■iV 7 T Registered at the O P.C. s t a b l is h e d No. 3,232. T e l e p h o n e : 3 5 0 E a s t b o u r n e . an a Newspaper, EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, J917. E 1856. PRICE THREE HALFPENCE. w-,ra . JgASTBOURNB COLLEGE. rilHE LADIES* COLLEGE, MARY H. COOPEB, Court Dressmaker. GRAS8INGTON ROAD. EASTBOURNE. President / A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Sell Your Old Gold. BRTTFORD & SOI?, T TEE DUKE OF DKVON8HIRB. Smart COAT DRESSES. SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Summer Wear Principal: MISS HITCHCOCK. Is it advisable to store old gold articles W atchm akers, Head Master’ Pupils prepared, if desired, for the Preliminary. Junior. of no further use when the gold can Th. BITV 7. S WILLIAMS, H,A, Senior and Higher Cambridge l ocal Examinations, also be exchanged for r jic v .p y l Telcj. 7G3. 6, LISMORE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. for Matriculation London Univorsitv, and for fhe We are prepared to velue old gold in JEWELLERS . TViYISS BALLS, L.L;A., 1, S P E N C E H Hi.-AD SCHOOL OP COMMERCE, Telephone No. 68. NEW JAMS, BOTTLED FRUIT8, A c. Telophone No. 118. G A 1, SPE N C E R ROAD. iLato of 3?; ‘i'he Aventift). School for Girl* (Preparatory and Finishing). At dr,*,— II, P evensey-road. Successful in Heeamination Work. Home School for the Daughters o1 Gentlemen. MIsb Lloyds wishes to announce that she has arranged SHORTHAND^kAND TYPEWRITING X r s . r . H. Browne and Mis* Tait-H eid, B,A , COACHES IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS OR TAKES to receive Into partnership the ensuing term Mlea C. A. BAK ER & SONS’-...... Assisted hr p large Resident Staff of Trained BEGINNERS AND BACKWARD PUPILS. Day ias, B.A. (nona.), (Camb. Teachers’ Diploma). W. H. ROBEttTS/^Dm^ilTED T e a c h e r ™ 4. Foreign Teacher*. H is a x s t (Aw /w M (?oM and Silver Medals), SCHOOL OF DRAMATIC ART, MACHINE MADE BREAD. /^.LEN GARRY, 3, GRANGE ROAD.— T,HE LODGE, BLACKWATER ROAD I L L B T i ANNE’S ROAD, A SM ALL CLA8H Is held at the above address (Opposite Devonshire Park Theatre). j EASTBOURNE. for the CHILDREN OF GENTLEPBOPLE only. EL DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY; ISS ELEANOR RATCLIFFE, Prepare;tcey School for Boys. 10 years Assistant to M r s . W O R D SW O R TH , Roberts, a O’Brien Bardin*. EmT^Vp ., M.B.O.P., L.B.O.P., ExamfeatloPar0a f°r tho Cambridgo Local M MK. W, H. JONK3, K A , F.F..G 3., Clifton College and r. Hollhu, Ew„ and Mr,. Hoflin,, tie Her, 0. Kid Mn. Horsborih. ■mmannel College, Cambridge. Rf.CKIVE? HOYd the Ber. H. a. end Mn. J.meaca, W. J. 0. Merry, Eitq., M.D . Beginners received. HOLDS CLASSES at the above address for DEPORT ander 15 to he ;■ spared fee Public SohoolB and and ME.N'T, GRECIAN, OPERATIC, CHARACTER lev 19 & 21, CHURCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY ROAD 175, SEASIDE. end Mn, M an, Ontbome On. En., end Mn. On, tie Rev. Urilnj Apply by letter ta MISS K CLEATHEK. R.N.C., Oaborue. end_Mn, Whole ton, the Ber. IT. 8. WilUsm. M.A. (Heed Muter and BALL-ROOM DANCING. Special arrangements for Day Pupils and the Sons of T e l. 1 6 9 . if ButboarneCKm. OoBese). Visitors. SJ acres of Playing Field in Gildredgo Park. URAWING AND FAINTING CLASSES ELOCUTION. SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, Voice Production, Deep Breathing, Gesturo, &c. o b o r g u g h s c h o o l , MABGABHT KHNHCH33 (a[a pupil of Mis,Miss F encing and S in g in g . UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. Telephone 623. S • SOUTH STREET. Beatrice Matoohm and Mr. w . RothensSefen)smsSeta) HOLDS------R FREDK. S. SHELLEY, LITE CLASSES at THE STUDIO, B A T H ROAD The'usunl Classes at the Grand Hotel, SaffronH Rooms, Prlnolnale f ^ S IL B E K T , D. A. (Lond.l. BOYS ARB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. >. and Devonshire Park will be resumed In the Autumn. rtuioipfue ( Di u GILBERT, (Bond. Unlv.), (next to 48, GROVE ROAD). Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, Hot Water and Electrical Engineer. Frans £6 p e r An num . H oun dally 10—4 and aa Toandays and Thuredftye T.45 For particulars, address, Private School for Boys. Many Choral Scholarships, same of which cover —9.46 p a . ALLANDALE, COOMBE ROAD, CROYDON. Xmrgs Premises wife 3 acre? of ground. Chemical and Contractor for General House Repairs. the whale amount of fee Fees, Olaasee for children. BpeoU srnmeemento mods with Physloal Laboratories. Oymuarimu and Playing Fields Training for Business Life, ichoole. Poll particulars on application. Preparation for London Matrfenlatlon and Oxford Office and Showroom s - 8, TERM INUS PLACE. DANCING AND ELOCUTION. and Cambridge Locals. For Prospectus and other Information apply |\TOTE PAPER, Visiting Cards,

, •■V..; fn.

..At^SU n " " " b 1 dirfS " U s


W . BBUFORD & SON. & DISTRICT HUT SOLIS' SILVER WRIST WATCHES -A.-ULgti.s-t 2 7 — Septem T oer a. Vfor Service use, kuninous dials, jewelled lever ! 1 * movements ...... — 2 1 / - ea ch . For War Work of the Y.M.C.A. in all parts of the.Empire and beyond.

President: HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR (A lderm an 0. O’BRIEN HARDING, J.P.). Ditto, with non-magnetic movement, for use in Bankers : LONDON a n d PROVINCIAL BANK. Treasurer : H. W. FOVARGUE, Esq. electric work ...... 2 5 / - each .

WORLD-WIDE WORK. A LETTER FOR YOU. CARE OF THE MIND. THE OPEN DOOR. W. BEDFORD & SO N ^^^ inu^road, The Y.M .C.A. is in every part of the Empire and The Y.M.C.A. gives aivay millions of pieces of Thousands of Books are given to the men and The work is inter-denominational. No distinction beyond the bounds of the’Empire, working in over stationery every month at a cost of over £ 1,0 0 0 p er Libraries formed. University lecturers and the in class or creed. Your boy knows ho is welcome 2,000 M ilitary Centres. week, so that your loved one can write to you. finest med in the country are seut to France to wherever he sees the sign of the “ Red Triangle.” 4 enable med to feed their minds. * RELIGIOUS WORK RELATIVES OF WOUNDED. CONCERTS AT THE FRONT. PHYSICAL WELFARE. The Y.M.C. A. cares for the Spiritual Welfare of The Y.M.O.A. undertakes the care and transport Scores of Thousands of Concerts have been gi>. .-o TRAGIC DEATH OF MRS. BEAUMONT. the men. One soldier, writing home, says the of relatives of seriously - wounded Soldiers in Tho Y.M.O.A. helps men to “ keepfit.” It provides in Fiance and elsewhere, attended by hundreds of POLICE COURT. Y.M.O.A. means “You Make Christianity France and provides hospitality free of charge a place fori Rest, Recreation, and Refreshment. It th o u san d s of m e n —by your boy ! The Y.M.C.A. Attractive.” The! Huts are lent freely to during the time such relatives are visiting their gives the tbuch of homo-life, and it “ mothers ” the DROWNED IN ITALY. has its own Cinemas in France. It expends M onday.—Before the Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien C haplains. loved ones across the Channel. millions of men in every part of the world. £ 2,0 0 0 per day to help your b«»v. Harding), in the chair, Mr. A. Mayhewe, D.L., M ajor H. P. MoHneux, Councillor O, W . Bolton, Sir Alfred The death has just ocourred under sad circumstances Dent, K.C.M.G.,I Alderman E. Duke, Mr. Sydney of Mrs. Elisa Mercedes Beaumont, wife of the Hon. H u d so n a n d M r. W . I*. W allis. Hubert Beaumont, who, as a Liberal, represented the Volun Lady Helpers Urgently Needed to assist in making Local DOG WITHOUT A NAME. Eastbourne Division in the House of Commons in the period 1S)0G to 1910. It appears that Mrs. Beaumont, Marie May, itedoubtrioad, was summoned for allow­ while bathing with her son, aged 13 /ears, at Gastiglion- Effort to raise entirely successful. ing her dog to stray on abhighroad without a name on cello, near Leghorn, Italy, was carried away in a rough its collar. V sea and drowned in spite of all efforts to rescue her. P.O. Copping stated that at 9.15 a. m. on the 7th insfc. Her son was saved. Mr. Beaumont is acting as Vice- f Send your name in to Mr. W m. C. W ebb, he saw a Yorkshire terrier/straying. It had a collar on, Do not ask if the work is congenial— Commissioner of the British Red Cross in Italy, and it f Organising Secretary. :r~ R iU A :' but it was minus the owner’s name and address. He was in connection with that appointment the family brought it to the police station, where the defendant Do it for the sake of the boys doing all for you. DO IT were staying in the country named. 3 Hut Week Offices : -16, SOUTH STREET. claimed it. Defendant said it was only a small dog, and she The deceased lady was the eldest of four daughters of thought it did not matter much. Mr. M. P. Grace, chairman of W. R. Grace & Co., of T h e B en ch im p o sed a fin e o f 2s. Gd. New York, one of whose residences is Battle Abbey, p t a c Sussex, lira Beaumont will be re called by many of . J OBSTRUCTING THE HIGHWAY. our readers as a lady of great personal charm. She DEVONSHIRE PARK. DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE. THE TIER, PICTURE HALLS. Stanley Spink, Langney-road, was summoned for took a very aotive and successful part in furthering the obstructing Elms-road with a motor van on August 7th candidature of her husband, who opposed Sir L. Lind­ “THE MAID OF THE MOUNTAINS.” say Hogg in the election that followed the South African ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. ‘A KISS FOR CINDERELLA.” CENTRAL CINEMA. o n 1 : . for one hour und ten minutes. A George Edwardes’ company gave a full house an Id to r y v■*; War. In addition to abundant energy and engaging That delightful play, A K i for Cinderella , from th e P.C. Jones deposed that at 3 p.m. on the day in The daily assemblies of visitors to hear the orchestra admirable representation of this popular musical comedy “ CONEY ISLAND PRINCESS.”—-" LOST l> rr.; < ' *: \ri-n : pen of Sir [J.~ M. . Rarrie, B irr is paying a welcome return ; Question he was on duty in Elms-road when he saw manner, she possessed the faculty of ready and forceful have been consistently large. Each ovening, when the on Thursday night. The production, which embodies « :t p l . *.\ f•* j speech, and many were her platform deliverances daring visit to the Pier Theatre tins week, where it has been i A N D W O X .”_ ;/.* , j . three motor cars and a motor van standing outside Ray’s concert has been in the W inter Garden, the capacious in generous measure the characteristic elements of this H TO I playing to'large audiences. The play is produced by “ The, Black W olf” the star film in the current i ay-, 7 Garage. He saw the manager of the garage and the campaign referred to. Even after Mr. Beaumont’s hall is almost I invariably well filled, and there is every musical-dramatic type of creation, was elaborately and inquired if the cars belonged to him, and he replied, official connection with the constituency ceased, Mrs. indication that the firsttelaas musical performance is Air. Percy! Hutchi-on, who presents Miss Hilda programme at the above entertainment centre. There ■l.Vl . ■ • tastefully staged, tfle scenery and dresses being strik­ are other pictures of a dramatic and humorous character, TO- • V irr “ The three motor cars do, but the van I know nothing Beaumont continued for some time her support of highly appreciated and enjoyed. Following successful Trevelyan {in her original part of “ Cinderella,” a ro lq rd Donoughmore and Mr. John S. Phipps, son of the Wednesday ’night a particularly large audience were keeps his forcas under complete control, and brings out P.C. Jones related the same story in this case. Carnegie steel millionaire, Mr. Henry Phipps, of Long entertained by a musical comedy and revue programme, never had been to anything but a horse snow. She also dram a. their executive capabilities to the best advantage. requires a true and noble love and she eventually finds “ Lost and W on” is tho title Defendant said he usually looked at all the cars before Islan d ] amongst the pieces from which selections were taken Each of the thr^s acts hits a striking setting, con­ jf the chief pict that in the local policeman. The play'is! beautiful all billed for T h u rsd ay n ex t an d foil- taking them into the garage, and this one had quite being “ The Balkan Princess,” “ Theodore & Co.,” ceived with all the skill and resource of the modern vine days. Cinders through and is told as only Barrio could tell it. Miss is a little news girl with a great 1< slip p ed h is m em ory. “ Bric-a-Brac,” “ The Passing .Show of 1915,” “ The scenic artist. First is the Bohemian and closely- )ve for books. BiU Hilda Trevplyan-as Cinderella pourtrays the part just Holt, a reporter, is one of her lv '-t friends. Walter Chief JuspeHor Taylor said that Mr. Ray gave them ST. PETER’S CHURCH. Maid of the Mountains,”! “ Betty ” and “ Vauity Fair.” guarded:,retreat 6 f the robber gang in the' mountains ; a great deal of trouble with the cars, and they had had A violin solo by Mr. George Cathie, who, by desire, as the author desires it to by played, and does not fail Crane and Kirkland Gaige observi 1 Cinders’ independ then comes the- courtyard of the Governor’s palace ; in one instance to bring out every little detail, both ence as she turns over a man who a great many complaints. played Vieuxtemps’ “ Reverie,” was a tine artistic and finally we are introduced to a wild island fortress. has been annoying humorous, and dramatic. Air. Percy Hutchison pre­ her to a policeman. Later, at the club, Cran i • wagers The Bunch fined the dedefendant 10s. r ,EV: . II. G. JAMESON’S FAREWELL. achievement and elicited a spontaneous demand for an In its way each is ai highly effective scene, and imparts serves the full-bodied character of the dual r o le “ .the 59,000 dollars that within a year ! encore. a welcome touch of; realism to the action of the play. a* can so transform LODGING HOUSE KEEPER ASSAULTS policeman prince ” so remarkably typical of .the author’s and improve the little news girl that one of the men For the ehsuing week-end concerts Mr. Norfolk This latter concenis in a general way the fate of the fun. In Air, F. G. Thuvstans one sees a quaint, but will want to marry her. . Crane places her in the care of THE POLICE. The Rev. H. G. Jameson has now concluded his AJegone. has arranged some especially interesting pro­ pirate band, and more particularly the lives of the Annie Huggett, lodging house keeper, Pevensey ministrations as Vicar of the parish of St. Peter’s, grammes. The vocalist's to appear to-morrow and kindly “ Air. Bodle,” whilst Air. Will Smith as “ Dauuy,” iiis aunt, and wild with joy she g-ics to a boarding robber chief, Baldaisarre, aud the devoted, but jealous the Blue B^y, undertakes a humorous part with every school, whereat the end of a year she returns trans road, was charged with assaultiug P.C. Keats on He preached his farewell sermon to the congregation on during the week are Miss Ruth Vincent (soprano) and Teresa, who are happily re-united after a painful August 12th, to which she pleaded guilt}’. Sunday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Jameson have Mr. Arnold Stoker (baritone). success. The company is a large one, but with all the formed. Cleo Duveue, *u adventuress, has demanded separation due to the girl’s exposure (of her mistrusted minor partis in such capable hands and the clever P.C. Keates said that at 10.10 p.m. on August 12th he taken up their residence at Leatherhead. j of Gaige a necklace which lie is unable to purchase. T h is (Saturday) E v ening. lover. ju v en ile p a rts so ad m irab ly u n d ertak en th e success of th e Crane meets with reverses, and Gaige, anxious t<> win was on duty in Pcvensey-road and saw a bright light Mr. Jameson took part in the evening service,'but In musical charm The M aid of the M ountains com ­ March, “ The Boys of the Old Brigade ” ...... prod u ctio n ijs gu aran teed . Cinders, reveals to her the bet, asking her to marry him shining from the window of 55, Peveasav-road, into the the sermon on that occasion was preached by the Rev. O v erture, V Rionzi ” ..L...... j...... pares favourably with some of the most successful of Thertj will b e a m a tin e e to-day as well as the final to allow Crane to realise the 100,Out) dollars* stake. She roadway. He weut up the steps to the front door, R. D.I Gibson, who based an appropriate sermon on i F a n ta sia, “ V a n ity F a ir ” ...... the spectacular comedies. The piece is full of melodious, evening performance. refuses, and goes to Bill Holt and secures a position as where-he saw the prisoner, and said to her that there Ruth ji. 4. He observed: The book of Ruth presents I Suite.“ Helenes Napolitanes ”...... M a s s e n e t cleverly orchestrated numbers, and for several of the I R hapsody INo. 2 ...... L i- iz t reporter. Worried by demands for the necklae*- from was a bright light in the window on the second floor. us with a beautiful picture of old-world agricultural life. principals some extremely pretty solos have beeu intro­ ALFRESCO CONCERTS. The passage from which I take my text is an idyll in “ The Turkish Patrol ” ...... j... Cleo, Gaige takes a bag of currency as Crane, who has She struck him a blow in the face and knooked him to V alse, “ Maid of the Mountains ”...... duced. Then the “ book” i3 smart and entertaining, Bright and breezy alfresco pierrot concerts have the bottom of the steps. She then attacked him again, itself. Boaz, the master of the harvest, comes into the obtained a position aa cashier, is counting the money, A m erican T w o-Stop, t* D ow n in Id ah o ” ...... ».*. while alternating with and sometimes accompanying tho been given daily in the bandstand, and the large and Crane is accused of theft and placed m jail. throwring some trellis.'work upon him and a special field where the reapers are at work, and gravely, rever­ V ocalists—T h e Gresham Male V oice serious features of the romance are comedy episodes of audiences who have availed themselves of listening to ently and courteously salutes them with the greeting, * Cinders, by a rus«\ gathers clues in lx>th Holt’s constable. Afterwards she came at witness with an iron Quartett. a most mirthful description. Miss Kathleen Anderson this talented troupe of entertainers have been warm in “ ThejLord be with you,” while they, in tfieir old-world department and Miss Duvcne’s, and as she is demand door latch. He closed with! her aud brought her to the made a perfectly natural and sufficiently emotional their praise] of the different artists. The company, who simplicity, no less reverently respond to his salutation T o-Morrow (Sunday) Evening. ing that Miss Duvene teils all she knows of Gaige, he police station. All the way she was very violent and Teresa,” both looking and acting the part in the most consist of tlwo ladies and four gentlemen, never allow shouted loudly, her conduct causing a crowd to assemble. with tjhe expression, ‘‘The Lord bless thee.” Proce3siorlal M arch from “ H en ry V III .” S u l l i v i i n approved fashion. Although pretending to no excep­ comes in. They bind Cinders, and are just leaving How that little incident makes one long, in these hard Overture, 1“ Egmont t ...... B e e th o v e n the iuterest in tbeir endeavour to amuse to fail. when Cinders manages to get the telephone receiver She appeared to be “ off her head.” r ,__. . . D,onoo / a.| P relu d e Rachmaninoff tional vocal powers, she revealed a full sense of the Whether ijb bo a conceited number, duet, trio, or The Magistrates’Clerk read a statement to the Bench material days of ours, for a little more of that sympath­ C oncert Pieces, ^ ^ Danse Persane ...... O u i r a u d claims of the pretty songs associated, with the ro le, au d and calls Holt, who hears the conversation of tin* three, etic and religious recognition of the bonds (which should individual item, all are given in the same capable and and, with Crane and a policeman, goes to her assistance. from the police surgeon, in which he said there were not P erenade for S trin g s...... P i c r h t her rendering of all of them afforded manifest pleasure. acceptable maimer. sufficient grounds to certify her for an Asylum. unite employer and employed ! How it makes one long Excerpts from “ The Flying Dutchman,” W a g n e r Mr. Brandon Hurst’s “ Baldasarre ” was a fine, manly Crane frees the brave girl and takes her in his arms Chief - Inspector Taylor said that on a previous for something a little less cold and conventional than Old English Air, “ Shepherds Hey ” .. ^..Grainger portrait, which was wholly convincing in its truthful­ “A LITTLE BIT OF FLUFF.” with the statement that it pays to lose some K:*.ts. Suite, “ Nell GWynne ” ...... :...... Edward Oemnan occasion she bad thrown water on an officer. the usual meaningless expressions, “ Good morning” ness and virility. Mr. George Miller was “ immense” Once again, we shall have the pleasure of seoiug the The Magistrates* Clerk: Do you want to say any­ a n d “ H o w do you do ? ” Vocalists—Miss R)u th V in c e n t (Soprano), in the humorous character of the Governor, “ General EASTERN CINEMA. v a n d M r. A r n o l d St o k e r (Baritone). above celebrated farce, from the Criterion Theatre, th in g t But it is not so much as a salutation on m e e tin g th a t Alalona.” Each of the scenes in which this clever which has, and is still breaking all records. The j “ AICSCHIEF MARER.’’-POPULAR SERIALS. Prisoner :°I refuse to answer. I would draw your attention to these words, as a final “ VANITY” COMPANY. comedian figured were vastly amusing,’ and the house engagement is for the whole of next week, with m a tin e e s The serial pictures continue to meet with enthusiastic After a brief interval the Magistrates’ Clerk again salutation on p a r t i n g . „ St. Paul adopts the expression responded with fitsiof uproarious mirtn. Another con­ on Wednesday and Saturday. for that purpose at the close of his second Epistle to the The popularity of the Vaudoville entertainments is | appreciation. “The Purplo Domino” is the chief asked her the question, to which she replied that she spicuous comedy success was the “ Tonio” of Air. Josh The story of the plot is too long to give in detail, but feature of the bill now engaging attention. “ The did, not think it was very fair to work so card and then Thessalonians, “ The Lord be with you all.” What one of the outstanding [features of the Park round of Dixon, who worked very hard and was always scream­ the outline is as follows— A gay' young man about ; Vault of Alystery ” is the title of the particular episode for them to take 10a. out of her pocket for lights. She could be more appropriate ? It sums up all we want to season’s attractions. Throughout another week it has ingly funny. Miss Ursula Hughes as “ Angela,” Mr. ( U r - . .- been to crowded housed that the “ Vanity ” Cipmpany town, thinking his wife safely away for a day or so, ! (th e 1 2 th) being presented, and its interest is continuous worked hard to try and get her living honestly, and she say. I t expresses everything we generally leave unsaid. Lennox Lochner as “ Beppo,” and Miss Susie Belmore takes a Revue lady out to dine, at Covent Garden ; he aud engrossing. coutd not afford to keep paying 10s. for lights, and that Our usual good-bye ” need not be wholly meaningless have given their clever and sparkling entertainjment, ! V b • as “ V ittoria” wero all excellent, and the success of the returns next morning and finds himself face to face witjh j Ev, | was the cause of it. | provided that these who use it, and those to whom it is and more than one occasion late comers have! been performance was uniformly pronounced, a crowded On Alonday and two following days a four-i>ait F un his wife, who has returned unexpectedly ; his wife dij^ * ot.b The Mayor told the accused she would be fined £1. addressed, fully understand that it expresses “ God be doomed to disappointment. Among the artists Miss audience testifying its delight with frequent demonstra­ i -l ,, • .• . clly; tJiswitecU$j drama, “ Mischief Maker,” will oe screened- I t covers Mamie Watson continues to exoicise a particular covers a pearl necklace m Ins pocket, which the lady of ; tt power(„l story and the va.io.is inu.dentsUrv v d ;.’ A n assault on the police was very serious and she might with you.” But bow many do understand it so? Or tions of enthusiasm and ex plosive-laugh ter. r* vividly on \V .i. fascination oyer her audience, her light and amusing the previous evening nad entrusted to his care. He illustrated. TheJ eleventh■ episode - of “ The .Shielding • -d *. j have found herself in gaol. how many use it with that intent? “ Farewell” is cer­ The company conclude their engagement to-day with h v riw u ** ; ;J songs being rendered wjth a chic and daintiness* quite tells his wife that he brought it home for her. Next The Magistrates’ Clerk: Can you pay now ? tainly not devoid of meaning, but it lacks the spiritual a m a tin e e at 2.30 and evening performance at 8 o'clock. j ' iLa oi, .• . jr"' Z' ------Z\ • • Shadow” is also due for the opening half of the week. (w ill: A !• .... j irresistible, and her pretty and graceful little dances day the Revue artiste comes to claim the necklace. I This new instalment is entitled “ The Great Sacrifice.” »uid h : : i . y / \ Prisoner: No. ^ context of “ The Lord be with you.” j which |was {only lent to her by her Indian Rajah, Us from her imsb,,„d and the hirelings of Bianca, The Magistrates’ Clerk: Have you got it at your W e havej had so many partings during these last three never failing! to command the heartiest admiration. “ GENERAL POST.” I* te n : *-v werth being £oU0 John Ayres, the husband, is dis- (jaeen80f the Underworld, Leontine and hlr mysterious house-? years, such grievous, painful partings, though we have Miss Gladys! Rennards warbles light ballads! with Taken as a bit of fun—the spirit in which it is a a m. i 4* Prisoner: I think I have got a piece of paper with a tried to preserve a cheerful countenance at the time. singular sweetness and (effect; Miss Estelle W att is intended to be taken— General Post is rare good pick­ S a in • -i.iy d h H’TIj pound marked on ii. Have even these expressions (“ Good-bye ” and successful in a novel “ flirtation” episode; and Miss ing. _ And so visitors to the Park Theatre during the & S S U V 8S s S k s & •?•*, “ r i r r Dav 7 bc*rvk«* > U, •j..id She was. given a week in which to pay. “ Farewell”) adequately conveyed to those from whom May Clapbam, at the piano, does most commendable opening half of the week evidently thought, for it was J » - •!»>* ( t a » m ®» t a . Irorc . I.S ’SS. to tpffiSftTftK ft work both as soloist ana accompanist. ft.m , ' x o- p \V we parted, perhaps were parting for the last time, what with the keenest amusement the audiences contemplated hut luckily for ?he£, luck is'with th.L, an3 they are | [ l ^ L u s ft* Litf.nv ' nli> B efo re M r. M ay h ew e (in theth< chair) and Alderman was reaHjr surging in our h1 e a rts? “ The Lord be with The gentlemen of the party contribute individually the unfolding of this clever “ w ar” play, which, it will rtt r i u. D uke. and in combination with the same success as characterised extracted fjrom their difficulties by the necklace t>einJ? ‘ is hiding. Puanca, seeking for some spirits to revive you." hat is what we reallyilly wanted to say; but we be remembered, was originally produced at Messrs. restored to (its rightful owner. OKPifT ; their efforts in the previous week. Mr. Eddy Garr, Mr. Ravengar, finds herself facing the gun in Leontine’s TRANSFER. didn’t say it. Why not? Well, it would have struck M urray King and (Clarke’s popular playhouse, and has The cast includes Aliss W inifred Izard, Alias W inifred P i-., -r «or— Ireland Cutter, Mr. Fred Bruce, and Mr. Darroll handsel. W hen she finds that Bianca is really trying to Ch j 'M’ Ah ire At a special meeting of the Licensingsinp Bench Mr. him as unusual; 'it might have embarrassed him for the since had a most successful run at the Haymarket. Dolavanti, Air. Richard Cooper and Mr. George Dundas. Richards, in their respective lines, are all appearing in save him from the men who want his life she begs her -rir. ,b,n*. Brandon, barrister, applied on belialf of Mr. Robert moment. But ibj would have remained with him for all “ The Kaiser said, * General Post,’ and we all changed s i f ; J that. All the more, perhaps, because it was unusual. this concluding stage of the engagement, which many places.” That is the main theme of Mr. J. E. H. to unlock the back door and let. her go for help. This on w ' L-l ht-d Arthur Thnrgar, erf Horsham, to have the W hite H art habitues of tne Pavilion will regret comes td> end she does and Bianca, as Ravengar shows signs oi re*, urn m id • ! * Hotel transferred to him from Mr. J. Brewster. Tt would have remained with him as a little treasured Terry’s witty comedy 1 Enacted by Mr. P. Hutchison’s recollection in the weariness and hardships and priva­ to-day. and Mr; H. Jay’s excellent company, tho production is ing consciousness, whispers to him to make a dash fox b l : The application was granted. The final performances begin at 3 and 8 o’clock. ROYAL HIPPODROME. the trap door when she opens it. With the gun she d r- n ' n: •1 v :J tions of his training, at the front, in the trenches, under truly delightful. In 1911 snobbery reigns supreme, and Men , . f p.d fire, in attack, wounded, or at the point of death. . . Territorials are highly ridiculed by the upper class keeps them at bay uutil he makes the cellar and then 13t h HUSSARS’ BAND. Alor.c v But it is not with the war that I am chiefly concerned because their ranks are composed mainly of tradesmen. “ UER DAY OF RECKONING.” joins him. Their shots, fired at the two in the cellar, G' U.i:.-. :.*'• ii i'.i company in the Park grounds at the present time. I am leading up to something very There was quite a large Sir Denuis Broughton, who has much blue blood in his Her Day of Reckoning is the title of a new drama failing to drive them out, they resort to a stick of H oly oj EASTBOURNE V.C.’S COMING ______j ______w when the band of the 13th personal to us at this moment We are met here on Sunday afternoon, veins, is more than shocked to hear that his daughter whichriiicb has!has | been occupying the boards at the Royal i dynamite. Bianca bravely picks it up aud carries it, V icar. !. H u ssars, under the* directorship of Bandmaster A. E. WEDDING. together to-night on the last occasion that the Vicar of Betty has been seen “ walking arm in arm ” with Smith, Hippodronjie this week, where it■ 'has *been nlflvimrplaying tto n ! UP- ,irs but not in time to save herself. It explodes A n .- S • !' • S’ < | Hopkins, was heard in a programme of all-round this church and parish will be with us. W e are parting his tailor, who is a despised Territorial. The very idea large and appreciative audiences. It is from the pen of I Yauand PBianca makes the great sacrifice for the man she excellence. An especially interesting feature was the from him. You have said “ Good-bye” ; you have is preposterous. In 1915 comes a change. War has Walter Sautoun, and is presented by Air. Joseph i loved. It is announced that Major Cyril Gordon Martin, bidden him “ Rarewell.” Yet if I mistake not there selection embodying excerpts from the works of Grieg, been declared, and the onoe ridiculed Territorials have Aiillane’s Company. The story deals iu a most human !I Reserved for Thursday and following days is a fine V.C., D.S.CX, Royal Engineers, is about to be married is something more you wish to say, and it is just this, which was given in admirable style. The song ‘ ‘ Flight proved their worthJ and it has been acknowledged that and interesting fashion with the trials and troubles of a I "‘’’Gagranht icap r.a! film, in three reels, “ The Accusing Voice,” at Ghatham, to Miss Mao Kingston, daughter of Major of Ages” (Bevan) was played aa a cornet sqlo by “ The Lord be with you.” they saved the situation. Snobbery is gradually being girl who is known as “ Nobody.” She belongs to a 1 y wwhich will be added the thirteenth episodeipisodo ( (" T h e Kingston. Royal Engineers. Major Martin, whose T h. i For so many years he has ministered to you in holy Musician Melluish, whose performance was marked by extinguished, especially in the male moiiibers of the family holding the name of Preston, and she is always L*eaI?. ) of “ The Purple Domino.” The Patho Gazette home is in Grange-road, Eastbourne, is the son of a things. W eek after week he has “ expounded unto you pleasing tone and precision. The othor numbers* ren­ family, although Lady Broughton cannot understand looked down upon, whilst her elder sister, Viviaune, is and humorous pictures are exhibi d on each occasion Missionary in China, and was at Woolwich when war dered were “ Nibelungon M arch” (Wagner); Suite, the way of God moro perfectly.” And, therefore, in how her husband can demean himself enough to call the the recipient of much devotion. She i3 in love with a broke out. Consequently he was sent straight out to your behalf as well as in my own, I will solemnly and "M onsieur Beaucaire” \(Rosso and Bucalossi);;Mor- man who was once his tailor “ Sir,” although through George Harding, but in the Meantime, unknown to him France, and took part in the battle of Mons. Before simply offer him this parting salutation, “ The Lord be ceaux (a) “ Qhant sans j Paroles ” (Tsohaikoweky), (b) his previous training he has obtained the rank of the campaign was nine months old ho had won both the and her parents, she has brought disgrace upon them. w ith you.” ‘(La Cinqimntaino ” (Gabriel-Marie); “ Serenata Colonel. 19— sees peace once more, and the return of Her secret she confides with “ Nobody,” who vows ; STRANGE CONTRADICTIONS.’ D.S.O. and the V.O- and had been three times wounded. (Braga); Selection “ Romeo and Juliet” (Gounod); Then turning to the Vicar, the preacher addressed the victors. Colonel Smith is now a Brigadier-General to shield hejr sister in every possible way. They plan He received the D.S.O. for great gallantry and coolness Spanish Danoe (Schmollng); all of which were given these words to him, “ The Lord lie with thee in thy and a V.C., and the Broughtons favour the idea that to flee to London, where they stay for a month. On at Le Cateau on 26th August, 1914, while on 12th going out and thy coining in from this time forth for most effectively. their daughter should marry him. Betty, however, their return home Vivianne is warmly received, whilst T o t h e E d ito r . March, 1915, he was awarded the V.C. for conspicuous ev erm o re.” remembering their, former objections, points out that I “ Nobody,’! who claims the child to be her own, is bravery at Neuve Chapolle, when, although wounded, 1 VAUDEVILLE PAVILION. S i r : Tho stu’tement in your paper of bust Saturday he is still a tailor, but snobbery has entirely died out, treated in j a very cold manner. George Harding he led a grenade party of six men into the qnemy A R T I S T S . that We hud received official telegrams stating our son. NEXT W EEK’S and all ends merrily. L | appears anjl says that ho will not marry vivianuo if trenches and held back their reinforcements for nearly The surest test of civilisation is its treatm ent I. Carr, has been twice killed and twice wounded was SPECIAL ANIMATED PICTURES. Humour reigns throughout, and the inconsistency of “ Nobody’I stays iu the house. The father does not two and a half hours. of w om en. Sir Dennis is most amusiDg. This character was acted, - £>.1 • - 1 , , , • " , ------7,v I n,,t co;recti. as wtUiave never received any word at any Next week in the Vaudeville Pavilion a number of ap prove or,fthis, but Nobody, of her own free will, | time from any official quarter, and hope there will n it well-known artists will appear, including Mr. Hayden or rather lived, to perfection by Air. George Goodwin, goes aw ay jilud tak es up a fiat in L ondon. I t is th e re be any occasion for us to receive any unwelcome new*- Coffin (the popular actor-vocalist), Mias Lilian Byrne while Aliss Dorothy Thomas played Lady Broughton that she brings the child up, having to go out to work about our boy. The article was.published without our (from the Loudon Palladium), Miss Molly Hughes with equal success. Aliss. Dorothy Fane is a charming to keep a rbot over her head. She is employed by a Sir knowledge. We have received several letters sent to (premier dnnaeuse), and the great Russian balalaika Betty, while the hero, Air. Edward Smith, was in the John Daventry, with whom she falls iu love and he with him returned to us with “ wounded” on them but no soloist, M. Younkmanoff. Miss Anita W aters will lie most capable hands of Air. Alan Jeayes, an exception- her. He calls at the flat to propose to her, but he official telegrams. Yours truly, ally«clever actor. Air. Pago Lawrence was particularly at the piano. L ■ doubts “ Nobody ” through the appearance of the cnild. fine as Alex Broughton, and tho other characters were Having lost, the love of tho man she loves, she is 12, Low er-road, O cklyngo, C. AI. CARR Included in the programme will also be a series of A u g u st 14th.*" RESCUE THE PAPER FROM THE DUSTBINS. cinematograph pictures of special and local interest. ably sustained. The whole oast *vas of the best, and incensed stjill further through seeing Vivianne trying to The entertainment will be given every ovening and at the piece was produced with admirable spirit and take the love of tho child away from her. Words ensue [The statements to which exception is taken were smoothness. m a tin e e s on Wednesday aud Saturday. between tpe two sisters, and “ Nobodyn recalls to copied from a county paper.—■Ed.]. “ LONDON PRIDE.” Vivianne what she has gone through so that she would i N otw ithstanding the great shortage o f paper and This successful play will be presented on Monday not be disgraced aud could marry the man she loved. | next aud two following days. Her husband, George Harding, overhears all this, aud | th e consequent value o f every scrap o f clean w aste ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT London Pride, which is oy Gladys Unger aud A. Neil despite the pitiful plea of his wife he oasts her out of his ] SOLDIER’S RELATIVES IN A p a p er fo r re-pulping, a great quantity is still being Lyons, was product* atTWyndham’s Theatre on Dec. house. Tne strain of this is too much for Viviayue, who dies, and a letter which she had written before her INSTITUTION. (5th, 1916, and rah for over 280 performances. The DIFFICULTY. consigned to the dustbins. Queen witnessed a special performance on February marriage isi brought to Sir John Daventry by her father. 19th. The scenery, dresses and effects to be seen next It tells hiin that he is the father of the child in :: T H E :: T o t h e E d ito r. week are the same as used in London during the long “ Nobody’s ” care and at the same time shows .how she ' FROM IRELAND TO EASTBOURNE. S i r : I beg leave to. acknowledge the receipt of the run, and the production is under the personal super­ had deceived him. Sir John visits “ Nobody’s ” fiat to 1 copy of the Eastbournt Chronicle of the llthjinst., . vision of . Air. Frank Curzon and...... Mr...... Gerald du Afaurior. make his confession to heir, but she does not immediately ! Sussex Waste Paper Company co ntaining the article On the Lifeboat Day collection ■ Miss Daisy Dormer has been specially engaged to play forgive hinji, ami it is loft to the child to unite the two -1 held thiB year.- I can assure you that the publicity | the part of “ Chorry.” Air. Ellis Holland plays “ Cuth- before the curtain is rung down. i wu women and two children—one a baby m arms (UNDER GOVERNMENT PERMIT), whioh you nairethuB kindly given' veil to our work in East- i bert Tunics,” Tucks,. Mr.M r. Gerald du Maurier’s__ original part, • In Aljss-Floronce Churchill the title ro lc-o l “ Nobody ” made the long journey from Ireland to London to see a Se Committee of Manage­ aud the company comprises over thirty picked artists. is in most capable hands, for she is a fine emotional near soldier relative who has been wounded. Whqn ment, and"l wish to convey to you their sincere thanfca. There will be a m a tin e e on W ednesday at *2.30. actress, who brings out to the full every point in a they arrived in London they found that the man, the 6 7 a , T i d e s w e l l R o a d , E a s t b o u r n e , In theso days when so many war appeals are con­ difficult part and scores a great success. Aliss Ethel hn.iband of one of the women, and the father of the "TINA.” Edwards, hs the ungrateful sister, “ Vivianne,” does well, '■‘nltiren, had been discharged from hospital and sent to stantly before the public the older charities, like that of The above popular production will !w the attraction the lifeboat service, are apt to be lost sight of, and such as does also Air. Fred C. Biron as her callous husband, Summerduwn Convalescent C*inp, Eastbourne. A on Thursday next and two following days. A strong notification had been sent to tbe wife, but .she had left is prepared to supply Sacks free o f charge to articles as you have kindly inserted in the E a s tb o u r n e “ George Harding.” A pleasifig feature of the production company will include the talented artist, Mr. Bertie Ireland befSrerits arrival. The women, therefore, had C h r o n ic le help to keep our claims before the public. is the acting of Miss Dylly Alaude, who plays “ Jacky,” H ouseholders, on application, anfl w hen fu ll collect Wright. The engagement is for three nights and the child J with no small amount of success. Air. no option but to travel on from London to Eastbourne, Yoursurs faithfully.fa S a tu rd a y m a tin e e . Vincent Gariy le (late of the King’s R.R.) makes an which was reached on Alonday night. Eastbourne is sa m e , and pay the m arket value fo r the contents. GEORGE T. 9HEE, Secretary. admirable ‘Sir John Daventry,” and with'all the minor crowded wiih visitors, aud the husband found that, the parts in such capable hands the success of the production hostels for -the relatives of wounded soldiers were also 22, Charing Gross Road, W .O., August 13th. I n H is O w n L a n g u a g e .—A w e a l thy resident is ensured, j *U j * He could not find accommodation for his relatives, Sava the Paper. Earn Money. Help the Paper Mills. ■ in the W est End sent bis ooacbman to a certain theatre and he spoke to a kindly policeman. The constable, - . ; j I to u ocvjuio secure oinuH,stalls, mm and iuothe uoacnmau, coachman, wno who Knewknew more PljtOGRAAIAIE OF VARIETIES. pitying tue condition of the women aud the kiddies, Perform a National Service. N O T M u c h A m i S8.4-“ "W ell, m |r dear sir, and about stables than theatres, returned with what appeared For next week a capital programme of varieties is took the company under his. wing and piloted them bow are you to-day ?” ! “ Oh, dootor, I have terrible to be a difficult verbal answer. “ Well, did you get the promised. I Air. Frank Fawcett and Air. Austin Fryer about for three-quarters of an hour before a sympathetic pains all over my body, and it seems almoefc impossible stalls?” inquired his master. “ No, sir,” replied the will preserit the late Air. Fred Emery’s great sketch, A Hknij P ostcard to Our Depot for F ull P articulars. woman took them in, her husband saying he would to breathe ! I Of course I can’t sleep at .all, and I coachman—“ the stalls were all taken up; but they told Sister to Assist }er. In addition to the above the follow­ gladly give up his bed. Such is one of tl p a th e tic haven’t a particle of appetite.” “ But otherwise you me they would be pleased to— to he scratched his ing artists will appearM im osa : Dora Dare ; Collier little episodes which go to mako life w ar tim e .— feel all right, don’t you 1 head, and then said, “ to put you in a loose box, sir ! ” and Godfrey ; Marion Scott aud Harry Taft. Sussex D aily News. TOAST BO UBNE CHRONICLE SATOBDATj AUGUST IS 1T» W 8

