AUSTINYACHT CLUB 5906 Beacon Drive Austin, Texas 78734

BusinessOffice 266-1336 Cl.ubhouse 266-1897


Commodore------Steve Vaughan Vice Commodore------John Mandell Secretary------Rick Smith Treasurer------Mike Mclemore Race Commander------Gail Bernstein Building and Grounds Commander------Frank Riha Fleet Commander------Trenton Wann Immediate Past Commodore------Hap Mccollum Fleet Captains: Catalina 22------Steve Pervier ------Roy Smith Ensign------Cynthia Creamer ------Teri Nelms 420's------Keith Andrews J-22------Doug Woodward J-24------Mary Pilney Keel Handicap------Trenton Wann ------Greg Porter Merit 25------Steve Bangs South Coast 21------Danny Lien ------Mike Schwarz Telltale Editor------Kristi Blankenship

Telltale Cover by Lee Thomason


Hap McCo 11 um

Well, it's over. Seems like yesterday when Rod (standing on Coke case) Malone handed over the podium and my term began. A year of great fun, some hard work, and a little frustration. In my opinion, a successful year because of the many members who pitched in to make it so. Vice CommodoreSteve Vaughan, with the help of excellent regatta chairpeople, put on some of the best regattas we've had. Fleet CommanderRick Smith worked his tail off moving docks. Past CommodoreRod Malone and his Membership Corrvnittee came up with an excellent new membership policy. Claude Welles, Buildings and Grounds Commander, learned to be a rock mason building the planter at the Leven' s Memorial in addition to constructing a new metal warehouse. No one will doubt that John Mandell 's Race Committee was one of the best organized ever. The non-glamorous jobs of Secretary and Treasurer performed by Clyde Brown and Mike Mclemore kept the Board running smoothly throughout the year. My sincere thanks to all t hese people for their support and hard work. Although I appreciate the honor of receiving the Max White again, most of what was done came under the heading of the "Commodore's Job. 11 The Blue Duck was again erroneously bestowed. Why hasn't it ever been awarded to a woman? Obviously, the people who have been trying to get rid of me for years weren't consulted about the Life Membership. Nothing could have surprised or pleased me more. For me, it was a great year!

* **************************************************************************** * * * The 1985 Texas Association annual meeting will be held at AYC * * * :* January 12. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. and Club members are invited t* :* to attend. Because the TVAannual meeting rotates its meeting place, it !* !* will be a number of years before AYCis the host club again. Join us! !* * : * ****************************************************************************

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9rm /} I AM1 DANCE TO LIVE M US /C: {97 ?.f/ L, ,' \' CAR L HUTCHENS 1 BAND ' ;f/ B EER , WINE, 5 E TU PS $. I 7 :[Q 5 i ig I es \ BREAl(FAST BUFFET $ 30QO_COU(J les \ CHAMPAGNE + $ 750 cobysittin9 \ HOA 5 D'OEU VPES \ Pf.rOFESSIONAL EELL YDANCER nil ni ght/ redeye ·.. BALLOONS sifting ovoiloble '



