' ' eiwinPiiiiriitiiiiiniiJiniHiamiiiininfKirintnpiinininiitfiiirinriraininirii - - - ' ! 1 - 1.IIJM!!!?.!?.. :Sl IlliS?- - 1 DO YOU WANT ANYTHING ? 1 I salient SportlngCartoon. j jPST If f (WOTl llllilliIlffl StoataE " 1 1 evening world's sportinb extba. ! IfcBStBiali 1 (IS,'IC' BlBEHfflHHI wKPI'W O 37(1 q24WANT! THR YF4R I U : : V . ' Hlllllllll;illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;illlllllllllllllllllH,M;mil tM PRICE ONE CENT. " NEW YORK, FRTPAY, JULY 27, 1888. PRICE ONE CENT. 9 CRANE AND ItSEMLL BROWN. IT WILL BE A "GO." AT THE SPRINGS. RAGING Johnny Havlin and I Philadelphia Mowed Frank Murphy's Down iu Great Voltigour Wins tho Handicap Hur-dl- o Big Battlo. Style. Baoo at Saratoga.

Both Men Are In the Very Pink Will tho Giants Bo Tlod for First A Good Crowd at tho Extra of Condition. Place with Detroit ? 111601100;. la H ixtra ,o i&tWm 1 , 'm How tho Clover KtiRlletmian "Trains Banner Boaror, Jubal, Alaho CITY WON. New York 4 at Marlboro. Muss. and ' WAS Bo-Po- op tho Other Winnors. Philadelphia .... I A DEAD HEAT. rirreut. to the r.vrNitio wonr.D.l MAntnono, Mass., July 7. 'IIir ISvrnino M ont.n I (J farrnlL to Tnx xvrmso BrooHyn Dofeatod in a Very Eioit- - correspondent by spetlal permission of woatn.l (snout, xvxattta wosr.D.1 rURATooA Hace Tnacx, July ST. There waa a to tux Frank Murphy's trainer, paid a visit to the young Betwoon Eatontown Dalesman, ing Game. POLO GHOCND8, July 87. There wasn't a very very larae attendance at tho extra-da- y meeting, and at 11 large crowd at tbe Polo flrounda thongh, Kngll'ti light-weig- who la In training here for his although none ot the races were of great pecuniary oomlug battle with Ilavlln for the champion, Brighton Beaoh. M considering the threatening weather, the attend-ftne- e Jack benefit, consisting as thsy did of five purse races, i ship " was good. of the world. tbrco for 3300 and two for tS&O, Cowboy Davis Made Bluff sporting fraternity of Boston, a at Ilia Majeity tbe Mascot, after putting himself The Phillies' Ninepins Take a Fall The and, in fact, The cool and clondy weather tempted many to over country, are I and uniform outside a bologna eansage and glass all the noil informed as to tho track who would perhaps have remained at A Burdock on Third Base. EVIickey Johnny IUvlin's condition. Ho has been seen re- Large Crovd Witnesses the ',W of soda water, pnrohased at a lunch coun- When Smiling Rolls the Ball! home after the beat and disappointing start ot yes- of ' ter, before an admiring crowd, stalked Into the peatedly In the streets Boston with Tom terday. Exoitlnfj Struggle. W gronads,noddedbow-d'ye-dotoMr.Mutrlean- ANSON STILL TOEOOQAMNO. ON THE DIAMOND FIELD. O'ltourkc, nmt one could seo at a glanco that the d took Apropos of that poor stsrt yesterday, It Is cur- "op Nortbcndcr Is Ho 3I7; . ; ; . up bis position upon the benoh. Ilia freshness la little in excellent trim. Is, as rently rumored that the ofllclala do not contem- 3 fit to tight for likely to coat blm bis position. All of tbo Colt. Ilnvs n Und Cos. or Standing ef tli. Club. This Morning. his frtondi claim, With plate making any chaniie In the starters, and Mr. rurfl LxAaux. AaaociATioN. Iu posaeastou.llavlln's Duko' Kansas City 4 Bwlng, who is suffering a little from a swollen It mtlc. this knowlcdgo their frlands Wbeatloy will doubtless offlciale tha rest of tbs of Bourbon, Nat Goodwin, M tfr rr are In high glee, but thore are a great leg, thought tbe weather a Uttlo dsmptsh to risk TO THE KVEMINO WOnLD.l tr.n. Cfif. r.nt, Hon. Lott, tmt, and backera season. , and Pago ... 9 ) Rt. H 3 .est rinsT rues. are Winners. tm ST. Detroit ,39 Lome... many ahrewd and admitted experts among tho playing, as a alight cold In present Black Stocking Pahk, chicaoo, July 411 3T .C'JO 49 117 .04.1 w bis condition NawYork.... llroeklrn .... Purse icoo, of which 350 to tbo aecond, ifkcui, to rnz irxxraa onus. might Capt. Anson Is very sore over bis defeat of yester- )lile1 .... 4 39 .603 Clnoinnttl... 4& 38 .IQ fancy who are not carrlol away with all this en- entrance ni tar fl result In a long illness. Brown wss there- H9 .OHO freo; rs of a Wishtkoton Pare, July 27. Dave Orr, Brook-il- t. Poaton...... 30 .40 Athl.tio 4J 3a mil. fore substituted aa speed day. Ho told Tuh'Evinino Wohld correspondent 81 37 .171 '.II 41 .431 thusiasm. Banner Bearer, IU (Williams) 1 fl lyaVi trig flrst appearance catcher, and Crane, the Baltimore.... TO THK EVXNIK0 afij baseman, made his first thla morning Chicago would play different Plttibur..... 17 40 .41)3 UroUrlll..... 37 41 .Mi To Intimate friends they havo no hesitation In Golden Heel, 99 (Doane) 3 STICttt worit).i pitcher, took Keefe'a place In the box and was that Indian 37 44 Ul.j.Und.... 4(1 .SBJ BntonioN ST. ek n after several weeks of enforced Idleness In the sec- or .tfona. .30 35 declaring Frauk Murphy, tne Kngllah cham- VonTromp, 109 (Hamilton) s Bxacii Hack Tkack, July "That Wt, placed at the bead of the Olantn' batting Hat. ball from now to the end the Beaion. Waahiuatoa. 