TD1»DAT. JT7KE1M£\ kflSTWBLVB \ IRanr^rstn: Cimiittg AVEBACUB DAILY COCVLATIOM tar tha moath af Mag, 1988 A regular maatlag of the Itoek- Dance to villa Emblem Club win bo held at Elks Home. 5,519 A BQ V nD W N Msmksr af Om Aagtt Jack Fayne’s Ambassadors The Gin Scout Officers' Associa­ Bureau at OIrealaHaua Sartiinti ijrralb ■ Cub* o t Pack No. 8, South Meth- ediat elrarcb, wlU me«t tonlfht at « Direct from New York. tion will entertain the members of -rlwJW HAUeo. the Girl Scout Council at a plcmc ; o'clock at the OW GtoJf lota for School Street Hoc supper party Wednesday evening at | ■amea, oata and fun. In caae oi rain VOL. UVn NO. 216. fClaaalflad AdvartWag au Page U.) S o pack will moat at the church Friday. June U. Admission 8»c. 6:30 o'clock. Thla party will be | MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1933 (FOURTEEN PAGES) held at the home of Captain Dur- i ao OBual. kee at 411 Lydall street. Everyone Double Green Stamps Setback will be played at the atending should bring a cup. plate, PRACmCE DRILL STARTS The T-D Club wlU meet at the Highland Park Community club to­ Anny and Navy club Friday eve^oR knife, fork, and spoon. Ths plcnle PANIC IN LAKE ERIE night for the benefit of the baseball win be held regardless of the . Wednesday Morning Specials As Sliriners Make Washington Their Mecca to make final plans for the Y-u team. In addlUon to the regular WAR IN CHACO weather. Erie. Pa., June 12.—(AP)—A 4- Ckmveotlon to be held In New prizes there will be a door prize. •DOUBLE Green Stamps Issued Wednesday Haven. June S8-80. Dancing will follow play. Transpor­ Issued During Our practice drill of bow to aave a man who haa fallen overboard PRESIDENT MAKES PLEA tation win be provided from the Morning! ENDS; NATIONS was done so realistically aboard Terminus. BRIDGE AND WHIST the cutter Tahoma today that CARD PARTY • We Deliver All Orders $1.00 And Over. Coast Guardsmen from Ehie Walter N.Leclerc The regular meeting of the Ander- Bt'CKINOHAM CHURCH REACHACCORD dashed to the rescue. Bon-Shea Aiutlllary will be held this . The drill practice caused re­ evening at 8 o'clock in the State Ar­ Ladles' Aid Society. W ednesday M orning Specials FOR PERMANENT PEACE Funeral Director FRIDAY, JUNE 14, «!lB P. M. Land O’Lakes Jack Frost ports to spread that a ship was mory. Delegates to the state con­ in dlitresz In Lake Erie. A tug .SW No. St. Manchester vention In New t/indon will be Grocery Prizee Given! Admission 2Sc. (Store Closes At Twelve Noon During the Summer.) Three Years Bloody Strug­ captain reported he bad seen elected at this meeting. BUTTER SUGAR flares sent Into the sky. In Address to West Point gle in Jungles Terminated; While the Guardsmen were Sale! One Large Table searching, the Tahoma, a Coaat Here Is Complete Text 2 lbs. S 9« Guard cutter out of Cleveland, Graduates, Chief Cxecn- CHURCH SUPPER 1 0 lbs. 4 9 c United States Took Part put into port here. The crew re­ PINEHURST CLOSES AT NOON WEDNESDAY A fine quality creamery ported they had been staging a REMNANTS "man overboard” drill about mid­ tive Declares It Is the 2nd Cong. Church butter at high score. Pure cane sugar In BULK! Of West Point Address Bacon Wrapped Again We Feature in Peace Negotiations. way between Erie and the Cana­ Tender, Juley Chapel 73c and $1.00 Valuea dian ahore, and were unaware World’s Greatest Need LAMB PATTIES SIRLOIN STEAKS Friday, June 14 Sunbeam of the alarm that had been West Point, N. Y., June 12.— (AP);5school of Annapolis, are the personl- 4 for 29c 5 to 8 P. M., D. S. T. S fh 'Buenos Aires, June 12.—(AP)— caused. -The text of President Roosevelt's : fication of democracy in the quality At Special Prices Given by A remnant sale Is always BIO NEWS to our customera Y[lnal acceptance of the peace plan speech to the graduating class of the 1 ot opportunity they offered, unln- Today— Mutual Under­ First flit of Sirloin ...... Vic lb. Coventry Fragment Society. Grapefruit Juice 2$^ . . . this sale tomorrow will be welcomed by thrifty United States Military Academy to- ! fluonced by prior socirJ position or Tender Mllk^fed dvanced by neutral mediators to day follows; | economic standing. They mature Best Inside Cnis of Sirloin Sleuk MENU Diamond Brand Wednesday morning shoppers! Mostly all remnants are standing, Also Necessary, Fowl for Fricassee ...... B9e lb. dress lengths; others suitable for shorts, bandeaux, terminate the bitter Chaco war be­ "An one who was born and roared ■ patriotism and devotion to country. | Cold Ham Baked Beans vidthin a few milfcs of West Point, 1 | They teach that honor, Intregity and 99c each_____ . German Potato Salad blouses, scarfs. All cottons from our spring and summer tween Paraguay and Bolivia w CRISIS NEARS Potato Salad...... vlb. 20c 1 /2 package lines. At HALE'S Fabrics—Main Floor, left. announced today. have always been familiar with the | the faithful performance of duty are He Asserts. Cabbage Salad Walnut Meats Word that representatives of the long and glorious record of the Unit- \ to be valued above all personal aid­ It wUl pay yon to stock up on Cole Slaw ...... lb. 13c Rolls Coffee Seldner’a belligerents had agreed to the ed States Military Academy; and 11 vantage or advancement. Their suc- Sardines on this special oiler. fjimb Kidneys. ■ • »*1 Strawberry Shortcake truce came several hours after a AS JAPS MOVE haye always thought of the officers j cess la written in the long and brll- Abont SS 1-8 per cent under to­ 8-ounce M.K.M. Pure laat minute hitch threatened to and cadets stationed here os my ; llaot record of service which their West Point, N. Y., June 12.— day's values. Prunes...... 2-lb. box 18c Mayonnaise Jars Ovaltine thwart the pacification efforts of With bands blaring and fezzes and colorful uniforms dominating the vast throng, thousands of Shriners, friends and neighbors. I wish I could graduates rendered to the Nation. It (AP) —President Roosevelt called Ambassador Brand Rinso, Large ■ ■. 2 boxes 39c Grote and WotgePs five neutral American powers in­ A D D E m O O P S assembled in Washington, D. C.,. for their annual convention, joined in an enthusiastic welcome for their have been here to attend in person is true that in your curriculum you for an "assurance of permanent Fancy Portuguese Boneless cluding the United States. Imperial Potentate, Dana 8. Williams, of Lewiston, Me., when he arrived at the capital. WUliams salutes the brilliant ceremonies, reviews and have been studying a profession— peace" before the graduating claos A conference between Luts Rlart, the entertainments of the last few one which the need of specialization Williams’ Spicea...... Silk Hose Paraguayan foreign tnlniater and the cheering crowds from his car as he proceeds to convention headquarters. of tbe United States Military Acad­ SARDINES Frankfurters lb. 2S« days. has greatly Increased In recent emy and the high command of the In pure olive oll,7 8-4 Q Q ^ ...... 4 2-oy,. cans 2.3c Manuel Tomaa Elio, Bolivian for­ Transport Crowded With "At this moment we come to the years, but this is true of many other MAGNETOS Parson’s Wednesday eign minister, was reported to have Army on these historic grounds to­ nonce can. 8 cans ... Pinehurst Orange Pekoe Morning Only resulted In complete agreement. culmination—on went which marks professions. The development of day. ^ • 3 cans 55c. Truck, Tractor The agreement provides for de- Soldiers Arrives at Tang- not only the close of four years ot modern civilization calls tor speciali­ Mr. Roosevelt spoke from a stand Tea ...... i/i-lb. 27c The nourlahlng SHRINERS READY preparation for a great career, but zation. Ammonia 50« food drink for mobiUzation of the armies In the at the base of Battle Monument at and qL 19c CONSTITUTION AS ISSUE also the induction into the army of Need Broad View Trophy Point overlooking the green RIPE TOMATOES...... lb. 14c Our beat selling hosiery at this REDUCED young and old. battle zone and demilitarization of kn; Next Few Days Will Keeney's Native Berries. HEAD LETTUCE...... hend Sc Large size, S3c the wild jungle area for which the the United States of its annual in­ Yet with epeclalizatton It Is essen­ covered banke of the Hudson river. PRICE for our great Wednesday morning fusion of new blood whereby our tial that those who enter upon a pro­ Ripe Pineapples. ICEBERG LETTUCE, head lOc Maxwell Houm can. two nations have struggled during TO PARADE AGAIN Proposing peace to the uniformed Stationary Engine three hour sales. All first quality, regular the last three years. military leadership is kept young, fession civilian or military must men before him, the President alee Juicy Florida Oranges. Yame (Swret Potatoes), Ih. lOc stock hose. CHIFFONS with plcot tops. Decide Invasion Charges. IN NEXT G. 0 . P. CAMPAIGN Grapefruit. Direct Negotiatlans forward looking and virile. announced his approval of legisla­ Green Beans — Peas — Aspara­ Magnetos SERVICE WEIGHTS with lisle tops. Good Direct negotiations then will be This academy, with its sister (Oontlntied on Page Two) tion to increase the military force Fresh Cocoanuts. gus and Spinach. COFFEE summer shades. 2Sc PahnoUve Shampoo ,.,.1 7 c t; lb. 27« 35c Riverls Toilet Talcum . ,16c undertaken In an attempt to settle because of a conviction that the Good to the last drop! the territorial Issue. If they fail Shanghai, June 12.—(AP)— A Reviewed by Vice President Army had been reduced “to a level Hosiery—Main Floor, right. Dicbloridtce Moth Killer . . . . crucial period In North CHiina’a des­ Grass Rooters Hammer KING GEORGE ILL, Repaired to Give ...... lb. can 39c the question will be submitted to unjustified by a due regard to our 25c N oxzeroa...... lie the Hague tribunal for arbitration. tiny appeared Imminent today aa a Yesterday; President to own safety.” PINEHURST GROCERY, Inc. Strong Spark Sale! Plaid 25c Blue-Jay Com Plaater , ,17c Determined to push their peace Japanese transport arrived at Away at That Topic at| DOCTORS REPORT MAHAN STILL IN B U H E, "The greatest need of the world Spinach Fresh 19c Rubbing Alcohol...... 10c efforts to a successful conclusion, Tangku crowded with troops for the today,” he said, "Is the assurance of DIAL 4151 North of State Armory at 302 Main Street pk. 8c the mediators kept Elio and Riart Tientsin garrison. Be Present Tonight. permanent peace, an assurance Ford Tractor Magnetos Main Floor, right In continuous conference until they Parley But Avoid Men- _ _ _ based on mutual understanding and Fresh, Fancy, Lunch Cloths reached the agreement. With more powerful military mutual regard." Charged without dissembling Head Negotlatioiu were Interrupted forces moving Into the area, the IS BEUEF OF OFFICERS Riding here by motor from bis Lettuce hd. 6c opinion was expressed by foreign tion of Next Candidate. | Is Advised to Take Two Washington. June 12.—(AP) — the engine. Vacuum Filled only onpe, to permit the Paraguay home at Hyde Park, N. Y.. the Pres­ an envoy to telephone to Asuncion. military observers that the next few _ . . j _ ip/r - ^ Nobles of ,t|ie Mystic Shrine ident waa greeted with the 21-gun Asparagus Freeh, Large Fountain Pens Soon afterw ard Carlos Saavedra days would determine whether the Weeks Rest; Is Suffering *un-making and presidential salute os be entered the NORTON bun. 18c Lamaa, Argentina’s foreign minis, territory was to be subject to a Springfield, 111., June 12.— (AP)— I parading to3ay, after treating the Heavy Force of Armed Men ^SISTER OF VICTIM grounds. 44. definite Japanese invasion. ter, emerged from the conference The Constitution became a leading Relatives Present Additional Nipponese fighters will capital to thrills, color and music ELECTRICAL Fresh room, weary but smiling, ahd an­ “Grass Roots” campaign issue to- fr(Hn Catanh. aplenty yesterday. Relatives of the new officers of Pineapple ea. 9^ Here's one ot our biggest bargains! nounced the agreement. double the strength of the Japanese Continue Search in Mon- SCREAMS AT TRIAL the Army surrounded the 1935 class (3iecked and bordered lunch cloths in garrison here. day, with midwestem Republican Their serious business included INSTRUMENT CO. To FIz Battle Lines the election of officers and discus­ in the bright sun. cheery, summertime colorings. SItc, Business folks! Pupils! It was arranged that the 12-day The debarkation of the first Japa­ politicians declaring themselves tana— Dozens of Clues | ___ The firm announcement by Mr. Hilliard Street Tel. 4060 48x48 Inches. Tub-fast, of course! nese reinforcements coincided with Sandringham, Ehigland, June 12,— sion of the affairs of their 15 hos­ Come in for this sale tomor­ truce provided for In the peace for­ ready “to combat the destructive pitals, through which they seek to Roosevelt of an Increase in ths UAL HUSTLE IN . . , we expect a mob row. Good quality vacuum mula should not be formally Inaug­ the concentration of the Kwantung (AP)—King George vgaa reported In armed forces brought an interrup­ around these! forces at work in America today.” restore sound bodies to crippled filled fountain pens. Just 36 urated until a neutral military Organizers of the ton state con­ a bulletin issued by his physician to­ children. Are Run Down. Causes Confusion at Mnrder tion of applause. to go at 39c! conuniBsion reaches the front. The (UonUnned on Page Ten) day to be iuffering from bronchial Mrs. Roosevelt who flew here to­ Lunch CHoths—Main Floor, left. vention indicated they would con­ After their march up Pennsyl­ day from Raleigh, N. C., joined the neutrals will be charged with the tinue to strive for a 1986 Republican catarrh necessitating a two-week vania avenue yesterday, they soaked Hearing; Woman Juror TRAVEL BY BUS HEALTH MARKET Main Floor, left. task of fixing the battle lines at the Salt Lake City, Jufii 12—The air President and his mother upon victory on the basis of the “Save the rest their feet laat night, rubbed their their arrival at the exercises. John, New York— Values! Kapok Filled poaitions held when firing ceases. C>)nBtitution” slogan and a direct at­ calves, and were ready to repeat the of expectancy that turrounde the $2.80 (O.W.) 84AO (B.T.) Until this mission i accomplish­ The bulletin, signed oy Dr. Fred­ Faints and Causes Mistrial youngest son of Mr. Roosevelt, ac­ .VIo Rubber ed, a temporary truce will halt the HOT nC H T AHEAD tack on President Roosevelt erick Willane and Lord Dawaon of performance tonight—with lighting search for William Mahan, scartac- companied him to the stand. Boston $2.25 (O.W.) $4.05 (B.T.) In brief, the party rally at Lin­ effects added attractions. The ed suspect In the George Weyer- To the class of the West Point Little squeaks and little rattles, if neglect* Providence— Wednesday A. M. Specials hostilities beginning at noon Frl. Penn., read: President planned to hurry back day. coln's shrine; hauaer kidnaping, subsided early cadets tbe President personally $2.00 (O.W.) $8.50 (B.T.) Adheres to "save the Constitution” “The King is suffering from bron­ from West Point to be a spectator. Lancaster, Pa., Juno 12.—(AP)— ed, multiply on a car about as fast as fleas Chintz Pillows Sheetfq 39* This arrangement harmonized ON HOLDING FIRMS chial catarrh which is slow in dis­ today but a heavy force of officers handed out the diplomaa to the Fares equally as low to other DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS TOMORROW 1 conflicting Bolivian i.nd Paraguay­ battle cry.” Vice-President Garner reviewed yes­ A weird story of the death of "The white-capped, gray-coated gradu­ on a pup. Drive your car around for REG* points. Made a sustoined attack directly appearing because His Majesty is terday's march. remained at Butte, Mont., in the be­ ates, shaking the hand of each. Heavy rubber sheets in flesh an attitudes. Bolivia originally de. fatigued by his efforts of the last t e t One Contest lief he still was in that vicinity. Girl in Red" which tbe Common­ and white. Crib size, 36x36 aired the fighting to end Immedt. on President Roosevelt holding him After Federal agents and police Under the canopy behind him sat ULAR LUBRICATION—at our cafeteria. FIL.M!!)—5c Roll, Developed. ately with the signing of the ac­ responsible for Important phases of few weeks. A period of not less than In the election there was a contest wealth drew from the trembling lips Secretary Dern, General Douglas 2 inches. (Main Floor, rear.) BiU Passes Senate 56 to 32 two weeks rest will be required in only for the national office of bad followed up dozens of clues LAMB CHOPS cord, while Paraguay wanted three the New Deal. without success, Jere Murphy, of Blanche Stone, a nervous nurse, MacArthur, cblef-of-staff, and offi­ We shall feed every Grease Cup and Fit­ CENTER days' delay In which to transmit the Avoided carefully any GOP presi­ order that His Majesty may recover lowliest rank — Imperial Outer cers of the First Army Corps. It •Rib (39c Each) his Guard. Other officials, by tradi­ chief of police, said be believed the today sent Mrs. Clara Crawford, a TRAVEL BUREAU order to her advance outposts. But House Committee Is dential boom. usual health. The King is re- Bister of tbe victim, screaming from waa the most imposing assemblage ting. You won’t hear their hungry high Al the I'enler Phone 7007 •Shoulder For porches, sunrooms, summer living Children’s 50c tion. advance to the next higher 32 years old ex-convict bad escaped of Army leaders in the last genera* The argument on this issue was Rap Dictatorship chair. through a tight net of police the courtroom where Dr. H. C. Zlm- Cut from genuine Spring lamb — tender Pound rooms, outdoors—THEY’RE GREAT! heated, but on acceptance of the Orators hamm6red away at the (Continued on Page Two) tion. sign nor will you have to pay heavy repair Candidates for the first rung In patrols, possibly hitch-hiking out ot merly of Mechanics Grove Is being niid lean! Assorted colored crash and chintz cover­ mediators' conciliatory suggestion, Sharply Divided. Constitution topic, expressing fear .tried on charges of performing ings. All kapok filled. Square shape the ladder of succession included A. the country. BookSq 25* Elio and Rlart shook hand., cordial­ of centralization and dictatorship Chief Murphy’s assistant. Jack Illegal operations. bills for parts worn prematurely because only. A Wednesday morning sale value ly and said they considered the ac­ during the two dayA^ convention at Q. Arvold of Fargo, N. D.. James at 3 for 81.00! Popular serial books for boys cord definitely sealed. N. Galbraith, Jr., of Mexico City; Duggan, however, said emphatical­ "Take me back, take me back; I of improper or irregular greasing. Bring Your Shoe Rolled or Loin and ^rls (8 to 12 years.) Small Washington, June 12.—(AP) — the scene of Abraham Lincoln's NORMANDIE BREAKS WUllam H. Woodfleld of San Fran­ ly that the much sought suspect want to bear it all," Mrs. Crawford TALMADGEQTES Chopc Ib. 36e Pillows—Main Floor, left group. (Front Entrance.) Another bitter end fight now con­ political trlumph.s. cisco; George H. Rowe of Buffalo, could not have slipped through tbe screamed as she was led from tbe Troubles To Me fronts the bill to abollbh "unneces­ The cue came from Frank O. Low- N. Y.. and Fred F. Whitcomb of police lines and that he still was in room. THREE HYDRAULIC LIFTS sary utility holding companies.” den, former Governor of Illinois, who Omaha. hiding In or near Butte. A short recess was called to end The measure which passed the RE(X)RD ON RETURN CAMPAIGN PLEDGE Lamb Stew lb. 12V2C Men’s Fine PHYSICIANS SPLIT emerged from retirement to declare Dana S. Williams of Lewiston, Seen On Sunday the confusion, but Mrs. Crawford re­ TEN SKILLED MEN Prices Reasonable For Sports! Cotton Senate 56 to 32 late yesterday after the administration wanted an NRA Me., Imperial potentote. will be suc­ Mahan waa seen there last Sun­ covered quickly and soon returned to Handkerchiefs President Roosevelt had intervened amendment with "the essential ceeded by Leonard P. Steuart of day when he abandoned a motor court. to prevent a sweeping alteration TO SERVE YOU! Frcah ON BIRTH CONTROL forms of American government Washington, his present deputy. car containing $15,155 of the $20U,- Yesterday the proceedings were Hamburg lb. 19e dropped today Into the hands of a challenged." Crosses Ocean to France m Hugh M. Caldwell, whose home city, 000 ransom paid for the release of interrupted by collapse of a woman Georgia Governor TeDs of SELW1T2 each Brief Sets sharply divided House commerce Alfred E. Smith, mentioned In the Seattle, la bidding for next year’s the nine year old Tacoma. Washing­ Juror at District Attorney Paul A. Shoe Rebuilding and committee. east as a possible Republican candi­ Four Days, Three Honrs convention and probably will get it, ton, timber fortune heir. Mueller's account of how Mrs. Roosevelt’s PromiM to Beet Stew •** lb. Plain white and woven bor­ But Agree That No Ugisb' The committee has been strug­ date was ^ven a hand while phrases “We will have to settle down and Gladys Lawson, "Tbe Girl In Red” Shoe Shine Parlor gling with a companion measure were eung of "East Side, West Side.” (Continued on Page Two) wait him out,” said Duggan. 'He died at midnight March 15 in the □ I L dered handkerchiefa. Fine, four months. When the legislation knows this country and he had a Main Street, comer Pearl Street soft handkerchiefs for every­ Special! Controversies that grew out of the and 28 Minutes. Zimmerly house )vhich Mechanics Cut Down Expenses. OILS day use. SHOP WEDNES­ tion Should Have Right to will reach the House floor for debate writing of the resolutions were hideout prepared for him.” Grove folk believed to be haunted. DAY for these! appeared highly uncertain. quieted before the two reports—as Even Federal agents broke their Because of that interruption, a ISS CENTER ST. PHOME 5793-MANCHESTER .CONN. Rayburn’s Views a declaration of grievances against Le Havre, France, June 12—(AP) DOUBLE EXECUTION silence to deny reports that their in­ mistrial waa ordered, and a second Chicago, June 12—(AP) —Presi­ Front Entrance. Practical and cool for hot weather Direct Their Moves. "We will continue to work as far President Roosevelt and a "declara­ —The Normandie's home port was tense activity near Butte indicated jury was chosen yeiterday after­ dent Roosevelt was charged today wear. And so easy to launder! Made as we can and we ought to be able tion of principles'' advocated for decked out in hundreds of blue rib­ Mahan had been captured. Harmond M. Waley, young ex­ noon. by Governor Eugene Talmadge of of cool-looking printed cottons. Short to work pretty fast from now on” 1936—were adopted by acclamation. bons today to Welcome the mam­ Zimmerly frowned over his spec­ Geqrgia with violating hla campaign Atlantic aty, N. J., June 12. — was all Chairman Rayburn, Demo­ moth Uneris return from New York AT TEXAS PRISON convict and hla blonde wife, who are brief with matching bandeau. Sizes 32, reported to have confessed their tacles aa Miss Stone told about “the promise calling for governmental 34 and 36. Plain white sets, 89c. (AP)—Regardless of how much crat, would say. LEADERS’ COMMENTS irfter setting new trans-AUantlc night of March 15 ” economy. CAREY CORK INSULATED SHINGLES they differ among themselves over Charges of fraud, chicanery, blood Washington, June 12.—(AP)—Rs- speed records on both westward and part In tbe kidnaping, still were In a prepared address to the Chi­ Underwear—Main Floor, rear. held here, but arrival of a com­ Begins Her Story The Manchester Public Market present methods of birth control suckers and thieves, sprinkled the publicAn leaders In the capital stu­ eastward passages. While opposing counsel clashed cago Association of Commerce hero, plaint charging them with violating physicians want no legislative inter­ debate, which raged in the Senate died with Interest tod.ay the creed France's new giant flying boat, One Fays Pmialty for Drown- over virtually cve’y question, the the Georgia governor quoted the ference with their right to advise right up to the moment of yester­ Lieut, de Valeaeau Paris, which also the Federal kidnaping law was ex­ adopted at the "Grass Roots” con­ pected to throw Into operation ma­ flushed witness told bow she, Zim­ President aa saying in a campaign patients on whether to use It or not. day’s voting. After the decision ference of members of their party at is designed for transoceanic service address in Pittsburgh: ' -■VS A survey among physicians at­ chinery for their removal to Ta­ merly, and Richard Parker, the doc­ friends and foes of the bill continued Springfield, HI. flew here to join In the welcome. The mg One of His Twm tor’s handyman, sat In a downstairs “I shall approach the problem at Close-O ut! Sheer tending the American Medical Asso­ to make clashing pronouncements. plane, with 28 paaengers, averaged coma. SAVE Wednesday Special SAVE Senator McNary of. Oregon, Charges Filed room that night. carrying out the plain precept of ciation convention while its board One section of the measure is de­ minority leader In his chamber, said 128 miles an hour on tta flight from our party, which is to reduce the of trustees was laying plans for Biscarosse. Daughters. The Lindbergh law charges were She said they couid hear "Gladys Galvanized Wire signed to provide machinery to "It appears from ihe press outline filed against the Waleys and Mahan, Lawson moaning" but shortly after cost of the current Federal-govern­ 1 Pound Lean, Tender Green Beans, 4 Quarts Cotton Blouses TV, microscopic study of the much dis- break up Nation wide holding conf- of the resolutions that the platform The Normandie, averaging 30.31 ment operations-by 25 per cent.” Stew Beef ^puted question, showed a wide dif­ knots, crossed from Ambrose Light­ after an announcement by Federal midnight Zimmerly went upstairs panies Into regionally and geo­ la a constructive and progressive authorltiea that It had been deter- and "the moanlrig stopped.” Instead, said Talmadige, the ad- New Onions, 4 Pounds ference of opinion on birth control. graphically integrated systems. one. It should appeal to the people ship to Bishop's Rock in four days, Huntzvllle, Tex., Juno 12__(AP) miniatratlon haa instituted taxes 1 Pound Fresh Ground Ail, however, were united in the They would be deprived of control of the country.” three hours, 28 minutes. The Brem­ —Death sentences Imposed on Elijah which “have bled the Americim pact 'attitude that Federal and state laws (Oonttnued on Page Two) (Continued on Pegs l^n) I-eun Hamburg Home Made Snow­ Screens Special! of all but one type of utility and While some party membera were en’s record eaatbound voyage re­ Stewart. 28, for drowning one of his pie white, and have filled the cof. attempting to regulate the giving of their activities would be confined to quired four days, 16 hours, 15 min­ 4-year-old twin daughters, and on fera of the government with more Steak flakes, 2 Dozen information on contraception by doc­ one section of the coimtry. (Continued on Page Two) utes at an average of 28.51 knots John B. Wlllls, 42. for attacking a money than the wildest dreams of 1 Pound Lean Veal tors to their patients are based on a Oelebrittes Aboard bride after tying her husband to a Croesus.” Slew, Solid Meat Home Made Ginger 3 9 * For your linen suit you’ll want several false premise. The doctor alone in The French liner brought back nearby tree were carried out here During the Hoover administra­ Squares, 2 Dozen Heavy galvanized wire win­ of these deliciously cool-looking sheer prescribing for an individual patient from New York a long list of cele­ early today. Woman Is New Director tion. Talmadge said, governmevt 1 Pound Rib Veal dow screens that will keep out blouses. Prints! Stripes! Solid col­ is able to say whether birth control brities, including Mme. Albert At 12:04 a. m. Stawart, tall and plunged into business oa it never pesty mosquitoes. Size, 16x33 ors! Not all sizes in each style. While is necessary, they maintain, and no Lebrun, wife of France’s President. angular illiterate Oklahoma farmer, had'before, placing "new taxes, new Chops Cut-Rite Lunch Paper, Inches. A real Wednesday stock lasts—69c apiece! law can establish a justifiable rule. Hitler Beer and Wurst Walt Disney, who also made the the first to go, was strapped in the Of New Mexico Indians restrictions and new handicaps" on 4 Boxes ______morning bargain at 39c each! Agree on Study crossing, disembarked at Plymouth chair. Just 20 minutes later the dou­ business. Rump Corned Beef, Basement. Blouses—Second Floor. •The Houae of Delegates of the and traveled to London aboard a ble execution bad been completed. Plan MnltlpUed Houses roofed with Carey Cork Insu­ Pound 4 Pounds White Bak­ association, governing body of For Germans in U. S. special Normandie boat train. Alio Wlllls, a Tyler electrician and Santa Fe, N. M., June 12.