Adopted by the Board of Directors at their meeting October 25, effective immediately. AUSTIN YACHT CLUB MEMBERSHIP POLICY AND PROCEDURES 1. The Austin Yacht Club is committed to membership who will actively and enthusiastically support the programs of the Club, particularly racing activities. 2. The Membership Policy and Procedures is intended to clari"fy certain guidel fnes "for prospective and Probationary Members of the Austin Yacht Club. They are subject to interpretation by the Membership Commfttee or revision by the Board of Directors. Where a conflict exists between this Policy and the By-laws, Articles or Incorporation and/or Club Rules, the latter documents shall control. 3. The intent of the Membership Committee is to act in accordance with the "fol lowing provisions, treating them as operational guidelines and making reconvnendations accordingly to the Board of Directors. When the Members h ip Committee feels the Policy and Procedures are inadequate or unclear, it will act in accordance with the best interests of the Austin Yacht Club. 4. Because of the lim itatio ns on AYC facilities, the maximum number or member s shal 1 be 450, not including Honorary Members, Lire Members, or members or The University or Texas Team. 5. Unl ess otherwise stated, all c orrespondence required or requested b y this Membership Policy shou ld be fn writing , shall be directed to the Membership Committee, and shall be deemed accepted at the date and time received in the AYC orfice. 6. Persons interested in AYC membership should con-firm that the guidelines for membership outlined in #7 below are "fulfilled. Ir so, the prospective member is encouraged to complete an AYC application "form and return the completed application, along with $100.00 application fee, to the AYC o"ffice. 7. The "followin~ priorities, which are not intended to be exclusive or def1nitive, are established "for applicants for AYC membership. LI ST NO. 1 : A. Sons and daughters or AYC members who have been active members in good standing "for at least two re c ent years. The son or daughter should have previously demonstrated interest in AYC and must not have yet reached their 24th birthday, OR B. Previous members who resi~ned in good standing, who submitted a written letter of resignat1on, and who later desire new membership. LIST NO. 2: A. Applicants who have demonstrated at least one recent year of consistently active racing particfpation as skipper or crew, under AYC's Guest Policy, or as a member or guest of ,. another racing organization, OR B. Applicants who presently own a race-ready in one of the fleet s currently recognized by the Board or .. Directors, and who have demonstrated at least six months of recent, consistently active racing participation, as described above. 8. Membership applications shal 1 be reviewed by the Membership Committee at its next regular membership meeting. A. Ir it is determined that the applicant meets the guidelines outlined in #7 above, the applicant shall be added to the appropriate list as above described. B. If it is not determined that the applicant meets the guidelines outlined above, the application shall be voided and the application fee returned. 9. These lists will be maintained by the Membership Convnittee and 4 all applicants shall be added to the lists in chronological order of receipt of their application and application fee. 10. Prospective members in AYC shall abide by the AYC Guest Pol icy until a membership has been granted by the Board of Directors. Prospective members are welcome, however, to race in. AYC events if an AYC member is on board. They are also welcome to attend social events as guests of an AYC member. (Open and invitational events are not membership restricted, consistent with applicable House and Harbor Rules.) 11. Access to storage areas, launching facilities, the A-frame and other AYC facilities will not be allowed until membership is granted by the Board of Directors. (Except as provided by the guest pol icy.) 12. When the Membership Committee determines that one or more membership vacancies exist, the Committee shall immediately: A. Notify the applicants on List No. 1, and then List No. 2, in order, until all vacancies are committed. B. Notified applicants shall have 14 days to respond in writing to the Membership Committee as to whether they wish their application to be officially considered or to be withdrawn from consideration. C. If the offer of membership is rejected or no response is received within 14 days, the application shall be voided. A reapplicat i on by that appl leant, or a member of the applicant's family, will not be accepted for six months thereafter. 13. After it has been determined that a vacancy in AYC membership exists, and that a prospective applicant from List No. 1 or List No. 2 wishes to be considered for such vacancy, the Membership Committee wil 1 update and bring current the original appl icatfon as necessary. The Membership Committee will then present the updated application t o the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting. Upon favorable action by the Board, the applicant becomes a Probationary Member in the Austin Yacht Club. The appropiate portion of the initiation fee must be remitted within one month of the date upon which the applicant was notified of their probationary status . 14. When an applicant has been accepted for Probationary Membership, the applicant becomes a Probationary Member for a period of one year . During that time, the Probationary Member shall be entitled to all r1ghts and privileges of membership in AYC. At the end of the probationarr year, the member shall be reviewed using the following criter1a, which are not intended to be exclusive or definitive, and a recommendation will be made by the Membership Committee to the Board of Directors who will make the final decision for Senior Membership: A. General adherence by the Probationary Member and family to AYC House and Harbor Rules, and to conduct exhibiting good sportsmanship, AND B. Support of racing activities by participation in at least 40% of AYC series races and Club-sponsored regattas. Other racing activities outside AYC may also be considered, AND C. Satisfactory service devoted to the Club (for example, active participation in race committees, social committees, work committees, sailing camps and sailing programs) . 15. Upon a favorable decision by the Board of Directors, the remaining Initiation Fee must be remitted within 30 days, and the Probationary Member becomes a Senior Member in AYC. 16. Three active classes of AYC Membership are : A. SENIOR/PROBATIONARY MEMBER: Senior/Probationary Members shall be entitled to all privileges of AYC, including the right to hold office and to vote at meetings of the Club. In the event that the membership constitutes a married couple, the couple is entitled to one vote, although the membership may be carried in 5 the name of one or the other of the parties. B. HONORARY MEMBER: The status of Honorary Member includes a standing invitation to visit the Club as a guest and conveys the Club's good will toward the member. Honorary Membership shall be granted and shall continue at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. Honorary Members shal 1 not hold offtce or vote at meetings of the Club. C. LIFE MEMBER: Life Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of AYC; their membership shall continue for the life of the member unless removed by action of the Board of Directors. The Life Member designation shall be used to recognize a Senior Member who has been of exceptional value and/or provided outstanding service to the Club. Life Members shall be exempt from monthly dues, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors. 17. Children of Life, Senior and Probationary Members may enjoy the privileges of family membership in the Austin Yacht Club until they reach their 24th birthday. 18. For those members fn good standing who request in writing a leave of absence from Club membership, includin~ suspension of dues because of temporary absence from the Aust1n area (with reasonable grounds to expect return within one year). the Board of Directors may approv e such request for a period not to exceed one year. Before the one-year period has elapsed, the member is soley res ponsible for either requesting reinstatement to their previous membership status, or for submitting an appropriate resignation in writing. If the one-year period elapses without request from the member, the membership will terminate i pso facto. 19. All resignations must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors. Request for the resignation shall not affect any obligations owing to the Club up to and until the date the resignation is accepted by the Board.


