The Christian Ethics of Acknowledgements The Research Team is grateful for the diligent participation of Farmed representatives of Partner Organizations in discussions and farm site visits, and in providing feedback on drafts of this A POLICY FRAMEWORK John Bentley/Alamy Stock Photo framework. Partner Organizations and their representatives FOR CHURCHES AND are listed in the Appendix. Being listed as a Partner Organization does not imply endorsement of this framework. CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS We are also grateful to organizations and individuals beyond the Partners who provided feedback on framework drafts. Executive Summary 2

Introduction 4

Part 1: Why farmed animal welfare should matter to Christians 6

Part 2: Key features of a Christian ethics of farmed animal welfare 13

Part 3: A Christian ethical evaluation of current UK systems of farming 18

Current UK Farming Practice: 22 Current UK Farming Practice: Fish 28 Current UK Farming Practice: 34 The Christian Ethics Current UK Farming Practice: 40 of Farmed Animal Welfare: A Policy Framework for Churches Current UK Farming Practice: 45 and Christian Organizations

David L. Clough, Part 4: Conclusions and recommendations Margaret B. Adam, for policy and practice 52 David Grumett, Siobhan Mullan Part 5: Resources and further reading 56 November 2020

The Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare research project is Appendix: Research Team and Partner Organizations 61 funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council

cover image: Filitz


This document presents a framework to Christians should support the flourishing of retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers can help farmed animals. effect a transition towards fewer but higher-welfare guide UK churches and other Christian animal products by offering fair contracts that reward organizations in formulating policy Christian belief in God’s care for every creature is best Christians have strong farmers appropriately for enabling the flourishing of and practice in relation to farmed expressed through an approach to farmed animal farmed animals. They should set strategies to eliminate welfare based on the flourishing of farmed animals. faith-based reasons to be the sourcing of animal products from systems providing animal welfare. It was authored by an Christian concern for farmed animal flourishing goes concerned about the ability of poor opportunities for the flourishing of farmed interdisciplinary team in partnership beyond narrower interpretations of farmed animal animals, and they should seek to promote and make welfare focused only on avoiding pain, disease, and fellow animal creatures to more widely available products from better and best with major UK churches and other distress. Farmed animals glorify God by fully living out available systems. They should — in time — seek the organizations, as part of a three-year their particular abilities, activities, relationships, and reveal God’s goodness further improvements we have identified beyond what is research project funded by the Arts and characteristics. Their flourishing is threatened when they currently available. They should also make it easier for are subjected to impoverished environments and painful consumers to identify the welfare standards by which Humanities Research Council. mutilations, deprived of social and familial relationships, in their animals are farmed through improved labelling or the use killed after severely shortened lives, and selectively bred of new technologies. to prioritize productivity over welfare. A Christian approach to the ethics of farmed animal flourishing welfare must attend to the complexity of animal farming, including its multiple connections with the welfare of humans, wild animals, and the environment. The flourishing of farmers, stockpersons, other farm workers, lives. and rural communities has a strong connection to the flourishing of farmed animals. Most of those working

Paul Weston / Alamy Stock Photo Paul Weston with farmed animals want to do their best for the

animals in their care, but they cannot do so unless they David Chapman / Alamy Stock Photo are rewarded appropriately for enabling farmed animals Churches, other Christian organizations, and to thrive as animals, and not simply as products for consumption. other stakeholders should take action to promote the flourishing of farmed animals. Christians should attend to whether farming Churches and Christian organizations should promote systems promote animal flourishing. the consumption of fewer but higher-welfare animal Christian investors can help effect a transition towards products, avoid products sourced from systems fewer but higher-welfare animal products by influencing Animals farmed in Britain — primarily chickens, fish, offering poor opportunities for flourishing, and switch to the practice of the companies they invest in whose sheep, pigs, and cattle — each have species-specific products from better and best available systems. They operations affect farmed animal welfare. Investors needs. A flourishing life for each kind of animal is one should value and support farmers and farm workers — as shareholders in food retailers, wholesalers, that enables the expression of preferred species-specific who provide the basic human necessity of food in ways manufacturers, the hospitality industry, and companies with agricultural land holdings — can encourage the Farmed animal welfare is a Christian concern. behaviours. Part 3 of this framework sets out what this that enable the flourishing of humans, farmed animals, looks like for each species and evaluates how far current wild animals, and our shared environment. They should development of policy and practice that encourage Christians have strong faith-based reasons to be farming systems enable this flourishing. engage in public policy debates on farmed animal a transition towards higher farmed animal welfare concerned about the ability of fellow animal creatures to welfare to seek regulatory and legal changes that enable standards and more -based . Christian reveal God’s goodness in their flourishing lives. Christians This framework evaluates major British assurance the flourishing of farmed animals. investors should move to exclude from their holdings have a particular and weighty responsibility towards the schemes according to how much they enable the companies producing or retailing animal products from Farmers can help effect a transition towards fewer but large numbers of animals raised for food, whose lives flourishing of farmed animals of each species. systems providing poor opportunities for farmed animal higher-welfare animal products both by contributing rest entirely in human hands. Many farmed animals in Farming systems we classify as offering animals flourishing. to increased production of plant-based foods and by Britain do flourish, with attentive care and opportunities poor opportunities for flourishing are characterized by enabling farmed animals to enjoy lives in which they Policymakers should work for legal, regulatory, and trade to thrive. Many others are currently farmed in systems unenriched environments, severe and prolonged negative can flourish. But farmers cannot act alone: they need changes that raise farmed animal welfare standards. that constrain their natural behaviours and their ability experiences, mutilations, and breeding without sufficient support from consumers, retailers, wholesalers, food They have broad opportunities to consider how policy to flourish as creatures of God. Christians should attend regard for natural biology. Farming systems classified manufacturers, investors, and policymakers. in a wide range of areas can contribute to a transition to the relationship between their faith commitments and as better make significant improvements in these areas. Farming systems classified as best available are those towards higher farmed animal welfare standards and how animals are farmed, and rethink their practice in more plant-based foods. Raising the minimum UK response. that offer farmed animals the best opportunities for flourishing while producing animal products that are farmed animal welfare standards permitted by law and currently widely available. The report also recommends requiring imported animal products to meet the same further improvements beyond the best available systems standards would improve animal flourishing. for each species.


Aim formed by biblical interpretation, church teaching and and organizational platforms. The project focuses preaching, traditions, worship practices, and the witness on farmed animal welfare in the UK, but many of the This document presents a framework to guide of saints and heroes of the faith. Christian ethics narrates findings may be applicable in other countries. It has an UK churches and other Christian organizations in the connections between beliefs and practices, and it Ethical reflection about explicitly Christian focus, in order to help guide the policy formulating policy and practice in relation to farmed encourages Christian communities to live out those farmed animal welfare must and practice of churches and Christian organizations. animal welfare. connections in their particular contexts. This framework We recognize that there will be overlaps in analysis and assesses farmed animal welfare in a Christian ethical recognize conclusions with other religious and non-religious ethical perspective, recognizing that this assessment will both approaches, and we hope this framework may also be overlap with and be distinct from perspectives from of interest to organizations that do not have a Christian A Christian theological other religious and non-religious traditions of thought foundation or ethos. Part 5 points to resources such and practice. Christian theological reflection on the complex as presentations, a video introducing the project, and account of creaturely environment and on responsibilities towards other a study guide, that may be helpful for presenting and creatures, such as in Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato discussing this framework in different contexts, and for flourishing directs UK si', is a key resource for considering farmed animal connections taking action in relation to its recommendations. churches to the ethical work of welfare. with related issues, Structure Context such as global food systems, Part 1: Why farmed animal welfare Ethical reflection about farmed animal welfare must the economics of food production, improving matters to Christians recognize complex connections with related issues, the sustainability of agriculture, the welfare such as global food systems, the economics of food A theological basis for a Christian commitment production, the sustainability of agriculture, and the and the climate crisis. to the flourishing of farmed animals of the farmed animals whose climate crisis. In the UK, the issue of farmed animal welfare is currently linked to debates about post-Brexit products they consume laws and regulations and the negotiation of international Part 2: Key features of a Christian trade deals. This framework focusses on farmed animals approach to farmed animal welfare and the ways they are farmed in the UK. Part 5 includes An ethical account of how Christians might further reading on related issues. Approach engage with farmed animal flourishing Authors Methodology This framework does not address the question of whether animals should be farmed. It does not engage Part 3: An evaluation of how well UK This framework was authored by an interdisciplinary The Research Team drew on scriptural interpretation, with Christian arguments for or , team in partnership with major UK churches and other church teaching, and Christian history to develop a positively or negatively. Instead, it recognizes that farming systems enable the flourishing organizations, as part of a three-year research project theological presentation of creaturely flourishing and an animals are being farmed, that they are likely to be of farmed animals ethical account of farmed animal flourishing. The team’s for the foreseeable future, and that different ways of funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Detailed descriptions of what flourishing looks See the Appendix for a full list of authors and partners. veterinary researcher provided detailed information farming animals have very different impacts on their on species-specific farmed animal characteristics and flourishing and the flourishing of farmers, farm workers, like for the major species of animals farmed in needs, which the team then narrated in the terms of rural communities, and wider human communities. the UK Summary flourishing defined in Parts 1 and 2. Over the course From this starting point, the framework sets out a Christian evaluation of how animals are farmed, and it A Christian theological account of creaturely flourishing of the project, the Research Team and Partners visited offers conclusions and recommendations for practice Part 4: Conclusions and directs UK churches to the ethical work of improving the farms, in order to consider and discuss farmed animal in relation to the production, retail, and consumption of welfare of the farmed animals whose meat and products flourishing in the midst of farmed animals, and to recommendations for the policy and farmed animals. they consume and the farmers and farm workers who consult farmers. Successive drafts of this framework practice of churches and Christian were shared with the Partners, who gave feedback that raise them. It encourages church-wide attention to organizations how denominational investments, land use, education, informed revisions. How to use this framework preaching, retail choices, and consumption promote or How churches and other Christian undermine farmed animal welfare. This framework sets Please use this document as a resource to help your organizations can contribute to improved out a theological and ethical foundation for creaturely church or organization, at any appropriate level, to animal welfare flourishing, species-specific information about and discern how a Christian approach to farmed animal assessments of farmed animal welfare on the terms welfare might inform your practice. Your group may wish of this foundation, and recommendations for action by to tailor the theological and demographic emphases Part 5: Resources and further reading churches and other Christian organizations. to reflect your particular priorities. The document Resources to support the presentation and is suitable for helping to assess and recommend

Mark Lord / Alamy Stock Photo denominational policies and investments, as well as discussion of this framework, for taking action About Christian ethics denominational contributions to public policy debates. in relation to its recommendations, and for It can serve as a resource for educational programs, further reading Christian actions reflect beliefs about God, God’s committee deliberations, congregational action plans, relationship with creation, and human interactions with each other and with other creatures. Christian beliefs are


Why farmed animal welfare? great fish that swallowed Jonah, in Jonah 1–2). Luke’s flourishing life, for each human and animal creature is story of Jesus’ birth includes flocks of sheep (Luke the life in which the creature’s own fulfilment reveals the Farmed animal products fill the shops, refrigerators, Christian relationships with, 2:8–20); Mark describes Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem on glory of God. Flourishing is also matter of relationships, and plates of the UK, but most people have minimal a colt (Mark 11:1–10). God is present in human/animal as is farming. Farmed animals can best give glory to awareness of the animals, their welfare, or the challenges and responsibilities for, interactions; animal and human relationships reflect God with their lives when their needs are met and their that farming communities face. Farmers and those who God’s actions in creation. interests are accommodated by those responsible for work on farms and in abattoirs know farmed animals farmed animals should their care. Farm workers can give glory to God by helping and their needs and are usually highly motivated to do The New Testament, religious art, and church farmed animals flourish, by recognizing and supporting their best for the animals in their care. But pressures to reflect the purpose that all architecture illustrate human/God relationships using the particular ways they give glory to God. Farming increase efficiency and reduce costs have given rise to images of known and imagined animals. In Mark’s communities can flourish when their needs and interests production systems within which most animals farmed creatures share: gospel, Jesus dismisses demons (who threaten human are supported by farming systems, producers, retailers, in the UK do not enjoy lives in which they can flourish well-being) by sending them over a cliff in a herd of swine and consumers. Relationships themselves — between as animals, rather than as potential products. As Part to give glory to God, (5:6–20). Jesus foretells God’s judgement of righteous farm workers and farmed animals — can give praise to 3 of this framework makes clear, chickens, fish, pigs, and unrighteous humans with a parable about separating God when they illustrate possibilities of nurturing and and cows fare particularly badly in some modern sheep and (Matt 25:31–46). Jesus is described harmony beyond the apparent limitations of necessity production systems, but there are issues for sheep and as God’s lamb, who takes away sins (John 1:29), and and practicality. other cattle, too. Farmed animal welfare has complex to flourish. as a seven-horned, seven-eyed, resurrected lamb who connections with the economics of food production, with has taken away sins (Rev 5:6). Early Christians signalled changing environmental conditions, with the stability of their presence to each other with the secret symbol rural/farming communities, and with human access to of a fish, to indicate Jesus Christ: the Greek letters for healthy, affordable foods. All Christians are enmeshed The Bible and farmed animal welfare the word fish [ichthys] indicate ‘Jesus Christ, Son of in these systems that inhibit farmed animal welfare. God, Our Saviour’. In Acts 10:9–33, Peter dreams that The interpretation of scripture and Christian teaching All Christians bear responsibility for making sure that he is presented with unclean (not kosher) animals to in this framework presents all creatures — humans farmed animal welfare is considered at every point kill and eat. When he hesitates, God assures him that and animals — as created by God to flourish in of economic, production, and consumption practice. God has made them clean. Peter does not interpret the