—(AP)%find out if the Pueblo Indians could "Hoover's plan," he continued, lated Sbinglec arc many degrees cooler American medicine, yesterday voted on board were the band of the New former bank robber short and red of — Dwellers of tha Pueblos of New survive. She found the answer—they "haa been multiplied lOO-fold by the ing Beans $1.00 Gallon to conduct an Intensive study of the In summer, but also warmer in winter, Boneless Brisket Com* York National Guard's old Seventh face, protested to the laat that he Mexico's deserts have a new "boss" could live if helped. present Democratic admlnlatratlea ed Reef, Pound problem during the coming year. Koenigsberg, East Prussia, Jwe^anlan questions to countrymen who Regiment and Peter Dudan, youthful In Washington." '' A Iiyer of cork, as shown in the cut, Large Size 1 W i r e 12.—(AP)—Plans to regale Ger­ was Innocent, although he waa —a woman—and they thoroughly She applied ber.-;elf to medicine 3-Pound Bag Royal Vacuum JugS The question has been argued can be relied upon to carry the goodwill envoy of the New York identified by both the victim and her approve of her. and after completing her course at Assailing the government’s crop tends to stop beat from passing through. among physicians and lay groups for mans living in the Western Hemi­ meaaage back home. Bovs’ Club. curtailment program and its pro- Scarlet Flour sphere with beer and wurst—and husband. She is Dr. Sophie D. Aberle, who Yale nad serving oa interne in eMt- Tbsts massivt sbioglss not only make at least ten years and has been dls- Leaders of the association ac­ William Bertrand, who was min­ “I want the world to know 1 am has been interested In what the etn hospitals, she obtained her de­ 12Good_JuicyOrangc8 uted In the association's conven- Nasi propaganda—at a great home­ knowledge that Koenlgaberg was ister of marine In the French Cab­ (ContinuSd on Page Ten) a mors beautiful roof, but coat lese One Package Large Rubbish coming were formulated today at not a guilty man,” be said just be­ southwest Indian thinks, does and gree of M. D. Siona for four ireara, but the present chosen us the site for this year’s inet when the Nonnandie embarked fore the electrodes were applied. wants ever since she was a student Indians generally resent intrusion than ordinary shingles, when you con- A UIortrI tttrfRCc Native Spinach. 4 pks. Ivory Flakes and action is the first time that the or- the closing sessions of the Associa­ convention to checkmate the influ­ on her maiden voyage two weeks TREASURY BALANCE aider their Ugh insulating value. Atk B Waterproof Ae^alt ganiaztion baa actually come to tion for Ciermans Abroad. ence of aimilar gatherings which "Free From Sin” of anthropology at Ya’e. of whites, but Dr. Aberle convinced C Waterproof Felt _^ne_Peck_Jc^_^^^ One Small, BOTH ago, was returning as a plain deputy “I am going down free from eln Dr. Aberle, not yet 40, haa been them she sought only to aid them. In na for price#. The out­ Burners grips with It If the project materializes, Oer- Uthuanians are reported to be aa a consequence of the two Cab­ Washington, June 12 —(AP) — S A number of pbyalctana attending man-Americans, several million of planning to rally their supporters In inet crises In hla absence which ivith nothing on my mind,” said appointed superintendent of all In­ return, the San Juan Pueblo gave Ends of Fresh Pork. side jacket Stewart, who previously bad told dian pueblos in tbe state, a total of her a house right in tbe pueblo. It The position of the Treasury <» About 3 Pounds Fresh Conn. River of t h e a e the convention expressed the view whom live In the Americas, eepe- Memel. cost him bis portfolio. June 10 was: privately that the controversy would dally in the United States, (Canada, The assodaUon, formerly poe- The liner will have only three questioners he did not remember 20. Not only la she the first woman waa a most unusual tribute. Receipts $29,964,005.63 Each, Pound Buck Shad, 3 Pounds v a c u u m Brazil and (TbUe, will be invited to when he was asked if he could make to hold the position, but her post To Dr. Aberle falls the task of THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. jugs were simmer down within a year or two aesaing only a seml-offldal status, days’ rest here, sailing again for tures $39,405,784.42; balance Owl, Lumlwr, Msumnn* AuppUra, Paint, years to an offldal acceptance of attend next year’s convention of the haa been accorded state recognition New York June 15. any explanation of the death ot little combines the worn formerly done by seeing tbe white man's taws are ap­ 976,110,206.43; custonui receipts Native Tender Beets, Fresh Caught Macker- slightly association. Dortha Stewart near Houston. He two men superintendents. plied wisely to the Indian, and that i No. Mala S t TrL 4140 Monch««ter damaged in the cyclic or periodic method of in connection with its current ac­ The official time for the Nor­ the month $10,198,202.14. 4 Bunches el, 3 Pounds______birth control through abstinence at The meeting would be held at tivities. mandie’s eastward crossing from said “no man ever lived who thought Ia>ud grunts of approval and en­ Ihe Indian gets lull advantage of Receipts for the fiscal yetw ( well defined times. Bremen or some other convenient Its plans for importing Germans more of his wdfe and babies than I thusiastic band '.-lapping swept the the future before him in the new Handiest thing for burning old papers and rubblah. Large port. Ambrose Lightship to Bishop’s July 1) $3,461,251,878.14; Fresh Green Peas, 4 Chowder Clams, 2 : damage doea not 'size. Electrically welded wire burners with tight-fitting covers. They pointed out that the dele­ from abroad for a course in Nazi Rock was four days three hours. 28 did of mine.” ranks of asMmbled braves at Santo Indian legislation. tures $6,685,302,174.08 ( gates' resolution declared that large Such an occasion would enable propaganda is believed to have been minutes, an average speed of 30.31 Shortly after tbe drowning of the Domingo Sunday when John CkiUier, She has to direct educational Quarts Quarts impair the Insulation of the jugs 24 .inches deep. Don't delay buying that burner—SHOP Naaidom to present tta caae to its $S.36l,448.856A2 o t omesfeni In any way. Gallon size. Small WEDNESDAY! non-medical organlaztlons were sid- Inspired by the wideepreaC publid- knots. child Stewart confessed and said he Indian commUiatoner, announced Dr. facilitiea so tbe Indians can step up penditurea); excess of vr-cating and encouraging the gen- friends from overaeaa in the same ty which resulted from transport­ The Bremen's record average for choee Dortha rather than her elster Aberel'a appointment. It will become into the high positions in their In­ lot! mannei it has during the last week $3,224,050,293.94; OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY—DIAL 5111 Basement. Burners—Basement. ing Saarlanders to their homeland the trip was 28A1 knots. Norman­ Dortb for death "beca'jse she cried effective July 1. dian service. Day schools will be 770.e47,248.7V9 been outlining Its view;, on the to taka part in last January’s die’s average on the westward trip more.” He reported at first that the Memsi, FoaotM . DasRlff and Uthu- As a student uf anthropology she stressed. She also must watch out 198.25 — ■*— nlebisdt*. pea $$.61 knnto. child had been kidnaped. flnt tha Indian country to for ths hsalth of bse^duxins. ICANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, MANCHEBTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHKTEB, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, IWff. chants are not to blame but that it reMrve power of men, of guna, of may be the fault of the wholesai- Y .M .C. A. EMPLOYEES CONSTTrUnON AS ISSUE ammunition and of supplica. Ttiat ADVBimsmaffiT— AOVUtTtSBmNT— the orgoBlaatlon and for thrM years General Aasembly. slated lor ptAMPAIGNTOCUT -ets. Close cooperation between inciudea of neceaaity oonaidaratlon THIS NORTH END SID N I the nwrchants and the central body MISS JANET SIMON GETS prior to her election served as chair­ GREEN SCHOOL AGAIN afternoon, were Senator J. K«SMtk-)» of what tha poopla of Franca, the Ship Arrivals LEGION TO GREET man of the auxiliary's national child METHODISTS MEET WOMEN DISCUSS Bradley. Reyubllcan floor la earnestly desired by the latter, be ARE ENGAGED AGAINl IN N E n GOP CAMPAIGN people of England and tha people of said. An investigation will also be WAS POWERFUL STRONG welfare committee. Through these Anthony W. O'Otnnell, Demoerat; ' HIGH LIVING COSTS the United States are doing and can Arrived: DEGREE FROM VASSAR critical depresaton years she has led - WINS TRACK M EH Audubon J. Seccor, Soclalizt; Rap- made to ascertain if any stores In do to keep the Allied armies in a Veendem, New York, June U, town have reduced the wages of em­ MIm Leora Hibbard and David OonUnned from Page One) NATIONAL OFFICERS the auxiliary in its efforts to prevent IN TAUNTON TODAY -ASSEMBLY ACTS resentative Doria H. McBae, Rapuo- position to make victory a certain­ Coal Elarator Stwopa Him Up from Rotterdam. Ucan; Howard Conutoek, Bride#, ployees since the Supreme Court de­ Hamilton to Again Conduct ty.” American Trader, New York. Parents Attend Exerdaea at children from hearing the brunt of cision outlawed the NRA. not yet ready to comment on the and Drops Him Into 'riiick the economic conditions by being de­ Seventh and Eighth Grade Pu­ port editor; Moaea Berkman and Coitral Labor Union to Enlist Various Activities. creed. Rep. Fish (R., N. Y.) said: You who arc about to become of- June 19, London. Poughkeepsie — Son le Soph* Frank E. Atwood, Hartford n#wa- All delegates will be noUfled of ficen of the highly effteieat Regu­ But He Doesn’t Mind. Bxoehorda, New York, June 13, omore at Yale Now. Bargain H o u n d prived of adequate food, clothing, pils Compete at North End Friday's meeting by post card and "The platform Is sound, Ubsral education and care. Under her guid­ papermen, who covered the Senate; Miss Laora Hibbard, daughter of lar Army of tha United SUtea wiu N ^ e e . Frank L Belgrano and Mrs. Several from Manchester Playgrounds. Institute On Politics and Leg­ Mrs. Ruth M. Dadourian. president Ronsewiros in Protest must attend this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hibbard of and constructive. I would have pre. recognize that you an an Integnl According to Bert* WUlls, yard Chsmplaln, New York. June 13, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Simon e( ance this phase of the auxiliary pro­ ferred to luive seen a stronger pisnk foreman for G. E. Willis A Son, gram has gained a national reputa­ of the League and Mrz. Edith Valet 800 North Main street, who was in part not only of that Army but Havre. Henry street togetber with Mr. and Cook, the League’s legislative chair­ TOO GENEROUS charge of the women's work at the to help the farmer regain lost world also of the citizenship of tha United Inc., they grow some tough ekunkz Celameree, New York, June 13, A. C. Carlson to Be in tion for lU efflelcnw. Attending Conference; In­ The Seventh and Eighth Grade islation by League Opens Afainst Rising Prices. Milwatikee—Alexander Allen. IB, markets for agricultural surpluses; in the North End. It seems that Kingston. Mrs. C. W. Birch of the Gablet, The Unit of Dllworth-Comell man. Manchester T. M. C A., last season StAt*a. As a Nation we have been Main street,-have retumad from pupils of the Manchester Green The first of a group of speakers was too generous for his own good; did her arork with such good results something along the Une of the Mc- fortunate In a geognphic isolation be and a helper went out to the coal Pulaski, Copenhagen, June 13. this year la a stunning shade of Post will be represented at this Ha was on bis way to tbs State Nsry-Hsugen philosophy. alavator tha other morning to start New York. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. where they Meriden on Monday. meeting by Mrs. Carroll Chartler, terest in Appointments. school in competition with pupils of in New London. from outside the state will be beard that she has been engaged to return which in itaetf paxtlally protected rust, or tile. It haa many names, tonight when Representative Ab­ A ■peciaJ nMtlDc of tho Man- Reformatory today because the Boms membera of Congress from our boundlasa ■ resoureea. To that unloading tha balance of a carload Kungsholm, Gothenburg, June 13, went to attend tha gi^untlng eicar- but la always that brilliant off-red president and Mrs. William Chtrring- the Hollister street school and. the shepherd dog of Mrs. Irma McBride to the same work in the "Y" next of soft coal used for auiomatlo coal Newtew York. clsee of Vaasar Callega. Miss Janet Buckland school at the north end bott Low Moffat of the New York chaatar Caatn] Labor Union haa term. westsm states—who would not be ^ppy eircumatanca has bean added that looks so well on dark-haired ton, secretary. State Legislature and a member of didn't bark when a burglai broke in quoted by name—thought too much tbs pricelass blessing of friendship stoking macblnu. This coal la Volendnm, Ni eu, June 13, New Simon was graduated on Monday girls. Frank N. Belgrano, National Oom- The Rev. Leonard C. Harris, pas­ playgrounds yesterday afternoon New London, June 12.— (AP)— boon eaUad for Friday night at 7:3U and took tl8 recently. A jury David Hamilton, who haa been fairly even In slat and does not York. with a B.A., degree, having majored tor of the South Methodist church, duplicated the feat of the young the Charter revision coumlsston of o’clock. A prominent tmlon official connected with the “Y” for the past stress had been placed on gold back­ with our near ncigbbon. Here's a fashion-show note which monder of the American Legion and The General Assembly of 1935 was New York O ty ■will speak on “Can convicted Alexander when they ing for the currency. Nation's Oefensea pack together. Now here's where Normandie, Plymouth, June la. in art. Mtaa Simon prepared for you might like. It made a bit bO' and Oie Rev. C. Homer Ginns, pas­ boys and girls of the Green school aaid today that the central body, in heard he gave the dog to Mrs. Mc­ four years and has accomplished Mr. Skunk enters the picture. Bert New York. Vaasar at Abbott Academy, An­ Mrs. A. C. Carlson, National Presi­ tor of the North Methodist and Ver­ made the principal subject of dis­ Our Law Making Machines Be Im­ cooperation with the flve local It la in full appnciatloD of our Now that summer Is here (or at fore an admiring audience. The by carrying off the honors of tho cussion today os the Connecticut Bride a short time before the rob­ much In the way of building up the Galled Conatmetlve end his helper went inside the bucket City of Havre, London, June 10, dover, Mass., being graduated from dent of the American Legion Auxi­ 151 IN TOURNAMENT non Center Methodist church, arc in day. Tho Green school team scored proved." ualona, la planning to aponior can- bery. popularity of the bowling there as Senator Dickinson (R., Iowa) re­ advantageous posluon and of our that school in 1931. Sha was a least we hops so) we immediately model’s crisp little frock wore two liary will be the gueats of the i.«ague of Women Voters opened devotion to tha causa of peace that elevator 'house end noticed that Baltimore. start thinking of cool things to pockets on the skirt, each topped Taunton, Mass., attendin;: the an­ a totqJ of 45 2-3 points to Holiister, its throe-day -institute on legisla­ dldatea in future town elections with well as other acUvltles has also been garded the policies advocated by the there waa a shower of coal coming student there for three years and American Legion and Auxiliary, De­ the understanding that these men our Nation's dafenatva ayatem bat President Jackson, Shanghai. wear. "iThe Wllrose Shop have with a close row of shiny white nual gathering of the New England 28 1-3 and 6 points for Buckland. tion and politics. Four legislators The new British aircraft carrier GETTING .MONOTONOUS re-engaged. Ho will work on the middic-westemera as "a very con. always reflected the single purpose from the top of the elevator about June 11, Seattle. on her graduation on Monday re­ partment of Connecticut, at a meet- AT COUNIRY CLUB Southern Methodist Conference The summary: iflU favor and support the interests Omaha. -After the ninth car In 15 playgrounds during the summer and otnictlve group of suggeationa turned to Manchester after seven aome grand new cotton dresses for pearl buttons. Dressed-up pockets Ingrto be held Monday evening, June representing the three political par­ Eagle redeaaes a jet of steam a t its of the working men and women. that that name implied. We main­ 50 feet above. They decided to In- EmpreM of Canada. Hongkong, 81.95 and up, also very good looking seem to be the thing! I have been vfiiich opened today and will con­ 100 yard dash—Won by Slaga, ties in the Legislature, three news­ bow to show pilots when the wind years crasheu Into his home last v/ill give partIc'Uar attention to around which we can work for a lit­ veatlgate and upon uncovering tho June 7, Vancouver, years away from home at scbonl. 17 a t 8:30 p. m., in the a t y Hall tinue through the remainder of the The official also stated that there tain an Army to promote tranquility A son, Frank Simon, baa juat com­ linen coats for only 82.95. Every­ seeing shirred ones, embroidered (H): second, Gotberg (MG); third, papers and the league officials were direction la right for a take-off, thus night, J. J. Yager lost patience and swimming Instruutlona in the mom.- tle while". He .added that other and to secure ua from aggression bood over the top there wae Mr. Sailed: one will want one of their linen ones, and pockets with frills. Auditorium, Meriden. Prior to the week. Pearce (B). chosen to discuss the legisIaUve ac­ la no doubt biit that the central asked that three j^uths be arrest­ Ing and look after other activities in meetings doubtless would make Skunk in the top bucket, next in Makura. Wellington, June 11, for pleted his sophomore year at Yale meeting they will be the guests of doing away with the need for trall-- body will decide to take action to­ ed. but it la so created and ao modest and la now at the Yale Camp at suits s t the low price of 85 95. Another bit of excitement in Men’s Chib of Travelers In Much local interest is attached to One sixth mile run—Won by Sla­ tivities which were brought to a Ing wind cones which are used at the afternoon and evening. In this other suggeattons before the 1986 In proportion aa^ to furnish proof line to turn over end drop Its load San Franclaoo. dresses is the front fullness in ga (H): cecond, Vittner (H); third, close juat a week ago today. ward stopping the recent rises in The Yager home Is at the end of work he is also to be assisted by his Republican convention. of coaL President Jefferson, Shanghai East Lyme as a part of the studies the Oinference sesalons this year, as airports for the same purpose. food prices, especially meat prices, a blind street. When the car con­ that no threat or manaca to tha In industrial administration. If you have had the dioapi>oint- skirts. Girls look simply adorable the Rev. Mr. Hai ris has applied for Maatrononico (G). Tomorrow the institute will con­ wife. Speaker Byms was quick to as­ rights of othera is even remotely in­ Willis and bia helper beat a hasty June 11. Seattle. experience of knitting a skirt in these new styles with gathers, surance Company Plays sider “unfinished business” of the and may start a campaign among taining the three youths crashed In­ Hie directors elected the follow­ sert that, while he hadn't had Ume retreat down the ladder and started Berengarla, Cherbourg, June 13, a transfer from the South Metho­ Broad jump—Won by Gotberg the housewives of Manchester. The to his home, Yager and hie family tended. On some occasions in our All It waa almost finished and tucks and so on, ail drawn to the dist church. It is reported that he Is (G); second, Slaga (H); third, 1935 session and prospects for the ing officers for the year; President, to study tile "Qraas Roots" declara­ blatoty, we have reduced our Army the machine. Down came the New York. ken you tried to slip it on found front. Skirts are fuller and short- 1937 Legislature. official said that the smaller mer­ were tossed from their beds. Wells Strickland; vice-president, Southern Prince, Santos, June 12. Here; One Ace Scored. a strong candidate for the district Pearce, (B). ^ NOW I EAT tion of principles carefully, "it to a level unjuatifled by a dus ri- skunk with the bucket full of coal Pfar too amall or much too large thls season, and the revealing siiperintendency jf the ■. Sherwood (G1 and Yokitis commission, will speak on "What STUFFING Harold Norton; assistant treasurer, is trying to do." drifted too far in that direction that dazed, shook himself and jumped out the first to work on the new knit­ A meat thermometer has a place A field of 181 golfers competed In happened to the tax commission's Charles B. Loomis. "Balance the budget, for Instance,' of the truck and ran off into the the two-day tournament held at the Bishop Charles Wesley Burns, (H) . Stomaeli OoM ta I have recently approved acts of.the ting pin which allows you to try on in every home. It Insures every who will be the presiding officer at Mile run—Won by Slaga (H): report," while State Commissioner he said. Congress to accomplish a partial grass back of the coal yard. Now MAHAN S n U IN BUTTE Burke-Novak your skirt at any stage of the knit­ time the desired degree of baking local Country Club Monday and yes William H. Hackett will discuss-the Jiffr with Bcll-Aaa restoration of the Army's enlisted the marvel of it all is how tho Married on the' 35tb wedding an­ terday by the Men's Club of the the sessions, has been urged by one second, Popoff (MG); third, Sudlof new state budget and whether the The Springfield conference declar­ niversary of his parents, William ting. This pin, or maybe we for the roast. By preventing over­ of the influential church groups at (G). ed for "defense of American inetitu- strength and increasing the enroll- skunk, which had fallen into the car IS BELIEF OF OFHCERS should call it a round knitting cooking, it does away with dry meat Travelers Insurance company of income for the next hlenntum will CENTER CHURCH SUPPER tlons,” a sound currency based on o* cadets in the United States unloading pit at the bottom of the Henry Burke, Jr., son of Mr. and Hartford and three entries shot 18 the South Methodist to retain the Girls 70 yard i. Main In Foot scorel Soap clam hunt, sang their high regard The fact Queen Ma-y is making Bams, C. P. Case, C. N. Dodge, aiding in the search for the former Following the ceremony a recep­ Have you .tried yellow with gray? NORTON'S for the gal named Mary, and reiter- one forgets the relationship of hla Lynch and French. Preston’s Mar­ convict dropped their hunt and turn­ Loomis, Mrs. Stuart G. Segar, Mrs. Street Rubinow BuildinR company to the comp.any of his right no alteration In her plans la taken tion was given at the Chutle Inn to It’s pne of the very newest notes. George W. Kuhney and Miss Ber­ Correction 4 bars 1 7 * .^t Three Popular Prices: atc(; that the gang was all present. as an assuranco the King’s condition ket, Sigourney Grocery, ail of Hart­ ed instead to a scrutiny of the famed 75 guests. Another color that is exciting news After the parade tonight, the No and the company qu his left—the ford, Dlllqn and Wilhelm of Wind­ mining htlia near here, pock marked nice C. Lydall. relationship of his company to the la not serious. He la 70. After a wedding trip to an un­ bles will be entertained through Their Majesties came to Sandring­ sor and Manlerre and Dixon of East with "glory holes” and pita where announced destination, the couple BATHING SUITS street dancing, a fireworks display regiment as a w.iole. The successful Hartford. the bonanba finds of early mining will reside In Hartford. The bride’s Pea Beaiic^°’>< 2 lbs. l i e and a grand ball. commander of an* army must give ham for the week-end after the King days were made. constdernUon to all of the unlU spent a busy day at Buckingham travelling costume was an Irla suit $5.95-$7.75-$|0.75 Palace Friday, receiving former They were searching for the 884,- with white accessories. Free! Cream which make up his army and In ad­ 000 the Department of Justice be­ Mr. Burke Is employed by the Grapenut Flakes Pitcher! dition must of necessity remember Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald YOUNG NEGRO IS RESITIED with most that's really NEW Men’s One-Piece pi^g’ 1 0 c and Prime Minister Stanley Bald- lieve may have 'jeen hidden in this General Baking Company In Hart­ the existence, the condition and the vicinity. They explained it would ford and his wife by the NRA of­ Personal Notices ultimate strength of his reserves nin In connection with the recent Floor Wax ' can Cabinet reconstruction. FROM MOB OF LYNCHERS have been almost impossible for fices In that city. 37® and of the civilian population which Mahan to carry the money with him today . . . has most to insure a serving the .seme cause behind the The King cancelled plans to attend la 85, 810 and 820 bills because it Bathing Suits IN MEMORIAM lines. a recent recepU'sn by the London TOO MUCH Freeh, Sound County Council after he Buffered a Men Had Nome Ready When would bo too bulky. top trade-in value In lovlnz mamorr of our son and Sense of Proportion Rumors that Mahan had been cap­ Some with zipper fastening be­ brolhar. Arthur, who was taken from A sense of proportion is essential slight chill. He later resumed his Town Marshal and a Doctor Philadelphia—Patience may he a our mlrtat atveii years ago today, normal activities, Including the Arrive on Scene. tured spread like wildfire last night tween trunks C A TOMATOES lb. 8* Mr and Mrs. Delphia Jarv lt and to the effective attainment of any when two suspects were questioned. virtue to most folks, but it’s only an ram lly. groat objective. I shall always re­ Trooping of the Colors ceremony on expense to 8. F. Hansell. and jersey ... vO eO vI up his birthday. Ons waa a hitch biker who scurried member a day In the summer of MunfordvlUe, Ky., June 12.— to cover when ho saw a farmer ap­ Forty Uraes his automobile wae 1018 when I visited the headquarters (AP)—Saved from lynching after a towed away by police and impound­ O ranges Fresh Florida’* proaching near Twin Tridgea. The ed for illegal parking. doz. 2 7 * of Genera] Foch, the headquarters band of 30 irate mtn had him other was a man taken into eusto^ of the commander in chief of the perched on e ehaky bedstead with a Forty times be paid a 81 fins and PRESniENT MAY MOVE naar tha Idaho-Montana border. 85 in towing storage fees. Men’s Wool Trunks...... $1.75 Freeh Iceberg Allied armies. noose reedy, Raymond fhirry, 19' Both were released. Lettuce head 7 * With a single aide I motored from year-old negro waa in jail at Eliza­ But No. 41 was too much for bethtown today awaiting trial -on a Mahan's mouse colored car, stored Hansell’s pocketbook. He revolted Men’s Wool Jerseys ...... $2.00 Paris and came to a chateau far be- TO AVERT IX)AL STRIKE in a garage, waa raideo by souvenir Fresh, Large Ebling^s Famous to d the Unas in the most peaceful charge of attempting to aafault in Magistrate Jacob Dogole’s court, Boys’ Trunks...... $1.00 and up Bcctc Mrs. Esther Jolly, 18, a bride of two hunters who took the radiator and and got hla car back for nothing. bunch 6 c bocollc surroundings you can gaaoitna caps, hub caps and other Imagine, ons sentry at the gate May Aak for Postponement of months. Threatened W’alkout Until Town Marshal Burt Hodges and equipment Boys’Bathing Suits WHITE HORSE ALE Within the park a few chickens and Dr. Maher Speevack of Munford- a couple of cow.s; at the door no- Congress Can Act. rille rescued the negro from the Some with zipper between trunks HALES / NOW ON DRAUGHT AT ^dy: In answer to our ring, the bam of Henry Jolly, the victim's and je rsey ...... $ 1 .5 0 door was opened by a captain and in Washington. June 12.