COUNTRY May 22, 1993 R&R 61

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COUNTRY May 22, 1993 R&R 61 COUNTRY May 22, 1993 R&R 61 NEW & ACTIVE NATIONAL RADIO FORMATS ()TNN THE NASHVILLE NETWORK BROADCAST PROGRAMMING CONTINUED LISA BROKOP How Do I Let Go (Columbia) ABC RADIO NETWORKS 60.2 million households Total Stations: 64, Total Points: 2490, Total Adds: 13, Including: WFMS Hottest: Traci Todd. 15, WRNS 15, KNFR 14, KPLM 14, WPKX 11, KIKK 10, WMTZ 10, Coast -To -Coast FAITH HILL This Kiss ManagerNideoProgramming GEORGESTRAITIJustWantToDanceWithYou WYYD 10, WUSY 9, KIZN 7, WWJO 7, KATM 5, KYCY 5 Mark Edwards (214) 991-9200 TRACY BYRD I'm From The Country Playsy Include: WQMX 18(18),KXKC 16(16),KTST 15(15),KYCW Adds: STEVE WARINER Holes In The Floor Of Heaven ADDS 15 (15), WFGY 15 (15), WXTA 15 (15), KXDD 14 (14), WFMB 14 TIM MCGRAW One Of These Days VINCE GILL If You Ever Have Forever In Mind CLINT BLACK The Shoes You're Wearin (RCA) (12), WGTY 14 (14), WUSQ 14 (14), WXCL 14 (14), WKDQ 12 (12), FAITH HILL ter IM MCGRAW Just To Hear You Say That You Love M: WSIX 12 12 TYHERNDONA Man Holdin'On (To AV'oman...)(Epic) O JO DEE MESSINA I'm Alright JONES SATELLITE NETWORKS DWIGHT YOAKAM Things Change Phil Barry (303) 784-8700 TOP 10 Hottest: LINDA DAVIS I Wanna Remember This (Dream Works) STEVE WARINER Holes In The Floor DtHeaven U.S. Country Total Stations: 59, Total Points: 2472, Total Adds: 10, Including: KBEQ ALABAMA She's Got That Look In Her Eyes (RCA) TRISHA YEARWOOD There Goes My Baby Jim Murphy 18, WYYD 10, KGNC 7, KSOP 7, WBBN 7, WIRK 6, WIL 5, WNCY 5, GARY ALLAN It Would Be You (Decca) SHANIATWAIN From This Moment On Adds: LEE ANN WOMACK TRACY BYRD I'm From The Country (MCA) WOYK 5, WWWW 5 Buckaroo JODEEMESSINAI'mAlright DIXIE CHICKS There's Your Trouble Plays Include: WYCD 22 (22), WXTU 21 (21), WTCR 16 (14), KASH Hottest: KENNY CHESNEY That's Why I'm Here (BNA) 15 (15), KJUG 15 (15), WFMS 15 (15), WRNS 15 (15), WXTA 15 TRACY BYRD I'm From The Country TY HERNDON A Man Holdin' On (To A W3man...)(Epic) (15), WUSQ 14 (14), WXCL 14 (14), WKDQ 12 (12), WSIX 12 (12), Real Country FAITH HILL This Kiss FAITH HILL This Kiss (Warner Bros.) TIM MCGRAWOnANDY ue tfMyBfThese Days WPKX 11 (11), WWJO 11 (7), KKNU 10 (10), KYNG 10 (10), WAMZ Dave Nicholson (602)966-6236 GEORGE JONES Wild Irish Rose (MCA) STEVEWARINERHTRAVIS le 10 (10), WAXX 10 (10), WMTZ 10 (10), WOVK 10 10), WWYZ 10(5) CLEDUST JUDO Wives Dolt All The Tine (Razor &>re) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Adds: STEVE WARINERHoIeslnTheFloorIn The OfHeaven GARTH BROOKS Uptown Down -Home Good 01' Boy CD Country SAMMY KERSHAW Matches (Mercury) VINCE GILL If You Ever Have Forever In Mind PATTY LOVELESS High On Love (Epic) TIM McGRAW One Of These Days (Curb) JO DEE MESSINA I'm Alright John Hendricks Total Stations: 37, Total Points: 1801, Total Adds: 35, Including: KUZZ JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY Cover You With Kisses Adds: Information current as of Muy 18 22, WWXY 