Handout 5-A: Readings and Resources

Promoting the Health of LGBT Families Fenway Guide to LGBT Health, Module 5

*************************************************************************************************************** READINGS

Policy and Research Reports

Cahill S, Ellen M, Tobias S. Family policy: Issues affecting , , bisexual, families. The Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; 2002. Available at: http://www.thetaskforce.org/downloads/reports/reports/FamilyPolicy.pdf

Gates GJ. Same sex couples and the gay, lesbian, bisexual population: New estimates from the American Community Survey. The Williams Institute; October 2006. Available at: http://www.law.ucla.edu/williamsinstitute/publications/SameSexCouplesandGLBpopACS.pdf

Gates GJ, Badgett MVL. Adoption and foster care by gay and lesbian parents in the United States. The Urban Institute; March 2007. Available at: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/411437_Adoption_Foster_Care.pdf

Patterson CJ. Lesbian and gay parents and their children: Summary of research findings. In: Lesbian and Gay Parenting. American Psychological Association. Available at: http://www.apa.org/pi/parent.html

Families and Couples: Relationship Issues

Boenke M. Trans Forming Families: Real Stories about Transgendered Loved Ones. Walter Trook Publishing; 1999.

Boyd H. My Husband Betty: Love, Sex, and Life with a Crossdresser. Thunder Mouth’s Press; 2003.

Boyd H. She’s Not the Man I Married: My Life with a Transgender Husband. Seal Press; 2007.

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Clunis DM, Green GD. Lesbian Couples: A Guide to Creating Healthy Relationships. Seal Press; 2005.

Curry H, Clifford D, Leonard R, Hertz F. A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples. Nolo Press; 2007.

Erhardt V. Head Over Heels: Wives Who Stay with Cross-Dressers and . The Hayworth Press; 2007.

Lahey KA, Alderson K. Same-Sex Marriage: The Personal and the Political. Insomniac Press; 2004.

Ristock J. Relationship violence in lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/ communities: moving beyond a gender-based framework. Violence Against Women Online Resources, 2005. Available at: http://www.mincava.umn.edu/documents/lgbtqviolence/lgbtqviolence.html


Brill S. The New Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy & Birth. Alyson Books; 2006.

Ehrensaft D. Mommies, Daddies, Donors, Surrogates: Answering Tough Questions and Building Strong Families. The Gilford Press; 2005.

Garner A. Families Like Mine: Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is. HarperCollins; 2004.

Howey N, Samuels E. Out of the Ordinary: Essays on Growing Up with Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Parents. St. Martin’s Press; 2000.

Lev A. The Complete Lesbian and Gay Parenting Guide. Berkley Books; 2004. (More inclusive of transgender parents than many other books on the subject.)

Mallon GP. Choosing Parenthood. Columbia University Press; 2004.

Saffron L. It's A Family Affair: The Complete Lesbian Parenting Book. Diva Books; 2001.

Strah D, Margolis S. Gay Dads: A Celebration of Fatherhood. Penguin Group; 2003.

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Hicks S, McDermott J. Lesbian and Gay Fostering and Adoption: Extraordinary Yet Ordinary. Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 1999.

Books for Children of LGBT Parents

Elwin R, Paulse M. Asha’s Mums. Women’s Press; 1990.

Jeness A. Families: A Celebration of Diversity, Commitment and Love. Houghton Mifflin; 1990.

Newman L, Crocker R. Gloria Goes to . Alyson Press; 1991.

Newman L. Heather Has Two Mommies. Alyson Publications; 1990.

Snow JE. How It Feels to Have Gay and Lesbian Parents: A Book by Kids for Kids of All Ages. Harrington Park Press; 2004.

Valentine J. One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dads, Blue Dads. Alyson Press; 1994.

Valentine J. The Daddy Machine. Alyson Press; 1992.

Valentine J. Two Moms, The Zark, and Me. Alyson Press; 1993.

Willhoite M. Daddy’s Roommate. Alyson Press; 1990.

*************************************************************************************************************** SUPPORT RESOURCES FOR LGBT RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILIES

Alternatives to Marriage Project http://www.unmarried.org/polyamory.html

COLAGE: Children of and Gays Everywhere http://www.colage.org

Family Equality Council http://www.familyequality.org

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Families Like Ours http://www.familieslikeours.org

Family Diversity Projects Inc. http://www.familydiv.org

Gay Parenting Magazine http://www.gayparentmag.com

Love Makes a Family (Portland, OR) http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~lmfamily/

Love Makes a Family (Connecticut) http://www.lmfct.org

Polyamory.org http://www.polyamory.org

Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) http://www.pflag.org

Proud Parenting http://www.proudparenting.com

Straight Spouse Network http://www.ssnetwk.org

TransFamily http://www.transfamily.org

Transparentcy http://www.transparentcy.org/


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Alternative Family Matters http://www.alternativefamilies.org (Provides links to resources on assisted reproductive technologies, adoption, foster parenting, and related legal matters. The resources are not specific to LGBT)

Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute http://www.adoptioninstitute.org/index.php

Fenway Community Health, Alternative Insemination Program http://www.fenwayhealth.org

Gay Dads and Gay Men Considering Parenthood www.daddies2b.com

Organization of Parents through Surrogacy (OPTS) http://www.opts.com

The Rainbow Babies http://therainbowbabies.com

*************************************************************************************************************** ADVOCACY ORGANIZATIONS AND LEGAL RESOURCES

ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project http://www.aclu.org/lgbt/index.html (see sections on relationships and parenting rights)

Financial Planning Toolkit: Statutory Power of Attorney and Medical Treatment Forms http://www.finance.cch.com/tools/poaforms_m.asp (provides proxy forms for all states)

Freedom to Marry http://www.freedomtomarry.org

GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation) http://www.glaad.org

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Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) www.glad.org

Human Rights Campaign http://www.hrc.org/issues (see sections on Parenting and Marriage/Relationship Recognition)

Lambda Legal www.lambdalegal.org

Marriage Equality USA http://www.marriageequality.org

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force http://thetaskforce.org/issues (see sections on Parenting and Family, and Marriage/Partner Recognition)

NCLR: National Center for Lesbian Rights (see section on getting legal help) http://www.nclrights.org

Time Magazine Online Edition: Living Will Resources. http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101050404/schiavo_webguide.html (state-by-state directory of laws governing Living Wills)

US Living Will Registry http://www.uslivingwillregistry.com

************************************************************************************************************* LGBT INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE RESOURCES

Fenway Community Health,Violence Recovery Program. http://www.fenwayhealth.org

Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project http://www.gmdvp.org

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, New York, NY

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The Network/La Red: Ending abuse in lesbian, bisexual women’s and transgender communities. http://www.thenetworklared.org

************************************************************************************************************* FILMS ON LGBT COUPLES AND FAMILIES

Both of My Moms’ Names Are Judy. Lesbian and Gay Parents Association, 1995. Available from (415) 522-8773, [email protected]

It’s Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School; and It’s STILL Elementary. Debra Chasnoff & Helen S. Cohen, 1996 and 2007. Available from New Day Films: www.newday.com; or GroundSpark: http://groundspark.org

That’s a Family! Debra Chasnoff & Helen S. Cohen, 2000. Available from New Day Films: www.newday.com; or GroundSpark: http://groundspark.org

Promoting the Health of LGBT Families (The Fenway Guide to LGBT Health, Module 5)