
Physics Letters B 696 (2011) 124–130

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Physics Letters B


Graviton as a Goldstone : Nonlinear sigma model for field ∗ J.L. Chkareuli a,b, J.G. Jejelava a,b, , G. Tatishvili b a E. Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, 0177 Tbilisi, Georgia b Center for Elementary Physics, ITP, Ilia State University, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia article info abstract

Article history: Spontaneous Lorentz invariance violation (SLIV) realized through a nonlinear tensor field constraint Received 22 August 2010 2 =± 2 Hμν M (M is the proposed scale for Lorentz violation) is considered in tensor field gravity theory, Received in revised form 23 November 2010 which mimics linearized in –time. We show that such a SLIV pattern, Accepted 30 November 2010 due to which the true in the theory is chosen, induces massless tensor Goldstone modes Available online 8 December 2010 some of which can naturally be associated with the physical graviton. When expressed in terms of the Editor: T. Yanagida pure Goldstone modes, this theory looks essentially nonlinear and contains a variety of Lorentz and Keywords: CPT violating couplings. Nonetheless, all SLIV effects turn out to be strictly canceled in all the lowest Lorentz violation order processes considered, provided that the tensor field gravity theory is properly extended to general Goldstone relativity (GR). So, as we generally argue, the measurable effects of SLIV, induced by elementary vector Gravity or tensor fields, are related to the accompanying gauge symmetry breaking rather than to spontaneous Lorentz violation. The latter appears by itself to be physically unobservable, only resulting in a non- covariant gauge choice in an otherwise gauge invariant and Lorentz invariant theory. However, while Goldstonic vector and tensor field theories with exact local invariance are physically indistinguishable from conventional gauge theories, there might appear some principal distinctions if this local symmetry were slightly broken at very small distances in a way that could eventually allow one to differentiate between them observationally. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (where nν is a properly oriented unit Lorentz vector, while M is the proposed scale for Lorentz violation) much as it works in the 2 + 2 = 2 It is no doubt an extremely challenging idea that spontaneous nonlinear σ -model [14] for , σ π fπ , where fπ is the Lorentz invariance violation (SLIV) could provide a dynamical ap- decay constant. Note that a correspondence with the nonlin- proach to electrodynamics [1],gravity[2] and Yang–Mills ear σ model for pions may appear rather suggestive in view of the theories [3] with , graviton and non-Abelian gauge fields ap- fact that pions are the only presently known Goldstone pearing as massless Nambu–Goldstone (NG) bosons [4] (for some whose theory, chiral dynamics [14], is given by the nonlinearly re- later developments see [5–9]). This idea has recently gained new alized chiral SU(2) × SU(2) symmetry rather than by an ordinary 1 impetus in the gravity sector—as for composite gravitons [10],soin linear σ model. The constraint (1) means in essence that the vec- the case when gravitons are identified with the NG modes of the tor field Aμ develops some constant background value symmetric two-index tensor field in a theory preserving a diffeo- morphism (diff) invariance, apart from some noninvariant potential inducing spontaneous Lorentz violation [11,12]. 1 Another motivation for the constraint (1) mightbeanattempttoavoidanin- We consider here an alternative approach which has had a long finite self- for the in classical electrodynamics, as was originally history, dating back to the model of Nambu [13] for QED in the suggested by Dirac [15] (and extended later to various vector field theories [16]) in terms of the Lagrange multiplier term, 1 λ(A2 − M2), due to which the con- framework of nonlinearly realized Lorentz symmetry for the un- 2 μ straint (1) appears as an equation of motion for the auxiliary field λ(x). Recently, derlying vector field. This may indeed appear through the “length- there was also discussed in the literature a special quadratic Lagrange multiplier 1 2 − 2 2 fixing” vector field constraint potential [17], 4 λ(Aμ M ) ,leadingtothesameconstraint(1) after varying the action, while the auxiliary λ field completely decouples from the vector field dy- 2 = 2 2 2 ≡ ν =± Aμ n M , n nνn 1(1)namics rather than acting as a source of some extra current density, as it does in the Dirac model. Formally, numbers of independent degrees of freedom in these models appear different from those in the Nambu model [13], where the SLIV con- straint is proposed to be substituted into the action prior to varying of the action. * Corresponding author at: Center for Elementary , ITP, Ilia State However, in their -free and stability (positive Hamiltonian) phase space areas University, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia. [17] both of them are physically equivalent to the Nambu model with the properly E-mail address: [email protected] (J.G. Jejelava). chosen initial condition.