37 4H .370 Kanaaa Uitr. 31 DO .290 that los ts, ond came with Ibe Kanaaa City to-d- and LEAQUX. pion, la a phenomenal pneill.t, and tho stories ss to Lailtie, (Klnnesao) 0 stsrt In the Natounk at Moumoutb yesterday waa , Jab Clou Detroit Is confident of winning y and also CENTRAL 103 iu-- Bultlnton, who baa proved more effective agalnat Won, Catcaby gelding. (Moore) 0 1 greeted with nnbonnded applause bjr his many Wen, Lott, o,f, Ms science, pluck and ceneral ability In the ring not half ao bad aa some spectators thought, " ssld 'flH mi the Giants any They say they have tho key to Newark SI 10 Bcranton 39 S3 are not at alf exazgerated. Harry Glenn. 109 (Covington) o than otber pitcher of the League, 111 Knglisb Jockey, en (j admirers. d.ra.TOItj 43 Kaaton 34 83 These people have nern walling to put their Bocoacolo, 106 (Martini 0 the Geo. Taylor, who was op oa ,'Wt. was down to win If possible for Bas-tla- n Chicago's misfortunes and aro going to keep It Alleolown 30 Ml 10 103 or Threatening weather prevented a large attend the visitors. Illnahamton .... ai money on.Mnrphy, but have held ufT for the pur- Tambonrettc, (Pitsgerald) 0 Boas in that race, to Tun Kvemixo World man oa "ISP took Delsbanty's place at aecond. until after game. Wilkaabarra 39 83 Ulmlra. 13 43 Kentucky lljn, W .(Allen) 0 ha R anee, bnt the ram pose of ascertaining bow the Kugllshmsn Is train- the early train for the beach this morning. . of last night and thla morning If Chicago beau Detroit and New Tork defeata Capt. Anson gavo each of his colts a lecture this ing, Alia, 93 (Walker) n Jin the Fbllltea the Qlanta will be tied with trio 80 "Connemsra had Jnst rnn of a j3J or lelt the ground In perfect condition for good ball morning on personal faults, and demanded at Caught Napping. Wabasaa, .....(OlearyJ 0 chsmplonsof last yesr for nrst plaoe; therefore their 3 Von 10 got fl playing. tnoy be remedied. Arid now the umpire. Poor Boston I She tol; Tromp, mile, snd wheeled and to running a lijletla 'JJ; the Western game is watched with much Interest. tbe close that it's to 1; 5 to 3; Csteaby 13 - owl to tho cloao of yesterday Manager '1 la yester , getdlng, tol; front of us, when the flag fell. I could haV gono dc uonteit When tha game opened the weather gave prom- be attendance somewhat smaller than dies bard. Harry'Glr-nn- 8 to 4 rJK NoQunnlgle put forward nla aareat battery, wnlle numbered Ave lj Boccaccio, tol; Tarn ise of fairness, and 8,0)0 spectators were present. dsv. It about thousand. Capt. Irwin's ball playing has produced corns on bonrette, 15 to 1; Golden Heel, 4 to 1; Kentucky up to her going past the stand, as cou nome ot ' Mp the Tliitora placed Porter and Brennan In the Tbe batting The bailing order: no polntf, Don aline taking Daniels's position In left, orderi bis bauds. Ban, 0 to 1; Alts, to 1; Wabasaa, 30 to 1. tbe otbtri,.bui for our walilnz orders j tne Utter having been Injured yesterday. MBW TORX. FMLAPBLFIIIA. DETHOIT. CniCAOO. Tbeae are the daya when Gotham wishes Chicago Tne Itaco Banner Bearer took the lead at tbe The aclllng piatera had n muc" titer track than .sEi Here are the men who sport: n. to play ball. start and waa never headed, winning by two furnished the Crane, Wood, ut. Ilaolon, c.f. Kyau, c r. lengths from Jolden Heel, who waa a could have been expected, considering tho heavy BOOOKLTN. KANSAS C1TT. Iliorurdson, 2d b. f. 1st 1. Thursday's game was consscnttve vic- neck lu front ik r Andrews, c llruuthera, b. Hiillivsn, f. tbe Blxth of Von Tromp. lime 1. 18tf. rains of. last night and the early morning. PInkney, 8db. Cllnc, r. f. Ward, s. s. Fogarty, r. f. Itowe, a. a. Daffy, r. f. tory for our Giants. Tba i. Pools. Banner Bearer, $33; Boccaccio, 133: average) 'flelda ot atartera suffered Uttlo depletion- - O'Brien, 1. f. McTamany, c f. Tlernan, r. f. Farrar, 1st b. White, 3d b. Anon, 1st b. Scores of other League games were received In Larltte, $13; Held, lis. f p. Parsley, Sd b. Connor, lat b. Mulvry, td b. (laurel. 2.1 b. Pfeffer, !!d b. disappointed silence. from scratching. M O'lloarke, L f. Bastian, 3d b. Bennett, o. s. a, BECOND RACK. f. Pnilllpa, Ut b. Williamson, Weldman Is now any The Duke of Bourbon, u alight favorite, won thej ' Bd Gore, f. Irwin, a. a, Twitchell, 1. f. Burns, 3d b. free to sign with ciub he $300, of which 7 Davie. b. c likes and thtft likes him. Purse fJO lo tbe second, for Donahue, 1. t, wnltney, St a. aentents, c Conway, p. Van llaltron, p. maiden entrance free; nve fur- Drat race, a dash, by a bead from no '"$ acarnlbcrs, f. Katerday, a. a. Brown, c Bnfllnton, p. On ipau, r. f. Parrel, o. Hulllvan and bis Senators are tilling Boston's cup longs. Bertie V. colt; Brian Horn third. The Bertie W. VjR 2d of Borrow to o'erflowlng. Jubal, 103 1 b. Brennan, c Cmplro Mr. Daniels. Umplre Mr. Lynch. (Slovsl) colt bad the raoe all tbe way, but tbo Duke Just ;jf- c Porter, p. Sewsrd, of tne Athletics, yesterday retlrod the Hlutrnni, 102 (Duaoe'i 3 Phlladelpbla took tbe Held. At tbo minute Anton concluded to put Van Navigator, 103 won It In tbe last two Jamps. JiJJ I Umpire Mr. McQuald. Inning Crane out. lait Cincinnati without a hit. (Walker 3 First struck Illebardson bit naltron and Farrell in the points Instead of Krock Wild Cherry, lug. ..