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Sartiinti Ijrralb PRESIDENT MAKES PLEA for PERMANENT PEACE TD1»DAT. JT7KE1M£\ kflSTWBLVB \ IRanr^rstn: Cimiittg AVEBACUB DAILY COCVLATIOM tar tha moath af Mag, 1988 A regular maatlag of the Itoek- Dance to villa Emblem Club win bo held at Elks Home. 5,519 A BQ V nD W N Msmksr af Om Aagtt Jack Fayne’s Ambassadors The Gin Scout Officers' Associa­ Bureau at OIrealaHaua Sartiinti ijrralb ■ Cub* o t Pack No. 8, South Meth- ediat elrarcb, wlU me«t tonlfht at « Direct from New York. tion will entertain the members of -rlwJW HAUeo. the Girl Scout Council at a plcmc ; o'clock at the OW GtoJf lota for School Street Hoc supper party Wednesday evening at | ■amea, oata and fun. In caae oi rain VOL. UVn NO. 216. fClaaalflad AdvartWag au Page U.) S o pack will moat at the church Friday. June U. Admission 8»c. 6:30 o'clock. Thla party will be | MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1933 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ao OBual. held at the home of Captain Dur- i kee at 411 Lydall street. Everyone Double Green Stamps Setback will be played at the atending should bring a cup. plate, PRACmCE DRILL STARTS The T-D Club wlU meet at the Highland Park Community club to­ Anny and Navy club Friday eve^oR knife, fork, and spoon. Ths plcnle PANIC IN LAKE ERIE night for the benefit of the baseball win be held regardless of the . Wednesday Morning Specials As Sliriners Make Washington Their Mecca to make final plans for the Y-u team. In addlUon to the regular WAR IN CHACO weather. Erie. Pa., June 12.—(AP)—A 4- Ckmveotlon to be held In New prizes there will be a door prize. •DOUBLE Green Stamps Issued Wednesday Haven. June S8-80. Dancing will follow play. Transpor­ Issued During Our practice drill of bow to aave a man who haa fallen overboard PRESIDENT MAKES PLEA tation win be provided from the Morning! ENDS; NATIONS was done so realistically aboard Terminus. BRIDGE AND WHIST the cutter Tahoma today that CARD PARTY • We Deliver All Orders $1.00 And Over. Coast Guardsmen from Ehie Walter N.Leclerc The regular meeting of the Ander- Bt'CKINOHAM CHURCH REACHACCORD dashed to the rescue. Bon-Shea Aiutlllary will be held this . The drill practice caused re­ evening at 8 o'clock in the State Ar­ Ladles' Aid Society. W ednesday M orning Specials FOR PERMANENT PEACE Funeral Director FRIDAY, JUNE 14, «!lB P. M. Land O’Lakes Jack Frost ports to spread that a ship was mory. Delegates to the state con­ in dlitresz In Lake Erie. A tug .SW No. St. Manchester vention In New t/indon will be Grocery Prizee Given! Admission 2Sc. (Store Closes At Twelve Noon During the Summer.) Three Years Bloody Strug­ captain reported he bad seen elected at this meeting. BUTTER SUGAR flares sent Into the sky. In Address to West Point gle in Jungles Terminated; While the Guardsmen were Sale! One Large Table searching, the Tahoma, a Coaat Here Is Complete Text 2 lbs. S 9« Guard cutter out of Cleveland, Graduates, Chief Cxecn- CHURCH SUPPER 1 0 lbs. 4 9 c United States Took Part put into port here. The crew re­ PINEHURST CLOSES AT NOON WEDNESDAY A fine quality creamery ported they had been staging a REMNANTS "man overboard” drill about mid­ tive Declares It Is the 2nd Cong. Church butter at high score. Pure cane sugar In BULK! Of West Point Address Bacon Wrapped Again We Feature in Peace Negotiations. way between Erie and the Cana­ Tender, Juley Chapel 73c and $1.00 Valuea dian ahore, and were unaware World’s Greatest Need LAMB PATTIES SIRLOIN STEAKS Friday, June 14 Sunbeam of the alarm that had been West Point, N. Y., June 12.— (AP);5school of Annapolis, are the personl- 4 for 29c 5 to 8 P. M., D. S. T. S fh 'Buenos Aires, June 12.—(AP)— caused. -The text of President Roosevelt's : fication of democracy in the quality At Special Prices Given by A remnant sale Is always BIO NEWS to our customera Y[lnal acceptance of the peace plan speech to the graduating class of the 1 ot opportunity they offered, unln- Today— Mutual Under­ First flit of Sirloin .........Vic lb. Coventry Fragment Society. Grapefruit Juice 2$^ . this sale tomorrow will be welcomed by thrifty United States Military Academy to- ! fluonced by prior socirJ position or Tender Mllk^fed dvanced by neutral mediators to day follows; | economic standing. They mature Best Inside Cnis of Sirloin Sleuk MENU Diamond Brand Wednesday morning shoppers! Mostly all remnants are standing, Also Necessary, Fowl for Fricassee ................................B9e lb. dress lengths; others suitable for shorts, bandeaux, terminate the bitter Chaco war be­ "An one who was born and roared ■ patriotism and devotion to country. | Cold Ham Baked Beans vidthin a few milfcs of West Point, 1 | They teach that honor, Intregity and 99c