18, WBBN 17, WNKT 17, WVLK 16, KJUG 15, WFGY 15, MICHAEL PETERSON Wien The Bartender Cries NO NEW ADDS WLWI 15, WTCM 15, KPLM 14, KWCY 14, WWQQ 14, WUSY 13, Hottest: Hottest: TIM MCGRAW One Ot These Days WBYT 12, WWJO 11, KKNU 10, WAXX 10, WMTZ 10, WOVK 10, KHAY ALAN JACKSON Must've Had ABall MARTINAMCBRIDEHappyGid 9, WKCN 8, WSM 8, WDEZ 7, WDJR 7, WGTR 7, WIL 7 MARK CHESNUTTI Might Even Quit Lovin'You FAITH HILL This Kiss DARYLE SINGLETARY That's Where You're Wrong --V. TY HERNDONA Man Holdin On JOE DIFFIETexas C Size Heartache TRACY BYRD I'm From The Country MARK NESLER Used To The Pain (Asylum/EEG) GEORGE STRAIT I Just Want To Dance With You MUSIC r.L.vr.rM Total Stations: 41, Total Points: 1532, Total Adds: 40, Including: KXKC RADIO ONE COUNTRY PLAYLIST 16, KJUG 15, WBCT 15, WFMS 15, WRNS 15, WGTY 14, WUSQ 14, AFTER MIDNITE ENTERTAINMENT Jim Barbee 970) 949-3339 42 million households WXCL 14, WKDQ 12, WLWI 12, KAJA 11, WAMZ 10, WOVK 10, KKNU Chris Parr. DirectodProgramning Mandy McCormack (818) 461-5435 Adds: ( 9, WUSY 9, WKCN 8, KAYD 7, KGEE 7, KHEY 7, KIZN 7, KKIX 7, KKJG Paul Hastaba, VP/GM DIAMOND RIO You're Gone 7, KSOP 7, KTEX 7, KTOM 7, KXKT 7, WBBN 7, WWGR 7, WWQQ 7, Adds: VINCE GILL If You Ever Have Forever In Mind JO DEE MESSINA I'm Alright WWZD 7 TOBY KEITH Double Wide Paradise DWIGHT YOAKAM Things Change Hottest: ADDS Hottest: TRACY BYRD I'm From The MICHAEL PETERSON When The Bartender Cries (Reprise) TRACY BYRD I'm From the Country JOE DI FIEesTexas Size H artacchetry CLINT DANIELSA Fool's Paradise (Arista) STEVE WARINER Holes In The Floor Of Heaven Total Stations: 25, Total Points: 1493, Total Adds: 16, Including: KHEY TY HERNDON A Man Holdin' On VINCE GILL If You Ever Have Forever In Mild (MCA) GEORGE STRAIT I Just Want To Dance With You TRACE ADKINS Big Time 17, KTST 15, KYCW 15, WFMS 15, WTCM 15, WWFG 15, WXTA 15, JODEEMESSINAI'mAlright(Curb) MARK WILLSIDo(CheeshYou) DAVID KERSH Wonderful ToFght WBYT 12, KKNU 10, KATM 9, KUZZ 7, WROO 7, KFDI 5, KTTS 5, TIM MCGRAW One Of Thhese Days TERRI CLARK Now That I've Found You SHANA PETRONE Heavenly Bound (Epic) KYGO 5, WKKT 5 LEANN RIMES Commitment LEANN RIMES Looking Through Your Eyes (Curb) Plays Include: KEEY 26 (18), KMPS 16 (16), WUSN 14 (14), WKDQ , >e ï,,, . WESTWOOD ONE RADIO NETWORKS 12 (12), KHAY 9 (7), KSOP 7 (7), KXKT 7 (7), WQXK 7 (7), KUPL 5 (5) 10 ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMMING Charlie Cook (805) 294-9000 TOP Steve Knoll (800) 231-2818 Tracy Thompson TOBY KEITH Dream Walkin' (Mercury) JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY Cover You In Kisses (Atlantic) Gary Knoll Mainstream Country FAITH HILL This Kiss (blamer Bros.) Total Stations: 20, Total Points: 1214, Total Adds: 20, Including: KNIX David Felker SHANIATWAINYoùreStillTheOne(Mecuy) 24, KLLL 17, KFKF 15, WDJR 15, WKHK 15, WTCM 15, WXTA 15, Adds: Adds: TRACY BYRD I'm From The Country (MCA) WKKX 14, KATM 13, KKAT 13, WUSY 13, WBYT 12, KKNU 10, WNOE JOHN BERRY Over My Shoulder DAVID KERSH