— (AP)— father-in-law, where the men bad HOSPITAL NOTES a moment we found ourselvei U» the The capital wondered today if Praai- made ready for an impromptu pretence of General Foch, who waa dent Roosevelt might intervene In hanging. MEALTH MARKET sitting in a comfortahia chair in a an attempt to avert the soft coal Marshal Hodgaa and Dr. Spee­ A son was bom yesterday to Mr. GEORGE’S TAVERN large drawing room, reading a strike threatened next Monday. Oak Street at Cottage vack argued that the group waa not and Mrs. Everett Walker of 24 FOR French novel. I spent .vi hour with There hSa been no indication that positive they bad the right man, Hemlock street end a daughter to the general and dltcovered that hie be intepda to take such a step. The because Mrs. Jolly had not made an Mr. and Mrs, John Zawistowski of Fresh Shipment entire staff consisted of half a doien possibility that he might ask post­ identification. They suggested a 88 Union Court. THE SAME LARGE 10 oz. GLASS officers and a doien privatea. ponement of the walkout until Con­ wrench with which the attacker PhyllU Dwlre of 82 Haynes street Gets Dally Report gress haa had time to rescue the struck bis victim be taken to Mun- end Mildred Bellavance of 181 Sale! While I was there a young British Guffey coal stabilisation bill from fordville for finger-print identifica­ Spruce street were discharged to- For Only dispatch rider came in bearing the the present legislative jam haa been tion, and that the law be permitted day. FISH ^ l y report from Marshal Haig. suggested in responsible quarters, to take its course. The hospital census today is 46 Men’s White Buck That report was written in long however. The arguments of Hodges and patients. "Cfl^ «eoaHa,Ho,Uyoo wen/H.t.lTsstool, yoo Anewl^ Buck hon4 And on one sheet of paper. It The Guffey bill would set up "a Dr. Speevack were backed up by Also Draw a^d In effset: "My Dear General: Little NRA” for the coal industry. Ernest O. Doutaz, a railroad detec­ HEN you choos* your 1 9 3 5 police-tested brakes have cut “per­ These Famous Brews: Leaders of the United Mine Workers tive, who helped get the negro out FIREMAVS FUNER.AL of its time It ia—in ruggedness, per­ SHAD Ib. No advances or retirements of major car, think bow it will compare fect stopping” almost in half in 18* Importance today. Reserves increas­ of America and some of tha coal of the bam and to the MunfordvlUe W formance, safety—as well as stylo. SHOES UTICA CLUB ed 1500 men ainre yesterday. Tbey operators contend that, by permit­ jail. Salamanea, N. Y.-A bright red with tha new oars a year or two public teats from coast to coasL ■ ROGER WILLIAMS ting the producers to control prices, firs truck Instead of tha usual som- Plain Toe and Ale and Piisener now total 375,000. Very Slncerriy firom nowl That’s what will decide 8m tha New Hodtoo Cooalry Oub fl»daa— Porter Yours," ' it would guarantee them sufficient Mr black hearse led the funeral of Performance is always important Addison J. Crockett. 124' WbMlbaM—lU or 124 H. P.-$880.a0 Wing Tip Roe Shad lb. 12* A few ntinutes later a similar Income to cover the wage and hour »«VBgabond ita trade-in value. .. and Terraplane has record- terms sought by the umon. PHYSICIANS SPLIT PIo sireiis blew, but Crockett was i. o. b. Dattoil. Mora ioaida body Irastb by Leather Reela note was brought by sa aide of Who will want to be driving—/Am breaking performance today, certi­ Ebling’s WHITE HORSE LAGER Oanarai Pershing. Virtually all obaervers agreed home to bis grave on ons of the SM to 7 ia. than (odou eo*tia| 8180.00 I# Cod S teak lbs. there waa little chance of the bill be­ trucks be rods for 81 years while he - with anything less than oomplete fied by 36 official marks on the 8378.00 moro. 2 2 5 * I marvelled at the ilmpllclty of ing enacted by Monday. In addition ON BIRTH CONTROL was connsetsd with the city fire de­ koimg $3.50 the ganeral'a headquarters and at to being caught in the general Con- partment ' . •teel proteotionP Terraplane A. A. A. record books. “ ‘0« " "“I “ vlhOT to our the apparent lack of detail which be rERRAPLANE^ Lem on Sole lb. 2 5 * cuBtomers. Always the best at the lowest prices reaalonal tleup. it faced a eonatltu- Ooattniied from Page OM) gives you that protection now, in received from the general In com­ Sonal challenge by the Pittsburgh So it is with many other features mand of the various armies. Foch DBT WBATHKB GOB America's bodies all of stecL found in no other lowest price ear. $4.00 Solid Lean said to me "If i concerned myieif Coal Company, a Melton Interest. era] urc of ccetraceptivei, Indicat- A* the strike deedllne drew near ing, the physicians deelar^ that Will you want brakes that are mp DriveaHudson-builtTcrraplane to­ Enjoy The Biggest And The Best with detaiia, l could not win the authorlUtlve aourcea eettrasded the Topeka, Kas.—Just when the Cube war. I can consider only major ad­ commercial organizations were now Kansas "Navy" had lU bast chance ErL and Sat. to date or amt of date? Terraplane'a day. See for yourself how far ahead 585 Corned country has a 38-day coal supply on advocating the uae of artificial birth ntWbUaBiMIlMi SOS aaziZE^in^'jBnij*iLZxaGE vances or major reUrements. The hand in years to maneuvsr, Admiral WILLIAM GINGER knowledge of movements of two or control methods for private profit. Frank Sturgla couldn’t find tha STEAK BEEF tluTM kilometsrs here ar th en would Because of this, they added. It la Sogahip. POWELL ROGERS INJOY A RIOI TODAY. . .TH IRI’S A DiALIR NEAR YOU At GEORGE’S TAVERN Soon after the World War. Green- neoeasary that the American Madi- ooafuae me by diverting my atteo- villa county, South Cardilna, de- Whan the flood waters cams baar^ In ’STAR OF MIDNIGHT' Oak Street at Cottagre tipn from the great objective. Only eal Asaociation aseertain the baste log down on Topaka, tha Navy’s •qped medals for eael> of the 8.000 facta and adopt an official attitude Cf.HOUSC'^SON mAjor results and nutor stratasr.- soWert recruited in the county, but floating stock—a speed boat and a P»U8 “When A Dfan’s a Maa" 4 3 * !>>• “»•, eoacern a commgodar in ohM. Mint which sclenUfieally sound and on damaged rowboat—were resting on WETHERELL and McCABE MOTOR SALES INC. Z 5 « 3.000 of the tokens never ware Which a definite iwegnm can be Cut frem heavy atner beef! •BBWthUy •aTTgaasanwd vtth tgej AlAlnad. tha flam of the Fulfle eosan aafl FRI. BANK NIQHTI For a « m4 oHMMMMUd 'iitd ... 20 EAST CENTER STREET MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1988, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12. 1988, P A O V l

srlll hear it. In many eaaea the tae* ritt highway. It will take the their alxtiea. He told me he pro- James McCarthy; membership. Mm. for water and got a mycterious gas M w m t h f t t n what the court meant in its intsr- while their besssa wars to heavy which, he cl.-Umed, will extinguish tica employed by these door knock* plaee o f tbeaa suggested highways poeed to her every few days tor Raymond Bllnn; publicity, Mrs. W. 40 yaata before aiM Anally anid prstatloo ot tbs OonsUtuUon'a cotif6rtnc6t. MOROCCAN TRINCE’ Stephens and Mrs. cnifford Meyer. COFFEE IS NO AID WAPPING D. A. R. TO OBSERVE any fire placed near It era bordera on a nulaatt'ce and if and will aenre to develop other resi­ BEHIND THE SCENES commercs clause and Just what They bad had several drinks and Daily Accident €wtitim flrralft /««■ ______Children’s Day was held Sunday V. H. Steel, fire chief,'and Clar­ A Thought they peraist In them they may find dential centers for the persons who could be done under that totorprs- wars trying to figure out a solu­ morning at the Talcottvllle church. A meeting of the Young Democra­ ence Peterson, H'gh school chemis­ 1__ fUMumiitu HI rHH How do you do, Mr. Brooks? IN WASHINGTON tation. tion to the crisis for themselvea TERMED A CROOK Those who took part were as fol­ IF FEET ARE COLD tic club of South Windsor was held 40TH ANNIVERSARY m iAU> Nujrruto oo m tak t, in c they'll have to defend themselves In do not want to live In New York Report try instructor, said they thought at A im) whoso shall receive ens sneh Mr. James Brooks, theater oper- And when any two bialn-trustcrs They had got as far as a plan by lows: "This la Canidren’s Day," by at the town hall Monday evening. UWaMUStraM court against being termed a nut* and prefer a Connecticut country­ — — — e v IIOONIY DUTCHeR______managed to agree on those points, which Roosevelt wrould appoint: AS OF TUESDAY, JUNE II first the gas was carbon dioxide, but Uttle child In my name reeetveth IfauMkMtar. C m h . ator of Montreal, cotton. brok Joseph and Lyman Peck; "The First side home. they promptly broke into violent Chief Justice Hughea aa chair"^ Entertainers were George Gonycan, ItS4 1935 found it was not. roe.— St. Matthew 18:8. TBOMJUI rCKOmOM HmcA sr of New Orleans. Mr. Brooks Children’s Day," John, Gerhardt, Huas Intends to have his well test­ O M « r u ■snM WasMagtsa Correepeedeet-t tbe analogy wo muat now rMord argument as to how tar th ^ shoud man of the Railroad Retlrsment of Somersvllle; Mlsa Carolyn Berger 8.S90 A ccidents...... S.86Q The practical art of Mr. Macdon­ , f f l A f f t i A ” ^ * W » * * f n f i r ■ ■ ■ a rl ------Conrad and Margaret Tobias; "The OetoVar 1, IMt Throughout the middle west came aboard with an electric Stoied by FOipbo Moslems; Hot Water» Wine, Whiskey of Wapping, soloist; Hiss Clara 168 , , , , , F atolltiee...... 162 Tableaux to Depict Outstand­ ed to determine if it might produce The smallest ebildrsn are nearest waffle iron and a large Jar of go la futurs Isglslatlon for psycho­ Board (recently killed by the court, Children All Love Jesus," Isabel, S*«rr Biccpt boards of trade and commerce ald touched up later by the iinder- It’s Bight to Wain Stroag Btroag Man lutlona from 35 to U2 a minuu, Roraback of Hartfo.-d, acrobatic 4.765 ...... Innjrlea...... 4.448 something more valuable than to God, as the smallest planets are Sgodaii Boltdar- Bstarad at tht maple syrup. '■ They vlitually had logical affect or on the that 5 to 4), Justice Van Devanter as Dorothy and Clinton Church; "We chambers have succeeded In having etandlng landecape' art of Luther IVeep, This BeransMsIs to Refc Vm with occasional suddsn reversals ot the court would be Uberoiised in commissioner of Indian Affairs, dancer, with Mlse Minnie Padula ac­ KILLED water. nearest the sun.—Richter. Voat OSIca at Macchaaiar. Conn„ aa to rewire his stateroom before the NRA rtsosa . No Two Agreo Naiiib Warned to Watcb Greet You With Flowers." Marjorie or Aspirin Is Much Better, ing Events in History ol BaaaM Oaas Mall Mattar. Keith will give Connecticut a high­ the clockwise to s counter-clock­ tbe next year or so and much more Justice McReynolds as a G-Man, companist. 65 Pedestrian . . . . 89 a municipal ordinance passed mak­ iron would work. And a dozen , an Way O u t. . , Btohbarg Forgot wise movement and Marion Thrall; "The Buttercup BOBKfUmoN RATKS amiable after the New Deal stopped Justice Brandeis as oommlasioner A Father and Son banquet will be 67 • • • . . Occupant ...... 71 OM faar. ti hhUI fA M ing certain types of door-bell ring­ way that win flret meet the exact stewards had to be sent Into the to Botld Hla Cyviona Callar. Message," George Nowsh; "The Par MMik. i t asaU...... i .M chefs domain to bustle the proper Ae the Now Dealers went into delegating vast gobs o f power. of Internal revenue. Justice Suthcr- - His Actions There. Children’s Day," Lillian Warren, Says the Doctor. held at the Community Church 1 . • • • •. BIcyllst ...... 2 Orford Parish Chapter. ing a trespass. A notice to that needa of the ettuatlon and that won't their innumerable huddles, the It waa such a pttiabis spsctaeis land aa strgeaat-at-arms of the House, Friday evening, June 14, at . . . , , BlaBla O aap -as Ingredients. But the waffles were Washington, June IS—Tour oor« | Shirley and Alberta Cordner; "How 16 .. Child ...... 16 OalTaaraB oaa laar ...... ts.aa effect is tacked above tba door-bell be a blot on Fair FairfteM'i beauti­ a great suecesa. even on a French that It made a fMiow want to go Senate, Justice Butler as minister Pleased We Are," George Hahn; "I 7 o'clock, (d. a. t.) 147 ...... A d u lt...... 146 up and chastise each member of to the Irish Free State, Justice Evergreen Lodge of Masons, No. ICBlfBBB OP TBB ABPOaaTBO and a salesman wbo comae under ful complexion. ship where crepae auzettea are leaderS S ’S nhnwho harthadSJ'Lt been 7SS" mirertmixed upi,n with characterized the New’SSSi Deal's Manila. P. I., June 13— (A P) — Love Children’s Day," Ruth. Betty AtUnUc a ty , N. J„ June 12 — INJURED Orford Parish Chapter. Daughters PIUCSB sizzling all over tha dining room. the supreme court. Stone as public trustee for holding 114, A. F. and A. M., went to tbe 1,881 the category listed on that notice | NRA' from the beginning the name beginnings was to be seen. Tbe stoning of a Moroccan "Prince" and Faith Gibson; "They W u ted (AP) —Persons with cold feet Pedestrian . . . . . 1.178 of the American Revolution will ob­ Tlia Aaaaalatad Praaa la aariaaiaaijr Meet tha Haworth Bromleya suit companies. Justice Roberts as com­ Masonic Home In Wallingford last 8,866 ...... Occupant ..... aatlUad to tha asa for rapuMloatloa questloe that avs^dtody la Wash­ But there waa far Isas arrogance by turbulent Filipino Moslems was a Speech," Earl Beebe; "God Leads should never drink coffee. . 3,205 la liable to arreet for trespaas. ' FORUM LETTERS There's a name for you. In Hol­ Block Own Bctreat missioner of patents, and Justice Sunday afternoon and put on a 68 • ••••• . BIcvllst ...... serve the 40th anniversary of the of all nawa dlapatobaa cradliad It. it ington seemed to be asking avery- sad even more oonfuaioa. Never followed today by an official an­ the Little Children," Shirley Smith; That advice, used last winter on 65 or aot atharartpr eraditad in tnii Our sympathiea are with UiA local lywood she’a Marion Dix, a sce­ bol his pal "Argo" with The labor l e a d e r replied up a Jigsaw pussis and soms of the The "Prince." wbo described him­ C3rown,” Donald and William Smith; man of New York In exhibiting to May, 1895 by Mrs. Willard Case and JUNE 16th aarrad. not deserve to be classed with tnt ler, a wrriter who has been vliltlng promptly: ternative In ease the eupreme court preach the sermon nevt Sunday "Cltlsen" and the "Voice of Inex­ fellows who wore trying to put it self as “Maulay Mustafa el Ralsunl, "Motion Bible Verses," Kenneth tbe American and Canadian Medical the observance will depict In tableau boorish promoter wbo forces bia In America. I asked what moat How old la Ann? Who struck should do exactly what It did. Tbe PAGE MR. HOOVER morning at the Federated church. eltaat of N B A Bart* perience" are subjects of conversa­ togsthsr again insisted tba court Sherif of Morocco," was stoned Nerl, Calvin Meyer, Norman Han­ Associations results of hts research form the outstanding events in the wares, at least bU line of chatter, Impressed her; and she said our BUly PattersoB? What Is the "sick chicken" case Just left In Its sen, Raynbam Townsend, Charles on akin temperatures. Hr. Reynolds has recently complet­ W. Meillnger. Burial was In the new had thrown away moft ot tbe wake a lot of chiekeni with their yesterday by Moros In the southern history of the chapter. | tion outside the newspaper colmns. franknesH. "We mean no wre aay meaning of the Einstein theory T" Dodge City, Kaa.—Here's another Philippines because of remarks Thrall, Robert Beebe, Warren Rlv On the other hand be found that ed two years graduate study In the part of the Columbia cemetery. Mrs. William Engel and Mrs. A. ! PoMlabar'a .tapraaanlatlaai Tha upon whomever anawers the jdoor. yea." the explained. "You mean plecea. You could find General heads cut off. Job for the “O-Msa." Julios Matbawa Bpaelal Aaancr—Naw n'hether one is inclined to be So- This dialog is cited because It Jonbeon, Attorney General Cum­ made after Princess Da3rang-Day- enburg, Richard Nowsch, Robert wine and whiskey were excellent University o f Edinburgh. Scotland. The annual Children's Day exer­ C. Wassail of Hartford will render i .Tork. ChleaBO, Uatro f and Bnaton. Tbe passage of tbia bill by the Leg­ no., you aay no. Eat eea charm- so well sets forth tbe composite Donald Riehbsrg bad offered to TTie Dodge City Globe . received Nowsch;' "My Gift," Barbara Kent medicines In treating some diseases cises of the Columbia Sunday school cUdteUc or lolls luxuriously under mings, Fsllx Frankfurter, Donald stake bis legal reputation on his ang refused to receive him In ac- Instrumental duets and Leverett i islature puts the reaident house-to- ee-e-ng." . . . That’s Ted Sandler, atatc of mind of the New Deal, this letter from a hsart-brokei irdance with the custom which ■Ten Little Finger Servants." Ruth of the blood vessels by causing them were held Sunday morning with over . MBMSCH AUDI1 BUREAU OF the Capitalistic banner, or if one the artist. And the ship's moat Rlehberg. and General Counsel belief that the court would uphold "mother,” little Bonnie Lse Reei Belknap of the Sons of the American , :CIilCm.ATIUNB. house salesman In an even worse from Papa Rooeevelt down the Blackwell Smith of NRA all with rblds a Moro woman to have visl- Fielding, Donald Fielding, Wellea to expand and thus aid circulation 100 present In spite of a pouring Revolution wlU give an Illustrated ' Just doesn't rare, these Fnrtun let­ amusing story-teller . . . The pret­ line, foUemring the U. S. Supreme NRA on tbe Schechter case. "Win you please ask tbe of blood. rain. The children, preceded by the predicament and attains Just exact­ dUfereat redpee to to what could while her husband is absent. Foster, Alan Fielding, George COLUMBIA address on "Old Hartford’'. At the ' Tha Barald PnattaB Con pa ay, tae.. ty, dark-balred woman ta some­ Court’s decision In the Schechter I don’t know anyone here. In who kidnaped my big dol' to A communication from the Brit- Dr. Bterman obtained his results choir came In uinging the Proces­ ters seem to either tickle the read­ be done about Humpty-Dumpty. fact, who Imagined the opinion Ewing, Shirley Nowsch, Betty close of the anniversary program a asanaaas no BaaaelaT raapoaslblllty ly the opposite to what meet folke thing of a myatery. But higher, ease. her back to me and I will give th< , 'ish India government describing Schmidt and Anita Schmidt: "A by putting thermocouples, delicate sional Hymn "Brightly gleams our .for typoBraphleal arrora appaanas . ter has bean transacted. Tba pao* opinion on procedure Immediately and quite frequently ws are greeted host was trying to put across. Sheik Abd el Krim, Riff leader. In tive If used in time. neath Thy Guildlng Hand", all FEATHERED AND TARRED! Then this hoyden slipped from and Conrad Tobias. Ten have been pla of the town have a right to ra* after the new laws have been made. with "What do you print that Junk h'~ own financial Interests. He Is bom during the year— Clarence In two years of experimentation schools; Deborah Champion, Pine her chair and scuttled out of the wanted for theft In London but ex­ with animals he has found a method street school; Nathan Hale, School Atlantic, Iowa.—Two hens flew aanra thalr oplalona until such Tbe liquor control board to a great for?" Sykes Bamfortb, Clifton Ace (Ifliurch, room on all fours. tradition la not being instituted. of checking the poisonous effects of master. Old Hop River school; Chil­ into a tar barrel to lay their eggs. time as an understandable explana- extent la at fault tor the conditions Contrary to the opinions express­ I met her next day—the Coun Nancy Jean Oirdner, Donald Leslie When Mr. and Mrs. Ross Acker­ Please wire destination when he Dean, Roger Leonard Fielding, bichloride of murcury and in using dren of Old Connecticut. Center hoB Is given by the members of the that exist. So secretive has this ed by some. Open Forum letters are test Yvonne de Salnt-Cyr. no leas. leaves Manila.” It on 29 attempted suicides he saved school; Columbia Town song, all man found them they were firmly A pretty well known artist, too. Irving Wellea Foster, Ronald Wil­ stuck. Ackerman finally solved the ' Board. hoard been that nearly all the pro not elreiilatloD builders. But news­ Governor Murphy said he would fred Kent, Lauren Isaiah Lyman the Uvea of all but three.' schools; Selections, Themes from She wears the most Impressive be "watched.” He explained that tbe lethal ef- problem—with a double execution. EVERY SUNDAY It has been difficult thus far to cedure In enforcing the liquor laws paper editors have been doing a lot and Raymond Xicater Meyer. Famous Symphonies, Elves Dance, collection of Jewelry I've seen thia On bis arrival In Manila, the vis­ fecta of bichloride of mercury come Tscbalkowaky, orchectm: Proces aOVHS TXl? tea a vary fia a t and important last year was a myttary. of talking about tbe freedom of the side of Peggy Joyce. Her faaaer itor was entertained and was ac­ The name o f Anita C:Urollnc from dissolving the cells of the kid­ ANOTHER SHORTAGE BAILBOAS rAXZ Schmidt was placed upon our Cradle Sional-O>nnectlcut March, Gradu­ $2.00 ^UsBB at stake. It may loom large Tha eama tacUee are being pur­ prees. And their stand haa been was se Mvemalre-genarale of ae companied to Jolo, center o f Mo­ neys. Cfv. Wiodior Lockf . 7:84 A.M. bee-ootifiil Island o f Tahiti, and Roll Sunday. ates; Presentation of class, Mr. Gar­ 7:28 A.k!. to tba parttea particularly taiterested hammedanism in the Island, by an Like any of medicine’s most suc­ rison; Presentation of certificates, Chicago—A (Chicago coal com­ Ly . Wlodsor sued In regard to the new regula­ generally supported, so those read­ every year she go back tor a official of the Insular Bureau of Tbe name of Janet Prentice Ran­ pany yesterday waa fined $50 for a (jT. Hertford .•*••• 7:44 A.M. cessful cures, the new suicide pre­ Mrs. Marion Hurlbutt; America, oil; Due 135th 6tr«ct • ar.l0:lB A M. but tbua far In tha Information that tions. Although the new laws are ers who don't like the gusto with visit She also haa Just been In Non-Christian Tribes. kin was promoted from the Cradle ventor is comparatively simple. shortage of 1,950 pounds In a de­ Ehi» York* ...... 10:86 A M. ze Holly-wooood. aa Stcago and se Roll to the beginners’ department of Recessional - Connecticut March baa raached the public the entire j not in ^ e c t aa "yet permittees undur which these writers present their He was reported enroute today Where the presence of mercury la livery addressed to "Robert M. • :35 P.M. New Tork. 'Veree-e-e-e expen from Jolo to Manila. the Sunday school. Those who Graduates. Sweltzer, county treasurer.” Swelt- (it. Naw York* matter asaumea the proportions of! the present law are anxious to know opinions will simply have to blame known or found-in tbe blood, for­ Lt . 135th ...... 6:35 P M. seeve, she found zem. From two graduated from the beginners’ de­ The members of the graduating zer recently was ousted for an al­ the proverbial molehill maldehyde aulphoxylate is Injected • Grand Caatml Tamlnal what they must do to continue un­ It on tbe framers of the constitution •ousand dollalres she has left only partment are as follows; Dorothy into the blood stream and at the class are Thomas Chowanec, Ed leged shortage in the office of coun­ EASTERN STANDARD TIMB The Herald's report of the trans­ der them. But they cannot gat who Inserted that clause about press seven—In a month. But that In­ Josephine Cordner, Jeanette Grace same time a quantity Is poured ward Church, Papllne Cohen, Sarah ty clerk, a post he had held for 24 Tlckata rood aa ipaclal eoneh irnin < NECKWEAR Epstein, Edwavd Gemacbe, Laurens «ala ni Station Tickat Officas actions at the Selectmen's meeting copies of the new liquor laws. An frcMlom. cluded renting always re automo­ Dean. Clarence Frederick Koch, down the patient's throat to count­ years. The driver told the court he bile and ze horse . . . Call me up the entire home at the David Sherwood McCorriston, Dawn Holbrook, Leonard King, Mary King, when this sand controversy began eract the burning effect of the mer­ guessed be had "the wrong load." the n e w h a v e n »*■ Better Give Dad Several Ties for f ’ather’s Day, other­ Inquiry at the liquor control board's si.raetlme, and I'll tell you her Nerl, Wesley Irving Nowsch and cury. Catharine M enark, Helen Klemark, has been questioned by one of the office In the state capltol by a Man­ story about Maurice Chevalier. Phyllis Irene Warren. Those who Virginia Macht, John Mlkolaw, An­ wise his pride in a gift of devotion from his loved ones Arthur Monaghan led the meet­ The aulphoxylate precipitates parties involved directly. Charges chester man on Monday disclosed were baptized ' were: Donald Leslio the mercury, changing It immedi­ na Naumec. Gladys Noble, Morris will lead him to wear the one and no other. Give him ing In Christian Sunday Dean, Irving Griswold Foster and Nuzle, Helen Robinson, Maurice that this newspaper “played up" that the board has no copies of the MN ately from Its fluid form In which It JUNE BRIDE SALE evening. The topic for discussion Lauren Isaiah Lyman. The follow­ Is absorbed by the body cells to a Slater, Louise Strickland, Rachel several of our smart ones and he’ll alternate them proud­ unimportant factors In the question law for distribution. Asked when was "How to Conquer Anger.” ing are on the Cradle Roll at preS' solid which cUngs to the kidneys Tashllk, Irving Tenonbeam, Arthur — ANNOUNCEMENT » ly and with advantage to his appearance. and suppressed the principal points they would be available a secretary Health and Diet Furnishing for ths first tlmsf Or refurnishing a room . . a comer . . The Vernon Grange held a meet­ ent: Sykes Bamfortb, Bruce Beal, without harming them. Zenowitz, Helen Zmutokl. or the entire home? You'll find that the draetlc June Bride Sale reductions ing Friday evening at the Vernon have been made. It baa been said said. ‘‘Perhaps in two or three NEW Stuart Beal, <31ayton Church, Clif­ Mrs. McClough and daughter make your budget go a long ways. Most Items are limited to samples (ono- Orange hall. The members deco­ Manchester Grain & Coal Co. that some of tbe prindpala In the Advice ton Cfliurch, Nancy <3ordner, OctO' Beverly of Marlborough are guests weeks.” ol-a-klnd) so shop as early aa possible for these values. rated the deceased members' graves. her Cullum, Alexander Dallas, Don- at the home of Mrs. Junabe Squter. Now Owned and Operatrd By argument ware misquoted. B j Or. Fraak McCoy We happen to know that only 760 They had a business meeting and old Dean, Earl Doggart, Ralph MARLBOROUGH Mrs. Albert Peckham and Mrs. The Manchester Leaf Tobacco Co. This newspaper has no axes to Mr. Greene from the motor vehicle Fielding, Roger Fielding, Irving Charles Peckham of New London coplea of the new regulatlona were YORK FPONQB B.ATHS ^ Home Outfits with Our Small Overhead As Well As Our Cash Sales Policy— CHENEY HAT.T. Blind aa regards the prudential IL. • department gave an intereating talk Foster, Lorraine Foster, Faith Gib­ were recent visitors at the home of printed. The laws constitute sev­ about motor vehicles on the hlgh- John C. Vergason is building a fWe Bring Vou Modern Bedrooms Desks and Secretaries son, Donald Kent, Lauren Lyman, Miss Harriet Fuller. affairs of the town of Manchester. eral pages of closely printed matter I'OLUMNIAT GOES TO SEE . In "rtlcle, I am going Three complete outfits of ways. cottage on his property near Lake three and four rooms on dis­ George Malley, Elaine Meyer, Ray­ The funeral of Peter Demesko of BIG SAVINGS IN It flnds no reason to become excited CELEBRITIES ABO.tRD 8HIP 1^282.20 5-Piece Modern $49.75 Governor Winthrop Secretary; 3 Mrs. Richard Blankenburg of mond Meyer, William Meyer, Lor­ Terramuggus for Mrs. Ernest Weir —a rather costly composition Job. * ''•‘■y "impio play In Plymouth House of Glastonbury. Chestnut Hill, wbo died suddenly ta the defense of any of the parties and at the samfi time, auccess^l Group in light maple with blue Rockville and Miss Esther Blanken­ raine Newberry, Sylvia NUbet, Ly FEED GRAIN — COAL SALESROOM Yet with the type all set the board draw'ers, mahogany T C $485.) The Cottage ($795.) Thursday morning from a heart at­ Paul Harrison, whose bright, home help, to better health. This’ burg of New York spent Tuesday The teachers from here attended Also All Kinds of Insecticides and Sprays. to tbe controversy. If a wrong has and ivory enamels. Bed, veneered...... and Irwin House ($1495.1 man Peck, CSiarles Peckham, Betty tack, waa held In the Columbia only ordered 760 books printed from richly anecdotal “In New York" la the sponge bath. Aa those of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rankin, Donald Richard, Gladys a teachers’ meeting In Colchester REMNANTS AND IMPERFECTS-^HARTFORD ROAD dreaser, chest. ^ O /I Q Three entirely different types Tuesday afternoon. church Saturday afternoon. The Apel Place Phone 7711 been done we want to see it proved It. The Increased cost would have column haa mllllont of readers .vou who have studied the general $69.50 Governor Winthrop Secretary; 4 Blankenburg. Rlsley, Richard Rlsley, Anita and the conditions corrected. If Ihroughont the country, now ga«-s rvglmens which I suggest tor vanity, bench... of decoration to meet three Dudley Douglas spent a tew days Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lock- services were conducted by Rev. A. been practically negligible If 7,500 different budgets. Pieces Schmidt, Morris Slmoncelli, Ace to Europe to give you his \lvid oh- bulldin,; better health' are aware, In drawers, mahogany *7(5 at the home of bis father, Samuel Souther^U, Margaret Tobias, Ru­ wood of Hartford are at their cot­ this particular Incident Is a fore­ copies had been printed a.s long aa 82U-I.20 5-Piece Modern also sold separately. tage here for the season. •ervatlons of pt-ople and things In my suggestions regarding those veneered...... Douglas, of this place. dolph Tobias, Barbara Warren. runner of disclosures of malfeasance foreign capitals. Watch for his