Long established as “ London’s Largest Jewellers," w]e have been have very largely specialised in Watches for the Service and Ladies' "\ able to secure unique concessions in the best markets tor Watches Bracelet Watches. The few examples illustrated will give' some and Jewellery. These exceptional advantages have enabled us to idea of the value offered. Every watch is fully guaranteed, timed, save our customers many intermediate profits and give a wider adjusted and regulated before it leaves us. We cordially invite you to make a personal inspection at our new showrooms—you range of choice than is possible with a smaller organisation. We will not be importuned to buy. E £ 3 -1 5 £ 3 -1 5 25/- 25/- FINE* gold bracelet watch. ■'©a1 Fine jewelled keyless lever movement, accurately timed. In Gold self- «7 C / SILVER LEVER WRIST WATCH. SAQUI & LAWRENCE, A marvel of accuracy and reliability. Fictj closing braolet of latest design. * O / " keyless lever movement, fully jewelled. L t d . In handsome Sterling Silver case, o cf / Londons Largest Jew ellers , with strap in any shade. ~ £ 3 -3 1111 110, Terminus Road, 55/- 55/- % GOLD WATCH BRACELET. High-grade jewelled keyless move­ ment, accurately timed and adjusted. In EASTBOURNE. COMBINED WRIST WATCH AND beautifully finished Gold self-closing (Opposite the Station), COMPASS. Invaluable—■valuable on active bracelet of latest de- C O / , service. Fine jewelled lever movement, sign. Extraordinary value. with luminous figures and hands, ana A nd at 75, N O R T H ST R E E T (Next to BRIGHTON. hinged Nickled case containing C C / clear lum inous Compass. W / m 17/6X 17/6 1 0 / 6 1 0 / 6

LONDON BRANCHES: 28-30, Lioerpool Street. BOURNEMOUTH: 104, Old Christchurch Road. LUMINOUS WRIST WATCH. LADIES’ WRIST WATCH. PROVINCIAL Shows the time by night or day. Invalu­ Excellent timekeeper with fully 1 flffc Piccadilly Circus. 3, King Street, Hammersmith. M AN CH ESTER: 17, Piccadilly. able at the front. Reliable movement, Ifl jewelled keyless movement, ‘BRANCHES: accurate timekeeper, in hand- f *7 is* With lever movement, 17/6. 54, Strand, W.C. 276-7, Pentonville Road, etc., etc. CH ELTENH AM : 121, High Street. some Nickel Silver cp.se. * i j \ } ■■ ■ -■ ---- | 11 ■ ...... — - ■ ■ — 1 * ______1_____' (Sterling Silver, **JrT 25A-) g^^ig£iBJsgigiiiiisiiiHigasiiaiaHiaaiiiii8aiii8iiBiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii5iiMiiiiiiiiiiiigiiigiiiiMiiiiinmmiiminninmiminmnnmnminBmmii»i88imiiiisaiiii6g m u