( 0 The first cboloe, Change, waa not than, 4w an easy grounder re- Ewlng to Mutrte bitter " fl The battle began with Brooklyn at the bat. Plnk- - to at second and was and Flint. Jim, It this aort of thing keepa Charleaton, lt3 (Fitzgerald' o H ney grounded to Divls and O'Brien did the same to tired at nrst. Ward made a pretty drive to centre op aome one will ateal you. third In the second, same distance. Anamesika ffl linns were made ai follows: Bonnie Ino. 103 (Coleman) 0 - f Eetcrday. Caruthera out to Barklcy. lor a single and took second on a passed ball. of tha blond 'comeulsn, so well known 10 utile riled First Inning For Detroit, ITanlon struck ont. The relative positions of tba two leaders were Sam I)., IPS (Martin) o Jack Sheppard," won be a length OiSfsl 1 Cllne rolled an easy one to PInkney. MoTam- - Tlernan went out on a hot grounder, whlon Farrar Brouthers to unchanged by yeaterday'a games. Betilng-Sa- m a fron Saluda. I hit the right field fence for two bases, D., to 1: Jubal, to 1; Navi- Tbe third raoe waa a dead hear. Dalesman's ef- - any failed to And ball with his stick. stopped and carried to nrst. went to 10 1 J the Hartley third on Howe's hit to Pfeffer and scored Manager Spcnce.of Indianapolis, says Uarrlaon's JOimNT riAVLlN. gator, to l : Bonnie Ino, 8 to ; Charleston, 11 fort In ibe straight for homo 10 Iwjt S f mowed with a to left centre. Phillips Wood popped op a fly which Crane caught on White's safe bit to centro for base, Wild Cherrr, Latontown JM right-He- a uanzel candidacy la Increasing bis receipts fully fVOOa tol; lotol; Slntram, 7tol. waa loudly applauded. Illed bit a slow fly which fell Just Inside tbe ld gave All Information respecting this bas been kept Gunshot waa In the lead ?I' tHndford. Daffy a fly. One . day. by Pools Jubal. no; Sam D., 123; Held, aid, when the flag fell for this race, Eatontown tiM 353 Second Inning Foutz dropped the ball In Mc- - foul line and yielded the Bridegroom two Third Inning For Detroit, Ilanlon bit safe to rather quiet those haviug htm In fctmrgf. The Theltacc. aintram aud were but at ' Fogarly'a to ad- Tho Hudsons, of Jersey City, would to World, therefore, Is paper Jubal the leaders once ran out and held a good le.d, wM Tamany'at hands. Orr put one In the same bases. sacrifice bt Blubardson right. Brouthers hit to Ityan, dodged like hear Rvinino the first to at the to .Tu- "H vanced Then who It from all clubs under P. Molloy, give definite Information, stsrt. sin'ram led tbe tarn, wnere Dalesmen came to aecond place entering ths US place. Smith bounded to porter. Andrewa to third. Crane made him- becausa of the sun, and both scored. fifteen. Address bal came by and was never heeded, winning by DaTls self solid with tbe crowd by striking ont Manager, GO? Henderson street, Jersey City. " If we knew Murphy was right go stretch, and there a terrible struggle waa fought; Ml W strack oat. Orr mulTed Smith's throw of Farrar. Itowe was hit by a pitched bsll and stole ssoond. we'd our plio four lengths, Slntram second, a length before Nav . waa Jt2 Donohae's grounder and tbe runner waa safe. Ueoond Inning Bnff pitched five Wild ones and Deacon Doescher again on blm," said one of the party of four Wednesday on. Too excitement tcmitu as XatantowaT . ' Wblto waa alao hit by a pitched ball. bss threatened to resign. This lgator. Time l. Mutatis pain $33.30. swerved or was pulled into the tatorlte'a way, Jt'i Donohno was doclared out for interfering with Connor took nrst. O'lloarke bit safely ror two Kaon toox another base on a wild pitch. Gansel time It waa Manager Barnte, 'of Baltimore who evening whoaa opinions are much thought of. but M4iil Esterday's baaea to right, and on themit frua on tail- to, Finding that bewarespeoting Murphy was TBIBD llACX. Dalesman waa level wlia Eatontown aa thsy pasaad ' itmfrm hit to right. Ester Jay took second on a Irwin's hit Pfeffer,, who threw wild to Farrell to catch' stroked UlaDJghneas'a far the wrong way. much A - or, to stop Fogarry's return Connor Soared. valued, $300, of 'wbi'oh' (30 .thojniigra. dead heat to barunrtfln twenty luS " paaasAaall. Brennan struck oat. ' no we, ancntowe. While and Ganzel scored. Ben- change of wind' and the appearance of tub Bvsniko World correspondent took Parse to tbe aeoond: for was lb decision. 4?JI Third Innlug Hadford bounded to Eaterdsr. O'ltonrke remained at aecond while Gore and nett got a base oa balls. Tha. a qolet trip to this town. By reaton of a telegram maiden entrance free: Ave fur. mtnatea Dalesman was the ti '3 Whitney flew out to Andrews. Irwin waa watery clouda whloh occurred In the third tuning sent beforo tho writer was vorito for tbe you orr, selling ai to for Batons Mi sans. Burdock took nrst on ball". Burdock stole second. playing Twitchell hit to Williamson, who let It go by, yesterday, the girls more starting, met by Harry lontia. W $3 Busuong In Just the right spot to stop Brown's caused fear that the Phillips, who haa settled ss a hotel-keep- 103 1 town. JSi leak hit to Porter, who caught Burdock at bounder near and Bennett went to second. Conway hit to game bo game down Alatio, (Williams) second, and the big catcber waa ont at Drat. would "no " than the prospect of here. Tney were not long lu 103 FIItJT Racs. iff" One Burns and forced Bennett out at third. Campau soaked and ruined dresses. reaching the Wind- ilemien. (Neurnoyer) li Tula pnt-o- ut canaed a little trouble between Bur-- ran. hit to Pfeffer and failed to reach Drat. sor House, and were Just iu time to catch Murphy Bonnie Bounce. 