A Reference List of the Marine Mollusca of New South Wales
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AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Iredale, T., and D. F. McMichael, 1962. A reference list of the marine Mollusca of New South Wales. Australian Museum Memoir 11: 1–109. [30 May 1962]. doi:10.3853/j.0067-1967.11.1962.426 ISSN 0067-1967 Published by the Australian Museum, Sydney naturenature cultureculture discover discover AustralianAustralian Museum Museum science science is is freely freely accessible accessible online online at at www.australianmuseum.net.au/publications/www.australianmuseum.net.au/publications/ 66 CollegeCollege Street,Street, SydneySydney NSWNSW 2010,2010, AustraliaAustralia THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, SYDNEY MEMOIR XI A REFERENCE LIST OF THE MARINE MOLLUSCA OF NEW SOUTH WALES By TOM IREDALE* AND D. F. McMICHAELt * Honorary Zoologist, Australian Museum, Sydney t Curator of Molluscs, Australian Museum, Sydney Published by order of the Trustees J. W. Evans, Se.D. Sydney, May 30, 1962 Registered in Australia for transmission by post as a book PRINTED IN AUSTRALIA BY HALSTEAD PRESS, SYDNEY A REFERENCE LIST OF THE MARINE MOLLUSCA OF NEW SOUTH WALES by TOM lREDALE* AND D. F. McMICHAELt * Honorary Zoologist, Australian Museum, Sydney. t Curator of Molluscs, Australian Museum, Sydney. IN a yQung and prQgressive CGUntry like Australia, T.T. TautO'type, O'r Type Species by TautO'nymy where knGwledge Qf the fauna is increasing rapidly, (Dr by the use Df the specific names typicus O'r it becGmes necessary at least Qnce in each generatiGn typus). to' review prO'gress in systematics with reference lists, L.T. LDgDtype, O'r Type Species by Subsequent which serve as a basis fQr future wQrk. It is nQW DesignatiDn. Qver fGrty years since a Check-List O'f the New South T.N.C. Type Species by determinatiDn Df the Wales Marine MO'llusca was issued (by Charles NDmenclature CDmmissiDn. (This latter Hedley, 1918, J. Roy. Soc. N.s.W., 51 Supp!., pp. methDd has Dnly recently been intrDduced M.I-M.l20) and during that time a great deal Gf and cO'vers cases nDt determinable by any Df material has been cO'llected and studied frO'm almO'st the abDve rules, Dr which are in dispute.) every part Qf the New SQuth Wales cO'astline, so All these methDds Df type species determinatiO'n that Hedley's list is quite Gbsolete. are quite straightfDrward, except the LDgDtypes. Many wO'rkers have cDntributed to' knGwledge in Here, the species first selected as Type Species (frDm this field during this century, but the principal amDng the Driginally included species) by any sub changes are due to' the studies Df Hedley, Iredale, ~equent authDr, must be accepted. Unfortunately LaserQn and JQyce Allan. The present wDrk is an It has nQt always been the practice to' give the full attempt to' recQrd the systematic classificatiGn and references to' the wDrks where type species have nGmenclature Df this fauna as it nGW stands. WDrk been subsequently designated. Many authQrs have in prDgress will, nO' dQubt, make it partly Qut Gf cited type species, which they have presumed to' be date as SDon as it is published, but it is as cDmplete the type, Dr accepted Dn hearsay, but withDut indi as we have been able to' make it up till the end Df cating the source Df their informatiDn. In a number 1959'. The changes frGm the DId list are numerous, Df cases, it appears that these authDrs have been the but these are indicated by the citatiGn Df the num first to' clearly designate a type species, and sO' they ber Df the species in Hedley's Check-List at the end have quite inadvertently becDme the selectDrs Qf Df each reference. New recDrds fDr the state have LogDtypes. In Dther cases, we have IDeated early increased the number Df species frDm abDut 1,200 selectiDns, but we cannDt be sure that these are the to', Dver 2,000. Only thGse recDrds which have been first such selectiQns, and it is quite likely that the published in a scientific jDurnal and which are whDle cO'ncept Df a genus may be upset by the dis cGnsidered to' be cGrrectly identified, Dr thGse based cDvery Df an earlier type species selectiO'n. In either Qn specimens in the Australian Museum are in case, we have qUDted in full the references to' the cluded. Several recDrds repDrted by letter Qr earliest selectiDns which we have fDund, and in a verbally, but nDt verified Qr recQrded elsewhere, few cases, where nO' previDus selectiDn cDuld be have nDt been included. fDund, we have selected type species Durselves. The arrangement Df the genera is in systematic Each species is cited in full, with the Driginal O'rder, the classificatiDn nO't fDllGwing any particular ~eference and figures (if any), the type IO'cality, any authO'rity, but being Gne which seems mDst satis ImpGrtant synDnyms