1ONQBKGATI0NAL CnUECil, Pevonsey-road.--Sundays, 11 PLACES OF WORSHIP. a.m. and 6 30p.m. Brotherhood, 3 p.m. Holy Commu­ EASTBOURNE PUPILS’ SUCCESSES. nion 1st Sunday in each month. Monday, Women’s EDUCATION AND THE CHILD. O wn, 7 p.m . T uesday, E a o d of H ope, 6.30 x>.m. PICKFORDS i?AEiEH OHTTBCB (8t . M ary’q).-S unday services: Holy Christian Endeavour Society, 8.80 p.m. Thursday, THE SCOTTISH INSURANCE CORPORATION Gomiitunion, 7 and 8 am . every Qjanday and at 12.15 Divine Service, 8 p.m. Min'stor. Rev. J. G. Henderson. FOB THE ASSOCIATED BOARD. on 1st and 3rd Pur days; Matins, 1 1 a.m. and sermon; vG*oufoa.ttowal Chttbch, TTpperton-road.—Services at 11 Are prepared to issue Policies as under WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION. For an Litany 12.15 2nd and 4th Bundayn; Holy Baptism, 4 and 6.80. Sunday School, 8 p.m. Communion fir at Annual Premium of £10 the following options can be secured S T O R A G E ANDa n d R E M O V A L S . Wo have received the following official list of the Lo s t p.m.; cliildren’s service. 8 p.m.; evensong and sermon, Sunday evening in the month. Thursday, service, 8. 6-80 p.m. Week Days: Holy Communion, Daily at 7.45 Minister, Rev. W. Macfadyen Scott. pupils who p.tisfikl the requirements of the Associated a m , Wednesdays. 11.80 a.m., also Thursdays and Continue Premium Cease Premiums at the Ceaee Premiums at the Saints* Pay*, 7 and 7 45 a.m. Other services: Daily, 10 Oouwtrss' o f H unting don’s Ohueoh, Bouth-street.— Board, R.A.M. and R.C.M., at the recent school .cu rren t: Sunday serv ices: M orning a t 11, evening a t 6.30. Sunday an d secure age of 21 and take age of 21 and take :: EXPERIENCED PACKERS :: e x a m in a tio n s:— T h e n , a.m. and 5 80 p.m.; Fridays, 11.8 0 a.m.. Litany and school; Morning at 10, afternoon at 3. Young.People's address. • Clergy, Rev. Preb. Wm. O. Streatfeild O p tio n 1. O p tio n If. Pupil of Miss Isabel A. Mullins, Ravenscroft School, h a ra cto r, service 2nd Sunday evening in month. Service Tues- O p tio n 7. O p tio n 10. (v1car>, Rev. G. H. West, Rev. J. H. S Kenyon, £G95j—E n d o w m e n t In s u r­ REMOVALS b y HAIL A SPECIALITY. South Cliff.-?-Division one, pass, grammar of music, (fctmctive- Rev. 8. E. Kfrkley and Rev. H. 8 Blythe Critchley. days 8.15. £50 per annum at the age Vfslev a n Meth o d ist, Pevensoy-road.—Sundays, 11 am . of 16, 17, 18 an d 19, ance with Profits payable £672 — Paid - up Policy, £484 — Paid - up Policy, Betty Protheroe. |rinee3s,M B t . G k cege’0 OHUBcn,- U p wic k (in connexion with the 8.80 p.m .; Tuesdays. S p.m. Prayer Meeting, Monday?, Oil a t D e ath or age 45. payable at Death. payable at Death or age Pupils of Mrs. T. Foley, Granville House, Gaudicjc- Parish Churchy.— Sunday pervices; Holy Communion B p.m. Wesley Hall, Seaside: Sundays, 11 a.m., 6.30 53. OR Local Address': road.--Division three, pass, grammar of music, Barbara 1 for th e 8 a.m . every S u n d a y ; 6.30 e.m . 1st an d 3rd S u n d a y s: p.m.; Thursdays, 7.30 p.m. Prayer Meotdng, Mondays, O p tio n 2. O p tio n 5. j produe- O p tio n 8. C. Graham-Clarkej division three, pass, grammar* of Wednesdays, 6 80 a.m.; 11 a.m., short service and 8 p.m. Greenfield-road • Sundays, 11 a.m.,and 6.30 p.m. £203 at the age of 21, £800j—E n d o w m e n t In s u r­ HALF CASH at age of [lin-Zim,” addiefs; 6 30 p.m., evensong and sermon. Mmisters : Revs. E. C. Lansdown and H.1 M. Brook. 6, TERSllNDS B01LDIN iS (opposite station)’ music, Eileen E. Keeling; division thixje, pass, gram­ ance; with Profits payable £362 — Paid - up Policy, 21, H a lf Policy continued mar of music, Aileon Hudson; division tnree, pass, ii rapse of olt bintty d.kPCTST CHT7BOH, Ceylon-plaoo. — Sundays, i l and H.80 ; OH at Half Premium, B T , Seaside-road.—Sunday services: Holy at Death or age 50. payable at Death or age grammar of music, F. Gwendoline Thorne; division to th e Gommunion, every Sunday 8 a.m., after morning service 'Tuesdays, 8; Communion, 1st. Sunday (evening) and 8rd Continue Premium 45. UfThe pro- 1st and 8rd Sundays (every Sunday during season) after Sunday (morning). B aptist H all, Crown-Street: Sun- a n d secure O p tio n 6. OR three, pass, grammar of music, Margaret W innifrith; evening service last Sunday of m onth; morning service daye, 11 and 6.30; Thursdays, 8.—Rev. David Barron. £90o—Endowment Insur­ division two, pass, grammar of music, -Mary \Y. T y so n ; o u r and O p tio n 9. H a lf of O p tio n s N os. 1 & 2 [. the last 11; afternoon se rvice 8, men ouly 0:1 2 nd Sunday’, children *U>TI9T COAFKL (C alvinlstio), Grv-'ve-rcad.—Sundays at O p tio n 3. ance with Profits payable division one, pass, grammar of music, Nanpie M. Fegan ; on 4th Sunday ; evening service 8.30. W ee k -d a y s: H oly il u.in. and 6.80 p.m . W ednesday evening a t 7. P ray er £1188—Whole Life Insur­ a t D e ath or age 55. £424 — Paid - up Pplicy, division one, pass, grammar of music, Edna C. Fegan. Communion. Thursdays, 12 noon ; Intercession service, Pupil of Miss A. E. Banks, Langney House, 113, P p ic tu re Meeting on Sunday at 10 a.rn. and Monday at 7 p.m. ance, with Profits com­ Larger or Smaller payable at Death or age Half Premium paid from Mondays, Tuesdays, W ednesdays and Fridays, 12 noon. Gadsby^ Hymns. Minister, Mr. K. Pophom. Langney-road.—Division two, pass, grammar of music, C in d e rs Saints’days: Morning prayot and Holy Communion, 1*2. mencing at age 2 1 . Amounts at p r o r a ta . th e age of 16 to 2 1 . '*73510is H all, Old T ow n.—Sundays, l l a.m . and 6.80 p.m Ik s . B ill Wednepdny evening service with sermon, 7. — Vicar, Madge E. Piper. Open Brethren meet here for i3roaking Broad. Pupils of the Misses Semple, Knock maroon, Enys- W a lte r Rev. G. F. Bassett Kerry. Full Prospectus from— ’Phono 859. S abin k H alt., Long^tone - road, SeaBido. — Cpeii ndop en d 'SJT.SAYiOUB’e.- Sundays : Holy Communion at 7 & 8 a.m. road.r-Lower division, pass, piano, Joan Holman; an d 12.30 p .m .; L itan y 9.25 a m .; C horal E u c h a rist a t Brethren meet here on Sundays at 11 a.m. for Breaking ALFRED E. KETT, District Manager Southern Counties, 37, Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne elementary division, pass, piano, Edith A. J. Nitol. Annoying Bread and at 6.80 p.m. for Gospel service. w ag ers 9.45 am .; matins U-15 a.ra.; children’s service 8p.m.; Pupil of Miss Nora Pace,- St. Winifred’s, Fairfield- evensong 6.80. H oly D a y s: R o ly Com m union 7 and 8 T sotohia Gospel H all. Victoria-di*ivo.—Sundays 1 1 u.m. road.—Lower division, pass, violin, Katherine G. Gates. •ansform a.m .; MatiDs 7.30 a.m : Choral Eucharist at 10 a.m.: I.or B roking Bread, and at 6.-SO Goepel service. ■ th e m e n Pupils of Mr. Francis W. Donne, Hendon, Hurst- Evensong 6 80 pm. Week days: Holy Communion Pz^rASTivn MxTGODtST CHur cn, W hifclev-road.—Sunday CYCLING MISHAPS. road.-—Higher division, pass, piano, Phyllis M. Donne; A x e care of 8 ami., and also at 7 a m. or. Wednesdays and Fridays BOWLS. eervk^.s as 11 and G.80.; Id on day. Sisterhood, at 8 ; low er division, pass, piano, E d ith A . ,1. N-icoL | boarding and 11 a.m. on Thursdays. M atins ef ter first celebration. Tuesday, B and of H ope a t 7, In te rm ed ia te C .E a t 8.16; Litany Wednedays ana Fridays at IS neon. Daily even­ . Pupils of Mrs. A rm itage, SSfe. Jo h n ’s < Jo liege, Sehvyn- tra ils Thursday, Junior Endeavour at 6 30, Benior at 8. Late on Sunday evening a visitor, named Annie song 5.eo p.m.; choral Mondays. Tuesdays, Thursdays M aster, Rev. F. Sli rgold. REDOUBT AND CAVENDISH (JOINT) v. road.—-Elementary division, pass, piano, Marjorie K. jeim pidbd and Saturdays. Hymns, A. & M.; Novello’s Book of Bullock, who is staying at 32, pavendish-place, was p u rch ase. io c ra rv of FnrENDS. 7B, Bolton-road. — Services every VISITORS. Pnndt; elementary division, pass* piano, Doris M. Anthems: Cathedral FraveV Book. Vicar, Rev. H. U. M ax ted. * to w in W heipton; curate, fctev. C. W. Hor&burgh. Suiiuay at 11 and 6.30. riding a bicycle in the Vioinity of Hampden Park. On The above six-rink match took place at the Redoubt PHOTOGRAPHY. Jftrry him Mu j^Try H ospital Cn.vpBL,—Parade servieo 11.30 a m going down an incline ishe fell frm her machine and and a large company was presentr to watch the game. ‘ Pupils of Mrs. F. II. Browne, CiovoHy-^vepplestone, 8*; P etstb’b, M cad p-rond.-Bun days, Holy Communion, 7 Staveley-road, Meads.—-Lower division, pass, piauo, [ike. S h e an d 8 a.m . (also, 1st. and Srd Mondays 9.45 a .m .); m atine injured her leg. She was removed to the Princess Alice The game was well contested, but the Clubs proved too rition as 10.45 a.m.; Chc-ral Eucharist 12 noon; Litany 8.S0 strong for the Visitors, who were defeated by 12 points. Elizabeth M. Benson; elementary division, pass, piano, Hospital and detained. Gwenyth Stacey; elementary division, pass, piano, Jace from pjn.- evensong 6 30 p.m. Week days: Holy Com­ Scores-: The Clubs, 112 ; Visitors, 10 0 . C a m e * a s . P inti g. L'vho h a s munion daily at 8 a m., with additional celebrations On Monday afternoon, whilst cycling from Carew- Joan, E. W. Ilodges; primary division, distinction, EASTBOURNE v. WINDLESHAM. pianOj Barbara Church. m dney, on Thursdays 7 a m. and Fridays 15 noon; matins < ROLL OF HONOUR. road along The Avenue, a l>oy, named Jack W&genor, Films Developing. : 8.88 a.m . (except W ednesdays an d F rid ay s, 11.8 0 •___ aged 1 2 , son of Mr. F. G. Wagenor, of 5, Carow- I A match between these clubs took place on the Pupil of tho Misses Brewer, Elatree Grange, Meads.— L ttar.y); evencori? s.so p.m. On Holy Days, matins Windlesham Green on Saturday, and resulted in a win Plates. Enlarging. Elementary division, distinction, piano. Helen 8 . Clay. H o lt’s 11^0.—Curate : Rev. E. G. Hawkins. SERGT. T. . road, when crossing over Eversfield - road, fell from his cycle and sustained ja severe injury to for the Eastbourne Club by 12 points. Scores :— ^ Pupil of Miss M. D. Comyn, St. Mary’s, Meads.— | d e m a n d - Oh b ist Chute ch -Holy Communion 8 a.m. and noon every Word has been received that Ser^rfc. T. Bowling, Papers. Skilled Workmen. Higher division, pass, piano, Kathleen M. Wright. G aige, h e fctanriay; 7 am 1st and Srd Sundays; 11 a.m. 1st and his head, there being concussion of the brain. He was E astbourne. W INDT.E^n AM. Royal Sussex Regiment, has been killed in action. F . N ew m an, G.T. B aker, Pupils of Miss Edith Pellett, 243, Seaside. - Eitmen- le a v in g 8rd Mondays ; 12 noon 2nd and 4th ; 6 80 a.m. Tuesdays attended jto by Dr. Habgood, and afterwards was Photograpli'j; Qu ck and and 7 a.m. Saints’ Days; 8 am. Wednesdays; 7 am. Prior to enlisting he whs employed by Messrs. Dicker removed to the Princess Alice Hospital on an ambulance A H . Liddell. F. Aldridge F. J. Walton, F. Spear- tary divisi >n, pass, piano, Elsie M, H ouelt; elementary receiv er and Co., Grove-road. He went to France in July, 1915, H. Southall, E. efiper. 20 p o in t ...... 14 division, pass, piano, G wendoline M. W euham ; primary |h e three, Tfcuif days, except lost two iu month, when at 6 30am by P.S. Goer and P.O. Dean, It is supposed that the! R' qin-it s. Rel able M atin s 1 1 am Children’s ser/loe 8 p.m. Men’s and met his death in .Tune this year as the result of a accident occurred through the lad striking a despatch T. Hitchin, C. Rolla-on, E Smith, H. Colbourne, division, pass, piano/ Josephine M. Seri a ; primary isistauoo. barvice 4 p.m. Ever* so • g 6.80 p.m . B aptism s shell exploding in the trench in which ho was working. | G. DjOull, J. Savidgo... 23 II. A rgent, H . R obbins 14 division, ptiss, piano, Ilaidee C. W indebank; primary I h is arm s case he was carrying with his leg. i 1.30 p.m . every i*,r.nd&y, 3 30 n m. Wednesdays and Sergt. Bowling was only 23 years of age, and I10 leaves j. Potter, J.H.Robinson, W . S. Hopson. E. E. Kol- division, pass,, piano, Emily M. R. White. Bts. Fridays Didlv Matir s 7.45 a m. except Wodncsdsys a widow, who resides in Ilove. The commendable presence ofi mind displayed on i Ai J. Beeny, \\T. W id- sey, II. E Tu lor, W. Pupils of Mrs. Ada Ramsay HillcoU*, Bolsovjjjr-road. and Fridays whirr_ at______ti a m. with______Lltar.y„ ______end Thursdayslursdays Tuesday evening by the driver of a traction engine dicom>'o ...... 16 Colbourne ...... 19 CUT PRICES. 7.80 am .). D .Uy Evensong,■ftve: with Interces-ion for the —Elementary division, pass, piano, Kl-io Y. '8 mij.h ; LANCE-CORPL. BABER. belonging to Messrs. iPickfords averted what might primary division, pa,ss, piano, Elizabeth E. M. Caator ; W ar, 6.80 p.m (except:ept W ednesday_ w hen a t 8 p m . w ith have proved a fatal accident. A young lady cyclist was 59 47 SRIALS. address). Clergy:_. w„ . Kev? H. von______E Scott (vie ir), J. E. Lance-Corpl. Alfred Alexander Baber, 36, Whitley? division tw o, pass, g ra m m a r of m usic, P h y llis J?'. H oife; T homas and F A Corbett. road, Royal Engineers, has mot hi9 death in France riding down Mill Gap-jroad and w 1hen near the_ junction ’ J~’*— REDOUBT v. HAMPDEN PARK. division one, pass, grammar of music, Imogen G. thusiastie of Garew-road a traction engine, belonging to Messrs, [the chief S t . A n d r i v s , Norway.— Sunday;: H *ly Communion, from wounds received in action on August 1st. Lancet ‘T ea ch er C u p Co n test. K night; division one, pass, grammar of music, Nancy 1st- Su:.cay, 4 45 and 8 a.in.; 2i d 7am .; 3rd and 5ih Corpl. Baber was only 25 years of age and was formerly Pickford, which vras proceeding down the hill from the Rodyk ; division one, pass, grammar of mu.sio} Nora ‘ T h e lirection of Ooklyr.ge, emerged from Cftrew-road j The above match in the second round of tho above * e p iso d e Sunday*, 8 a.m ; 4th Sunday, 7 a.m and 12.J5 p.m. a clerk at the Bin ling!on Hotel. lie was married, ana Peliinjg; division one, pass,'gmmmar of miusic, M argaret Choral Eucharist with Sermon, every Sunday. Il a*m. 11s widow has received letters from his5 section olficer front of the cyclist. A[ collision seemed inevitable, hut i contest took place on Wednesday evening, in the putm uouR E. Clark ; division one, pass, grammar if f music, Kath­ M atin s, 10 30 a m C atechism , 3.15 p in Holy B*.p i m arid the Army chaplain, who was with him to the last. the...... driver of ' the engine i-Hx>mptly( ‘ly . swerved his charge ! presence of a large number of spectators at the Redoubt, i The game consisted of one rijik each club at the Redoubt leen M. L. Mac A rthur; division oue, pass, giamuu if* of 4 p m . 5-nd on W ednesday - a t 7.15 p.m . by nctic-A The former describes him as *‘ono of the best.” to the left and ran into, the wall. ' The front wheels of music, Maudie N. Simon. Even ong and Seimou, 6 80 p m. Week days; Holy i qmd tho Park. The match ended in an easy victory for a rt F o x the engine were buckled and the I axle smashed, but a Pupil of the Misses Gilling^Lax and West, St. Wiry- t covers r C o m m u n on Wrdce-gle; elementary divLTon, pass, pSaftd, i l '} ™ ritauJey ; L e o n tin e a t 8 p in . PRIVATE C. PAIN. one, as the presence of the swallow-tail butterfly in this Knowsloy, Burrows B iigstock, Strange, [to rev iv e S k ip .) ...... treatment. Immediate attention should eleulfehcary division, pass, piano, Flora ; Ukbiet/ Ch u e c h Misaiour, Christ Church Missicn Hall, ! Official intimation has been received by the wife of part of England is extremely rare. Sayers, Selmes (skip.) always be give^i to minor ailments lest they o n tin e ’s Ffeleifroad.—Bervicos; Sunday's, 7 p.m .; Fridays, 8 p.m. elementary division, tjass,. piano, Olivo Craddock-? Private Claude Paid, Royal Sussex Regiment, of 15, lead to more serious trouble. A bilious head­ try in g to O apydu A ndrew Evp-Dgo’is t iu-charge Terminus-place, that her husband has been killed in Strangely enough, on the day that Mr. Towner’s 59 18 elementary division, pass, piano, Kathleen I. 11 unto ft; begs h e r St. JjOHN’s Cbit.ck, MisAd-s.—H ciy Commtu ion, 7 a m. letter appeared there was published in the Sussex 'D aily iThe Redoubt Club have to meet the Ore and Clive ache—a tendency to constipation—a feeling of elementary division, pass, piano, Constance Ryder ; action. Deceased, who was former)y employed at the discomfort after eating—a sensation of T h is on 2nd and la^t Sunday in month, 8 a m. every Btmday, Railway Station, enlisted in February, 1915. He was N e w s , a letter from J Mr. Herbert S. Toms, of 53, I Vale Club in the semi-final. primary division, pass, piano, Phyllis Dutton ; primary drowsiness during working hours"—impaired ; re tu rn - mid-day on 1st and Srd Bundays. Sunday services, severely wounded on July 1st, 1916, and returned to Beaconsfield-villas, Brighton (a well-known naturalist), division, pass, piano, Lois Carter; primary division, dash fo r 9.46 a in dunrg school term time, lla m .,8 pm . (chil­ describing how, in an entomological ramble with his son EASTBOURNE v. HASTINGS. appetite—these jare all symptoms that two of pass, piano, Gladys Coppard ; primary division, pass., dren) and 6 80 p.m., on 1st Buiulay 2.45 p.m. for pen only. Franee again in September of the same year. ]le leaves the most important organs in the body—the gu n sh e a wife and two young children. in the neighboui;hoocP,of Holhngbury, they had come A bergavenny Q up. piano, Ruby Bray. . Bert ires of Intercession (Uily 12 noon. Evening Prayer stomach and- the liver—are not working satis­ la n d th e n Monday. Tuesday, 'rhurpday and Friday 5.80 p m. Holy across a specimen of this kind of butterfly, though they [These clubs met in the third round of the above Pupils of Miss Agnes Speakman, Berea lord House pho cellar, Oommunicn Thursday S a m. and 12 noon 2nd Thursday were unable to capture it. Mr. Toms, after observing competition on Thursday, when Eastbourne won by two factorily. The right remedy to School, Upj>erton-road.‘ -Higher division, j*ass, piano, stic k of Holy days, Holy Communion 8 am . and 12 noon. The following; names have appeared in the current that the swallow-tail’s appearance in this district is i p o in ts. Helen M. Sharraari'; lower division, pass, piano, Doris I carries it Vicar, Rev. J. Bafwoy; Curate, R ev. A . T. W ise. week’s official lists of casualties :— most rare, writes j | E astbourne. H astings. E. Wernicke ; lower division, pass, violin, Helen M. 1 exp lo d es A l l S aints’ CarlUlo-road.—Holy Comm"ninn every H o m e .. TAKE Sharman ; elementary division, pass, vynvun, Audrey M. ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT. “ The swallow-tail’s ■ appearance in this district is iliinan sh e Sunday a m., h t and Srd Bpndayy after morning ! most rave, land I do nbt think such an event has ever GJ Doull, F. Aldridge, W. Adams, G. Cox, Selfe ; primary division, pas*>, piano, Frieda L. Procter; service, 2nd ar.d 5th Sunday afu r evening service, also W ounded; W . H . H ill, L. M ac- O. O. B en bo w, A. whenever there is the slightest suspicion that division two, pass, grammar of music, Helen M. Shar­ Thursdays at 12 and Salnto’ Days at 8 am . and 12 noon; I been chronicled in the Sussex D aily News. Mr. A. F. 9 . a fine Private W. G. Crouch, Hailsham. Brazenor, of Lewes-road, Brighton, bus two specimens Lachlan (skip.)...... 15 Saunders (skip.)...... 17 all is, not well '(vith the organs of digestion, man ; division two, pass, grammar of music;, Baibara J. Sunday service?, 11 a m., 8.30 p.ra. (young people's S. T u rn er. , V oice,’* service) and 6.E0 p.m ,; m orrirg prayer daily (oxoept Lance-Corpl. A. J. Stevens, Eastbourne. captured locally some years ago—one on Bear Hill and A w a y . is Beecham?s Pills—that well-known trust­ e (** T h e Thursday and Saturday) at 12 doom and Umny Wed­ the other at Withdejan. Mr. F. G. S. Bramwell, Hi Southall, J. K. Croat, W. S. Addison, H. E. worthy preparation which has had such PupiJs of Miss R. Booth, Edmuadslmrv, St. John’rf- |ie Gazette nesdays and Fridays. Vicar, Rev. Geo. M. Hanks. OTHER UNITS. another entomologist, also informs me that a Mr. H arry' C Matthew’s. W. Dawson, F. J. Mann, enormous success in the treatment of diges­ road.—Higher division, pass, piano, Phyllis M. Farrai- ’Widdiconibe (skip ) ... 18 A. Grevatt (skip.) ...... occasion Al l .Souls’, Butane-road.- Sundays 8 a.m., 2n d Sunday 7 K ill ed . W hite knocked down a. swallow-tail on the Madeira- 14 tive disorders. [ Those who have tried, this loe ; elementary division, pass, piano, Alioe< A. H ow ell; 1st, 8rd and 5th Sundays 11 a m., 4th Sunday 6.30 libmedy—and tpey now number a great primary division, pass, piano, Florence H. R&wson. a.m., Driver G. W. Brooks (Royal Engineers), Eastbourne. walk, Brighton, one Sunday morning about 20 years 33 31 p.m.. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. morning service; 3p m., ago. These are the ohly purely local records I have multitude—are I entirely satisfied that, for Pupil of Miss Beckwith, Temple Grove.—Elementary D ied o f W o u nds. Uhilcjexi’e service and catechising; 8.30 evening service; lieen able to trace so far, but Stainton’s well-known division, pass, piano, W inifred M. Pearson. M orn in g P ray er, W ednesdays, 11.80 a.m : W ednesdays, correcting ailments of the stomach and the S.” P i ivate F. C. Cannon (Scots Guards), Eastbourne. manual mentions the capture of a specimen at Pul- i liver, there is nothing to surpass Pupils of the Misses Chudleigh and Johns, Dueen- evening service a t 7 ; Hoi y Communion, iTiursdays and wood, Darleyroad, Meads. Higher division, pass, Saints' df-ys. 11 a.iu.; Litaii3', Fridays, 11.80 a m. Vicar, W ounded. borougli over 00 years ago. Newman also records one THE LATE MR. d E. A TKINSON, .UP. Rev. Evan J. Hopkins. Curate, Kev. H. Myichroest. obtained at Balcombej Tunnel, which Mr. Bramwell piano, Peggy W hittome; lower division, pass, violin, Pioneer B. G. Carter (R.E.), Eastbourne. Irene M. Winch. S r . A nttr’s.—Sunday services: Holy Communion at 8 0, tolls me must have been about the year 1870. Doubtless Private H. Jeffs (M.G.C.), Eastbourne. [Briefly reported in our last issue, the death of Mr. BEEOHAM’S Pupils of the Misses W ortersand Burney, Rippitigale, S atu rd ay 18.0, also on 4th Su n d ay a t 7.0; C horal E u ch arist a t 9 45 ; Private T. J. Wadey (Northumberland Fusiliers), there are oilier instances of its occurrence in the county Matins li.O, Children’s service 8 0, and evensong 6.30. and, if any of your readers can authenticate them, I Charles Edward Atkinson, J.P., who passed away at Bolsover-road.- Higher division, piss, piano, Isabel F. o u r so n , W eek-days ? H oly Com m union daily a t 8.0, except W ed­ Eastbourne. hip residence, 1, Chatsworth Gardens, occasioned sincere Paterson lower division, distinction, harmony, Helen ided w as Sergt. R. Poet (South Lancs ), Eastbourne. should be glad of full data so that a proper record may nesday:-: at 11 0 (foraged and invalids) and Fridays at be m ade. sorrow among the deceased gentleman’s many friends. PILLS. R. Goodman ; lower division, pass, harmony, Isabel F. rd a t any 7.0; matins at 7.40, except Wednesdays and Fridays Paterson ; primary division, distinction, piano, Evelyn M iss in g . “ From iime. to time during tho last quarter of. a The interment took place on the 9th inst. at Ocklynge w ill n o t 10.80, with Litany. Vicar: Rev. W. P. Jay. Curates: Cemetery, the previous service being held at Holy I. M ain. r ime new s Rev. W- F. Aston and Rev. J. B. C. Ince. Private H. Brown (King’s Royal Rifles), Eastbourne. century the swallow-tail lias been seen on the wing in Pupils of Mrs. E. C. M. Barber, W est Hill House, Trinity Church and being conducted by the Vicar (Rev. P r e p a r e d o n l y by ^lioub our 13t . M ioisajel a>*d A i a A.kC'hls, WfllJngdon-rd.—Bunday Private J. A. Ford (Bedfords), Eastbourne. various parts of the southern counties. Caterpillars Mill-road.—Elementary division, pass, piano, Margery have also been fuund at large in Kent. It is thought GJ P. Bassett Kerry), assisted by the Rev. A. Birkott. s e n t to , Serviree, 7 and S s.m. Holy Oommimion; 11 a m. matins Appropriate-hymns were sung at intervals. T H O U AS BEECHAM, St. H e le n s, Lane. Lindsay ; primary division, distinction, piano,- Dons bub no (with litany on 8rd and 5th Sundat b) a n a serm o n ; noon, that attempts may have been made to establish the Cruikshank. Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday iu month; 3 p.m., species in certain partsjof England, or that such butter­ The mourners were: The widow, little son and daughter, Mrs. Lely (daughter), Mr. and Mrs. j_>aney S o ld everywhere In boxes, Pupils of Miss Cisete Tanner, Beach Hotel, ltaach- children’s service; 3.45 p.m , Holy Baptism, except on FO R A LL flies may have escaped j from some one who had reared (feARR. Bid Sunday, 'whon it isadm inistered at children’s Atkinson (son and daughter-in-law), Mr. fjeorge Lely road.—Elementary division, pass, piano, Joyce Willis ; them. But it is quite possible that our local specimens elementary division, pass, piano, Joyce M. Keuward ; service: 8.30 p.m., ovtnaoug and seimun. Other Ser­ came from the continent, where they are common in (son-in-law), Mr. G. Atkinson (cousin), Mr. Griffiths vices : H oly O crcm unlon a t 8 r. m . d ai’.}', e sc c p t T h ^ rs FACIAL elementary division, pass, piano, Florence M. G. Collins; woods as well as in meadows, and even on mountains ’-husin), Miss Symington (6ister-in-law), Colonel Robert- K en w ere day, when it is at. 7 a in.: also on Friday at 11 a a i . und elementary division, pass, piano, Doris L. Wynn ; up to an elevation of 5,000 feet. It occurs also, but less ™*i, Mrs. Huddart, the Rev, C. G. Craggs and Nurse on Saiuts’ Days at 7 and -i a.m ; marins'daily at JO a.m.; ■ TREATM ENTS elementary division, pass, piano, Cyril E. BiHington ; 1 ever.6ong at 6.80; litany Wednesdays ar.d Fridays after commonly, at much higher altitudes. Bearing in mind Isabel of the Deptford Mission, Miss Colgrave, Mrs. matins. Clergy: Rev. O. E. irlatt (vicar) and Rev. H. so beneficial to the that the geographical range of the swallow-tail extends Little, Mrs. Keys, Mr. Green and Mr. Houseden p rim ary division, pass, piano, W inifred E. Burnett. P lum e. complexion and eastwards as far ire Japan, it seems strange that it is not (evangelist and secretary of the Alexandra Hall Mission, Pupils of Miss Dawson, Claremont, Bolsover-road, A E m m a n tfx Chttbch, H yde-read.- Sc-rvicee on Sundays at health, consult more frequent in its visits to this part of England. Penge), Mr. Maynard, Mr. Bruce, the London secretary Meads.—Higher division, pass, piano, Dolores Cooke ; 1 1 fi.m. and 6 30 p.m .; Holy Communion: on 1 s t Sunday The one seen on Sunday was, undoubtedly, a full-size add Mr. Pickering, the South African secretary of De higher division, pass, piano, Mona Grant; lower division, pass, piano, Leslie Wilson. in month after morning service a^d the r-rd Sunday after female, with a span of wings measuring about 3£ inches. Bfeers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., Mr. Rommel and Mr. evecin^ service; Wednesday morning em. rvif c-.:i l -rso a.ci Greta Grey ; Palm, representing Messrs. Fraser & Chalmers, Ltd., Pupil of Miss Peacock, The Cliff, 8 t. John’s road. E jurc Book. Church of England Hymnal. Incumbent, It was imuih lighter, and of a more vivid yollow, than any specimen I have seen in collections, and seems to and tho four maids. Many other friends were present Higher division, pass, violin, Ethel I. ftimat.b. Rev. A. E. Glover. 4la. GROVE-RD. at the graveside. answer the description! of the variety aurantiaca given Pupil of Mr. R. Winsloe Patton, St. Anti'.ony’s INK. C A TnoLic C h u r j h (Our Lnrv of Ran?om), Grange-road. (First F loor) There were numerous beautiful floral tributes. School, Vicarage-road. — Primary division, pass., piano, —Sundays: Mas?, 7 ar.d 8 a.m ; High Ma?P, 10 SO a.m.; by Arnold Spiderer in his exhaustive work “ Die Scniimet- terlingo Europas. “The Field” some time sinoe Edgar Braybrooke. -> 1 v Ma s aid Sermon, 12 noon. Evening tervice, 6SO Pupil of Miss Ellon M. Mar bin, Edenthorpc, St. , Daily Mase, B am Mot.days. Wednesdays, Fridays ELECTROLYSIS mentioned the fact that the swallow-tail lias been T h e N a v y i n T r o p i c a l R e g i o n s .—T h e in arm s and Saturdays, 1 U a rn Bonedic'ion, Mondays, Wed­ particularly abundant tills year in its English fenland “ THE CHEQUERS.” Admiralty have deolded that officers and men serving John’s-ixiad.--Lower division, piano, Irene R. to see a nesdays and Fridays, 5 30 p.m. Prie ts: Very Rev. haunts. One imagines exceptional climatic conditions, in ships employed in the tropical region on the West G agen. , W h en Monsfgnor A. Cocks, ltov. C, iunoi-Browne, Rev. R. favouring full development of the insect, to be the Coast of Alfrica or in jeraft up the W est African rivers, or Pupils of Miss Constance Huskisson, 5<., Meads- F. EL 10 s, m ari, th e cause of such a phenomenal increase in its numbers The popular ooncerb party “ The Chequers,” from at places on the W est Coast shall receive a climate allow­ street.-—H igher division, pass, piano, Doreen O’K inealy; L eaf H omoeopathic CottaAe H ospital.— higher division, pass, piano, Lindsey Falcom-r : lower ier of th e AGVEc, W hitl?y-road — SSundaye : Ma* 9 am . Bene* during the past season.” Summerdown Camp, gave a delightful evening to the ance duripg the period April 1st to September 30th of ,nd sent to diction, 4 p.tn. Patients in the Hospital on Augif 4th, 11 (including guests at the Glastonbury on Monday evening. A most each year. This special payment is to be restricted division, pass, piano, Helen M. de M ierre : ek-montary iurne. A B*. A N rrc w ’3 F reerytruian Ch u pc h OF EKOIAND, 5 wounded); discharged during the week, 2 ; died, 0 ; varied selection of songs, recitations and monologues in all cases to those serving within 15-deg. north and division, pass, piano, Betty Knaggs. ie h a d left B lackwater^road.—Sundays, H am . and 6.80 p.m. Holy admitted-during the week, 3 ; remaining in Hospital on was welded into a bright whole by clever, original 15-deg. south of the Equator ; and in the case of those Pupils of the Rev. Mother Superior, Convent of the Communion, first Sunday of each month, morning and ►fore, had*, A ug. 8 th, 12 (including 5 wounded). Out - Patients’ patter, and Bandmaster McOonnel is to be congratu­ serving off the coast I only to be made when within fifty Nativity, Black water-road.—Lower divis,- u. p . •. pianci, evening alternately, at close of sendee. Sunday School visits during the week, 15. Tho institution is open to Avril McCarogher ; lower division, pass, piami, Eileen itbourne, and Classes for Young Men and WomenJ 8 p.m. Men’s lated on being the composer of much of the music. miles thereof. Commissioned officers will receive a b o u rn e is visitors on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays and patients’ Every member of the troupe showed talent above the climate allowance ofi 3s. a day, warrant officers Is., and Daly j lower division, pass, piano, Enid Riidry ; Own Meeting Ikies Jay, 8.16 p.m. Women's Guild of elementary division, pass, piano, Sarita Arias; elemen­ I that the Service, Monday, 8 to 6 30 p.m. Evening Service, 8 friends Sundays and Wednesdays from 2 till 4.—Mr. average and the whole jierformance went with a preci­ the rest of the ship’s company 6d. Thi§ payment was w ere also p m ; Sewing Guild. 4 p n> Friday, Band of Hope, Alfred T abor, Hon. Treasurer, Sunnydeno, Grassing- sion and gaiety which must have beeu gratifying to previously paid to officers and men employed in the tary division, pass, piano, Olive Speaker; primary relatives, 7 p.m.—Rev. Jamo j Reid, Minister. ton-rond. Oapt. Tudor,udor, who gave------permissionj!— 'for the company t< China rivers and Persian Gulf. division, pass, piano, Vera Robinson ; prim ary division, constable, OAVRJTDWH P lace Ch a f e l (Independent).~Sundays, 11 The l a r g e s t he.rd of b u f f a l o in the world is form . Four of the men were on the eve of then pass, piano, Zoti H art; primary division,"pass, piano, M itcham’s three days’ fair was opened on Phyllis Hall ; primary division, pass, violin, Stella :e kiddies, ajn. and 6.30 p m.; Bible study, 8 p.m. Tuesday evening, now owned by Canada. They form a picturesquo group departure for the Front, but gladly gave upriheir last prayer meeting and service, 7pm Bible study, Monday with the ancient ceremony of “ marking the H alL i _ [ted th e m as they roam over the now national roserve set apart for evening to giving the entertainment in aid of the _ pathetic Friday, 8 to 9. Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday In month after bounds of the fair ground ” and “ opening the gates “ Pupil of Miss Howe, W ellington School, IlaiLslutnu Evening fcervioo. Minister, Pastor, W. M. Lvan$. them near Wainwright, Saskatchewan. Recreation 1 uud of Summerdown C am p. h e w ould with a large gilded key. —-Primaiy division, pass, piano, Susan J. Newton. p a th e tic ,r tim e .—

--- ... --- - . ■ EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1917.

