Govt Extends Lockdown by 2 Weeks with Certain Relaxations

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Govt Extends Lockdown by 2 Weeks with Certain Relaxations K K M )!# $ ( "% %$&#!$ & $%#&%$ #) #%! " %$!&%% M Y #%#!%)#(# $ ) #($!'%*$%% %! %!(#$! ) "!%!""! %$!#%#) %!#% Y C C JAMMU, SATURDAY, MAY 2 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.121 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 Govt extends lockdown by 2 weeks with certain relaxations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abourers work at a brick factory on the International labour day on the outskirts of Jammu 8=C4A)C0C4<>E4<4=C1HA>03 %DC&0C84=C 4?0AC<4=CB 3A8E4A8=5>DAF744;4AE4782;4B <08=8=6?4AB>=BF>A:8=65A>< AD==8=6>5B27>>;B2>;;464B0=3 %&B0=3#43820;2;8=82BB70;; 0=3F8C7=>?8;;8>=A834A8=C74 7><4 ;; >E4A=<4=C >55824B >C74A43D20C8>=0;0=3CA08=8=6 14?4A<8CC43C>>?4A0C48=(43 20B4>5CF>F744;4AB =3DBCA80; B70;;5D=2C8>=F8C7B4=8>A>55824AB 2>0278=68=BC8CDC8>=B7>B?8C0;8CH %A0=640=3A44=/>=4BF8C7 4BC01;8B7<4=CB8=DA10=0A40B >5C74;4E4;>54?DCH)42A4C0AH 25 new positive cases reported , 247 B4AE824B 8=2;D38=6 7>C4;B 0=3 B>280;38BC0=28=6=>A<B0=3>C7 E8I )?4280; 2>=><82 />=4B 0=301>E40C5D;;BCA4=6C70=3 A4BC0DA0=CB?;024B>5;0A64?D1 4AB054CH?A420DC8>=B7>F4E4A )/B G?>AC %A84=C43 +=8CB C74A4<08=8=6BC0550CC4=38=6D? 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