The Importance the Importance of Topology Topology

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The Importance the Importance of Topology Topology International Journal of Applied Science and Mathematics Volume 5, Issue 2, ISSN (Online): 2394-2894 The Importance of Topology Jing Wang Hongkui Li School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China University of Technology, Zibo, China Email ID: [email protected] Email ID: [email protected] Abstract – Space is an important element of have different clustering results, which is very mathematical research. The study of spatial helpful in studying clustering algorithms of properties is a foremost task in topology. This paper machine learning[2]. At the same time, some discusses the importance of topology in three aspects. problems such as sequence convergence and fixed Firstly, taking a mathematical analysis problem as an point theorem can also be conveniently studied in example, we discuss the convenience of topology in metric space. solving other subject problems. Secondly, we analysis the applications of topological invariant in our real However, while using the metric space defined life. Finally, the spatial classification in topology by distance facilitates our research, it can also makes the topology in research problems have played hinder us in solving certain problems. For example, a transitional role. if the domain of a function is integer, is this function continuous? We know that in Keywords – Topology, Importance, Topological mathematical analysis, to solve this problem is Invariant, Spatial Classification. difficult. Then mathematical researchers will consider to solve this problem in a different space. I. INTRODUCTION The following proof that this problem is very easy to solve in topological space. Mathematics is a magical subject. We have In the topology, instead of defining distance, we different results when we define different spaces, redefine open sets, neighborhoods, closed sets, and their scope of applications are different. Metric closures and interior directly using the set as a basis space solves the problem of convergence and and define the topological space in a variety of similarity, and can prove the existence and ways. In topological space, we use open sets to uniqueness of solution using fixed point theorem. describe continuous mappings: Let X and Y be Normed linear space solves the problem of two topological spaces. f : X Y . If the elemental linear operations closure, which can preimage of each open set U in Y is an open set solve the application problem using the four major theorems (Hahn-Banach theorem, uniform bounded in X , then f is a continuous mapping from X to theorem, open mapping theorem, and closed image Y. Then find a special topological space - discrete theorem). Sobolev space can solve the weak topological space: Suppose M is a set. Let solution of differential equations[1]. However, with (M ) , that is, a family of all subsets of M. the continuous development of mathematical Then is a topology of M , , which is called a research, it is difficult for people to confine discrete topology, and we call the topology space themselves to measuring the space to study the (M , ) is a discrete space[3]. The characteristic of problem. So when people start to expand the scope of their research, there appears the discipline of discrete topological space is that every subset of it topology. Topology has its own function in our is open sets. With the above bedding, we can easily daily study life. get: 1) Let integer set Z be a subset of the real II. THE MAIN RESULTS number space (R, ) . We define the topology of Z that is Z {Z Y | Y Z } . Then From the math of elementary school to high (Z, Z ) is a subspace of topology space school, and then the higher algebra, mathematical (R, ) . analysis and analytic geometry of university, the construction of these mathematical knowledge can Arbitrarily select n Z to satisfy not do without a foundation - distance. Here, 1 1 . {n} Z (n - , n ) distance is defined by artificial axiom and we may 2 2 not define the same distance under different 1 1 (n - , n ) is an open set in R , so {n} Z . situations. A nonempty set plus the distance we 2 2 define constitutes a metric space. At the core of That is, the set of single points in Z is an open set. metric space are different metrics, that is, different From the property of the open set, we can see that metric spaces often require different distance any union of these one-point sets is also an open functions, and these different functions can set. So any subset of Z is open set. Thus Z is a describe the similarity between different elements. discrete space as one of subspace of R . In metric space, different distance functions will Copyright © 2018 IJASM, All right reserved 6 International Journal of Applied Science and Mathematics Volume 5, Issue 2, ISSN (Online): 2394-2894 2) For a mapping f from a discrete space M to philosophical concepts. This can also be [6] a topological space X . M is a discrete space, understood from the topological research ideas . so any subsets of M are open sets. And for The most important aspect of topology is 1 1 studying how different space in a continuous A X , there is f (A) M . So f (A) is mapping to maintain the same amount. In real life, a open set of M. Thus f is continuous. So the topological invariant is the property of keeping any mapping from discrete space to the object constant after continual deformation. topological space is continuous mapping. That is, a line no matter how it is still a line as long From1) and 2) shows that if a function domain is as no tie knot, and a dough no matter how knead it integer space, then this function is continuous still a dough just do not tearing it up. Euler in the mapping. settlement of konigsberg bridge problem, when he So the problem of mathematical analysis that we painted the graph without considering its size and just mentioned is solved in the topology. shape is the use of this principle. At the same time As another example, when we solve a problem, it is also a great application in architectural design. we often expand the function to the result we want, Topology in graph theory, knot theory can be and it is a problem to judge whether this function applied directly to the architectural design can be expanded. In topology, we study the Tietze modeling. Connectivity, topology embedding and expansion theorem: Let X be a topological space other characteristics are infiltrated into the building space. This has become the theoretical basis for the and be a closed interval. Then X is a [7] [a, b] development of space . Therefore, when normal space if and only if for any a closed set A discussing the properties of connectedness, axiom in X and any a continuous mapping of countable and separability, we discuss whether f : A [a, b] these properties are invariant under continuous mapping. And then study the topological invariant there is a continuous map g : X [a, b] is the properties of geometric shapes, so as to linking expansion of f [3]. According to this theorem we with the actual study of different space in a can determine whether a function can be expanded. continuous change in the amount of unchanged. For example, a function 1 can not be From another perspective, in the view of space, f x sin x topology discusses the problem of classifying space. For example, one-dimensional Euclidean expanded to a continuous map on X [a, b] . space and two-dimensional Euclidean space is not Of course, this is just a small example of using the same as a one-dimensional removal of a point topology to solve mathematical analysis problems. into two non-connected intervals, and two- Topology has many applications in other branches dimensional removal of a point is still a connected of mathematics and other subjects. In other area. The difference between a two-dimensional disciplines of mathematics, the application of European space and a three-dimensional European topological simple hematology theory to the space is that one point is removed in two formation of polyhedron embodies the process of [4] dimensions and the rubber band around this point is algebraic transformation of geometric problems ; reduced by less than one point, but three- In chemistry and chemical industry, we introduce dimensional is possible. By different topological the concept of topological index and we use properties to distinguish between different spaces, topological chemical reaction control principle in [5] so as to achieve the results we need. At the same synthetic chemistry and industrial production ; In time we can also build a fabric model based on this philosophy, the study of topology has a great fit principle. Among them, the fiber can be expressed with the nature of philosophical research. First, the in a set of real numbers. Due to different philosophical concepts discussed in the conceptual perspectives, we can divide it into fiber structure space are time-dependent. Philosophy is not space and fiber space. Both spaces have concerned with the special properties of these corresponding measures to measure the gap rheologies, but with the general nature of the between any two different fibers in space[8]. In conceptual space that holds these rheologies. This particular, we are in the study of topological space has in common with the topological study of the at the same time it is slowly moving toward the concept of space; Second, philosophy emphasizes metric space or n-dimensional European space the continuity and universality of concepts. The closer. Thus appeared Hausdorff space.
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