• FEES, DUES, AND ASSESSMENTS 1. INITIATtON FEE: The total tnttiatton fee for the Austin Yacht Club 1s $500.00 and shall be payable: A. APPLICATION FEE. When a completed application For AYC membership is received from a prospective member, ft must be accompanied by $100.00 application fee. If both are not received together, the application will be held and not recorded as officially received until receipt of the inftfatton fee. The $100.00 fee shall be refundable until the prospective member is officially accepted as a Probationary Member. B. PROBATIONARY MEMBER FEE: $200.00 to be remitted upon acceptance as a Probationary Member. The amount must be remitted within one month of the date upon which the prospective member was notified of his Probationary Membership status and shall be non-refundable thereafter. C. SENIOR MEMBER FEE: $200.00 to be remitted upon acceptance by the Board of Directors of a Probationary Member for Senior Membership. The amount must be remitted within one month of the date upon which the member was notified of hfs Senior Membership status and shall be non-refundable thereafter. D. STUDENT CONSIDERATION: Because AYC wishes to encourage student-age persons interested in the sport of sailboat racing, a special consideration is available for prospective members who are students. The person must, upon the application date, be a full-time student (defined as carrying a course load of at le ast 12 semester hours at an accredited college, university or high school), and must be under 24 years of age. Upon approval by the Board of Directors, the person will become a Probationary Member and be subject to the same dues and Fees, and rights and privileges of Probationary Membership. At the option of the prospective member and at the time required by the AYC Membership Policy, the first and second parts of the initiation Fee may each be paid in six equal monthly installments. 2. DUES: Monthly dues for Senior and Probationary Members are $22.00 per month. 3. STORAGE FEES: Fees are assessed for the use of lockers, wet slips, dry sail slips, and board boat space: A. LOCKER RENTAL is $12.00 per year. B. WET SLIP RENTAL is based upon the sl~p sfze: 8'x20' SLIP= $23.00/month 10'x20' SLIP= $27.00/month ll'x20' SLIP= $30.00/month 12'x24' SLIP= $39.00/month

C. DRY SAIL SLIPS are $10.00 per month. D. BOARD BOAT SPACE is $12.00 per month. 4. TERMINATION FOR NON PAYMENT: In accordance with the By-Laws of the Austin Yacht Club, (ARTICLE Ill, Section 9.B.), members ' who do not pay all amounts within 90 days from the date due shall be terminated from mMembership ipso facto without further or neccessary action by the Board of Directors. 5. SPECIAL FEES AND ASSESSMENTS: In accordance wfth the By-Laws of the Austin Yacht Club, (ARTICLE Ill, Sectfon 4.), The Board of Directors may make spec1al assessments on all members except Life and Honorary Members. Such assessments shall not exceed soi of the dues paid by any mMember durfng the preceedfng 12-month period nor may the mMember be assessed more than once during any 12-month period.

7 FROM THE.FLEETS Thistle· The racing results were:

by Matt and Ann Wetsel First Place -- Rick Shough (Skipper), John Halter, Valerie Merry Christmas Thistlers and a DeKeyser Happy New Year! The winter series Second Place Noel Reed (Skipper), saw excellent racing conditions for Merrill Goodwyn, John our boats. I (Ann) came out to race again after a brief sabbatical expect­ Nims ing sun and fun. Wrong! The weather Third Place -- Deke DeKeyser (Skipper), person, on a station that shall remain John Masterson, Peter unidentified, predicted winds of 10-15 Woodrow mph with light chop. Every Sunday it Fourth Place Matt Wetsel (Skipper), looked like rain, blew 20-25, and the Larry Kershaw, Ann waves broke over the bow. And was it Wetsel cold?? The last race of the series was finished with blue and shivering crews.