0370-2693/$ – see front © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2010.11.068 J.L. Chkareuli et al. / Physics Letters B 696 (2011) 124–130 125   Aμ(x) = nμM (2) the weak-field limit of general relativity (GR)) is properly extended to GR. So, this formulation of SLIV seems to amount to the fixing of and the Lorentz symmetry SO(1, 3) formally breaks down to SO(3) a gauge for the tensor field in a special manner making the Lorentz or SO(1, 2) depending on the time-like (n2 > 0) or space-like 2 violation only superficial just as in the nonlinear QED framework (n < 0) nature of SLIV. The point is, however, that, in sharp con- [13]. From this viewpoint, both conventional QED and GR theo- trast to the nonlinear σ model for pions, the nonlinear QED theory, ries appear to be generic Goldstonic theories in which some of due to the starting gauge invariance involved, ensures that all the the gauge degrees of freedom of these fields are condensed (thus physical Lorentz violating effects turn out to be nonobservable. It eventually emerging as a noncovariant gauge choice), while their was shown [13], while only in the tree approximation and for the 2 massless NG modes are collected in or gravitons in such time-like SLIV (n > 0), that the nonlinear constraint (1) imple- a way that the physical Lorentz invariance is ultimately preserved. mented into the standard QED Lagrangian containing a charged However, there might appear some principal distinctions between field ψ(x) conventional and Goldstonic theories if, as we argue later, the un- derlying local symmetry were slightly broken at very small dis- 1 μν μ LQED =− Fμν F + ψ(iγ ∂ + m)ψ − eAμψγ ψ (3) 4 tances in a way that could eventually allow us to differentiate between them in an observational way. as a supplementary condition appears in fact as a possible gauge The Letter is organized in the following way. In Section 2 we choice for the vector field Aμ, while the S-matrix remains unal- formulate the model for tensor field gravity and find massless tered under such a gauge convention. Really, this nonlinear QED NG modes some of which are collected in the physical graviton. contains a plethora of Lorentz and CPT violating couplings when Then in Section 3 we derive general Feynman rules for the basic it is expressed in terms of the pure Goldstonic photon modes (aμ) graviton–graviton and graviton–matter (scalar) field in according to the constraint condition (1) the Goldstonic gravity theory. In essence the model contains two nμ   1   perturbative parameters, the inverse Planck and SLIV scales, = + 2 − 2 2 2 = 2 ≡ μ Aμ aμ M n a , nμaμ 0 a aμa (4) 1/M and 1/M, respectively, so that the SLIV interactions are al- n2 P ways proportional to some powers of them. Some lowest order (for definiteness, one takes the positive sign for the square root SLIV processes, such as graviton–graviton scattering and graviton 2 2 when expanding it in powers of a /M ). However, the contribu- scattering off the massive scalar field, are considered in detail. We tions of all these Lorentz violating couplings to physical processes show that all these Lorentz violating effects, taken in the tree ap- completely cancel out among themselves. So, SLIV is shown to be proximation, in fact turn out to vanish so that physical Lorentz superficial as it affects only the gauge of the vector potential Aμ invariance is ultimately restored. Finally, in Section 4 we present a at least in the tree approximation [13]. resume and conclude. Some time ago, this result was extended to the one-loop ap- 2 proximation and for both the time-like (n > 0) and space-like 2. The model (n2 < 0) Lorentz violation [18]. All the contributions to the photon– photon, photon–fermion and fermion–fermion interactions violat- According to our philosophy, we propose to consider the tensor ing physical Lorentz invariance happen to exactly cancel among field gravity theory which mimics linearized general relativity in themselves in the manner observed long ago by Nambu for the Minkowski space–time. The corresponding Lagrangian for one real simplest tree-order diagrams. This means that the constraint (1), scalar field φ (representing all sorts of matter in the model) having been treated as a nonlinear gauge choice at the tree (classi- cal) level, remains as a gauge condition when quantum effects are L(Hμν,φ)= L(H) + L(φ) + Lint (6) taken into account as well. So, in accordance with Nambu’s orig- consists of the tensor field kinetic terms of the form inal conjecture, one can conclude that physical Lorentz invariance is left intact at least in the one-loop approximation, provided we 1 μν λ 1 λ L(H) = ∂λ H ∂ Hμν − ∂λ Htr∂ Htr consider the standard gauge invariant QED Lagrangian (3) taken in 2 2 flat Minkowski space–time. Later this result was also confirmed for λν μ ν μ − ∂λ H ∂ Hμν + ∂ Htr∂ Hμν (7) spontaneously broken massive QED [19] and non-Abelian