EASTBOURNE. > 1870, SAFE INVESTMENT IN GOOD COTTAGE AKDEN ft CO,, H. W . HASKINGS a n d SONS, PROPERTY, producing £217 per annum. o AUCTION M A P L E * CO. DEVONSHIRE HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Have received Instructions to 8 kll n v A uction, a t '1 W J L J 1 rJL?J8K r.T.BRTOAl^ NAVAL, MHJTABY AND LADIES TAILOBS, their Auction Rooms, 116. Term in u s-road, E ast­ SURVEYORS. VALUERS bo urne, on WEDNESDAY, Septe m b er 12th , 1917, Manager and Secrotary E iic a r A llan B row n. at Three o'clock, in Four Lots, Offioee .... 10, C O R N F IE L D R O A D . 8 4 , Terminus-road, Eastbourne.* Telephone : NINE. Telegrams: ’’C O N C ERTS." -j Q BRICK-BUILT & S l a t e d C O T T A G E S , Telephone Eastbourne 1884. PROMENADE COSTUMES AND RIDING HABITS A SPECIALITY. JL /U t KNOWN AS Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. 2, i, 6 & 8, HOPE COTTAGES, BEXHILL ROAD. 10, 12, 14 & 16, HOPE COTTAGES, BEXHILL ROAD. EASTBOURNE. Devonshire Park Orchestra. IN THE VAUDEVILLE PAVILION. All lam ents Made on the Premises by First-eUsa Workmen in good Sanitary Workshops. MEADS. 21 AND 23. BEX H ILL ROAD. M usical D ib b o to b : 163 AND 165, LATIMER R O A D . OAISEN ft 0 O ,‘ MR. NORFOLK MESONS. Week commencing MONDAY, A ugust 20t h . E very All Let and Producing Have received Instructions to submit for Sale bt E vening at 8. M a t i n e e s Wednesday and Saturday P ublic A uction, a t the Town Hall, Eastbourne, Telephone No. 441. J O H N N I X P eb £247. Ob. Od, Annum. at an Early Date, all that a t 3. J O H N N IX Held for a long term at Ground Rents amounting to REEHOLD PROPERTY, CONCERTS. Goldsm ith £15. l a per annum . | , HAYDEN COFFIN. May be Viewed, and Particulars and Conditions of F KNOWN AS D A I L Y , a t 3.30 a n d 8.15. Silversmith Sale obtained of Messrs. Bicklngsale, Greenwood, Tucker “ R1PLINGHAM,” MISS LILLIAN BYRNE, and Cross. Solicitors, 34, Copthall-avenue, London, E.O.; ST. JOHN’S ROAD, MEADS, EASTBOURNE, Admission. Afternoons, 7d. Froiip the London Palladium. and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 116, Terminus-road, comprising Terminus Bond Eastbourne, London and Brighton. MISS MOLLY HUGljES, Premier Danseuso « A Detached R esidence, having Ten Bedrooms, Dress­ TO-DAY (SATURDAY), Auc. 18th, at 8.15 p.m.. W atehm aker ing Room, Bathroom, Four Reception Rooms and ample « Domestio Apartments; Detached 8tabllng with Living LAST APPEARANCE OF YOUNK^lANOFF, Jew eller. e m o v a l s under Rooms, Pleasure Garden, Glass Houses ana an extensive The Great Russian Balalaika Soloist. R personal supervision. Kitchen Garden. THE GRESHAM SINGERS AREHOUSING In Particulars, Plan and Conditions of Sale may be A t t h e P ia n o : M IS S ANITA W A T E R S . J O H N N IX J O H N N I X New Centra Look-up Stores. obtain od from Messrs. Field, Roscoe & Co., Solicitors, W No. 36, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C.2; and from THE FAVOURITE QUARTETTE AND For Lowest Quotations apply the A uctioneers’ Offices, 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. he ing oys From “T B B ” PAVILION MOVING PICTURES OF * E s t a b l is h e d I860. l f r e d w e i g h t . Telephone Eastbourne 1234. (By kind permission of Oswald Stoll, Esq.). 85, 87, 101, 103 and 108, 80tJTH STREET, Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. A and Wish Road. SPECIAL INTEREST: R. FRANCIS a n d S O N S , L t d ., Week commencing AUGUST 19th (Evenings only), BAIRNSFATHER CARTOONS, Vocalists : T H E EASTBOURNE CEMETERY MASONS. AMERICAN TROOPS IN LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1832. TELEPHONE 73. DEVONSHIRE PARK MISS RUTH VINCENT, MIXED BATHING in DEVONSHIRE BATHS. M onum ental Sculptors and Engravers. The Famous English Soprano, and J. 0. TOWNER ft BROMLEY, PATHE ILLUSTRATED GAZETTE. Show Rooms and Studio: 37, U PPEltTO N ROAD, EASTBOURNE. AUCTIONEERS, THEATRE. MR. ARNOLD STOKER, Baritone. AND The Funniest Film over produced— o u s e a n d e s t a t e a g e n t s , Sole Lessees and Managers—Murray K ino & Clark DESIGN3 AND ESTIMATES SUPPLIED. TELEPHONE 579,' SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. Admission, Is. 2d. (including Tax), 8talls, Is. extra H (Murray King Boulger Webb & Charles Clark). (may be booked). THE AUCTION MART, 67, TERMINUS ROAD, CHARLIE CHAPLIN LINKING. EASTBOURNE. Telephone 121 Eastbourne. BNTBAL WESLEYAN CHURCH, at For Particulars of Properties To Let and far Sale EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3.3p, P r ic e s : 2s. 2d., Is. 2d., and 7d. (including Tax). C PSVKNHKY ROAD. by Private 'treaty see page 7. B. & W . B EN N ETT, Ltd. SUNDAY, August 19th, 11a.m. and 6.30 p.m. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING at 8. The Band of the 13th Hussars Preachers: e r r y s a u c t i o n r o o m s Conductor, Bandmaster A. E. H o pk in s. ] S C U L P T O R S a n d M A S O N S , Matinee To-Day (Saturday) at 2.30. 11.0 o’clock—REV. B. a LANSDOWN. AND SALE YARD ! SWIMMING BATHS. T (adjoining the E state Offloes), ISO, LEWES ROAD, BRIGHTON. 6.30 „ —REV. HUGH M. BROOK, B.Sc. THE GEORGE EDWARDES’ COMPANY Admission, 7d. Annual, &c.. Tickets not available. OPEN DAILY. 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Collection* in aid o f Local Hospitals. IN THE Telephone 844. NEW MUSICAL SUCCESS, M ixed B athing Every A fternoon fro m 3 to 6.30, MEMORIALS BI-WEEKLY SALES. The Children’s Corner and Sundays, 7 to 9 a.m. very escription xecuted and Inclusive PPBRTON CONGREGATIONAL Goods can always be Included. In charge of MISS K. H. JENKINSON. Of E D E , u ALSO PRIVATE HOT SEA AND FRESH Estimates given for tlieir erection In any part u CHUBGH, UPFKRTON ROAD. S pec ia l D ates b i A b b a n q ek en t . of the COUNTRY. THE MAID OF THE D a i l y ...... 11 to 1, and 3 to $.30. WATER BATHS. S U N D A Y N S X T , AU G U ST 19th, These Sale Rooms are noted for the advantageous Disposal of Furniture, Antiques, Works of Art, Old H e althy Open-Air Amusement amid beautiful Illustrated Catalogue Submitted Free. A t 11 a m . and 6A0 a m . China, Pictures, Plate, Jewels, Cuiloe, Wines, Soulpturo, surroundings, with absolute safety for Full Particulars on application (Telephone oi Per: Coins, Jewellery, Animals, Birds, Stook-ln-Trade, Car­ MOUNTAINS.” the Young People. at the Baths Office. P reach er_ „ REV. W. MONK JONES. riages and Horses, Motor Cars, Bicycles, Boats, &o. And at Hove, Hastings, Ore, Bexhill, Tunbridge Intercessory Service for the W ar on Thursday, Best value is always obtained at those Auotlon Room , As now Played to Crowded Houses at Daly’s Wells and Chichester. a t 8.0 pan. being largely attended by local and country buyers, also Theatre, London. Seats may be Booked for any of the above Concerts, Entertainments, &c., at the Bo r. Office, buyers from London, Brighton, Lewos, Hastings, &o. GOODS PURCHASED FOR CASH when Desired. Devonshire Park, at any time, or a t Clifts’ Pianoforte Saloons, 4, Gildredgc Porul, tKVKNSKY ROAD CONGREGATIONAL NO EXPENSES. opposite tfle Railivay Station. CHURCH. Furniture Sales at P rivate H ouses. MONDAY, AUGUST 20t h , for Three Night« at 8. girths, JU vcU gea s r & g e a i h s . SHARE SALES AND PROPERTY SALES. Gi«al And One Matinee, W ednesday, at 2.30. S U N D A Y N E X T . AU G U ST 19th, VALUATIONS. L’licuf MARRIAGES. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY.—Exclusive Lists II.ti—REV. J. G. HENDERSON. of Houses for Sale and to Let. 66 HOSPITAL SUNDAY. U n d er GOODRIC H—Q RKGOHY.—Aug. 12. at St. John s Church. INSURANCES of every description effected. LONDON PRIDE.” “ EASTBOURNE CHRONIC!^.” Burgess Hill, by the Rev. S. VV. A. CoUins. Corporal 630-REV. J. G. HENDERSON. Rents Collected and Property efficiently managed. Frederick Goodrich. R.F.A., fourth son of Mr. James Everyone will agree that the multifarious Goodrich, of Woolwich, to" Florence Eveline, third TERRYS ( F . A . I . ) SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF 3 3 TST 3E S C E 3 . daughter of Mr. William Gregory, of Leylands-road, (15 Years' Local Experience). appeals of the past few years, which increase Burgess Hill. T. A N D R S W ’j PRESBYTERIAN DAISY DORMER as “ Ch e r r y .” rather than diminish as reputed narrowness KING—BOGER —Aug. 7, at St. John’s Churoh. Upper s CHU RCH. Hlaokwater-road. of resources is accentuated, tend to dry up the St. Loonards, by the Rev. Lionel K. Blackburne. assisted H. J. CHARTRES, The “ Eastbourne Chronicle ’’may be obtained by the Rev. G. F. Healop, the Rev. George Eden King, SUNDAY NEXT, AUGUST 19th. springs of public generosity. This might be reotor of Upper 8t- Leonards, to Hilda Mary Otway, Services: U a.m. and 6.30 p.m. A L U E R and AUCTIONEER, at either of the under mentioned establishments thought to be especially the temper of East­ T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 23kd, for Three Nighte only daughter of the late Mr. William Shadforth Preacher - - REV. JAMES REID, M.A. V HOU8E, FARM AND ESTATE AGENT, or of newspaper sellers in the streets. bourne that more than most towns lias given Bogor, aud Mrs. Bogor, Landour, St. Leonards. at 8. THURSDAY, at 8 am. Week-night Berrios. Offices: 59, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE, and “ Eastbourne Chronicle” Office, South-street. lavishly and repeatedly to all manner of One Matinee Saturday, at 2.30. All vacant Seats are Free n v r minutes before the 6, S ooth S id e , C la ph a m C ommon, S.W. ’Eastbourne Gazette” Office, Pevensey-road. philanthropic and patriotic funds. It should L e K i l l DEATHS. time of Service. be remembered, however, that never before in ASTRIDGE. — On August 6th, Winifred Mary, only ' Tel. Nos. ; Eastbourne 956; Battersea 920. 66 M r. E. W oodgate, T obacconist an d C onfectioner, 04, N o . 1 Valuations for Probate and other purposes a speciality. Cavendish-place. our history-was money circulated so widely, daughter of Mrs. Mary Astridge. of 36. Greys-road, N o . 2 1! I Eastbourne, aged 30. Deeply regretted by all who a s t b o u r n e b a p t i s t c h u r c h , TINA.” M rs. E . A uper s, Tobacconist, &c., ,75, ■ Siisans-ruad and that never was the heart of the English knew her. CEYLON PLAGE (second turning, right. Established 1875. (corner of Ashford-road). people more easily touched by a genuine case N o . 3 ;111 CARR.—Ang. 12, at 10, Colbourne-road, Hove, Evelyn E Covendtsh-plime, from Pier), THE GREAT LONDON SUCCESS. EASTER ft WRIGHT, M r. E . J ones, “ Ye Old Curiosity Shop,” 248, Seaside- of need. N o -1 J Mary, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Arnold Carr, INCLUDING Moreover, while Eastbourne has lent, a ready aged 47. SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY, AUGUST 19th, A UCTIONEERS and VALUERS, HOUSE road. 8 iNDKRSON.—On Aug. 9th, at the residence of his at 11 a .« . and 6.90 p. m. ± \_ LAND and ESTATE AGENTS. MR. BERTIE WRIGHT. M rs. S aun d ers, 50, L angney-road. ear to requests from without the boundaries- eldest sister; at Eastbourne, after Several monthsv M r. W a lsh , Eastbourne Dog Bureau, 29, Corntield- of local interests, she has not failed to main suffering from illness contracted in China while in the P reacher _REV. DAVID BARRON. 110, T E R M IN U S RO A D , E A S T B O U R N E (Adjoining the London and Connty Bank). road. tain the high- standard of giving to those Chinese Imperial Customs Service. Richard Cope Mr. K ikro ic will also Preach on Tuesday. 8 p.m. Morgan Kusse 1 Sanderson, youngest son of George Valuations for Probate, Transfer and other purposes MONDAY, A U G U S T 27th , for Three Nights M r. F orw ard, Grocor, Firle-road. institutions which have beeu her particular Russell Sanderson and Mrs. Sanderson, of 7, Couiston- at 8. M r. B ob D onnelly, 25, C h u rch -street, O ld Tow n. pride and care through long years of disinter­ road, Muswell-hill, London, N., aged 33 years. P r o per ties pob S ale. 1 Matinee, W ed n esd a y , a t 2.30. M r. O. W . S m ith , 6, Crown-street, Old Town. 1 ested and efficient charities. Among them it WOOD.—On Monday. August 13th, at Conolly. Wllling- F urnished and U nfurnished R esidences. is only kind to recall to public notice the don-road. Eastbourne, after a long and painful Illness, SERBIAN F L A G D A Y . M r. D ouiJl, Tobacconist, &e., 56b, Grove-road. Oliver William Wood, the loved and loving husband Established 1880. M r. B ea ttie, 12, Y ork-road. Princess Alice M emorial Hospital and the Leal of Constance Mary Wood, formerly of Blackheath, in Cottage Hospital. While convoys of wounded his 45th year. —:----- CHARLES E. HORNE, TAX, -t “TO-NIGHT’S THE M essrs. EL ph ic k , D unster & C o ., G rocery an d P n /v isio n 3 5 t h AUGUST. Stores, 36, Meads-stree^. soldiers continue to arrive in our midst and KILLED IN ACTION. u c t i o n e e r , v a l u e r , h o u s e a g e n t cheery Blue Boys patrol our streets we are WEBSTER.—Aug. 4, killed in action, Godfrey Webster, A AND GAUGER, NIGHT.” M rs. M ea k in s, F a n cy S tatio n er, 58, Seaside. not likely to slacken the magnificent efforts 2nd-Lieutenant, Grenadlor Guards, only son of Capt. PATRONESS-. H.M. THE QUEEN. M rs. S tebry, Avondale Dairy, 51, Avondale-road. Sir Augustus Webster. Bart., Grenadier Guards, and 1, T ID E S W E L L R O A D , E A ST B O U R N E . in their behalf, which huve quickened grati the late Lady Webster, Battle Abbey, agad 19. CERTIFICATED BAILIFF. M rs. E . B radley, Tobacconist and General Stores, 144, Whitley-road. tude in thousands of homes throughout file Appointed by His Honour Judge Martlneau to Levy country and in the far Colonies. But because, S i M/l Distraints under the Amendment Act, 1888. M iss T o d d , Tobacconist and Confectioner, 336, Seaside. r . AND MRS. R. SPRINKS desire to ^ L L SAINTS’ CHURCH, E a s t b o u r n e . aud not in spjtc of that we are confident that PIER THEATRE, T h e O ckltnge H ouse, E sta te and G en er a i, A gency. M express their thanks ip all kind friends for their Businesses of E v er t Description fo r Disposal. H ospital Sunday will receiv e a closer attention many expressions of sympathy in their sad bereave­ A n Orgain R ecital EASTBOURNE. 3a, Ooklynge-pavade. , ment. They find it quite impossible to write to each, so MESSRS. LLOYDS and its appeals evoke a more liberal response WILL BI GIVEN Manager G. Hates. M r. R . H i W oodland, 10, U p p er-av en u e (near C av en ­ will f riends please accept this intimation. dish-place Bridge). than in previous years. B y DR. M. P. CONWAY A UCTIONEERS, VALUERS and ESTATE For the work of ministering to the sick AGENTS, M r. W . G a rd en er, Hampden Park Approach, Hamp­ ISS MARJORIE OARTER wishes to TO -D AY (S A T U R D A Y ), August 18th, and N E X T TO-DAY (SATURDAY), at 2.30 and 8. within the large area of our service has grown thank her many friends for tlieir kind expres­ 6, GILDREDGE ROAD, EASTBOURNE den Park Station. sionsM of sympathy shown her in the great loss of her SATUM DA Y, August 15th, at 6 pm . (Road Facing the Railway Station). MR. PERCY HUTCHISON will appear and present enormously, and the necessary- expenditure devoted fianc6, 2nd-Lieut. R. C. 8prink»r H.F.A. Colijeotjon for Local Rkd Cross F unds. MISS HILDA TREVELYAN in 1her ^Original ’ M r. T oi.h Urst, P o leg ate. has far exceeded the iucome, particularly in Estates Managed and Rents Collected Weekly and Character of “' COinderellaiv st ih s . . ” Quarterly. Prompt Settlements. M r. L am bert, Willingdon. the case of .the Princess Alice Hospital. At Telephone 125y. least £1,500 additional to the receipts of Iasi DAVIES, “A Kiss for Cinderella,” E Y B B r . AMES ANDREWS, M aso n a n d S c u l p t o r , MESSRS. KXLLIOK ft If any difficulty is experienced in obtaining year are required to relieve the pressure oi A Fancy In Three Acts. By J. M. Ba r rie. the paper, our renders are requested to com­ J Works: Baxkb'S-boad (near St. Mary’s Church). u c t i o n e e r s , e s t a t e A G E N T 8 , carefully-calculated obligations. D I C K B A L 1 T A A SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. S kats ...... 4/3 to 7d. (including Tax). municate with our publishing office. Every Next Sunday this fact will be emphasised Residence, Office and Show-room: Carrara Villa, Goeb effort will be made to arrange for the delivery P abk (adjoining the Cemetery), E aotboubnh. Furniture Sales Conducted. Sales of Property and from every pulpit in Eastbourpe. We venture SAND SHOES. Shares at of the paper each week to regular subscribers to believe that not only will the local residents Designs and Estimates Furnished. They cannot crack and effectually resist SUNDAY, AUGUST 19m. THE PROPERTY AUCTION MART, Afternoon a t 3. Evening at 8. if an order is given at our office, “ Chronicle” make a special effort to exceed their usual DOIJJL] sea w ater. Buildings, South-street, Eastbourne. donations, but that the many visitors who are EriahUahed 76 Yean. Telephone Nos, Stt and 882. TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. SPECIAL CONCERTS. R . Sc J. DICK, L td,, ^ aotbournil’ Valuations for Probate and other Purposes. recuperating energies in this healthful resort AINK ft will be disposed to join us in a work truly and H UNDERTAKERS. B. W. H. HAMBLYN, MISS CICELY COURTNEIDGE. permanently national by contributing a sub­ Funeral Carriage and . TOUSE AGENT, BUILDING SURVEYOR, MISS PAULA DESTINY, Contralto. AGENTS WANTED. stantial thank-oifering for the pleasant and Motor Hoarse Proprietor*. ADVERTISEMENTS at SPECIAL W AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, MR. LEONARD LOVESEY, Tenor. invigoratiug experiences of our neighbour­ ELMS BUILDINGS, 61, SEASIDE ROAD. hood. 48, C A V E N D IS H I’L A O E & 19, S O U T H S T R E E T MR. ROLAND MERRY, and Terms can be obtained at tho PREPAID RATES. EASTBOURNE. Telephone 896. MISS MAY CLAPHAM, Doubtless the excellent allies of the hospital i Mr. H., having had over 38 years’ local experience ■ Solo Pianist and Accompanist. “ Chronicle” Office, South-street. staffs in the hotels and boarding houses will Tel. 783. J. R. A. HAYLAKD, Tel. 788. during the first 13 of which he was occupied In practical encourage the prevailing feeling of the towns­ work in the Building Trade), is specially qualified for Seats (Including T ax): 3/3. 2/2,1/8; 1/2, and 7d- people among their guests of this week-end. f’TNDERTAIxETJ ft FUNERAL CARRIAGE W A N T S o f a l l k i n d s , Valuing and Managing House Property; or Supervising Seats at 3/3,2/2 and 1/8 may be reserved in advance at Properties during erection. _____ „ the P ier Gates (Tel. 574). and we hope to be able to publish the most U PROPRIETOR. SERVANTS WANTED, gratifying results of so geneial a combination OPEN CARS, GLASS OB CLOSED HEARSES. SITUATIONS REQUIRED. Week Commencing MONDAY, A ugust 20th, of practical'interest. to Years' London Experience. ARTICLES WANTED OB FOR SALE, And during the Week. Six Nighte at 8. W O M A N ’ S 6 / - D I N N E R , Visitors who may regretfully miss Un- GE ARTIFICIAL WREATHS IN GREAT VARIETY. PROPERTY WANTED or F O R SA L E , Matinee* ... ' W ednesday and Saturday a t 2.30. opportunity of a persona! contribution may , H O U S E S or APARTMENTS TO LET, HIPPODROME, A woman correspondent just back from Dorset said be glad to. forward their gifts to the Hon. U, PKVKNSEY HOAD, EASTBOURNE, EASTBOURNE. HERBERT JAY and ANTHONY ELLIS present Are Advertised In the Whole of the following the Celebrated Farce, from the Criterion Theatre, where she stayed at an inn where fish and fowl were served in Secretary, Hospital Sunday Fund, Town Hall. e M anaging Director ... Mr . Sid-vkt W . W in ter.' it is now in its Second Year, most generous quantities, but nevertheless there was Established 1974. Widely Circulated Sussex Newspapers M anager ... Cha rlie Cooley. the strictest economy in bread. So unlike (she says) ROBERT 8 H A K I , A t One Charge, via: “A Little Bit of Fluff.” the meals I had at a large hotel in Eastbourne, where S t . A n d r e w ’s P a r i s h .—A p r o p o s t h e f i r s t MONDAY. AUO. 20t h , and daring the Week. for Gs. a dinner was provided which was an outrage; vestry meeting for the newly-constituted parish *»t St. Twioe Nightly at' 7 and 9. By W alter W. E llis.- i m : rTNDKRTA KER ft COMPLETE FUNERAL 1 I n s e r t io n ___ On b S h il l in g , fo r 20 W ords The quantity of meat served was ridiculous. Andrew’s, the \ie a r (Rev. Harold Pain), writing in the 3 I n s e r t io n s ...... T w o S h il l in g s & S ix p e n c e F rank F aw cett and Austin F r y er present the late S eats ...... 3/3 to 7d. (including Tax). In several places in South Devon the public houses parish magazine, o b serv esO u r congratulations un­ O FURNISHER, FRED KMNKY’S Groat Sketch, ] Seats at 3/3, 2/2 and 1/8 may be reserved in advanoe at are now open all day for the sale of intoxicating drinks, 6 I n s e r t io n s ...F o u r S h il l in g s & S ix p e n c e due to Mr. L. Pike and Mr. .1. F. lay lor on then 14, H ig h -s t r e e t , Ol d E a s t b o u r n e . ______the yier Gates (Tel. 674). tho conditions being just the same as in peace time. election as first churchwardens of the parish., May they TUI Funerals Conducted to All Parts. Longer Advertisements at Proportionate Rates. “A Sister to Assist ’er.” long be spared to carry on the work they have begun si By arrangement with Mrs. Fred Ernney. Cliff MO N D A Y , A ugust 27tii. For Six Nights at 8. loyally and so well. We are glad to welcome two new All such Announcements appear In the following papers Barrett as “Mrs. May.” N e t t , C lark as “ Tho Landlady.” “A Sister to Assist ’er” is the “ Charley’s Matinees W ednesday and Saturday, at 2.30. A MONSTER POTATO. members on our list of sidesmen, Mr. J. Hobden and Eastbourne Chronicle, Aunt” of tho Music Halls. Still Running. Mr. Rush bridge, jun. Apart from its more, business HERBERT JAY like functions, the meeting was a success as a social East Sussex News, - H ippodrome Biosoopb. MIMOSA QUARTETTE, Vocalists and Dancers of the Submits for the First Time on any Stage, The “ big gooseberry ” is being forced into the buck- gathering, and the perfect harmony and kindly feeling HUDSOXS I/m. Hastings Independent, World, introducing their Military & Tambourine Dances. ground this season by the mammoth potato. Several which prevailed throughout was a splendid beginning East Grinstead Observer, DORA DARE, Comedienne and Dancer. “ The Enemy Within.” abnormal growths of the ponime d€ terre species lmve for a new parish, and a tremendous encouragement for been the subject of paragraph notice in the daily papers, the Vicar.” COLLIER & GODFREY. Lady Jugglets and Lightning A New Play, In Three Acts, by R. Ho pe-Lum ley. Sussex and Surrey Courier, Club Xhrowore. MARION SCOTT. Male Impersonator, the largest reported specimen being said to weigh ir»i HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS ounces. G u n n e r P . F . P o w e i .l , R.F.A., of East­ M E Pi Horsham Times, in all her Latent Successes, bourne, was “ gassed” during the operations near Important TWIOE DAILY, at 3 and 7.30. But even this remarkable product is eclipsed by the Thereby seenring, at a very small cost, an amount of lift Engagement of the Popular American Comic, Y pros ou the 13th ult. He is now in Netley Hospital. publicity throughout the large and Important district of h a r r y TAFT, who will Talk, ding & Whistle to you. IN THE BANDSTAND. recent discovery of a voung lady renting one of the AND STORAGE. allotments* at Koselands, of the Eastbourne Artisans’ P r in c e s s A lice M e m o r ia l H o s p i t a l , East Sussex, among the most Influential inhabitants, Note the Prices: Reserved Boxes, 12s. Gd. and 10a. 6d. N O T E A D I (may be booked); Fautouils, 16. 6d. (reserved, 2s.); Pit and Labourers’ Improved Dwellings Co., Ltd. This supported by voluntary contributions.—The following UNEQUALLED IN VALUE BY ANY OTHER Stalls, Grand Circle and Promenade, Is. reserved. ALFRESCO PIERROT CONCERTS amateur lady gardener has just taken to the Company’s is the weekly return of' patients for week ended ADVERTISING MEDIUM. la.6d (early doors, ls.8d.): P it, 6d. (earlydoors, 9d.); Upper office a potato dug up from her allotment, weighing :io August loth : Numbor of purionts August Sth. iis : EXPERT PACKERS. Circle, 3d. (early doors, id.). Telephone No. 336. less than ounces. This must be pretty neatly an admitted during tho week, 8 ; discharged during the SUNDAY NEXT, A ugust 19th, at, 3 and 7.30. R e i PREPAID SCALE OF CHARGES FOR THIS English record for the season. week, 12; died, |1; remaining in hospital at date, 3). This hospital is open to the inspection of visitors od CLASS OF ADVERTISEMENTS THE BLUE BOY BAND. S undays, Wednesdays and Bank Holiday from 2 to QHRONICLE ” PRINTING WORKS. By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. J. S. Bostock, ila.m.c. FURNITURE DEPOSITORIES: Inserted In all the above Papers. S e a m e n ’s D etermination .—A m eeting o f 4 p.in. Additional annual subooribertf 'are urgently 3,000 seamen at Cardiff on Thursday unanimously needed. .Contributions will be thankfully received by Words Once 3 Times 6 Times 13 Time-;, refused to accept the decision of last Friday week’s con the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. C. O'Brien Harding, J.F., V ic t o r ia .St a t io n ...... LONDON, S.W, lo, South Cliff. House visitor: Mr. Benjamin Bradford. GENERAL , PRINTING ERSTMONOEUX CASTLE feronce. Captain Tupper declared that the vote taken Te r m in u s Gates ...... B R IG H T O N . H (Copyi-ight). at that conference was “ faked from, the start.?’ 20 V- 2/6 4/6 9/6 Whether the Government gave passports or not, the LEA 85, G rove Ro a d ...... EASTHOUHN3. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION A HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH seamen would not take the delegates. Thov would not R e t u r n o f C a p t a in S t a n l e y W il s o n , M. P , —Captain Stanley Wilson, M .P., arrived iu Loudon on 30 1/6 3/6 6/6 12/6 OF this bend their knee to a nation of murderers. Executed In the Best Style at Reasonable Prices INTERESTING AND PICTURESQUE CASTLE Sunday, after 20 months’ internment in Austria. H<» i S t . L e o n a r d s P i e r .—A ll the shares in the stated that lie was uii tble lo explain tho reasons foi h;> AP PLY FOR FREE ESTIMATES. 40 2/- 5/- 9/- 17/- BT By the Rev. E. E. C rak e, M.A., St. Leonards Pieir have been purchased by a company, release until lie had seen his chiefs at the W ar Oilin’. D O u f of which Mr. Gardner has been appointed managing FABNCOMBE ft CO., Ltd., Containing a number of excellent Illustrations, and a He added that he was treated with the utmost kindnos.- R a il Tele. 481 Eastbonroe. 50 2J6 6/- 11/- 21/- plan of the building as It formerly existed. director, and it is proposed that, in future, the pier by the Austrian Government. On h aving hi" iutoru Price, Sixpence. Postage, Id. shall be run on entirely up-to-date lina^, and no efforts ment camp he was put on an Itaii.u; lied Cro-s u ,un, or expense spared to make it attractive to the numeroufj aud as soon as lie’had crossed the border into Switzer 60 3/- 7/6 13/- 26/ « CHRONICLE ” PRINTING WORKS, To be obtalnod of the Publishers, F arnooktbk & C o , Ltd. “ Chroniclo’’ Office, South-street, Eastbourne. visitors. Ifind he was given peifoct freedom of action. YOUR BUSINESS PRINTING. K athleen had proved to be all that a servant Thomas F. Lovett, a postman, who is aged None.—If this class of Advertisement is not prepai» d, SOUTH STREET. EASTBOURNE. T is often necessary that General Printing the usual rate of 6d. per line will be charged should be in regard to her duties ; but unfortunately 'S2 , undertakes a seven-mile do!iver\ of letters d vilv n I In connection with businesses of eveiy kind E for booking. ^RTI8TIO MEMORIAL CARDS. her energies never seem to extend to keeping her face Rytou, Warwickshire, beginning at 7 a.m. required quickly, and, at tho same time, well dono. clean. Hei* mistress desired to tell her to wash it, but Orders and Remittances should be sent to F arnoombe Fabnoombe Sc Co,. Ltd, “ Chroniclo” Printing Works, and Co.’B (LtdJ Offices a t Market-street, Lewes; South­ f L-AN OLADPOLE’S TRIP TO K E R R IO U R . A number of the Newest and Choicest Deoigns in not wanting to offend a valued servant She tried to lie fully Next to the world-wide popu >f “ Oladpole’s diplomatic. “ Do you know, Kathleen,” she remarked E x c r ' i l South-street, are prepared to meet these require er 64. London-read. East Grinstead. J FOLDED MEMORIAL CARDS are now included A r t i s t i c W r e a t h s , ('ross^s. H earts, H.\» ps, meats, having their works fitted with machinery capable Jurney to Lunnon," this work has had a larger sale than in our Pattern Book. in a confidential manner, “ that if you wash your fa ye Chaplets, Sprays, Wedding Bouquets, &c., 5 s., 7s ‘Vi, Of expeditiously taming out high-class work. IRBCTION LABELS of all kinds manu­ any other Sussex Book. The interest in both these works in hot soapy water it will make you beautiful ? ’’ “ Sure FARNCOMBE & CO., L td., P rinters; 10s. Gd., 15s. E x tra U rg e sizes, 2 Is. to G3 s.— I O. Letterpress and Lithographic Printing factured at London Prices a t Famoombe and. Oo.p remains unabated. New edition now ready, prioe 6d.— an’ it’s a wqnder yC niver tim ed it yersilf, ma’am ! *’ wa| of all descriptions. k Famoombe ft Co., Limited, and all Booksellers. "Chronicle” Works, South - street, Eastbourne. H astings, 10, Pevensey-rovvb 1m, Comniou-troa ') Printing Works, South-street, Eastbourne. Kathleen’s surprising answer. Tele. 580, 708. ’ 14 OH RON I