We saw some new skippers on the helms of Thistle #2410 (Anemone) and Catalina 22 #3240 (Big Bruiser). Rick Shough took by Steve Pervier the tiller of Big Bruiser with John Halter and Valerie DeKeyser as loyal Thanks to all who worked so hard crew . Anemone's tiller was manned by to extend the ramps, our fleet is back Noel Reed with able bodied assistance in the water! Thanks also to the Wea­ provided by Merrill Goodwyn and John ther Committee - keep up the good work! Nims. Noel's boat was plagued by a number of mechanical failures (broken The lake rose in time for a 9 spreader, broken gooseneck, broken boat fleet to race all but the first tiller extension) and he is getting weekend of Winter Series. Catalinas, mighty concerned about the black cloud some not seen since July, raced 2 over his head. shifty drifters, 2 medium air speed derbies, and 2 boat busters. Ann The fleet was also visited by Word pointed out that all three several AYCjunior sailors. Peter trophies went to husband-wife teams: Woodrowwas forward crew for DeKeyser Steve & Cheryl Pervier, Bill & Ann and Doug Mack filled in for Valerie one Word, and Steve & Jane Frederick. afternoon on Big Bruiser. According to Carol Robinson (3rd Vice President, Short courses were fun! Rarely Thistle Class Growth and Promotion), en­ have starting strategies or spinnaker couraging young to crew for you sailors snafus been so important. Some out­ is an excellent way to foster their standing moments: Walter Allan's interest in owning and racing Thistles. flying port tack start in the 4th race, .. Gordon Hamilton's single-handed triumph The Lady of the Lake (Thistle #126) over 7 full-crew boats, Bob Mathison's reappeared after almost a year in dry­ fine 3rd place in the 1st drifter, Bill dock. She was painted forest green Word's come from behind challenge to my with a white water line and looks like race-long lead (after a "private" shore a sharp lady now. Many thanks really lift on the 1st beat) in the same drift­ to Ed Halter and his spray gun for Fredericks and Bill Morack dominat­ · doing such a beautiful job. er, ing the heavy air - with spinnaker on the last run, new member Dick Sheridan's enthusiasm (he was disappointed there was only one more series weekend this

8 year), and finding we had the best I also promise no major changes . average turnout of all one-design We should revel in our recent growth fleets in the series. as evidenced by three new boats on the line this year plus the new mystery The Catalina Fleet wishes to boat never before seen on Lake Travis. thank AYC- its officers, staff, and No social programs will be cut. Local­ members - for another great year of ly sponsored food and libation will racing, social events, and long term still be served after every race so progress. Thanks to Ron Tobin, our that we may remain a fleet psychologi­ outgoing fleet captain, and to the cally safe and socially secure. many others for helping us to grow stronger and better. Our 1985 fleet A few small changes are in order officers are: for next season. One or two. husband and wife races are being considered. Fleet Captain - Steve Pervier Heard it's a tradition. Secondly, Measurer - Wes Vela next season my staff and I hope to Secretary/Treasurer - Eric implement a new creative and refreshing Nelson finishing order. I'm tired of last year's finishing order. I'm sure some See you next year! of you will agree. Therefore anyone who sails in the Red Eye Regatta, 1985, can have a third place finish to sub­ stitute in any one series race started South Coast 21 next year.

by Danny Lien HAPPYNEW YEAR! Saturday, November 10th, the South Coast Fleet left their usual perch TO THE CLUB... under the cottonwood and met in the Actively raced, family sized, light and clubhouse. By flickering fire (thanks spirited keel boats for about half the Ray) with warm and hot chili, (thanks price of the cheapest new car ... three Nan, did Duane really go fishing?) presently available, handy man special much good food was shared and slides to "looks like new"... for info call me were shown of Governor's Cup 1984. at 441-2120 or just hang around under Afterwards, a loose quorum elected the cottonwood tree. Some SC 21 sailor yours truly fleet captain. To those will eventually show up ... of you who weren't in attendance, speak now or hold your tongue until at least the next fleet dinner. Tom Farrell, in absentia, was elected the secretary or Coronado 15 treasurer or both. He does hold the fleet purse. by Kathy Maguire

As your newly elected, I promise The winter series proved that the no deficit. If the budget doesn't con­ C-15 fleet is getting back on their tain the required pittance to front feet again after the Indian SummerRe­ the SC 21 Nationals here at AYCthis gatta did some major damage to several Spring, then new and improved revenue boats . Some of the "regulars" weren't enhancement will be invoked. I shall quite fixed up yet, so the crowd at the attempt collection of one small token starting line wasn't quite back to nor­ per boat. mal - but we're getting there! Bill Snead deserves congratulations for some good consistant racing, taking fir~t place in the centerboard handicap.

9 Terry and Greg Schertz travelled from the race committee. down to Lake Canyon for the Wurstfest Regatta last month and brought home a Then it's in to the dock. We first place trophy. Congratulations! used to talk about who won and say, "Nice race, Troy. 11 But this series Every year the C-15 fleet decides we all said things like 11Howmuch time on a Silver Fleet Champion and a Fleet does the 505 give us 11 and 11Who do you Champion. The purpose of these awards think won the 2nd race?" is to promote racing activity, locally and out of town. This year, Bill Snead But the best part was the club­ took the Silver Fleet Trophy for the house scoreboard. We had kids looking highest scoring Si lver Fleet skipper. at the results and complaining about Say 11bye 11 to the Silver Fleet, Bill. the unfair handicaps. It was at that That means you're moving up! Dave point that I realized that we had Maguire won the annual Fleet Cham­ stumbled onto the ultimate training pionship. Congratulations to both of 11fleet 11 for our junior sailors. This you! Christmas when you are thinking about a boat for the kid, or one for yourself, Last month, C-15ers got together get an off brand with a good handicap. for a spaghetti dinner at the AYC Think about Force 5, , Copper­ clubhouse. We had a large turnout to head, Dolphin, Wing Dinghy, Peanut, or enjoy Kristi's famous spaghetti sauce. a . You're never too young Judging by how fast it went, I think to learn how to race PHRF. that the consensus was ... that girl can cook! Entertainment for the evening lLet's All Slander Everybody's Racing (besides ourselves) was sports blooper movies. It's always nice to watch someone other than yourself screwing up! It was a fun evening. Thanks goes to Claudia for all the planning!