theories μν [20] (some interesting aspects of the SLIV conditioned nonlinear (Htr stands for the trace of Hμν , Htr = η Hμν ) which is invariant QED were also considered in [21]). under the diff transformations Actually, we here use a similar nonlinear constraint for a sym- μ μ δHμν = ∂μξν + ∂νξμ,δx = ξ (x), (8) metric two-index tensor field together with the free scalar field and terms 2 = 2 2 2 ≡ μν =± Hμν n M , n nμνn 1(5) 1   1 L = ρ − 2 2 L = μν (where nμν is now a properly oriented ‘unit’ Lorentz tensor, while (φ) ∂ρφ∂ φ m φ , int Hμν T (φ). (9) 2 M P M is the proposed scale for Lorentz violation) which fixes its μν length in a similar way to the vector field case above. Also, in Here T (φ) is the conventional energy–momentum tensor for a analogy to the nonlinear QED case [13] with its gauge invariant scalar field Lagrangian (3), we propose the linearized Einstein–Hilbert kinetic T μν(φ) = ∂μφ∂νφ − ημνL(φ), (10) term for the tensor field, which by itself preserves a diff invariance. We show that such a SLIV pattern (5), due to which the true vac- and the coupling constant in Lint is chosen to be the inverse of uum in the theory is chosen, induces massless tensor Goldstone the Planck mass M P . It is clear that, in contrast to the tensor field modes some of which can naturally be collected in the physical kinetic terms, the other terms in (6) are only approximately in- graviton. The linearized theory we start with becomes essentially variant under the diff transformations (8), as they correspond to nonlinear, when expressed in terms of the pure Goldstone modes, the weak-field limit in GR. Following the nonlinear σ -model for and contains a variety of Lorentz (and CPT) violating couplings. QED [13], we propose the SLIV condition (5) as some tensor field However, all SLIV effects turn out to be strictly canceled in physical length-fixing constraint which is supposed to be substituted into processes once the tensor field gravity theory (being considered as the total Lagrangian L(Hμν,φ) prior to the variation of the action. 126 J.L. Chkareuli et al. / Physics Letters B 696 (2011) 124–130

This eliminates, as we will see, a massive Higgs mode in the fi- modes (PGMs) in the theory. Indeed, although we only propose nal theory thus leaving only massless Goldstone modes, some of Lorentz invariance of the Lagrangian L(Hμν,φ), the SLIV con- which are then collected in the physical graviton. straint (5) formally possesses the much higher accidental symme- Let us first turn to the spontaneous Lorentz violation itself, try SO(7, 3) of the constrained bilinear form (11), which manifests which is caused by the constraint (5). This constraint can be writ- itself when considering the Hμν components as the “vector” ones ten in the more explicit form under SO(7, 3). This symmetry is in fact spontaneously broken, side √  √  by side with Lorentz symmetry, at the scale M. Assuming again a 2 = 2 + 2 + 2 − 2 Hμν H00 Hi= j 2Hi= j 2H0i minimal vacuum configuration in the SO(7, 3) space, with the vev (12) developed on a single Hμν component, we have either time- = n2 M2 =±M2 (11) like (SO(7, 3) → SO(6, 3))orspace-like(SO(7, 3) → SO(7, 2))viola- 2 (where the summation over all indices (i, j = 1, 2, 3) is imposed) tions of the accidental symmetry depending on the sign of n =±1 and means in essence that the tensor field Hμν develops the vac- in (11). According to the number of broken SO(7, 3) generators, uum expectation value (vev) configuration just nine massless NG modes appear in both cases. Together with   an effective Higgs component, on which the vev is developed, they = Hμν(x) nμν M (12) complete the whole ten-component symmetric tensor field Hμν of the basic . Some of them are true Goldstone modes determined by the matrix nμν . The initial Lorentz symmetry of the spontaneous Lorentz violation, others are PGMs since, as SO(1, 3) of the Lagrangian L(Hμν,φ) given in (6) then formally was mentioned, an accidental SO(7, 3) symmetry is not shared by breaks down at a scale M to one of its subgroups. If one assumes L a “minimal” vacuum configuration in the SO(1, 3) space with the the whole Lagrangian (Hμν,φ) givenin(6). Notably, in contrast to the scalar PGM case [14], they remain strictly massless being vev (12) developed on a single Hμν component, there are in fact protected by the starting diff invariance3 which becomes exact the following three possibilities when the tensor field gravity Lagrangian (6) is properly extended to GR. Owing to this invariance, some of the Lorentz Goldstone (a) n00 = 0, SO(1, 3) → SO(3), modes and PGMs can then be gauged away from the theory, as (b) ni= j = 0, SO(1, 3) → SO(1, 2), usual. Now, one can rewrite the Lagrangian L(Hμν,φ) in terms of the (c) ni= j = 0, SO(1, 3) → SO(1, 1) (13) Goldstone modes explicitly using the SLIV constraint (5).Forthis for the positive sign in (11), and purpose, let us take the following