1U1 (Flnnegan) 8 Purse $230, for beaten borsesi of at r A imudlo-wclcb- lenu dock and Davla, who had bit tae former pretty Molvey bit a short grounder, whloh Crane fielded Ilanlon was out tho same way. Flvo rnna decision has been rendered nt Mlddletown In a and John Kendrick, tno famous English t, Houstabuui, lot (Martin) 0 mile. , J hard, and Davis threw down bis glove and to first. Fivo bad ones gave Bastian flrau Irwin case ol litigation which makes every Individual aa tney wore about to take tholrafier-te- a May W.. 103 0 Duke of Bourbon, (Meaghert walked For Chicago, Dully hit to Itowe, and Brouthers ny (Warwick) lis 1 iV 31 np to Burdock, squaring off for a dent. Capt. placed a atngle past second. could not reach It. lie went to second on a paaaed member of a ball club responsible lor the debts w Ik. Invitation. Phillips aud tho writer ac- llollln Havley.lO? (Stoval) 0 Bertie W. colt, 118 ..(Taylor S 5&5I ME3 Barkley Interfered and no blows were struck. Clements tile to nichardaon, who tried to touch hall and to thlraon Arwon's long fly to Ilanlon. contracted In tho club'n name. An appeal from companied tno pair, nut in a baggy. tleltinx-lteme- en, 13 ti 1; May W., 15 lo 1; Brian Bora, 118 (Kelly) a , W, K4 Plnkuey hit to Eatcrday and Buahong waa forced Irwin aa he ran to aecond, but missed blm. Danny, Pfeffer got a base on balls. the declson will, however, bo taken. 'I hey weroeoon walklngat a g,dt that would do Alaho, 7 to 3; llollln Uawley, 4 to 1; Bonnie Oeorgle C..11H (Priori 0 Drat justice to a profeasljnal 113. vj ont at second. however, retired tbe ranner at and Connor Williamson made a safe hit to left. Duffy Tebean, of Cincinnati, received a raking down peoostrlan. Murihy Bounce, 6 to 3; Itonatalioul, 8 to L Stripling, (Hirrla U -- K jjsj Porter filed to Burdock and Cllne pnt op ono for carried Bnfflnton'a grounder to first. aoored, pfrfrer went to third and WHllamaon took from Manager Schmela during yesterday's games. seomed to go batter with every step he took, and Pools. Alaho, $23; Bonuie Bounce, $13; llallln Dun inc. IK (Holds) 0 ? SJ O'llrlen. MoTamanv grounded Third inning cranu went out, from Bofflnton waa covered Ibe grotiud with loaa trouble com- $S; $13. Melton. 117 to Smith. second on Twitchell'. fumble. Tno cause tbe flelder'a failure to get a fly from - than his Hawlev. field, (Malonei 0 '$: hont Fourth Inning O'Brien lammed the ball for a to Farrar. IUchardson nit safely between short Bnrns drove a long fly to centra Held. Pfeffer Stovey's bit. It Is thought that Tebeau ahould panion. After golno- four miles tho return homo The Hace. Au easy victory for Alaho, whowon Lona Brown, 113 (M. Lynch 0 jS- . er In Jut left. Caruihcrs took his base on and third, bnt made an onaucciaaful attempt to scored and Williamson took third. Van Haltren Bleep more nlghu and less daytimes. began, and wnen within half a mile ol tho hotel by a titail. Item. en second and Bonnte Bounce Leonora, 118 (Fitrpatrlck) 0 dE nana. Ward waa on men broke luto u which W. ul Koutz dropped the first ball pitched u3t ateal second. third out a ground bit, gave Ilanlon another fly rndrthe side waa ont. Two Ewlng to Danlola III, there! Charley, get the alow run, was third. Time 3.00. Pools. Bertie colt, $18; Brian Horn, $18: hM ; over Uasterday'a bead and O'Brien scored, Caru- - wbloh Irwin fielded tn nrst. runs. that kopt up until the hotel waa reached. Here they Duke of Bourbon, $2S; Duhme, $13 ; fleld, $'A 8r Wood ball I were met by George rooRTfi HACX. thcra going to second. waa a victim to strikes. Andrews also SCdKS Munis, a nephew of tne The Hace. Tho Bertie W. oo.t led the Duke of 'fit three tlmoa. BT INNIN03. Umpire D. Yes, air, Mr. Ewlng, sir; yes, sir. I Norton, Kugllsh Parse $330, ol whlon $3U to the second; ror all Orr bounded to Berkley, who touched Foutz and struck at tbe ball imt Brown muffed win, atrl "Chlppr" the bookmaker at Bourbon and Brian Born at the start, and led by ,53 eaM. tew the runner out at Drat. Smith grounded to the third one and the ball rolled clear to tbe grand Detroit l o 6 o o o whose place Sullivan trained lor Ills battle with ages: selling allowances; entrance free: one mils. length on tbe far stretch, the Duke of BoUrooa two 'Ml Buck Well, get a move on you, then. 1 ppei Arkley. One rnn. stand. Chicago o 0 0 3 0 MllrhelL On entering tho room Murphy waa (Freeman) letigtas before tlrlau Boru. IS-- ' cup Drumstick, 83. 