Laser 1 by Fred Schroth

Ah, the top of our racing careers has been reached. In the winter series our lowly Laser Fleet had the privilege of sailing with the rules reserved for Hobie 33, J-29, Olson 30, Cal 9.2, Creekmore and Kiwi. We sailed Handicap. We got to start with a Dutchman, a 505, a Fireball, a , a Harpoon, a , A C-15, a Thistle Fleet and three to five other Lasers. The fun began right at the start. We coul d eat the bad air from any boat · we chose to tack in front of. We could try tactical maneuvers that would give us advantage off the wind and watch as the other boats drove through our lee . When we finished, everybody got a horn

10 J22 Ensign by Craig Holmes by Sam Humphrey

At our recent fleet meeting held FALLREGATTA 1 84 on November 30th, we not only had a chance to reflect on our first year Pouring rain greeted Ensign as an organized fleet, but also made sailors Saturday morning and caused a some decisions regarding the upcoming multi-beer long postponement of race '85 season. one. The race was eventually held that afternoon in 8 mph wind and was Our first year was a great one. won by Jim Baker. Two races were held We have raced as a one design fleet Sunday in 3-5 mph southerly breezes in every regatta and have had strong which at times seemed like 0-1/10 mph. representation in the series races In all races the lead changed many despite low water problems. Our flee t times and when the spray settled the has grown throughout the year, and we results were: have all become better friends and competitors. lst - Jim Baker E-324 2nd - Tom Kozlowski E-929 We elected new officers for 1 85 3rd - Larry Niemann E-820 and they are: Doug Woodward as fleet captain, Steve Sjoberg was re-elected Special Ensign thanks to all as treasurer, Linda Bebee as program Regatta and Race Committee workers. chairman and yours truly as secretary. Thanks, Kristi. Voldi and Wes have agreed to discuss and coordinate J-22 racing with other WINTERSERI ES regional fleets and possibly organize a J-22 circuit regatta. In any case Ensign sailors were greeted with we plan to travel more in 1 85 begin­ the full spectrum of sailing conditions ning with the Houston Mid-winters in during the 1984 Winter Series. Includ­ February. ed were Hero to Zero light air drifters to 25+ mph white-knuckle screamers and A motion was passed at our meeti ng all points in between. to petition the permanent AYCrace committee for fleet status for serie s Averaging over seven boats per races. We have met the eligibility weekend, the battle for first place requirements and have no doubt that was not over until the final Sunday. we' ll have a growing number of boats on E-529 with the H.B. Pirates on board the line each series from here on out. prevailed the final Sunday with two Our request will be to have two first s , edging out the Jim Baker fam­ triangular courses each Sunday, so ily in E-324. Some good news and bad look out South Coasts. news - Good News, Kozmodid not race; Bad News, his partner Clift Price did The recent Wild Turkey race had race and battled his way to a solid J-22's in 2nd and 3rd place spots (Wes third. Dick and Nick continued to get Odell and Bill Bebee respectively) . faster and finished fourth. Welcome The result s for the Fall Regatta were to new Ensign sailor (and old salt) Craig Holmes (1st) and Voldi Maki (2nd). Francis Mcintyre. The Winter Serie s also produced The entire series was characterized J-22 winners. Congrats to all. Don't by hard, competitive, sportsmanlike forget the Frostbite Series coming up racing. Everyone is planning for 1985~ soon . See you out there!!·?,~£"~