praise together. God gives humans a specific kind Joe Blossom / Alamy Stock Photo Christians worship an incarnate God whose abundant dream literally, as a dietary directive, but allegorically, as of responsibility of care for animals, which applies care for creation exceeds human imagination, reaches encouragement to associate with and baptize the Gentile especially to farmed animals whose lives are entirely beyond human limitations, and encompasses creatures Cornelius and his whole household. These images directed and shaped by humans to be products for great and small. Christians, as creatures in the image of creatively illustrate the closeness of God, humans, and consumption. Yet humans persistently fail to live as God, bear responsibility for the welfare of those creatures animals. In daily life now, as in scripture, humans co- God’s creatures, in godly relationships, and in their farmed for human benefit. Christians should respond inhabit the world with animals, imagined and in the flesh. designated responsibility for animals. In the incarnation, to God’s infinite goodness by attending to the lives of Humans have the imagination and agency to determine God offers Jesus Christ as the means of healing those the farmed animals whose products people routinely the character of their relationships with animals, whether failures and reconciling all of creation, through and consume. they consider the animals to be wild, domesticated, A Christian account of farmed animal flourishing differs beyond death. In the fulfilment of time, all creation will companions, and/or food. Christians should draw on from standard assessments of farmed animal welfare, give glory to God in the fullness of flourishing. For now, biblical interpretations of God with humans and with by prioritizing animals’ biologically-informed activities Why start with the Bible? creaturely flourishing is limited, and human efforts to animals, as they discern how to engage with animals and relationships as essential to their health and care for farmed animals are limited. Christians should today. Christians considering their responsibilities towards demonstrate their hope in Christ’s reconciliation of well-being. Christians attentive to farmed animals as farmed animal welfare necessarily draw on their creation, by working now to improve the flourishing of creatures of God should seek to avoid inhibiting farmed interpretations of biblical texts. Christians in community farmed animals. Flourishing as shared creaturely purpose animals’ natural behaviours, by which they praise God have always engaged with church traditions of biblical (Prov 12:10; 27:23–27). Farming cannot provide farmed interpretation, as they discern how to make sense of Christian relationships with, and responsibilities for, animals with all of the opportunities and experiences of and respond to contemporary challenges. Christian Humans and animals in relationship farmed animals should reflect the purpose that all life enjoyed by their wild ancestors, but farming protects communities regularly read and hear scripture during creatures share: to give glory to God, to flourish. God animals from some risks of harm that might befall them Biblical accounts describe humans in relationships worship. Preaching, teaching, and Bible studies explore creates all there is, out of God’s overflowing goodness apart from farming supervision. Farming can grant with each other and with other creatures, according to connections between the ongoing traditions of biblical and love. The ultimate purpose of all creation is to farmed animals many chances to lead their particular God’s ordering of human and animal life together. God interpretation and particular, gathered, Christian express that goodness and love in ceaseless praise in creaturely lives, within the farming environment. A cow is the creator of everything that is, and God provides communities. Many Christians understand the Holy the presence of God (Pss 145, 148, 150; Rev 5:13). In this gives glory to God most fully in her God-given character, all that creatures need to live in harmony together. God Spirit to play an important role in forming communities life, human and animal creatures praise God by reflecting her natural behaviour as a cow, by grazing in pasture, by makes covenants with humans that affect animals, to receive and live out the Word of God, through God’s goodness in their creaturely lives, with the unique nursing her , and by gathering in social groups. and God makes covenants with animals (Gen 1:26–30; engagement with scripture. The most compelling capacities and gifts God has given them and to the The purpose of her life as a creature of God exceeds 2:16–17; 3:16–19; 9:8–17). Some prophets and animals interpretations usually build on previous interpretations extent possible before the ultimate fulfilment of creation. her use as a milk producer for humans. Humans praise demonstrate extraordinary relationships, such as Daniel and the wider biblical context, while also pertaining to Humans praise God by directing their thoughts, prayers, God best by nurturing — rather than constraining — the and the lions who do not kill him (Dan 6), and Elijah the community’s distinctive context. When Christians and actions to God, and by reflecting God’s will in their capacity and interests of all creatures, as much as and the ravens who bring him food (1 Kgs 17:2–6). face competing claims about scripture and scriptural relationships with each other and with all other creatures. possible. Christians should exercise their responsibility Prophecies use animals and humans to illustrate teaching and farmed animal welfare, they can build on Farmed animals praise God — they give glory to God for farmed animals by providing for them the best God’s interactions with creation and to represent the Christian practices of community discernment, to — by gathering in social groups, dust-bathing, rooting, species-appropriate living conditions possible before peaceful coexistence (Isa 11:1–9; 65:17–25). Miracles determine the most faithful ways to respond to current grazing, swimming, caring for their young, teaching and their slaughter and consumption. demonstrating God’s power and goodness often involve circumstances. learning, and growing to maturity, all as created by God animals (Balaam’s talking donkey, in Numbers 22; the in their species-specific particularity. The best life, the


Dominion represents the image of God when it entails less violence pervasive web of interrelated limitations that inhibits Systemic sin explains why humans continue to treat and more peaceful interaction. Jesus describes God’s both possibility and hope is what Christians call systemic animals and humans unjustly, even against their better Christians who interpret scripture with farmed animals complete attention to the needs of creatures: humans, sin. Individual sins are desires turned away from giving judgements. At war and in peace, humans subject each in mind often refer to the creation stories in Genesis 1 and even each little (Matt 2:26). Many stories of glory to God and towards lesser, narrower pleasures. other and animals to suffering and unjust labour and and 2. The first presents God’s creation of the cosmos the saints feature miraculous interactions with animals, These sins are usually small, but their cumulative effect, farming conditions, when the alternatives do not seem in a narrative with some poetic features, imagined reflecting extraordinary relationships of holy dominion. across populations and over generations, causes the possible. Cultural imaginations categorize animals into over the course of a week. God pronounces creation St Modestos healed working oxen; St Melangel stopped brokenness, suffering, and death which constitutes groups to determine which humans will eat, which they good, and then gives humans responsibility for the dogs in their tracks and protected the hares; St systemic sin. This web is so extensive that no creatures will keep as companions, which they will farm, and which animals: dominion in the image of God. The second Anthony preached to the fish (and they listened); and St are completely free of its temptations or its effects. The will receive more protection than others from human story is shorter, the schedule of creation is different, Francis argued that responsibility for animals exceeds transformation of creation into the fullness of flourishing, greed, gluttony, violence, maltreatment, and neglect. and the responsibility God gives humans is the naming protecting them from harm to include caring for their in the glory of God, remains inaccessible to creatures Standard farming systems greatly curtail animals’ of the animals. In the first story, the task of human every need. God’s compassionate care for all creatures without Christ’s eschatological intervention. For now, lifespans and limit the species-specific fulfilment during dominion in the image of God is to abide peaceably and the exemplary closeness of holy people and animals human efforts to exercise dominion responsibility in the those shortened lives. Systemic sin describes the with all creatures, sharing the abundant and the should inspire Christians to extend their dominion image of God require imagination, risk, and community situations in which a giant web of pre-existing factors green-plant diet God provides. As the story develops responsibility beyond the conventional standards of support and can only hint at Christ’s sinless dominion to limits possibilities for improving the lives of humans and in subsequent chapters, biblical characters begin to farmed animal welfare. come. animals. resist God, and dominion in the image of God becomes more complicated. Dominion in the image God is also In order to exercise image-of-God dominion For example, unjust economic structures threaten the complicated for the people of God who interpret scripture responsibility, people must know about the creatures well-being of both farmers and animals. The low prices in their own circumstances. Dominion responsibility can they farm and the conditions that animals and humans Unjust of animal products, corporate retailers’ farmer contracts, be described as stewardship, guardianship, vocation of need to thrive. Many people in biblical times and beyond and shareholder expectations can leave farmers care, or management. In certain periods, dominion has lived in close proximity to domesticated animals economic structures struggling and unable to invest resources as they would been understood as domination or mastery, but this who were often within or adjacent to the household. like for their farmed animals. Humanity’s careless policy framework agrees with most biblical interpreters Shepherds ate sheep from the herds they cared for. threaten the consumption of resources and the devastation of soil, in finding that domination does not accord with other Fishermen lived by the lakes or the sea where they air, water, and cause suffering for animals and biblical and theological accounts of godly relationships. caught fish. Ancient communities in Britain raised humans. Animals suffer when humans cannot imagine Instead, our emphasis is on dominion in the image of animals for food, beginning the gradual transformation how to thrive without diminishing the lives of other God as a responsibility for animals that reflects God’s of the countryside from forests to the rolling fields and well-being creatures. Systemic sin means that the whole cosmos sustaining care for all creatures. Modern scientific pastures that now constitute the British landscape. of both farmers and animals. is caught up in the effects of sin: no single consumer, knowledge about the sentience, capacities, and needs of Small-scale mixed farming has, for much of that time, farm worker, worker, retailer, or corporate animals adds crucial information about how to exercise kept the health of animals, soil, and in balance. In executive causes or prevents the effects of compounded dominion responsibility towards farmed animals. the UK today, many farmers still care for their animals human sin on farmed animals. Individuals and groups in ways that allow them to lead lives in which they The biblical account of the flood provides one creative can work together towards more just economic can flourish. But the growth of industrialized animal illustration of systemic sin and its effects. In the story, structures, whether or not broad changes are possible. agriculture in recent decades has distanced consumers humans have so thoroughly ruined life on earth with Christian communities who recognize their participation from the animals they consume, diminished farmed violence and death, that God decides to clear life from in systemically flawed social structures cannot change animals’ opportunities to thrive, and transformed the earth and start fresh again. God directs Noah to those structures overnight, but they can consider how much of animal farming into the mass production of save only his family and representative pairs of each their consumption of farmed animal products affects commodities. Now, increasing numbers of farmed animal species. After the flood, Noah offers some of the their communities and their fellow creatures. The body animals find themselves in production systems that do animals to God, as a sacrifice of thanksgiving (Gen 8:20). of Christ, the church, gestures towards the promised not prioritize each animal’s worth as a creature of God God responds by promising to Noah’s family and to the reconciliation of the cosmos by hoping, praying, and with particular characteristics, interests, and needs. animals never to flood the whole world again (Gen 8:21– working for the well-being of all humans and animals Most chickens and pigs, and an increasing proportion of 22). God allows humans to augment the plant-based now. Christian communities can enact their hope in Janet Sheppardson / Alamy Stock Photo dairy cows, are kept indoors and fed concentrates rather diet that the creation stories assign them with meat, but Christ’s ultimate transformation of creation, with their than being allowed to graze or forage for food. This is only if humans kill with great care and eat the animals finite and limited human efforts to exercise dominion not dominion responsibility for animals but product without their blood (Gen 9:4–5). This is a dispensation responsibility for the farmed animals whose products management, which seriously impedes their ability to — an accommodation for human limitations — not a they consume. flourish as animal creatures. divine order to eat meat, and God still expects humans

Scripture offers examples of dominion responsibility in to refrain from killing each other. Christians can read this the image of God in its presentation of good shepherds Systemic sin story as a cautionary tale about unchecked cumulative who provide for, protect, and gently guide their sheep sin and the risks of gratuitous violence and death. They (Ps 23; Isa 40:10–11); who know and are known by It usually seems unreasonable, economically impractical, can also read it as a reminder that, while freedom from their sheep (John 10). The Lord, as the Good Shepherd and idealistic to exercise dominion responsibility in ways death and killing is not a functional reality in this world of of humans, exercises the divinely perfected version that increase possibilities for farmed animal flourishing. systemic sin, that freedom remains God’s ultimate desire of the good shepherding that humans can partially Transitions towards higher animal welfare may seem for creation. Christians who hope for the fulfilment of reflect. Prophetic visions of non-violent human/animal impossible to fund, when consumer habits and retail that promise in Christ demonstrate that hope when they coexistence contrast the fulfilment of God’s will (Isa provide the best possible living conditions for the farmed

profit margins drive higher production volumes at lower Adrian Sherratt / Alamy Stock Photo 65:17–25, 66:1–3; Mic 6:6–8) with the creaturely conflict cost. The socio-economic structures that determine animals in their care, before their slaughter for human common in this life. Dominion responsibility better farming possibilities seem resistant to change. This consumption.


A Christian concern for farmed animal welfare scripture and teaching claim that the life, death, and plant-based foods, with some meat (herded animals followed Jesus, the church gradually came to understand recognizes the significant role that farming animals resurrection of this first century Jewish man offer and domesticated animals living close to family homes) Jesus Christ as the embodiment of the Law. The author has played in human history, its ongoing contribution reconciliation to Jews and Gentiles, children and adults, and wild-capture fish. Jesus was an observant Jew, and of the Letter to the Hebrews argues for a new account of to feeding people, and its importance in shaping rural men and women, and the whole cosmos, in all time the preponderance of available evidence indicates that sacrifice, in which Jesus is the perfected sacrifice, who communities. Farming animals in ways that promote and space. By taking on a uniquely distinctive human he adhered to the law set out in the , according removes sin and provides eternal life, thereby replacing their flourishing can be a Christian vocation. A concern body, Christ shares with all enfleshed creatures both to the Judaic tradition. The Torah’s dietary laws reflect the previous animal sacrifices. This is not a directive for farmed animal flourishing is not a demand for their individual uniqueness and their various communal God’s holiness by sustaining God’s ordering of creaturely for Christians to stop sacrificing animals (there were no an ideal. Instead, it requires the pursuit of the best associations. Jesus Christ embodies a specific species, categories. They name some , fish, and ruminant more Temple sacrifices to stop); and it is not a directive flourishing possible in the circumstances of 21st gender, family, faith, culture, location, and time, and is mammals as suitable for human use and consumption, for Christians to stop raising and eating animals. It was, century farming. Similarly, a Christian concern for thereby incarnate for all specific humans, all animals, and and they prohibit others (Lev 11; Deut 14:1–21); they instead, one of the early contributions to the developing human flourishing today does not demand immediate all creation, each in their species-specific and individual designate specific methods of slaughtering, preparing, theological understandings of Jesus Christ and of the perfection, but it aims for the best flourishing possible relationships with God. and consuming animals; and they establish specific Eucharist. under the constraints of broken structures and human foods (including animals) for certain holy days. Many brokenness. Creaturely flourishing under the conditions Jews today follow contemporary versions of these The Eucharist, Holy Communion, or Lord’s Supper is, of systemic sin is relative flourishing that can be Crucifixion, resurrection, ascension practices. for most Christians, the meal that defines the gathered church. This meal performs the end of sacrificial death improved or diminished. A Christian ethics of farmed Jesus Christ takes on the creaturely finitude of humans animal welfare looks for possibilities to improve the as a means of drawing nearer to God. Jesus’ crucifixion and animals; he suffers rejection, loss, abuse, and pain; deprives all other sacrificial death of ultimate purpose flourishing of farmed animals, while recognizing that and then he dies. Biblical accounts describe Jesus’ death perfect flourishing is not possible in this life. or benefit. His resurrection disempowers death and as a fleshy, bodily death. His resurrection is a fleshy, recasts life before death — and the promise of life after bodily resurrection. He gathers with his followers to walk, death — as the primary revelation of God. The Eucharist talk, and eat with them, as a body who walks, talks, and Christian concern for flourishing celebrates the undoing of death with a meal for which eats. He assures them that when his body is gone, the Christ’s death is enough, even as its effects are both does not demand immediate perfection, Holy Spirit will continue his presence until his return; and accomplished and still to come. Bread, not flesh, marks then his body ascends. Jesus drags into death with him the body of Christ. Wine marks his blood. The Eucharist but it aims for both humanity’s sin and the effects of that sinfulness on repeats Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, but with fabio camandona / Alamy Stock Photo fabio all of creation. His resurrection and ascension inaugurate the life-transforming difference that Jesus’ death, the reconciliation of all creation with God and with each resurrection, and ascension make. In Jesus’ absence, the best other: humans with humans, animals with animals, this meal becomes his presence. This meal requires humans with animals and with the earth and sky and no suffering or death beyond his, even as we live in a flourishing sea, in Christ’s dominion of creation (Col 1:19–2). world still full of suffering and death, because Christ has Food was also a part of worship in the of overcome the ultimate effects of systemic sin. Creation still waits, in hope, for the completion of the Jesus’ time, in the form of sacrifices offered to God at possible reconciliation of the cosmos. Christians cannot know the Temple in Jerusalem. On designated occasions, the The Eucharist names a reality that does not appear under the constraints of what this reconciliation will look like, for humans or for finest of the animals grown for a family’s consumption to exist. Now, violence and death seem inescapable, animals, but Christians can work to change the systems were set apart and taken to Jerusalem to be prepared even necessary: predators eat prey to survive, and broken structures and human brokenness. that resist and diminish reconciliation hopes. Christians and slaughtered at the Temple’s altar and offered to most humans eat animal products as part of their daily can express their hope in that coming transformation by God. (Those too poor to own animals offered grain.) nutrition. The practice of the Eucharist demonstrates the imagining and promoting new possibilities for human Some sacrifices called for the entire animal to be given radical difference between the life we know and the life Incarnation and animal flourishing to the extent possible today. to God (and therefore completely burnt at the altar). promised in Christ. The church’s presentation of Jesus’ God, the uncreated creator of all, manifests as Jesus Most sacrificial meat was eaten by the priests, or by the body and blood as bread and wine echoes the creation Christ, a fleshly creature, who, like all creatures, has A Christian theology of eating priests and those who offered the animals. Families, stories’ vision of non-predatory, plant-eating creatures, a particular body, a particular family of origin and including Jesus’ family, offered sacrifices at the Temple even though that world is impossible in life as we know particular friends and companions, a particular location, Human and animal creatures share with Jesus the at the presentation of an infant (Lev 12:8; Luke 2:22–24) it. Even more, the Eucharist anticipates Christ’s death- a particular time. In the incarnation, Jesus Christ is fully essential feature of embodiment. As bodies, they are and at Passover (Luke 2:41–52). The Passover sacrifice free peaceable kingdom, which is just as impossible. human and fully divine: fully a unique, finite, creature, all situated in time and space; they are all born and they was a lamb; it was slaughtered by the priests of the And yet, the Holy Spirit renders this impossible meal a while also fully the eternal Christ, member of the one, all die (although Jesus is at the same time the eternal Temple and then eaten by the household. Jesus and his sign of divine possibility. The eucharistic meal signifies indivisible Trinity, who creates, sustains, and saves. As Christ); and they all require bodily accommodations family, friends, and followers ate their daily meals and that freedom from the limitations of systemic sin and the only fully divine, fully human creature, only Jesus for survival in this world. In particular, they need to eat. worshipped God in this context: the best of a household’s freedom for the uninhibited, shared praise of God are not Christ can completely release creation from sin and its The people of God have always claimed connections food was offered to God; all food was prepared only possible, but already on the way. The eucharistic effects. This release is promised, inaugurated, and not between their relationship with God and their relationship according to laws reflecting God’s ordering of creation. meal reminds its participants that, ultimately, death will with food: they thank God for food; they petition God for no longer dominate. The Eucharist expresses Christian yet fulfilled by Christ, who has accomplished and will Jesus (and Stephen and Paul after him) critique accomplish it. Christians in community should anticipate favourable conditions for growing food; they raise plants hope in eternal life, unbound by natural violence and and animals for food with the responsibility granted by misdirected, improperly-practised sacrifice as idolatry premature death. The Eucharist shapes the body of the freedom from systemic sin, even while bound up in or commodification (John 2:13–16; Matt 21:12; Luke the web of constrained possibilities and diminished God; they lament to God in times of famine; and they eat church to anticipate the reconciliation and redemption together in the name of God. 2:41–52); and yet, they and the earliest church members that Jesus Christ offers through his body. flourishing. continued to participate fully in Judaic religious practices It may seem that the particularity of the incarnation Location and social circumstances determine what and (Matt 5:23–24; Acts 21:17–26). When the Temple Christian ethics of creaturely flourishing reflects that would limit salvation to those creatures who match how humans and animals eat. Jesus lived and ate in was destroyed (70 CE), Temple sacrifices ended. As eucharistic anticipation by expressing a hope that Jesus’ physical specifications and context; but Christian first century Palestine, where diets comprised mostly increasing numbers of Gentiles joined the Jews who reaches beyond the potential achievements of creaturely

