VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES PUBLICATION 19 GOLD IN VIRGINIA Palmer C. Sweet COM MONWEALTH OF VI RGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Robert C. Milici, Commissioner of Mineral Resources and State Geologist CHARLOTTESV]LLE, VIRGINIA 1980 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES PUBLICATION 19 GOLD IN VIRGINIA Palmer C. Sweet COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Robert C. Milici, Commissioner of Mineral Resources and State Geologist CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 1980 FRONT covER: Large open-cut at the London and Virginia mine, Buckingham County, as photographed in 1939. VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES PUBLICATION 19 GOLD IN VIRGINIA Palmer C. Sweet COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Robert C. Milici, Commissioner of Mineral Resources and State Geologist CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 1980 Reprinted 2003 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES AND SUPPLY RICHMOND 1980 Portions of this publication may be quoted if credit is given to the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources. It is recom- mended that reference to this report be made in the following form: Sweet, P. C., 1980, Gold in Virginia: Virginia Di- vision of Mineral Resources Publication 19, 77 p. DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA O.Gene Dishner, Director DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA C. R. Berquis! Jr., State Geologist and Division Director SALES 434-951-6341 E-mail:
[email protected] GEOLOGIC INFOR]VIATION 434-951-6342 E+nail :
[email protected] FAX 434-95r-6365 A listing of publications and maps may be accessed on the Web at http:/iwww.geolory.state'