agandea and wiu thus involve to* bidding to* scattering of this sort Samaritan "Hugo" answered Mr. companies In litigation aa to to* of litter In the highways, also a Nystrom. Then last Monday, lo! i i NAMED RURRY OF SELLING | ONE d ea d, one dying jPINiUL PROGRAM FAMOUS ALE DRAWN FERGUSON FINDS eonstltutlonality of to* leglalatlon. SPRING POULTRY ' OPEN FORUM rul* against depositing same in mall and behold, "Hugo” donned to* pen REVIVAL SERVICE Deathw La$i Nii Local Stocks KING DAVID LODGE "It la to be regretted that Sena- i-ecepucles. It eeems the height of name "Argo” and openly attacked to> Maloney aaw fit In toe final vote VOLUNTEER CUTt effrontery for advertising concerns toe Spelea-Nystrom-Kelth trium­ Rye. N. T.-^Harry HuhbaM. TO GRAND LODGEj QUICKLY OVERCOME FO^omEXPiosiONl aT ST. MARY’S AT GEORGE’S TAVERN u m i n MEASURE to ba raoorded In favor of the bill MEETING JUNE 25 to enter on private property to clut­ virate. And then he turned upon AT GOSPE HALL former mambar of a New York ] (FnraUbed by Pntum A Co.) which, except for toe protection to Editor of The Herald: ter attention and reflects better re- toe "Voice of Inexperience”—and firm. O fltral Ra,^-, Hartford, Conn. TO MEET FRIDAY be expected from toe Supreme thla nuisance. Tonight Flv« Others Injured In Baltl-i ____ Proprietor Annonnceo SeninM In conaldering toe iltuatlon In with a malice. Toakawa, Okla<->Pnf. C. June 12 — Graduation of local more Fireworks PIsnt —Em-i , , VOTE FAVORABLE Court, would cause eo much dam­ our silk mill, I have thought, what a Perhapa legitimate newspaper ad­ You have two questions te answer Peak, 78, Inatructor of English G lr c iS c itit A. 0 . U. W. I P. M. Stock* State Trade echool. Stock Market Withstands of Eblins’g White Horse Ale age to Inveatora In holding com- Session WM Be Held at fine thing It would be. If toe em­ vertising might cost a little more. ”ArTO." toe UaiveraiW Junior College ha At State Theater, "One New York Wort* 151*1 Anniversary Observ- —Maintains Low Price. pantes’ aecurities. Senator Maloney ployees would voluntarily come to Still I believe It receives much bet­ "Bruno Boniface Bonaparte Bok” Evani^elist Samuel Greer to who spent 72 of hla years in t i | Bank Storks Night” shown at 7:00 and 9:38. Win Confer Second Degree also voted against the Dieterich toe asalstance of tbe company and ter attention and reflects beter re­ school room as a student o- teach* CMfCDtioi Held m Fargo, Bid Asked "Vagabond Lady" ahaiu at 8:25. Early Attack Following Georg* England, ‘proprietor of amendment. Senator Lonergan, on Safin Rock and Sbore help It out of its unpleasant situa­ turns on the money spent. Conduct Meetings — Has H* began hla eduoational career i Cap. Nat Bank A Truat 8 12 Next Week. Eikton. Md., June 12.—(AP)—i ®Mce Conclndcd With George’s Tavern on Oak street, On Crescent Lodge Class Strength Shown for Amend­ to* other hand. Is to be commended tion. It would he something out of My hat is off to tin- local mer­ 80L\X S THE PROBLEM Orcei|Sivmc, lu. Conn. R iv er...... 450 June 17—St James'* Parochial' On* person was burned to death and comer of Cottage street, Is today for his stand In voting against hla toe ordinary, and would be a proof chants wbo use toe newspapers and N. Now Retnming. First Nat Bank ...... 90 school graduation. 1 Holding Company Action. announcing that ha U now drawing commute* by eupporting toe Die­ Dinner M Follow. of loyalty and goodwill on the part Indulge very little in this form of Hornull, N. Y.—-The old nursery NOT SO LUCKY Htfd. Conn. T ru a t___ 67 61 six others were injured, one aerioiis-. Strawberry FesHvaL ment to Cot Dissolution terich amendment and opposing cheap advertising. Thank you Mr. Preached in North Ireland. Juno 18—Manchester High Class i ly. In a fireworke plant explosion the famous WhiU Horse al* made of Candidates. of toe employees, to a corporation Jingle of "The cow's In toe meadow, Kart KaUer, wbo waa a delegrate Hartford National ... 21 23 Day exercise* at EducaUonuI by the Ebling Brewing Company of final passage." with a soul and a heart. And It Is Editor for the spare. the sheep's in the corn;” Is Just a St. Louts—Two gypsy womn tied Pboeni* S t B. and T ... 175 Square. ■ New York, June 13.—(API— The early today In the second floor of a The strawberry featival which New York. White Horae ale has Feature Enconraging to Hartford, June 13.The Connecticut EMIL L. G. HOHENTHAL, JR. rhyme to R. F. Ingersoll, whose cat­ a "lucky knot” in Misa BmlUS Cua^ from Manchester tiodfe A.O.U.W., garage building where they were not Improbable, that In the not dis­ June 12, 1935. Special evaagehstio meetings are to the national convention of tbe Insurance Stocks June 19 — Manchester Green Stock Jfarket withstood n flurry i-f concluded the three-day celebration been aged long enough now, says Members of King David Lodge, Poultry Association Is endeavoring tant future, they would be amply re­ tle arc too well educated to stray nlngham’s handkerchief to guaraa> order held In Fargo, N. O., te on his Aetna Casualty ...... 82 84 schTOl graduation. 8 p. ra. | selling In utilities today and then employed during the rush season. of the Slit anniversary of St. Mr. England, so that it has exactly ROMANTIC TEAM SCORES paid for the assistance given. from their pastures. being conducted by Samuel Greer of tee fulfillment of any wteh ah* Aetna Fire ...... 51 >4 Also pageant, “The Search fo r; got back Into Its forward stride The dead woman was Miss Thel­ Mary's ParUh was largely attend­ the right body and tang. A famous I. O. O. F„ are requested to be at House Groop, He Says. to cover toe experienres of a cen­ "ARGO"CHALLENGED way home. He. with Leo Bmgus- .13'4 ma Dunlap, 27. of North East. Md. tury and a half In one day when It In their days of prosperity, toe The reaaoii le an electrified wire , In the Gospel Hall, 418 might make. kas, went to Fargo by automobile Aetna Life ...... 24 26 the Light, • at Emanuel Lutheran without difficulty, ed last evening. A splendid pro­ si* before tbe proUbiUon era the the lodge rooms Friday evening, company waa generous In sharing It- Editor, The Herald: surrounding their grazing ground. Center street, every night a t 7:46, Misa Cunningham, cashier a t a Automobile ...... 10 church i ^ The Injured Included Mrs. Gather- gram of entertainment was prs-. Ebling brewery decided to with­ holds Its spring meeting at Savin According to Argo in his letter to hotel, waa counting toe day's re­ and reached there the day before 32 Ine Daniels, 27, Eikton, badly June 14 at 7:30 o’clock by Noble IN FAST FACED MYSTERY wtto others. They considered the Nettled by their straying, Inger­ except Saturday. Sunday eervlcea the opening of the convention a Conn. General ...... 3114 .1314 Jimo 20 -B arnard school grtdu-L.,?d*’i:Jre'^of S T u U I l t l . ^ V t aented at 8:15 consiatlng of tbe hold sale of the product unUI It Grand James H. Wright The While enactment of the Wheeler- Rock In West Haven on June 28. welfare of toclr employees, and paid you In Monday’s Herald, "Hugo" soll electrified all hie fences, using ceipts during toe gypslea* visit burned over the body and not ex­ following numbers; This meeting will not only cover a haa been spending very much of his will be at 7 o’clock. week ago Wednesday, having start­ Hartford Fire ...... 70 72 pected to live. reached the same quality as It en­ lodge has been a.m- candidates at Crescent L^ge, T. O. Night” Laid in Big Metro­ cared for old and disabled employees they were not wanted. nearly 20 years ago when toe Gospel elected and Mr. Keller was honored PhoenI* Fire ...... 86 88 s Banjo selecUona—Earl Hunt, ac­ '■ serving the lager of 0. F.. of East Hartford on June 27, waa fully anticipated, the atrength politan Hotel; Thrilhi Galore. Haven, It will aiso include six pages by retiring them on pension. They workers. What workers? Relievs Thos* by being elected as outside guard of Travelers ...... 498 505 " :K' st"z;zr.z pany as an emergency plant during companied by Dorothy Russell. this famous brand. Other brands and work the third degree at Man­ amaoaed for the amendment mib- from the lives of euccesoful poultry- were interested tn toe welfare of Will Argo kindly Inform this Hal] waa on Spruce street He etlll the rush of turning out Fourth 'of Readings—Shirley Clemson. men. TURKS WORK OUT ROAD TAX tbe grand lodge. This will mean an Public UtiUtlrs Slock.* being dispensed at George’s are chester Friday evening, June 28 by mitted by Senator Dieterich, which Laid in a large metropolitan ho­ town and people, and contributed writer as to Hugo’s whereabouts believes in to* whole Bible and a grand lodge officer he will attend Conn. Elec Service ... 46 80 July Fireworks. Vocal Duet—Arthur Pratt and UUca Club ale and Pllsener and the East Hartford team. would have converted the bill into Mr. Ives explains tlie.t thl* Is generously to every worthy cause. during the past month, I. e.. ever preaches toe old time gospel that The explosion in the garage, ac­ tel, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s "One ITCHY PIMPLES the future conventions of the grand Conn. Power ...... 42 44 j.m. 2 1 ' s . i S u i S b S i > IS' " 'S J : six™ ." «:i; Winslow McLaughlin, accompanied Roger Williams porter. Mr. Eng­ Degree Master A. H. Stmonse a proper regulatory measure and largely an experience meeting which The depression, a cut-throat compe­ since "The 'Voice of Inexperience” Istanbul—(AP) — Some 100,000 the power of (3od is toe salvation of Wheo yoor cUa la Irritatad with plnnlca and lodge when and where held and Greenwich WAG, pfd. companied by a fire that destroyed by Mrs. Robert Donnelly. land sells his beer at the lowest which resulted in a tie vote, broken New York Night,” which Is cur­ numbers among Its subjects: "Breed­ silenced him with an editorial dated aoula. rtd biotcbaa from tttenud catwaa. mm yoo'rt .10 the structure, occurred Just after has comprehensive plans for tition, and toe Introduction of a new Turks who foiled to pay toe an­ should be be advanced In office each Hartford Elec ...... 63 65 Tap Dance—Ruth Kenton, accom' price In town and say* that he will degree and wishes to have as ... in favor of the administration’s rently playing at the State 'Theater, ing for High Production Birds’’; fabric resembling silk, have created May 9 and entitled "Letter for nual road tax of 38 have been put He will be glad to seo any of bis year he will be a member of the Hartford Gas ...... 37 the eight or nine persons employed panied by Dorothy Ruascll. continue to maintain the low price original bill by the vice-president, "Developing New Breeds”; "Supple­ Hugo.” 41 there bad gone to work. members as possible in attends Is replete with thrills and laughs. new conditions and has dealt a stag­ to work on highways by order of old acquaintances. He has preached ^NIMENT Bt drauM uS^^thl* grand lodge for a term of at least do., pfd...... 48 Vocal SelecUona —Lila Morgan, since his overhead expenses are Friday evening of this week, '-.r- waa very surprising and will un­ The story concerns a mysterious menting Ducks on the Poultry gering blow, and as a result, they That it had the paralyzing effect President Kamal Ataturk. The gov­ In North Ireland and aU over toe heallns b*la ee tb* ptapl**. F**l the relitfl eight years. 3 N E T Co ...... 115 The blast spread horror in the accompanied by Cornelia Reldy. small and he desires to pass on Jiia doubtedly assist the House com­ Farm": "Building a Commercial of an exploding torpedo Is convinc­ ernment expects to reap 80 miles of Iicbina Mob* *t once. SoiaTtlag 4i**pp«*n. 119 InKriSlSSSSi" '"'"■jlbTiJS."" “ small plant. There was a rush to team had been scheduled to go to murder In a hostelry where several are having a nerve-racking experi­ United States and Canada. Yoor *Un win pniltiTtlv look better. TmI Word received from him this morn­ Manufacturing Storks Tap Dance—Joseph Stevenson, savings to hts customers. Ludlow, Mass., this month but the merce committee in breaking Its guests from various walks of life Poultry Business"; "Building a Com­ ence. Under the present wage ingly evidenced In Hugo's profound new roads in and around Istanbul The public is invited to toeae better. And don't fors^ PETERSON'S ing brought the information that “ I Leading commodities leaned back­ escape, but Miss Dunlap was unable accompanied by Cornelia Reldy. OINTMENT la woodeifdte bdp htslkchlae Am Hardware...... 2014 22H ward but corporate bonds wer« held plans fell through owing to a mis­ present deadlock in favor of a reg­ become involved in toe crime. mercial Hatchery" and "Debunking scale, toe company Is unable to meet silence atnc* May 6 when toe good alone from the conscripted labor. meetings. feet end erseka bctvtca toe*. 'Tty It. they are on their way bark and ex­ Am Hosiery ...... — 26 to make her way out. Some of the Vocal Seleftions—Sophie Morgan, understanding In Ludlow. ulatory Instead of a dissolution bill, toe Poultry Businees.” oompetitlon In certain lines of goods. I fairly well In line by railroad issues others received their injuries run­ accompanied by Lila Morgan. Franebot Tone, co-featured with pect to be home by tomorrow. They Arrow H and H, com. 1714 19'.* I which entered their sixth consecu- On Friday evening, June 21 there according to a itatement Issued by Una Merkel, Is seen as a cowman Those Included op the program to If there Is no reduction In wages, will have covered nearly 4.000 miles HOLD TRADE SCHOOL ning and leaping from the burning 1 Tap Dance—Dot and Billy Oasa. STRAW^RRY MARKET Samuel Ferguson, chairman of tbe do., pfd...... 103 i rising prices. Foreign building. ' will be nomination of officerd for from Wyoming who comes to toe big present toe six pages from the book they will be obliged to discontinue by automobile on the trip. Billings and Spencer.. 14 1 [ acconjpanied by Dorothy Russell. the coming term commencing July hoard of the Hartford Electric city to get married Miss Merkel, of experience are: Eben Wood of these lines, and by so doing, six narrowly with I .»«(>-i-Vocal Selections—Robert Holmes, Light Company, today. Bristol Brass ...... 37 39 francs a trifle IN NEW HAVEN OPEN 1. The refreshment committee will who plays toe role of a telephone Bridgewater, Massachusetts; An­ hundred employees will lose their Case, Lockwood and B 178 PROGRAM TONIGHTjSS“easy. S b r S b _____ , | j accompanied by himself. also hold a meeting before the lodge Mr. Ferguson recently appeared operator. Joins tho cowman in an a t drew Christie of Kingston, New Jobs. Why not volunteer to a reduc­ Collins Co...... es Tap Dance—Patty Dowd, accom­ opens this week in order to perfect before the Interstate and foreign tion, and enable toe company to Among abaree working fractions I NOTED AUTHOR WEDS panied by Dorothy Dowd. tempt to solve the murder and clear Hampshire; John Weed of Vineland. (bolt’s F ire arm s...... 28 30 j tow •a puuu.point or more higbtr wwere tre' Prices on 32 Quart Crates plane for the installation of officers commerce committee* of both the themselves of euaplcion. New Jersey; A. B. Hall of Walling­ meet competition? This would In­ N. Y. Stocks Eagla Lock ...... 20 22 Spanish Guitar selecUona— David Rantre from 13.25 to S5.65 It and the proposed time on June 38. Senate and the House, and vigor­ sure work for all. Grimason, unaccompanied. How they eventually apprehend ford, Connecticut; Charles aements Shoppers^ THURS. Fofnlr Bearings ...... 68 78 | national Harvcster**Du *Pont, Pioneer Junior Lodge, No. 1 ously opposed enactment of the It Is better, that two thousand em­ Class of 43 Students to RO" I AFTER HER DIVORCE Misa Edith Thrasher and Miss Is Reported Here. W h^er-Raybum bill on the basla toe criminal and find romance to­ of Wlnterport, Maine; E. B. Par- Fuller Brush, Class A. 8 sler. General Motors, U. 8 . Steel. _____ also meets this Friday evening and gether provides many dramatic mehter of Franklin, Maaeachusetts. ployees should lose a little, than that Ad Bxp ...... 6H Gray Tel Pay Station., 14 16 Evelyn Burrell were In charge of all members are requested to be on that it would injure Investors and six hundred fellow-workers should Air Reduc ...... 139 Bethlehem, General Electric, Allied ' the entertainment. Earl Hunt and The strawberry auction market thrills aa well as amusing incidents. In addition, the dean of New Eng­ SAT. customers of public utility com­ Hart and Cooley...... 98 116 ceive Diplomas; Robert hand promptly in order that King Others in toe cast Include Con­ land poultry farmers, "Honest Dan" lose all. It would be a praise­ Alaska J u n ...... 17H Hartmann Tob, com.. — 4 Ub?™ Now Bride of David Grimason are pupils of Mrs, opened in Now Hai)en on Monday David Lodge can meet at 7:30 panies throughout the nation, and worthy and generous act on toe part Allied Chem ...... 184 Union Pacific. Prominent utilities Ada Merrifield, and their selections with a good grade of berries, but would pave Uie way for apeeulatlve rad Nagel, Harvey Stephens, Steffi Lambert of Apporaug, Rhode Island, do., pfd...... 27 Demigg the Speaker. regaining much of their early losses Richard J. Walsh, New York o’clock. Duna, Louts* Henry and Charles who has made a living from a poul­ of toe employees if all, without ex­ Amer Can ...... 1371,4 In t Sliver ...... ig 24 were very well received by the not a large quanUty as yet. The sale abuses which would exceed the past ception, would volunteer to a ten Amer Coml Ale ...... 24 Included American------Telephone---- r— Paci­ Publisher. audience. la In charge of Robert M. Reid and abuses that proponents of the bill S tarrett try farm for almost 60 years and do., pfd...... 62 67 fic Gas, American Water Works, TEACHER TO WED "One New York Night” eomee never kept over 1,000 hens, will be per cent reducttqn. It would help Amer Home Prod ...... 32% Landers. Frary A Clk. 39 41 Following the program home­ the average sale for 82 quart crates claimed ' ud be prevented by it toe company get on its feet, and Amer Rad St 8 ...... 3«'i Alanrbester State Trade Brhooi Consolidated Gas. made strawberry shortcake with for the first two nights was 33.26 Mr. Ferguson’s statement today from toe pen of Edward Childs Car­ present to tell how It le done. New Brit. Mch. com,. 6 6 school j Western Union overcame Its loss Reno. Nev., June 12.—(AP)—Pearl Bridgejort, June 12—(AP) —Ap­ penter. Jack Ckmway, of "Viva would have a good effect all around. Amer Smelting ...... *8% do., pfd...... 4.1 ■vlU hold Its graduation exercises in whipped cream, and coffee were low and 33.65 high, which is an In- on the passage of the hill was as Tbe meeting will start at 2 p. m. It would end the suspense and un­ Am Tel and Tel . 60 completely and showed a fractional Buck the novelist was honeymoon­ plication for marriage license has follows: VllUI” fame, directed giving those wbo come early an op­ ...... 129U Mann A Bow, Class A 3 7 the school assembly ball a t 8 o'clock gain. ing today after a double quick Reno served In the lower hall. Members dicaUon of what tbs probable sales been filed with the bureau of vital certainty which. It is said. Is having Amer Tob B ...... 891; do.. Class B ...... _ of the Girl’s Friendly Society wait­ ivill be on an average when the Man­ "The pusage of the destructive To make up tote fine double fea­ portunity to visit toe Hamden Uve a bad effect on local trade. It Amer Wat Wrks . 1 tonight, when a class of forty-three Indicaflona of a sharp division of marital shift which made her the statlaUca by Josephine Romano, 26, ture bill toe State Theater presents poultry and egg auction which win Weldon Drug Co North and Judd . . . . . 24',4 ed on table, while the preparing and chester market opens next Sunday. Wheeelr-Raybum hill by the Sen­ would be an act the employees would Anaconda ...... 26'4 students will be awarded diplomas opinion among members of the bride of Richard J. Walsh, New York serving was in charge of members a school teacher of Bridgeport and ate today waa a foregone conclu­ “Vagabond Lady” featuring Robert be in operation on that day. FREEJ I Niles, Bern Pond ...... igi’.^ 2 0'4 tor completion of their studies in House committee that will write the publisher. The growers are using three differ­ Robert Mcacham, 31, a Tolland con* Young. not regret, nor would the company Armour, III...... Peck, Stow and Wilcox 3 of the Woman’s Auxiliary and ent kinds of crates for packing their sion and the surprise came from the At 6:30 that evening toe group soon forget. Large Shopping Bag With Atchison ...... 6 vocational education. The principal next chapter In the uUIlty holding They left Reno by automobile im­ Ladies Guild. tractor. strength of' the support offered to win partake of a shore £nner which Ei-erj' Purchase of SOo or Russell Mfg ...... 22 26 address of the evening will be de­ company loghslatlon following the mediately after last night’s mar­ berries at the New Haven market. OLD FAC7TORY HAND. Auburn ...... Scovlll ...... The general committee for the en- The crate that was in general use the amendment of Senator Dieter- win be Immediately followed by one Over. I 903 Main Street 20'4 2214 livered by Robert Doming, secretary riage ceremony, which was perform­ Aviation Corp . . . . . Stanley W orka...... narrow margin by which the Dle- Ure celebration is as follows: Lead­ ieh which would have changed toe NOTED EXPLORER FILES of toe "Good Time Get-Togethers" Balt and Ohio .... 23 25 uf the state Tercentenary commis­ terich amendment was defeated in ed almost before the ink was dry In all parts of the oUte up to three objective of the bill from the pres­ PESTS Standard Screw ...... 80 sion. the Senatt • ■ on divorce decrees freeing them er, Rev. J. S. Neill, Rector; General years ago contained 32 quarts, but for which toe Ck>nnectlcut Poultry The Editor of toe Herald: Bendlx ...... do., pfd., guar...... yesterday, lent consider­ Chairman. Roy Norris; AlUr So­ ent destructive dissolutio. of hold­ Association Is famous. Beth Steel ...... 100 The program wUI Include, selec- able encouragement to followers of from former mates now there are crates coming Into ing companies into a proper regula­ BANKRUPTCY PETITION Along with toe termites and tent 31.00 Smythe Mfg. Co...... 47 ciety, Miss Minnie Smith; Girl’s Every one Interested In toe poul­ caterpillar pests which are excep- Beth Steel, pfd .... 83 i. tions by Trade School orcbeatra, in- power and light„ . aharea...... who gfjiil...... ' Mrs. miuiRuth A.A Walsh, who divorced Friendly Society, Mrs. Viola Trot­ the market that hold 16, 24 or 32 tory measure designed to prevent Taylor and Fenn . . . . 88 I vocation by Rev. William P. Reldy think it is too early to give up hope publisher, while Mrs. Buck was quarU, with the 24 quart crate the try Industry le cordially Invited to 'tlonally active and prolific this Borden ...... Torrington ...... I ter; Ladies Guild, Mrs. Ethel Mc­ toe future occurrence of any attend toe meeting and stay through Can Pae ...... 84 86 j of St. James's church. Introduction for passage• —^ of purely ac^uiaujry rexulatoiw' 9*’^*''*"* ’'S'®' "everance from John one most in use. abuses. The vote on this amend­ Grant Carvelh Wells Says He spring, the householder Is bothered Underwood Mfg...... 66 68 Kay; Women’s Auxiliary, Mrs. mmiiSi toe banquet and entertainment pro­ by another pest. 1 refer to the NUJOL by Director J. G. Echmallan, vocal Lsf ^L. Buck, witnessed the marrisE'emarriage Case. J I ...... Union' Mfg. (3o...... Uglflatlon in place of that desired Anna Wade; Men’s Bible Claes. ment was a tie which was broken Has But 34.69 and Owes gram. Car d* Pasco ...... 1 3 numbers by the Temple Quartet, and by the administration. and sped the newlyweds on their$500. in favor of toe administration pro­ practice of cluttering up the letter U 8 Envelope, com ... 80 presentation of tbe class by Its way With best wishes. James Harrison; Young People’s 311,000. Bloti, front porches, and premises, Ches and Ohio ..: . do., pfd...... The fact that only one or two Fellowship. Frank Miller; Choir. gram by toe vice-president. 25c J. & J. BABY POWDER...... 16c Chrysler ...... 118 president. William F. Kelsh. The large blocks of these shares were of­ The honeymoon highway presum­ Money lor ovory osoful pnr- "Ths strong opposition vote to Hereditary Immunity, or its lack, with a lot of miscellsncous adver­ Veeder Root ...... 42 44 diplomas will be av/nrded by A. 8. Alec McBride; Vestry, Sidney El­ ECZEMA po*o- Prompt eervico — (Son. New Haven, June 12.—(AP)— and toe presence of a germ, bacIUue tising matter. Coca Cola ...... fered at the opening Indicated to ably led to California, but the exact liott and Albert T. Dewey: Boy toe destructive dissolution feature Grant Chtrveto Wells, prominent ex­ Whitlock Coll Pipe ... 2 Boynton, state director of vocatlon- market analysts that present own­ destination was not known and the rantent Repayment*. The only will have the very beneficial results acldopholls, in toe mouth seem fun­ Most every day when one opens $1.50 Col Carbon ...... J.B.WU’ms Co. 310 par lll (HtucatiOD. Scouts, Frank Crawshow; G. F. S. coat I* a monthly ehargo oi plorer, has filed a bankruptcy petl- damental factors In the decay of 50c Calif. Syrup Figs...... 37c Col Qas and Elec . 47 87 ers had decided to stick to their couple did not disclose their plans For quick relief of strengthening toe pojitlon of the front door there are large sheets l;15c Hinkle's P ills...... 16c The mvltcd guests Include Miss E. for the future. Candidates, Mrs. Viola Trotter; G. throo per eant on unpaid Uon with Cje clerk of toe U. S. Die- human teeth, says Dr. R. W. Bunt­ of paper to be gathered up and dis­ 31.00 Haley’s M.O...... ,63c Ooml Solv ...... Runs, at least until a more definite F. S, Senior Qub, Miss Irene from the fiery tor­ baianeo. Don't dolay—Boo n* those members of the House com­ trict <3ourt here In which he re­ ing of Ann Arbor. l35c Citrate Magnesia . . . .16c Cena Oas ...... M. Bennett. Thomas BenUey, Edson trend had developed In the House ^ The ‘ "J novelist, v^ose - stories are mittee wbr, for toe pest month posed of. There la an ordinance for- M. Bailey. Arthur H. Dllng, C. L. Walter. ment and to coatrol today. ported hie assets at 34.89 and hla $1.00 Ironired Y eaat...... 69c AGAROL 9 8 e Cosu Oil ...... committee’s attitude toward the lee- ber experiences and ob- The committee in charge of the tho ineoesant itehlag, have been deadlocked In their ef­ debts at 311,380.12, it was disclosed J50c Psyllium Seed, lb...... 23c Coat C a n ...... Robinson, F. A. Verplanck and ! Islation. * 1 nervations while senlng as a mls- forts to bring out of that commit­ 60e Jad S alt...... 39c iW.H.TRDBDAlE ESTATE Rev. K. E. Erickson. pageant presented > nl^ht 0*0 *oothing ReainoL IDEAL FINANCINO today. |30c Epsom Salt, 3 lbs- .... 17c Cbm Prod ...... I M\ich of the activity in railroad ! ^ China, married her first consisted o£ Alice Aitken, chairman, b help* nalar* heal tee a proper and constitutional reg­ Among his creditors Is Mrs. 33c A. D. S. C aatoria...... 18c 30c COLUMBIA HEALING POWDER 18c husband In Lagranevllle, N. Y., in ASSOCIATION. Inc. ulatory bill. The exhibition of 110c Petroleum Jelly ...... 4c Del Lack and West ; shares again centered In we.stem assisted by Miss Sally PotU and *lck, irritated akin. Room 6 Robinow Bldg. Luard T. Wells, of New York, toe Dupont ...... IS LEFT TO CHILDREN ■ roods whose prospects for Improved 1917. They have two children, Miss Ethel LltUe. strength displayed in toe Senate for 30c Mineral Oil, p in t...... 26c 123c Blue-Jay P ads ...... 16c Carol 16, and Janice 10. Get m Jar today. B4S-838 Main St. Phone 1381 explorer’s first wife, to miiom be =THE VOGUE SHOPPE= 30c < Eastman Kodak ... SEN. fflUIAM HAGEARTY traffic load are cossldered bright such a program will undoubtedly be owes, 32,000. 31. Horlick’s Malted Milk, 65c l23c Zinc O intm ent...... 11c Elae and M ua...... I bemuse of the larger farm output Walsh and. . his.—-I former I wife, whov*sev» ovgkuaklUBStatistics reveal uibl that tna av9r» of great assistance in causing tbe nte New York woman recently Johnson BIcNik ' Mrs. F. Greemvay, Prop. 30c Phillip’s Magnesia----- 32c [ I One-inch Bandage...... 3c Elec Autollte ...... ^ mental age of the United States deadlock to be broken in favor of a was awardee a 35,000 Judgment by K 0L Y N 08 Geo Elec ...... tw'o daughters. ; 0 1 a I4-year-old youngster. regulatory bill. a Fairfield county Superior Court |l'/i-inch Bandage'...... 5c Gen Foode ...... WEDS MIDDLETOWN GIRL "It ie fortunate for holders of iNSEcncroES 11-in. X 5 yds. Adhesive . . . 19c Resinol Jury in her "fifty thousand aliena­ 31.00 Flit ...... 