10 » THE CHRISTIAN ETHICS OF FARMED ANIMAL WELFARE A POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR CHURCHES AND CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS » 11 Part 1: Why farmed animal welfare should matter to Christians Part 2: Key features of a Christian ethics of farmed animal welfare agency and beyond the limitations of systemic sin. This generally select food based on personal taste, Introduction hope looks towards the ultimate completion of God’s affordability, accessibility, and/or family and cultural good creation through Christ, past human resistance tradition. Christians are not accustomed to expressing Any Christian ethical approach to animal farming Farmers, stockpersons, farm workers, consumers, to that goodness. Christians call this eschatological eschatological hope in their decisions about what and should attend to particulars. In public debate about stakeholders, wholesalers, retailers, and investors each hope: hope beyond the world as we know it; hope for how much to eat or about the conditions of farmed animal welfare, ‘factory farming’ is sometimes used have very different perspectives on farmed animals and life unconstrained by sin, injustice, pain, and death; hope animals and farm workers. Christians should draw on to describe the intensification of animal farming access to widely differing means of influencing their welfare. Christians who claim that God values each for the fulfilment of God’s creation. Eschatological hope their understandings of God’s creating and sustaining that has occurred since the Second World War, with creature in their created goodness should all accept their names the limitations of a broken world and claims presence in the lives of humans and animals to greatly increased numbers of animals, more indoor the promise that God’s will is being fulfilled through consider supporting improvements to farming systems. share of responsibility for the welfare of farmed animals. farming, smaller space allowances, frequent use Christ and the Holy Spirit, even though we cannot Eschatological hope for harmonious life should inspire Christians should seek to promote the highest level of imagine how that hope will be fulfilled. Christians live Christians to resist some of the apparently necessary of cages and crates, and breeding to accelerate welfare possible, both for each species of farmed animal out their eschatological hope by providing glimpses of constraints on farmed animal flourishing and to expand growth. Such intensification has made possible and for each individual within species. what Christ’s transformation of creation might be like. some practices of farming and consumption beyond the large increases in the consumption of meat These glimpses are only imperfect, incomplete visions what seems to be practical. and animal products in this period. Nevertheless, of divine possibility, but they can challenge and resist because the term ‘factory farming’ has no formal assumptions that the way things are is the way they Figuring out how to align faith and practice requires meaning it may hinder nuanced understanding of Christians should seek community discernment and formation, and it requires must always be. these shifts in production and consumption and Christians to seek and sustain peaceable relationships to promote the One way that Christians can anticipate the hoped-for with each other, as well as with animals. Conflict responses to them. In practice, intensive/indoor fulfilment of life in Christ is by paying attention to what amongst Christians diminishes creaturely flourishing and extensive/outdoor production exist on continua they do between eucharistic meals. When Christians now; a divided body of Christ will not display hope defined by variables such as stocking density, consume animal products, they can gesture towards in the fulfilment of human and animal flourishing to freedom of movement, number of hours of outdoor eschatological hope by attending to the welfare of come. Christians should strive for a unity that reflects access, and the proportion of nutrition provided by highest those animals from which animal products are derived. eschatological hope for the flourishing of all of creation, grazing and rooting. Dominion responsibility in the image of God entails care as they work to increase the well-being of farmed for the entire lives of animals before their consumption. animals and farming communities, of those who Christian ethics should encourage attentive engagement level of Christians can exercise eucharistic hope for Christ’s produce, distribute, and consume farm products, and of with complex realities informed by accumulated peaceable reconciliation of all creation by increasing all creatures caught up in broken food systems. experience and open conversation. There is no perfect opportunities for farmed animals to flourish while they response to current systems of animal farming, just as are being raised. A world constrained by systemic sin there is no aspect of current life untouched by systemic welfare limits imagination for change, in the face of practical, sin. Even the production of crops and vegetables for realistic, reasonable assumptions about what is consumption is likely to involve the killing of some possible for humans, animals, farming systems, and animals during mechanized harvesting or as a result of possible, economic systems. The Eucharist can reclaim Christian the use of pesticides. The challenge for Christians is to imaginations and recast possibilities to express hope for lean into and towards the fulfilment of creation, while both for each species of farmed animal what is ultimately possible in Christ. living in the midst of today’s compromised relationships. Christians should bear witness to their hope for the and for each individual within species. Christians throughout time have demonstrated geogphotos / Alamy Stock Photo reconciliation of creation by attending to farmed animal eschatological hope in what and how they eat and in how welfare. they treat those creatures used for human nourishment. Saints, men and women in religious orders, and those We have argued that God creates each individual Flourishing who care for the neediest continue to model simple creature — animal or human — with their own nature, meals of local fruits, vegetables, grains, without the mode of existence, and lifespan. Most farmed animals Farmed animal welfare standards should facilitate and high volume of animal products that requires mass naturally live in herds or groups, but these are made up of promote the best possible opportunities for animal production. Christians gather people together to share individual animals, each with their own species-specific, flourishing. In this framework, we are setting out a Christian ethical account of creaturely flourishing as food, thanksgiving, and community. Christ-formed Conclusion to Part 1 individual, and social needs. This theological attention hospitality prioritizes those who are hungry, weary, to each individual means that the well-being of any giving glory to God, which is the shared purpose of the strangers, traveling, and suffering as those who should Christians have strong reasons, grounded in core faith individual farmed animal always matters. In the midst of life that humans and animals share. Farmed animals be served first. Many Christians today continue to commitments, for being concerned about the flourishing unavoidable systemic sin, humans are unable to protect praise God by living out their particular species- and exercise varying degrees of abstinence (fasting, eating of farmed animals and of those who work with them. the interests of every farmed animal, but Christians individual-specific abilities, activities, relationships, and less meat, eating no meat, avoiding eggs and/or dairy) on These reasons should encourage individual Christians, can care for farmed animals in ways that reflect God’s characteristics. On our theological account of farmed certain days of the week, on holy days, and in specified churches, and other Christian organizations to ensure interest in each creature. Even in the necessarily animal welfare, conditions that deprive or inhibit farmed seasons of the church calendar, in order to redirect that their practice reflects these faith commitments as it unnatural contexts of animal agriculture, there are ways animals from living in their species-specific particularity their desires away from unexamined consumption and affects the lives of farmed animals. This section has set to attend to animals’ particular needs. This individualized are conditions that deprive or inhibit their flourishing. To towards giving glory to God. out a theological context for considering farmed animal care can be easier to sustain on smaller scale farms, if flourish, farm animals do not simply need to be protected welfare in terms of flourishing. The next section builds on the farm workers are able to exercise the highest quality from possible harm; flourishing prioritizes the well-being Apart from these exceptions, few UK Christians this foundation by setting out key features of a Christian care possible. Large-scale farming might rule out close of animals on the terms of their identity as particular today currently consider eating as an ethical practice ethical engagement with farmed animal welfare. relationships between farm workers and individual animals. that demonstrates their beliefs about God or their animals, and it might not provide the living conditions relationships with other creatures. Consumers best suited for each member of a species, but it may allow for continuous health monitoring of each animal.


In the UK farming industry, animal welfare standards are currently among the highest in the world. And yet, Third, dairy and production commonly separate (which have influenced standards in other countries) farmers still have limited opportunities to improve family groups prematurely, preventing natural mothering list several basic freedoms to which all farmed animals animal welfare, because of pressure from retailers, Five common farming practices behaviours in females and the enjoyment of care by are entitled negatively: freedom from hunger or thirst; inadequate governmental support, and consumers young. Moreover, in broiler and laying hen production, from discomfort; from pain, injury or disease; and from who expect inexpensive animal products. This web cause animals eggs are usually removed from the hen as soon as they fear and distress. This requirement to satisfy negative of limitation, pressure, alienation, and unreasonable are laid. The chicks never meet their mothers. Standard freedoms aims to ensure that positive experiences demands diminishes the welfare of animals and farming systems of farming present economic incentives for outweigh negative experiences over the course of communities. Farming communities and farmed animals harm and farmers to break up family groups very soon after birth: a lifetime. Policies that promote negative freedoms need support from everyone else, in order for farmed one advantage of separation is that it can reduce the provide some protection and offer some possibilities animal flourishing to improve. risk of diseases transmitted from mothers to offspring for improved welfare, especially when enforced with suffering within particular farming systems. System changes will adequate support for farmers. Provisions for negative require both financial assistance and persuasive models freedoms contribute to farmed animal well-being and Farming practices that diminish animal and undermine their of success. Christians committed to flourishing should should be upheld throughout farming systems. The flourishing affirm the importance of creaturely social and family positive freedom to express normal behaviour also relationships and promote system changes to enable A Christian approach to farmed animal welfare should informs welfare standards. Although provisions for those relationships. Farmed animal groups should be attend to particular farming practices that determine flourishing normal behaviour vary between species, they are likely to maintained for longer periods of time to allow hatching, the character and quality of farmed animals’ lives. Five include access to outdoor space and pasture, access to feeding, grooming, learning, and play, all of which common farming practices cause animals harm and sufficient maternal care, the chance to grow to maturity, contribute to flourishing. suffering and undermine their flourishing. Those who understanding of flourishing takes a broader view of opportunities for social interaction and companionship, work with animals are likely to regret the perceived animal welfare that includes positive freedoms as well as appropriate materials for bathing and grooming, necessity of these practices and to prefer to offer a negative freedoms: decreased pain is not the only feature opportunities for making choices, and environments that better life for the animals in their care. The frequency of flourishing. Mutilations damage animals’ body parts facilitate play. (For more examples, see Part 3.) Farmed of these practices reflects the economic pressures on and thereby curtail biological behaviours. Horns, tails, animals each need their appropriate negative and farmers from supermarkets’ control of profit margins beaks, testicles, and teeth are not optional body parts. positive freedoms, with sufficient nurture and support and consumers’ demand for animal products. These and Mutilations diminish the positive freedoms of creatures. to fulfil their complete range of capacities and to live a other stakeholders share responsibility for problematic flourishing life. In conventional farming systems, mutilations may cause farming practices. We discuss examples of how these animals less, or shorter-term, pain and suffering over practices relate to particular species in Part 3. the course of their lives than that experienced by non- First, current farming practice routinely subjects mutilated animals in the same conventional farming Radharc Images / Alamy Stock Photo farmed animals to impoverished lives in monotonous systems; however, the accompanying loss of positive environments. Most poultry and pigs, and a growing freedoms undermines the apparent advantages of

proportion of UK dairy cattle, are kept indoors in mutilations. Further, not all animal welfare concerns

environments that do not enable the expression of can be resolved with simple equations of negative and

species-specific behaviours such as scratching or positive freedoms: male calves may live longer lives rooting in the earth, or grazing. Farming systems based if they are castrated. Assessments of flourishing are on narrow understandings of animal welfare may complicated, but there are more resources for improving Fourth, farmed animal flourishing is greatly curtailed not promote the positive freedom to enjoy preferred farmed animal welfare than those most commonly by the severe shortening of lifespan for economic or

Arterra Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo behaviours. The flourishing of farmed animals is considered. Mutilations are not the only response to production reasons. Some animals die early of disease diminished when they are deprived of a sufficiently the problems they are designed to address. Changes to or injury. Freedom from such deaths is one of the stimulating environment within which to express normal farming systems can help diminish pain and suffering negative freedoms most farmers aim to provide. But species behaviour. and sustain some positive freedoms (including increased the large-scale slaughter of young farmed animals, at a living space, environmental enrichment, access to fraction of their normal life expectancy, prevents them Second, most standard approaches to farming routinely pasture, longer maternal access, and decreased from enjoying their positive freedoms, across their full employ animal mutilations, such as castration, tail distress). period of growth and adult life. Longer lives enhance docking, beak trimming, dehorning, and teeth clipping. flourishing; shortening lives diminishes flourishing. Some ethical positions on farmed animal welfare focus These procedures cause pain and limit species-specific Many farmers find it difficult to end mutilations, due to Producers should seek opportunities to reform chiefly on lessening pain and suffering. This approach behaviours, but are practised in order to reduce the the constraints of diet, space, finances, staffing, climate, their systems by farming breeds that allow different risks justifying an impoverished life for farmed animals, incidence of future ailments and injuries that animals and disease prevention. Farmers need substantive production types to be combined, rather than killing and so long as they suffer no serious pain. The Christian may otherwise cause to each other and to stockpersons support in order for changes on this scale to be possible disposing of unwanted animals. For example, breeds ethical approach we are presenting focuses on the within particular production systems. Mutilations are and successful. Experimental trials must demonstrate of hens should be preferred that can provide both eggs flourishing of animals as God’s creatures and leads to conventionally considered the least expensive way to alternatives (by eliminating the problems that the and meat to avoid the current commercial practice a different and much broader understanding of farmed reduce the incidence of these ailments and injuries, and mutilation is intended to address), and resources for when breeding laying hens of killing male chicks at one animal welfare that reaches beyond reducing suffering to consumers and retailers do not currently pay enough transition must be provided. Christians who affirm God’s day old. embryos may now be sexed in the attend to the whole of each creature’s life. for farmed animal products to allow farmers to take the love for each creature should accept their responsibility egg, ending the maceration or gassing of newly-born financial risk of changing aspects of their systems. If of dominion in the image of God and strive for creaturely At the same time, we recognize that systemic sin affects male chicks, or these males may be raised for meat as farmed animal welfare is understood only in terms of flourishing. They should seek opportunities to reduce farming as much as it affects every other aspect of life. broiler chickens. With appropriate markets, calves born freedom from pain and suffering, then mutilations could or eliminate mutilations, and to ensure that adequate Farming cannot provide for full animal flourishing without into dairy herds may be farmed for veal or , and be seen as beneficial to animal welfare. Our pain relief is provided where mutilations continue to be increased consumption of mutton might reduce the sufficient resources. The UK ’s animal welfare standards practised.