3 narkley fonlwl to Uushong. Pnllllpa pot a safe Andrews tried to roach socond on tbe error. m m handed a of liquid with which he carefully (Allen) Trie Bertie W. coit Isd into ths straight for homo . all "!fft onelnnentra for two bass. Davis lolloncd with a Brown threw to Ward and tbe latter sent the bail Yanker. Entries far Snturdny. gargled himself. As nls attendants began to Letrella, 104. (Martin) 3. and seemed to hava sure inlnir, when Dake ot tnrep-hue- r on the terrace In left Held and Phillips to IUchardson In time to touch sir Bencdlot 0T11EII GAMtS. . him, It waa observed Unit he waa carefully Clara C., 103 (Covlogton) 0 Boarbon snot ahead at tho nnlah and won by a .am. three tsrxciAL Trne Evmnia ronLn.I 97 W Uvea, tramped ovtr the rubber. feet from the bag. to and warmly clothed. When atrlpped the men got Felix. (Coleman) 0 bead. Brian Boru waa a half length behind tbe v3' tf.r. Donohu foull out to Orr and Davla waa caught Fogsrty couldn't hit tbe ball either, and Crane Yonkebs, N. Y. , July 37. Tbe following are the at him with Torklsh towels and bvgan a Broughton, ins (Stoval) 0 Bertie W. colt 'llme-I.C- H. mf ulaat trying tor home after the catch. One rnn. received a merited ovation aa he came to the National l.engue. entries at Yonkera for Saturday, Joly S3: courae of rubbing. This waa continued Kcdar Khan, 107 (Warlck) 0 Five-doll- mutnels paid $13. (Ml; plaoe, $9.13: vjf stud Harry Kernel!, mo 0 'lwo-ilo:l- ar t Vlftti Inning II ad ford put a safe oneln left and bench. AT First Ilaoa. BeaUn fife tor at least half an hour, by waloh (Pearaon) Bertie W. colt paid $11. M. mutnela Inning. was rirrsBcno. bonast furlosis. Mnrphy'e system was thorouchly Argo, 100 (Hamilton) 0 paid $d.lO; place, $3.Su; W, W, stole second. Burdock was hit by a pitched ball Fourth Tlernan presented with a PHUburg o Lo. i.,. time cooled out Bertie colt paid $3.80. '! and took Drat base on balls. Connor went out on a nigh foul to Pamparo 133 Ida 118 A solution of whiskey and witch-haz- was tucn Mlrlh, 8 ...(Sodent 0 2S Indianapolis 0 oooiooo Wl O. , 89 second hack. 'jrgp fS Bnabong attempted a sacrifice, ne grounded to Cleinenta. O'Rnnrke nit safely past second. uoooooo Zampa 133 Dlur Brnnstto 11H applied bv hand. This took about Ofteen minutes Carrie (Doane) 0 UK Davla. forcing Itailford third and was Andrews fumbled sluhtly and Tlernan tried to Battenof Galvln and Miller; Shreve and Buck- l'arkrill. 133 Quean ut Il.arta 118 more. When the labor was ended. Kendrick told Betttni Arso, IS to It Krdar Khan, 80 to 1; f'urse $550, for bealeu horses ; hs of a W' at caught 13U 1 HI 'Ml1' , ley. Valor..... UodUu Harry Kernel!, 30 Broughton, 30 1; Letre-ti- a, as blmself at rtrat, u pretty . Plnkney struck reach third, but was out on a One throw by Umpire Mr. Kelly. 120 Murphy that ho might drcsa himself. tol; to Duk.ot Monro MammlaU 108 8 to 5; Clara to 1; Felix, 1; Nat Goodwin, 113 (Deader) 1 W- - ew on'- - Andrewa to Mulvey. O'ltonrke took second on the Iloiton Washington Hard Cash 130 77 CD to to Carrie ' vs. Game at Boston post- Porlta 10 13 p. 113 B T," atterday fell a victim so Darby O'Brien's ability play. 118 j ()., tol; Drumstick, tol; Mlitb. 13 tol; Salada. (Hun) poned on account of ralu. Tension... Pooa-Leire- 113 g i1 to catoh files. Brennan atiuck for the second Gore waa sent to nrst on balls. Waltneymade becond Hace, horflea, alx farlonga. 7 to 1. tla, $0; Clara C.,$13; Cantloie. (Ilollls) 3! oat Batn Theodorus, 113 (banks) 0 1KI Wall ,lmf Porter bounded 1 Burdock. the third oat on a long By to Wood, flold.$W ,! Havana 110 Falsanota 100 '1 Hace. race.rtts-apnolnte- d lleaal, 113 (Meaghet) 0 4U 1 Sixth lanlag O'llrlen again got In a er retired no a hard fly to Tlernao. Mulvey American he Letretla, the favorite In the Farrar Astnrlntlon. Ill) Harney II 100 Sarsoeld, 113 (Malonei D per. to lsft. Oamiher hit 10 hartley, whothrew wildly struck out, and Baatlau had the privilege given by Dot.,., her backera by coming In third, W AT FBILADILriHA. Luna llrown 110 Vll.llo., 10 I ami Drumstick getting Aral Onangc, 113 (Wbyburn) 0 iE t0 ettca O'Brlea a: talrd, and Carnthcra landed Daniels of striking at fonr balls. He missed all of All Powers 110 Tha Miliar 100 and second plates. -. and cheered. Athletics. 0 2 0 0 Iline-La- ltf. Souvenir, 113 (H.lewui 0 Jv tbem ths crowd 10 10 04 Hall. Hrackett 10a John K.J lull 113 (Bergen) "" Font7 Hied to Kllar. Carnthers stole Inning Brown smashed a ball into Cincinnati 7 105 Tourist 1"0 nrtn race. Alice, 0 Ml second. Fifth right 30008001 illann.lm Ppola-Cha- Nat OrrgotlQ centro which ordinarily would have been Batteries Wcybtng and Townsend; Smith and 106 Tony FosUr lot) l'ursefjiO. of $30 10 handi- $30; Goodwlu, $40; Saluda, Mf iilliahUOversecond,andboth O'Brien safe, but which the second; a $33; Alloc, $33; Held, Vss. jfj and canithera snored. Fogarty made a dive to tho ground and grabbed Keenan. Umpire Mr. Gaffney. Third Kaoa. foar and one-ha- lf cap for ail ages, at a mllo and The )avts In DeMcd Kad-- ball or It fnrkinas. Ave Hace. and Souvenir wore away la took an.i Bmlth'a bounder. the Just before Just after reached the AT CLRTSLAND. over hurdles. 11,1a bjck- fom LI. I Lb. by tbe lead. Sal made tho pace on the - wf sled ont 19 stirday. Two rnna. earth. 0 o o o J18;PurM Won Volticcir, Percy second and Llgero stretch, two lengths CiIjio hounded to Plnkney. itnTamany placed a Daniels declared Brown ont. Crane was given Cleveland l Pliate lis third. Time- -. 80. snd three before Canticle, 'Xp single on Louuvlile 0 u l OambetM 11H Tool McUook 113 Souvenir, Change and Nat Goodwin, aud led into M over aenond. )araly bit turd through bis bsse balls, but Rloaardson's grounder to l'o Tha Boas 113 M. Clara 11a the homeatreteh, two lengtns before Change, a ,fflr, fanillh and MoTamar.y teored. Bastian forced Eddie oat at second. Dan toox Batteries Blaxely and Snyder; flecker and Volunteer ,... 