handy parameterization for the tensor field Hμν (d) n = 0, SO(1, 3) → SO(2) (14) 0i   nμν μν for the negative sign. These breaking channels can be readily de- Hμν = hμν + (n · H) n · H ≡ nμν H (16) n2 rived by counting how many different eigenvalues the vev matrix 4 n has for each particular cases (a)–(d). Accordingly, there are only where hμν corresponds to the pure Goldstonic modes satisfying three Goldstone modes in the cases (a), (b) and five modes in   · = · ≡ μν the cases (c)–(d).2 In order to associate at least one of the two n h 0 n h nμνh (17) transverse polarization states of the physical graviton with these while the effective “Higgs” mode (or the Hμν component in the modes, one could have any of the above-mentioned SLIV channels vacuum direction) is given by the scalar product n · H. Substituting except for the case (a). Indeed, it is impossible for the graviton to this parameterization (16) into the tensor field constraint (5),one have all vanishing spatial components, as one needs for the Gold- comes to the equation for n · H stone modes in case (a). Therefore, no linear combination of the three Goldstone modes in case (a) could behave like the physical   1 n2h2   n · H = M2 − n2h2 2 = M − + O 1/M2 (18) graviton (see more detailed consideration in [12]). Apart from the 2M minimal vev configuration, there are many others as well. A par- taking, for definiteness, the positive sign for the square root and ticular case of interest is that of the traceless vev tensor nμν 2 2 2 μν expanding it in powers of h /M , h ≡ hμνh . Putting then the μν nμνη = 0 (15) parameterization (16) with the SLIV constraint (18) into the La- grangian L(Hμν,φ) given in (6), (7), (9), one comes to the truly in terms of which the Goldstonic gravity Lagrangian acquires an Goldstonic tensor field gravity Lagrangian L(hμν,φ) containing an especially simple form (see below). It is clear that the vev in this infinite series in powers of the hμν modes. For the traceless vev case can be developed on several Hμν components simultaneously, tensor nμν (15) it takes, without loss of generality, the especially which in general may lead to total Lorentz violation with all six simple form Goldstone modes generated. For simplicity, we will use this form of vacuum configuration in what follows, while our arguments can 1 μν λ 1 λ L(hμν,φ)= ∂λh ∂ hμν − ∂λhtr∂ htr be applied to any type of vev tensor nμν . 2 2 Aside from the pure Lorentz Goldstone modes, the question of λν μ ν μ − ∂λh ∂ hμν + ∂ htr∂ hμν the other components of the symmetric two-index tensor Hμν nat-   urally arises. Remarkably, they turn out to be Pseudo-Goldstone 1 2 μλ ν 2 + h −2n ∂λ∂ hμν + n (n∂∂)htr 2M

2 Indeed, the vev matrices in the cases (a), (b) look, respectively, as n(a) = 3 diag(1, 0, 0, 0) and n(b) = diag(0, 1, 0, 0),whileinthecases(c-d)thesematrices, For nonminimal vacuum configuration when vevs are developed on several Hμν taken in the diagonal bases, have the forms n(c) = diag(0, 1, −1, 0) and n(d) = components, thus leading to a more substantial breaking of the accidental SO(7, 3) diag(1, −1, 0, 0), respectively (for certainty, we fixed i = j = 1inthecase(b),i = 1 symmetry, some extra PGMs are also generated. However, they are not protected by and j = 2inthecase(c),andi = 1 in the case (d)). The groups of invariance of a diff invariance and acquire of the order of the breaking scale M. 4 these vev matrices are just the surviving Lorentz subgroups indicated on the right- It should be particularly emphasized that the modes collected in the hμν are in handed sides in (13) and (14). The broken Lorentz generators determine then the fact the Goldstone modes of the broken accidental SO(7, 3) symmetry of the con- numbers of Goldstone modes mentioned above. straint (5), thus containing the Lorentz Goldstone modes and PGMs put together. J.L. Chkareuli et al. / Physics Letters B 696 (2011) 124–130 127   1 2 2 2 2 =− + h −n ∂ + 2(∂nn∂) h (q is an arbitrary constant, giving for q 1/2 the standard har- 8M2 monic gauge condition). However, as we have already imposed the M   1 constraint (17), we cannot use the full Hilbert–Lorentz condition + L + 2 μ ν + μν (φ) n nμν∂ φ∂ φ hμν T (23) eliminating four more degrees of freedom in h .Otherwise, M P M P μν   we would have an “over-gauged” theory with a nonpropagating 1 2 μ ν + h −nμν∂ φ∂ φ (19) graviton. In fact, the simplest set of conditions which conform with 2MMP the Goldstonic condition (17) turns out to be 2 2 ρ written in the O (h /M ) approximation in which, besides the con- ∂ (∂μhνρ − ∂νhμρ ) = 0. (24) ventional graviton bilinear kinetic terms, there are also three- and 7 four-linear interaction terms in powers of hμν in the Lagrangian. This set excludes only three degrees of freedom in hμν and, be- Some of the notations used are collected below sides, it automatically satisfies the Hilbert–Lorentz condition as well. So, with the Lagrangian (19) and the supplementary con- 2 μν μν h ≡ hμνh , htr ≡ η hμν, ditions (17) and (24) lumped together, one eventually comes to a working model for the Goldstonic tensor field gravity. Generally, ≡ μ ν ≡ μ νλ n∂∂ nμν∂ ∂ ,∂nn∂ ∂ nμνn ∂λ. (20) from ten components of the symmetric two-index tensor hμν four components are excluded by the supplementary conditions (17) The bilinear scalar field term and (24). For a plane propagating in, say, the   z direction another four components are also eliminated, due to M 2 μ ν n nμν∂ φ∂ φ (21) the fact that the above supplementary conditions still leave free- M P dom in the choice of a coordinate system, xμ → xμ + ξ μ(t − z/c), in the third line in the Lagrangian (19) merits special notice. This much as it takes place in standard GR. Depending on the form term arises from the interaction Lagrangian Lint (9) after appli- of the vev tensor nμν , caused by SLIV, the two remaining trans- cation of the tracelessness condition (15) for the vev tensor nμν . verse modes of the physical graviton may consist solely of Lorentz It could significantly affect the dispersion relation for the scalar Goldstone modes or of Pseudo-Goldstone modes, or include both field φ (and any other sort of matter as well) thus leading to of them. an unacceptably large Lorentz violation if the SLIV scale M were comparable with the Planck mass M P . However, this term can be 3. The lowest order SLIV processes gauged away by an appropriate redefinition (going to new coordi- nates xμ → xμ + ξ μ) of the scalar field derivative according to The Goldstonic gravity Lagrangian (19) looks essentially nonlin- μ μ μ ρ ear and contains a variety of Lorentz and CPT violating couplings ∂ φ → ∂ φ + ∂ρξ ∂ φ. (22) when expressed in terms of the pure tensor Goldstone modes. In fact with the following choice of the parameter function ξ μ(x) However, as we show below, all violation effects turn out to be strictly canceled in the lowest order SLIV processes. Such a can- μ M 2 μν cellation in vector-field theories, both Abelian [13,18,19] and non- ξ (x) = n n xν, 2M P Abelian [20], and, therefore, their equivalence to conventional QED and Yang–Mills theories, allows one to conclude that the nonlin- the term (21) is canceled by an analogous term stemming from ear SLIV constraint in these theories amounts to a noncovariant L 5 the scalar field kinetic term in (φ) given in (9). On the other gauge choice in an otherwise gauge invariant and Lorentz invariant hand, since the diff invariance is an approximate symmetry of the L theory. It seems that a similar conclusion can be made for tensor Lagrangian (Hμν,φ) we started with (6), this cancellation will field gravity, i.e. the SLIV constraint (5) corresponds to a special only be accurate up to the linear order corresponding to the ten- gauge choice in a diff and Lorentz invariant theory. This conclu- sor field theory. Indeed, a proper extension of this theory to GR sion certainly works for the diff invariant free tensor field part (7) with its exact diff invariance will ultimately restore the usual dis- in the starting Lagrangian L(Hμν,φ). On the other hand, its mat- persion relation for the scalar (and other matter) fields. Taking this L ter field sector (9), possessing only an approximate diff invariance, into account, we will henceforth omit the term (21) in (hμν,φ) might lead to an actual Lorentz violation through the deformed thus keeping the “normal” dispersion relation for the scalar field dispersion relations of the matter fields involved. However, as was in what follows. mentioned above, a proper extension of the tensor field theory to Together with the Lagrangian one must also specify other sup- μν GR with its exact diff invariance ultimately restores the dispersion plementary conditions for the tensor field h (appearing even- relations for matter fields and, therefore, the SLIV effects vanish. tually as possible gauge fixing terms in the Goldstonic tensor Taking this into account, we omit the term (21) in the Goldstonic field gravity) in addition to the basic Goldstonic “gauge” condi- gravity Lagrangian L(h ,φ) thus keeping the “normal” disper- μν = μν tion nμνh 0givenabove(17). The point is that the spin 1 sion relation for the scalar field representing all the matter in our states are still left in the theory and are described by some of the 6 model. components of the new tensor hμν . This is certainly inadmissible. We are now going to consider the lowest order SLIV processes, Usually, the spin 1 states (and one of the spin 0 states) are ex- after first establishing the Feynman rules in the Goldstonic gravity cluded by the conventional Hilbert–Lorentz condition theory. We use for simplicity, both in the Lagrangian L (19) and μ forthcoming calculations, the traceless vev tensor nμν , while our ∂ hμν + q∂νhtr = 0 (23) results remain true for any type of vacuum configuration caused by SLIV.

