Forest Resource Use, Land-Use, and Ecotourism in the Río Plátano

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Forest Resource Use, Land-Use, and Ecotourism in the Río Plátano Portland State University PDXScholar Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses 5-2005 Forest Resource Use, Land-Use, and Ecotourism in the Rió Platanó Biosphere Reserve, Honduras Christina Marie Friedle Portland State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Human Geography Commons, and the Physical and Environmental Geography Commons Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Friedle, Christina Marie, "Forest Resource Use, Land-Use, and Ecotourism in the Rió Platanó Biosphere Reserve, Honduras" (2005). Dissertations and Theses. Paper 2228. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of PDXScholar. Please contact us if we can make this document more accessible: [email protected]. THESIS APPROVAL The abstract and thesis of Christina Marie Friedle for the Master of Science in Geography were presented May 25, 2005 and accepted by the thesis committee and the department. COMMITTEE APPROVALS: Martha A. Works, Chair Barbara A. Brower DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Teresa L. Bulman, Chair Depa1iment of Geography ABSTRACT An abstract of the thesis of Christina Marie Friedle for the Master of Science degree in Geography presented May 25, 2005. Title: Forest Resource Use, Land-Use, and Ecotourism in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras The Rio Plittano Biosphere Reserve, a tropical rainforest reserve in the northeastern corner of Honduras, is home to several subsistence-based indigenous groups, including the Miskito, Pech and Garifuna, as well as the non-indigenous Ladinos. Conmmnities within the reserve depend on forest resources, swidden agriculture, marine resources and/or small-scale ranching as the foundations for local economies. Regulations placed on these subsistence practices, after establishment of the biosphere reserve in 1980, have created unique and new pressures and resulted in a blend oftraditional and innovative resource use. A notable result is the promotion of ecotourism as a solution for meeting the economic needs oflocal populations while conserving local resources. This thesis documents current resource use in the Miskito and Ladino communities ofBanaka, Brans, and Fuente de Jacob, in the Rio Plittano Biosphere Reserve and the potential of ecotourism to maintain both local economies and consumption of tropical rainforest resources in these communities. Analysis suggests that a community-based approach to ecotourism can result in economic benefits and maintain local culture. This thesis documents current resource use (agricultural crops and trees, gathered and cultivated plants, tree-use, and hunting), resident perspectives on ecotourism development and industry, and provides the foundation for long-term monitoring and analysis on the effects of ecotomism on forest resource and land-use in the greater Banaka region. FOREST RESOURCE USE, LAND-USE, AND ECOTOURISM IN THE Rio PLATANO BIOSPHERE RESERVE, HONDURAS by CHRISTINA MARIE FRIEDLE A thesis submitted in pmiial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Ill GEOGRAPHY Portland State University 2005 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Without the help from the people at Portland State University, those who live and work in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve and my family, this project would not have been possible. I would like to start by giving my sincere thanks to Martha Works, my advisor, for her patience, advice and supp01t. Her guidance throughout this challenging process was tremendous. Thank you also to Barbara Brower, Craig Revels, and Jeff Gerwing for providing your academic and personal feedback and assistance during my time in the master's program. Carolyn Perry and Angelica Nelson, thanks for always offering your support and assistance! Moreover, the rewards granted to me by the William and Edith Rockie and Price Scholarships, and my graduate assistantship with the Oregon Geographic Alliance provided necessary financial support to achieve this foreign-based fieldwork. A sincere thank you to Lupario Martines ofBanaka. Lupario made my research in Banaka, Brans and Fuente de Jacob possible. The support and cooperation of Lupario, Luila, Rani, Celso, Alex, their families and the entire community of Banaka, was essential to the completion of this thesis. They all made our stay in their community comf01table and were exceptionally generous. The cooperation of each individual that participated in my research has been greatly appreciated. Additionally there were all those people who assisted in the process of getting to conduct research in the reserve and introducing me to the community of Ban aka. Thank you Carlos Molinero, Osvaldo Munguia and all the people at MOPA WI; Steve and Jude Collins from