number of lambs slaughtered. Consumer preferences Farming and local communities to take any time off from work. Now, ecumenical need reshaping by churches, church organizations, and chaplaincies reaching out to farming communities individual Christians. Christians who recognize God’s Animal farming is grounded in the exercise of caring provide the main pastoral support the church offers sustaining love for creatures should be invested in responsibility by farmers, stockpersons, and farm to farmers. Positive farmer well-being in a community helping to sustain the well-being of farmed animals well workers for both raising and slaughtering farmed context is likely to enhance farmed animal well-being. into maturity. animals. In Genesis, after the flood, God allows humans In contrast, the well-being of farmers and animals is to kill animals for their own use, providing that the seriously undermined by unjust contracts between animals are acknowledged as God’s gift to humans. food business operators and farmers that require However, the Old Testament also regulates slaughter farmers to change what they supply at short notice or to processes in ways that minimize suffering in the context absorb the impacts of sudden fluctuations in demand. of the range of and slaughter methods then Supermarkets should pay farmers fairly for their animals Richard Donovan / Alamy Stock Photo available. Today, UK regulations require animals to be and the products derived from them and include a stunned before slaughter, in order to eliminate pain at share in profits. The food industry should accept its the time of killing. The law allows for exemptions from responsibility for financially supporting farmer and Findlay / Alamy Stock Photo stunning when meat is to be consumed by Muslims or farmed animal well-being. Individuals and institutions Jews. Most animal welfare advocates regard non-stun should be prepared to pay more for higher-welfare meat slaughter as inhumane. Sometimes this judgement and/or consume fewer animal products if possible. is deployed in antisemitic and Islamophobic ways. However, it is unrealistic to expect those on lower Meanwhile, movements within Islamic and Jewish incomes to pay higher prices for animal products without communities are working for changes to improve a wider social commitment to ensure that everyone has animal welfare during life and at slaughter. Non-stun the means to afford food that is healthy, environmentally slaughter is only one of a number of slaughter-related sustainable, and produced to high animal welfare The shift to has damaged wild marine welfare issues across all animal farming. Long-distance standards. populations, by destroying habitats, causing pollution Fifth, the flourishing of farmed animals is threatened by transport to abattoirs, animal handling for transport and through waste products, and introducing both through the abattoir, and pre-stun or pre-kill restraints exotic species and pathogens (Lam, 2020). These selective breeding practices that have prioritized utility Sustainability in the global community for humans over animal well-being. Farmed animals as can all diminish animal well-being and flourishing. These factors create a pressing imperative to reduce global practices all demand careful engagement with current consumption of meat, fish, and dairy products, and we know them have been bred to provide more of the Christian ethics recognizes the world as an ordered and peer-reviewed welfare science and with Christian ethical to replace these with non-animal protein sources features that producers and consumers desire, but they fragile gift of God and is inevitably ecological. In the concerns about the length and quality of animals’ entire that are less carbon-intensive and less polluting. The are still the same species as prior to domestication, animal farming context, ecology is fundamentally about lives. Cross-cultural criticism may fail to appreciate UK must play its part in responding to these global retaining the same natural needs and interests of maintaining respectful and health-giving relationships efforts for change within religious traditions and ignore challenges. Low-intensity modes of farming on their species. The Christian ethical approach of this between humans and humans, humans and animals, damaging practices in secular contexts. Animal welfare biodiverse pastures can be part of a UK plan for reaching framework recognizes God’s love for each particular and humans and the natural world, and correcting these should never be invoked to promote Islamophobia or carbon neutrality. UK churches are well positioned to creature and affirms that animal species are created when they become unhealthy. Animal farming affects . help communities discern the local ramifications of with specific divinely-given characteristics. Selective and is affected by the cleanliness of water and air and widespread concerns and then take steps that attend breeding and genetic modification alter the bodies of the fertility of soil, which are essential to environmental, to the particular local challenges of landscape, soil, farmed animals; however, the needs, instincts, and innate global, climate, human, and animal survival. capacities of animals do not disappear. Some animal economics, and the human and animal population behaviours that seem normal in a farm context may be Churches The impact of the actions of churches, church involved. responses to the constraints of breeding modifications. organizations, individual Christians, and their wider communities on vulnerable people and communities Conclusion to Part 2 Advocates for breeding and genetic alteration have played a should be a major Christian ethical concern. High programmes typically emphasize the potential health reliance on animal farming by wealthy nations and A Christian approach to the ethics of farmed animal benefits for animals; although in practice increased key role in people reduces food availability for poorer nations welfare must attend to the complexity of animal productivity may become the priority. Conventional and people, because arable production is used to feed farming, including its multiple connections with the selective breeding can diminish welfare by damaging rural communities, animals rather than people. 83% of the world’s farmland welfare of humans, wild animals, and the environment. animal health and the capacity of individual animals operating important pastoral is used for farmed animals and the feed they eat (Poore Christian belief in God’s care for every creature and family groups to behave naturally. Examples include & Nemecek, 2018). The growth of animal agriculture is requires an approach to farmed animal welfare based sows bred to give birth to more piglets than they are support networks for farmers, only one of the unsustainable areas of human activity on the flourishing of farmed animals. This approach able to suckle, and broiler chickens bred to grow so who may work long hours, suffer that needs to be addressed in the context of the mandates concern about farmed animals subjected to rapidly that their legs cannot support the weight of their social isolation, and find it difficult to current climate crisis; but, nonetheless, farmed animals impoverished environments, mutilations, deprivation of body, with many becoming painfully lame. The powerful significantly contribute to climate change and pollution, social and familial relationships, severely shortened lives, new technology of genome-editing seems very likely take any time off from work. which make disproportionately high impacts on poorer and breeding practices that prioritize productivity over to exacerbate and intensify such problematic impacts regions. Globally, the demand for meat and livestock feed welfare. Consumers, retailers, food producers, investors, on farmed animals. The long-term effects of gene is a major factor in deforestation and habitat loss driving and landowners share responsibility with farmers and Today, long-term human relationships and settled alteration are not yet apparent. Christians invested in the mass of wild animals (Stoll-Kleemann stockpersons to take steps to enable the flourishing communities are still fundamental to animal farming. animal well-being should endorse breeding that aims to & Schmidt, 2017), with farmed animals exceeding the of farmed animals more fully. The following section Established and other historic churches have played improve individual and herd health, rather than treating biomass of all wild mammals by 24 times (Smil, 2011). considers the particular modes of flourishing of different a key role in rural communities, operating important animals merely as production units that can be always Industrial trawling contributed to a 90% reduction in fish farmed animal species and the extent to which this pastoral support networks for farmers, who may work be improved for consumer markets. stocks during the 20th century (Lotze & Worm, 2009). flourishing is enabled in current farming systems. long hours, suffer social isolation, and find it difficult

16 » THE CHRISTIAN ETHICS OF FARMED ANIMAL WELFARE A POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR CHURCHES AND CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS » 17 A Christian ethical evaluation of current UK systems Part 3: of farming animals

Introduction Following the account of why farmed systems are therefore strongly Current UK Farming animal welfare is a Christian concern informed by key animal welfare in Part 1, and the key features of science findings, such as the natural Practice: Overview a Christian approach to the topic biology and preferred behaviours The animals that we farm in Part 2, this section surveys and of wild species, the balance of — mammals, birds and fish — evaluates the ways farmed animals positive and negative feelings and experience their lives through a are currently raised in the UK in light experiences of farmed animals, succession of positive, neutral or of the concept of flourishing outlined how these feelings and experiences negative feelings that influence in Parts 1 and 2. All creatures contribute to the animals’ long-term their overall longer-term mood. A flourish when they have the best mood, the ability of farmed animals flourishing animal will have many possible opportunities for fulfilling to choose pleasurable activities, the positive experiences and few their creaturely purpose of giving avoidance of prolonged negative severe or long-term negative ones. glory to God, each in their particular experiences, and the degree to Theories of evolutionary biology ways. The analysis we present has which the natural goal or ‘telos’ of suggest that pleasurable (rewarding) significant overlap with existing an animal is obstructed by selective and unpleasant experiences have assessments, and assurance breeding or mutilations. developed to better promote schemes. This framework’s biological fitness. For example, if an distinctive emphasis on farmed After introducing some of these animal finds nutritionally important animal flourishing adds criteria core concepts, we take each of the food pleasurable it is more likely shaped by Christian theology and major farmed animal species in turn. to seek such food, and expending ethics. We ask what it means for particular species to flourish, and then energy on pleasurable play activities Contemporary animal welfare consider how well this flourishing is improves attributes such as social science is a crucial resource in enabled within current production understanding and physical prowess. determining whether animals are systems. We evaluate assurance Likewise, learning from unpleasant flourishing. It provides detailed schemes as providing poor, better, experiences, such as pain or Maternal care( Kybus) species-specific knowledge or best available opportunities for ingesting bitter poisons, protects concerning the nature, growth, mode animal flourishing, propose further against harm. of life, and preferences of animals. improvements and use these Opportunities for pleasure may Judgements about the degree to evaluations as the basis for our come in several forms, for example which farmed animals are able to Recommendations in Part 4. through tasty food, play, giving or flourish within particular farming receiving maternal care, interacting with members of a familial or social group, or overcoming cognitive challenges. Each individual will have their own preferences for pleasure Dustbathing ( Shelter( Cow brush ( influenced by personality and prior experience. Providing meaningful choice of opportunities for pleasure Avoiding severe and prolonged negative experiences; in an animal’s environment will for example, pain, physical illness, and boredom are promote positive experiences necessary parts of a flourishing life. However, transient according to individual taste and and mild stressors may serve to promote better internal homeostatic drivers at any resilience later in life and, as contrast, accentuate time. In addition, if a pleasurable pleasure when it comes. Protecting animals from opportunity is chosen rather disease through appropriate environments and good than imposed, the level of reward management is essential. experienced increases. Paying regard to the natural biology of an animal can help to identify positive opportunities and avoid negative experiences. For example, the wild ancestors of many farmed animal species, spent a large proportion of their time searching for and eating food. When food is easily available to animals on farms, they may experience boredom, with little to occupy their time, or frustration, if physiologically unnecessary but evolutionarily ‘hard- wired’ foraging behaviours are thwarted in an unsuitable environment. Wild boar foraging in their natural woodland habitat Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), piglets playing together ( (

18 » THE CHRISTIAN ETHICS OF FARMED ANIMAL WELFARE A POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR CHURCHES AND CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS » 19 Part 3: A Christian ethical evaluation of current UK systems of farming animals

Even within one species of farmed animal, breeding • Farming systems offering animals poor opportunities has developed a diversity of genotypes promoting for flourishing are characterized by one or more productivity characteristics to a greater or lesser degree. of the following practices: keeping animals in This breeding changes metabolic requirements so that environments with little opportunity for meaningful some animals are so driven choice of pleasurable experiences, by the need to eat and rest subjecting them to severe and that they are predisposed prolonged negative experiences, to disease or have limited selectively breeding animals for opportunity for wider productivity without adequate / Alamy Stock Photo Paul Weston pleasures. The breeding also regard for their natural biology or changes physical attributes capacity to experience pleasures, in ways that can inhibit and subjecting animals to flourishing. It is essential mutilations. that the selective breeding of animals ensures they • Farming systems offering have that allow animals better opportunities them opportunities for for flourishing represent flourishing. significant improvements over systems we rate as poor. Better Altering the fundamental systems are characterized characteristics of an by significant progress in animal by mutilations, providing meaningful choice such as tail docking, of pleasurable experiences, castration, or dehorning, avoiding subjecting animals to necessarily restricts the severe and prolonged negative ability of the animal to experiences, breeding animals engage in preferred species with attention to their natural behaviours. Avoiding such biology and their capacity to mutilations will avoid the experience pleasures, and taking pain associated with the steps to avoid mutilations. procedure as well as protect the biological characteristics • Farming systems offering of the animal. animals best available opportunities for flourishing In the sections that follow, are the best among those we focus on the major currently available within the farmed animal species UK. They are characterized by in the UK: chickens, fish, best performances in providing sheep, pigs, and cows. Other a choice of pleasurable species are farmed in the experiences, avoiding subjecting UK, including , turkeys, animals to severe and prolonged geese, quail, halibut, turbot, negative experiences, using deer and goats. Still other breeding strategies that prioritize animals are killed for food enabling natural biology from the wild, such as sea and enhancing capacities to fish species, deer, rabbit FROM TOP: experience pleasures, and and game birds. To find out Cow with horns ( Michaud); avoiding mutilations. more about the welfare of Uncastrated pigs with non-docked curly tails these species please refer to ( Luczak); Beyond the characteristics of the resources in Part 5. Sheep with long tail Pauwels) best available we identify further improvements that would provide Our ethical evaluation of how current ways of farming opportunities for farmed animal flourishing beyond animals enable their flourishing uses three categories: current practices. These would provide excellent and poor, better, best available. We then suggest further diverse choices of pleasurable experiences; enable the improvements beyond current practice to increase full expression of natural biology, such as the giving and flourishing. receiving of maternal care for durations comparable to those in the wild; and allow growth to maturity.


What does a flourishing life mean for chickens? A flourishing life for chickens encompasses pleasurable experiences, as well as avoidance of prolonged pain and other harms. Despite differences in appearance, jungle fowl and domestic fowl have very similar social, emotional and cognitive abilities (Garnham & Lovlie, 2018). Jungle fowl live under trees and in small clearings, and the domesticated chicken shows a preference for this type of environment (Zeltner & Hirt 2008; Gilani, Knowles, & Nicol, 2014).

Wild chickens form into small social groups of up to 15 individuals, with a dominant male and several hens and subordinate males (Garnham & Lovlie, 2018). Chickens are highly motivated to forage, spending large proportions of their day doing so (Channing, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Red Jungle Fowl (Wikimedia/ A. J. T. Johnsingh, WWF-India and CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Chickens appear to enjoy eating worms from a young age(Gay Bumgarner/Alamy Stock Photo); Hughes, & Walker, 2001; Mishra et NCF, CC BY-SA 4.0 licence); Foraging domestic chickens(Andriy Blokhin/Alamy Stock Photo), Chicks learn about their environment from the hen(; Dustbathing (Peter Cripps/Alamy Stock Photo) al., 2005), even in the presence of ( Kononova) abundant food (Lindqvist & Jensen, 2008).