113 IUtta ... 113 Uaetng was Cook. Mr. Itaoa. aliowanoas at Chicago. length before Nat Goodwin. Tho race waa won by 3j , - Hartley took init'i, O'llrlen turowlog low to eeoond on a paad ball, not lelt there. Ward Umpire Fer.uson. Fourth Swing i saraa ids ones. Nat (soodwln by a length, Plnkney. oama l:i ou 3Il!'pt's slow flying oat to Andrewa. Lo.l Zo. Cuicaoo, July 27. Following are tbe results ot Saluda second, a length Si' )4, Battler f bant AT BALTIMORE. 1 V In Change, -- 1.03. one-ha- Greenfield 120 Utile Mickey front of lime v3i ,0 Orr- - Rled hU to Smith. Two Brown made a phenomenal catch of tbs meeting Five-doll- I Dvl t ran. Baltimore u 1'Ujl.ir , ll.ilMnaD ' 103 ar mutnels paid $19.00; place, $ia 10: Seventh Inning Bsrdoev from Irwin's bat. Clements safely to 1 :j3 nST I bonded to Phillip. afoul hit SU 0 00010001 Th.odorus 13 Uumpatltor 101 First Hace. Irma II. drat, Joahua aecond, Saluda paid $10.21. 'iwo-doll- mutuela paid 1 Louis 0 0 8 4 Mini. I I'hihong ground to Itartln Plnknoy alt sately right tcr one bale, and took aeoond on a wild 110 liuiann 77 Tlmo-1.- 03. B Bd!lok third. J3.60; place, $3.03: Saluna paid JlW. ?! . Mi tolett. o'BrUn filed w Birkley, pitch. A pasted ball advanoed tilu to third. Batteries Cunningham and Ganlz; King and Fifth Itao., Sallln. allowancat hiId forlonss. Second lluce. Zoollle Ural, Brandotstte sscond, I ,Sei I Donahoe ounded ;o Orr and I.!tavr Cld the flufflaton bit to Ward, who made a good throw Mllllgan. Umpire Mr. Doescher. H KateM.Innu thlid. Time Log, rniXD rack. same to BuMont. Lit Caruttt. lo the plate, but Brown made a baa man and Wilfred Jay. i.133 Marsnerila 107 Purs $333, for ibree-quirt- I llrrunav fal4 It Llda L US Arery 106 Third Itacr. contempt nrst, smart second, of er' csrvsa for tne third tlmm. Clements scored. Andrews struck st tho bsll ilaalty 10,1 Ouindaro Belle third. Time L a mile. '2K--tsf Blg'ith Inning Btcoslyn, a. rnree limes, but tbe last ont came on Central I.eogoe. J.J. llo Jo. IS. Dalesman, 113 (Whybnrn) ,$51 ;B? Pal DilT.r 113 Oold Start 100 m Kanaaa City. 0. the pick up to Brown, who stopped AT ALLS STO WN. ' Eatontown, 103 (Sharkey) ?. mm Nlnii. Inning Brooklyn 4M net toera, wall, but lost his bead and tried to rnn Andrews Allemown RICII KAC1.NQ UONOKa Bonnie Harold Ally, 103 .iMcManua) a .Ssj grounded Phillips BJ Finally BUI It l Alonmontli Kntrlee for , IVlMs Earlley to Smith. safety down. threw the ball, but bit the Newark. 0ooooioooo 3 Gunshot, US (Thompson) 0 'til - to right, tlaru nit to Caruthera, wki iktaw runner In tho back. 3000000 farxoiAL to tbe xvxxrna wokld.1 V. Natot, 103 (Kelly) 0 MM wildly to Burdock for a double, and bw nan Bomnton took third on the play and tried to Batteries German & Williams; Dooms aud Monmootu Back TR.cr, July 17. Here Duke of Westminster's Orbit Wins the Llttl Silver, 103 0 V Duffy, Umpire Mr. Pearce. Park (Itlb) y en. were tale. seora on Wood's hit to Ward, but waa out at tbe are tho entries for tbe races at Monmouth park, FRANK MOKPItr. Kcllpse NUkes, Value 10,000. Cornstarch, 103 (hosier) 0 a &M only a whlofc Fogarty flew out to run. WILXESBAKRE. Douohnt made safe hit to right, o plate. Gore. One AT Those who had aevn the and TUX Dead heat. tSHsl icur Ph'Jllpa scored on tba error of Itadforl Infleldlag Sixth Inning Tlernan struck out. ronnor sent Saturday, July 38. BT CAULK TO TMSS NEWS ASSOCMTIOX.l Poola Cornstarch, $30; Gunshot, $23; Eaton- - flffSB way Wllkesbsrre. -- n ohubuy.faoed Eugll.limun of a year ago could the ball. a single on iu to right. Bnrnnton pnt aome S06108O0 a First Race. Handicap sweepstakes; Mian furious. reoognlza tne aame man He haa London, July 27. Tho racing ovcat in town, $30; Dalesman, $13; field, $30. p on finger and o'JUmrke Blngbamton 0 hardly 3fl y! SCOHR BT IKKUrat. plaster his knocked out a 0110000 undergone u complete transformation. It Is no England y was tho Eclipso Tne Hace. Gnnahot and ttatontown were away A)S K. alkjrte to left. Batteries Koach and Cuff; Fee and Collins. Hrr.lt llii Flaeol.tta loj Slakes of lu the lead. Eatontown at once ran out and made nK a o Hwili 105 Valiant BH exsgjcrutlou thai there arc not two ounces of a lor Brooklyn 0 1 0 t ru. a Gore oame to bat and Swing, In oltlsen's dress, Umpire Mr. Holland. '10.1)00 to tho wimier aud 500 to tbo aecond, the pace, three lengths Natut and Bon- - jma- Katmu City f llcnedlctln. , 100 Mary T VO superfluous flesh on Murphy. He has Leonine belore ths hu 0 MOO 14 said something above live balla. Than Irwin made AT 8CRANTOK. Heoond Haoe. The Sapling Htakea, for thoroughly hsruened from head to toe, nle Harold filly. Ml presence thravaar. and tho run nt Baudot n Park. Tho distance was a jVJIK """ Bruoktyn Base hlta, 7; errors, 8. a kick aboat Book's and the latur retired Bcranton o 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 olds; Ihrea.quarUr of a milt. skin on his face Is like drawn parchment. Ilia ITie race on the finish was s beauty; Eatontown, V) Kauai Otty Base bits, 7; errors, a. to the grand stand. ., Lo. prominently mile mid a quarter. It bad thirteen startora tn the lead swerved or was pulUd orer luto Dales- - Elmira 119 muaclea stick out to gnat knots, mid J - IlL Gore, however, received bis bsse on balls, filling Oonnermwla Wlnrflald lu" Is In every respect a perfect picture oung was ' ' Lot; " man's course, but the flylug favorite would not be jsjl Whitney frensy Batteries Swift and Murphy;S0000000Doran and Pitze. 