and references to' them and if factDry to' us. Each genus is cited with the O'riginal the Qr~ginal d~scriptiO'n did nDt give a figure: then a reference, and any nDtable synDnyms are' indicated. later IllustratIOn has been cited. In the case Df In every case the type species Qf the genus is given. species described frDm localities beYDnd the bQun The letters used indicate the methDd by which the daries Df New South Wales, the reference to' its first type species has been determined, fDllO'wing the recDrd ~rDm this State is given wherever possible, priQritieslaid dO'wn in the InternatiGnal Rules Df except .In the cases where the species appeared Qn ZDQIDgical NDmenclature. Five different methDds Hedley's list and. where full details are given. are used and are indicated, in Grder Df preference, Wh~e an authDr In referring to' a species has used as fGllO'ws: an mcO'rrect name, this misidentificatiDn is indi cated"in the fDllowing way "(x-us, nO't Df Smith, O.T. Orthotype, O'r Type Species by Original 1900) . Where a name was Driginally intrDduced to' Designation. ~eplac~ a preoccupied name, the invalid name and H.T. HaplQtype, O'r Type Species by MO'nO'typy. Its semQr hDmDnym are given. It shO'uld be nDted [3] that the type localities of many species were not where many of the New South Wales shells are known at the time of description, or inadequately figured. given (e.g. "Australia" or "South Seas"). Many of In the preface to Hedley's Check-List an account these have since been resolved by historical or zoo is given of a number of species, wrongly recorded geographical research and the localities cited are, from New South Wales, which were eliminated for the most part, restricted localities, the reasons from Hedley's List. Among these were a number for which may be: found elsewhere. of species described in the reports of the Challenger This Reference List is intended for popular use Expedition, supposed to have been dredged from as well as scientific study. Check-Lists of the Marine Station 164B, from a depth of 410 fathoms ofi' Molluscs of Victoria, Tasmania and South AustraLia Sydney. Hedley noted that some: of these shells have been issued in comparatively recent years, but were apparently Atlantic Ocean species, and so old and imperfect lists only are available for West they were not included, but a number of them, ern Australia and Queensland. The State of New which were not known Atlantic species, were South Wales is not in itself a complete zoological retained. Most of these have not been found since, unit, as political and zoo-geographical boundaries and hence: can be assumed to be from the Atlantic seldom coincide. The marine fauna of Australia also, and should be eliminated from our faunal list. appears to be composed of two diverse elements, a The species concerned are listed here for reference. northern and a southern one, and these are separ Most were described by E. A. Smith, 1891, Proc. able into smaller regional elements. As the state Zool. Soc. London for 1891, and the following are boundaries are not acceptable, special names have the page and figure references to them. been introduced fo'r these small regions, to clarify atkinsoni, Solarium, p. 441, pI. 35, figs. 19 a, b the study of the fauna, and these have now come (H.l077) into widespread use. Briefly outlined, the regions australis, Lima, p. 444, pI. 35, fig. 27 (H.175) are as follows. The northern coast of Australia, brazieri, Marginella, p. 440, pI. 34, fig. 14 (H.776) from Shark's Bay in Western Australia, along the "carinata, Marginella, p. 440, pI. 34, fig. 13 (H.777) north coast and down the east coast of Queensland, • Laseron (1948) recorded this form from 800 fathoms has been named the SOLANDERIAN Region, and off Sydney and later proposed a new genus Carinaginella for it alone. However the figured specimen does not agree includes two sub-regions, the DAMPIERIAN (the very well with Smith's description and figure. north-western part) and the BANKSIAN (the Great challengeri, Pecten, p. 443, pI. 35, fig. 25 (H.64) Barrier Reef). The south-eastern coast from south challengeri, Pleurotoma (Drillia), p. 438, pI. 34, fig. 7 Queensland to south Tasmania has been named the (H.883) PERONIAN Region, with eastern Tasmania and southern Victoria forming a sub-region, the MAU consanguinea, Odostomia (Turbonilla), p. 441, pI. 35, fig. 17 (H.l046) GEAN. Southern Australia, reaching from western const'ricta, Odostomia (Turbonilla), p. 441, pI. 35, Victoria into Western Australia as far as Geraldton, fig. 18 (H.l047) has been named the FLINDERSIAN Region. These p. 439, pI. 34, fig. 8 regions do not have precise boundaries, as the Mol crossei, Pleurotoma (Drillia), (H.884) lusca are mobile animals which often overlap from one region to another, but the general outline has dilectar, Nucula, p.