Trade M ark t YISTO. Beoist^rtd. LOCAL NEWS. TVfEW Sufporhno ELASTIC STOCKINGS & J l n b o m 2a. Od. each. TIM ES OF HIGH WATER & LIGHTING-UP TRUSSES, BANDAGES & SURGICAL BELTS, le a ., ot every description. S u m m e r T i m e . Hifh Water. lighting ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, CRUTCHES, ftO., Mom. After. Up MADS AND REPAIRED. Saturday, Aug. 18 ._ 12.33 M* 12.50 - 8 46 Lists Free, .f FINAL REDUCTIONS Sunday, Aug. 19 ...... 1. 0 • M 1. 5 ~ - & 4 4 Monday, Aug. 2 0 ____ 1.20 • M 1.33 ._ 8.42 FARM ER’S Tuesday, Aug. 2 1 ...... 1.50 »«a 2. 5 8.40 AT l o x . 8UBGICAL SUPPORTS DE,POT, W ednesday, Aug. 22. 2.20 2.35 S.3S Thursday, Aug. 2 3 ... 2.45 • M 3.10 8.36 E very 80, QUEEN'S ROAD, BRIGHTON. Friday, Aug. 24 ...... 3.25 a*. 3.48 s . a i I S a tu rd a y R o y a l S o c ie t y f o r P r e v e n t i o n o f C r u e l t y B o b b y & U 'o .’s S a l e C E N T R A L Paoss U83- to A nimals, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec., Miss COALS. Locke P addon, 1, Compton-street. Subscriptions are urgently needed, and may he paid to the Hon SEASIDE ROAD. Treasurer. H enry H olyoake, Esq., a t L loyds Ikliuiii. CINEMA. Bank. Ltd. AU complaints should be addressed to Inspector Harwood, a t the Office, 1a. Compton- a n s e u s f .. .street, Eastbourne; or 5, St. James's-terrace, Polegate. y. . DAILY-8,45 and 0.30 till 10.30 G o l d , S i l v e r , J e w e l l e r y , A n t i q u e S i l v e r , o is t. S. BRADFORD & SONS, of 2, Station &o., Purchased for Cash or Exchange. Speeialite: TO-DAY (SATURDAY), August 18th. Remounting and Remodelling Jewellery, bringing SPECIAL old Jewellery up-to-date at reasonable cost, Designs ITERS. and estim ates free.—-F. G. Clemence, Goldsmith, Parade, are offering special inducements “THE BLACK WOLF.’ Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. t . IS .O F N o t i c e .—A ll those who wish to W arehouse COAT F e a t u r i n g LOU TELLEGAN. their Furniture should not do so until they have Inspected Messrs, G. E. Maynard’s, Limited, Ware­ to any of their Customers who can houses, which are the finest In Eastbourne. Estimates free.—Note the address, G. E. Maynard, Limited, HONDA Y, Aug, tOth, and Two Following Days, Removal and Storage Contractors, Greyetone- OFFERS arrange to fetch their Coals from the buildings. South-street, Eastbourne. BATHS. T a il o r in g for Ladies and Gentlemen at H a r t “THE CONEY ISLAND and Son’s, 24, Terminus-road, also at 184 and 186, N E X T W E E K . Regent-street, London, W. Service Outfits ar.d Wharf, Whitley Road. PRINCESS.” Breeches, Coats and Skirts, Riding Habits, Astride floats; etc. (West End Cutter and Fitter). F e a t u r i n g NEW AUTUMN COATS, H i g h -c l a s s F o o t w e a r . N o better value. IRENE FENWlOK a n d OWEN MOORE. New season's goods.—J. J . Saunders, 106, South- in Velours, Blanket street (between 8t. Saviour’s Church and Devon- shlre-plaoe). Cloths, Tweeds, etc., ■ Tax). TRURSDAY, Aug.tSrd.and Two Following Days E x p e n s i v e M e a t should be roasted in a in Navy and leading Paper Bag or an “ Ideal” closed-in Baking Dish. Nothing wasted. Several sizes.—Gas. Co. colors. M anufacturers’ HS. “LOST AND WON.” T h e Eagle and British Dominions Insurance Company is represented in Eastbourne by Mr. H. T. Sample Garments. F e a t u r i n g MARIE DORO. Thorpe, of Lloyds Bank Chambers, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. Telephone No. 27. Seats, Id., 7d. and 1a including Tax. B i r t h s a n d D e a t h s .—T he official retuiV for the month of July gives the number of births as (27 males, 31 females), which is 12‘7 per 1,000 of thj E A S T E R N Telephone 705. population per annum. Deaths numbered 22females), being 10*4, or, excluding the death^ol noi residents, 9 0. Thirteen deaths were of personal SALK > / . S E A S ID E . _CI]YEMA. of age and upwards. / PRICES 5 9 / 6 f t) ! C onservative C l u b P r e s i d e n c y . — Mr. R. Henry Ellis, J.P., has resigned the position of | O f f i c e , CIGARETTES sent Duty Free to the Front. TO-DAY (SATURDAY), August 18th. president of the Conservative Club, which he has filled Usual Prices 09 6 t o i ‘, G n s . W R o a d , for ten years. A special meeting to elect a successor HE appended Price List shows the SAVING effected by placing Orders with P. PANTO “ The Vault of Mystery,” was hold on Monday evening and was presided over dvautages offered by their by T AND CO., but the saving in price is only one of numerous adv E p i s o d e N o . 12 o f Councillor J. Eden. On the proposition of the Chair­ services. Others are :— man, seconded by Mr. Stonham, it was unanimously Cigarettes are freshly made on the premises for each ordor from the finest selected Tobaccos. resolved that Mr. Charles Jewell, of Bella Vista, Cigarettes arrive in the most perfect condition, as all parcels are specially packed in tins. ‘ The PURPLE DOMINO.’ 9ilverdale-road, be appointed to succeed Mr. Ellis. Mr. Under a G o v e r n m e n t P e r m i t all orders are despatched direct to the Front by MONDA Y, Aug. tOth, and Two Following Days, Jewell’s keen interest in various undertakings of P . PANTO & CO., from 44, T e r m i n u s -r o a d , E a s t b o u r n e . patriotic nature was warmly commented on. The meeting decided to offer a testimonial tq-the retiring Special attention is called to the Famous Egyptian Amber (perfumed) Eastern Dream and Le “Mischief Maker,” JbifariouK president, and a sub-oommittee was appointed to make Khedive d’Egypt Cigarettes. P. PANTO is an expert in blending the Tobaccos for these famous Fox Drama in 4 Parts. the arrangements. / [increase Cigarettes. A n Acknou-lcdfnnent Postcard , addressed to the Purchaser , is enclosed in each parcel. L a d y ’s L a p s e o f M e m o r y .— D u r i n g th e ro tv iie s s F o r 2 0 0 . F o r 5 0 0 F o r 1 ,0 0 0 . FURS <$: FUR COATS _• up th e “The Great Sacrifice,” week-end a middle-aged lady approached a polle-oman Duty F ree D uty Free Doty F r e e E p iso d e N o. 11 of b ig h t be - " and aud and at Eastbourne and said she had lost her memow Sh.« |o f East,- Usual Post Paid Usual P o a Paid Usual Post Paid was placed in the care of the Union authorities, as she Price. Abroad. Price. Abroad. Price. Abroad. “The Shielding Shadow.” was quite unable to give her name or address and any given other particulars about herself excepting that sho had Summer Sale Prices E G Y P T I A N or T U R K I S H - aner of TH URSDA Y, Aug. tird, and Two Following Days two children. On Monday, however, the police ascer­ It should Le Khedive d’Egypt .. 21/6 19/- 5 3 /9 46 3 1 0 7 /6 90/- tained that she belonged to Southall and had been pefore in No. 1 Egyptian or Turkish 2 0 /6 18/- 5 1 /3 43/9 102'6 85/- “The Accusing Voice,” missing sinoe Saturday. She was quite un&ble to widely, explain how she got to Eastbourne. No. 2 „ ‘ „ 1 6 /6 41/3 33/9 8 2 /6 65/- , I Vitagraph Drama in 3 Reels. | English 14/- T w ic e W .o u n d e d ,— A form er employee o f ine case No.-3 „ „ 1 2 /- 9/6 3 0 /- 22/6 6 0 /- 42/6 “The Leap,’ =*«««n°.« the Waterworks Company, Corpl. H. G. Jennings, who No. 4 Turkish Small — — 2 6 /3 20/- 5 2 /6 40/- is serving with the Royal Sussex Regiment, has been ; a ready ‘The PURPLE DOMINO/ wounded f<5r the second time, but is happily progressing lundaries RUSSIAN BLEND— favourably in hospital at Edmonton.n. CorpL Jennings NEW AUTUMN TAILOR-MADES, PATHE GAZETTE and other Interesting Films. | joined!-ined up in Novembc November, 1914, ' and ’ was first wounded i main- No. 1 Russian (Flat) 1 6 /6 14/- 41/3 33/9 8 2 /6 65/- SEMI-EVENING • GOWNS those S eiptember p ...... of last year. 2 ( R o u n d ) . . 14/6 3 6 /3 72/6 D A IL Y at 8 , 7 and 9. Doors open at 2.30,6.30 & 3.45. No. 12/- 28/9 55/- H a m p s t e a d C a d e t s ’ D e p a r t c r e . — T h e BLOUSES, MILLINERY, e t c ., on V I E W in t h e SHOWROOM; Articular P rices : Is., 7d., 5d. and 4d. (including Tax). lisinter- No. 3 „ (Small) .. — — 2 5 /- 18/9 5 0 /- 37/6 University College School Officers’ Training Corps, I them it from Frognal, Hampstead, left Eastbourne on the 10th Itice th e VIRGINIAN— inst. after a nine-days’ stay at St. Andrew’s, Meade. No. 1 Virginia 1 4 /- 3 5 /- 7 0 /- The corps was 182 strong, including officers, and was |t h e Leaf 11/6 27/6 47/6 1 under the command of Captain Sootc Lowe. vounded N o . 2 „ ...... ! 2 /- 9/6 3 0 /- 22/6 6 0 /- 42/6 DUSTING AND |id s t and L o c a l F i s h e r m a n C o m m e n d e d .—L e n d in g j The Arcade and No. 3 „ (Small) .. — — 2 5 /- 18/9 5 0 /- 37/6 IVTO P R I Seaman Frederick Reed, R.N.R., whose home is at 35, we are POLISHING Amber Perfumed Eastern 1 Sidley-road, Eastbourne, has been mentioned in dis­ EASTBOURNE It efforts patches. Reed, who was formerly a fisherman, joined i Terminus Road, I d grati- D r e a m . . 2 7 /- 24/6 6 7 /6 60/- 1 3 5 /- 117/6 up when war broke out, and is now serving on a inine- lo u t th e | sw eeper. THESE MOPS PICK Ibecause, Similar Reductions are also made on all Leading Brands of Cigarettes, P o e t r y S o c i e t y .— A t a m e e t i n g o f t h i s pnt th a t Cigars and Tobacco. UP AND HOLD' ALL Society, held on Wednosday in the Committee Room, .ttention Technical Institute, tl e subject of “ Poetry in the light esponse P. PANTO & CO., -1,ROPR,ETORP. PANTOOCK. DUST WHILE) YOU of W ar” was introduc d by the President M. Armune Ardontz, the translator and editor of “ Reveries on Personal anil Social. family estates of Klliermont. and Gnrsoaduen, Scotland WORK. Stormy Seas,” was welcomed by the members. and Chartwell, Kent, and thereafter ceased c ) h< k f any ’ th e sick 44, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Telephone 683. official position in tho Church. i grow n I n c o m e T a x R e b a t e s . — The R e v e n u e Officer. Cadet H. R. Turton, of Eastbourne, who has Tlie marriage ar.Ninged between enditure Returns for the financial year ended on the 31st March recently passed his qualifying examination at Cam­ piadron-Commando • last show that over £205,000,000 was received in the R. Hilton- .Jones, K.N., and j.Kill n, only daughter of blarly in Chemically treated. bridge, has now been gazetted as Sub.-Lieut., R .^.V .R . Colonel and Mrs. Astiey Roberts, WIJ form of Income Tax. Unfortunately this would include (R.N.) Division. plu'" et St), |ta l. A t | a very considerable amount of over-paid tax, claims for Saviour’s Church. Eastbourne, <»-, \V» sdav, Sept. of last In the recent school examinations of the Associated 5th, at 2.29. invita* ions! ire i EVERYTHING for CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES. P rice : repayment of which can now be made. A not unreason­ Lied; I nt .ill sui-e of able estimate of such amounts would probably be 5% of Board of the Royal College and Royal Academy of friends will be welcome at thJ cluir ’ t Prompt Oyole and Motor Oycla Repairs. Music, the following pupils of Miss lillsio S. M. Reed j the total sum. The intricacies of the various measures Mr, P. D. Stun-ham, M.S A.. F I.S ;. ACCESSORIES, HIRING, PETROL, OIL, TYRES 3/6 and 4/6 e a c h . dealing with W ar Finance have made it impossible for passed in pianoforte playing:—Miss Joan . Holman, Fut- phasised bourne, who enlisted a feu weeics ago, nd who N E W INNER TUBES, 2/0 to 5/-. COVERS, 5/- to 11/-. SPECIAL LINES. a very large proportion of tax payers to conduct their lower division ; and Mias Euith A. Nicol, elementary . p; ior [venture division. to joining the Army, devoted much liim ) munitions sidenti own claims. Under these circumstances application work, has beep given commission rank up I for free advice should be made to The Eastbourne and The Rev. John Ehskino Campbell-Colciuhoun, M.A., his n ppoint- nr usual DOXFLL, the Cycle and Motorman, 48, GROVE ROAD. raent to the important post of equipment merof lands. District Income Tax Reclamation Society , of 7, B olton- D.L., J.P., -whose death occurred at .Eastbourne oh the He is attached to the 7hth Squadron, E.F.C Iwho are 'Phone 608. Garage and Workshop: 1, WEST STREET. road, Eastbourne, whose only charges are an inclusive 29th January last, a|t the^ge of 85, left personal estate 111 resort vv. S. SQUIRE & CO., j scale fee based on benefits obtained where they aro in the United Kingdom valued at £11,956. Ills. 8 d. O n The will of the la -e Mi. Char F. Cunm \ ily and instrumental in securing repayment or saving of tax. the death of his brother, in 1872, he succeeded to the Graham, of Enstbcr irne lias bei iveJ a t £:•, a sub­ ant and FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, Ighbour- 2 2 , TERMINUS ROAD. |ho sp ital LAST DAT OF SALE. ses will T e l e p h o n e N o 1 1 6 7 . i towns- eek-end, DO YOU KNOW tie inosfc bination S e r b i a n F l a g D a y .—S a t u r d a y next w e e k (August 25tb) is Serbian Flag Day in Eabtbourne. kiss th e GEORGE BROWN & Co. The appeals w ill take the usual form. ion m ay C e n t r a l W e s l e y a n C h u r c h .—O n W e d ; ] That CHRIMES Ladies’ Trench Coats are the Bust Pos-.ible Value. L t d . Be H on. nosday afternoon at the Central Wesleyan Church, Most Fashionable Garment. Good Twill Tiainproof, finished with eyelet ted belt va Hall. CONCLUDE THEIR Pevensey Road, the organist, Mr. Reginald Simms, A R.C.O., gave a pleasing organ recital to a good and saddler made leather buckle. For the Sale the Prices are congregation. Miss Maud Bonghton also rendered th e first solos. A collection was made in aid of theohuroh funds. £1 = 9:6 £1 = 15=6 £1 = 19 = 6 £2 = 5 = 6 £2 = 15 = 0 Sb of St. IMPORTANT SALE TO-DAY. A l l S a in t s ’ O r g a n R e c i t a l s .— Dr. M. P. mr in tlie Conway presented another interesting programme on I See sketch. Iktions are Saturday afteflloon. The most important feature was In shades Browny Khaki Twill, Dark Clerical Grey, Mastic, Pah- Khaki. Dark fln-i iiy K ii.ii. i, Muir. i’t« i on their THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Lemare’s “ Symphony in G minor,” a work full of |M n y th e y imagination and impressiveness, and giving soope for a Every G arm ent m anufactured specially fo r his business. Materia!.-: selected per.: umUy. (.begun 80 OF SECURING I display of the organist’s teohnique. Dr. Conway gave | two new a most forcible exposition of the symphony, which was Also a selection of Reliable Trench ^hape Raincoats for £ 1 : 3 : 6 den and followed by the considerable congregation with sustained | buMnoss- interest. Included in the programme were two short a social Bargains in all descriptions of sketches by Sohumann, and a-Variation and Fugue on l l y feeling the Psalm tune “ W inchester O ld” (Dr. Charles Wood). C H Iil ME S' SA L E is now soon coming to a dose. |peginiung Miss Vera Sisk sang very tastefully the “ Agnus Dei” bent for Avail Yourself bf the Opportunity by procuring one,of the H ea l from Mozart’s Mass in O. and Cherubini’s “ Ave A m Maria.”—A further recital is announced for this after­ noon, when among the items of the programme will be Maisquash Coats. Sale Price £14 and £16: 16-0 Bf E nsfc- MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. Kheinberger sonata, some further pieces by Lemare, pns n e ar and Guilmant’s “ Final alia Schumann” on an old Heal Pur Sets of Muff and Animal Stole of Ideal Furs for 63/- the set. lospital. French oarol. ; bSP IT A L , NOTE ADDRESS Heal Coney Coats for £9 = 9 :0 worth to-day. £13 : 13 : 0 [following B o w l s : B r a d f o r d C u p (S e m i -F in a l ).— I k en d ed E astbourne v. H astings A lexandra.—T his semi­ final match was playpd on the Rodoubt ground, and [ 8 th, 38 ; CHRIMES’ Costumes are unequalled. Now all at Sale PricSS- bring th e Regent House, l^erminus Road resulted in the success of Eastbourne by two points. | date, 31. E astbourne. Hastings Alexandra. £2:12:6. £2:19:5. £3:18:6; worth 84 - to 6 2 D ns. si to rs od L. MacLachlan and W. J. Ridgway and Major om 2 to H. H i l l ...... 24 W eston ...... 22 to bay H eal Shantung Silk Costumes for £2 8 = 6; worth £1:19 G whole.- .ilc. 1 urgently (The Shop with a Clock). A r r i v a l o f a ! C o n v o y . — A convoy of reived by wounded soldiers arrived at Eastbourne on Wednesday fug, J.P.. afternoon. It consisted of 63 men, including 33 “ cot’’ S a le P ric e s in M a tr o n 's C o a ts —the best possible cloths ami silks— B radford. cases. Their conveyance to the different hospitals was Chrimes4 Tailor-made expeditiously effected. from 42/- Sale Prices to £3 :19 : 6 ; were 05/- to £0:0: 0 LEARN TO SMOKE. — Smokiag is a Fine Tonic. Trench Shape Raincoat b n . m . h . “ T o m m y ” R e m i n d e d o f D e v o n s h i r e GO. London on FOR ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIGARETTES TRY P ark .—P rivate P. Ansoombe, of Eastbourne, in a Odd S k ir ts Over! Black and Navy Blue Odd Skirts. 16 9 to 35/- ftria. He letter describing bis experiences as a member of the £1:15:6 V e ry C heap. Were 29/0 to -i-9/tv i for h is D O U L L , The Tobacconist, 56b, GKOVE ROAI). ’Phone 608. Labour Battalion, w rites:—“ We recently had some lur Olfiee. parcels from Queen Alexandra, eaoh containing eight J kindness Parcels seat to our Troops in any part o f the W orld articles. We had to share them out, so wo drew for |i.. iuteru- them separately. I got a corncob pipe. The cook BS9 train, CARRIAGE PAID AND POST FREE. admired it greatly, so I made him a present of i*. We A E S A T , S w itzer KEEP THE TRENCH PIPES BURNING. have had a lot of storms lately, and as our preset.t tent is not always equal to the occasion, we sometimes wake ALL GOODS np to find the rain dripping through on to our cot. On ALL TISSLB i is u g e d one of these nights we also had some presents from AT CHRIMES’ Is daily a t’ Fritz whistling over in the storm. Taking it all rtunl, BEOABLB. FARNCOMBE & CO., L im ited, however, We are not doing at all badly. The country­ side is now prettier, and lately wo have had a regimental EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF COMMERCIAL AND ARTISTIC PRINTING AT band playing near in the evening. It recalls memories , H a r p s , MODERATE CHARGES. of a Saturday night in the grounds of Devonshire Paik. 7b. 'V i. It seems probable that Fritz will receive his ‘quietus CHRIMES’ TRENCH SA 1M O O A TS t — j . a soon. I am somewhat mystified that he should continue l-stroet, to make such confident statements of his ultimate u CHRONICLE V PRINTING WORKS, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. success.” all at Sale