Hatched into a comfortable environment that promotes What are the key challenges in enabling such a life maternal care and good health, as well as in the context of farming? opportunities for pleasure Chickens were first domesticated There are around 41 million laying well before 8,000 years ago from hens in the UK (BEIC, 2019), down For all stages chickens should have: several species of jungle fowl in from a peak of 60 million in the stable social group, southeast Asia, moving north into 1930s, producing over 11 billion Chickens perching at height at night Birds retained for play opportunities, China and across central Asia eggs (87% self-sufficient) (BEIC, ( laying are kept in sufficient enjoyable food, Rearing in stable (West & Zhou, 1988) before coming 2019). Until the 1930s, male layer social groups small social groups cognitive enrichment, to Britain in the Iron Age, around birds were removed at 16 weeks Chickens also spend a high and have oppotunities in a stimulating Meat (broiler) chicken with rewarded opportunity to forage and 3,000 years ago (Maltby, Allen, Best, for the table. Post-war specialist proportion of their time standing and for nest building environment that pronounced breast (engkritchaya perform exploratory behaviour, provides choice Fothergill, & Demarchi, 2018). They breeding improved efficiency of sirawatmetha/Alamy Stock Photo) resting. At night they choose to perch Ensure other thermal/physical comfort, of pleasurable were probably more valued for other both the layers and meat birds. The at height (Olsson & Keeling, 2000). opportunities for being healthy, opportunities and qualities than food initially, but they number of broiler chickens produced The social relationship between a pleasure are available space to play good human-animal relationships, started to become more abundant for meat has risen steadily in the mother hen and her chicks prepares such as dustbathing choice/control over environment/life. and an apparent food source during UK from around one million a year them for their social and physical Roman Britain around 2,000 years in 1950 (Godley & Williams, 2007) environment (Edgar, Paul, & Nicol, Avoidance of ago. Today the chicken is ubiquitous, to just over 1.1 billion today (Defra, 2013; Edgar, Held et al., 2015; Edgar, prolonged pain, being farmed in huge numbers 2018). Self-sufficiency is currently Kelland, Held, Paul, & Nicol, 2015). frustration, (22 billion on farms, 66 billion about 89% (Defra, 2018). However, Chickens will spend time preening, physical restriction, slaughtered each year) on every due to preference for white meat and this is augmented where possible boredom continent (FAO, 2019). Chickens there is substantial trade to deliver by bouts of dustbathing, on average have been increasingly bred for the required amount to the UK, every two days (Olsson & Keeling, either laying eggs or producing reducing the practical estimate of Lighter framed laying hens (Wayne Hutchinson/Alamy Stock Photo) 2005). Chickens eat a wide variety Slaughter: no transport, or where necessary, gentle handling meat resulting in distinctly different- self-sufficiency to 60% (Thomas, during loading/unloading and limited transport time of vegetation, seeds and insects or looking birds. 2018). occasionally other animal proteins, minimising fear, stress, and distress displaying clear preferences for No live inversion certain foods (Sherwin, Heyes, & Effective pre-slaughter stunning Nicol, 2002).


Chickens farmed for eggs Chickens farmed for meat Chickens farmed for meat, often called ‘meat chickens’ Laying hens are light bodied and all eggs (54%) are produced in Hens producing organic eggs must or ‘broilers’, have developed considerably since the 1950s produce around 300 eggs a year, far Free Range systems (BEIC, 2019), have free range access and be kept and now gain muscle and over-large breasts in half more than the annual 4-7 egg clutch usually accredited to RSPCA Assured in smaller flock sizes without beak the time and using around 65% of the food previously of the original jungle fowl (Anwar, standards where they can be kept trimming (Soil Association, 2016). required (Farmers Weekly, 2014). Ali, Rais, & Mahmood, 2016). They in flocks of up to 16,000 birds They account for 2% of the market are typically hatched at a breeder and must have access to a large (BEIC, 2019). Eggs from caged hens farm where unproductive males are range with cover (RSPCA, 2017b). make up 44% of all eggs produced, killed once hatched. Development Despite the opportunity to range, but 35% of eggs sold via retailers is continuing to avoid this practice free-range birds, like caged birds, (BEIC, 2019). Battery cages were through sexed chicks or sexing may still redirect foraging activity to prohibited within the EU in 2012. during the egg phase to allow other birds resulting in feather loss Cages for groups of hens must removal prior to full development. if the environment is inadequate now contain a nest box, perch and The females will be reared at a (FeatherWel, 2013). The majority of scratching area, but the cages are rearing farm until around 16 weeks UK hens have their beaks trimmed as still highly restrictive and offer limited when they will be transported to chicks to prevent damage. opportunities for pleasure. Non-beak-trimmed bird: the upper beak overhangs the lower the laying farm. Just over half of (Cindy Sutton/Alamy Stock Photo) Generally laying hens are kept only for about a year, at which point egg production declines to a point of being uneconomic. They are then sent for slaughter, and the meat may be used for stock or exported.

LEFT: Free-range shed. The outside range is accessed via pop-holes at

floor level (not visible in the photo) (Zuidhof, Schneider, Carney, Korver, & Robinson, 2014) (

BELOW: Range with trees planted to Beak-trimmed hen (Matthijs Wetterauw/Alamy Stock Photo) Birds are hatched at a distant farm and then transported provide desirable cover for the hens to grow in large sheds on farms. They spend a large (FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo) proportion of their day lying down and eating and can suffer from lameness and other disease conditions. They have little opportunity for pleasures and may be physiologically unable to avail themselves of any that are present. Both males and females are reared, and they are currently killed at 35–40 days of age (BPC, 2017). Slower growing breeds are required by RSPCA Assured and must be at least 56 days old at slaughter. There is also a requirement for a lower stocking density and some enrichment, and these birds are more healthy and active, displaying more positive behaviours (RSPCA, 2017a). Organic birds are required to be even slower growing (minimum 81 days at slaughter) and have access to pasture, including some cover, a lower stocking density and small group size (Soil Association, 2016). The broiler breeder birds supplying farms of all types suffer considerable hunger (Nicol et al., 2017) as their feed must be restricted to prevent them growing too fast to be a healthy breeding adult.

Almost all chicken is Red Tractor farm assured (95.5%). A small proportion is RSPCA Assured to higher standards Non-beak-trimmed organic hens with cockerel that may include free-range production (3.5%). Organic (Zuzana Dolezalova/Alamy Stock Photo) chicken accounts for under 1% of production (BPC, 2017).


Slaughter How far do different systems in use in the UK Red Tractor Red Tractor Red Tractor enable a flourishing life? Chickens farmed for meat Indoor RSPCA Most chickens are stunned before slaughter (90%). Standard Free Organic Enhanced Assured Gas stunning is used on 70% of all chickens and 20% bird Range Welfare are stunned using an electrical water bath. Many - Chickens compliant chickens are stunned prior to slaughter. Of Lion Code RSPCA farmed for enriched Assured Organic Access to pasture required the birds that are not stunned, 9.7% are halal and 0.3% O O P O P shechita (FSA, 2019). The electrical water bath requires eggs cages free-range Slow growing breed required the birds to be hung upside-down on shackles, which is O P P P P unpleasant, before entering the water bath, where care Access to range has to be taken that birds of different sizes do not receive required O P P Lower stocking density required O P P P P pre-shocks and are adequately stunned. Although gas stunning may result in several seconds of respiratory Cages banned Welfare outcomes monitored O O O P P distress, it avoids live inversion and is considered by O P P many to be preferable to electric stunning (FAWC, 2009). Pre-slaughter stun required Beak trimming P P P P P banned Chicks required to be reared with O O P mother hens O O O O O Welfare outcomes monitored O P P The Christian ethical Chickens farmed for eggs Chickens farmed for meat Pre-slaughter stun framework we have developed • The RSPCA Assured free-range • The RSPCA Assured scheme required O P P for the flourishing of farmed scheme provides chickens with provides better opportunities for animals leads to the following better opportunities for flourishing, flourishing, by requiring slower Group size n/a evaluation: by banning cages, monitoring growth rates, lower stocking limited to 3,000 O P welfare outcomes, and requiring densities, monitoring of welfare • Chickens have poor opportunities pre-slaughter stunning. outcomes, and pre-slaughter Male chicks for flourishing when they are kept in stunning. not killed environments such as unenriched • The Organic certification provides O O O broiler sheds or ‘enriched’ cages best available opportunities • The Organic certification Chicks required with little opportunity for choice of for flourishing because it goes satisfies our criteria for offering to be reared with pleasurable experiences; when they beyond the RSPCA Assured free- best available opportunities for mother hens O O O are selectively bred in ways that range scheme by prohibiting beak flourishing because it requires reduce their physiological ability to trimming and limiting group size. much slower growth rates and Standard broiler farm choose pleasurable experiences; access to pasture. (A Room with Views/Alamy Stock Photo) when they are subjected to • Further improvements to mutilations such as beak trimming; opportunities for flourishing • Further improvements to when they are subjected to high beyond what is currently offered opportunities for flourishing stocking densities; and when they for laying hens would include: beyond the current best available are slaughtered without stunning or reintegrating farming chickens for for chickens farmed for meat within hours of hatching. eggs and meat, ending the practice would include: reintegrating of killing male chicks, allowing chickens farmed for eggs and hens to exercise maternal care meat, allowing chicks access to of their chicks, giving chickens maternal care, and giving chickens access to outdoor wooded areas, access to outdoor wooded areas. and allowing laying hens longer Some small-scale producers are lives before slaughter. Some already implementing many of small-scale producers are already these changes, and products from implementing many of these animals farmed in these ways may changes, and products from be available locally. animals farmed in these ways may be available locally.

Higher welfare indoor broiler farm with enrichment bales and a Organic broiler farm veranda (Photo courtesy of CiWF) (Paul Glendell/Alamy Stock Photo)


Over 360 fish species are farmed Commercial aquaculture systems contain several stages, Box 1. Overviews of life stages and farming. around the world (Humane as illustrated in the following two figures. Slaughter Association, 2018). These Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar have a great diversity of physical • Broodstock: Age 2-3 winters at sea or in shore- characteristics, natural behaviours, based salt water tanks, weight 10-20kg. Generally held in shore-based, fresh water tanks prior to and optimal habitats. Within the stripping of eggs and sperm. Anaesthetised before order ‘fish’ there is also diversity stripping and not allowed to recover. ~1500 eggs/ of evolutionary lineage, with some kg of fish. species, such as the coelacanth, • Eggs: mixed with sperm in the hatchery. Infertile eggs removed. Kept in fresh water of the highest remaining almost unchanged for available quality. Up to 510 degree days to hatch. millions of years. The two major • Young stock: called successively alevin, fry and species farmed in the UK are fingerlings/parr. from the Salmonidae family, the • Alevin: Young with yolk sac attached, 0.1 to 0.3g. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Kept in fresh water in indoor trays/tanks, in the dark. Loss of yolk sac just prior to first feeding. the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus Time to first feeding depends on temperature. mykiss), and these species will • Fry: Kept in indoor tanks. First sorted by size be addressed in this framework. (‘graded’) at around 5g. However, to a lesser degree 15 other • Fingerlings/Parr: Transferred to larger tanks species, including brown trout, sea indoors, outdoors or in fresh water lochs for 6 to 12 months, depending on conditions. bass, halibut, carp, and tilapia are • Smolt: the stage of adaptation to salt water, also farmed in the UK. It should be alternatively: noted that much of our non-species- S0: Smolting at 6 months induced by photoperiod specific knowledge of fish biology and/or dietary constituents (e.g. increased salt comes from research conducted content). S1: Smolting at 10-12 months, 75-120g. on other species, particularly the Salmon returning to Northumbrian river to spawn (Design Pics Inc/Alamy Stock Photo) Production cycle of Salmo salar(FAO, 2005a) S2 (unusual): Smolting at 12-24 months, up to common laboratory species zebra 400g. fish, and goldfish. Transferred to sea pens or seawater tanks. • Grilse/'One sea-winter salmon': Matured after one year at sea, 3-4kg. • ‘Two sea-winter salmon': 18-20 months at sea What does a flourishing life parr/fingerlings before transitioning (longer for broodstock), 5-10kg. mean for salmon and trout? for life in seawater (smolting). The smolts migrate downriver into the Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss There is clear evidence that fish sea and spend around four years as • Broodstock: Kept in fresh water. May have are sentient, with the ability to predatory pelagic deep-ocean fish photoperiod manipulated to control timing of reproduction. Females may be masculinised by experience pain, respond to drugs before eventually returning to the hormone treatment. Eggs and sperm are manually that reduce pain, and learn to river to spawn and, usually, to die stripped after anaesthesia. avoid painful stimuli (Sneddon, (FAO, 2005a). • Eggs: Incubated (‘laid down’) in trays, typically at 2009). However, research into the 10°C. Called ‘green ova’ until eyes are visible around 16d, then ‘eyed ova.’ Around 85% are all-female, experiences of fish is at an early The rainbow trout is native to the Pacific tributaries in Asia and North produced by sperm from masculinised females, stage, with some questions about and around 15% are triploid produced by heat or the core experience of pain, for America and some sub-species pressure shock after fertilization. example, still unanswered (Prunier et spend time in sea water during • Alevin: Young with yolk sac after hatching around al., 2013). Research into positive fish different life stages. Different strains 30d post-fertilization. Kept in indoor trays. • Swim-ups: Stage of first feeding, around 20d post- experiences is only now developing, may live entirely in freshwater rivers or lakes, whilst others may follow a hatch. so evidence for these experiences • Fry: Transferred to nursery/fry units: troughs, tanks is currently weaker. A few studies similar migratory life to the Atlantic or raceways, typically indoor or covered, with bore have shown that fish demonstrate salmon (FAO, 2005b). or spring water. 0.6-10g (1.5–4 months). First preferences for environmental graded at around 5g. Both species are carnivorous, eating • Fingerlings: 10-40g (4-7 months). Transferred to enrichments (Imanpoor, Gholampour, eggs and insects when small and fresh water on-growing systems at 25-40g (5-7 & Zolfaghari, 2011; Smith & Gray then fish or other animals once they Production cycle of Oncorhynchus mykiss(FAO, 2005b) months): raceways, earth ponds, tanks or pens/ cages in lakes/lochs. 2011; Sullivan, Lawrence, & Blache, grow. They are also prey to other 2016). • Grow-ons for slaughter: Killed for the table market sea animals and some land animals at >300g (12-15 months) before sexual maturity (all Atlantic salmon are a migratory throughout their life stages, and have females). • Grow-ons for restocking: Transferred to angling species native to the Atlantic Ocean. a reproductive strategy of producing thousands of eggs per spawning. waters at >500g (>15 months). Triploids preferred They hatch in the freshwater rivers for larger size and sterility. in North America and Northern Survival rates are particularly low in • Grow-ons for seawater transfer: Transferred Europe, spending 2–5 years in the freshwater stages. to nets/pens in seawater at >100 g (9 months). Slaughtered at 3-4kg after 1-2y in seawater. the river, growing from the alevin hatchling to become fry and then (FAWC, 2014)


Atlantic salmon alevin with yolk sacs(Ann and Steve Toon/Alamy Stock Photo) CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Atlantic salmon fry(Nature Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo); Atlantic salmon parr(FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo); Atlantic salmon smolt (jack perks/Alamy Stock Photo)

What are the key challenges in enabling such a life in the context of farming?