5 In the general case, with the vev tensor nμν having a nonzero trace, this cancellation would also require the redefinition of the scalar field itself as φ → − φ(1 − n ημν M ) 1/2. 7 The solution for a gauge function ξ (x) satisfying the condition (24) can gen- μν M P μ 6 −1 ρ Indeed, spin 1 must be necessarily excluded as the sign of the energy for spin 1 erally be chosen as ξμ =  (∂ hμρ ) + ∂μθ,whereθ(x) is an arbitrary scalar is always opposite to that for spin 2 and 0. function, so that only three degrees of freedom in hμν are actually eliminated. 128 J.L. Chkareuli et al. / Physics Letters B 696 (2011) 124–130

3.1. Feynman rules Here we have used the self-evident identities for all ingoing mo- menta (k1 + k2 + k3 + k4 = 0), such as The Feynman rules stemming from the Lagrangian L (19) for the pure graviton sector are as follows: μ ν μ ν (k1 + k2) (k1 + k2) + (k3 + k4) (k3 + k4) (i) The first and most important is the graviton propagator μ ν which only conforms with the Lagrangian (19) and the gauge con- = 2(k1 + k2) (k1 + k2) ditions (17) and (24) and so on, and denoted by Q μν the expression 1 − = + −   iDμναβ (k) (ηβμηαν ηβνηαμ ηαβ ημν) 1 ρ 2k2 Q ≡− −n2η + 2n n . (29) μν 2 μν μρ ν 1 4M − (ηβνkαkμ + ηανkβkμ 2k4 Coming now to the gravitational interaction of the scalar field, one + ηβμkαkν + ηαμkβkν) has two more vertices: (iv) The standard graviton–scalar–scalar vertex with the gravi- 1 αα − (kαkβ nμν + kνkμnαβ ) ton polarization tensor  and the scalar field 4-momenta p1 k2(nkk)  and p2 1 2 + 2 − n (knnk) kμkνkαkβ        k2(nkk)2 k2 i α α α α i αα 2 − p p + p p + η (p1 p2) + m (30)  M 1 2 2 1 M 1 ρ ρ p p + nμρ k kνkαkβ + nνρk kμkαkβ k4(nkk)  where (p1 p2) stands for the scalar product. + ρ + ρ (v) The contact graviton–graviton–scalar–scalar interaction nαρk kνkμkβ nβρk kνkαkμ (25)  caused by SLIV with the graviton polarization αα and ≡ μ ν ≡ μ νλ ββ (where (nkk) nμνk k and (knnk) k nμνn kλ). It automat-  and the scalar field 4-momenta p1 and p2 ically satisfies the orthogonality condition nμν D (k) = 0and μναβ    on-shell transversality kμkν D (k,k2 = 0) = 0. This is consis- i αβ αβ αβ αβ μ ν μναβ g g + g g nμν p p . (31) 2 1 2 tent with the corresponding polarization tensor μν(k,k = 0) of MMp μν the free tensor fields, being symmetric, traceless (η μν = 0), μ Just the rules (i)–(v) are needed to calculate the lowest order pro- transverse (k μν = 0), and also orthogonal to the vacuum direc- μν cesses mentioned above. tion, n μν(k) = 0. Apart from that, the gauge invariance allows us to write the polarization tensor in the factorized form [22], μν(k) = μ(k)ν(k), and to proceed with the above-mentioned 3.2. Graviton–graviton scattering tracelessness and transversality expressed as the simple conditions μ μ μ = 0 and k μ = 0 respectively. In the following we will use The matrix element for this SLIV process to the lowest order these simplifications. As one can see, only the standard terms given 1/M2 is given by the contact h4 