 MSD

0 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 eigenvalue s j

Figure 1. MSDs of the solutions acquired using THeorems 1-3, plotted with respect to the eigenvalue sj

16 x 10 5 =1 MSD 0 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 eigenvalue s j 200 =1/norm(P) 100 MSD 0 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 eigenvalue s j Figure 2. MSDs of the solutions acquired using THeorem 1 with different coefficients 

400 =1 200 MSD 0 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 eigenvalue s j -14 x 10 2 =1/norm([H L]) 1 MSD 0 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 eigenvalue s j Figure 3. MSDs of the solutions acquired using THeorem 2 with different coefficients 

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By comparing the MSDs for every solution, we know that the third conclusion provides us a reliable solution, and the first two do not. But we can improve the methods by multiplying a coefficient for the polynomial matrices, and this is especially effective for Theorem 2.

Acknowledgment This work is supported by Science and Technology Innovative Research Team in Higher Educational Institutions of Heilongjiang Province (No. 2012TD007)

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