69c I Toothpaste AsTp* Gen Motora ...... of Lackawanna Railroad. ------toese--- lines- y - . - large otsi^l34VUU9 shipments of B.ock of Connecticut utilities that tion of affections” suit against Mrs I Pound C otton...... 24c OlUetU ...... other amendments adopted will re­ GRADUATION Middletown, June 1 2 _(AP)__ lumber which ordinarily would have Thursday’s Zetta Robart Wells of Wilton, 31.00 Black Flag...... 69c 110c Peroxide...... 6c Gold Duet ...... been moved by boat but has been sult in their protection as Inveetors, Wslls’ present wife. 31.00 L arvex...... 69c 85c LESCO .23c Hartford, June 12.—(API— The StHte .Senator Wllllar.i E. Hagearty even though toe remaining sections 135c Sloan’s Liniment...... 23c Hudson Motors ... of New Britain was married today converted tn order to speed delivery Other creditors Include Zetta Ro­ • AND Int Harv ...... bulk of the estate of William H. to dealers whose stocks were at the of toe bill purport to transfer the bart and associates, Hotel Plaza, 75c Truesdale, former president of the '^“‘heryne M. Galllgan 6t Specials control and regulation of their Int Nickel ...... Middletown In St. John's church near-vanlahtng point. Freight car- New York and .Miss Taber Kirk of Int "^el and Tel . . . . I.ackawannB railroad is bequeathed oadlngs of carriers thus far report- I AT properties from state to federal Westport, Wells’ secretary. CLASS NIGHT Johns ManvlUe . . . . to his three children under the here. Tho Rev Charles E. Hagcar- Ing for last week have shou-n uni­ terms of his will disclosed today. V ’ *"'°Lhcr of the bridegroom, offi­ 25c Pond’s Tissues...... 10c Kennaeott ...... ciated at the Single ring ceremony. form increases over both the previ­ O valtine 35c Regal Talcum, pound...... 19e Ths will Is to be sent this week t o ous week and last year. Popular Market 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes .. 29c Lshlf b Val Rd . . . . Greenwich for probate. Mrs. Hagearty, tho daughter of 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING 50c Woodbury’s Shampoo...... 27e Ugg and Myera B . Mr, and Mrs. James F. Galllgan Loew’a ...... The beneflctarlee are Mrs. Richard was given in marriage by her fa­ Everybody’s DRESSES 35c EN ERG IN E...... 23c LorlUard ...... M. Blesell of Farmington and Mel­ ther who is superintendent of tho CURB QUOTATIONS WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP McKeesp Tin ...... ville D„ and Calvin Truesdale, both state highway department. Mis* Monsanto Chem ... of Greenwich, Mrs. Blsiell was left 9th Anniversary Sale 25c Mary Brubaker of New York was Amer CIt Pow and Lt B ...... 2'; i Mont W a rd ...... the personal effects In 'ihc New York the maid of honor and Thomas E. M arket! Nat Bla ...... and Greenwich homes of her father. Aasd Gas and E le c ...... o. ib ' %7m Lynch of Shelton was the best man. Amer Sup Pow ...... ' . ______FOLLOW THE CROWD AND SAVE A DOLLAR! Nat Gash Reg . . . . Mrs. BIssell’i husband, Richard, Among tho ushers were State Land O’Lakes ® Nat Dairy ...... president of the Hartford Fire In- Blue Ridge ...... " la; MATTHEW WIOR EX»LAX 15 Senator Raymond Devlin of New Cent States E le c...... ’ o. ir NaUonal DlaUlIere . aurance Co., also was remembered Haven and Cornelius Shea of BUTTERI JEWELER N Y Central...... In the wlU and each of the Blesell Cities Service ...... j*. CHOICE MILK FED VEAL In Prints and 85c KRUSCHEN SALTS Hartford. More than 800 attended. Cities Service, pfd ...... * ’ .49c NT NH and H .... children receives 38 shares of Dela­ Senator Hagearty Is a Judge of the 999 Main St. Near Maple Street Manchester : Ip a n a ...... 32c Noranda ...... Nlag H u6 P o w ...... jw lb. ware Lackawanna and Western New Britain poUee court. Penn Road ...... >4 Plain Colors : Forhan’s ...... 32c 75c lOO’s 50c Barbasol...... 32c North A m e r...... stock. The couple left for an unan- Pound LEGS and RUMPS Packard ...... United Founders ...... r.ia Pound 35c Lifebuoy C ream ...... 21c The will reads that all other nounced wedding trip. United Oas ...... 2 ; Pepsodent P aste ...... 29c Penn ...... grandchildren also will receive 25 Land OXakea Specials for Graduation Gifts BAYER'8 35c Gera B lades...... 23c Phil P e t ...... United Lt and Pow A ” 1 •Laces : Woodburys’ Paste .... 17c ehares each of the railroad stock. Util Pow and L t ...... g-16 MILKI Radio ...... Charles C. Truesdale, a brother, in ■ GREENS AND OR.AYS SPRING Ladies’ Wrist Watches, regular 312.50. : Bost Tooth Paste ...... 2.5c ASPIRIN Wc Palmolive Cream .... .17c Reading ...... CHOICE PORTERHOUSE 25c WiUiams’ 'Talc...... 16c Rem R a n d ...... p iffle surveys In California Indi­ LAMB FORES Special...... •Crepes Pepsodent Antiseptic, 65c Iln*^°StMle^of^h»*U***8 *"Marrn^^ London.—(AP)—Dresses of cool STEAK cans $6.75 50c Aqua V elva...... 31c Rey Tob B ...... each reee,ve 25c DcUcioua lOc MOTH FLAKES .7c U 8 Rubber...... Choice Halibut ^ 2 1 c U 8 Smelt ...... TUNA n S H ! 33e U 8 S tee l...... Boston B lue 3 ^ 2 5 ^ Butter fish 12c Vicks Chem...... TO SA VE STORAGE CHARGES POND'8 WesUm Union...... tins Men’s Rings, set with closed stones. .4^0 QC? and ~ 7lrile^icA West Elec and Mfg J^esh Fillet ib I2c Also Signet sty le s...... Woohrorth ...... a up CREAM have on hand at Keeney’s Garage and FancyScaUops it>25® Elec Bond and Share (Curt)'. Freak, Native Pen and Pencil Sets, Woodbury’s ...... 7c Storage. Rear 24 Eldridge Street, a number 25c SANITARY NAPKINS...... 12c 30c Pond’s Creams...... SPINACH! all guaranteed...... up Cashmere Bouquet...... 8c “ P*^**** piano*- 6 ^ 2 5 ® Chbice Fresh Mackerel 6^25® $1.95"" 10c Mulsifled Shampoo . FOREIGN EXCHANGE rath e r than go to any further on Tie Sets, Oilzum Palmolive...... 4c 30c A. D. S. and I 50c Jergen’s Lotion .... these Jnstruvionts, they will be loaned to re- R«ptatW on 3j8H9« chtekinf antf peck neatly boxed...... up Lux Soap...... 5c 50c Junis Cream ...... New York. June lJ.-{A P )_ F o r- ■IMnsIble fanrilies in or near Manchester who $ 1.00 MILK o f conHnuoutly aimoHier motor por* Lifebuoy...... 5e >0e April Showers Talc . ‘f^nlar; Great Bri- i will give them care and appreciate the use of Our line of watches includes Bulova, Elgin, Waltham, ^ em . There are no stringa to this offer. OLEO CARROTS! or formaiwo, provo onco and for all Floating Soap ...... 3c MAGNESIA 25c Glazo Polish...... « lta ln damand. 4.94; cables, 4,94; Hamilton, Illinois and Swiss at money saiing prices. Baby C astile...... 5c * M 8-8; Prance de- 1 ou are welcome to the use of one of them NATIVE BEETS! ^tho dollar aavinf a of OilEum*»» iOc Armand’s Creams .. maad, 6.89 l-2; cables, 6.89 1-2; whether you ever plan to own one or not. 2 lbs. 5 1 c I I>aco C astile...... 8c 25c PETERMAN’S ANT FO O D ...... 17e 2 lbs. 2 5 e Solid Gold WEDDING RINGS, and tho motor oil that rotistf h««l 25e Noxzem a...... IW y damand, 8.38; cables, 8.28. Mlmply come in, arrange for cartage and Contis Castile...... 8c Denuukdt: modem designs...... up and lubricattf lonfeit., 40c 30c Mum ...... make ^ i i r selection. See Mr. DeForeat. Fi- \e bun. $ 5 . 0 0 I Colgate’s Coleo...... 4c Vnlgliiii), 16*9i; Qfnnany. 40^ 7* Roger’s Sliver Set. 26 pieces, stainless steel 35c Odorono...... Swel i FRUIT AND BAKERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS knives, regular 319.93 ...... Wrisley’s Lavender...... 7e Fletcher’s 30e Woodburj^s Crcaaui Finland. 100% Pure SPAORETTl or $ 9 . 9 5 Packer’s Tar Soap ...... 17c ? a ! ; spam. VIENNA BREAD i Assorted Soft Rolls I Jelly and Pintapple Buns CASTORIA 20® 31.00 Coty’s Powder ... I'w tufbl. «:50 1-2; Greece. 94 MACARONI! Roger’s Silver Set, 34 pieces, stainless steel knives. Each Ciechoalovakla, i O C i o a f I d o z. I d o z. set comes in attractive gift chest, newest patterns with WAMPOLE’S PREPARATION...... 63e J"««**»vla, 2M i Austria. OPEN 2 25® 2 29c replacement guarantee. 0! 2 O O C >J«OTo£Li cm U dAfiAoAA ||M S N ; Hungary. 39.68N; Rumania, KEENEY'S GARAGE 1 > » - regular 32.5.90...... $ 1 ATgaotlne, 82JWN; Bra*a, 2 19® ^we wouldnt need to aovertise | . T' MR. BOSTON r, Tokyo, 38.09; Shangtai^ NIGHTS BOTTLED GOLD, A r f Keystone Straight Woodlawn, 1 Yr. Medium Size, New GIN, pint .... 08.70; M aal^ AND STORAGE LETTUCE 79c Funqt Whiskey.. *1 / C Rye, Fifth ...... 98c Old. 100 proof, Pl^ la New York, T IU . 9 POTATOES! We Buy Gold, Gold Filled and Silver ■ y - r t » n I MantnaJ, 2 heads REAR—24 ELDRIDGE STREET CAMPBELL’S FILLING STATION SPEEDWAY. a a Old Wilder. Grave’s At the Highest Prices. 100 proof, 5th 1 e U v ue«i. Fifth . Beacon HIU peck Cor. Mkin St. m 4 Middle Tphu , , . Phone 4129 $ 1 . 3 6 @a* quart. othera of Coventry with January 24 just as likely as not you would an the law date. Attorney General S IK O R S m PARTNER wrong.” Sum m et CCC ENROLLMENT Edward J. Daley repreaented the McNary, his blue eyes twinkling, $25 REWARD CODE ADHERENCE URGED w a i be paid for Miy oom whiefe DAILY RADIO PROGRAM MOVIE STAR FIGHTS ROCKVILLE atate. The caae involved a mort­ laughed off the suggestion that to­ How Old Is Ann?Problem Ranchers Declare a gage that .the School Fund of the IS DEAD IN BOSTON Orest Christopher PeaUve Cera day would be an excellent opportu­ Com CMUHit romovo. Alao good Sweetheatii PLANS COMPLETED atate had on the property. nity for him to announce hls candi­ WEONEADAY, JUNK 12 and Castm lu n d trl Tim*) BY SILK lE X m E HEADS (or eaUenses, > wtmj »i18— tilS—Just Plain Blit - east: Ann are 44 year,, end Mary is twice New York, June 12.— Recom­ —has been declared by ranchers of liMIltlfi* W- ftJii la lenre witli servicea for Cbarlez P. Dickinson, Child Is Constantly Guard­ j PrezidMit Roo.evelt in rwentiy turn- The campaign will be along eopa** Finance Committee Fails to at which Mrs. Anna May Pfunder wibe wstp webe w18—Rlack Chamber, Drama Harding, film actress, with her for­ with hie sisters covering the sup­ The resolution read ss follows: city meeting at 7:30 and the ad­ g irl’s personality and her ability to 5 9 c 10:98—11:98—Ban Bsrnla'a Orchsstra mer hUHband, Harry Bannister, over ages could be worked best by alge­ ticularly horses, and speeds away the records of sales will be noado Dt to SAIXY’ MOON, local He satisfied Sally by being gen­ ment will provide erhployment for The Glee club of the AuxiUary due, physicians said to hla advanced 9:30— 9:30—Kasy Aces. Serial 8littah 11:08—12:08—Danes Music.—west only pression of famUy hlitory, t o when "The board of directors of the Na­ journed city meeting at 8 o’clock. age. act mean more now than ever. 9i48— 4;48—Unels Eira Radie ttatian the girl's custody. bra, and. just a.* in many an old and tional Federation of Textiles, Inc., away *vlth a few animals in a available to ranchers. In this way, coquette, baa been announced. tle and subdued and entirely tract­ over 22,000 New England youths A fter the clerk had read the min­ rendered several selections and :0 ^ 7:00—Ona Man'a Pamlly—to c NBC-WJE NETWORK the census man inquired ss to the With hls son, Arnold, he became a — Sylvia Sidney, film actress. J Declaring Jane is watched by arm­ worn algebra, the answer w ai in tbe In meeting on Tuesday, June U. truck." said Russell Thorp, secre­ the ranchers can trace their stock MIHiael reluae* to *o away un- able. He no longer frowned and urg-. and veterans. utes of the previous meeting it was there were two abort sketches in LAWNS, VOILES AND i30— 7:38—Wayne King^a Orehaatra ages o f Msry .and Ann, Johnny partner with Sikorsky, the Russian 7;0(^ tH)0—Fred Allen and Amataure BAilC — Caat: wja wba*wbsa wbdi ed guard., as a result o f an attempt­ back of tha book—Ann Is 16 1-2. 1935, hereby sincerely and urgently tary of the Wyoming atockgrowers’ and recover money paid for It at leM Katharine oomea with Mm. ed delay when she spoke of their The enrollment will commence voted to suspend the rules and to pantomime by several of the mem­ BATISTES wham kdka wear wjr wlw wsyr wmel association. aeronautical engineer. They organ­ American buaineas men are not a •:00— 9:0l^^uy Lemberde'e Orcheat. wfil: Midi wcky wenr wla kwk kwor ed kidnaping several years ago. Miss recommend that employers former­ any auction ring or public market." They are married In an obaenre lit* coming marriage, but let her have generally In New England at eleven return to the session after both of bers. •:I8— 8}W—Ray Noble end Orehestra ized the Sikorsky Airplane <3o., at group of predatory pirates seeking Fast Colors. koil wren wmaq kao wkbf Harding appealed to the California ly operating under the silk textile ‘The modern rustier takes only tie town. Then Michael Intlata on re- things her way. U. S. army reception centers on the city meetings were completed. During the evening, names were 8:00—10:00—Jahn •. Kennedy*# Talk a few animals compared to the Roosevelt Field, Long Island, and to grind do'wn their fellowmen. They 8 j'srds fo r ...... 5 0 c •;18—10:18—Tom Coakley*a Orchestra NORTHWEST * CANADIAN - wtm) State Supremo Court yesterday to ot and remembered ever after— here code continue, in the Interest of (he German leather shoe production tnmlnT to face the detectivea. He There was sc>methlng familiar Monday, June 17. One member of tbe Board of Aider- drawn on $2.50 and on a large fruit wlba katp wtbc wday kfyr erct cfcf number that the old time cattle later at College Point, New York. are tjrplcal American citizens with 8:90—10:30—Leonard Keller Orchestra restrain the Los Angeles Superior THAT MOST AMAZING they are. In iketches which menage pubKe, employees, employers In the In the laat year reached the hlgluMt learns he Is heir to a fortune and about the streets through which Tbe huge enrollment which gets men and one member of the Board cake through which the members 8:48—10:49—The Heeflnghams. Oketeh •OUTH — wrva wptf wwne wls wjax thief drove sway. The stolen ani­ Dickinson retired from buaineas in a high sense of responsibility and Dimities, Lawns, Piques. Dotted tO:0(8-1t.*O^B. Madrffusra Orohestre Court from proceeding nlth a cus­ t-i catch that quality of enchantment stabilization of employment and ia level since 1930. but Germany's title in Ireland. Michael leavea at Sally'and her'fathsr presently drove under way next week Is the largest o f (Touncllmen were absent, which had been raising funds. Miss wfla*wsun wlotl wsm wmc w»b wapl mals. recently, have been dt.*poscd 1929, after the partners built the patriotism. Swiss ...... 25c yd. basic: Fred Allen—west repeat wjUx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro tody action brought there by Ban­ which hangs over the city. enable the industry to maintain Its shoe export trade continues to de­ once for New Y'ork to see the lawyer him. They expected him to smile In undertaken by the First Corps Area included the chairman of tbe fi­ Lucille Brigham was the winner of 10:3^11:30—“ LiOhts Out,'* Melodrama OF TOWNS-NEW YORK of prtneipally at auction eales rings $2,000,000 Sikorsky factory at — Ogden Mills. woal ktba ktha weoe wave nister. But N ew York, of course, is not place in the constructive life of the cline. handling hte case. He Is Injured In J recognition, and so be did, because since the organization of the CCC nance committee. Councilman (?obb the $2.50 and Harriet Leroux of CIS-WABC NETWORK MOUNTAIN-koa kdyl kglr ktbl two years ago. It will serve tbe dual Bridgeport. Conn. He leavea two Miss Harding at Hollywood said all skyscraper. It has its revolu­ country, to adhere to the standards traffic accident. he didn’t like tu dlrappolnt them. of the Second Ward reported that Somers was awarded the fruit cake. There cannot be and there should Other Wash Goods Reduced! •A ilC —laet: wabc wade woko wcae PACIFIC—kgo kfl kgw komo khq kfsd purpose of filling existing vacancies sons and two daughters, all residing the attempt referred to occurred tionary landmarks, as well, its o f hours of work minimum wages Katharine, frantic when she does They had been *o kind. And when the finance committee had not met Group singing and a piano solo not be any such thing as equality SOc Seersuckers ...... 82c yd. waab woao wgr wkbw wkre wbk cklw kUr kpo kss kga kgr kya Here’s a Fine Collertion of and at the same time expand the In nearby communities. wdre wcau wjas wean w(bl wspd wjav several years ago when she re­ quaint old houses datln>; back to its and fair practices observed during not hear from Mm, believes Michael they drew up at a shabby house un­ to make a recommendation to the by Miss Shirley Dunlap, made up among men, save equality of oppor­ SOc P iq u e s ...... 29c yd. Cent. East. Manhattan Sketches by V. New England CCC from Its normal wbna: Midwest: wbbm wfbm kmbe ceived a threatening note and was small-town period, its quiet little the life of the code.” baa tricked her, der pin oak trees out on a country adjourned city meeting concerning the remainder of the program. tunity and equality in resjiect to pro­ 40c Seersuckers...... ,30c .vrt, kmox wowo whaa kfab 9:98— 4:88—Ths Slnaing Lady—east H. Bailey. strength of 23,000 to 37,000 men, re­ Mrs. Elsie Southwick was In ■AST—whp whec wlba wfea wore wloc 9:49— 4:49—Orphan Annie—east only made public by police at that time, courts and by-ways; and the artist Sally iroen to New York and road he felt a fl.-uih of aomethlng the tax rate. Mayor Scheets called vision for social and economic se­ SOc Novelty Voiles ...... 49c yd. cently authorized by the Work Re­ charge of the tickets, and Mra. efrb ckac wibx wmaa 4:01^ 9:08—Education from the Nawc but Michael G. Luddy. Bannister'.* has put them In, too, getting their A LITER.\RV THIEF locatea Michael in a hospital. that was almost like pain. A young the attention of the members pres­ curity. Rayon Taffeta for Slips'". .25c yd. OIXIK—wgst wsfa wbre wqam wdod 4:18— 9:l8»Capt. Tim Haaly, Stamps altorncy. said the father was not V--- Wilrose Dress Shop- lief Bill. The CCC U to be In­ Emma Batz of the entertainment SEN. McNARY 61 TODAY; BOOK REVIEW charm down on paper with rare NOW GO ON W ITH THE 8TOKY ent to the fact that If the appropri­ —Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, head klra wreo wlao wdau wtoo- krld wrr 4:38— 9:30—Press* Radio Nows — ba­ aware o f any such attempt. colored boy came out and shook his creased to 000,000 men and 2,010 program. ktrh ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae sic: The Singing Lady—mIdw rpt By Bruce Ostton skill. St. Louis— Perhape, as one of the Hotel Sheridan Bnllding CHAPTER XXX hand and said be was glad to see ations to be voted st the special of Columbia University. 4:99^ S:ll—Thrtex SIttara* Harmony Know Nothing Of It camps throughout ths country. Birth REDUCED whig wdbJ wwva wmbg wsja wmbr New York may be a den of con­ Altogether, "Magical aty" is papers commented. It la an experi­ Michael opened his eyes and stared him back. Michael was very polite meeting were adopted that It would TRYING TO FORGET IT wala ktul agbo wcoa wdne wnoa kwkh 4:49— 6:49—LowtII Thomae w east: "W e know nothing at all about To provide bousing for the ex­ MIDWEST — wgl wnu wmbd wlsn Orphan Annie—repeat to midwest scienceless money changers, a haunt worth owning. Published by Sertb- menter who wants to determine to about him. There wau a square of all through tMs. When he went In­ require the laying of an 11-mlll tax A daughter was bora Tuesday PENSIONS MAINTAIN LOBS TURKISH TOWELS attempt* to kidnap Jane Bannister,” panded CCC, General Ckinner recent­ wtbw kfh wamk wkbn wcco wsbt kaej 9:08— 9:00—Amoa 'n* Andy—eaat only of gyp artists and a latterday com­ ner'k, it sells for |2A0. wliat extent men who write depend light that marked the window He side he fourld that, sure enough, the at the adjourned city meeting morning at the Hart/ord hospital to ON AUSTRIA'S STATE RAILS 18x36...... 14c ML wnax woe 9:19— 9:18—Tony A Qua, Serial Skit said Luddy. "And 1 might add that presents ly naked bids for OS new camps In which waa to follow the special city Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson of Senate’s Republican Leader 6:38- 9:30—Ruby Mercer. Soprano pilation of the sins of Babylon and on Noah Webstei for their guidance. shut his eyes again because that room with the n-.rruw bed and the MOUNTAIN—kvor kli koh kal I f ' such attempts were made, they New England. Some of these al­ meeting. Alderman Weber of the South Windsor. Mrs. Anderson is Vienna— (A P )— How to reduce 22x44 “ Cannon’s” . . ,21c ea. COA8T — khj koln kfrv kol kfpy kvl 9:48— 9:49—Dangeroua Paredtee. Skit Gpmarrah; but. with it all, it re­ A t any rate, someone walked light hurt him and he felt acre all oaken cheat of drawers meant some­ Tells Reporters He Does Not 9:08- 7i08-Hal Kamp and Orehaatra certainly were not at Mr. Bannis­ ready are In process of construction, Second Wart and president of the theyfbrmer Miss Frances Plummer the steady deficit of Austria’s feder­ 24x48 ...... 24c ea. kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kgo mains" the most spectacular and WINNER AND LOSER away with the Post-Dispatch’s 8,- over—almost aa If he had been thing to him. He had slept In this Want to Advertise the Fact. Cant. Bast. 9:38- 7i98-Heuea of 01999, Bartal Act ter’s Instigation nor by anyone act­ 72 new projects, bringing the total council moved that the clerk pre­ of this city, daughter of Mr. and al railways is puzzling the country's 7:08— 8:08—Our Heme on the Range breath-taking place to look at that 000-psge dictionary, weighing about bruised In a fight. room—long ago. 8:30— 4:90—Jack Armstrong — east: ing In hls behalf." Important New to approximately 176, to be under­ pare a resolution asking for an 11- Mrs. Walter Plummer of Prospect best financial brains. 7:48— 8:49—To Be Announeed the hands of man have ever put to­ High rolnt, N. C.—C!y Mullls 15 pounds, and several days later a Y esterd a y___ Y es te rd a y ------He went to the bureau almost as Candlewick Bed Spreads 8psseh—Dixie; Vocal-west Ii08— 9:08—The Hite end Bits Revue I The question of custody of the taken In the six states. mlll tax, ' of a mill of which streeL A ll efforts so far have failed be­ S:49— 4:48—Dick Tracy—basic; Carl, 9:30— 9:38—America in Music, Orch. gether,'and Its spires and pinnacles made a bet of 50 cents, but he similar dictionary belonging to the I There was something he wanted a, sleepwalker might have gone, and Quotas for the New England Washington, June 12.— (A P )— ton A Shaw—Dixie; Tex Owena. 'child has been before Ncvad.s and would* be set aside for the payment Strawberry Supper Senator Charles L. McNary of Ore­ cause they did not solve the prob­ $1.77 8:08—10:08—Rtgoic Chltdc* Orchestra California courts at various ttmoa ought to keep a whole army of ar­ doesn’t know whether he won or Globe-Democrat disappeared. Arrivals In to remember. AiiU could not. So he opened a top drawer and looked Into states for the enrollment to com­ Ranter—weal; Mlniaturea—roldw —east: Amoa^n* Andy—west repeat lost. of municipal bonds The motion The Busy Bees of the First Luth­ gon la 61 years old today but he is lem of v/ages and pensions. 4:00— 9:00—Suck Repera—east; Mau* •t19—10t18—Tony A Qu^weat repMt since Miss Harding diverced Ban­ tist* busy until the Island sinks In­ closed his eyes and lay still. Present­ It There were only a few neat, fold­ mence Monday are as follows: prevailed, and the council then ad­ eran church of West Mam street Fgures just published show that flea Sherman Oren.—wait A Dixie 9:90—10:S8-lnk Bpetai Dane# Oren,— to tbe SOS. * After It was over, several friends English consumption of fresh ly the sound of crisp, starched skirts Juniors Veterans Total soft-pedaling the fact. 4i18— 6i19—Bobby ■enson—‘saat: Of. nister at Reno. A t the present time ed handkerchiefs tnd some worn journed until the special and ad­ will serve a strawberry supper in the roads on January 1, bad 55,40U CURTAIN SALE eaat: Heusa ef Olaa^wtst repeat "Magical City” is a book of told police Mullls bet them hls au­ fruits reached a new high record of rustling came to ,ils ears, just a lit­ Maine .. .16.S4 140 1794 The Republican leader of the Sen­ •on of Ftro—midw; MeCartya—w 9:98—10:98-Te Be Anneuneed the actress holds complete custody gloves. What was It he had expected journed city meetings had complet­ the Sunday School room of tbe employes on their payrolls but were 4i90— 9:98—Music Box—wabc: Bru< 10:08—11:08~8hender and Hie Vislin under a Nevada order, which Ban­ sketches of this amazing place. The tomobile could take an 8-curve st 95 pounds a person In the last year. tle. There was a nurse. She bad a N. H...... 780 80 885 ate sale, he saw no “ reason to ad­ Values to $1.39 ...... 97c pr. to find? ed their business. church this evening for the benefit pajHng pensions to 81,300 former ncsco Orches.—east: Organ Con.— 10:88—11:08—Dick FIdlsr A Orehestra nister Is contesting In the Los An­ sketches arc the work oi Vernon 60 miles an hour. The car made Orange consumption In England cool, wide face with smiling eyes. Vermont . . 54S 50 595 vertise that I ’m close to the age of All $1.49...... $1.34 pr. weal; Jack Armatrong—mdw rpt. 10:98—11:98—Don Leper and Orchsetra Festal Frocks Sally cooed over him after he Special City Meeting of the church The following mem­ eligibility for the Townsend pen­ employes. geles court. Howe Bailey, and the»e is a brief the curve, clipped a telephone pole, was 24 nounds and bananas 13 She had a thermometer In her hand Mass .. 11887 900 1276? came out on to the veranda once Only 23 citizens had sufficient In­ bers will be In charge; Gertrude sion." It was pointed out that although All $1.69-$1.98 ....$ 1 .4 9 pr. Toe expensive text by Arthur Bartlett Maurice: then overturned. pounds a person. and she shook It a little, smiling R. 1...... 1265 130 139.-> more. Was ho sure he'd be all right? terest to be present In the Town Genovesl, Hilda Miller, Dorothy "When a man gets to be past 60, the number of employes had been IB her petition to the State Su­ and all in all the book ,e a magical Mullls, in a hospital where his down at him. Conn. . . . . 3192 300 3492 They didn't like leavlnt him here. Hall when the special city meeting Escherich. Ernestine Eschertch, he sort of likes to forget birth­ reduced by more than 50 per cent 8:00— ^Hal Kamp and hla Orchaa- preme Oburt Mias Harding declared record o f a city wbteb has never had condition was considered not eeri- "Well, we’ro quite a lot better to­ All Scranton Nets Reduced! He ought to come back to their was called to order by Mayor Corrlne Pressler, Mildred Dlntach, days," said the slender westerner, since October 1, 1023, no financial tra — Baba and bar Brothara. Baantetef "could not and would not" a parallel on earth. out. wondared about tbe bet while •Printed Chiffons day, aren't w e?" she said. 19308 1600 20908 police made cut chargee against IF YOUR house with them, only people talked Scheets. In the call of the meeting Doris Dowdlng, Helen Stalger, who first took hls seat In 1917. relief resulted because pensioners 8:30— Housa o f Glasa — dramatic bear the expenses of the required I t doea firll juatico to the sheer Michael would have frowned If In addition to the above, 1.381 ex­ him for reckless driving. so. And, after all, the wedding was $800 was aahed for a sludge pump Doris Tennstedt, Evelyn Luetjen. As for birthday Interx’lews, he doubled in the same period. One Special Lot, 88c pr. WTIC sketch. protection and charged hla action spectacular value of Manhattan, for perienced foresters will be enrolled frowning, like the square of light, tu be next week. Then the could to be used at the filtration plant; Chimney Fire told reporters: 9:00—John Charlea Thomas — Our was brought as s veiled attempt to •Nets hadn't hurt him. Nurses always talk­ at camps In the vicinity of their Hartford, Uuiia. one thing. Those incredible towers Chlorinated rubber, a new raw BREATH HAS take care of him for always —her $1,600 for a new truck for the use The Fltton Company of the fire “ Now If I waa 25 or even 35 I GERMANS WITHOUT BEER? Home on the Range—dramaUe gain half o f her property and not which truly deserve the hackneyed ed that way, as If the patient were homes of the city and $3,400 for stone and JOIN material fo r use in the paint and great big, naughty boy who had department was called to the home probably would be willing, even 8«.000 # . lo w K. ws and the returned to their chambers and Worn!, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Charter. moot appropriate for Graduation Olfte. Prices Reasonable. didn't care In the least. It was far responsibility for the men when 10:30— Ray Noble's Orchestra. more than willing to go back to rich, tasleleiii fu'-nlturc, Sally sot, acted upon several minor petitions, Auxiliary 5Ieeting 11:00—News. too much trouble to ask. they arrive at the army reception their hemes. s\4rrouude 11:16—Jesse Crawford, organist. HOTEL SHERIDAN He drowsed again and the pain centers and is charged with the ad­ city departments, and then adjourn­ Electrica I AppI lances The youngsters said they had shoes, still tn their tissue wrappings, ministration of the men while they ley Dobosz Unit of the American Le­ 11:30— Slumber Hour. Head of Stairs was less. There was somebody—a lay In the boxes. ed. gion Auxiliary wdll be held in G. tired o f school and wanted to see the remain members of the Civilian 13:00 Midnight— SUent New York, June 12.