Senator Scott Ludlam Scott is the Australian Greens Senator for Western . He has been a leading voice against the use of nuclear energy as a way of dealing with climate change. Formally, Scott is the spokesperson for transport, housing, communications, sustainable cities, infrastructure, waste and matters regarding nuclear power. Informally, he is the spokesperson for barbecue shapes, japanese whiskey, spooks and odd things on the interwebs. A former filmmaker, artist and graphic designer, he uses innovative communication tools to help with his campaign. Scott created the Bike Blackspot App, which enabled bicyclists to lobby for better bike funding. You can find Senator Scott at @SenatorLudlam and

Tom Tilley Tom was plucked from the depths of the ABC’s newsroom and immediately sent on a mission: To be ’s man on the ground… everywhere. From feral pig infested wetlands to tree houses in Tassie forests to the halls of power in Canberra – he’s been there. Tom’s nomadic existence has recently been halted. You can find him in the triple j studio, hosting HACK. While geographically he’s now more centred, he still has a keen sense of smell for the forces of change in our globalised social wilderness. You can find Jess at @TomTilley & @triplejHack and

Jess Scully Jess is a curator, festival director and media producer who uses creativity and the arts to engage communities with each other and with the public realm. She uses arts, events and creative work to spark dialogue about the tomorrows that are being built everyday. Jess has been the festival director of Vivid Ideas for the past six years, one of the curators of TEDxSydney and the instigator of Kids Hack Day . After studying journalism and law at UTS, which she didn't quite finish, Jess was named one of Sydney’s 100 most influential people. Jess looks for projects which inspire curiosity and explore opportunities for the arts and creativity to deliver impact in communities. You can find Jess at @jessaroo and

Urthboy Tim Levinson aka is involved in music both from a creative and business angle. Managing the label as well as artists like Hermitude and Horrorshow, Tim has 15 years of experience in the industry. He’s also released four solo albums and five with The Herd, touring Australia and internationally and being in the final shortlist for the three times. Underpinning both his music and business is a deep passion for social justice. You can find Jess at @urthboy and

1/3 Alex Greenwich At the age of31, Alex is one of the youngest MPs in the NSW Parliament and one of the first member of any Australian Parliament in a same-sex marriage. An Independent Member for Sydney, he is committed to government transparency and accountability, as well as, fairness and equality for the LGBTI community. The chairman of Australian Marriage Equality, he also has a small business and community advocacy background. Alex grew up in the city and is passionate about improving inner-Sydney education options and protecting the environment. He and his husband Victor live with their rescue dog Max. You can find Alex at @AlexGreenwich and

Ella Weisbrot Ella is the AYCC NSW State Co-Coordinator, and has been volunteering with the AYCC since the beginning of 2013. Ella is passionate about social justice and believes that solving the climate crisis before it is too late is the most important social justice issue we face right now. Much like social movements in the past, young people are leading the climate action movement, and Ella is committed to empowering and working alongside young people as they push for a stronger action on climate change. You can find Ella at @AYCC and

Dan Ilic Dan is perhaps one of Australia’s most prolific comedic creator and filmmaker and has been making television for ten years. An investigative humorist and a comedy industrialist, has made Dan a household name. As a video journalist for Fairfax, he broke the news to the world of Heath Ledger’s death in New York City. As a comedian, Dan has performed on stage and at festivals around the world. Dan’s commitment to making trouble for a good cause reached fever pitch when he chronicled the media exploitation of the Beaconsfield mine disaster for the Melbourne Fringe Festival. You can find Dan at @danilic and

Natasha Akib Natasha is a social change storyteller and communications strategist specialising in media and marketing for not-for-profit/community minded organisations and using the media for social development and change. She aims to give a voice and amplify work for changemakers. After working at one of the first free-press newspapers in the newly established democracy of Bhutan, she returned to Australia and became the Head Editor of She currently works with the social change crowdfunding platform and at Digital Storytellers. She is also a member of the Vibewire board of directors. You can find Natasha at @natashaakib and


Nishan David Nishan is a 23 year old social entrepreneur and the co-founder of Bloodless, a cult streetwear label that uses fashion to start conversations and raises funds for causes that matter through a limited edition graphic tee. Having spent some time working in youth engagement for non-profits around the world, Nishan has gained the knowledge needed to inspire teens and twenty-somethings around social justice issues. You can find Nishan on at @bloodlessthelabel and

Tami Sussman Tami likes to milkshake shit up and is the schnitzel when it comes to word-smithery. If she wasn't a spoken word artist, she'd sell sea shells by the sea shore. She also teaches English as a second language and is a qualified marriage celebrant. You can find Tami at @SussmaniaSydney and