Farming Salmonidae is fundamentally different from Breeding animals Young fish Rearing fish Slaughter farming terrestrial species. Salmonidae live in an underwater, three-dimensional environment, where Breeding fish are kept in separate pens and Alevins, with their yolk sac, are Once salmon are transported to Commercial UK farmed salmon temperature and other environmental factors control anaesthetized, with or without recovery, to ‘hand strip’ developmentally immature and the sea pens they are kept in very and trout are slaughtered following physiological responses to a greater degree. Their natural eggs and sperm from the fish. Rainbow trout females may not have the mechanisms to large groups at a high stocking either electrical or percussive migratory, carnivorous nature with developmentally may be chemically masculinized in order to produce experience pain or other feelings. It density, increasing the risk of fin and stunning. This contrasts with wild immature young, more akin to larvae, is unique amongst higher/all-female populations, which mature to greater has been suggested that this ability skin damage, poor water quality, capture fishery, where stunning is other farmed animals (FAWC, 2014). In conjunction weights before slaughter prior to sexual maturity. 8,000– develops by the free-feeding stage disease, need for medication, and less likely to be used. Farmed fish with this, growing these species to marketable weight 30,000 eggs can be harvested from one fish. when the yolk sac disappears after mortality. Many environmental may be moved in high-speed water has welfare risks, because the aquaculture industry is around 20 days and the fish weighs factors cannot be controlled easily, flows, which are stressful, and then relatively new. Although young have been raised in the up to 0.3g (FAWC, 2014). There is a such as temperature and flow. removed from water for a short UK to restock leisure salmon facilities since the relatively low survival rate in the early Fish are grown for 1–2 years in period before stunning. Systems of 19th century, sea-pen farming was only developed in the life stages although this has reduced the sea before slaughter. Mortality effective underwater stunning are 1960s in Norway (FAO, 2005a). Fish production is usually over recent years. For example, the may be up to 14% (Salmon and under development. reported by weight. However, it is estimated that 19–45 rate for salmon has risen from 22% Trout Conservation , million salmon (maximum 10kg weight) are raised each in 1987 to 67% in 2011, from egg 2017). Feed restriction is common year in the UK. The numbers of trout are even harder to to smolt (FAWC, 2014). Fish are before transport and killing and, if estimate due to the large size range sold (300g–4kg) but typically housed in bare tanks in very prolonged, is detrimental to welfare. may be around 36 million (Eurogroup for Animals, 2018). large numbers, for example 100,000 per tank, where individual care is The key general welfare challenges are: maintaining impossible. Transport to rearing appropriate water quality for good health, providing sites usually occurs in tanks by sufficient environmental variation for homeostasis, the road or boat. Handling for grading, inability to attend to individual fish welfare amongst medication, or transport is stressful, such large groups, handling and slaughter (FAWC, 2014). especially when ‘crowded’ into Other issues, not addressed in this framework, include smaller areas, although automated the welfare of cleaner fish (wrasse) used to eat sea lice systems are being developed to from salmon, and the control of predators such as seals Hand-stripping a salmon(Ann and Steve Toon/Alamy Stock Photo) reduce this stress. or otters.


Wild rainbow trout in a stream( Wild Atlantic salmon(

How far do different systems in use Code of Good The Christian ethical framework we • The RSPCA Assured scheme • Further improvements to the Salmon have developed for the flourishing provides better opportunities for flourishing of fish beyond current in the UK enable a flourishing life? Practice for RSPCA Organic of farmed animals leads to the flourishing, by prohibiting certain systems would include attention Scottish Finfish Assured More than 95% of UK salmon and trout are Aquaculture following evaluation: breeding techniques, establishing to environmental enrichment. It produced to the Code of Good Practice for Scottish limits for stocking densities, limiting is striking that not even the best Finfish Aquaculture standards. Around 67% of Avoidance of • Fish have poor opportunities for feed restriction, and requiring available assurance scheme salmon are farmed to RSPCA Assured standards artificial single-sex flourishing when their breeding is humane slaughter methods. specifies environmental enrichment (Salmon and Trout Conservation Scotland, 2017) strains, polyploidy O P P manipulated through single-sex that would allow fish a choice with a very small number of farms producing or monoclonal strains, polyploidy, and monoclonal • Organic standards offer the of preferred spaces within their organic salmon or trout. colonies colonies; when they are subjected best available opportunities for environment. It may not be possible to high stocking densities with the flourishing of farmed fish, to provide adequately for the consequent higher risks of fin and by requiring substantially lower Maximum sea pen flourishing of fish in the relatively skin damage, poor water quality, stocking densities than other stocking density 17kg/m3 10kg/m3 small volumes of water in current O disease, need for medication, and systems in most cases. aquaculture systems. high mortality rates; when they Maximum are subjected to long periods of freshwater 60kg/m3 25kg/m3 feed restriction; and when there is stocking density P insufficient environmental variation to allow meaningful choices. Limit in length of feed restriction O P P

Humane slaughter methods P P P

Environmental enrichment O O O


What does a flourishing life mean for sheep? Born into a comfortable environment that promotes A flourishing life for sheep encompasses maternal care and pleasurable experiences, as well as avoidance good health, as well as opportunities for pleasure of prolonged pain and other harms. Sheep No castration or tail docking enjoy some of the more common mammalian pleasures, such as those derived through maternal For all stages sheep should have: Pregnant/lactating female: care, play, or eating tasty unrestricted nursing, stable social group, Weaned physiologically foods. They also have some maintain social ties with play opportunities, and socially when specific attributes which other ewes, protection sufficient enjoyable food, sufficiently mature, influence how they choose from harsh weather and cognitive enrichment, at least 12 weeks to spend their time. For predation/ ability to exercise vigilence rewarded opportunity to root and example, as ruminants, wild perform exploratory behaviour, sheep species spend a large thermal/physical comfort, proportion of their time in being healthy, bouts of eating high fibre good human-animal relationships, grass forage (Michelena et Animals retained for choice/control over environment/life. al., 2006; Perez-Barberia et Growing in stable social breeding usually have the groups in a stimulating al., 2007; Singh, Bonenfant, opportunity to mate Avoidance of Yoccoz, & Cote, 2010) and environment that provides Ensure other opportunities prolonged pain, choice of pleasurable then resting, often lying, to for pleasure are available for frustration, opportunities, especially chew the cud. They live in both males and females physical restriction, space to play a range of mainly open or Ensure social transmission boredom mountainous regions. As of knowledge of resources a prey species they need to protect against poor to remain vigilant against welfare (e.g. shelter during harsh weather) and provide predation, especially pleasures Slaughter: no transport, or where necessary, lactating females with gentle handling during loading/unloading and lambs (Singh et al., 2010). limited transport time minimising fear, stress, In the wild, sheep tend to form small, affiliative and distress and synchronised single-sex social groups, Lairage environment to minimise stress especially when there is a large difference Effective pre-slaughter stunning in size between males and females (Perez- Barberia et al., 2007; Singh et al., 2010). These groups only mix during the breeding season. are an ancient breed with naturally short tails and annually moulting fleece(Bob Gibbons/Alamy Stock Photo)

What are the key challenges drop following the foot-and-mouth inclement weather. However, for in enabling such a life in the outbreak of 2001, from around 44 all their hardiness, these sheep context of farming? million ovines a year during the grow slowly and are not considered 1990s (Defra, 2019a). The vast productive when conditions are Sheep are thought to have been majority of sheep in the UK are used more favourable. Lowland sheep domesticated around 10,000 to produce meat, although there breeds such as the Suffolk, on the years ago from wild mouflon in are a few dairy sheep enterprises other hand, produce more lambs Mesopotamia (Dwyer, 2009). They which will not be discussed further and will grow much more rapidly were probably brought to Britain here. There are over 1,500 domestic on lusher pasture. Whilst there around 6,000 years ago by Neolithic sheep breeds around the world is some interchange of genetic settlers (Ryder, 1964). (FAO, 2015). In the UK some breeds, material between these two such as the , are sheep populations they generally There are around 33 million sheep able to survive and produce lambs operate distinctively, for example, and lambs in the UK at peak time, in the relatively harsh conditions with respect to annual cycle and a figure which has remained of upland hills, with little shelter, environments. relatively constant since a sharp sparse food availability and often

Scottish Blackface sheep( (Sheryl Watson/Alamy Stock Photo)


Hefted sheep on the hillside (John Bentley/Alamy Stock Photo)

Breeding animals Breeding ewes are generally kept outside for most, if not all, of the year. The formation of long-lasting affiliative relationships is important to them, as is the inter-generational transfer of knowledge of resources available to them, particularly in harsh times. The practice of hefting, Lambing shed with sheep waiting to lamb on the left and newly-lambed ewes and whereby flocks maintain their own lambs kept together in small pens for a couple of days (Wayne Hutchinson/Alamy Stock Photo) territories in open land, dates back many centuries.

During lambing, ewes will usually be brought to nearby fields, or housed, to enable more individual care by the stockperson. Lowland breeds are more likely to require lambing assistance.

Once the ewe–lamb bond is established and both ewe and lamb are healthy, if the weather is suitable, they will usually be let back outside. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Sheep shearing in Scotland (MediaWorldImages/Alamy Stock Photo); Sheepdog rounding up sheep Lambing naturally occurs in spring (Farlap/Alamy Stock Photo); Winter housing for sheep( Neville); Harsh winter conditions for sheep on the hill(Kay Roxby/Alamy but early lambing, even as early Stock Photo); Two blue-faced Leicester rams mutually grooming(Nigel Cattlin/Alamy Stock Photo) as December, may be induced by hormonal implants in the ewes in autumn to bring them into season Most sheep are sheared in early The use of dogs to manage sheep Over the winter, ewes may face the sooner. Maintaining good body summer to protect them against prompts a predator-vigilance challenges of harsh conditions in condition, and avoiding foot rot and heat stress and fly strike. All response, probably increasing stress upland areas or may be housed in a parasitic infections, are key for the gathering and handling for sheep (Beausoleil, Stafford, & Mellor, 2005). protected but unstimulating housing ewes during the summer months. is disruptive and often stressful, environment. including shearing, worming, foot Usually lambs will be separated from treatments, and sorting. their ewes sometime after 12 weeks when natural weaning is well under way (Arnold, Wallace, & Maller, 1979). Rams will be mixed into the flock during the autumn for natural mating, having usually been maintained in small single-sex pairs or groups for the rest of the year. Sheep kneeling to graze are suffering from Ewes with young lambs (Realimage/Alamy Stock Photo) painful lameness, caused by foot rot, for example (David Barley/Alamy Stock Photo)


Growing lambs/sheep traded species, either for slaughter for halal markets at home (19%) and How far do different systems in use in the (47%) (FSA, 2019) or for breeding. abroad (6%), is the highest of any UK enable a flourishing life? Lambs are usually reared with their Measures have been put in place to farmed species (FSA, 2019). The UK mothers in a relatively extensive limit the commodification of sheep exports around 40% of production, system. Lowland lambs, and some (buying, transporting, and selling 80,000 tonnes, about the same as it Sheep Farm Northern Ireland Quality Lamb Farm upland lambs, are routinely tail- around the country for profit), but imports, mostly from New Zealand, Red Tractor Meat Assured RSPCA Organic Pasture docked, usually using a rubber ring Welsh Quality Assurance Assured for Life this still takes place, increasing balancing availability throughout Scotland Livestock Scheme in the first few days of life. This stressful experiences for the the year and desirable carcass cuts is performed to help prevent fly animals. (AHDB, 2019b). Around 40% of lamb Access to pasture strike, which affects most flocks, is sold via supermarkets, 25% in required in although there are other ways to ethnic markets, and 35% through grazing season O O O O P P P keep the back end clean to prevent Slaughter independent outlets, including fly strike (FAWC, 2008). Male lambs Most sheep (75%) are stunned, caterers (NSA, 2016). In , are often castrated at this time to Tail docking usually electrically, before slaughter, 59% of cull ewes and 75% of lambs prevent unwanted breeding and to banned O O O O O O O including 46% that are both stunned are farm assured (AHDB, 2017), with improve carcass quality. Both tail and halal. The proportion of sheep 3% being organic (Defra, 2019b), and docking and castration are usually Castration not stunned prior to slaughter, mostly a handful of farms RSPCA Assured. performed using a rubber ring that banned O O O O O O O constricts the blood and causes the tissues to die and eventually drop off. Welfare outcomes This results in both short-term and monitored O O O O P P O potentially some longer-lasting pain (FAWC, 2008). Pre-slaughter stun required As the lambs grow they become P P O O P P P more playful, climbing, running and jumping, often in large groups when Minimum given the opportunity. weaning age 45 days O O O O O P P Lambs are generally kept with their mothers, gradually eating more forage and potentially some The Christian ethical framework we have developed for • Further improvements to opportunities for flourishing concentrate food for 3–4 months. the flourishing of farmed animals leads to the following beyond what these schemes currently offer include Faster-growing lambs may be evaluation: finding alternatives to tail docking and castration, sent directly to slaughter from the extending minimum weaning times to 12 weeks, mixed flock, while others may be • Sheep have poor opportunities for flourishing when they reducing permitted transport times, and extending the weaned and grown in groups for lack pasture access in grazing season, are subjected length of life of lambs before slaughter. Some small- several months. Sheep are a heavily The rubber rings and withering tails can be seen on these lambs(FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo) to mutilations such as tail docking and castration, scale producers are already implementing many of are weaned prematurely, are transported over long these changes, and products from animals farmed in distances, or are not stunned before slaughter. these ways may be available locally. • The RSPCA Assured scheme provides better opportunities for flourishing, by requiring access to pasture, pre-slaughter stunning, and monitoring of welfare outcomes.

• The Organic and Pasture for Life certifications offer best available opportunities for flourishing through their specification of a minimum weaning age of 45 days. Soil Association Organic certification includes inspector monitoring of welfare outcomes.

Lambs playing (Ed Brown/Alamy Stock Photo) Sheep market (Martyn Williams/Alamy Stock Photo)


What does a flourishing life What are the key challenges in enabling mean for pigs? such a life in the context of farming? Pigs enjoy some of the more Pigs were domesticated 2004). From the 18th century, common mammalian pleasures, approximately 10,000 years ago in different breeds of pigs have been such as those derived through the Near East and were subsequently developed with different attributes maternal care, play, or eating tasty introduced into Europe roughly like increased productivity, including foods. They also have some specific when the European Wild Boar larger size and producing two litters attributes which influence how was domesticated, during the 4th of piglets a year (Watson, 2004). they choose to spend their time. millennium B.C. (Larson et al., 2007). By the 1930s, some UK pig farming For example, the has Domesticated pigs lived a relatively systems had rapidly intensified, and an evolutionary need to perform wild existence within wooded although outdoor systems were also exploratory oral behaviour, even countryside until land clearances common until the 1960s, indoor in the absence of food rewards for grazing from the 12th century intensive systems became the (Beattie & O’Connell, 2002). In semi- encouraged the keeping of single dominant method of farming pigs wild settings, domestic pigs spend or small numbers of ‘cottage pigs’ (Woods, 2011). a high proportion of their active fed on kitchen scraps (Watson, time engaged in such behaviour (Stolba & Woodgush, 1989). Pigs show a strong preference for Born into a comfortable complex, destructible (chewable), environment that promotes maternal care and novel and edible materials. Their good health, as well as willingness to ‘work hard’ for access opportunities for pleasure to these suggests that adequate No castration, tail docking or oral exploration is a ‘need’ rather teeth clipping than a luxury and that alternatives, such as pen For all stages pigs should have: fittings, restrict natural Pregnant/lactating female: behaviour (Studnitz, Weaned physiologically opportunity to build nest, stable social group, and socially when Jensen, & Pedersen, unrestricted nursing, play opportunities, sufficiently mature, 2007). Likewise, in the maintain social ties with sufficient enjoyable food, at least 8 weeks 24 hours prior to birth, other sows cognitive enrichment, sows and served gilts rewarded opportunity to root and (pigs pregnant for the perform exploratory behaviour, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Free range sows (; Small pen indoor housing for sows (FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo); first time) will naturally thermal/physical comfort (wallow), Pig with nose ring ( MoriaDemby); Sow in wallow (Juniors Bildarchiv GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo) build a nest and, in being healthy, captivity, will work hard good human-animal relationships, to access materials to Animals retained for choice/control over environment/life. Growing in stable social do so (Vanheukelom, breeding may have the groups in a stimulating During this post-war period there was a marked Driessen, & Geers, opportunity to mate but Avoidance of environment that provides Breeding animals AI is widespread change in pig husbandry towards indoor farming, 2012). Lacking most prolonged pain, choice of pleasurable opportunities, especially and modern methods such as artificial insemination Sows in the UK are either kept indoors (60%), in larger sweat glands, pigs Ensure other opportunities frustration, for pleasure are available for space to play and a substrate developed (Brassley, 2007), leading to rapid production groups in barns or smaller groups in pens, or outdoors thermoregulate when physical restriction, both males and females to root improvements. Following an initial post-war rise in the (40%) in groups in paddocks with a straw-based shelter. too warm by utilising an boredom numbers of pigs farmed, the UK pig industry has declined They mostly have access to straw to perform exploratory uncontaminated wallow steadily over recent years. In 1994 just over 7.9 million behaviour. However, many permanent paddocks are very where possible. Injurious fighting pigs were recorded in a census of UK pig farms, of which denuded, offering sub-optimal opportunities for foraging. is rare in the wild or semi-natural 800,000 were breeding sows. A quarter of a century later Organic farms tend to manage this by rotating pigs environments outside the mating the industry has reduced to 4.6 million pigs, including onto new paddocks and using denuded paddocks for season (Stolba & Woodgush, 1989) Slaughter: no transport, or where necessary, gentle 413,000 breeding sows (Defra, 2019). arable cropping. In addition, non-organic outdoor sows and social instability is likely to be handling during loading/unloading and limited may be nose-ringed to discourage rooting by making it stressful (Arey & Edwards, 1998). transport time minimising fear, stress, and distress painful and thereby reducing destruction of the paddock. Lairage environment to minimise stress and provide Wallows will likely be available outdoors. rooting or other enrichment opportunities Effective pre-slaughter stunning


Piglets and growing pigs Piglets are frequently tail-docked (71%) (AHDB, 2019a) by a sharp blade without pain relief, to reduce tail biting. They may also have their teeth clipped to prevent injuries to sow teats and other piglets. In the UK castration is not permitted by any farm assurance scheme. However, it is permitted in the EU and most other countries that the UK imports meat from.