vertex (28) andthepoledia- by the first bracket in (25) contribute when the propagator is sand- grams with longitudinal graviton exchange between two Lorentz wiched between conserved energy–momentum tensors of matter violating h3 vertices (26). There are three pole diagrams in total, fields, and the result is always Lorentz invariant. describing the elastic graviton–graviton scattering in the s- and t- (ii) Next is the 3-graviton vertex with graviton polarization ten- channels respectively, and also the diagram with an interchange of αα ββ γγ sors (and 4-momenta) given by  (k1),  (k2) and  (k3) identical gravitons. Remarkably, the contribution of each of them is exactly canceled by one of three terms appearing in the contact        i αα βγ β γ βγ β γ vertex (28).Actually,forthes-channel pole diagrams with ingoing − P (k1) η η + η η , 2M gravitons with polarizations (and 4-momenta)  (k ) and  (k )   1 1 2 2 i ββ αγ αγ  αγ  αγ and outgoing gravitons with polarizations (and 4-momenta) 3(k3) − P (k2) η η + η η , 2M and 4(k4) one has, after some evident simplifications related to        the graviton propagator Dμν(k) (25) inside the matrix element i γγ βα β α βα β α − P (k3) η η + η η (26) 2M   (1) 1 2 2 2 2 μ νλ μν iM = i (1 · 2) (3 · 4) −n k + 2k nμνn kλ . (32) where the momentum tensor P (k) is pole M2 μν νρ μ μρ ν μν ρσ P (k) =−n kρk − n kρk + η n kρkσ . (27) Here k = k1 + k2 =−(k3 + k4) is the momentum running in the diagrams listed above, and all the polarization tensors are prop- Note that all 4-momenta at the vertices are taken ingoing through- erly factorized throughout, μν(k) = μ(k)ν (k), as was mentioned out. above. We have also used that, since ingoing and outgoing gravi- (iii) Finally, the 4-graviton vertex with the graviton polarization μ     tons appear transverse (k μ(ka) = 0, a = 1, 2, 3, 4), only the third tensors (and 4-momenta) αα (k ), ββ (k ), γγ (k ) and δδ (k ) a 1 2 3 4 term in the momentum tensors P μν(k ) (27) in the h3 couplings    a αβ αβ αβ αβ γ δ γ δ γ δ γ δ (26) contributes to all pole diagrams. Now, one can readily confirm iQμν η η + η η η η + η η that this matrix element is exactly canceled with the first term in μ ν × (k1 + k2) (k1 + k2) the contact SLIV vertex (28), when it is properly contracted with            the graviton polarization vectors. In a similar manner, two other + iQ ηαγ ηα γ + ηαγ ηα γ ηβδηβ δ + ηβδ ηβ δ μν terms in the contact vertex provide the further one-to-one cancel- (2,3) × (k + k )μ(k + k )ν lations with the remaining two pole matrix elements iM .So, 1  3 1 3   pole αδ αδ αδ αδ γ β γ β γ β γ β the Lorentz violating contribution to graviton–graviton scattering + iQμν η η + η η η η + η η is absent in Goldstonic gravity theory in the lowest 1/M2 approxi- μ ν × (k1 + k4) (k1 + k4) . (28) mation. J.L. Chkareuli et al. / Physics Letters B 696 (2011) 124–130 129

3.3. Graviton scattering on a massive scalar framework of dimensional regularization, could lead to their total cancellation.