11 ENSIGNPARTY conservative-to-wretched excess-in­ boats progression and the recent ap­ Ensign owners and crew recently pearance on the club grounds of a attended a fleet business meeting and plethora (a bunch) of OVER-PRICEDAND party hosted by Cynthia Creamer. New GAUDYSPORTS CARS? Am I going to have fleet officers were elected and plans to dump my trusty Honda and get a cus­ were di scussed for 1985. The major tomized, turbo-charged 380ZX Jeep just event for 1985 will be the Ensign to rate an isolated safe-from-bumping 1 REgionals hosted by AYCs Ensign Fleet. parking space near my boat? What's a Ensigns from Houston, New Orleans and mother to do? Colorado will be at Lake Travis for the races. Plans were also made for There are now Porsches nesting by a January fleet party-party (no busi- picnic tables, Corvettes parked in the t ness allowed). grass and Ferraris leaping the speed ~ .. bumps in a single bound. I think we The new fleet officers are: . · :. · l should make a study of the possible implications of all this. Painton just Fleet Capta in - Cynthia Creamer ~· . ., got a Datsun 280ZX, claiming it to be a Secretary/Treasurer - Dan O'Donnell ~ ~ ~ COMPANYCAR. (?) Nowmaybe he did that Measurer - Tom Kozlowski because Rick Smith has beaten him on the 29. To get even, he has blatantly out-done Rick's Porsche. Nice move, Painton. The Halters are also an ex­ Centerboard Handicap cellent example of this progression. They have a Thistle and a J-24. To by Teri Nelms match their boats, they now have a 914 Porsche to go with the Thistle and a As time passes, it is becoming 911 to go with the J-24. To mention more and more evident that I have been but a few, since I didn't have suffi­ mercifully spared the ravages of in­ cient time to check all the license telligence or I would not sail a plates and take names, Boerner, Maki, Fireball and would certainly not con­ and Painton have Corvettes; Porsches tinue to bore the membership with an are owned by Jones, Halter and Smith; article of this questionable quality. Alston Boyd has an old Ferrari and a new Ferrari; Painton and Green have I would like to abuse some of 280ZX1 s; John Mandell has assorted t his space by commenting on an obser­ collector's items; and there just isn't vation I have made about an apparently enough room in this article to mention growing trend in the yacht club which the Mercedes in the club. I feel compelled to question. Whydo some of these people have As we all know, most club members two of the same thing? Ed claims to start out with reasonable, conservative, have been bitten by the bug, Pat claims 11 11 not-too-expensive to begin they are hi s and hers • Boyd honestly learning and racing on, and then move states 11one is always broken, I have to through an almost predictable progres­ have some way to get to the welfare 11 11 sion to bigger boats , with only a office. 11 small majority digressing to Catalina 1 22 s or Express 27 1 s. To date, the While there is obviously some J-29 1 s and Assorted 30 1 s seem to be question of a status symbol involved just about as hot as you can get in with these cars, I do wonder if it re­ the stream-lined appearance and compe­ lates to the type of boat you have and/ titive categories. My question is, is or your position in your fleet, as I there some correlation between this have yet to see a one of them with a

12 hitch on the back. I contend that it WESTERNREGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP which does and that our membership commit­ we sailed here WHICHI CANHUMBLY SAY tee should take an immediate and ser­ THATI WON. Which is hardly a surprise ious look at our entry requirements when you know that I imported John and take a prospective member's mode Bartlett from the Keel Fleet for a of transportation into consideration crew. Actually, I slept most of the before approving probationary members. race and just did whatever John It means big bucks on renting new screamed at me to do. Except for the parking spaces! Parking priorities part where I hit Taco Breath after an could be arranged very simply: obvious tacking-too-close confrontation. Chevies, Pick-up's and vans with sail­ How could I be expected to judge the boards painted on them get all the distance when John was jumping up and regular-marked parking spaces, at a down in front of me yelling at Fred? nominal fee, while a limited amount Our fleet consisted of the Coffee Table, of spaces under trees, by picnic Greg and Terry Schertz on Steve Bang's tables, and in isolated corners, FB, Lee and TammyCash from Fote Wuth, marked with gold-embossed mono- Fred on his recently arisen from the grammed 11reserved 11 signs~ go to the wall of the garage FB, Gary Es~elson sports car contingent for an out­ by way of Denmark and Houston, and one rageous amount. Hey, do I have good foreigner from Colorado who hoped to ideas or what? The next obvious issue qualify for worlds but who never showed which I will only mention and leave up due to snow on the highways. Yes, details to your imagination would be you heard it right, my fellow sailors, the establishment and development of I am now qualified to sail in Fireball Fleet Status for groupings of five or Worlds in 1 85 in ITALY. Contributions more sports cars occupying their spaces for the air fare are now being taken in for 75% of the sailing season. Allow­ the office. The race was closely con­ ances will be made for time spent in tested between Schertz, Cash and Schroth· repair garages. (Boy, this issue could with Eskelson bringing up the rear in put the Rittenhouse Cove law suit in all races. (He didn't have much time the shade as the major issue of 1 85! to sail in Denmark, so he's out of prac­ What an exciting idea!) I think I've tice, he sez.) Of the four races probably said enough on this, but I sailed, my trusty Coffee Table and can assure you that, in anticipation zealous crew took three bullets and of the guaranteed rush on club manage­ one second to Taco. ( John was glad ment with inquiries and parking waiting that Fred beat us one race as he had list reservations, that I intend to just re-cut his jib and did not wish to have something lurking in the re­ have the quality of his sails-manshtp cesses of my garage besides kitty questioned.) The Schertz's finished litter. Members of the board can feel second, Fred third and Cash fourth. In free to solicit more of my advice on conjunction with our regional, we host­ this sensitive matter. ed a River Race. The real contest was between ·Quentin Baker I guess I should probably mention and the Stoll brothers with Baker pul­ something about sailing before I leave ling it over the line at the last min­ for the Jeep dealer. My mind is a ute, by inches, to take first. The blank on the Fall Regatta, even though Stoll brothers sail all over the U.S. I know I sailed it, and I will have to and world, but were certainly not im­ refer you to the standings that appear pressed by our flukey winds. With the elsewhere in this publication. Same Stolls finishing second, Alston Boyd thing on the Winter Series. Look, I've took third and Gene Scott from Houston been building a house, trying to move, placed fourth. We were treated to some and concentrating on the FIREBALL excellent race management by the crew