Piglets will typically be weaned from the sow at four weeks of age, but organic pigs are weaned later, from 40 days.

Most pigs, even those born outdoors, are reared indoors for most of their lives. The majority of pigs (68%) (AHDB, 2019a) have access to straw or another foraging substrate. The rest have bare solid flooring or slats and a chain to manipulate, often with a wood or plastic object on the end.

Outdoor-reared pigs are weaned into large tents/shelters with outdoor access (but not necessarily pasture) for about half their lives.


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Sows confined in highly restrictive farrowing crates.(FLPA / Alamy Stock Photo); Some farmers are Pigs are slaughtered at around six keeping groups of sows and piglets together indoors (inga spence/Alamy Stock Photo); Sow and piglets in an outdoor arc in Norfolk months old. Most are transported (Ernie Janes/Alamy Stock Photo); Pigs kept outdoors in Lincolnshire (jaxpix/Alamy Stock Photo); Piglets suckling, north west England to a slaughterhouse where they are (Washington Imaging/Alamy Stock Photo) stunned before killing. Stunning is either electrical, which is instantaneous if applied well, or by CO2 gas, which is unpleasant and which the pigs attempt to avoid. Sows play in a range of ways, such Most indoor-housed breeding sows Outdoor sows are moved to an as with a branch or other interesting will be confined in a highly restrictive individual paddock and arc to give object, although less frequently than farrowing crate from about one week birth, where they are free to nest- younger pigs. Most sows are moved prior to farrowing to weaning at build in straw and tend to the piglets. to a different, individual place for around four weeks post-farrowing. farrowing. The farm management Farrowing crates allow only standing Organic farmers must breed and system relating to these movements and lying for the sow, no possibility rear their animals outdoors on grass influences the social stress to turn around or provide maternal utilising a rotation system with experienced by sows. Maintaining care other than suckling. It is not shelters to protect from weather FROM TOP: social relationships is important and possible to nest-build. This is highly extremes. Nose-rings are prohibited Slatted pen with automated feeding changing social groups can lead to frustrating for sows. and social groups are maintained system(FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo); fighting and stress. through good farm management. Tail docking a piglet ( Stock Photo); Poor enrichment in slatted pen (FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo); Free range pigs are outside most of their lives (Keith M Law/Alamy Stock Photo, Holmes Garden Photos/Alamy Stock Photo)


How far do different systems in use in the UK enable a flourishing life? Around 95% of pigs are covered by an assurance scheme. Many unassured pigs probably experience good welfare, but this is impossible to ascertain without further information. This may be obtainable by visiting the farm or smallholding. Mark Lord / Alamy Stock Photo The UK farm assurance schemes covering pigs include Red Tractor/Quality Meat Scotland, with welfare standards just above legislation; RSPCA Assured, with significantly higher standards; and Organic, with the highest standards.

Pigs Quality Meat Red Tractor RSPCA Assured Organic Scotland

Free farrowing required O O P P Tail docking banned O O O P Cattle feeding in a mixed sward(Simon Bratt/Alamy Stock Photo) Castration banned What does a flourishing life mean P P P P Born into a comfortable for cattle? environment that promotes Manipulable substrate required maternal care and O O P P A flourishing life for cattle encompasses good health, as well as pleasurable experiences, as well as avoidance of Welfare outcomes monitored opportunities for pleasure P P P P prolonged pain and other harms. Cattle in wild settings spend 90–95% of their time grazing, No castration, disbudding Nose-ringing banned ruminating, and resting (Kilgour, O O O P For all stages Weaned 2012). Given a choice, dairy physiologically and cattle should have: Access to outdoors cows prefer to spend time at Pregnant/lactating female: socially when O O O P sufficiently mature, pasture, especially at night, but unrestricted nursing, stable social group, at least 8 months Weaning at 40 days or later will opt for housing in certain maintain social ties with play opportunities, O O O P climatic conditions (Charlton, other cows, protection from sufficient enjoyable food, Pre-slaughter stun required Rutter, East, & Sinclair, 2011; harsh weather cognitive enrichment, P P P P Falk, Weary, Winckler, & von rewarded opportunity to perform Keyserlingk, 2012). Cattle lead exploratory behaviour, complex social lives, with cows The Christian ethical framework we have developed for • The Organic certification offers best available thermal/physical comfort, forming long-lasting relationships the flourishing of farmed animals leads to the following opportunities for flourishing, because it goes beyond being healthy, with daughters and other evaluation: other schemes in prohibiting tail docking and nose- good human-animal relationships, Growing in stable social cows (Reinhardt, Reinhardt, & ringing, requiring access to the outdoors, and requiring Animals retained for choice/control over environment/life. groups in a stimulating Reinhardt, 1986). Cattle have environment that provides • Pigs have poor opportunities for flourishing when they that weaning takes place at 40 days or later. breeding usually have the are raised in environments they cannot manipulate; been shown to enjoy social opportunity to mate Avoidance of choice of pleasurable opportunities, especially when they are subjected to mutilations such as • Further improvements to opportunities for flourishing interactions (Laister et al., 2011), prolonged pain, including between cow and Ensure other opportunities frustration, space to play castration, tail docking, and nose-ringing; and when beyond what is currently offered would include for pleasure are available (von Keyserlingk & Weary, 2007), physical restriction, sows are restricted in farrowing crates. extending lifespan and providing an even more diverse for both males and females environment, such as access to wooded areas. Some but both males and females boredom • The RSPCA Assured scheme provides pigs with better small-scale producers are already implementing many fight occasionally (Hall, 1989). opportunities for flourishing by requiring free farrowing of these changes and products from animals farmed in Calves enjoy playing as they get older, and even and a manipulable substrate. these ways may be available locally. adults play occasionally, such as at first access to pasture after winter housing. Cattle choose Slaughter: no transport, or where necessary, to eat a range of plants when available (Rutter, gentle handling during loading/unloading and limited transport time minimising fear, stress, 2010). Dairy cattle in particular interact with and distress humans frequently, and positive relationships Lairage environment to minimise stress between people and cows have been shown to be Effective pre-slaughter stunning pleasurable for cows (Proctor & Carder, 2015).


The Chillingham Cattle in are an ancient closed herd that, over centuries, has seen minimal human interference

IMAGE CREDITS FROM LEFT: (Nature Picture Library/Alamy StockPhoto) (AC Images/Alamy Stock Photo)

What are the key challenges in enabling CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Cubicle housing for dairy cows (FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo); Milking parlour (Terry Mathews/Alamy Stock Photo); such a life in the context of farming? Straw yard(FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo) BELOW: Cow-calf dairy system(Holger Burmeister/Alamy Stock Photo, Smiling Tree Farm Cattle were domesticated around In the UK there are almost 10 and some are killed rather than 10,000 years ago from in million cattle, of which around 1.9 reared for meat. Dairy farmers try to the fertile crescent, resulting in the million are adult dairy cows and 1.5 manage this problem by crossing a European ‘taurine’ type of animal, million are adult beef animals, and proportion of their dairy cows with a and again from a different type of the remainder are cattle below two beef bull; and, as most dairy animals auroch resulting in zebu type cattle years of age (Defra, 2019a). Around end up in the food chain, around 50% also seen today (Pitt et al., 2019). 2 million beef cattle are slaughtered of all beef produced in the UK comes Domesticated cattle probably came each year for meat (National Beef from the dairy sector. The UK is 75% to the UK around 6,000 years ago Association, 2016). Dairy cattle and self-sufficient in beef (National Beef (Cummings & Morris, 2018), when beef cattle breeds are now highly Association, 2020). In the UK, slightly wild aurochs were also present. specialized with distinctive body more liquid milk is produced than At that time, they were used by shapes having been bred either to consumed, but only around 60% Neolithic farmers for dairying as well produce milk on a light body frame or of the cheese consumed is made as for meat, having been bred for for rapid growth of large muscles. from UK milk (AHDB, 2020a; AHDB, prolonged lactations and year-round 2020b). breeding (Gron, Montgomery, & This means that male dairy calves Rowley-Conwy, 2015). are of little value for meat production,

Cattle farmed for milk In the UK most dairy cattle give cows per year (CHAWG, 2018). The majority of dairy housing is in birth every year. The calf is removed Most dairy cattle have access to a cubicle system, although cows from the mother within a few hours pasture during the summer months prefer loose housing in a bedded or days and the cow is milked for but are housed during winter, and yard where they can determine lying around ten months before the cycle approximately 10% are housed orientation and proximity to other repeats. Dairy cows have been all year round (CHAWG, 2018). cows (Fregonesi, von Keyserlingk, & genetically selected to produce Hormonal treatments are frequently Weary, 2009; Seyfi, 2013). Longevity high volumes of milk and require used in dairy cows, and artificial of dairy cows is poor, with an specialist care to prevent the very insemination is very common. average age at of six years, common ‘production diseases’ of Milking is usually twice daily through and the number of lactations being lameness, affecting around a quarter a manual system, but a minority just 3.6 (Hanks & Kossaibati, 2017). of all cows at any time, and mastitis, of farms use a milking robot and which averages 35 cases per 100 cows can choose when to visit. Holstein-Friesian dairy cow (Andrew Payne/Alamy Stock Photo) Limousin bull (Farlap/Alamy Stock Photo)


Young calves in individual pens (FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo) Beef suckler cows and calves (David Platt/Alamy Stock Cattle farmed for beef Traditional beef production in the UK has centred on a suckler system, in which a beef cow will be naturally mated with a beef bull living with the herd, calve in the springtime, and rear the calf at pasture during the summer. Cows and calves will often be separated at around 5–6 months. Castration is frequently performed, although some entire bulls may be reared successfully. Disbudding a calf (FLPA/Alamy Stock Photo) Calf rearing unit (John Eveson/Alamy Stock Photo) The use of polled breeds reduces the need for disbudding some Once dairy calves are removed from than separation once the bond has settings (unpublished data and animals. Winter housing can limit their mother they are usually reared strengthened (Flower & Weary, 2001), Reinhardt, Reinhardt et al. 1986). behavioural freedom; conversely, singly, or initially in pairs and then and separation may be part of a Female calves destined for the conditions can be poor if cattle are as required by legislation from 8 disease management strategy within dairy herd will usually spend the kept outside over winter. Some cattle weeks in larger groups. Around 20% given system constraints. There is next couple of years on a dairy farm are very hardy and overwintered on of dairy bull calves are killed shortly growing interest in dairy production being trained for the herd, such as upland hills. Some beef cattle are after birth, but there are industry that keeps cows and calves together in cubicles and the milking parlour. reared intensively in indoor pens with limited behavioural opportunities. strategies aiming to eliminate this with a range of methods allowing Calves being reared for meat may be Winter housing(Chris Robbins/Alamy Stock Photo) practice (CHAWG, 2018). Separation both calves and humans access to bought by a calf rearer, where calves of cows and calves is stressful milk. Calves may be castrated and/ are mixed in large groups, may be at Slaughter for both, denies both cows and or disbudded in the first week, which risk of respiratory disease, and may A minority of cattle are sourced via calves pleasure and health benefits, are both painful if inadequate or or may not have access to pasture a market (13%), and almost all cattle and removes opportunities for no pain relief is provided. They are before being slaughtered at around (99%) are stunned, usually with a the calf to learn from the mother fed milk at first, then with forage 18+ months or more. There is a tiny captive bolt, before slaughter (FSA, (von Keyserlingk & Weary 2007; presented to develop the rumen. amount of veal production in the UK. 2019). Wagner et al., 2015). However, early Nutritional weaning is usually earlier separation may be less stressful than the 8–10 months in natural


How far do different systems in use in the UK The Christian ethical framework Cattle farmed for beef enable a flourishing life? we have developed based on the flourishing of farmed animals leads • The RSPCA Assured scheme provides • Further improvements to Almost all milk comes from Red Tractor farm assured to the following evaluation: better opportunities for flourishing, opportunities for flourishing cows, and about 2.4% of all milk is organic. Around 79% by requiring monitoring of welfare beyond what is currently offered of all beef farms are farm assured (NFU, 2013) with • Cattle have poor opportunities for outcomes, and pre-slaughter stunning. in these schemes include finding a small proportion being organic. Pasture for Life is a flourishing when they lack pasture alternatives to castration and • The Organic and Pasture for Life scheme that accredits farms that only feed ruminants access during the grazing season, disbudding, and reintegrating certifications providebest available grass and other forage. are subjected to mutilations such cattle used for beef and dairy. as castration and disbudding, opportunities for flourishing by Some small-scale producers are are weaned prematurely, are requiring access to pasture in grazing already implementing many of transported over long distances, or season. Soil Association Organic these changes, and products Cattle farmed RSPCA Pasture for Free Range are not stunned before slaughter. certification includes inspector from animals farmed in these Red Tractor Organic for milk Assured Life Dairy monitoring of welfare outcomes. ways may be available locally.

Cattle farmed for milk Access to pasture required in grazing season • The RSPCA Assured scheme O P P P P provides better opportunities for flourishing, by requiring access Calves not separated from cows O O O O O to pasture, monitoring of welfare outcomes, and pre-slaughter Castration banned O O O O O stunning. Disbudding banned • The Organic, Pasture for Life, and O O O O O Free Range Dairy certifications Welfare outcomes monitored offer best available opportunities P P P O O for flourishing, with each specifying a high forage diet. The Organic and Pre-slaughter stun required P P P P P Pasture for Life set a minimum weaning age of 12 weeks; the Free Minimum weaning age 12 weeks O O P P O Range Dairy scheme does not set a minimum. The Pasture for Life and Killing male calves prohibited Free Range Dairy schemes prohibit O O O P P the killing of male calves. Soil Association Organic certification includes inspector monitoring of Cattle farmed Farm Northern Ireland welfare outcomes. Quality Assured Beef Farm RSPCA Pasture Social licking ( for beef Red Tractor Meat Quality Assurance Organic Scotland Welsh Assured for Life • Further improvements to Livestock Scheme opportunities for flourishing beyond what these schemes Access to currently offer include finding pasture required alternatives to castration and in grazing season O O O O O P P disbudding, reintegrating cattle used for beef and dairy, extending Castration the minimum weaning time to banned O O O O O O O eight months, and extending the lifespan of cows. Some small- Disbudding scale producers are already banned O O O O O O O implementing many of these changes, and products from Welfare outcomes animals farmed in these ways may monitored O O O O P P O be available locally.