Wonderful Tonight VINCE GILL If You Ever Have Forever In Mind JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY Love Working... (Atlantic) 10, KUBL 9, WNCY 9, KSOP 7, WQXK 7, WTCR 6, KORD 5 JASON SELLERS This Small Divide FAITH HILL w/IIM MCGRAW Just To Hear You Say That You Love Me TIM MCGRAW One Of These Days (Cub) PAM TILLIS I Said A Prayer Hottest: Hottest: MICHAEL PETERSON Too Good To Be True (Reprise) GEORGE STRAIT Just Want To Dance With You ALLISON MOORER A Soft Place To Fall (MCA) STEVE WARINER Holes In The Floor Of Heaven MARK WILLS' Do (Cherish You) (Mercury) MILA MASON The Strong One Total Stations: 36, Total Points: 1172, Total Adds: 2, Including: WYYD FAITH HILL This Kiss LEANN RIMES Commitment (Curb) SHANIA TWAIN From This Moment On GEORGE STRAITIJustWantToDanceWithYou 10, WBBN 7 RANDY TRAVIS Out Of My Bones (DreamWo-ks) RANDY TRAVIS Out Of My Bones Plays Include: WGTY 21 (15), KVO0 17 (17), WUSQ 14 (14), WXCL BROOKS & DUNN & REBA If You See Him/IfYouSee Her 14 (14), KFDI 12 (12), WLWI 12 (12), WPKX 11 (11), WWJO 11 BROADCAST PROGRAMMING Hot Country HEAVY (11), WAXX 10 (10), WNOE 10 (10), WOVK 10 (10), WWYZ 10 (5), Walter Powers (800) 426-9082 David Felker CLINT BLACKThe Shoes YouYeWearing (RCA) KHEY 7 (7), KJUG 7 ((7)), KNFR 7 (7), 7 (6), 57 (7), Super WMSI 7 (7), WWQQ 7 (7), WWZD 7 (7), WTCR 6 (6), KASH 5 (5), Country/Purey CountryAdds: GARTH BROOKS To Make You Feel My Love TTapdol) DIAMOND RIO You're Gone KRWQ 5 (5), KTTS 5 (5), KZKX 5 (5), WBBS 5 (5), WBCT 5 (5), Ken Moultrie BROOKS &OUNN&REBAIf You See Him..,(Arista/MCA) VINCE GILL If You Ever Have Forever In Mind 5 5 TRACY BYRD I'm From The Country (MCA) WDEN (5), WIL (5), WKKT 5 (5), WRKZ 5 (5), WSOC 5 (5), Adds: FAITH HILL w/TIM MCGRAW Just To Hear You Say That You Love Me 5 KENNY CHESNEYThat's WXXQ (5), WYGY 5 (5) MARK NESLER Used To The Pain JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY Cover You In Kisses Why I'm Here (BNA) DWIGHT YOAKAM Things Change Hottest: FAITH HILL This Kiss (Warner Bros.) Hottest: TIM McGRAW These SHANIA TWAIN You're Still The One One Of Days (Curb) BIG HOUSE Faith (MCA) FAITH HILL This Kiss FAITH HILL This Kiss JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY Love Working... (Atlantic) Total Stations: 36, Total Points: 1062, TotalAdds:ll,Including:WFMS STEVE WARINER Holes In The Floor Of Heaven STEVE WARINER Holes In The Floor Of Heaven TIM MCGRAW One Of These Days LEANN RIMES Commitment (Curb) 15, WAIB 14, KSOP 7, WPOR 7, WIRK 6, WOW 6, KNIX 5, KWCY 5, TIM MCGRAW One Of These Days TRACY BYRD I'm From The Country SHANIA TWAIN You're Still The One (Mercury, WCTK 5, WUSQ 5, WWWW 5 RANDY TRAVIS Out OtMyBones MARK WILLS I Do (Cherish You) STEVE WARINER Holes ln The Floor Of Heave, (Capitol) Plays Include: WRNS 18 (18), WTCM 18 (18), WOVK 10 (10), WNKT Digital Countr g y MARK WILLS I Do (Cherish You)(Mercury) 9 (9), KHEY 7 (7), KIZN 7 (7), KJUG 7 (7), KUZZ 7 (7), WGTR 7 (7), COUNTRY VIDEO L.J.
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