A Cocycle Model for Topological and Lie Group Cohomology Friedrich Wagemann Christoph Wockel
[email protected] [email protected] February 14, 2013 Abstract We propose a unified framework in which the different constructions of cohomology groups for topo- logical and Lie groups can all be treated on equal footings. In particular, we show that the cohomology of \locally continuous" cochains (respectively \locally smooth" in the case of Lie groups) fits into this framework, which provides an easily accessible cocycle model for topological and Lie group cohomology. We illustrate the use of this unified framework and the relation between the different models in various applications. This includes the construction of cohomology classes characterizing the string group and a direct connection to Lie algebra cohomology. MSC: 22E41 (primary), 57T10, 20J06 (secondary) Keywords: cohomology for topological groups, cohomology for Lie groups, abelian extension, crossed module, Lie algebra cohomology, string group Introduction It is a common pattern in mathematics that things that are easy to define are hard to compute and things that are hard to define come with lots of machinery to compute them1. On the other hand, mathematics can be very enjoyable if these different definitions can be shown to yield isomorphic objects. In the present article we want to promote such a perspective towards topological group cohomology, along with its specialization to Lie group cohomology. It has become clear in the last decade that concretely accessible cocycle models for cohomology theories (understood in a broader sense) are as important as abstract constructions. Examples for this are differential cohomology theories (cocycle models come for instance from (bundle) gerbes, an important concept in topo- logical and conformal field theory), elliptic cohomology (where cocycle models are yet conjectural but have nevertheless already been quite influential) and Chas-Sullivan's string topology operations (which are subject to certain well behaved representing cocycles).