Pre-slaughter stun required P P O O P P P

Calves playing (EyeEm/Alamy Stock Photo)


Christians should make and support changes towards Some system changes can be implemented quickly, and Conclusions consuming fewer but higher welfare animal products. others will take longer. Where mutilations continue to be Farmed animal welfare is a Christian concern. Christians This approach to farmed animal welfare is often referred practised, adequate pain relief should be used. have strong faith-based reasons to be concerned about to as consuming ‘less and better’ animal products. Breeding technologies should prioritize animal the ability of fellow animal creatures to glorify God in Farmed animal welfare is linked to production and flourishing over productivity.For several decades, their lives as farmed animals. Christians have a particular consumption levels: the rapid increases in production breeding has prioritized production and modified and weighty responsibility towards the large numbers of and consumption of animal products in the past several physiological characteristics of farmed animals animals raised for food, because their lives are entirely decades were only possible through the use of intensive according to the preferences of producers and in human hands. Many UK farmed animals are currently production methods that provide poor opportunities consumers, without adequate attention to the flourishing reared in ways that greatly diminish their opportunities for farmed animal flourishing. Farming systems that Dinendra Haria / Alamy Stock Photo of the farmed animals. The rapid growth rates and short to flourish: selectively bred to enhance their productivity provide better opportunities for animal flourishing lives of chickens bred for life in broiler sheds produce rather than to enhance their well-being, subjected to produce fewer animals per unit of input and at greater bodies that cannot thrive. Double-muscled beef breeds short lives in monotonous environments that do not cost. In addition, replacing intensive systems with suffer increased disease, stress, and birthing problems. allow the expression of species-specific behaviours or extensive ones enabling greater flourishing (especially for New breeding technologies such as genome-editing maternal care, and mutilated to prevent them injuring each chickens and pigs), while maintaining current production present new and even more serious welfare threats than other in sub-optimal conditions. Other farmed animals levels, would increase greenhouse gas emissions and selected and marker-assisted selective breeding. All in Britain are reared in ways that enable them to enjoy have other negative environmental impacts. Since genetic breeding should be interrogated to determine more flourishing lives. Christians should attend to the farmed animal welfare is important, independent of whether the anticipated effects will enable the flourishing relationship between their faith commitments and how environmental concerns, it should not be sacrificed for reduced carbon emissions. Reducing overall production animals. animals are farmed, and rethink their practice in response. consumption, where this can be done sustainably and and consumption of animal products avoids this trade- Production systems should support maternal care and profitably. Farmers and other stakeholders can work off. Reducing consumption also helps make more life in family groups. Family relationships are important together to locate and expand markets in which they are costly, higher welfare, animal products affordable within We evaluated systems according to the to flourishing. In dairy herds, calves should be allowed financially rewarded for enabling the greater flourishing institutional or domestic budgets. Shifting to fewer but to remain with their mothers rather than being removed of farmed animals. higher welfare animal products, for which farmers are opportunities within a few hours of birth in order to maximize milk appropriately remunerated, satisfies sustainability and production for humans. For pigs, free farrowing systems Consumers of animal products need to be prepared to pay they provide for animal welfare goals while enabling food to be affordable that allow the piglets to remain with the sow for longer for higher welfare products. Animal products are currently and farmers to make their living. The UK must play its should replace farrowing stalls. Chickens should be inexpensive for consumers to purchase, because they role in the transition towards consuming fewer animal hatched from eggs in the nest and reared with a hen come from farming systems that prioritize cost above products and obtaining these products from systems flourishing, rather than artificially incubated away from the hen. farmed animal flourishing. Progress towards higher we have identified as better or best available. Christian These systemic changes will take time to implement. farmed animal welfare will make animal products more with systems graded poor, churches and other organizations should take practical Some farmers are pioneering beneficial changes in some expensive, but consuming higher welfare animal products steps in this direction. better, or best available. of these areas. need not lead to higher domestic and institutional catering budgets. Food costs can be lowered when reduced Christian communities should value and support Production systems should allow longer lives for consumption of animal products is combined with Christians should support farming systems that farmers, stockpersons and farm workers. Most of animals killed before maturity. Decreasing lifespan increased consumption of plant-based alternatives, which enable farmed animals to flourish. In Part 3 of this the people who farm animals in the UK seek to treat reduces flourishing. Broiler chickens should be able to generally cost less than animal products. These changes framework, we evaluated systems for raising farmed them well. They are currently subject to extraordinary live longer than the norm of 35–40 days. Beef and dairy need to accompanied by a wider social commitment to animals according to the opportunities they provide for pressures as a result of asymmetric power relations production should be reintegrated so that male calves ensure that everyone has the means to afford food that is flourishing, with systems gradedpoor, better, or best between producers and retailers, the challenge of having born to dairy cows, and female calves born to cows healthy, environmentally sustainable, and produced to high available, and we identified further opportunities for to make long-term investment decisions in times of that are not needed for milking, can be reared for meat animal welfare standards. improvements. We conclude that production systems uncertainty, difficulty attracting qualified farm workers, rather than killed soon after birth. Similarly, the farming that provide poor opportunities for farmed animals to increasingly demanding reporting requirements, disease of chickens for meat and eggs should be reintegrated UK farmers need fair contracts. Much of the current enjoy flourishing lives are inadequate. We encourage threats, and public concern about animal welfare. to avoid killing unneeded male chicks from laying hens trading of farmed animal products in the UK is unfair to producers, retailers, and consumers to move towards Communities need to value and support the people who hours after hatching. Incremental changes are already farmers and their animals. Contracts do not sufficiently systems delivering better opportunities for flourishing, provide their food. Churches can play an important role being implemented by some producers; reintegrating reward farmers, and they contain too few incentives to seek ways to move beyond that to those identified in making and strengthening connections with farming production systems will require longer to realize. to enable flourishing for farmed animals. Consumers, as best available, and to seek further improvements communities, including, for example, helping to create retailers, wholesalers, farmers, investors, and other beyond these. This transition will require inter-dependent local markets for farm products produced to high animal Farmers play a key role in effecting change. Farmers stakeholders can all play roles in demanding and enabling changes, some of which are long-term. In particular, it welfare standards. have to make a living within the tight constraints fair trade in farmed animal products, to reward farmers for is clear that farmers cannot implement change without noted above, within the context of a transition towards improving their animals’ opportunities to flourish. Mutilations should be reduced and, where possible, increased consumer demand for higher welfare animal increased production of more plant-based foods, reduced eliminated. Christians should be concerned about the products and without contracts that reward farmers production and consumption of animal products, and Churches and Christian organizations should engage proliferation of farmed animal mutilations reviewed in appropriately for delivering higher welfare. Although this improvements in farmed animal welfare. They are also with public policy. Churches and many other Christian Part 3, such as beak trimming chickens; tail docking pigs; framework judges the systems within which farmed constrained by the immediate context of their farms: organizations have opportunities to exercise their and castrating pigs, cattle, and sheep. These often cause animals are raised as fundamentally affecting the the location, size, ecology, and capital available. Despite responsibility to influence the regulations governing pain and suffering, and they constrain bodily behaviours flourishing of farmed animals, we recognize that the these constraints, farmers can play an active role in farmed animal welfare. Christian engagement with essential to flourishing. If mutilations are necessary in well-being of animals within each system is significantly shaping the future of their industry and helping to politicians and other policymakers has the potential to order to make particular production systems viable, then determined by the quality of care they receive, which effect the transition. Many will be able to contribute to affect public attitudes and broad trends in how farmed consideration should be given to changing the systems. should be an independent focus of concern. increasing the supply of plant-based foods for human animals are treated.


Engage with public policy on farmed animal welfare. Recommendations Churches and other Christian organizations should let politicians and other policymakers know that Christians Recommendations for churches and Christian want farmed animals to be given more opportunities organizations to flourish. Christians should publicize their support for regulatory and legal changes to improve farmed animal Source animal products from farming systems that welfare. promote the flourishing of farmed animals. Churches and Christian organizations should seek to shift to higher-welfare sourcing of farmed animal products. Churches and Christian They can do this by identifying strategies to replace organizations should seek to shift to animal products sourced from systems delivering poor Wayne HUTCHINSON / Alamy Stock Photo Wayne opportunities for farmed animal flourishing (as identified in Part 3) with those identified as better or best available. They should then try to make progress from better higher- to best available, promote the further improvements the report identifies, and encourage their members and stakeholders to make similar choices in their own welfare consumption. For better products, look for those certified as RSPCA Assured. For best available products, look for sourcing of farmed those certified as Organic, Pasture for Life, or Free Range Dairy. Local providers may offer products that exceed animal products these standards. by identifying strategies to replace Promote the consumption of fewer but higher- animal products sourced from welfare (‘less and better’) animal products. For the reasons noted in p52, above, churches and Christian systems delivering poor opportunities organizations involved in producing, selling, or for farmed animal flourishing consuming farmed animals or products derived from them should adopt strategies that further the dual goals Recommendations for farmers Trade fairly with farmers. Contracts with farmers should of reducing overall consumption of farmed animal provide fair remuneration for their work and should products and sourcing remaining animal products from Help effect a transition towards fewer but higher-welfare provide financial incentives for farmers to raise animals systems identified in Part 3 as better or best available. animal products. Farmers have an essential role to in ways that allow more opportunities to flourish. play in both changing production systems to facilitate farmed animal flourishing and contributing to increased Help consumers choose high welfare animal products. production of plant-based foods. When recognizing this Labelling on animal products should make it easy to key role and responsibility, it is also important to note identify the welfare standards by which the animals that farmers cannot act alone: they need collaboration were raised. New technology, such as smartphone from the other parties addressed within these apps enabling QR code scanning of products, could recommendations, especially in finding and creating make information about these more easily available to markets providing appropriate rewards for their work. consumers, aiding comparison and informed decision- John Davidson Photos / Alamy Stock Photo making. Marketing should encourage a transition towards consuming fewer but higher welfare animal Recommendations for food retailers, products. retailing animal products from systems that provide poor opportunities for farmed animal flourishing. Mint Images Limited / Alamy Stock Photo wholesalers, and manufacturers Investors should also review their holdings in companies Recommendations for Christian investors Help effect a transition towards fewer but higher-welfare that derive profits from supplying products to farmers animal products. Food retailers, wholesalers, and Invest in companies enabling the flourishing of farmed operating low-welfare systems. business operators play a powerful role in setting the animals. Christian investors have the opportunity to terms of the contracts that determine the remuneration influence the practice of the companies they invest Recommendations for policymakers Value and support farmers. Churches and Christian that farmers, stockpersons, and other farm workers in whose operations affect farmed animal welfare. organizations should value and support farmers in receive for their work. They control the products available As shareholders in food retailers, wholesalers, Work for legal, regulatory, and trade changes that raise providing the basic human necessity of food in ways that for purchase, and influence consumer demand. They manufacturers, the hospitality industry, and companies farmed animal welfare standards. Policymakers have improve the flourishing of humans, farmed animals, wild should set strategies to eliminate the sourcing of animal with agricultural land holdings, investors can promote multiple opportunities to consider how policy in a wide animals, and our shared environment. Locally, churches products from systems identified in Part 3 as providing the development of policy and practice that encourage a range of areas can contribute to a transition towards and Christian organizations should seek opportunities poor opportunities for the flourishing of farmed animals. transition towards more plant-based foods and farmed higher farmed animal welfare standards and more to make links with local farmers in order to provide They should seek to promote those products we have animal welfare standards that provide better or best plant-based foods. Raising the minimum UK farmed local markets for higher welfare animal products and to identified as better and best available. In time, they available opportunities for the flourishing of farmed animal welfare standards permitted by law and requiring reduce farmers’ social isolation. should look for further improvements, such as those we animals. In particular, investors should seek to exclude imported animal products to meet the same standards have identified as beyond what is currently available. from their holdings companies producing or would improve animal flourishing.


Supporting resources for this Animals in Christian theology and ethics framework Introductory works aimed Academic works Visit the CEFAW project website ( at a lay audience Adam, M. B., Clough, D. L., & Grumett, Miller, D. (2012). and Lam, M. E. (2020). Seafood Ethics: framework) for additional copies of Animal agriculture in the D. (2020). A Christian Case for Theology: The Lens of the Good Reconciling Human Well-Being With this framework, a short video and Camosy, C. (2013). For Love of context of environmental and Farmed Animal Welfare. Animals, 9, Samaritan. London: Routledge. Fish Welfare. In B. Fischer (Ed.), Powerpoint presentation introducing Animals: Christian Ethics, Consistent social issues Action. Cinncinatti, OH: Franciscan 1116. The Routledge Handbook of Animal the project, a study guide for use by Miller, P. C. (2019). In the Eye of the Media,. Ethics, 177-97. New York; Abingdon: Adams, C. J. (1990). The Sexual individuals and groups, and other Adams, C. J., & Donovan, J. (Eds.). Animal: Zoological Imagination in Routledge. Politics of Meat: A Feminist- resources. (1995). Animals and Women: Ancient Christianity. Philadelphia: Hobgood-Oster, L. (2008). Holy Dogs Vegetarian Critical Theory. Feminist Theological Explorations. University of Pennsylvania Press. Lymbery, P. (2014). Farmageddon: and Asses: Animals in the Christian : Polity Press. Tradition. Urbana: University of Durham, NC: Duke University Press. The True Cost of Cheap Meat. Webb, S. H. (1998). On God and Dogs: Illinois Press. London: Bloomsbury. Bailey, R., Froggatt, A., & Wellesley, Boff, L. (1997). Cry of the Earth, Cry A Christian Theology of Compassion L. (2014). Livestock — Climate of the Poor. Ecology and Justice. for Animals. New York: Oxford Metcalfe, J. D. (2009). Welfare in Hobgood-Oster, L. (2010). The Change’s Forgotten Sector: Global Translated by Philip Berryman. University Press. Wild-Capture Marine Fisheries. Friends We Keep: Unleashing Public Opinion on Meat and Dairy Christianity’s Compassion for Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. Journal of Fish Biology, 75(10), Webb, S. H. (2001). Good Eating: The Consumption. London: The Royal Animals. Waco, TX: Baylor City Press. 2855-61. Clough, D. L. (2019). On Animals: Bible, Diet and the Proper Love of Institute of International Affair. Vol. 1 Systematic Theology; Vol. 2 Animals. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Nicol, C.J., Bouwsema, J., Caplen, Kowalski, G. A. (2001). The Bible Bergmann, S., & Gerten, D. Theological Ethics. London: T&T Press. G., Davies, A.C., Hockenhull, J., According to Noah: Theology as if (Eds.). (2010). Religion and Animals Mattered. New York: Lantern Clark/Bloomsbury. Lambton, S.L., Lines, J.A., Mullan, Wennberg, R. N. (2002). God, Dangerous Environmental Change: Books. S., & Weeks, C.A. (2017). Farmed Deane-Drummond, C., & Clough, D. Humans, and Animals: An Invitation Bird Welfare Science Review. 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58 » THE CHRISTIAN ETHICS OF FARMED ANIMAL WELFARE A POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR CHURCHES AND CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS » 59 Part 5: Resources and further reading Appendix: Research Team and Partner Organizations

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Science, 96(2), 906-917. Olsson, I. A. S. & Keeling, L. J. (2005). Why in West, B. & Zhou, B. X. (1988). Did Chickens Research Team Representatives of Partner Organizations Earth? Dustbathing Behaviour in Jungle and Sherwin, C. M., Heyes, C. M., & Nicol, C. Go North? New Evidence for Domestication. J. (2002). Social Learning Influences the Domestic Fowl Reviewed from a Tinbergian Journal of Archaeological Science, 15(5), 515- • Professor David L. Clough, and Animal Welfare Perspective. Applied Preferences of Domestic Hens for Novel Food. 533. Animal Behaviour, 63, 933-942. Department of Theology and Churches Other Partner Organizations Animal Behaviour Science, 93(3-4), 259-282. Woods, A. (2012). Rethinking the History of Singh, N. J., Bonenfant, C., Yoccoz, N. G., Religious Studies, University of Perez-Barberia, F. 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