Curriculum Document number: TE.GOVE.002-1 Vitae Approval date: 06/01/2021

CV Management Board members

Personal information Surname(s)/First name(s) Mr. Arnaoutis Themistos

Nationality Cypriot

Current professional Chief position Director of the Academy

Name and address of employer Police HQ, Evangelou Floraki street, 1478 , Cyprus

Office phone number/e- Office phone: +357 22808030 mail [email protected]

Position in the MB Voting Member

Term of office in the MB 03 July 2018 (starting date)

Professional information I joined the Cyprus Police on 15/12/1990 as a police Previous positions constable. On 11/02/1994 after my graduation from the (summary) training Programme for Recruit Police Constables of the Cyprus I was posted at various Departments of the Cyprus Police including the Crime Investigation Department (Nicosia CID & HQ CID Ops), Pera Chorio Police Station, Aliens & Immigration Service, & at the Office of the Republic of Cyprus.

On 02/04/2015 I was appointed Deputy Director of the Crime Combating Department of Cyprus Police Head Quarters, a position I held until 03/07/2018 when I was transferred to the Cyprus Police Academy as Director.

My area of expertise lies in combating serious and organized crime / corruption.

During my service I have been awarded several medals and honours, including Highest Ranked Officer of my cohort and Best Officer for the year 1996. Education and Training - National Guard Service - Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - Cyprus Police Academy Diploma - FBI National Academy - Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) - Masters in Business Administration / HRM - Other courses in Cyprus and abroad mostly on issues related to organized crime, corruption and police administration / leadership - Member of the FBI National Academy Associates, Cyprus Additional information - International Police Association (IPA) member (memberships, other) - Project Manager of the Cyprus Police Reform Programme

© CEPOL 2021 Proprietary document. Printed copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status.

Curriculum Document number: TE.GOVE.002-1 Vitae Approval date: 06/01/2021

© CEPOL 2021 Proprietary document. Printed copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status.