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13 of one J-29 under the leadership of Russell Painton. Russell did a great job w-ith not much space and light winds, and was only criticized by Boyd once. He was heard to say, 11 ! don't give a damn if it's a down wind finish, let's just get this thing started! 11 Patience, Alston. Thank you Painton and crew and thank you Sally Strong for a won­ derful Saturday night dinner. I tried to start this article up slow and then taper off and I think I have probably accomplished that. I do need to mention Judy Van Cleve's name in this article since she said to me 11 Nobody ever mentions my name *** in the Telltale. Think of something c 1ever to say for me. 11 Judy, being mentioned in MYarticle is probably not going to do your reputation any good, so I will simply mention your name. In closing, I would like to express my amazement and admiration for our new Commodore, Steve Vaughan, after hearing his brilliant get-the-hell out speech for Hap at the Christmas Banquet. His eloquence was astounding and a complete surprise to me. I cannot express my appreciation to you enough, Steve. All the women of the club and the hippie bastards combined could not have pointed out his deficiencies and inadequacies any better. I will be sending my next article to Steve for editing, and may, in fact, totally relieve the membership of the burden of listening to me. I think Steve has proven himself to be a much better tacky-mouth. "Speak to me' dear - speak to me or I'Ujump off'. Thank you all, except Hap, for your continuing support and my best wishes for the Holiday Season .

*** Editor's Note:

· How soon they forget! Judy was mentioned in the August 1983 Telltale. Re: Whoops column of PARTINGSHOTS for slip-sliding away from Air Supply. k.b.



ENSIGN 2nd Frank Riha Cat 27 1st Dave Hil fer SJ 24 3rd Larry Niemann 2nd TommyKozlowski PHRFD 1st Jim Baker 2nd Shirley Slaughter Starwind CAT22 1st Richard McLarnon Col 8.3 2nd Calin Popescu 1st Bill Word

SC 21

2nd Ray Shull 1st Bud Boucher


2nd LaDona Hudson 1st Carl Morris J-24 2nd Gary Grudnitski 1st Fred Schroth J-22

2nd Voldi Maki 1st Craig Holmes


2nd Bob Thompson 505 1st Quentin Baker FD


4th Tim Vicknair Spirit 28 3rd Ralph Jones Ranger 22 2nd Brian Keoughan SJ 24 1st Perry Weller S2 7.3

PHRFA 3rd John Halter Ols 30 2nd Jim Draheim Hob 33 1st Rod Malone J-27


2nd Hap McCollum SJ 28 1st Dan Wight Hol 20



KEEL A 1 Rick Shough .

1 Bill Draheim H 33 ENSIGN 2 Steve Vaughan Ols 30 3 Russell Painton J 29 1 Sam Humphrey (Marietta) 2 Jim Baker KEEL B 3 Clift Price

1 Voldi Maki J 22 2 Claude Welles Cal 9.2 3 Rolly Lawson Ols 25 4 Doug Woodward J 22 Pill{F 5 Bill Loving J 22 ·J~n. 1 - Red Eye Regatta Jan. 20 - Skippers' meeting and first KEELC race of Frostbite Series Feb. 3 - Second race of Frostbite 1 Ann Baylor Pea 26 2 Clyde Brown Eri 27 Feb. 10 - Third race of Frostbite Feb. 17 - Fourth race of Frostbite · 3 Joe 1 Wi1 cox SJ 7.7 Feb. 24 - Fifth race of Frostbite 4 Terry Meyers Col 8.7 and trophy presentation KEEL D Mar. 16 - St. Patrick's Day Race Apr. 21 - Easter long distance race 1 Ralph Jones Ran 22 2 Jim Smith SJ 21 May 18 - Spring singlehanded challenge June 22 - Mixed doublehanded annual PORTSMOUTH race 1 Bi 11 Snead C 15 2 Fred Schroth Laser The skippers' meeting for all races except the Red Eye Regatta will be at noon at Paul Keller's. Races will MERIT 25 commence at 1 p.m. For additional 1 Kurt Livingston information contact John Bartlett or 2 Steve Bangs David Henderson, not the AYCoffice.