each_____ . German Potato Salad blouses, scarfs. All cottons from our spring and summer tween Paraguay and Bolivia w CRISIS NEARS Potato Salad.......... vlb. 20c 1 /2 package lines. At HALE'S Fabrics—Main Floor, left. announced today. have always been familiar with the | the faithful performance of duty are He Asserts. Cabbage Salad Walnut Meats Word that representatives of the long and glorious record of the Unit- \ to be valued above all personal aid­ It wUl pay yon to stock up on Cole Slaw 13c Rolls Coffee Seldner’a belligerents had agreed to the ed States Military Academy; and 11 vantage or advancement. Their suc- Sardines on this special oiler. fjimb Kidneys. ■ • »*1 Strawberry Shortcake truce came several hours after a AS JAPS MOVE haye always thought of the officers j cess la written in the long and brll- Abont SS 1-8 per cent under to­ 8-ounce M.K.M. Pure laat minute hitch threatened to and cadets stationed here os my ; llaot record of service which their West Point, N. Y., June 12.— day's values. Prunes............2-lb. box 18c Mayonnaise Jars Ovaltine thwart the pacification efforts of With bands blaring and fezzes and colorful uniforms dominating the vast throng, thousands of Shriners, friends and neighbors. I wish I could graduates rendered to the Nation. It (AP) —President Roosevelt called Ambassador Brand Rinso, Large ■ ■. 2 boxes 39c Grote and WotgePs five neutral American powers in­ A D D E m O O P S assembled in Washington, D. C.,. for their annual convention, joined in an enthusiastic welcome for their have been here to attend in person is true that in your curriculum you for an "assurance of permanent Fancy Portuguese Boneless cluding the United States. Imperial Potentate, Dana 8. Williams, of Lewiston, Me., when he arrived at the capital. WUliams salutes the brilliant ceremonies, reviews and have been studying a profession— peace" before the graduating claos A conference between Luts Rlart, the entertainments of the last few one which the need of specialization Williams’ Spicea................ Silk Hose Paraguayan foreign tnlniater and the cheering crowds from his car as he proceeds to convention headquarters. of tbe United States Military Acad­ SARDINES Frankfurters lb. 2S« days. has greatly Increased In recent emy and the high command of the In pure olive oll,7 8-4 Q Q ^ ....................4 2-oy,. cans 2.3c Manuel Tomaa Elio, Bolivian for­ Transport Crowded With "At this moment we come to the years, but this is true of many other MAGNETOS Parson’s Wednesday eign minister, was reported to have Army on these historic grounds to­ nonce can. 8 cans ... Pinehurst Orange Pekoe Morning Only resulted In complete agreement. culmination—on went which marks professions. The development of day. ^ • 3 cans 55c. Truck, Tractor The agreement provides for de- Soldiers Arrives at Tang- not only the close of four years ot modern civilization calls tor speciali­ Mr. Roosevelt spoke from a stand Tea ... ..........i/i-lb. 27c The nourlahlng SHRINERS READY preparation for a great career, but zation. Ammonia 50« food drink for mobiUzation of the armies In the at the base of Battle Monument at and qL 19c CONSTITUTION AS ISSUE also the induction into the army of Need Broad View Trophy Point overlooking the green RIPE 14c Our beat selling hosiery at this REDUCED young and old. battle zone and demilitarization of kn; Next Few Days Will Keeney's Native Berries. HEAD LETTUCE........hend Sc Large size, S3c the wild jungle area for which the the United States of its annual in­ Yet with epeclalizatton It Is essen­ covered banke of the Hudson river. PRICE for our great Wednesday morning fusion of new blood whereby our tial that those who enter upon a pro­ Ripe Pineapples. ICEBERG LETTUCE, head lOc Maxwell Houm can. two nations have struggled during TO PARADE AGAIN Proposing peace to the uniformed Stationary Engine three hour sales. All first quality, regular the last three years. military leadership is kept young, fession civilian or military must men before him, the President alee Juicy Florida Oranges. Yame (Swret Potatoes), Ih. lOc stock hose. CHIFFONS with plcot tops. Decide Invasion Charges. IN NEXT G. 0 . P. CAMPAIGN Grapefruit. Direct Negotiatlans forward looking and virile. announced his approval of legisla­ Green Beans — Peas — Aspara­ Magnetos SERVICE WEIGHTS with lisle tops. Good Direct negotiations then will be This academy, with its sister (Oontlntied on Page Two) tion to increase the military force Fresh Cocoanuts. gus and Spinach. COFFEE summer shades. 2Sc PahnoUve Shampoo ,.,.1 7 c t; lb. 27« 35c Riverls Toilet Talcum . ,16c undertaken In an attempt to settle because of a conviction that the Good to the last drop! the territorial Issue.
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