This SLIV process appears in the order 1/MMp (in contrast to So, the Goldstonic tensor field gravity theory is likely to be 2 the conventional 1/M p order graviton–scalar scattering). It is di- physically indistinguishable from conventional general relativity rectly related to two diagrams one of which is given by the contact taken in the weak-field limit, provided that the underlying diff graviton–graviton–scalar–scalar vertex (31), while the other corre- invariance is kept exact. This, as we have seen, requires the ten- sponds to the pole diagram with longitudinal graviton exchange sor field gravity to be extended to GR, in order not to otherwise between the Lorentz violating h3 vertex (26) and the ordinary have an actual Lorentz violation in the matter field sector. In this graviton–scalar–scalar vertex (30). Again, since ingoing and out- connection, the question arises whether or not the SLIV cancel- μ = = going gravitons appear transverse (ka μ(ka) 0, a 1, 2), only lations continue to work once the tensor field gravity theory is μν 3 the third term in the momentum tensors P (ka) (27) in the h extended to GR, which introduces many additional terms in the coupling (26) contributes to this pole diagram. Apart from that, starting Lagrangian L(Hμν,φ) (6). Indeed, since all the new terms the most crucial point is that, due to the scalar field energy– are multi-linear in Hμν and contain higher orders in 1/M P ,the momentum tensor conservation, the terms in the inserted gravi- “old” SLIV cancellations (considered above) will not be disturbed, ton propagator (25) other than the standard ones (first bracket in while “new” cancellations will be provided, as one should expect, (25)) give a vanishing result. Keeping all this in mind together by an extended diff invariance. This extended diff invariance fol- with the momenta satisfying k1 + k2 + p1 + p2 = 0(k1,2 and lows from the proper expansion of the metric transformation law p1,2 are the graviton and scalar field 4-momenta, respectively), in GR one readily comes to a simple matrix element for the pole dia- ρ ρ ρ δgμν = ∂μξ gρν + ∂νξ gμρ + ξ ∂ρ gμν (34) gram up to the order in which the extended tensor field theory, given 2i   L M =− · 2 μ ν by the modified Lagrangian ext(Hμν,φ), is considered. i pole φ(p2)(ε1 ε2) nμν p1 p2 φ(p1). (33) MMp 4. Conclusion This pole term is precisely canceled by the contact term, iMcon, when the SLIV vertex (31) is properly contracted with the graviton We have considered spontaneous Lorentz violation, appearing polarization vectors and the wave functions. Again, 2 =± 2 through the length-fixing tensor field constraint Hμν M (M is we may conclude that physical Lorentz invariance is left intact in the proposed scale for Lorentz violation), in the tensor field gravity graviton scattering on a massive scalar, provided that its disper- theory which mimics general relativity in Minkowski space–time. sion relation is supposed to be recovered when going from the We have shown that such an SLIV pattern, due to which the true L tensor field Lagrangian (19) to general relativity, as was argued vacuum in the theory is chosen, induces massless tensor Goldstone above. modes some of which can naturally be associated with the phys- ical graviton. This theory looks essentially nonlinear and contains 3.4. Scalar–scalar scattering a variety of Lorentz and CPT violating couplings, when expressed in terms of the pure tensor Goldstone modes. Nonetheless, all the This process, due to graviton exchange, appears in the order SLIV effects turn out to be strictly canceled in the lowest order 2 1/M P and again is given by an ordinary Lorentz invariant ampli- graviton–graviton scattering, due to the diff invariance of the free tude. As was mentioned above, only the standard terms given by tensor field Lagrangian (7) we started with. At the same time, the first bracket in the graviton propagator (25) contribute when actual Lorentz violation may appear in the matter field interac- it is sandwiched between conserved energy–momentum tensors of tion sector (9), which only possesses an approximate diff invari- matter fields. Actually, as one can easily confirm, the contraction ance, through deformed dispersion relations of the matter fields of any other term in (25) depending on the graviton 4-momentum involved. However, a proper extension of the tensor field theory k = p1 + p2 =−(p3 + p4) with the graviton–scalar–scalar vertex to GR, with its exact diff invariance, ultimately restores the nor- (30) gives a zero result. mal dispersion relations for matter fields and, therefore, the SLIV effects vanish. So, as we generally argue, the measurable effects 3.5. Other processes of SLIV, induced by elementary vector or tensor fields, can be re- lated to the accompanying gauge symmetry breaking rather than Many other tree level Lorentz violating processes, related to to spontaneous Lorentz violation. The latter appears by itself to be gravitons and scalar fields (matter fields, in general) appear in physically unobservable and only results in a noncovariant gauge higher orders in the basic SLIV parameter 1/M, by iteration of choice in an otherwise gauge invariant and Lorentz invariant the- couplings presented in our basic Lagrangian (19) or from a fur- ory. ther expansion of the effective Higgs mode (18) inserted into the From this standpoint, the only way for physical Lorentz viola- starting Lagrangian (6). Again, their amplitudes are essentially de- tion to appear would be if the above local invariance is slightly termined by an interrelation between the longitudinal graviton broken at very small distances. This is in fact a place where the exchange diagrams and the corresponding contact multi-graviton Goldstonic vector and tensor field theories drastically differ from interaction diagrams, which appear to cancel each other, thus elim- conventional QED, Yang–Mills and GR theories. Actually, such a inating physical Lorentz violation in the theory. local symmetry breaking could lead in the former case to de- Most likely, the same conclusion could be expected for SLIV formed dispersion relations for all the matter fields involved. This loop contributions as well. Actually, as in the massless QED case effect typically appears proportional to some power of the ra- M considered earlier [18], the corresponding one-loop matrix ele- tio (justaswehaveseenaboveforthescalarfieldinour M P ments in the Goldstonic gravity theory could either vanish by model, see (21)), though being properly suppressed by tiny gauge themselves or amount to the differences between pairs of similar noninvariance. 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