115 Mill names. 103 1"9 he of a) aud tho result a veritablo killing wss the bases. created a of applause 108 Herculci. krptoack. It was as close a finish as ever "itM "" oof Umpire Mr. Latham. Volunteer , Iu8 Brahsraln be- Railed fr.m tbs It Willie Aale.as bv driving a roost timely single to right, bringing Hansom,., 108,Krlo Iu8 llo is now two pounds below weight, aud those for tho l'riuoo of Wales and tho rich patrons seen, aud tno Jndses decided It a dead heat - ,X! ' Ullen crowlej, a widow thlrty-flr- a years old Iti both Connor and O'ltonrke and sending Gore to Cjclon-- i oolt 105! C'aTOraaln oolt 113 thluking re- tweed Dalesman aud Eatoutowu. Bonnie Harold Mju wno have been that Murphy couM not of John I'ortor's stnblo at Kinzs. JrHj who Is employed at Sixth Hotel, at third. Tipstaff 10i Qroomsman 115 duce and train without Injuring his boallh had filly third alx lengtns behind. Time 1.1S. - the Avenue scored on Brown's sacrifice League. Ualop...... lOJLadrUay 1U1 clore. Tor tbo Duko of Westminster's Five-doll- mniuelt paid IS. 70; place, $3.33: Porty-four- Tha latter to Irwin. International underoelve 'WSi in th lann-- a better tnwneelie. Two-doll- - street and Sixth avenue, aa a Crane ended tbe Inning with a fly lo Wood. Three AT UAUILTON. Tnird luce. The Rarltan blakaai on. mil. and Before retiring for the night Murphy explained Ossory,' flravt Eatontown pui$a 9s. mutual! paid 'vmj, quarter. luir. Orbit aud rnn and avcoud. place. $2.60; E tontowu pald$3.6U .jilVs jaBI. dress, wsnt to sleep on tbe roof last night because runs. Hamilton 0 9 0 5 8 0 Lb. bis system of truluingt VuOi; smashed a one, which 10 n. llotlt were bred by tho Duko of Westminster, Iu tbe run-of- f Eatonioirn waa Drat away, bnt & tse found It too warm within doors. Farrar hot hit Crane on Albany 0 rtacaland 130 Charley Draax 101 " I get up at c o'clock In tho morning and Imme- Aboat 1 o'clock this morning the night watchman tne arm, and carromad ovsr to Illohardson, who 0001103 Tarraeon 103 llullnatnn 103 diately a sponae bain. I gargle my by 'Or, out Dalesman camn by at oece and was never headed, 3Qy Week-backe- take throat Orbit beinc Heud of Fair Alice, waa startled by a beavy craah, and going around plowed up the ball and threw tbe runner out at Batterlea Jones and Vlaner; Graff aud r. Kalatccop...... 103 Hnowdrop 104 drees myself. After taking a and wluning by a e of lengths. Time Lid. 3 Mr. Brady. well and aherry Ossory is run-o- the Porty.fourtb atreet slue of tbe building, first. Umpire Kourtb Bao., Ua&dlcap bwswptlaarei on. mil. and a egg Kaudrlck audi start uut foraaeven or eight by Cnmbuswn. a brother of tbo Pools on the Eatontown, $33; Dalesman, , 'ItHm fly quarter, $40. - Mrs. Crowley lying In a narrow veranda Mulvey went out on a high to Gore and Bas- AT TORONTO. mllo walk, on my return 1 am given a thorougn unbeaten Onnondo, being by Dend 'Or, out i?!ls strike out Lb. U. Sharkey rode Eatontown and Whyburn Dales-- runs beneath tbe windows of Ibe restaurant. tian made another for Crane. 0 0- 109 Tanbookar 1M course of drying and rubbing and am then ready W3 She Wood maue icood Toronto -4 Monlasu of Lily Acnes, by Macaroni. Ossory carried man. bad fallen from tho roof, a distance of about Seventh Inning a catch of 0080030 0- 63 my morulog meaL. A rbup JfiM Sto Syracuae. -S Oo.no,., 97,Ar.tino for nice, ar off mutuela paid $3.83; taro- ' I'rty feet, in her sleep, and waa seriously burt, mciardson's fly. Ward went out from Bufflnton 01000000 Fr.nk Ward... 7 or two, with some dry tiust aud lea, without su- 137 pounds and Orbit 124 pounds. Mr. F. In tho run - iaai having flew oat to Irwin. Batteries Atkinaon and Becker; Murphy and Hace. The Soud one mua a quart. r. dollar mutuela paid $2. VO. WW fractured botn her right leg and her right to Farrar. Tlernan curry. Fluh stakaai and gar and milk, constitute the meal. Douglus'H colt Martley, by tn-- Irwla took nrst on called balla. Clements re- Walker. Umpire Mr. Lb. W I lounge anout an back. '.jl-- ittT 143 Sir Jowph... H5 then hoar and road, at tno Kouimi L tired on a blgb fly to ltlchardaan. Summon hit to AT LONDON. I Margaretto, iloni-to- ' Rrlttanlo...., 130 Adolph , 130 end of which take a walk lor a couple of hours. Doucaxtcr, out of Lndy by Purao $230; selUng alloanc:s; mile and one-- JE-v- nichardaon, who threw to Ward at second, retir- '1 Is J Burglar. In a SlaaaacbnseU. Town. London o o 0 llanclocb. 134 Kdl.to 1.0 lie rubbing proitaa again gonu llirouuh audi Mas third. Orbit won by a length. The alxieculli, MSi ing Irwin. ltocheater 0 0 0 Crusader 117 Coldstream 117 am ready for my midday meal, homo prime roast Dago, VI (Barton) 1 mm Isranui. rax wobi.d.1 wildly to Connor to catch 117 103 0 4 1 Mart-Ic- y to irainia Ward threw Buff and Game called end of first half of fourth Inning on Monmoutl, Idaliaooll i.ref, stale nread suda bottle of landlord Phillips a bnttiui; mh to acainst Orbit, J to Alamo, 100 (ll'illla) Ncxra 87. Burglara on the error. Lad. 1U8 1 I I H uoituats; Mass., July the latter took third Daniels sent llonnl. white label tuaalc, and am a now man again. 