— (A P )—The world. Their resources totaled $1. girl in a dark frock— at his bedside It had been easier than she had Superior Court A. R. hall this evening at 8 o’clock when he wakened. He’d know her Conservation Corps. Three foreclosure cases were tak­ army stratosphere pilots, awaiting expected—all of It. She gloated, with the president Mrs. Olive a weather "break” near Rapid Citv, well before he had been taken sick, with a sort of wild glee, over the en up at the session of the Tolland Leroux presiding. Following the but just now he couldn’t quite re­ !HARIN.A'S ARTIHT DAD TO ASTER A BALANCED S. D.. will be on a W E AF-N B C net­ thought of her coming triumph. A t County Superior Court yesterday meeting the Glee club will hold a Jwibeam FOOD REAPS LONDON HARVEST and judgments were granted by work Friday from 10:80 to 11 p. m„ member her name. It would come to first she had been attracted to rehearsal. Judge Newell Jennings. SUMMER MEAL in a program of last mlnuta Right him after a little...... Michael merely because of hls hand­ To Graduate Tomorrow BUFFET TRAY WDRC 1-nndon— (A P) —The spectacular preparations. She kissed him and wept a little In the case of Konstancy Ole.stn- Miss MarjdHc Scherwitzky ot im^JIUlIlRY some masculinity partly because of marriage of the Duke of Kent and T r y These Tonight; and this tired Michael. The nurse skl vs. Leo Dawidowlcz. both of this this city-will graduate Thursday MIXERS A Thrlftyeook C«»tro/s 225 Bartferd, Ctoiio. is t« hls Indifference, but her nature took Princess Marina has provided a WEAF-NBC: 8—Fred Allen: 9— took her away, making soothing city, Judgment of $7,000 was grant­ from the State Teachers College at fire always at any sign of opposition swell break artistically for Ma­ ed with the first Tuc.sdav of Janu­ disk with saUd Guy Lombardo: 10—Robert L. noises. After that ho slept for a long and, although .she had boon more Westfield, Mass. During her school Wsdaesday. June 12, 1985 time and when he woke again there rina's father, Prince Nicholas ot ary ns the law date. The action Limd on "indiistry Accepts the than once tempted to let the engage­ Gfcce. year she has been active In many F.M. Challenge.” was a apla.-sh of "oln against the Involved a four-tenement on ment drop, after she luMi heard of The prince, a professional art­ clubs at the college. She Is a gradu­ 8:lS-,Beeond game—Boston Braves windows and the .“oom was cooler. It West street. Attorney George C. W A B C -(3 8 : 7:15 — Newton his g(Hid fortune she had determined ist, already had won modest fame ate of the Rockville High school, cs. St. Louis Csrdlnals. was, the nurse told 1^1 m brightly, Lessner appeared for the plaintiff. Baker: 8:80—Freddie Rich: 9— to cling to him doggedly. before hls pretty daughter cap­ class of 1932. and was a high honor #: 15—M ary H itt and B «a Rohan. Biirns and Allen. In the action of Daniel C. Flaher- pupil for four years. another day. F f y the way these Michael had been right when he tured the heart of a British 0:80—Jack Armstrong—All-Ameri­ days ran into one another, without t, of Coventry against Leon W. WJZ-NBC: 8:45—John A . Long on hr.d shrewdly gauged Sally's reac­ prince, but since the happy event can Boy. "Youth's Dilemma": 9—Secretary of movement or sound...... Blakcslee. judgment of $313.63 was 8:45— Dick Tracy. tions to the thought of a title. hls reputation has soared — and State Hull: 9:30—Federation ef granted, with the first Tuesday of BLACK EAGLES .NnOR.ATE 8:00— Yankee Network N ew , Serv- She rolled the words on her lips with It. hls Income. Women's Clubs. After a procession of such mean­ January as the law date. This ac­ Ice. now, trying on a dangling crystal Led by Marina, now Duchess of tion Is the result of labor at Pine What To Bhcpect Thursday: ingless days, puiiciuated only by Sofia (A P )— Several thousand 8:15—Bobby Benson and Sunny earring. "Lady Orden." Kent, and Queen Mary, the elite L,ike Shores. Coventry. Attorney WEAF-NBC: 3 p. m.-Woman's ' Mtys and ^ Ils and visits from a tall, black eagles, followed by a com­ Toattt brMd (2 «1iee« at « Hm«), de­ Jim. She swept herself a deep curt- of London flocked to a recent pri­ John B. Sullivan represented Mr. Radio Review: 3:45—Greenwich melancholy doctor with a gentle pany of about a hundred storks, re­ licious eandwicbos (2 at • timo)* 8:30— Rhythm Round Up. vey In the glasi, liking the effect vate showing of Prince Nicholas’s Flaherty, Girls Glee club. voice, and whito-coated luternos who cently passed over this city (n a rolls, appettzors, ote. 8:45—Hartford Better Business of dangling crystal drops against work at an Old Bond Street gal­ Judgment of $3,600 was granted long, strag ling line, migrating L o v e ly new 5-com* WABC-CB8: 3:80 — Greetings poked and prodded Mich-tel and ask­ Bureau. her dark curls .and her glowing lery. Hls paintings, priced tram the state of Connecticut tn Its ac­ north from Asia Minor. It took peHment buffet tray h from Old Kentucky, variety; 5:46__ ed him queations, he wau able to sit 8:60— Musical Interlude. dark skin. Those old cats down at |50 to 1250, enjoyed s grand sale. tion against Zillah C. Goggtns and them more than two hours to pass. for convenient serv- NESCO Stoopnagle and Budd. up. The dark girl (her name was iof. Made of ciystnl- 8:85— Baseball Scores. the Point could not snub her now. T:00— Austin Scrivener snd hlq WJZ-NBC: 3:40— M ilitary bands Sally Moon, It seemed) came often clea r, fire • polished from England; 5—American Medi­ They’d have to admit she'd done Whispering Strings. now. And there was an Englishman well for herself. glass beeutifi^y en> cal Association convention For Graduates named Downrlgg who made them 7:15— A ir Adventures of Jimmie TOWARD A NEW SAFE Suddenly she remembered the lit­ Cravodi $4*95 to diove Michael fivm the ward to a Alien. $Ve arc featuring Elgin Watobez from now tle packet the nurse had given her private room. Michael couldn't quite T:30—The O'NsiUs. graduation time. when flrot ahe arrived at the hospi­ understand why it mattered or why 7:45— Boake Carter. tal, claiming Michael. She turned It .Mr. Downrlgg cared, but there it 8:(X)— Johnnie and his Foursome. BOY SCOUT NEWS out o f her purse, oxamlnlng It again Small Rectangular 7-JeureI Watch for B O O IC A 'was. He was singularly apatehUc 8:15— World Peace Foundation. wUh curiosity. A handful of change, Girls, with or without bracelet...... ^ A i m o O v I About the whola business. The nurse 8:80— Everett Marshall’s Broadway a crumpled bill or two. And a plain Troop 7 '.wtd he was a good patient That 'Varieties. gold ring. A wedding ring. 9:0O—Romance. The regular meeting of Troop 7 Small Baguette Watch for Girls. meant be let everyone else do as Like Mountain Peaks tbe Armory Friday Q jm n e w 9:30— Freddie Rich Entertains, .he or Qhe pleased, and kept silent "Funny, old-faaiilonod thing.” Sal­ ' 15 Jewels $ 3 7 .5 0 10;00—Advnnturea of Oracle, night at 7 o’clock. Eighteen Scouts One day Downrlgg eftmo and they ly said with distaste. Well, if * 10:30—Melody Masterpieces. were, present. The moating was REFRIGERATOR had a long talk. Michael, dressed Michael had thought he was going Young Men’s 7-JeweI Men’s Elgil 11:00—Yankee Network News Serv­ held outside for most of the eventog for the first time in bis street to put any such thing on her finger POCKET WATCHESATI he was much mistaken. Not a ice. and marching was practlc^. A WATCHES (jothes, was sitting in a comfortable game of “soft bail” was played aft­ chance. She would pick out her own Rising Above The Clouds 11:15— Claude Hopkins' Orcheatra. xlialr out In the pavilion. Downrlgg Sunbeam er the meeting outdoors. A fte r tbe 18 Jewels .... diamond and platinum band when 11:30— Frankie Masters' Orchestra. $25.00 talked a lot about the estate (what game the Scouts met In the base­ PRICED A T she went Into the city tomorrow, - « and $ 19.00 mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm. .estate? Michael wanted to aak but ment o f the Arm ory for a few min­ didn’t bother I and said there was a She’d tell Michael about I t He could The stabUity of some of our institutions during: these years of utes. Scoutmaster Irwin told the pay for it later. 7-Jewel American Made 'coed deal of money tied up, although Scouts about passing testa and This gold ring ahe tossed careless­ Elgin Nurses’ or Doctors’ STRAP WATCHES not, of course, as much as one would complications in policies of goi'emment and business, hav« Westinghouse obeying orders. Dues were also WATCHES lOce. Death duties and no on, be bad ly Into her jewel box. He’d never discussed because they are becom­ Complets With bracelet. think of it now, WBZ-WBZA FuUy A M Q M Bald portentlouily. And Michael had 2 Westinghouse at ing very alack lately. P ay them .so with sweep wondered again idly what It was all (T o Be OonUnued) shown they rise above the clouds of uncertainty. We refer to Springtield — Boston every week, Scouts. ■econd hand $27.50 guarantoed ...... s P a J e a J v ■bout Spinner Type Netee i , “YouH be sailing, 1 suppose, as P.M. Troop 7 had a swimmiiig period STUDENTS BOLE IN one, the Mutual Savings Banks o f America. Be safe and save SPECIAL at the East Side Roc Thursday *129 up ■eon as you art well." Downrlgg had 17-Jewel American Made •nNAFOKE* AN OLD 4:15— Easy Aces — comedy sketch. nigh t ^ Men’s Elgin 'teid. “ And after you’re m arrl^." 4:80— Herb Waldmsn and bis Or­ STRAP WATCHES FAaOLT TRADITION The Scouts enjoyed the ewlm- POCKET WATCHES r A fter be was married. The phraee, the savings bank way. You’ll never regret it, WASHERS chestra. Cemplete with bracelet. Tor an Instant, stirred some memory PRICES 5:00— The Monitor Views the ming very much and are grateful to 1 Delaware. O.— (A P)—In playing Fully Isi Michael, but it passed. I t had Regular $124.50 News. Mr. Busch for allowtag them to a role la "Pinafore" O io rg e Brengel ewim. The period lasted an hour. TVb J eivels...... guanuteed ‘ been Uke a breeae passing over a 5:18— Time. Down $16.50 $ 12.95 is just living up to an old fam ily GET THE HABIT OF DEPOSITING REGULARLY IN The Scouts who have net yet ..^Mieat field, bending the stalks only Give OEN UIN f tradiUco. NOW 8:18—New England Agriculture — passed their tenderfoot test will ' Mr a moment After he was mar­ E. J. Rowell. . Brengel, a senior at OMo Wse- Something Electrical- WISTINGHOUSI QUAUTY meet at Scoutmaster Irwin's house Waterman ried—wMl, men married every day. leyan university, has been asalgned 8:80— Kellogg Singing Lady. Wednesday night In order to do it Payment Full Line of Rings, Brace- t U e Bally-girl was sollclUoue. She to play Sir Joseph Porter, the lead­ Lasting 8:45— Little Orphan Annie. Be prompt! Pen and Pencil Sets kissed him when ahe came and w ent 8:00— Education in the News. lets, Compacts, Etc., As ing comedy role, la GUbert and Sul­ Useful There are three new recruits In I t wasn't unpleasant He ought to livan's operetta. $90-00 8:15— Tbe Stamp Club— ClapL Tim the troop new. One Scout eemea Gift Suggestions. raaember more about her, though. Back in tbe '80’s hls grandmother, Economical Healy. from Maaaaehuaetta. Help them And couldn’t Mrs. Elizabeth Mooney, played 8:80— Press-Radio News. THE SAVINGS BANK along la their taste. ALCO FOUNTAIN PENS Downrlgg went on. Re was lesv- Josephine In one of the first touring 8:35— Ray Jones. There will be a meeting Friday 2 Years To Pay tag for England osr the morrow, he companies to go on the road with 8:40— Peter Schuyler Sports Briefs. night next week. A notice will be Made by Watenaan, ~'d. Ihsy could find him m London, "Pinafors.'' Then, 25 yean ago OF MANCHESTER 8:45— ^Today’s News — Lowell put In the paper telling tha place e f 14 kt. gd d p e n ...... $ 1 .2 5 left Michael nls card. On tMs Brengel's parenU took part In an The Manchester Electric Company Thomas. the meeting. , he said, the affairs were in the amateur production of it in New A Mutual Savings Bank 7:00— Amos *n' Andy. «r Whitbread A FQcmt tn York City. 77S Main St J V Phone 5181 7:15— Tony and Ous — draroaUe sketch. Once numbering 19,(XX) members, He wrote th* adAsM the Ksnsaa O. A. R. rep ort the 7:30— Hank Keene and hls Radio tb a ducking pool was ths com- Gang. number alumped ia 1835 to 887. with only about 80 able to attend to re la e d w during oe- (s 7:46—Dangerous Paredise — dm- state meetings. Tha *>miagster" )sj rA O lTE N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12. 196A

CBISELER ON PBODCCINO , of Oaklaad rood, Wapplng, at 3:30 t1>- MAMOUJ^ari'ER EVEMNU HERALD, ItAHCUERTEK, GUNN,. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1985. P A O B i m H EGOS DISOOt'ERED HERE. LIBERALS CONFER this afternoon. Rev. David Carter of B04MUCVKL9 OORRBOT8 KKHBERG GIVES | OBITUARY the Wapplng Federated church offl- MANY MAY SEEK ORA31MAK IN SPBBCB. SEN. LONG STARTS You’ve heard about the egg elated. The burial was in the Wap- that bad three yolks and you've West Point, N. Y.. June 12. - coNsmimoNviEw OVER THIRD P A R H ping cemetery. The bearers were (A P )— The President's English heard about the egg that weighed | neighbors and friends living In Wap­ TO OUST SENATORS la tha King's fead Play Seeks Handicap 11 ounces, but Milton E. Fish,' FUNERALS plng and were, Buel C. Grant, Edgar A NEW FILIBUSTER well known Lake street farmer, In tha advance text of the ad- Stoughton. Barron West and John dreaa of F. D. Roosevelt, Har­ Terrymen Open Home Stand in Defeat brought an egg Into The Herald Frederick C. Juul Risley. Title in Superb Comeback yesterday that Is decidedly differ­ The funeral of Frederick C. Juul IN1936ELEO10NS vard '04, to the Military Academy Declares It Most Take Into Call for Parley On July 5 and graduating cloaa today, aa aii- ent. It's the smallest egg In was held yesterday afternoon at 3 M n. Eva M. BMwall I nounced by bis secretaries, ap­ Loses Out in Attempt to captivity. 'o ’clock at the home of bis daugh­ The funeral of Mrs. Eva M. Bid- By MAX RIDDLB l^fougfat a bitter battle down the 6 at Chicago to Discuss ter, Mrs. Carrie Anderson of 21 peared the following: "Thla Consideration Economic Donated as Its bit for the day, well, formerly of East Hartford, who Washington — Although no one academy with Its slater school of NBA Service Turf Writer stretch. Judge Landis to Study Mankus to Hurl for Green REDS TAKE DOUBLE a white leghorn pullet presented Edmund street. Rev. Joseph Cooper died Baturday, waa held at Holmes’s dares hazard a guess aa to Halt ExteusioD of New York, June 13.—After three The following week Head Play Local Sport of the Stafford Springs Methodist : Annapolis, are the personification Mr. Fish with an egg just thir­ the Possibilities. funeral home on Woodbridge itreet when Congress wUl wind up the i of Democracy—" dtter yeora of trytog, Head Play at scored a emasblng victory in the Growth of Nation. teen-sixteenths of an Inch long Episcopal church officiated. The yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock. ■last haa laid low the old aoylng, Preakneae, winning with greater Records in Pitts Case In Benefit Clash Tonight bearers, all nephews of the de­ present aesaion. there ore Indica­ I As delivered by the President, Little NRA. Chatter FROM THE LEADERS and weighing only 37.5 grains,: Rev. C. Homer Ginns, pastor of the I the sentence was: [‘They never come bock.” case than any horse since the days approximately one-tenth of an' ceased, were: John Jensen and tions around capltol hill that the of Man o’ War. But it war hla lu t Washington, June 12.— (A P )— Anthony Jurdt, of Manchester; North Methodist Episcopal church "This Academy, with Its slater A cripple moat of tho time at S rd set­ standing pitcher in baseball. Yes­ barriers to be crossed, It Is my pres­ the church Mrs. Garrity played A joint statement from the oppos­ der and Amlle. Wisconsin Progres­ ing attorneys said: the senate shortly after his election was dedicated on May 30, at Dan­ Realizing that he no longer had Head Play has been a horse of tre­ ways waa a bad post iiorse. He led ter in the 320 and high jump. Their terday the Red Sox won both ends ent Intention only to consider the The danger of such Incidents lies Chopin’s Funeral March, and at the ville, Ky. It pays tribute to Mrs. sives, and Lundeen, Minnesota “We believe that the most order­ by declaring rather ironically that the votes for the amendment which mendous promise. Yet misfortune all the way, and at the end hie performances bad a mantle of of a double header from Detroit 3-1 ■clentlflc sources of public policy in the continuous movement of both offertory she sang, "Pants Angeli- Jane Todd Crawford who, on De­ Farm-Laborlte. cua.” Mrs. Garrity rendered. ly procedure for the trial of this he didn’t want to come to the sen­ was adopted 43 to 38 yesterday. has dogged hla trail from the be­ jeekey cased him up when It was ap­ Methodists Take Opener greatness that we do not expect to Taking Mile At Bristol and 5-2, yanking Mickey Cochrane’s which would be utilized, and tbs ex­ Chinese and Japanese troops Like earlier meetings of the same ate In the first place and that since cember 30, 1809, was operated on In ginning, only permitting him to parent Cavalcale could not gain. see again In many years to come. boya out of fourth position and mov­ tent to which the natural and social' "There Is A Land” while the body case In the interests of all concern­ Long took the fioor and warned that through the Tlent.-in ares which subject in Washington, the confer­ he had been there he was not at all Danville for the removal of a tumor. the NRA resolution might not pass show occasional fiashe.s of his true The Suburban was r.omctblng of ing in themselves. sciences can be relied upon to aid the brings the two forces in close con- was being taken out of the church. ed as well as to have the issues de­ ence will be a . ‘lacries of informal Bearers were William Newman, termined at an early date is to pro­ sure he cared about staying. Kentucky, just after the begin­ by Sunday night when the recovery form. a repetition, except that for once We could not help but feel a Reds Top Giants T w in formulation and direction of public ■ tac t in many places illscusslons." The names of those ning of the 19th century, was large­ law expires. Poor Ride Costly m Derby Head Play waa willing to let another touch of sadness at the paaalng of The double win brought them opinion." ] _____ i’asqualo Martclli, James MuIIanc, ceed before a referee at this time. Local Ace Trimo Stellar FieM^COMPLETE DETAILS invited will not be made public and George Reynolds, Arthur and "An annulment suit Is one which Chavez Nlay Be Opposed ly wilderness. In the frontier town “This Is a very tangled mess," he There was the Kentucky Derby horse set the pace. Once again he With Kosciuszko Scouts Manchester’s trio of star perform­ within one point of the third place The NRA chairman applauded the DE.MANDS REJECTED it Is tho wish of the committee that Senator Capper, republican of of Danville, Ephraim McDowell, a of 1033. Few, if any, now believe refused to start from the stMla and ers from the schoolboy sports scene. *^ractlcal politician" as that “ much George Sullivan. does not permit a financial settle­ said. "I doubt if we can get It Cleveland Indians. Grove waa IB Nanking, June 12.— (AP) — The the meeting be attended by a mini­ Burial was In Sacred Heart ceme­ ment and this suit has not been and Kansas, la reported to have run pioneer physician, had his office. Hla straightened out by Sunday night." that, had he been given a proper he delayed the break for some time. In Bill Murch, George Leary and at Intilalies Meet is OF SUNDAY TUSSLE there In the first encounter, allow­ underestimated research worker mum of publicity. It was said. into political difficulties by his practice extended over 100 miles Wilson McCtormick, Coach Charles who acquires a ripe knowledge of Nationalist government central po­ tery in Soiithbiiry. cannot be disposed of by such He attacked NRA Ss "another ride. Broker’s Tip could have beaten Yet at the finish he had plenty left, ing only five hits. Wes Ferrell The conference will seek a support of "new- deal" legislation around. Triampli 2-1 Behmd Superb L. Wigren had a triumvirate that pitched another five hitter for the human behavior and mob psychol­ litical council, China's highest exec­ means. The most that the defend­ government” which he said "has a him. That waa the Derby In which and Discovery could not gain on SIEBERUNGS BOOT 4:30.7; Red and White ___ utive body, was reported today to "workable acceptable statement of Mrs. KlizalM'th Waldo ant con ask pending trial of such a He has been charged by some mem­ Anesthetics had not yet been dis­ president, a senate and a house of Its I both the horses and their Jockeys him. we do not believe will ever be dupli­ Sox in the aecond game, but he ogy" as an essential Instrument in alma and policies on which organ­ bers of his party with being a bet­ covered. Yet In the midst of this cated at .Manchester High. Seldom, the development of an economic have rejected the Japanese mili­ The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth suit Is temporary alimony and own, and a flag of its own." Two Hit Twirling of A1 gave six walks. ized labor, organized farmers, co­ ter Democrat than a Republican and wilderness, without any of the facil­ very seldom, la It given to any one But If history was made yester­ eonatitutlon. tary’s demands affecting North j Waldo waa held Tuesday afternoon counsel fees to permit her to be AWAY GAME 6 TO 5 Wins Medley Relay, Is Bbefields and Moriarty China. operatives, Intellectuals, progres­ at 2 o’clock at the funeral home of an effort may be made to unseat ities of modern times, Ephraim Mc­ school to have three champions In day, it was made In negative Then, after demanding that icien- sive political movements, etc,, can supported pending the trial and to Chinese officials close to the po­ Watkins Brothers on East Center pay for her defense. Plaintiff has him In '36. Dowell practiced surgery and did Kissman; Rockville Gets track and field at lie same time. fashion by the league leading tlata “ihall not cover up lack of ac­ unite " The attitude displayed by the all of the operations attempted up TORGLER IS RELEASED And to Coach Wigren should go the Third b Mile. Brothers Ready for T3t Giants. The lowly Cincinnati Reds curate knowledge with bold asser­ litical councillors were the source street. Rev. J. S. Neill, rector of St. never been unwilling to meet this <- the information about the execu­ Loaders said It would attempt to Mary’s church officiated. The legal obligation. group of senate liberals when Den­ to his time. credit for bringing the trio along to drubbed them twice In a double tion," the NRA chief asserted: clceide .what form this linltcd action the highest pinnacle o f scholastic tive group’s decision. The council bearers were Clifford Joyce, Alden “Aside from this provision the nis Chavez of New Mcxica present­ Here, for the first time, he did M. H. S. Net Team Closes Both Bingles and Run b Errors b Sixth Pave Way header; In full sight of the home "A cordial alliance of the social should take, whether it should be ed himself to take the oath of of­ the abdominal operation which BY GERMANY’S POUCE achievement In the state. If not In at West Side Field. folk. They scor^ a total of two aclentlat and the practical politician met In "urgent session" closed to Piper. Paul Helwig. Ernest Irwin, question of whether in the future Running his last race under toe | the press and the public. a new pnlitical party, national In i j fice to fill out the unexpired term of brought him enduring fame. Hla pa­ the east. We sincerely hope that rune one in each game aa toe m ung might promote a development of there Is any financial obligation on the First Innbg. for Defeat by HigUand these boys will be able to carry on Red and White cdlora of Manchester The Chinese reports of the meet­ scope or a union of regional parties, ^he burial was In Ekst cemetery the plaintiff depends on whether he the late Bronson Cutting makes tient waa Mrs. Crawford of Mot­ fighting Reds scored 4 and 8 t«s- government paralleling and supple­ certain a lively senatorial contest ley’s Glen, 60 miles from Danville. In prep school and college for they High, Bill Murch ran a stellar field Laat night at a meeting between pectlvely. One haa to reach back menting the development of com­ ing said the council dispatched a is Bucessful In the trial of this ac­ Former Head of Reds In Great Year In Triumph of rivals into the ground at Bristol telegram to General Ho Yen-Ching in that slate next year. have toe stuff to reap the fame and toe representatives of toe Blueflelda 16 years to find another Instance merce under the alliance of the busl- Mrs. William J. CTordner tion. This will be determined by Reichstas: Is Freed After 27 After being rained out on two pre­ Park b Twi Battle. toe glory that came to another II- yesterday afternoon, equaling toe in Peiping instructing him to "pre­ The funeral of Mrs. William J. The six senators who absented Everyone had said that the re­ and toe Moriarty Bros, teams, final when toe Reds won a double header Beos man and the natural sclon- $100,000 CRASH SUIT the court In due course as the tes­ Months in Jail. 6—West H artford ...... 0 luatrious son of Manchester High, local school record which be estab­ pare for eventualities should the Corflner, of Mt. Nebo place, was held timony will proceed in accordance themselves from the chamber while moval of such a growth as afflicted vious occasions, the Methodist club arrangements were made for Sun­ at the Polo Grounds. tlat." > Chavez, a democrat, waa being 4— Bristol ...... 0 namely, Joe McCluskey. lished in the Central Connecticut In­ day’s game to open up the new Yanks Win Double Japanese carry out threats to ad­ at Watkins Brothers funeral home with the customary practice." Mrs. Crawford would be fatal. She Blanks Middletown fo r 8th o^ned their season with a win over terscholastic League meet laat Sat­ sworn In, are prepared to Invade 5— Mlddletoivn ...... 0 In a very IntereaUng game, High­ diamond on the Four Acre lot. The In the other National League vance upon Peiping and Tientsin.” SETTLED FOR $10,500 this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Ryan charged In his suit that his had In her side a great lump, con­ Berlin, June 12— (A P )— A re­ the Koscuiazko Scouts of Rockville urday at Middletown in winning the New Mexico If necessary In 1936. stantly growing bigger and bigger, 6— Windham ...... 0 land Park again topped the Porter­ Director Frank Busch of the Rcc game will start promptly at 3:00 p. games, the Phillies defeated the Japanese reports from Peiping a Watson Woodruff, pastor of Center bride misrepre-sented her cha.stlty, liable source revealed tonight that laat evening at Rockville, 2-1. Be­ reation Centers, former sparring event In four minutes, 30.7 seconds. few days ago said the Chinese had The progressive bloc in both houses constantly causing pain ' and dis­ Shutout, 10th Consecutive 6—Morse Buainesa College .... 0 field Sleberlings at Mt. Nebo laat m. Both teams are in deadly Chicago Cubs 10-4 and the Pitts­ SISTER OF VICTIM AZ4 r» J Congregational church officiated. that ahe did not love him and that Ernst Torgler, former leader of the 5—Middletown ...... 0 hind the two-hit pitching of their partner of such ring greats as Jack The race was part of the track and accepted the sweeping demands Move Made .After Day and a The burial was in the East ceme- she was after his money. went to the support of Cutting In tress. night to win 6-5. An otherwise well earnest about the game although no burgh Pirates, opened their alx Communist members of the Reich­ Dempsey and Max Schmeling field program held to celebrate Bris­ arguments have arisen to liven up game series with Brooklyn with a Half Had Been Spent in Se-|tcry. Leo Schendcl, Herman Mon- 1934 and have said privately they On December 13. 1809. Mrs. stag. haa been released from jail af­ ace lefthander, Ah Kiaaman, the played game waa marred In the tol’s scsqul-centennlal and the arc willing to take the field again Victory; Captured Three 46 4 hasn't had much better luck than the situation. It should be a good 4 to 0 shot out to go into a tie with SCREAMS AT TRIALiSSues'^May^f leclini; a Jlirv. I*'®' Hamilton Metcalf, Otto Nelson. Crawford, then 47 years old, arrived ter 27 months detention. Methodists displayed mid-season sixth inning by the Sleberlings who we have In predicting winners but state’s tercentenary. I Chinese sources have been un­ for the cause which the New Mexico battle. The Moriarty Bros, boys St. Louis for second place. Andrew Anaaldl and Arthur Wilkie in Danville. She had traveled the Torgler surrendered voluntarily form in the field. The locals gathered booted the ball for a couple ol he hopes to boost his average to­ A Beautiful Rare communicative on this point, al­ INSPECTOR APPOINTED progressive sponsored. 