Although It Is Called A , It Is In Fact A Cake, And Not A Pie.

National Boston Cream Pie Day serves up a delicious on October 23rd each year. Pie lovers, move along. Cake lovers, pull up a chair. Let’s celebrate the cake with an identity crisis! Boston Cream Pie is a chocolate frosted, custard-filled cake that is loved by millions.

In 1856, at Boston’s Parker House Hotel, French chef Monsieur Augustine Francois Anezin created this pudding and cake combination. Originally this American-French Chef called the cake the “Parker House Chocolate Cream Pie” and had taken the French Butter sponge cake and filled it with a delightful Crème pâtissière, an egg-thickened custard with a history going back at least as far as Ancient Rome, brushed it with rum syrup and topped with a chocolate fondant. In 1996, Massachusetts declared the Boston Cream Pie as their official dessert. A civics class from Norton High School sponsored the bill. The pie beat out other candidates, including the toll house cookie and Indian pudding. Although it is called a Boston cream pie, it is in fact a cake, and not a pie.

A Boston cream is a name for a filled with vanilla custard or crème pâtissière and topped with icing made from chocolate The Boston cream doughnut was designated the official doughnut of Massachusetts in 2003. The world’s largest Boston Cream Pie was created in 2010 by culinary students at Southern New Hampshire University. The pastry measured 10 ft wide 1½ ft high and weighted over 1 ton. The dessert acquired its name when cakes and pies were cooked in the same pans, and the words were used interchangeably. A direct descendant of earlier cakes known as American pudding-cake pie and Washington pie, the dessert was referred to as chocolate cream pie, Parker House chocolate cream pie, and finally Boston cream pie on Parker House’s menus.

Sources: National Day Calendar

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