LEIGHLIN PARISH NEWSLETTER 2 4 T H J A N UA RY 2 0 2 1 3 R D S U N DAY I N ORDINARY T I M E Contact Details: Remember Fr Pat Hennessy You cannot help the poor, by destroying the rich. 059 9721463 You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong. Deacon Patrick Roche You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. 083 1957783 Parish Centre You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling the wage earner down. 059 9722607 You cannot further the brotherhood Email: of man by inciting class hatred.
[email protected] You cannot build character and courage by taking Live Webcam away peoples initiative and independence. www.leighlinparish.ie You cannot help people permanently by doing for them what they could, and should, be doing for themselves. Mass Times: Leighlinbridge Webcam No Public Masses To view Webcam log on to www.leighlinparish.ie This will open Mass via webcam the website home page. Scroll sown to see Leighlinbridge and Ballinabranna webcams on right hand side. Click on picture of Sat 7.30pm church and then the red arrow in centre of picture to view. Sunday 11am Open for Private Prayer Please note that during current lockdown Masses are from 12 - 4.30pm Leighlinbridge only. Mass Times via Webcam Mon-Fri 9.30am Monday to Friday 9.30am Open for Private Prayer Vigil Saturday 7.30pm 10.30 - 4.30pm Sunday 11am Ballinabranna Donations to Parish Collections No Public Masses Currently the Office are unable to issue the annual envelopes to Open for Private Prayer parishioners.