Tear Fund; Dr. Cyril Nelson and Sergio Martinez Molina at UNAH; At·less Ponce and Emilio Aguilar at IHAH; Donaldo and Christina Allen in Belen; and Elma and Eddie Bodden in Rais Ta. A special thanks to Peter Herlihy and Ratna Radhakrislma for provoking my interest in this area and helping with both the preparations to the Rio Ph\tano Biosphere Reserve and getting information for my thesis writing. Additionally, thank you Erik Nielson for assistance with getting ecotourism infmmation from the reserve. At1d most of all, I have to thank Ben for not only being my research assistant, but for providing a slew of mental, emotional and physical support throughout my academic career and life. Thanks to all my friends and family who supported me. II TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................... LIST OFTABLES . VI LIST OF FIGURES . vn GLOSSARY . ......... .. ... 1x LIST OF ACRONYMS . ... x CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION . .. ............ .. .. .. ...... .. 1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES . ...................................... ........ 7 ORGANIZATION OF THESIS ... ..... .... ... .... ... ... ... ... ..... ... 11 II. LITERATURE REVIEW . .. .. ...... .. 12 PROTECTED AREAS AND CONSERVATION ... ....... 13 UNESCO AND MAN AND BIOSPHERE PROGRAM ............... 21 NATURALRESOURCEMANAGEMENT AND LAND-USE ..... 26 ECOTOURISM . .. 27 III. LA MOSQUITIA AND THE RIO PLATANO BIOSPHERE RESERVE ........................................................................ 32 RIO PLATANO BIOSPHERE RESERVE ........................................ 34 a) Creation of the Reserve b) Flora and Fauna Ill c) Physical Features d) Archeological Resources e) Ethnic Groups f) Reserve Management g) Land Rights h) Research Communities: Banaka, Brans and Fuente de Jacob IV. METHODOLOGY .. ..... ... ..... ..... .. .. ........ ... .. .. .. .. ... ... 53 HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS/FORMAL INTERVIEW ......... .. .. 55 INFORMAL INTERVIEWS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 PLANT COLLECTION . 57 PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION . 58 ARCHIVAL WORK .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... 59 DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS . 59 V. FOREST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT . .. .... ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... 62b GATHERED PLANT-USE ................................................ 63 TREE-USE FOR HOUSE CONSTRUCTION . ... 66 HUNTING . .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .... ... .. .. ... ................. .... 73 VI. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 CULTIVATED MEDICINAL AND CULINARY PLANTS . .... 75 FIELD CROPS . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 77 CHARACTERISTICS OF AGRICULTURAL PLOTS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 81 LIVESTOCK . 84 VII. ECOTOURISM .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 87 ECOTOURISM IN THE Rio PLATANO BIOSPHERE RESERVE ........... ..... .. .. ..... ... .. ................. .... ... ... ... .. 88 ECOTOURISM DEMAND .. ... .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. ... 91 lV ECOTOURISM POTENTIAL AND RESIDENT PERSPECTIVES . 93 VIII. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS ........................ 101 OVERVIEW ON FOREST RESOURCE USE ............................ 103 COMMUNITY COMPARISONS ON RESOURCE USE . 109 GENDER COMPARISONS ON RESOURCE USE . .. 110 INFLUENCE OF OUTSIDE SOURCES OF INCOME ON RESOURCE USE .............. : ......................................... 110 RESIDENT PERSPECTIVE ON PARK MANAGEMENT ............ 112 CONCLUDING REMARKS ................................................ 114 REFERENCES CITED ..................................................................... 120 APPENDIX A: Formal Interview Questionnaire ....................................... 128 APPENDIX B: Ecotourism Committee Notes .......................................... 132 APPENDIX C: Plant and Tree List- Spanish, English and Scientific Names ......................................................... 133 APPENDIX D: Agricultural Crop List- Spanish, English and Scientific Names .......................................... 136 APPENDIX E: Las Marias Ecotourism Regulations .................................. 138 APPENDIX F: Banaka's Request for MOPA WI Funding ............................ 145 v LIST OFTABLES TABLE PAGE 1. IUCN's Protected Area Categories . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 15 2. Characteristics of Current Knowledge Systems Applied to Natural Resource Management .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 3. Community Profiles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 4. Number oflnterviews by Community . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 56 5. Participant
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