m p U i f a LM * •

IMP T-S" ' T ' - T : ’ " r ' ’ ' r Ef


p < n n vp* acquired St Cloud and m M d into n limit- I b i i ^ T NOTES. LOCAL TRIBUNAL, eoirij.any. He had u.;;:.- ! •I Cioss work for sumo considerable time. LORD RHONDDA doesn’t like Profiteers. Air. H ugill: We dis.-vnt. C’2 men are required by C o n s t a b l e a n d A p a r t m e n t H o p s e K e e p e r . CASE OF A POLICE CONSTABLE. th e A rm y. SPORT The Chairman: C;r i: i; : ••• ihi-, R ed C \ <}^ j h i :.y a i" ■.•..i m ail's life is pot (always) r. He is making it impossible for food- woi kb h a p p y one, J.’.C, Keates, amongst other CHIEF CONSTABLE AND “A ” MEN. .Mi}. N ie d c rm a v e r: P< - ;!>!y w hen the season is u v w m em bers of the Force, has reason to subscribe profiteers to charge you unjust prices for luje Chairman: Wo a :r;. months; but ho 13 v l to this dictum . According to a story unfolded should understand that when the season is over ho must increase his Red Cross services. before the M agistrates, Keates mounted a necessities. THE PLUMBING TRADE. flight of steps to give w arning of an unscreened FRUITERER AND FLORIST EXEMPTED. TI im Ii.-aw r lijrhj, when the good lady of the house, with Tr usts and Combinations are formed with the direct object Mr. Hillman appeared :■•> sup; ort in application hv w ith < ri< k • ; a b lo w i n the face, sent him reeling down the SOM Ii IS - Y E A R S - OLD APPLICANTS. of making the Public pay certain prices regardless of merit. i v rr c -j Mr J. C. Hastings EC. (*• i,- ni.-d, on** child, ab an d o n ed t r steps, and then ninde him a target for sundry greengrocer, fruiterer ai d fimi-q. in R. vensey-road iveatlijer. ’I :i- strauge missiles, including sonie trellis woi-k Trusts do not benefit the Public. and (L’ompton-streot. making i:n. . and an iron door latch. It does not appear After a fortnight’s interval the Local Tribunal held SUPPOSING ! Applicant, question* I by te i'ibtma!. said he had You shouljd smoke eBLACK GAT CIGARETTES because they are howh.-jro tin- npj that the som ewhat severely mauled constable manufactured and sold entirely on their merit by an independent firm which a sitting at the 1 own Hall on Wednesday, when there no men working for him at tee present time, tho assistants being all females and boys. h(ivinL'-i»i r< .1. .. was greatly perturbed. W ith the air of a were present Major H. P. M o l in e u x , J.P. (chair­ does not belong to any Trust or Combination. Alderman Duke: When was In* passed Cl? philosopher he took his rough handling as being man), the Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien Harding, ! « s t Mrl Hillman: At t.h* end of (). tob* c last or ail in a day’s work, and concluded that his ij < )n |S a tu n l.i v. J.P.), the Deputy Mayor (Councillor C. \Y. Bolton, bcginjning of November. lE'Ct bp:OllD :-<■ d Anuv/.onian assailant m ust be “ oif her head.” BLACK; CAT MEDIUM are MEDIUM J I IN TH E Surr (nor-tune, the; biggest and best value et this J.l .), Alderman L. Duke, J.P., Air. C. Peerless Mr. Hugill thouirhi k v. «>nb; ! •- .\ . 11 h«* should bo S' • much, indeed, did this seem the probable ^for^^2 Dennis, Mr. T. B. Husdcl! and Air. R. J. Alines, with reexamined. (To an; ....tint,. \ have a very explanation that the services of the police p rice. W HEN IT’S kot. capable manageress at the she) .' ^ Ir - H . W. Fovargue (clerk). The Alilitary Repre­ flin; 111.Ill- . surgeon were requisitioned,! but that official Applicant: Y es, but the buying work, some of sentative present was Air. W. \V. Hugill. 'several of tin failed to find sufficient grounds to certify the BLACK CAT MILD at 10 for 4d. AND YOU can't know, which takes place in London. 1 *; Ur.vs special 'know they bad tie- ledge. woman for an asylum. Hence it became a are the same size and weight CLAIMS OF PLUAIBERS. not t<>fany\ MILD AND can't THINIC Conditional exemption was granted on medical question of the nature and extent of the specified by the Ct ntrol Board as 1 4 T The cases of a number of plumbers were considered, th e play, li {Jr for grounds. b o u rn e . I ’ punishm ent, and in being let off with a fine th e 4 1 /a^. standard. the Tribunal deferring their decisions until they had DRAPERS' ASS 1ST A NT. heard tin* whole of the applications. W HAT WILT, be nice D * P 'T I T - o f £ 1 only ti c term agant female can scarcely Mr. Nicholson (H. W. Nichols ;:i. Ltd., drapers) c o m p l a i n of having had to pay dearly for her BLACK CAT EXTRA LARGE Air. A. C. Hillman represented J. Thurlow 141) AT LUNCHEON, passed Bl, married, with four children. The applicant asked for temporary exemption to ?In* end of October East I-uni i,. m ilitant outburst. contain one-tenth more Tobacco than carries on business ac 1 0 1 , Latimer-road. for H J. Winder, an a^istmi. 1’lie latter was 13 ir<-n ( ;i I : For a pu-dding, on the 26th June, ami his services could not be dis­ the Control Board requires — which It was stated that there were in all 44 plumbers in A ust ini i . i \ pensed with until after the seas ,n. means that in every lO Cigarettes the borough. .1 esi-l.pi. 1; o. T h e V o l u n t e e r s . DON’T WORRY about i t . Mr. Hug-ill opposed dm application. I Air. Hillman said Air. Thurlow would be 42 next w ent iin tii - 1 . .T h e r e is still ground for disappointm ent at you get the value cf 1 1 a n d th e October. He produced a certificate from Dr. Howie The Chairman: We will give him to the end of QUALITY c.n’t be beat n. JUS-T GET Bird's tfepternber. who \|i nt in the num erical progress of the local Company who declared the man to be unfit for Volunteer work! found Gils ti of Volunteers. The switching of the Com­ Air. Thurlow had a son who had been discharged Mr. Nicholson: Then I shall have to appeal. ; r o lia{f-li< ;: i- BLANC -MA7-7GE powder 1 he Alavor: The time may then be reduced. pany on to the Hastings Battalion — the from the Army on medical grounds, but he had -htiind.- Sin . 1 i. improved so much that he was willing to return to 1 he Town Clerk: You uiu.r give notice of appeal Battalion, that is, that has Hastings as its within three days. • ri.pidly o \ :. official centre or headquarters—was certainly military duty. AND YOUR troubles WiH ti i.-d : r. not a popular move, hut it is doubtful w hether a r*' : wo no claim upon him. W ILL VANISH. OTHER CASES. to ta l fli,... f the slow grow th of the Eastbourne contingent Air. Hillman suggested that the son’s willingness E F. Donne (IS),-p * ■ - -.1 f.-r general service, applied "throdgli in .1 to return should influence the Tribunal in regard to is appreciably duo to this step, which con­ for time to enable him |.> j *hi d:.- O.T.C. He was should h.i \ « VIRGINIA CIGARETTES. the father. AND SUPPOSING 1$ in July last, and tii • < >.T.C will not take men ditions rendered, we understand, unavoidable. The son came forward and confirmed the statement h-b'.v V-; , :,v nn'd . . . . •! .. Jr, the im pel lane m atter of practical efficiency CARRERAS, Ltd., Arcadia W crk 3, City Read, London, E.C. (Estd. 1783.) H E calls. if. bad n, to by Mr. Hillman. He said he was not a. p a r the Company continues to advance satisfac­ 22 years of age. Before the war he acted as an assistant to his father. And stays to lunch L P. K. Symington, on tin* application of Air. Lawson S m ith . ■.:I : torily. According to all accounts, the m ajority Lewis, was given an e\t vision of his exemption to of fro . r-- Replying tolthe Chairman, Mr. Tburlow, sen., said of the members take a really keen and intelli­ three months. the whole of the work fell upon himself, and his time AND HE says gent interest bv the work, making regular pictured to themselves the bodies of men was fully occupied. - F. Seymour T7)—1R in No'-or^L-,- next—asked that attendance at the frequent chills and profiting shattered and their souls throw n into eternity. SUMMEjRDOWN CAMP NOTES. he shquid nor be cal! d ;.n U’ftro he was examined C. G. G rey (40), A, m a rried , w ith five ch ild ren , is a THIS BLANC-MANGE visibly by the instruction imparted. It is And this was only a prelim inary. The offen­ for liis L.R.A.M. in D-tc.nh.iber or January next.- - journeyman plumber. He asked for exemption partly Ext much to be regretted the camp could not be sive was coming. The prem onitory whine of A lecture was given in the Camp Theatre on Mon­ on the ground of domestic hardship. Is top-hole ! ! ! mpted to end of January. brought off as originally arranged. Is it too the enemy had prepared us for it. Our own day morning by Capt. Bles, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Area Frederick Hudson (28), C2, married, one child, was F . J. Nelson, fu rn ish ’mr ro;>.i late to fulfil this intended part of the season’s communications encouraged us to aw ait it. Commandant,: Steenvoorde. The subject was the represented by Air. R. A. Niedermayer, who said the And YOU say 1. Adjourned fo r til.* [)!•.*>< programme ? * ______The British offensive was coming. At last his Red Cross work. T in s was now produced.-- “ Battle of Verdun,” and the lecture proved extremely inan was in the employ of Alessrs. Bodle, builders, anticipation was ended in the simple state­ &c., and was the only plumber they had. I M A D E it. T\vA— NE W Y O R K .' so we!| r.• 1 1 . certainly did their best, if the result was not prem ises. appreciation of strategical problems we are a n d for th e o th e r sid e P te . B ailey m ad e 40. ypu want nowadays — good food* qin-ni I 11 it 1 very brilliant or inspiring. It is to be hoped val-’e a:;d r.ioe—very. LIVERPOOL- NEW YORK. able to bring to it. * * * The Chairman : Have you other assistance there? Elmi ICO f. .j : visitors make reasonable allowances, though Air. Fear : This is th e only man 1 have at Pevensey- Try a vd’fl'.a Blanc Llarige one For Rates of Passage, Freight, Dates of Sailing, and some probably carry away impressions the A baseball Outfit having been secured by the Camp, road. dby >i. Don’t think- it over, buy Particulars as to Loading norths, several practice games have been played and it is hoped | itj r:*’ht n e w ! A n i111 •' 1 . - •.: reverse of flattering to the musical equipm ent T h e S r i R i T o f t h e M e n o u r S u r e D e f e n c e . Air. Peerless Dennis: Is he a whitesmith or a A pply, C u n 'ard L in k , Liverpool; London, 51, Bishops- that some exciting matches will shortly be played. p lu m b er? It's is good as a cream-mould, ?ate, L.C. 2; 29-31, Coeks.pnr- '.-reel. S.W. 1 ; 65, B aldw in 'i’li 11 i'st|ax . -.•■ !■• of our churches. B u t to most of us there are more than * * * ajml — Well! lots more wholesome ■tvoet, Bristol; 1, Mi !‘;.iy i. Plymouth; 18a, High- Air. Fear: Both. He is a general hand. I have oonv.-tjlv ' strategical considerations involved. Our kith i Besides vanilla there are five street, C aidilf; 117, Ncv-.-'Weei, Birmingham ; or to Local Srnuip-r.D a i. 1 The gymkhana on Wednesday was postponed owing | tried to get help, but without success. At Old Town dpfereat fruity flavors. A gents. S u p p o r t t h e H o s p i t a l s . and kin are going through an experience of to the weather; and in its place the Knuta’Kamp Komedy th e on 13' man I have is over age. I Make BIRD S Blnnc-Mange with A GLARING defect of H ospital Sunday is that which even the distant reverberations have a Kompauy gave an impromptu concert in the theatre, Air. Hugill: Surely there are plumbers in East­ cemdensed milk and you get rcu 'd 1 several songs,’ including “ Aubrey the Strawberry,” rejected in j April, but on further examination was substantial than it ought to be for a town of country from the coastline and newly-taken might be done by some contractor. classed for sedentary work abroad. All Parades at the Diiil Hr-ll unless otherwise stated. hiti, is. .. : hills, like those of W ytschaete, the difficulty which he has n^ver sung better. He is a born comedian, The Tribunal gave conditional exemption to W ill, bfs m - i. • 1 ’. the size and character of Eastbourne. It and his humouir on Thursday was so Unforced and his Mr. H ug ill 1; We dissent. Sunday. Aug. 19th — Par-'-le 9 am . Musketry on Thurlow, F. Hudson, H. Hudson and Tobitt. Grey R an g e . 1 M usketry drill ord-^r (two pouches, braces and bowiedj in b;i\ .n.r ought not to be difficult to rectify, at least iu of the ground which our men have to attack little “ gags’’ so spontaneous and withal so funny, After goipg into the case the Tribunal extended has been horribly apparent. Those swamps was given twelve weeks’ exemption, and the applica­ the exemption for six months. side anhc). Haversack raiicus. Le Lion “ A,” “ B ” and m ak in g s-nn- part, the existing system’s want of compre­ that he well deserved his reception—a reception so “ C ” men whcihave not fired Part J. Land N.C.O.’a and missed jfor 4-h C. around Dixtnude and the Yser Canal, which tion as to Lambert was refused, but he % not to be hensiveness, and a simple process seems to be enthusiastic that stage manager Sergt. Gray was quite called up for six weeks. JEWELLER GETS “CONDITIONAL.” m a rk e rs .to atte n d . UJ) a iperiA -id.- suggested by the action usually adopted by m ust be bridged under fire for men to cross unable for some time to gain a hearing for nis remark Sunday, Aug. 2Gth.- Parade'lp.m. Company Inspection liib so n ls in - . !r. that “ He’s changing his clothes ! ” It would be WITHDRAWN. T h e ad jo u rn e d case of P: E . C lem ency (35), C3, by Adjutant. Full marching cede with packs. two or three hotels and hoarding-houses, of under fire, the low flats of our liues around jeweller, assistant to his mother, who carries on busi­ ratlu-j flisin.t' \ Ypres, like the well of an am phitheatre, with very interesting, by the way, to see Lc.-Oorpl. Nutter In the case of F. C. Watson, it appeared the claim DETACHMENT UKiT/ s (W :b k D ays'. total of lb“-. m aking a private collection among their visi­ do a pathetic number. One has more than a ’sus­ ness at 18, Cornfield-road, was submitted b y M r. the enemy above on the Pilckem Ridge, were had been made two days after time. The application Eastbourne. bow led p-rJiii rl. I tors. W hy should not this excellent practice be, picion that he would be equally good in pathos, Hillman. Mrs. Clemenee attended to urge that her so full of peril for attacking troops that was therefore allowed to be withdrawn. eon’s services were indispensable. Both business and M onday.—7.30 p m.: Ho to 1 kiss -.un class. bucccssful SVi- copied by hotel and board in g-hou 6 e k e e p e r s and one cannot help wishing ne would give us some­ Tuesday. —7.45 pm .: Psr’.oon bajenet and physical optimism itself might be frightened and medical grounds were cited in the applicant’s favour, freely tun- . generally? Probably they have not done so thing sad sometimes by way of an * effective con­ POLICE CONSTABLE’S APPLICATION. training under Sectiou Commanders. 7.45. p.m. : form . a|nd ln> - • •• and eventually the Tribunal decided to grant condi­ Signaller^’ instruction. hitherto because, either no request has been; downcast.” ‘W e like the -candour of that trast. Bombr, Duley was extremely good in “ Really, T h e ap p licatio n for ex em ption of A. S m ith (40), a pow difu! b-’.-J: tional exemption. VVedLCfeday.—2.15 \> in : M' skrdrv, Crumbles Range m ade to them, or they were unaware that any message ; so much more plea.-ing than any one never knows—does one ? ” his verse about munition single, passed C2. a constable in the Eastbourne perforn|aii' - . , workers who go out on strike simply bringing down the (eight markers to aUerid). 7 ;5 p.m.: All N.C.O.s to collection of the kind was made by others. bluster about the lust of battle would have Borough Police Force, was supported by Mr. Nieder- N E W S A G E N T ’S C L A IM . house. Pte. Kendal sang that fascinating number attend for special instruction by Adjutant. ieen. It has not been a picnic'for the soldiers. inayer, who said the applicant had been in the force Thursday.—7.45 p.m.: 1 1y instruction byN.C.O.V T im \u,y> . ... W e feel sure the Hospital Sunday Committee, “ Arizona ” very well and only needs a little more con­ A renewal of bis certificate of exemption was asked ‘They were lightly wounded,” says the same for seventeen wears. As the Tribunal wore doubtless by Mr. T. Martin (-10). B3’. newsagent. Grove-road under supervision of C.c.I.M. j om-in. tin- lr?it. S.-ii.- 1 ■as well as the committees cf the hospitals, fidence; and Gunner Amphlett recited “ Baby Bill” Fiiday.—7.15 p.m. : N.G.U.’s class of instruction in brilliant correspondent of some of them , “ but aware, the Chief .Constable had the right lo retain M r. H u g ill in:ini.!U*«l ilia t be did n o t strom fo u n d Ith-• 1 v • 1 would gratefully welcome ari extension of I well. Pte. Wilkins saug “ Tommy Tucker” with any man of military age without allowing him to skiimi.-}(ing under R.S.M. !?a»iei>r.n. AUst in.) iniii .• : the custom, particularly at a time when the pitiful to see, because of the blood that plenty of spirit and cheerfulness; aud Pte. Hawkins oppose further time, as tin* applicant was neither come before the Tribunal. In this case, for reasons clerk nor an artisan. Pev en » y. w ickets v.. :. f inancial needs of the hospitals m ay be described drenched them — bloody kilts, and bloody gave a bright Scotch number. Sapper Hopkinson sauf which were not apparent, the Chi**f Constable did not Sunday, Aug. 19tb.—7vlu ke : y on Range (see above). and. ind.-.-i “ A Son of thq Desert,” and revealed a nice voice ; anc T w elv e wj.vk.-J allow ed. as som ewhat acute. As to the probable attitude khaki, and bare arms and chests, with the support the application. When, however, one con­ T u esd ay .—7.45 p.m : Mutko :y instruction by C.S.I.M. in st sii- j 1. - • . Tom lin.l cloth cut away from their wounds, and Driver PufHeyfs singing of “ When you come home ’ sidered the depleted strength of the Force, and the CAB PROPRIETOR AND FARMER. Ijci-ii bbwii-t!? of visitors towards such an appeal, no mis was also good. ;• Popular choruses were played by Pte. Thursday.—7 30 p.ra.: Plato drill, extended order.Tv bandaged heads from which tired eyes looked fact that “ A ” men had been taken on since the pitch eiii.i 1 >i« ! . r givings need be entertained. Experience shows M ortimer and 3\te. Trenkel, the latter, as usual, getting M r. N. P O v h (41). 01 m arried , w ith five children., S unday, A ug. 26th.—See :-.!:ove. out.” And yet those heads were “ bloody but war and wore still being retained, it would he seen th e l)Tii tu n : .. . that, as a rule, they are only too ready to a beautiful tone out of his violin. usked for filltber-nun’. Ho was represented by Mr. Ilailsh am . unbowed.” Here is the other side of the that the applicant had a strong case. The principal : H illm an . . Their ir«. :• v 1 contribute, even generously, to local institu­ * * * :i Sunday, Aug. 19th.—(10.2i» tram). M usketry cn Kauri* picture. “ They were eager,” says Mr. Gibbs, grounds for the claim were medical, and he put in a The applicant, besides being a cab proprietor in (see above). T’vler 1 >iii: 1 nu - tions of a charitable and useful character: Amongst the new talent that has recently made an copy of a certificate given in July by Dr. Lathbury, “ to describe their fighting, aud I saw again Eastbourne, has considerable land near Polegate. He T u esd ay .— 7.45 p.m .: P la t•*on drill, Col. Bast.w'k I.: and were it brought to their attentiou that appearance in; the Camp one may mention Rfn. Cross, who said Smith had been a patient of -his for seven As a rcsuli cl’ the pride of men in the courage of their had to lookiafter numerous horses. Thursday.—3 p.rfi.: Ivlu.-.ircliy and miniature range. the hospitals are open for the reception and a tine lady impersonator, and Driver Penfold, who has years. He was (the doctor stated) suffering from R ep ly in g jto a qu estio n , ap p lic an t said 1 he was in 7.30 p m.: Platoon drill. runs. treatm ent of visitor patients, and do, in fact, comrades forgetting their own, which had sung at the Queen’s Hall. Unfortunately, however, as neurasthenia, migraine and obstinate facial paralysis. the Volunteer Regiment and had attended one or Saturday.—3 p in.: Mn,-kcirynm l miniature range. been as great. These lads told me how they if to balauce this, Lance-Corpl. Hartley, of the Knuts, Sunday, Aug. 26th.—(2.25 train). A djutant’s inspection J. S W -C. • render valuable aid in cases of accidents to Mr. Husdell thought the members of the Watch two drills aj week. Haymaking hail prevented him at East bourne. Full marching cider, w ith packs (see visitors, they would doubtless esteem it a lay out in the night, and how the German left yesterday (Friday). Committee ought not to adjudicate in the case. doing more. above). Mr Jana- i‘ - w ell—is; il< .id ! privelege to associate themselves with those planes came over-, bombiug them ; how they The Mayor said they would not do so. Councillor Bolton: Are you ready to go out of Recruits can be taken from 3 to 8.30 p.m., except Eastbourne (on military service if the Volunteers arc Copenhim n : to whom the Sunday appeal is more directly rose and went forward to the attack.” There Dr. Lathbury., examined by Mr. Niedermayer, said Saturdays and Sundays. required to so months’ biness. m a d e . ____ is the spirit that will never be broken, and i his opinion Smith was unfit for any form of A. J. H art, C aptain. CAVALRY CAMP NOTES. military service. His disordered nervous system A PIiplicantfc I have not signed on, simply because which stands as the sure defence of the T h at Iwjo a made it necessary he should be under constant th o Dl>usiness| w ould riot allow m e to do so O f course challenged liberties of the. world. tile 1**1 oiiuw! II i '! T h e L a t e M r s . B e a u m o n t . observation, or there would be a breakdown. Owing , if it. were compulsory that would-bo a different tiling. The Cavalry Cripples will give their next public Singcrs-f-tlie 1'..:: S o m e t h i n g of a shock was produced locally to the migraine he was liable to fits of fainting, and j Aldermani Duke \Vortyyou not asked to sign on? concei t at Devonshire Park on August 30th. Several Applicant): 1 may have; been. aft.-r appear: 1 . by the news of Mrs. Hubert Beaumont’s sad had. in fact, fallen down. of the old favourites in tho concert party will again The Mayor: The fact of there being baymaking w ere no|wln r. 1 death iu Italy, where she had been helping CANADIAN SOLDIER’S DEATH. He has been under your care and treatment for E a t i t v /h e n t.liwr app.-iiii.iH- seven years?—That is so. work cannot be accepted as an excuse for neglecting Jier husband (Liberal M. P. for the Eastbourne appear, although* unfortunately, not all. Sergt, sa meal seems & Icr.g way off. j = |i M r X nrU .k And do yon consider it essential he should have Volunteer drill. D ivision, 1906-10) as Vice-Com m issioner of the Dempsey and j?tes. Wood and Hudson have all lefo the Councillor! Bolton : Under the present, constitution It feeds arid sustains. aiinoumicini nt INQUEST ADJOURNED FOR IMI ORTANT further treatment?—Yes. Red Oros$ in that country. Recollections of camp and been seut to re-join their units, and that they of the Volunteer Regiment the membersiare liable to .tpoloucttea! \ I WITNESS TO APPEAR. will be missed; by the Eastbourne public at tho forth­ Applicant, in reply to a question, said ho was help­ the deceased lady’s connection with East­ ing to support his parents. undertake service wherever the Force may be sent. coming concert goes without saying. However, Colr.- Is not Mr. Perch in it on that condition? bourne are of au entirely pleasant character. Sergt. Williams, Pte. Somerlad and Lc.-Corpl. W right Mr. Hasdell asked whether the man’s pension rights B y tli»- xx: t x would be affected by (his being called up. Mr. Hillman : I don’t think so. I understand you Mrs. Beaumont’s public activities were, of On Wednesday afternoon, at the Canadian Hospital, (to mention the names of three only of the concert have the option of volunteering for service away from knows huu i... 1 Mr. Niedermayer thought it was a little uncertain. he nia \ v. c.: i • course, m ainly political, being directed to the Meads, Eastbourne, the Deputy Coroner for East party who have proved beyond question what excellent th e tow n. Mr. Fovargue: Oh, no; there is no doubt upon his U<-if,llIV/ ill'.;. I- promotion of her husband's aspirations, and Sussex (Dr W. A. Dow) opened an inquiry into the artistes they are) will again appear, aud several new The Chaiijman : Is lie willing to go in the event of rights in that respect. ALLEGED DIGAMY BY A C A N A D I A N n s to m aintaining the predom inance of his party, circumstances attending the death of Private Joseph and clever turns will bo presented. Of the latter, a the regiment being ordered away? •on. Plant Wild, 29th. Battalion Canadian Regiment, who new comedian J Pte. Penny, S. A.I., has arisen, and is Mr. Niedermayer: I may say he has been an acting tin* li.d! m .-: in this constituency. Her bright, genial, sergeant for seven years. Applicant)said he would prefer not to be put under N.C. 0 . died on Monday from the result of injuries received said to be something very out of the common. Mr. the obligation of going. saucers .fin# . sympathetic manner, however, made her on May 10th. Bassel will once more produce and Lc.-Corpl. W right Mr. Hugill took it the reason tho Chief Constable Tunc Wii> on 'H popular am oug the inhabitants generally ; and did not seek to retain the man was that the latter Mr. Hillman : He might as well be in France if he The affair arises out of a shooting incident at Sea- will act us-assistant producer. is to be under orders to)go on duty away from the dehcacg red her occasional platform deliverances, though was a single man. CHARGE F R O M Ml’, A FO R D . ford Camjf, which was fully reported at the time. It ! - * * * tow n. | i \ d-' ■' pleasure to listen to, if only for their sprightly Montenegrin named Stanko Jovan Layovitch was voice, reminds me that he was giving me some par­ teering unless the members were ready to serve any­ Before Dr. W. F. Ciosshv; charged with feloniously tiring at the deceased soldier Mr. Niedermayer: But “ A ” men have been taken at Lewes Police Comb m o re <| UK !«.«:• vigour, originality and good humour. Litjtle ticulars of his musical career the other da}T, which irnay where in- England. on Thursday,. Royal John McDonald, a sergeant. and was sentenced! to three-years’ penal servitude. on since the war and retained. N cedli, SS Je ' 1| has been heard here of late years of the H 6 n . be of interest ito the reader. As a boy, he was trained Mr. Perch : The. Force is ready for service in case major in the Canadian l-\utv ;t Sc.Vord, was charged The defence was that Layovitch attributed to Private Mr. Peerless Dennis: Has he ever fainted when on an d wi I’e ;.I- - 1 11. Beaum ont and his fam ily, but we are sure in Wales, but he finished his musical education inSbuth of an air raid, is it not? with marrying Gertuum Rs r.t El*ham. Kent, on Wild rumours in circulation reflecting on the former, d u ty ? Africa, where he studied first under Miss Henrij von The Chairman: We shall grant twelve weeks. J u n e 1st, 1916, his wife,- D, ,1 b In.ri rshury. to whom ho they have the sincere sym pathy of the resi­ as the result of which his young lady had jilted him, Mr. Niodermnyer: Yes, he has, and the question der Hoven, and later with Signor Ferino. In I91|0 he came before the Watch Committee on another When he comes up again we must- have full was married on May loth, TJ3 being then alive. A hul\ n- :'l dents generally in the great and tragic sorrow and it was asserted that Layovitch was not responsible C ourt 1| •: 1 ' ! vl entered for the Eistedfodan contest and proved the charge; but it was proved it was due to tho disease particulars pis to his Volunteer record. He must Detective-Sergt. Alijert W , that has overtaken them. for his conduct at the time. } successful competitor in the tenor solo, the tenor I and bring up a report next time. of Lewes, stated- from which he suffers. th a t a t 1 0 o'clock that morning he wont, in company luirl I*1 The Coroner at jtlie outset stated that he could baritone duet and the mixed quartette. In 19ll lie Tho members of the Tribunal having deliberated with Sergt. Potter, to Ch.istvi ton, Eastbourne-road. Bench for 1! t u - I not conclude tho inquiry that afternoon. He said again won the South African Championship (tenor isolo A (CORPORATION GARDENER. before H a i l h h .y m ’s D i g n i t y O f f e n d e d . privately, the Chairman said the case would bo Sea ford, which was the .-hit f ;.tD o of the Canadian bad • 1 that so long ago as May 10th the deceased was shot and tenor and baritone duet) and th4 following year 'Tribunal favourably considered an application ant- rfe-i): t i. ■ '1 adjourned for fourteen days for further inquiry. It In tell igence Depa r t men 1-. b- ^ i\v th e accused and 1 1 a i l s h a m , although s t i l l without urban and as a result of the injuries received lie died on won the tenor solo once more. Yet again, in 1913, did for exem ption by C. K in g (41), C l, a C o rp o ratio n Tile | P -. •. j| would not be nccesisary for Dr. Lathbury to attend informed him that he w.-i- a Ceii.*ie< t ivc police officer and powers, is determined to “ stand on” its Monday. A certain man who is aliened to have shot he prove victorious, making four years running in gardener The man has a partly disabled hand. l in d u again. had a warrant for Lis ai W. :m>s cautioned him dignity, bub will allow no outsider to do so him was not in attendance that afternoon, so after which he 1ms i won the tenor solo. The last tiinB he Six months’ exemption granted. and read the warrant, ciiarrrun.g \: taking formal evidence he would adjourn the inquiry gained the highest number of marks ever awarded,to a A MANAGER “SUBSTITUTE.” mu with bigamy\ to A u absent defendant—an Eastbourne man, by him. life made no reply. \ T :.ru :ss asked whether for a fortnight in order that the man might be co m p etito r of ejither sex in S outh A frica, nam ely, 99-100. Exemption was asked for C. A. Cattlin, manage GROCERS STORES’ ASSISTANT the bye—excused hi3 non-appearance by stat­ understood tho chaige am! b * iC]»lu-d, “ I quite under present.and give evidence if ho eo' desired. Ho also gained the South African bursary of £200 a of the Cornfield-road shop of Mr. Sainsbury, prov: Adjournutjl from a previous sittin ing that he had to go to Hastings on business. tbe case of W. s ta n d .” W itn ess th e n l»i.»ugl t pri.soner to Lewes. Staff-Sorgt. Walter Kllyatt- Webb, C.A.M.C., sa,-id year for a period of three years. After this ho studied sion dealer. It appeared lie had taken the place as M anw arim r (37). t ’l in assistant at Elliott’s Stores, re* The Bench were indignant, the Chairman vS'upr. V ino asked for ;t i - i nn that he knew the deceased as a patient in the hospital. for a while under Signor Ferino and was then booked substitute for the previous manager, who has been was now dJTmit tiled. Domestic- circumstances I'.tnd f"r a few days. and brnuu ! lit ♦ 1 theALigistnute remanded pri: describing the excuse as wholly untenable, and His regimental number was 75,887 and lie held the for the World’s Tour under the management of Dr. called up for military service. w ore tin 1 f ground of application, and the 1 :it. r Jill next Tuesday lined ‘T ■ adding (in tones of conscious pride), “ We come rank of private in the 29ih Battalion Canadian Regi­ Gregor Cherniasky. While on this tour, however, and Mr. Cattlin said he had been classed C3. As he a p p lican t gi details of liis wife’s indisposition. Accused applied to !>e lil ■urated on liail, but th o ollend.l : before H a stin g s!” O f course “ we” do. ment. Ho was admitted to tho hospital on the night when at Johannesburg, ho decided to volunteer for the limped he could not do marching. , Six months. Magistrate said lie could » ,..t grant bail that day Fancy any town alive having phe temerity to of Alay 10th and died at 6 p.m. on August 13th. Front. He was sent to German East Africa and there A representative I of tho firm stated the facts in and advised prisoner to run., w hi.■-> application at J'SKFCLEY EMPLOYED. th o Asked by the Coroner if hr* knew deceased's original wounded and, after nine months in hospital, volunteered support of the application, and the Tribunal granted adjourned hearing. claim precedence over the a n c ic nt market town i'ii j. address, bo replied, “ No, but ho was born at Rugby.” to take the Kaffirs to France, although he had been six months’ exemption. Formerly a butler, and now acting as an orderly at lo 1 . of liailsham. Even Eastbourne has never put I„.- d • 'll 1.1 in any formal claim of such portentousness. A juror asked if his next of kin had been informed, discharged. He was sent back to England and hopes, U rm sto n H ospital.' H . J . W elfare (40). 0 2 , applied after the war, to remain in this country for a while in AN AGE QUESTION SETTLED. that ho might be allowed to retain his position. M i s a p p l i e d W k a t i i .— A teacher had been VV.-il ni'hl I t was not so long since, and well within the and to this the StatT.Sorgeant replied, “ A comrade . * v i 11 '•m| \ opera and after visit America. In the meanwhile, G eo rg e Fox (39), C2. m arried , tw o children The Military did not oppose^ Mr. Hugill stating taking a great deal of trouble, to induce his scholars to in liis regiment had asked to bo notified if he died. form 1.1 r . memory of many living persons, when all although he was shot through the lung, ho is proving attended on an adjourned application. Mr. Nieder the official view was the applicant was already doing adopt a less noisy way of walking in tbe school passage^. His next of kin was his sister, but he had not com­ !Ufl.! letters to the Empress of V^atering Places municated with her for 15 years. They had tried to that it has not'injured his singing at all, as any visitor mayer was the solicitor appearing on his behalf. important a id useful work. He first tried persuasion, but at length threatened 11 W ed 1 • |-i were addressed “ Eastbourne, near Hailsl^am,” get in touch with her.” to the Cavalry Cripples’ Concert on the 30th will be The case had been adjourned for evidence of th< Six months’ exemption granted. punishment; and he had not long to wait for a chance and when much of Eastbourne’s public busi? able to hear for themselves. man’s age, the previous contention being that it was to prove 'that he was in earnest. Darting from hia the t The inquiry was then adjourned until August 29th, * * * above the military limit. BO»l\RDING-HOUSE r MANAGER. room into the passage, ho easily made a capture. Whan b.i: ness was trausactedat the honte of rope-walks when it will be held in the Town Hall at 3 o’clock. Councillor Bolton : It was said the age was in tho L, W . Dilip way (38), C2. m a rried , w ith tw o chiidre.., followed during the next two or three minutes need not . |. • and fat cattle. ______The Band of the 13th Hussars has played three days bo related, but presently t)n |d »• •• • i on the front this week—Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. family Bible. was an application that had been) adjourned from a y'-'ui igster gasped out in BEST FOR A LL. The Mayor: You suggested it might be there. tones of remonstrance, “ Pie Paid On Tuesday, the programme was : March, “ Victis July sitting 1 , sir, I’m not a scholar, T h e N e w O f f e n s i v e . Mr. Niedermayer said it had now been ascertained Mr. NiodArmnyer appeared for klie applicant, who I’m the lad with your morning •.qn-i ! ” at -Ml* ' For Ch ildren T ee th in g . Honos” ; overture, “ Mireles” ; selection, Mr. Man­ < ion d < j.i: MRS. If your baby is restless and that the applicant would be 40 next November. He is manager and secretary of Stl Cloud boarding­ P r e s e r v e d C a i d ; i- l • *, AIa n y people in this country had a new hattan ” ; entrocte, “ La Lettre de Manon ” ; song, ’ k s.—Take up the .. 1! cannot sleep, give this old- asked that the exemption might be extended to the house, Royal-parade. The case, |io said, had been plants a day or so before t-Lm \ ; sensation iu the early days of last week. The “ Until ” ; selection, “ The Gondoliers.” Ou Thursday • ' full-grown, and when Com,* ■ 1 • i 1 1 W IN SLO W ’S fashioned remedy a trial, as end of September! to enable applicant to make adjourned (for the production of certain medical perfectly dry take off thd -uv * solemn continuous booming of the greaLguns it cures W in d Sc Teething their programme comprised march, “ Entry of the u.:’d« i leaves, lay them I- ...... ■! ' arrangements for thb carrying on of the business. Hi certificates detained by the Military Authorities. in rows in a dry shed, and in Flanders reached those who had not Beard Diarrhoea. You will all Gladiators ” ; overture, “ Raymond ” ; selection, “ High . — l cv.vcr- lie- roots of each inu-l I'j SOOTHING have a good night and baby Jinks” ; valse, “ Golconda” ; morceau, “ Hearts and was a storekeeper and confectioner. Mr. Hugill produced the certificates, which Mr. with dry earth, laying them nidi.-ways, with the crown them before. Those who for any reason lay will wake up blight ana Flowers” ; song, “ Every Little W hile” ; selection, Tho Chairman: We will give him to the end of Niedcrmaye)’ handed in to the Tribunal. Ho also of th e second low clpso to the* ur.derleaves” of th e first-, awake at night heard and almost felt the SYRUP. happy. “ La Boheme.” On Friday it consisted of mairch, S ep tem b er. produced a certificate affecting the health of tho an.d so on till the whole mo stored. Protect them with II:,v.. throbbing, and realised, perhaps, morei fully Folies Bergere” ; overture. “ Morning, Noon Sand GAS COMPANY CLERK. applicant's ivife. Mr. Dillowav was in Antwerp at litter during frosty w» atlu r, hut remove the covering as Iniii.lr. (I im ■ - than they had ever done before,^something of I t is stated that over 40 ,0 0 0 'workmen are Nricrhf. ight” ” ?; selection, RAlpntinn. “ C hu C h in Ohow ” ; valse, “ iDie Mr. J. S. Garrard, secretary Eastbourne Gas Com the outbreak of tho war. There he lost all his soon as the frost breaks up. ,-r.d . h ar uwav all -decayed llll,I l.-f .11, ill,I ihe awe-inspiring quality of warfare on the accidentally killed and 2 ,000,000 wounded each year in H y d ro>paten” p a te n ” ;sdr; serenade, “ L o la ” ; selection, “ Bebsjy ” ; pany, applied for further exemption for G. E. Munro, possessions, j but managed to escape to England, leaves as they appear. Time i.an lie kept in this wvy stilt,-,I (ll.lt Ml. modern scale. A$ every boom the imaginative the United States. valse, “‘ FSonge d’Amour apres le Bak” one of the principal junior clerks in the office. where’, with the financial assistance of friends, he from the end of October till the cud of January, ilii.uiii.il,. U.. - tU.il

