(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,642,912 B2 Kisak Et Al
USOO9642912B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,642,912 B2 Kisak et al. (45) Date of Patent: *May 9, 2017 (54) TOPICAL FORMULATIONS FOR TREATING (58) Field of Classification Search SKIN CONDITIONS CPC ...................................................... A61K 31f S7 (71) Applicant: Crescita Therapeutics Inc., USPC .......................................................... 514/171 Mississauga (CA) See application file for complete search history. (72) Inventors: Edward T. Kisak, San Diego, CA (56) References Cited (US); John M. Newsam, La Jolla, CA (US); Dominic King-Smith, San Diego, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS CA (US); Pankaj Karande, Troy, NY (US); Samir Mitragotri, Santa Barbara, 5,602,183 A 2f1997 Martin et al. CA (US); Wade A. Hull, Kaysville, UT 5,648,380 A 7, 1997 Martin 5,874.479 A 2, 1999 Martin (US); Ngoc Truc-ChiVo, Longueuil 6,328,979 B1 12/2001 Yamashita et al. (CA) 7,001,592 B1 2/2006 Traynor et al. 7,795,309 B2 9/2010 Kisak et al. (73) Assignee: Crescita Therapeutics Inc., 8,343,962 B2 1/2013 Kisak et al. Mississauga (CA) 8,513,304 B2 8, 2013 Kisak et al. 8,535,692 B2 9/2013 Pongpeerapat et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 9,308,181 B2* 4/2016 Kisak ..................... A61K 47/12 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2002fOOO6435 A1 1/2002 Samuels et al. 2002fOO64524 A1 5, 2002 Cevc U.S.C. 154(b) by 204 days. 2005, OO 14823 A1 1/2005 Soderlund et al. This patent is Subject to a terminal dis 2005.00754O7 A1 4/2005 Tamarkin et al.
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