1 Ray Shull 2 Jimmie Fontenot

CATALINA22 1 Steve Pervier 2. Bill Word


FEATURINGBLOODY & BRUNCH BYTHE INCOMPARABLE HAPMcCOLLUM (AYC's resident cuisinartist) assisted by .Happettes and Happers


PLEASENOTE: The management absolutely guarantees this to be the best race thusfar of the 1985 racing season or your money back'.!! Also, there will be no losers -- only winners'.! (Of course, as usual, some will win more than others'.) = FREEBEER AT THETROPHY PRESENTATION=



TIME: BLOODY& BRUNCH 10:00 a.m. SKIPPER' S MEETING 11 :30 a.m. RACE(lst Signal) 12:30 p.m.

FEE: $10.00 Entry Fee $2. 00 Per Person for a FANTASTIC"HAPPY" BRUNCH (Bring your own Vodka/Gin; Mix will be furnished)

CLASSES: PHRFSPINNAKER ") Fleet split based on participation. PHRFNON-SPINNAKER _J


He.11o Fri ends, Jimmy Buffet has a song called "One Particular Harbour" and that's where this letter is coming to you from. It's one of those fantasy harbors with a palm tree lined beach tucked into a volcanic island. The island is a French island named St. Barthelemy, or St. Bart's for short. Buffet makes his home here when he's not on tour. Beth and I are torn between St. Bart's and St. Martin as our favorite island so far. We celebrated our first year of cruising on October 8 with a fine bottle of .. French wine, ·and many, many great memories, with many more to come. In our year, we sailed over 5,000 miles: Galveston to Florida, Florida to the Bahamas, then offshore to Puerto Rico. From P. R. we hit all the islands to Antigua. Then we went downwind (the first time since leaving Texas) slowly back to Puerto Rico. We did the bottom and bought a new 120% jib in that area and headed back this way. So that's what we've beeri up to. You would think after owning a cruising boat for 4 years one would grow out of the racing boat game. OH, NO, NO, my friend! Once it's got you I'm afraid it's terminal. We could not leave the Bahamas till the S.O.R.C. boats came in so I could drool over them. After that we had to go 1100 miles to weather to watch the start of the C.O.R.T. and then another 350 miles for Antigua Sailing Week. . Last month we were invited to race in the annual Wooden Boat Race aboard a beautiful 37 1 custom S & S design. We had a great time and came in 4th. One thing about the Wooden Boat Race that I thought was very interesting was their racing rule .. here it is .. 11All yacht racing rules have a commonderivation: COURTESY,the purpose of which is the protection of life and property. Keep this in mind and there will never be a doubt as to the proper procedure. A yacht shall participate in a race only by fair sailing, superior speed and skilJ, individual effort, and sportsmanlike conduct 11 ••• That 1 s it, no more rules ANDa $200. filing fee for any protests. In a few weeks we plan to head back\o St. Thomas and leave the boat while we back to Texas for the month of December. We are looking forward to seeing all of you. Till then, smooth sailing ... . Now, then, where is that fresh pineapple and coconut I picked yesterday. I need to make us another Pina Colada ...

*** Editor's Note: Hutchinson ·sut what do you do for fun? k.b.



FRAZZLEDHAIR/ WRINKLES from constant BADNERVES _.. · . exposure to from·· termi na 1 A- sun and wind. lay line inde~ision.

BADEYESIGHT from deciphering race course designations and mark locations.

TEETHLOST in fight at protest hearing. BADPOSTURE from previously fractured spine ULCER sustained during from holding back pitchpole at the urge to punch Star­ coast. board skipper at C-mark rounding .

FINGERCANCER from sheet burns. HANDLOST during violent port/starboard co 11 i s ion at Start/Finish 1i ne.

TACKYCLOTHING from weeks upon weeks of traveling and sa i1 i ng with no monetary reim­ bursement.

TRACKSHOES to run after or from crew/ skipper.

19 Thanks to: Catalina 22 Fleet ...... Providing snacks and serving brew at Annual Business Meeting Susan Adair ...... Winter Series Buffet Dale Edwards ...... Winter Series Race Management Linda Golden ...... Composing membership survey form Karen & Rick Smith ...... Annual Banquet Pat Halter, Teri Nelms & Dave Gage...... Awards Committee And the Winners Are: John Mack...... Jimmie B. Card Memorial Trophy Terry Schertz ...... Jessie Mc!lroy Smith Bowl Hap McCollum...... Max White Memorial Trophy Alison Brock ...... Liz Bauman Memorial Trophy Shirley Slaughter ...... Corinthian WomanSailor Trophy Hap Mccollum...... Blue Duck (in a closely contested win over Rick Smith)

Etc: The following people have banquet gifts and should make arrangements to pick them up from the Protest Room: Cynthia Creamer, Craig Holmes, Peggie Klema, Norma Feagin, Susan Adair, Mary Pilney, Steve Hidell, Janis Livingston, Tom Leach, Arak Bozyan, Pat Katon, Hans Dahle and Sophia Tapley .

From Conde, Lee and myself, have a happy holiday and lots of love and laughter in the new year.