It ig estimate 1 ergons m tlie l nil 7 lim it- ] EASTBOUBNE OHEONIOLE, 8ATOEDAY, AUGUST 18, 1917. ir som o nearly put his left hip out. He was not drunk, for he ired by HAILSHAM PETTY SESSIONS. bad only had three pints of beer that day and had not TOWNER & BROMLEY, SPOBT—AND OTHER fcbuched spirits. He had arranged with a gentleman in Vos-t Hailsham to take the pony back to his father if he House and Estate Agents, THINGS. W edn esd a y .—B efore Mr. Herbert Curteis (in the caught a train from, there to Eastbourne. \ l2 T 4 l V lir ovor, chair), Mr. A. Burtenshaw, Baron von Roemer and The Bench then retired to consider the case, and on 57, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. M \ J I ' b u t 1m B y SPECTATOR. Mr. W. F. Beauford. returning the Chairman said they were not quite sure MAPLE & GO. A B I v cr ho that he pad intended, to steal the horse, so the case CASE DISMISSED. Messrs. Towner & Bromley are Agents for all Available o r L O N D O N would be dismissed.- Houses m Eastbourne and Neighbourhood, and a Care­ l im i t e d ED The heavy raifts of the past week have interfered Messrs. Green Bros., Summerheath-road, Hailsham, He was then charged with being drunk when in fully Selected List will be sent, post free, on application. FOR were surnrtioned for a breach of the Factory and W ork­ tio n by with cricket, several matches having to be either charge of the horse and cart. Have All Houses shops Act by employing a boy, Charles Reginald Burtpn, P.C. Maine related the same evidence to the Bench cJiiul. abandoned or left unfinished owing to the wet A ST B O U R N E.—F o r S a le ; 2 reception, 3 b e d ; £325 fu ll tim e. that he gave in the previous case. q u ick sale.—T o w n er & B rom ley. ey-ro.'ul weather. The also have been affected, Mr. Charles Edward Whitelaw, H.MJ Inspector of E To Let or for Sale P.S. Clarke also gave evidence as to the man being A ST B O U R N E.—F o r S a le ; 2 reception, 5 bed ; £350.— making run getting a difficult matter and giving Factories, London, prosecuted. Mr. A. W. Green drunk, and stated that the police doctor had certified ho line! Towner & Bromley. IN bowlers' the upper hand of the batsmen. Bowlers are attended on behalf of the defendants, who pleaded not that he was in that condition. E th a g u ilty . Prisoner | said he was not drunk. He could not be ASTBOURNE.—For Salri, Four excellent Cottages. having a real good time just now. Mr. Whitelaw, opening the case, said that on the E le t a t 8s., 8s., 8s. 6d. and! 9s. re s p e c tiv e ly ; price £i75 EASTBOURNE & DISTRICT * * drunk off three pints of beer. each; low ground rent.—Towner & Bromley. 31st May the boy, who was only 12 years of age, was He was then further charged with driving without STOIU (lliet o r On Saturday, although; rain fell, the pitch had not working full time, both morning and afternoon, and not lights on the night of August 4th. ASTBOURNE.—Hyde-gardens; For Sale; 3 recep- yet become so difficult and some very good play was attending school. The Section under which he prose­ tion, 6 bed, dressing room, bath (h. and c ); price L ocal O ffic e — Prisoner : I admit that. * E £ 800; low ground ren t—Towner & Bromley. Siiii imi seen in the match on the Saffrons between East­ cuted allowed firms to employ children in morning and P.O. Mansfield said ihe was on duty at 10.15 on the v ery bourne and the Cavalry Command Depot. As usual, afternoon shifts or on alternate days. If they worked night in question at Horsebridge when prisoner came ASTBOURNE.—Mili-roaa; For Sale; 3 reception. 9 116 TERMINUS ROAD the homesters were strengthened by the inclusion of in the mornings one week they would go to school in 'J bed, bath (h. and c.); excellent garden ; price £2,!ju0 ; by driving .!a horse and cart, withont lights either at the low ground rent.—Towner & Bromley. o f several of the Summerdown Camp XI., and, as usual, the afternoon, whilst this would be reversed the follow­ front or the rear. He Called on him to stop, but he only Opposite the Station Goods Warehoused Id Separate kriow- they had the best of matters,’ though in this instance ing w eek. swore at hjm, lashed his whip, and drove on at about 15 ASTBOURNE.—For Sale; one minute from Sea find Charles Reginald Burton, New-walk, Hailsham, said Pier; 2 reception, 6 bed, bath (h. and c.); £725.— Lock-up Compartments. not to any very great extent. The weather curtailed miles an hour. E Towner & Bromlay. EASTBOURNE ■ilical the play, the scores at the finish standing: East­ that he remembered the Inspector coming to the factory The Beneh committed prisoner to prison for one month bourne, 167 for four wickets (declared); and the in May. Witness was making ropes and lines in the with hard labour. ASTBOURNE.—For Sale (Freehold); one minute shed of the factory. * He started work on that particular from S e a ; 3 reception, 5 b e d ; price £600.—T ow ner Depot, 103 for five. E and Bromley. Telephone 87. Telegrams “ Elpam.” Finest Fireproof Warehouses Jrapcr.^ . * * * morning at 8 o’clock and went to dinner at 12 until 1. ASTBOURNE.—For Sale (Freehold); close to Sea 1 O ctober Eastbourne took first knock, and after losing such In the afternoon he worked from 1 until 4, and did not in Eastbourne. w as 18 go to school. E and Pier; just re-decorated throughout; 3 vecep- men as Captain Humphreys, Capt. Tudor and Private tion, 8jb8d, bath in. and c).—Price and further details of A nd they recommend the following :— b e ilis- Austin rather cheaply they offered a stubborn By Mr. Green : Are you quite certain that you the Owner’s Agents, Towner & Bromley. resistance* to the visitors’ attack. Capt. Loftus,*who worked in the afternoon? ARLISLE ROAD.—TO LET or FOR SALE.—Very W itness : I am not certain. attractive Detached Residence, with capital garden, Smart and Up-to-date Vrus. „ went in first, showed good defence, juid ErnC-st Smith, C ; en d o f You remember«the Inspector coming in the morning? not overlooked ; 3 reception rooms, hall, 8 bed and dressing > who went in at tire ball of the third , quickly rooms; good offices) no basem ent; ront£160 per annum. found his form and began to punish the bowling in —Y es. Freehold for Sale. , u . 179. Did the Inspector tell your father you must not work Sertwnts # Assistants SEanicb. Experienced smd Careful lieu 1. r.o half-hearted fashion. These two men made a long in the after noon ?—Yes. ILLING DON .(near Eastbourne).— Charming Old stand, Smith doing by far the most of the scoring and I arm House, with pretty grounds of about half- ordy Employ©;5., ap p eal Did you come back in the afternoon to work?—No. A RESPECTABLE NURSEMAID, with good char- W rapidly overtaking Ills partner. Change after change The Magistrates’ Llerk : I)o you remember what date acter, REQUIRED; must be over 16.—Apply, Mrs. an-acre ; main water, drainage and gas ; 2 reception was tried in the bowling line, but it was not til! the o,, 31, Marino parade, EasLbourne. rooms, 6 bedrooms, bath room and offices; stable and it was and how do you know ? total had mounted to 167 that Loftus was run out coach-house : rent £yl) per annum.- Mr. Whitelaw : (Jan I treat this witness as a hostile AY GIRL WANTED for light duties onlv.—Apply, ESTIMATES VS 3 3 . through not grounding his bat, as he could and applied one ? D Mrs, Kelterer, Imborhorne Lodge, East Griustead. M APLE & CO. 116, Termiuus Road Eastbourne. should have done, inside the crease. B e w as The M agistrates’ Clorlc : No ; he is only a boy. a r d e n l a b o u r e r s it «-o) w a n t e d ; dis- Ice m en * * * The Chairman : Were there any time sheets? G charged soldiers or men over age.—Apply, th e A i?PLY He had made 52 by slow, patient cricket, but it was Mr. W hitalaw : No ; we are not allowed to see time Gardener. Kidbrooke Park, Forest Row. not a particularly good innings upon the whole. sheets. ENERAL (good); two in family; good home, out­ jure ax to Ip t. L aw so n Smith, on the other hand, gave a delightful display The Magistrates’ Clerk (to the witness) : W hat you G ings; wages £30; good references.—Mrs. Cribb, 10, ition to of free, resolute hitting and some very fine shots said to the Inspector at first was wrong ?—Yes. Frtichmore-road, Thornton Heath, near Croydon. A PARTMENT HjOUSE, Jevingtcm-gardons, for dis- G. E. MAYNAEI), L n ^ ’ were included in f his brilliant 73 not out. The old Wm. Burton, father of the boy, said that he remem­ OOD HuUSEPARLOUkMAlD WANTED for posal; w hole or part furniture.—II. J. Chartres, 59. Yorkshire amateur is a most attractive batsman to bered the Inspector’s visit on May 31st. He was — August 25th.—Apply, Mrs. Stoney, 23, Ailiugton- South-street, Uaslbokirno, and 6, South-side, Clapham. |pd that; road,Gc Eastbourne. j Complete House Fiimskers, a m in e d \ watch, and after becoming thoroughly set on Satur­ working in the long shed along with bis son. The boy 1ASTBUURN K.-4-Capital Unfurnished DETACHED JLU RESIDENCE ; three reception rooms, eleven bed­ n e x t.— day he exhibited all the skill' and command over the started work that morning about 8 o’clock and worked 4 1 OOD JOBBING COMP08ITOR (N.8.) W ANTED.- \T Farncombe & Co., Ltd., Lewes. rooms. t wo dressing jooms, two bath rooms; large garden Lull for which he is famous. It was Ernest Smith at up to 12 o’clock. They both then wont to dinner, but w ith fu ll size tennT«al Pmirt- • npu>f> -C3 /UVi r»T> ».£»«♦- Xi l fifi nor. his best—or very nearly so. RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. with full size tennis court; price^SOoTor rent'filsi) par the boy did not go back in the afternoon. a r n e s s m a k i n g . - w a n t e d , g e n e r a l aannum n n u m onou lcloaso.—Apply, Oakden Sc Co., Estate Agents, Oreystone Buildings,: rnifi'old- * * * The Bench found that there was no case and thus also an Improver; state wages and rt- or* H Eastbourne. When the Cavalry Command went in they fared dismissed it. The monthly meeting of the Rural District Council capabilities; large and hoalthy workshop.—Wi.cox and n[ced.— e e d .- TO ATTEND SCHOOL. eon. East Uriustcad. AY WARDS HEATH AND DISTRICT. - For Eastfcousfae. badly against the bowling of Austin and seemed likely was held at Avenue House, The Avenue, yesterday. ____Particulars of HOUSES TO BE LET oh SOLD in OUSEMAID REQUIRED August 30th: two other H to collapse altogether, but Capt. Wells-Cole came to Joseph Pankhurst, Heathfield, was summoned for not M r. R u p e r t S. G w y n n e , M.P., presided, and there this charming and healthy locality, with excellent rail­ py lii sending his child to school. maids, Cook and Parlourmaid ; quiet situation ; way service to London, Brighton and Eastbourne, apply the rescue of his side and by determined hitting put H ego 19; wages £18; usual duties; needlework.—Write or The Magistrates’ Clerk said that the child had only were also present Liqut.Col. Owen, C.M.G., *C.I.E. T, Bannister & Co., House and Estate Agont3, M arket­ at better complexion on the state of affairs. Under call. 6 to 7 p.m., Tillery. Salfrons-road, Eastbourne. place: Haywtuds Heath. r.—S ix the circumstances he played very pluokv cricket, and m ade 14 a tten d an ces o u t of 69. (vice-chairman), the Rev. J. T. Burns, Mr. F. J. w o rk his 53 not cut certainly saved the situation. No one Defendant said that the reason he did not send his Hickman, Mr. A. S. Haynes, Mr. J. Birch, Mr. J. o u s e m a i d - w a i t r e s s w a n t e d a t o n c e ; EEK LI ES. — tJpperton, £155; Commercial-road, middle aged would suit.—Apply, Crowu Hotel, £3 0; near Railway (5), £S00; Firle-road, £385; g i t a a i i e m s *;lse was able to do very much, and this, together child to school was because a man cursed at the children Youell, Mr. J. L. Rjeid, Air. C. Thomas, Mr. G. EastH Giinstead.______, W as they go to and from school. He was willing to let Whitley-road, £U0.-~H. J. Chartres, 59, South-street, with the fact that Wells.-Colc contributed more than Hornsby and Mr. T. l£. Varley Kirtlan (clerk). Eastbourne. A DYJmRXIB&MF'XTS m u st oo replied' to i n w r i i his child go to school if she could be protected from such OU SEPAKLOURM AID WANTED ; three in half the full score of. 103 (for five wickets), made his family; must be well up and quiet in her woik. ___aTjL d irected to th e add tosses givor.give* Peri: onup \2 l u-v display all the more creditable. Austin took all but language. D ang ero u s Co r n e r s. and an early riser.—Apply, The Neuk, Saffrons-road. COUNTRY COTTAGE TO LET; two sitting, three ileus at our Publishing Offices, fo r part iculars, one of the wickets that fell. The Bench made au order for the child to attend M r. H a VNES reported that the Common-lane corner Eastbourne, by letter or personally, between 3.30 and ( bedrooms, bath room ; large well-stocked garden ; VICES Punnett’s Town School. at Berwick had been done, but that nothing had 1.30 p.m . ______close to Common and Station; rrco river fishing; plato OOK - KEEPER (ineligible) DJtSiUL’S ENGAGE­ * * * and linen ; 2gs. weekly.—Woodside Cottage, Fittleworth. B MENT, whole or pari time.—Address, F. R., A match between an Eton XI. and a Public Schools been done at Berwick cross roads. On one side it WESTON & SON have a VACANCY for a Youth “ Observer” Office, East Griiistcucl. NO LIGHT ON A VAN. a s t g r i n s t e a d .—l a d y ’s f u r n i s h e d h o u s e XI. (Eastbourne) was played on the St. Cyprian’s was, he said, almost ajs bad as before the cross rails • as APPRENTICE to Learn PHOTOGRAPHY ; Edward Piper, Heathfield, was summoned for having were put up. wages from commencement.—Apply, 81, Terminus-road, E 10 LET, preferablyr for Scpte:September ’ ; three sitting, "'lOOK - GENERAL and Ir Aj s ^PAKLOURMAID ifround on Saturday. The Public Schools were not a van on the highway at Punnett’s Town without a Eastbourne.______five bedrooms, bath, garden.•don— —Z., 7, “ Observer” Office, ( J (friends) REQUIRE SITUATION in Lowes, 'so well represented as they hoped to be, and conse­ T he Cler k said he was at Berwick on Monday and together if possible ; disengaged September Dili ; in light, on July 28tn. it was horribly dangerous at two places, but both 1TCHENMAID WANTED ; easy place ; high present place three years eight months and two years.— quently met with a heavy defeat, the scores being P.O. Pullen said that at 9.55 p.m. on July 28th he T^URNlSHED.—Avenue, 5 guineas ; Facing Sea, 2£ E to n 109 for fo u r w ickets a n d th e Schools 51 all out. were on the county main road. wages.—Apply, Mrs, Drughoru, Banavie, 27, Tue Apply, B. Norton, 3, Royal-crescent. Brighton. >; an d saw a van standing on the highway without any lights. K Avenue, Beckenham. . guineas (winter); Arlington-road, 5 guineas (winter); # ■# # The Rev. J. T. B u r n s said he had been nearly i Hampden Park, 3 guineas.—H. J. Chartres, 59, South- n g l i s h , f r e n c h , l a t / n 7 p a Fn t i \ g .—Prd iy - He saw the defendant, who had been catching chicken, smashed up twice on his way to Berwick Station. ]% • ACHINIST (N.a.) WANTED, must be used to good street, Eastbourne. qualified Lady Teacher REQUIRES POST or ops- An interesting match was played-at the Saffrons on and told him he had no lights on the van. Defendant The SURVEYOR said: he was instructed to get per­ 1.TX work.—Farncombe & Co.. Ltd., Lewes. LESSONSE Noxt Term. Examination Coaching aUo.-• w in - Thursday, when an Eton and Harrow XI.—or, more borrowed some lamps and lit them. mission from the landowner to trim the hedge in the MALL flemi-dotShhed pleasantly situated Furnished Box H. G. C., “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. H ig h - correctly speaking, a Public Schools XI.—met Defendant said that he was close to his home at the |V | OTOR DRIVER WANTED for laundry van ; laly S HOUSE TO LET in EastGrinstead ; two reception, Local Rural Council’s district and to communicate With the iTX might suit temporarily.—J. Worslold, Aveuuo th ree bedrooms, bath, small kitchen ; gas cooker ’; KS. RIDLEY WISHES lo RKCOMMENL \V. Summerdown Camp. The weather was fine, but the time and he thought that he would have time to catch County Surveyor in regard to the part abutting on Laundry, Apply, 20, St. Leouard's-road, Eastbourne, reasonable terms.—Apply, J., “ Observer” Office, East Richardson as good S ix g lk -H andkd OAKBENF.R v/icket was on the soft side and gave the bowlers the chicken before it was time to light up. the main roads. G n n stead . or head of two; ageiO; ineligible; East Grinstead or URSE WANTED, middle September, for East­ distinct advantage. The boys jiacl a pretty good The Bench imposed a fine of 2s. 6d. T h e Rev. J . T . B u r n s asked if anything had been district preferred ; free August 29'h. — Apply, w. ; team, but they were no match for Col. Bostock’s men. N bourne : first baby from month ; own nursery r 1IO LET, a large UNFURNISHED ROOM-Apply, J. Kicharcison, Kosi Kot, Feibridge, East Grinstead. HAILSHAM BEFORE HASTINGS. done with regard to the Polegate cross roads? entirely and all baby's washing.—W rite fully, statingJL Huggctt, Daker, North-street, Lewes. T. * * * T h e Surveyor (Mr. \V. Walker) 6aid he had wages, Ac., Mrs. Holmes Scott, 9, Victoria-place, Ea-t- A N T E D , S IT U A T IO N "its NURS1TA T T E N D A XT Just at first their prospects looked decidedly rosy. The case of Bert Owen, Eastbourne, was then called, obtained the consent of the owners of the land on bourne. W to invalid lady or gentleman; not fully trained ; but defendant had not put in an appearance, he having four years’ reference: leaving through death; no il/t- The Camp had the advantage of first innings, but the one side to the removal of the hedge and tho sub­ OURTJCR.—VVA>SH.—WANTED, either Man or Woman as ing.—Apply, Tregow, Meads-road, Eastbourne. boys bowled and fielded so admirably that four good sent a man named Staines to represent him. stitution of a fence, conditionally on the permission JL G E N“ EKRAL R A L PORTER.—!Apply, P Plummer Koddis. Jtrikles for <§rilc. “-road, Convalescent wickets were down for 25 runs—Austin, The Magistrates’ C lerk: Where is Mr. Owen ?—He is of the tenant of thef land being obtained. Mr. Ltd., 71-82, TerminuiTerminus-road, Eastbourne. A N T E D , PO ST aT* W OR KING" L AL) YvH EL l~or away at Hastings on business. HOUSEKEEPER ; domesticated; plain cook­ Capt. Heasman, Capt-. Tudor and Palliser being the Marchant (the tenant) 'had no objection provided the ^BfiiVAN TS OF ALL KINDS REQUIRING SITU A- i.AOS 1 tilt! EAST ORINSTSAD LIMITED W W hat does he do ?—Ho is a traveller. ing ; salary moderate; reference.—A., “ East busaox 21. victims. But then Hawkswprth and Capt. V. Tl Council erected a fence which,was prpof against men r _ TION8 should write or call at Mrs. Reeder's Employ- * CANTJ5LUPH GARAGE. Tel. 181, News,”! Lewes. H ill got together, and these two men, both resolute The Chairman: Then he must travel this way. We and dogs. That was a tall order. Mr. Marchant m en t B u re au (k.b.), Rotten-row, Lewes.______come before Hastings. PETROL LYRES. REPAIRS, CARS STOKER. o r k i n g f a r m e r r e e k s " s i n\\Tii7>T“at “ ted . ■flitters, soon began to take the edge off the bowling. suggested an iron fence similar to that along KingV TO CK-KEEPER.—WANTED, either Manor Woman The Bench adjourned the case for a fortnight. AGENTS. HIRE OARS. Michaelmas as BAILIFF ; life experience all on W ith his score at 25, however, Hawkswortli was clean dnve, but ho (the Surveyor) had written and told S as STOCK-KEEPER fob the Furnishing Depart­ branches farming; abstainer ; accounts ; reference.-:.-- a n d bowled in having a go at a half volley, and Hill, after him that would defeat thtf object of the improvement. ment.—Apply, Plummer Roddis, Ltd., 71-82, Terminus- Blackberry Farm, Lingfleld. BICYCLE WITHOUT A LIGHT. road, Eastbourne. Machine Department, 7 ’ a n d making some lovely shots to the boundary, was dis­ Mjr. T homas said it was absurd to talk about keep­ 2 6 ton Trucks. ’fi a n d missed for 44. Capt. Humphrey who had joined hit Fred Parks was summoned for riding a bicycle without ing men and clogs outj Dogs could get in now, and WO good MAIDS WANTED, Houseparlour a light in Western-road, Hailsham, on August 4th. and 1 Powerful Steani Which. up a merry 40, and with the rest doing little against there was a gate near. | T General; liberal terms.—Apply, 29, The Avenue, 1 Complete Set Exhaust Heater Colls (suit Laundry), ctio n Gibson’s bowling the innings, which had opened P.C. Ockenden said that at 10.20 p.m. on the day in T h e Ch a ir m a n remiarked that what was w an ted Eastbourne. 1 Engineer's Emery Wheel Machine, question he saw defendant riding a bicycle in VVestern- rather dismally,' terminated for the very respectable was a post and rail fepce with not more than three NDER HOUSEMAID WANTED in School where 1 Power Chaff Culter (by BenUill; nearly new. total of 168. Gibson, from the Meads-road end, roud without a light. He asked him where his lights rails. Anything more than three rails would be of seven maids and two men kept.—Apply, House- 1 Corn Crusher (by Beutull); nearly new. DVERTISEMENTS arc inserted under either of bowled remarkably well and was much the most were and he replied, “ I have none.” very liftle use. They must have something they keeper, Seaford Ladies’ Collegp, Sussox.______• U0NTRA0T1N8 DEPARTMENT. these headings at 1 bo following charges, if cash is The defendant said that he expected to be home A sent with tho order 1 One insertion, not exceeding iJ successful Schools trundle-r. He was punished pretty could see through. STEAM ROLLERS FOR HIRE ; 6, 8 and Hi Tone. ‘ y sica l earlier. Mr. Thomas and MrJ Hornsby were asked to inter­ words, One Shilling; 3 times tor 2s. Gd.; six times for freely at times, but hep never lost his length or his BIGGER DEMAND THAN EVER FOR 4s. 6di Longer advertisements at proportionate rates. p.m . : The Chairman : W here had you been. To the pictures ? view Mr. Marchant onj the subject. form, and his seven' wickets:for 65 runs aglainst such A MOTOR DRIVERS.—LEARN MOTORING ICYCLES.—A large selection FOR SALK or HIRE, ji powerful side was a distinctly creditable including Premier, Swifts, Sunbeams, Triumphs A Y OUNG LADY REQUIRES a BEDROOM and use R a n g e The Bench imposed a fine of 5s. M ajo r G w y n n e ' s C o n d it io n . AT ONCE.—Good pay, excellent prospects. THE B FI l of- Sitting Room during 25th August to Sth O.’s to performance. LARGEST INSTRUCTION WORKS IN THE and Enlields. Also Perambulators and Mailcarts. A * * * At question time, quantity of good Second-Hand Furuituro for Sale —Jury September, with attendance ; Meads district.—Write, A DANGEROUS PRACTICE. WORLD. Tuition on heavy Motor Lorries or any \V. A. B., *• Chronicle "_Office, E astb o u rn e. \C.O.Vi Lieut.-Col. OWEN said he was sure all the m em b ers typeof Touring Car as desired. 1,0 WEST CHARGES and Son, Trinity-buildings (near Trinity Church), and The boys gave1 a most disappointing display with Martin Kenward, Heathfield, was summoned for 13i. Seaside, Eastbourne. the bat. Some of them shaped very well, but they were as anxious as he \yas to know how M ajor Roland IN LONDON. TRAINING UNLIMITED w it h o u t OOTS WANTED.—Good price paid for discarded n in driving a motor car without proper lights on July 24th. Gwynne was progressing and how M ajor Mackay was. EXTRA CHARGE UNTIL PROFIOIKN1’ AND T y SU b AGE PLANTS FOR SALK ; Flockmaster and B Boots and Shoes, also Oast-off Clothes. Undoi linen, found the twp county bowlers, Hawkswprth and P.C. Pullen said that at 10.15 p.m. on July 24th he SATISFIED. Secure the B. S. M. OFFICIAL Household Linen. Curtains. &o. ; bankers reference.— Austin, much too good for them. The two first It was with the deepest regret that they heard of V / , Early Drumhead, os. per 1.U00 ; Thousand Head was on duty in Cade Street, when he saw a motor car Major Gwynne’s injury and they trusted he was CERTIFICATE and Freo Benefits of the Licensed of M arrow stom K ale. 3s. p er 1,000. — J. C ornw ell and Send post-card, Mrs. E. Morgan, b'-i, Ooklynge - ro ul, wickets were down before a run had been scored, Motor Employment Agency. SPECIAL LADIES' Son, Barcombe Mills, Sussex. Eastbourne. ve). come down the road without any lights.. Ho got his going on well. and, indeed, runs were so difficult to get j that the red bicycle lamp and turned it on the car, shouting COURSE. Individual Tuition. Special Courses to 1AST-OFF CLOTHING.— Ladi-V, Gentlemens and A I.M . first sihgle obtained (after five maiden overs had T h e Ch a ir m a n said he heard from his brother that train pupils_ for tho Royal Automobile Club's “ 1YCLES, MOTOR CYCLES uml CYCLE CARS.— “ Stop, where are your lights?” He rode after defen­ morning and from thp War Office on the previous > We have the Pick of the Market, Triumph, 1 1.8.A., j '■ Children's.Boots, Household Linen, &cM Bought for been bowled) elicited applause. The nature of the Examinations, particulars upon application. Special C ( Cash.—Mrs. Hurt, 5, Station-street, Lev. cs. dant and met him coming out of a garage. He asked day. His brother was j going on as well as could be APPRENTICESHIP COURSE. Spr.rkbrook and Raleigh. BARGAINS in SECOND- pitch enabled both Hawks worth and Austin to make defendant if he had just passed him with a motor car HAND MOTOR CYCLES.—Rugg, Lowes. 'Phone 147, F. WALKER, of Gild red ge- ro; i .1, Easibourco, tlie ball turn a lot and the boys were completely at expected under the circumstances. He (the speaker) Call or write for full particulars. without any lights, to which he said “ Yes, I have had was much obliged to them for their kind inquiries I),„ THANKS FiNDERof Depo-.l Boole, very mujh their mercy. The Camp fielding, too, was good, THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF MOTORING LTD., JjtO K SALK, LIGHT SPRING VAN, with tilt; sccond- for proiript return of tame. R a n g e trouble with my engine, or else I should have been home and he was sure his brother would wish him to thank I hand; wheels, axels and springs.—Pollard & Son, Tyler bringing off a difficult catch at third man and before. I did not hear you say * Stop,* but only 5, Coventry1 Street, P iccadilly Circus, Cra w le y. , ~~j^U RN ITU K E (Second - ham !) ~PU KOTLAS c l: " fo r Col. Bostock being very smart behind the stumps. them on his behalf. He was in a base hospital in London, W. W here are your lights.’ ” France and expected i to be there for some time. 1 cash; no expense of removal: good prices given. As a result of all this the'Schools could only total 40 A OR SALE, useful Uiick-sct HORSE ; suitable for —Alfred,I W right, 85 S7, Soulh-streel, Ea-t bourne. Defendant said thab he had had trouble with his With regard to Majoij Maekay’s illness, the Chair­ ru n s. I1 farm wurk ; about 15.3 ; 12 or 13 years old.—Apply, * * - # engine or he would have been home long before that man said the last accounts as to his condition were ANTED, at once, TWO STRONG LADS—Apply, Mr. Youngs. Horsham-road, Crawley. ADY W ISHES to be PAYING G UEST tLcwe*) su.\ u» JLi weeks; must be moderate.—Miss Hinton, (5, Luth ~tion time. Ho had no lamps on the car. I re-assuring. W ______Goddard & Co., 20, Sonjh-stroct, Eastbourne. [AOit j SALE, EIGHT STORE PIGS.—Apply, Kaudall, J. S. W. (Grand Hotel).—Yes, I regret to say that The Chairman said it was a very dangerous practice, bert-road, Brighton. a (see Mr. James Brown—the J. B. you say you knew so The Clerk was instructed to write on behalf of the ANTED, LADY as MATRON, for Boys' Prepara- i ir Coouibo Hall, East Grinstead. and the Bench imposed a fine of £1. Council both to Major Gwynne and Major Mackay. t'Jry School at Maidenhead, or Working Matron i e m o r i a l g a u d s .—A r u s u t f o i - c a r d ? : i/ . ; well—is dead. He was 52 years of age and died at W [AOR .SALE, mirror back WALL SHOW CASE; 25, 4s. 6d.; 6s.; 50, 7*. 8*1.; ?.00 i3s. »>!. B lack e x ce p t lor same; experienced.—Apply any day before 10 a.m. or ; choap.— Tanner, Jowellor, Schooi-hili, Lowes. Copenhagen of cancer in the throat after a six SON CHARGED WITH THEFT FROM HIS A F ood C o n t r o l C o m m it t e e . after 8 p.m., Mrs. Polack, The Ladies’ College, Grassing- ■ EdgedM Folded C ard s; 12, 2s, fki.; 25. U '. 50,6s. 5d-; months’ illness. ton-road, Eastbourno. Us. &1. C ash w ith o lder. T heso prices 1 ncinde Kc v-Hopes, * * « FATHER. A Local Food Control Committee was appointed as follows: Mr. Rupeijt Gwynne, M.P., Lieut.-Col. Postage e x tra : 12,3d.; 25,4d.: 50, At.; HM, 6(J~\IUE evidently put his Foote down on any outdoor per­ on the night of August 4th I was at Mr. Carpenter’s hesitated no longer, aud the demand for this labour J way clear to assist them. •’* , KK3IDEN JE in Eastbourne ;.t once; central.— olars t o POLEGATE. “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourno. agBH. formance of the great oratorio in Eastbourne, and he 1 timber yard when I saw the prisoner. He said to me, became very brisk. The boys are under canvas, but A l a r m i n g M o t o r A c c i d e n t .—A n u n f o r ­ ato n e d made it perfectly clear during the early hours of “ Eh up, sir,” or some expression of that kind. He when it rains heavily billets are found for them in halls rOUNQ SOLDIE^TVIFE^Vouid like”t~) hear of |c h a n c e Wednesday that he meant business.. He turned on all wanted to know my; name and address. When I first, an(j 8Chools. tunate motor accident occurred late the other evening another .Soldier's Wife to 'HIARE her Small m w GRASSHOPPER C ottago.T-G reva tt, AVest view', Copt hot m-, Stis-ex. Dm h ia the taps and left them running until he noticed the saw him he was sitting down on some bricks and then \ m ___0 ___ when Mr. Wallace Dixon, Polegate, was driving a car bill stickers going about the town posting up the jumped up. He asked me to help him to yoke the ^ Th e Spea k er on Conscientious Objectors. in the direction of Seaford. When approaching the ^ OINTMENTand PILLS are | W bati —The Speaker has replied to the-Secretary of the a L j k H i H ft certain core (or Bud Logs, (C ontinued on j)(t'/e >'.) I nob announcements that the performance would take pony into the cart, but I did not approve of it and Half Way House a lieutenant in tho Canadian Regi­ u m V Ulcere, Wounds, Bunions, Cumberland No Conscription Fellowship, who sent him ™ Piles, Carbunclea/ and will I7 ou t in place in the shelter of the' Floral Hall, Devonshire made no answer. I considered as to what I should do- ment, who was riding a motor cycle, overtook him. a resolution passed at a meeting of the N.O.F., protest- The machine skidded and the officer fell in front of the wive Janeintf or cutting. cbdlar. Park, and then satisfied at having his own way, b« aud went at once to Mr. Carpenter and told him what -F ■ ...... REFUSE SUBSTI­ at once turned off his waterworks, dismissed his had taken place. Tho horse and cart passed me as I in g againsta in st " the______persecutioni______of conscientious objectors,” car and was badly injured, whilst considerable damage TUTES. 1/8 and 8/-por box I l l e g a l D r i l l i n g i n I r e l a n d .—T b e f i n d ­ and demandingiding theirtbeii release from prison and penal con­ was also done to the machine, j Tho injured officer was of BooU, Chemists and Stores. ings of the recent court-martial hold in Cork on three clouds and gave orders for the sun to shine for the was going to the house. Bend a tUzmpt Jor sample. , t lie rest of the day. Of course it may all be a mere The prisoner, who gave evidence on oath, stated ditions as “ contrary to the principles of liberty and conveyed to Seaford Hospital. ! ALBERT 00., M, -Parrincdon St.. London, K.G men charged with leaving practised parties of men in [ w h en coincidence, but wet weather and Elijah will always that he eame from the Royal Naval Barracks, Ports­ justice, and unnecessary in the interests of the nation.” &32S------movements of a military nature wvre promulgated on th em be associated together in our minds in future. Elijah mouth, where he had been in the side bay. The doctor Acknowledging the resolution, Mr. Lowther’ssecretary Monday. Each prisoner was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment without hard labour, hut in two cases jeh ro w must be classed amongst the weather prophets now. told him he had better keep in. He told the doctor says ;—“ The Speaker desires me to Bay that he has E n e m y F i r m s i n H o n g K o n g . — T h e there was a remission of one’year and nine months j {crown * * # that he had not seen his wifesince November and asked no sympathy whatever with men who will make no Governor of Hong Kong, in hisireport for the year 191(1, A pretty girl had for a sw eetheart a bashful \ie first, sacrifice nor stir a finger to assist their country in its artist who could never come to the point. One night-, respectively. Have you heard about that old lady, living- not a if he could go to Eastbourne. The doctor gave him per­ states : “ The winding-up of the German and Austrian i w ith mission, providing that he went into a hospital there. hour of peril, but are edutent to let others suffer and after he had made a desperate attempt to test her feel­ hundred miles from Eastbourne, who recently died Gleaning is almost a thing of the past, so ring aH He had been in the Princess Alice Hospital. His home die for tfiem, while they sit at home at ease, and profit V g S T pletir ?l“ tioaU,? lvi* ings, she looked at him in a very significant way. and left an annuity of £70 to her two cats? It is now from tho norivwifciAH of the oonntrv ” th.e. m a1.1 fche liquidations have been realised, groat has been the improvement of agricultura Decayed had been broken Sip before the war. He called to see from the necessities of the country. wifch the exoeption of ft few leasehold properties and “ W hat do you mean by that ?” he asked, with a startled stated that since their windfall the cats have received machinery during the last 20 years; but in tho year b is w ay his wife where she was staying, but she told him that AN UNKNOWN DESTINATION. O ur gunners certain shares neld by secured-creditors. The leasehold look. “ Do youl profess to be an artist?” she replied innumerable offers of marriage. 1801 the Vicar of a certain village in Norfolk wrote he could not come in. He went to visit his father about got the range at last and dropped a shell right in among properties will soon oe sold, arid the secured creditors evasively. “ Y^s.” ^‘Do you think you are a good that the wombn in general gleaned fi\ e bushels each in the pony, but it was late and he did not want to disturb em : when I looked again they was gohe ! ” “ For referred to will be required to! realise their securities, one?” “ I flatter myself that I am.” “ Well, I don’t his parish, and that those who kept maidservants sent I t is estim ated th a t there are 33,900 blind him, so he took the pony, thinking it would be all right. good?” “ Well, Miss, they wont in that direction !”— In a few cases tbe completion of the winding-up is think so.” “ Why uot?” “ Because you cannot even them out into the fields, and received by contract one- persons in the United Kingdom. W hen driving in the dark a motor car ran into him and The Passing Show. delayed by litigation or other disputes with claimants.” draw an inference ! ” half of the product.