1 Kink, 97 (.Mms) iJ I on balls and account of rain. Scud Swkaa No. 3. dltid.J. and 17 to Osiory. 8 SQ y rnis a xeaeral rant around Qannett's corner last Wood to first Crane looked mad. Batteries Pitztrerald and Klnslow; Toole and "Another lotiUkU about, alter which I hit the Wayward, 103. (Kelly) 0 MM Andrews struck out. Al, Lh. an dumb- Orbit bad previously won tho Crnvon (ht. They entered the residence of IL Lltch Toy. Umpire Mr. Umslie. flowlsnd )33SIona,..,., 133 bag for half hour aud exercise wim the trila Frolic, 103. (Bergen) 0 .Wjl Eighth Ionln New Tork, a 134 131 bells; then comes u stop for mi hour or so, beforo Stakoa at Kewnmrket year, but was tbird ""d and stole 2,000, la money and a gold watoh 0, AT BUrFALO. hpMdw.ll MaUuauiln Harrodibtirg, M (II. L.'wls) 0 Philadelphia, McK.nal , 130 (ll.ntnuund 1)9 I tske my customary walk. for tho 2.000 Guineas and second for tho McCloskey, 100 (Thorn 0 'U jsjsa and chain valued at $50. At tha Old Colony Depot 110 Cardinal iisjd) '3Hi Ninth Inning New Tork, 0. Buffalo 0 3 2 0 0 6 0 Lselalra. 118 T.nally my last meal of the day I have tomo cola Ttionnial Htakcs nt was 1, V9 'hey got but f'.o and at John E. flannel's fs In Il "For Ascot. 0sory un. Charlie Ituaael ('iaylori 0 'X3l Philadelphia, a Troy J.P. Ill Ionia.. "..... W meat and Jelly with tea and toait. Alter u snort plnced for the 2.000 Oiiiuens, but won the Top sawyer, 97 (Cniaier) 0 Km mall change. Several other houses were entered, Charmar liWlMsrua ...... Itnl good my but away. scobs nr iNNixna. Batteries-Fanni- ng andlllloooWelch; Seerlng and Mulli llaca, geuOi mil aa rest another walk, a rulmlng, and day'a Vrinco of WaleB Makoi at Ascot, at which Lelaod, ttl (Flynu) 0 WM I tat turgiars were frightened l'ura. on. and eisnth. aro endeii. At 9 o'clock I retire. " 0- Uackett. Umpire Mr. Salllvan. Lb. Lb. labors Nonsonse, 87 (Barber) 0 Wfl 0 -4 y uieeiing bo rati a dead heat with Galore for NewYort Boonlo S US Murphy aud Kcndr.ck will go to Boston 0 Philadelphia 1000300 1 Ill Clar Pat James's Valaro (Stakes. Geo. Angus, M (hlelaa) fj Mats A Timely Warning. O000IUO0O HI. Valentin 106 Uni Knight - and will go on to New York witn 1M tho at. Mary 00 (M. Lynch) 0 "fao-Ing- Hamilton. York-B- ase hits, 7 errors, , ..,... . 1001 .Murphy Is s Pools-Carii- I New A II. Urn... Holske, where to receive his nnal inal McCloskey, $10: T0.1 Sawyer, ,'litlM Won Lift nilaaonrlan Writ, n lloaton Melle, 1 ho flftb rsc of 34 Is diTldaJ. Philadelphia-Ba- se blta, 4; errors, I. .trl " near tho meno ot the intended null. $33 ; Dago, 80; $30; lleM, J '3. r.iggd Urchin (to druggist's clerk)- -!' has larxClAL TO THF EVXHiaO WOSLD.I Galop, Uroumsinan and VolontMr ar doubtful start- ftlen ef County Kllge. Frdlc, MM ers. Sllgo Men's Five-doll- mutnels paid $43.33; place, $13.73; fSH '""Itnadaaeof you gin him, an' night -. Tho County Association began Its thatllnnymunt Boston, July 37. Laat a few Intimate ar- Alamo paid $18.43. Two-doll- mutuela paid $17. W nrs corfln' fit bast blsself, an' ha Tbe Bellp.e Htnkrs. ('nurllandt Pnlmer'a Aahrta. litM and sneezln' to friends gathered In the parlors, on Columbus ave- tVi 1'orJt thould (lecre. picnlo at Washington Park this afternoon and will place, is.M; Alamo paid $7.03. , aayt he's to knock merry blares oat o' mews iVery printer Au read keep up Bayne's JIM rnr cauls to thx raise amooutiox.1 well-kno- This morning the sshes ol Counlandt Palmer tee merriment Sixty. Tbe Afh trace was won by Teg Wofllngton, Hav. B ! so gimme a run fer yer life I nue, of Mr. John C. Hsynts, of the " " IXfmt nickel an' Lohiion, July ST. Ths Eelipss Makes of 10,000 tary Wildman'i arUcU on Vlg Six n Tub were removed from the relort at the crematory, nliiln Ileglmeni Band furnlihca the muslo. (Her seeond and Hermitage third, 'lime 3.14V. ''tPllfll m m rausie publishing firm of Oliver Dltson A Co., of to the winner and JttOO to the second, at Bandown New York, lo witness the marriage ceremony of Evbvixo) 'Would Frtali Pond, I. I., by Kiwlnoer Neomau, under .. Core. Ul Vanity Halo or Outing Ulatblng. I laiidrr Cholera infnntuin Park, dlitance one and quarter mile, was won to- but daughter, Cora Marie, to Mr. K. Hart Day, of i tho direction of hupt. flier. They were placed Hmokr Pragraut Pair (luaretlea Vacation Ajm .' I 7!BiuiiuptalnUeuradMbrniafloornioatr ra day by Orbit, witn Oasorr socond, both from tbe Kansas City. The honeymoon will be spent In IIant Imllalors, bnt no equal, bas Dr. Baos's lo a tin box aud lurwarded lo the relatives, who If rou want tb brain soothad te i&sdltattoa.ana a drum Ehoes, baits, ho., caps, shirta, Llaiar. Jo. 3 pax ifl IS"?:, Aieaand.r's (lliolera MnrbuaOuta lor adalta Westminster's sUbJe. Europe. Catabuu lumxor. will bury them m the family vault at Gtvenwood, vflbbltsrufa. V oal, from masked prlcw, brALSZaa'S, 'aUat'WAy. jfJB m children ever Ibmtaar. Dak ol V ' A J rfafei,. Jffli fc n il b dmr ..BSMiaaMSS;. riaw.ia.AlfKjlSVkjMawSMwtallMiafa.Jth . ! i ii il afclailiii tyi'J'liWr il Saul llrtfilsnilsW'fc'iJlstfrt 3Wmmvs!MimmmlmmBmmmmmmjtelimmmmi mwM Hl