En En Amendments 1

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En En Amendments 1 European Parliament 2019-2024 Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 2019/2157(INI) 30.4.2020 AMENDMENTS 1 - 263 Draft opinion Jessica Polfjärd (PE646.939v01-00) The European Forest Strategy - The Way Forward (2019/2157(INI)) AM\1203937EN.docx PE650.588v01-00 EN United in diversityEN AM_Com_NonLegOpinion PE650.588v01-00 2/130 AM\1203937EN.docx EN Amendment 1 Nicolae Ştefănuță, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Martin Hojsík, Frédérique Ries Draft opinion Recital A Draft opinion Amendment A. whereas forests and other wooded A. whereas forests and other wooded land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s territory, and some Member States have territory, and some Member States have more than half of their territories covered more than half of their territories covered by forests and are heavily invested in by forests and are heavily invested in forestry; forestry; half of the Natura 2000 network is made by forest areas, though this covers around 20% of the total forest surface of the EU. Forest areas are crucial for regulating the water cycle, absorbing CO2 and providing close-to-nature recreation possibilities. Or. en Amendment 2 Fredrick Federley, Ulrike Müller, Nils Torvalds Draft opinion Recital A Draft opinion Amendment A. whereas forests and other wooded A. whereas forests and other wooded land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s territory, and some Member States have territory, and some Member States have more than half of their territories covered more than half of their territories covered by forests and are heavily invested in by forests and are heavily invested in forestry; forestry; whereas forests in the EU has grown substantially between 1990-2015 as a result of afforestation, reforestation programmes and natural growth; Or. en Amendment 3 Ulrike Müller, Nils Torvalds, Martin Hojsík, Frédérique Ries AM\1203937EN.docx 3/130 PE650.588v01-00 EN Draft opinion Recital A Draft opinion Amendment A. whereas forests and other wooded A. whereas forests and other wooded land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s territory, and some Member States have territory, and some Member States have more than half of their territories covered more than half of their territories covered by forests and are heavily invested in by forests and are heavily invested in forestry; forestry; whereas about 60 % of EU forests are privately owned, most of which by small-scale owners with less than 3 ha of forest; Or. en Amendment 4 Christophe Hansen Draft opinion Recital A Draft opinion Amendment A. whereas forests and other wooded A. whereas the EU is covered by 182 land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s million hectares of forests and other territory, and some Member States have wooded land accounting for 43 % of the more than half of their territories covered EU’s territory and 5% of the world`s total by forests and are heavily invested in forests, and some Member States have forestry; more than half of their territories covered by forests and are heavily invested in forestry; Or. en Amendment 5 Mick Wallace Draft opinion Recital A Draft opinion Amendment PE650.588v01-00 4/130 AM\1203937EN.docx EN A. whereas forests and other wooded A. whereas forests and other wooded land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s territory, and some Member States have territory, and some Member States have more than half of their territories covered more than half of their territories covered by forests and are heavily invested in by forests and are heavily dependent on forestry; their natural environment; Or. en Amendment 6 Margrete Auken Draft opinion Recital A Draft opinion Amendment A. whereas forests and other wooded A. whereas forests and other wooded land cover at least 43 % of the EU’s land cover 43 % of the EU’s territory1a and territory, and some Member States have are host to a significant part of Europe's more than half of their territories covered terrestrial biodiversity; by forests and are heavily invested in forestry; _________________ 1a https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/product s-eurostat-news/-/EDN-20190321-1 Or. en Amendment 7 Tudor Ciuhodaru Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas forests contribute effectively to territorial balance, economic growth and employment in rural and urban areas, and help maintain the competitiveness of the forestry sector and the development of the bioeconomy while AM\1203937EN.docx 5/130 PE650.588v01-00 EN also providing a guarantee of biodiversity and ecosystem services; Or. ro Amendment 8 Monika Beňová, Sara Cerdas, César Luena, Maria Arena, Delara Burkhardt, Nicolás González Casares, Simona Bonafè Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas the European Union has committed to the achievement of the Aichi Targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity, such as target 7 requiring that by 2020 areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forestry are managed sustainably, ensuring conservation of biodiversity, but the Union is not set to meet the targets; Or. en Amendment 9 Michal Wiezik, Radan Kanev, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Martin Hojsík, Anja Hazekamp, Irena Joveva Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas forests are circular ecosystems founded on full recycling of matter and nutrients within, whereas any form of active management is based on exploitation of resources from this ecosystem, which inevitably and negatively affects its functioning, structure and biodiversity; PE650.588v01-00 6/130 AM\1203937EN.docx EN Or. en Amendment 10 Christophe Hansen Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas, unlike in many parts of the world where deforestation is still a major problem, in the EU the area of land covered by forests has grown by 9 million hectares over the last 25 years as a result both of natural growth and afforestation work; Or. en Amendment 11 Margrete Auken Draft opinion Recital A a (new) Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas many aspects of forests and forestry are regulated under EU legislation such as the Birds and Habitats Directives, the Common Agricultural Policy, the LULUCF Regulation, the Renewable Energy Directive and the Timber Regulation; Or. en Amendment 12 Teuvo Hakkarainen Draft opinion Recital A a (new) AM\1203937EN.docx 7/130 PE650.588v01-00 EN Draft opinion Amendment Aa. whereas the area of forest in the Union is increasing, inter alia as a result of forestation; whereas nearly 25% of the total area of forest in the EU belongs to the Natura 2000 network; Or. fi Amendment 13 Margrete Auken Draft opinion Recital A b (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ab. whereas according to Article 4 of the TFEU, environment is a shared competence of the Union and its Member States; whereas, under TFEU Article 191, Union policy on the environment shall, inter alia, aim for a high level of protection; whereas the European Court of Justice has ruled that forests are part of EU's natural heritage and thus covered by Article 1911a; _________________ 1a See CJEU C-164/97 and C-165/97, paragraph 16: https://eur- lex.europa.eu/legal- content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:61 997CJ0164&from=HR Or. en Amendment 14 Michal Wiezik, Martin Hojsík, Radan Kanev Draft opinion Recital A b (new) PE650.588v01-00 8/130 AM\1203937EN.docx EN Draft opinion Amendment Ab. whereas the tradition of forest management in Europe developed and operated in relatively cold climate, whereas current challenges are new challenges for forest managers and cannot be tackled without knowledge of forest ecology, including understanding of large-scale processes of adaptation of forests to natural disturbances; Or. en Amendment 15 Christophe Hansen Draft opinion Recital A b (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ab. whereas the role of forests is multifunctional resulting in economic, environmental and social benefits; Or. en Amendment 16 Margrete Auken Draft opinion Recital A c (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ac. whereas, according to the European Environment Agency's report on 'The European Environment - state and outlook 2020', long term trends in bird populations, including common forest birds, demonstrate that Europe has experienced a massive decline in biodiversity, of which intensive forest management is one of the drivers2a; AM\1203937EN.docx 9/130 PE650.588v01-00 EN whereas, according to the same report, Europe faces environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency, and that urgent action is needed during the next 10 years to address the alarming rate of biodiversity loss, increasing impacts of climate change and the overconsumption of natural resources; _________________ 2a See p83, https://www.eea.europa.eu/soer-2020/ Or. en Amendment 17 Michal Wiezik, Martin Hojsík, Radan Kanev Draft opinion Recital A c (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ac. whereas the concept of close-to- nature forestry allows for sustainable use of forest, including for selective logging of valuable species for specialized use, and at the same time keeps better balance between provisioning and other ecosystem services; Or. en Amendment 18 Margrete Auken Draft opinion Recital A d (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ad. whereas, for the 2007-2012 period, Member States reported that only 26% of forest species and 15% of forest habitats of European interest, as listed in the PE650.588v01-00 10/130 AM\1203937EN.docx EN Habitats Directive, were in 'favourable conservation status'3a ; _________________ 3a See 2016 EEA report on 'European forest ecosystems -state and trends', https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/e uropean-forest-ecosystems, p14 Or. en Amendment 19 Margrete Auken Draft opinion Recital A e (new) Draft opinion Amendment Ae.
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