60 miles on horseback. She was a feel they have a good chance to In the American League the White IfOMtlBaed from Page One) were the bearers. Mrs. Bcrtellne to police shortly after the Reich­ Titles; Urbanetti Has Fine four hits and managed to bunch errors, letUng in two runs for the morrow night. He picked Canzoneri Manchester’s schoolboy sensation though It has been apparent that Both Chavez and New Mexico’s small woman. The growth In her Hllltoppers which gave them the “ take” the Blueflelda, having done it Sox divided a double header with Torrlngton, June 12,— (AP) — A Lashlnske sang two hymns accom­ Hartford, June 12— (AP) —Com­ stag building was burned early In VFW WINS 2ND START three of these in the fifth to produce to.beat Ambers and McLamln to n igbt have been credited with a many of the Japanese demands al­ $100,000 automobile accident ault panied on the organ by Mrs. R, K. other democratic senator, Carl abdomen had become bruised lead and the game. before. Washington losing the opener 9-6 •m s la gone were Zlmmerly’s missioner of State Police Anthony 1933, but was acquitted by the Su­ the winning margin. beat Rosa and now he’s backing new record bad the dockers been a Tonight, while the Blueflelda are ready have been met. waa .settled for $10,.’)00 today in the Anderson. Hatch, serving unexpired terms, against the horn of the saddle. Record. Gunther, pitched a good game for and winning the after piece 9-3. The words," Mias Stone testifled, on re- Still In Session S. Sunderland, has appointed State preme Court at Leipzig of charges After the first inning In which the Baer against Braddock. If we re. bit more accurate as he ran a heady, at Mt. Nebo the West Sides }vill Yanks videned thc'.r league lead bv Superior Court at Litchfield will be up for reelections in '36. The room in the home of Eph­ IN SOFT BALL LEAGUE Highland I%rk with the exception beautiful race and whipped six tuminjg to the first floor. As tho day ended, the central po­ Policeman Carlton L. Klockcr. In­ From present indications the sena­ of complicity in the arson. His ac­ Scouts got their nm, and Incidental­ member rightly, he’s looking for practice on the McKee street dia­ winning both games of their twin after a day and a half had been .\nthoii Simler, Sr. raim hlcDowell was not the glisten­ quittal came in December of that of the second Inning when bo was Camera to polish off Joe Louis later others In the field by fifty yards and "Next morning,” she said Doctor litical council still was In session. spector of weights and measures as torial contests In that state promise ing white tiled operating room of ly both their hits, Kissman was in­ mond. Tomorrow night toe M. B. bill with the St. Louis Browns 7-4 spent In selecting a jury and just The funeral of Ant. n Simler, Sr., of June 1. He will succeed Napoleon year, but he was taken into "protec­ Manchester High’s tennis team vincible, no man reaching second touched fo r'fo u r hits, and Issued this month, too. more. Pearson of Bulkeley trailed Bnunerly left for Maryland. She Officials at the Kuomlntang Party to he very much in the national our present day magnificent hos­ three free passes, giving the Steber- boys will travel to Bast Hartford to and 9-3. At Cleveland, toe Athle­ amid he instructed Parker to "keep aa the trial waa about to begin. The of Wapping, who died at thy Hart­ J. Fournier of Moosup, who re.signed tive custody," and has been held in yesterday closed the most succeao- The V. F. W. team won Its second base. Another interesting feature of Murch to the tape in 4:41 and take on the Long Hill Ice Team in a headquarters here suggested that plaintiffs were Helen Gennari, who ford hospital on Sunday was held at spotlight next year. pitals. Just a bleak space, In the llngs five runs. tics walked off with both games ot the door locked and keep 'em out." Slno-Japanese relations had taken a on May 31 to assume his new duties various jails since. ful season in the hiatory of the game In aa many starts Monday the game waa that neither .pitcher Having tried our hands at pick­ Davies of West Hartford was third 7 inning twilight game and Friday a double header 4-3 and 5-1. Tha asked $50,000 and Frank Pi.xley and the home of his son. William Simler, center a hard wooden table, covered His sudden release, kept strictly night, defeating the strong Hose Harold Shetz, on the slab for the ing evei^hing else, we might as in 4:47.2. It was the fifth time In She teatifled she saw Zlmmerly use turn for the worse "because of the as sheriff of Windham county. school with a 5-0 shutout over Mid­ issued a walk. night the team will get In Its final Cardlnal.s-Bravea game at Boston Leslie .Stannard, who asked $25,000 with a folded blanket. secret, leaked out through various Co. 1 team, 7-4 on the Charter Oak tire boys, was touched for eight hits, well try It In the manly art of self- the past month that Murch has run surgical instruments on Mrs. Law- Japanese military’s unending de-' dletown High. This leave the Red Hedlund's catch of a foul fly near issued no passes and struck out practice at Mt. Nebo. waa postponed. aon. each. All three arc of West Stock- channels today. Just where Torgler grounds. “Cap" Peterson, subbing defense. We didn’t write anything the mile In figures better than those mands on China which, regardless bridge, Mass. The defendants were There were no fine white sheets, and White netmen undefeated In the grandstand was the fielding gem four. Was Not Paid of China's desires to fulllll, she la went was not made public, but it for Matty in the box for the Vets, about It at the time, but we picked set by Joe McCluskey six years ago. tho Berkshire Motor Dispatch Co., ABOUT TOWN no antiseptic solutions, no white-clad was said that he was released on ten meets and with eight shutouts was strong In the pinches, allowing ot a game In which good fielding As yet no game has been schedul­ Canzoneri over Ambers and Ross Manchester High’s medley relay Mlsa Stone said, on cross examl- unable to meet." nurses standing before tables full of to their credit, a record that pays featured. The locals appeared for ed for Friday for the Sleberlings, al­ These officials suggested Uie and .Mario Georgia of Stockbrtdge, condition that he will not reside only one hit apiece for nine No. i over McLamln. so we’ve got a per­ team of Starchewski, Solomonson, BStlon that ZlmAierly did not pay Mass. flashing surgical Instruments. high tribute to Coach David Hart­ the first Ume in their new uniforms though one Is “In the works” . Sun­ fect average to risk tomorrow night her for three months service as a cause of the political coiincH's ur­ Toda Pattern The first raiubow of the season within the Berlin city limits and It batters. Harry Mathiason made Haefs and Leary, running 110, 220, The accident occurred at Falls Beside Dr. Ephraim McDowell well and the members of the team. and presented a fine appearance. day they will travel to Addison to In naming Baer as our choice over 440 and 880 yards respectively, domestic. gent Bosalons Is the Japanese de­ put In its appearance in the skies waa understood that he and his aeveral circus catches in shortfield Village last November when a car stood Charles McKinny, a pupil family have settled in a quiet place Won Three Titles Little has been said to date about tangle with the team which has Braddock. We’d be delighted to flashed to victory over Bristol and Dad Something Better "How did you live?" pressed mand that the Kuomlntang organi­ last night j\ist beferre 7 o’clock. It for the Vets and Angelo, for No. 1 driven by Miss Gennari overturned studying medicine. On the opposite about thirty miles from the capital. Manchester has run up a total of robbed several Vets of hits. the Methodist team as the manage­ twice defeated the PolishAmericans. have the latter give the champ a West Hartford In the fine time ot Hosterman. zations In Hopei Province be dla- extended north To south and fol­ side of the table was Dr. James Mc­ 46 points to four for its opponents. Highland Park oanded. These demands, according aa she attempted to avoid a collision The feature of the game waa the ment was anxious to see them in lacing but we're pretty skeptical of 3:31.4, as Leary started his leg with "Ob, I had money before I went lowed the sudden and rather heavy Dowell, a nephew: and at the end Two of these points against the AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Good Wishes This Year to the Kuomlntang chiefs here, are with a truck owned by the dispatch rain storm that came up about 6:40 robust cheering section brought by action before making any unfounded miracles. And we’re also naming close to a twenty-yard handicap and Htere," ahe replied. company which waa backing out of of the table waa Mrs. Baker, an at­ team were scored by the Wesleyan claims. If this game is.any Indlca- BAgleson, aa .... 4 0 0 1 2 u Louis to beat Camera, not just to finished first by almost the same Miss Stone sstld she left the place neeting strong opposition from tho and lasted but a few minutes. It tendant. the Vets and stationed in the left Chinese. a driveway. The case was to have FLOOD CONTROL HEARING University Freshmen and two Bris­ field bleacbera, which accounted for Uon of the brand of bell which will Kiaaman, cf .... 4 1 1 0 U u be different from Frankie, but be­ margin. the morning after Mrs. Lawson died waa plainly seen, but did not last tol High, with whom Manchester Unconllrnipd...... re)ior...... ■ here stated been tried . before 11 jurors ns so long. Dr. Ephraim McDowell marked the unseasonable pep displayed by be played this year, the local back­ B. Dougan, 2b . 4 0 0 3 2 u cause we think he can do It. Third In Mile Relay because she waa afiold. For the that General Ho Ylng-Chln. who Is [" '“'b '•'"c had been spent In sclcct- out the place for the Incision which opened Its season without benefit of the veterans. ers of the team can be assured of Adams, l b ...... 4 0 2 7 1 0 Manchester’s mile relay team ot same reason ahe said she did not ceeklng to handle Chinese affairs in | decided to was then made by Dr. James Mc­ CALLED OFF BY REQUEST practice. Thla year's team haa- The score: seeing some excellent baseball. C. Dougan, 3b . 4 2 1 0 1 1 Manager Jimmy Cosgrove of the Haraburda, Anderson. Pratt and notify police nor tell neighbors of The G CHcf (Jliib of-the Emanuel Dowell. As the operation proceed­ annexed three championships, win­ J. Nichols, c , .. 3 2 2 9 1 u Sleberlings is wishing he’d thought North China, resigned as the result : the further delay which would Lutheran church will hold iU annual Veterans of Foreign Wars The Scouts have been booked to Murch placed third in that event What bad taken place. of the Increasing dlffleultles In the ,?,\f necessitated In selecting a ed Mrs. Crawford recited numerous ning the state championship for the play a return game here Saturday, Bentley. If ...... 3 0 1 0 0 u of taking out rain insuranc for last behind Bristol and New London windup of the season at the Iron psalms. AB R H PO A E She returned to Zlmmerly'a place relations with Japan. 12th. 'X Washington, June 12.— (AP) — flrat time and taking the C. C. I. L. Cobb, as ...... 4 3 1 0 1 0 Juno 22nd. One can bo assured of a R. Nichols, rf . 3 0 0 0 0 u Sunday’s game with toe Thompson- Bulkeley, the Bell City team win­ St 3 o'clock In the morning of March Fireside, Wapplng, this* evening at Five days later she was up mak­ Senator Lonergan, D., Conn., waa tennis meet laat fall when they also Gunther, p ...... 3 1 1 1 2 0 ville Greys. He said that a $30 pre­ 7 o’clock. Supper will be served Linnell, 3 b ...... 3 1 2 2 3 1 real batUe aa these two teams ap­ ning in 3:34.5 with a quartet that 17. PREPARF, FOR WORK ing her own bed. Twenty-five days notified today the Connecticut Val­ V on the League singles and doubles mium would have insured against consisted of Deamarals, Skclsky, and the election o f officers will be fcrowna. With yesterday’s win, the H. Mathiason, sf. 3 0 1 6 0 0 pear to be very evenly matched. Dr. Louise Keasby, Lancaster PBtMEtTS later she rode home on horseback. ley Council had withdrawn ito re­ Smith, c ...... 3 0 1 0 0 T o ta ls ...... 32 6 8 21 9 1 rain for $200, which would have Ben Vaznclis and Pankratz. Hara­ held, Cara will leave the church at League competitive chsmplonahip It is understood that Koscuiazko’ pathologist, testified benes found on DR. EDWARD A. SCHNELL 6:15 p. m. In 1813 McDowell operated on a quest to the War Department- for 'O, Mathiason, lb . 3 1 1 6 0 0 Scouts have ao far thtc season prov­ Porterfield Sleberlings given him $170 profit without even burda ran a sweet quarter on the Negro woman, and in 1816 he did flood control works of the Connec­ also comes to Manchester oa the AB. R. H. PO A. B. lifting a bat. Seems o us, a team Zlmmerly’s farm wore brought to Hartford, Juno 12.— (AP) —So Leggett, rf ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 ed themselves to be the best team In opening leg of this race, but Ander­ her but said: “I did not feel capable far as possible persons on relief a similar operation. Finally In 1817 ticut. postponed matches with Meriden La Cosa, ss .... .3 0 1 2 1 2 ought to be able to get insurance son and Pratt were unable to bold IS DEAD IN GREENWICH Wcatwood Court, O. of A., of will probably be cancelled. Middle- Olson, If ...... 3 1 0 1 0 0 Rockville and Coach Breannan feels to give a final opinion." will be given those jobs on works he published his results. Aa a result the scheduled hearing Kilpatrick, cf . . , 2 0 2 0 0 0 Sullivan, 2b .,.. 3 0 1 2 4 2 against defeat but maybe the pre-. the lead he chalked up and Murcb Meriden will observe visiting In Danville stands a fine monu­ before the board of engineers for town High haa beaten Meriden highly pleased with the aucceaa of Shuetz, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 U mium would be a bit high. She called the bones "a mass of projects which correspond to for­ matron’s and patron’s night tomor' Peterson, p ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 hla charges In their flrat real test. started too far behind In the mer occupations. For this purpose ment, erected by the physicians of rivers and harbors scheduled for twice ao Manchester could probably Daigle, 3'b .... .3 0 0 0 2 1 material without definite outline" row night. Royal Matron Rachel Eagleson, 3b .... 3 1 3 3 1 0 The score: anchor berth to catch the leaders, and evaded using the word "bones." Had Been Bract icinR There - regional engineers and assistants Kentucky to the great pioneer sur- June 19, probably will be called off. down Meriden easily. Cargo, I f ...... 3 1 1 3 0 U Ernest Neill, better known as although he cut their margin down Tlldcn of Chapman <2ourt of this Urbonettl’s Farewell Methodist den’s Club Loveland, c .... 0 “Butch" at Manchester High, from the state emergency relief gTOn. Ephraim McDowell. And now The Senator was notified in a letter 29 7 1 5 1 1 1 4 0 U considerably. Since 1889— Was Descend­ place wifi fill the station of secre­ Uie doctors of that stole have led in from John C. Robinson of Spring- Yesterday’s match marked Cap­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Wolfram, cf . . . 3 1 1 1 0 u where be played basketball, foot­ commission met today at the Capt- tary. Supper will be served at 6:30 The local's did not compete m the ant of Early Settlers. tol with Miss Eleanor H. Little the erection of a monument to the field, president, that the council un­ tain Lebro Urbanetti’a farewell to McKay, cf ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Stevenson, rf . . . 2 1 0 0 0 0 ball, hockey and baseball, haa been half-mile relay, the broad jump or in Masonic Hall. Meriden. high school competition, aside from Hooe Oo. No. I O May, s s ...... 2 0 1 0 3 0 state administrator, and F. Perrv woman who helped Dr. Ephraim derstood a War Department report AB R Chapman, lb . .. 3 1 1 9 0 u awarded a letter in basketball at toe high jump, all three of which BOLTON SCHOOL PUPILS Close, chief state engineer. McDowell make thU great advance on the river, soon to be submitted the fall meet. He haa featured for Phlllipa, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cushing Academy at Ashbumham, captured by New Haven Hltlhouse. Greenwich. June 12.— (A P )__ A card party to raise funds for four years on the varsity pla}ring Wilkenson, af . . . 3 1 Orube, If ...... 3 0 0 4 0 0 Lists of persons and occupations in medical science. to Congress was "so thorough’’ that Maloney, 3b .... 3 0 Totals ...... 24 5 5 21 10 6 Moss., of which C. P. Qulmby, for­ The events were run more as exhibi­ Dr. Edward A. .dl ter people who wish to attend a control dams and reservoirs on the hja necn undefeated this season In Rogers, c f ...... 2 0 1 0 0 1 La Coss to Sullivan to Qiapman; Guards. ton nml on his mother's side was the bus will leave the Manchester ter­ brother. Alfred, titled Portuguese Angelo, r f ...... 3 1 to each coach. The meet was con­ ton North acHool of Bolton were The 30 to 1 vote for ratification of m . *1niA O ia^. jtocK - aviators, today postponed their upper tributortea of the river |tcbea with other schools. Acting Ncllaon, r f ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 B. Dougan to Elagleson to Adams: ducted by Coach Magnuson of Bris­ scion of a family which settled In minus at 7:45, go by way of Spruce 'he mainstay of the team, he Schleldge, If ,,,. 3 2 held jointly In the Bolton Hall last the Philippine Commonwealth Con­ scheduled take-off on a .non-stop preferably by an Interstate agency, J May, l b ...... 1 0 0 4 0 0 left on bases. Highland Park 5, The most impressive list of bat­ tol. night. America In 1640. tol ib maJccP— street to the Center and then to one much to bring tennia Into Lashlnske, x .... 1 0 stitution was formally certified to flight to Rome. ^ the cost to be shared ha’ * and half i Hunt, c ...... 1 0 Porterfields 3; base on balls oil ting averages we’ve ever bad the Summary: Diplomas were given to four Dr. Schnell was graduated from Governor General Frank Murphy Depot Square. Setback will be between the Federal government" nellght at the local school. He Gunther 4; hit by pitcher, Sullivan pleasure ot gazing upon comes to New York University in 1888 and played and cash prizes will be The youthful fUers decided to de­ 7f graduate next February In the Gustafson, e „ . , 2 0 26 2 4 21 7 1 High jump—Won by Barrett, Hlll- puplU. Olga Albaal and Eva Robotto today by the Insular Legislature. lay starting from Floyd Bennett and local agencies. The coat was Koaculazko Scouts by Gunther; stmek out by Gunther this desk from Dick Puter, pub­ housc, second, Reeves, Hillhouse; were the two to graduate from the came to Greenwich after serving an The governor it expected to an­ awarded. estimated at $13,373,000. class of 38A, making him available licity generalissimo of Manchester ^rport after receiving a report that 29 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 6, Shuetz 4; umpires, J. Lovett, third, E. Vaznelia, Bristol. Height, Birch Mountain school and Helen A. intemeship at Bellvue ' hospital In nounce the election of a President The department suggested that for the League meet next fall, when 4 9 18 6 3 Zapatka. Green's baseball club, which haa New York. the weather was unfavorable on the local team will be favored to re­ Hose Co. No. . 101 020 0— 4 Tenney, cf 5 feet, 7 inches. Blake and Annabelle L. Lee were the and National Assonblv to establish Although It waa necessary to hold L.e capital be subscribed from local won seven out of eight starts thus Broad jump—Won by Lightner, He leaves hla widow and one son the card party sponsored by the the other aide of the Atlantic. They tain its laurels and retire the Vet. of F. W. 142 000 X—7 A. Kowski lb pupils from the North school. The home rule will be held In about 90 Rian to leave tomorrow at 6 p m sources aa the need for possible Burke, ss . . . far this season. Out of_14 players Hillhouse; second, Fletcher, Hill- Clifford S. Schnell of Poughkeepsie, lUys. .September 20 has been set as Linen Auxiliary of the Manchester power from the dams developed. League trophy from competition. *—Batted for Schleldge in 7th. listed, only four are below the ma- diplomas were presented by Super- (eastern daylight Ume) or aa soon XX—Metcalf out hit by batted ball. G. Kowski, If n e v r CARD A U SET house; third, B. Vaznelts, Bristol. vlaor Lsvl T. Garrison of WUUmaa- N. 'Y, the tentative date for the election Memorial hospital indoors at the The council had appealed for more Others Who Leave grlcal .300 mark, with Frank Patrlss PrtvaU funeral aandeea and in­ thereafter as weather permits. Others who will graduate in- Two base hits, O. Mathiason, Kil­ Blcleckl, 3b . Distance, 22 feet, 1 inch. Uc, who has ,Fharge of the schools m at which Manuel Quezon. Senate Manchester Y. M. C. A. gymnasium complete Federal participation in on top with a sensational .524 as Mile run—Won by Murch, Man­ terment will be held Friday with the president, la strongly favored as the yesterday afternoon inatead of on the coat. r' lde Dave Mpidoon this June and patrick; three base hit, Angelo; base Blinn, 3b . . . AT SOUTH PARK RING toe result of 32 hits in 42 trips to Bolton and In other small fowr.s In ALVORD FUNERAL on balls, off Peterson i, Hansen, 3; PhUlips, c .. chester; second, Peareon, Bulkeley; Tolland county. Rev. John F. Protheros, pastor of first Chief Executive. the hospital lawn, as planned, the Cy Olorgett! next February. The toe plate. the Diamond Hill Methodist church latter has been No. 4 man on the struck out, by Peterson 1. Hanaen 2. Lemek, rf .. third, Davies, West Hartford. Time, At present there are 18 pupUs who The official count o f the Mav 14 e> in _ ^*a a success. There were 4:30.7. of Cos Cob officiating. I' btscite waa announced as 1,212.- 48 tables of cards and there were Grecnwlch, June 12.— (A P )__The ITALIAN B.APTIST ELECT team and has been a consistent, al­ M. Kowski, p Hartford, June 13—For those who Other Imposing averages follow; 7 plan to attend the Burh Mountain funeral of Clive Alvord of Green­ though not brilliant, performer. Y. M. C. A. LUCKY STRIKES want to listen In on the Baer-Brad- Medley relay—Won by Mancbea- school In the fall. 046 to 44.936 for adoption of the tickets sold to equal that many Joe Zapatka, .500; Joe Lovett, .476; Constitution. wich and Hartford was held at the Meriden, June 12.— (A P )— The Manager Trotter, who often In the SEEK KASEBALL GABIES 24 dock battle In New York tomorrow tc. (Haefs), Starchewski, Solmon- p lP E D in contrast and Sulthed with a chic jabot and smart button, more. The fexjd sale waa a big suc­ 1 2 21 9 2 Tuffy Viot, .473; John Mikoleit. aon and Leary); second, Bristol; cess, the entire stock being sold out ^ con d Congregational church here second day session of the 37tb an­ capacity of acting coach has done MetoodUt M. C. .. 000 020 0—2 night, toe management of the ama­ .444; “ Drolly" Borello, .390: Harold '• charming. Tho waist has today, the Rev. Oliver Huckel, pas-’ third, Wcat Hartford. Time, 3:31.4. TALMADGE CITES N.AROOncS STOLEN to give required ease over hust and there it and the pottecy and basket sale waa nual convention of the Italian Bap­ s good deal of work toward the The north end’s oniy representa- Koscuiazko Scouts 100 000 0—1 teur boxing down at South Park has Jarvis, .378; EMdIe oegar, .312; Joe tor of the church officiated. success of the team, also graduates. Uvs on tha diamond tola season, toe prepared a special surprise. The re­ Mile relay—Won by Bristol (Dea­ FATHER’S DAY TO BEALTIFV m om i'AT tPr”nS kineham or calico. Pat­ also large. There was a potted tist Association of the United States Three base hits, A. Kowski; sacri­ Sullivan, .307; Johnny Mankus. marals, Skelaky, B. Vaznelia and New Britain. June 12. lA Pl — terns aio sized o6 to 52. .'iiic 41 requires 4 1-2 yards of 35-lnch fuschla prize at each Ubie. The Alvord. whose parents are at the Italian Baptist church open­ Sinnamon and DellaFera return Y. M. C. A. Lucky Strlkea, ore seek­ fice hits, O. May; left on bases, sults of toe bout round by'round will .304. The Green’s batting average CAMPAIGN PLEDGE fabric and 1-S yard contrast. meu prominent in Hartford society, died next spring to form the nucleus of a ing gomea with tjiy fast teams in be announced at the fights by ar­ Pankratz); second, Bulkeley; third, Waatport, June 1 2 .- (A P)— The Police made a second arrest today committee having the arrangements ed this morning with a devotional Methodist 3, Kosculszko Scouts 1; as a team Is a nifty .380, compiled Manchester. Time, 3:34.5. Fairfield county planning oommu- In connection with the alleged theft In charge, headed by Mrs. hospital Monday. In- service led by Rev. J. Parrela, fol­ team that Is expected to have an­ town or vicinity. Composed of form­ base on balls, off H. Kowski 1; hit rangement with those who are through 132 bingles in 347 times at Gift Suggestions KTHriVnvs®«n and STKP.BY.SXEP SEWING IN- , n « “ lo Torrlngton. other auccessful aeaaon, though not doling out the Information. Half mile relay—Won by HIM- okm today made known the appoint­ (Continued from Page One) of 1.000 narcotic tablets from the Higgins, expects to realize a neat lowed by a business meeting during er high and trade school players, toe by pitcher, McKay, by M. Kowski; bat. The Green haa score'* 91 runs house (Chippln, Miller, Fletcher and ment of a aub-commlttee to lU tech­ West Ekid pharmacy at 444 West THE . S e V m :w s p ?? e r . Felber, who was In charge of tlcketa which the following officers were os successful as this year’s team Strlkea ore ready for . ueb teams aa struck out, by Kissman 5, M. Kow­ Matchmaker Pete Perone haa pre­ lu all. f i n d CHILD’S SKELETON bos enjoyed. pared an attractive cord of twelve Lightner); aend, Wcat Hartford; It’s really not enough to slap dad on the back on nical oommlttee which wiu make ceasing taxes on wheat, cotton, Main street, taking Into custody Sid­ sum from the venture. Mrs. Charles elected; the Concordlan Lutherans, Baldwins, ski 4. Ume, 1 hour, 15 minutes. Um­ third, Bulkeley. Ume. 1:32.3. auggeetlona on beautification of the com and hogs, the Georgia chlet Juiia’^novw.'’ !?*^*'' *’ "T r:nN - b o o k , with a complete selection of and publicity haa not the net returns FoUofidng ore the scores o f the South Methodists, Porterfield’s or bouta this week featuring teams Mr, Puter gets hla statistics down Father’s Day . . . when for little more than a ney Noveck, 32, brother of the own­ f, • '* * "yhen purchased President Rev. Frank Valdlna of pire, Glasco. Mwritt Highway to the Fairfield executive said of the administration; er of the drug store, Morris Noveck. yet. Wilmington. Del., June 12.— (AP) Middletown meet yesterday: Urba­ Highland Pork. This team, which from Hartford, New Haven and to a fine point by showing, that the week’s cigarette money you can give him gift P“ ttern above, send —The skeleton of a nine-year-old Boston; Vice President, Rev. Dlaga netti defeated Jones 6-—1, 6—1; a coimty Leglalatora when they meet "They taxed the money out oi James Johnson, 35. a negro, waa ar­ In Just an additional 10 cents wlih the coupon. haa one victory to Its credit, inclubes New York. The Balesano boys of Green has averaged 11.3 runs per ulld, who apparently had died of Isgro of Syracuse. N. Y., Secretory, Sinnamon downed Bolmonaen, 6—8, Hartford wlU all be on again and so BLUEFIELDSTOPUY he’ll enjoy long after Father’s Day. to vote on the DIS.OOO.OOO bond issue American induatrv to support Idle­ rested last Friday. The regular monthly meeting of Rev. Antonio Malloppi of Camden, among others "Duteby" Hines, Andy game, 16.5 bits and 3 errors. If toe for construction. ness and st-arcity. x x x There la no Mons-Ypres Post. B. \V. V., will be violence, and la believed to hav» 6—4; DellaFera trounced Bosee, wiU Jackie Cfiark, Billy Duffy. Col­ Green can whittle down the last The younger Noveck bad been In N. J.. Treasurer, Rev. John Ditl- 6—1, 6—0; in the dou'ules, Urbanet­ Fiedler, SpUlone, Swlkla, Katkaveck, Last Night *s Fights prosperity from scarcity. Scarcity JULIA BOYD, lOJ PARK AVE.S’UE. NEW YORK held In the Army and Navy club been dismembered, was found In a umbus Lowe and many other Hart­ mentioned average and keep toe Shirts Neckwear The bond issue recently waa au- Baltimore for several days. He re­ shallow grave on a farm belonging berio of New York, Editor in chief ti and Sinnamon blankid Jones and Bronnlck, Lucas, Comber, Arching, P. A. C. HERE TONIGHT tborised by the General Ajuembly breeds corruption, thievery and Enclosed Is 15 cents in coin for house tonight at 8 o’clock. It Is the Clark and Wilson. Gomes may be ar­ ford favorites. others on toe current level, toe turned last night and surrendered to to the Worth Steel Company, near of L'Aurora Bilingual Baptist Week­ Thomas, 6— 0, 6—0; DellaFera and Klngflsh Balesano who waa bat­ Belts Slacks JoMpb T. Woodruff, consult- crime. Scarcity, coupled with high the police, later being released on a wish of the officers that a large ranged by leaving word at the **Y". Blueflelda will have a tough time taxes, la Communism." Pattern No...... Sits ...... here, late yesterday. ly, Rev. Angelo Dldbnemlca of Phila­ Glorgettl trimmed Salmonien and Chicago — Everett Rlghtmirs, tled to a draw by Eddie Carr of kMpIng toe old town championship After a strenuous practice ses­ tog engineer o f the association em- bond of $300. number be In attendance. Reed, 6—3. 6—0. Highland Path is especially ooked to Sioux O ty, lo., outpoint Sweaters Pajamas He denounced the TVA and rre- Attorney General P. W. Green delphia; English Editor, Rev. Frank DtM Henry New Haven lost week la very much crown from being pushed right sion last night, toe Blueflelds ore at the lost meeting the ...... Address ...... who vlalted the site of the discov­ Sannella of Providence; Manager, Season’s Record moke arrangements for a game Hook, Indianapolis (10). disappointed with bis showing and dlctad "the same fate that baa be- A full attendance of members of Thursday night down to toclr shoes. ready for toe strong Polish-Ameri- Hats White Shoes ‘n|||B6May for each town conatrucUng Mrs. William Rogers, 90, of Mus­ City ...... State. . ery In company with state police, Rev. J. L. DlObeno of New York. Manchester's record for the sea­ Los Angeles—Lou .SaUca, Brook­ vowa he wlH do better ogolnat Eddie con Club of Rockville at Mt. Nebo 'S 9 W U iig road with the new the AAA kogee. Okla., is the only woman the Manchester Veterans assocla- son follows: and lit momantoua processing j Name of this newspaper...... said that apparently lime had been The annua] measage was given by lyn, defeated Pablo Dona, Manila Mock of New Haven here Thursday at 5:45 o'clock tonight. A large aver to serve as commissioner for Chairman John j thrown over the body, which the president. Rev. Antonio Perrotto Man. Ofpo, Claire Cribho, great University of (10), recognised in California night The bouta will start at 8:SU crowd Is expected. Kovis or Jones tha C m k Jwhaa nation. X G. Mahoney at the meeting this been buried at least a year The sex and following the prayer, Dr. Roland >Tf—Briatol ...... 3 Pittaburgh basketball player, will world bantam weight champion. promptly and with a prospect ot WRESTLING will be on toe slab for the Blue- layealaf in Uu Aaay oad Navy club-j i« unkaoim. ^ Y H. Bointongtove tha church ] • 0 tiia RoUtnwM Oriolea of toe In- Seattlo—fteddte Btgi^ Tonamo, izsimer wsatbar.thon tost week io- Mlaaswptdia—Liou Plummer, Bal- fields. All players are asked to re­ pMai to 6 st Um Untahousa at 8:15 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12. 1088. MANCHESTER EVENING HBKALU, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, J U N E 12, 188S. Toonerville Folks By Fontaine I-'ot OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Gene