•• - .‘■tut-. vlMbktW FI


K I L L ? ( 'K & DAYIES, BOARD OF GUARDIANS. EASTBOURNE CHORAL AND AUCTIONEER.' HOUSE AGENTS, VALUERS. A BOY’S LOST HOLIDAY. ORCHESTRAL SOCIETIES] ALL AVAILABLE HOUSES.—Illustrated Register and iiuido.— Selected li^ts on receipt ol requircmenis. “ELIJAH. GADDING -A T COMMITTEE CRITICISED. OYAL PARADE.—Facing the Sea and Bowl­ R ing Green and in a delightfully open and sunny position. For Sale, a pair of these very The third attempt on Wednesday to give an open- PLUMMER RODDIS Ltd., A meeting of the Board of Guardians was held at attractive Modern Houses, each containing 3 air performance of Mendelssohn’s E l i j a h shared the reception room s,bedroom s, bath room, &c ; let venue House, The Avenue, yesterday ^afternoon. a t re d ia l of per a n n u m ; prico £l,«KX) th o p air, luckless fate of the two previous efforts in the same The Rev. H. VON E. Scott presided, and there were or would bo Sold separately. direction. Whejn during the morning the rain pelted Iso present Lieut.-Col. Owen, C.M.G., C.I.E. (who Agents, Messrs. Killick & Davies. down with merciless persistence all hopes of bringing General and High-Class Drapers, N b. 3,23 as voted to the vice-chair), Mrs. Fahey, Miss Davies- ING'S AVJCNUE, Eastbourne.—An attrac­ off the fixture in Gildredge Park wero completely tive detached, well-arranged and tastefully Hlbert, the Rev. J. T. Burns, the Rev. II. Pain, K abandoned, and there was nothing for it but to fall BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT Furnished Residence To-Let, from Oct ober for the Councillor Bradford, Councillor Prior, Councillor winter, or longer, at the,, reduced rental of 3 gns. back upon tho alternative arrangement and to give a week; six bedrooms, bath room, three reception Eden, Councillor Chapman, - Mr. J. Willmot, Mr. rooms, &o. Fine views. Also for Sale. L. Buckland, Mr. J. G. Shield, Mr. J. Youell, Mr. the “ repeat” rendering of the famous oratorio in Agents, Messrs, Killick & Davies. Birch, Mr. F. J. Hickman, Mr. G. Hornsby and the Winter Garden at Devonshire Park. Here it For orders to view the above and particulars of all r. A. Hurst (clerk). was, then, thattj the performers and audience fore­ Houses To be Let or Sold, apply, Messrs. Killick and S y m pa t h y W it h T w o M b m b e h s . ALL SURPLUS STOCK & SUMMER GOODS gathered, sinking so far as individual temperament Davies. Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. Councillor B radford proposed that a letter of would allow any sense of disappointment and apply­ sympathy should be sent to Major Roland GWynne, ing themselves 1 with befitting resignation to’ the 3.S.O. He said they all deeply regretted what had altered conditions.i After all the performance was befallen him on the field of battle. The sympathy of but slightly removed from nature’s rendezvous, as ( H e r b a n t s & Jlssisian is SSantck the whole Board would bo extended to him and they the ample spaces of the Floral Hall are on a level In All Departments are being Offered at oped they would soon receive more favourable with the beautiful grounds of Devonshire Park, (Continued from page 7.) lutings. which, thanks tio the glazed sides of the structure, Tile proposal was at once agreed to ; and, on the the auditorium in large part commands. From the r OXFORD REGISTRY, Susan road. Eastbourne. suggestion of the Rev J. T. BURNS, the Clerk \yas standpoint of musical results it may fairly be claimed _ —WANTED, at once, Cook Generals, Parlourmaids, Iso instructed to forward a letter of sympathy to also that the meeting under cover had no dis­ Houscparlourmaids.A Housemaids, Generals, Kitchen- EXCEPTIONAL REDUCTIONS maids, Betweenmaids, Nur.^e for Glasgow, Mother’s Major Mackay, who has undergone a serious opera- advantages, even though building materials lack; tho IK'.T- Help, Useful IIolp. ______lon. poetical charm of sheltering trees and blue skies' fcOOT TRADE.-WANTED, smart YOUNG LADY *o ah ding*-Ou t C o m m it t e e a n d B o y s’ H o l id a y s . The forces at the disposal of Mr. Francis J. Foote, A.R.A.M .,1 the talented and enterprising conductor, __ to learn same : good wages to start.—Apply, H. P. T h e C h a ir m a n strongly protested against the To Effect an Immediate Clearance. T y ler Ltd., 53, Soaside-road, Eastbourne. action of the Boarding-Out Committee, who had pre- w ere m ain ly the} 6ame as those which came under his a i r y .—s tro n g l a d or w o m a n w a n t e d for entod a boy on the training ship “ Exmouth ” from deftly-wielded bfiton on the first occasion. The chief Milk Round.—Apply. 22, South-street, Eastbourne. spending his summer holidays with his mother. He difference was in the list of soloists, for while Miss D Gertrude Lonsdale (contralto) and Mr. F. Percival See W in d o w s ! Extraordinary Bargains ! OTOR.—WANTED, YOUTH, must be 17 years old. said the mother was a woman of excellent character ; M to Learn the Auto Gar Driving.—Apply, Bobby and there was no reason why the boy should not have Driver (baritone) again did duty, a change became s e n 0 0 and Co. Ltd., Eastbourne. come home. The Board some years ago gave instruc­ necessary as regards the other principals, Mia} D. Richardson replacing Miss Ada Forrest as the soprano ILLINERY.—WANTED, ASSISTANTS for Work­ tions that boys should be allowed to corne home for room , u -ed to good class tra d e ; also APPRENTICES, their holidays if the Superintendent Relieving Officer and Mr. George Morris being the substitute for the M tenor, Mr. Gale Gardiner. The chorus could have —Apply, Jane Buckley, 28, Cornliolu-road, Eastbourne.certified that the home was satisfactory, and in tho We also have pleasure iu announcing that s n been little short numerically of the choral body ihat II Ad NF KY. - W A NT E U ASSISTANTS at once. present case Mr. White had so certified. He (the appeared in the Town H ill performance, while! the ____ Apply, Grant & Weir, 13, Cornfield-road, East* Chairman) wrote to Miss Brodie Hall and told her A ll Departm ents are now replenished with orchestra numbered some fifty or sixty highly capable bourne. that there was no reason why the boy should not executants, including members of well-known London w ) n 1EMPORARY HO 1J8 EPARLOURMAID WANTED com e hom e. orchestras. Expectations of a large audience were 5L on 27th for fortnight.—Mrs Heath, 14, Grange-road. M r. B uckland said Mr. Scott’s letter! was not Eastbourne. Write or apply between 2 to 3 or 8 to 9 not disappointed, the body of the capacious hall being o’clock. ad and he heard nothing of M r. W h ite ’s rep o rt. well filled. Those who had attended on the earlier The committee were not at fault. MAGNIFICENT SELECTION OF RELIABLE GARMENTS m H K COMPTON GOVERNESSES and SERVANTS’ occasion would doubtless agree with us that, excel­ M r. h it e (the superintendent relieving officer), JL A G EN C Y , 6, Station-parade, Eastbourne, and at W lent as was the first interpretation, even greater 15. High-street, Lowes. — W a n t ed , Cook-Generals and reply to questions, said he considered the home merit- attached J to the present rendering. The for Mid-Season Wear. Eouseparlourmaida for Small Flat near Victoria, country of the boy’s mother a suitable one for tlie boy to advance was especially observable in the case of! the M near Sevenoaks, London and suburbs, Eastbourne and como to. He reported to that effect to Miss Brodie chorus, which sang on the whole with greater preci­ r '.p i district.-; Housemaid for Crawley.. Temporary Parlour­ Hall, the chairman of the Boarding-Out Committee. sion and restraint, jyet with the greater freedom and ) *£H. Wj H / • f maid and Housemaid for Crawley at orico. Good Maids are invited to call and inspect our well-assorted stock B ffim n ael v >!(. ■ for Schools. D isen g a g ed : Good Cooks. Butler, Cook Councillor P r io r said he thought the. Boarding-Out. confidence due j to closer acquaintance with the technique and spirit of the work. The ladies (both VISITORS xtnfier i 5 t i 1 for East Grinstead, Parlourmaid and Housemaid for Committee ought to be censured. They had a fight of N o v e ltie s without being pressed to purchase R.N.U, London. sQfnc years ago about getting these boys home and sopranos and contraltos) were particularly efficient and CX-b ■ I Bsieoh «!.«. 4 n h w o GIRLS WANTED, one to assist waiting and t was decided that, they should come if the homes dependable; the’men showed some want of strength V U lseri A bedrooms; other f.o help in kitchen.—13, Royal- wero suitable. Who had the authority in the matter in the fuller numbers, but generally speaking they 1 1 1 parade, Eastbourne.______the Board or the Boarding-Out Committee? gave an admiruble account of themselves, and in both 7 Speciality: Tailor-made COSTUM ES & COATS for present wear. n O T 1 ANTED.—PLAIN COOK;; 'willing to undertake a M r. W il l m o t also warmly protested against the tone | and balancje the chorus revealed much to call 1 1 . little______house-work; ______housejutrlourmaid _____ 'kept; . . j th re e action of the Boarding-Out Committee and said he for- - - cjommendatory------7 - - r „ .notice...... — . — In the~ difficult. - ‘ Bahl ” u . X- I inW family; no basement. —Mrs. Yells, Gran borough, Tho sections the singing was clear and vibrant, and Mr. was glad.that the matter was going to be, threshed £ rinnlr.r. ];• < 1 Goffs, Eastbourne. out. Foote secured nearly alT the dramatic effect that the score contemplates. In the magnificent chorus = FURS at Summer Prices. ANTED, Cook-^, uo o k - G enerals, H ouseparlour- It was decided to postpone further discussion on m aids. n u iiscm aiu a, u v u ciu is, jkiM«uou, riuvnuya “Thanks be to iGod ” the choir sang with marked W the action of the committee owing t

-0f Se t t l e m e n t . earnestness and sympathy,!-. Miss Richardson’s .jjcg -{pc; -. NURSERY GOVERNESS for threo boys, ages The Salford Umpnj wrote asking the Board to so p ran o singing! ma 1 ►REPARE FOR W INTER.—Scarlet Runners, 2s. regret that inclement weather had prevented the doz. lbs.—J. C. Hastings, 10, Pevensey-road and Inspector Diplock said he went to defendant’s house m ?n t. sciousness after he was hit. He was in the mess In,r Compton-street, Eastbourne. performance taking place out of doors. with respect to aliens staying there. He asked her 30/- per week during Temporary Partial Disable­ when a shell landed on top of it. Please accept, my m en t. K . N . 0 0 1 T h e proceeds wjill be g iv en 1 fo S t. D u n sta n ’s hostfel where her aliens’ register was and she replied, “ I was- heartfelt sympathies.”—R. H. Hewer, Capt. 8, SOUTH FATALITY TO AN OFFICER’S for soldiers blinded in the war: not aware that one was required.” She had the dupli- In addition to above, all M edical Expenses up to 15 per Another letter from one of his brother officers — c e n t, of the.Compensation otherwise payable. - | ■■ ■ cate forms in her possession. He called two days later reads: “ I am sorry to have to inform you of what #lisrdhmcou0 CHILD. and found that she had a register and it was correctly Larger or Smaller Amounts p r o r a t a . you have probably already beenpeared. ‘ S u n rise,” 33, Jessie Burness, a young woman employed by Mrs. HOSPITAL BAGS WANTED. Inspector Cunnington< said that at 10i50 on the night sympathy with you in your lose. Another officer and Giynde-a venue, Hampden Park. TROOPS. 1 attended the funeral and we have] made a cross. Balfour, said on the previous morniDg about 10.30 three in question he was in Oarlisle-road, when he saw defen­ G U N A B children, including the deceased, were playing in the dants riding bicycles without lights. They said they The location ot the grave will be communicated to To t h e E d it o r . the Graves Registration Committee.. j-Youir son only diuing room. She passed the room on her way upstairs had been to the Devonshire Park Theatre and had for- COMING HUT WEEK. HAILSHAM WATER COMPANY. and then the children*were safe, but on returning about S i r : We- have received a very uiyent apneal for otten their lamps. One of the cyoles carried lamps, joined us two days before his death, but we liked him rtmitb-Dorrien's very much and will miss him.”—C. C. Sylvester, — i— **------two minutes later there were only two children in the h o sp ital ba*?s to I be se n t to L ad y tut they were not lighted. C apt. room and it was discovered that deceased had fallen out Hospital Bag Fund. 1 It was stated that defendants were engaged at the On Tuesday afternoon an “ At Home” was held in I n their report for the half:year auded .Tune 30th the. of the window. The window opened outwards-and was Official directions for making them are as follows : A P r o m is in g C a r e e r . F r a n massage department in Summerdown Gamp. Devonshire Park by Mrs. Alexander Campbell and Miss Tb -directors, of whom Mr. A>J3urteushaw is. chairman, open a few inches. There was a seat in front of the Bags when finished should mea6a re a b o u t 12 by 14 The Benoh imposed, a tine of 2s. 6d. on each defen.- Second-Lieut. Sprinks was the younger son of his ’ ' ----- —------washi^— Pattisson Cheyne, to introduce members of the London parents, and he was 26 years of age and single. Ii# state as follows: “ The amount available for dividend window and by getting on this the child would have d b n t • f. been able to reach the catch of tho window. \ Central Y.M.O.A., who have come, to appeal to East­ his early days he went, to Christ Church School, East- as shown by the profit and loss account, amounts to N t l E Gapt. Felix Swayne Farebrother, an Army Chaplain FAILED TO NOTIFY CHANGE: OF ADDRESS. bourne residents and visitors for help in the H ut Week, Lcurue, and then to the Willowfielcl Higher Grade £368. Os. 5d.; leas interest on debentures, £ 6 ; leavinj put on two. inches , from the l»ttom of bags and sewn School. He there went in for a scholarship for the at Seaford, said he was walking along The Esplanade Gabriel Assael and Sultana Assael, Queen’s Hotel, which will commence on August 27th. Gen. Davidson balance of £362. 0s. 5d. The directors recommend t on the provious morning about naif-past ten and saw a all round. The two tapes must be run in separately." were summoned for that, being aliens, they had changed Municipal School and proved successful. Whilst he presided, and other speakers were the Rev. David payment of an interim dividend at tho rate of 5 j child on the paving of the are*. At first he thought We shall be most grateful for any gifts of materialu ten a i their address from one registration district to another was at the latter school he entered, for the Cambridge Barron and Mr. Chapman, of the Y.M.C.A. Amongst cent, per annum, amounting j (less tax) to £300; tl the child was playings but as there were no otuer to make ap.these bags or for the finished artiole. Gifts without giving notice to the authorities. Local Examinations, which he passed and gained dis­ tro o p s those present were Lady Shackleton and party, Mrs. there be placed to reserve, £30 j leaving to be carried children there bis attention was drawn particularly to of bootlaces are also greatly in demand by our P.O. Cockerell said that on August 5th he saw the tinction in mathematics. On leaving school he was J, op&>> |forward, £32. 0s. 5d.” and w» should feel very thankful for any help towiawards and the Misses Davies-Gilbert, Mrs. Erskine, Mrs. employed at Barclays Bank, and from! there it was the child and he noticed something unnatural about names of the two defendants in a book at t|ie Queen’s Murphy, Miss Swinford, Miss Laurence, Sir John him. Then he saw two other children crying at the meeting-these constant requests. Hotel, giving their arrival there as the 3rd: No one he enlisted as a gunner in the Home Counties Artil­ May I also bring to the notice of your readers our Maitland, Mr. Oxley and others. The work among lery >n November, 1915. He did his training at High window and, seeing that something must be wrong ,1 h e came toa the Town HallWail to register, so he.he.telepl telephoned to the troops of the Y.M :0;A. is so well known that'it is P o r t s m o u t h t o h a v e T h r e e M . P . ’s . — called at tho house and i t was found that the child annual sale, which is fixed for November 26ih, 27th, 28tb, the hotel on the 7th inst., and was informed that defen- Wycombe and whilst there lie passed an examina­ and to be held at this depot. A special feature will be _ r . , . , - i only necessary to remind our readers of the ever increas- tion for promotion and went to Exeter. From there Under the Redistribution scheme it is proposed that had fallen out of tho window. Doctors were at once dants had gone to London in the forenoon of that day. Ring calls upon tho Society from the two Fronts. France soldiers’ comforts and ready packed parcels to send put he went to Salisbury Plain and passed his final Portsmouth shall return three; members to Parliament sen t for. On the 11th inst. they came to the Town Hall and j an(j Mesopotamia are only two of the countries in which i instead of two, tho constituency being separated into to the troops as Christmas gifts. There will be also examination and obtained his commission about Capt. Thomas Fleck Graham, of the Canadian Army stalls of useful and ornamental goods suitable for the they were asked why they had not been before. To • scenes of desolation to which our troops are going Easter this year. He went to France on May 29th, PPL V -three divisions — North, South and Central. South Medical Corps, said he was called to Col. Balfour’s this their answer was, They were too busy to come, 1 *------j ------*■ — ------1 -• * Portsmouth will include Soufchsea. At the Commis- approaching season. forward are almost unbelievable, and iu which nearly where he was attached to a Munitions Column,, and house on the previous day and found the child lying on a n d forgot all about it.” the only bright spots are the mushroom growth of the .-aioners’ inquiry on Wednesday! there was general agree­ We v en tu re to hope that the kind pnblio of this towa was afterwards transferred to his present battery, two a bed in an unconsoious state. The right half of the The m&le defendant said that he very much regretted huts. The strain upon funds is very severe and help is ' M ment concerning the scheme! in the main, the only will assist with their usual generosity. days before his death. Deceased was engaged t o - head was severely crushed and the left half was also the occurrence. He was Greek, but ms wife had only greatly needed if the work is not to be curtailed. Those :, V i 1 difference of opinion being as regards minor details of Yours truly, become Greek by marriage two days before this Miss Marjorie Carter, daughter of Councillor Frank ,,, 1 injured, The child died later in the day as a result of who receive letters upon red triangle paper from Carter, Longstone-road,. •ijA.sv ?; boundaries. the fracture of the skull. The child did not regain MINNIE DAVIES-GILBERT, happened. He had been m England eight or nine husbands and sons, and all othersnear and dear to them, AV-;’ T r a d e a f t e r t h e W a r .— Mr. Bonar Law, consciousness and suffered no pain. H on. Sec. years, and was in business, being a manufacturer of are askfed to help in the effort in the Eastbourne district Amongst the many letters of sympathy that- huvo- Com; a n te -., been received lyy the parents from kind fiyends in questioned in the House of Commons as to whether The Deputy Coroner saidAt was a sad case and he felt W ar Hospital Supply Dep&t, cutlery. between August 27th—September 1st, and to come ai?d any steps have been taken fo denounce the most- Gonville House, Oarlvsle-road, The Bench inflicted a fine of £1, the Mayor remarking help now with the arrangements. There will be enter­ their sad bereavement is one from Mr. A. Harris, sure that the sympathy of all would go out to Col. and manager of Barclay’s. Bank, which says: “ On behalf^ favouraed-nation clauses of pur commercial treaties Mrs. Balfour in their loss. Eastbourne. that it was no excuse to say that they were too busy, for tainments and collecting boxes, a flag day and much P-i'v Mi the duty imposed on them was one of the greatest of M ajor Molip’eux, the staff here and myself, I wish with other countries, replied j that the subject, which The jury returned a verdict of “ Accidental death,” A u g u st I4 th , 1917; - clerical work. All information will be given and help was of considerable complexity, was under the con- importance. gratefully received by Miss Galway, hon. secretary, to express to you our sincere sympathy in the los» and the Foreman endorsed the Deputy Coroner’s expres­ of y o u r soil He was very popular here and was a, sideration of the Government, and thattlieForeign Office sion of sympathy, which was acknowledged by CoL DRUNK AND INCAPABLE. Mr. Wm. O. Webb, organising secretary, and at the L ovin' A was in consultation with the law officers. good and promising clerk. We all deeply regret B alfour. S t u d y i n g H i s C u s t o m e r s . Do you Molly Bradshaw, Commercial-road, was charged with special Y.ML.O.A. Hut Week Department, 46, South- Y, street. that wo shall not “have the pleasure of again working j T w o B o y s E lectrocuted .—A tan inquestat know,” a bride of three months said to a friend, being drunk and incapable in Pevensey-road on August with him or ei.joying his good comradieship. - A« far W allsend on two boys,! eight bud six years of age, who think all these jokes about young wives having so much 13th. At present the recreative and religious agencies of as I know ho is the first Eastbourne bank clerk to PtewptitTld's. ifl were electrocuted on a Jive raiil, it was stated tnat the E a s t S u s s e x P o l i c e C o n s t a b l e K i l l e d .— trouble with butchers and grocers, and being cheated, P.O. Jones said that at 9.40 p.m. on the 13th inst. he the National Council of Y.M.O. A.’s are being carried lose his life on tne battlefield, and you have tho boys were found with their heads aga-inst the rail, in Sergeant George Levitt, Royal West Kent Regiment, and all that, are jbst too foolish.” “ Then I presume was in Pevensey-road, when he saw the prisoner holding on in over 1,0 0 0 centres in all parts of Great Britain, proud honour of knowing that he gave it nobly, serv­ which position they had beep lying all night. A verdict has died from wounds received in action in France. you are getting on all right with yours, dear ? ” her friend on to a tree. He asked her what was the matter, ana “ somewhere in France,” Egypt, Malta and India. ing a righteous cause, his King and country. His IVn o to the effect that the, boys I were electrocuted while Before joining up the deceased was a constable in the inquired. “ Why,! of course I am ! Anybody would if she replied, “ lam very bad.” After some conversation T^hat great demands are made on the hospitality of memory here will bo remembered by his name being trespassing was returned. East Sussex Constabulary and was stationed at Seaford. they would just deal at a respectable place,” the young with her he found her to be drunk. She commenced the Y.M.C.A. is proved by statistics. In che week first on this branch's Roll of Honour.” H e joined the Police Force at Lewes in November, 1912. wife declared. “ Now, there is my grocer,” she went walking down the street, but fell down some steps. > M e t h o d s o f L i v e l i h o o d .—B enevolent old ending July 26th!, 12,118 men slept in the huts of the Deceased leaves a widow, to whom he was married last on. “ He is just as obliging and thoughtful as can Defendant said she only came to Eastbourne on Satur­ Advani el m: gentleman: “ What is your trade?” Beggar: “ lam organisation that are situated close to the termini of year. The other day I ordered a dozen eggs, and when they day to work. She was very bad on Monday, but was the Metropolis.; J one hundred and thirty-one in the och Simple If:' [ a picker. ” Old gentloman : “ A picker ? W hat is that ? ” not drunk. She always worked hard and tried to get “ L .”—-The word “ loch ” is used in Scot­ I m p o r t a t i o n o f F e a t h e r s .—T h e P a r l i a ­ Discharged Soldiers* Hostel, 61, Gower-street, and 135 la n d in tw o d ifferen t .-ienses. I t is ap p lied on th e West* Beggar : “ Well, in July. I pick strawberries, in Septem­ her living honourably. in the Hostel for Relatives of the Wounded, 74, South Coast to arms of the sea which would be called “ fiords ’* ber I picks ’ops and in the winter I picks oakum . mentary Secretary to the Board of Trade has given The Bench imposed a fine of 5s. instructions that “ it shall be made a condition of Audlejytreet. in Norway, and it is at the same time applied till over ST III -jl'KA M a l i c i o u s D a m a g e o n I r i s h A l l o m e n t s . dozen, but I noticed that one of them was broken, and licenses to import feathers that they shall not be avail­ TWENTY-FIRST CONVICTION FOR The YtM.G. A. Training School is now closing for tho the interior, to what in' England'are oallea lakes. Them Yj> Fi< ^ — An extraordinary outrage was reported to tho able for the importation of any feathers originating in of course I couldn’t send you any but the best goo<^ so session. Mid it 'is exceedingly gratifying to learn that are thus fresh-water lochs and salt-water lochs. Loch Limerick municipal authorities on M onday. Lastspring I took it out.’ Now; don’t you think that was nice of DRUNKENNESS. British India, or of any feathers from any other part of altogether 90 classes have been hold. The numbers Lomond and Loch A wo are fresh-water lakes, Loch Appl) ■ the municipality secured local plots of land which they the Empire which has prohibited the export of suoh him to be so thoughtful and honest?” Peter Brookshaw, fish hawker, Olarence-road, was enrolle3~are 1,08^ men and 53 ladies, making a gra’ id Long and Lock Fyne are salt-water inlets; iust as in let out in allotments for potato culture in view of the fe a th e rs.” “ Did you see, auntie, that they’ve done away oharged with being drunk and incapable, at Seaside, on total of 1,142 for the 90 classes. Ireland Lough Neagh is of fresh water, while Lough food shortage. As the potatoes were used the vacant “ I’m leaving you, ma’am — going to a with the grille iri the House of Commons?” “ No; August 14th. Foyle is of ’salt. ground was resown with cabbages. One night last week Evenden said he was at Seaside on August 14th munition factory, as you would not give me a rise.” d ear. But I ’m glad to hear it. While all the country 700 heads of cabbage on one offthe plots were maliciously is on short rations it is only right that those in authority when, about 9.5 p.m., he saw the prisoner being assisted The New Vibar; “ And have you any family, liL iL a k destroyed. Various causes are assigned fer the outrage^ “ Well, Mary, if you drop sbelLs about as you do our Printed by tho Proprietors, F a rn o q m b k f t C o., L im ited , should set an example of self-deniaL”—The Poising out of the Albemarle Hotel, by the barman. As soon Mrs. Muggins?” Mrs. Muggins: “ Oh, yes, sir. One M'O - H en !1 It is understood that a claim Jor compensation is to be crockery you will get a very big rise indeed . ”— L o n d o n and Published by them every Saturday at their Office^ S h o io . ii as the barman let go of hiffi accused fell down, He livin’ and one married.”— The Passing Show, m ade on the ground of loss byj malicious damage. O p in io n . South-street* Eastbourne.