SENSE and NONSENSE '7 Do you sidab the svorid srere wiser 7 A omaU boy. on being asked why Well suppoM you make a start. his unci* alwaya svon v/hen be play­ By accumulating wisdom in the ed cards but lost when he backed OW ,T>ONT -BE S iL L V -'-— TAKE THAT APTILLEWY ^ Bcrap-book of your heart; horses, promptly answered: "Uncle I WOUL'DbJr HANDLE A LOADED Do not waste one page on folly, live can’t shuffle the horses." OOTA HEPE.OB EUBE to learn and learn to Uve, (3 UN IN THE H O U S E I— 3 UST PUT TH' hAUrZ.LE OF- V you want to glva man knowledge Wife—Now that I hay* my hair WANT TD SHOW VOU THIS ELEPHANT.^ you must get It ere you give! bobbed, you can never say again IT IN YOUR HIP POCKET} II CiUN I USED \N ATW\CA,ONTHE ANTY CHUMP WHO PERSONALS HOUSEHOLD SERVICES A PA RTM ENTS— FLATS— that I look like an old lady. City Merchant (severely)—Toung Husband—No, but now you look W OOV COAST | -‘.E<&AD,S\T^,\T DENNONSTPATES A GUN OFFERED la-A TENEMENTS 83 VETERANS DISLIKE Racing Notes like an old gentleman. STOMACH ULCER, GAS PAINS, CRAVEN IS WINNER Interest Seems Lacking Qian, 1 notice that you are almost 4 ^ t a k e s a S T o i r s h o u l d e w . t o IN TH' HOUSE,SHOULD IndigMtlon VJcUms, why iufferT UPHOLSTERING-A world of new FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ Invariably from 10 to 30 minutes HANDLE THE -WEGOiL OF THIS For quick rtllet get n free sample and fascinating posiiliUlties In fur­ ment, all moder.i Improvements. In­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS late in getting to the office. "Your job Is your best friend, to TA K E HIS HEAD TO A Youth—1 taow it. but you seem be tenderly eared for, nursed and of Udga, a doctor'a prescription at niture decoration still await your quire 10 Cottage street. WORKOFKEATINGt Althought Omaha, the three-year- ON REFEREE’S NOD P.IFLB i-wHAYY-wA FWHL CHAW, TREE SURGEON WHEN Arthur Drug Store*. discovery here. Phone 3615. Our For Championship Bout to set such a small value on my euIUvated at aU Umea. Friendly re­ FOR RENT—-nVO, THREE and old champion, will not be among lations properly maintained wlU in- OF VOUW SLIGHT PHYSIQUE. WOULD IT A C H E S I representative will gladly give estl- those present, the $25,000 Detroit time that I didn’t think it mattered mate.s, show samples at your home four room apartments, furnished it much. aure its permanence. P.EQU\P,E A HA^TACK BEHIND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Derby Saturday figures to bo a New York, June 12.— (A P )—De­ or office ndthout obligation. De­ desired. Also live room duplex. Ap­ Committee Appomted To real race. Walter M. Jeffords' :■ During the four years since 19311 9 ^ ) HINA,TO ^ S H IO N THE VIOLENCE posit down. Pay $3 or t4 weekly. ply Manchester Construction Co., Local Fighter Defeats Bar­ spite Its dramatic prospects and the : In .which Baer has fought his way I Opera is on Ita last legs, says a Pop—Say, wbar’s thet cuspidor 1931 ESSEX COUPE, *99: 1930 Firethom, second to Omaha in the possibility It will be a surprisingly OF BEING HUPLED Manchester Upnolsterlng Co.. 218 4131 or 4279. Preakness and Belmont stakes, and I to the ■ top, Braddock ha* been I eritfe. Wall, judging from tha last 'at used to set there? I miss it a Studebakcr Victoria coupe ^ 190; hard fought match, tht world’s whipped nine times. The Jersey! lot 1929 Studebakcr sedan. 379; North Elm St. Bu.ay Since 1022. Discuss Selection of Cus­ A. G. Vanderbilt's Cold Shoulder, ney Fox of Windsor Locks opara we attended, they are very B A C K FIFTY FOR RENT—91 HAMLIN street, heavyweight championship fight be­ j battler is thren years older, slower! eturdy lege. Mom—That’s why its gone. You Chevrolet coach, Jewett coach. which set the pace for mure than a tween Champion Max Adelbert five room flat, ivith reception hall, mile in the Belmont, left New York and carries a less potent punch! missed it too often. Willy* Knight sedan, $9 each. Cole second floor, steam ocat, shades todian for Soldiers* Graves Baer and (Challenger James J. than the champion. I Motors. FLORISTS— NURSERIES 15 today for the scene. Roman Soldier at Sandy Beach. You can eend your garmente to a and screens. A good rent. Very rea­ Braddock tomorrow night has fail­ These indisputable facts account! laundry and they will come back One hears little about these trial runner up in the Kentucky Derby, ed to arouse either th fine frenzy A LAROF QUANTITY OF flower sonable. Inquire at 93 Hamlin St. largely for Baer’s status as 5 to 11 white end clean, but when you de­ marriages these days. But we know 1931 FORD COACH, 1931 Ford already Is on the grounds having of excitement or the sharp differ­ coupe, 1930 Ford coach. 1931 1 1-2 and vegetable plants. Petuniaa in Albert Lindsey, new chairman of turned a mile and six furlongs m choice In most betting book* on! liberately aoU your eharucter it will a lot of fellows who have been mar­ all colors in bud and blosaom. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ It was a sad night last night at ences of opinion generally associat­ Broadway. There’s no Braddock | ton stake, 1031 1 ton panel. the Permanent Memorial n »y com­ 2^03 yesterday. always have a etaln, no matter how ried for some time, who ore stlU on f'aleoua, Verbena. Marigold. Sal­ ment, on Edgerton street, nil mod­ the Sandy Beach Arena for the ed with such momentous fistic ar­ money, even at that figure. trial. F nvn's Oarage. 478 Center street. mittee, and Neal A. Cheney, re­ Mrs. Silas B. Mason’s Si Portland, rangements. piously you may soak it with th* via, Ageratum^ Lobelia. 8nap- ern Improvemcnt.s, near mills and Milcnskls, the two Polish battlers Braddock docs not figure ara of regret. dragon, Zinnias and Cosmos. Trans­ trolley, rent reasonable. Inquire 38 elected as secretary of the commit­ victor In the Illinois Derby indicat­ It may not be a financial flop,^ but the hunch In this corner] ed he was ready by an easy victory from Uxbridge. Baljc and his broth­ all things considered, but It certain­ Sportsman—Say, what was the planted tomato plantH 16c a dog.. Edgerton street. tee, were appointed last night aa a he will make It Interesting fw idea of shooting that zebra? Monday. Firethom worked a mile er, Tony, the latter nhw at the ring ly lack* drawing power. Madison and display the kind of Little Junior had yelled for 30 Manchester 75c a hundred. J5 00 a thousand. committee to request from the Se­ and a furlong in 1:,56 at the Bel­ 'minutes steadily. Then he quit and Hunter—Well, my wife wants lA'ttiicc 10c a dog.,.50c hundred. FOR RENT- 5 ROOM lower flat, wars. Babe, who was a favorite with Square Garden’s promoters predict that brings a fighter up from tH renovated, shades aim screens. In­ lectmen the usual appropriation of mont yesterday. a "gate o ' $350,000" at their Long ^ was quiet new awning. Evening Herald Also Kvergreenn, rtock garden and the Sandy Beach fans last year and resin to turn the tide. The challen-l quire .3 Oak Place, off Church SL $500 for the Memorial Day observ­ Island City bowl, but on the basis His Mother—I'm glad to see that perrenlal plant:* Always open. 379 ger’s best chances if any. would be I Robert (serloualy)—Do you think CLASSIFIED ance next year and to discuss with Leslie E. Kelffer, owner of the who spent of the winter bat­ of advanced sales they appear to be to get the Jump on the champion at I you’ve stopped crying. Burnside Ave. Phone 8-3091. East the board the appointment of a cus­ tling about Boston was matched by optimistic. It may not exceed Junior—I haven't stopped. I’m your father would object to my mar­ Hartford. Inverness farm of Monkton, Md„ the outset but he will be well ad-1 rying you? ADVERTISEMENTS BUSINESS LOCATIONS todian of soldiers' graves and citlren announced today he would dispose Humpy Rothbiatt with Gene Bonin $250,000. vised not to run undue risks. The I only resting. Miss— I'don't know; If he’s any- Count tlx avtraK* words lo • line. FOR RENT 84 members of the Permanent commit­ of his entire stud of thoroughbreds ot WUIlmantIc, the p>-csent State The widespread Impression that longer the fight lasts the better | , Then he started again. tee. ‘thing like me he would. InttlftU. numbori and abbrtviafIona MOVING—TRI)CKIN(i— at Saratoga Springs, Aug. 6. At Amateur heavywelcht champion. Braddock, while a very game and Braddock’a chances will be. aacb count at a ‘Oid and compound FOR RENT—STORE with fixtures. Members of the Board of Select­ tha head of the stud Is Flymg Babe went right to work in the deserving young man. is no match The suspicion that Baer may not I A business leader say** ooun- worda aa two word* Minimum coat la STORAGE 20 men recently Informed ex-servlce- Surgery has made advances, hut prica ol Ihrea tinea. Rent reasonable Ooou location. In­ EWny, winner of the Kentucky first round and nearly had Bonin for the free swinging, colorful and be In the best of condition or that try needs mfe with the couragre to quire 147 Birch .".treet. raen that If the various veterans’ or­ confident Californian, no doubt af­ never has It been able to cure a Line rates per day for tranalenl PERRI-riT A GLENNKV INC. local Derby which has sired winners ot hors do combat, only to weaken In hla hands will be subject to Injury I spend money. We hereby submit ^ N A R M F U L ad a. ganizations would recommend a man 380 races and $484,210 during the the third round when Gene made a fected the advance Interest, or lack la not well founded. For all his I this 50-50 proposition: If anyone will bone-beaded man. - Ktfeetlva March 1T« 103T and long distance moving. Dally for the office of custodian, he would of It. Cash Chars# express to Hartford, Overnight HOUSES FOB RENT 85 last six years. great comeback and fl.attened the play boy activities and superconft-1 put up the money, we'll put up the I Conaacutlea i>aya *.| 3 ctai • eta undoubtedly be appointed by the strong Uxbridge uoy near the end of Braddc k’s record, despite hla dence, the champion la smart I courage. • service to and from New York, Tel. new board when It organizes in Oc­ comeback win the last year, hardly I Contecutiva Uayi FOR RENT - 6 ROOM single house, The .Illinois racing commission the latter round. Tony, Babe’s broth­ enough not to under estimate any I Flapper Fanny say& j j>ay ...... I II otsi II eta 3063. 8860 or 8864. tober. Several of the veterans have justified much confidence In his fighter with Braddock’s courage | ii^u.».##T.orr. All orders for trratrular ineertlona with steam heat .and all Improve­ punishhd three horsemen and a er, essaying his first bout, was chances. A cowpuncher ordered a steak at will ba charged at tha on« time rata. cxpres.sed dissatisfaction with the and determination. a restaurant. The waiter brought it ments. 58 Ashworth street. Tele­ work of Arthur Keating, custodian Jockey yesterday. Mack R, Warren, knyoed In the of two two-piln- Special ralaa for long (arm avery phone 6107 in rare—very rare. The cowpuncher S( ORCHY SMITH day advartlatng glva upon ra«juesu PUBLIC' PAMSENGER for several years. J. S. Carlson and Alex Carlson were ule rounds by Micky Mack of Hart­ Party Of Petulant Palookas Paradinsr Across The Pelota By John C. Terry ruled off for life and denied admis­ ford In a novice bout. looked at it and demanded that it be Ada ordered tor three or alx days SERVICB 20-A The set-up of the Memorial Day got three hits each in first game; WHOA, BOVS.^ don't and stopped before tha third or fifth committee calls for three members sion to any race-track under the Mllcnskl, scaling 185, ten poimds returned to tha kitchen and cooked. / lookI- A TRAIN day will ba charged cnly for the ac« IN ADDITION .-O SILVER LANE WANTED TO RENT 68 Jurisdiction of the commission in Yesterday*s Stars Johnson pounded out 15th homer in I Walter (snapping)—It Is cooked. TRY TO RUSH Mg i tual number of .imea tha .0 appear­ not representatives of an ex-serv- lighter than Champion Gene Bonin, second. I SAID 'ns VTAVON COMES UP BEHIND ed. charging at the rata aarned. but Bu* Line, De Luxe Bu* for lodge WANTED TO RENT a small water­ men's organization but no method of connection with tthe mysterious dis­ went right aboui the socking busi­ Cowpuncher —(looked— nothing! AN' HE EES JUMFIENB appearance at Aurora of the horses. Mike Hasiin, Phillies— His three THAT B*ID6E/-ANP no allowanca or r«>funda cary ha made party or team tripa, we also offer front cottage ,at Coventry Lake, appointing them is provliled. The ness at the start of the final bout. Tve seen cows hurt worse than that ON BBT I OIOS MIO/ on alx time ada atopped after the Non-Partisan, Governor Fitz, Hol­ singles were good for four runs [ IF VOU DON'T 7 (vumeiiger icdaii delivery. I’hone Selectmen may be asked to desig­ By Asaoriated Press and get well. BBT MUS' fifth day. lost two week.M of July. Reasonable. land A., and Brisky Kay. Jockey He did everything but put Bonin against Cubs. UNOIkerAND ( No **till forblda"; display llnaa aot 3063, 8860, 8864. Phone 6663. nate them. Guy Bush, Pirates, blanked Dodg­ BBJTHE R. Haber, suspended for 30 days by down for the count and had him In told. Mr. Lindsey, vice chairman last a bad way twice. Twice dov/n for the ers with 7 singles and struck out 7. Any local physician says only Tha Harald will not ba raaponaibla Washington Park stewards for fools can be killed by worry. Now tor mora than one Incorreel inaartlob year, wa.t promoted to the leader­ count of nine, Gene fought his way Bill Dickey and Vito Tamulla, REPAIRING 2:i ship of the committee for the ensu­ grabbing a saddle cloth of a rival Yanks— Former drove in four runs GRANT, BELL ADVANCE tall ua how to gat them to worry, L.TI of any a^vart.leemant ordered for Arp'* xlnmtcly 100,000 people live on May 27, was given 60 additional hack and was growing stronger at more than ona time. ing year. Arthur Loomis wa.s In tw'o games with a pair of singles doctor. Tha Inadvertent omiaslon of incor­ WE HPE(!IALI2K IN lawn mower m aiiMcrraneaii dwellings in north­ daya on the ground by the commis­ the opening of the second, from sharpening. Karmen and Erlgcrlon, ern A'rlca. elected vice chairman and presided which time on M'Icnski was on the and homer; latter pitched eight hit rect publication of advartlatng wHI ba sion. IN SOUTHERN TOURNEY] Individual recovery la easy, too. rectlfla only by cancallaMon of tha 655 North Main street Telephone during the latter part of the mee­ receiving end of Gene’!: vicious left ball, struck out seven and hit homer charge made for tha service rendered. 7386, Delivery aervtce. ting last night in the Municipal hooks and Jabs. in night cap. Just borrow money, spend It freely All advartiaemanta must conform building in the absence of Mr. Lind­ Nashville, June 12— (AP) —(Com­ and forget about pay day. in style, copy and typography with c TWE The end came near the close of the Bob Grove and Wo* Ferrell, Red ragulatlona enforced by the publiah- MOWER ailARPENlNiJ. key mak­ OLD COLONIAL sey. Mr. Cheney was re-elected sec­ third when Milenskl was caught Sox—Each pitched five hit games petition stiffened today as seeded •ra sod they reaerve the right to ing, lock, vacuum cleaner, clock, retary after the committee refused llr.tfootcd near the ropes with a and Ferrell drove in two runs with stars and dangerous challengers Mrs. Brown—She told me that you adit, revise or icjec* any copy con- HOME gun repairing. Bralthwalte, 52 to accept his re.signation. swinging left hook. Milepski’s head homer. came face to face In the third day told her the secret I told you not to •Iderad objeetlonahle. III the best residential o m N D L N G S of play in the annual Southern tell her. CLOSINO HOUHU—Claaained ada to Pearl street. Chairmen of sub-committees were struck the ring floor so hard that It Tony Freitas. Leroy Hermann and sectlnii of .Maiiehi-ster. YESTERDAY’S KESIXTS. Amateur Tennis tournament. Mrs. Green—^The mean thing I be published same day muai ba re­ chosen as follows; flowers, Wilbur National. . took his handlers five minutes to Adam Comorosky, Rede—Freitas ceived by It o'clock noon; Huturdaya Duplex house of 6 riMinis, Loveland: speakers, Victor Bronkc; and Hermann set ba^k Giants with Twenty-two players, headed by told her not to tell you I told her. lOtlO a. m. Cincinnati 4-3, New York 1-1. bring him back to consciousness. Bryan M. Grant of Atlanta, de­ HELP WANTED— moderni/.ed, large reeep- music, Edward Frazier; transporta­ Pittsburgh 4, Brooklyn 0. Manchester’a Johnny Craven, 12 hits and latter diovc in three runs Mrt. Brown—Well, don’t tell her TELEPHONE YOUR MALE 36 ilnii hall with old Coln- tion. John Glcnney; flags, Bernard In night cap with home run. fending champion and Berkeley Bell that I told you she told me. iiliil lln-pliut- anil siin- Philadelphia 10, Chicago 4. pupil of Frankie Busch, took the nod of New York City, top seeded, re­ WASHINGTON TUBBS ______^ By Crane OUT OUR WAY O’Neill; school children. Miss (Other game postponed.) from Referee Louis "Kid’’ Kaplan at Al Simmons, White Sox and Hcinie WANT ADS. AMBITIOUS MEN. No criminal rimni; front and ■•■ar Beatrice Dart. mained in the chase. Grant faced , It is easy to determine when a BOOKS'LL MEVER PULL AMOTHER .American the end of h!s tl’.rce-roimder with Manush, Senator.s—Former drove in 77{ko the sheripp tu rn s ^ ll ad m it t h e r e c o u l d Ada ara accepted over the telephone record, 21-45; yho wish to tpiallfy ('oloiilal veraiidus; -pii- The meeting was the last under Bruce Baxter of Austin, Texas, person is telling a lie. He always i® » « ____i I' dt the CliAJiQb^ UATL given above New York 7-9, St. Louis 4-3. rugged Barney Fox of Windsor 8 runs with two homers, a pair of LEADING Washington at Chicago. Tony Posta, 124, of Woonsocket won FRIEND OF Moving—Trucking—8 .oraga to one cylinder lawn roller. Tel. 6653. Eight-.Vere Farm ___S>2500 /- Public Passenger Service •• .lO-A Philadelphia at Cleveland. from Charlie Aldino, 128, Willlman- RUFE PETTIN- Painting—Papering ...... SI QUAKER COMBINATION kitchen New York at St. Louis t2).* ttc, decision; Cbariie Leonard, 150, QILL f Professional Services ...... SI Trades Con.sidered. Boston at Detroit Kepalrlng ...... range, dual oven, bakes with coal, of Willimantic won from Gene Ber­ 15 BATTERS nard, 148, Woomsocket, decision; Tailoring—Uyeing—Cleaning 14 oil, gas, Ivory end brown. 10 per­ Toilet Quods and Service .. . to cent down, one year to pay. Benson Johnny Craven, 190, Manchester Wanted—Buelneae Se vice .. 15 Furniture and Radio "Home of n.v ASSCM IATED 1‘KESS won from Barney Fox, 182, Windsor (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SMBealleael Stuart J. Wasley (Including Y'esterday’s Games) W ALL ST. BRIEFS Good Bedding." state Theater Building Locks, decision. Courses and C iasaaa...... II When Duncy landed on the all right, and so they worked with Private tnetruetlon ...... SI Tel. 664(1—7146 National New York. June 12.—Reflecting Art Huddlck, Natlcnal A. A. U. Ellll" Dancing ...... FOR SALE—DINING room table, all their might. It was a pretty ...... IS-A Real Estate and Insuranre Batting—Vaughan, Pirates 399, weakness In the Chicago market Uie boxing champion and a sparring ground, he sat right up and looked ./tQJLk/AT..OrF. I Musical—Dramatic ...... SI and six chairs. Inquire 22 Cumber­ partner, of Prlmo Camera was Intro­ heavy keg for them to move around. Wanted—Instruction ...... 10 land street, or telephone 5569. Medwick, Cards 360. Iron Age composite price for steel around. "What happened?” he ex­ SALKSMAN SAM ______' Runs—Vaughan 50. scrap has been reduced to $10.71 a duced to the crowd. "Where will we put It?" Coppy Sounds Fair Enough Flaaarlal claimed. "How did I topple way said, and someone answered, "Just Bonds—Stocks—Mortgagee ««• II FOR SALE—GLE.VWOOD combina­ Runs batted In—Medwick 42. ton from the previous average of down here?" YooR. m o n th ly '^ a m ' i o-la o t o o e T i t ^ K( 0 , 1 WANNA (CASH A Business Opportunities ...... It ahead! We'll boost Jt to that stump. tion htove, gas and on, 2 tanks. Hits—Lloyd Waner, Pirates 74. $10.83. The composites for pig Iron "The root beer that came gushing PM c h e c k , MR..HOU)OY1/ TOe.'.SP(Y, iTfe AS (^ L C O f^ CHECK 1 CAN Vfk d i r e c t h‘)E . Money to tx>an ...... II Doubles— Medwick. 17. That’s really better than the Also kitchen cabinet. 25 Middle and finished steel remain unchanged out of that big keg. 1 have no doubt, ------^ A s t e a d y OOCOM-Po u R. , To TH’ NSAREST SANK? Help end Altaatleaa Triples—Suhr, Pirates 7. ground." I MEAN WE HAVE HIM Help Wanted—Kemale ...... II Turnpike West. TO RENT at $17.84 a ton and 2.124 cents a MRS. MOODY REACHES gave you an awful fright," said , Home runs—Ott and Joe Moore. d ia m o n d s TH’ DAY OF A DOOBCE-HeADER' Help Wanted—Male ...... II pound respectively. The publica­ Dotty. "Now, there’s naught to HERS-BIGHT IN THE DONT Salesmen Wanted ...... ll-A SI E THE NEW AIR conditioned BENTO.N ST.—8-room Single, 2- Giants; Vaughan (10). They got some limbs and pried it tion reports that furnace coke has fear. PICK UP f in g e r ­ Help Wanted—.Male or Female.______17 Coolerator Refrige.-ntors at L. I car garage. Stolen Bases—^Myers, Reds and been lowered 35 cents a ton to $3.50 THIRD ROUND AT KENT up, as Duncy ran to get a cup. NEXT ROOM? WBVE CON­ Agrii.t WatiKd ...... 11-A "The foam’s stopped' flowing, ami "W e’ll have to tip It,” Scouty said. Sltuattona Wanted—Kemal* II Wood Co.. 55 BlsscU street. Open .CHOTTER ST.—6-room In Ihrec- Borilagary, Dodgers 6. a ton. TACTED THE OLD GUY, p r in t s , AND THEY ■miKiTi tamlly. we’re set to have a drink. Gee. I "Just leave that Job to me. eituallonv Wanted—Male ...... IS dally and Thursiiay and Saturday Pitching—Parmalce, Giants 7-1. will bet that It will taste refreshing. AWD HES REACT TO KICK DONT HAVE SERIAL Krnployment Aganctae ...... 40 until 9 p. m. 4-room in three family. .'American A plan for a five-year extension 'T il put a limb beneath the Wee SinrS—Pete—Pnwilry—Vehtrira London, June 12— (A P )—Nancy Here are acorn cups galore. and trust to luck that It sietT MAIN ST.—H-room Flat, upper, Batting—Johnson. Athletics 300; of the Consolidated Laundries Cor­ Lyle, 25 year old English girl today IN WITH THREE LAR(3E NUMBERS...rrs A Poge— airde— Pete ...... 41 Moses. Athletics, 352. "But. say, how are we going to crack. Then I candlft the Live Slock —Vefilciee ...... 41 with garage. poration's convertible OVa per cent faced Helen Wills, former American take the root beer out? For good­ DIAMONDS " CINCH Poultry and SuimlUa ...... 41 WANTED—TO BUY .58 Runs- -John.son 44. up aa easy as can be.” Store and dwelling, near Cen­ ten-year sinking fund notes, which champion, In the third round of the ness sake, we’ve had a lot of trouolc, W’anled - Peta—Poultry—Slock 44 Run* bated In —Oreenbergi Tigers He did Just as he said he __ , HIGHEST I'RICES RAID for Junk ter. will be due on April 15, 1936, has Kent championships. Tennis experts and wc’rc now due for some more." Pot Sale— Mlei-ellaneoaa 52. been submitted by the corporation bclievetl Mrs. Mootly who has yet to and shouted, "See! I’m pretty good! Articlai foi Male ...... 4| and live fKiultry. Rags 1 l-2c lb. DURKIN ST.—5-room Flai. up­ Hits - Johnson 71. J . The root beer’s flowing now. so get boatt and Acceaanrtea ...... 41 Wm; Ostrinsky, 91 (Mnton street. per. to the noteholders. Of an original drop a match In her comeback cam­ "Oh. no we’re not," a gnome re­ Building U a ie r la ia ...... 47 Doubles-r-Vosmik, Indians. and Issue of $2,500,000 of the note* there paign, would find little difficulty In your cups and drink your share. Ulamunda— Watchca—Jewelry . , 41 Tel. 5879. WINTER ST.—6-riMm In two- Greenberg, Tigers 14. plied. "W e’ll Up the barrel., to Its "Be sure and save a cup or two family, Boston style. are now outstanding $1,438,500. turning back the English girl. aide. The root beer will run out. I’m Electrical Appllancea— Radio .. 4* Jlriplos—Cronin. Red Sox 7. A’estorday while Mrs. Mood.v was for me. I’ll drink when you arc Puel and Kced ...... 4S-A Home runs—Johnson, 15. sure. Then we can have our fill. through." "Of course we will.” wee Garuer — Karm-tr>alry Products M BOARDERS WANTED 5!»-A Dr. G. C. Campbell, president of winning, Dorothy Andrus of Stam­ "That Is the only thing to do. llouechold Goode ...... 11 EDWARD J. HOLE Stolen bases-Almada. Red Sox the Oklahoma Croquet association, Goldy said. "That Is no more than ford, Con., was being eliminated by Come on and help me, all of you. Be fair." Machinery and Tiola ...... |i Telephone 4642 13. has sent 1,000 rule books to pros­ Joan Hartlgan, Australia’s No. 1, Muilcal Inairumei.ta ...... II WANTED—ROOMERS. Meals 865 .Main Street Pitching Wllshere, Athletics and careful as you can, though, or too ontee and Siora Egulpmant . . . 14 pective "entries in the state tourna­ ranking star, 10-8; 4-6; 6-2. much of It win spill.” Speclala at tha M LIAC,AN SWUNG OUOHTA BEEN fluburbmn for R tn t* !!!...... *1 with garage, on Wadsworth street DONE A LONG Bummer Barnet (or R »iit‘ I " ! l l I t rent $28. Inquire 13 Wadsworth St. ■iiaeleS to Rent ...... , , , , , 7 . is w h il e .. " » ■ ' “ ••••e r * V Sul* MANY TENANTS HAVE lived In Apartmeui Bu«ldl*§ for Sale Buetneee Property for Sale the Johnson Blocks from sixteen to Farm e and Land (or SaU ...... twenty-one years. Drop in to see Jiouaat (or S ail ...... Jensen or phone 6070 jr 7635. L ots for Bala ...... Raaort Proparty for fcia’ l ...... ■uburbaa for Bala •••••• FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- *eal Eatat* (or Bzeharga !!!” ment, at 134 Maple street with all .'•rasiafl— Rtal Baiatt 7! Improvements, garage If desired. B a n *"" Inquire 132 Maple. Wetlsas RENT HUNTING? Tell us what you oranL We'u Uke care oi it tor AtT.lilllfiill •rttliout oharge. R. T. McUm b .